Urban Report


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Cordell Thomas & Family


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000077

00:01 Want to teach your family how to wisely deal with money...
00:03 Well, stay tuned to meet the family
00:05 of Dare to Dream's host of Take it to the Bank
00:07 and hear how they do it... My name is Yvonne Lewis...
00:10 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:34 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:36 Recently I had the opportunity to interview Cordell Thomas
00:39 and his lovely family on the set of
00:41 Take it to the Bank... Let's see what they have to say.
00:44 It is such a blessing for me to be here
00:48 on the set of Take it to the Bank
00:51 with our host Cordell Thomas and his
00:54 lovely family... Welcome to Urban Report
00:57 on the Take it to the Bank set. I'm glad to be here...
01:01 We're glad to be here... Now, Cordell, you have been
01:05 giving us such amazing information...
01:08 Viewer, if you have not ever watched Take it to the Bank
01:11 please tune in...
01:13 there's such great information there...
01:15 things that you can apply immediately to your life...
01:19 and Cordell has... God has given him this gift
01:22 of being able to communicate it
01:24 so well... check out Take it to the Bank...
01:27 the information there is so valuable...
01:30 So, with your family... because we had the privilege
01:34 of having your family on Take it to the Bank
01:37 this season... this upcoming season
01:39 for the viewers... tell us...
01:42 how did you decide to teach your children about money...
01:47 When I was growing up... I never had any educational money
01:53 Hmmm... I think the majority of
01:54 us as Gen Xers and whatever generation you come from
01:58 we never had an actual sit-down class on
02:01 what money is really about... it's a tool...
02:03 Hmmm... hmmm... if you use it the correct way
02:04 you can build a future that's a wonderful thriving future
02:09 that you can now give back to philanthropic efforts for God
02:13 so, I think one of the things I've learned
02:17 was in 1999... I made a six-digit income
02:22 and I spent six digits plus more...
02:24 because whenever you don't have a budget...
02:26 typically you spend everything that you've made...
02:28 plus more... people don't realize
02:31 that by just planning... you can save, you can invest,
02:33 you can plan for the future and that's when it triggered
02:37 a thought that I need to educate myself on what money is about
02:41 and also, try to leave a legacy for my kids so that
02:45 they could also live a comfortable life...
02:47 without the stress.
02:48 That's wonderful... introduce us to your
02:49 wonderful family... Certainly, my newly-wed wife
02:51 of 11 years... she's right here... Yuriam
02:54 and she's such a bright part of my life...
02:57 because she... many people don't realize
02:59 how impactful the wife is or your spouse can be
03:03 in leading out in financial affairs...
03:05 she does help with so much in reference to household finances
03:10 and she does so many things... she's amazing...
03:13 Aww, that's great... And then of course my son, Caleb
03:15 Caleb amazes me... the way he thinks...
03:18 his mindset... he recently got baptized
03:21 he's dedicated himself to Christ Amen...
03:23 and we're so privileged to have him as a part of our household
03:27 he amazes me every day... and this beautiful young lady
03:30 at the end.. her name is Yulissa such a beautiful girl..
03:33 I remember the day she was born...
03:35 and now she is 7 years old and doing so many, different,
03:39 wonderful things... as a blessing
03:41 to other individuals... so they are learning as we
03:44 move forward and amazingly so... while we were here...
03:47 my wife was actually helping out with a cooking show
03:50 with the Latino Network... Yes...
03:51 and I was sitting at home watching the kids...
03:54 she emulates... her mom... she went around vacuuming,
03:58 cleaning, moving our feet to do certain things
04:01 I was amazed and so proud not that...
04:04 that's her legitimate role, but she sees her mom
04:08 working certain roles at home and she takes on
04:11 that responsibility... so kids will follow you...
04:14 Yes... they will follow your lead
04:15 and as long as you tell them and teach them...
04:17 they'll do the right thing...
04:18 That is very, very true... they will follow your lead
04:21 and how important it is... to have a family
04:26 that's working together... a family in which
04:30 Christ is at the center... and then...
04:32 you're teaching your children how to deal with money,
04:36 how to apply... these things in a practical way
04:40 and that is so important... I understand that
04:43 because you mentioned it to me before
04:45 that you are homeschooling the children Yuriam
04:48 Yes... explain how you teach them
04:52 about money... when you're teaching...
