Starting with Jesus

The Holy Spirit Comes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: SWJ

Program Code: SWJ000070S

00:02 ♪ ♪
00:24 (Miss Ruthie) Hello everyone Welcome to Starting With Jesus.
00:28 Where we want to encourage you to start everything you do
00:32 with Jesus. Today's story is going to be really exciting.
00:37 We're going to be learning about some fire that didn't burn the
00:43 people up and it's not the three Hebrews and it's not the
00:48 fiery furnace.
00:50 Mmm. Well. I can't wait for Miss Michelle's story. It's going to
00:55 be really fun. But before we get to story time let's get to some
00:59 singing. ♪ ♪
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03:46 Hi boys and girls. And welcome to another page in God's great
03:49 book of object lessons. Today we're going to consider memories
03:53 (Miss Gloria) The memories are things that you remember about
03:55 things that happened in the past As you live life you go about
03:59 making memories. But that makes me think. How am I living my
04:04 life? Do I make it a place to make special memories with Jesus
04:07 Hmm. James 4:8 says:
04:14 Well, how can I draw near to God? Read the Bible. Pray. Spend
04:20 time in nature. Help others. Do God's will. Share Jesus with
04:26 others. Oh, I think I got it. Spending time doing all these
04:30 things will help me draw near to God and make memories with Jesus
04:33 Hmm. How about watching Starting With Jesus each week? They
04:37 recently had a VBS. It was called OnGuard Knight and Day.
04:42 Raise your hands if you watched it. If you missed it it's okay.
04:47 You can always go back and watch it whenever you get a chance.
04:49 But for now I'd like to show you some special memories that these
04:52 kids made with Jesus during their VBS week. Miss Katie
04:58 always says spending time with Jesus is the best way to start
05:02 your day. So they started each day with prayer to invite Jesus
05:06 to VBS. Then they joined Miss Rachel in the great hall and
05:12 they learned all about the different gates that lead to
05:14 their castle: The eye gate, the ear gate, the mouth gate, the
05:22 nose gate, the touch gate and the think gate. Next they
05:29 visited the animals God has made for us to enjoy like the fish in
05:34 the pond, and the cute little kittens. Awe, cuddle time. Their
05:41 next stop was The Armory with Miss Michelle. She teaches Bible
05:45 stories in a fun way. And craft time was a fan favorite. They
05:52 made some pretty cool on guard scene crafts this year at VBS.
05:56 By this time they had worked up quite the appetite, so to the
06:00 mess hall it was. Sometime they even ate outside. That's always
06:04 fun to do. Each day they did lots of exercise in place but
06:11 the more they moved the more energy they got. The daily field
06:17 trip was last. One day they got to visit a local castle. It was
06:22 so fun to walk around the castle walls and identify all the gates
06:26 They also did missionary work. They got to pass out literature
06:32 in the local downtown. Even the local fireman got a book. They
06:36 didn't know that sharing Jesus with others would be so much fun
06:40 Now the best thing about this memory is what they learned from
06:45 it: That Jesus helps you protect your gates because He loves you.
06:49 Making memories with Jesus is the best way to live life and
06:53 that's the truth. Until next time boys and girls try to spend
06:57 every waking moment with your friend Jesus, and try to make
07:00 special memories with Him always Adios.
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07:09 Hey everyone. I was just looking at one of my favorite things to
07:13 do, especially my son and I like doing this together.
07:15 (Miss Michelle) _ wants the story that we want to listen
07:17 to today. I think...Oh yes! Uh-huh, nope, nope. Here it is.
07:24 This is the one and I'll tell you why in a little bit.
07:27 Dear heavenly Father, thank you so very much for loving us, for
07:31 sending your Holy Spirit way back when and still today to
07:35 take care of us. Please bless our story time today as we delve
07:38 into your word to learn more about you. In your name, we pray,
07:40 Amen.
