3ABN Worship Hour

Prophetic Forecast Cloudy with a Chance of Sunday

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO200005S

00:25 Hello, 3ABN friends and family,
00:27 welcome back to 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:31 It's a blessing to have you joining us
00:32 here another week to indeed
00:34 worship our Lord and Savior in spirit and in truth.
00:38 Today we have a very, very special message entitled,
00:42 "Prophetic Forecast,
00:44 Cloudy with a Chance of Sunday Law."
00:47 That's right.
00:48 We're going to be talking about
00:50 some deep prophetic themes this morning.
00:51 And we hope that you stick with us but until then,
00:53 we're going to now take time to uplift the Lord in praise
00:57 and prayer with our good friend,
00:58 Tim Parton.
01:14 Lord, listen to Your Children praying
01:21 Lord, send Your Spirit In this place
01:28 Lord, listen to Your Children praying
01:34 Send us love, send us pow'r
01:38 Send us grace
01:43 Something's gonna happen
01:45 Like the world has never known
01:49 When the people of the Lord
01:52 Get down to pray
01:57 A door's gonna swing open
01:59 And the walls Come a-tumbling down
02:03 When the people of the Lord
02:07 Get down to pray
02:11 So let's take time to pray.
02:15 Father God, listen to Your children pray.
02:22 I want to pray for the protection
02:23 and safety of Your children.
02:27 Those who are watching,
02:28 those who have sent in requests,
02:31 Father, for the one who someone has threatened
02:34 to take her life.
02:38 Oh, God, guard her, protect her.
02:42 Father, someone is asking for the safety
02:45 of Seventh-day Adventist leaders,
02:47 pastors, the doctors, nurses and medical staff
02:51 of the Adventist hospitals.
02:55 God, I thank You for Your safety.
02:59 Viewers asking prayer for the sister who is coughing.
03:05 And she's the overseer of her mother's care.
03:11 Father, so many are at a loss right now.
03:15 Not knowing how to take care of family members far away,
03:20 or even those nearby that they can't go see.
03:24 Lord, we're depending on You.
03:30 Father, for those who are requesting prayer
03:32 for the Philippine medical staff,
03:36 who are infected with the virus.
03:40 And the people can't afford not to work.
03:42 Lord, You know, many who are in this shape.
03:48 They need Your resources.
03:50 They need Your provision, oh God.
03:52 They need Your healing.
03:56 Father, for the mother who is asking that
04:00 her children will give their hearts to You.
04:05 Lord, we all have people in our lives
04:09 that we want to see.
04:14 Enter into the ark of safety,
04:19 so that we can spend eternity with them.
04:24 Oh, God, hear our prayer, listen to our hearts' cry.
04:28 No matter where we are,
04:30 we cry out to You for a Father's help.
04:34 We are feeble. We are frail humanity.
04:39 We're easily overwhelmed by life.
04:43 God, guide us into Your presence
04:45 where we are safe and sheltered.
04:50 Lord, You are a paradise of protection to us.
04:57 You lift us high above the conflict of life.
05:04 Father, You are Lord, You are Creator God,
05:10 and we bless Your name.
05:13 Thank you for Your goodness.
05:18 You know my desire to love and serve You.
05:22 I'm grateful, Lord,
05:24 for the inheritance of rich treasures
05:25 that You've given.
05:28 Thank You for a full and abundant life.
05:31 We claim it, oh, Lord.
05:34 Thank You for the blessed hope of life with You forever.
05:37 Thank You, Father, for providing that.
05:42 And for those who are watching,
05:43 oh, God, guard them with Your unending,
05:49 unfailing love.
05:57 Lord, listen to Your Children praying
06:06 Lord, send Your Spirit In this place
06:15 Lord, listen to Your Children praying
06:22 Send us love, send us pow'r
06:26 Send us grace
06:33 Send us love Send us power
06:37 Send us grace
06:58 Thank you, Tim. That was, was beautiful.
07:01 It really, really set the mood.
07:04 Before we go any further,
07:05 let us go to the Lord in prayer.
07:09 Father in Heaven,
07:11 Lord, our prayer is simple, we get genuine.
07:18 Lord, we need the leading guiding power
07:19 of Your Spirit right now
07:22 would fill me with Your Spirit that the words that I speak,
07:26 the words that I teach and preach today
07:30 are from You God,
07:31 and not from my frail mind.
07:34 Lord, we thank You so much
07:36 for the opportunity to worship You
07:37 this morning in spirit and in truth.
07:41 That's our goal, Father.
07:44 Open Your Word in our hearts and minds this morning.
07:48 And may the message that we hear today
07:49 never be forgotten,
07:52 but may we all band together in unity,
07:54 to declare this message until Jesus comes.
07:58 We praise You and we thank You
08:00 for the opportunity to be here today.
08:02 And we ask this in Jesus' holy name, amen.
08:05 Amen.
08:09 Prophetic forecast,
08:12 cloudy with a chance of not meatballs,
08:17 but, of course, Sunday law.
08:21 This is a message that is not really heard that often.
08:25 Not that necessarily we have those
08:27 who are trying to purposely hide it
08:29 or keep from talking about it,
08:30 but it's just one of those messages
08:32 that we yet to look forward to see
08:34 how it's going to unfold.
08:36 We are indeed today going to be talking about
08:39 what the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy,
08:41 even as much as some of the news outlets
08:45 and different organizations around us are saying about
08:48 this Sunday sacredness movement.
08:51 And I believe that
08:52 this is a very, very powerful message
08:55 that needs to be delivered today.
08:56 We all need to be paying attention
08:59 to the prophet message on this topic
09:01 because we know and we have been told that
09:03 this is indeed coming.
09:05 I want to start this off
09:06 with kind of a very interesting public statement
09:10 that was made by a mayor in Ontario, Canada.
09:14 He's a politician.
09:16 And obviously he has some influence.
09:18 And he released this public statement
09:20 via his Twitter account,
09:22 and I'm going to quote him at this moment.
09:23 These are his words.
09:25 Notice what he says here,
09:26 "Just putting this out there for consideration:
09:30 Once we kick COVID-19's butt, I'd suggest that
09:36 everything be closed on Sunday's
09:39 again so that we can appreciate
09:41 the importance of what taking a pause
09:43 in our busy lives really means.
09:46 I think our body, mind and soul would thank us."
09:52 Very interesting indeed.
09:54 We see this often occur
09:56 where we have public officials' article statements
10:00 that are made often
10:02 by religious leaders or influential people
10:04 around our world that we're seeing more and more of this,
10:06 especially over the past few decades
10:08 of people talking about
10:10 the importance of observing Sunday.
10:13 And I just want to state for the record,
10:16 we as Seventh-day Adventists,
10:17 I know me as a Seventh-day Adventists
10:18 I believe in worshiping the Lord every single day.
10:22 And we want to make that very, very, very clear.
10:25 The Sabbath is indeed in the Bible,
10:27 the seventh day of the week.
