Urban Report

The Journey of a Leader

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: UBR

Program Code: UBR210027S

00:01 Have you ever wanted
00:02 to strengthen your leadership skills?
00:04 Well stay tuned to learn about the journey of a leader.
00:07 My name is Jason Bradley,
00:08 and you're watching Urban Report.
00:33 Hello, and welcome to the Urban Report.
00:35 My guest today is Pierre Monice,
00:37 leadership development coach
00:39 and president of a major hospital.
00:42 Welcome to Urban Report, Pierre.
00:44 Thanks for having me, excited to be here.
00:45 Yes, it's great to have you here.
00:47 You know, it's crazy, because we've crossed paths
00:50 so many times,
00:52 and just like never really connected until ASI.
00:56 I mean, I saw you, you were at my cousin's wedding.
01:00 You were at my sister's school back in the day,
01:03 so many places.
01:04 So ASI we connected at a networking event
01:07 and we talked and I was just impressed
01:10 with like all that God has done in your life.
01:13 Yeah, that means we're family already.
01:15 So all in God's timing and excited to share.
01:18 Amen.
01:19 Before we dive into your leadership journey,
01:22 I want to find out a little bit about your upbringing,
01:25 what was your childhood like?
01:26 And what type of values
01:28 did your parents instill in you?
01:29 Oh, man, excellent.
01:31 Well, I was born in Newark, New Jersey.
01:33 My parents immigrated from Haiti.
01:36 And early on, you know,
01:38 they definitely gave us a lifestyle of discipline.
01:40 So I grew up playing,
01:42 you know, the violin, growing up in church.
01:44 And I'll be honest, you know, growing up,
01:46 trained as a classical violinist,
01:48 I mean, that definitely laid a foundation,
01:51 you know, practice was not an option,
01:53 you had to practice, you know, you had to practice.
01:55 Practice makes perfect.
01:57 And also very involved in church,
01:59 also I grew up going to church,
02:01 not just once a week, but many times during the week,
02:04 I was very, very involved.
02:05 And so my mother was involved as well.
02:07 And that was very, very foundational.
02:09 So when I got to the age, got to my teenage years,
02:12 when I thought I knew what was best,
02:14 you know, and my parents made sure that
02:15 I stayed in the church, and honestly,
02:18 there was an opportunity
02:19 for someone to step up to be a youth leader.
02:22 And I was 15 years old,
02:24 and the guy gave me the opportunity,
02:25 I raise my hand.
02:26 And I said, you know let me not complain about it.
02:28 But let me step up to the challenge
02:30 and help lead my youth group.
02:32 That's awesome.
02:33 So you saw the need, and you filled that void?
02:35 That is great.
02:37 And the fact that your parents kept you in church
02:39 and all of that stuff with that firm foundation.
02:42 So when would you say your leadership journey began?
02:45 Was that at 15 or when did that start?
02:48 Yeah, I would definitely say at 15,
02:50 because I literally did not see myself,
02:51 you know, I always attended church
02:53 to see what church could do for me,
02:55 and what youth activities
02:57 I'll be going for, and kind of to be entertained.
03:00 But at 15, you know,
03:01 definitely early on, my parents said,
03:03 don't be the problem, be part of it,
03:05 be a solution to it.
03:07 So I didn't know all the answers,
03:08 but I didn't know that, hey, you know,
03:10 with my, you know, team of support,
03:11 my other young people around me,
03:13 and some elders support,
03:14 that we can make a big difference
03:16 at that church there in West Palm Beach.
03:18 And things just took off from there.
03:19 We had an amazing, you know, three years.
03:21 And that really laid the foundation
03:22 for even more leadership opportunities for me.
03:25 That's right.
03:26 You know one of the things that
03:27 I've noticed about you and that I admire is that
03:30 you asked the right questions.
03:32 So I noticed throughout some of our conversations
03:35 and stuff like that,
03:37 you'll ask questions, and you'll know exactly
03:39 what questions to ask to find out
03:42 what you need to know to further the cause.
03:46 I'm glad you think that's good.
