Urban Report

The President’S Message

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR200002S

00:01 Stay tuned to get the presidential perspective.
00:02 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:04 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:28 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:30 I'd like to share a quick Bible verse with you
00:32 before I introduce my guest.
00:34 And it's found in Galatians 6:9 and it says,
00:38 "And let us not grow weary while doing good,
00:41 for in due season we shall reap,
00:42 if we do not lose heart."
00:44 My guest today is Greg Marconi
00:46 and he is the new president of 3ABN.
00:49 Welcome to Urban Report, Greg.
00:50 Thank You, Jason. It's great to be here with you.
00:52 It's great to have you here.
00:53 You've been on here before...
00:56 With my wife Jill.
00:57 That's right. Exactly.
00:59 I wanna go back to your beginnings...
01:03 How did you find out about 3ABN?
01:05 Oh, well, you know, that's a really good question.
01:08 3ABN seems like it's been a part of my life
01:10 since I was just a little guy, a little kid.
01:12 I remember home is West Virginia for me,
01:16 Kentucky, Ohio, the Tristate area.
01:19 And I remember my folks
01:20 having one of those giant satellite dishes.
01:22 You hear Mr. Danny Shelton
01:24 talk about those 10 foot fiberglass mesh dishes.
01:27 I remember out there with my dad
01:29 with a post hole digger,
01:30 digging the hole, putting the concrete in,
01:33 lifting that heavy dish up and getting 3ABN into our home,
01:36 and I was less than 10 years of age.
01:39 And we got 3ABN there into our home
01:42 and how exciting it was to be able
01:43 to finally watch 3ABN's live broadcast
01:47 because before that if I go back even earlier,
01:49 we would get VHS copies of some of the program
01:52 that 3ABN had that our church member would record.
01:55 Well, that's taking it back a little bit, VHS.
01:57 Yeah, thank you very much.
01:59 I'm not that old, a few grey hairs here and there.
02:02 But, yeah, 3ABN's been a tremendous blessing
02:04 to my family for many years.
02:07 I never had any idea though, Jason,
02:08 that God will bring me here...
02:10 And to have a part to play here,
02:12 this ministry is phenomenal.
02:14 Yes, now as a young kid,
02:18 you sent in some money to 3ABN.
02:21 Talk about that a little bit? Yeah, that's true.
02:23 So we lived in a country
02:25 and we had the opportunity to grow garden,
02:28 so we would grow strawberries, watermelon,
02:30 that sort of thing and we would sell them.
02:32 My sister and I, my sister Ginelle,
02:34 little younger than me
02:35 and we would sell them to either church members
02:37 or sit beside the road and sell our watermelons
02:40 and we would raise money
02:41 and we would send some of that to 3ABN.
02:44 This building that we're actually in,
02:45 we call this the main building or studio
02:47 where the Urban Report sets on.
02:50 And this building was being built in the mid 90's
02:53 and we sent some money in for the building of this,
02:55 yeah, facility.
02:57 And I remember before that, when 3ABN Russia was beginning,
03:00 we would again sell stuff
03:02 and send some of the money to 3ABN.
03:04 And, yeah, I don't know,
03:06 I think as a child my parents raised my sister
03:09 and I to be to think about the Lord's work,
03:12 be mission minded.
03:13 It's not about us, it's about God.
03:16 It's about what we can do to serve others
03:18 so what a privilege.
03:19 Yes, well, that was gonna be one of my questions...
03:22 What lessons did your parents instill on you?
03:25 Yeah, was to, whatever you have before you,
03:28 to do with all your might.
03:29 So I'd be like, "Are you serious, Mom?"
03:32 She used to say, "Son, wash the dishes."
03:34 I'd had to stand on a chair,
03:35 you know to stand at the kitchen sink
03:38 to wash the dishes, I was like,
03:40 "I had to scrub this plate, you know,
03:42 I put it in the rinse and my mom would say,
03:43 "Now son, you see
03:45 there's still a little bit of food stuck on that."
