Taste of Paradise

Smoothies And Juicing / Are You On Time?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Leslie Jackson Smith, Brenda Kemp, Evita Tezeno


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000013

00:01 Have you ever wondered
00:02 how to prepare a healthy food that actually tastes good?
00:04 Well, stay tuned while Evita Tezeno,
00:06 Brenda Kemp and yours truly, Nyse Collins,
00:08 show you just how to do it
00:10 and give you A Taste of Paradise.
00:30 My name is Brenda Kemp.
00:31 And my name is Evita Tezeno
00:33 and we are so glad you joined us today.
00:36 Today's program, we're gonna be making smoothies
00:38 and doing a lot of juicing.
00:40 Evita, do you love juicing?
00:43 I love juicing. You know, juicing is detoxing.
00:45 You could... It really lets your body rest
00:49 by doing some liquid foods.
00:51 But its high nutrients are power packed.
00:54 Great.
00:55 What we're gonna do a smoothie first
00:57 and that smoothie is called a Delightfully Green smoothie.
01:02 So what are the ingredients
01:03 for our delightfully green smoothie?
01:06 A half frozen banana, one cup of frozen peaches,
01:11 one large handful of spinach, a half a cup of soaked dates,
01:16 one cup of water and four ice cubes.
01:19 So let's begin our smoothie recipe.
01:23 You know, you should get a pound of greens in a day.
01:26 A pound of greens in a day? Yes.
01:28 Well, how about a handful of spinach today?
01:30 And the way you get your greens in,
01:32 is to do smoothie, smoothies and juicing.
01:36 That is correct.
01:37 Yes.
01:40 So you want the peaches or...?
01:41 I'm gonna add some water.
01:42 Okay.
01:45 Just a little bit so we can get our blender moving.
01:50 And I'm gonna blend that up just a bit.
02:11 Okay, stop that going.
02:14 Now we're gonna add our dates.
02:18 You know, my kids don't like spinach.
02:20 Yeah.
02:21 So I have to hide the spinach in smoothies.
02:24 They think the color of this smoothie is so cool
02:27 but they don't know it's spinach.
02:30 It's a great way to get them to eating vegetables.
02:34 Gonna add a half a banana
02:37 and we'll go ahead and put in our ice cubes.
02:39 And we'll put the remainder of the water in?
02:41 Yes, and the last of the water.
02:48 And then we're gonna give it another spin.
03:19 I want it to be a little bit more blended.
03:23 Okay, so we're gonna take this off,
03:27 we're gonna use our damper to help us blend some more.
03:45 Let me get the glasses.
04:17 Okay, I think we got it.
04:21 And there we have it, Delightfully Green smoothie.
04:31 Wonderful.
04:36 You remember dreamsicle? I do.
04:38 We're gonna make a dreamsicle smoothie.
04:40 But first I have to make the almond milk
04:42 that goes into dreamsicle.
04:43 Okay.
04:45 And the ingredients for the almond milk is
04:46 one cup of almonds soaked over night,
04:49 three cups of water,
04:51 two dates soaked and a pinch of salt.
04:55 So let's get started to make the almond milk.
04:58 We need one cup of soaked almonds and these...
05:03 This is three cups of water.
05:11 Okay, let's blend it.
05:19 Let's blend it until it's really smooth.
05:37 How's that looking?
05:39 That's good.
05:42 Okay.
05:43 So we're gonna use a cheese cloth
05:45 to strain the almonds, that didn't.
05:49 So just pour it really carefully.
05:52 Just pour it real slowly and it will catch the almonds.
05:56 That did not get blended. Blended.
05:58 The almond pulp.
06:07 You know, when I used to be a chef
06:09 at The Royal Restaurant in Dallas,
06:12 we used to make smoothies all the time.
06:17 Making your own milk.
06:21 Okay.
06:23 And this is a easy way to get fresh almond milk.
06:29 And you just wanna squeeze it.
06:33 And you can buy these cheese cloths
06:36 in your regular store.
06:38 Yeah, a fabric store,
06:40 you could buy that at the fabric store
06:42 and you could keep the pulp
06:43 and you could make cookies with this pulp.
06:45 Exactly.
06:47 Oh, you need that bowl.
06:48 Yeah.
06:51 We could also make bread with the pulp,
06:52 dehydrated bread is delicious.