03:47 Sometimes people, they get annoyed by me
03:49 asking questions.
03:50 But yeah, I like to further, you know, to understand,
03:52 better to understand the situation,
03:54 so that I could, you know, contribute in a valuable way.
03:56 Yes.
03:57 And what do you enjoy about leadership?
04:00 Honestly, you know, I love people.
04:01 I love working with people, you know,
04:03 I don't have all the answers.
04:05 And that's one thing in leadership
04:06 we need to understand that
04:07 leaders don't have all the answers.
04:09 That's right.
04:10 And, but to get the answers,
04:11 you got to spend time with people.
04:13 And the more you do,
04:14 the better, you get to know them,
04:15 you build relationships, and when things, you know,
04:17 get, you know, aren't as perfect
04:19 as they should be because there will be trials
04:21 and situations you get to go through them together.
04:24 Yes, and you ask questions?
04:26 Yes, for sure.
04:28 So what would you say your leadership style is?
04:31 Oh, man, really, you know, I tried to listen first.
04:35 You know, I tried to listen more than I could talk.
04:38 You know, spending time on the front lines,
04:40 depending on my leadership situation of being
04:43 as close to the customer
04:45 and to the front line employee as much as possible.
04:48 I could stay in my office,
04:50 I could be comfortable at my desk.
04:51 But the more that I'm out and about
04:53 and that was the example of Jesus, you know,
04:55 and I think that definitely,
04:57 I think, I know that needs to be
04:58 the foundation of all leadership
05:00 because He was the world's greatest leader.
05:02 Amen. Amen.
05:03 So you listen and see that is the key thing.
05:07 It's interesting because God blessed us
05:09 with two ears and one mouth.
05:10 That's good.
05:12 A lot of people just, that mouth is just going.
05:14 Sure. And these are closed off.
05:17 So that's great that you're listening
05:19 and finding those things out.
05:21 Now, sometimes there are challenges
05:24 that we face as leaders and all of that stuff.
05:26 How do you stay motivated
05:29 throughout the leadership process?
05:31 Oh, man, Jason, it's a daily thing, motivation.
05:36 I think it starts with your sense of purpose.
05:37 You know, why do you do what you do?
05:40 Your purpose has to be bigger than your paycheck.
05:43 Say that again.
05:44 Yeah, your purpose must be bigger than your paycheck.
05:47 And once you know, your purpose doesn't mean
05:49 everything's gonna be perfect.
05:50 It just means that when things don't go well,
05:53 you know why you're doing what you're doing,
05:55 you know, there'll be good day, there'll be bad day.
05:57 But if you're working on your purpose,
05:58 you'll have more good days than bad days.
06:01 But for me staying motivated to the ground me
06:03 spending my daily time,
06:05 kind of reflecting, you know, devotional time with God,
06:08 surrounding myself with positive influences,
06:10 not just at work, but in my personal life,
06:13 and staying rooted in a Bible-based church.
06:15 I mean, that makes a huge,
06:16 huge difference, I'll be honest.
06:18 Yeah, absolutely.
06:19 So tell us more about your leadership journey?
06:21 Yeah.
06:23 So, you know, really starting there at 15 as,
06:25 you know, my youth group leader,
06:26 you know, put in that position.
06:28 You know, I know I didn't have all the answers
06:30 but had a great group around me,
06:32 and I really felt, you know, God's call in ministry.
06:34 For the longest many people thought,
06:36 hey, you should be an attorney, a lawyer, you love to speak.
06:40 But I felt a different calling on my life.
06:42 So I decided to attend Southern Adventist University
06:45 and had an amazing time there.
06:47 And at the end, you know, the goal is to, you know,
06:51 attain a job with a conference in church,
06:54 and believe it or not,
06:55 you know, I had eight different interviews.
06:57 When you went to Southern, what did you take?
06:59 At Southern, I was a theology major,
07:03 I took some business classes and my parents always say,
07:05 you can't go wrong with some business.
07:07 So, you know, amazing time there studying,
07:09 getting to know the Word,
07:10 get some business courses
07:12 for personal finance, accounting.
