Urban Report

From Faithless to Faithful

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR200018S

00:01 Stay tuned to meet a man
00:02 who went from being faithless to being faithful in Christ.
00:05 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:07 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:31 Hello and welcome to Urban Report.
00:33 My guest today is Pastor Carlos Munoz,
00:36 AFCO Director and Associate Speaker.
00:39 Welcome to Urban Report, Pastor Munoz.
00:43 Maranatha, Brother Jason. How are you doing?
00:45 I'm doing well.
00:46 It's so great to have you on the program today.
00:50 Amen. Amen.
00:51 I'm excited to be here with you finally.
00:53 Yes, sir.
00:55 I know that you have a very, very powerful testimony
00:58 because we have been trying to make this happen
01:00 for a while, and you know things
01:02 keep coming up and happening.
01:04 So I know that the Lord is going to bless.
01:09 Amen. Amen.
01:10 And just like he's blessing 3ABN,
01:13 us here at Amazing Facts
01:14 and just continue to fight for the Lord to do His work.
01:17 Amen.
01:18 Now you are also one of the panelists
01:21 on 3ABN Latino Salvation and Symbols and Signs, correct?
01:27 Yeah, that is correct.
01:28 We've been, we just finished a couple months ago,
01:31 we just finished our Chapter 17 in Revelation.
01:34 So we've been doing that also.
01:36 So that's been a great blessing too.
01:37 Looking forward to finishing that work.
01:39 I love it. I love it.
01:41 Now, this is your first time on the Dare to Dream Network.
01:44 So I want to introduce our viewers to, you know,
01:47 to you and talk a little bit about
01:50 where you were raised?
01:54 Yeah, so I was born, I was born in New York City.
01:57 My mom's Dominican, my dad's Puerto Rican.
02:00 So that's a pretty interesting combination there.
02:04 And so I was there till about we were 10 years old.
02:07 And when I was about 10 years old,
02:09 we then moved to Puerto Rico.
02:10 My Dominican family all moved to Puerto Rico.
02:12 So English is my first language,
02:14 but then I learned Spanish as well.
02:17 And, and yeah, so I've been,
02:21 live my life between New York City
02:23 because then I came back as I was an adult,
02:24 so I have to live between New York City, Puerto Rico,
02:26 lived a couple of years in Florida
02:28 here there, Colorado a little bit.
02:30 And now we're in California, here in Roseville, California.
02:33 Got you.
02:35 And now how did that have an impact on your future?
02:41 Well, it had an impact on my future
02:42 because my family was a Catholic.
02:45 And I was raised
02:47 in a Catholic family, very loving family.
02:50 You know, a lot of attention, big family too.
02:54 But, the way it was interesting is because they were Catholic.
02:58 One of the things that it really
02:59 influenced me was because
03:01 when I was being raised as a Catholic,
03:03 you know, they teach you
03:04 the teaching of burning in hell, right?
03:06 You're going to burn in hell forever.
03:08 So they, I remember that they told me that
03:10 not to in a way to scare me,
03:12 but in a way to try to get me to behave,
03:14 you know, hey, if you don't behave,
03:16 you know, this is what's going to happen to you.
03:17 This is what's going to, you're going to burn in hell
03:19 and so that instead of getting me to behave,
03:22 what that made me do is totally reject God.
03:25 I said that, that does not sound like a God of love to me.
03:27 Yes.
03:28 You know, I misbehaved a lot and my mom and my dad
03:31 had spanked me pretty hard
03:33 but they're not still spanking me.
03:35 And so I just thought that if that's the God
03:37 that everybody else thinks it is,
03:40 I said I don't want anything to do.
03:42 So what it really did with me,
03:44 it kind of gave me a distorted image of God.
03:47 And so I was young,
03:48 I couldn't understand the concept,
03:50 so I just said, you know what?
03:51 I don't want anything to do with that God.
03:52 And so, I continue to go to church,
03:56 I went through the Catholic, you know, rituals
03:58 and all the other things work because I had to, right?