06:57 Okay, now we're gonna return it to the blender.
07:01 I could put down so you can get it.
07:04 And then we're gonna add that date?
07:05 Yes.
07:07 To give it that sweetness.
07:11 And then the one date.
07:15 Okay.
07:18 And then just blend.
07:34 Now we have to blend it real smooth.
07:36 We do. Yeah.
07:42 Get rid of those pieces.
08:06 That's great. Okay.
08:08 And so let's pour it back into the bowl
08:11 and now let's get ready to make out Dreamsicle Smoothie.
08:17 And the ingredients for the dreamsicle smoothie are
08:20 two cups of almond milk, two frozen bananas,
08:25 the juice of one navel orange, four soaked dates,
08:31 one teaspoon of vanilla extract and four ice cubes.
08:37 So let's make out dreamsicle smoothie.
08:40 Okay. Let's start with the milk.
08:43 Pouring in two cups of the almond milk.
08:48 Wanna put the bananas.
08:50 This is two frozen bananas.
08:57 Orange juice.
08:58 Freshly squeezed orange juice.
09:04 Four pitted dates.
09:08 Keep that there.
09:09 Some vanilla extract.
09:11 Vanilla extract.
09:13 And four ice cubes.
09:15 And our ice cubes.
09:19 Okay. I smell it already.
09:24 We're gonna give this a spin.
09:41 I may go get a glass.
10:03 Enough?
10:04 Okay, stop.
10:08 Okay.
10:09 I'm ready for this.
10:15 Oh, my goodness. I smell it.
10:19 Won't you get a taste. Okay, I will.
10:24 Oh, my goodness, this is so good.
10:27 Here we have it.
10:29 Our dreamsicle smoothie.
10:33 This smoothie was delicious.
10:36 Oh, Brenda, I can't wait till you taste it.
10:39 Okay, now we have a special treat for you.
10:41 We're gonna invite our good friend
10:43 Leslie Jackson Smith up
10:45 to get her testimony about
10:46 how eating raw has changed her life.
10:49 Leslie, why don't you come on up?
10:52 Welcome, Leslie. Thank you, Evita.
10:54 Hi. Thank you, Brenda.
10:56 Won't you share with us
10:57 what eating raw has done for you?
10:59 Well, I tell you.
11:00 The Lord is truly, truly blessing my life
11:03 and my health since I've been eating raw.
11:06 I was diagnosed with post traumatic stress syndrome,
11:10 I had high blood pressure,
11:12 I was diagnosed with morbid obesity.
11:16 Just my cholesterol was extremely high
11:19 and I didn't hear my doctors telling me
11:22 that I was terminally ill.
11:24 And when I started eating raw,
11:26 all of those symptoms
11:28 and all of those issues have gone away.
11:31 That is a blessing. It is a blessing.
11:33 I tell you the Lord is good.
11:35 We have made some... A Dream Smoothie Shake.
11:38 Okay.
11:39 And we would like for you to share it with us today.
11:40 I love to try some. I'm gonna get some glasses.
11:42 And I understand also
11:43 that you've lost a lot of weight.
11:45 I have.
11:46 I'm down five dress sizes, praise the Lord.
11:47 Oh, wow, that is so awesome.
11:51 Oh, that smells so good, you can smell the orange in it.
11:54 Yeah. Oh, thank you.
11:56 There is yours.
11:57 And mine's in the middle.
12:00 I'll have the rest.
12:05 And here we have it.
12:07 To good health. Let's toast to good health.
12:08 Yes.
12:19 Are you on time or are you late?
12:21 Well, maybe you're early.
12:23 But are you on time for your appointment,
12:24 it's a doctors appointment, are you on time for maybe work?
12:28 Maybe are you on time for like a date with a good friend?
12:31 Or maybe to pickup the kids from school?
12:34 But the question is are you on time?
12:36 Question as well,
12:38 a big question is are we on time for church?
12:40 Are we on time for maybe, you know, school,
12:42 after school activities.
12:44 The question is are we on time?
12:47 And all littles being on time,
12:49 things are great
12:50 but what we forget about most is,
12:53 are we on time to take care of this body?
12:55 Have we been on time to eat on, you know, on a schedule?
12:59 Have we been on time to maybe rest?
13:01 Have we been on time for lunch or breakfast
13:04 or maybe a light dinner?
