Abortion Controversy, The

The Ten Commandment Connection

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Steve Wohlberg (Host), Dianne Wagner, Antionette Duck


Series Code: TAC

Program Code: TAC000010A

00:08 Abortion, the Ten Commandments, Sin, Love, Grace!
00:13 We're going to try to figure all this out next on
00:15 "The Abortion Controversy"
00:47 Welcome back to "The Abortion Controversy"
00:49 My guests, once again, are Dianne Wagner,
00:51 and Antionette Duck, they are together coworkers
00:55 of a ministry called, "Mafgia" that is designed
00:59 and passionately motivated to shed light into the
01:03 midst of the difficult abortion nightmare.
01:07 This is part 10 which is somewhat significant
01:10 because the title of this program is called
01:13 "The Ten Commandment Connection"
01:16 We are going to inject into this whole issue the
01:20 importance of the Law of God.
01:22 Ladies, again, thank you as always.
01:25 It's been great getting to know you.
01:27 We've had a lot of discussions prior to our
01:30 time together and this is just wonderful.
01:32 So we're going to take a look at the Ten Commandments.
01:35 And Antionette, I think you have a verse that you were
01:39 going to read just to get the ball rolling.
01:41 Yes, 1 John 3:4, "Everyone who sins breaks the law."
01:46 "Everyone who sins breaks the law."
01:48 And we've been talking about just the whole issue of
01:51 abortion and is this really a sin,
01:56 does it have anything to do with God's law?
01:58 That verse says that whoever commits a sin breaks the law.
02:03 This is one of the two big tables of stone
02:06 that I carry around with me sometimes when I hold seminars.
02:10 This is the second table of the law,
02:12 and we don't really have time to go into all of
02:14 the commandments, but the significant ones
02:17 for our discussion is #6 which God wrote with His own finger.
02:23 "You shall not kill," and then #7
02:26 which He wrote with His own finger,
02:27 "You shall not commit adultery."
02:30 Now I have here a book that we're all familiar with.
02:35 Not everybody is familiar with, it's a book called,
02:37 "Patriarchs and Prophets," and on page 308,
02:41 the author zeros in on commandment #6,
02:44 and commandment #7.
02:46 Which really is what Jesus did in His ministry,
02:49 in Matthew 5, He took a close look at the 7th commandment,
02:52 a close look at the 6th commandment,
02:54 and showed their depth.
02:55 So here is commandment #6. "You shall not kill."
03:00 "All acts of injustice that tend to shorten life.
03:04 The spirit of hatred and revenge or the indulgence
03:08 of any passion that leads to injurious acts toward others
03:12 or even causes us to wish them harm,
03:15 for whoever hates his brother is a murderer,"
03:17 quoting the New Testament.
03:18 "A selfish neglect of caring for the needy or suffering,
03:21 all self-indulgence or unnecessary deprivation,
03:26 or excessive labor - that's working too hard, too much,
03:30 that tends to injure health.
03:32 All of these are to a greater or less degree violations
03:36 of the 6th commandment."
03:38 So wow - that's a lot of deep applications,
03:42 and then for commandment #7, "You shall not commit adultery."
03:46 This commandment forbids not only acts of impurity,
03:48 but sensual thoughts and desires,
03:51 or any practice that tends to excite them."
03:54 "Purity is demanded, not only in the outward life,
03:56 but in the secret intents and emotions of the heart."
04:00 Again, wow.
04:02 "Christ, who taught the far-reaching obligation
04:04 of the Law of God declared that the evil thought
04:07 or look was as truly sin as the unlawful deed."
04:12 So I've read this many times and it has really convicted me
04:16 because as I look back at my life, I think we all can look
04:20 at our lives, and we can see violations of #6 and #7,
04:23 and many of these Commandments and, for me and then we'll turn
04:29 to you and have you share your stories.
04:31 For me, as I look back at my teenage B.C. days,
04:36 Before Christ, my promiscuous days that I'm thoroughly
04:40 ashamed of before I became a Christian,
04:42 I was breaking the 7th commandment on all sides.
04:47 I was living just an immoral life.
