Three Cosmic Messages: Earth's Final Conflict

Ablaze with God’S Glory

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TCM

Program Code: TCM200013S

00:41 Welcome back! This is the final session
00:45 in our series titled: Three Cosmic Messages
00:50 This entire series has been based on the book of Revelation.
00:53 Specifically Revelation chapter 14
00:56 verses 6 to 12.
00:58 These 3 messages are eternal.
01:01 They're urgent and they are universal.
01:04 They're messages that God has given to prepare a people
01:08 for His soon return.
01:11 Each of these messages focuses on the second coming of Christ.
01:15 Each message rings with hope.
01:19 In this presentation we'll be discussing
01:22 God's final move: earth, a world ablaze
01:28 with the glory of God.
01:29 It is time to lift up the trumpet
01:32 and loud let it ring
01:34 for Jesus is coming again. Listen as Charles sings.
01:44 Lift up the trumpet and loud let it ring!
01:49 Jesus is coming again!
01:53 Cheer up, ye pilgrims...
01:56 be joyful and sing:
02:00 Jesus is coming again!
02:04 He's coming again!
02:07 Coming again!
02:09 Jesus is coming again!
02:14 Now echo it hilltops,
02:16 proclaim it, ye plains:
02:19 Jesus is coming again!
02:23 He's coming in glory
02:26 the Lamb that was slain...
02:30 Jesus is coming again!
02:35 He's coming again!
02:38 Coming again!
02:40 Jesus is coming again!
02:44 Heaving's of earth tell the vast wond'ring throng:
02:50 Jesus is coming again.
02:54 Tempests and whirlwinds
02:56 the anthem prolong:
03:01 Jesus is coming again!
03:06 Coming again!
03:08 Coming again!
03:11 Jesus is coming again!
03:15 The nations are angry...
03:17 by this we do know:
03:20 Jesus is coming again.
03:24 Knowledge increases,
03:26 men run to and fro:
03:32 Jesus is coming again!
03:37 Coming again!
03:39 Coming again!
03:42 Jesus is
03:45 coming again!
03:53 Amen, Charles.
03:55 And that is the hope of our world:
04:00 Jesus IS coming again.
04:04 During this presentation
04:07 I'd like to invite you to bow your heads to pray.
04:10 And as we pray let us have our hearts ring
04:15 with the hope of Christ's soon return.
04:18 Father in heaven, we thank you
04:20 that Jesus is coming again.
04:22 We thank you for three cosmic messages:
04:26 three messages of eternal hope
04:30 that in spite of what we see around us
04:32 with famine and earthquake, with pestilences,
04:37 with these strange viruses,
04:40 with the threat of nuclear war,
04:42 with economic disaster pending,
04:45 with the chaos and calamity in society and among nations,
04:49 no matter... whatever we see around us
04:51 and even the challenges in our own personal life
04:54 and in our families, our health,
04:56 we have the hope of the coming of Christ.
04:59 And so gear into us that deeper hope,
05:03 that broader hope, that brighter hope
05:07 that greater hope as we study together in this presentation.
05:11 In Christ's name, Amen.
05:14 My topic is:
05:20 One day soon the earth will be ablaze with the glory of God.
05:25 That is the message of the book of Revelation.
05:29 One of the more significant events
05:32 in the first World War was the sinking of the RMS Lusitania
05:39 by German submarines.
05:41 That sinking brought into the war
05:46 the United States and many of the other allied nations.
05:52 The Lusitania was sunk on Friday, May 7, 1915.
05:58 It was a tragic event.
06:01 The vessel went down 11 miles off Hinsdale, Ireland.
06:07 It killed... As this boat was torpedoed
06:11 and sunk there were 1,198 people killed
06:16 and 761 survivors.
06:20 There is a fascinating story
06:23 that comes out of the sinking of the Lusitania.
06:27 In fact, when the Lusitania was sunk
06:32 many pamphlets were published
06:34 like Take Up the Sword of Justice.
06:37 Enlist in the Fight of the War.
06:39 It brought many soldiers to enlist...
06:43 many enlistees into that war.
06:46 Joseph Duveen was an art dealer,
06:49 and he had bought a ticket for one of his young art
06:55 experts... an expert in pottery...
06:57 to travel on the Lusitania to Europe
07:00 to look at and examine some very exotic, very
07:05 rare pieces of pottery.
07:07 When Joseph Duveen saw the warnings regarding
07:12 war he said to this young protégée,
07:16 this young pottery expert:
07:18 "I don't think you should go.
