Taste of Paradise

Pecan Pie / Salad Express

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno, Brenda Kemp


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000011

00:01 Have you ever wondered how to prepare healthy food
00:02 that actually tastes good?
00:04 Well, stay tuned while Evita Tezeno,
00:06 Brenda Kemp, and yours truly Nyse Collins
00:08 show you just how to do it
00:10 and give you a Taste of Paradise.
00:28 My name is Brenda Kemp. And my name is Evita Tezeno.
00:31 Thank you so much for coming to our kitchen today.
00:34 Today we're gonna be making a raw pecan pie.
00:37 Evita, I know you're from the South,
00:39 do you love pecan pie?
00:42 Brenda, I love pecan pie.
00:43 My grandmother used to make the greatest pecan pie.
00:46 But when I became vegetarian or vegan
00:49 I couldn't eat it any more,
00:51 'cause it was loaded with sugar and eggs.
00:53 And I just had to come up with the recipe,
00:57 and figure out how to eat pecan pie,
00:59 that was dairy-free.
01:01 Exactly.
01:02 Well, let's tell every body what the ingredients are
01:04 for our raw pecan pie, today?
01:06 For the raw pecan pie, you will need:
01:35 Well, let's gets started building our pie.
01:37 Yes.
01:40 First we're gonna take in our food processor,
01:42 we're gonna take the almonds.
01:45 And when they say germinated, that means,
01:48 that they've been soaked overnight.
01:50 Exactly. Yes.
01:51 Okay, I'm just gonna give this a whirl,
01:54 so they can kind of chop up.
01:59 Brenda, you have it all wrong. It goes like this.
02:03 Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, here we go.
02:15 Okay, let me cut off those dates for you.
02:17 Okay, we're gonna put in ten dates first.
02:21 These are five.
02:26 And that's five more.
02:28 Okay, and whirl, mixing again.
02:44 Now what we're gonna do is,
02:45 we're gonna oil our pie pan with a little olive oil.
02:49 So our pie will not stick to the plate.
03:01 There you go.
03:02 And... I'll start doing this.
03:04 And I'll let her do that.
03:07 And we press in the crust,
03:10 'cause we're building the crust here.
03:14 Oh, it smells so good.
03:16 We got to be sharing, get the edges.
03:22 People don't realize that they can enjoy
03:26 all the different desserts and it can be sugar-free.
03:32 It's so easy to still have your cake and eat it too.
03:38 Or in this case pie. Pie.
03:41 And I know this might look a little weird,
03:43 but you got to try this.
03:46 You'll really like it.
03:49 Yeah, different is good. Change is good sometimes.
03:52 Okay.
03:54 Making sure we get the sides,
03:59 don't want a pie without edges here.
04:03 Okay. How's that?
04:05 Okay, let's take the rest of this
04:07 and put this in a bowl,
04:08 so you can use this for your filling.
04:17 Let me take out the blade...
04:18 Yeah, take the blades. Yeah. We're making a mess.
04:22 But it's a good mess.
04:27 Okay, there you go. Okay.
04:32 Now, I'll finish up here for you.
04:39 Okay, we're gonna combine
04:41 the rest of remaining ingredients, just our dates.
04:50 The dates we're using are medjool dates,
04:53 because they are the sweetest.
04:55 And they're my favorite.
04:57 Okay, then we're adding some salt,
05:03 adding in some lemon juice,
05:08 cardamom and coriander.
05:11 Cardamom has such a wonderful aroma.
05:14 I just love it.
05:18 Vanilla extract.
05:23 And we must tell the listeners
05:24 also to make sure to read the ingredients,
05:26 because a lot of the vanilla extract
05:29 has alcohol in it.
05:32 And this is alcohol-free vanilla extract.
05:36 Okay, got that in place, and we're going to mix again.
05:47 Hmm, I smell cardamom already.
05:52 No, we need it more. Little bit more.
05:58 I can get some of this beside.
06:05 It's really sticky. Yeah, it's real sticky.
06:10 But we have to press it in anyway.
06:12 Okay, it's a real messy, but it will be wonderful.
06:16 Okay. Let's get this out of here.
06:22 And the best thing to do is
06:24 to wet your hands with the little oil first,
06:28 and lets put it in there.
06:33 I'll let you do that,
06:34 and I'm going to dress it with the pecans.
06:39 It's real sticky. Sticky but good.
06:49 Okay.
06:50 Yeah, it's really sticky, but it's good.
