Urban Report

Eat to Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR200004S

00:01 Do you or anyone you love suffer from lupus
00:03 or any other autoimmune disease?
00:05 Well, stay tuned to meet two women
00:07 who have found some solutions.
00:09 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:10 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:35 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:37 According to the Lupus Foundation,
00:39 9 out of 10 adults with lupus are women.
00:42 One in three lupus patients
00:44 suffer from multiple autoimmune diseases,
00:47 and lupus is two to three times
00:50 more prevalent among women of color.
00:52 My guests today are Dr. Joyce Choe,
00:55 founder of Wholeness for Life, And Mercy Ballard,
00:59 Years Restored Lifestyle director.
01:02 Welcome to Urban Report.
01:04 Thank you. Thank you for having us.
01:06 Great to have you here.
01:07 I know we have a lot to cover in a short amount of time.
01:11 So tell us a little bit about how you met?
01:16 Well, Mercy has a lifestyle center
01:18 in California called Years Restored.
01:21 And in January of 2016, I was a client there.
01:25 I went there for a 10-day detox program,
01:28 and we have been in touch ever since.
01:29 Wow. Wow.
01:31 Okay.
01:32 And what made you decide to write this cookbook,
01:34 The Autoimmune Plant Based Cookbook?
01:38 Well, you know, there is a lot of people
01:40 that cannot attend to our lifestyle center,
01:44 perhaps their finances
01:45 or where they live, things like that.
01:47 So I always wanted to have a book
01:50 where we have all the principles
01:52 in one place,
01:54 and especially a seven-day menu
01:57 where people can just follow the menu, the recipes,
01:59 and they can recover, get better.
02:03 So when I met Joyce
02:04 because, you know, I needed somebody
02:07 that can make it a super great job
02:10 putting all the words together.
02:13 And I met Joyce and couldn't be the best person.
02:17 She's the writer in the book,
02:18 and she brings the science together.
02:20 So it was just a great, good team to this work.
02:24 Good partnership.
02:25 Excellent. Excellent, excellent.
02:27 Now you guys have had your own health journey.
02:31 Why don't you share a little bit about that?
02:34 Mercy, why don't you start?
02:36 2004, I was becoming sick,
02:40 prior to that I was super healthy
02:42 and very energetic.
02:44 But 2004 I started, you know, getting weak,
02:49 no endurance, shortness of breath, brain fog,
02:55 and ended up in the hospital.
02:57 So 2006, I still...
03:02 That's when I started...
03:03 I recovered pretty much
03:05 because I changed my ways of eating.
03:07 Even though I was plant-based,
03:10 and I was very health conscious,
03:12 but I didn't know many things
03:13 that were happening in this world with toxicity
03:16 that, you know, I was getting toxic.
03:21 But anyhow going back ended up in the hospital,
03:24 getting blood transfusion
03:25 because I wasn't absorbing nutrients.
03:28 And so later on,
03:31 you know, God let me to learn about this GI lab
03:35 where they tested me for food sensitivities
03:38 and find out that, you know,
03:39 I was having those kinds of issues.
03:47 And I was always healthy,
03:48 but in medical school or residency
03:50 when I was pretty young still,
03:52 I was put on a pretty powerful antibiotic.
03:54 It was in what we call the fluoroquinolone family.
03:57 Okay.
03:58 And this category of antibiotics
04:00 is very popular, commonly given.
04:03 But it has a black box warning 'cause it's quite dangerous.
04:08 It is now...
04:09 So what is the black box warning, is that like,
04:12 you can die from it?
04:14 Well, it can cause all kinds of issues.
04:17 It can cause connective tissue issues,
04:21 psychiatric issues,
04:24 it's known as a mitochondrial poison.
04:27 And, you know, some people report like things
04:30 like Achilles tendon ruptures and retinal detachment
04:33 and these types of things.
04:34 And the one that I was put on,
04:37 it was taken off the market within a year
04:39 because it caused liver failure and death.
04:41 And it caused me to get very weak,
04:45 and that weakness just progressed over years
04:48 and years and years.
04:49 And so it was kind of an abnormal weakness
04:52 and that like, I couldn't,
04:54 you know, pick up kids very well.
04:56 You know, I just felt like I couldn't do the things
04:58 that I needed to do.
04:59 And, you know, I had a lot of chronic pain
05:03 for 20 some years.
05:05 And so I was just looking for answers.