04:55 Well, just daily life... like electricity
04:58 or running the water, they think that it's free
05:03 that it just comes with the house... then I tell them,
05:06 "No, we have to make a monthly payment
05:08 and so the more the water is on the more we have to pay...
05:12 the more electricity, TV, or whatever you have on...
05:16 the more we have to pay... " and so they get that concept
05:21 and sometimes they tell dad, "Dad, you left the light on... "
05:25 or "Daddy you're running the water...
05:28 you're brushing your teeth"
05:29 Yeah... so, those things like that,
05:32 we go to the store... we try to get the big deal...
05:36 and Caleb... he looks at prices and the first thing he does is
05:41 like, "Oh no, that's too expensive mommy...
05:43 let's look for something a little bit more cheaper...
05:48 so, that's how he's learning and Yulissa too...
05:53 Yulissa is... she loves to sing, and so, she sings since morning
06:00 until evening... and she also plays a great part in learning
06:06 how to save money... when she has money...
06:09 and I say, "Can you lend me one dollar... "
06:11 she like, "Are you going to pay me back?"
06:14 "Make sure you pay me back... "
06:17 but they are good with their money...
06:20 they do give offering and tithe whenever they earn money
06:24 Hmmm... hmmm... and that's a very
06:27 important thing... we make sure to teach them
06:31 which I didn't realize until Caleb had earned...
06:35 hardly earned a 100 dollars and he was really happy
06:39 with selling his water bottles.
06:41 Caleb, I'm going to hit you up for a loan...
06:43 He's looking a little nervous... he's like, "I don't think so...
06:48 I don't know about that... " Caleb, tell us about that...
06:51 you earned some money... Yeah, I earned some money
06:55 to go to Europe and then I used some of that money
07:00 to do the tithe and offering... Wonderful... now was your trip
07:05 to Europe... was that a vacation with your
07:08 family or what was that? Just to have fun...
07:10 Okay, all right... very nice... so you earned some money
07:16 to go on a trip... now Viewer... this is another
07:20 important point and one of the things that I noticed
07:23 about a lot of kids now-a-days is that
07:26 there's no real understanding of the importance of earning
07:30 the money... a lot of times, you know,
07:32 kids will say, "Could I have some money to do this or that?"
07:36 but you... are making your children earn their money
07:42 so that they understand the value of work...
07:44 and they understand the value of money...
07:47 How did you feel, Caleb, about.. like what was it like
07:50 having to earn that money for your trip?
07:53 Did it feel good? Yeah...
07:55 Yeah... why... why do you think it felt good
07:57 because... some people who need it... they can use it...
08:02 so I was happy to give it to them...
08:07 Oh, so you gave some money to people too?
08:10 Yes... Caleb, so not only are you
08:14 learning to work for money, but you're also learning
08:18 the importance of giving... did your dad tell you anything
08:24 about how important it is to give?
08:26 Yes... What did he tell you?
08:28 He told me that whenever you give to God...
08:32 you get more blessings back... Oh... I love it...
08:37 that is great and that's so true that's so true...
08:42 we're going to come back to your earning potential
08:45 and all that... because I want to talk more about...
08:49 what you want to do in life but I also want to talk
08:52 to Yulissa and find out about you with money...
08:56 How are you with money... Yulissa?
08:57 I make bracelets... Oh...
09:04 and I make money too...
09:09 and give offering...
09:14 you give offering... that's awesome...
09:19 I love that... it's so important to give an offering...
09:23 because when we give back, God just blesses us...
09:30 what made you decide to incorporate the money
09:38 into their curriculum... instead of just like... you know
09:42 doing it kind of... haphazardly?
09:45 I think that one of the main issues
09:48 that we as parents are concerned about
09:51 is what the media is actually doing...
09:53 that's... you know... we don't have television
09:55 in our home... we allow them to watch 3ABN...
09:58 we allow them to watch controlled programs
10:00 but we understand that they change when they watch
10:05 what the media wants them to watch...
10:07 they will tell you on television
10:09 many of these companies will say,
10:11 "We can manipulate the way that you act...