07:20 We've had warnings. " This is a photograph
07:24 of the actual warning that the Germans put out.
07:54 The German Embassy issued a warning that the ocean liner
07:58 might be torpedoed and destroyed.
08:01 So Duveen said to this young art expert:
08:04 "I don't think you should go. "
08:06 "I don't want to risk your life. "
08:09 The young man said: "Look, sir,
08:11 when I read what was happening in the Atlantic I began to
08:15 harden myself. At first I would sit
08:18 in a tub of ice-cold water for 30 minutes.
08:24 But this morning I sat in that ice-cold tub
08:28 for two hours. Sir, don't think I would leave
08:32 preparation of such an important event
08:34 to the last minute. I am prepared; I will go. "
08:38 The young man went. The Lusitania was torpedoed
08:43 and amazingly enough this young man survived
08:47 in the chilly, freezing waters for five hours
08:52 and he was rescued.
08:54 He did not leave preparation until the last minute.
08:59 The book of Revelation
09:01 urges us, the book of Revelation invites us
09:05 not to leave preparation for the second coming of Christ
09:09 to the last minute.
09:10 That's what the message of the three angels is all about.
09:14 That's the purpose of these three cosmic messages:
09:17 to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus.
09:21 These are messages of hope; they are messages of encouragement.
09:25 They are messages that have been given to us
09:28 by a God of enormous love who wants us prepared.
09:32 The apostle Paul echoes the words of these end-time messages
09:38 that are heaven's last appeal to a dying planet.
09:41 We ignore Paul's words and we ignore these messages
09:45 at our own peril.
09:47 The apostle Paul says in I Thessalonians 5:4,6:
10:15 This is a time to be fully aware of what's taking place
10:20 in earth's history. This is a time
10:23 living at the heartbeat of eternity... the knife-edge
10:27 of eternity... this is a time to know
10:30 that there's nothing between us and Christ.
10:32 That our hearts are fully, totally, absolutely
10:36 committed to Him. This is a time to understand
10:39 the prophecies of this last prophetic book of the Bible:
10:43 Revelation. This is a time to be sure
10:47 that everything in our life not in harmony with Christ
10:52 is surrendered to Him.
10:55 In the book Testimonies volume 8
10:58 Ellen White writes with divine prophetic insight
11:01 on pages 27 and 28:
11:16 Did Paul in the book of Thessalonians
11:20 say that Christ "was coming as a thief? "
11:23 Quickly, rapidly, unexpectedly to the world?
11:26 He did. And here this statement
11:29 points out that there will be to the world's inhabitants
11:33 an overwhelming surprise.
11:36 But we need not be surprised.
11:38 We need not be caught unaware.
11:41 As one early Adventist writer wrote
11:45 preparing for the second coming he said:
11:49 "The only way to be ready is to get ready and to stay ready. "
11:53 You see, putting off the second coming of Christ
11:56 till tomorrow, putting off preparation
11:59 for His coming until another time
12:02 means that we often will put it off until it's too late.
12:08 These three cosmic messages speak to our hearts.
12:13 They speak to our hearts to be ready today.
12:16 Every generation from the first coming of Christ
12:22 when Jesus said: "Let not your heart be troubled.
12:25 You believe in God... believe also in Me.
12:27 In My Father's house are many mansions.
12:29 If it were not so I would have told you.
12:31 I go to prepare a place for you
12:32 and if I go... I WILL COME AGAIN. "
12:35 Every generation for the last 2,000 years
12:38 has heard those words echo in their ears.
12:40 And it's God's intent that every generation
12:43 live in preparation for His coming.
12:46 Live ready for His coming.
12:48 But in THIS generation the signs have coalesced.
12:52 The things that Christ has said would take place
12:55 are taking place. We have more evidence
12:58 today than we've ever had.
13:01 Somebody said to me: "Well, Pastor Mark, you
13:03 as an evangelist have been preaching about the 2nd coming
13:06 of Christ for 50 years and telling people it's soon. "
13:09 I said: "Oh, yeah. If we preached it 50 years ago,
13:12 it's a lot sooner today than it was then. "
13:14 I would rather prepare for the coming of Christ
13:17 in my lifetime and have Him not come
13:20 but be ready for His coming
13:22 than not prepare and have Him come and not be ready. "
13:25 There is no hesitation
13:28 with the people of God.
13:29 Christ calls us to be ready for His soon return
13:33 and I repeat: the only way to be ready
13:36 is to get ready and to stay ready.
13:38 God has given us divine insight
13:40 in the prophecies of the book of Revelation.
13:44 These prophecies point forward
13:46 to the divine climax of history.
