Unshackled Purpose

Living Water

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: USP

Program Code: USP210004S

00:01 Have you ever had a thirst that just couldn't be quenched?
00:04 Well, stick around
00:05 because we are going to point you to the one
00:08 that can quench your thirst.
00:14 They try to change us from the outside in,
00:17 and that's never going to work.
00:20 Because I know that no matter
00:21 how hard and cold the exterior may seem,
00:25 I know that inside we hurt.
00:28 So we just want to come and share some hope with you
00:31 and let you know that we love you,
00:33 and that Jesus loves you beyond
00:36 anybody in this world.
00:39 I'm not here today to judge you or condemn you,
00:41 we're today to tell you that we love you
00:43 and we understand the situation that you're in.
00:51 Hello, I'm Jason Bradley,
00:53 and I'm so glad that you decided to join us today
00:56 and learn how you can have that thirst quenched.
00:59 I'm here with my brother,
01:01 Lemuel Vega from Christmas Behind Bars.
01:03 Lemuel, it's always a blessing to hang out with you,
01:06 to be with you as we've gone into the prisons.
01:09 We've gone into all kinds of correctional facilities
01:12 and you've shared practical illustrations and all of that.
01:16 Talk to us today, what's on your heart?
01:18 Well, the reason we share practical illustrations
01:21 is because we just want to simplify the gospel,
01:24 because the gospel is relevant for all people.
01:27 Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
01:29 so whosoever.
01:31 So there's all different layers of people groups.
01:34 There's the smart lawyers and doctors
01:36 and college educated,
01:37 there's folk that maybe got a third grade understanding,
01:40 and there's some people
01:41 that have a learning disability like me.
01:43 You know, when I was in second grade,
01:45 I was all over the classroom,
01:46 they tied me in my seat with a jump rope.
01:48 In third grade I got kicked out of a Christian school
01:50 and a public school, and I just kind of gave up on school.
01:52 But if the teacher would paint a picture
01:54 and I would get it, then I got it.
01:58 And so then that's why I want to share
01:59 with these people the simple terms of the gospel
02:01 because it's not complicated.
02:03 He wants to grow us into the deep,
02:05 internal truths of the Word of God,
02:07 the Bible and scripture,
02:09 but we have to start somewhere.
02:10 That's right.
02:12 And the beginning point is making a surrender and say,
02:13 dear Jesus, please help me.
02:15 And then He begins to come in and enlighten our heart.
02:17 So today, we're talking about living water,
02:20 we're talking about the bread of life,
02:21 we're talking about scripture.
02:23 Do you have scripture you could share with us
02:24 about living water?
02:25 I certainly do.
02:27 This is taken from John 7:37-38, and it says,
02:31 "On the last day, that great day of the feast,
02:34 Jesus stood and cried out saying,
02:37 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
02:40 He who believes in Me as the scripture has said,
02:44 out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
02:47 Rivers of living water.
02:49 Rivers.
02:50 A river is a continual flow, it's not just a little droplet
02:53 and you empty the cup and it's over.
02:55 River is a continuation,
02:57 that's what He wants to flow in and through
02:59 everyone's life to share hope with the others.
03:01 So the animals that come to the river to drink,
03:05 the flowers and the plants that draw from the river,
03:07 so He wants us to be a blessing continually.
03:10 You know, you spoke about the thirst that never quenches.
03:13 Yes.
03:15 You know, and that's what He wants to supply.
03:16 But in the world, you know, we seek a new house,
03:19 a better job, a better car, better kids
03:22 and we think that somehow all these things,
03:24 but they don't never quench internally
03:26 what God wants to do for us.
03:27 Amen?
03:28 That's right. Amen.
03:30 All the materialistic things, yes.
03:31 Materialistic things.
03:33 How did that begin to be quenched in your life,
03:34 my brother?
03:35 It was only when I came back to Christ,
03:37 that's when that was quenched.
03:38 You see, I was raised in the church,
03:39 my mother raised me up in the church.
03:41 And so, you know, the Bible says,
03:42 "Train up a child the way he should go,
03:44 when he grows old, he won't depart from it."
03:45 Amen.
03:47 And in that upbringing,
03:49 in being raised, I knew what I was missing.
03:52 When I walked away from the Lord, years later,
03:55 about 14 years later, I recognized what it was,
03:59 that void that I was trying so desperately to fill,
04:02 I was missing Christ.
04:03 And you had a lot of things by society standards.
04:04 Yes.
04:06 I mean, you were in big cities and doing lots of neat things
04:08 and lots of people who's who.
04:10 And so, when you come to Christ that water,
04:13 living water begin to flow into your life.
04:15 And now you've come to the prisons,
04:16 you've shared your testimony,
04:18 people have come up and said, they could connect,
04:19 identify and now here manager of the Dare to Dream Network.