13:06 This is the issue, we're on time
13:08 for everything else
13:10 but for some reason, food gets the back burner.
13:13 And this should not continue this way.
13:15 The body can't keep it up, it may fool you for now
13:18 and deal with all of the,
13:20 all of the strain that it gives you
13:22 but it will come back.
13:23 If not now, maybe later.
13:25 So let's be on time to take care of the body
13:28 and that's why we title this, Are You On Time,
13:30 is because this is so important,
13:34 this is almost like the VIP room,
13:36 the most important room in a house
13:37 which is the kitchen
13:38 but even more important is are we on time to prepare food?
13:42 Are we on time to eat?
13:43 And what we realise is many times,
13:45 we have been lacking on that and so today,
13:48 we wanna just take a little,
13:51 you know, a little break
13:52 and look at the importance of this.
13:55 There is a saying
13:56 and it's written in the Ministry of Healing that
13:57 says that,
13:59 "Regularity in eating is a vital important".
14:03 Now when you and I think of vital,
14:05 what do you think of?
14:08 Vital means what necessary?
14:10 Vital means, you probably can't live without it.
14:12 So like your heart beat, that is a vital beat,
14:16 you can't live without it.
14:17 Even if your hearts stops,
14:19 you still need that vital beat, why?
14:21 What it'd do?
14:22 They put a pace maker
14:24 and if something else to give that beat.
14:25 Let's take of something else that maybe vital.
14:27 Your blood is a vital fluid, you can't live without it.
14:31 If you lose a lot of blood,
14:33 they're gonna have to replace it.
14:34 You get a transfusion and all of these other items,
14:37 these are vital things.
14:39 What else is vital?
14:41 As we just, as I just mentioned,
14:43 regularity, a schedule.
14:46 And you know what?
14:47 Even before we change any foods or stuff like that,
14:49 the goal is to get back on a schedule.
14:52 Our bodies works on a schedule.
14:54 The sun rises, the sun sets.
14:56 The Lord said, "Let there be day
14:58 and let there be night."
14:59 If you notice there's a rhythm.
15:01 Can you imagine if one day, the sun said, "You know what?
15:04 I'm tired.
15:05 I'm not gonna rise today."
15:07 The world wouldn't even know which way to turn,
15:09 the rivers won't know which way to flow
15:12 and it would just be pure chaos.
15:14 Well, your body doesn't wanna be in chaos,
15:16 it wants to develop a rhythm,
15:18 a schedule and this is crucial but many times people say,
15:22 I don't have time to do eat on time.
15:25 I don't have time for lunch
15:26 or I don't have time for breakfast
15:28 and we put it on a backburner.
15:30 Yes, this body, this temple is wonderful,
15:34 wonderfully made.
15:35 But what happens is, it's almost like a car,
15:38 you know, if you don't take care of it,
15:41 it's just gonna break down on you
15:42 and we have to follow the manual,
15:45 the manual which God has given us.
15:46 And so let's look at that point there,
15:48 regularity in eating, is of what?
15:51 Vital importance.
15:53 It says, there should be a specified time for each meal.
15:59 Okay, now let's over this real quick.
16:01 There should be a what?
16:02 A specified time, let me break that down even more.
16:05 There should be a specific time for each meal.
16:08 This is crucial.
16:11 Let's say your body is gonna...
16:13 Let's say you eat breakfast at 8 O'clock today, right?
16:15 What time is your body gonna expect breakfast tomorrow?
16:18 8 O'clock.
16:19 Yes, your body remembers things okay.
16:21 So what time?
16:22 or something like that.
16:25 The body is doing what?
16:26 Waiting and getting ready for who to come in at 8 O'clock?
16:30 Food.
16:32 So what happens, it starts to release some of those,
16:33 our enzymes and those digestive juices
16:36 in anticipation that 8 O'clock, we will be eating.
16:39 But we wanna trick the body today
16:42 and we just wanna skip 8 O'clock.
16:43 Oh, no, no, I don't wanna eat breakfast at eight,
16:45 I have something to do.
16:46 So we skip that, we go to work,
16:48 we do this
16:49 and we try to eat breakfast at 11 or 12 O'clock.