10:28 And we also want to make that clear
10:30 that while we should worship God every single day,
10:33 as we're going to talk about today,
10:35 we know that the biblical seventh day Sabbath
10:37 is Saturday and not Sunday,
10:40 but yet there seems to be this gradual move,
10:43 there seems to be this movement occurring,
10:45 kind of behind closed doors or underneath the surface
10:49 that has people thinking in the direction
10:51 of maybe bringing about a movement,
10:54 legislation laws that will put this into place
10:57 in which everyone must observe Sunday
11:01 as a day of rest, as a holy day of observance.
11:06 Now, the reason why I feel that
11:07 this is important to talk about is because first of all,
11:11 I feel personally convicted
11:12 that all of these prophetic themes in the Bible,
11:15 not just this one but all of them
11:16 should be declared in these last days.
11:18 We know that the three angels' messages
11:20 of Revelation 14 are going to the entire world
11:23 and God's remnant people
11:25 who are full of the Holy Spirit in the last days,
11:27 they will rise up
11:28 and they will preach this message,
11:30 including giving out the warning
11:32 and the clear message that there are Sunday laws
11:35 that will come that will be passed
11:37 and we will have to make a decision otherwise.
11:40 In fact, I want to read a statement right now.
11:42 This is found in the Review and Herald, December 24, 1889.
11:48 Notice this very powerful statement.
11:51 It says, "There are many who are at ease,
11:54 who are, as it were, asleep.
11:57 They say, 'If prophecy
11:59 has foretold the enforcement of Sunday observance,
12:03 the law will surely be enacted,'
12:05 and having come to this conclusion,
12:07 they sit down in a calm expectation of the event,
12:12 comforting themselves with the thought that God
12:15 will protect His people in the day of trouble.
12:19 But God will not save us
12:21 if we make no effort to do the work
12:23 He has committed to our charge."
12:26 And then it goes on to say, "As faithful watchman,
12:30 you should see the sword coming
12:32 and give the warning,
12:34 that men and women may not pursue a course
12:37 through ignorance that they would avoid
12:40 if they knew the truth."
12:43 And so, again, as I said before while, yes,
12:45 we have men and women and brethren
12:47 within our movement that have risen up,
12:49 that are teaching this message.
12:50 Some are a little hesitant to declare such a message
12:54 or to talk about this Sunday law
12:55 because when you start talking about Sunday laws
12:58 that haven't yet take place, obviously,
13:00 there's going to be some speculation
13:02 from others around you.
13:03 Perhaps maybe we have visitors
13:05 who are sitting in our congregations
13:07 from Sabbath to Sabbath,
13:08 and we just choose not to talk about this subject
13:10 because we don't want to offend someone,
13:12 or we don't want to bring about a fear,
13:15 or maybe make people think that
13:17 we're weird by talking about such things.
13:19 But nonetheless, my friends,
13:21 we are counseled in the Spirit of Prophecy,
13:23 that we are to raise the banner of truth,
13:25 that we are to sound the alarm,
13:27 and that now while we have an opportunity
13:30 during this time of peace,
13:31 and I know that kind of sounds contradicting
13:34 or counteractive to talk about a time of peace
13:36 with all of this COVID-19
13:38 and all this happening around us,
13:39 but yet we know we are not living
13:41 in what the Bible calls the time of trouble,
13:44 that will be so much far worse than
13:45 what we are going through now.
13:47 Again, that is not to spark fear.
13:49 That is not to spark anxiety or worry into the hearts,
13:52 but rather bring about an awakening of God's people
13:55 that we may be awake and aware of the times
13:58 that we're living in, that we make
13:59 keep a watchful eye of the things
14:01 that are happening around us,
14:02 so that when we see these things happening,
14:04 as Jesus said, we will know that
14:06 His coming is very near.
14:09 Now, before we go any further,
14:10 I just want to establish some prophetic foundation
14:15 for what I'm going to be talking about today.
14:17 Many of you may consider this to be reviewed,
14:19 many of you may consider this to be something
14:20 that you already know.
14:21 But there may be someone watching right now that says,
14:23 "You know what?
14:24 I'm hearing this for the very first time."
14:26 And as I said in the beginning of this sermon,
14:29 this message is for everyone.
14:31 The message of a coming Sunday law
14:34 and the cloudy times that we're living in,
14:36 we know that this is not just for Seventh-day Adventists.
14:40 This is for the entire world as the three angels' messages
14:43 go to the entire world,
14:45 all nations, languages and tongues.
14:48 And so I want to begin talking about the prophetic skeleton,
14:52 the very foundation of how we come to this message
14:55 and where we are in declaring this Sunday law movement
14:58 that will be up on us very soon.
15:01 I want to start in the Book of Daniel Chapter 7.
15:04 And it's very interesting when you start reading
15:06 the opening verses of Daniel 7
15:07 because Daniel obviously is in vision,
15:10 and he sees some rather interesting things.
15:12 He sees as he's standing on the edge of the sea,
15:15 and he's looking out on the embankment there.
15:17 He's looking out at the sea, and he sees this lion come up
15:20 out of the water,
15:22 with obviously a double or a set of wings.
15:25 So a one winged lion, rather interesting figure.
15:28 But as this lion begins to fade away coming up,
15:31 out of that same water
15:32 comes a bear with three ribs in its mouth,
15:35 and it's raised up on one side.
15:38 And then, of course,
15:40 as that bear's fading away in the distance,
15:42 there comes another interesting
15:43 creature up out of that same water,
15:45 a four headed leopard, a leopard with four heads,
15:50 and it has not just a pair of wings,
15:52 but a double set of wings.
15:55 And then as that third animal
15:57 or beast is fading in the distance,
16:01 we see a fourth beast come about.
16:07 Daniel isn't even able to describe
16:09 or actually give a proper name to this fourth beast.
16:12 He just describes him as being terrible, dreadful,
16:15 more powerful
16:16 than any other beast before him,
16:18 destroying all the others in its path and, of course,
16:22 bringing about a world dominant movement
16:25 that would change the world forevermore.
16:27 Now, we need not go very far as to know
16:29 what these beasts represent
16:31 because right there in the 7th Chapter of Daniel,
16:33 we're told that these beasts represent kings
16:35 which obviously have kingdoms.
16:37 So these are powerful world dominant empires
16:41 from Daniels' day all the way down
16:43 to the very end of the world.
16:45 And we know that lion to simply represent the kingdom
16:47 of Babylon,
16:49 because it makes very clear to us
16:51 in constitution with or in parallel
16:53 with Daniel Chapter 2, we know that
16:55 the head of gold
16:56 was indeed the kingdom of Babylon.
16:58 Also coming after Babylon represented by the chest
17:01 and arms of silver in Daniel 2,
17:03 as well as the bear with three ribs in its mouth
17:07 coming up would obviously be the kingdom of Medo-Persia.
17:11 And then, of course, we have the third kingdom
17:13 that came after the Medes and the Persians,
17:15 which was the kingdom of Greece,
17:17 which is represented by the belly
17:18 and thighs of bronze in Daniel Chapter 2,
17:20 as well as the four headed beast there in,
17:25 or the four headed leopard in Daniel Chapter 7.
