Urban Report

Dr. Dedrick Blue

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host)


Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR000174A

00:01 Do you love good preaching and good music?
00:04 Then stay tuned to meet two folks
00:06 who, under the unction of the Holy Spirit,
00:08 can deliver it right.
00:10 My name is Yvonne Lewis
00:11 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:37 My guests today are Dr. Dedrick Blue,
00:40 Dean of the School of Religion at Oakwood University,
00:43 and Che Chin King, Musical Evangelist.
00:46 Jason and I interviewed them
00:48 on the Set of Foundation of our Faith.
00:49 Take a look.
00:51 I have the privilege of sitting here
00:54 on the Foundation of our Faith Set
00:58 with none other than my friend Dr. Dedrick Blue,
01:02 he is the Dean of the School of Theology at Oakwood University
01:06 and a wonderful Speaker, welcome to Urban Report.
01:10 Well, thank you so very much, Yvonne,
01:11 it's a pleasure to be here.
01:12 Oh, I've been looking forward to having you here
01:15 for quite some time
01:16 and we... kind of called back and forth
01:19 and then... you were available
01:20 and I'm just so grateful, thank you.
01:22 Well, thank you so very much for the invitation
01:23 because, I greatly respect this ministry
01:26 and I want you to know that this particular ministry
01:29 is reaching so many people in urban areas
01:31 with a needed and a timely message
01:34 and God bless you for your faith
01:36 and your faithfulness to this ministry.
01:38 Oh! praise the Lord, thank you, God is really, truly blessing.
01:42 I was at Ephesus Church a few years ago
01:46 and I heard you preach,
01:48 I'd gone back to visit because it was my home church
01:50 and you were the Pastor at the time
01:53 and I heard you preach a sermon
01:55 that was so powerful and I thought,
01:57 "Man! he needs to be on Dare to Dream. "
01:59 So, I am so glad that you're here,
02:02 you have a heart for the inner city.
02:04 Tell us some of the concerns that you have
02:07 about what's going on in the inner city today.
02:10 Well, first of all, you need to understand
02:13 that my heart for the urban city
02:15 really gave birth to the fact that I was born in the city.
02:19 Okay.
02:20 I grew up in the city,
02:22 was always sensitive to the people who were around me
02:25 and when I looked at the people in my neighborhood,
02:28 I didn't see them as pariahs of Society,
02:31 I didn't see them as "outcasts"
02:33 or people who needed to be ignored,
02:35 instead, I saw them as real living, breathing people
02:39 with issues and challenges and problems.
02:41 I mean, I knew the prostitutes in my neighborhood
02:44 and they looked out for the little kids
02:46 and the drug dealers would never even touch us
02:50 because they knew who my grandfather was
02:52 and so, I didn't see them as deviants or criminals,
02:56 I saw them as "people with challenges"
02:58 and so, my entire life I've always just...
03:01 have borne that within my heart.
03:03 So, when I had a chance to enter into ministry,
03:06 I said that that needs to be a central focus of my ministry
03:10 to heal the broken hearted, to set the captive free,
03:13 to help the lame to walk again and cause the blind to see.
03:17 After all, that's the ministry of Jesus, right?
03:19 Yes, absolutely, absolutely, so, when you were growing up,
03:23 did you grow up in a Christian home
03:25 or were you not a Christian at that point?
03:28 Well, I grew up in a Christian home.
03:29 Tell us a little bit about your background.
03:31 Well, I grew up in a single-parent home
03:33 and my mother and father were divorced
03:35 when I was just a child, a small child,
03:37 I don't even remember when they got divorced.
03:39 Well, my mother was a Church School Teacher
03:42 for a period of time, but couldn't work
03:44 always in the church school for various reasons
03:47 and there were times when we were
03:48 experiencing very difficult times,
03:50 we had to be on welfare for some period of time
03:53 and I know all about the Government cheese
03:57 and... and... and...