04:51 I was involved with women, you know,
04:54 it just was not a good scene.
04:56 And, it seems to me that in the majority of cases,
05:02 there is the sexual immorality first and that can result
05:08 in an unwanted pregnancy which can lead to the temptation
05:12 to breaking the 6th commandment which has to do with killing.
05:17 And I also have a definition here that I just read
05:20 today from Miriam-Webster's online Dictionary
05:25 for the word "kill."
05:27 It says, "To cause the death of a person,"
05:29 and there are other parts to that definition,
05:31 but that's the main part that spoke to me.
05:34 So, breaking the 7th commandment
05:37 leading to breaking the 6th commandment,
05:39 and as we discussed, one of the big issues in this whole
05:43 controversy is... Is abortion really a violation
05:48 of the 6th commandment or not?
05:50 And based on these definitions,
05:51 all acts that tend to shortening life,
05:54 it fits what's happening in the world,
05:59 especially when we think of 45 million babies
06:03 being aborted every year around the world.
06:06 So, tell us your stories and tie this in,
06:10 and give us some new insights.
06:12 As I've shared in an earlier segment,
06:15 I, myself, was rescued from abortion which was
06:19 absolutely phenomenal because people who believed
06:21 in the value and sanctity of life believed in my value,
06:24 they believed in my mother's value, they interceded,
06:27 and through their intercession, I was rescued,
06:30 and my mother was rescued, not just from having the
06:35 abortion, but in the preservation of her
06:37 spiritual soundness, which was absolutely remarkable.
06:40 Our home, though, was one that was very frightening.
06:45 It could be quite scary.
06:47 My father could be very violent.
06:50 And, as I grew up, I grew angry, I grew bitter,
06:53 I grew resentful and I began to just blame the Lord,
06:59 I really believed that He owed me.
07:01 There was a lot of ingratitude that took root in my heart,
07:03 and that's the lens that I began to see through,
07:06 and the lens that I began to choose through.
07:09 As I got older, got into college and began to experiment
07:12 sexually, I really ran away from the Lord,
07:16 and certainly away from His plan,
07:19 and away from the parameters, the hedge of protection
07:22 that He has established for us.
07:24 Did you grow up having a knowledge of the
07:26 Ten Commandments, were you aware
07:28 as you were growing up?
07:29 I certainly wasn't, I didn't really say this,
07:31 but I want to add to what I said - that Romans 13:10 says
07:35 that "love is the fulfilling of the Law,"
07:37 and that God's Law really is a law of love
07:39 that's designed to protect us.
07:41 Like you said, "those parameters,"
07:42 God wants what's best for us, so I was just curious
07:45 if you grew up with a knowledge of those parameters
07:47 because I definitely did not.
07:50 Yes, I did... I did grow up with a knowledge of those parameters.
07:53 And, I wouldn't say that my woundedness or my
07:57 deep need, I really went looking for the love that
08:02 I had not received from that fatherly relationship.
08:05 And it's not an excuse, but I do think it's something
08:09 that we need to understand, that there are driving
08:12 motivating factors that push us looking for love,
08:16 significance, value, purpose.
08:19 Thankfully though, the Lord did remember me,
08:22 and brought me back to Himself,
08:24 but it was in surrendering again to His standard,
08:29 and realizing that He has given me that
08:32 hedge of protection because He created me.
08:34 He knows me very well.
08:36 And the law, as you said, it's not to
08:42 cause me pain in some way, it is a protection out of love.
08:46 Right, it's not designed to cripple us, but to set us free.
08:49 Yes... And God wants what's best for us.
08:51 And really, if you think about it...
08:53 If the whole world was sexually pure and nobody was killing
08:57 anybody, if everybody was honoring their father
09:00 and mother and not lying, and etcetera, etcetera,
09:03 it really would be a good world.
09:06 It would be... you know I've asked myself,
09:09 "Why did I do it?"
09:10 You know, here I had a great guy, my college sweetheart,
09:16 and we wanted this Christian home, like I've told you,
09:20 and why did I decide to have sex with this man
09:24 before we were married?
09:26 And you know, I had been brought up with the principles.