07:14 And, you know, I was interviewing with conferences,
07:16 and I wasn't getting any job offers.
07:19 So that definitely wasn't the point of college.
07:22 And it wasn't until literally my last week of college
07:24 where I was like, what am I going to do?
07:26 You know, I received a call to Tulsa, Oklahoma,
07:32 and I thought it was just going to be
07:33 for a youth pastor situation, and you know,
07:36 and there I was being asked to be the senior pastor.
07:40 Whoa, wait a minute, so you were,
07:42 you went from getting no job offers at that point,
07:45 you know, with the conference and stuff,
07:47 to getting a job offer to be the senior pastor.
07:51 Now, how old were you at this point?
07:52 At that point I was only 21 years old.
07:54 You were a 21-year-old senior pastor?
07:58 What kind of challenges did you face in that role
08:01 because going into a church as a 21-year-old pastor,
08:04 and having some older members and stuff?
08:06 How did they feel about,
08:08 you know, coming to you for advice
08:10 and leadership expertise?
08:13 Well, man, that's a loaded one.
08:17 Well, I'll start with me how I felt,
08:18 you know, definitely felt impossible syndrome.
08:20 You know, I felt, what do I know about
08:23 being a pastor at 21 years old,
08:24 you know, but really, you know,
08:26 God used that opportunity to really humble me
08:29 and I really had depended on Him,
08:31 you know, really had to get very serious
08:34 about my prayer life.
08:35 You know, it wasn't just about what I knew,
08:37 but how can I motivate the team around me,
08:38 and that's where the listening came
08:40 even more apparent in terms of
08:42 what it takes to be a good leader,
08:44 you have to listen.
08:45 I didn't know that community, the people did.
08:47 And there were some great people,
08:49 you know, they just needed a leader
08:50 to get behind them and to push forward.
08:52 And for two and a half years, we did some amazing things.
08:55 And I'm sure there are some things
08:56 that you know, I did because of my youth
08:58 because of inexperience.
08:59 But God's mercy is great.
09:01 And so we are the members and we were able to do
09:04 so much together in two and a half years there.
09:07 So then from there, you know,
09:09 I found myself going to, coming back to Florida.
09:12 You know, had a family situation,
09:13 my father wasn't feeling well, had kidney failure.
09:17 He's doing much better today. Praise God.
09:19 And I was teaching at the Academy there,
09:21 Forest Lake Academy.
09:22 I met you there too.
09:24 Yes, we crossed paths.
09:25 I didn't know that then. Yeah.
09:27 We crossed paths there.
09:28 Yeah. Yeah.
09:30 And it was just crazy how God works
09:31 and had the opportunity to do a leadership
09:34 development residency leadership
09:36 development program,
09:37 where I got to learn about health care, administration,
09:40 health care leadership, more learning, more listening.
09:44 And I spent 10 and a half years with the health care system
09:47 there in Orlando,
09:48 just learning, growing you know,
09:50 making mistakes, learning from my mistakes.
09:52 And God was just able to teach me so much there.
09:56 And then I had the opportunity to leave Orlando
10:00 and to continue growing my leadership
10:03 where I was working in human resources,
10:05 the head of, you know, four different regions,
10:08 four states and 13 hospitals
10:10 leading human resource strategy and implementation.
10:13 So, and that was in the crux of the pandemic.
10:17 So, talk about change,
10:19 you know, new city, new job, new team,
10:22 but God is always faithful.
10:24 So relying on Him, really got me through
10:26 and worked with an amazing team
10:30 and looking forward to my, you know,
10:32 continue working and now as a hospital president
10:35 in the Chicago land area Hospital president,
10:38 how old are you right now if you don't mind me asking?
10:41 I don't mind at all, 35.
10:44 Wow, 35 and the hospital president.
10:46 What have you noticed throughout your journey
10:50 because you've been
10:51 in a lot of different industries?
10:53 What are some skills that
10:54 you've taken from each position
10:58 that you currently use today?