04:00 There's no...
04:02 When you're raised in Hispanic values,
04:03 no question about it.
04:05 And so that happened until I stopped,
04:08 until they stopped forcing me to go to church.
04:10 And once they stopped, I said, you know what?
04:11 That's it.
04:13 I don't want anything else to do with God and with,
04:16 you know, with what they're teaching.
04:17 Yes.
04:18 Now, how old were you when you decided that
04:20 you didn't want anything else to do
04:22 with God or the teaching?
04:25 Oh, I was pretty probably moving
04:27 within the transact transition
04:29 between New York City to Puerto Rico.
04:32 So I was probably about
04:34 8, 9, 10 years old in that area.
04:36 I don't specific direct,
04:38 but I remember very clearly the thought process
04:42 that I had, so I was young.
04:43 Yes. But I didn't tell anybody.
04:45 I just kept it to myself.
04:47 Okay, so your family didn't even know?
04:50 No, no, no.
04:51 So at what point did they find out?
04:55 Well, you know what?
04:56 They really didn't find out because it's now, nowadays,
05:01 when you say that you're an atheist, you know,
05:03 in some circles, it's kind of cool, right?
05:05 You're like, oh, you're cutting into
05:06 but in those days that wasn't very heard of.
05:08 And so, it's something that you don't want to speak,
05:12 you know, it wasn't taught in school.
05:15 Hispanic culture, it wasn't something
05:18 that I had heard of either.
05:19 I just, you know, I never knew what an atheist was,
05:22 I just, now I know because of the,
05:25 how the concepts are defined, but at that time,
05:27 it was something that I didn't know about.
05:29 I just said, I don't want anything to do
05:31 with God, right?
05:32 And so, so yeah, no, I didn't say to anybody until
05:37 once I was older, once I got into university.
05:39 Got you.
05:41 Now, what was your life like as an atheist?
05:46 Well, you know, at first it was normal
05:49 when I was growing up,
05:51 you know, I did school, I went to high school.
05:53 I had a great upbringing, great family,
05:55 had a great time in high school.
05:58 But then things really started to change
06:00 when I got into college
06:01 because once I got into college,
06:02 you know, now there are expectations in the sense of,
06:05 you know, this is what you're going to do
06:07 with the rest of your life.
06:08 And so, that, as I started to study,
06:12 I started to also party,
06:14 I started to get involved in the party scenes
06:16 and working in the tourist area.
06:18 And so I noticed that I was not,
06:21 I was feeling empty, I was not, I did not have a purpose.
06:24 And I was, in my mind, I was thinking,
06:26 "Wait a minute, so do I just go to school,
06:29 get a job, get married, have kids retire and then die?"
06:33 And so, that was the mindset that I had,
06:35 because I didn't believe in anything after that.
06:37 And it was really difficult for me
06:38 because I noticed that I had that void.
06:41 I had that lack of purpose.
06:42 And so I noticed that
06:44 I was getting depressed because of that.
06:46 That depression even led me
06:47 to contemplate suicide a couple of times.
06:50 I contemplated taking my life
06:51 because there was nothing for me to live, you know,
06:54 there was no meaning and so the praise the Lord,
06:57 I didn't go through with it,
06:58 I didn't have the guts to do it.
07:00 But then when, you know, the more you use,
07:05 the more depressed you get,
07:06 the more you try to hide yourself,
07:07 whether it be in drugs, whether it be in alcohol,
07:10 whether it be in sports, whatever it is,
07:12 you're trying to find a purpose,
07:13 so you're trying to hold on to something.
07:15 So I was masquerading my emptiness with my drinking,
07:17 with my drugs and my party life.
07:20 And this was going on, you know, for a while,
07:22 for a number of years.
07:24 And, but it wasn't, it was nothing fulfilling.
07:28 I was empty.
07:29 I was just, I had nothing to,
07:32 I had nothing to hold on to except
07:34 just to have fun and party
07:35 and then wait till it's over basically.