09:30 My mother had taught me and my sisters the importance
09:33 of being pure and how special it is to give that gift
09:39 to the man we marry some day.
09:41 I had all those and I look at the principles,
09:44 these commandments as principles to protect us.
09:48 Like we said, a hedge of protection,
09:51 a beautiful hedge of protection.
09:53 And so when I ask myself, why did I do it,
09:58 and I have to say, it's because I took my eyes off the Lord.
10:02 And when I did, I stepped outside that hedge of protection
10:06 Of course the Lord's protection is all-encompassing,
10:09 I don't want to belittle His capability.
10:11 His grace is always with us, even when we mess up.
10:14 But it is a wall of protection from the cruelty of the world.
10:20 Many times we suffer consequences because
10:24 of those decisions, and I do believe that by breaking
10:30 the 7th commandment, it put me in a position to
10:33 tumble and roll and confusion and then, of course,
10:38 the pregnancy which was causing all of that,
10:41 I just fell right into the arms
10:43 of breaking the 6th commandment;
10:46 you know, I killed an unborn child.
10:49 I really believe that by compromising in one,
10:53 we set ourselves up to compromise in another.
10:56 And it was never my intention, I never dreamed I would
11:01 be doing that, but that's what happened.
11:03 That's the reality of not keeping our eyes on
11:07 the Author of this Law.
11:09 Right and for me, again, I didn't have that picture,
11:13 so I wasn't keeping my eye on the Author
11:14 though I didn't know anything about the Law,
11:16 and it was part of the Lord's redemptive work in my life
11:22 to eventually zero me in and show me commandment #7,
11:27 #6, #5, each one of them.
11:29 I remember sitting in a room in San Francisco when I was
11:35 pastoring - I was a young pastor, just gotten out of
11:37 seminary - I was going through a lot of struggles,
11:39 and I remember meditating on the Ten Commandments...
11:43 And it was just like when I was a little kid,
11:45 I used to play pinball games, you know, you hit the little
11:48 and the ball goes bing and it lights up...
11:50 And I saw the Ten Commandments in front of my eyes.
11:52 It wasn't an actual vision, a mental picture,
11:55 and I saw them one by one, and the Holy Spirit
11:58 showed them to me deeply and it was like the pinball,
12:03 like commandment #1 lit up, commandment #5 lit up,
12:06 #10 lit up, #7 lit up...
12:07 And, as I saw that more clearly, it clarified to me
12:12 the sin that was in my life and had been in my life,
12:16 and that prepared me to understand more
12:20 and to appreciate more the grace of Jesus,
12:24 and His love in coming down here, taking my sin,
12:27 paying the price, rising from the dead and offering me
12:30 full forgiveness.
12:31 So as I see it, God used the Law showing my sin
12:34 to show me my need for a Savior,
12:36 and it was all part of bringing peace to my soul,
12:39 and it has been wonderful. Yes!
12:42 Even painful, but wonderful.
12:44 Now, we've talked about abortion in my different dimensions.
12:51 And this is, as you know, a complex subject.
12:55 And as we look at the 6th commandment,
12:57 "You shall not kill," and if you looked at the definition,
13:00 in the dictionary and in "Patriarchs and Prophets"
13:03 that it's an act that tends to shorten life,
13:06 our conscience is telling us that that's what abortion is.
13:09 But there are certain circumstances, right, that are
13:13 more difficult to deal with, and you've mentioned that you
13:17 really want to zero in on those difficult circumstances
13:22 and I think... incest, was that one of them? Rape and incest.
13:26 And then the life of a mother, so let's go.
13:30 Where do you want to start with incest?
13:33 Well, if we could talk about rape and incest in conjunction..
13:37 When we're dealing with the topic of abortion,
13:41 I think the most difficult concern to talk about
13:47 is the idea of a woman who has been raped or
13:50 someone who suffered from an incestual relationship
13:53 and what happens if she becomes pregnant.
13:58 Steve Wagner with an organization called,
14:00 "Justice for All," I've had the opportunity to listen to him
14:02 dialog on this and I really appreciated
14:05 his perspective on it in doing work with him.
