Taste of Paradise

Benefits of Plant Based Diet/Lunch on the Go

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Nyse Collins (Host), Evita Tezeno, Yvonne Lewis


Series Code: TOP

Program Code: TOP000091

00:14 To a Taste of Paradise. My name is Evita Tezeno.
00:18 And we have a wonderful program today.
00:22 I have my friend, Dr. Yvonne Lewis
00:25 joining us in the kitchen today.
00:27 Hello, Evita.
00:29 Hi. It's always good to see you.
00:31 Good to be here. Thank you for inviting me. Yes.
00:34 And we're gonna be discussing
00:36 the benefits of a plant based diet.
00:38 Absolutely. And there are so many benefits.
00:42 Yes. Internally and externally.
00:44 Yes. So let's just jump in and let's talk about them.
00:48 Okay. Okay.
00:49 So let's look at cauliflower. Okay.
00:51 'Cause a lot of people don't really experiment.
00:54 Like one of the things that it's really important to know
00:58 is that you should experiment with different
01:00 fruits and vegetables so that you have
01:04 different colors, you always talk about that.
01:05 Yeah. Eating the rainbow.
01:07 Eating the rainbow. And why is that important?
01:10 Because you want to get the nutrients
01:12 that each color brings.
01:14 For example, the greens have chlorophyll
01:19 and you want to get the chlorophyll in the diet
01:21 that is really important for your blood,
01:23 it's really important for your liver.
01:24 So you want to have green vegetables
01:27 and the yellows have laxative properties
01:29 so you want to have that in your diet.
01:32 And the reds are good for your blood.
01:34 So all of these things play into
01:37 the importance of having the rainbow.
01:40 So when we look at cauliflower
01:42 and our cauliflower is a white vegetable.
01:44 And usually we emphasize the vegetables of color
01:49 because they have certain properties
01:51 but the cauliflower is part of the cruciferous family.
01:55 Right? Yeah.
01:56 Cruciferous vegetables are super veggies.
02:01 Yes. Right?
02:02 Super veggies. Super veggies.
02:03 I like that. And why is that?
02:05 Because they have been-- they've been numerous studies
02:09 with cruciferous vegetables and over 70% of the studies
02:13 linked them to a lower rate of cancer.
02:16 Wow. Really? Yes.
02:18 So what your cruciferous vegetables
02:20 like your bok choy, your cauliflower, your broccoli.
02:22 Broccoli, yeah.
02:23 These are cruciferous vegetables.
02:25 They tend to be correlated with the more you eat of these,
02:32 the lower your risk of cancer.
02:35 For prostate cancer for example,
02:37 they found that the more men ate cruciferous vegetables
02:41 the lower their rate of prostate cancer.
02:44 And we know that prostate cancer
02:46 is like the number one cancer for men
02:49 in the African American community, yes, yes.
02:51 So we want to make sure that
02:53 they get enough cruciferous vegetables to bring that down.
02:58 That's-- Bring down that rate.
03:00 Yes, yes.
03:01 So cauliflower is really good,
03:03 it's also good for oxidative stress.
03:05 So, you know, when you have-- when you need,
03:08 you have free radicals that are in the body
03:11 that cause problems, internally they can cause cancer
03:15 and all kinds of degenerative diseases.
03:17 Well, the cruciferous vegetables
03:20 are good for oxidative stress.
03:21 They help to get rid of those free radicals. Wow.
03:25 So it's-- I mean, it's really good.
03:27 You would-- it's so amazing to me, Evita,
03:30 that God gave us all that we need in the plant based diet
03:36 to really be successful, to really be well.
03:40 And unfortunately we neglect that. Yes.
03:44 You know, we don't eat enough like,
03:45 if you look at the modern plate, right,
03:48 of the standard American diet which is properly acronym sad.
03:52 Sad.
03:54 You have a large plate
03:57 and what's the biggest thing on the plate?
03:59 The meat. The meat.
04:01 Now what's the smallest thing usually on the plate?
04:04 The vegetables. Exactly. Exactly.