13:59 In the book Evangelism page 119 I read:
14:34 This is our hour.
14:36 THIS is the hour for the people of God.
14:39 The sands in the hourglass of time are running out
14:43 and Jesus Christ has given us a message...
14:45 a message outlined as being carried by three angels
14:49 in mid heaven. This is the time for Christian believers
14:53 in general - Adventists in specific -
14:56 to take the message of the three angels,
14:58 the message of these three cos- mic beings flying in mid heaven,
15:03 in earth's final conflict to the ends of the earth.
15:05 This is no time for religious complacency.
15:08 This is no time for religious mediocrity.
15:11 This is OUR HOUR to take God's last-day message.
15:14 What are those messages again? In summary:
15:31 Here is a message of love,
15:34 a message of grace, a message to go to the ends of the earth
15:38 leading people to be so enamored with Christ,
15:42 so transformed by the grace of Christ
15:44 to live godly obedient lives.
15:47 Here is a message of the judgment hour calling men
15:50 and women to obey God.
15:52 But because the majority of the world turns their back
15:56 on this message the second angel flies.
15:59 in Revelation 14 verse 8. He says:
16:11 As we've studied in this series:
16:23 And so here the second angel's message
16:26 is calling us from all man-made traditions.
16:32 It's calling us from making self the center.
16:36 It's calling us from the humanism of our day.
16:39 It's calling us back to Jesus and making Jesus a priority.
16:43 It's calling us back to the truths of God's Word.
16:54 But the message of the angels flying in mid heaven
16:59 calls us back to the supremacy of Christ.
17:02 Babylon misunderstands the state of human beings in death
17:07 so it teaches the immortality of the soul.
17:10 It revives ancient sun worship rather than accepting
17:15 the Bible Sabbath.
17:16 So the messages of these angels, these three cosmic messages,
17:20 call us back to worshiping the Creator
17:24 rather than the sun worship of the pagan philosophy & cultures.
17:40 So God has an end-time message...
17:44 an end-time message calling us back to giving glory
17:47 in what we eat and what we drink.
17:50 Glory in how we live to praise Him
17:53 in every area and aspect of our lives.
18:02 The message of the 3 angels -
18:04 these three cosmic messages - call us back
18:07 to the Word to be set apart, to be sanctified, to be hallowed
18:12 by the very truth of God.
18:18 Some people have this idea that you can never know the truth.
18:21 But Jesus says:
18:25 The truth frees us; the truth liberates us
18:28 from error and falsehood and apostasy.
18:32 The third angel flies. Revelation 14:9-11.
18:39 It is a warning against accepting
18:43 a church/state political union
18:47 to bring security and peace on earth.
18:50 The vehicle of that union, of course,
18:53 is that false sign of sun worship in opposition
18:57 to Sabbath worship.
19:06 So the mark of the beast
19:08 represents the sign of authority
19:11 of a religious political power
19:14 that attempts to bring the world together
19:16 in a world unity movement.
19:19 The beast of Revelation 13 and 14
19:22 rises out of Rome
19:24 as we've studied as a world-wide system of worship.
19:29 History will repeat itself.
19:32 In the days of the early Roman Empire
19:34 church and state united.
19:37 At a time when the Empire was falling apart
19:39 Constantine, the pagan Roman emperor,
19:42 in an attempt to unite his empire
19:45 used Sunday as a vehicle
19:47 in which the workshops closed, what was a common social day.
19:52 Church leaders united with the Roman state
19:57 passed decrees in church councils
19:59 to sanctify Sunday contrary to the very Word of God.
20:04 This indeed will happen again.
20:08 Great Controversy page 588 says:
20:49 What's the three-fold union?
20:51 Spiritualism, Catholicism, and Apostate Protestantism
20:56 that has left its true lover, Jesus, to accept
21:00 the counterfeit teachings of the world
21:03 and the counterfeit teachings of Babylon.
21:13 How will that indeed take place?
21:16 In a time of immense crisis.
21:19 In a time when it appears
21:21 that this world is falling apart and crumbling.
21:26 At a time of uncertainty.
21:29 At that period of time church and state will unite.
21:34 The devil will work false miracles
21:37 to bring together under the auspices of the vehicle
21:40 Sunday worship a common day of worship.
21:45 Those that don't go along will eventually be persecuted.
21:48 Unable to buy or sell is what Revelation 13 says.
21:51 And eventually there will be a death decree.
22:03 So the spirits of demons work miracles
22:06 to get this false unity movement united.
22:32 In the Bible fire is a symbol of the presence of God.