14:08 If we think about a rape situation or an
14:12 incest situation, you've had a horrible horrific injustice
14:18 that's been done to that woman or to that young girl.
14:23 There is nothing that is just about it.
14:26 It's an absolute wrong.
14:27 It's a horrible atrocity and it's a violation,
14:31 a literal plundering of her soul that she is going to
14:34 carry with her through the remainder of her life.
14:37 Now we pray that she finds healing and freedom
14:40 from that, but it will still be a part of her
14:44 for the rest of her life.
14:46 It's a complete injustice; she didn't ask for it;
14:49 she didn't do anything to deserve it.
14:51 It's something that never should have happened period.
14:55 And that's something that we need to be firm on,
15:00 that we need to accept.
15:03 It was an injustice and it never should have happened.
15:07 And, as we think about the issue, if she then becomes
15:10 pregnant, she now has to deal with a pregnancy
15:15 that has been forced upon her by a rapist.
15:19 She didn't ask to be pregnant and as she's
15:22 thinking about "What am I going to do,
15:24 how am I going to handle myself?"
15:25 you think about burden after burden, after burden
15:29 that the rapist has now heaped upon this woman.
15:32 Not just the injustice, not just the violation done
15:35 to her person, but also on top of that,
15:38 burden, after burden, after burden.
15:40 Is she a student, is she in school?
15:43 Is she going to stay in school?
15:44 Does she have a boyfriend?
15:46 Is she married?
15:47 What about the social stigma?
15:49 How is she going to tell her parents?
15:50 Who is going to pay for her life because she now has to
15:53 get prenatal care.
15:55 You have burden, after burden, after burden that has been
15:58 thrust upon this woman, and the rapist is responsible
16:02 for each and every single one. Wow
16:05 If she wants to do the right thing and bring this child
16:08 to term, she then is forced to carry a baby
16:11 for 9 months of pregnancy and she never asked to be pregnant,
16:15 and she is carrying a child
16:16 that she never asked for... So what should she do?
16:20 You said to do what's right, to bring the child
16:22 to term... that's part of the issue, isn't it?
16:25 Then what do you do? Now what?
16:27 Well I think it's about refocusing
16:29 because the question we have to ask ourselves,
16:31 when we consider burden, after burden, after burden,
16:33 that has now been placed on this woman by this man
16:36 who has committed this horrible crime,
16:39 should the child have to pay for the sins of his father?
16:43 That's not an easy question, but it's a question
16:47 that we have to be honest about;
16:49 we have to ask ourselves, honestly.
16:51 We've spoken about the value of the unborn in Scripture.
16:55 We've spoken about the value of the unborn through science.
16:58 We've spoken about it, segment, after segment,
17:01 after segment, and this is not an easy issue.
17:05 There is no way to make it just.
17:07 There's no way to make it right.
17:08 It's simply difficult, but we have to be willing to be
17:12 honest with ourselves about the value of that child.
17:17 Do circumstances of conception determine value?
17:21 Great point... so it's not the circumstances.
17:23 The child has intrinsic value, therefore, regardless
17:26 of the fact that in spite of everything of what the
17:29 rapist has done, that baby is not responsible
17:34 for what the rapist has did.
17:35 That baby has intrinsic value and... That's right.
17:39 That life needs to be respected and if the woman...
17:42 I'm assuming if the woman is not ready to
17:45 be a mom, then at least adoption would be another
17:48 option, rather than having two victims instead of just one.
17:51 Most certainly, and many do choose to adopt that baby out.
17:54 They realize they are not in a position to keep a child.
17:58 But I did some research into this because it is a very
18:03 sensitive, hard situation and so many times,
18:06 those of us who do value the life and discourage abortion,
18:11 you know, it's not an option that's going to be good for you.
18:15 They look at us as being heartless, but really,
18:18 if you think about it... You mean when you say
18:20 "don't abort the baby..." Don't abort, then you're being
18:22 heartless, you don't care about this woman.
18:24 Yes, indeed, and that's why Antionette wanted
18:27 to establish that right off.
18:29 We recognize that this is a criminal act against this woman.
18:34 Absolutely!
18:35 But you know, Steve, the research that I've done,
18:39 gave me some more light on this issue.