03:46 "Really mom?"
03:48 Put it back and wash it again.
03:49 So really was instill in us to do everything
03:52 with all of your might and strength
03:53 because that's what God wants you to do.
03:56 So whatever little thing it is to do with your might.
03:58 So that's one of the things to work hard,
04:00 to work, serve others.
04:03 We're blessed, my sister and I to be raised
04:05 with a really good loving Christian parents.
04:08 Yes. Very blessed.
04:09 Definitely.
04:11 At what point in your life would you say
04:12 that you caught the vision of 3ABN?
04:14 Oh, wow, good question.
04:16 So this then fast forwarding a little bit.
04:18 I was not in college,
04:21 but my parents wanted bring me by 3ABN
04:23 just on a tour 'cause we had it in our home
04:25 for number of years at that point.
04:27 And so they brought me through 3ABN
04:29 on a tour, Bobby Davis...
04:31 You know, Bobby Davis has been here for about 30 years.
04:34 He's the one that gave us the tour.
04:36 And he showed us through this studio
04:37 and through studio B
04:39 where the green screen is and all those fun places.
04:41 And as at that point I thought, "Wow,
04:44 this might be a really neat place to work."
04:46 Of course, loved the mission already,
04:48 but to see all of the technology
04:50 and stuff that I thought,
04:51 "Man, I don't know anything about this.
04:53 I'd never get a chance to come here."
04:55 So that was before I went to school,
04:56 but that's when I started realizing again
04:58 the full impact of the ministry of 3ABN,
05:02 what God had done here
05:03 because we were from the countryside,
05:06 but to come here as you know,
05:08 we're not in the middle of a big urban city.
05:10 No.
05:11 There's cornfields, there's soybean fields and,
05:15 but to see what God is doing out of the middle of really
05:17 nowhere was just amazing.
05:18 Yes, this is about as urban as it gets out here...
05:21 Exactly, Urban Report.
05:23 That's right. That's right.
05:25 So what was the first position that you held here at 3ABN?
05:29 Oh, good question.
05:31 So I came as a college intern in the late 90's
05:34 and I remember I came
05:35 and they asked me to run camera
05:37 and I knew a little bit at that point
05:39 about how to run camera, but not television cameras
05:41 like we're looking into right here,
05:43 nothing like that.
05:45 So it was very intimidating,
05:46 but I had the opportunity to train
05:47 and learn to run camera, sweep the floors.
05:51 I did a lot of that,
05:53 and those are some of my first job
05:54 responsibilities here at 3ABN.
05:57 So you went from sweeping floors
05:59 to now president of 3ABN,
06:01 what took place in between that,
06:04 what were some of the other positions
06:06 that you held as well?
06:08 Well, I have to say you know,
06:09 Mr. Danny, you know, he is very much,
06:12 you know, he puts opportunities out there for you and,
06:15 you know, you just learn,
06:16 you don't have to come with all of this talent.
06:18 One of the things that's always impressed me
06:20 about Mr. Danny Shelton is that he's...
06:22 You know, whatever God's given you to do,
06:24 do with all your might.
06:26 So 3ABN gave me different opportunities,
06:28 I started out running camera,
06:30 then I went to traveling on the truck crew,
06:32 which at that point
06:33 we're traveling multiple days out of the year
06:35 which was incredible 'cause we had the opportunity
06:37 to travel around the United States,
06:39 travel outside of the United States as well,
06:41 flew to Cuba and did some events there.
06:44 And then went to the print shop,
06:46 I got married.
06:47 I didn't wanna travel on the road,
06:49 so 3ABN gave me the opportunity to go to the call center,
06:52 which had a print shop,
06:54 so worked in the print shop a few years,
06:56 then had the opportunity to,
07:00 will be in charge of the call center
07:01 for about 10 years,
07:03 then came back into production for,
07:05 what was that, five years
07:07 and then just changed roles here recently.
07:09 So multiple things, it's been fun.
07:12 3ABN is always on the go.