22:35 The fiery sword there at the entrance of the Garden of Eden.
22:41 The presence of God keeping Adam & Eve from going back in.
22:44 The fiery presence leading the children of Israel
22:48 with a pillar of fire by night.
22:50 That was the representation... the presence of God.
22:53 Elijah... the fire comes down. The presence of God.
22:56 In the New Testament fire represents the presence
23:00 of God manifest in the Holy Spirit.
23:02 Tongues of fire on the Day of Pentecost:
23:04 the fire of God's presence.
23:06 But this is FALSE fire so this is a false presence of God...
23:11 a false Holy Ghost movement under the beast.
23:30 So here are false miracles that indeed occur.
23:35 Revelation 16:14 tells the source, the origin
23:40 of these false miracles:
23:55 So... summarizing:
23:58 Revelation chapter 13 talks about the rise
24:01 of the papal power. Talks about its influence in the world.
24:06 It talks about a vehicle under the auspices of the beast power
24:11 to unite the whole world just before the coming of Jesus.
24:15 And Satan then unleashes the mighty powers
24:19 of hell to work false or counterfeit miracles
24:23 to convince the kings of the earth
24:26 who often have this humanistic viewpoint
24:29 these political leaders and the idea "seeing is believing. "
24:33 So these false miracles convince them.
24:35 Spiritualism, Protestantism, Catholicism,
24:39 the nations of the world, the various religions of the world
24:43 unite in an attempt to bring the world together
24:47 in that unity.
24:49 In the book Great Controversy page 588 I continue to read:
25:05 So there's this false religious revival that occurs.
25:10 But God is not caught off-guard.
25:13 He is preparing for the earth to be lightened with the glory
25:17 of God and a true religious revival will come.
25:34 But the people of God have been warned.
25:37 Three cosmic messages - three angels' messages -
25:41 have given them the alert, have opened their eyes,
25:45 have prepared them for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
25:56 The Reformation at end-time will be completed.
26:00 Satan will not take the field alone.
26:03 God will move through His end-time people,
26:07 His last-day people, to restore the truth of His Word.
26:11 Honest-hearted men and women will have their hearts
26:15 illuminated with the glory of God.
26:17 With the truth of God, the light of God's truth will shine.
26:21 And as it shines ever so brightly
26:23 thousands and tens of thousands will respond
26:26 to that truth, accept it, and be prepared for the coming
26:30 of Jesus. It will be written... As is stated
26:34 in Revelation 14 verse 12 it will be written of them:
26:48 Jesus will have an end-time people...
26:52 a people that are obedient to Him.
26:55 A people that have the quality of Christ's faith
26:58 living in their hearts.
27:00 A people that have trust in Jesus at end-time.
27:05 Through that people God will reveal His will.
27:21 This earth will be lightened with the glory of God.
27:25 The Reformation that began in the 13th century
27:30 and continued on through the 14th, 15th, 16th century...
27:34 that Reformation, that return to the Bible,
27:38 that return to the centrality of Christ,
27:41 that return to grace as the only means of salvation,
27:44 that return to obedience to God as our model,
27:48 that Reformation will be completed.
27:50 That Reformation will come to a climax
27:53 in a last-day Adventist people
27:56 who are a movement of destiny raised up by God
28:00 to proclaim His last-day message to the ends of the earth.
28:03 It will be the birth of a movement at end-time.
28:08 That movement has already begun.
28:10 That movement is already echoing God's truth around the world.
28:15 But there will be at end-time a final movement of God,
28:21 a final move of God. Revelation 14 verse 7 says:
28:34 "Fear God" - respect Him, obey Him.
28:38 A message to go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
28:40 Give glory to Him in your lifestyle.
28:43 A message for the world:
28:45 "For the hour of His judgment is come. "
28:47 A message for every man, woman, and child on planet earth.
28:50 Worship the Creator rather than worshiping the ones who made
28:56 and the works of our hands.
28:58 The devil has tried to undermine creation in an age of evolution.
29:03 But the call at end-time, the call in the last days,
29:07 the call of these three angels is a call to worship
29:11 the Creator, and enshrined in the Sabbath
29:15 commandment is that call to worship the Creator.
29:20 John in Revelation chapter 18 verse 1 talks about this final
29:26 move of God. He talks about
29:28 this last-day movement and he says:
29:40 The devil will not enshroud this world in darkness.
29:45 The devil will not triumph in the end.
29:48 JESUS will triumph in the end!
29:50 The devil will not be victorious in the end.
29:53 JESUS will be victorious in the end!
