Urban Report


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Pr. Cory Jackson, Louis Cleare


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000141A

00:01 Stay tuned to meet the latest foundation of our faith team.
00:04 My name is Yvonne Lewis
00:06 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:30 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:32 My guests today are
00:34 Pastor Cory Jackson and Louis Cleare.
00:37 Welcome to Urban Report, yeah...
00:40 Thank you.
00:41 You know, "Foundation of our Faith"
00:44 is one of my favorite programs because it incorporates
00:49 preaching, from powerful speakers
00:52 and presenters, men of God
00:54 and powerful musical evangelists so it's kind of like
00:58 you get so much from that Program
01:01 and you guys are here and we're going to be doing some
01:05 I know, by the grace of God, amazing programming.
01:09 So Pastor, let's start with you,
01:11 let's talk to you a bit because
01:14 you are the Pastor of Detroit Burns,
01:16 and how long have you been there?
01:18 I've been there for four years and a few months.
01:21 Okay, and was that one of your first assignments
01:24 because you look kind of young.
01:26 Actually that's my third assignment,
01:28 I've been pastoring for 14 years.
01:30 Oh, wow, see, the baby face, you have the baby face,
01:34 All right, all right... It's the diet, it's the diet.
01:35 Is it... all right, I love it, it's that Adventist way of life
01:39 that lifestyle, right? That's right.
01:42 So you've been there and
01:44 what kind of challenges do you find
01:47 in the inner city as a pastor?
01:50 Well, being in the inner city, of course
01:53 the first challenge is the violence,
01:55 we have a lot of blight in Detroit,
01:58 we have a lot of economic issues,
02:00 and so it has quite a bit
02:04 of challenges that you don't see on an everyday basis.
02:07 Hmmm... hmmm... and so, do you feel that
02:11 when you're at a church, do you have to tailor
02:14 your messages to meet the needs
02:18 of that particular segment or do you just kind of
02:21 just kind of go from the Word and...
02:24 how do you do it?
02:26 I think all of it has to be practical in itself
02:28 but I think, you have to be aware
02:29 of the environment that you're in
02:31 because the environment of
02:32 where the church is located and the people that come,
02:35 all the messages are tailored towards those individuals,
02:39 and families and things of that nature.
02:41 Have you always been an Adventist?
02:42 I have not, it was in 1997 when I came to the church.
02:47 How did you, how did you find the Lord?
02:49 Well, He found me, so...
02:51 actually a mentor of mine named Richard Magsme and I
02:54 were working together at a Youth Home,
02:56 and during this time I was studying
02:58 to become a Black Panther and a Black Muslim,
03:01 and so we were having these debates,
03:03 going back and forth about Jesus
03:05 and the things that I was learning
03:07 and he just became a mentor to me, father-figure,
03:10 and eventually he asked if I wanted Bible Studies
03:14 so the Bible Studies initially were to combat his religion
03:18 but instead, it converted me.
03:20 Come on now...
03:21 so that's what happened.
03:23 So you were studying to be
03:25 a Black Panther and a Muslim
03:27 Well, I wanted to be a part of the New Black Panther Party
03:29 but also studying to be a Black Muslim.
03:33 Wow! and so, you took these studies
03:37 actually to... kind of counteract him
03:41 and you began to find Jesus. Correct,
03:46 yes, right, right, exactly.
03:47 And had you ever been exposed
03:49 to Christianity prior to that?
03:51 Well, I don't know what you may mean by exposure.
03:54 In your home.
03:56 No, not really, my mother... I love her to death
03:59 but we really didn't go to church,
04:01 there was a church in our neighborhood,
04:03 and for the poor families, of course,
04:05 they had some programs and free lunch programs
04:08 that we would attend but it wasn't anything regular
04:10 there wasn't any prayer in the house
04:11 or any religion, there was a Bible in the drawer
04:14 but that was its place, but other than that
04:17 no Christian experience.
04:19 Were you raised in a single-parent household?
04:21 Yes, my father left my mother when I was three months old
04:25 and so my mother raised me
04:27 in the heart of Chicago in the inner city
04:28 along with my older brother, James.
04:30 In the heart of Chicago...
04:31 In the heart of Chicago, correct.
04:33 Wow! wow! so, you were surrounded by gangs?
04:37 Gangs, drug dealers, hustlers, pimps, prostitutes,
04:43 single mothers... everybody on my block was a single mother
04:46 so, and single fathers at home, growing up.