11:00 Yeah, well, I mentioned listening before,
11:02 but you know, honestly,
11:03 it starts from within, you know,
11:05 understanding your purpose,
11:06 understanding your why, you know,
11:08 and it's important to know that leaders
11:10 will not have all the answers,
11:12 you know, just because you have the leadership position,
11:14 the title, you will not have it all figured out.
11:16 Yes.
11:17 So the more you come to grasp with that on a regular basis,
11:20 you listen to people, you spend time with people,
11:24 they'll tell you, you know,
11:25 getting close to customers,
11:26 you're getting close to your team.
11:28 And it's amazing, you know, I remember times
11:29 when during my different transitions,
11:32 I always came with a plan, this is what I'm going to do.
11:35 And to be honest, only flat to fail.
11:39 I realized it's not about Pierre's plan, you know,
11:41 it's about, you know,
11:42 the plan that is needed for that community.
11:44 Yes.
11:45 And that's the plan of Jesus,
11:47 you know, you see, all throughout Jesus' ministry,
11:49 He spent time with people, you know?
11:52 And then the next takeaway is,
11:54 no matter what position you're in,
11:56 be a problem solver, you know, don't be, you know,
11:59 the problem announcer, be the problem solver.
12:02 And what did Jesus do?
12:04 Everywhere He went, He solved problems.
12:06 You know, He not only looked for problems,
12:08 but people then brought problems to Him.
12:11 So that's an example I share with my leadership team,
12:14 with other leaders, aspiring leaders,
12:16 you know, don't be a problem announcer,
12:18 be a problem solver.
12:19 And through those problems,
12:21 you won't have it all figured out
12:22 but you'll learn about yourself,
12:24 you learn about your team.
12:26 And then the last thing is,
12:28 you know, focus on the strengths
12:30 of the team around you, just not focus on
12:32 what you can't do, focus on what you can do.
12:36 And it just makes life
12:38 so much easier when we focus on
12:40 what you can do, and honestly,
12:42 everyone becomes happier
12:43 as a result of that kind of leadership.
12:45 Absolutely.
12:47 How do you go about motivating your team?
12:50 Yeah, well, motivating a team?
12:52 Yeah, again, starts with myself,
12:53 you know, I've got to stay motivated.
12:55 I got to know my why.
12:56 I had to know why I do what I do.
12:58 And I tell my team, you need to know
13:00 the purpose of why you are here.
13:01 Your purpose must be bigger than your paycheck
13:03 and if it's not, you may not be
13:05 doing the right job or the right thing.
13:07 You know, so with my team,
13:09 I tried to ensure that they're in their sweet spot.
13:11 They're working on things they enjoy doing.
13:14 But they're also uplifting each other.
13:17 One thing that's taken for granted,
13:19 is recognizing people and giving them appreciation.
13:22 You know, it sounds simple.
13:24 Sometimes it sounds clich,
13:25 but you know, for someone hearing,
13:27 hey, you're doing a great job,
13:28 you're doing a good job goes a long way.
13:30 That's that positive feedback.
13:32 Again, we see that
13:33 all throughout the life and ministry of Jesus.
13:36 And if a team is not motivated,
13:38 I truly believe they can't do great work.
13:41 So leader's job, I mean, you're not just a cheerleader,
13:43 but you're motivating them, spending time with them,
13:45 and putting them
13:46 in the best situation to be successful.
13:49 Now, that's on the very positive side, too,
13:53 but now let's shift into accountability.
13:57 How do you hold people accountable,
13:59 and how important is it to have that
14:02 accountability in business?
14:03 Yeah, in business and in life, accountability is important.
14:07 You know, without accountability,
14:08 there's chaos.
14:10 I truly believe that.
14:11 And I truly believe the only way
14:12 to get accountability is to be honest,
14:14 you know, every step of the way.
14:17 You know, sometimes
14:18 we don't want to hurt people's feelings.
14:19 Sometimes we don't want people to be upset at us,
14:21 but it's just a way in which you do it, you know?
14:23 I could hold you accountable and still love you.
14:25 I can hold you accountable and still be kind, you know,
14:28 I could separate
14:29 some of the actions from the person.
