Take it to the Bank

Needs Vs. Wants

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cordell Thomas


Series Code: TITTB

Program Code: TITTB000011

00:01 On Take it to the Bank,
00:02 you'll find ways to get out of debt.
00:09 Solve your credit card problems.
00:14 How to make and stick with the budget?
00:19 Simple ways to save.
00:24 Buying or selling a home and many more financial matters
00:29 on Take it to the Bank.
00:31 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas,
00:33 and welcome to Take it to the Bank.
00:35 We have a lot to talk about today,
00:37 so let's get down to business.
00:39 This one is an interesting topic,
00:40 it's about needs versus wants,
00:42 it's one that will probably hit you right in the gut
00:45 when you talk about do I really need this item?
00:48 Do I really want this item?
00:49 We've talked about a lot of different things,
00:51 and I think that one of the basics
00:53 that we should be aware of is understanding
00:55 that I need to assess where I am at.
00:57 I need to understand where I'm at as an individual
00:59 for my personal finances.
01:01 And number two,
01:02 I need to assess what type of budget I have
01:05 and where my income is and where my expenses are.
01:08 I need to assess what type of money
01:11 I can actually save by cutting my spending
01:14 and curtailing certain things,
01:16 so I can achieve certain goals
01:18 that I've written down and prioritized.
01:21 These are important to me, I want to for example
01:24 have an additional $12,000 in emergency saving,
01:28 so that I can access it in case I may lose my job
01:31 or some unexpected bill will come up.
01:34 And so, it comes into an idea
01:36 of what is that I really need at this point of time
01:39 and can I survive without the wants that are out there
01:42 that people are constantly telling me,
01:43 you need to buy this, you need to buy this.
01:45 All the merchandizes are out there.
01:47 And believe me, towards the end of any year
01:49 or throughout the course of year,
01:51 you have Thanksgiving purchases,
01:53 you got to buy a lot of gifts for people on Christmas,
01:56 you got gifts you got to buy at birthdays,
01:58 you got to do so many different things.
01:59 And it's unless you have budgeted
02:01 for those specific items,
02:03 you are not prepared to be, to buy them because typically,
02:08 you will be putting it on a credit card
02:10 and spending the next few months
02:12 paying that credit card off.
02:14 Plan for this expenses
02:16 and it means having a budget and having a plan.
02:21 That plan is key
02:23 and the budget starts the whole process.
02:25 It's once you get to the savings
02:27 and having a certain amount of cumulative savings
02:30 and have that additional amount
02:31 that you can put into investments
02:32 and do some other thing with,
02:34 you then have to draw yourself back to the perspective
02:37 that I need to be a good steward
02:42 of the things that Christ has given me.
02:44 Let's look at it biblically.
02:45 There is something in the Bible that says
02:47 in 1 Corinthians 4:2,
02:50 now 1 Corinthians is in the New Testament.
02:53 It follows the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
02:56 It follows Acts, Romans,
02:58 and you get to the 1 Corinthians.
03:00 1 Corinthians going to Chapter 4
03:02 and look up verse 2, and that verse says this.
03:07 "Now it is required
03:08 that those who have been given a trust
03:11 that they must prove faithful."
03:12 What's it saying?
03:14 You as a steward or someone that a talent is entrusted to
03:19 must be found faithful.
03:23 Now what does it mean to be faithful?
03:26 What's the context of faithfulness?
03:28 How do I use the talents that are given to me?
03:30 I take you to the parable that occurs in Matthew.
03:34 Matthew is a first book of the New Testament.
03:36 Matthew 25:14.
03:41 When you look at that chapter, it basically says
03:45 that there is a man that went on a trip
03:47 and he entrusted his servant with five talents,
03:51 two talents, and one talent to three different servants
03:54 based on their ability.
03:55 And when he came back, he held them accountable.
03:59 It's the accountability issue that is key.
04:05 I have something for you.
04:06 It's a personal experience that I had
04:08 when I was asked to take on a role
04:10 in a different city,
04:12 and I went to that city, and I was enjoying things,
04:14 but I met an individual that I worked with
04:16 at a previous company.
04:18 He'd been in a senior level management
04:20 and he had moved to a different organization
04:22 and said, Cordell, I want you to come and work with me.
04:24 I have a great position for you,
04:26 and I think it would be beneficial for you to come
04:28 and be a part of this organization.
