Urban Report

Photo-Theology, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR200016S

00:01 Did you know that
00:02 you could study the Bible in 5D?
00:04 Stay tuned to find out about a unique system
00:06 that you can implement that will help you
00:08 see the Bible like never before.
00:11 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:12 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:37 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:39 My guest today is Pastor Ivor Myers,
00:41 Speaker and Director of Power of the Lamb Ministries
00:45 and he is also the co-host of Dare to Dream Networks,
00:48 Salvation in Symbols and Signs.
00:51 Welcome to Urban Report, Pastor Myers.
00:56 Thank you, Jason. Thanks for having me.
00:59 I'm looking forward to this program today.
01:02 I think we had a good
01:05 study in our last session.
01:08 And I know we're continuing on
01:10 so I'm looking forward to start getting deep into it.
01:13 Absolutely, absolutely.
01:14 And, you know, you've taken it five dimensions deep.
01:19 I mean, you with this photo theology thing,
01:22 we're going five dimensions deep.
01:24 So, you know, for our viewers
01:26 that haven't seen part one,
01:29 why don't you give us a little recap
01:31 of what photo theology is,
01:33 and then also touch on the five dimensions?
01:38 Okay, so basically,
01:41 photo theology is a term
01:44 that I've coined, and that term is the phrase
01:47 that I use to describe my method of Bible study.
01:52 Photo theology is the art of studying
01:54 the Bible through the use of images.
01:57 We've all heard that seeing a picture
01:59 is worth 1000 words.
02:02 So I take that philosophy and apply it to the scriptures.
02:08 So I'm basically teaching my students
02:11 how to see the Bible in pictures.
02:14 And then how to take these pictures
02:15 and learn to create storylines
02:19 with the different pictures,
02:20 do different things with the different images
02:23 and I found is that
02:27 it just 10xes
02:30 your ability to understand scripture.
02:35 Kids are using it,
02:36 people who have been studying for years, you know,
02:39 from whether they're young or old.
02:42 Using this system, they're beginning to see
02:45 and get so much more out of their Bible study.
02:48 And so that's what
02:50 we're going to be talking about today.
02:51 That is a bird's eye view or I should say
02:54 a nutshell description of what photo theology is.
02:56 Got you.
02:57 So now when you say you teach your students
03:00 to draw other like pictures from the stories, how do you?
03:06 Do you mean like you help them to see parallels?
03:09 So like, give us an example
03:11 of some parallels that you can see?
03:16 So the idea and we talked a little bit
03:20 about this in the last program.
03:23 Before I do that,
03:26 let me give a little bit of foundation.
03:28 So we were talking about the photo theology palace.
03:31 And remember that we discussed this, you know,
03:34 this imaginary palace that has 24 different rooms,
03:39 right, six floors, 24 rooms.
03:42 Each room is a different principle
03:47 in photo theology.
03:49 So one of the rooms that we discussed
03:52 on our last program
03:56 was the concentration
03:58 which is one of the foundational rules
04:03 or principles when it comes to photo theology.
04:06 It is the art of taking images
04:08 or pictures and looking for a match,
04:11 looking for the comparison
04:15 with Christ in particular.
04:17 So I don't know if I shared this
04:20 or not in the last program, we talked about Waldo.
04:23 Or I'll often share that analogy of those little books,
04:26 Waldo, Finding Waldo.
04:30 You know, in those books,
04:32 the object is to find
04:34 Waldo on every page of the book.
04:36 Right, no matter how much detail
04:39 is on the page, you know,
04:40 Waldo is somewhere on the page.
04:43 And so photo theology
04:45 approaches the Bible with that idea in mind
04:48 that Christ is on every page of the scriptures.
04:53 So when you begin to look at stories
04:56 with that idea of where is Christ, right?
05:00 With that concept of where is Christ in the story,
05:03 where is He in the text?
05:05 Where is He in the parable?
05:07 That's when things begin to jump off the page.
