Starting with Jesus

From Doubts to Belief

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SWJ

Program Code: SWJ000067S

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00:24 Hello boys and girls. Welcome to Starting With Jesus where we
00:31 want you to start everything you do with Jesus. Now we have some
00:36 exciting things for you today. We have a story time with
00:39 Miss Michelle, yeah, and we have a song service and we have all
00:45 sorts of fun things planned for you, so let's get to some
00:49 singing.
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03:14 Hi boys and girls and welcome to another page in God's great book
03:16 of object lessons. Today we're going to learn about scars.
03:20 (Miss Gloria) Scars are what's left over after your boo-boo or
03:24 your owie or your oh-oh or your ouch gets better. Some scars may
03:30 be from common accidents like climbing trees and getting
03:33 scraped by the branches. But some scars have a little more
03:37 meaning to them. Every time you look at them you're reminded of
03:40 something that happened. You're taken back to that time. For
03:43 example, my daughter has some pretty big scars from the open
03:48 heart surgery she had to have because she was born with some
03:51 defects in her heart. A defect is something that's not right.
03:54 Her first surgery was when she was a baby and the other was
03:58 when she was eight years old. Every single time I see her
04:03 scars I'm taken back to those days at the hospital when she
04:06 got the surgery. I cry every time I remember but they're
04:11 tears of joy because her scars remind me of how much Jesus
04:16 loves our family and how He grew close to us when we needed Him
04:18 the most and that it was Him who guided the hands of her surgeon
04:22 Did you know that Jesus has scars too? His scars remind us
04:27 of what happened to Him because of His great love for us. You
04:32 see Jesus is and forever will be God but about 2000 years ago He
04:37 left His throne in heaven and He came down to this earth. He took
04:40 on our human form and He lived a perfect life. Then He died on
04:45 the cross just to save me and you from our sins. 1 Peter 2:24
04:50 says:
05:01 Because of this, He has scars from where the soldiers pierced
05:05 His hands and feet with long nails to that old rugged cross.
05:09 Now our scars will disappear when we get to heaven. But
05:12 Jesus' scars are permanent. That means they have not disappeared
05:16 nor will they ever. He suffered a death that He did not deserve
05:21 so that we wouldn't have to die that eternal death that we do
05:25 deserve for sinning. All we need to do is accept His selfless
05:30 sacrifice, His beautiful gift on the cross. I'm grateful that
05:35 Jesus is back in heaven now preparing to come again and take
05:37 us home someday. And when we get to heaven, you'll be able to ask
05:42 Jesus to show you his scars and every time you see them you'll
05:46 remember how much He loves you. So today's object lesson is
05:52 every time you get a scar remember Jesus has scars too.
05:55 and He will forever wear them with joy because of the great
05:58 love He has for you. Until next time boys and girls keep looking
06:01 for object lessons everywhere you go. Adios.
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06:10 Hey everyone! Welcome back and guess what? The good news
06:15 continues today. Let's pray.
06:17 Dear heavenly Father, we thank you and we praise you for
06:20 another day of life. Please be with us Send your Holy Spirit to
06:23 be here with us and help us as we learn this really important
06:26 lesson today. In your name we pray, Amen.
06:28 (Miss Michelle) Guess what? Jesus was alive. I know, I told
06:33 you that last week, but I can't say that enough times, it's so
06:37 exciting and a lot of people knew about it. Who knew, you
06:39 might ask. Well, the angels knew. God's angels were there, right?
06:44 People who live in other worlds were watching and they saw and
06:49 they knew that Jesus was alive. Satan knew and his evil angels
06:53 and they were not happy about it The Roman soldiers knew and they
06:56 told lots of people on their way to tell Pilot. The priests and
07:00 rulers knew and they tried to bribe the soldiers to not tell
07:03 anyone and Pilot ended up finding out anyway, didn't he?