07:37 Yeah.
07:39 Now, would you say that
07:40 it was a gradual, downward spiral,
07:45 like it didn't just happen all at once?
07:46 It was a gradual downward spiral.
07:49 Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
07:51 Yeah, even from high school, I was already thinking things
07:53 but, you know, you don't take,
07:55 in high school you're kind of in a bubble per se, right,
07:57 you don't really understand what's coming.
07:59 And then once you're in college,
08:00 then it's like, "Okay, now this is the real world," right?
08:02 And working, you know,
08:05 I was working already but you know,
08:06 working to sustain myself into for school.
08:09 And that's when things really started to kick in.
08:10 And yeah, it was gradual.
08:12 I just noticed, I didn't even know
08:13 I was depressed and I, you know, even when I...
08:17 I know it's depression now, but at the time I didn't.
08:19 But when I contemplated suicide,
08:21 and I even had an event where one time I was really,
08:23 really drugged up,
08:24 and I remember looking in this mirror,
08:25 I was in a hotel room with my boys.
08:27 And we were drinking, we were doing drugs.
08:29 And I remember I was, I looked into the mirror,
08:31 I went to the bathroom, and I looked into the mirror
08:33 and I don't know
08:34 if you've ever seen the video thriller
08:36 from Michael Jackson.
08:38 I don't advocate anybody seeing it.
08:40 But you know, I saw that, and you know, when they,
08:43 that's what I looked like, I saw my like my cadaver.
08:46 Man, that really just shook me to the core
08:50 and it was, and I was in the bathroom
08:53 for only a couple of minutes
08:54 but it felt like an eternity and that really shook me
08:57 when that and then you know,
08:59 contemplating suicide, I'm like, what is going on?
09:01 And so, I was searching,
09:03 I was desperate to try to find out,
09:07 you know, to fill that void.
09:09 Yes, yes. And it' amazing.
09:12 You know, the devil tries to paint this picture
09:15 like all of those other things are glamorous and you know,
09:20 it's a really empty lifestyle though
09:23 and it leads to death and destruction.
09:27 Yeah, yeah, that's exactly right.
09:29 The devil wants us
09:30 to try to fill that void in our heart
09:32 with the things of the world.
09:33 Yes. And that's exactly right.
09:35 I was traveling, I was partying,
09:37 I was doing what everybody thinks it means to live.
09:40 But it's interesting because in Romans 8:11
09:42 it says that when we receive the Spirit of God,
09:44 that's when He will give us life
09:47 and the real life,
09:49 the real purpose, but you know, you don't know that
09:51 unless you taught in especially that,
09:53 that the only one that can fill that void
09:55 that reason to be is Christ.
09:58 Yes. So yeah.
09:59 Did you have two sets of friends
10:01 or did you just have,
10:02 like one set of friends that was,
10:05 that were heading in the wrong direction?
10:08 No, yeah, yeah, no, it was my, it was us.
10:11 My boys, I had my friends from high school
10:13 and then I had my boys from my neighborhood.
10:16 So I kind of brought these two groups together.
10:18 And, so yeah, there's still,
10:22 I mean, when I go to Puerto Rico,
10:24 you know, there my boys were always talking,
10:25 we're communicating.
10:27 But, you know, that was the life
10:28 that we were going
10:30 and it was normal for us, right?
10:31 It was normal to party and they didn't even know.
10:33 They didn't even know about my depression.
10:34 They didn't even know about my suicidal thoughts.
10:38 You know, it was all a mask, right?
10:40 In front of everybody, I was happy, I was, you know,
10:42 I was the life of the party, I was.
10:44 It was all good.
10:46 But once that finished,
10:48 it all came back and that's when you know,
10:50 you got to face yourself in the mirror.
10:53 Yes, absolutely. Absolutely.
10:56 What led to your transition
10:58 in becoming a believer in Christ?