17:27 And then interestingly enough,
17:29 you come in Daniel Chapter 2 to these legs of iron,
17:32 which proceeded to the feet.
17:34 And then, of course, obviously in Daniel Chapter 7,
17:37 this horrible, dreadful,
17:38 terrible beast that has iron teeth.
17:41 There's no doubt which nation came
17:43 after the nation of Greece as a world dominant empire.
17:45 We're talking about the empire of Rome,
17:48 the pagan influence of Rome.
17:51 But I didn't bring you here to talk about
17:52 all of those individual beasts.
17:54 I want to bring your attention
17:56 to what comes after this fourth beast
17:58 'cause Daniel's attention,
18:00 his attention is brought to the head
18:02 of this fourth beast.
18:03 It's almost as if God hits the zoom button on the camera,
18:06 he zooms in on the head of this fourth beast
18:08 and he sees a little horn.
18:10 Notice Daniel 7:8, the Bible says,
18:15 "I was considering the horns, and there was another horn,
18:18 a little one coming up among them,
18:21 before whom three of the first horns
18:23 were plucked out by the roots.
18:25 And there, in the horn,
18:27 were the eyes like the eyes of a man,
18:29 and a mouth speaking, pompous words" or great things.
18:33 And so it's very interesting
18:35 to consider that also in Daniel Chapter 7,
18:37 we're not to speculate
18:39 as to what these horns represent.
18:40 They also represent small divisional kingdoms
18:44 within the larger empire of Rome.
18:47 So this little horn would represent
18:49 a small kingdom.
18:50 I recognize this is probably review for many,
18:53 but nonetheless this is vitally important
18:55 as we consider and talk about
18:56 this coming Sunday law movement,
18:59 this legislation that we're told
19:00 is going to happen.
19:02 We must understand this
19:03 at its roots, at its foundation.
19:05 Notice what Daniel also says about
19:07 this little horn in Daniel 7:25.
19:11 He says, "He shall speak pompous words
19:14 against the Most High,
19:16 and shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
19:19 and shall intend to change times and law.
19:22 Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time
19:25 and times and half a time."
19:29 So very interestingly here, you see that
19:32 there's a little bit more detail
19:33 given about this little horn.
19:35 He's speaking great words against the Most High,
19:38 that would be Jesus, that would be God, right?
19:40 Obviously, he's going on to persecute
19:44 the saints of God's people, obviously, God's people,
19:47 the saints, he's persecuting them.
19:49 And then it goes on to say that he intends
19:51 or thinks to change times and law,
19:53 and we do not need to wonder
19:54 as to what type of times and laws
19:56 or law this is talking about
19:58 because the theme of this chapter,
19:59 of course, is God, he's attacking God,
20:02 he's speaking against God, he's wearing out
20:04 and persecuting the saints of God.
20:06 And therefore, it begs for us to conclude that
20:10 this law that he thinks he has the power to change
20:12 is none other than God's holy law,
20:15 the Ten Commandments.
20:17 And there just happens to be
20:18 a special commandment within those ten,
20:21 not more important than any of the others,
20:23 but it just so happens to deal with time.
20:25 And, of course, that would be the Sabbath commandment,
20:28 the fourth commandment of the Ten Commandments.
20:31 Now, the reason why I'm bringing this out
20:32 is because you can just simply do some research
20:37 and you will find that most biblical scholars today
20:39 agree that this little horn of Daniel Chapter 7,
20:43 and he's also brought up again in Daniel Chapter 8.
20:46 We've seen there, desecrating the temple
20:49 and casting truth to the ground.
20:51 Most biblical scholars today and theologians agree
20:54 that this little horn is no doubt
20:56 the Antichrist of Bible prophecy.
20:59 Now, they may not agree
21:00 on the identity of that little horn.
21:03 But there's no doubt in their mind that
21:05 this little horn power
21:06 is the Antichrist of Bible prophecy.
21:10 Now, I made mention of that because we're going to skip
21:13 over now to the Book of Revelation.
21:15 And you will see this
21:16 same power rears its head in John's day.
21:19 In other words,
21:20 John is shown in vision a beast,
21:23 and we know that this is an Antichrist power
21:26 by looking at the descriptions given.
21:28 I want to start in Revelation Chapter 13,
21:30 beginning with verses 1 and 2.
21:32 Notice what the Bible says here.
21:34 He says, "Then I stood up on the sand of the sea,"
21:36 just as Daniel did.
21:38 "And I saw a beast,"
21:40 now this is just one singular beast,
21:42 "rising up out of the sea,"
21:43 and then notice the description,
21:45 "having seven heads and ten horns,
21:47 and on his horns ten crowns,
21:49 and on his heads a blasphemous name.
21:53 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard,
21:56 his feet were like the feet of a bear,
21:58 his mouth like the mouth of a lion.
21:59 The dragon gave him his power,
22:01 his throne, and his great authority."
22:04 So just kind of right in these opening verses here
22:07 we see that this beast is quite different
22:10 than some of the beasts that were mentioned
22:12 obviously in Daniel Chapter 7.
22:14 However, it's interesting to note
22:16 that this one singular beast of Revelation 13
22:18 seems to be an amalgamation
22:20 of all of the beasts of Daniel Chapter 7,
22:23 because we have, again, a lion, a bear
22:25 and a leopard mentioned there in Daniel 7
22:27 of which this one beast
22:29 in Revelation 13 is comprised of.
22:31 And so that being said,
22:33 if you continue on, you start to, you kind of just,
22:36 you're able to dial in the identity of who this is,
22:39 and how it's connected to Daniel 7's little horn,
22:42 when you go on to read in verse 5
22:44 of Revelation Chapter 13.
22:46 So we're going to read Revelation 13:5-8.
22:49 Notice what the Bible says, "And he was given
22:51 a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies,"
22:54 there it is again,
22:56 "and he was given authority to continue forty-two months.
23:00 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God,"
23:04 very similar to the little horn,
23:06 "to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle,
23:09 and those who dwell in heaven.
23:12 It was granted to him to make war with the saints,"
23:15 so there it is, persecuting the saints,
23:17 "and to overcome them.
23:19 And authority was given him over every tribe,
23:21 tongue, and nation.
23:23 All who dwell on the earth will worship him,
23:26 whose names have not been
23:27 written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain
23:30 from the foundation of the world."
23:33 So, my friends, this power is not some little
23:36 willy-nilly little system on a corner
23:39 of some street somewhere,
23:40 we're talking about a world dominant system.
23:44 And again, most biblical scholars
23:46 and theologians would agree that
23:47 this power is no doubt a replica,
23:50 an extension of what we see in Daniel 7
23:53 in this little horn.
23:54 We're talking about
23:56 the Antichrist of Bible prophecy.
23:57 And at this point,
23:59 I don't think I need to even hold back any further
24:01 of simply placing the proper identity upon
24:04 who this power is, because we are no doubt
24:07 talking about the Roman papal church state.