04:50 So how did that affect your determination
04:53 as... because you're a father, correct?
04:57 I am. How did that shape
04:58 the father that you are?
05:00 Well, I knew how I felt when my father left so,
05:03 when I had kids I was determined not to be as he was,
05:06 to make my children feel the way I felt growing up
05:10 because there was a piece missing
05:12 and so it really motivated me
05:13 to be a better dad than my father was to me.
05:19 So you studied the Bible, you came to Jesus
05:25 Correct. did you decide from there,
05:27 how did you get into ministry from there?
05:30 That's... you don't have enough tape to go into that.
05:32 We got time, we got some time.
05:33 I was a Probation Officer after I came to the Church
05:38 and a gentleman by the name of Dr. Andre Trubear
05:41 was part of ASI, and there was a school called
05:45 Black Hills School of Evangelism,
05:47 Mission College of Evangelism,
05:48 so he just said, "Cory, why don't you go... "
05:50 because I love talking to people
05:52 to make the long story short,
05:53 I went out there for three months
05:55 came back home and just wanted to do some Bible work
05:59 I wanted to keep my jobs, I had a nice paying job
06:02 and so things just went up from there
06:08 so in a little church named Maranatha had about six members
06:12 and Michigan Conference asked me to come in
06:14 and to be the Bible Worker, they gave me four months
06:18 and after four months, we baptized eight people
06:20 and then the church grew from there
06:22 and a year or two later
06:24 they called me into full-time ministry
06:25 so it's not something I woke up saying I want to do,
06:28 it was truly a calling, the Lord opened every door
06:31 in every church I've been, the Lord has blessed it
06:34 in terms of the population growth of members
06:37 so, I guess the brethren felt I was called.
06:40 Yes, yes, one of the things we talk about
06:44 on this Program a lot is "walking in your divine destiny"
06:48 knowing that where you are is where God has you
06:54 the path that you're on is the path that God has you on
06:59 and to me, there's nothing greater than that.
07:02 There's no greater satisfaction, you know,
07:05 when you're doing what you've been called to do,
07:08 it comes with its challenges, yeah, right, but,
07:12 but when you're doing what you've been called to do,
07:15 what you know... you've been put on the planet to do,
07:17 to me... finding out your purpose
07:20 walking in your divine destiny,
07:21 there's nothing greater than that.
07:23 Well, I totally agree and I believe
07:27 that's how I came to be a...
07:29 I believe this is what I was supposed to do
07:31 I believe wholeheartedly every job I've had
07:33 kind of prepared me for this job
07:35 for the ministry, I don't even call it "work"
07:37 it's ministry for me,
07:39 when I was a Probation Officer,
07:41 it really helped me to be a pastor
07:43 because of the type of people I had to deal with
07:45 and things of that nature and the discipline
07:48 and so, I don't see myself doing anything else
07:51 but this... this for me is the greatest experience
07:55 I love what I do, so, it's really... I love it
07:57 I'm at church six to seven days a week anyway
08:01 so doing programs for the Community
08:03 and things of that nature so, I'm a very active pastor, so...
08:08 See that's critical too because the church isn't just there
08:14 to be there just for Sabbath. That's right.
08:16 You're reaching out into the Community
08:19 putting tentacles out there to draw people in
08:22 to get them involved in church work
08:25 that's wonderful and when... again...
08:28 when you're doing what you've been placed on the planet to do
08:31 it's not work That's right.
08:33 it's just what you love to do.
08:35 Louis, I want to introduce our Viewers to you,
08:38 and we're going to come back to Pastor but
08:42 I want to talk to you a bit about...
08:44 because, we're talking about walking in our divine destiny
08:47 and you are still in school but let's talk about your music
08:51 because you are such a wonderful singer,
08:53 how did you,
08:55 when did you know you could sing?
08:56 Well, I've been singing since I was pretty young
09:03 but I didn't really know that I could actually sing a solo
09:10 or sing as I sing now, surprisingly I've never had any
09:14 training at all but basically what is the common thread
09:17 throughout my tenure from ten years' old to now,
09:23 is that I've been in a lot of choirs
09:26 and getting the exposure through that
09:28 so basically from let's say ten is when I found out
09:33 that I could actually sing but recently like
09:36 15 or so, I found out that I can actually sing a solo
09:40 or sing as a solo artiste.