14:31 You know, I've been in situations
14:32 where, you know, I've had to give
14:34 some pretty tough feedback, you know,
14:36 ended up with a hug at the end of the conversation.
14:39 And that came from years of experience.
14:40 I didn't have it all figured out.
14:42 So I'm no expert there.
14:43 But no, I really know that
14:45 you know, people overlook
14:46 some simple attributes like kindness, you know,
14:49 looking at the person,
14:50 treat them with dignity and respect.
14:52 And you can still hold them accountable.
14:54 And without that accountability Mstructure, man,
14:58 I mean, you're hurting your business.
14:59 And also, as a Christian, you're hurting your witness
15:02 because Jesus expects excellence.
15:05 Yes.
15:07 So you said with the kindness and stuff,
15:09 you can still let people know you hold them accountable.
15:12 You know, I think that
15:13 we've kind of shifted as a society
15:16 into a place of being enablers,
15:18 you know, because people are so worried,
15:20 well, I don't want to offend this person,
15:22 or I don't want to say the wrong thing.
15:24 But it's that accountability is out of that love that
15:27 you want to share, you know, whatever it may be,
15:30 you know, with that individual.
15:32 Oh, totally agree.
15:33 And I think that's an important role
15:35 that mentors play in our lives.
15:37 Because as leaders, you know,
15:38 regardless of where you find yourself,
15:39 you're always learning.
15:41 Sometimes you gonna need a mentor,
15:43 who doesn't work maybe in your organization,
15:45 or who doesn't like report to you,
15:46 report to them.
15:48 And they can give you real feedback, say,
15:49 hey, I was in this meeting, you know, this is how it went,
15:52 you know, what are your thoughts
15:54 or to bounce ideas off of, and someone that
15:56 can be really honest with you.
15:57 And as I climbed in my leadership experience,
15:59 I realized, there are very few people
16:01 around me at work that will be totally honest with me.
16:04 So the role of mentor is to keep me accountable,
16:06 to keep me, you know,
16:08 in line and in check is very important.
16:11 Why do you think that is?
16:12 Why do you think that,
16:14 you know, as you climb,
16:15 people don't want to be as honest,
16:18 do you think it's a fear factor?
16:21 Like what do you think is the reason for that?
16:23 I think, it's a societal fear factor, right?
16:26 Because the greater someone's position,
16:29 society tells you,
16:30 they're unreachable, they're untouchable.
16:32 You know, that's what I've tried to model my leadership,
16:34 and it's a work in progress, trying to be approachable,
16:37 spending time
16:38 out of my office connecting with people.
16:40 You know, one thing I enjoy doing,
16:42 you know, I've been doing it for a few years is,
16:44 you know, anytime
16:45 there are birthdays being celebrated,
16:47 and I like to bring all colleagues together,
16:48 all team members, regardless of what level
16:50 they are in organization,
16:52 let's just connect together, you know, for your birthday.
16:55 And, you know, I believe that
16:56 there are two important days in someone's life,
16:58 the day they're born, and the day
16:59 they figured out why they were born, you know,
17:01 so why not celebrate a birthday
17:03 and then we could talk about purpose at the same time.
17:05 That's right. Yeah.
17:06 And, you know, we've talked about the why,
17:08 we've talked about purpose.
17:09 How would you say that one
17:11 goes about discovering their purpose?
17:13 Oh, man, man,
17:15 that's the million-dollar question right there.
17:16 Finding purpose, man,
17:18 you know, honestly, you know,
17:20 the tactical ways, you know, there's different, you know,
17:23 personality tests and different,
17:25 you know skill discoveries online,
17:27 that people could go about.
17:28 But honestly, you know, as a Christian,
17:30 really through prayer,
17:31 you know, look at where your gifts are,
17:33 and how you can serve, and how you can be
17:35 a representative for the kingdom.
17:37 You know, so I do believe that
17:39 there's one piece of knowing your skill sets,
17:41 but also knowing that purpose
17:42 and what God has placed you on this earth to do.
17:45 And ultimately, we're all called to be a witness.