04:30 We think your marketing skills can be very beneficial for us,
04:34 and I would like you to be a part of this team,
04:36 so it was great.
04:37 We decided to dialogue about it.
04:39 We met a couple of times,
04:40 but there is something that happened
04:42 and from a spiritual basis, it taught me a lesson.
04:45 Okay, the first meeting we were supposed to have,
04:47 I tried to get to the meeting,
04:49 but things came up where we couldn't meet.
04:51 There was those things that happened
04:53 from car accidents to different circumstances
04:57 and I had to fight through all of these clutter,
05:00 it was as if God was saying,
05:01 you don't really want to meet with him,
05:02 you're not prepared for this at this point in time.
05:04 You need to, you need to take your time
05:06 and think through the process.
05:08 I didn't, I was looking at the dollars because this,
05:11 this job was gonna pay relatively well.
05:15 But time came when I remember this clearly
05:19 because my wife and I and my little son
05:21 actually met him for I think it was lunch at a location,
05:26 at a restaurant in the city, and we sat down, and we talked,
05:30 and we had a great deal of fun,
05:32 and we rehashed our experiences,
05:34 and we talked about new things and concepts and marketing
05:37 and sales, and this and that the other,
05:39 and then we got down to the business
05:41 of here's what I want you to do,
05:43 here's what your salary is gonna be,
05:45 here's what the challenges are gonna be,
05:47 and this is what's going on.
05:49 Now, I really didn't hear too much about the challenges,
05:50 I didn't hear about all this kind of stuff
05:52 because when he told me my salary,
05:53 all of a sudden a certain sense of greed came into play,
05:57 and I heard this money,
05:59 and I heard this thing called wow,
06:02 that puts me in an elite group of people
06:04 that's making a lot of money.
06:06 Okay, after that was over,
06:08 my wife and I went back to our place
06:10 and we flew home to our residence in Riverside.
06:16 It was two weeks later
06:18 and before I get to that situation,
06:20 it was interesting because before we left,
06:23 I had this thing in my mind
06:24 that this senior official at this organization
06:27 had offered me a great job at this specific salary,
06:30 so what happens when you know
06:33 you have this expected income coming in,
06:36 and you know
06:38 that there are things that you can do with it.
06:40 I didn't have the training in place at that point in time
06:44 to talk about a budget.
06:47 What we are going to do? How we gonna plan for it?
06:49 I hadn't talked to my wife about the context
06:51 of how we gonna spend that type of money
06:54 that came in on a yearly as well as a monthly basis.
06:58 And so what we found us ourselves doing is
07:00 I was running out now before I had flown back to my home,
07:05 we were looking at houses,
07:06 we were looking at these big homes,
07:08 we were looking at something's worth, you know,
07:10 at that time they were $240,000 homes,
07:13 that was expensive back in that day,
07:15 and there were other type of things
07:16 that we were looking at, new cars, and new things,
07:18 and new items,
07:20 and I hadn't taken the time to assess
07:23 where I was at as an individual,
07:26 what I'm supposed to do
07:27 in my accountability towards Christ,
07:29 because I could live in this simple home that I had.
07:32 I didn't need something more than
07:33 the 1800 or 2000 square feet that I live.
07:37 I didn't need 5000 square foot house.
07:40 What am I gonna do with that kind of space?
07:41 And then my wife tells me you know,
07:43 who is gonna clean it?
07:44 I bet it's gonna be you.
07:46 So you had to, you had these little things
07:47 telling you, yeah, let's watch what we tried to accomplish.
07:51 Here's my point
07:53 before I even had access to those moneys,
07:55 I was already spending the money.
07:58 I was already dealing,
07:59 I was already dealing with the context of spending,
08:04 and doing and getting.
08:06 What were my wants at that time and what were my needs?
08:10 My needs were already fulfilled.
08:11 I already had a home, I already had a car,
08:13 I already had those basic needs.
08:16 The only that changed was,
08:19 I was making a heap of lot money more,
08:21 but the context is clear
08:23 that I wasn't being a good manager
08:28 of the funds God was planning to entrust in me,
08:32 and what happened was very sad later on,
08:35 because whether or not it was projected to happen,
08:38 it happened.
08:39 Two weeks later as we went back to our home,
08:43 we got a call from his personal assistant,
08:46 he told me that your friend had a massive heart attack
08:49 and passed away.