07:07 All these people knew. The women who came to the tomb Sunday
07:10 morning knew. And the men on the road to Emmaus knew. In fact, Peter
07:16 had actually seen Jesus too as well as Mary and they all knew
07:20 But there were still more people to tell right, how exciting. Now
07:28 before I get going I wanted to talk to you about one important
07:31 thing. Sometimes we have questions about the Bible don't
07:33 we. And one of the cool books that I like to use is called The
07:38 Bible Textionary. I think Textionary is a word that they
07:41 made up. It's kind of like dictionary but you can also just
07:45 google a topic as well and you can use it. But this book is
07:49 handy and it has all sorts of different topics listed here and
07:53 then more listed on the back. And if you go to that topic it
07:56 will give you verses in the Bible that can help you
07:58 understand it more. One of the questions we're going to be
08:01 talking about today is are angels real? And that's a really
08:05 important question. In fact, it's so important that it's the first
08:08 one listed in the Bible Textionary, probably because it
08:10 starts with A though right? And a lot of people have questions
08:14 about angels and that might be something fun that you could
08:17 research as a family. Now before Jesus became human did He
08:23 sometimes appear as a human? Can you think of any times? Yes.
08:27 Abraham had some visitors and one of them was Jesus and He
08:31 looked like a human. Gideon, Jesus appeared before Gideon
08:35 looking like a human. Sampson's parents and the list goes on.
08:38 So before Jesus became human and came down to this earth He did
08:42 sometimes appear like a human. Now the crazy thing though is
08:48 and this is a topic that adults even have a hard time
08:51 understanding is that Jesus was both human and God. Now angels
08:56 are not God. Do we see angels as people. Sometimes we do right
09:00 but only Jesus is the only one in the world who is both God
09:05 and human. And this is very difficult to wrap your mind
09:09 around right? But while He was here on earth, He did not use His
09:15 God powers to help himself. He only used His powers to help
09:20 other people by healing them and other things, other miracles
09:22 that He did, right? But the cool part is, the human part of Him
09:27 He went through everything like we do so He truly understands us
09:31 Wow! Isn't that amazing? Satan tempted Him many times to use
09:37 His God powers to help Himself but He didn't. And once He was
09:44 alive again He started using His God powers in ways that He
09:48 didn't before, in ways that angels do when they perform
09:51 miracles on behalf of God as well. And like we don't see our
09:57 angels but we know that they're with us, right. They encamp
09:59 around us. In the same way, Jesus appeared out of nowhere
10:03 several times after He came back to life. He would even appear
10:08 through a locked door. Mmm. Let's keep listening to this
10:12 story right. This is getting interesting. All right. What day
10:16 did Jesus die? That's right. He was crucified on Friday. Then on
10:20 Sabbath He rested in the tomb just like we rest to celebrate
10:25 creation and Jesus as our Creator and Redeemer. Then
10:28 Sunday morning Jesus rose from the dead. That's right. Now do
10:34 you remember what He said to Mary? He said You can't touch
10:37 me because I haven't yet gone to see my Father. And that's when
10:39 Jesus went back up to heaven for a quick meet up with His Father
10:43 They went over the plan of Salvation and His Father said,
10:46 Well done My Son. Jesus had completed the plan of Salvation
10:50 just as they had planned before the foundation of the world.
10:55 Then Jesus came back down and do you remember who He appeared to
10:58 next? The two men who were walking home on the road to
11:02 Emmaus, right? And then later on that evening those two men
11:07 scurried, ran, back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples that they
11:11 had seen Jesus. Where were the disciples, you may ask. That
11:15 Sunday night all the disciples except for Thomas, randomly,
11:19 were in the Passover Upper Room again where they had just been
11:24 Thursday night celebrating the Passover Feast with their Savior
11:27 They were confused, they were scared and they were worried too
11:31 because the priests had been spreading some pretty wild
11:34 rumors about them, about how they had stolen the body of Jesus
11:37 and about how they had done all these things that were not true.
11:40 And that's when Jesus appears to them. Let's look up what the
11:46 Bible says about that in Luke 24 verses 34 and 36. Luke 24 verse
11:52 34 says, um, let me see. There it is. The Lord is risen indeed
12:00 and He has
12:02 appeared to Simon. So they knew these things, right? And also
12:06 Jesus has appeared to the two men as well. Let's continue in
12:10 verse 36: Now as they said these things, they were talking about
12:14 everything that they knew, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of
12:19 them and said...Get this, I love this...This is what He said...