05:09 So when I was diagnosed with leaky gut in 2011,
05:14 I started on an elimination diet
05:17 that took care of a lot of pain.
05:19 And then when I...
05:20 In 2016, went to the Years Restored Program,
05:23 it helped me even further with other symptoms
05:26 that I had been developing.
05:28 Wow, I can't imagine 20 years of pain.
05:31 A lot of people deal with it, a lot of people.
05:33 And I think that, you know, when I went to Years Restored
05:36 and did the 10-day detox program,
05:39 and on the third day, I woke up
05:40 and, you know, had no pain and I had, you know,
05:45 no shortness of breath, which I've developing.
05:49 I just realized, you know,
05:50 you don't realize how bad you feel
05:52 until you feel so much better.
05:54 Because we get very used to feeling bad,
05:56 it's so gradual.
05:57 It's kind of like that frog, you know, that's...
06:00 In the water...
06:02 In the water that's getting hot.
06:03 And it happens so gradually that you're not aware.
06:06 Absolutely.
06:07 And it becomes the norm for you.
06:08 It's a normal.
06:10 I mean, you think that everybody's dealing with that.
06:11 Well, I think it's the norm for our society so...
06:14 Let's talk about, you know, the chronic pain
06:16 and the role that nutrition plays in it.
06:20 Well, for instance, for me,
06:22 I felt like I just didn't deal with stress
06:25 well, 'cause my pain was in my neck,
06:27 and then my shoulders,
06:28 and I felt "Oh, maybe this is just what it's like to get old.
06:31 You have arthritis, maybe, you just have muscle pain,
06:33 and you just don't know how to handle stress."
06:36 And I found that it may be true,
06:39 it may happen more with age,
06:41 but I was pretty much pain free with just changing my diet.
06:46 Wow.
06:47 And the interesting thing
06:48 was that I had been going to lifestyle centers
06:50 'cause I was very interested in health,
06:53 you know, nutrition,
06:54 all that kind of stuff, I'm very interested,
06:56 I love teaching people about it.
06:58 And I would go to these places, and we'd be making,
07:01 you know, whole wheat bread
07:02 and all those good food from scratch,
07:04 and I'd still be in so much pain.
07:05 I just never put the two things together.
07:07 Yeah.
07:08 So basically, you can eat to live
07:12 or you can live to eat, which...
07:14 Yes, but nowadays,
07:15 it's like you can eat really good healthy food
07:18 and still have it be a problem.
07:21 That's the confusing thing.
07:22 Yeah. And why is that?
07:26 You know, this world has changed so much,
07:29 you know, the agricultural practices,
07:32 also all the toxicity from this world.
07:34 So it's just different, it's not the same.
07:36 So foods that I ate in the past,
07:40 they were totally healthy,
07:41 but then when I studied like, you know, gut sick.
07:46 Then, the food is totally different.
07:49 We think that a few things that have happened,
07:51 that are very significant.
07:53 One is that in the 1950s, 60s was around the time
07:57 that they started changing the way wheat was made.
08:01 Wheat is a much different plant than it used to be
08:03 'cause one plant can produce about 10 times more wheat
08:06 than the original,
08:08 and it has changed the structure of that wheat.
08:11 So that's one thing.
08:13 The other thing is that sometime around the 1970s,
08:16 I think was when glyphosate was introduced.
08:19 And that's the active ingredient of Roundup,
08:22 and its use has simply just escalated.
08:25 And now we are spraying glyphosate pretty much
08:29 on all of our crops.
08:31 You know, if you have any kind of grain,
08:34 your breakfast cereals, your breakfast breads,
08:36 you're going to have
08:37 high levels of glyphosate a lot of times.
08:39 That's scary.
08:40 And so, you know, glyphosate has been patented
08:45 as not only a weed killer, it is a mineral chelator,
08:50 it will bind up minerals like magnesium and calcium
08:53 and those things that you need for your cells to work,
08:56 and then it will also serve as an antibiotic.
09:00 So it changes the microbiome.
09:02 So all of these things are having
09:04 an effect on the gut.
09:05 And we think that that's why in the last couple decades,
09:09 we're seeing children being affected
09:12 with these serious diseases that we never saw before,
09:15 you know, and all these mysterious things
09:17 that people are having a hard time
09:19 putting a diagnosis on.
09:20 Yes, yes, 'cause what we're consuming
09:23 has changed the molecular structure...