08:52 His life was made right, I'm sure.
08:54 I think that in the kingdom I will see him,
08:57 but the context is that job was no longer there.
09:03 The plans that I were making and going ahead and doing
09:07 were no longer, were really wiped out
09:09 because no longer was I confident
09:13 in that future income.
09:15 God was in control of my life,
09:17 I can see as I look back on what transpired
09:19 over all of the things that happened.
09:22 I lost a personal friend, yes,
09:24 but I also gained a little insight
09:25 into understanding what it means
09:29 to have what you need
09:31 and curtail all of these expenses
09:34 that you can incur by going after the wants
09:38 that society and the media wants you to be.
09:44 First thing I want you to be aware of.
09:46 You as an individual so think of yourself as a producer,
09:50 not a consumer.
09:52 Number two, as a consumer if you go to look at something
09:56 and go to acquire something,
09:58 if it's a car, if it's an appliance,
10:00 if it's a simple laptop computer
10:02 or if it's just a widget
10:03 that is not necessarily something you need.
10:07 Tell yourself and tell the sales person
10:09 that you are the purchaser,
10:11 you will make the final decision
10:12 whether or not you need this item,
10:15 and you will make the final decision
10:16 whether or not you're gonna acquire that item.
10:18 Don't let a sales person sell you something
10:22 that you don't necessarily need.
10:26 With that said,
10:27 I think that I learned the lesson
10:29 through that story of understanding the concept
10:32 that's delivered through the talents
10:34 that you're gonna be held accountable,
10:36 and as well the information in the 1 Corinthians 4:2
10:39 that tells you
10:41 that if you are going to be a good steward,
10:44 you need to be faithful.
10:48 Okay,
10:51 let's take a look at a want.
10:55 An item is probably a want
10:59 if it is possible to delay buying the item.
11:02 Substitute something else for that item
11:05 that may be less expensive
11:07 or to use something you already own.
11:11 Wants are called discretionary expenses.
11:16 Wants are things you might want but don't need to live.
11:21 Almost every experience and activity
11:23 from after school sports to shopping therapy is a want,
11:28 such as eating out, that's a want.
11:33 You can easily cook in and eat in,
11:35 it's actually less expensive per mouth to feed
11:39 by cooking for a group of people
11:41 in your home as opposed to eating out.
11:43 You can save a lot of money that way and that is a want,
11:48 it's easier to do.
11:51 New clothes bought just because they are the new style,
11:54 that's a big thing.
11:55 I was caught up in that
11:56 because styles change so quickly.
11:58 You wonder why they have all of these new smart phones
12:01 that come out all the time,
12:02 every single year there's a new, new, new
12:05 and you got to have, have, have
12:07 and you see kids and young peoples
12:09 and adults lining up outside the stores to acquire,
12:12 to take, to purchase.
12:13 Do they need it or is it just a want to be in style?
12:17 To have clothing when older clothes
12:19 which still can be stylish and just as functional.
12:24 It could be as simple as cable TV.
12:28 We don't have cable TV at home.
12:31 At this point in time
12:32 we don't see the information on television
12:35 as, as good for our young people.
12:39 Oh, I love sports
12:40 and I still find a way to watch football.
12:41 But the context is that
12:44 is cable a necessity for me to live,
12:47 and in the context of looking at my budget
12:51 and how much money I make,
12:54 and how much money I expense on a monthly basis,
12:56 does it make more sense to save that money
12:58 and do something else with it as opposed to
13:00 spend it on something I don't use that much anyway.
13:04 I don't watch a lot of television,
13:06 I don't really watch television at all
13:07 except for sports,
13:09 I kind of like that kind of a thing.
13:11 Majority of things that we have for our kids right now
13:13 is nominal because they don't even miss television,
13:15 so why spend the additional amount?
13:18 Okay, other thing such as cell phones ring tones.
13:24 Does it cost for it?
13:25 Is it a want? Is it a need?
13:27 How about text messaging on your cell phone?
13:30 We have all of these smart phones that are out there
13:33 and have so many different mechanisms and tools
13:35 that you can use, but you also pay extra for.
13:39 What I'm saying is
13:41 when you look at needs versus wants,
13:44 this all goes back to where we started
13:47 with the budget.