12:22 Peace to you. Now you can imagine, they were very
12:25 frightened. Jesus hadn't been there and all of a sudden in
12:27 this locked upper room and there is Jesus. How did He get in?!
12:31 I mean, I'm sure they weren't complaining but they were very
12:34 surprised, right? And they were terrified and frightened. They
12:37 thought they had seen a spirit. And He said to them, why are you
12:43 troubled and why do doubts arise in your heart? Behold my hands,
12:46 and He showed them the scars in His hands and in His feet, that
12:54 it is I myself. Handle me, touch me and see for a spirit does not
12:58 flesh or bones as you see that I have. When He said this to them
13:02 He showed them His hands and feet. But while they still did
13:06 believe for joy and marveled, He said to them, have you any food
13:09 here? Once again, a spirit wouldn't be hungry because only
13:12 humans get hungry, right? So they gave Him a piece of broiled
13:17 fish and some honeycomb and He took and ate it in their
13:19 presence. He had proved to them that He was, in fact, Jesus and
13:23 He was in fact alive. How exciting. However, you may
13:30 remember who was not there. A guy named Thomas and if he had
13:35 been there he may not be as famous a disciple as he is today
13:39 Have you ever heard the term, Doubting Thomas? I know I have.
13:43 And that refers to Thomas. Why? Well here's what Thomas said.
13:48 He said I don't believe that you saw Jesus. I wasn't there, I
13:51 didn't see Him. I don't believe it. You guys are making this
13:56 story up. You're just wishing. I bet it was a dream. I bet that
14:01 were just dreaming that that happened. Let's see what he says
14:05 in John 20 verse 25 he even went as far as to say...The other
14:09 disciples, therefore, said to him, We have seen the Lord, and he
14:12 said to them, Unless I see His hands and His feet, the hands
14:18 the prints of the nails, and put my finger into the prints of the
14:20 nails and put my finger into His side, remember they pierced
14:24 Jesus's side while He was on the cross, I will not believe. He
14:30 just straight up said I do not believe your story. And after
14:34 eight days His disciples were again inside. This time Thomas
14:38 was with them. Jesus came and the doors being shut and stood
14:42 in the midst and said, once again, Peace to you. That must
14:46 have been His favorite greeting right? Then He said to Thomas
14:51 Reach your fingers here and look at my hands, reach your hand
14:56 here and put it into my side... He must have had a nasty scar
15:01 I don't even know if it would have scared by then, it was
15:03 still, probably a wound...put it into my side. Do not be
15:08 unbelieving but believe. You can imagine Thomas (cough, cough) I
15:14 believe, I believe Lord what do you mean. No. And Thomas
15:17 answered and said to Him, My Lord and my God. And Jesus said
15:23 to him, Thomas, because you have seen me you've believed. Blessed
15:28 those who have not seen me and yet have believed. Now that's
15:33 the majority of people, isn't it Not a lot of us
15:36 actually were alive
15:37 when Jesus was here on earth and so really relying on our
15:41 physical eyesight for belief is not the best way to do it right?
15:45 In fact, most of us believe because of what we read in the
15:48 Bible and what it tells us about God's love for us and that's the
15:52 way Thomas was encouraged to believe, right? Um, Jesus's
16:00 disciples needed to truly understand the great controversy
16:03 and I'm not talking about the Great Controversy book that is
16:08 an excellent book, it tells a lot about what's going to happen
16:11 in the future. I'm not talking about this in particular
16:13 although this outlines everything. They needed to just
16:17 understand the plan of salvation and why Jesus had actually come
16:21 and you can find those answers in this book and in the Bible,
16:25 of course, but they needed to understand it for themselves.