07:15 Oh, yes.
07:17 And that's the vision that God gave to Danny,
07:20 what, over 35 years ago.
07:22 That's to go ye into all the world.
07:25 Yep.
07:26 And that vision is still the same today,
07:29 I mean you know it, Jason, this is busy.
07:30 Just before we came on the set here,
07:32 I mean we're out of desk doing all kinds of things,
07:34 it's really fun.
07:36 And I think it's fun
07:37 because we have purpose and what's our purpose?
07:40 That's to share the gospel around the world.
07:42 Yeah, absolutely, so things are happening here
07:44 on the daily basis so, yeah.
07:46 Really quick, it's a rapid heartbeat at 3ABN.
07:48 Yeah, definitely, definitely it is.
07:50 How would you describe your leadership style?
07:54 I'm very much into team building.
07:57 I think it takes everybody and that includes,
07:59 you know, our viewers at home,
08:01 their support of Dare to Dream and then,
08:04 of course, the other networks of 3ABN.
08:06 So very much I like, Jason, team building.
08:09 It's a team effort.
08:11 Everyone has an important role including you at home
08:15 and, of course, God is our leader.
08:17 And I think for me
08:20 it's to realize that it's not about myself,
08:24 but it's about God and what God is doing
08:28 and that we are vessels that are broken.
08:32 I'm not perfect,
08:34 and I don't think you would say you're perfect.
08:35 Not at all.
08:37 And I'm sure you at home the same thing,
08:39 but God can use us if we are willing to be used.
08:43 So asking what my leadership style is would be
08:47 to build the team, to work together for one goal,
08:51 and it's not my vision,
08:53 that wasn't Mr. Danny's vision, it was God's vision
08:56 and Danny was a vessel
08:57 that could be used of God and all of the people,
09:00 the employees and staff, volunteers that have been
09:03 through 3ABN through the years, have all been a vessel.
09:06 So I think for me it's just trying to encourage
09:09 the staff here to be a vessel
09:13 that God can use to pour into other people
09:16 and I mean what a privilege it is.
09:18 Absolutely. A tremendous privilege.
09:19 Absolutely. And a huge responsibility.
09:21 Oh, it is.
09:23 Huge responsibility as well. Oh, sure.
09:24 It can be overwhelming at times I think, Jason...
09:26 I don't think, I know in my own heart
09:29 that I'm like, "God I didn't go to school
09:31 to take on administrative roles.
09:34 I don't know what I'm doing, been here while,
09:37 but God's the one that's got the knowledge,
09:39 He has the wisdom,
09:41 if He calls you which I know he's called me
09:43 and Jill and everyone else here to 3ABN,
09:45 He'll equip you. That's right.
09:47 So I gained great strength from that.
09:50 That's right.
09:51 How has your faith grown since becoming a part of 3ABN?
09:56 I remember when I first came to 3ABN
09:59 and the old uplink building
10:01 which is the original building 3ABN started at,
10:04 had that giant satellite dish outside,
10:06 I don't know how many feet
10:08 it's what, 20, 30 feet, that big dish there.
10:10 And it was in November of that year,
10:13 I believe it was in November of '99
10:16 and the staff at that point,
10:17 they were about 70 staff members
10:19 at 3ABN at that point.
10:21 We all held hands and we formed a circle around that dish
10:25 and we sang, led out by Danny, of course.
10:28 So we were standing on holy ground.
10:30 And I remember as a young man, I was just in my early 20's,
10:33 thought that 3ABN was just a stepping stone for me.
10:37 Maybe I'd be here a year or so.
10:39 But then I realized, I was like,
10:40 "God, this is amazing."
10:42 We're standing on holy ground,
10:43 not because any of us make it holy.
10:47 Because God, You're the one that makes it holy.
10:50 Because of You and there we were
10:52 standing in a circle and that message was going out.
10:55 I couldn't see whatever those satellite waves
10:57 are going into space, coming back down
11:00 and making a difference in other people's lives.
