Take it to the Bank

Your Mortgage / Rent

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Cordell Thomas


Series Code: TITTB

Program Code: TITTB000044

00:01 On Take it to the Bank,
00:02 you'll find ways to get out of debt...
00:09 solve your credit card problems,
00:14 how to make and stick with the budget,
00:20 simple ways to save,
00:25 buying or selling a home,
00:27 and many more financial matters on Take it to the Bank.
00:31 Hi, my name is Cordell Thomas
00:32 and welcome to Take it to the Bank.
00:35 Today we're talking about an interesting topic
00:37 on mortgage versus rent.
00:38 What is better?
00:40 What is it about a mortgage?
00:41 What is it about rent?
00:42 What do we need to consider several things
00:44 that impact our finances greatly?
00:47 So I wanted to keep it as simple as possible,
00:49 I don't want to go into too much depth
00:51 but I do want you to know that,
00:52 I'm willing to talk to you
00:54 and refer you to the right people
00:56 as necessary.
00:57 If you have those questions,
00:58 be sure you send me those emails,
01:00 we will be discussing one of the emails
01:02 that was sent to me or one of the calls
01:04 that I received in reference to mortgages.
01:06 And I think there are some of the,
01:08 these specific issues are going to be interesting
01:11 as it will have a direct application
01:13 as to what you do
01:14 because many of you are living in urban settings.
01:17 Many of you are living in settings
01:22 that may not necessarily be the same
01:25 as what you see on television,
01:27 what you see in the media.
01:28 The key to what we, you need to understand
01:31 about where you live and what you do
01:33 is there are benefits of both sides of the issues.
01:35 We see many of these sports figures
01:37 buying these multimillion dollar homes
01:40 and we begin to understand that there are a lot of people
01:44 buying things and doing things and they're not happy.
01:49 You know, look, it is incumbent on each one of us
01:53 to make a little money
01:54 and to keep the food on our table
01:56 as the Bible actually says that,
01:59 "Godliness with contentment is a great gain."
02:01 And it does talk about those who are wealthy
02:03 are in great danger of becoming greedy,
02:05 and those that don't understand the context of wealth,
02:08 will let wealth run their lives.
02:11 Look at this issue of housing
02:14 and how comfortable you are as a resource
02:17 because not all of us will own homes,
02:20 not all of us need to own homes.
02:22 Rent is not a bad thing
02:24 and sometimes when you look at this overall
02:27 as you call mortgage and rent,
02:28 we get a lot of our ideas
02:31 and a lot of our sense of satisfaction
02:34 from what we see in the media.
02:36 For example, they tell you
02:39 that the best time to shop for certain things are,
02:41 when they offer great deals,
02:42 when they offer great sales.
02:45 So a lot of us end up waiting out on the sidewalk,
02:47 camping out overnight at retailers,
02:49 waiting for that the door to open
02:52 and for everyone to rush in and try to get
02:55 and pull the deals from other individuals.
02:58 And people end up fighting each other,
02:59 and stomping on each other, and hitting each other
03:03 because of these things that we are told to value.
03:08 And those things should mean nothing to you.
03:10 In fact, when you take a look at buying cameras,
03:13 what are the best time of year to buy cameras.
03:15 You're told, you can go in
03:16 and buy these electronic devices
03:19 at the time that they tell you to.
03:21 But you know they have this own self-interest in mind
03:24 because they already know
03:26 they're asking you to come in
03:28 and buy these things
03:30 in November, December timeframe.
03:32 When, in fact,
03:34 they know that they'll have other newer models
03:37 or have a changeover in their product portfolio
03:40 that January or February and the better time to buy
03:43 these cameras would be maybe January, February,
03:46 or March of the following year.
03:48 So you spend hundreds of dollars extra
03:50 to buy something that's gonna be out of use actually
03:56 or not being the current model year
03:59 within two or three months.
04:01 The key for you to understand is this,
04:05 corporate America is not interested in you
04:07 except that you can buy from them.