09:42 So, you started kind of branching out
09:45 into being a soloist, when you were 15
09:47 but you were doing choirs and chorale stuff
09:50 so, you had to kind of go through all the voice changing
09:53 and all of that stuff and then
09:56 what kind of songs did you sing when you were ten,
09:59 what kind of songs did you sing?
10:00 Well, basically, we were in the kids' choir,
10:02 the children's choir at my local church,
10:04 Hillview Seventh-day Adventist church in Bahamas
10:06 and so we sang with tracks and sang at Christmas concerts
10:10 and during Divine Service and Adventist Youth Service
10:14 those types of songs like kids' songs
10:17 similar to the ones that you would find in a normal church
10:21 during children's service,
10:24 so, during that time,
10:26 we were singing those types of songs
10:28 and one day I realized that my voice was getting deeper
10:31 and I went to my Director and I told her, I said,
10:36 "Ma'am, I can't sing with the choir anymore
10:39 since my voice is now deeper and I'm sorry, but I have to leave"
10:43 she was disappointed but we have to move on
10:46 and I had to now figure out a way to continue on singing
10:50 with a lower register.
10:51 And so, who has kind of mentored you
10:57 through the process of doing all this "solo" work
11:01 what mentors have you had?
11:03 Surprisingly none, I must say that
11:07 where I am today,
11:09 I can give glory and honor to God
11:11 for he brought me here, yes,
11:13 but at the same time it actually takes a lot of practice
11:16 that I've been doing over the years, after school,
11:20 when I got home, I would spend an hour or two
11:23 in the bathroom and just rehearse a song
11:25 or do some notes so that I could work on my range
11:29 there are some teachers like,
11:31 that I had at the Bahamas Academy
11:33 in my high school years, Mr. Forbes and Mr. Bain
11:38 but basically those teachers were there to
11:42 help me with the chapel because
11:46 during my 12th senior year, as a senior at Bahamas Academy
11:49 I was one of the main persons
11:51 who would actually give a Special
11:53 during the chapel sessions, during Week of Prayer
11:56 and they had helped me there during that space
11:59 and during that time, but basically, it's more so
12:01 practice and a lot of prayer.
12:04 Hmmm... so, you would come home every day
12:07 and practice for an hour or so?
12:09 Yeah. Now, see that's great discipline
12:11 Hmmm... hmmm... that's great discipline
12:13 just as some kids come home and practice piano
12:17 for an hour, you would come in and practice
12:20 with your voice, would you do scales,
12:23 would you... like... how did you...
12:25 what kind of system did you use?
12:26 All I had was a little Cassio Keyboard,
12:29 that's all I had to work with, I did my scales and
12:33 and going into other choirs like, for instance now,
12:37 now, at The College of Bahamas Choir,
12:39 we actually used sheet music
12:41 so I'd used that sheet music and sing along with that.
12:44 All right, is music
12:48 what you want to do in life,
12:50 I know you're in College and you're studying
12:53 but what do you want to do in life as a career?
12:56 I'm looking at Marine Biology as a career path for me.
12:59 All right. Hmmm... hmmm...
13:01 basically, right now I'm studying
13:02 at the College of The Bahamas
13:04 and Small Island Sustainability, that's going to be
13:09 a degree that focuses on how best we can develop
13:13 a small island nation using more... not acceptable but
13:18 more beneficial resources and what's there
13:21 and at the same time preserving our resources
13:23 and our natural flora and fauna,
13:26 yes, that's where I am right now
13:28 and the next step is to continue on in Marine Biology.
13:32 So, that's going to be your focus
13:34 and what's your intention with your music ministry?
13:38 Oh, my intention with the music industry
13:40 I intend to continue with it,
13:42 I intend to go as far as possible as I can
13:46 right now, I'm looking at how we can best work on a CD
13:51 and basically work on different programs within the
13:56 Bahamas Conference,
13:57 I haven't really looked into that yet
14:00 but I intend to continue on with my music.