11:03 It's like, God, this is a miracle.
11:05 And it's at that point I think talking about faith,
11:07 it's realizing that, "Wow, we are insignificant,
11:09 but we are something because of God."
11:11 And then, from then on seeing the miracles,
11:13 of course, I wasn't involved in administration much then.
11:16 But I could see little miracles that were taking place,
11:18 things that shouldn't happen,
11:20 as in like a camera broke down,
11:22 we needed to record,
11:24 we don't know how to fix it and boom it works.
11:27 Or the truck barely makes it to an event it breaks down,
11:30 but we've got just seconds before we go live,
11:33 and God works a miracle and it works!
11:35 So I think you know seeing...
11:37 That to me as a young person,
11:38 boy, that increases your faith, Jason.
11:41 It really does and then as you change roles
11:43 and you see the finances coming in,
11:46 you know, you're needing a certain amount
11:48 to pay the bills
11:49 and then the checks come, cash comes.
11:54 God continues to provide for 3ABN's needs.
11:57 And, Jason, you know Danny talks about
11:58 this back in the day.
12:00 So I may be talking too much. No, no, no, please.
12:02 Back in the day, Danny would say,
12:03 you know, he was trying to buy five gallons of diesel fuel,
12:07 you remember to excavate and build again.
12:10 So we're not building five gallons, you know, now,
12:13 but we're still needing to pay satellite,
12:14 you know, transponder fees and internet bills
12:17 and stuff like that,
12:18 and God is still providing our needs
12:21 on a day by day basis.
12:22 I mean, it's amazing to see the mail come in.
12:24 That's... I mean, and that is incredible.
12:27 You know, I walk in here and I look at the studios
12:31 and I look just up at the ceiling sometimes
12:34 and see the lights
12:35 and all of these are the things,
12:37 I can't help but wonder
12:39 how expensive that the electric bill is alone.
12:43 And that doesn't even cover, you know,
12:46 just getting the gospel out there and all of that.
12:50 But it's all needed. But God provides.
12:51 Yeah, He does. Yeah, that is huge.
12:54 Talk a little bit about the transition
12:57 into the presidency?
12:59 So I have to say that the transition,
13:02 I couldn't have asked for anything smoother,
13:04 you know, Mr. Danny Shelton,
13:06 throughout the past several years
13:08 have said you know, you, meaning me and your wife,
13:10 you know, my wife Jill said,
13:12 you know, you guys are gonna be taking
13:13 on more leadership with 3ABN.
13:15 I was like, I know that God's brought us here
13:17 so whenever you feel Mr. Danny and the board,
13:20 3ABN's Board of Directors feels
13:22 it's right, you know, we are open.
13:24 And so recently,
13:26 late last year Mr. Danny came and talked to Jill and myself
13:30 and said, "You know, I feel this is the right time."
13:33 So he took it to the 3ABN board and it was voted
13:38 and a beautiful thing is
13:39 'cause this was very important to me,
13:41 it was like, "Mr. Danny, you're not disappearing."
13:43 Yes.
13:45 And he said, "Absolutely not."
13:46 You know, he's still very involved
13:48 which is just a blessing.
13:49 So in another words, he is not retired
13:52 because a lot of people think...
13:54 Praise the Lord. He's not retired.
13:55 That's right. He's not, no.
13:57 And that is a tremendous blessing for us
13:59 'cause talking about how that transition is going.
14:01 It's going just great because he's right there.
14:03 You know, he still comes in, you know to the office,
14:06 he's a phone call away
14:08 and this is what's so fun about Mr. Danny.
14:10 I just I love the guy, he's just fantastic,
14:14 you know, we were in meetings
14:15 and we have our executive committee
14:18 and then we'll be talking about a certain topic
14:21 and we're gonna ready to make a decision
14:23 and he'll just look, sit back and say "Okay Greg."
14:25 And I can just see the twinkle in his eye.
14:26 He's like, "That's up to you now."
14:29 But yeah, he's right there and like, "I'm not really sure,
14:32 what would you do here?"