09:24 Has changed us generationally,
09:26 and, you know, I think the epigenetic components
09:30 and how it's changing people,
09:33 you know, one generation to the next,
09:34 it's just weakening our systems.
09:36 Yeah.
09:37 Let's talk a little bit about inflammation.
09:39 What is inflammation?
09:42 Well, inflammation is defined as you can see it,
09:46 you can see the redness, you can see the swelling,
09:50 you can feel pain and tenderness.
09:52 And it's simply that your body,
09:54 like if you have a cut, for instance,
09:56 your body is recruiting cells to come and help you fight.
10:00 It's helping you fight infection,
10:01 it's helping you repair that wound.
10:05 So that's what inflammation is.
10:06 It's simply your body's effort to help itself get better.
10:10 Wow.
10:11 So with arthritis and all of those things
10:14 like your body's trying to get better?
10:16 Typically disease is an effort of the body
10:19 to help itself improve.
10:21 Okay, okay.
10:23 Or deal with something.
10:24 How does lifestyle impact inflammation?
10:27 Well, it's very important
10:29 to eat these anti-inflammatory foods.
10:32 So we really like to push for eating a lot of greens.
10:36 The greens are super powerful anti-inflammatory foods
10:39 and, you know, also the herbs are even better,
10:43 certain herbs.
10:45 So for example, thyme is great.
10:48 Stevia even is great.
10:52 Mint is one of the greatest antioxidant foods,
10:55 very high antioxidant.
10:57 So we actually put it together a pack of all these herbs
11:01 that are super antioxidants so just to shake in our meals
11:05 and just give this huge antioxidant boost
11:08 to our system.
11:10 So very important to eat inflammatory foods
11:12 but if you don't remove the cause,
11:17 then you're still going to have inflammation.
11:19 So you have to remove
11:20 what is causing the inflammation.
11:22 So removing these toxins,
11:24 a lot of times it's processed foods.
11:27 You know, it has so much chemicals.
11:28 'Cause that was my next question.
11:29 What foods cause inflammation?
11:32 So there's processed foods
11:34 another thing is foods that are high on AGE.
11:39 What is AGE?
11:41 Anti-glycation.
11:42 Advanced glycation end-products.
11:45 These are simply things
11:46 that form when you heat up your food.
11:49 So if you caramelize your food
11:51 and you're roasting your nuts
11:53 and these kinds of things, you're going to end up...
11:54 It's like cooking the nutrients out of it.
11:56 No, it's changing the structure of it
11:59 and what ends up...
12:00 well, it's the same thing that happens in your body
12:02 when you have diabetes for instance,
12:05 and your blood sugar goes so high
12:07 so that the sugar will abnormally bind
12:10 to certain molecules,
12:12 and it will change their structure
12:14 and that is what causes damage
12:15 to the blood vessels for instance.
12:17 And that's why people have bleeding in their eyes
12:20 and in their kidneys and scarring
12:22 and that kind of thing.
12:23 It's usually when you cook foods
12:25 that are high in proteins and fat at the same time,
12:28 so that'll be meat,
12:29 but in the plant-based it will be nuts, right?
12:32 So then you cook in dry environment
12:34 like baking, and frying, things like that
12:37 so the levels of AGE are so high
12:40 and so inflammatory.
12:42 But just for a basic thing,
12:44 you know, foods that are inflammatory
12:47 tend to be foods that are fake,
12:49 for instance, refined carbohydrates,
12:53 sugared or artificially sweetened sodas,
12:58 and processed meats,
13:01 those tend to be very, very inflammatory.
13:04 Dairy can be inflammatory.
13:06 Wheat can be inflammatory.
13:09 You were asking about nutrition.
13:11 And we know that the gluten and wheat
13:14 causes your body to produce zonulin
13:17 and zonulin will then,
13:19 when it attaches to these receptors
13:21 on your intestinal cells,
13:24 it'll cause you to develop leaky gut
13:27 because it causes your tight junctions to be lost.
13:30 Wow.
13:32 I'm glad that you guys came out
13:34 with this Autoimmune Plant Based Cookbook.
13:37 Because as I'm listening, I'm like, wow, so okay,
13:38 so wheat isn't, you know, isn't good,
13:41 it can cause the inflammation and stuff or some form of it.