24:10 We're talking about
24:11 the Roman Catholic Church system.
24:14 And you'll notice that I said system,
24:16 because we know that God is not at war with people.
24:18 He loves all of His people.
24:20 And I believe with all my heart that God has
24:22 good, wonderful people in the Catholic Church.
24:25 So we're not talking about people necessarily.
24:27 We're talking about a system that is carried out,
24:30 yes, by many different individuals.
24:32 But this system is counterfeit to God's kingdom agenda.
24:36 We know that
24:38 this is very Antichrist in nature.
24:40 And so we see here that
24:41 this Roman papal church state system,
24:44 and there's a lot that I could have said about
24:46 these individual details of these passages,
24:48 but I want to continue on to the meat
24:49 of this particular sermon today,
24:52 because we want to get or dive a little deeper into
24:54 what we're talking about in reference
24:55 to how this beast power is going to bring about
24:59 a Sunday observance movement and put it into law
25:03 or influence it to be put into law.
25:06 I just want to note here
25:07 at the end of verse 2 of Revelation 13,
25:10 and I'm just simply referencing this.
25:12 It says, "The dragon gave him his power,
25:15 his throne, and great authority."
25:18 We know that the dragon
25:19 is none other than the devil himself.
25:21 So this Roman papal church state
25:23 system is indeed created
25:26 and established and empowered by the devil himself.
25:32 Now, when you read through Revelation Chapter 13,
25:34 you're going to come to a second beast.
25:38 So when we identify the first beast,
25:40 we're talking about
25:41 the Roman papal church state system.
25:43 But when you read on down
25:45 onto verse 11 of Revelation Chapter 13,
25:47 John sees in vision a second beast,
25:49 not coming up out of the sea, but coming up out of the earth.
25:54 And we know that in the timeframe
25:56 as the Book of Revelation Chapter 13 tells us that
25:59 this first beast was given a deadly wound.
26:03 He eventually saw that
26:04 this deadly wound would be healed.
26:07 Now, when the deadly wound was given,
26:09 we know that that was in and around 1798,
26:12 when the Pope of Rome
26:13 was taken captive and arrested by
26:16 Napoleon Bonaparte's General Berthier,
26:18 and we read there in history
26:20 and we see that the Catholic Church,
26:21 their political authority was taken away.
26:23 Their great worldwide
26:25 dominant influence was taken away
26:26 for a moment in time,
26:28 and they were simply just another church system.
26:32 But when you get to verse 11 of Revelation 13,
26:35 and you see the second beast coming up out of the earth,
26:38 you start to see another world dominant power
26:41 come into existence.
26:42 And I'm not even going to hide this at all,
26:44 because we know very clearly that
26:46 this is none other according to the timeframe
26:48 one coming up out of the earth, a sparsely populated area,
26:52 we're talking about none other than the nation,
26:54 the worldwide empire
26:56 of the United States of America.
26:59 And here's where it gets even more interesting.
27:02 In Revelation 13:12, speaking of this second beast,
27:07 the United States superpower.
27:09 Notice it says in verse 12, "And he exercises
27:12 all of the authority
27:14 of the first beast in his presence,
27:16 and causes the earth and those who dwell in
27:19 it to worship the first beast,
27:21 whose deadly wound was healed."
27:25 Now, I have to say for the record,
27:26 that deadly wound, even as I speak,
27:29 is not completely healed as of yet,
27:32 but it has been healing since 1929
27:36 when the Italian president Mussolini
27:38 gave back to the Catholic Church system
27:41 their religio-political influence and power.
27:44 In other words, they became another great state,
27:46 another empire to be able to rule
27:49 and to give great influence among our world.
27:52 And so there verse 12
27:53 of Revelation Chapter 13 tells us
27:54 very clearly that the United States of America
27:58 and the papacy,
28:00 the first beast of Revelation 13,
28:02 the great Antichrist of Bible prophecy,
28:04 they're going to unite in the last days,
28:07 they're going to create an alliance.
28:09 And we know very clearly that they're going to work together
28:12 to enforce worship, a system of worship.
28:16 Notice verse 16 in Revelation Chapter 13.
28:21 It says, "He," speaking of the second beast,
28:23 "causes all, both small and great, rich and poor,
28:26 free and slave,
28:27 to receive a mark on their right hand
28:30 or on their forehead,
28:31 and that no man might buy or sell except one
28:35 who has the mark or the name of the beast,
28:37 or the number of his name."
28:40 And so, there it is.
28:42 We know this to be the mark of the beast.
28:45 And we just want to dial that in.
28:47 I want to dial that in right quick.
28:48 When we talk about the mark of the beast,
28:50 we're talking about the mark of the first beast
28:53 of Revelation 13.
28:54 We're talking about the mark of the Antichrist of the Bible.
28:58 We're talking about the mark
28:59 of the Roman papal church state.
29:02 So what we've just read in Bible prophecy
29:04 is very clear that in the last days you will see,
29:07 my friends, hear me clear.
29:08 I'm not a prophet, I'm just a servant of the Lord,
29:11 declaring what the Word of God says.
29:13 And the Word of God tells us
29:15 very clearly that in the last days,
29:16 the United States of America as a nation,
29:19 as an empire will make an alliance,
29:23 create a relationship with Rome in carrying out
29:27 and enforcing worship upon this planet worldwide,
29:32 and it's going to come via this mark.
29:35 Now, the mark of the beast,
29:38 there is much we can say about biblically.
29:40 I didn't come to give a complete message
29:43 on the mark of the beast.
29:44 That's another message for another time.
29:46 In fact, I would encourage you to go do some research on that,
29:49 you know, reach out to some of these,
29:50 to your local Seventh-day Adventist church
29:52 or any of the great ministries within our church.
29:54 You know, It Is Written,
29:56 Amazing Facts and obviously 3ABN,
29:58 we have all kinds of resources
30:00 on what the mark of the beast is.
30:02 But I want to make it very, very clear, my friends.
30:05 The mark of the beast stands in direct contrast
30:08 to the seal of God in the Bible.
30:10 And when you do
30:12 a responsible research in Scripture,
30:14 you will find that the seal of God in Scripture
30:17 is none other than the Sabbath of the Lord.
30:21 God's mark his seal of authority
30:24 as we're told in the Book of Ezekiel Chapter 20.
30:27 Obviously, His seal, His sign, His mark of authority,
30:30 is His Sabbath commandment.
30:32 When we observe and we honor the biblical Sabbath
30:35 as given in the Ten Commandments,
30:36 then we are honoring and recognizing
30:38 God as the supreme creator being that He is.
30:41 And so the mark of the beast, the mark of the papacy,
30:45 who's empowered by
30:46 none other than the devil himself.
30:48 It just makes perfect sense if the devil would say, oh,
30:51 God has His mark of authority.
30:53 He has His sign of authority,
30:55 then in obvious terms we can say,
30:57 that in contrast to that
30:58 the devil should have his mark of authority,
31:01 the beast that he's empowering
31:03 should have its sign, its seal of authority.
