Urban Report

Do You Know The Truth?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR210017S

00:01 You think you know the truth, but do you really?
00:03 Stay tuned for the fact check.
00:05 I'm Jason Bradley,
00:06 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:31 Hello, and welcome to Urban Report.
00:33 My guest today are Mr. Danny Shelton,
00:35 3ABN Founder and Corporate Consultant,
00:38 and Mrs. Yvonne Shelton,
00:39 Co-Founder and Corporate Consultant
00:41 of 3ABN's Dare to Dream Network.
00:44 Welcome to Urban Report, Mom and Pop.
00:47 After all that... Thank you so much.
00:49 It's great to be here, Jay.
00:51 It's great to have you both here.
00:52 You know, now that we have the formalities out of the way.
00:54 That's right. That's right.
00:56 That's right.
00:57 So I want to know, what inspired you to write
01:02 the Focus on Truth series?
01:04 Okay.
01:06 Focus on Truth,
01:07 it's the times in which we're living.
01:09 And so more than I can ever, and you can join me in this.
01:14 But she and I, we try to watch different news channels
01:17 to try to see what's going on.
01:19 And we've come to the conclusion,
01:21 or at least I have,
01:22 my mother used to say,
01:24 "Sometimes I think everyone in the world has gone crazy,
01:27 except me, and Dee, and sometimes even Dee."
01:29 That's kind of what it looks like to me today and to us.
01:32 We're watching the news
01:34 and what's going on in the world.
01:35 We say people are so out of balance,
01:37 because they don't know truth.
01:39 And the only truth, of course, is the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:42 He says, "I'm the way, the truth and the life."
01:44 And so we decided,
01:46 if there's never been in my lifetime,
01:48 I think more important time for people,
01:51 especially our young people
01:53 coming up in the church today,
01:55 to know what truth really is
01:57 because you have to have something solid,
02:00 build on a solid foundation,
02:02 or you're going to be like the sinking sands,
02:04 the Bible says,
02:05 and your house going to be blown out to the sea.
02:07 So Focus on Truth has tried to bring attention
02:10 to what the Bible says,
02:12 if you believe in the Bible at all.
02:14 There's so many,
02:15 the devil doesn't care
02:17 what side of the boat you fall out.
02:18 So he didn't care
02:20 if you're a legalist, or liberalist,
02:21 whatever you are,
02:22 long as you're not looking at truth and stay in focus.
02:24 So we decided,
02:26 why don't we do a series, start out with three books,
02:29 and really concentrate on some very important topics
02:31 we think that the world needs to know.
02:34 And this just Focus on Truth.
02:36 You got what the Bible says. Yes.
02:37 And even in Christendom,
02:39 you know, there's so many misunderstandings
02:42 about different topics,
02:44 that Danny was thinking that if we just focus on truth,
02:49 go to the Bible and find out what does the Bible say?
02:52 Because there has to be
02:54 some objective standard of truth.
02:56 It's not my truth and your truth.
02:59 You know, it's the truth, and the Bible is the truth.
03:03 And now everybody wants to talk about reimagining everything.
03:07 So you got people wanting to reimagine everything,
03:10 well, then reimagine doesn't change the truth.
03:12 Right.
03:13 You can fantasize all you want about something
03:15 and do whatever you want.
03:16 But that doesn't change anything.
03:17 So the only thing that we should focus on today
03:21 because this life is so temporal.
03:23 We're here for today
03:25 and gone tomorrow, as they say,
03:26 and so the only thing that will last is relationship
03:31 with the Lord Jesus Christ.
03:32 Amen.
03:33 And when this world's problems are over,
03:35 no more sickness, no more sorrow, no more death,
03:37 and you know, heaven for eternity.
03:40 We feel it's our responsibility and privilege
03:43 to get the truth out to a lost and dying world.
03:45 Amen.
03:46 Now, you said that this series
03:48 is currently comprised of three booklets?
03:50 Yes. What topics do you cover?
03:53 Well, we call it the series, of course, Focus on Truth,
03:56 then we have The Truth About Salvation.
03:59 And to us, that's a very important topic.
04:02 It's the most important topic actually.
04:04 Because if we don't know about the Lord Jesus Christ
04:07 and how to be saved,
04:08 the rest of it doesn't mean anything.