03:59 but it was a wonderful place to be
04:02 because my mother was such a loving and a caring mother
04:04 but I learned something and that is this,
04:08 that even though they are Godly parents
04:11 who are in urban areas
04:14 trying to do the best that they can with their children,
04:16 sometimes, those urban environments
04:18 are too overwhelming and too overpowering
04:21 even for the most Godly and praying parent.
04:23 So my mother surely had her hands full with me.
04:26 Yes, you know, you said something
04:28 that's really interesting, like,
04:31 you were poor but your mom provided a nurturing environment
04:37 see... you don't have to be wealthy
04:39 to have an environment where there's love and caring
04:44 and character building. Hmmm... hmmm...
04:46 Your mother provided that for you
04:48 so, even though you didn't have money,
04:50 you had that Government cheese and stuff
04:53 and I think... a lot of us got to taste that,
04:55 I mean, I knew what it tasted like...
04:56 that, for you, was like... it shaped you,
05:01 it helped to shape who you are.
05:03 It surely did, it surely did and I don't regret a moment of it
05:06 but you said something that's very significant,
05:08 because a person lives in a poor community
05:10 does not mean that they are poor.
05:12 That's right.
05:13 And because you don't have money,
05:15 it does not mean that you're broke.
05:16 Come on now, come on...
05:18 Broke means that you are somehow
05:21 deviant or something that needs to be fixed.
05:23 There's nothing wrong with a person who's absolutely poor,
05:26 they just have a lack of means, a lack of access to means
05:28 and once we begin to understand that poor people are "people,"
05:32 and that the thing that I love about Jesus
05:37 is that... Jesus was poor.
05:38 Some people try to say that Jesus was rich,
05:41 no, He had no place to live.
05:43 Yeah, that's right, and you know what?
05:45 When I was a child, I went to Sabbath School
05:47 but I did not really read my Bible
05:48 because I wasn't a converted Christian.
05:50 When I became a converted Christian
05:52 at around the age of 20,
05:54 that was the first time I read the Bible,
05:55 really, and when I read the Bible,
05:58 and I read about Jesus,
05:59 I said, "Jesus is one cool regular man...
06:02 I mean, He's hanging on the streets,
06:05 he's talking with the prostitutes,
06:07 He's hanging with... with the "so called" sinners
06:10 and He looks at those who are in power and says,
06:12 "Woe unto you, you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites... "
06:15 I mean, when I read that, I fell in love with Jesus
06:18 because then I understood that Jesus was a guy
06:21 who I could identify with. Yvonne: Yes.
06:23 He grew up on the wrong side of the tracks.
06:25 Yeah, and don't you think that in our churches today
06:28 there are so many more women than men?
06:31 Because Jesus is not masculinized,
06:34 in some ways, He's feminized,
06:36 and so it appeals more to women
06:39 but you... you were able to see
06:41 Jesus as He is... a man of power and strength.
06:44 Dedrick: Absolutely.
06:45 And who was...
06:46 I love the way that He would deal with people.
06:49 Answering things with a question
06:51 and... getting to the root of it,
06:54 Jesus could cut people down in a kind way.
06:58 Absolutely, I just wish that we could just extract Jesus
07:03 from the movie image that we have
07:05 and from the pictures that we have on walls
07:08 because when we truly understand the ministry of Jesus,
07:12 Jesus was about empowering those who were... unempowered
07:16 and giving possession to those who were dispossessed
07:20 and to uplifting those who were downtrodden
07:24 and if Jesus were alive today
07:26 I sort of wonder if He would scratch his head
07:29 and look at His church and wonder,
07:32 "Are these the people
07:33 who are calling themselves by my name?"
07:35 With our large cathedrals and our 1000-voice choirs
07:41 and gates around our church
07:44 and security guards in the hallway...
07:47 And you can't get up during the offering...
07:50 And in some places,
07:52 you can't get... nobody can come in...