10:13 we can get you to buy what we want you to buy... "
10:16 it's a game... so as we limit their exposure to what's
10:19 actually out there... in the real world...
10:20 we're find that they're beginning to understand
10:24 a little bit more... of how they can control their destiny
10:27 by doing other things... and of course
10:29 when you teach that God's way is to give...
10:33 and it's through that giving that you receive the blessings
10:37 that changes your perspective about going out...
10:41 and buying things... one of my major support
10:44 mechanisms is Caleb... when I'm out shopping,
10:48 "No, daddy, we don't have that in our budget...
10:51 that's too expensive... maybe we can find it elsewhere"
10:55 So, Caleb knows about a budget. He understands and he puts it
10:58 very clear that, you know, if we say something that's not
11:02 as accurate as we think it's supposed to be...
11:04 he will come back and tell us, "No, no, no... that's not the
11:06 way it's supposed to be... let's plan for this
11:08 and let's prepare so that we can better do the right thing and
11:11 use the money the way we're supposed to... "
11:13 That is so, so... great... do you know what you want
11:16 to be when you grow up Caleb? Yeah...
11:18 What? A Paleontologist...
11:20 Oh... ho... ho... ho... some people can't even say that
11:23 let alone... study that... that's awesome...
11:26 tell us what a Paleontologist does...
11:28 Well, they go places and look for bones
11:31 and then they give it to a museum...
11:33 Awesome...
11:35 so we earn some money that way...
11:37 Okay... I like it... I like it What about you, Yulissa?
11:43 I want to be... a doctor... Oh, do you know what kind yet?
11:50 A nurse... Okay, so you want to be a nurse
11:55 and kind of a doctor... so maybe you could be
11:57 a Doctor of Nursing... you know they have that...
11:59 so you could do that... maybe... that's wonderful...
12:02 so you want to kind of take care of sick people...
12:04 Yes... That's nice... that's very nice
12:09 you know, to me, one of the things that I love to see
12:14 are children who are really being parented...
12:19 taught... and parented... not just kind of...
12:22 sent out there to kind of do their own thing...
12:26 what a blessing that is... how have you found
12:29 that people receive... what you're doing with your family?
12:34 There's a variety of different perspectives...
12:38 I think, for the majority of those that observe what we do,
12:42 I think they support it very well...
12:45 some think... it's not traditional...
12:48 you're aware of this right... because,
12:50 "You don't let your children watch... TV...
12:53 isn't that.. aren't they limited
12:57 aren't they missing something in life?"
12:59 Now, my wife gets more of that than I do...
13:02 but you still get that feedback that it's part of what
13:05 growing up is... Hmmm...
13:07 and I think that the Bible has a different approach
13:10 than what traditional approaches are... so we find there is
13:14 some negative feedback but for the most part, they say,
13:18 "Wow, you're spending a lot of time with your kids and that's
13:21 that's very, very important... we find... that statistics show
13:25 we do some life skills training for families...
13:28 in the Los Angeles area and one of the things I tell them is
13:31 a father... there's a project "Fatherhood"
13:33 we say that fathers are so very important
13:36 to the daughter's growth... Hmmm... Hmmm...
13:38 they need to see how a gentleman should act...
13:41 so, my daughter and I have this interesting joke that
13:46 "If you see a gentleman writhing in a car with
13:49 the windows down and the music blaring...
13:52 and it's this type of music...
13:53 what do you do?" "Close your ears... "
13:58 "Close your ears... don't look, don't be a part of that...
14:02 that's not an individual that emulates what daddy thinks
14:06 is right for a young lady... so, we talk about it...
14:10 it's an active conversation and so that she knows now...
14:13 as a part of... that she develops and grows
14:16 we hope that sticks with her... for a long time...
14:18 Daddy dates... they go on daddy dates...
14:21 Yeah... Oh! that's awesome... you know, one of the things
14:26 that I'm seeing in that... as you watch the news and
14:29 you listen to all the statistics we know that fatherlessness
14:34 is a huge issue especially in the
14:37 African American Community, it's a huge issue and
14:40 the role of the mother is critical... it's so important...
14:45 but the absence of the father... is also so very important and
14:50 so very impactful... and so, we find that,
14:53 at the root of many of these sociological issues that we have
14:58 these anti-social issues... that we find...