04:07 Now if you look at cultures like in China
04:11 and in certain parts of Africa and stuff,
04:13 what's the smallest thing on the plate?
04:16 The meat. The meat.
04:18 And so-- and they have lower risks
04:21 the degenerative diseases that,
04:23 you know, that like we have here.
04:24 Exactly. They have a lower risk for that.
04:26 Why because their diets are different
04:28 and other lifestyle thing.
04:30 Yes. But their diets are different.
04:32 So we have to ask ourselves why do we have these diseases?
04:39 Yes. Part of it is because of the way we eat.
04:42 And what you're doing on a Taste of Paradise
04:44 by showing how to incorporate raw,
04:47 and not just incorporate but making good, it is just good.
04:51 I had one of those burgers you make. Yeah.
04:53 Oh, so delicious. So delicious.
04:56 So that's why this is important.
04:57 So we've got the cauliflower, we got the broccoli.
05:01 And these are part of our cruciferous family.
05:04 All right. Spinach, spinach is really good for iron.
05:08 Iron, yes.
05:09 And so many people are iron deficient, they are tired,
05:12 they worrying why I don't have any energy
05:14 because they really don't have enough spinach.
05:16 Exactly. So how can we more raw spinach in the diet?
05:19 A smoothie. Come on now.
05:22 Yes. You just throw smoothie, throw spinach in a blender.
05:27 And you could put either water or almond milk.
05:31 Some frozen bananas and some blueberries,
05:35 blend it up and you have a power pack smoothie.
05:38 Come on. Yeah.
05:39 You have the spinach flavor overpowered.
05:42 You don't even taste it. See.
05:44 You don't even taste it.
05:45 That's why our viewers need to know
05:47 that they're gonna be like ugh, its looks green.
05:49 Yeah. No, just try it. Just try it.
05:52 And you can also throw some frozen strawberries in there.
05:55 And it's so delicious.
05:58 So we want to include raw spinach particularly
06:01 because cooked has acid in it.
06:04 Yes. So oxalic acid.
06:06 So we don't want to have a lot of cooked spinach
06:09 but raw spinach is really good.
06:11 Yes. Of course, these are chives.
06:15 And these add a lot of flavor
06:18 and these are in the onion family, okay.
06:20 And onions, onions and you have white onion too and...
06:25 Red onion.
06:26 Onions are so good, they're antiviral. Yes.
06:29 A lot of people don't know that but if you chop up an onion
06:33 and chop up some garlic and incorporate that
06:36 in your food it can open up your sinuses, you feel better,
06:40 you can get rid of a lot of congestion just having--
06:44 And I remember one of Nyse's shows,
06:47 he did like a Penicillium with onion.
06:49 And that-- Yeah, Penicillium with onion.
06:52 Onion and garlic and do that garlic, oh. Yes.
06:56 You want to talk about something that's good. Yeah.
06:58 For the circulatory system,
07:00 they probably want to kill me in the control room because...
07:05 because I'm touching all of these things.
07:07 I'm sure that they do.
07:08 But anyway, the garlic is really, really good.
07:11 Now a lot of people have hypertension
07:15 and they don't realize
07:16 that if they start eating more garlic and celery.
07:20 Celery is really good for hypertension.
07:22 Three stocks of celery a day
07:25 can help to bring your blood pressure down.
07:27 That's-- Oh, wow.
07:28 It's really good, right? Wow.
07:30 Again it's God, God did not just leave us here
07:34 and say, "Okay, you are on your own now,
07:36 eat whatever you want, do whatever you want."
07:38 No, God gave us these things, these foods to heal the body.
07:43 Yes. To make it well and to keep it well.
07:46 So that garlic is good for your hypertension,
07:49 it's good if you have a cold.
07:50 One of the things that I take if I feel as though
07:53 I'm catching a cold is I'll do this odorless garlic,
07:58 I'll do few capsules of that, I'll take some goldenseal,
08:01 some vitamin C and I'm telling you,
08:04 you feel like a new person, and rest, of course.
08:06 And rest, of course. So that's really good.