04:11 We can keep the commandments,
04:12 we can do all the things we want.
04:14 And a lot of times in church we do,
04:16 people grow up in church.
04:17 So we know the do's and don'ts,
04:19 but we really need to understand salvation
04:22 and how that we're saved.
04:24 And as she said, within Christendom,
04:25 there's so many, so many different opinions,
04:30 and I'm going to say opinions,
04:32 it's not Bible but opinions.
04:33 Some believe once saved, always saved,
04:35 you know, predestination,
04:37 you know, all of these things to distract
04:40 from the actual truth.
04:42 Yeah, so we wrote that one the truth about,
04:44 we, everything's focused on truth
04:46 and The Truth About Salvation,
04:48 then The Truth About The Ten Commandments,
04:50 because once you accept and realize
04:53 that how to be saved
04:55 and accept Jesus Christ
04:56 as Lord and Savior of your life,
04:58 then what happens?
04:59 Now we want to know,
05:01 well, what does he want us to do?
05:03 How does this relationship develop?
05:05 So now we need to understand God's Ten Commandments.
05:08 They're very important
05:09 because he says in the New Testament,
05:11 "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
05:13 And so then the next one is The Truth About Hellfire.
05:17 So we have, you know, again, within the church,
05:20 I'm going to call it Christianity.
05:23 There's all these people, maybe the majority,
05:26 who believe that
05:27 that there's a Hellfire going on right now,
05:30 people have been burning for thousands of years,
05:32 and will burn for eternity.
05:34 And yet we're trying to teach the world
05:36 that God is a God of love.
05:38 That's what the Bible says.
05:39 And on the other hand,
05:40 we're teaching him,
05:42 Johnny, be good, Jesus loves you.
05:43 And if you do what He says, and give your life to Him,
05:46 you'll live in bliss forever.
05:48 Oh, by the way,
05:49 but if you don't do what He says,
05:50 He'll torture you forever.
05:52 So we wanted to find out the truth.
05:55 Is God really love like the Bible says?
05:57 If so, how do we reconcile?
06:00 Or can you reconcile eternal torture versus love?
06:05 So we again, stick to the Bible,
06:06 so you won't see our opinions in here.
06:09 We're just giving you the weight of evidence,
06:10 because you can take any scripture,
06:12 like there are scriptures that say,
06:15 you know, then they burn forever and ever.
06:17 But now you have to go back to the original,
06:20 whether it's in Old Testament
06:21 whether you want to do your Hebrew,
06:23 you want to do your Greek,
06:24 you have to go back and see what does that mean,
06:27 versus because some says,
06:29 and you'll be burned up and neither root or branch.
06:31 And so we take the evidence,
06:33 and it's like putting it on a scale
06:35 and start letting it mountain
06:37 see which way the scale goes down.
06:39 And so I think we've done that.
06:41 And it's important these topics are important to know
06:44 that we have a Creator God who loves us so much
06:47 that He was willing to make a plan of salvation for us,
06:51 that we in our humaneness and sinfulness,
06:54 you know, if we come to the foot of the cross,
06:56 submit and commit our lives to Jesus,
06:58 that He already has prepared a mansion for us.
07:01 I mean, it's amazing.
07:02 Yes, yes.
07:04 And one thing that's great about Danny
07:06 as a writer is that
07:08 he writes very plainly,
07:10 you know, it's, it's very easy for you to understand.
07:15 So these books are 48 pages apiece,
07:19 and you can read them in an hour and a half
07:22 and get a really good Bible study
07:24 on these different topics.
07:27 And the other thing that I wanted to say is that
07:29 I'm so thankful
07:30 that the books were written like that,
07:33 like salvation first,
07:34 so that you get to know who Jesus is
07:36 because learning about the Ten Commandments
07:38 without Jesus without knowing who He is,
07:41 and what He's done for us.
07:43 It makes no sense.
07:44 I mean, it's, you know,
07:46 but why would you want to keep the Ten Commandments for what,
07:48 you don't even know,
07:49 the God of the Ten Commandments.
07:50 So it's really important to
07:53 and to look at these sequentially, too,
07:56 and see salvation.
07:58 You know, who Jesus is,
07:59 do you know what He's done for you?
08:01 Do you know how to have salvation
08:03 and then or to get saved?