07:53 nobody can leave in certain places,
07:55 yeah, yeah, so, what was it that made you decide
08:00 that you wanted to go into ministry?
08:02 Was there some pivotal event that took place
08:04 that made you decide that?
08:06 Well, it's going to sound a little strange
08:08 but the reality is that
08:10 I was called from the time I was a child and I knew it.
08:13 How did you know?
08:15 When I was a kid in the first... I think it was the first grade,
08:19 I was in church school at the time
08:21 and I was reading the Bible
08:22 and I heard a powerful preacher who was in my church
08:25 and I used to sit there and just watch him
08:27 and I told my classmates in the first grade,
08:29 I said, "You know, I'm going to be a preacher"
08:30 and they laughed at me.
08:32 They said, "You can't be a preacher. "
08:33 I said, "Why can't I be a preacher?"
08:34 They said, "Because to be a preacher,
08:36 you have to know the Bible forward and backwards,
08:37 you have to know every word in the Bible,
08:39 if you don't know every word in the Bible,
08:41 you can't be a preacher" so they said,
08:43 "What's the last word in the Bible?"
08:45 And I couldn't... Yvonne: Amen.
08:47 Right, I didn't know it.
08:48 They'd say, "Say Revelation backwards"
08:49 and I couldn't do it
08:51 so I ran out the classroom, was in the cloakroom crying,
08:55 crying and praying, "Lord, but I want to be a preacher,
08:58 I want to be a preacher. "
08:59 The teacher came and got me and said, "Why are you crying?"
09:01 "I want to be a preacher, I want to be a preacher. "
09:02 She just told me to stop crying and come back to the classroom.
09:05 I forgot about that prayer. Hmmm...
09:06 I forgot about that prayer,
09:09 that prayer came back to my memory
09:12 the first day that I stood up in my first church and prayed
09:18 the Lord brought that prayer back to my mind
09:20 and He said to me at that moment,
09:22 before I preached that first sermon,
09:25 "Delight thyself also in the Lord
09:27 and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart. "
09:29 Commit thy ways unto Him and He shall bring it to pass. "
09:34 Wow! so that calling... that calling was on your life
09:38 as a child and it came back to you...
09:41 that prayer came back to you at your first sermon.
09:44 Absolutely, absolutely...
09:46 Did you ever leave the church and then come back?
09:49 How were your teen years?
09:51 Well, I never left the church and came back
09:53 because I was never really in the church until I came. "
09:55 I mean, as a teenager,
10:00 like so many teenagers growing up in urban areas,
10:03 there are so many distractions,
10:05 so many things to get involved in
10:07 and I did not make the wisest of choices
10:10 to be honest with you,
10:12 by the time I got to be about the age of 11 or 12,
10:15 my mother couldn't make me go to church
10:18 and by the time I got to be 16 or 17,
10:20 I would go nowhere near a church
10:23 I was so... at that point...
10:26 so influenced by the demonic spirits
10:29 that I couldn't even stand on the same side of the street
10:33 where a church was,
10:34 I had to cross on the other side of the street
10:37 because I wouldn't be near anything
10:39 that reminded me of church
10:41 or anything that reminded me of holiness.
10:42 Therefore, I found myself in dark, slippery
10:46 and dangerous places.
10:47 On the day when I decided to get baptized,
10:50 as I was getting into that pool,
10:52 the demons were talking to me.
10:54 What were they saying?
10:56 They were yelling in my ears, saying to me,
10:58 "Don't get baptized, get out of here,
11:01 scream, run, run, run, go, scream, run, run,
11:05 they're going to kill you in here,
11:06 this man is going to kill you in here"
11:08 and up until that time I went under the water,
11:10 those voices were screaming
11:12 but the moment I hit that water, the voices stopped.
11:15 And you know what?
11:17 That was the one time that the demons didn't tell a lie.
11:19 You know why? Yvonne: Why?