04:09 That's what happened in the housing market
04:12 and where a lot of people were jumping into the market
04:15 because they wanted to catch this wave of the investment
04:21 in a home and then bait and switch.
04:23 I got a call from a young man
04:25 saying he'd like to learn about how to flip homes,
04:28 how to buy and then improve,
04:32 and then turnover the home and sell it,
04:34 and make some money on it.
04:35 I'm really not into that
04:37 because I really think more so that if you think long-term
04:40 and you figure out the value of what that house is about,
04:43 the house is to house your family,
04:45 it should be there for a long-term
04:47 and you should plan on staying there
04:49 for quite a while.
04:51 The other issues that come to mind is
04:52 how people begin thinking about that house
04:55 and how inadequate it is
04:57 when we see our friends getting promoted
04:59 and going to different jobs and getting more money,
05:02 and guess what they do?
05:03 They go out and expand the house,
05:06 and they buy a bigger house, and they buy a bigger car,
05:08 and they get into spending what you make,
05:11 and that's one of the most dangerous things you can do
05:14 because it also tells you
05:16 that they don't really have a substantive budget in place.
05:19 And when you hear me talk,
05:21 I go back to the fundamentals all the time
05:23 because that's all we really need to do.
05:25 All of these things called investments, and acquisitions,
05:29 and big vacation packages,
05:31 and all of those things that are long-term issues
05:35 as you plan for them,
05:36 can come about if you start by saving now,
05:41 by planning now,
05:42 and by coming up with an understanding
05:44 of who you are and what your importance
05:48 in this space, in time, is that God has for you.
05:51 Great gain comes from being content with what you have
05:54 and when God places you elsewhere,
05:56 He will give you what you need to have.
05:58 So be careful of this thing called greed,
06:01 be careful of watching other people.
06:03 Remember, happiness,
06:04 the study from the science of happiness says that,
06:07 money is put low on the priority list.
06:09 And honesty and integrity,
06:11 and we find that in the happy movie
06:13 or whatever study that they did from a filmography standpoint
06:17 says that, people are far more happy
06:20 when they're spending time with family,
06:23 when they're spending time with friends,
06:25 when they're spending time
06:26 doing things of philanthropic measures,
06:28 but doing things that are bigger than themselves
06:31 and giving to other people
06:33 rather than get involved with these contentious things
06:36 and these Black Friday deals,
06:38 where they buy things for themselves,
06:40 no matter who they overrun to get it.
06:42 You hear some interesting stories
06:44 from that standpoint.
06:45 So when we talk about this thing
06:48 called housing and mortgage,
06:51 I think that we should take a look
06:52 at what a mortgage actually is.
06:55 And when you look at a mortgage,
06:56 let's take a look at several different elements.
06:59 One of the questions
07:00 that we got from one of our viewers
07:02 had to do with,
07:04 can I payoff a mortgage early?
07:06 What is it with the mortgage payments
07:08 that can help me get to that place?
07:10 So what I did is I took a moment
07:11 and I went and talked with one of our financial experts,
07:14 Mr. Joshua Hernandez
07:15 and we had an interesting conversation
07:17 about this specific issue, and this is what he said.
07:23 This person sent me an email
07:25 and she asked about paying off her mortgage quicker,
07:29 and she said, is it appropriate to pay two times a month
07:33 and will that help payoff for her big investment
07:36 in the home a little bit quicker
07:38 as she's headed towards retirement.
07:40 What are your thoughts on that?
07:42 Great question that.
07:43 The answer is, yes, definitely yes.
07:45 The first thing we need to know about
07:47 paying interest on a mortgage
07:49 is the first 10, 15 years of your mortgage payments,
07:54 the majority is interest payments,
07:56 so you don't always see your balance, you know,
07:58 going down as significantly as you would like it to.
08:01 But an extra payment
08:02 at any time definitely helps to reduce,
08:05 you know, let's say, it's a 30-year mortgages
08:07 which is a very typical mortgage.