29:55 The earth will be lightened with the glory of God.
29:59 Now did you notice our text?
30:07 Now this expression great authority is a very amazing
30:12 expression. The NT is written in the Greek language,
30:15 and the word for great authority is exousia.
30:18 Now exousia means authority but it means more than authority.
30:23 Exousia means power but it means more than power.
30:26 Exousia is a very hard word to translate into the English
30:31 language or other languages.
30:33 You don't really see the nuance on it.
30:36 But the word exousia has to do with victory
30:40 and triumph and power and authority.
30:43 It has to do with Christ's authority over the
30:45 principalities and powers of hell.
30:48 So what Rev. 18 is saying is
30:51 that God will have an end-time people
30:54 through whom He will triumph
30:56 in the most crucial time of earth's history,
30:59 at the greatest crisis of earth's history.
31:01 And His people will triumph by His grace and through His power
31:05 over the principalities and powers of hell
31:08 and the earth will be lighted with His glory.
31:10 Now I'd like to look with you at some other ways
31:13 in the New Testament that this verb exousia,
31:17 or this phrase exousia rather is described: great authority.
31:22 Here we have it in Matthew 10 verse 1.
31:24 When Jesus... He had called his twelve disciples
31:29 He gave them power.
31:31 Now notice the word for power is exousia.
31:33 Over what?
31:39 So in the last days of earth's history
31:42 when Satan works false miracles
31:44 God at end-time will manifest His power.
31:48 Unusual power from beneath
31:51 calls for supernatural power from above.
31:54 And God will once again through His church
31:57 bless it with supernatural power.
32:00 We will see miracles worked.
32:02 The sick will be healed.
32:04 Undeniable wonders will be performed by the people of God
32:09 because they are totally absolutely committed to Christ.
32:13 They will not be performing those miracles; they will be
32:16 the vehicle that Christ uses to perform those miracles.
32:20 But we are going to see the miracle-working power of God
32:24 at end-time. Will there be false miracles? Yes.
32:26 Will many people be deceived by those false miracles?
32:29 Certainly. What's the difference
32:31 between the false and true miracles?
32:32 We shared that in another presentation,
32:35 but to summarize it in case you missed that:
32:37 false miracles lead you to be content in yourself
32:42 separate from obedience to God.
32:45 False miracles have nothing to do with obedience.
32:48 But genuine authentic miracles always lead us back to obedience
32:53 to God's natural law, God's moral law.
32:56 Genuine miracles always lead us to heartfelt confession
33:01 and repentance. And so this word exousia
33:05 is a word of power and triumph.
33:08 Here it's used again in Matthew 28 verse 18.
33:21 That word authority again is exousia.
33:29 How did they do that? In the power of Christ.
33:32 How did they do that? In the power of the Holy Spirit.
33:35 So in end-time when it looks like everything in the world
33:39 is falling apart, when there's a union of church and state,
33:43 when the people of God are oppressed,
33:45 the Latter Rain power of the Holy Spirit
33:48 is poured out upon them.
33:50 And the church rises as glorious as the sun,
33:55 as fair as the moon,
33:57 as strong as an army accord- ing to Ephesians chapter 5.
34:02 And the earth is lightened with the glory of God
34:05 because God's church has risen to the occasion
34:09 and God has a people totally absolutely committed to Him.
34:14 Upon that people He pours out His Holy Spirit at end time.
34:18 The Holy Spirit will be poured out in unprecedented power.
34:22 The gospel will rapidly spread to the ends of the earth.
34:26 "This gospel of the kingdom... " Matthew 24:14
34:30 "shall be preached to all the world
34:32 as a witness to all nations
34:34 then the end will come. "
34:36 This is Christ's promise.
34:38 This is Christ's appeal to you and me:
34:42 "Be part of something big. Be part of something grand.
34:46 Be part of something glorious. "
34:48 Do not play church. Do not fiddle around on the peripheries
34:53 of faith. THIS is a time to share Christ.
34:58 This is a time to share the hope of His soon coming.
35:01 THIS is the time of urgency
35:05 to share the beauty of His last-day message
35:10 with the world. This is a time
35:12 to share the 3 angels' messages, these three cosmic messages
35:17 in earth's final conflict with your friends & your neighbors.
35:36 What does it mean the earth was illuminated with the glory
35:39 of God? In the book of Revelation
35:42 there are three things that are linked:
35:45 God's glory; God's honor; and God's power.
35:50 When Satan challenged the government of God
35:54 in the great controversy between good and evil
35:58 millenniums ago in heaven
36:00 he challenged God's glory. Lucifer wanted God's glory.