11:21 Because they did kill me in that pool,
11:23 the old man of sin died
11:25 and I was resurrected to walk in the newness of life.
11:27 Come on... come on now... that's it! that's it!
11:31 Wow! so, you actually felt them talking to you
11:35 before you went under... and you came...
11:37 you went under... the old man went under...
11:40 and the new man came back up. Dedrick: God is good...
11:43 God is good... God is good, and it lets you know
11:46 and it lets our viewers know that God has a plan...
11:50 we always talk about this on Urban Report
11:53 God has a plan for everyone.
11:55 God knew where you were going to be... before you knew.
11:58 That's right... that's right...
12:00 And yet He brought you through... and now
12:03 you had something that you could pour back into...
12:06 tell us a bit about what you're doing
12:09 in terms of the inner city
12:12 and Organizations that you're involved in and all of that.
12:15 Well, when I look at "bondage and liberation,"
12:22 bondage and liberation is spiritual
12:27 but it manifests itself sometimes in physical ways.
12:31 Sin is not just personal, sin is evil in the world,
12:36 it's systemic and it's systematic
12:38 and it permeates systems
12:39 therefore, it's one thing to say to the alcoholic,
12:43 "You can be free,"
12:45 it's another thing to go down to Planning and Zoning
12:47 and tell them,
12:49 "There are too many liquor stores in the neighborhood. "
12:50 Ah ha... ah ha...
12:54 So when I look at the urban environment,
12:57 I look at Urban Ministry, I see, "changing the person"
13:00 but also, "changing the environment"
13:02 around the person,
13:04 to give that person every opportunity so, for example,
13:06 if people are in dilapidated housing,
13:09 that's a "sin issue" to me,
13:12 when landlords are taking advantage of people
13:14 who have no power, that's a "sin issue. "
13:16 Yvonne: Oppressing the poor... Dedrick: Oppressing the poor
13:18 and the Bible says an awful lot about that,
13:20 just read the book of Micah, for example,
13:22 so, I view it as my responsibility
13:25 to help liberate those people from that situation,
13:29 to bring justice about
13:30 so I work with affordable housing issues,
13:34 I've worked with children... dealing with educational gaps
13:38 in particular... dealing with computer programming
13:42 and those kinds of things, we're one Organization,
13:45 we had a Computer Clubhouse and it was funded by Cisco
13:50 who gave us the computers
13:51 and the kids were in there doing robotics and all kinds of things
13:55 they were just wonderful... wonderful things.
13:57 In my church... in your church in New York City,
14:01 we looked at health disparities and decided
14:05 that we could do something about that in our neighborhood,
14:07 so we started programs for weight reduction
14:10 and diabetes control management
14:12 and all those kinds of things and after a while...
14:14 Columbia wanted to partner with us
14:16 and New York University wanted to partner with us
14:20 and others wanted to partner with us
14:22 because, I believe,
14:25 that although people understand problems,
14:28 the church of the living God has the solutions.
14:30 Come on...
14:31 God has given us...
14:33 God has given us blueprints if we follow them...
14:35 then it brings about peace and liberation and prosperity
14:38 not only to the individual but to the whole community.
14:42 That's tremendous, we need more pastors who are...
14:46 and I know you're now in education and all that
14:48 but more who are involved in the community
14:51 because that's how
14:52 people are going to learn about what we're doing,
14:54 that's how they're going to learn about Jesus.
14:55 Absolutely.
14:57 Really, effectively, meeting people where they are.
14:59 Absolutely.
15:00 And that makes all the difference.
15:02 Before we go, tell us about Foundation of our Faith,
15:05 what you're going to be presenting to us on Foundation.
15:08 Well, over the next four messages,
15:12 We really are going to be talking about
15:14 the dark forces that exist in the world.