07:42 Can you imagine having three and a half years with Jesus? I mean
07:47 all the cool things that can happen here on earth in three
07:50 and a half years. Lot of sad things happen too. But if you
07:53 can imagine having three and a half years with Jesus, what kind
07:56 of memories, you would have. I mean Matthew, Mark, Luke and
08:00 John, they wrote down all sorts of memories that the disciples
08:04 had of their times with Jesus didn't they? And all the
08:08 different miracles of what happened while He was here.
08:11 What's your favorite Bible or miracle story of Jesus's life?
08:15 That would be a fun thing to share. You can even share it
08:18 with your family or with a friend or it would be a great
08:20 thing to share even in front of your church or in front of your
08:24 Sabbath School group. One of my very favorite stories is
08:28 found in this Your Story Hour Album,
08:31 Album 4 of the Bible Comes Alive Series and
08:36 I think I put a plug in for Your Story Hour before but fantastic
08:40 way to learn more about the Bible. They have a whole bunch
08:44 of stories from the Bible all put to Audio so you can listen
08:48 and real people are doing the talking and if there's a sheep
08:51 in the sheep it'll sound like a sheep, a sheep noise, or if a
08:56 door closes there'll be a door closing. So it feels like you're
08:59 really there. My favorite story is number 44 and it's called
09:04 Journey to Jerusalem and Happiness in Galilee, two of my
09:08 very most favorite stories of what happened when Jesus was
09:11 here. And so if you want to check those out, I highly
09:13 encourage you to check them out Your Story Hour if you just
09:17 Google it. They also have it at where you can
09:20 learn more about that. Anyway I'm sure that you guys have many
09:24 favorites and I do to. It's hard to choose just one of what
09:27 happened when Jesus was alive. Our lesson said it so will that
09:32 I'm going to quote, that means I'm going to say exactly what
09:35 the lesson said about this one little part. I'm going to read
09:37 it to you. Yes day and night Jesus had been with the
09:41 disciples teaching them, guiding them, comforting them and
09:45 keeping them safe. Day after day they felt Jesus's love for them
09:49 and every day they loved and trusted Jesus more. Wow! Oh I'm
09:55 a little jealous. I'm not going to lie. I think it would have
09:57 been so amazing to be able to be there with Jesus, right? Luke
10:01 24 says something important that we're going to read right now.
10:07 We're going to figure out where we're picking up our story for
10:09 today. Luke 24 verse 50 says: And He led them out as far as
10:14 Bethany and lifted up his hands and blessed them. Now it came to
10:17 pass that when He blessed them that He was parted from them
10:20 and carried up into heaven. Do you remember that from last week
10:23 And they worshiped Him and they returned to Jerusalem with great
10:26 joy and were continually in the temple praising and blessing God
10:30 Amen. Now it was curious to the people of Jerusalem a little bit
10:36 why when the disciples came back A - Jesus wasn't with them and
10:40 B - They were still really happy Because last time that Jesus had
10:44 been gone which was when He died they were all really sad. But
10:47 now He was gone and they were really happy. So they were a
10:50 little confused. This was a great way for the disciples to
10:54 share about why they were so happy. And happy Christians,
10:59 let's be honest, are the best witnesses for Jesus because we
11:02 have a lot to be happy about. Now am I saying you need to be
11:04 happy all the time? No. There are a lot of really sad things
11:07 that happen in this earth and a lot of things...You know I'm
11:10 not saying that you need to be happy every time but when we're
11:12 talking about Jesus, what he's done for us and the overall
11:15 tenor or the overall theme of our lives should be happiness.
11:19 right? Because if we truly believe that Jesus loves us we
11:24 can choose that happiness for ourselves and it's so amazing.