06:53 Okay. Let me press it out.
06:59 Another real simple recipe,
07:02 I don't know if I would eat this for breakfast.
07:04 I would.
07:09 I'll put some oil on my hands.
07:12 I'm gonna handle the sticky part.
07:19 Okay.
07:22 I guess I could help, but I'm sticky.
07:26 Okay.
07:27 Now dress it with pecans.
07:34 Just kind of pile them on.
07:38 I like to put on the face.
07:43 Let me get enough of them in there.
07:45 Yeah.
07:48 But they get the idea. Okay.
07:56 It's wonderful.
08:01 This is going to be delicious.
08:07 Okay.
08:12 All right.
08:15 Put one there and one more there.
08:18 Let's get some on these edges. So we cover it all.
08:26 Okay. And there you have it.
08:29 Your raw pecan pie.
08:38 Salad express.
08:40 We all know we want to live healthy.
08:41 We all know we want to eat healthy.
08:43 But sorry to apologize,
08:45 eating healthy is not just about salad.
08:47 But even though salad is very important
08:49 and we should try our best
08:51 to get it in as much as possible,
08:52 let's continue to do so.
08:54 However, a lot of times people don't want salad,
08:55 because maybe it just doesn't taste right,
08:58 or maybe it doesn't have the right dressing
09:00 and stuff like that.
09:02 Or for those who love it, they enjoy it,
09:04 but they wonder why they're not balancing their blessings.
09:07 And they eat salad every day,
09:08 but why, why am I still adding on extra blessings,
09:11 and for those who never tuned in, in our program,
09:13 we never say you're fat or skinny,
09:14 some are just over blessed,
09:15 wherever you want to put it, and some are under blessed.
09:18 And we just want to learn how to balance those blessings.
09:20 Well, one of the keys
09:21 that people are not balancing their blessings,
09:23 even though they're eating salad every day,
09:24 every day, every day, every day,
09:25 is because they are adding unnecessary fats
09:28 to their salad.
09:30 And I know, you all know what I'm talking about,
09:32 they get crazy and they go overboard with the dressings,
09:36 and no matter which one it is, the Italian, the ranch,
09:39 the thousands islands you just make it up,
09:41 and it's overwhelming.
09:43 Couple of reasons why?
09:44 Number one, the dressing,
09:46 the primary base of that dressing is what?
09:48 It's oil, okay.
09:50 No matter how many ways you cut it,
09:52 oil is 100 percent fat, all right.
09:55 Let's look at the best oils out there,
09:56 the grapes seeds, and the olive oil,
09:58 and the extra virgin and stuff like that.
10:00 That is just 100 percent fat.
10:02 So the more you start adding on,
10:05 the more blessings you add.
10:06 Some people when they find out
10:07 extra virgin olive oil is like good for you,
10:09 they go crazy within one second,
10:11 they are like taking a piece of...
10:15 Or first they are like sprinkle in it all over,
10:18 or actually a thunderstorm on their salads,
10:21 you know what I mean just all kind of olive oil over it.
10:24 Number two they'll take it like a piece of bread
10:26 and they're like oh, olive oil is good for me.
10:28 So they totally like baptize it in the oil,
10:31 and that sometimes we use that like that piece of bread
10:35 when we go out to eat.
10:37 You know how they put the little tray there
10:39 or a little plate and they've already put the oil there.
10:42 We use it like a cleanex
10:43 and this is like sipping up everything that's there.
10:47 And we wonder why we can't balance our blessing?
10:49 Because we are taking in too much fat.
10:50 Even though we may not be eating
10:52 a lot of fatty foods, that oil even though it's good
10:55 and I know we want to look at the French,
10:57 and we want to look at the Italians
10:58 and what they're doing with the oil,
10:59 and they're using it like, why can't we do that?
11:01 It's just still too much and is unnecessary.
11:04 So what we can do is we can keep it simple.
11:07 We're gonna learn how to make our own dress
11:09 and I'll give you a simple one to on the road to go,
11:12 and it's really simple and easy.
11:14 And I want you all, I hope you all are ready for this.
11:16 Because today we have a special item
11:19 lined up for you.
11:20 Not only that we're gonna make what I call,
11:22 my not so fruity fruit salad
11:26 and a nice little creamy dressing.
11:29 We know some people call it tofu mayonnaise,
11:31 you can call it whatever you want.