36:04 He challenged God's honor. Lucifer wanted God's honor.
36:08 And he challenged God's power.
36:10 God will raise up an end-time people
36:13 who have only one interest: God's glory.
36:17 Not their own glory. Not self-centered egotism.
36:21 God's honor... not their reputation.
36:24 God's power... not their power. Not on some ego trip for power.
36:29 But I want you to notice how these three things are linked
36:33 as the ultimate solution to the great controversy
36:36 in the book of Revelation.
36:49 So God as Creator
36:52 is worthy of glory, honor, and power.
36:54 That's the real issue in the great controversy.
36:56 That's the issue in this inter- galactic struggle between
37:00 Christ and Satan: who is worthy of glory, honor, and power?
37:03 Notice Revelation 5:12. You have the same expression.
37:08 A little different order but the same.
37:19 Why is Jesus worthy of our honor?
37:21 Why is Jesus worthy of our glory?
37:24 Why is Jesus worthy of being the One who has the power
37:28 of the whole universe? Because first: He created us.
37:32 Revelation 4:11. Second: He redeemed us
37:35 Revelation 5 there and verse 12.
37:38 But notice the linkage of power, honor, and glory.
37:42 Notice Revelation 19 verse 1:
37:44 The redeemed... the redeemed standing in heaven with Christ
37:50 when sin and suffering and sickness are no more.
37:54 When heartache is no more.
37:56 When pain is over; when evil is destroyed.
38:00 When sin has been crushed by Christ.
38:03 When the victory is Christ's we stand there with Jesus
38:06 and we say what?
38:12 The controversy is ended!
38:15 One pulse of harmony and gladness beats throughout
38:18 the vast creation. Sin and sinners are no more.
38:21 And in the numberless worlds cherubim and seraphim
38:26 sing: "Glory and honor and power to Him. "
38:37 We, clothed with the glory of Christ;
38:39 we, filled with one desire to honor Christ
38:42 enter in to that holy city.
38:44 Satan, the evil serpent that deceived Eve,
38:47 is crushed and gone forever.
38:49 That evil angel, the being of dazzling brightness that
38:52 rebelled against God one day will be destroyed...
38:55 burned up, consumed.
38:56 All of those earthy powers that wanted their glory:
39:00 beasts rise and fall; Babylon rises and falls.
39:03 Medo-Persia rises and falls.
39:05 Greece rises and falls.
39:07 Rome rises and falls.
39:08 Rome is broken up. There is this amalgamation
39:12 union of church and state - Dark Ages.
39:14 End-time political union of church and state.
39:16 But all of these powers that have risen and fallen
39:20 seeking their honor, seeking their glory
39:23 they are now faded into insignificance.
39:26 Here is the good news: there is one thing that will last.
39:30 There is one thing that will endure.
39:32 There is one thing that will go
39:34 through the ceaseless ages of eternity.
39:37 We'll be singing "glory. " "We'll be singing "honor. "
39:40 We'll be singing "power" to Christ.
39:42 The great controversy will be ended!
39:45 Jesus earned that right when He created us.
39:49 Jesus earned that right on the cross of Calvary
39:53 when He bore our sins and guilt.
39:55 Jesus resurrected from the dead
39:58 intercedes for us and He is the One
40:01 that is worthy of glory, honor, and power.
40:22 Because an end-time people
40:25 who want nothing else but what He wants,
40:28 who desire nothing else but to please Him,
40:30 who are concerned about His glory, His honor,
40:34 who are concerned about His reputation in the universe...
40:38 That end-time people go out and proclaim the message
40:42 of His love, the message of His grace,
40:45 the message of His mercy,
40:47 the message of His incredible power.
40:50 The messages of His everlasting strength
40:52 and the message of His soon return and the hope
40:55 of His soon return. What is the glory of Christ?
40:58 Exodus 33:18-19: Moses said: "Show me Your glory"
41:04 and God said:
41:11 The earth is filled with the glory of God.
41:14 If God's goodness is poured out through God's people
41:18 as they reveal His character, the earth will be filled
41:22 with the glory, the goodness, the grace of God.
41:25 As an end-time people go out and proclaim that grace
41:29 I John 3:1-2 says:
41:42 Coming to Christ right now
41:45 you are a child of God.
41:48 You are a son of God, a daughter of God.
41:52 But you remember what the Bible says:
41:58 When are we children of God? Right now.
42:15 God is doing something in your life today
42:19 but God wants to do much more.
42:22 According to Hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2
42:25 Jesus is the author of our faith
42:29 but He's also the finisher of it.
