Unshackled Purpose

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: USP

Program Code: USP210006S

00:01 Have you ever felt like your life is just a mess
00:04 and everything keeps spilling over?
00:07 Stick around for a shift in your perspective.
00:14 They try to change us from the outside in,
00:16 and that's never going to work.
00:19 Because I know that no matter
00:21 how hard and cold the exterior may seem,
00:24 I know that inside we hurt.
00:27 So we just want to come and share some hope with you
00:30 and let you know that we love you,
00:32 and that Jesus loves you
00:35 beyond anybody in this world.
00:39 I'm not here today to judge you or condemn you,
00:41 we're today to tell you that we love you
00:42 and we understand the situation that you're in.
00:51 Hello, I'm Jason Bradley,
00:53 and I'm so glad that you could join us in our jail cell today
00:55 as I talk to my dear brother Lemuel Vega,
00:58 founder of Christmas Behind Bars.
01:00 Lemuel, why don't you take just a second
01:01 to tell us a little bit about Christmas Behind Bars
01:04 before we go into the illustration
01:06 and all of that?
01:07 You know, Christmas Behind Bars is a ministry
01:09 that started to bring hope
01:11 to men and women behind bars, juveniles as well.
01:14 We make gift packages for people who is incarcerated.
01:17 When you get locked up, you don't bring your soap,
01:20 you don't bring your hygiene bag
01:21 or shower bag from home.
01:23 So when you locked up, you don't have anything.
01:25 They give you a mattress
01:27 and a wool blanket and that's it.
01:28 And these doors are shut, your family is on the outside.
01:32 And so that's why with Christmas Behind Bars,
01:34 yes they appreciate the granola bars
01:36 and the chips and the snacks,
01:38 but the physical stuff toothbrush.
01:40 You know, we take that for granted at home,
01:42 toothbrush, toothpaste and things like that.
01:44 They don't have real towels and things like that,
01:46 you know, but we just want to come.
01:49 The ultimate goal of ministering to these people
01:53 is let them know that no matter how far you've gone,
01:55 no matter how long you've stayed,
01:57 that Jesus will meet you right where you are.
02:00 Amen.
02:01 You don't have to get all cleaned up to come to Jesus,
02:03 you don't get out and take your family to church
02:05 before you come to Jesus.
02:06 You just realize you have a need.
02:09 And when we're in a place like this,
02:11 we got a need.
02:13 Definitely and you know,
02:15 even when you're outside of a place like this,
02:18 there's still a great need.
02:20 And, you know, I remember the time
02:22 when I got arrested when I went to jail.
02:25 And I got there,
02:26 I thought there was going to be a mattress pad in the cell,
02:28 there was no mattress pad or anything like that.
02:31 It wasn't like I was checking into a hotel chain.
02:33 They didn't even give you a blanket?
02:35 No blanket, no mattress pad
02:36 and I had to go to pretrial, so.
02:38 They ripped you off.
02:39 Yeah, I got back,
02:41 we were on lockdown and everything.
02:42 And I got in there and I just saw iron
02:44 and had a sheet.
02:47 And that was it.
02:48 That was it.
02:49 It was a rough night.
02:52 So I started, it started with weed,
02:53 I started smoking a little weed here and there.
02:56 And then I started smoking more weed and more.
02:59 And I was drinking
03:00 and then it started with the ecstasy
03:02 and all of that stuff like it just was a downward spiral.
03:07 And I got sick.
03:09 You see my appendix had ruptured inside of me
03:11 and it's sealed off my intestines
03:13 and those were about to go next.
03:15 I was sitting there lying in that bed,
03:19 in that hospital bed.
03:21 And I remember laying back down on that bed not knowing
03:23 whether or not I was going to live or die
03:25 and saying to God, "God, if you get me out of this,
03:28 I'll change, I'll do something different."
03:31 Because prior going into that hospital,
03:32 I'd started selling drugs too.
03:35 Because God was pulling,
03:37 the Holy Spirit was pulling at my heart
03:39 trying to get a hold of my life.