08:05 Or what goes into it?
08:07 And then the Ten Commandments,
08:09 which a lot of people don't know
08:12 the Ten Commandments,
08:13 which, you know, it's amazing,
08:15 but and so, what does each one say?
08:17 And what's the importance and that kind of thing,
08:20 so each and then hellfire.
08:24 Satan is so intent
08:26 upon shifting our perception of God,
08:30 to this tyrant, this, this beast
08:33 that wants to just kill us and zap us
08:36 when we make a mistake.
08:38 And God is a loving God.
08:39 Hell is...
08:41 The fires of hell were not created for man,
08:43 they were created, will be created for Satan.
08:46 And so, you know,
08:49 Pastor CD Brooks one time
08:51 in one of his sermons called it friendly fire,
08:53 because it really was not intended for mankind.
08:58 And that's why Jesus came.
08:59 So these books, really zero in on who God is,
09:03 on the character of God.
09:05 And that's really a blessing
09:07 because it lets you know how much He loves us.
09:11 Each, the whole series to me can be summarized in,
09:17 you know, sentence of God's love for us
09:21 that concept.
09:22 And so, I really appreciate the way they were written.
09:27 And it's really a blessing.
09:30 And I learned a lot too as I was working on them.
09:32 What was your role in this project?
09:35 I was editing the project.
09:37 So Danny would send me the manuscripts
09:41 and then I look over and make suggestions
09:43 and give the subtitles
09:46 and the headings and things like that.
09:48 Nice.
09:49 Yeah.
09:50 What I like to say is, it's like a relay team.
09:53 Runners,
09:54 you know, sometimes you got three or four but in two,
09:57 I'm always good at getting a good start.
10:01 And then I hand it over to her to make it readable,
10:05 you know, because that's not my strong point.
10:07 But putting it all together, but then I give it to her.
10:10 And when it's through, it's like,
10:12 wow, this is really nice.
10:13 You did a great job, Yvonne.
10:15 So, no, she does, she's a great editor.
10:17 And then on the salvation part at the end,
10:20 she said, we really should have a place
10:23 that we help people come to Jesus
10:26 and lead them into sinner's prayer and all that.
10:28 So I asked her, would you write that?
10:30 And she did.
10:31 And it's really beautiful at the end.
10:33 Yeah, And in the end, speaking of the end,
10:35 in fact, let me hand this over to you.
10:36 If you would just read to us briefly out of that,
10:40 the five steps to salvation.
10:42 Sure.
10:43 I think that's great.
10:45 We actually have a graphic of all three booklets too,
10:49 we're good to show right now.
10:51 So we can take a look at those beautiful covers.
10:53 I think that would be really catchy.
10:56 If you're handing that to somebody
10:57 who they might not even be a Christian,
11:00 but they see the covers on these booklets.
11:02 And they're going to be, you know, curious,
11:05 their interest is going to be piqued
11:07 and they're going to take a look.
11:08 And we have say special thanks to Pacific Press Publishing.
11:13 They did an incredible job on the design
11:15 and the layout and all of this stuff,
11:16 working with Yvonne to do to get it in.
11:19 Dale Galusha and his team
11:21 that done an incredible job on this.
11:24 I mean, these are very nice.
11:25 And when we send them together, they'll come in a package.
11:28 That's a beautiful envelope,
11:30 and it has the three books in it.
11:32 And it says a special gift for you.
11:34 When you open them, it's not like a magazine,
11:36 you say, "Oh, I'm going to throw this away."
11:38 You can tell they're really well done.
11:40 And some of the paintings,
11:42 some of the artwork inside by Nathan Green,
11:45 who's considered one of the greatest artists,
11:47 you know, in America.
11:48 Yeah. And he's incredible.
11:51 And so some of these are pictures,
11:53 you know, by him.
11:54 And so it's a teamwork again.
11:59 So maybe we'll add Pacific Press
12:00 in that relay team.
12:02 I start and I hand the wand to her,
12:04 you know, and she hands it on to Pacific Press.
12:07 Now we hand it on to you,
12:08 because you take it to the finish line.
12:10 There you go. There you go.
12:12 So they're part of the team.
12:13 Absolutely. That's right.
12:15 So paint the picture for us of the five steps of salvation?
12:17 Surely.
12:19 So the first one is to recognize your condition.