08:09 Yeah. Avocado.
08:10 Oh. Oh, man.
08:12 I have just started really getting into avocado.
08:14 Yeah. I love avocado.
08:17 Trying to get my son to kind of get into that.
08:19 But do you put it, I notice you put it in things
08:22 and that you don't taste it.
08:24 No. it's almost like a binder. Okay. Yeah.
08:27 'Cause of the fatty content in it. Right.
08:29 So it binds things together. Oh, that is so good.
08:33 Also I read, well, avocado is good for your joints.
08:37 I have a elderly lady that is at church
08:41 and we do a tip every Sabbath in the bulletin, health tip.
08:47 Oh, okay.
08:48 And it's said that to eat avocado for arthritis.
08:52 And she said she started eating an avocado a day,
08:54 a small avocado a day.
08:56 And she say, you know, Evita, she said,
08:59 "I feel better, I'm able to walk a little better."
09:02 Wow. And she did that for like 30 days.
09:04 That's awesome. 'Cause it's high in vitamin E. Yeah.
09:07 You know that and vitamin E is great for your skin too.
09:10 Yeah. That's why your skin glows.
09:11 That's why my skin glows.
09:12 Yeah, so the secret right there.
09:15 Avocado is fabulous even, I think nice,
09:20 did they use it externally too?
09:21 Yeah. As a facial.
09:24 Just like a moisturizer or something. Yeah.
09:26 You can use it externally and internally.
09:29 That's amazing. Yes. Awesome.
09:32 We talked about the cauliflower,
09:33 we talked a little bit about cabbage
09:35 but what people also don't know that cabbage,
09:37 this is the red cabbage
09:39 which has additional benefits because it's red.
09:42 It helps with your blood.
09:43 But it also is a great detoxifier.
09:46 And it's also great for weight loss.
09:48 So if you are on some kind of weight loss regiment
09:51 and you want to lose weight faster, cabbage is really good.
09:56 Its filling but I think it also has
09:59 some dietary properties as well.
10:02 So, you know, in getting rid of little extra water away,
10:05 you know, it's all good, it's all good.
10:06 And the secret ingredient in cabbage is sulfur. Yeah.
10:10 Tell us, tell us what you know. Yeah. Talk about that.
10:12 Sulfur helps cleanse the blood that's the secret ingredient.
10:16 It's a detoxifier. Detoxifier.
10:18 Absolutely. And that's what we want to do.
10:22 Because we tend to take in so many toxins
10:26 and we don't release them as much as we could
10:29 and so there are times when we need to detoxified the body
10:33 and so cabbage is a really good vegetable for that.
10:37 Yes, yes.
10:39 Now-- oh, berries, come on, come on. Okay.
10:43 We forgot to talk about blueberries,
10:44 'cause I love blueberries.
10:46 Proanthocyanidins. Oh, what is that? What is that?
10:52 Blueberries have these phytochemicals in them
10:57 that are really anti-carcinogenic
11:00 and proanthocyanidins are anti-carcinogenic.
11:04 They will help to lower your risk of cancer.
11:07 So and they are also great for the brain, blueberries are,
11:11 they are just, they are low in the glycemic index
11:15 so if you have diabetes
11:18 the berries are really good fruits to eat
11:21 because they are low in the glycemic index
11:23 so they are not going to metabolize
11:25 into glucose as quickly--
11:27 In spite the blood. In spite the blood sugar.
11:30 So those are really good
11:32 and where do you use those in, tell me?
11:34 What do you do?
11:35 I do, I make a porch out of buckweed
11:38 and I put that in that and I also put them in my smoothie.
11:43 Yeah, and I also make a cheer seeds blueberry jam or spread.
11:48 It's delicious.
11:49 You know, what else I've been using making this fruitdale
11:54 with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries
11:59 and sprinkling cashews on them.
12:01 Oh, that's yummy. Girl, it is so good.
12:04 It's yummy 'cause you got the crunch.
12:06 I'm a foodie. Yes.
12:08 That people can probably tell. I'm a foodie, right.