16:28 Not just for a book but for themselves. And Jesus talked
16:33 with them and talked with them and shared with them some more
16:35 why He had come and He was trying to help them understand
16:38 this. Because you see they really still thought somewhat
16:43 that the Romans were the real enemy, the ones to be afraid of,
16:47 the ones that they needed to conquer but Jesus wanted us to
16:50 know that the great controversy, the big battle is not between
16:54 Jesus and the Romans...the Romans played a part in the
16:57 great controversy...but it's between Jesus and Satan. It's
17:02 between God's followers and people who choose to be on
17:05 Satan's team. Jesus's mission for us is to bring us to heaven,
17:13 right? For us to make that choice to serve and follow Jesus
17:16 And the awesome, amazing, miraculous thing is that Jesus
17:22 did the Mission Perfect. He left a perfect life, He followed
17:27 God's love laws perfectly. No one can do that. And that is the
17:32 expectation right. If we want to be with God forever we need to
17:36 follow His love laws but we can't do it on our own. And
17:40 that's where Jesus did it for us He was perfect for us. In fact
17:45 when God gets out His glasses
17:50 although I'm sure God doesn't need glasses, right...and He
17:53 looks and He says, oh yes here's the Book of Life let me see.
17:58 Miss Michelle...When He goes to my page because I've accepted
18:01 Jesus as my Savior, He's going to look a little closer and He's
18:04 going to say Wow she looks an awful lot like my Son. Why?
18:09 Because Jesus covers our sins. He takes His picture, His
18:15 picture-perfect life that He lived to perfection, not perfect
18:18 things happening to Him, right? And He puts His picture over
18:22 ours so that when God looks at the Book of Life He says Wow
18:28 this one's mine. Isn't that amazingly exciting? Ha. Jesus
18:34 that for us because He loves us so very much. I am so thankful
18:42 and grateful and forever in debt to Jesus for what He did for us.
18:47 I want to read you one last verse real quick. It's found in
18:50 Isaiah 53 and this just talks about the amazing sacrifice
18:53 Jesus made for us...53 verses 5 and 6 says: But He was wounded
18:58 for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities,
19:01 that's our sin and the chastisement of our peace was
19:04 upon Him. By His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have
19:07 gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way and the
19:10 Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Thank you, Jesus and
19:15 thank you for taking our doubts and turning them into belief.
19:19 We'll see you next time. Take care.
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19:26 Thank you Miss Michelle for that Bible story. And it's time to
19:30 see the answers to our questions and to see if you got them right
19:34 Yeah, are you ready to see if we got those answers right? Okay.
19:39 Let's see.
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20:06 It's time for our new questions. Question number one: Name three
20:12 people that knew Jesus was alive Name three people that knew
20:16 Jesus was alive. Question number two: What convinced Thomas, the
20:26 doubting disciples, that Jesus was alive? What convinced Thomas
20:33 that Jesus was alive? And question number three: True or
20:39 false: We can be saved all on our own. True or false: We can
20:47 be saved all on our own. Now you can send your answers to us at
20:54 and you'll be included in next
20:59 week's shout-out. So make sure to do that. And we look forward
21:04 to seeing your answers to the questions.
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21:11 Today's memory verse is found in 1 John 4:15
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21:36 Hey everybody we are going to play a game and if you want to
21:39 do this at home, you are more than welcome to. We are going
21:42 to play a game. Now you can get a box if you want. I chose to
21:46 get a pillow case and what you're going to do is have an
21:49 adult in the family or one of your brothers or sisters go and
21:52 find an object and we are going to put that object inside the
21:57 pillow case and the boys don't know what it is. And they're
22:00 going to reach in and they're going to feel it without looking
22:04 Without looking, they're going to reach in a feel and see if
22:08 they can guess what that object is. Okay? So who wants to go
22:11 first? Me. Ah-ha! I knew that was going to happen.
22:16 All right. I have an object in here and I want you to be really
22:19 really careful, don't look. It is fragile. Don't pull it out.
22:25 I want you to feel it. You can put both hands in there and you
22:29 can use them to feel, both hands if you want.
22:32 Sand dollar.
22:33 Hah, what is it?
22:35 A sand dollar. Look at that. We went to the beach this last week
22:41 and we found some sand dollars at the beach.
22:47 _ kids do that. What does it feel like?