05:09 So one example
05:10 that I would give is the story
05:14 of Elijah and Elisha.
05:17 Okay, I do not know
05:18 if I shared this on the last program or not.
05:21 But Elijah
05:26 came before Elisha.
05:30 Elijah, there is a transition of power
05:34 from Elijah to Elisha after Jordan.
05:39 Elijah is then taken off the scene
05:44 and the disciples of Elijah
05:47 go on to follow Elisha.
05:51 Elisha has a double portion of the power that Elijah had.
05:56 I think I see where you're going with this.
05:58 Okay.
06:00 And Elijah...
06:02 Elisha's first miracle after crossing the Jordan,
06:08 was he provided what,
06:10 he provided drink for the thirsty.
06:14 All right, so you just said,
06:16 "I think I see
06:17 where you're going with this," right?
06:20 For those that are listening,
06:22 you may be, in your minds right now like,
06:25 wait, what?
06:26 And that's probably
06:27 because as I was giving you that picture,
06:30 you started playing the concentration game, right?
06:34 We described
06:35 in the last program concentration game.
06:37 We have all the cards facing down.
06:40 There was a card game I played when I was little.
06:42 I have all the cards put facing down.
06:44 And the objective is to find matching cards.
06:47 You have to remember
06:49 where you saw the matching card,
06:51 and when you find it, you know,
06:52 that's a point or that's a victory,
06:54 whatever it, you have them describe it.
06:56 This is the same thing.
06:58 When I describe this
07:00 many of you perhaps began to think,
07:03 wait a minute, that reminds me
07:07 of Jesus and John the Baptist.
07:11 Why?
07:12 Because there's a transition of power
07:15 from John the Baptist to Jesus at the Jordan.
07:20 After that transition of power,
07:22 John the Baptist is taken off the scene
07:26 and Jesus continues on.
07:29 Just as Elisha was more powerful than Elijah.
07:33 So John the Baptist said,
07:34 "I must decrease and He must increase."
07:40 The disciples of John the Baptist
07:43 go on to follow Jesus.
07:47 And Jesus' first miracle after crossing the Jordan,
07:52 is He turns water to wine.
07:56 So basically, all we did just now
08:00 was we just studied the Bible using images,
08:05 using pictures and stories
08:07 that most everyone who's ever studied the Bible
08:10 is already familiar with.
08:11 We just played a matching game.
08:13 And now we're like, "Wait a minute, what?"
08:15 Yes. Yes.
08:18 That excitement begins...
08:20 The story jumps off the page,
08:23 because you're studying it not just through words,
08:26 I'm not saying we do away with words,
08:28 but what's happening that you're bringing
08:30 a visual element to the stories.
08:33 And when you do that, things suddenly come to light.
08:38 Yeah, just jumps off the page at you.
08:40 So touch on the five dimensions,
08:44 because I remember you telling us that, you know,
08:48 we study in 2D as opposed to 5D.
08:54 Right.
08:56 So to recap about this five dimension...
08:59 By the way, the 5D room is short
09:02 for five dimensions is one of the rooms
09:06 in the photo theology palace.
09:10 And basically what that principle
09:12 does is it allows us to see the scriptures
09:15 in five dimensions,
09:16 those five dimensions are in order,
09:18 the literal dimension, and then the Christ dimension,
09:23 and then the me dimension,
09:24 and then the church dimension, and then the heaven dimension.
09:28 So the question you would ask in each dimension is,
09:33 how does this relate, you know, what am I studying?
09:35 What is the text saying, literally?
09:37 That's the literal dimension.
09:38 Then where is Jesus in the text or story?
09:41 That's the second dimension.
09:43 Then how does it relate to me?
09:44 That's the third dimension.
09:45 How does it relate to the church?
09:47 The fourth dimension.
09:48 How does it relate to heaven? Fifth dimension.
09:51 So I think last week we talked about the sanctuary.
09:55 And how in each, you know, there's literal sanctuary,
09:58 then Christ Himself as a temple is a sanctuary.