15:01 is fatherlessness... and so,
15:04 whenever I see a family
15:07 that's intact... that is doing things for God...
15:10 that's teaching children... their children the ways of God
15:16 that's so important... and it's so heartwarming for me
15:20 I'm so thankful for families like yours...
15:22 that, you know... because the Bible says,
15:25 "Train up a child in the way he should go...
15:26 and when he is old... he will not depart from it. "
15:28 So you're placing that foundation now...
15:31 and that is critical... what kinds of things
15:34 do you want your children to take with them
15:37 into adulthood... not just about money...
15:40 but... just in general...
15:41 what lessons are you feeling that you need to give them?
15:44 Well, we want... I want my kids...
15:47 our major goal is to make it to heaven...
15:51 Hmmm... and that's our priority...
15:54 and to teach other people about Christ...
15:57 sometimes... the other day my son was crying...
16:02 and I said, "Why are you crying?"
16:03 and he's like... "Jesus is coming soon...
16:06 and not a lot of people know about him...
16:09 and I want everybody to be with me in heaven... "
16:12 and so... that's our major goal because...
16:17 it doesn't matter that you be a doctor or a paleontologist,
16:20 and not make it to heaven... that will be very sad...
16:23 so our major goal is... heaven to meet our Jesus and Lord...
16:28 Oh, yes, Amen, that's beautiful, that is beautiful...
16:32 we'd like to say that she has three kids... I'm one of them...
16:34 Right... it's amazing how she is able to manage me
16:40 in such a wonderful and easy-going way...
16:43 You remember... when... I bought that CD player
16:46 and tried to hook it up without you... seeing it...
16:49 you remember that? Tell us the story...
16:51 tell us the story... That was quite interesting
16:52 I went out... it was an outing I went to pick up something
16:55 at the retail store and there was this great deal...
16:58 it was a DVD player... I still remember...
17:01 it's a DVD Player... we still have it... right?
17:04 and I saw it... it was on sale,
17:07 it was a great price but, you know,
17:09 I hadn't discussed with her about making this purchase...
17:13 So you discuss... with your spouse...
17:16 before you make a purchase... or make your purchase...
17:18 I think it's important to do that...
17:20 it's important to share with her... what's going on...
17:23 so that she's aware of what we're trying to accomplish
17:26 is... our goals from a financial standpoint...
17:28 but... I remember bringing
17:31 it home and leaving it in the car because
17:33 I needed the right moment to sneak it in
17:34 so she didn't see... Whoa...
17:38 Yeah... I'm being... frank with you
17:39 I did that and a lot of people
17:43 don't realize that... divorce
17:46 and a lot of other issues
17:48 stress issues are related to financial issues...
17:50 especially... if the couple doesn't communicate...
17:52 in that situation... she said,
17:54 "Did we agree to buy that CD player?"
17:58 you know... and she called me out
17:59 All of a sudden... I felt like the child...
18:01 because I'm trying to figure out an excuse
18:03 "Well, it was on sale... " well, all it took was
18:06 to pick up the phone and call and discuss...
18:09 and it was humorous as I look at it because
18:11 I was then the child...
18:13 trying to figure a way out
18:14 of this acquisition and rationalize why
18:17 I bought this DVD player... which we really didn't need
18:21 at the time... did we... it was just on sale...
18:23 So, let me ask you guys something...
18:26 just so that we can know... so, how do you...
18:29 because, of course, we know that divorce
18:32 is often at the top of the list
18:35 money issues... at the top of the list...
18:38 so, how do you negotiate through that...
18:41 do you guys sit down and work a budget out every month...
18:45 or do you just... have a set... how do you work it out?
18:48 We talk at length about budgeting...
18:52 we talk at length about money... as we work this non-profit...
18:56 I think we work it as a team... she's a wonderful translator
18:59 she's working along with me in the bilingual community
19:03 as well as different non-profits that we contract with
19:06 so, the numbers game comes up, the thing that I love about her
19:11 is that she's very modest... she's very humble...
19:15 and I don't know how to... I don't know if I can do that
19:18 but in our conversations and in the activities we do...
19:22 you see her wisdom and her brilliance
19:25 so she talks at length about how she shops
19:28 where she goes for her groceries how she saves funds
19:31 from that standpoint... which creates additional
19:34 forms of cash flow that we can put elsewhere in our family...