11:27 John 14 verses 16 and 17 says: And I pray the Father and He
11:33 will give you another Helper that He may abide with you
11:36 forever, the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive
11:39 because it neither seeth Him nor knows Him, but you know Him for
11:43 he dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you
11:46 orphans. I will come to you. Now did Jesus come back? No. But
11:53 He sent a Helper. Now have you heard the word omnipresent
11:57 before? Kind of a big fancy word that theologians use, people who
12:01 study the Bible. But omnipresent means that you can be everywhere
12:06 at once. And you are not omnipresent. Sometimes you may
12:10 think that your parents are because how do they find out
12:12 about the stuff you're doing right? But they're not
12:14 omnipresent either. I'm not. Jesus was but when He gave up
12:20 His complete Divinity to become both Divine, God, and human, He
12:23 also gave up His ability to be omnipresent. So Jesus can't be
12:27 everywhere at once. He gave that up by taking on our humanity.
12:33 And that's why God had to send or Jesus sent the Holy Spirit
12:39 to be with us. John 16 verse 7 says: Nevertheless I tell you
12:45 the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away for if
12:48 I do not go away the Helper will not come to you, but if I depart
12:53 I will send Him to you. The Helper is like a nickname for
12:57 the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament talks about the Holy
12:59 Spirit as well. Did you know that? In Ezekiel. Let me see
13:04 Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon,
13:07 Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel! We got there. Sometimes
13:11 I have to like repeat them to help myself or sometimes I sing
13:14 a song. I know many of your with our podcast are memorizing the
13:18 books of the Bible, which is fantastic because it helps you
13:22 find stuff so much faster when you have it memorized. Ezekiel
13:25 36 verse 27. If you don't have it memorized don't worry though
13:30 There's a table of contents that you can use as well to tell you
13:32 which page number. Ezekiel 36 verse 27 was actually a prophecy
13:38 talking about what was going to happen. I will put my Spirit
13:41 within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep
13:44 my judgments and do them. God promised His Spirit way back in
13:48 the Old Testament and it was going to happen and it's going
13:51 to happen in today's story. How exciting is that, right? Now
13:57 where were they waiting? Do you remember? They were waiting in
13:59 the upper room in Jerusalem and we're going to pick up the story
14:03 in the book of Acts. Acts 1 verse 12: They returned to
14:07 Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet which was near Jerusalem
14:10 a Sabbath day's journey. And when they entered they went into
14:13 the upper room where they were staying, all 11 disciples. They
14:16 all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication with the
14:21 women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers.
14:24 They were all there. What does that mean to be in one accord?
14:27 Well we all know that the disciples kind of had a habit of
14:31 arguing a lot and being super jealous and being super selfish
14:36 They weren't that way anymore. One accord means one agreement
14:41 or they were getting along. They were all working towards the
14:44 same goal and that was praying for God to send the power of the
14:48 Holy Spirit power. And God chose to send that on the day of
14:53 Pentecost. People came from all over the world for the day of
14:56 Pentecost to Jerusalem. So it was a perfect time for God to
14:59 send the Holy Spirit. Acts 2 verse 1 says, verse 1: When the
15:04 day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one accord
15:07 in one place. And then, in verse 5, I'm going to skip ahead, it
15:14 says: And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from
15:17 every nation under heaven. This is setting the stage, helping
15:21 you understand what was happening in this story. Okay
15:25 now we're going to jump back and find out what actually happened
15:26 when the Holy Spirit shows up. Ooops! Just told you. That's all
15:29 right. Here we go, ready? Verse two. And suddenly there came a
15:33 sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled the
15:36 whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to
15:40 them divided tongues of fire and one sat on each of them.
15:44 On their heads. You can imagine by my orange shirt on today they
15:48 had a little bit of fire on their head. Well they weren't
15:53 burning up. That reminds me of the fiery furnace, right? And
15:57 they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with
15:59 other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. They started to
16:02 be able to speak other languages What?! That was amazing. They
16:07 were simple fishermen from Galilee. They only knew and
16:10 spoke their own language and yet they were speaking all these
16:13 other languages. God had sent the Holy Spirit on them and you
16:18 could tell, right? Acts 2 verses 11 and 12 says: Ahh, we're going
16:27 to back up first actually. And when the sound occurred, we're
16:30 in verse 6, the multitude came together and they were confused
16:33 because everyone heard them speaking in his own language.