42:31 Christ has begun to do something in your life.
42:35 Philippians 1 verses 6 and 7
42:38 says: "This is the confidence I have in Him:
42:41 that He that has begun a good work in me will finish it. "
42:44 God wants to do much more for you.
42:47 However much you know Christ
42:50 He wants to fill you fuller with His grace.
42:55 However close you are to Him
42:57 He wants to bring you closer.
43:00 He wants you to know Him and to know Him intimately.
43:05 He wants to fill your heart with a sense of His presence...
43:11 a sense of His love,
43:14 a sense of His grace. "Beloved... " John says...
43:19 The John that wrote the book of Revelation: "Beloved,
43:22 NOW are we the sons of God.
43:25 Yet it doth not yet appear what we shall be
43:29 for when He shall appear
43:31 we shall see Him as He is
43:36 and we shall be like Him. "
43:38 Is the great desire of your heart to be like Christ?
43:42 Ellen White, writing to the General Conference of SDA's
43:48 in the Daily Bulletin of January 28, 1893, says this:
44:06 The message of Christ's righteousness... what is that?
44:09 That I am unworthy but He is worthy.
44:12 I am unrighteous but He is righteous.
44:14 I am filthy but He is clean.
44:17 I am impure but He is pure.
44:19 I am weak but He is strong.
44:22 The message of Christ's righteousness is to go from
44:24 one end of the earth to the other.
44:26 What is the message, the summary of the message of the 3 angels?
44:29 It is that Christ is all in all.
44:31 We come to Christ; we forsake all
44:36 of our own righteousness.
44:38 His righteousness lives in our hearts.
44:40 The beast power focuses attention upon himself
44:43 and some political religious unity to solve the problems
44:48 of the world. What is the righteousness of Christ?
44:50 It's only Christ can solve the problems of the world.
44:52 He can solve the problems of our own personal life.
44:54 He can solve the problems internationally of the world.
44:58 The Christ that created us, the Christ that died for us,
45:02 the Christ that intercedes for us,
45:04 the Christ that's coming again for us.
45:06 This Christ who is all righteous
45:09 is our only Savior and Redeemer.
45:46 These false religions neces- sitate coming with offerings and
45:51 flagellation and coming to make myself righteous before God
45:56 but genuine Christianity speaks of the cross!
46:00 It speaks of what Christ has done for me
46:03 and in light of His matchless charm I am drawn to Him.
46:19 Genuine Christianity is anchored not in man's opinion.
46:23 Not in human ideas. Not in some cultural approach
46:26 that shapes the Bible according to my opinion.
46:29 But it is anchored in Jesus and His Word.
46:42 The Bible says
46:44 in the essence of these messages of the 3 angels,
46:48 these 3 cosmic messages, the Bible says: "Fear God...
46:50 respect Him. Give glory to Him. "
46:54 In Testimonies to Ministers Ellen White writes to ministers
46:58 page 453:
47:12 We come to Jesus and we say: "Jesus,
47:16 there is no way I can save myself.
47:18 Jesus, take my life
47:21 my sinful self and Jesus, save me.
47:24 And Jesus, when You save me You save me not for a life of
47:28 disobedience. You save me for a life of obedience. "
47:32 The angel cries mightily in Revelation 18:2-4.
47:45 Babylon, a false religion that depends on human opinions,
47:50 is deceived by demons.
47:52 The nations of the world drink the wine. They become drunk
47:56 with her false doctrine.
47:59 The kings of the earth unite with that false system.
48:02 They commit fornication with her.
48:04 The merchants of the earth, that is the economic powers,
48:07 the moneyed men of the earth be- come rich through the abundance
48:10 of her delicacy. Here there is another 3-fold union.
48:15 Apostate or false religions unite on their perceived
48:21 idea of truth, their human opinion of truth,
48:24 their human traditions.
48:25 Political powers join them to bring the world together.
48:28 The nations of the world unite governments.
48:32 The financial institutions or economic powers unite.
48:35 But in Revelation 18:4 there is a clarion call.
48:47 God makes His final appeal.
48:49 That final appeal is going out to the world right now.
48:53 Jesus is appealing to His people in a message of love:
48:57 "Come... be part of My last-day movement. "
49:00 "Come... be part of this move- ment, this divine movement of
49:03 destiny. " "Come and share the glory
49:06 of My truth to the world. " "Come and reveal My honor. "
49:10 "Come and reveal My glory. "
49:12 "Come... and be empowered by My Spirit. "
49:14 "Come... and unite your life with Me
49:18 and be participant in that final movement to the world. "
49:22 The Bible says it is time to make a decision for Christ.
