3ABN Worship Hour

Move Out of the Cities - Now!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO200015S

00:26 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:28 I'm Kenny Shelton.
00:30 We have an exciting subject for you today.
00:32 I know you're going to enjoy it by the grace of God.
00:35 The subject is, we're going to be talking about
00:37 out of the cities and now.
00:40 Out of the cities now.
00:41 So it's something that I think is on the mind
00:43 and hearts of people today.
00:44 I believe will answer some of your questions
00:46 by the grace of God, and by the Word of God.
00:48 But before we get into this wonderful study,
00:50 my brother Tim Parton is here with us today
00:53 and he's going to be singing and playing,
00:55 and speaking to us
00:56 and bringing us a great blessing.
00:58 Brother Tim.
00:59 Thank you, Kenny.
01:00 I received a letter this week, says, "Hi, Tim.
01:04 I grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
01:07 But I don't go to church anymore.
01:10 I don't know anymore
01:11 what I believe or if I even believe.
01:14 I just want to let you know
01:16 that I have found YouTube videos
01:17 of you playing and singing hymns
01:19 and watching those videos
01:21 is perhaps the only spiritual thing left
01:23 in my life at the moment.
01:25 Thanks for that."
01:28 Wow!
01:29 You know, I think of people
01:32 who maybe like this young man,
01:37 you've lost your way,
01:40 your desire for the Lord
01:41 or maybe you just are so consumed
01:48 by the things that that the world has
01:51 or overwhelmed, you just, you don't know what to do.
01:55 I think of Matthew 11:28-30
02:01 that says, Jesus said,
02:03 "Come to Me,
02:04 all who labor and are heavy laden,
02:08 I will give you rest.
02:10 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
02:13 for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
02:16 you will find rest for your souls.
02:17 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."
02:22 Eugene Peterson, translated it this way
02:25 in the message translation, says, "Are you tired, worn out,
02:30 burned out on religion?
02:32 Come to me.
02:34 Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
02:38 I'll show you how to take a real rest.
02:41 Walk with me. Work with me.
02:43 Watch how I do it.
02:45 Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
02:48 I won't lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you.
02:52 Keep company with me
02:53 and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
02:57 I encourage you to draw close to the Lord.
03:03 If you're thinking about walking away from Him,
03:07 draw closer to Him actually, that's the key.
03:09 That is the key.
03:10 And it reminds me of this song
03:14 that I have to make my prayer every day.
03:18 Like the woman at the well
03:21 I was seeking
03:25 For things That could not satisfy
03:32 And then I heard My Savior speaking
03:39 Draw from My well
03:42 That never shall run dry
03:48 Fill my cup, Lord
03:54 I lift it up, Lord
03:56 Come and quench
03:58 This thirsting of my soul
04:04 Bread of Heaven
04:08 Feed me till I want no more
04:13 Fill my cup
04:16 Fill it up and make me whole
04:23 There are millions In this world
04:27 Who are craving
04:30 The pleasures
04:32 That earthly things afford
04:37 But none can match The wondrous treasure
04:43 That I find
04:46 In Jesus Christ my Lord
04:51 Oh, fill my cup, Lord
04:54 I lift it up, Lord
04:58 Come and quench
05:00 This thirsting of my soul
05:05 Bread of Heaven feed me
05:11 And feed me some more Fill my cup
05:15 Fill it up and make me whole
05:20 So my children if the things
05:25 That this world gave you
05:29 Leave a hunger
05:31 That simply won't pass away
05:37 My blessed Lord
05:39 Will surely come and save you
05:43 If you will kneel to Him
05:46 And humbly pray, Lord
05:51 Fill my cup, Lord
05:54 I lift it up, Lord
05:58 Oh, come and quench
06:01 This thirsting of my soul
06:07 Bread of Heaven
06:10 Feed me
06:12 till I want no more
06:18 Here's my cup
06:22 Fill it up
06:24 And make me whole
06:43 Praise the Lord.
06:45 Thank you, Brother Tim, that was beautiful.
06:48 We're gonna pray right now
06:50 that the Lord will fill our cups.
06:52 So I invite you to pray along with me.
06:54 I'm gonna kneel up here and we'll pray together.
06:56 Shall we?
07:00 Kind loving Heavenly Father,
07:01 what a privilege it is to be able to pray.
07:04 We lift our hearts to You right now
07:06 because we realize our cup must be full.
07:08 We can only give that which runs over the top.
07:11 So, Lord, I pray today
07:13 our cups will run over the top
07:14 that be our soul will be filled with love and joy and peace.
07:17 Pray for Your Holy Spirit
07:19 to have Your will and Your way
07:20 in each of our hearts in our life today.
07:22 Open the word
07:23 that may speak words of life and encouragement.
07:25 May we be obedient to Your Word.