11:02 Uh, among all the party life and all that,
11:04 and all the things that I was doing,
11:06 I was still going to the university
11:07 every once in a while, I was studying pre law
11:09 in University of Puerto Rico
11:11 and I had to take this course, I was just taking courses
11:13 just so my mom can get off my back.
11:17 Because, uh, you know, they're like,
11:19 when are you going to finish school?
11:20 And I'm like, "Oh, you know, yeah, I'm taking some courses."
11:22 So I had to take,
11:23 I just took a course on psychology,
11:25 it was an elective, and, Brother,
11:27 when I took that course, in that course,
11:29 we were studying the human mind.
11:31 And it took a second to talk about the human brain
11:34 and the connection with the body and the biology.
11:37 And I was blown away with what I was looking at.
11:40 I mean, the human mind outside of God
11:42 is the most amazing thing in this universe.
11:44 And it blew me away.
11:46 And when I studied that,
11:47 and I saw how it's all connected
11:48 and how the body works and the mind
11:52 and we don't even understand the mind, that made me to think
11:55 and that immediately came to my thought.
11:56 I said, "There's got to be something bigger than us,"
11:59 because you can't look at a computer,
12:01 you can't look at anything and say that
12:02 it just came out of nowhere.
12:04 There's a mind behind it.
12:05 And whatever created that thing
12:07 has to be bigger than that which was created.
12:09 So immediately as I looked at the complexity
12:11 of the human body,
12:13 and that just caught me, I said, there has to be some,
12:16 this came out of something, right?
12:18 Yes.
12:19 As I studied ecosystems, DNA, it's interesting.
12:21 It's science is the thing that made me to believe
12:24 in the supernatural being that we know as God now.
12:27 Wow!
12:28 Which is, and I'm glad that you said that
12:30 because it's very interesting because that's also,
12:33 science is also something
12:34 that creates atheists that seems like.
12:38 Yeah, exactly.
12:40 And so, it's that that very thing
12:41 that pushes people away or they try to, right,
12:44 is what draw me in because when I say,
12:46 what I saw is that science is like is explaining
12:48 the details of God's power.
12:50 It's showing us the complexity, the beauty, the deepness,
12:53 the profoundness.
12:55 Everything has a purpose, everything is ordered.
12:56 There's nothing as random.
12:58 Everything is in the system, and that made me
13:01 and then I started to study the universe
13:03 and who'll forget it.
13:04 It just opened up this whole world
13:06 and I said, you know what?
13:07 There has to be a supernatural being in the universe.
13:11 And, of course, I didn't think it was the Christian God
13:14 because remember I already had that
13:15 experience that He was going to burn.
13:17 So I said, you know what?
13:18 I don't want anything to do with that Christian God,
13:19 but I know there's something out there.
13:21 And that really started to drive me,
13:23 to push to find that supernatural being that
13:25 had created all things
13:28 where everything had originated
13:29 and so back then get me
13:31 to start to study religion, philosophy.
13:35 I studied a lot of Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism,
13:40 a lot of philosophy, you know,
13:41 philosophy doesn't answer any questions.
13:42 It just gives you more questions.
13:44 And so, that started that voyage towards
13:47 that path of looking for the deity, right?
13:50 The supernatural being.
13:52 So how did you, how did you hone in
13:55 on Christianity again,
13:57 like how did you end up finding Christ
13:59 because It seems like
14:01 once you start studying all of those,
14:03 it's kind of like going down a rabbit hole, right?
14:05 So like, you've got Buddhism,
14:07 Islam, all of these other religions,
14:11 but how did you end up landing back on Christianity?
14:17 Well, like you said,
14:19 I was searching for purpose for me.
14:21 And when I was reading all of these other religions,
14:23 I noticed that it was not, it was not filling me, right?
14:26 It was not giving me the answers I was looking for.
14:28 So, I mean, I know we don't have a lot of time,
14:31 I could go into details of why each one of these
14:34 belief systems did not fulfill my search,
14:39 but then one day I came across a book on,
14:41 I remember, I have it,
14:43 I still have it in my library in Puerto Rico,
14:46 it was on Socrates,
14:47 Aristotle, Plato and Jesus Christ.