10:03 Destroy this temple, I will raise in three days.
10:05 Then I am a temple, then as a church
10:08 we are the temple of body of Christ,
10:10 and then there's a heavenly sanctuary.
10:12 We can do that
10:14 for different things in the scriptures,
10:15 we can do it for the priesthood.
10:17 In the Old Testament there was a literal priesthood, right?
10:19 That's the literal dimension.
10:21 And the second dimension, Christ is our high priest.
10:26 In the third dimension I am called to be a priest
10:29 and maybe the priests of my own household.
10:32 In the fourth dimension, we are a royal priesthood.
10:36 And the fifth dimension
10:38 we will be kings and priests with Him
10:40 for thousand years in heaven, right?
10:43 So basically, you're learning to see one text
10:48 in five different dimensions, one verse, one story,
10:52 five different dimensions.
10:54 This opens up, right,
10:57 the way that you study the scriptures
10:58 because as I said,
11:00 most people study the Bible in two dimensions.
11:05 That's the literal and then how does it relate to me?
11:09 I know, Jason, we also talked about the question room
11:13 when we were talking about asking the text questions.
11:15 I don't know if I mentioned this
11:17 when we talked last
11:19 but we talked about the challenge of,
11:22 you know, opening or asking questions,
11:26 as many questions as you can with the text,
11:28 50 questions, or 100 questions.
11:31 And then again, I don't remember
11:33 if we'd discuss this,
11:34 but we did that first and then
11:38 what I what I want to demonstrate
11:40 is that when most people,
11:42 when I need my students to ask the text questions,
11:44 this is before we do the dimensions room.
11:47 So when they get like 50 or 100 questions from the text,
11:51 and then I introduce them to the dimensions room,
11:54 and I'm like "Now,
11:55 you were only asking questions in one dimension."
11:59 Wow!
12:01 That's when their mind opens. Yeah.
12:03 And that's 50 to 100 questions
12:05 and in only one dimension
12:09 but yet there's five dimensions.
12:12 And there's five dimensions.
12:15 So the reason that I try to encourage my,
12:19 you know, my students ask the text questions,
12:21 because what happens is,
12:24 when you ask the text questions,
12:25 you begin to think about things about that text
12:28 that you maybe would never have thought
12:30 about before, right?
12:32 So our goal in the question room
12:35 is to learn how to become good detectives,
12:39 asking questions that
12:40 other people didn't even think about.
12:42 Yes.
12:43 And when you ask those questions,
12:44 they tend to lead you on thought patterns
12:47 where you're like, "Wait a minute, wait a minute.
12:49 I never thought about that before.
12:50 Well, if this happened because of this,
12:53 then oh, oh,"
12:57 and that's when you get those ah-ah moments.
12:59 Got you.
13:00 So we actually have several graphics
13:05 that we didn't have a chance to get through last time.
13:09 Why don't you kind of touch on
13:13 what the importance
13:14 or significance of these graphics?
13:18 Okay.
13:21 So one of the rooms we talked about,
13:24 and this room was on the ground floor.
13:27 We talked about the 24 frames per second room,
13:31 we talked about the importance
13:33 of memorizing the themes of each chapter,
13:35 because that's how you're going to populate,
13:39 if you will, or furnish your photo theology palace.
13:44 The more pictures
13:45 you have in your photo theology palace,
13:47 the more effective your Bible study becomes.
13:51 So we basically created
13:54 this method of memorizing
13:59 the different themes of the chapters.
14:03 So the picture you were just sharing
14:06 is picture of planet earth with a 1 on top of it.
14:12 And that picture, when you see that picture,
14:16 the idea is to remember that
14:19 that is what is found in Genesis Chapter 1,
14:22 the creation of the earth.
14:25 And so when we see that image of creation of the earth
14:28 and we see the earth with a big 1 on it.
14:31 We're always gonna remember Genesis Chapter 1, creation.
14:38 That's supposed to be locked into our minds.
14:40 Yeah.