12:10 So I like to have things with different textures and flavors
12:15 and when you add those berries with the cashews.
12:18 Cashews, yummy. That's so goodie.
12:20 I'm getting kind of hungry.
12:24 Okay, so, you know what, I love to, you use dates,
12:27 medjool dates specifically as a sweetener.
12:31 And that's so good because you are not using,
12:33 you're not using honey, you're not using--
12:35 Well, sometimes you do. Yeah.
12:36 Which is fine
12:37 but to use a fruit as a sweetener, as a sweetener--
12:41 Yeah. That's awesome.
12:43 Yeah. That is awesome.
12:44 I like to use mostly things in a natural state if I can,
12:47 you know, I do use a little maple syrup and honey
12:50 but I do use a lot of dates.
12:53 And that's good. That is good. Yeah.
12:55 You're red bell pepper. I love red bell pepper.
12:58 Now a lot of people will pick the green bell peppers
13:02 but the reds are actually better
13:04 because the reds actually reflect the repining of that.
13:08 Exactly. Right.
13:09 And green bell pepper is hard on the digestion.
13:12 So that's why I only use red bell pepper or yellow. Yeah.
13:16 Yeah, the ones that are different colors
13:18 but not the green one, yeah.
13:20 And one of the things that I do at home is I'll get,
13:23 like sometimes these stores have ten for ten
13:25 so I'll get a whole bunch of them
13:27 put them in the food processor
13:29 and chop them up and freeze them.
13:30 And freeze them, yeah.
13:31 And then when you want a soup like in those cold evenings
13:35 you just throw in the crock pot before you leave,
13:37 open up your little bag of your veggies,
13:40 put in whatever stuff you put in there
13:43 and just leave it in there in the crock pot
13:45 and when you come home your house smells so good.
13:49 And there you gonna have some lentil soup
13:51 or something like that, it's so good.
13:53 And it's high in vitamin C. Yes.
13:55 The vitamin C again is an antioxidant,
13:59 you want to have antioxidants like E and C
14:02 because they are again anti-carcinogenic.
14:05 So you want to include those and increase those in the diet.
14:10 It's great to do. Exactly.
14:11 It makes the big difference. Exactly.
14:13 Now, you know, my favorite nut is almonds.
14:16 Almonds. They are alkaline. Yes.
14:20 Right, so many people are acidic this--
14:24 the almonds give you a balance, it helps to balance your pH
14:28 because they are more alkaline.
14:30 And they are also-- they are great snack.
14:33 Nuts and seeds we don't use enough of, seeds are life.
14:37 Yes they are. They are life giving.
14:39 You know, you plant a seed and something's brings up.
14:42 We want to take in more seeds, more nuts, not too many nuts
14:47 'cause it can't be a little fattening, right?
14:50 And definitely not roasted nuts. No.
14:52 Raw. Raw nuts. Raw nuts.
14:55 So we want to and almonds are
14:57 the fair like the king of the nuts.
15:00 Yes, they are.
15:02 And, you know, I make almond milk with the nuts.
15:06 Oh, that's right, that's right. And almond milk is so good.
15:09 Especially, we're tending to get more into too much Soya.
15:14 So we have so much Soya milk, Soya burgers,
15:17 Soya cheese, Soya this or that.
15:19 Exactly.
15:21 And it's good thing to get away from that,
15:23 take a break from that and do almond milk for a change.
15:26 So that's, that's really good. Yes, yes.
15:29 And what's that your sunflower seeds.
15:31 Sunflower seeds, yes.
15:33 Again the seeds are really, really important.
15:37 Sunflower seeds have magnesium in them
15:40 woman really need more calcium and magnesium
15:43 as we get older because their bone density reduces.
15:47 So, it's important to have again seeds and nuts
15:51 that increase the calcium, magnesium that kind of thing.
15:55 So sunflower seeds are high in magnesium,
15:58 sesame seeds are high in calcium.
16:00 Oh, yeah right.
16:01 So, we have a quarter of cup of sesame seeds each day
16:04 that gives you basically the calcium
16:06 that you need for that day.