13:49 Because all of these elements are ways
13:51 of cutting away the expenses
13:54 and leveraging more of the money
13:58 to put into savings
13:59 and making for a better life for all of us.
14:03 When you take a look at needs on the other hand,
14:06 if the purchase is something necessary to survive,
14:09 then it's likely to be a need.
14:11 For example needs are the items or costs
14:15 you need to live, for your rent,
14:19 your mortgage payment, that's kind of a need.
14:22 You want to keep a roof over your head
14:25 and so we ensure that we budget for that need
14:29 and make that a priority over a want
14:32 such as cable television,
14:35 or such as some other resource that may be available.
14:39 Rent, a roof, a mortgage, housing that is essential
14:44 because it puts roof and walls around us
14:47 and protects us.
14:49 Transportation is also a necessity
14:52 because you need to get to work.
14:54 Now how you get to work may be different for each one of us.
14:58 If you live local to the work environment,
15:00 you could take a bus there, you could walk to work.
15:02 If you live a distance away
15:04 which many of us are commuting to work,
15:06 you may need the car, so therein may be a car loan.
15:08 Could be public transportation, a bus pass etcetera.
15:12 Those would be a need to look at
15:15 in reference to bringing in the revenue
15:18 or the pay check necessary to live,
15:20 so that I could consider a need.
15:22 What else would be there?
15:24 A utility bill, if you live in Wisconsin,
15:26 if you live in cold areas of the country,
15:29 you need heat, you need light,
15:31 you need those type of things to exist safely
15:34 and keep us warm.
15:36 So yes, utility bills, I would consider a necessity, a need
15:41 to make sure that your comfort is taken care of.
15:43 What else? Food.
15:45 Oh, yeah, food is definitely a need.
15:47 I love food, I love to eat.
15:49 I have a wife that cooks fantastically,
15:52 but she is very frugal
15:54 in how she goes about buying things.
15:56 I'm amazed at what she does
15:58 and actually can make $50 last a long time
16:01 and buy a ton of groceries, those are things you consider.
16:05 And as you look at the trends in your budget,
16:07 you can begin to see things that begin to happen
16:10 as you monitor these different activities
16:13 that you go through.
16:15 So we can see that we've been managing
16:17 our food budget relatively well and she's been able to make
16:21 a little of money last a long time.
16:24 Food is a necessity, we need it to live.
16:27 We need food and water to exist.
16:29 And then of course,
16:31 one of the things that's basic to all of us
16:32 is basic clothing such as jeans.
16:35 Without the designer label, you can save a lot of money.
16:38 And what I like to see right now
16:39 in some of the trends is,
16:41 it's the dress now that a lot of our young people
16:45 and young adults are getting into is just dressing down.
16:48 Not dressing terribly, but dressing down
16:51 and not looking necessarily at the label
16:54 but looking more so at comfort,
16:56 and that's key especially for kids.
16:57 You can buy clothing inexpensively
17:01 and save on that type of necessity,
17:07 so that you can put money away for other things.
17:11 Even within this category however
17:13 there are different levels of wants or needs.
17:16 For example a winter coat,
17:18 for example when it's snowing outside
17:21 it's a need,
17:23 but a new shirt just to change your wardrobe
17:26 and add something new may not necessarily be a need,
17:29 that is considered a want.
17:33 Cooking inexpensive meals at home is a need
17:38 as I mentioned before,
17:40 but eating out at fast food restaurants
17:42 is a want.
17:45 We did some type of--
17:48 out on the street type of interviews
17:50 and we talked to several people about,
17:55 do they plan for their outings,
17:56 do they understand their wants and need,
17:58 and here are some of the responses.
18:05 Oh, that was easy, spender.
18:08 I'm a spender. Saver.
18:13 Let's see, I say 60-40, 60 percent spender,
18:17 40 percent saver.
18:18 I do more spending than saving, but there are times
18:20 when it is flipped and reversed,
18:22 so I try to save as much as I possibly can,
18:24 but I must admit I probably do spend more
18:27 than I save unfortunately.
18:30 Saver, but I spend a lot more than I save.
18:36 Well, really I'm both.
18:39 I'm a spender for sales,
18:42 and after attending the seminar here
18:47 knowing where your money be going,
18:49 I keep better track of where my money is going now
18:53 than I did before that.