03:42 And I finally surrendered to Him,
03:44 which was the best decision that I could ever make.
03:48 What I would love to encourage you,
03:50 if you haven't done it already,
03:52 is to give God a chance, to accept God,
03:56 accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior.
03:59 It will make all the difference.
04:02 And I guarantee and His Word guarantees
04:05 that you will not regret it.
04:07 Because look this, this life,
04:11 this is short in the eyes of eternity.
04:13 So where do you want to be?
04:16 Do you know that these people
04:18 that are incarcerated like this though,
04:20 their one goal, their one objective
04:22 is when I get out of here,
04:25 then it's going to be different.
04:27 But the difference got to start in here.
04:28 That's right.
04:30 Now you said a lot of people out there in society
04:32 they don't quite have it together either.
04:33 Mm-hmm. Yeah, we all need Jesus.
04:36 We all need Jesus. We all need Jesus.
04:37 There are some people that are incarcerated
04:39 that are freer inside
04:41 than people that are on the outside
04:43 because they're held in that bondage of sin.
04:46 Amen, brother.
04:47 You know, I went back to the prison
04:48 where I was incarcerated.
04:50 And I walked all the way down the range
04:51 and I went to the last cell
04:52 because it was my first time back
04:54 in the prison where I've been.
04:55 And I went to the last cell
04:57 and I didn't know what to tell the guy and I said,
04:58 "I am so sorry that you're in here
05:00 over the holidays."
05:01 He walked over to the back of his cell.
05:05 He picked up his Bible and he walked up to the front
05:08 and we were having the conversation.
05:09 He said, "I am thankful that I was incarcerated."
05:12 He said, "I now have a relationship with Jesus."
05:14 Yes.
05:15 And he was happier, just like you said inside
05:18 the facility rather than being free
05:20 and the society standards.
05:21 You know, Jason, you've went with us
05:23 to many jails and prisons
05:24 and we share analogies
05:26 to make the practical life's applications
05:29 of a relationship with Jesus.
05:30 That's right. And it's got to be simple.
05:32 And because I was a simple minded boy,
05:33 when I was coming up and if I didn't,
05:35 I just didn't get it, you know.
05:36 And so, if you were to give an inmate one of these cups
05:41 and you ask the whole audience, 200 inmates to come up,
05:44 which cup do you think they would take?
05:46 Well, considering the fact
05:47 that they've been stripped of everything.
05:48 Yeah. They're going to want the bigger cup.
05:50 The big cup because they could use that for a lot of things.
05:52 That's right.
05:53 Okay, so the individual chose the big cup.
05:55 Officer, there, you got some water available here.
05:58 I'd like you to fill this cup for me for this analogy.
06:01 So you get the big cup and we fill that baby up.
06:03 And we just, that's how it is.
06:04 So we got a big cup, we got what we wanted.
06:08 But wait a minute.
06:12 You know, in life sometimes we seek those kinds of things
06:17 and then we find it's empty.
06:19 That's right.
06:21 So all of the life we've been seeking to fill that big cup
06:24 but a relationship with Jesus
06:26 and maybe they've committed their life to Christ,
06:29 I know there are audience of 200, 300 inmates
06:31 and maybe they haven't.
06:32 So for those that haven't, if you just tell them to try,
06:35 try the little, try and ask Jesus for help.
06:37 Can you put some water in there for me, brother?
06:40 You know, as we begin a journey with Jesus,
06:42 it's a little bit at a time.
06:44 Yeah.
06:45 It's fresh water.
06:47 It's not broken, the cisterns aren't broken.
06:49 The cisterns of society are broken.
06:52 But our relationship with Jesus
06:54 continues to fill that inward part.
06:57 And then we as Christians,
06:58 we are able to reach out and share that hope
07:01 that we have with our children,
07:02 our families, our community.
07:04 And what 3ABN is doing
07:06 is sharing the hope of God around the world.
07:08 And Christmas Behind Bars,
07:10 we continue to go in to these places.
07:12 And our cup is overflowing.