12:22 Recognize that you are a sinner,
12:24 we're all sinners,
12:26 and we're powerless to overcome sin without Christ.
12:29 So we need His righteousness, not our own.
12:32 So we recognize that we are sinners.
12:35 And then number two, we repent.
12:37 So now that you recognize your condition,
12:39 I'm just summarizing this,
12:41 I'm not reading like all of it,
12:42 because it would take up rest of the interview
12:46 so the second step is to repent.
12:48 Now that you recognize your condition as a sinner,
12:51 you must repent.
12:52 Acts 3:19 says,
12:54 "Repent, therefore, and be converted,
12:56 that your sins may be blotted out.
12:58 So that times of refreshing
12:59 may come from the presence of the Lord."
13:02 So repent means that you not only do you speak,
13:07 you confess your sins, but you also make a 360,
13:11 you turn away from your sins.
13:12 Well, 180.
13:15 One eighty. Absolutely.
13:17 And then number three, confess and profess.
13:21 So there are two definitions of the word confession
13:23 that apply here.
13:25 One is a formal admission of one sins with repentance.
13:28 And the second is a statement
13:30 setting out essential religious doctrine.
13:33 So in this case,
13:34 the word confession is synonymous with profession.
13:38 So you profess the Lord Jesus Christ,
13:41 and you declare openly
13:43 that you are now wanting to serve Him.
13:46 And then number four, believe.
13:49 So do you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ
13:51 paid the price for your sins?
13:52 Do you believe that
13:54 He was resurrected from the dead?
13:56 And so that's the next step.
13:58 We have to believe in Jesus and what He's done for us.
14:02 And then the final step is commit.
14:05 Now that you have repented of and confess your sins,
14:08 profess the Lord Jesus Christ with your lips
14:10 and believe that He died and rose again.
14:13 Now you have to commit to growing in Him
14:16 through various spiritual disciplines,
14:18 baptism, Bible study, prayer, witnessing,
14:22 finding a Bible based church,
14:23 these are crucial for spiritual growth.
14:26 So this is a love relationship.
14:28 And in any love relationship,
14:30 you make a commitment to the person
14:32 and you spend time with the person
14:34 and so that's what these five steps are.
14:37 And then we have the sinner's prayer at the end,
14:40 where the person can,
14:42 the reader can say the sinner's prayer
14:44 and ask the Lord to come into his or her life.
14:48 And so, this is really it's, it's,
14:51 to me, this is such an amazing evangelistic tool,
14:55 because there are people who don't know
14:57 how to give a Bible study, don't know how to talk about
15:00 how to do things or whatever.
15:02 Just give this book to someone.
15:04 Yes. Yes.
15:05 That's really it.
15:06 Yeah, I mean, you can beat,
15:08 50 cents per household for three, three booklets,
15:13 right, and zip code
15:14 and comes in a beautiful envelope.
15:17 Like you can't, you can't beat that,
15:18 that's what less than the cost of a stamp.
15:20 That's what I wanted to say,
15:21 thanks to some of you our viewers.
15:24 What we did, I mean,
15:25 the Lord has been in it the entire way,
15:27 we want to put these out by the millions.
15:29 So of course, that costs a lot of money to do it.
15:32 And people can't afford to buy, as you say,
15:35 every book that comes along,
15:36 so we said, okay, what can we do?
15:38 So we went to individual donors,
15:40 and literally raised enough money,
15:43 that 6 million of these are in print,
15:45 2 million of each one.
15:47 So the way we offer it to you is that literally,
15:51 that you can,
15:53 and you're given the information
15:54 how to contact 3ABN,
15:56 you can have these mailed to zip code of your choice.
16:01 Three books in a beautiful envelope
16:03 that says a special gift for you,
16:05 wherever you want it
16:06 for less than the price of one stamp.
16:08 And so, you realize you're not buying anything.
16:11 So it's actually a giveaway,
16:13 and you're helping to pay the shipping
16:15 is all that you're actually doing.
16:17 Or you can order by cases.
16:19 Each of these there's 250 books in a case,
16:23 and you can order them for your churches,
16:25 you can start passing them out,
16:26 things have changed a lot at least here in Illinois,
16:28 we're out we're able to do things
16:30 most states we've been.