11:32 You can use it as mayonnaise,
11:34 and I'm gonna show you how to do that,
11:35 and you could use it as a salad dressing.
11:38 And what we're gonna do,
11:39 we're gonna go to that recipe here, real quick:
12:09 Okay, really simple, really easy to make.
12:13 And if you don't have time for this,
12:14 I'm gonna show you another recipe.
12:16 But what you do is you take the super, super soft tofu,
12:19 you drop that into the blender.
12:22 Okay, really simple and easy there.
12:24 Then, I already mixed up the salt
12:26 and the seasonings in there.
12:29 You just pour that in there as well.
12:32 One of the key items is the dill.
12:35 Oh, man this is what takes it over the top for you.
12:38 And if you notice most of those dressings
12:40 that we buy in a store,
12:42 the key ingredient after oil is what is known as vinegar,
12:47 and the last item here is the cashews.
12:50 Okay so, nothing wrong with the fats, right.
12:52 Fat is actually good for you,
12:55 but the problem is sometimes we use too much of it,
12:58 as we just explained here with some of those dressings.
13:02 So you put all those items up,
13:04 and keep some water around just in case you need it.
13:07 Matter of act, you could even put a little
13:09 just to help with the blending there.
13:12 And the thing is
13:14 you want to keep it as creamy as possible,
13:16 and because that tofu is like really soften stuff,
13:19 it won't have a problem blending it up.
13:21 So I'm just gonna blend it till its nice and creamy
13:23 and then we'll take a look at it.
13:44 All right, and if you see some of those spies
13:46 are trying to get away from getting blended,
13:49 so I'm just gonna go ahead and stick my spoon in there,
13:51 as everybody needs to be included here.
13:54 And, and there we go,
13:57 and we'll put that back on one more time.
14:00 And you also want to blend it,
14:01 so you don't hear that crackly sound anymore,
14:03 because that's the cashews, right.
14:04 So that's breaking down cashews and stuff like that.
14:06 When you hear the crackly sound
14:08 that means, it hasn't been blended properly.
14:10 So here we go.
14:18 Done, voila, we are finish with our tofu mayonnaise
14:23 /dressings/dip/something you just whatever.
14:29 It's actually fantastic. So you have it right there.
14:33 You have the dressing and is very, very, very easy,
14:37 I'll just grab a spatula or even a little knife here.
14:41 And look how nice and creamy that is.
14:44 Oh, man, especially after you put it in the fridge,
14:47 when you put in the fridge, it will get a little,
14:49 a little thick not too much.
14:51 It gets nice and thick there.
14:52 And so now you have
14:54 our tofu mayonnaise/dressing /dip/sauce you name it.
14:59 Now here is the good thing about it.
15:00 The cashews are actually loaded with magnesium, okay.
15:04 Magnesium is good to relax the muscles
15:05 and arteries and stuff.
15:07 So you can enjoy this, so it's good for that.
15:10 What else do we have in here, we have the tofu.
15:12 Tofu is fantastic, it provides phytoestrogens.
15:16 Now let me explain that real quick.
15:17 I said phytoestrogens, that means plant based,
15:20 these do not, I repeat they do not work
15:23 like the estrogens that we are typically known to be aware of,
15:28 you know, in the humans, okay.
15:31 So here is the thing 'cause every body say, ah,
15:34 the estrogen, you got a watch out for this and that
15:37 and stuff like that, so watch this.
15:38 If you have a concern with the tofu and stuff,
15:40 pull it out, when in doubt, leave it out
15:43 or I like to say drop it out.
15:45 So you don't have to use that,
15:46 you could just use the little more cashews,
15:47 same recipe, you know, so it's up to you,
15:49 you could even try make up some new item.
15:51 May be take some rice, I don't know,
15:54 cook the rice and probably blend it.
15:56 There's something new, and actually,
15:57 I'm gonna make a note of that.
15:59 Or even, like, probably even potatoes or something,
16:01 and you can do probably the same recipe
16:02 and see how that goes.
16:04 Let me know or write, do something.
16:05 And you have that right there.
16:07 So here is the good news,
16:08 so you have the good type of fats that are helpful.
16:12 You have something that actually tastes good
16:13 that you can put on your salad, so enjoy your salad.
16:16 And as we saw it's very simple and easy to make.
16:19 So you can actually save some money here as well.
16:22 But the most important thing,
16:23 we're not looking here just to save money,
16:25 we're looking to save our lives.