19:38 she finds... a place... a location to find gas...
19:41 or fuel for the vehicles at 10 cents less per gallon
19:45 and that's a wonderful way of helping the bottom line...
19:49 especially as you run a non-profit
19:50 and try to maintain the integrity of the Organization.
19:53 You know, it's so great to see couples
19:56 working together... because many times
19:59 people are working against each other... so to speak...
20:02 and so it's such a blessing... okay, so I have to ask you...
20:06 because I love these stories and I know our viewers do too...
20:09 How did you guys meet?
20:10 Wow...
20:14 that was a
20:16 wonderful experience... I won her heart...
20:18 I have to admit that...
20:20 Well, come on... I love it... I met her in the Church...
20:22 her smile got me...
20:24 she was sitting in a pew
20:25 and she had this beautiful smile
20:27 which she has... right... there it is...
20:29 I can look into those beautiful eyes..
20:31 I had to overcome... you know...
20:33 I did actually ask a pastor...
20:34 I said, "Is it okay if I pursue this young lady... "
20:37 and he said, "Well, if she's not married... so go ahead... "
20:41 and that's... you know... I started sending her notes
20:45 and talking to her but it wasn't until...
20:48 she was actually living for a short amount of time
20:52 in Guatemala that I had my first 1,000 dollar phone bill...
20:57 Wow! Yes, it was one that...
21:00 I was committed... I really was...
21:03 I loved talking to her... we'd sit and talk about...
21:05 "Hey, guess what... we may be far apart...
21:06 but we're under the same moon, and those kinds of things...
21:10 Oh, romantic stuff... Yeah...
21:11 Now at this point... when you were here
21:13 and she was in Guatemala... how long into the relationship
21:16 was this... well, not too much of a
21:19 relationship because she was still actually...
21:21 before she went... she was actually seeing
21:23 someone else... Oh!
21:24 So, the opportunity was there
21:26 as she was there... to call... talk to her...
21:28 to develop a friendship and that was really nice...
21:30 then as she came back... we were able to talk
21:33 and develop a relationship from that standpoint...
21:35 she says that I won her heart when we were in San Diego
21:39 at the Park... remember that? She had sprained her ankle
21:43 and I carried her on our walk...
21:45 I carried her on our walk... and I tied her shoes
21:47 when she wasn't able to reach down and do it...
21:49 I don't remember that...
21:51 but she remembers the romance that... shoe-tying...
21:55 that's a valuable thing... tie their shoes...
21:58 He opened the door for me in the car...
22:01 and he still does... so... So the things that he did
22:06 to get you... he continues to do, to keep you
22:08 Well he doesn't really tie my shoes anymore
22:11 unless I need it... but
22:14 but he still opens the door for me and
22:16 he still goes out of his way for me to be happy...
22:20 That is so great... do you set goals...
22:24 as a couple besides the goals that you have for your children
22:29 do you set personal goals for the two of you?
22:32 Yes... You do?
22:34 It's through her... that I have a very close
22:37 relationship with Christ... Tell us more about that...
22:40 I was a very proud
22:43 and egotistical person...
22:44 early on in life... correct? just be honest...
22:47 I may have had a problem... She does not want to say
22:50 anything bless her heart... I'm going to counter that...
22:52 I was... I was that type of person...
22:54 Were you? But she is a prayerful
22:56 young lady... she prays... she has a wonderful
22:58 support network... my mother-in-law is amazing
23:00 the only problem that I have is that...
23:02 I have not yet learned Spanish...
23:04 so I have that hovering over my head
23:06 the kids are bilingual and Cordell just hasn't figured out
23:09 how to learn the language completely yet...
23:12 But, we have a wonderful support network...
23:14 and her prayer... as in her prayer life... is amazing...
23:17 our Program together has lent
23:20 many opportunities
23:22 to win souls to Christ... we have, as an example,
23:24 we have a music program... we have acquired...
23:27 some keyboards from a major organ producer...
23:29 we have a Six-Keyboard Lab in the Church...
23:32 up in front... in the choir loft...
23:34 where we teach Christian music...
23:36 And what our viewers might not know...