16:07 So that's really important and high in protein
16:11 those seeds are high in protein,
16:13 so that's also really good.
16:15 Yes, and let's, let's talk about
16:18 do you know anything about the jalapeno?
16:20 You know, what not really I guess
16:22 because I not really into the hot stuff.
16:25 So I don't really know tell me do you know about jalapeno?
16:28 Well, I know that it is a good for weight loss,
16:31 it helps with the weight loss.
16:32 That should be by eating them. And it revs up your metabolism.
16:37 Okay, so instead of using caffeine. Yes.
16:40 To rev up the metabolism
16:42 because lot of people using caffeine as weight lost seed.
16:44 Exactly. You can use the jalapeno.
16:47 You can use jalapeno, and you could also use cayenne.
16:50 See that's very good.
16:51 Well, now I do know that cayenne is really good
16:53 for the circulation and for hypertension.
16:56 So I do know that cayenne pepper is really good for that
16:59 and they use African cayenne
17:02 really a lot in treating hypertension.
17:04 Yeah, cool. That's wonderful. Yeah, that's--
17:07 Well, Yvonne, I want to thank you so much for coming.
17:09 Oh, you are so welcome.
17:11 Yeah, joining me in the kitchen today.
17:13 It was fun. Yeah.
17:14 Can I eat some now? Yes, you can.
17:17 And you know what I always say.
17:19 Come on tell us. Yes. Remember to live life fresh.
17:30 Welcome back Taste of Paradise.
17:32 However, we got to go, what? We need lunch on the go.
17:37 A lot of time individuals will love
17:38 to make these delicious recipes,
17:40 they love to prepare them but there is a no time
17:43 because they either work and they have school
17:45 and so by popular demand we're gonna share with you
17:48 some simple things that you can do to have lunch on a go.
17:52 Because a lot of times, you know,
17:53 they say if you eat fast food you live a fast life
17:56 you hear today go in tonight.
17:57 You heard the stories people go on just like this or stroke
18:01 or heart attack who knows young, old whatever it is,
18:05 if they are not taking care of them self
18:07 they are in big trouble.
18:09 But I'm excited because if you are watching us today
18:12 you must be doing something good.
18:13 And so I want to encourage you keeping trying
18:16 and now just learn how to prepare simple healthy meals
18:19 that you can do in a quick, quick no time right away.
18:24 So this is will be lunch on a go.
18:25 Today, we're gonna share with you
18:26 one or two simple things that you can do
18:28 but I need to share a principle most importantly.
18:31 The most principle is your meal needs to have three parts.
18:34 How many parts, everybody?
18:36 Three, yes, that's it just three.
18:38 You need something fresh, some kind of a whole grain
18:41 and some kind of natural fat.
18:43 What do I mean by fresh?
18:44 I'm talking about may be fruits or veggies
18:47 or something of that natural you needs to have
18:50 some kind of fresh items in your lunch.
18:51 What I mean by whole grain?
18:52 I'm taking about whole wheat pita bread,
18:55 I'm talking about bread, I'm taking about brown rice.
18:57 May be is may not be a whole grain but may be potato as well
19:01 you need to your starches and a natural fat.
19:04 What I'm taking about?
19:05 I'm talking about eating chicken skin
19:06 or oil or something like that.
19:08 I'm talking about nuts
19:09 or may be even a little veggie burger
19:11 that you make something to hold you
19:14 and hold that diet to hold that digestion.
19:17 So today we're gonna share
19:19 one or two simple items that you can do
19:21 and one of my favorite is the simple banana granola wrap.
19:27 Yes, you can do this literally running out of the door,
19:30 you can knock out of this simple lunch on a go recipe.
19:33 Here is the recipe for your Banana Granola Wrap.
19:36 All you need is...
19:49 And just as simple as that you have your recipe,
19:52 that was literally on a go.
19:53 What do I mean? A banana.
19:55 Many times we just gobbling this down in the morning
19:59 and running out the door but let me call the time
20:01 we've really need to take our time to eat.