22:51 Oh, I know what it is.
22:53 Okay. It's made out of plastic.
22:55 Okay, it's made out of plastic. Hmm. What else could it be?
22:59 What is it kind of shaped like?
23:01 I know because it can unfold.
23:04 Okay, it folds and it unfolds. Good. What's another clue?
23:11 And it goes on your head.
23:14 It goes on your head. Can Mikey guess what it is? No.
23:20 I could if I could feel it.
23:22 All right so it's made out of plastic, it folds and unfolds
23:24 and it goes on your head.
23:27 Yeah. I want to see. Hah! What is that? Sunglasses.
23:31 Yeah sunglasses are great to protect our eyes.
23:35 I would guess that if I could feel it.
23:41 Hah! It makes a noise. It has... Don't pull it out yet.
23:50 It's made out of plastic. It kind of...I think that's what it
23:57 is. What is it Aiden?
24:02 It is...!
24:03 A fan. Why are fans important?
24:04 Because they keep us cool.
24:06 Okay, my turn.
24:12 Describe it to us.
24:14 It's a box.
24:17 It's a box. Is there something in the box?
24:24 Oh yeah! I just discovered because I opened the lid and
24:27 touched what was inside.
24:29 Okay is there something inside? What's inside. Are there a lot
24:33 of things inside the box or is it just a few?
24:36 A lot.
24:39 And does it have different shapes?
24:43 Yeah. You want me to take one out?
24:45 Yeah, take one out.
24:47 Hah! A puzzle. Very nice.
24:54 It's a sea turtle.
24:55 It's a sea turtle puzzle. How neat. If you want to find
24:59 some objects around your house and do the same thing, you can.
25:04 It's lots of fun. Don't you think?
25:06 Uh-huh. Yeah.
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25:11 Thank you so much for being part of our program. Don't forget.
25:14 If you haven't watched our VBS program you can go back and
25:18 watch it at
25:21 And I have a little clip here of one of our friends who was
25:27 watching the VBS program and sent in a special verse that's
25:32 going to help him to guard the castle throughout his life.
25:36 You are my strength. I wait for you to rescue me for you To God
25:46 are my fortress. Psalm 59:9
25:49 Now I just want to give you a little heads up. For those of
25:53 you who are watching on our website we want you to know that
25:56 sometimes this summer there might be a few times where we
26:00 just upload the video and we won't be able to include our
26:03 usual interactive activities. We try to include them every single
26:07 week. We love to have your memory verses that you send in
26:11 and the shout out but during the summer there might be a few
26:14 times we're not able to include them. But we want to make sure
26:16 that you know that we always get them. We love watching them and
26:20 we love that you're participating in our program
26:23 and we love including them every time that we can. So make sure
26:26 to keep sending them because most weeks we'll be able to
26:29 include them. There'll just be a few weeks here and there where
26:33 we won't be able to. And one of those weeks we want you to know
26:37 about is because we're going to be at ASI which is Adventist
26:40 Laymen's Services and Industries a convention that's going to be
26:43 happening in Orlando, Florida. And if you're going to be there
26:47 we would love to see you. So make sure to check us out at our
26:50 booth. We're going to be right with Audio Verse and right next
26:54 to My Bible First, so you'll be able to find us pretty easily
26:58 and we would love to get to know you and there's an extra special
27:02 part and a way that you can participate if you come to our
27:06 booth and we'll have some special treats so we would love
27:08 to see you there. Let's pray.
27:11 Our Father in heaven, thank you so much for your love. Thank you
27:15 that you're with us and thank you for giving us the assurance
27:19 that you are alive and that you love us and that you are coming
27:28 again. I pray that you will help us to be ready. I pray that you
27:33 will help us to have faith even when everything looks just so
27:39 unsure. But I pray that you will help us to have faith in you and
27:44 know that you love us and know that you care for us and know
27:51 that it was for us that you gave your life. We love you so much
27:55 and we pray this in your name In Jesus name, Amen.
28:01 Thank you so much for joining us Have a blessed week and
28:03 keep in touch.
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Revised 2022-06-07