16:51 But if you notice this is really funny
16:53 and it works clock work
16:55 because the body works on a schedule,
16:57 you notice like 9 or 10 O'clock,
16:59 you hear thunder and lightning
17:02 and you look out the window and it's no rain.
17:04 Where's that thunder and lightning coming from?
17:06 It's coming from your what? Your stomach.
17:08 Because the body was waiting
17:10 and you got to know what I'm talking about,
17:12 you ever tried to take a test
17:13 and you skip breakfast that morning
17:15 and you're trying to squeeze your stomach,
17:16 you're trying to drink water, you're trying to chew gum
17:19 which probably even make the situation worse.
17:21 And you have work and everybody's looking at you
17:23 and you're like what's going on,
17:25 is because the body was expecting food at what time?
17:28 8 O'clock but we tricked it.
17:30 Well, the trick is back and the joke is on us.
17:32 Because it's releasing those digestive juices
17:34 and it says, "Hey, where's the food?"
17:36 Then no food comes. So what happens?
17:38 It turns around, yes, literally turn around
17:40 and start eating and digesting whatever it has access to.
17:44 The lining of the stomach.
17:46 I'm telling we work with people
17:47 who've had acid reflux, gastritis,
17:50 you know what acid reflux is, right?
17:51 You know, when you're trying to like sleep at night
17:53 but you cant sleep straight
17:54 and you have to keep going like this, because why?
17:57 You feel those like fluids and stuff coming back up
17:59 and it starts to burn you and stuff.
18:01 And so you have to take like 5 and 10 pillow
18:03 and you're sleeping like this.
18:05 You know, because you can't lay flat anymore.
18:07 That is real sip and we worked with one client
18:09 that had that problem and you will not believe this.
18:13 After 10 years of dealing with the problem,
18:15 they just got back on schedule, are you ready?
18:19 Within three days, literally three days,
18:22 they were able to get rid of the problem.
18:25 I mean, this acid reflux thing is very, very serious
18:28 but the coolest thing about it is, the answer is so simple.
18:31 I remember we were doing a rotation in the hospital in ER
18:34 and one person came into the ER
18:37 and he was like, "Oh, my goodness.
18:38 I'm having a heart attack. I'm having an heart attack."
18:40 And I'm not sure I make fun of them
18:41 but they really thought
18:42 they were having a heart attack.
18:44 When the doctors ran all the tests
18:45 and everything like that, you know what?
18:46 It wasn't even a heart attack.
18:48 It was a bad case of acid reflux.
18:51 And now watch this, don't play around with it,
18:52 I know most people will say,
18:53 "Well, it's not a major disease or stuff like that."
18:55 But actually it is.
18:57 Because what it will do is,
18:58 it will predispose the body for gastritis.
19:01 Gastritis and acid reflux leads to like what?
19:04 Ulcers, ulcers and we all know and you heard all our programs,
19:07 can start and slowly but surely lead a person
19:10 as a percussive to what?
19:11 Cancer of the stomach.
19:13 Now no, nobody wants that,
19:14 especially when you're eating all is good food
19:16 But even though eating all the good food,
19:18 it does us no good, if we don't eat it, what?
19:20 On time. So the question is are we on time?
19:23 So it says regularity in eating is a, what?
19:25 Vital. That means, it's life vital importance.
19:29 There should be a specified time for us to eat
19:32 and at this time let us eat what your body, what?
19:35 Needs and then take
19:36 nothing else until the next meal.
19:40 Now that's another tip that we need to learn,
19:42 'cause we need to learn to be on time.
19:44 So okay, I'm gonna eat at 8 O'clock today
19:46 and I'm gonna follow that schedule.
19:48 But right at about 9:30, 10, 11, 12 O' clock,
19:53 I get a little thing
19:54 and my lunch time is not till maybe 1 O'clock.
19:56 So I go ahead and I take grape
19:58 or I drink something or whatever.
20:00 That means that is gonna start to interrupt
20:03 that digestion process because it's a snack.
20:06 So what does that mean, eat what your system requires
20:09 and take nothing else until the next meal,
20:11 that simply means no snacking.
20:13 Don't eat anything in between the meals
20:15 but the question I have for you all today is,
20:17 what is considered a snack?
20:19 What's considered a snack?
20:22 Well, most people say, "Any thing that comes
20:23 in between a meal or items like that."
20:26 Or people will say, "Well, isn't a apple a healthy snack?"