13:43 Wheat just maybe a lot different
13:45 than what it used to be
13:47 and anecdotally you'll hear people say
13:48 that when they go to Europe and other places
13:50 that maybe have different ways of growing food
13:55 that they can tolerate wheat better there.
13:58 So there may be something going on there.
14:01 Okay.
14:03 And, you know, again,
14:04 I forgot to do this
14:05 at the beginning of the program,
14:07 but we always have to put the disclaimer out there,
14:09 make sure we're talking about different recipes
14:11 and all of that stuff and cutting things out.
14:13 But we want to make sure
14:15 that you consult your primary care physician,
14:18 as they've been working with you,
14:19 and they know your specific case.
14:21 We're talking about potential solutions
14:24 and things that work naturally.
14:28 But it might not be right for you,
14:30 or it might be right for you,
14:31 but you must consult your primary care physician.
14:34 Yeah, we always say this is health education.
14:35 Yes.
14:37 Absolutely. Not medical advice.
14:38 Absolutely. I like that.
14:40 I like that. Make an informed decision.
14:42 That's right.
14:43 Tell me about the 10-day program.
14:45 What does that consist of?
14:47 The 10-day program is...
14:49 The first five days we do detox
14:51 because autoimmunity is toxicity.
14:54 And so we work doing juices and teas and poultices,
14:59 internal poultices so to remove these toxins.
15:02 And in the next five days we introduce foods,
15:04 at the beginning, it's raw foods
15:06 to build up the good bacteria, the microbiome
15:08 because when you have autoimmunity
15:11 there is an imbalance of the bacteria
15:12 so we want to build up the good bacteria fast
15:16 so the inflammation can improve.
15:19 And yeah.
15:20 So would you say like probiotics,
15:22 like to build up the good flora or no?
15:24 Well, we get the probiotics or the bacteria,
15:28 we try to replenish it using food.
15:32 Got you.
15:33 Got you. Nice.
15:35 Because there's the probiotic foods
15:36 that you can eat, which is, you know,
15:38 the probiotics come from the soil, right?
15:42 So if you have a healthy way to plant your vegetables,
15:47 then you're going to get your probiotics.
15:49 But the prebiotics are
15:51 what is going to feed the probiotics
15:53 and which is to increase your fiber foods.
15:55 Okay, okay.
15:57 We actually have a video of someone
15:59 who went through the 10-day program.
16:02 And he had quite a bit of great things
16:06 to say about it, his name's Brandon.
16:08 And let's get ready to take a look at that now.
16:12 So back when I was about 20 years old,
16:15 I got put in the hospital
16:19 for having really low blood count,
16:21 and it is called hemolytic anemia.
16:25 And little did I know then
16:28 that that was the beginning of a disease that I had.
16:32 For years I've had the symptoms of skin issues,
16:35 little rashes popping up all over my body,
16:39 just here and there, on my face, on my legs,
16:42 on my arms,
16:43 and, you know, some stomach issues
16:46 that got worse and worse as the years progressed,
16:49 the stomach issues.
16:50 And then it got
16:51 to where I started feeling really bloated a lot.
16:55 Found out that I had a disease
16:57 called mixed connective tissue disease.
16:59 And so I was taking the Hydrochloroquine
17:04 to try and keep my immune system
17:06 kind of hushed to where I wouldn't have
17:11 as many flares or possibilities of flares.
17:13 Somebody here who worked told me about Mercy
17:17 and Years Restored,
17:19 and they told me about her cookbook,
17:22 it's kind of where it started.
17:24 They started telling me about this autoimmune cookbook
17:27 and, of course,
17:29 I was very interested in that now
17:30 that I had learned that I had an autoimmune disease.
17:32 And I learned
17:33 that Mercy had been dealing with autoimmunity in her life.
17:39 Out of the different places there was to choose from
17:41 because she had dealt with autoimmune disease,
17:43 I thought this has got to be the place to go to.
17:46 I learned what foods that I could eat
17:48 to heal the autoimmune disease
17:52 or to put it in remission as we call it.
17:55 And then not only did I learn what foods,
17:59 but she teaches you how to make the foods
18:04 so that was definitely an added blessing.
18:09 Also, all the health classes that she teaches,
18:13 most of the research that she has
18:15 is coming from doctors' research,
18:18 so this isn't just some natural remedy
18:22 that something, you know,
18:23 you don't know for sure if it works or not,
18:25 this is research that's being done.
18:27 So that was pretty impressive to me as well.