16:36 They were like how is this happening, right? This was
16:42 amazing and that's what they said. Then they were all amazed
16:43 and marveled saying to one another, Are not all these who
16:47 speak Galileans and how is it that we hear each in our own
16:52 language in which we were born? There were people from all over
16:56 the world: Parthians and Medes and Elamites and those born in
17:00 Mesopotamia, Judea, Cappadocia, Pontus, and Asia...I'm probably
17:07 not saying all these correctly but I'm trying...Persia,
17:12 Pamphylia, Egypt, and from parts of Libya, adjoining Hello Stephen, I received a call from Mary Rohn 214-376-1229 reporting that the signal is breaking up saying weak signal or no signal. Can you please check into this and let me know if you are able to fix it?,
17:15 visitors from Rome both Jews and proselytes, Cretans, and Arabs
17:20 We hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works
17:27 of God. So they were amazed and perplexed saying to one another
17:31 Whatever could this mean? Others mocking...this is Satan trying
17:36 to get his word in edgewise... They said oh they're full of
17:38 wine, they're just drunk. When people are drunk they don't make
17:43 more sense, they make less sense and they don't just randomly
17:49 have the ability to speak other languages, right? This was a
17:54 distractor and people realized right away that that was not
17:57 true. But Peter was no longer a coward anymore. He spoke up and
18:03 called them out on that. And Peter, standing up with the 11,
18:07 raised his voice and said to them, Men of Judea and all who
18:10 dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and heed my words.
18:13 For these are not drunk as you suppose since it's only the
18:17 third hour of the day. But this is what is spoken by the prophet
18:21 Joel. And he went into telling them about the prophecies of
18:26 Jesus, the miracles of Jesus, and he told them amazing things.
18:30 I'll read a couple verses of what he said. He's quoting from
18:34 Joel: And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that
18:36 I will pour out my Spirit on flesh. Your sons and daughters
18:40 shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions and your old
18:44 men shall dream dreams. And on my man servants and my maid
18:47 servants, I will pour our my Spirit in those days and they
18:50 shall prophesy. He told them what was going to happen. Joel
18:54 had already said it, right? And it was happening before their
18:57 eyes. Now Peter shared a powerful sermon at that point
19:03 and he testified, he shared his testimony of what he'd see Jesus
19:07 do in his life. People can't argue with your testimony. It's
19:10 what's happened in your life. They can't say that didn't
19:13 happen because they weren't there right? Testimony is a
19:16 powerful way to tell other people about Jesus. And they
19:20 were convicted in their hearts. They wanted to change. And so
19:23 they asked, What shall we do? And in Acts 2 verse 38 Peter
19:26 said to them, Repent and let every one of you be baptized in
19:31 the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall
19:34 receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. They could receive that
19:37 gift too? How amazing and how exciting, right? The people
19:42 began to see more clearly and believe and guess what happened
19:46 that day? Then those who gladly received his word were baptized
19:49 and that day about...any guesses ...3000 souls were added to them
19:57 to the believers, 3000! souls and that was just the beginning
20:02 of what the Holy Spirit was going to do through the
20:04 disciples and all of the followers of Christ. Wow Tune in
20:08 next week for more exciting things that happened after Jesus
20:12 returned to heaven. Take care.
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20:20 Thank you so much for that story Miss Michelle. It's time for our
20:25 questions from last week. Let's see what those questions were
20:30 and if you got them right.
20:33 ♪ ♪
20:59 It's question time. So make sure to go grab a piece of paper or
21:02 computer or something to type down your answers and send them
21:06 to us at
21:11 and we'll be giving you a shout out next week. So are you ready
21:16 for your new questions? Okay. Here they are. Question number
21:21 one: Were the disciples happy or sad when Jesus went to heaven?
21:27 Were the disciples happy or sad when Jesus went to heaven?