08:08 I've seen scenarios
08:10 where I've talked to mortgage professionals
08:12 and they say, you know,
08:13 even if you pay 1 extra mortgage payment a year,
08:16 you're moving your 30-year program
08:19 down to between 20 to 25 years.
08:21 Wow.
08:23 See, you know, just one year helps out.
08:25 Now if you can do that,
08:26 you know, an extra one per month,
08:28 now you can move your 30-year plan
08:30 to closer to maybe a 15 to 20 year plan.
08:34 And so those are things that I've seen
08:35 depending on your interest rate and your mortgage
08:37 and you know, that you know,
08:39 your financial situation,
08:40 they can vary but it definitely is,
08:42 it's helpful and if you can do that, it helps.
08:47 Now I remember the conversation
08:48 as I was outside of a shoe store,
08:50 that's where I was and I had taken the call
08:52 'cause it rings through at times
08:53 when I get an urgent call.
08:55 And I said, you know, as I was talking to her I said,
08:57 "Do you pay a half of the mortgage,
09:02 or are we talking about making your mortgage,
09:05 full mortgage payment
09:07 and then making an additional mortgage payment
09:09 as opposed to making half the mortgage payment
09:11 twice a month?"
09:13 Does that change the scenario a bit?
09:15 It changes a scenario little bit, not very much.
09:17 Okay. Yeah, not too much.
09:19 So, you know, if you're gonna pay,
09:21 you're saying you pay half your mortgage
09:22 at the beginning of the month
09:24 and the other half of your mortgage
09:25 at the end of the month or middle of the month.
09:27 Correct. Right.
09:28 It does help it, it doesn't help that much.
09:31 You know, but if you wanna add an extra payment per month,
09:34 then that's when you start
09:35 to significantly see some increases or decreases
09:38 in your long-term mortgage plan.
09:40 Okay, okay, so I think that,
09:43 I hope that whoever sent me that email,
09:46 I hope you're watching.
09:47 And anyone else that has questions about your mortgage,
09:49 please, feel free to email those kind of questions in.
09:52 But in reference to two times a month,
09:54 it works, it pays it down quicker,
09:57 and you will be a better person for it.
10:03 So you can pay things off quicker,
10:04 you can do things once you understand
10:07 how this thing works called a mortgage
10:09 and many of us don't
10:11 because we just get into it, this and we want it
10:14 because of this thing called homeownership.
10:16 Is homeownership right for you?
10:18 Is it a thing that you would like to get involved?
10:20 Is it something that you're getting involved with
10:22 because you see your friends doing it?
10:24 Is it something you're getting involved
10:25 with after you've studied
10:27 where you're at and where you wanna be?
10:29 May be it's something you can put off
10:31 in the next three to five years
10:33 until you save the substantial amount
10:34 necessary to put as a down payment.
10:36 May be it's something you don't really need right now
10:39 because you're constantly moving around,
10:41 may be there are some other things in place,
10:42 and then, of course, understanding that
10:45 a rental versus a mortgage,
10:47 there are benefits on both sides of the aisle.
10:50 But what I do say is go back to your fundamentals
10:52 and think about, okay, "What does my budget say?
10:54 How much money do I have?"
10:55 And there are some interesting little tidbits out there
11:00 that I typically throw out at you
11:01 when we talk about getting involved in debt
11:05 because that's what a mortgage actually is,
11:07 it's a long-term debt that you payoff
11:09 over 30 years in most instances.
11:11 It's coming up with a number, where are you now?
11:16 Where do you want to be
11:17 in the next two years, five years, ten years?
11:20 And then is a mortgage a part of that expense?
11:23 And then, of course, looking at rental type of expenses
11:26 and what that incurs.
11:27 One of the things people look at is for housing.
11:30 And, you know, for living
11:32 we typically put a number associated with that
11:36 and that number is about 33 to 36%
11:39 of your monthly income should go towards
11:42 paying for some type of rental or mortgage,
11:44 whichever keeps a roof over your head.