14:42 All right, what is the next picture?
14:43 Let's put the next one up.
14:47 That's the Genesis Chapter 1.
14:49 Let's put the...
14:50 Yeah, there we go.
14:53 So that looks to me, I'm picturing Adam and Eve.
15:00 Okay.
15:02 That image I can't...
15:03 For some reason I can't see it on my screen,
15:04 but I'll... There we go.
15:06 So here you have a picture of Adam and Eve.
15:09 Now I'm going to show you
15:12 something that you did not notice in this picture.
15:13 So look at Eve's hair, what do you see?
15:15 You said Eve's hair? Yes.
15:19 It seems... What it did tell us?
15:22 Oh, number two. Very good.
15:27 So I'm going to always remember that
15:30 when I think about
15:34 the Eve's hair in the shape of a 2,
15:36 I'm always gonna remember,
15:38 yeah, that's Genesis Chapter 2,
15:40 that's where we focus in on Adam and Eve.
15:42 Wow! Right.
15:45 You're using memory devices,
15:49 using images to help you
15:51 remember the theme of each chapter,
15:54 right, so the next one.
15:56 All right.
15:57 We'll put the next picture up here.
16:01 Okay, so there you see the serpent
16:06 and you will notice that the serpent looks like
16:08 he's in the shape of a 3.
16:10 You also see that
16:12 the tree looks like it's in the shape of a 3.
16:16 So I'm connecting the serpent and the tree with the number 3
16:22 to always remember when I get to Genesis 3,
16:25 that's the story of the tree,
16:28 that's the story of the serpent.
16:32 When I do this, what begins to happen is
16:35 I'm now depending on these images, right,
16:38 to wake up my memory.
16:42 So now I'm thinking planet earth,
16:46 I'm thinking Eve's hair,
16:48 I'm thinking the tree in the shape of a 3
16:52 and I begin to be able to go move rapidly
16:55 through these chapters going "Yeah,
16:57 Genesis 1, creation, Genesis 2, Adam and Eve, Genesis 3,
17:01 that's the tree, Genesis 4,
17:03 the picture that you see on your screen now
17:05 is the story of Cain killing his brother.
17:08 I see blood on the rock, the blood is in the shape of 4.
17:14 I'm going to always remember
17:16 whenever I see that image in my mind,
17:18 I'm gonna remember that
17:20 Genesis Chapter 4 is the story of Cain killing Abel.
17:24 Wow.
17:26 And we have two more pictures.
17:30 All right, so this is Genesis Chapter what?
17:34 Is that 6? Should be obvious right there.
17:37 That's 6, the 6 has been tripped on
17:40 its side to be in the shape of a boat.
17:45 I'm always gonna remember when I see that 6 mentally,
17:48 that that is a story of Noah building the ark.
17:51 Yes. Yes.
17:54 And our sixth picture. Okay.
17:59 Now what is this? Now this is...
18:03 Yeah, this is Genesis Chapter 17.
18:04 Okay.
18:07 And Genesis Chapter 17,
18:10 the 17 is in the shape of a scissor.
18:16 This is a painful chapter.
18:20 This is where Abraham is circumcised.
18:24 Oh, yeah, that is a painful chapter.
18:28 That's right.
18:29 You will never forget that Genesis 17 is a chapter
18:32 that Abraham is circumcised
18:33 because we see the 1
18:35 and the 7 in the shape of a pair of scissors.
18:40 That will remind me "Oh, yeah, that's a painful chapter."
18:43 Like, think about it, feel the pain, right?
18:46 Like, everything that you can,
18:48 when we're talking about these chapters
18:50 you want to bring every sense
18:52 you possibly can into it, right?
18:54 So when you're talking about Cain or the tree in Genesis 3,
19:00 think of the taste of the fruit.
19:03 Think of every...
19:04 employ every sense
19:07 to make that image stick in your mind.
19:10 So the reason that we're doing this,
19:12 Jason, is because again,
19:15 we're training our minds how to think in pictures.