16:26 And so what kind of salad,
16:28 matter of fact even before I get to the salad,
16:30 I'll show you real quick
16:31 how to use this as a mayonnaise.
16:33 So take a quick look, I'll take this
16:35 'cause I have one of our little burgers
16:36 that we made here.
16:38 I'm so sorry, I have a little burger here,
16:40 and what I am going to do,
16:44 I'm gonna take some of this mayonnaise and put it on.
16:47 Anybody likes burgers, if you know a good burger,
16:50 it has to have some mayonnaise on it, right?
16:53 So I have my mayonnaise
16:55 and I am gonna go a little heavy.
16:57 Most times we put on the mayonnaise, we're very...
16:59 We're putting on sparingly
17:00 because we know that they're just like eggs and oil,
17:04 and more oil.
17:05 But now you can go a little extra heavy if you want,
17:09 but of course this is a moderation and temperance,
17:12 but I want mine to have some good flavor.
17:14 Then I'll take this, I'm gonna go ahead,
17:15 I'm gonna have a fruit burger,
17:18 instead of just like typical veggies
17:20 your lettuce and stuff, mix it up, throw in some,
17:23 what do we have here cucumbers and items of that nature.
17:26 You can even take some guacamole
17:28 and if you don't mind,
17:29 I love myself some ketchup on my burger.
17:33 So if you tuned in, in one of our shows,
17:36 we show you how to make some ketchup.
17:38 So I'm gonna put some ketchup on that as well
17:42 for all of burger lovers yeah, yeah
17:44 know what's happening here.
17:45 This is a real, this is a real burger,
17:47 so you mix that in there
17:50 and then put that on top.
17:55 And now I'm gonna go ahead and cut...
17:57 I'm sorry, I'm just spending so much time on this burger,
18:00 'cause I love them,
18:02 and I'm gonna hurry up and finish
18:04 and then we have our nice burger
18:06 with our mayonnaise and enjoy that dish.
18:10 So you can use the tofu mayonnaise
18:12 therefore for the burger,
18:15 you could also use it for a salad, okay.
18:17 And I'm talking about the fruit salad, and well,
18:20 they're not so fruity fruit salad.
18:23 And we're gonna show you how to do that,
18:24 and we're gonna explain it just a little bit.
18:26 Now bear with us, when you see it you may,
18:28 hey, is that a fruit salad or a veggie salad.
18:30 But I'll explain here surely
18:32 and just go ahead and grab these items
18:33 and we're gonna look at not-so fruity fruit salad.
18:58 Now that's real simple,
18:59 I think most of you have those ingredients at home,
19:02 if you don't, don't stop,
19:04 you don't need to run through store,
19:05 use what you have, all right.
19:07 If you only have red bell pepper,
19:08 it's great, just do that.
19:10 I like to add a little color to my food
19:11 and items of that nature.
19:13 So what we have, this is our fruit salad.
19:15 Now many people are thinking
19:16 how in the world is this considered a fruit salad.
19:19 Well, it's real simple.
19:21 Bible said if it has a seed,
19:23 well, a fruit is something that bears a seed.
19:25 So let's looks at this sort of red bell peppers,
19:27 red bell peppers
19:28 one of the highest sources of vitamin C
19:30 almost four times of amount of vitamin C than orange.
19:35 This right here is loaded, fantastic, enjoy it.
19:38 I know it costs more money than the green one,
19:40 but it's worth every penny.
19:42 The green one is per se unripe, it's not ready,
19:45 it's not ready for use.
19:46 This one if you leave it on the vine
19:48 just a little bit longer,
19:49 if it's green, it will turn what, red.
19:51 And most people like whatever I don't believe it,
19:53 like myself because I grew up in New York
19:55 and I never saw like farms and stuff,
19:57 but I found one in the store.
19:59 Now take a quick close look at this.
20:01 This one look like it's about to go.
20:02 But that's all right.
20:04 If you notice you see the different colors there,
20:05 that it used to be green, okay, it used to.
20:09 But because it took a little time
20:11 then it started to mature ripping
20:12 and so now you get that was turning from green, yellow,
20:15 whatever and then it ended up at what, at red.
20:19 So if you don't believe it before, now you believe,
20:22 because I caught one in the middle.
20:24 So this one should have been hanging out on a tree
20:28 or a vine a little bit longer, but no problem,
20:30 this is good for like demonstration purposes.
20:33 Also if you notice we'll be putting there another fruit,
20:35 you're like what fruit, because it has a what?