07:27 Thank You, Lord, for hearing, thank You for answering,
07:29 thank You for being a God that cares,
07:31 thank You for Calvary, in Jesus' name we pray
07:33 and for His sake, amen.
07:39 Praise the Lord. Once again, we welcome you.
07:41 We're glad that you're here.
07:42 Again our subject,
07:44 probably this still may be a little heavy duty for some,
07:46 but we pray that it's not
07:47 because it is the signs of the times.
07:50 We're going to be talking right now
07:51 out of the cities now.
07:53 Out of the cities now, what does that mean?
07:56 A lot of people have preconceived ideas
07:58 of when it's time to get out,
07:59 if they ever should get out
08:01 or things that are going on in the world today.
08:03 We're going to go over a few of those things
08:04 just as reminders
08:06 to see if God is really telling us
08:08 that we need to get out of the city.
08:10 So, again, we're glad you're there.
08:12 Have your Bible, pencil, and paper,
08:13 and jot down some of these things.
08:14 We move as quickly as we can through the Word of God.
08:18 The Bible says, "In the last days,"
08:21 I like this, "In the last days,"
08:22 he said, "perilous times will come."
08:24 What an interesting word, perilous times will come.
08:28 That means there's going to be troublesome times.
08:31 That means it's going to be some hard times,
08:33 that's going to be some oppression.
08:35 There's going to be some things that's going on,
08:37 when he said perilous times
08:38 and times the word here's translated, seasons.
08:41 There's going to be seasons
08:42 of times that are very difficult.
08:45 There's going to be periods in earth's history
08:47 that are very difficult for individuals to get by.
08:51 How do we do it without Jesus?
08:54 There's a beautiful song, I like it.
08:55 I just loved the one Tim sang,
08:57 but I like this one here too also.
09:00 It's a song about Jesus soon coming.
09:03 Jesus is soon to come.
09:04 He's coming soon.
09:05 This is a song with a message just listen to the words,
09:09 see how it applies to the day in which we are living in.
09:12 Notice it.
09:13 I may not get all the words just exactly right
09:15 'cause if I don't get them out I'll hum.
09:17 Then notice what it says.
09:18 Troublesome times are here,
09:21 filling men's hearts with fear.
09:24 Think about the words.
09:25 Think about what we're going through
09:26 in this country right now.
09:28 Troublesome times, yes.
09:30 Man's heart fears, yes.
09:32 Freedom we all hold dear now is at stake.
09:39 Humbling your heart to God, notice this,
09:41 saves from the chastening rod
09:44 or the punishment in order to correct.
09:48 God allows punishment to come to we,
09:49 so He can correct us.
09:51 How wonderful!
09:52 It says, seek the way pilgrims trod,
09:55 Christians awake.
09:58 If there's ever time in earth's history
09:59 to wake out of our sleep,
10:02 don't you think that it's now?
10:04 It's a period,
10:05 a season of perilous times are on us,
10:09 evil days, perilous times.
10:12 It's nothing new.
10:13 It's always been expected.
10:15 You know, it's age long course of evil.
10:17 And, but notice, the Bible says,
10:19 it's going to intensify
10:21 as we get closer to the end of time.
10:24 I sense an intensity,
10:26 you know, as I read the Word of God
10:28 about how close we are to the end of time.
10:31 Bible goes into,
10:33 we're not going to go through all of them,
10:34 just as last days,
10:36 there's going to be people who are disobedient,
10:38 though those who are going to be unthankful
10:39 and unholy,
10:41 notice that, simply said unholy.
10:43 It's talking about a people
10:44 that has thrown God out of their mind.
10:47 They don't want to listen to God anymore.
10:49 There's not in their thoughts and in their actions anymore.
10:52 Can you not see that today?
10:55 Absolutely.
10:56 People without self-control, they have corrupt minds.
11:02 And remember the mind
11:03 really determines the direction that you will go.
11:07 As we look at the world now, and it's time,
11:10 these perilous times,
11:12 don't you think
11:13 that maybe it's time to get right with God?
11:16 Oh, everybody says there was time to get,
11:18 you know, "It's time to get right with God."
11:20 Absolutely it is. Today's the day of salvation.
11:23 Out of the cities now, what does that possibly mean?
11:27 In the last several days,
11:28 we've seen quite an uproar going on,
11:31 not just in the United States, but around the world.
11:34 This is a sign of the time.
11:37 Put your head in the sand,
11:38 you know, in the sand we talked about if you want to.
11:41 But, you know, it's best to get our head out
11:43 and be able to think,
11:44 use the mind that God has given you.
11:46 And see, we see cities now that are battered by protest.
11:52 And again, I'll say protests several times.
11:53 I'm sure in this.
11:54 I believe that we should be able to protest.
11:56 We say we don't like.