04:24 To share around the world, that's a river surely flowing.
04:27 Amen.
04:28 For our eternal realities.
04:30 You know, the practical application here today
04:33 is we have a bottle of clean water
04:35 and we have a bottle of dirty water.
04:38 Okay, if I was to ask everybody today,
04:41 would they rather drink the clean water
04:43 or the dirty water?
04:44 Let me see it.
04:46 Well... Clean water.
04:48 Clean water.
04:51 Why is it then,
04:53 if we desire the clean water?
04:58 So that's what we choose, we choose the clean water.
05:01 But then why is it so many times
05:04 we find that we have been drinking the dirty water?
05:09 And then we find ourself incarcerated,
05:11 we find ourselves in terrible situations.
05:14 So we desire,
05:16 so there's a desire for clean water.
05:18 But yet we find ourselves sometimes
05:20 at the broken cisterns of society
05:23 and we're drinking the dirty water.
05:25 Why is that?
05:26 Born with the propensity to sin.
05:30 We're powerless.
05:31 Yeah. Yeah.
05:32 So you can think you want the clean water.
05:34 But we find ourselves drinking the dirty water.
05:37 The remedy as we find ourselves in this condition,
05:41 the remedy is to allow Christ, pray,
05:44 ask God for help in our lives.
05:46 And then what God will do
05:48 is He'll begin to come into our lives
05:51 and He'll bring living water,
05:53 clean water into our life.
05:55 Is the cup clean yet?
05:56 Not yet.
05:57 But what happened?
05:59 They prayed, they wanted right, they asked God for help,
06:02 it's a continuous progression.
06:03 God wants to continue to bless our lives and flow them up.
06:06 Is the cup clean yet?
06:08 Not yet.
06:09 You know what? God got a bigger cup than that.
06:11 You got more water down there?
06:13 I sure do.
06:14 As we continue on in our relationship with Jesus,
06:16 we don't get all cleaned up in one moment,
06:18 in one day, at one time.
06:20 We make a decision to follow Christ
06:22 and we continue to pray,
06:24 we continue to read,
06:25 we continue to study the Word of God
06:27 and we say, "Lord, you know, I need help with my life."
06:29 And we just continue on in that journey.
06:34 Whoa, bro, that cup still ain't clean yet.
06:36 Still not clean yet.
06:38 Do we give up?
06:39 Do we be discouraged on this Christian journey?
06:40 Not at all, we've got to keep going.
06:42 We've got to keep going.
06:43 That's right. Let's keep going.
06:45 Press forward.
06:47 And, you know, we started going to church,
06:48 we started doing the things that's right
06:50 and the cup, it still ain't clean yet.
06:53 Don't be discouraged.
06:55 God's got this.
06:57 As you're willing, He's able.
06:59 Officer, you've got a cup bigger than that cup.
07:02 Would you want to come over here
07:03 and show our audience today, that God's got it?
07:07 You make a decision for Christ,
07:09 we've been drinking the dirty water,
07:10 God's got this.
07:12 I mean, His supply rivers
07:16 of living water,
07:18 so don't give up.
07:20 I tell you what?
07:21 The cup's going to be clean in the end,
07:23 we just have to stay the course,
07:25 continue to surrender daily our life to Christ.
07:28 Is the cup clean?
07:30 It's looking like it's pretty clean now.
07:32 It's looking like it's pretty clean.
07:34 You want to take that out?
07:35 You want to pop out the dirt?
07:36 I got you.
07:38 We ain't done, Officer.
07:40 So the cup is clean and you know what?
07:42 We got tired, we got frustrated,
07:45 we done kicked the dog and cussed out the kids.
07:49 So now, we're real discouraged 'cause our cup was clean,
07:52 now we're real discouraged.
07:53 God's got this.
07:55 Dear Jesus, please help me,
07:57 you know, I've messed up once again
07:59 and He going to continue to work in
08:01 and through our lives.
08:02 Would you read that scripture again?
08:04 Absolutely.
08:06 "On the last day, that great day of the feast,
08:09 Jesus stood and cried out, saying, 'If anyone thirsts,
08:13 let him come to me and drink.
08:15 He who believes in me as the scripture has said,
08:18 out of his heart,
08:19 will flow rivers of living water.'"
08:22 The cup is clean.
08:24 That's powerful.
08:26 That is powerful.
08:28 You know, Brother, I want to share something with you.
08:30 We go to the reception of diagnostic center
08:32 and there's a young man who received a Bible.
08:35 He received a gift package from Christmas Behind Bars,
08:38 thanks to our sponsors,
08:39 thanks to 3ABN for the material.
08:42 This man was transferred, he'd give his life to Christ.
08:45 He realized his cup was dirty, he gave his life to Christ,
08:48 he didn't go into all the details,
08:49 he was transferred to another prison.
08:52 When this man got to the prison,
08:54 he'd taken his Bible,
08:55 which was used that we gave him,
08:57 sponsors had sent to us
08:58 and he started a Bible study group
09:00 in the prison where he went to.
09:02 And he told me,
09:04 I met him personally and he said that
09:06 when he got to that prison,
09:08 he said the only thing he had left
09:10 was some saltine crackers and a pack of Kool-Aid.
09:16 And, Brother, what they did,
09:19 is they got together in their Bible study group
09:22 and they prayed.