14:51 And so I bought this book not because of Jesus,
14:53 but because of the other four, the other three, I'm sorry,
14:55 and so after I had read through it,
14:57 I said, might as well finish the book and read about Jesus
15:00 And so this book, that's, what it talked about Jesus,
15:02 it was very interesting because it looked at Jesus
15:04 from a historical perspective, right?
15:07 And so, when I read the book
15:08 two things stuck out, number one,
15:10 it talked about, it gave extra biblical evidence
15:13 to the existence of Jesus Christ
15:15 and the confirming the accounts
15:17 that were mentioned in the gospels.
15:19 Now, before that, I had thought that
15:20 Jesus was just, you know, a myth,
15:22 cool guy that maybe lived in the Middle East,
15:24 and they kind of exaggerated
15:25 some of the things that they do sometimes
15:26 with other historical figures.
15:29 But when it said very clearly that He had gone through
15:31 those things and that He had died on the cross,
15:33 you know, immediately into my mind,
15:35 Brother, it came to my mind,
15:36 why would somebody go through that?
15:37 Yes, yes.
15:39 If He was a fake, why would He go through that
15:42 because as soon as, let's be honest,
15:45 as soon as a Roman whips you first time
15:48 if you're not, if you're not the real deal,
15:50 you're out of there.
15:51 I'm not going to put up with this.
15:52 I'm not going to take this.
15:54 And so that made me think and the other thing
15:56 that made me think was the disciples,
15:57 the disciples were all cowards.
15:59 They fled, but then when you see the account
16:01 after the resurrection
16:02 that like they all died as martyrs.
16:04 So something happened there that really caught my attention
16:07 and really started to get me thinking.
16:08 But then the other thing that caught my attention was that
16:10 it said in that book,
16:12 it said that the Sermon on the Mount
16:13 is the greatest speech ever pronounced in human history.
16:17 And so I said, "Whoa, wait a minute."
16:19 I love, I love. You know, I love politics.
16:21 I love to read speeches, and I said,
16:22 I'm going to read that speech if it's the greatest ever.
16:25 So, Brother Bradley for the first time in my life,
16:28 I grabbed the Bible on my own accord.
16:30 And I opened it to Matthew Chapter 5, 6, and 7,
16:33 and I read the Sermon on the Mount.
16:35 Wow.
16:36 And something just came over me,
16:38 this peace that I can't explain.
16:41 It just overwhelmed me is the word,
16:42 it overwhelmed me.
16:44 Yes, yes. Amen.
16:46 You had a powerful transformation
16:49 right there, powerful conversion experience.
16:52 What led you
16:53 to the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
16:57 So as I was overwhelmed with that,
17:00 with that feeling of after reading the,
17:02 you know, the Sermon on the Mount,
17:04 I said, "I don't know what this is,
17:05 but I want to keep this up."
17:07 And so I decided to continue to read.
17:09 I said, I'm going to read the Bible, right?
17:11 I'm going to read the New Testament.
17:12 I didn't want to go into the Old Testament,
17:14 because the Old Testament, you know,
17:15 the concept is that the Father's over there.
17:16 He's whipping people, He's burning, right?
17:19 And then He sends His son with mercy.
17:22 So that's the concept that I had too.
17:24 And so I said, I'm not going to deal
17:25 with the Father, right?
17:27 The Father, I can't understand it.
17:28 I said, I'm going to focus on Jesus
17:29 because I can understand Him.
17:31 And so from that moment on, I decided to start reading
17:33 one chapter of the New Testament a day.
17:35 And as that little by little as I continue to read
17:38 and read and read, Jesus was just man,
17:40 He was just like, luring me in, Brother.
17:43 He was just luring me in, and the closer I got to Him
17:47 without noticing, unconsciously,
17:49 the further I was moving away from the ways of the world.
17:52 I wasn't drinking as much,
17:54 I wasn't smoking as much, drugs.