11:57 Something we should be able to do that.
11:59 But it should be peaceful, don't you believe?
12:01 We see cities that are on the edge.
12:05 We see curfews put into effect.
12:08 We see the attack of police
12:10 and police attacking individuals.
12:13 In fact, they're targeted.
12:15 Maybe the police have been targeted by those,
12:17 you know, in the protest.
12:19 Officers have been wounded. They've been killed.
12:21 They've been in gun battle in St. Louis,
12:24 not too far from here, Las Vegas.
12:28 Some been run over by cars.
12:30 Now what kind of a world is that we're living in?
12:32 Is it time that we need to be in the city
12:34 and maybe out of the city?
12:35 Is this just the beginning of sorrows?
12:39 In New York, and, of course, the City of Buffalo,
12:43 you know, some officers I think they were fired
12:45 for trying to restore peace.
12:48 And there's others that probably should be fired
12:50 for not trying to bring peace.
12:53 So there's some things that going on
12:55 that's a taxing
12:56 I think our mind and our hearts,
12:59 but every time I see some of these things take place
13:01 and men's hearts doing what they're doing,
13:03 and the world going the direction is going,
13:05 I want to lift up my head
13:07 because I believe my redemption.
13:09 "Your redemption draweth nigh."
13:12 You know, much of these things that were going on,
13:16 you know, in the world, they were caught on camera.
13:18 You can hardly go anywhere anymore
13:20 without somebody videoing you,
13:23 you know, that's just the way it is nowadays.
13:26 And so some of these bad things were videoed,
13:29 just think about that, notice this,
13:31 the murder of George Floyd.
13:36 And this started the so called protest.
13:39 And I want to call it, protest gone wild.
13:42 Again, I believe that First Amendment rights
13:43 we should be able to protest.
13:45 This is gone wild.
13:46 And just as an example, in the City of Georgia,
13:50 there was six warrants that were issued,
13:53 or six police officers,
13:54 warrant for each one of them for bad conduct.
13:58 People no longer trust the police.
14:01 Now we're not trying to pick on this group or that group
14:03 or taking a positional stance on politics.
14:05 That's not my thing.
14:07 My thing is I'm saying all these things are happening
14:08 and there for a reason
14:10 that God is allowing things to take place
14:11 so that people can see the hour that we are in.
14:16 NewYorkTimes.com says this,
14:19 it says this,
14:20 "Minnesota is investigating
14:22 some of their police department."
14:26 Something's gone wrong, terribly wrong.
14:29 And, you know what they're investigating them
14:31 the issue on, notice, racial discrimination.
14:36 We have to realize that in the Bible,
14:38 Spirit of Prophecy,
14:40 we realize that racial issues will be more alive
14:44 maybe than they ever had before Jesus comes.
14:47 It's just a sign.
14:49 Just think with me for a moment.
14:51 And we'll prove that a little bit later on
14:52 as we get into the Word.
14:55 This goes much beyond, I said the United States,
14:58 but in Paris for instance, there was 15,000 people
15:01 that gathered together to protest.
15:03 They were angry over the killing,
15:05 you know, of George Floyd's,
15:07 you know, his death the way that it happened.
15:09 And you can't blame them. It was horrible sight.
15:13 But this rippling effect goes beyond,
15:16 again, the United States and maybe other countries
15:18 but too many cities of the world.
15:22 Crowds gather together.
15:25 There's police violence and racism.
15:30 The Paris police said this, on the demonstration,
15:32 they're talking about demonstrations here.
15:34 They talked about it here.
15:35 They said, "Demonstrations are forbidden here
15:38 during this country's,"
15:39 notice, "public health emergency."
15:42 Isn't it interesting
15:44 during the last five, six, seven days?
15:45 I know it's kind of dating a little bit here
15:47 but we need to think.
15:48 If we look at it here, we say,
15:49 I already heard a word about this national emergency
15:53 that we are in a health emergency
15:55 about the Coronavirus.
15:59 This has taken the place in the news.
16:02 Sydney, Australia, peaceful march was held,
16:05 you know, what they were chanting?
16:06 Now listen carefully,
16:08 don't anybody get all up in arms
16:09 and get all excited which people do all the time.
16:11 They were chanting, "Enough is enough!
16:14 Enough is enough!"
16:15 And pretty soon people began to get
16:16 a little emotional about it.
16:19 And do you think maybe enough is enough?
16:22 We'd like to see the world
16:23 turn back the way that it was maybe.
16:26 But you know,
16:28 I don't believe it's ever going to return.
16:29 These changes that are taking place
16:31 are going to continue on.
16:34 You see, and we'll find ourselves
16:36 with less freedoms in this world.
16:38 Freedom after freedom is being taken away
16:40 and it will not be given back.