11:47 So what is that 30 to 35%
11:49 and if you put it into a specific number to it,
11:53 if you're making $6,000 a month,
11:58 33% of that or 3rd of $6,000 a month
12:02 is $2,000.
12:04 Is that something that gives you a context
12:07 of what you can afford?
12:09 And what I actually ask people to do is, okay, a 3rd is $2,000
12:13 but the rental market in your area
12:16 is more like $1200 to $1400.
12:18 So you can, since you've allocated that amount
12:22 towards living expenses,
12:24 now you can cut back approximately, what?
12:27 Six to eight hundred dollars
12:28 because the market in and of itself
12:30 has told you that you're in a better type of setting.
12:33 Of course, there are other elements
12:35 involved in that
12:36 because you have to include many different items
12:39 associated with your home expenses.
12:41 What do those entail?
12:43 Well, I can tell you that
12:44 if you live in a home or the yard,
12:46 then you don't have the time to mow the lawn,
12:48 somebody is gonna have to mow the lawn,
12:50 so there could be $60 a month expense
12:53 to have someone come and take care
12:55 of gardening expenses.
12:56 How big is the house?
12:58 How much heating does it have to entail?
13:00 How much water does it take to keep the lawn green?
13:04 All of these become major issues
13:07 as we talk about homeownership.
13:10 One of the other most important things,
13:12 that people don't take in consideration,
13:16 is that when we get a promotion at work,
13:19 when we get a bonus at work,
13:20 when we get some type of extra money coming in,
13:23 we typically spend that
13:25 and put it into a bigger house,
13:28 another car, some other type of expense.
13:31 Remember this, when you get money
13:34 the best thing you can do with it
13:35 is plan for a long term.
13:36 If you have a budget in place
13:38 you know what you're planning for.
13:40 So if your objective is to payoff debt
13:42 you're gonna take that bonus and help payoff the debt.
13:45 If you know that you planned to do some other things
13:49 or plan to put some more money into an emergency savings,
13:53 you're gonna take that bonus,
13:55 or you're gonna take that increase funds
13:58 that you're taking home,
13:59 you'll apply it to your budget
14:01 and you look how you can save more,
14:04 how you can put more back to work for God's glory,
14:09 and look at providing some type of mechanism
14:12 where you can say I've been a good steward.
14:14 Because we are going to be held responsible
14:16 for how we manage the funds
14:19 that God has given us and it's very important,
14:21 it's very important
14:23 because I've seen it all the time.
14:24 You got a bonus at work, you go out,
14:26 you get the better car
14:27 'cause now I can afford the better car,
14:29 and you get into this debt for the next four years.
14:32 And if it's a lease on a car,
14:35 that could extend itself from four years
14:37 to almost seven years.
14:39 If you get a four year lease,
14:40 then of course you've leased it
14:42 and you still have to buyout the car,
14:43 so after the lease is done
14:45 you have to still get a loan to buyout the rest,
14:49 the remaining value of the car.
14:51 We don't think about those things.
14:54 And then, of course, the question comes up,
14:55 "Is a lease better than a buy on a car?"
14:58 We can get into that at a latter time,
15:00 it wasn't asked of me
15:01 but I thought I should mention it at this time.
15:03 We are talking about mortgage versus rent,
15:06 and one of the things that Joshua talked about is that,
15:09 it is possible for you to payoff
15:12 your mortgage early.
15:15 Is it important to do that?
15:17 Is it in part of your budget? Can you do it?
15:19 And if you do have a budget in place, you can now say that,
15:22 you know, every couple of months
15:24 I have accumulated an additional amount of money
15:27 that I can actually take
15:29 and pay an extra payment on my mortgage
15:31 that will pay it down quicker.
15:33 But we, as consumers,
15:34 have got caught up into this overall ideal
15:38 that we need to buy, buy and buy.
15:41 Our viewership on television is up substantively.