23:38 about you Cordell is that you are an accomplished pianist
23:42 A pianist... accomplished? yes, accomplished pianist...
23:46 that's what I've heard... I enjoy the keyboards very much.
23:49 And so you set the keyboards up at the Church?
23:52 One of the innovative outreach programs...
23:54 our pastor has allowed us to do and I think the Board
23:59 is supporting it tremendously, is the opportunity to talk
24:03 to the Community... send out postcards...
24:04 let them know what's going on at our Church...
24:06 that we have a Food Bank Program that we have...
24:07 a free Music Program... and we have people
24:11 coming to the Music Program that has led to individuals
24:14 taking Bible Studies and that's where my wife takes off,
24:17 she's giving Bible Studies to several individuals
24:20 and we're find that Christ is reaching others
24:22 through her ministry... so, as we work together...
24:25 we've seen that these projects are leading
24:28 through Christ's help are leading to people
24:31 finding out more about what a Seventh Day Adventist is...
24:34 That's tremendous... so, when a community person
24:37 comes to the Church for the Music Program...
24:41 are they hearing a concert... are they getting music lessons?
24:44 They're getting music lessons and at the end
24:47 of a certain period, we provide a recital...
24:50 now, the wonderful thing is... now we've expanded
24:54 to 3 locations... we have partners
24:56 in the Community... we all came together...
24:58 we had 14 different pieces that were played
25:00 and we were able to show
25:01 but the important part is not necessarily the Music Program
25:07 what it is... is that people are now
25:10 becoming comfortable with coming to the Church facility...
25:12 And that is very important because a lot of people
25:16 don't know about Adventism so they think that we're weird
25:18 or a cult and that kind of thing Actually, yes...
25:21 Tell us... they do think that...
25:23 actually one of the ladies that one of the moms that Cordell
25:28 teaching 3 of the kids... she came and
25:31 she's studying...
25:33 she's studying Cordell... she's studying every person
25:35 there in the Church and it wasn't after a year of coming...
25:41 that she asked me to give her Bible Studies and
25:45 she started coming to Church... she was going to a different
25:47 different Church... but she found out that Sabbath
25:50 was the day of worship... so she decided that...
25:54 she was going to join the Church
25:56 and it sort of... God is so amazing because
25:59 she is a very spiritual woman... and she's bringing a lot of the
26:04 people from her Church to our Church...
26:07 So, she kind of studied you guys to see if you were legitimate
26:14 Yes... and then when she saw that
26:17 you were... now she's bringing.. she not only is coming
26:20 but she's bringing others... Yes...
26:22 Isn't that what witnessing is all about?
26:24 Isn't it... It makes you grow spiritually
26:27 and it makes you want to work more for Christ...
26:31 Yes... because you see the miracles
26:33 that the Holy Spirit... is doing in other people...
26:36 Yes... yes... that's so beautiful...
26:39 in the one minute or so that we have left...
26:41 is there anything that you would like to share
26:44 with the viewers about having
26:47 a family life that's centered in Christ?
26:50 30 seconds now...
26:51 Family life centered in Christ is a life where
26:56 both of the partners that lead out in the family are
27:01 in sync with their relationship with Christ...
27:03 I was not there at one point in time
27:06 but through her prayers... she's brought me
27:08 to a place now... that I understand
27:09 that I don't ask for things anymore...
27:11 I ask God to fill me with His Spirit
27:14 and lead me to what He wants to accomplish
27:16 and I'm blessed... to be doing this...
27:18 on Take it to the Bank... because Taking it to the Bank
27:22 will not only help someone develop their own personal
27:25 relationship with Christ... but it will also help them give
27:27 so that others can gain too...
27:29 Thank you... thank you so much
27:31 for all that you guys are doing, for the cause of Christ...
27:35 I'm so proud to know you and blessed to know you...
27:39 May God continue to bless you in your ministry...
27:42 and in your family... May God bless you too...
27:46 Wow! wasn't that good? I'm always thrilled
27:50 to see families that work... the ones that pray together
27:54 can stay together... Well, that's the end of our
27:57 Program... the time goes by so fast...
27:59 Thanks for tuning in... Join us next time...
28:01 It just wouldn't be the same without you...


Revised 2015-02-10