18:58 I'm a spontaneous shopper, but I don't--
19:00 A spontaneous shopper meaning when I go out
19:03 and I spend on a spontaneity situation,
19:07 I actually spend frugally,
19:08 but for large purchases I save for it.
19:14 Spending and saving,
19:15 it's interesting how people look
19:16 and actually rationalize what they do.
19:19 I spend, I save, I do this type of things,
19:22 and actually goes into the issue
19:24 that we are talking about needs and wants.
19:27 Many of the times we--
19:28 Sales are really something that I used to be hooked on is,
19:31 there's a sale.
19:32 Oh, shoo, that's great,
19:34 let's go out and buy some of these things
19:35 because we don't know when we will need it.
19:37 That was a wrong approach from the beginning.
19:39 Now the context is
19:41 you understand what it's all about.
19:43 For example some of the costs of these costs, housing,
19:46 transportation costs for example are regular
19:49 and predictable costs each month,
19:51 so you can budget for those and you don't have to
19:54 a lot of control over the amounts that you spend.
19:57 But the context is,
19:59 you can also address like a mortgage by refinancing
20:03 and if you can move to a lower rate
20:05 and as well buying a less expensive car.
20:08 In reference to a car, do you need a car?
20:10 Well, if you need a car, I would recommend
20:13 going after maybe a two year used car
20:16 as opposed to a new car.
20:17 Why is that?
20:19 The moment you drive a new car off the lot,
20:21 it drops significantly in value.
20:24 If you are willing to look into researching
20:28 for a two year used car
20:30 and that will probably looking at the warranty,
20:33 it still has a part of the warranty left over,
20:35 there's a lot of benefits to it,
20:37 and you can get it for substantively
20:39 less than you would get a new car.
20:41 So with all of that said, think before you spend.
20:45 Before you buy something,
20:46 ask yourself do I need that item?
20:49 Ask yourself is it a need or is it just a want.
20:53 You may be surprised
20:54 at how many things are actually wants.
20:56 And I also recommend to you
20:58 is take that three day cooling off period and go home,
21:01 because if you don't go back to buy it,
21:03 it never was a need anyway, all right.
21:07 There are websites out there
21:09 that I would suggest you look at
21:10 if you have a chance to do a internet search,
21:13 and look up the issue,
21:16 just type in the search engine needs versus wants,
21:20 and it's amazing what some of the websites
21:21 that will come up to help you understand
21:23 the context of needs versus wants better
21:25 but, what we'll do is this time right now
21:29 is talking about
21:30 what's going out there in the marketplace.
21:32 It's a good time for shoppers.
21:34 Stores have inventory that they want to get rid of
21:36 is based on the economy.
21:38 There are deals galore that are available,
21:40 so if you find that you have a need to go after,
21:45 before you take off on any type of shopping spree,
21:49 go through a check list first, and here's a checklist.
21:52 One, why am I going shopping?
21:55 Ask yourself that question.
21:56 Why am I going?
21:58 Is it just to shop around
21:59 or is it to get something specifically that I need?
22:02 Okay.
22:04 Two, am I sure I really absolutely need this,
22:07 that's what we've done it, because I ask that first time,
22:09 but ask yourself a second time, do I really need this item?
22:14 Third, is the cash in my pocket better in my bank
22:18 or in the store's bottom-line in profits?
22:22 Four, if I do shop,
22:24 am I prepared to shop around to get the best deal.
22:30 Five,
22:33 do I have it in me to wheel and deal?
22:38 Six, am I ready to walk away if I'm not getting what I want?
22:43 Or am I willing to walk away
22:45 if that thought or doubt comes in my mind
22:47 about this acquisition or this purchase.
22:50 The first thing to avoid is stopping by any store
22:53 and just jumping out and going into the store,
22:56 that's a first mistake.
22:57 When you're driving, just go where you're going.
23:00 If you see a store whatever the case may be,
23:02 and you don't have it in your plans to go shopping,
23:04 and you do have a checklist in place,
23:06 just don't go.
23:08 Okay, I have five points I'd like to do
23:11 to give to you as we go towards closing
23:14 in this specific area of needs and wants.
23:17 Point one, shop around,
23:19 you have the choice, it's yours.
23:21 You are the purchaser, you are the consumer,
23:23 you are the buyer,
23:25 don't let anyone sell you something
23:27 that you don't necessarily need and or want,
23:30 whether it's shoes, jeans, a flat screen TV,
23:33 whatever the case may be.