20:38 It has a seed, it's the avocado.
20:40 Everybody knows avocado,
20:42 some call it avocado in Texas they call it,
20:44 they never call it avocado, they call it guacamole,
20:46 because all we not to do is just eat it up,
20:48 and this here is fantastic.
20:52 Now a lot of people are afraid of the avocado.
20:55 Do you know why?
20:57 They're afraid not only 'cause of the price
20:59 which is something to be afraid of these days,
21:02 but they're also afraid because they think that it actually...
21:05 They think that it has cholesterol.
21:07 Now there's a real quick rule of thumb,
21:09 and I know some people even told them,
21:11 hey, this thing has cholesterol
21:13 so stay away from it and don't use it.
21:15 And I've heard it, I've heard it all.
21:18 Well, let's understand cholesterol real quick,
21:20 and we'll have the experts come on
21:22 and explain that real quick.
21:23 But in regards to food,
21:24 cholesterol is normally manufactured in the liver.
21:26 Okay, so if something has a liver,
21:28 of course if something that has a liver,
21:29 may it's related to something that has the liver,
21:31 if it even has a face or a momo or is a mushroom
21:35 or something of that nature,
21:36 then it will always have cholesterol.
21:38 So let me ask you a quick question.
21:39 Does this have a liver? Not quite.
21:41 Does this have a face?
21:42 Well, I guess you could draw it in,
21:44 or something like that, but it doesn't.
21:45 It doesn't have any of those,
21:46 so this in general and you can look at the science,
21:49 it has how much cholesterol, absolutely no cholesterol.
21:52 But what it does have, it has a lot of fat,
21:55 actually good fat.
21:56 One person said
21:58 that you could probably live off a avocado or bread
21:59 for the rest of your life, because that has so much fat,
22:01 vitamins and minerals which is actually good for you
22:04 and it also works for populations.
22:07 They also said that, there are two cities in the world,
22:09 that kind of use the most avocado
22:11 and you could tell that it works
22:12 and they're the most populated cities.
22:14 And I am talking about Mexico City and Tokyo
22:17 and they love avocado and you see the results.
22:20 There'll be fruitful and multiply
22:22 and so enjoy the avocado what it actually does for you,
22:25 it actually lowers your cholesterol.
22:29 Now let's think about this for a second.
22:30 How could something if that what people say,
22:33 that's why I can't live by he says, she says.
22:35 You know what he says, she says,
22:36 just look at your right or to your left,
22:38 and the people next to you, those are who he says, she says
22:40 they will say something,
22:41 but they personally haven't study it.
22:42 Unless they did study it,
22:44 and they say oh, it has, it has that.
22:45 But how could something
22:46 that has cholesterol has cholesterol,
22:48 because we know it doesn't,
22:50 how could it lower your cholesterol,
22:52 doesn't make sense
22:53 because it doesn't have any cholesterol.
22:55 So enjoy it, but the only catch is
22:58 we need to be moderate okay, and temperance.
23:01 Now they have these little ones that we just use here today.
23:04 The hash avocado, I'll call it, hmm, avocado.
23:08 You know why I call it hmm avocado
23:09 because you just think about it,
23:10 and you already finish eating it.
23:12 So somebody tell me I ate one, hmm avocado,
23:15 take a "hass avocado."
23:17 I say oh, man no problem, is that too much,
23:19 is that too much, oh, man enjoy it
23:20 especially if you eating twice a day
23:22 and you exercise and stuff like that.
23:24 But in the islands in the Caribbean
23:26 and it may be in South Florida, and maybe in Mexico,
23:29 and South America you know the nice climate facing,
23:32 they have these big ones.
23:33 Some of them are so big,
23:34 they are like the size of your head
23:36 and if somebody tells me, man, I ate one of those today,
23:38 I say too much, too much, too much, too much fat.
23:42 And there you gonna find just some adding on extra blessings.
23:44 So no, no we don't want to do that,
23:46 we only want to have may be like a serving one or two.
23:48 Have a quick little tip for serving sizes,
23:51 a handful is the serving, okay.
23:53 So, just more or lesser serving,
23:54 yeah, and so the children, should they eat the same thing?
23:57 Well not quite, because their handful is what smaller,
23:59 so they got the smaller piece.
24:01 Now if you have big dad like my dad,
24:02 he is like six something and all the stuff
24:05 and he has a handful.
24:06 His handful will obviously be what, more than mine.