31:06 And we do not have to go very far
31:08 to determine or to know
31:09 what the mark of the papacy really is,
31:12 or the mark of the beast really is,
31:13 because they tell us
31:15 very clearly even in their own writings,
31:17 and you can find tons of research on this.
31:19 But I'm going to read just a couple
31:21 here just for clarification purposes.
31:22 Notice the Catholic Records, September 1, 1923.
31:27 They make it very clear.
31:28 "Sunday is our mark of authority.
31:32 The church is above the Bible,
31:35 and this transference of Sabbath observance
31:38 is proof of that fact."
31:40 And so very, very clear right out of their own mouth.
31:43 They're like, hey, look, we're, let us, let us tell you
31:46 what our mark of authority is.
31:47 Don't be guessing as to what it is.
31:49 We're going to tell you it's Sunday.
31:51 In fact, notice the Chancellor to the famous Cardinal Gibbons
31:54 had this to say also,
31:57 speaking of the change of the Sabbath,
31:59 he says, "Of course, the Catholic Church claims that
32:02 the change was her act.
32:04 And the Act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power
32:09 and authority in religious matters.
32:13 And so there we are very clear.
32:15 This great alliance of the United States
32:17 in the last days,
32:18 as Bible prophecy tells us, and the papacy of Rome,
32:22 the Roman papal church state system
32:25 will align together`
32:26 and they will bring about a movement in
32:29 which they will enforce what is known as in the Bible,
32:32 the mark of the beast,
32:33 which is none other than the mark of the papacy.
32:35 And that mark is none other than
32:37 Sunday observance.
32:39 Now, again, I want to be very clear,
32:40 we're not talking about Sunday worship.
32:42 We're not talking about uplifting
32:43 and praising God on Sunday
32:45 because we should do that every day of the week.
32:47 But the Bible makes it very clear that
32:49 there's only one Sabbath, my friends,
32:51 and God's Sabbath day is the seventh day of the week.
32:54 It's Saturday, it always has been.
32:57 The weekly cycle is never changed,
32:58 but the devil wants to counterfeit
33:00 God's sign of authority.
33:02 He wants to make a counterfeit of that
33:04 and he wants to pass it off as a new Sabbath day,
33:07 as a new day of rest, as a new time of national
33:11 or corporate worship and observance.
33:15 In fact, all of this is the reason
33:17 why Babylon is seen fallen in the second angel's message
33:22 of Revelation Chapter 14.
33:23 Notice what the Bible says in Revelation 14:8,
33:26 "And another angel followed saying,
33:28 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city,
33:31 because she has made all nations drink
33:34 of the wine of the wrath of her fornication."
33:38 She has made all nations,
33:40 everyone on the planet drunk by the wine.
33:43 What does wine do? It's intoxicating.
33:45 It causes a person to become inebriated,
33:47 confused which is exactly what a Babel or Babel means.
33:51 It means confusion.
33:53 So she's confusing the world
33:55 with her false intoxicating doctrines,
33:57 and we see that also in Revelation Chapter 17.
34:00 But now we come to the bulk
34:02 of what I wanted to get into today,
34:04 which is how this Sunday law,
34:06 this mark of the beast movement is going to come about.
34:09 And I believe very, very soon, my friends,
34:12 and I do want to say for the record,
34:13 while I recognize that I am not a prophet,
34:15 and while I recognize that
34:17 I do not have anything authoritative to say
34:19 in the matter other than what the Word of God
34:21 and the Spirit of Prophecy reveals to us.
34:23 We should be awake at this time,
34:25 we should be looking and being aware
34:27 and responding to what
34:28 we are seeing around us to blow the trumpet,
34:31 to declare this message, to make every single person
34:34 around us aware of what is coming about
34:36 so that they might be saved in these last days
34:39 before Jesus comes.
34:41 I think it was a great shock
34:43 to the Christian world back in 2013
34:47 when in the month of February,
34:49 we saw something that in our lifetime, in fact,
34:52 in a few centuries have not seen ever
34:56 and that is the resignation of a pope.
34:59 We saw in February of 2013,
35:02 Pope Benedict resigned as the pope.
35:06 Now, this had not happened
35:08 prior to this in nearly 600 years.
35:11 So it's very rare for something like this to happen.
35:13 But you see here
35:14 in this particular article coming
35:16 from the Catholic News.
35:17 It says, "Ex-pope Benedict says God told him to resign
35:21 during a mystical experience."
35:24 Very interesting indeed, a mystical experience.
35:28 Now, this was very interesting and brought about
35:30 some speculation among many Christians,
35:33 not even Catholic.
35:35 I mean, we're looking at this, we're gonna,
35:36 what's happening here.
35:37 This is very rare. This is interesting.
35:39 In fact, not to bring up speculation
35:41 or conspiracy theory,
35:43 but I thought this to be interesting
35:44 and I put this article in here from USA Today
35:46 that on the very day that he resigned,
35:49 you see there that a lightning strikes
35:51 the Vatican literally.
35:53 And, of course, it happened at the same day
35:55 that Pope Benedict resigned from office.
35:57 Now, whether or not that holds any significance,
36:00 I'm not the one to declare that.
36:01 I certainly don't want to get into any conspiracy theory
36:04 or to be authoritative on the matter.
36:05 But it will be interesting that when we get to heaven,
36:07 we say, "Hey, Lord, were You trying to tell us
36:09 something there?
36:10 I'm sure He'll make it very clear
36:12 whether that was supposed to be received as such or not.
36:14 But that being said,
36:16 that was a very, very significant event,
36:18 because now that's going to call about a new pope.
36:21 Now, I don't spend my time as a Christian, you know,
36:24 monitoring or watching every little single move
36:27 that the papacy makes, right?
36:28 I think we should always first
36:29 and foremost have our attention on the Christ,
36:32 not the Antichrist, right?
36:34 We should have our attention on Jesus Christ always
36:37 because if we have our attention on Jesus Christ,
36:39 He's going to steer us in the right direction.
36:41 And we will be prepared to stand firm
36:43 when He appears and comes.
36:45 But that still doesn't take away
36:47 from the fact that we are told to be awake,
36:49 to be watchful, to be aware of the things
36:51 that are happening around us that
36:52 when we see these things happening,
36:54 to know that the coming of Jesus is near,
36:57 that the end of the world is near.
36:59 And so, I found it interesting that on the day
37:03 that Pope Francis was elected,
37:05 this was, this comes on March 13, 2013,
37:09 just a few weeks after Pope Benedict resigns,
37:12 they elect their new pope.
37:16 And it just so happens to be,
37:18 for the first time ever, a Jesuit pope.
37:21 Now, I'm not going to go deep into what the Jesuits are,
37:24 that's some research that you need to do on your own.
37:26 But if you look up the society of Jesus,
37:29 this Jesuit movement, it has a very dark history.
37:32 And again, I'm not trying to say that
37:34 personally that Pope Francis is a dark man,
37:38 but nonetheless, he holds the office
37:40 of the leader of this Antichrist system.