07:14 We can promise each one of those individuals
07:16 to come out to the programs of Christmas Behind Bars,
07:19 that there is hope for their lives at all.
07:21 Do you have a scripture that goes along with that?
07:24 Absolutely.
07:26 Psalm 23:5-6, it says, "You prepare a table before me
07:32 in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil,
07:35 My cup runs over."
07:37 Cup runneth over. That's right.
07:39 "Surely goodness and mercy
07:41 shall follow me all the days of my life,
07:43 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
07:47 That's where I want to be.
07:48 I want to be in the house of the Lord.
07:50 Brother, you got a scripture that talks about
07:52 the smart man and the foolish man.
07:54 Yes, building your house on the rock.
07:57 In Matthew 7:24, beginning in verse 24, it says,
08:02 "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine and does them,
08:06 I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock
08:10 and the rain descended,
08:12 the floods came and the winds blew
08:14 and beat on that house and it did not fall,
08:17 for it was founded on the rock.
08:19 But everyone who hears these sayings
08:21 of mine and does not do them
08:24 will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand
08:28 and the rain descended,
08:29 the floods came and the winds blew
08:32 and beat on that house and it fell
08:35 and great was its fall."
08:38 Thank you, officer.
08:40 I want to be like the wise man.
08:41 I want to listen to what God says
08:43 and implement what He is saying
08:45 because I don't want my house to fall.
08:47 I want a firm foundation.
08:48 And I think that's important.
08:50 The beauty of the gospel is they will begin sharing
08:52 that with their children.
08:54 They'll reach out as they come to know who Jesus is.
08:56 And I've tried to encourage them,
08:58 I say when you call home
08:59 and tell your family you gave your heart to Jesus.
09:02 I said, don't be discouraged if they tell you boy,
09:04 I heard that before.
09:05 Or you said that the last time you.
09:07 I said don't stop there.
09:08 Just keep on studying
09:10 and seeking God's will for their lives.
09:12 That's right. That's right there.
09:14 Don't be discouraged by that.
09:15 Some people try and say, "Oh, it's jailhouse religion." No.
09:18 Like if you know, God's bringing
09:20 about that genuine transformation
09:22 in the heart continued pressing down that path
09:24 and don't give up for sure.
09:26 Amen.
09:27 You know, brother, when I got out of prison,
09:28 after years in a maximum security prison.
09:30 I really want to change.
09:32 I got out and I really tried to change
09:35 and it lasted for a little bit.
09:37 I mean, the outward change was okay for a little bit.
09:42 But then I got to look around at all the people
09:44 that had fancy clothes and fancy cars and boats
09:47 and jet skis and all this stuff.
09:49 I said, "Man, I know how to get stuff."
09:52 But I was stuffless, I was hopeless.
09:55 At 35 years old,
09:56 I went to treatment for the first time in my life.
09:58 And the doctors they tell me
10:00 with all their college education,
10:02 they said, "You need to take this methadone pill,
10:04 you need to take this antabuse pill,
10:06 you need to."
10:08 I said, "No, dude, I don't need,
10:09 I want off this train to destruction."
10:12 So at that point in our lives
10:14 when we realize that it's internal change.
10:15 Yes.
10:16 When we realize
10:18 we can try and try and try and try to we just,
10:19 we so tired of trying, we give up, you know.
10:23 But our relationship with Jesus,
10:24 He accepts us right where we are,
10:26 no matter how deep it may seem,
10:28 no matter how yucky it may be,
10:30 no matter how empty you may feel.
10:32 When we come to Jesus and say, "Dear Jesus please help me.
10:34 I've messed up again.
10:36 I'm in a place I don't want to be.
10:38 Will You help me?"
10:39 And that's what we want our viewers to know.
10:40 Would you share with our viewers
10:42 that wherever they are on this spectrum,
10:43 they may not have to be incarcerated,
10:45 but that that joy may run and be filling their life.
10:48 Yeah, you know, Lemuel,
10:49 when I gave my heart to the Lord.
10:51 I felt a genuine joy, a genuine peace.