17:56 All of those things were starting
17:57 to diminish little by little as I got closer to Him and so,
18:01 it got to a point where He just grabbed me.
18:03 And I said, you know what? He was filling my heart.
18:05 He was giving me reason
18:06 and purpose even though in my, you know,
18:08 in my beginner stage of understanding Christianity,
18:12 and I said, "You know what?
18:13 I'm going to be a Christian."
18:14 I said, I'm going to be a Christian.
18:16 And so from that point on then the question is,
18:20 well, what church do I go to, right?
18:24 So the same process now, first from
18:27 with all the religions of the world.
18:29 Now the process was okay, I want to be a Christian.
18:31 What church am I going to go to?
18:33 And so again, since I didn't know,
18:35 all I knew was Catholicism.
18:38 I've never been to any other church.
18:39 So I said, you know what?
18:40 I'm just going to start visiting
18:42 every church that I find, and that's exactly what I did.
18:45 I would go to church, man, three, four times a day.
18:48 Different churches. Yeah.
18:50 And a lot of people were telling me,
18:52 "Oh, you're so confused.
18:54 You're losing your mind."
18:55 I'm like, "No," I'm like, how do you...
18:58 I said, "You must be confused,
19:00 because you've been in your church,
19:01 you've been in the church that they raised you
19:03 your whole life, how do you know that
19:04 they're not lying to you?
19:06 How did you know that
19:07 they're not telling you the truth?"
19:08 You don't know until you compare
19:10 what other people are saying about the Bible,
19:12 why are there so many denominations, right?
19:14 And so that began my journey in Christianity.
19:17 And that also took a number, a couple of years,
19:20 as I was doing that,
19:21 and then one day I was on an airplane.
19:23 I remember like it was yesterday,
19:24 I was on an airplane from Tampa to Puerto Rico.
19:28 I'm sorry, the other way around,
19:30 from Puerto Rico to Tampa, right?
19:31 And next to me sat this gentleman,
19:35 very interesting gentleman, he was African.
19:37 He had an Egyptian beard, tailor made shoes.
19:40 I mean, the guy was, he was tight.
19:41 He was on his game.
19:43 And when we started talking,
19:45 he was, we talked about religion
19:47 and the flight's like about three and a half hours.
19:49 And the whole time we're talking about religion
19:51 and all this and it was a great conversation
19:53 and he was like, you know what?
19:55 I can see you're a sincere seeker of God.
19:57 And he told me, he said, you know what?
19:58 I believe that the Seventh-day Adventist are the closest ones
20:02 to the truth to the Bible truth.
20:06 And I was like Seventh-day.
20:07 I know I had visited a lot of churches,
20:09 but I had never visited
20:11 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
20:12 I didn't even knew it,
20:13 it didn't even fall on my head who they were.
20:16 And so that's how that started.
20:18 And so, as soon as I'm sorry, you're going to say something?
20:21 Yeah, no, I was just going to say,
20:22 you know, it's interesting how you got on that flight.
20:25 I don't believe that things happen by coincidence,
20:28 it's divine providence.
20:29 And so, that's amazing that you sat next to that guy.
20:34 Amen. Amen.
20:35 And I don't even know
20:37 if he was Seventh-day Adventist.
20:38 He gave me his card.
20:39 And I called him and said, hey, let's get together.
20:41 And I called him later, never answered.
20:43 So you know, some people say maybe
20:45 it was an angel and I'm like, I don't know.
20:46 That would be incredible. Yeah.
20:49 Yeah, that would be cool. We'll see.
20:51 We'll find out in the millennium.
20:52 But that, when I saw, when I got back to Puerto Rico
20:57 after that, uh, I started to investigate
21:01 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
21:02 and so I had a friend
21:04 that I remember I used to play basketball,
21:05 and baseball, and track and field.
21:07 So I had a friend that he never participated
21:09 in any events on Sabbath on Saturdays.
21:13 And so, and I had another friend
21:14 that used to work with me,
21:15 and he didn't work on Saturdays either.