23:34 Avoid the temptation to go after a label
23:36 versus the product.
23:38 A pair of jeans for example
23:39 is just a pair of jeans made of denim.
23:42 And one of this fabrics are same at home and ask yourself
23:47 how many do I already have in my closet?
23:49 How many jeans do I have?
23:51 Do I need a 50 inch big screen flat screen TV?
23:55 Or why don't I just go home
23:57 and move my couch closer to my 36 inch screen
24:01 and it's just like a 50 inch screen,
24:03 just a thought.
24:04 Number two,
24:06 don't just take the word from the sales person.
24:09 Call competing stores if they won't budge,
24:12 so sales persons are hungry right now.
24:14 They need to get sales, they want to move inventory.
24:16 Or once you picked out something you need
24:18 or you want to purchase and you saved for,
24:21 is it the best price you can do?
24:23 If he's not willing to budge, I ask you to do this.
24:27 Pick up your smart phone and call a competing store,
24:30 and here is some things you do.
24:32 Do you have this type of equipment?
24:35 Oh, yes, is that right?
24:38 And can you come and deliver it the next day?
24:41 Sure, what's the cost? Oh, my, and hang up.
24:47 Oh, finish the conversation with how long are you open.
24:51 Then hang up and start to walk away.
24:54 If the sales person hasn't already fainted yes yet,
24:57 they will come running after you
24:59 and they are going to make you a better deal
25:01 and may be not in price
25:02 but they're gonna offer you a better service,
25:05 they may offer you free installation.
25:11 Do your best to conceal, you smile by the way.
25:13 Point number three, discounts, discounts, discounts.
25:16 My wife is the best at that, she can find coupons,
25:19 so she can find the best deals out there
25:21 to make your dollar last longer.
25:23 Remember, when you're doing coupons
25:25 also remember where your eyes go at a store,
25:28 they go to the most expensive items
25:31 because they pay for that location.
25:33 Look up above it
25:34 and look below it for cheaper items,
25:36 because if you get a coupon that takes 20 cents of an item
25:39 that costs a dollar that's great,
25:41 but you find the same item
25:43 that is 80 cents a little lower 20 cents off of 80 cents
25:48 is better than 20 cents from a dollar.
25:50 Point four, self discipline is key.
25:54 What do we talk about before?
25:55 Budget, that's a key.
25:57 Budget, plan and think.
26:00 Look, I used to spend a ton of money
26:03 going to a health club,
26:04 and working out, and keeping myself in shape,
26:07 and it's great to have it
26:09 because as I'm trained to run a marathon,
26:11 I need to do weight training,
26:13 I need to get some treadmill working,
26:14 there I need to do a variety of things.
26:16 I can spend $1,500 at a health club,
26:19 but guess what?
26:20 Why am I going to the health club?
26:22 Am I paying for the amenities it has?
26:24 Like the sauna,
26:25 that doesn't help me get in shape, does it?
26:28 Like the whirlpool, like the gym,
26:31 like the basketball court, like the swimming pool?
26:34 No, what I typically use are weights, and I use machines
26:38 and I use the treadmills, and the elliptical machines,
26:41 those type of things are what I need to keep in shape,
26:44 so guess what?
26:46 My wife and I have found this health club
26:47 that doesn't have all the amenities,
26:48 but I know I can find what I need to work out
26:51 and get myself in shape.
26:53 I spend myself and my wife
26:56 both spend $11 a month for that health club,
27:01 health club membership.
27:04 Number five, and this is basic.
27:06 Watch where you look. Watch where you look.
27:10 The people who make products
27:12 pay for the placement of those products.
27:15 Make sure that you look above the product placement
27:18 and below.
27:19 Compare prices, compare, compare, compare,
27:22 and get the best dollar
27:25 or gets the best value for your dollar.
27:28 There are two kinds of shoppers.
27:30 There are those with checklists
27:32 and there're those with shopping list.
27:35 See that you take care of your budget,
27:41 you evaluate your budget on a timely basis.
27:44 Make certain that you evaluate your budget
27:47 on an ongoing basis,
27:49 and that you don't spend more than you have to.
27:53 Plan, budget,
27:56 and take it to the bank and save.
27:59 God bless.


Revised 2016-06-16