37:43 And I think we need to hold it accountable,
37:44 hold him accountable for the office
37:46 that he is usurping, and that is the kingly priestly
37:50 and authoritative offices of Jesus Christ Himself.
37:53 Notice in this Christianity Today article from March 2013,
37:57 this is actually released on the day
37:59 that Pope Francis was elected.
38:01 And notice what they entitled this,
38:03 "A Pope for all Christians."
38:05 Now the picture can be a little deceptive there,
38:07 because you see Pope Benedict,
38:09 but you'll see that the date there is February,
38:11 excuse me, March 13.
38:12 This was the very day that Pope Francis was elected.
38:15 And they're simply calling about in saying that
38:17 there's now been a change in authority,
38:19 that now we have a new pope, a pope for all Christians.
38:24 And I find that interesting, because he's not a pope for me,
38:28 and I'm a Christian, right?
38:29 And I would suspect that there's many of you
38:30 watching today that say, "Well, he's not my pope."
38:33 But yet Christianity Today is very much suggesting,
38:36 a pope for all Christians.
38:38 In fact, in the actual article that they pinned down here,
38:42 notice what they say
38:43 within the body of this article.
38:45 They used these words.
38:47 It says, "One consequence of globalization
38:50 is that the walls that have long divided Catholics
38:53 from Orthodox, mainline Protestants,
38:56 evangelicals, and Pentecostals are eroding...
39:01 Relations between Catholics
39:03 and Protestants are warmer than ever."
39:07 So one would suspect that Christianity Today
39:10 is a Protestant source, a Protestant entity.
39:14 But nonetheless, they are recognizing
39:16 here in this article
39:17 that when Pope Francis took office,
39:19 what a great time he did,
39:20 because now things are warmer than ever
39:22 between Protestants and Catholics.
39:24 In fact, Time Magazine,
39:26 that the very same year in July,
39:28 would release their edition
39:29 and they would call this particular edition,
39:32 The People's Pope.
39:34 Obviously, Pope Francis,
39:36 his picture is right there on the front.
39:37 So you start to see this very interesting movement
39:40 begin to take place.
39:41 There's just sense, they're just,
39:43 there was a sense of change,
39:45 a sense of changing of direction,
39:48 agenda that there's this new pope,
39:50 new agenda.
39:51 We're living in the new 21st century, new times.
39:54 And now, we're ready for a new leadership
39:57 to take place.
39:58 And it's interesting that there's no way of denying
40:01 what this pope's agenda was because coming right out
40:03 the front, he lets everyone know that
40:05 his agenda in multiple resources
40:07 and multiple public statements
40:09 that he wanted to unite all the world
40:11 and all religions and even all of Christianity.
40:15 In other words, all denominations.
40:16 Unity, unity, unity.
40:18 I could show you article after articles,
40:20 statement after statement where this pope makes it clear
40:22 that his agenda, his purpose,
40:24 his goal is to unite the whole world
40:27 under the banner of Catholicism
40:30 and making just one big giant church system.
40:33 No need for, you know, Protestants and Catholics
40:36 that we could all be the universal church.
40:39 That's what Catholic means, universal.
40:41 In fact, we also don't need to speculate
40:43 as to what his agenda was
40:45 and what he believed on this issue of Sunday
40:48 keeping versus biblical Sabbath keeping,
40:50 because here's an article very clearly
40:52 where he made a statement.
40:54 He says, "Keeping stores open on Sunday
40:56 is not beneficial for society."
40:59 So that's a statement made by Pope Francis
41:01 and there are many, many, many other statements
41:03 that I could show you as well over the years
41:05 where he has made
41:06 that clear statement pushing for Sunday,
41:08 making it clear that Sunday is the Lord's day.
41:10 Sunday is the Christian Sabbath,
41:12 and we should observe it very clearly.
41:14 But I think the greatest curveball came about in 2015,
41:20 more specifically, June 18, 2015,
41:24 when Pope Francis released
41:25 his worldwide encyclical entitled
41:30 Laudato Si. Laudato Si, there we go.
41:34 And I think it means, praise be or blessed be,
41:37 something like that.
41:38 But notice what he says in Section 237.
41:42 And then we're going to talk about why that's important.
41:45 He says in Section 237 of his encyclical
41:47 on June 18, 2015.
41:49 "Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath
41:51 is meant to be a day
41:53 which heals our relationships with God, with ourselves,
41:56 with others and with the world."
41:59 Now, obviously this entire encyclical,
42:02 you go do your research
42:03 and read this, you can go online and find it.
42:05 It's in English,
42:06 has been translated into English
42:08 and you can read every word
42:09 that he had to say in that encyclical.
42:10 And it's basically an encyclical
42:12 pushing climate control,
42:15 that we need to get our earth back together,
42:17 we need to get a grip on this global warming crisis.
42:21 And we need to work to heal our land
42:24 and heal our relationships,
42:25 and heal our families and heal our churches
42:28 back together in this global climate change effort.
42:31 And in Section 237, as we just read, he says,
42:35 now very interestingly, he says, "Sunday,
42:37 like the Jewish Sabbath."
42:38 First of all, I want to make
42:39 a correction to Pope Francis in this instance, that,
42:41 first of all,
42:42 it's not considered in the Bible,
42:44 the Jewish Sabbath, because in the Bible,
42:45 it's just the Sabbath of the Lord.
42:47 So there's no such thing
42:48 as a Jewish Sabbath in the Bible.
42:50 But notice how he makes that mistake
42:51 and then he says Sunday is like it.
42:54 Sunday is not like the Jewish Sabbath
42:56 at all for the record.
42:57 Sunday is according to the Bible a day
43:00 of labor, a day of work.
43:01 God said, "Work six days, rest on the seventh day."
43:05 But notice how he's pushing this agenda.
43:07 "Sunday, like the Jewish Sabbath
43:09 is meant to be a day
43:11 that heals our relationships with God, with ourselves,
43:13 with others and with the world."
43:16 In that statement, he's basically saying that,
43:18 you know, what if, if we would get back
43:20 to observing Sunday,
43:22 honoring Sunday and keeping Sunday holy,
43:24 our relationships with each other would improve,
43:27 our relationship with God would improve,
43:29 and God would be able to keep
43:31 from all of these horrible
43:33 calamities happening across the globe.
43:35 And that is correct.
43:37 In his encyclical, he insinuates very clearly
43:39 and implies that many of these calamities
43:41 are brought about because in many of his,
43:44 he makes multiple points as to why,
43:46 but in one of them obviously, he says it's because
43:49 we're not honoring the Sunday Sabbath,
43:52 this Sunday Sabbath effort.
43:53 So he's linking Sunday observance
43:57 and climate change together.
43:59 Now that brings me
44:00 to our ultimate point in the time
44:02 that we have closing here,
44:03 Notice Great Controversy, page 590,
44:07 how there's a nice response to what we've just read.
44:10 She says here in Great Controversy, page 590.