16:32 So you can actually go out passing these out,
16:35 and to people that you meet,
16:36 whether it's on Sabbath or anytime
16:38 take with you wherever you're going.
16:39 And so those are whole case of 250 books,
16:45 $16.50 cents.
16:46 Yes. They're 48 page books.
16:49 And so I mean,
16:51 to me that we couldn't have done it again,
16:54 without that relay team.
16:55 Yes.
16:56 So we've got donors that we went to specifically
16:58 and ask them,
17:00 would you give us a jumpstart, and some of those gave,
17:03 as one gift, you know,
17:04 as much as $100,000, to do it,
17:07 so that you all could get it and not cost you anything.
17:10 And I mean, that's such a blessing.
17:12 So now as you said, to get all three of these out,
17:15 this is what will show up in the mail
17:17 is all three of these books.
17:20 And this envelope
17:21 if you choose to do it by zip codes.
17:24 And so for the price of less than the price of one stamp,
17:28 so you couldn't send the letter for that at the time
17:30 you bought the envelope and get the stamp.
17:32 And then if you buy something to put inside of it,
17:35 even one page,
17:36 and then on the back page,
17:38 6 million of these very back page
17:40 is all the ways you can get 3ABN
17:43 so I mean, it tells you everything context
17:46 and how to get 3ABN dish,
17:49 it says FiOS, you know, Fire TV,
17:52 Roku, YouTube, all of the things,
17:54 the Dish Network, I mean all of these,
17:57 how to get 3ABN so that information
17:58 6 million people will have not only this,
18:03 but then they'll have ways to get 3ABN.
18:05 Absolutely.
18:07 And I want to share how you can get these booklets.
18:10 Do call (618) 627-4651
18:15 and speak to one of our call center representatives,
18:17 they would love to talk to you answer your questions
18:19 about these booklets.
18:21 If you order it by the case,
18:23 that is one of the best ways to get that.
18:27 Or if you want to send it to a zip code
18:30 if you want to have these mailed to a zip code,
18:34 call them (618) 627-4651.
18:37 And they will be happy to assist you there.
18:39 Now when you get the case, it won't be mixed and matched.
18:43 So but it's $16.50 for a case,
18:47 and you can get, let's say you get the ten,
18:49 the Truth About the Ten Commandments, right?
18:51 So you get a case of that 250 booklets
18:54 then you just get order another case,
18:56 The Truth About Hellfire, The Truth About Salvation.
18:59 And so that way you have...
19:01 All three of them is less than $50.
19:03 Yeah.
19:04 Seven hundred and fifty bucks is what you're looking at.
19:06 You can't you can't beat that.
19:07 No, that's amazing. Less than $50.
19:09 Yeah.
19:11 And when you're thinking about salvation,
19:13 you know, and people coming to the Lord,
19:16 like, that's not a lot.
19:18 No. Really not a lot at all. No.
19:20 And actually, there's less written
19:22 about salvation in my study,
19:24 writing these books.
19:25 If you go on YouTube or go on, you know,
19:28 any I mean, look up resources,
19:31 you'll find a lot on the Ten Commandments,
19:33 on the sanctuary,
19:35 you know, on hellfire, you know a lot of topics,
19:38 but salvation is one of those
19:40 that I think we've come up short sometimes,
19:42 because we assume
19:43 so many people convert from another denomination
19:47 once they found out to truth about the commandments.
19:49 But we have to realize there are many, many people
19:52 who know nothing about Jesus.
19:54 Exactly.
19:55 And so this book,
19:56 reason that maybe of all the books
19:58 that I've ever done,
20:00 maybe the most important one.
20:01 Yes.
20:02 Because without this one,
20:04 you don't have a foundation for everything else.
20:05 That's right.
20:07 So, you know, speaking of salvation,
20:10 you know, one of the questions that comes up quite a bit is,
20:13 can you, do you have the ability
20:14 to choose your destiny?
20:16 Absolutely.
20:17 And we go through that in this book,
20:19 I'm glad you asked it,
20:20 because there are people who literally believe
20:23 that you're predestined,
20:24 because it's there's a scripture that says,
20:26 sounds like that.
20:27 And it says, you're predestined.
20:29 So people say,
20:30 well, it doesn't really make any difference how I live,
20:32 you know, I can live like the devil,
20:34 or I can live like, you know, as good as I can.