15:44 This whole technology with smartphones and tablets
15:48 has increased access to our lives,
15:51 and so now we are watching
15:53 an average of 151 hours of television
15:56 on a monthly basis.
15:58 Added to that is people are actually watching
16:01 live streaming and television on their smartphones.
16:03 They are added on to that as another six hours a month
16:06 that we're watching video on live streaming
16:09 on our smartphones and our tablets.
16:11 Now we begin to understand
16:12 that we're spending a lot of time
16:14 watching others do other things,
16:17 and guess what it's going on?
16:19 The media has you in their grasp.
16:21 Because do you think a major corporation
16:25 would spend $3.5 million for a 30-second spot
16:29 on major professional football game?
16:34 Why would they? Is it worth their while?
16:35 Of course, it is.
16:37 Because they're reaching millions of people
16:39 at one point in time, they have their eyes.
16:42 So when you watch those things,
16:44 they know that with something in the imagery
16:47 and what they're trying to tell you,
16:49 you're going to respond,
16:50 you're going to behave in the way
16:51 that they're asking you to respond.
16:53 To the tune of people not saving and spending
16:57 all of the funds that they actually make
16:59 to buy the things that people are telling them to buy.
17:03 It's crucial that we all take a sense of responsibility
17:07 in not wasting our time that we're given.
17:09 Psalms 90:12 tells us this essential thing.
17:13 Help us to number our days.
17:16 We have 70 years, 80 if we're lucky
17:20 and in those years that you give us,
17:22 help us to gain wisdom and insight.
17:25 It's essential that we take that step,
17:28 assess where we are,
17:29 question everything that comes our way,
17:32 and don't just accept
17:33 what people tell us to do in the media.
17:36 I will tell you this that the media will mislead you
17:39 in a variety of ways
17:40 in reference to how they get you to buy.
17:43 We all consider certain big trucks
17:46 very durable, don't we?
17:48 And they send us commercials that tell us
17:50 you've got to get this truck, if you're a real hard worker.
17:54 And we don't see behind the scenes
17:56 that they may have had to do 20 different takes
17:58 on the same truck leaping through the air
18:01 because the truck actually broke apart
18:03 as it landed the first 15 times.
18:05 You don't know what's going on right now with imagery.
18:09 One of the big things with millennials
18:11 is the fact that anything on the internet,
18:14 you don't know if it's real or not.
18:15 People can splice things, put heads on different objects,
18:19 they can do whatever they would like to do
18:21 to make this thing seem very real.
18:23 So we don't even know what is real versus
18:26 what is not or artificial in what we're watching,
18:29 and we get caught into that process of consumption,
18:32 and we go out and do.
18:34 And now everyone knows
18:36 that we are living paycheck to paycheck and,
18:38 as middle class Americans or urban dwellers,
18:40 we are caught up in variety of other things
18:42 that waste our money and waste our time.
18:45 These things are called payday loan centers
18:47 that give you a payday loan
18:49 and people aren't really aware
18:52 of the magnitudes of the interest
18:54 that they're being charged.
18:56 And this homeownership thing is another major issue
18:59 because if you think about how you furnish your home,
19:02 the simplicity of how you furnish your home.
19:04 And we don't get caught up in buying things,
19:07 and buying a lot of stuff
19:09 that that leads to all new programs on television
19:13 about people who can't control
19:15 their expenditures and the behavior patterns.
19:17 One of the things that's come out of our
19:19 consumption type of conversations
19:21 is there are now these extreme couponers that,
19:24 that do a great thing in couponing,
19:26 which is a good thing.
19:28 But then, of course, sometimes you end up buying stuff
19:29 that you don't even need,
19:31 and you house them
19:32 with the intention of maybe retailing them
19:34 or doing something other thing
19:36 kind of creative to get rid of it.
19:39 Now I'm not criticizing any type of couponing
19:43 because saving money is an ideal thing,
19:45 but do you save money on the things that you need?