20:29 Well, I mean it's a better alternative
20:32 but I wanna say it's quite a healthy snack
20:34 because anything that comes in between digestion
20:37 starts to mess up your digestion.
20:39 I give you a quick example.
20:40 Let's say, you sent your friend to the supermarket to go ahead
20:44 and buy some of the ingredients
20:46 for one of our recipes that we're making, okay.
20:48 So watch this, they head into the supermarket
20:51 and before they could drive out the driveway sub,
20:53 you call them, "Hey, can you come back,
20:55 I need to give you some more money
20:57 'cause I also wanna pick up this."
20:58 Okay.
20:59 So they come back and they say, "Okay,
21:01 I'll get that for you, no problem."
21:02 So they leave again and they drive
21:04 and they go two blocks and you call them,
21:06 "Hello, yeah, I forgot one more item,
21:08 can you come back
21:09 and let me give you some more money for that?"
21:11 So they come back and they get it.
21:13 If you notice what will happen now, watch this.
21:15 Before you know it,
21:17 they would never even get to the supermarket
21:19 and by time they got to the supermarket,
21:20 so much time has passed, they have such a high list,
21:24 as a result, that's what snacking does,
21:26 it interrupts the process.
21:28 So they should have just went through supermarket
21:30 and they would've been back within 20 minutes.
21:32 But now it takes what?
21:34 45 minutes, a hour and that what's snacking does.
21:37 Well, people say, "Okay, okay."
21:39 Well, what else is considered a snack?
21:41 Anything that is not water is considered a snack.
21:45 Because anything that needs to be digested
21:48 and water is like the only thing
21:49 that doesn't need to be digested.
21:50 Even if I drop a lemon in the water,
21:52 that is considered a snack.
21:54 All right, and so we don't wanna do that,
21:56 that's why throughout our programs
21:57 we've been teaching people
21:58 how to plan their menus and how to cook proper meals
22:03 so that you won't have that hunger
22:05 or that craving to snack
22:07 and most time you won't have that snacking
22:09 if you just drink more water.
22:11 And so this is one of the thing.
22:12 So we're not gonna, number one, we gotta be on schedule,
22:15 regularity is crucial.
22:16 You already know this with your job.
22:18 Could your job manage, okay, let's say you're a teacher.
22:22 Could the schools function, if you came in at, at anytime.
22:26 Let's say, you're supposed to be
22:28 at 9 O'clock for classes to start.
22:29 And you just skip that,
22:31 "Oh, I'm gonna come at 10 or 11 O'clock."
22:32 What would happen to your class?
22:34 It wouldn't work because they need a system.
22:37 But here's the question now,
22:40 we would take better care our jobs,
22:43 than sometimes we take care of ourselves.
22:46 Your body wants that same schedule.
22:49 It doesn't want to be in chaos.
22:51 But the issue is that it needs a schedule.
22:55 And if we go here and go there and don't eat on time,
22:59 then you gotta start to have problems.
23:00 I remember I was working with one young lady
23:02 and she said this is too much information,
23:04 too much information,
23:05 I'll try to follow schedule
23:06 but can't eat healthy food and all that stuff.
23:09 And you know what she did?
23:10 She continued eating all the food that
23:13 she would consider not healthy
23:15 but she says all I will do is I will follow a schedule.
23:19 8 O'clock I'm gonna eat, five or six hours after,
23:23 1, 2 O'clock I'm gonna eat
23:25 and then she says I have dinner but I'll go for light dinner.
23:28 And are you ready for what happened?
23:30 Within one week of her following information,
23:34 just one week,
23:35 she balanced meaning that like
23:37 she lost almost four to five pounds.
23:41 Here's the funny thing,
23:42 she didn't change anything in her diet.
23:44 All she did was follow a schedule.
23:47 Follow a schedule
23:49 and I'll give you a quick example
23:50 and this is why
23:52 the key to getting on time is the planning, okay?
23:56 That's why you need to take advantage of your Sundays,
23:59 you need to take advantage of any free time
24:01 'cause you need to plan out your meals
24:02 and that's what throughout the program
24:04 we've been sharing little items that you can do
24:05 because, you know, life does go, life does run.
24:08 But we can't let it run, run, run and run us to the ground.
24:13 And what I mean by that, here's a little tip
24:15 and don't tell your employers I told you this.
