Today Cooking

Celebrating Mothers

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: The Micheff Sisters


Series Code: TDYC

Program Code: TDYC016065B

00:01 Well, mom, we are really so excited
00:03 that you are with us today.
00:05 We wanted to tell you how much we love you
00:07 and we celebrate you and we honor you as our mother
00:10 and we thank you for all the love
00:12 you've given us all these years.
00:14 And all the example, for being an example,
00:18 for showing us how to be mothers ourselves.
00:21 That's right.
00:22 And most of all, how to love Jesus.
00:27 And to share that love with everybody.
00:29 That's right, mom.
00:30 And I think one thing that really helped me, mom,
00:32 that you were faithful about, without exception,
00:36 is that every time I would get up early in the morning,
00:38 you would already be kneeling in the living room
00:41 by the chair with your Bible, praying
00:44 and it's something that was so instilled in me
00:46 that I do the same thing
00:49 because I just saw what it did and how it changed you
00:54 and when you might raise your voice or something,
00:57 you would always come and say, "I'm sorry," you know...
01:02 I did do that a lot.
01:03 And parents have to do that, you know, we're not...
01:05 That's right. We're human.
01:06 We're not perfect. Yes.
01:08 And we make mistakes and Kids know we make mistakes.
01:10 The best thing to do is come and say, "I'm sorry."
01:12 And, mom, you were never too proud to do that
01:15 and also I appreciate the fact that you lived by example,
01:19 you taught us by example,
01:21 you didn't just tell us what to do,
01:23 tell us the right thing to do.
01:25 You've really shared Jesus with us
01:29 by everyday how you lived and...
01:32 And we're grateful. Yeah.
01:34 We had another thing mom taught us,
01:36 is enjoy your kids.
01:39 Mom always was with us,
01:41 she didn't leave us with other people,
01:43 you spent time with us...
01:45 We aren't allowed to have sleepovers.
01:46 No. No sleepovers.
01:50 Mom said, she didn't know what's going on
01:51 in other people's house
01:53 but she knew what was happening in ours,
01:54 so we're welcoming all the friends over
01:56 we wanted to, our house.
01:58 But, mom, one thing that we did today was,
02:00 we've prepared a special breakfast for you
02:03 and one thing that you taught us
02:06 is that before we ever eat, that we thank God.
02:10 And I thought today, sisters,
02:13 if mom not only had the blessing for us today,
02:15 before she tries her breakfast and tastes her breakfast.
02:18 But to pray for mothers everywhere.
02:20 Mom, would you just ask for a special blessing
02:22 for mothers around the world.
02:23 Yeah, I'd like to. Would you do that?
02:25 So let's just bow our heads
02:27 as our mom has a special mother's day blessing,
02:30 for mothers everywhere.
02:32 Precious heavenly Father,
02:33 we just wanna thank you so much for your love.
02:36 We wanna thank you that we can come to you,
02:39 we wanna thank you for everything
02:41 that you do for us
02:42 and for the food that you prepare for us
02:44 and we ask you to bless it, but special,
02:48 we ask that you would bless every mother out there,
02:52 wherever you are and bless them
02:55 and draw them ever so close to you
02:57 and bless all the hands
02:59 that have prepared this good food.
03:01 I pray for the fathers and the sons and the daughters,
03:05 I just pray, Heavenly Father, for each one
03:08 that someday soon we can sit
03:10 at that table with you at the head.
03:13 Amen. Thank you, in Jesus name.
03:17 Amen.
03:19 That is what I want, is to sit at that table.
03:23 Amen.
03:24 And what a banquet that's gonna be.
03:26 We've never even thought or dreamed
03:28 of what He's preparing for us, it's gonna be so wonderful.
03:31 That's right.
03:32 So, mom, here's your breakfast that we prepared for you...
03:35 You have, here's the fork and you have your...
03:38 We'll start here, what we have,
03:40 Cinda, you have your garden frittatas.
03:43 And, Linda, your...
03:45 Fruit cake waffles with mom's raspberry sauce.
03:49 Right, potatoes. And waffle hash browns.
03:52 So you've got a little bit of everything going on here,
03:54 so now the test is coming.
04:02 That's delicious. Thank you.
04:05 Wow, we got a thumbs up on that one.
04:08 Now, Linda, here's your waffles, so...
04:11 I gotta make sure and get a raspberry
04:12 'cause I like those with them.
04:14 And she made them too. No, I didn't make.
04:17 She didn't make the raspberries but she grows raspberries.
04:19 She has so many fresh raspberries.
04:22 I'd help pick them all from the raspberry patch.
04:24 That's right.
04:26 Oh, waffle's good. Thank you.
04:30 It's preyed over.
04:32 Mom, you can just pick up a hash brown
04:33 and take a bite if you want, that's how you can do,
04:37 just take a quick bite like that.
04:40 Well, doesn't taste quite like grandma's
04:43 but it's pretty close.
04:46 Well, grandma never made a hash brown waffle,
04:49 so you gotta give me that.
04:50 She made pancakes. And hers was deep fried
04:53 You've done a good job in trying to reproduce.
04:55 Oh, thank you, momma.
04:58 Well, I can't believe our time has almost gone.
05:00 We just wanna...
05:01 It would just would not have been the same
05:03 without our mom here.
05:04 And we're just really grateful for you, mom,
05:07 we love you.
05:08 We wanna say a special happy mother's day
05:10 to all the mothers in the world,
05:11 wherever you are.
05:13 Happy mother's day, may God bless you,
05:16 but let me got more than you could ever ask or think
05:18 and we thank you for joining us today.
05:21 Unfortunately, our time is all gone,
05:23 so until next time remember,
05:25 may all your meals be seasoned with God's love.
05:29 Bye bye everybody, happy mother's day.


Revised 2016-11-17