14:03 Well, that's wonderful because
14:04 God has certainly given you a gift
14:07 and I'm looking forward to having our
14:09 "Foundation of our Faith" Viewers
14:11 watch and just kind of participate in ministry
14:15 you know, there's one thing, it's one thing to perform
14:21 it's another... to minister
14:23 and when we came over to the Bahamas
14:26 3ABN went over to the Bahamas,
14:29 and that's when I first heard Louis sing and I thought,
14:33 "Wow! we need to have him on 3ABN"
14:36 so, we are so glad that you are with us
14:38 and Pastor, I want to come back to you
14:40 because you have an amazing testimony
14:44 I first watched you on "Making it Work"
14:48 Correct. and I thought,
14:50 "Wow his testimony is so strong" and you were so transparent
14:55 and I think that people that watch... Viewers and Listeners,
14:59 need to understand that the pastor also has a journey
15:05 you're not going through life unscathed,
15:08 you have a journey too,
15:11 would you share a bit of your journey with us?
15:13 Well, you know, since you say that,
15:15 because a lot of people e- mail me, text me after that
15:18 that Show...
15:20 I think sometimes people think that
15:22 a pastor's life is perfect, all he gets up...
15:24 and does his preaching here and there
15:26 but you mentioned earlier in the segment
15:28 that we have challenges too,
15:29 about four years ago, my wife... my ex-wife,
15:32 decided that she was done with this life
15:35 and she walked away from the church, the family,
15:38 and things of that nature, and so, it took me by surprise
15:43 because, she passed me a note and then proceeded to leave,
15:48 and... Passed you a note at church?
15:50 at home, I came home from the church
15:52 we went for a meeting, gave me a letter,
15:54 came upstairs, bags were packed
15:56 and she left the boys and I at the house
16:00 and for a while I thought I was dreaming
16:03 because we didn't fight, we didn't argue.
16:06 So you really didn't see it coming?
16:08 I didn't see it... and you know,
16:10 a lot of people asked me about it,
16:12 I wasn't looking for it, I mean...
16:14 to me we had a good relationship
16:17 the kids, and so, that took me by surprise
16:23 I had to really wake up from that
16:25 and it took me about two years
16:27 it was a dark time, it was a hard time,
16:30 being the pastor of the church I had,
16:32 the size of the church, you know, it was just rough,
16:36 and I was five months into Burns,
16:37 it wasn't that as though I was there for years
16:40 but I had just started
16:41 and continued... the church was on a momentum
16:44 and the church was growing
16:45 and all of a sudden in September of 2011
16:48 it happened, and so,
16:50 I didn't really know how to react to it,
16:52 because it came unexpectedly.
16:55 How did that affect your relationship with the Lord?
16:58 Initially, I had a lot of questions
17:04 and a whole lot of questions
17:07 and trying to figure out,
17:09 "Well, why did you allow this to happen?"
17:12 and I gave Him the resume
17:15 like Hezekiah did
17:16 when he was told that he was going to die,
17:17 and...
17:19 and so it
17:21 it fractured a little bit,
17:23 you know, you don't pray as much,
17:25 you don't study as much, I went through a depression
17:27 and yet, I still had to preach, I had to come to Prayer Meeting
17:31 and do all the things, and smile before the people
17:34 and I cried a lot after every appeal, I was crying
17:37 my sons were...
17:38 How old were your children?
17:40 At the time, Seir was a Senior at Oakwood University,
17:45 Cory Junior was 18, and a Senior at High School
17:49 and Isaiah, at the time, was 11
17:53 and so it was a tough period.
17:56 And she left the children too?
17:59 Yeah, and eventually we shared custody but
18:02 when she initially left,
18:04 the boys were with me, the children were with me,
18:06 and so, that was a rough part of it, and so, it's just...
18:12 it's dark and sometimes as a church
18:15 people don't know how to respond to you,
18:18 they don't know what to say to you,
18:20 and so, you're in this journey seemingly by yourself
18:25 I didn't have a father to go to, as my father left my mother
18:28 so, I had some spiritual dads but they weren't local
18:31 and so you go through this pain
18:35 and I thought about leaving the ministry
18:37 even though I knew this was my calling,
18:39 I tried to enroll in Law School,
18:42 that was my "dream" that I've always had
18:45 and I went to the Orientation
18:48 and was going to take the LSAT Test
18:52 and all this stuff.
18:53 You really gave it some thought.
18:55 I gave it a lot of thought, because I didn't see myself
18:59 credible anymore,
19:01 I mean, what can I tell people, you know,
19:03 what can I say to couples who are going through it,
19:05 and how can I give marriage counseling,
19:07 and so, you know, a lot of things just
19:11 didn't pan out, so, I remember I had
19:14 the LSAT Book on my couch,
19:17 and every time I go towards it to study for it,
19:20 something would take place, or a phone call
19:22 but I could never get to that, I always did a U-Turn.