44:12 "It will be declared that men are offending God
44:15 by the violation of the Sunday-Sabbath,
44:19 that this sin has brought calamities
44:22 which will not cease until Sunday observance has
44:26 or shall be strictly enforced."
44:29 So it's very interesting that that happened.
44:31 And I have to say, on that very day that
44:34 Pope Francis released his encyclical,
44:36 there's an interesting response
44:37 from speaker or not speaker of the house
44:40 but Secretary of State John Kerry.
44:42 And this is actually a snapshot of the US Department
44:45 of State website.
44:46 Notice what he says here in these opening lines.
44:48 He says, "The pope's powerful and cyclical calls
44:50 for a common response
44:51 to the critical threat climate change poses
44:54 to our common home."
44:56 And then notice the section there in blue.
44:58 "His plea for all religions to work together
45:01 reflects the urgency of the challenge."
45:04 And if that wasn't good enough, on the exact same day,
45:07 the same day that he released it,
45:08 there was also response
45:10 from the President at that time, Barack Obama.
45:11 And notice what he says
45:13 in his statement released by the White House.
45:15 He says, "I welcome
45:17 His Holiness Pope Francis's encyclical
45:19 and deeply admire the pope's decision
45:21 to make the case clearly powerfully
45:23 and with the full moral authority of his position
45:26 for action on global climate change."
45:28 And then notice this next little opening part here.
45:30 He says, "As Pope Francis
45:31 so eloquently stated this morning,
45:33 we have a profound responsibility
45:34 to protect our children and our children's children
45:37 from the damaging impacts of climate change."
45:40 And then notice what he says here.
45:41 "I believe the United States
45:43 must be a leader in this effort."
45:48 So there it is. There's the alliance.
45:50 I believe that the President of United States says
45:52 that we should lead out in what the pope has said.
45:54 We should be leaders in trying to reduce climate change.
45:58 Now, my friends, I want to say for the record.
46:00 I believe that we should take care
46:02 of our lands.
46:03 I believe that we should be aware
46:04 of the climate change and all these things
46:07 that may or may not.
46:08 Whether you believe it is,
46:10 I know it's a very divisive issue.
46:11 Some people believe there's global warming,
46:13 some people believe it's not.
46:14 But whether you do or you don't, as a Christian,
46:15 we should want to take care of our environment.
46:18 We should want to care about the safety and well being
46:20 of all of earth's humanity,
46:22 and our children, and our family,
46:23 and our friends, everyone around us.
46:25 But, my friends, notice this is being
46:27 used as the vehicle to push a Sunday observance movement,
46:33 a Sunday law movement will come about.
46:36 According to this, it's looking very clear.
46:38 But let's continue to look at some more evidence.
46:39 In fact, in response to what Barack Obama,
46:42 as President just said, it's very interesting.
46:44 Notice Last Day Events, page 135,
46:47 very interesting comment here.
46:49 "Foreign nations will follow the example
46:52 of the United States.
46:53 Though she leads out, yet the same crisis
46:57 will come upon our people in all parts of the world."
47:01 So again, just further solidifying,
47:03 that this will happen.
47:05 And if you were here in 2015,
47:08 and you saw this manifesting itself,
47:10 and you also know that
47:12 the pope came to the United States.
47:14 For the first time in our nation's history,
47:16 we had a religious figure
47:17 to address a joint session of Congress.
47:19 And we know that that was Pope Francis.
47:21 He came in, I believe it was September of 2015,
47:25 just months after releasing this encyclical.
47:27 In fact, he made some points in his address,
47:30 some pushes for his encyclical in this address.
47:34 And so there's no need, when you look at the evidence,
47:37 there's no need to speculate or to wonder,
47:39 what is this papal movement doing?
47:41 What is their goal? What is their purpose?
47:43 What is their agenda in these last days that
47:45 will lead to the closing events of Bible prophecy?
47:48 There's really no need to get around the fact
47:50 that this will indeed happen.
47:52 Notice Parliament, this is actually an article
47:55 that came from the parliament.
47:56 And these, I'm showing
47:58 these now very quickly in closing here,
47:59 I want to show you some articles
48:02 and some things that I noticed
48:03 because I've had a lot of time to do some research on this.
48:05 And it's very interesting to notice
48:07 what is going on in our society and how society has responded
48:11 to this encyclical into the pope's suggestions
48:14 and his downright commands to the world that
48:17 we need to all gather together under this effort.
48:19 Notice, this is a part of an argument or a part of,
48:22 excuse me, an article from the Parliament,
48:24 that's a big thing to say there.
48:27 Sunday work, notice this,
48:29 is a danger to our health and safety,
48:33 which is exactly what Pope Francis
48:35 has been preaching since he's been in office.
48:37 There is pope.
48:39 That's what he said in his encyclical
48:40 that working on Sunday, not observing Sunday
48:43 as a holy day is a danger to our health and safety,
48:47 especially in reference to this climate change.
48:50 In fact, notice Croatian news, this is a Croatian news article
48:54 and notice what they say here.
48:55 "Catholic Church wants to ban working on Sunday."
48:59 Notice how this message
49:00 is getting into all of the surrounding nations.
49:02 That's exactly what Revelation 13 says
49:04 would happen,
49:06 that this powerful Antichrist beast power
49:09 would work closely
49:10 with all of the nations of the world,
49:12 and it would basically
49:13 deceive the nations of the world.
49:15 Notice this interesting article
49:17 from the Pacific Standard magazine.
49:19 Notice that, this is actually from 2017.
49:22 And notice what they had to say here,
49:24 Pacific Standard magazine,
49:25 the title of this article was growing concern over,
49:28 there it is, climate change
49:30 is creating interfaith dialogue.
49:34 And when you go down
49:35 and look in the body of this particular article,
49:37 notice what it says here under this statement
49:39 called Interfaith Appeal.
49:42 They make this very clear here.
49:44 "The pope doesn't expect this movement
49:45 to just be a Catholic thing,"
49:48 said longtime Vatican observer Mark Mickens,
49:51 and then it gives his credentials there.
49:53 But then notice this third line here, it says,
49:55 "What is extraordinary about
49:56 the encyclical is that it is a project
49:59 that the whole human race can engage in together."
50:03 What unites or he's asking the question,
50:05 what unites all humanity?
50:07 The answer, the environment.
50:09 It's our common home, our common interest.
50:13 So we see many different resources
50:15 on this are claiming that,
50:16 hey, we need to change, don't we?
50:18 We all need to join together and work on our climate,
50:21 we need to improve this climate.
50:23 And what better way to do it,
50:24 we need to create a religious response
50:26 to this in order to bring about change.
50:28 In fact, notice, this comes from CEO World Magazine,
50:33 January, 2018.
50:34 And I found these words to be quite interesting.
50:37 I'm not going to read this entire article,
50:38 but I want to draw your attention
50:40 to about two-thirds in to this particular
50:44 where you see the ellipses,
50:45 it says, "This frantic race to go faster
50:49 and faster makes us forget essential things
50:52 such as loving ourselves, others and also our earth.