14:34 And he would say, "This is what I would do,
14:35 but I'm not telling you to do it that way."
14:36 This is just what I would do
14:38 and he would tell me the reason why.
14:39 So I mean it's just beautiful.
14:40 It's not like, there's like, okay, he's leaving,
14:43 I'm coming in and like we are odds with each other.
14:45 It's just... It's a beautiful thing.
14:47 Yes, harmonious.
14:49 Oh, it's harmonious. Yeah, yeah.
14:50 It's fantastic. Yep.
14:51 So now you're able to pick his brain
14:53 and everything and...
14:55 Oh, straight. No, that is really good.
14:57 And you know when I think about this too,
14:58 it's really been his vision.
15:00 This is what God's vision but that he has carried it out.
15:03 You know, this is his life.
15:06 No one will ever replace Mr. Danny Shelton.
15:09 I have tremendous respect for him.
15:11 He's the founder and will always be
15:13 the founder of 3ABN
15:15 and so to have him here and to have him so close,
15:19 you know to be able to just say,
15:20 what would you do and have his wisdom
15:22 and insight is fantastic.
15:23 And I know that he has tremendous respect
15:25 for both you and Jill as well.
15:27 You guys were handpicked for these roles,
15:31 you know, God has been preparing you
15:33 and preparing him and preparing you over time,
15:35 and it really shows and, you know,
15:40 being under you guys like...
15:42 We're all happy because,
15:44 you know, your leadership style.
15:46 First off, you know may be you at home,
15:49 you don't get to see this,
15:51 but Greg and Jill are here before everybody get here,
15:55 they're here after everybody leaves,
15:57 they are busy.
15:59 So yeah, we definitely appreciate
16:02 your work ethic and all.
16:04 Well, it's a great team effort,
16:05 you know, working with you, Jason,
16:06 you know we call each other neighbors
16:08 because our offices are kind of diagonal to each other
16:11 and to me it's a great family atmosphere.
16:15 I think about having a good time together
16:20 is really important and we do that here at 3ABN,
16:22 we like each other, we love each other
16:24 and we work well together I feel.
16:26 Yes. I would agree with that.
16:29 And tell us a little bit about your vision for 3ABN?
16:33 So 3ABN, we're not changing the vision
16:36 because God gave the vision
16:38 and that's us to spread the gospel,
16:39 go ye, that's Matthew 28:19 and 20,
16:41 go ye into all the world, preach the gospel.
16:44 So we're not changing that because God doesn't change.
16:46 But how we're delivering it, that's what Mr. Danny said,
16:49 you know, Greg and Jill,
16:50 he said I wanna see you all
16:52 push more into like the social media,
16:54 all the digital download.
16:56 So that's the direction we're going,
16:57 we're still doing the satellite,
16:58 you know, satellite's still relevant.
17:01 But as you know definitely, in my phone,
17:04 so I said it right off the set here.
17:06 All right.
17:07 You know but it's all a mobile device,
17:09 iPad, your phone, your computer, you want it now?
17:12 Yep.
17:14 You want it when you want it.
17:15 So we're working a lot on the vision
17:18 of keeping the content same
17:20 but actually delivering it
17:22 and maybe a little shorter segments
17:25 let's say, we want to make it more shareable.
17:28 We're trying to hit more the social media aspect,
17:31 as you know you can definitely share it a lot easier that way.
17:34 Absolutely. Digital evangelism.
17:36 Oh, it's huge, absolutely.
17:37 But the Video on Demand is what we're going for too.
17:40 We wanna have that on our 3ABN app.
17:42 Right now you can get a lot of our on demand,
17:44 like our Sabbath school panel and other you know,
17:46 Urban Report, other things you can go,
17:48 Salvation, Some of a Signs.
17:51 You know, that's just a great thing
17:52 because it can be 1 AM in the morning
17:54 and you're just looking for something
17:55 and you can go there and watch it when you want it,
17:57 stop it, take care of something else come back.