09:24 They asked God to bless these.
09:26 They made the Kool-Aid
09:28 and they had communion in the prison.
09:30 Yeah.
09:32 Somebody received the living water,
09:33 he began to share it
09:35 in Bible study groups with others
09:36 and they had communion
09:37 with what was left out of the package.
09:39 Wow.
09:40 How beautiful is that?
09:42 Yeah.
09:43 Would you have something in closing
09:44 or would you have something you like to,
09:46 another scripture there maybe,
09:47 it talks about water or the bread of life
09:48 because Jesus says.
09:51 "And Jesus said to them," this comes from John 6:35,
09:55 "And Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life.
09:58 He who comes to Me shall never hunger
10:01 and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.'"
10:05 And that's the power of the gospel.
10:07 That's why 3ABN is taking this message
10:10 literally around the world.
10:11 That's why Christmas Behind Bars
10:13 endeavors to go to one more prison,
10:15 one more people group,
10:17 to let them know Jesus is the answer,
10:19 He's the one that will cleanse,
10:20 He's the one that will internalize
10:22 and bring into our life the rivers of living water.
10:25 He's the bread that satisfies and we need Bible,
10:28 so we can continue to pass them out,
10:30 that this brother had communion with crackers and Kool-Aid,
10:33 all he had left and had a Bible study group started.
10:36 And so, Jason, I thank you for the many miles
10:38 you've made to come and share your testimony
10:41 with the prisoners.
10:42 We're thankful for our sponsors at home who donate Bibles,
10:45 our Bibles kit is empty, we need more Bibles,
10:48 homemade thinking of you cards
10:49 and so there's lots of ways they can be involved.
10:51 How do people donate Bibles?
10:53 What website do they go to?
10:55 Christmasbehindbars.org
10:57 Christmasbehindbars.org
10:58 You can box them up, send them to us.
11:00 Send them Media Mail, it's half price.
11:02 The used Bibles are amazing because the used Bibles,
11:06 they're usually broken, they're highlighted,
11:09 they're underlined and for someone
11:11 that never started reading the Word of God,
11:13 it's got a place to start
11:15 and it helps them to get started.
11:17 So used Bibles are very well worth
11:20 the time to send them.
11:21 I started at a young age, my parents were both drinkers
11:26 that are deceased now and I should learn from that,
11:30 just recently lost my mother from drinking.
11:32 And that progressed on to an early age,
11:35 I think about 13 and I'm still learning.
11:39 I've been in and out of incarceration
11:41 for drinking, partying.
11:44 Now, I'm getting older,
11:45 I've learnt from years of incarceration
11:48 that's not the choice I need,
11:50 I got five kids and grandchildren now.
11:53 Now, when I walk out of Boone County this time,
11:55 I'm all paperwork and everything after.
11:59 I've been on paperwork for 21 years.
12:01 And when I get out,
12:02 I'm going to join back in the church, I am.
12:05 I want my sobriety
12:06 and I want my children back in my life,
12:09 that's the key thing.
12:10 Many nights crying here, you know, in my pillow,
12:14 it don't make you less of man,
12:16 but you realize what you lost
12:18 when you are in these cold walls.
12:21 I've lost a lot.
12:22 I've had houses, I've had cars, trucks, motorcycles
12:27 and I've traded it all
12:28 in for alcohol and drugs.
12:33 It's a hard lesson to learn.
12:36 I'm really grateful for the chance
12:37 to have a second turn at life at my age.
12:42 I'm ready to get off the drugs and alcohol.
12:46 Well, Christmas Behind Bars is definitely a blessing,
12:49 the literature you guys give us,
12:50 the magazines to read,
12:54 you know, those are really nice.
12:56 It's a blessing that people put in the work
12:57 to give back to us.
13:00 It's to know that, hey, there's life and hope out there
13:02 for us, you know?
13:04 There's somebody thinking about us.
13:05 The cards that, you know, people sign and you read
13:09 and, you know, a lot of people don't get that.
13:11 What would you say to that individual that,
13:13 you know, feels like they've gone too far
13:16 and God can't get a hold of their life?
13:18 What would you say to them?
13:21 I would say that's where the devil wants to keep us.
13:24 The devil wants to keep us dumb down and keep us down
13:26 and that there is no hope
13:27 because if he can keep us from praying.
13:29 What I want to say to that individual is Philippians 4:13,
13:32 it says, "I, we, you, us, that we can do..."
13:36 All things.
13:38 "All."
13:39 A-L-L, how much is entailed in that little word?
13:41 All. All.
13:43 "That we can do all things..."
13:44 "Through Christ..."
13:46 "Through Christ, which..." "Strengthens."
13:48 That's where we'll be renewed,
13:50 is our strength in Jesus Christ.
13:51 Amen.
13:53 He will and He wants to renew our strength.
13:56 Amen.
13:57 So thank you so much for coming on and sharing again today.
14:00 Lemuel, it's always a blessing
14:02 and we hope that this has been blessing to you.
14:04 If you're looking to have your thirst quenched,
14:06 go to Jesus.
14:08 God bless. Amen.


Revised 2021-10-28