20:36 But you know, I'm still
20:38 either going to be lost or saved.
20:39 So it has nothing to do it.
20:41 How the devil can get people to believe that,
20:43 you know, within the Christian church,
20:45 and you have the folks that say,
20:47 "Well, I got saved when I was nine years old.
20:49 So I'm saved no matter what I do,
20:51 no matter what I live like,
20:52 I'm going to heaven."
20:54 And yet he may be worse than the neighbor next door,
20:58 you know, wouldn't do near some of the things
20:59 but that guy didn't confess the sins
21:01 when he was young.
21:02 So he's going to be lost.
21:04 And this guy
21:05 is who's maybe the much worse in character
21:07 and all about him,
21:09 and he's going to be saved for eternity.
21:10 I mean, if we really just think about
21:12 some of this stuff that we're taught,
21:14 and we don't, we don't question it.
21:17 We're raised in church.
21:18 Okay, this is what it is.
21:20 And so, you know,
21:21 that's, that's the way it is, I just accept,
21:23 but no, we say let's focus on truth.
21:25 Let's find out the truth.
21:27 If we ever needed truth,
21:29 we've never needed it more than we need it today.
21:32 And that's why we spend
21:33 scripture after scripture after scripture,
21:36 because we want you to know
21:38 the truth about Jesus Christ.
21:40 Absolutely.
21:41 I mean, think about it in terms of a marriage,
21:43 you think you can do whatever you want
21:44 and still be married?
21:46 Yeah. Like how does that work.
21:48 Yeah, that wouldn't work.
21:50 So let's touch on the Ten Commandments.
21:52 Let's talk about the Ten Commandments.
21:53 You know, you hear people say,
21:55 Well, I'm a new covenant Christian,
21:57 the law has been done away with and all of that stuff.
22:00 What do you say to that?
22:03 Well, I lead him, point him to the Bible.
22:06 So what the Bible will say,
22:08 we've truth about the Ten Commandments,
22:10 we go through every bit of that.
22:12 A New Covenant Christian will believe
22:15 in keeping all Ten Commandments.
22:18 For many, many years, we always talked about,
22:21 you know, in fact, I've written a book called
22:23 The Forgotten Commandment
22:24 years ago, 20 years ago.
22:26 Now, I'd have to say,
22:28 the Forgotten Commandments with an S on it
22:30 because now the sixth and seventh commandments,
22:32 they're all trying to do away with those.
22:35 And so as well as the fourth commandment,
22:38 you know, and so the commandments are...
22:42 It's so important, Jay,
22:43 to understand what God wants us to do.
22:45 So I look at the Ten Commandments
22:47 as ten promises.
22:48 It's not like if you don't do this,
22:51 then you're going to be lost.
22:52 If you don't do this, you're going to hell.
22:54 If you don't do this, the Lord says,
22:55 "Look, if you submit and commit your life to Me,
22:58 I promise you that I'll give you victory
23:01 over killing, stealing, commit an adultery,
23:05 go down the whole list of things.
23:07 I promise you, I'll give you victory."
23:09 So I'm not sure what your question was.
23:11 Now it kind of went off.
23:13 New Covenant Christian. New Covenant Christian?
23:15 Well, New Covenant Christian will be a commandment keeper.
23:19 And so we show you that in the New Testament,
23:22 the scriptures that people say,
23:24 oh, well, the commandments were nailed to the cross.
23:27 There's no scripture in the Bible that says that.
23:29 Now there are some people will take you
23:31 to some scriptures,
23:32 but when you read it,
23:34 it says when the ordinances were nailed,
23:35 not the law of ordinances,
23:38 not the Ten Commandments, they're eternal.
23:40 They're transcript of God's own character.
23:42 And so they were never nailed to the cross.
23:45 But that's another lie of the devil.
23:46 Absolutely.
23:48 To say, oh, well, we don't have to worry
23:49 about those old commandments anymore.
23:50 Well, people do that.
23:53 You go up and they got a nice car.
23:55 They say, 'cause I've talked to people
23:56 so I don't believe in those Ten Commandments
23:58 ever nailed to the cross.
23:59 Keys are in their car and I drive off
24:01 and say, that's mine.
24:02 I'll guarantee you
24:04 they'll believe in the Ten Commandments.