17:46 Right?
17:48 So how do we use those skills to bring glory to God
17:50 and bring people into the kingdom?
17:53 Excellent answer.
17:55 How important would you say
17:56 integrity is in business, and in life period?
18:00 I think it's very important.
18:02 Unfortunately, there are lots of examples
18:04 of integrity not being shown.
18:06 And I do believe that, you know, as Christian leaders,
18:10 I mean, the spotlight's on us.
18:11 You know, they may act as if integrity is not a big deal
18:15 but the moment we were out of line,
18:17 you know, that's not it's a reflection of ourselves,
18:19 but also of Jesus in our church.
18:23 So integrity has to be there.
18:25 But it has to come from daily supplication daily.
18:28 All right, I got to reposition myself
18:30 and make sure I'm an ambassador
18:32 for Jesus every step of the way.
18:34 And honestly, if we falter
18:37 and juggle with integrity, I mean, we're putting ourselves
18:40 in a horrible situation,
18:41 from a business standpoint, and from a life standpoint.
18:43 Absolutely.
18:45 What type of challenges have you faced as a leader?
18:49 Oh, man, where do I begin?
18:51 I'll say one thing, you know
18:52 because I still have a lot to learn.
18:54 You know, I think one of the main challenges is,
18:56 you know, I don't know what I don't know.
18:58 Right?
18:59 So there are situations where I come and like,
19:00 I don't have the answer.
19:02 There are situations I come across
19:03 when people expect me like,
19:04 hey, we need a decision on this.
19:06 And I have to take a step back and say,
19:07 well, we need to take some time to figure that out.
19:11 And people aren't always patient.
19:12 Right?
19:14 So being able to be comfortable with the uncomfortable,
19:17 know when to be patient when to say, you know what?
19:19 Maybe no decision is the best decision right now.
19:22 We live in a very fast-paced culture.
19:25 We need everything now.
19:26 Instant gratification,
19:28 but the leader needs to be, you know,
19:30 aware enough to know, okay,
19:32 sometimes it's not about going faster,
19:35 but it's about going the right way.
19:37 So most of my challenges have come from,
19:39 you know, gauging people's expectations,
19:41 taking time to slow down,
19:43 taking time to evaluate things,
19:46 and not making decisions off of impulse
19:48 and off of feelings.
19:49 One of the things I really like
19:51 about that is it shows a level of humility,
19:54 because some people will just like,
19:56 they'll give you an answer.
19:57 It's like you stop somebody you're driving down the street
20:00 and you stop somebody and you say,
20:02 well, hey, how do I get to such and such or whatever?
20:05 He doesn't know how to get there?
20:07 Oh, yeah, you want to go two blocks down,
20:09 make a left, then go right
20:11 when you see whatever, restaurant or store,
20:15 whatever, and then go left.
20:16 He's giving you the wrong direction.
20:18 He doesn't even know where he's telling you to go,
20:20 but he just wants to give that answer.
20:21 And so the fact that you take that step back
20:24 and everything that speaks to humility as well.
20:25 So that's awesome.
20:27 We've talked about some of the challenges.
20:29 Now, what do you do to overcome
20:31 some of the challenges as a leader?
20:33 Yeah, I truly believe that feedback is a gift.
20:35 Yes.
20:36 You know, sometimes, you know,
20:38 we need to be self-aware to ask for feedback.
20:39 Right?
20:41 Now, we could get it from a mentor,
20:42 you know, we could get it from our family.
20:43 But sometimes we need to have
20:45 one on one conversation with our teams,
20:46 with our customers, and say,
20:48 hey, how am I doing as a leader
20:50 or how did I handle that meeting?
20:51 You know, how do we do on this project?
20:53 And sometimes we don't ask that question
20:56 because we don't want to hear the answer.
20:58 But I truly believe feedback is a gift.
21:00 Yeah, even if it's hard feedback,
21:02 even if it's not something we want to hear.
21:04 That's how we get better.
21:05 You know, even in the biggest room,
21:07 there's always room for improvement, I tell people.