19:18 Got you. Got you, photo theology.
19:21 Now okay, I know some people
19:23 have seen you preach and all of that stuff,
19:25 and they have to be wondering,
19:27 how do you prepare your sermons?
19:32 Yeah.
19:34 So this is, to me,
19:39 this is a huge advantage to photo theology.
19:46 Let me address another issue here while we're at this.
19:51 So one of the problems that I hear most often
19:54 when people say, you know,
19:55 "Hey, this is my struggle
19:57 with Bible study is the issue of time."
19:59 Okay.
20:01 "I don't have time to Bible study."
20:03 Right?
20:05 I don't know if you run into that issue, Jason.
20:09 "We're so busy.
20:11 We don't have time to study"
20:12 and that is, you know, a huge component.
20:16 So photo theology
20:18 totally destroys that.
20:22 I'm not gonna say an excuse,
20:24 but it moves that out of the way.
20:26 It answers that problem.
20:28 I'm gonna say it that way because it's a genuine problem.
20:30 People are busy,
20:32 they got a lot of things going on,
20:33 things, da-da-da.
20:34 Right?
20:36 Photo theology answers the problem.
20:40 Why?
20:42 Because when I have Genesis 6
20:46 and Genesis 5, and Genesis 4,
20:48 and Genesis 3, and Genesis 17,
20:51 when I have those stories
20:53 locked in my mind,
20:58 I can now do Bible study in my mind
21:03 while I'm driving,
21:06 while I'm doing the dishes, while I'm out exercising,
21:12 my Bible study is no longer limited to,
21:15 "Okay, it is now time to sit down
21:18 and open my Bible so that I can Bible study."
21:21 I got you. Do you catch what I'm saying?
21:22 Wow.
21:24 You have just 10x once again,
21:27 your Bible study time.
21:32 If I have all the stories
21:35 of Revelation in my mind.
21:39 Like, I'll give you an example.
21:40 Right now if I want to do a study
21:42 on the seven churches and the seven seals,
21:46 I typically will not have to go to my Bible
21:50 and open it up and say,
21:51 "Okay, it is time for me to study the seven churches."
21:54 Because I have it here, my Bible study is here.
21:59 Wow! See, that's huge.
22:02 That is stored. Yeah.
22:05 So when it comes time for me to put together my sermon,
22:11 it's pretty much already happened here.
22:16 When I go to the Bible,
22:18 all I'm doing now is I'm finding the verses
22:24 that were already right here.
22:26 Got you.
22:28 I'm putting together storyline
22:30 that was already put together right here.
22:32 Yes, yes. Right.
22:36 That's your...
22:38 because we're memorizing verses,
22:40 a lot of people, "Oh, man,
22:42 I got to memories the whole Bible.
22:43 Yeah, my memory is not...
22:45 I can't, you know, that's never gonna happen."
22:47 All right, let's translate
22:49 those verses into images.
22:53 "Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, I could do that."
22:55 Let's put that in your photo theology palace.
22:59 Wow. Right.
23:00 So in a sense, I'm showing people
23:04 you do have a photographic memory.
23:06 Yeah.
23:07 And see, that's huge with that Bible study,
23:10 like in your mind, because you can be on the go,
23:13 it doesn't matter where you are,
23:14 you can be studying the Word in your mind.
23:17 And when there comes a time
23:18 where we don't have access to our Bibles, you know...
23:22 Absolutely.
23:24 That will come, it'll be that much more incredible
23:29 during that time as well and needed as well.
23:33 Absolutely. So...
23:35 So that kind of brings up...
23:37 Now, what are you gonna say? Go ahead.
23:38 That kind of brings up what?
23:40 I was gonna say that that what I just talked about,
23:44 kind of brings us into another room,
23:46 which I don't think we talked about
23:48 in our last program, which was the freestyle room.
23:50 Oh, biblical free styling. Biblical free styling.
23:56 So there are two different freestyle routes.