20:03 I'm just gonna show you this recipe not to say
20:05 keep rushing your life I'm just sharing with you this recipe
20:07 so you can learn how to prepare something quick.
20:10 But still even then it is better to sit down
20:13 and eat your food, okay.
20:15 Is that okay?
20:16 You know, what a writing says in Ellen G White it says,
20:19 that sometime it's better to fast
20:21 than to swallow down your meal.
20:23 So digestion ultimately means
20:25 that you need to sit down and take time.
20:26 So here we are we're gonna grab our simple banana.
20:29 We're gonna grab our little whole wheat wrap
20:33 and we're gonna grab our natural peanut butter,
20:35 if you don't like peanut butter no problem send it to me
20:38 I eat it for you, but you can use almond butter,
20:42 cashew butter, sunflower butter so many items that you can do.
20:45 So, we're gonna take nice little tablespoon there
20:48 which you are gonna put peanut butter on this,
20:52 this is one of my favorites another one of my favorites
20:56 we're gonna laid out nicely
20:58 all right, really simply and easy.
21:00 You are watching your clock you got catch the bus
21:03 or you need to be on your way to work.
21:05 Then where is my granola.
21:07 You can take some granola this is homemade
21:09 and I hope you made it yourself.
21:10 You can sprinkle that on there it's good to put the granola
21:13 along with the peanut butter, so it can stick to it nicely.
21:17 We'll sprinkle that then we're gonna take some raisins
21:21 and we're gonna put those raisins on there.
21:23 I know yellow like, what happen to the banana?
21:25 Don't worry the banana is coming.
21:27 All right, if you're me I like to put little extra
21:30 little extra peanut butter all right
21:32 because this is actually a good thing.
21:34 Peanut butter is not a bad thing it's actually
21:36 a good thing is just that you have to do with yourself.
21:39 Now you notice peanut butter we're talking about
21:40 is the all natural peanut butter.
21:42 How you know, if your peanut butter all natural?
21:44 When you buy you see the oil hanging out
21:46 at the top that's the good one.
21:47 You don't want to buy the other one
21:49 where it's already for you
21:50 it's flexing its stuff like that.
21:52 They don't process that too much.
21:53 Just turn and read the ingredients
21:55 all that you see is peanuts and salt,
21:58 nothing else, nothing more, nothing less
22:01 if its start saying icing and sugar and corn syrup
22:04 say thank you very much, but no thanks.
22:06 Then we'll take banana, and get that going
22:10 and then we're literally just take the banana
22:13 and we put it there and then we just wrap
22:17 our granola banana wrap and here go as simple as that.
22:22 You take that you just squeeze it together little bit
22:24 so that holds tight you cut that.
22:28 And then you stick that and get nice little
22:31 to go either you love Tupperwear
22:33 then of course is always good you remember what we said
22:35 we need something fresh what's gonna be fresh
22:37 I wash my nice little strawberry, so I'm gonna put
22:39 about two strawberries in there
22:41 then oh, yes, you know, I got to have some mango.
22:44 So I'm gonna take some mango, I'm gonna put the mango
22:47 in there two pieces of mango, and what else.
22:52 Now where is our natural fat?
22:53 we had the peanut butter in there,
22:55 so that could be your natural fat as simple as that,
22:58 that is the banana granola warp.
23:01 And wait let me get my top on that.
23:06 Voila, she is ready to go.
23:09 That is lunch on a go but we're not done yet
23:12 because some of us like it sweat, some like savory.
23:15 So we have another simple sandwich on a stick,
23:19 a simple sandwich that you can make for lunch on a go
23:22 and here is the ingredients for you sandwich on a stick.
23:25 All you need is...
23:38 And so you need some cucumbers to go along with that,
23:41 so here it is voila, already knocked out one lunch mean.
23:45 Man, I just thought a catering business at this rate
23:48 and make yeah you don't want to make it
23:49 I'll make it for you because it's gonna cost you.
23:51 You know, what they say, healthy food is actually
23:54 not expensive is actually cheaper then regular food.