19:49 Or do you buy things that you don't necessarily need,
19:51 but you're just doing it because it's a good deal?
19:54 There is a difference.
19:55 And buying a house and looking at
19:57 what works for you
19:59 comes through the same type of critical thing
20:01 that you should apply to any other funding
20:05 or monetary decision that comes across your table.
20:08 It's asking that extra question.
20:11 And that's why we label this whole series
20:14 a critical think on money.
20:16 You have to ask that additional question
20:19 and to know for certainty
20:20 why you're getting involved in this type of transaction.
20:25 Many times I get caught up with people
20:27 coming to my front door
20:28 and asking me to do certain things.
20:31 And the first thing that comes to mind is,
20:32 why are they coming and asking me for something?
20:35 How are they dressed?
20:36 Why are they pursuing this from me?
20:42 I get annoyed at times and, you know,
20:45 from a Christian perspective it's tough to figure out
20:47 how you respond when someone is being very tenacious
20:50 and they won't go away.
20:51 But you have to know how to say no in the most nice
20:54 and innovative way,
20:56 and tell people that you love them
20:57 but, no, I'm not really interested.
20:59 People keep coming by my door to sell other type of items,
21:05 which I know I don't really need,
21:07 I don't really need it at this point in time
21:10 and, of course, I have that conscience
21:12 on my shoulder through my spouse,
21:15 she'll just look at me and say, "Cordell.
21:18 Really, do we really need this right now?"
21:21 And that's my answer.
21:22 Because, you know, they have such creative ways
21:26 of giving you a line that says this is something you need.
21:30 One of these gentlemen came to my front door
21:33 and he actually pulled out a smartphone
21:35 and he said, you're going to need this security device
21:38 because right down the street from you
21:40 is some person that is on the most wanted,
21:44 or on the police officers' list,
21:46 or is a child molester or whatever the case maybe.
21:50 And I look at this image
21:52 that he puts in front of me on this smartphone,
21:55 and I take a step back, and I said, yeah,
21:59 I need some type of security
22:01 because if this is what's going in my community,
22:04 I need to be more aware of it.
22:05 But realistically,
22:07 as Christians we know that contentment
22:10 associated with Godliness, a trust in God,
22:13 can take care of a lot of our concerns,
22:15 and there's a peace involved in that.
22:17 And that helps us to ratchet our anxieties back
22:22 and figure that there are other more important issues
22:26 then worrying about this house, this building,
22:29 this facility that I live in.
22:31 And if I live in it in a comfortable way
22:33 and budget to the overall process,
22:36 then I know that I'm in line with Christ's will for my life
22:40 and He'll protect me
22:41 and take care of the other things
22:43 that I can't control.
22:44 But in reference to housing, people asked us to compare
22:46 housing versus rental.
22:48 And one of the things I tell people is, number one,
22:50 with the rental understand what type of agreement
22:53 are you getting into.
22:54 Is it a lease agreement,
22:56 which is typically for 13 months?
22:58 Or is it a rental month-by-month type of process?
23:02 Understanding what that is gives you an idea of
23:05 if you can leave immediately or if you need a short,
23:08 to get that contract shorten that lease shortened
23:10 so you can leave on an earlier basis.
23:12 Know what you're signing
23:14 because it can prevent you from moving on.
23:16 Most people who move quite frequently
23:18 will sign a month-to-month rental agreement
23:21 as opposed to getting involved in a yearlong lease agreement.
23:25 So understanding what you get involved in
23:29 is a critical item from a rental standpoint.
23:33 So that's the consideration we'll have from a rental
23:37 because rental will give you a little more freedom.
23:40 Because you won't have to worry about, you know,
23:42 any type of upkeep issues with the facility,
23:45 any things that break down,
23:47 if a water heater goes the property taxes
23:50 and that type of thing
23:51 which is what you do have to worry about
23:54 when you go into homeownership.