10:55 It wasn't just happiness,
10:57 which is like a fleeting emotion.
10:58 It was long lasting joy, it was peace.
11:02 It was purpose,
11:03 there was so much more that I felt and I experienced
11:08 as a result of my relationship with Christ.
11:10 And, you know, the world tries to fill us
11:13 with these temporary things
11:15 that, you know, may satisfy us for a moment.
11:18 But when we accept Christ
11:19 as our personal Lord and Savior,
11:21 when we walk in His ways, when we learn more about Him
11:24 and cultivate that relationship with Him,
11:27 we grow, we grow in that.
11:30 And to experience peace,
11:32 which passeth all understanding in a world
11:35 where so much is going on, so much struggle and strife,
11:38 so much pain, so much suffering so much sorrow.
11:40 Right.
11:41 But yet you still have peace.
11:43 It only comes from God.
11:44 We can't categorize peace.
11:46 We can't dictionary it.
11:48 We can't get it out of a college degree.
11:51 It's the peace that you said, that passes all understanding.
11:56 That's right.
11:57 When you gave your heart to the Lord, what happened?
12:01 Did you get that joy?
12:02 Did you get that peace?
12:04 What happened is I said, "Dear Jesus, please help me,
12:05 I want to quit but I can't."
12:07 Yeah.
12:08 And I was thinking drug addiction.
12:10 "Lord, will You help me with that?"
12:11 And He began to help me with that problem.
12:13 I still had withdrawals. It was pain.
12:15 It was awful. It was terrible.
12:16 It was a nightmare.
12:18 But day by day, I got a little more hope.
12:21 I began to get a little more peace.
12:22 I began to have purpose in my life.
12:24 And I resigned from my factory job.
12:26 I cried, I filled out a two page resignation.
12:28 I resigned because of the drugs and the alcohol.
12:30 And now I said, "Lord, I need a job."
12:33 I prayed ask God to help me with drug addiction.
12:34 I said, "Lord, I need a job."
12:36 And God gave me a job.
12:37 And you know, now I'm selling groceries door to door
12:39 to the Amish people.
12:41 And I had all these snacks and chips
12:42 and granola bars and things.
12:44 And it was the pastor's wife to have the idea
12:46 of going down to the local county jail just like this.
12:49 Brother, they were little packages,
12:50 they were little lunch sized package,
12:52 had an apple, a granola bar, loaf.
12:53 But the joy that we got going down there
12:56 because we knew Christ was the answer.
12:58 No matter what you struggle with,
12:59 no matter why you're incarcerated.
13:01 Yes. He's the answer.
13:03 And, brother, it grew to two jail
13:05 and five jail and 10 jail.
13:06 And now we can't, we have never tried to number
13:09 the amount of packages that we made,
13:11 but we need sponsorship for Bibles.
13:13 We need sponsorship for these packages.
13:15 How do people sponsor that?
13:17 Well they could get online christmasbehindbars.org
13:20 They could send their Bibles
13:21 to Christmas Behind Bars, new or used Bibles.
13:23 They could buy a pallet of soap for us
13:25 that we can give all the inmates soap.
13:27 They could buy a toothbrush.
13:28 I mean, just a lot of different ways,
13:29 homemade thinking of you cards.
13:31 Yes.
13:32 But we need to partners with us
13:34 for that furtherance of the kingdom.
13:35 And that means a whole lot to someone
13:36 that's incarcerated, correct?
13:38 Amen.
13:39 Something really simple. Amen, brother.
13:41 Thank you. Yes, yes.
13:42 Well, thank you so much, Lemuel.
13:43 Thank you for all that you're doing
13:45 and taking the gospel behind the walls of the prisons
13:48 to those men and women that are incarcerated.
13:51 We thank you and 3ABN for all your support.
13:53 Yes, sir.
13:54 And we just want to thank you
13:56 for your support of Christmas Behind Bars,
13:58 for your support of 3ABN
14:01 and making these programs possible.
14:04 Until next time, God bless.


Revised 2021-11-18