18:30 My energy was coming back, my strength was coming back.
18:33 And I told her that I really feel like
18:35 that my years have been restored.
18:38 And, you know, the two or three years
18:41 I haven't been able to run,
18:43 you know, for very long distances
18:44 and now I feel like I've got that back.
18:47 And my recovery time like whenever I go to the gym
18:50 and I work out,
18:52 before I went in to Years Restored,
18:54 it hurts and it hurts for days.
18:58 But now when I go to work out,
19:01 the recovery time is so much faster.
19:03 I don't feel... I don't hurt as bad.
19:05 I don't really hurt at all.
19:07 I go and I work out
19:08 and the next day I feel nice and tight.
19:10 Like I used to feel back when I was younger,
19:13 but I don't feel like
19:14 I'm just totally exhausted for two days, you know?
19:17 So it's amazing how much, you know,
19:21 eating the right stuff can make a difference.
19:23 This way it is well thought out,
19:28 there's a lot of science behind it.
19:31 I really think that this is the best diet to choose
19:35 if you really want to put this thing into remission.
19:38 You want to have your energy restored,
19:40 your years restored,
19:42 and you want to start feeling better
19:44 and get on a new way of eating for good.
19:48 This is a lifestyle for people that have autoimmune disease,
19:51 you really have to just totally change the way
19:55 you think what you eat,
19:57 and retrain yourself to eat a different way.
20:01 And as a result of doing that, you'll get the benefits.
20:05 So I think it's the best, best diet.
20:14 I actually know Brandon, he actually,
20:16 he used to work here.
20:17 He's a great guy.
20:19 And he is a great guy,
20:20 and I'm so glad that things turned around for him.
20:23 I know that you have the cookbook, right?
20:26 You have the 10-day program.
20:28 Yes.
20:29 What other services do you offer?
20:31 Well, if people go to my website,
20:33 DrJoyceChoe.com.
20:35 And my last name is spelled C-H-O-E, DrJoyceChoe.com,
20:39 you can find out where we're going to be
20:41 'cause we go to churches, and we do weekend programs.
20:44 And we do Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
20:47 And Sunday, they can experience the food
20:50 and that kind of thing.
20:51 Oh, that's awesome.
20:52 So they can taste test and everything.
20:54 They can taste test and all of that.
20:55 Get the hands-on experience. Right.
20:56 Yes.
20:58 And then we're also preparing an online course.
21:00 And so we've filmed video demos
21:03 of how to do many of the recipes in the book.
21:06 And so that we did our first online course
21:10 in October,
21:12 and now we're preparing to make it just available
21:14 online and on DVD.
21:15 And we have a Facebook community,
21:18 plant-based gut health on Facebook.
21:21 And so if people go to AutoimmuneRecovery.com,
21:25 they can find out more information about that.
21:27 Also, we do have a company that we, you know,
21:32 put in very healthy products
21:33 for this population of autoimmune disorder.
21:36 So we do have tortillas
21:38 that are sprouted and gluten-free and healthy.
21:41 Nice.
21:43 Wow, you guys are active.
21:45 Yeah. Busy.
21:47 It's hard to keep up with her.
21:50 We have video of a recipe
21:53 and talking a little bit about the online course.
21:57 And I think that we should go check that out right now.
22:02 Mercy and I recently published
22:04 the Autoimmune Plant Based Cookbook.
22:07 And in October of 2019,
22:09 we conducted our first online course.
22:13 We called it the Autoimmune Recovery Plan.
22:17 We provided 20 lectures on autoimmune disease,
22:20 leaky gut, and how to heal.
22:22 We also provided video demonstrations
22:24 on how to prepare foods
22:26 from the Autoimmune Plant Based Cookbook,
22:28 and how to have a successful health journey.
22:51 So welcome to this lesson today.
22:52 We're going to talk about how to make butters
22:56 and spreads from things
22:58 like pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
23:01 And so what we've done is that we have already soaked.
23:06 And soaked the pumpkin seeds
23:09 and the sunflower seeds overnight,
23:12 and then we have dehydrated them
23:14 for about 24 hours.
23:16 And so today, we're going to make this
23:19 from the pumpkin seeds,
23:20 but I just wanted to at least show you
23:23 the pumpkin and the sunflower seeds.
23:26 And so, Mercy, can you just let us know
23:27 how many cups of what we're going to use?
23:29 Sure.