24:17 But please ladies, gentlemen, whoever's watching,
24:20 don't act like your job needs you.
24:24 Yes, I did say that, I'm sorry but I have to say it again.
24:27 Don't act like your job needs you.
24:29 Why do I say that?
24:30 Because they won't work
24:32 and you would work, work, work
24:34 and sometimes people act like the job needs them
24:37 and I have to be there 6 in the morning.
24:38 And I have to leave at 11, 12 O'clock at night.
24:41 And they work so much but let me tell you something.
24:45 One day you get sick,
24:46 maybe stomach problems or something of that nature.
24:48 God forbid it happens. We hope not.
24:51 If it happens, if you get sick
24:53 and you can't come in to work
24:54 or you can't come into work anymore.
24:56 Do you know what will happen to your position?
24:58 They'll replace it.
25:00 And somebody else would do the same job.
25:03 So the key is let's start to take care of this body
25:06 because if you don't do it for yourself,
25:08 no one else can do it for you.
25:10 Is that all right?
25:12 So let's just plan our menus and items like
25:14 that so we could be on time
25:16 and you will start to see the benefit as a result.
25:18 So one of the key items
25:20 that we made throughout our program in is a granola.
25:24 Because you never wanna leave home without it.
25:26 So I wanna give you,
25:27 just show you a little example of a granola
25:29 that we see here today
25:31 is really simple, it's really easy to make.
25:33 If you didn't get the recipe, call and do something.
25:35 Get the recipe,
25:37 all you need to do is make this at least once.
25:39 Once every two or three weeks
25:40 and you never have to make cereal again.
25:43 All right, and you never have to buy it,
25:44 so you save money as a result.
25:47 It's actually healthy,
25:49 you won't have that urge to snack why?
25:50 Because we had our fruits there,
25:52 we had our healthy cereal,
25:54 any sort of milks that we can make
25:56 and so then you'll be able to space it out.
25:58 Oh, let me tell you how else to save money.
26:00 You save money because
26:01 you don't need to snack anymore.
26:03 All right, a lot of times,
26:04 we spend a lot of money on these little snacks
26:06 or at a vendor machines or buying this or buying that,
26:09 we won't need that anymore.
26:10 Everybody who has followed this information
26:13 and if they have calculated it on a family of four,
26:15 you will average, on a average
26:17 you will save about 4500 just by sticking to a schedule
26:21 and cooking and preparing your own food.
26:23 Would anybody like to save about 4500?
26:25 If you don't, we will like to,
26:27 so make sure you call 3ABN and donate that money to 3ABN,
26:31 if you don't wanna do it for yourself.
26:32 All right, or you could just keep it for yourself
26:34 and also help other people.
26:36 So the key is regularity in eating,
26:39 vital importance.
26:40 Number two,
26:41 we're gonna, as a specified time for each meal.
26:43 So we showed you breakfast
26:45 and then we'll show you a little example
26:47 for a quick lunch.
26:48 I'll show you right here.
26:50 We have a little rice there, we made this,
26:52 we did the flaky brown rice, this is a real simple item
26:55 that can do and the key is bring it work,
26:57 we have some unsausages, some gravy to go along.
27:00 Take some asparagus,
27:01 some artichoke all of these things
27:03 are actually good for you at the same time.
27:06 The key as well of eating on time
27:09 is you have to bring your own food.
27:11 Literally, if you see me on a streets
27:13 or you see me travelling, I have a whole another bag,
27:16 I have my luggage and everything like that
27:17 but I have my bag.
27:19 Because situations will
27:20 always come up to throw you off of schedule.
27:23 It happens but you will not be off a schedule why?
27:26 Because you plan
27:27 and when you plan, the Lord would bless.
27:29 And what was the first thing,
27:30 one of the first things to heaven,
27:32 it was order, order, order, order and this is the key,
27:35 this is how our body functions.
27:37 It thrives off of a schedule, wake up on time, eat on time
27:42 but watch this most importantly,
27:44 even before you setup a schedule with your food,
27:46 why don't you setup a time with God?
27:48 Why don't you say every morning at 6 or 7,
27:50 I'll spend more time with Him and in the evening as well.
27:53 And this will be the key to your success,
27:55 this is the foundation,
27:56 a taste to have something better.


Revised 2016-10-10