18:00 So that's a powerful thing.
18:01 So we're wanting to provide more content, Jason,
18:03 that way and, yeah, trying to reach an audience
18:06 through the internet especially.
18:08 And I think the power of the internet
18:10 is searching someone that doesn't know anything about,
18:14 you know, the Bible truths can go online and type in,
18:17 "What happens when you die?"
18:20 They have it, you know,
18:21 a real question in their lives about this.
18:23 So what we're trying to do is what they call optimization
18:27 and that is to put 3ABN and the truths that God is,
18:30 you know, given to the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
18:32 They're right at the top when people search.
18:34 Yes. It's right there.
18:35 Yes, yes 'cause people won't keep clicking through pages
18:38 and pages and pages.
18:39 Yes, so that's very important.
18:42 When I think about the Bible truths
18:43 that we have, Jason, it's amazing.
18:44 It's not 3ABN's message,
18:46 it's not your message or my message.
18:48 It's about God's Word. That's right.
18:51 And it doesn't return void
18:52 and it's sharper than any two-edged sword,
18:54 you know I mean it.
18:55 You know, it changes lives, you know,
18:57 and it's living and it's just...
18:59 It's amazing so to have that opportunity
19:00 to share is incredible.
19:03 What are some of the things
19:04 that 3ABN has been doing to connect with the viewers
19:09 and maybe even people that aren't viewing...
19:12 Specifically, I'm thinking of rallies.
19:14 Oh, yeah.
19:16 Those are fun and that's where we actually get to go out
19:17 what you're saying on rally, we go to a particular church,
19:21 you and Jill work on organizing that
19:23 and that's been really exciting
19:24 because we get to meet people face to face.
19:27 And they're family, Jason. Yes, absolutely.
19:29 You know, so to me are, they are supporters
19:31 and the prayer warriors is fantastic.
19:34 What are some miracle stories or some testimonies
19:37 that you can share from some of these rallies?
19:39 Well, there was a person that we met recently
19:43 and this is just...
19:44 I mean, it's just incredible.
19:46 This person was searching for truth
19:49 and they were watching religious,
19:51 it wasn't 3ABN,
19:52 it was Non-Adventist programming,
19:54 but it was a religious network
19:55 and they were just, they loved it.
19:57 So they turned it on one day, they're like,
19:59 wow, I'm looking at the video
20:02 but the audio, Jason, doesn't match.
20:05 Well, that's a problem. It is.
20:08 But they were intrigued with the audio
20:09 that they were hearing.
20:11 What was the audio?
20:12 I don't know exactly the programming,
20:13 but it was 3ABN program.
20:15 I don't know the program they were listening to,
20:16 but it's 3ABN audio that they were hearing.
20:19 Isn't this amazing?
20:20 It is, and what are the odds of that, you know...
20:22 Divined appointment. Absolutely.
20:24 So they're watching the video, doesn't match the audio
20:27 but what they're really paying attention to of course
20:29 is the truth that they're hearing
20:30 and they're like, "Wow, this is good.
20:32 This is deep.
20:33 But I don't think it's right, searching their Bible,
20:37 wow, what I'm hearing is truth.
20:40 "This is great."
20:41 And you know what happened, Jason?
20:43 What?
20:44 Over time, the video that they're watching
20:46 slowly got less and less and faded away
20:49 until 3ABN's video matched the audio
20:52 and they're getting 3ABN video and audio
20:55 clearly at their home.
20:57 So we're at this one rally, you were there,
21:00 they're baptized member, been a member of the church,
21:02 I think they said about 10 years.
21:04 That's a miracle! That is.
21:05 I mean, that is God working doing real life miracles today.
21:10 Absolutely.
21:11 And He's trying to reach everybody
21:13 He can possibly reach.
21:14 And there's no faster way to do that than media.
21:17 Oh, yeah, you know, that's right.
21:18 Yeah, it's so instant, you know,
21:20 and the thing is too
21:21 as sometimes people can be a little intimidated
21:24 if you go to somebody's door,
21:25 there's still door-to-door evangelism.