24:09 So that's something that you can try to use in future
24:12 anytime you think of servings, just think of what, a handful.
24:15 So that's the avocado enough of that,
24:17 but it's also good for anemia, this thing is amazing.
24:20 You know how it also lowers the cholesterol
24:21 'cause they have the soluble fiber
24:23 and so that helps to prevent the situation there
24:26 with the packing of the order.
24:28 So this is amazing.
24:29 It also works as natural diuretic
24:31 so person who has like severe swelling
24:34 of the lower extremities, edema,
24:37 they can also have a little piece,
24:38 but also follow your doctor's instructions,
24:41 keep all food at excess salt and by God's grace
24:45 a little exercise just make sure
24:46 you let your physician know what you're doing.
24:48 And you can get rid of that problem.
24:50 I remember one lady she says, man, I started using this,
24:53 I started using artichoke, I started eating some
24:55 that are not so fruity fruit salad
24:57 and by God's grace
24:59 because she has severe swelling in her lower extremities
25:01 for quite sometime and you're ready for this.
25:03 And like less than a week, week and a half time,
25:06 the swellings slowly but surely started to go away
25:09 and she was so excited,
25:11 and she call us back for more information and stuff.
25:14 And I said, well, all information
25:15 is in your local supermarket,
25:16 the fruits, the veggies, the nuts,
25:18 the grains, all of these are excellent for you.
25:21 So back to the salad now.
25:23 We're gonna enjoy our salad so what do we have here?
25:26 We have the cherry tomatoes, we have the cucumbers,
25:30 we have the red bell peppers, the oranges ones,
25:34 you name it, we have it here.
25:36 Why do we call it fruits?
25:38 Because what does Bible say
25:39 "If it bears a seed, then it's a fruit."
25:41 So in general these are all what?
25:43 Fruits.
25:45 And I know there's a big thing don't mix fruits
25:47 and veggies and everybody's crying over it and stuff
25:50 and there is some points to it.
25:53 And what it actually does,
25:54 see it just says it's not preferable, okay.
25:57 So try, so try your best to keep them separate.
25:59 If you can't, you go by somebody's house
26:01 and they have the big salad
26:02 and there is tomatoes and cucumbers
26:05 and greens and all stuff.
26:06 Are you gonna say oh, oh, sorry,
26:08 I can't have your salad
26:09 because that have fruits and veggies.
26:11 No, be nice, show some love and stuff like that.
26:13 And you know enjoy but to each as own,
26:15 the programs are great bit of seed,
26:17 take the information you find helpful,
26:18 if you don't agree with something,
26:19 no problem, spit out the seed.
26:21 But before you spit out that seed,
26:23 make sure you study it
26:24 because you may be spitting out
26:26 something that will save our lives.
26:28 So we have our little fruit salad here.
26:30 Fruits normally in general
26:32 work for like cleansing out the system,
26:34 and there you have your veggies
26:35 so I usually do the fruits for breakfast
26:37 and then veggies for lunch.
26:38 So the fruits they help with the cleansing of the system,
26:40 and then you have the veggies
26:42 which help with the revitalizing
26:43 or replenishing of the system.
26:45 So you can mix and match however you want, enjoy it.
26:49 But I'm gonna mix and match, all right,
26:51 and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna pour my avocado,
26:55 and if anybody still thinks that avocado has cholesterol,
26:58 no problem, no problem, just go ahead
27:02 and don't eat the avocado in your house.
27:04 I'll give you my address and just mail the avocados,
27:07 but overnight, please because I don't want them ago back,
27:09 because avocado are so expansive these days,
27:11 I can use the couple of donations of avocados.
27:13 So what we will do.
27:16 We'll mix that together and I'll get you both ready
27:20 because we almost done
27:21 and we are going to eat this thing.
27:23 You just look how pretty and beautiful it is.
27:25 You know the first step in digestion
27:27 not only is the smell, but it has to look good.
27:30 And so I'm just gonna go ahead.
27:32 I'm gonna pour this back into this bowl
27:34 or matter of fact
27:35 I'm just gonna put that on a side of my sandwiches there.
27:40 Look at that excellent, excellent, excellent.
27:42 And then I'm gonna put some of my dressing on that.
27:46 So go ahead and you all enjoy,
27:48 yes I want it little heavy, but give it a try.
27:51 Let me know how it tastes,
27:52 and you can have your not so fruity fruit salad.


Revised 2016-09-13