21:09 So, you know, be open to feedback,
21:11 but also ask for that feedback,
21:14 ask your direct supervisor, ask the team around you,
21:17 ask people that even know
21:18 who've known you for a long time.
21:20 Hey, what are some areas that
21:21 I could work on or what are some things
21:23 you see about me that
21:24 may affect my leadership in any which direction?
21:26 So asking for feedback, I think will be a huge plus,
21:30 if we see that as a gift.
21:31 Got you.
21:33 And in terms of being a leader,
21:36 how has being
21:37 a leader strengthened your faith?
21:39 Oh, man.
21:41 Yeah, so in many different situations,
21:43 you know, being a leader has taught me that,
21:46 hey, I don't have the answers and it strengthened my faith
21:49 that I have to be
21:50 a representative every single day.
21:53 You can't take a day off as a leader, right?
21:55 You have, you know, downtime,
21:57 right, you have your pay time off,
21:59 but you're always
22:00 on the clock as a leader, you know,
22:02 so your witness, you know,
22:04 whether you like it or not, you know,
22:06 what I'm saying is
22:07 who are you when no one's looking.
22:09 And being that leader,
22:10 you know that integrity piece
22:12 going to what we're talking about earlier,
22:14 it's so important.
22:15 So I do believe that, you know, you need to make sure
22:18 you're aware about your environment,
22:20 you surround yourself.
22:22 But definitely stay connected to church,
22:23 stay connected to God
22:25 because we're all in the same race together.
22:27 We need that community, we need that support.
22:30 And I can't stress enough about
22:34 the power of being connected to God.
22:36 Amen.
22:37 Now, you also do leadership development seminars,
22:40 I don't know when you find
22:41 the time to do all this stuff, but you also do
22:43 leadership development seminars.
22:45 What does that look like?
22:48 Yeah, so, you know, I have a passion.
22:50 I'm a pastor, I have a passion for the church,
22:51 I have a passion for the work getting done.
22:54 And I learned early on,
22:55 you know, through my theology training
22:57 and my pastoral ministry,
22:58 that we have many people in our church
23:00 that want to do God's work, they're excited to do,
23:03 they want to lead,
23:04 but they don't know how to do it,
23:06 or they've been doing it wrong,
23:08 because no one has taught them, right?
23:11 So I enjoy working with church leaders
23:13 and talking about accountability,
23:14 talking about goal setting, right?
23:16 It's not just about we love the Lord
23:18 and as going forward,
23:19 we must do so with precision, with accuracy.
23:24 And we must have a plan and measurable objectives.
23:28 You know, and once we do that,
23:30 we see success, we will have failures.
23:33 But helping leaders understand that guess what,
23:36 there must be order
23:37 in how we approach leadership in the church.
23:40 And I don't believe that, you know,
23:41 people are leaving churches today,
23:43 because they don't believe that you know,
23:44 the gospel, you know,
23:46 it's sometimes lack of organization,
23:47 lack of leadership.
23:48 So I'm able to kind of spend time
23:50 you know, I preach, and I connect with people there
23:52 and inspire them, but I want to move them
23:54 from inspiration to execution.
23:56 Whoa, that is a gem. Say that again.
24:00 It's one thing to be inspired,
24:02 but I want to move leaders from inspiration to execute.
24:05 They're on fire about God.
24:06 They're on fire about the church about ministry,
24:08 but how do we execute on the vision
24:10 He's placed in our hearts?
24:12 Right, so let's start with that vision statement,
24:14 that purpose,
24:15 let's just move to action items,
24:17 action plans so that we can make sure
24:19 we're successful, and the work can continue to happen.
24:22 So that's kind of a highlight of some of the work that I do.
24:24 I truly enjoyed and usually most teams
24:27 I work with, I stay connected with them
24:29 and it's been an enjoyable experience.
24:31 Amen.
24:33 So if somebody wants to check out your website,
24:35 what's your website?
24:36 My website is pierreinspires.com
24:38 I have some resources there.
24:39 A lot of motivational things and my contact information
24:42 there and lots of people
24:43 just want to connect on some ideas,
24:46 tips, and tricks or whatnot.