15:16 There are not a lot of people who can talk about that
15:19 and talk about it from experience
15:21 or really see it... for what it is,
15:22 but I hope to be able to just shed some light on that
15:25 to talk about "spiritual bondage"
15:28 and "spiritual liberation"
15:29 and what Jesus can do
15:30 to break those demonic forces in our lives.
15:33 That's tremendous,
15:34 thank you so much, I can't wait to hear you.
15:36 Well, thank you so much for having me.
15:38 God bless.
15:40 I'm here on the Set of Foundation of our Faith
15:44 with Chelauna King
15:45 who is no stranger to the Dare to Dream Network,
15:49 you've been here with us on "Magnify Him" before.
15:52 Yes, I have, I've been here on two occasions I believe.
15:56 Yeah and so we're happy to have you back
15:58 and this time for Foundation of our Faith,
16:00 give us a little bit about your background,
16:03 where did you grow up?
16:04 I was born in New York and my family moved to Georgia
16:09 so, I can say I did most of my growing in Georgia.
16:15 I've been there for about 16 years.
16:17 Oh wow! how many years were you in New York?
16:20 We moved when I was eight, I believe, yeah.
16:24 I moved out of New York when I was ten.
16:27 The food was amazing in New York.
16:29 Yeah, yes, no doubt.
16:31 That's one thing New York has hands down.
16:34 I agree, I agree.
16:36 At what age did you begin singing?
16:38 I started singing...
16:39 if you let my aunt tell it, I started singing at six months,
16:44 if you let my mother tell it,
16:46 I started singing at two-and-a-half years
16:48 because that's when I first picked up the microphone
16:50 but I was rolling around in the crib
16:52 and my aunt heard me and was like,
16:55 "She's going to sing, I already know she's going to...
16:57 I'm just waiting for you all to figure it out,
16:59 she's going to sing"
17:00 and so from then, the journey began.
17:02 Wow! so you just kind of came out the womb just singing, huh?
17:06 I guess... I don't know... I guess...
17:08 That's natural, look... see, I have really good friends
17:13 and unfortunately that talent skipped me,
17:16 my mom can sing, but...
17:17 So I've heard, I'd like to hear her sing actually.
17:21 Can we make that happen at some point?
17:23 I'd love to hear her sing.
17:24 Maybe we can get that to happen while you're here.
17:26 Great.
17:28 So, tell us about your childhood what was your upbringing like?
17:32 It was actually a lot of fun,
17:35 I was raised around a lot of family,
17:38 we had a huge house, four stories
17:41 and family would just come and live with us,
17:44 my cousins came,
17:46 my uncle lived with us for awhile,
17:48 it was just... I was always surrounded
17:50 by music and by family, and all my family sings,
17:54 so, whenever we get together,
17:55 it would be just like a big choir
17:58 soprano, alto, tenor, bass, just... it was very nice.
18:01 Wow! the whole family is blessed with the musical talent.
18:04 Pretty much, pretty much, we're a very musical family
18:07 both sides... my mother's side and my father's side,
18:10 a very musical family.
18:11 Okay, good, good, do you have any kids?
18:13 I do, I have two little ones, I have a little boy
18:17 he's five, his name is Michael
18:19 and I have a little girl,
18:20 her name is Renel and she's four.
18:23 Okay, what are the struggles that you faced coming up?
18:27 I would say... I think I faced a bit of what teenagers face
18:36 in finding myself and my identity
18:40 being comfortable in my skin
18:43 and not allowing anyone to deter me from the path
18:49 that God had placed before me.
18:51 I think all that came to a helm for me when I met Jesus
18:56 at Camp Killoqua in Florida, I believe,
19:01 I think Killoqua is in Florida
19:03 it was a Prayer Conference that we had
19:06 and it changed my life.
19:08 Hmmm... interesting... interesting...
19:11 it's amazing how that
19:13 "inside out" transformation can come
19:15 when you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.
19:17 Yes it is.
19:18 And so, that's what...
19:20 that is what gave you the strength to overcome
19:22 those struggles?