19:25 Some kind of distraction?
19:27 It was always a distraction every time and...
19:29 and even though I had rented it out from the library
19:31 I always miss the due date and take it back
19:34 I didn't look at it one time.
19:37 You never got into it the book.
19:39 Six months it was sitting on my couch.
19:40 And so, finally, after the Lord and I were wrestling like Jacob,
19:46 I said, "Okay Lord, I'm going to have to trust you even more"
19:51 and I did, and so, it's a "Job experience,"
19:56 it's an "Abraham experience,"
19:58 it's all the experiences you can think of
20:00 and so... but the Lord has blessed abundantly even more
20:04 since then, and it's only been four years
20:07 and so, it's a rough road so now when I hear pastors
20:10 and families who are going through it
20:12 and I'm kind of the "staying guard" for them
20:14 because I didn't have anybody,
20:16 maybe the Lord allowed it to be that way
20:18 so I can depend on Him even more
20:20 but it was rough on the kids, with the church,
20:23 our family, so...
20:26 Yes, what can someone say to...
20:29 if someone that you know is going through
20:33 that kind of situation,
20:35 what would you have wanted someone to say to you?
20:37 You know, I don't know if there is so much... people can say,
20:41 people can offer prayer, Hmmm... hmmm...
20:42 they can pray for the kids, Hmmm... hmmm...
20:44 you can just keep them company
20:46 you know, I mean, there are a lot of nights
20:48 that I just was alone, depressed, discouraged, crying
20:53 trying to hide it from my kids,
20:55 they're in the same boat and sometimes,
20:57 just take me out to eat, it's just company, you know,
21:00 you don't want to leave too many thoughts
21:02 to a person alone when they're going through
21:04 a rough patch. Hmmm... hmmm...
21:06 and I think sometimes we think
21:07 that we need to say something to people,
21:09 sometimes, people just need somebody to sit...
21:12 I just needed somebody to sit and watch TV with me.
21:14 Hmmm... hmmm... we would say, "kick it with me"
21:16 there's nothing that anyone can really say
21:18 but at least I know you are right there
21:20 and so, for me, I can't speak for anybody else
21:23 but for me, that's what I needed and eventually some people
21:27 eventually started doing that,
21:28 and that is what helped get me out of it,
21:31 there was a day when I never answered the phone,
21:33 I would just show up at church
21:34 not really prepared, the Lord still blessed but
21:38 you just... you start taking on, "I don't care"
21:41 because your whole life is fractured
21:43 and the picture frame is broken, the glass is everywhere,
21:46 and there's really nobody to sweep it up, and so...
21:50 so that was the challenge but when people started
21:53 coming around, and just sticking in with me
21:57 and so the Lord shined and so,
22:00 I'm in a different place now.
22:02 Amen, amen, and do you find that
22:04 after having gone through that
22:07 even though you wouldn't
22:08 ever want anybody to go through anything like that,
22:10 I wouldn't wish it on my enemy.
22:11 right, right, right, that you're stronger
22:14 as a result of it because it forced you
22:17 to depend more on the Lord.
22:19 Yeah, I don't know... people have asked me...
22:22 but I don't know if I'm necessarily stronger
22:24 I think I'm more dependent on Him
22:28 and I'm more cautious, and so...
22:32 Cautious about what?
22:33 Just watching different things, paying attention,
22:37 being more alert, because I don't know
22:42 if you can get stronger the next time it should happen,
22:45 I mean, I hope it won't ever happen again, but...
22:47 I don't know how I can be so strong
22:49 because it's just such a human emotion
22:51 it's like, you can be strong,
22:53 and you know someone's going to die
22:55 but it still breaks you down, Right.
22:58 so I think, I gained a dependency on God
23:01 and not take things for granted
23:02 that's the cautiousness,
23:03 sometimes, we take life for granted
23:05 I never did think that in 2011 I would be divorced
23:08 after so many years married and...
23:11 How long were you married?
23:12 Eighteen years, and so, you take things in perspective
23:18 you appreciate the smaller things
23:21 that maybe you didn't before,
23:23 you take a certain special look at your life
23:26 and things of that nature, it made me look at "Cory"
23:29 not "Pastor Cory" but it made me look at "Cory"
23:31 and some things that I had to change
23:34 differently about myself, and it humbled me,
23:37 to be honest with you, it humbled me a great deal.