18:42 Most of the data that the people who encourage abortion
18:47 are going by... they have asked women who were victims
18:51 of rape, but have not become pregnant because of the rape,
18:57 but just rape victims... the majority of rape
18:59 victims say, "If I were pregnant, I would want
19:03 to abort, but very little has been asked of
19:07 the actual rape victim who has become pregnant...
19:11 In fact, from what I've read, these women feel like
19:15 they have been silenced because 75 to 85 percent,
19:20 according to one study of women who have been raped,
19:24 and then conceive because of that rape,
19:27 choose to keep that child, and many of them keep them,
19:32 many of them adopted out.
19:34 But, one of the reasons for keeping that child
19:38 is... they were a victim of a crime, they don't want to
19:44 turn around and victimize someone else. Right
19:48 And it's very difficult... when I read the stories,
19:52 it just broke my heart because they think of that unborn child
19:57 and they think of the rapist, so there's a huge need for support.
20:04 You know, if there ever was a time, like I was telling
20:06 Antionette, that we really need to huddle around someone,
20:09 it's when they have chosen to keep that pregnancy
20:12 even though it's a...
20:13 That makes so much sense to me, but in a simple way,
20:16 am I right in saying, in a simple way,
20:19 two wrongs don't make a right.
20:21 Is that applicable to this situation?
20:23 Well, absolutely. You don't abort the baby,
20:25 because it's not the baby's fault.
20:27 That's right, and I want to add one more thing
20:29 I read about incest... a study that was done.
20:32 Both of these studies come from the same book,
20:34 and tomorrow when we go over resources,
20:36 I'll present this book.
20:40 But the incest victims, over 75% of them...
20:45 well first of all, out of the incest victims,
20:48 every one of them said they felt like they were not
20:51 given a choice in whether to abort.
20:56 Over 75% of those that were victims of incest
21:01 who had become pregnant said that abortion was not
21:05 the solution.
21:08 And I thought that was profound because this data is coming
21:12 from people who have experienced and have had
21:16 to go through it and we don't hear those stories.
21:18 We hear other peoples' opinions.
21:20 You know, I've mentioned before, society doesn't know
21:23 how to deal with trauma.
21:25 They want to take care of it quick...
21:26 What better way than to abort.
21:29 We're running out of time fast.
21:30 We need to go to other situations
21:34 where a woman's life is at stake.
21:36 The life and health of the mother, when they're spoken of,
21:39 many times, they're spoken of
21:41 as though they are the same thing.
21:43 As a ministry, we believe that we're made in the image of
21:49 the Lord, that we are valuable because we're made in His image,
21:51 and He created us from our very beginning with life...
21:55 Very beginning conception, to natural death.
21:58 When you're talking about an instance
22:01 of the life of the mother, for example,
22:04 in some like an ectopic pregnancy where her
22:07 physical life is threatened and will likely be lost
22:11 if that child remains inside of her.
22:14 An ectopic pregnancy is where the zygote, at that point,
22:19 becomes lodged in a fallopian tube,
22:22 and begins to grow and the fallopian tube bursts or
22:28 could possibly burst and the mother is going to hemorrhage.
22:30 She's going to bleed out and very likely die.
22:32 In a situation like that, our thought and belief
22:38 and I believe that the text that we read today would agree,
22:42 is that you seek to save as many lives as possible,
22:44 and so when the child is lodged in the fallopian tube
22:48 is not in its proper environment the unborn is meant to live
22:51 and grow in the uterus.
22:53 It's not meant to live and grow anywhere else in the body,
22:55 and so when you go in and remove a zygote, at that point,
23:00 that is in a fallopian tube, that child is not going to
23:04 survive and live.
23:06 To our knowledge, there's no way to remove a child
23:09 from a fallopian tube, put it in the uterus,
23:11 and allow it to continue to grow.
23:13 And so in a situation like that, you're going in
23:16 and you're seeking to save as many lives as possible,
23:19 which in this case would be the mother's life.
23:20 And so in that situation, it wouldn't be an act of
23:23 injustice that tends to shorten life.