24:05 That they will too.
24:07 Wait, you can't take that, that's stealing.
24:08 Well, I can. Well, it's stealing.
24:11 Absolutely.
24:12 So why do you think the Ten Commandments
24:16 were written in stone?
24:18 Oh, well, It just bespeaks of the immutability,
24:23 the permanence of the tenet.
24:26 Written in stone, even the expression
24:29 has been written in stone, like, you know, it's permanent.
24:32 It's there forever.
24:34 And that's,
24:35 that's the importance of being written in stone
24:39 with the finger of God.
24:40 God wrote the Ten Commandments with His own hand on stone.
24:46 So and it was placed inside the ark
24:49 and the ceremonial laws,
24:51 the laws of Moses were placed on the outside of the ark.
24:54 And so again, it shows the permanent,
24:57 the immutability of the Ten Commandments.
25:00 And why would He write them in stone with His own finger
25:03 if He were going to nail them to the cross,
25:04 get rid of it, you know.
25:06 Exactly. Yeah.
25:07 So again, sometimes it's just common sense.
25:09 She said, you know, my, in my writing
25:12 I write pretty simple.
25:14 And it may be that I'm a little bit simpleton,
25:15 but I'm a little bit constitute so.
25:17 No, not simpleton.
25:20 Maybe I am a little, but I do.
25:22 You know, I come from a background,
25:24 that my dad taught me a lot about common sense.
25:27 I learned from him.
25:28 So some of this is just common sense.
25:30 Yeah.
25:31 And then you ask God, okay, give me wisdom.
25:34 And there's where the key is.
25:35 Then God gives you the wisdom to understanding.
25:38 And so I try to write in a way that I'm thinking,
25:42 okay, the person out here,
25:43 I'm talking to this person, this person,
25:46 maybe some folks who are not Christians,
25:48 folks who are of another denomination
25:50 that don't know some of these truths.
25:51 So I try to keep in mind as I'm writing,
25:54 what will actually reach them.
25:56 And I've actually in the past,
25:58 I've given the manuscripts
26:00 to many people who are not of my faith.
26:03 Baptist, evangelicals, Methodist, charismatic,
26:07 and said,
26:08 "Now to help me if I messed up on this,
26:11 like on the Sabbath,"
26:12 then so they would send me and say,
26:13 Well, I don't understand this scripture,
26:15 or that scripture or another scripture.
26:16 So then I make it easier for them to understand.
26:20 Then the time I went back,
26:22 there was actually three out of eight
26:24 that actually said, you know what?
26:26 "I'm going to have pick the Sabbath keeper.
26:27 These were pastors of other denominations.
26:30 Because we, the other words,
26:32 we got rid of all the reasons why excuses that we normally
26:37 don't think about, we just say,
26:39 "Oh, well, I didn't know that was in there."
26:41 And now so that's what we do.
26:43 We try to take it one by one
26:44 and just take it down to the Bible scripture.
26:47 Absolutely.
26:48 I love it ever so quickly,
26:50 how did writing these booklets impact your life?
26:54 Oh, both of us.
26:55 Yes, we...
26:57 It just brings you closer to the Lord
26:59 because you see His love
27:01 in every aspect of these topics.
27:05 So it just brings you closer to Him
27:07 and makes you love Him more,
27:08 because He loves us so much.
27:09 And we know that we know that God blessed
27:12 because we couldn't do anything of ourselves,
27:14 that would amount to anything,
27:16 but I know that God's going to bless this.
27:18 And for those of you that get these,
27:20 you choose to do it zip codes,
27:22 or whether you buy the boxes of 250,
27:24 I mean, again, three boxes, 750 books,
27:28 you're getting, Jay, for $49.50 whatever.
27:32 So we encourage you to get these books.
27:34 You can go online and actually read them
27:35 go to our website and let you read it
27:38 and make sure you agree with it and want it
27:40 and then it's up to you to what you do with it.
27:42 But you're the last of the,
27:45 of our, what did we call it our relay team.
27:47 That's right.
27:48 It's up to you to get to the finish line.
27:49 That's right. Well, thank you so much.
27:51 Thank you for what you have done
27:52 here writing these booklets.
27:54 And so we want to thank you for being a part of the team.
27:55 Till next time, God bless.


Revised 2021-08-05