23:56 So there is more flexibility as a individual
23:59 and what you have to worry about
24:00 when you're getting into a rental type of setting
24:03 versus if you get into some type of mortgages.
24:05 Mortgages bring into account, as I mentioned before,
24:08 property taxes.
24:10 One of the benefits of renting
24:11 is you don't have to worry about
24:12 that specific item called a property tax, you don't.
24:16 The property tax issue is relevant
24:19 and can be quite expensive.
24:20 So when you're getting involved in the mortgage,
24:23 what is an important thing that you talk to the bank about?
24:28 Can you include property taxes in my monthly mortgage payment?
24:33 It makes it easier for you.
24:35 I've seen it from both sides of the fence,
24:37 where I paid the minimal amount to continue the mortgage,
24:43 and then there were the property taxes
24:45 that weren't included in it
24:47 and I had to take care of that expense
24:50 at the end of the year at the right time.
24:51 If you were spending
24:53 a budgeted amount on a monthly basis,
24:55 then the balloon payment of a property tax of the year
24:59 can be avoided.
25:01 So those are big issues that people typically think of,
25:04 concern themselves with,
25:05 and try to negate those extreme expenses
25:10 when it comes to it.
25:11 Other issues include insurance for the house,
25:15 the homeowners insurance
25:16 is practically through your acquirement
25:17 when you're buying a home,
25:19 so always consider that
25:20 insurance is very good in the key issue.
25:23 You know, I've seen in different states now,
25:25 I always thought it was just California
25:26 that had to concern with earthquakes,
25:28 but it's other places too.
25:30 I've seen it in here in Illinois,
25:32 I've seen earthquake preparedness issues
25:35 in other states and it's a relevant issue.
25:39 So there are offers right now on the table
25:42 for homeowners in California
25:44 to get some type of earthquake insurance,
25:48 in case something happens
25:50 and the house has to be reconstructed.
25:53 So those are little items
25:54 that I would make you aware of in reference to making sure
25:58 you have the right type of insurance.
26:00 The other issue is maintenance and repairs.
26:03 They always come up, something always comes up
26:05 and the bottom line
26:06 in reference to homeownership is this,
26:08 do not go into any type of homeownership
26:10 type of situation
26:11 unless you have some type of emergency savings in place.
26:16 It's key to have
26:17 because there's always something,
26:19 especially, if you get into a fixer-upper type of home
26:21 as opposed to getting into a new home.
26:23 In a new home, if you may buy a new facility,
26:26 you're going to get the warranty
26:27 on all of the items that's there.
26:29 But when you get into some type of home
26:31 that you might have to fix up
26:33 and you have to do a lot of stuff with,
26:35 you'll find that expenses will hit you
26:37 as they have hit me.
26:38 The water heater, for example,
26:40 will always be one of the things
26:41 I'll remember.
26:43 Because we've owned the home for about seven years
26:45 and our water heater broke down,
26:47 I was a little frustrated
26:48 because you go to the store thinking,
26:49 wow, 7 years I guess that's pretty good
26:52 to have water heater for,
26:53 and we found from other people that there's lasted 22 years.
26:56 So equipment will breakdown at different times
26:59 without your expectation
27:01 and it's therein you begin to understand
27:03 that comparing housing and renting mortgages
27:07 and rental lease agreements is our major decisions
27:11 that only come from preparing yourself
27:14 through a budget,
27:16 preparing yourself by planning,
27:18 preparing yourself for the unexpected
27:21 in all of these items.
27:22 The bottom-line is planning, personal planning
27:26 because when you know and you understand,
27:28 and you've prepared for the unexpected,
27:32 these things can be handled.
27:37 As we come to a close today,
27:39 I want to talk to you really about this thing
27:42 called satisfaction and complete contentment.
27:47 The Bible says,
27:49 "Godliness with contentment is great gain."
27:53 Be happy with what you have, plan for the future,
27:56 budget your life,
27:58 and you will take that to the bank and save.
28:00 God bless you.


Revised 2017-06-08