19:24 I'd love to say that it did but in all honesty,
19:28 from there... it was still a struggle...
19:31 from there... you know...
19:33 you know how the devil just keeps putting things in your way
19:36 just keep putting things in your way,
19:38 keeps putting things in your way
19:39 and you have to keep fighting.
19:41 I think I had to learn that even though I accepted Jesus,
19:45 I'm still a soldier... I'm still fighting...
19:48 and even though He has won the war,
19:51 I still have to fight every day to make sure
19:54 that I'm doing what He wants me to do as a Christian,
19:57 so that other people will be led to Him through me,
20:00 it's not an easy thing, it's not.
20:03 Yeah, it's definitely a daily surrender.
20:05 It's a daily surrender.
20:06 Daily surrender.
20:08 It is.
20:09 What are some of your passions, what are you passionate about?
20:11 I am... you mean besides singing?
20:13 Besides singing... yes.
20:14 Because that takes up like... 75 percent of my life,
20:17 other than that, I am a web designer
20:21 so, I may not look it, but I'm a geek,
20:25 I'm a computer geek, I just...
20:28 I love computers inside and out,
20:30 other than that,
20:33 I'm learning that I love interior design.
20:36 So... yeah... it's become a new thing recently
20:41 I'm not sure what that's about,
20:43 just colors and... matching things
20:46 and making sure everything... is organized in a room,
20:49 I don't know why that works for me but it does.
20:51 I mean, was that something you were thinking about
20:53 as a kid... or were you...
20:54 Chelauna: Absolutely not. Jason: Really?
20:56 It came... out of nowhere... just...
20:58 And what did you think you would be when you grew up...
21:01 when you were a kid?
21:02 It depends on when you ask me,
21:05 when I was in Kindergarten, I wanted to be a teacher,
21:08 when I was in 1st and 2nd grades I wanted to be an ice skater
21:13 and then it changed to...
21:17 I think at that point...
21:20 I wanted to be a lawyer for like a day
21:23 until I learned what they had to do
21:25 and totally changed my mind
21:26 and from then, I said I wanted to do Social Work
21:31 which is what my degree is in
21:32 and then the Lord kind of moved me over into music, so...
21:37 Okay, so are you in full-time ministry
21:40 is that full time?
21:42 Yes, I am, I am in full-time ministry now.
21:45 And that took a leap of faith to jump out there, did it?
21:50 No, actually it took my husband.
21:52 Oh really?
21:53 Yes, the day after we got married,
21:55 my husband, who is my best friend,
21:57 of sixteen years,
21:59 he pulled me to the side and he said,
22:02 "I really don't know what you're waiting for,"
22:05 and I was like...
22:06 "I have no idea what you're talking about,"
22:08 he said, "God gave you a gift
22:10 and He's going to hold you accountable
22:13 if you don't do something with that gift
22:15 that's why He put you on this earth,
22:18 now go and live your purpose"
22:20 and so... from then... it was a humbling thing
22:24 for he had never said anything like that to me before
22:26 and I kind of stepped back...
22:29 like, "Wow, maybe he's right,
22:32 maybe God will hold me accountable
22:34 if I don't do the thing that He put me on this earth to do"
22:38 and so... at that point... he was like,
22:41 "Honey, I'll take care of the bills,
22:43 go and do what He put you here to do. "
22:46 So, full-time music ministry... here I am.
22:49 Amen, amen... and it's so great to be able to do
22:52 what you're passionate about
22:53 and something that has a purpose.
22:55 It is... it is... it's a blessing.
22:57 Who has inspired you the most in your life?
23:02 Now, it depends on which area you're talking about,
23:06 if you're talking about overall...
23:08 I would have to say, "my mother"
23:10 I would have to say, my mother... hands down.
23:14 Just watching her become the woman of God that she is
23:18 hands down, my mother.
23:20 Okay, and now what are some other aspects...