21:27 I believe in it.
21:28 But the nice thing about coming into your home,
21:30 via the television, internet, your phone
21:34 is that you're all by yourself,
21:36 you don't feel pressure from anyone else
21:37 to do those searches.
21:38 And then God can change your heart.
21:41 And He is.
21:42 Absolutely, and you find the answers
21:44 to what you're seeking...
21:45 Oh, yeah, absolutely. For sure.
21:47 What would you say are some of the challenges
21:49 that you face in your current role as president?
21:54 That's a really good question.
21:56 For me, I'm just trying to learn my job.
21:58 Okay.
21:59 And it's fun, you know, all of...
22:01 You know, the whole team here at 3ABN
22:02 is just so supportive and everyone is very patient.
22:06 You know, the key is to learn from your mistakes.
22:08 Like I mentioned I'm not a perfect person
22:09 so learning things, but it's just really fun.
22:13 I think some of the challenges for 3ABN right now, of course,
22:17 is that there are so many opportunities
22:20 to just go out there and...
22:23 'Cause it takes money to get the gospel out there.
22:25 We're talking about all these Video on Demand
22:27 and getting more exposure on the internet costs money,
22:31 so I think that would be one of the biggest challenges
22:34 like there are so many opportunities
22:36 and right now it's just like,
22:37 "Oh, dear Lord,
22:39 help us pick the right direction right now
22:41 'cause we only have so much funds
22:43 that are here right now.
22:45 We have to be good stewards of the funds
22:47 that God has given to 3ABN and then say,
22:50 "Okay God, this is the direction
22:52 I feel we should take.
22:53 Let's go this direction."
22:54 So you know, I think it's that challenge
22:56 just trying to figure out, wow,
22:57 we've got so much money
22:58 and we got so many opportunities,
23:00 we don't have enough money to get out there yet,
23:01 but God's got all taken care of in his timing so...
23:04 And I think for me too, Jason,
23:06 is that I don't want to stand in the way humanly
23:10 as Greg Morokoni.
23:12 I wanna be emptied of myself
23:15 and be filled with the Holy Spirit,
23:17 be filled with God so I think it challenges,
23:19 it's just fighting against myself like,
23:20 okay, get rid of self, Greg.
23:23 And let God fill you so...
23:25 And then you know,
23:26 that's a daily battle for everybody.
23:28 That's true. You're right.
23:29 You know, so what can the viewers do
23:32 to help 3ABN
23:35 and maybe help with some of those challenges
23:37 that you're facing?
23:39 That's a good point.
23:40 And I wanna say this too is that if you have a story...
23:42 Can I just mention that?
23:43 If someone has a story at home, Jason,
23:44 to actually send an email,
23:46 I don't know what email you want them to send it to,
23:48 but you know the email address
23:49 because what that does that encourages us,
23:51 but then we take those stories,
23:53 we put them either into articles,
23:54 we share them on the air, and with that in turn does,
23:58 it encourages other people
23:59 that are giving a dollar sacrificially, $20, wow.
24:03 My $1 is doing something.
24:05 So share in your story
24:07 how the God has worked in your life through 3ABN.
24:10 Another way would be, of course, financially.
24:12 That's a huge thing for 3ABN, we're faith based,
24:16 we're dependent upon the Lord,
24:19 and the Lord uses you
24:20 to support the ministry of 3ABN.
24:22 So thank you, many of you supported 3ABN
24:24 for over 35 years.
24:26 Jason, I had someone recently that just started.
24:29 Well, this is what's cool, I mean,
24:31 just tell this quickly is that
24:33 they just stumble across 3ABN via a search online.
24:36 Okay.
24:38 And this is what so beautiful.
24:39 They were touched by what they heard
24:41 and they immediately started donating.
24:43 Five dollars but on a monthly basis.
24:45 Wow. That's huge.
24:47 And that adds up.