49:25 Babylon, described in Revelation 18 verse 5:
49:33 It is time! When Jesus says: "Enough!
49:36 Enough sin! " In the days of Noah
49:40 sin reached its final point.
49:43 In the days of Noah the cup of iniquity was filled.
49:48 In the days of Sodom and Gomorrah
49:50 the cup of iniquity was filled and God said: "Enough! "
49:53 At end time Jesus says: "Enough! "
49:58 Enough suffering; enough heartache; enough sorrow;
50:01 enough rebellion; enough sin.
50:03 And Jesus says: "It is time, gentlemen, ladies. It's closing
50:07 time. " Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, page 208 reads:
50:28 Probation will close when that takes place.
50:31 Notice what it says:
50:39 The message of Christ is going out now.
50:42 Every human being will have the opportunity
50:45 to make their irrevocable decision.
50:48 Probation does not close arbitrarily by God
50:53 but it closes as a signal that everybody has already
50:57 made up their mind.
50:58 This is decision time.
51:17 As Paul said: "For me to live is Christ. "
51:21 This is the time in the light of the second coming of Christ
51:26 to make our final decision for Christ.
51:29 This is the time to get off the fence.
51:32 Some time ago Lord Cecil,
51:36 one of the royal line, princes of England,
51:40 was in Canada for a short period of time
51:43 and he was on his way to a church service.
51:48 And as he was he looked out and saw
51:51 a man who he recognized that had been to church
51:55 before but who had drifted away from Christ.
51:58 And this man was out working splitting lumber.
52:02 And all Cecil said was: "Brother, the Lord is coming! "
52:08 and kept walking.
52:10 That lumberjack began thinking.
52:12 The Lord is coming... the Lord is coming!
52:16 The Lord is coming... am I ready for His return?
52:22 Am I ready for that day that Jesus will stream down
52:26 the corridor of the sky? Am I ready for that day
52:30 that the earth will be alight with the glory of God?
52:34 Have I made a full, complete, total surrender to Christ?
52:39 This world is on collision course
52:43 and there is only one hope: the hope of the coming of Jesus.
52:47 I love that song: We have this hope
52:49 that burns within our hearts.
52:52 Listen as Charles sings.
53:00 We have this hope that
53:04 burns within our hearts:
53:08 hope in the coming of our Lord!
53:15 We have this faith that
53:19 Christ alone imparts:
53:23 faith in the promise
53:26 of His Word.
53:30 We believe the time is here
53:34 when the nations far and near
53:37 shall awake and shout and sing:
53:41 "Hallelujah! Christ is King! "
53:50 We have this hope
53:54 that burns within our hearts:
53:58 hope in the coming
54:02 of the Lord!
54:07 We are united
54:11 in Jesus Christ our Lord.
54:15 We are united
54:18 in His love.
54:22 Love for the waiting
54:26 people of our world,
54:30 people who need our Savior's love.
54:36 Soon the heavens will open wide,
54:41 Christ will come to claim His bride.
54:45 All the universe will sing:
54:49 "Hallelujah!
54:51 Christ is King! "
54:58 We have this hope,
55:01 this faith, and God's great love.
55:06 We are united
55:09 in Christ.
55:14 We have this hope
55:17 that burns within our hearts:
55:22 hope in the coming of our Lord.
55:29 We have this faith that
55:33 Christ alone imparts:
55:37 faith in the promise
55:40 of His Word.
55:44 Now we believe the time is here
55:48 when the nations far and near
55:52 shall awake and shout and sing:
55:56 "Hallelujah!
55:59 Christ is King! "
56:06 We have this hope that
56:10 burns within our hearts:
56:15 hope in the
56:17 coming of the Lord!
56:26 That is our hope, friend: hope in the coming of Christ.
56:32 If we do not have that hope, what hope do we have?
56:36 Is death the dark hole in the ground?
56:39 A long night without a morning?
56:42 We have a hope... a hope that pierces our darkness.
56:46 Reach out and grasp that hope.
56:49 Reach out and embrace that hope.
56:51 Reach out and cherish that hope.
56:54 Christ is coming again!
56:56 Let's pray together.
56:57 Father in heaven, thank you for the hope.
56:59 We choose to allow Jesus to live in our lives
57:04 and fill our lives with His grace and love
57:08 so we can proclaim that hope to the ends of the earth.
57:11 In Christ's name, Amen.
57:14 God bless you, my friend.


Revised 2020-07-30