23:23 could you say that had an impact?
23:24 Well, you know, because music...
23:26 there are people in music, I would have to say,
23:29 Sandi Patty, most definitely, Sandi Patty
23:32 and Kathryn Grayson,
23:36 I love old movies, old black-and-whites...
23:39 old... '40s, '50s, you know...
23:41 musicals, and she's a soprano and I just love hearing her sing
23:48 so I'd have to say, "Kathryn Grayson. "
23:50 Sandi Patty and Kathryn Grayson, yeah, pretty much...
23:53 And what area, would you say, that you fall into,
23:57 are you a soprano, an alto?
23:58 I am... from what I've been told,
24:01 I am a lyric coloratura soprano
24:04 and so, I'm all the way up there in the sky
24:07 but I like singing alto and tenor as well,
24:11 it just depends on how I'm feeling in a song, or...
24:15 you know, but my range is a coloratura soprano.
24:19 You ever think about getting a group together
24:22 with your family members?
24:23 We actually do sing together,
24:25 every fourth Sabbath in our church
24:27 we sing together, my mother, myself and my husband...
24:31 the three of us sing together
24:32 and we're working on the kids now.
24:34 Oh, your husband sings too?
24:35 Yeah, he does, he does, so we sing together,
24:38 we love to sing together, we've been doing it for years.
24:40 Wow, wow, okay, so, what songs can we expect
24:45 from you on Foundation of our Faith
24:48 and give us a little... a little description of each one
24:54 like... why it means so much to you.
24:56 I will be singing, "He's been faithful"
25:00 of course, the title speaks for itself
25:05 that God is faithful regardless of what you do,
25:08 where you go, He is faithful
25:11 and He will, forever, be faithful.
25:14 The second song I'll be singing is, "How Great Thou Art"
25:19 and to be truthful,
25:22 I was not a big fan of "How Great Thou Art" initially
25:25 but I think you grow into some songs
25:31 with your spiritual maturity
25:32 and I've grown into "How Great Thou Art"
25:35 just seeing the majesty of what He can do and who He is.
25:38 The third song is, "My Father's Heart"
25:42 it says, "My love is not my own,
25:45 it all belongs to you" and I truly believe that...
25:49 that if you're a Christian,
25:51 the love that you have comes from God
25:53 and everything that we do should be to please His heart.
25:57 And finally, I'm going to sing "We Shall Behold Him"
26:01 because I believe...
26:02 I believe... that when we see Him,
26:04 it is going to be a grand and glorious event
26:08 and I just cannot wait until that day
26:11 when we can all look up into the sky
26:14 and see Him coming in all of His glory
26:17 we shall behold Him!
26:20 Amen... wow! we can definitely see the passion
26:24 that you have and that is... it's such a blessing
26:29 to be able to live and walk in your divine purpose
26:34 so, we are looking forward to seeing what you have for us,
26:39 for the "Foundation of our Faith"
26:41 and we hope that our Viewers will tune in to be blessed by
26:46 the music and by the wonderful sermons that we have
26:52 that will be taking place.
26:53 Praise the Lord.
26:54 Thank you so much for coming out here and joining us
26:58 and we hope that you will join us as well.
27:03 We want all of you to tune in and receive the rich blessings
27:08 that are in store for you on "Foundation of our Faith. "
27:13 God bless.
27:15 I really enjoy going to the Set of other programs
27:20 and talking to the Host.
27:22 I hope that you were blessed by this interview.
27:25 Well, we really appreciate your being here with us,
27:28 we know that you could be spending your time elsewhere
27:31 but you chose to spend it with us
27:33 so we thank you and we urge you
27:35 to tune into: Foundation of our Faith
27:37 watch it and be blessed by it.
27:39 Well, thank you so much for tuning in,
27:42 we really appreciate you
27:43 and we want you to make sure that you join us next time
27:47 because you know what?
27:48 It just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2016-05-02