21:17 So I just asked him, "Hey, I want to go to the church."
21:19 And he's like, ah, you know,
21:21 I'm not, I don't want to go because he had left the church.
21:24 But I came across his father who was an elder in the church.
21:28 And I told him, I said, "Hey,
21:29 you're this guy's father, aren't you?"
21:31 He's like, "Yeah."
21:32 I said, "I want to go visit
21:33 the Seventh-day Adventist Church."
21:35 He's like, "Hey, so come on."
21:36 So he invited me to show up on Wednesday,
21:37 it was about five minutes from my house in Puerto Rico.
21:40 And I went and I'm telling you the truth,
21:42 Brother, you know how those Wednesday services are,
21:44 there are not a lot of people go, you know.
21:46 Uh-huh, prayer meeting, yep. Uh-huh.
21:49 My church in Puerto Rico specifically was like a little,
21:52 it was little like a retirement home,
21:55 all old people.
21:57 The lady was, the lady that was singing,
21:59 you know, I wish she couldn't sing too well.
22:02 And you know, I'm coming from clubs and parties.
22:04 And I'm like, this is like a funeral.
22:06 What's going on here? But you know what?
22:11 I got there and this lady came to me.
22:12 She says, "Oh, you know, if you come on Saturdays,
22:14 there's more young people, there's more people out."
22:16 And I looked at her in her eyes,
22:17 and I said, "Listen,
22:19 if I was looking for young people
22:20 and trying to entertain myself,
22:21 I would be in a bar and club right now."
22:23 I said, "I don't care about all of those things.
22:24 I'm looking for Christ."
22:26 And so God knew exactly where He put me.
22:29 And the sermon that night,
22:31 I remember it was a, it touched my heart.
22:34 And I said, you know what?
22:36 I like these Seventh-day Adventists,
22:37 they're little weird, they're little odd.
22:39 But I'm going to continue to come,
22:42 I like how they preach the Word of God.
22:43 I like how they, you know,
22:45 everything else wasn't impressive,
22:47 but the Word of God was impressive to me.
22:49 And so as I began to go, you know,
22:52 I started to get, I didn't stop going
22:53 to the other churches.
22:55 But that's how I came to know
22:57 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
22:58 Wow, that's incredible. Praise the Lord.
23:01 Now, let's talk about what you're doing now.
23:04 Tell us a little bit about being the AFCOE Director.
23:08 First off, what does AFCOE stand for?
23:11 All right.
23:13 AFCOE is the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism.
23:16 And so, I got baptized in 2008.
23:20 In New York City, in Puerto Rico, I'm sorry.
23:23 Then I moved to New York City, I was there for five years.
23:25 And then I decided to go to AFCOE, right,
23:27 which is to serve.
23:28 Amazing Facts has three to four-month course,
23:31 what's evangelism training, how to do evangelism.
23:33 And so I came to this course thinking,
23:35 "Okay, I'm going to go to this course and you know,
23:36 I'm going to, I'm going to get to see Pastor Doug Batchelor
23:40 and read all the Amazing Facts."
23:42 And I was already giving an offering to the ministry.
23:46 And when I got here, they didn't let me go.
23:50 They said, "Brother, what are your plans?"
23:51 And I'm like, "You know,
23:52 I might still do this and go study masters and this."
23:55 And they were like, "No, we want you to stay with us."
23:57 And so that's how they asked me to become an associate speaker.
24:00 So I'm also the bilingual
24:01 associate speaker for the ministry.
24:03 And I did that for five years.
24:05 And then after five years,
24:06 Pastor Doug and Pastor John Ross asked me
24:09 if I was interested in becoming the AFCOE Director.
24:13 And so I was like, whoo, couldn't wait.
24:15 That was a... That's a huge responsibility.
24:18 Yeah.
24:20 Yeah, indeed, we had talked about maybe starting,
24:23 because you know, we have different AFCOE schools
24:26 in different parts of the world.