24:48 Oh, it adds up in an amazing way
24:50 and God multiplies
24:51 like He did the loaves and fishes thousand years ago.
24:54 He does the same now with the funds
24:55 that come in here.
24:57 So you can go to 3ABN's website to donate,
24:59 and that's 3abn.tv,
25:02 then there's a little donate tab at the top
25:05 and then you have the different categories
25:06 that you can donate too.
25:08 It's really simple PayPal, credit card,
25:10 you can click there monthly if you want it reoccurring,
25:13 we still do snail mail.
25:15 Yes, yes.
25:16 PO Box 220, West Frankfort, Illinois 62896.
25:19 We take checks as well, but it's a blessing,
25:22 you know, you think about it.
25:24 You have an opportunity
25:25 to make a difference in somebody else's life,
25:27 not just temporarily here for eternity.
25:31 And what I'm looking forward
25:32 and I hope you are too is to be in heaven
25:34 around the sea of glass, Jason, can you imagine that?
25:37 If someone come up to you and say,
25:39 Jason, thank you and you're like,
25:42 "I don't even know you."
25:43 They're like, "I know you,
25:45 you made a difference in my life,
25:46 I gave my heart to Jesus Christ."
25:48 Boy... Yeah. That's huge.
25:50 Yeah, that'll be absolutely incredible.
25:52 And that's what it's all about.
25:54 You know, that's what it's all about
25:55 and that's what 3ABN does,
25:57 it just spread the gospel
25:58 'cause we wanna help build the kingdom.
26:00 Oh, yeah. Yeah.
26:01 I can imagine how wonderful it's going to be in heaven.
26:06 And I think about, you know,
26:08 this is what's so inspiring too,
26:09 you know working with Danny
26:10 is that he lives and eats and breathes 3ABN.
26:13 And you've seen this
26:14 'cause you know that sparkle in his eye...
26:17 Oh, yeah.
26:18 He loves the work of 3ABN.
26:20 But what excites him so much is seeing lives changed.
26:23 That's just phenomenal, so it's an inspiration.
26:26 Yes.
26:27 And so I hope that we hear from our listeners and viewers
26:31 as to how their lives have been transformed
26:34 by the ministry of 3ABN.
26:37 Real quick, what are some projects
26:39 that you would like to see
26:41 coming into fruition maybe in the future?
26:44 Yeah, one of them that we're working on
26:45 really hard right now
26:47 is Video on Demand like we mentioned
26:48 but on the 3ABN app.
26:50 Right now Video on Demand can be...
26:52 You can get that on YouTube, but we wanna put on the app
26:54 so when you watch and download 3ABN
26:55 and put on your app of your phone,
26:57 isn't that great?
26:58 That is wonderful.
27:00 You can click there, you can watch the live stream
27:01 but then we may wanna have another page
27:02 where we can sit there
27:04 and look at hundreds of different programs
27:05 include Dare to Dream.
27:06 I like that.
27:08 3ABN Spark?
27:09 That's another big one too which is shorts,
27:10 that we call shorts, it will be five to ten minute,
27:12 could be testimonies,
27:13 a quick sermon all within ten minutes.
27:15 That's 3ABN Spark, that should be...
27:18 Yeah, coming up in next few months.
27:21 Lot of fun things coming up. Yes, yes.
27:23 I can't believe our time is running away.
27:25 Real quick, do you have any final thought
27:27 that you like to share with our viewing audience?
27:29 You know, I'd like to encourage you at home
27:31 to whatever God's put before you
27:32 to do it with all of your might.
27:35 Thank you, Greg.
27:36 Thank you for coming on and sharing with us
27:38 and thank you for your leadership.
27:39 Thank you for having me. My pleasure.
27:42 In Ecclesiastes it says,
27:44 "Whatever your hand finds to do,
27:46 do it with all your might."
27:48 Well, we've reached the end of another program.
27:51 Thanks for tuning in.
27:53 And until next time,
27:55 may God continue to bless you and your family.
27:58 God bless.


Revised 2021-02-08