23:57 Its expensive when you have somebody else make it for you,
24:00 that's why we're put it together these programs
24:02 so you can learn how to make lunch on a go
24:04 and simply recipes that you can do yourself.
24:06 So here it is, I have my bread and let me go ahead
24:11 and I'm gonna grab this knife.
24:13 I got peanut butter on it I don't what--
24:14 peanut butter and a savory item.
24:18 So, I want to take this, I'm gonna take my bread
24:20 and I'm gonna cut it okay another way.
24:24 This is two slices we're only gonna make one right now.
24:27 All right, so we have that bread there.
24:30 Then we're gonna take our nice little stick all right,
24:33 sandwich on a stick, really simple and easy.
24:35 You're gonna take the first part of the bread
24:37 we're gonna wait--
24:38 we're gonna take some of that all nice delicious tofu meal
24:43 or a vegan cream cheese all right.
24:47 And all you're like man, that make cause or whatever
24:50 don't worry you can make yourself is simple our recipe.
24:53 I hope you been paying attention to the program
24:55 because we have been sharing this with you for free.
24:58 All right, so you're gonna take that first part
25:00 but the stick right through it then we're gonna take cucumber
25:05 and we're gonna put the cucumber on there.
25:07 We're gonna take grape tomato or cherry tomato put that there
25:12 and then here it is a nice little vegemite.
25:16 Now I know people they can whoa, vegemite
25:19 it has too much salt or this is or that.
25:22 Well, actually there are some good options out there
25:26 that you can that you can buy.
25:28 Now in general I don't use vegemite all the time
25:32 but I when I'm on the road
25:33 you know if I see a nice good brand
25:35 and ingredients are very simple and easy
25:38 because one time I try to buy a sandwich
25:40 I like a vegan sandwich on a road
25:42 and when I went to check out literally
25:44 I was at a supermarket a healthy supermarket.
25:47 And when I went to check out or buying the simple sandwich
25:50 the lady was like yeah its cost,
25:52 that's gonna be about $12, $13.
25:54 I said excuse me, I just bought a sandwich some chips.
25:58 I say ma'am I'm looking I'm like are you sure
26:00 you didn't add their stuff to it?
26:02 There are like this no, this is yours.
26:04 And I said you know, can I return that please?
26:06 She was like, okay.
26:08 I went back to store the same store
26:10 I brought whole loaf of bread,
26:12 I brought a little pack vegemite,
26:14 a cucumber, tomatoes
26:17 and when I checked out it was the same price.
26:19 Well, you're ready for this,
26:20 I didn't only have one meal I had meals for the whole week.
26:24 Literally I was tired of bread and all that stuff.
26:26 So once in a while you can find some nice little vegemite
26:29 you know, item that you can use and you can,
26:33 and you can eat that but only once in a blue.
26:35 Not everyday vegemite was transition not a stable point.
26:39 So here I'm gonna take this little sandwich on a stick.
26:43 Now its gonna take little room,
26:45 so I'm gonna put that right in here my little Tupperwear
26:49 and also you can probably do it again if you want
26:51 you just take the stick you go one, two
26:54 you put some of that cream cheese on it,
26:58 you take the cucumber
27:01 and you make sure you get it through.
27:02 You take your tomatoes get that through.
27:06 Then you have your nice little vegemite part
27:10 and then bang here it is.
27:12 I have two of those there.
27:13 Really simple and easy then you got
27:16 you know have a little good time at lunch
27:18 put some chips in that if you don't mind.
27:21 Sometimes they have some all natural healthy chips
27:23 that you can buy and also what is your natural fat
27:27 may be a handful of nuts,
27:29 so right here I have some almonds.
27:31 So you just take handful everybody.
27:34 Watch me I need to see you all.
27:35 Everybody show me a handful not a handful of nuts
27:38 just the handful because then it will be too much
27:40 you don't want too much fat.
27:42 So I take that put that in my little box there
27:45 and here it is a simple next recipe of lunch on a go,
27:50 something fresh some kind of a whole grain
27:53 and natural fat to keep it going.
27:55 If you don't want it I'll take it myself, enjoy.


Revised 2014-12-17