24:27 We have in Africa and Asia.
24:29 And so we had talked about,
24:31 I had already dabbled about the interest
24:33 that I had in opening an AFCOE for in Latin America,
24:36 we don't have any presence in Latin America.
24:39 So we had talked a little bit about it,
24:40 but never in my wildest dreams
24:42 were they ever going to tell me,
24:43 "Hey, you want to come?"
24:44 Come join us for
24:47 and direct the ministry headquarters
24:50 here in Roseville so.
24:52 That's, yeah, that's incredible.
24:55 What can someone expect from AFCOE like if,
24:59 if somebody wants to go to take the classes,
25:01 what can they expect?
25:04 You know, a lot of people think that
25:07 sometimes they say AFCOE's theology.
25:08 Now you want to go theology,
25:10 you can go to, you know, go to study theology go.
25:13 You have a number of other schools
25:14 that focus theology.
25:15 What AFCOE is about is taking people
25:17 that have a desire to dedicate their lives
25:19 to serving God in whatever different ways
25:21 whether it be Bible working, public evangelism, preaching,
25:26 starting your own ministry.
25:27 And so what you do here is we,
25:29 when I came, right, I didn't know what I was,
25:30 I wanted to do,
25:31 I knew I wanted to work in ministry.
25:33 And so it comes here and it gives you a sense,
25:35 it gives you direction and says, listen,
25:36 these are all the...
25:38 AFCOE's like a platform where you can come
25:40 and you can see where is God wants to guide you.
25:43 What does God wants to do and you find a mission purpose.
25:46 And then you hold on to that and to that mission,
25:48 so we train you and prepare you.
25:50 Yes, there is theology involved,
25:52 but it's, you know,
25:53 you should already have at least a basic understanding
25:55 of what we believe when you come here,
25:58 because here it's about hands on ministry,
26:01 is how to do the work, how to you know,
26:03 knocking on doors, how to get Bible studies,
26:05 how to start, how to get,
26:07 how to organize a prophecy seminar
26:10 or evangelistic campaign,
26:13 how to make appeals, how to preach,
26:15 everything that has to do
26:16 with winning souls and nurturing,
26:18 and helping you to learn how to train
26:19 and prepare other people also
26:21 to do the work so, you know, go back to your local church
26:24 and start your own local ministry in your church
26:26 and let's, you know, get that evangelistic fire
26:31 into the fiber of your church too so...
26:34 Absolutely.
26:36 There's so many ways, it opens your eyes to see
26:39 all the ways that you can develop
26:41 and dedicate your life to the Lord.
26:43 That's great. Give us some websites.
26:46 We've got like a minute and 10 seconds left.
26:48 Give us some of the websites like AFCOE.org?
26:52 Give us some of those?
26:53 Yes, we have AFCOE.org.
26:56 We have AmazingFacts.org too.
27:00 And we just opened up also our AmazingFactsLatino.org.
27:04 So we're starting to expand to our,
27:06 also our brothers and sisters in Spanish speaking countries.
27:08 And so, yeah, that's a lot all the ways
27:10 that you can reach us and get in contact with us.
27:13 I love it and if somebody wants to send you an email,
27:16 what's your email address?
27:18 My email is CMunoz@AmazingFacts.org.
27:24 That's my personal email here at Amazing Facts.
27:27 Wonderful.
27:28 Now in about 15 seconds,
27:29 what would you say to somebody who is searching like you were?
27:35 I would say you know what?
27:37 It says in Isaiah 26:3,
27:39 you will keep him in perfect peace
27:42 whose mind is stayed on you.
27:44 So what I tell people is, you know what?
27:46 Give God a chance.
27:47 You got nothing to lose.
27:49 Just give Him an opportunity
27:50 and let Him show you what He wants to do
27:51 with you and be blessed.
27:53 Amen.
27:54 Thank you so much for coming on and sharing,
27:55 and thank you for joining us.
27:57 Join us next time, until then, God bless.


Revised 2020-09-04