24:48 And I'd like to make myself available for that.
24:49 Nice.
24:51 And if somebody wants to send you an email,
24:53 they want to schedule you,
24:54 they want to book you for a seminar.
24:57 How do they email you?
24:58 Yes, it's pmonice, my last name,
25:01 pmonice@gmail.com
25:05 Wonderful.
25:06 What tips or strategies
25:09 can you give to our viewers
25:11 to help with their leadership skills?
25:14 Yeah, so number one, you know, just be comfortable
25:16 with who you are, you know,
25:18 accepting for you, God created you,
25:20 you're fearfully and wonderfully made.
25:21 And He's placed a vision on your heart.
25:24 You know, sometimes it's easy to get scared
25:26 but just move forward.
25:27 You know, ask God for that strength
25:29 and just push forward, you will make mistakes,
25:31 but it will be okay in the end.
25:32 Yes, absolutely.
25:34 So, what do you think is next for you?
25:37 What's your goal in your new role
25:40 as president of the hospital?
25:42 Oh, man, I mean, first and foremost,
25:44 I just want to be,
25:45 you know, an ambassador for the kingdom,
25:47 you know, I want to be a light,
25:48 you know, connect, you know,
25:50 and this and healthcare is,
25:51 you know, so much uncertainty.
25:53 You know, so I want to connect with the community,
25:55 work with my team, you know,
25:56 kind of train them and work together
25:59 so that we can improve
26:00 the health outcomes in our community,
26:02 but also inspire, you know,
26:03 people to continue growing in their situations.
26:06 Amen.
26:07 And how have you been
26:09 able to share your faith in the healthcare system?
26:11 Oh, man, you know, honestly, every day just by showing up,
26:14 you know, the way I live my life,
26:15 you know, people ask,
26:17 you know, how come you don't eat this?
26:18 And how come you don't eat that or how come you don't drink,
26:20 you know?
26:21 And it's a simple window into
26:23 I actually I'm Seventh-day Adventist
26:25 and this is what I believe.
26:27 And it went from, oh, okay,
26:29 whatever, to you know, people definitely reaching out
26:32 individually saying,
26:34 hey, you have some recipes on this,
26:35 or, hey, I've been meaning to, you know,
26:38 try this kind of diet or to cut this out
26:40 and just realizing just me being
26:42 open about my faith, and showing that difference
26:45 that has really led to lots of opportunities,
26:47 and lots of exciting stories there.
26:50 That's huge.
26:51 And then there was also a situation
26:53 where I think one of your employees
26:54 came up to you or something,
26:56 and they were like, you know, we love your Sabbath.
26:58 Tell me about that?
27:00 Yeah, great memory. Yeah.
27:01 So, you know, I'm a Seventh-day Adventist,
27:02 I'm not working in an Adventist institution.
27:04 You know, and, you know,
27:06 I take Friday night, the Saturday's off and,
27:08 you know, my, my team realized, like,
27:10 hey, you know, this first time
27:11 we never had a boss bother us,
27:13 you know, on the weekends,
27:14 you know, and that's why it's so,
27:15 well, I'm Seventh-day Adventist,
27:17 you know, it's my Sabbath.
27:18 And now every Monday is, how was your Sabbath?
27:21 We love Sabbath. Yeah, we enjoy the rest.
27:23 I say, yes, the rest is for you as well.
27:25 So that's been so beautiful and growing
27:28 and encouraging them to get rest
27:30 and find rest in Jesus has been a beautiful thing.
27:32 Amen. Amen. That's huge.
27:34 You know, I see the glow about you,
27:36 you've discovered your purpose.
27:38 And that is powerful.
27:40 And that's what we want for everybody.
27:41 So I want to thank you
27:43 for sharing these valuable tips,
27:45 these valuable strategies with us and our viewers.
27:48 And I want to thank you for joining us, you know,
27:51 sharpen your leadership skills,
27:53 read the Bible
27:54 and learn about Christ's method.
27:57 Till next time, bye-bye.


Revised 2021-12-16