21:34 Question number two: Did the disciples keep on arguing after
21:42 Jesus left? Did the disciples keep arguing and quarreling and
21:48 fighting with each other after Jesus left? And question number
21:55 three: How did the Holy Spirit come, How did the Holy Spirit
22:01 come to the disciples? You can send your answers to us at
22:09 ♪ ♪
22:13 This week's memory verse is found in Acts 2:38 and it says:
22:17 Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus
22:21 Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift
22:24 of the Holy Spirit. Bye
22:27 ♪ ♪
22:46 Do you know who the Holy Spirit is? The Holy Spirit is part of
22:52 the Trinity, one of the Godhead. The Father, the Son and the
22:59 Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a helper, a comforter sent to
23:05 help us here on earth. We can read about the Holy Spirit in
23:10 the Bible. The more we read in the Bible, the more we pray, the
23:16 easier it is for us to hear the Holy Spirit. Hear His voice. He
23:23 speaks to us. Sometimes people talk about having a conscience.
23:28 Something that helps you know what's right and what's wrong.
23:33 That conscience is like the Holy Spirit speaking to us. Did you
23:40 know that the Holy Spirit is like a flame of fire? A flame of
23:50 fire burning in me and burning in you. Do you remember the
23:57 story of the Holy Spirit coming down like flames of fire. The
24:04 Holy Spirit is a lot like fire because it guide us and it leads
24:10 us. Just like if we're in a dark place, it's nice to have some
24:14 light so we can see. If we're reading and we're confused about
24:19 what we're reading we can pray. The Holy Spirit can help us
24:25 understand. You can read about the Holy Spirit in the Bible.
24:30 In 1 Thessalonians 5:19 it says: Do not quench the Holy Spirit.
24:39 Do not extinguish the Holy Spirit. Do you know what quench
24:45 or extinguish means. It means to put out a flame. Just like the
24:54 Holy Spirit is our flame. What do you think will happen if I
24:59 put my cup over top of my flame? What would happen? Let's see.
25:08 ♪ Oh no. My flame went out. I quenched or extinguished my
25:24 flame. That's what the Bible means when it says, Do not
25:29 quench the Holy Spirit. We're not supposed to put the flame
25:35 of the Holy Spirit out. We want to keep the Holy Spirit burning
25:39 right inside of our hearts. Do you know how to keep that Holy
25:44 Spirit burning brightly? Well when we read our Bibles, when we
25:51 pray to Jesus, we're building our relationship and we're
25:55 keeping our flame burning brightly. I want the flame of
26:04 the Holy Spirit to burn brightly inside of me. What about you?
26:09 Yes. Me too. Let's not quench the Holy Spirit on our lives.
26:16 ♪ ♪
26:21 I start with Jesus all day every day and I do it by praying
26:27 all day every day.
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26:33 Thank you so much for watching today. We are so excited that
26:37 you're here and we want you to know that we have so many other
26:40 programs on our website at
26:43 We have our daily devotional podcast and not only that we
26:47 have some really neat things that go along with our Sabbath
26:50 School program. If you go on our website and click this week's
26:53 Sabbath School you'll be able to see that there's a coloring page
26:57 that you can color along while you're watching the video.
27:00 Or there's a new worksheet that you can learn the memory verse
27:06 with. You can write down the memory verse. There's a cursive
27:10 version and a writing version and some activities that go
27:14 along go along that help you learn this week's memory verse.
27:16 So make sure to check it out at and click
27:20 on this week's lesson and you'll be able to see the worksheet
27:26 that goes along with this week's memory verse. Let's pray.
27:29 Our Father in heaven, thank you so much that you sent the Holy
27:35 Spirit on the disciples so that they could share the message of
27:38 your love with the world. I pray that you will help us to have
27:43 have the Holy Spirit on our lives so that we can understand
27:47 what you have to say in your word and also be able to know
27:51 how to share what you have told us with others. We thank
27:57 you so much that you love us. Help us to daily grow in our
28:02 life with you. We love you. In Jesus' name, Amen.
28:06 Thank you so much for watching. Have a blessed week.
28:09 and keep in touch.
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Revised 2022-06-13