50:56 The result is a global disaster whose ecological issues
51:00 impact is more and more obvious."
51:02 And then notice the closing response here.
51:04 It says, "A Sabbath for ourselves,
51:08 our industry and our environment
51:10 is a corrective to these failures."
51:15 Again, a secular magazine and a person offering
51:18 the advice and saying, "Hey, you know what?
51:20 We need a global Sabbath.
51:22 We need a worldwide Sabbath that will correct
51:25 these problems that we have with our climate."
51:29 And I found this to be very interesting,
51:31 an article coming from the Tablet magazine,
51:33 which is a Jewish magazine, by the way,
51:36 and they referenced Shabbat
51:37 or Sabbath keeping in this article,
51:39 but notice what the title of the article is here.
51:41 The Sabbath in an era of climate change.
51:45 And if you look there clearly,
51:46 notice the date on that article, it is 2020.
51:52 This was just, probably a few weeks ago.
51:55 The Sabbath in an era of climate change,
51:57 and they actually say in this article,
51:59 that just whether it's Friday,
52:00 Saturday or Sunday, we need to have a Sabbath
52:04 of rest in these last days
52:06 to combat this climate problem,
52:09 which is exactly
52:10 what the pope has been saying, my friends.
52:12 Now, I brought all of this to your attention
52:14 because we've been living in a pandemic.
52:17 We've been living in a crisis known as COVID-19,
52:20 or the Coronavirus.
52:22 And we've been talking a lot about this lately.
52:24 And the Lord has opened my eyes
52:26 to something very interestingly.
52:27 And again, I'm not making a prophetic statement
52:29 here of any kind as to say that this will definitely happen,
52:33 but we can certainly see the results of this,
52:36 my friends, that something is coming.
52:38 Now when I started doing
52:39 some interesting research here lately,
52:41 I found that there are dozens and dozens
52:44 of major news outlets that have been recording
52:47 and have been putting out
52:48 in their articles that pollution,
52:51 get this, pollution has went down
52:55 since this COVID-19 problem which makes sense,
52:58 everyone's been quarantined, right?
52:59 But they've been reporting on this.
53:01 Notice these articles,
53:02 I'm gonna go through them rather quickly.
53:04 Air pollution, this is Fox News, Detroit.
53:05 "Air pollution drops across the globe
53:07 amid COVID-19 pandemic data suggests."
53:11 Look at this next one coming from New York Times.
53:13 It says, "Traffic and pollution plummet
53:15 as US cities shut down for Coronavirus.
53:20 And this next one is a BBC article.
53:22 And notice what its title is,
53:24 "Will COVID-19 have a lasting impact
53:26 on the environment?"
53:28 My friends, I don't think that we're seeing this
53:30 just by happenstance or coincidence.
53:32 I think there's something here for us
53:33 to at least take note of.
53:35 Notice this next article in GreenBiz.
53:37 This is an article in GreenBiz, an environmental agency.
53:41 And the article entitled,
53:42 "Here is the stunning impact of COVID-19,
53:45 social distancing on air pollution."
53:48 And then, of course, this next one is Science Alert.
53:51 This is an article they produce and notice the headline,
53:53 "New evidence shows how COVID-19
53:55 has affected global air pollution."
53:57 I can go through
53:58 all of this global air pollution,
53:59 global air pollution.
54:01 And here's another one. This comes from...
54:03 This is National Geographic, "Carbon emissions are falling
54:06 sharply due to Coronavirus."
54:09 Okay, so very, very clear and they say but not for long.
54:12 We'll see if that's the case.
54:13 And then CNBC, notice this,
54:15 "Air pollution falls as Coronavirus slows travel,
54:19 but scientists warn of longer term threat
54:21 to climate change progress."
54:22 But notice this connection that they're making.
54:24 And, of course, the last one I have here
54:26 comes from physics.org.
54:28 And in their article, they make it clear,
54:29 "Air pollution declines in Spain
54:31 after implementing of measure to fight COVID-19."
54:35 And so what we're seeing here, my friends,
54:37 is the stage is being set right now.
54:40 Would it surprises us that
54:41 the pope would come forward soon and say,
54:43 "Oh, we have proof.
54:45 We have global evidence that if we just rest the land,
54:49 if we take a time of rest, perhaps one day in seven,
54:53 and we take a special time
54:55 to rest with our family and with God,
54:58 just wrestling that it would drop.
55:00 And it would lower gas emissions in the atmosphere
55:05 and therefore improve this global climate change."
55:08 My friends, we're seeing this very, very clearly.
55:10 And it's interesting, here in closing,
55:12 I want to share this with you.
55:13 In Pope Francis' encyclical,
55:15 notice what he says here in Section 206.
55:18 He says that we should, referencing the pressure
55:20 that we should put on our politicians
55:21 and how to bring this movement about.
55:23 He says, "We should bring healthy pressure to those
55:25 to bear on those who wield political,
55:28 economic and social power."
55:30 That's politics.
55:31 So he's recommending political coercion
55:36 to bring about this movement.
55:38 And what's interesting is the response
55:40 I found from the Great Controversy,
55:42 page 592,
55:43 because notice what she says here.
55:45 She says, "Even in free America,
55:47 rulers and legislators, in order to secure public favor
55:51 will yield to the popular demand
55:53 for a law enforcing Sunday observance."
55:59 So, my friends, there was a whole lot more
56:01 that I wanted to share on this subject.
56:03 But I want to be very clear in my closing moments
56:06 that we have together.
56:08 There are Sunday laws coming.
56:10 We are seeing in right now this very interesting time
56:14 that we're living in that the pope,
56:17 the papacy under the leadership
56:18 of Pope Francis has been working very hard
56:21 to make sure that there is a movement brought
56:23 about using the vehicle or the avenue of climate change
56:26 to bring about a Sunday law movement.
56:30 We need to be aware,
56:31 we need to be awake at this time.
56:33 In fact, I just want to read this,
56:34 Review and Herald page, excuse me,
56:36 Review and Herald, February 16, 1905.
56:39 Here it is in plain but very clear, simple words.
56:41 She says, "Sooner or later Sunday laws will be passed."
56:47 There it is, very clear, very plain and simple.
56:50 So I want to urge you today, my friends,
56:52 we need to be on our knees praying.
56:54 We need to be praying and we need to be
56:56 asking the Lord to fill our hearts and minds
56:57 to change us soon.
56:59 You know what?
57:00 We are Seventh-day Adventists
57:01 and anyone who believes in this message
57:03 need to be standing firm on this message
57:04 and declaring it now, warning every one of
57:06 what is coming so that they can stand firm
57:09 and in confidence
57:10 at the appearing of Jesus Christ.
57:12 We thank you so much for joining us today.
57:15 And as we go off the air here, I would like to say a prayer.
57:18 Father, we simply ask You to fill us in these last days.
57:22 Change us, oh, Lord, equip us for what is to come
57:26 and we simply pray for Your Holy Spirit,
57:28 in Jesus' holy name we pray, amen.


Revised 2020-04-29