23:58 There is the biblical freestyle,
24:01 and there's the nature freestyle.
24:04 So let me talk about the nature freestyle.
24:07 That's what I want to focus on today, and it's this.
24:11 I believe Jesus was a master freestyler.
24:15 Now when I say the word freestyle
24:17 or the term freestyle, in the hip hop industry,
24:20 this is what we would do,
24:22 we would often freestyle
24:25 and what that meant was,
24:27 you had to come up spontaneously with a runner.
24:31 Okay?
24:32 It was the art of spontaneous rhyming.
24:37 So in a biblical sense,
24:39 the reason I'm using that term in a biblical sense is this.
24:43 Jesus, I believe Jesus,
24:47 He didn't pre plan a lot of the things
24:49 He was going to say, right?
24:51 He wasn't taking notes like,
24:52 "Oh, yeah, consider the lilies of the field."
24:55 I think he was in the field, right,
24:58 talking to the people
24:59 and He looked at the lilies and be like,
25:03 "Consider the lilies of the field."
25:04 Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
25:06 Jesus...
25:08 The sheep and the goats, right?
25:10 He spontaneously would take object lessons
25:15 from nature
25:17 and make it applicable to the gospel.
25:18 Yeah.
25:19 And he tailored it to the people
25:21 He was speaking to.
25:22 Absolutely.
25:25 So one of the things I encourage my students to do
25:28 in the freestyle room is this,
25:30 I want you when you're driving to work,
25:34 I need you to start thinking about object lessons
25:38 regarding driving to work.
25:41 Right?
25:42 When you're on the road driving,
25:44 I want you to think about object lessons.
25:46 "Okay.
25:48 We are all on the road of life."
25:50 Yes, that's right. You're on the road of life.
25:52 And, you know, we need to be careful
25:55 of what exit we get off because we...
25:57 Yes, yes.
25:59 And you start making analogies, right?
26:02 Of the very thing you're doing in real life right there.
26:05 Yeah.
26:08 So what this does is it enables you,
26:11 if you're cleaning out your garage,
26:13 I want you to think of object lessons about
26:17 cleaning out your garage.
26:18 Wow, so there's a sermon in everything.
26:19 If you're doing dishing,
26:22 there's a sermon in everything, right?
26:24 Yes.
26:25 We've got about one and a half minute left,
26:27 I know you can't see the clock,
26:28 but I want you to know, we got a minute and a half.
26:30 And I want people to know how to access this course.
26:35 So where can they go to get this course?
26:40 It's powerofthelamb.com, that's my website.
26:45 That's the easiest place to go and look up photo theology.
26:49 And you'll see how you can get access to the course
26:51 and I can't believe we just spent half an hour.
26:52 That's crazy.
26:54 I know it just flies by, I mean, there is so much.
26:57 What I love too
26:59 is how you're able to juice it down,
27:02 see it in pictures, and study on the go.
27:07 Yeah. That's right. That is incredible.
27:09 What would you say to that
27:11 individual that has never given Jesus a chance?
27:14 We've got about maybe 30 seconds.
27:18 I would say that for me personally,
27:22 the best thing that
27:24 I ever did was to give Jesus a chance,
27:26 He changed my life.
27:29 There is nothing that
27:30 I regret about giving Him that chance.
27:33 And so I would encourage you to do the same thing.
27:37 I think there is nothing to lose,
27:40 you have nothing to lose.
27:41 I think if you give Jesus a chance,
27:43 allow Him to come into your heart.
27:45 You will see what a blessing it is to live
27:50 with a blessed hope residing in your heart.
27:53 Amen. Amen.
27:54 Yeah, I've seen a little bit of your testimony
27:58 and how He's transformed your life
28:00 and that's truly a blessing.
28:01 I want to thank you for joining us
28:03 here on Urban Report.
28:05 And I want to thank you for tuning in.
28:06 Well, we've reached the end of another program.
28:08 Join us next time and remember,
28:10 it just wouldn't be the same without you.


Revised 2020-07-23