23:31 So we have one cup of pumpkin seeds
23:32 and one cup of shredded coconut.
23:36 That makes it super great.
23:39 So one cup of coconut and one cup of pumpkin seeds
23:44 that have already been soaked overnight,
23:47 and how much salt is this?
23:48 This is one teaspoon of salt
23:50 that we're going to add it toward the end,
23:51 otherwise it doesn't make butter for some reason.
23:54 And the pumpkin seeds have to be super dried.
23:57 Okay. Yeah.
23:59 So you want to make sure
24:00 that if you wash this right before you use it,
24:02 that you dry it really good.
24:03 You don't want to have any moisture.
24:06 So we're going to run it for about 20 minutes,
24:08 right, Joyce?
24:10 Yeah, the thing about this is that I've made it with salt.
24:12 And so that's probably why it doesn't processed.
24:15 So it's going to be 20 minutes and...
24:19 On high. Okay, so we're...
24:27 So here are the seed butters at the end
24:31 of about what 20 minutes of processing
24:34 and here's the sunflower.
24:36 You can see the pumpkin seed.
24:37 It's a beautiful green,
24:40 and we didn't show you
24:43 how we processed sunflower seeds,
24:44 but you can do it exactly the same
24:46 with equal parts of sunflower seeds,
24:49 coconut, and salt.
24:51 Well, not equal part salt,
24:52 but about a teaspoon of salt per cup of each,
24:58 if that makes sense.
24:59 But we just tried this morning,
25:02 and it was a huge hit for our crew here today.
25:07 Hope that you enjoy it as well.
25:11 Wow, that looked like a quick recipe.
25:14 That was a quick recipe there.
25:16 What else do you want to add to that video
25:18 that we just saw?
25:20 Well, I just wanted to let people know again
25:21 autoimmunerecoveryplan.com
25:25 and the most important thing that we want people to know
25:27 is that no matter what you're struggling with
25:30 or how long you've been struggling with it,
25:33 that we don't want people to give up hope.
25:35 Amen.
25:37 You know, and we want to help people
25:39 to have faith in a Creator God
25:41 and that there is a creation-based
25:44 recovery plan.
25:46 Amen. Amen.
25:47 Yeah, I think that creation-based
25:49 recovery plan is so crucial
25:50 because I remember we all sat down,
25:54 and we were talking about that evolutionary plan
25:58 that they had going out there and all of that stuff
26:00 and so yeah, that's, that's no good.
26:03 So embrace the creation-based Creator God plan.
26:09 It's a different paradigm. That's right.
26:10 This is the paradigm if it's true,
26:13 it should get you to a better place, right?
26:15 And so we just think
26:17 that this is going to get them to the place
26:18 that they want to be.
26:20 And what are some of the needs of your organization?
26:23 Well, Mercy, why don't you...
26:26 Well, we want to, you know, bring this message to the world
26:31 because we feel that God's ways should be the head, right?
26:35 And right now it seems like the evolutionary ways is ahead.
26:39 So we want people to spread the message
26:42 and join our groups and just share it
26:47 what we're doing in Facebook
26:49 and join our classes to learn and then teach others too
26:51 because the God way is the best way.
26:54 And we don't want people to get just better,
26:56 but we want people to get well.
26:58 And God's way is going to be you to that point.
27:00 Absolutely.
27:02 And what we're hoping
27:03 is that people will value good things,
27:06 not for the sake of just getting better
27:08 and how they feel
27:10 but for the sake of it being truth,
27:12 and it being the best.
27:14 Amen.
27:15 I want to put up your contact information
27:16 and then I'll have you read it.
27:18 And yeah, we're running out of time here.
27:21 So Mercy's place is Years Restored,
27:23 she has a website YearsRestored.com
27:26 and you can reach us at AutoimmuneRecoveryplan.com,
27:30 the email is Hello @AutoimmuneRecoveryplan.com
27:34 Is that good, Mercy? Yeah. Excellent.
27:36 Nice.
27:38 Any quick closing thought?
27:43 Well...
27:46 I want to thank you for the opportunity.
27:49 It's been wonderful, I mean, God has opened the door,
27:51 so I would praising God for this.
27:54 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
27:55 Thank you for coming on and sharing.
27:56 I appreciate both of you.
27:58 And thank you for tuning in.
27:59 Well, we've reached the end of another program.
28:01 Join us next time and remember
28:03 it just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2020-04-09