23:25 So it wouldn't be a violation of the 6th commandment. Right
23:28 As compared to an act of convenience. Right
23:32 You know, just to make life easier.
23:34 To contrast that, the idea of the health of the mother.
23:38 We we've covered in a previous segment, when Roe v. Wade
23:44 was decided, a companion case Doe v. Bolton was
23:47 decided at the same time and abortion is legal
23:50 through all 9 months of pregnancy with a
23:52 health exception, except to save the health of the mother.
23:55 Well, Doe v. Bolton defined health as her physical health,
24:00 mental health, emotional health, socioeconomic health,
24:03 virtually any kind of reason for not going through
24:07 with the pregnancy that you could possibly imagine.
24:09 That was fit into that definition of health.
24:13 So when we're talking about an exception to
24:16 save the health of the mother,
24:18 we are not talking about her physical life.
24:21 That doesn't mean her physical life will be taken.
24:24 All of these other reasons have been crammed into that
24:27 word "health," and the health exception is not the
24:32 same thing as an exception for the life of the mother.
24:35 For us, the health exception simply is not the same,
24:39 and when you have already made that exception
24:41 for the life of the mom... because again, we're seeking
24:43 to preserve as many lives as possible,
24:45 why then is that health exception that has allowed
24:48 for abortion on demand necessary?
24:51 Right, I got it... Now, the issue of freedom.
24:53 Just to quickly bring that up.
24:55 We all believe that God has given us a law
24:59 and God is also a God who gives people freedom.
25:01 And it's obvious that we are all free to break
25:04 any one of the Commandments, but that doesn't mean
25:07 that it's right and to me, there's a clear distinction.
25:11 Women are free constitutionally and in the sight of God
25:14 to have an abortion if they choose.
25:16 But, the mission of the church, or at least part of the
25:18 mission of the church is to clarify the issues
25:20 that there is still right and wrong,
25:22 and a violation of the 6th commandment is a violation
25:25 of the 6th commandment and it's a wrong issue.
25:29 Yes, we're all free, but we should be urging people
25:32 not to do what's wrong, to do what's right
25:34 to value that life, value the person in the image of God
25:38 and to make the right choices. Absolutely
25:41 Well just as the church is the standard bearer on
25:45 so many issues; all of the Ten Commandments
25:50 in the same way, the church should be the
25:52 standard bearer pointing people to redemption and freedom
25:57 with the issue of abortion just like any other.
26:00 It doesn't take away from their freedom to speak what is truth.
26:03 And real freedom comes when we come to God,
26:05 put Him first, don't lose sight of Him,
26:07 follow His will, stay away from sin,
26:09 do what's right, and then we're free.
26:11 We're not guilty, we're happy, we're at peace,
26:13 and we have the joy of the Lord in our hearts
26:15 because we're doing what is right.
26:18 And it's not dictating the conscience to do that.
26:21 That's true, that's right, and we're, you know,
26:23 freedom... God wants us to use our freedom and follow Him,
26:29 and follow His will.
26:31 I have a verse to close with which is from Revelation 14:12.
26:35 This is talking about a final people.
26:37 The Bible says, "Here is the patience of the saints,
26:40 here are those who keep the Commandments of God,
26:44 and the faith of Jesus."
26:45 God is developing a people in these final days
26:48 who are truly commandment-keepers.
26:49 Now we've all broken God's law, we've all sinned,
26:52 we need His grace, we need His forgiveness,
26:54 and it's totally available to everyone of us.
26:56 And God's goal is to show us His grace, forgive our sins,
26:59 and change our lives so fully that we then take a stand
27:03 that we want to be commandment-keepers
27:05 ... not just #1, not just #5, not just 4, or 9, but 6 and 7
27:11 as we prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ.
27:16 Steve Wohlberg's latest pocket book "Hidden Holocaust"
27:20 is a must-read for anyone contemplating an abortion
27:24 or who has had one.
27:25 While Steve shares the biblical position on this controversial
27:29 subject, he also presents a message of hope and healing.
27:33 To get your free copy of the pocket book,
27:35 "Hidden Holocaust," just call the toll free number
27:37 number on the screen and order your copy today or write to:


Revised 2015-10-22