23:40 So, that's understandable because
23:43 it's such a horrible experience to go through
23:46 and even what you're telling us, it came from left field
23:51 and you were totally unprepared for it,
23:53 so, it's like, bam! and your world is shattered,
23:56 Yes. just shattered,
23:58 we had just celebrated our anniversary a month before
24:01 and then, a month to the day almost... it was over.
24:05 Man! So I can smile about it now
24:08 before, I just, I couldn't... but,
24:11 you know, this older preacher taught me
24:14 the first two words in divorce is "die"
24:17 and everything around you is a living death
24:19 even though it sounds like an oxymoron but
24:21 God shows you things and He didn't give up on me
24:26 even though I was ready to give up
24:27 or my purpose... my calling...
24:28 and He just didn't let me go to be the lawyer
24:32 I thought I was going to be, so He kept me in
24:34 in this part of the vineyard
24:36 and so He's taken me places from there
24:39 as a result of this thing.
24:40 Praise the Lord,
24:42 so where do you see your ministry going
24:45 what are you... I know you're at Burns and
24:48 and you seem to love your church
24:50 I do. the church loves you,
24:51 are you expanding your ministry there
24:56 to do a lot of
24:58 divorce and marriage and re-marriage kind of counseling,
25:02 where has this brought your ministry?
25:05 Well, I think what it has done for me is
25:08 try to make Christianity
25:10 practical I think sometimes it's so lofty,
25:13 people don't think they can reach the standard of it
25:15 Hmmm... hmmm... and so, I make it very practical
25:17 in real-life experiences and that's one of the reasons
25:21 why the church is open as much as it is,
25:22 so that people who have real issues and real problems,
25:26 come to church, for example,
25:28 an alcoholic... he needs Alcoholic Anonymous
25:30 and it's open seven days a week
25:32 because we're so addicted to sin I keep the church open
25:36 so that, you know, people can come and learn
25:40 how to continue to overcome
25:41 and so we do a lot of Community things
25:43 in the neighborhood, that's not just locally
25:45 to just one issue but it's very broad-based
25:48 and so we hit every area whether it's at-risk youth
25:53 whether it's family, whether it's economics
25:56 you name it, you know we try to hit it
25:58 so that it's a buffet type of practical experience
26:04 I love it, so it's wherever the need is
26:07 That's right.
26:08 you meet the need just like Jesus did.
26:10 That's right, that's what we're called to do so
26:12 we don't specialize in one area,
26:15 we hit everything.
26:16 That's awesome
26:17 and now, we just have about a minute left
26:19 tell us, and I want to hear from Louis too,
26:22 what are the sermons going to be in your series on FOOF,
26:27 "Foundation of Our Faith?"
26:28 Well, I'm dealing with character,
26:29 I'm dealing with character transformation
26:31 and the power of it,
26:34 I think we don't talk enough about
26:36 our characters being transformed
26:38 Ellen White says, "When the character of Christ
26:41 has been perfectly reproduced in His people,
26:43 then He will come to reclaim them as His own"
26:46 so that's what I focused on, so... you go from rags to riches
26:49 giving it one more shot, you didn't know that was in you,
26:52 and going toe-to-toe with God.
26:54 I love it, four powerful sermons I love it.
26:57 What are the songs you're going to do, Louis?
27:00 Well, the songs I'm going to do, I'm going to do:
27:02 "What a Friend we have in Jesus,"
27:04 "If He carried the weight of the world, He will carry you. "
27:08 And then, "He Hideth My Soul in the Cleft of the Rock"
27:11 and then, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. "
27:14 Oh, praise the Lord,
27:15 this is so exciting to me because
27:18 whenever we have Foundation of our Faith,
27:21 I love to talk to our Speaker, our Musical Evangelist,
27:24 and just kind of find out a bit about their journey
27:28 and I thank you so much for sharing
27:30 your journey with us today.
27:33 Thanks for having me. Thank you.
27:34 Do you have, quickly, have one thought for someone
27:40 that's going through a really bad time,
27:42 take ten seconds and give them a thought.
27:45 In the book, "Ministry of Healing"
27:47 we're told that, "God has a thousand ways
27:49 to work with my one problem. "
27:52 See, he's there just like that,
27:54 praise the Lord, in season and out.
27:56 Thank you so much for joining us.
27:59 Join us next time because, you know what?
28:01 It just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2015-12-08