16:42 Let's just think about it so that we can make decisions.
16:46 There's one person in Rio de Janeiro
16:48 made just a little statement about that it was so powerful.
16:52 He said, "We need to do some soul searching."
16:55 Man, do we ever need to do some soul searching right now
16:58 with the things that are happening?
17:00 But here's what he said about it.
17:01 We need to do some soul searching
17:02 over local racial divisions.
17:06 Some of the things that we talked about,
17:08 the Word of God, Spirit of Prophecy
17:09 talks about it's going to be paramount
17:10 just before Jesus come, just before probation closes,
17:14 and racial issues will be one of them.
17:17 Man, is it fired up right now?
17:20 We're not trying to say it is or it isn't.
17:21 We're just saying it's fired up right now.
17:24 You know, you go all the way from California.
17:26 You go to New York, wherever it might be,
17:29 you know, Pennsylvania in between,
17:31 protesters every night have been returning
17:33 to the streets.
17:35 Many are angry.
17:36 In Washington DC, they got mad at the president
17:38 because he sent in some of the military,
17:41 you remember that,
17:42 to kind of patrol the streets
17:43 because they were getting out of hand.
17:45 There's looting and killing and brick throwing.
17:50 Like it was nothing
17:51 and we should let that continue on.
17:53 You decide.
17:56 President says, "I'm sending in the military
17:57 to crack down on this violence and this looting, "
18:00 which are signs of the last days
18:02 that we are living in.
18:04 Please keep that in your mind.
18:07 There's high tension right now everywhere.
18:10 And a nation or we talk about, nations are on edge,
18:15 ravaged by the Coronavirus pandemic
18:19 they call it,
18:20 sky high unemployment, bad economy.
18:25 And now to add to that we realize right now,
18:28 we're dealing with racism and police brutality.
18:34 Man, if this is not signs of the time,
18:36 that's labeled out in Scripture.
18:39 Oh, somebody said,
18:41 "Well, that's just taking place
18:42 in just a few cities of the world.
18:43 It's not really a big deal."
18:45 Really?
18:47 This is going on in over 140 cities.
18:52 What an uprising.
18:54 There's unrest and there's fear.
18:57 Even though the Bible talks about, you know,
18:58 perfect love casts out all fear.
19:01 We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
19:02 We have God that's on our side,
19:04 but something is happening with people
19:05 who are doing what they're doing.
19:07 Maybe they don't have God.
19:11 Maybe they've forgotten God.
19:14 What a real...
19:15 I'm just throwing this out to you.
19:16 What a real born again Christian
19:18 be ransacking and taking from other people
19:21 who've worked so hard
19:23 for certain things and stealing?
19:25 You know what I'm talking about?
19:28 Maybe the issue is much deeper than we ever thought.
19:32 With this national unrest,
19:35 these attacks on law enforcement,
19:38 injuries,
19:39 death that we've talked about here,
19:40 police, protesters looting,
19:44 causing destruction
19:46 by the millions and billions of dollars and violence!
19:49 Could we possibly say...
19:51 Could we possibly say that this might be
19:53 as it was in the days of Noah?
19:56 So was it in the days of Noah
19:58 so shall it be when the Son of man cometh.
20:00 Could we possibly say that
20:01 because violence is filling the whole land?
20:04 Wow!
20:05 Violence is what?
20:07 It's filling the whole land right now.
20:10 And you think it's not bad?
20:13 Interesting, the curfews that are out there,
20:17 California now have changed their curfew to 2 pm.
20:21 Shortly after lunch,
20:22 they're going to start closing down
20:23 because a lot of people don't want to close it down.
20:26 And you say, well, Hollywood, well,
20:28 let's take Hollywood for a minute.
20:30 Hollywood streets are just filled with shouting.
20:33 Now listen carefully,
20:35 now you're gonna stay with me here.
20:36 You know, I believe we get to the kingdom,
20:39 there's going to be different colored people.
20:41 Can I say that?
20:43 There's going to be people of different colors,
20:44 every race.
20:47 And so what we like right now we're looking at these things,
20:49 we're saying Hollywood,
20:51 their voices all they're shouting,
20:52 they're going down the street, they're shouting,
20:54 "Black lives matter."
20:56 And certainly they do.
20:58 But why can't we be a little more balance?
21:00 And this is just my opinion that all lives matter!
21:04 And let me tell you how I come up with that
21:05 because Jesus said it, because Calvary proves it.
21:09 Lives matter. Every life matters.
21:11 Black and white, pink, yellow, green, you understand it.
21:16 Louisville, Connecticut, Denver, Missouri, Oregon,
21:21 all protesting which I said before is okay.
21:24 But listen, anarchy is not,
21:26 the Bible talks about these things
21:27 taking place in the last day.
21:29 We need not be a part of that thing
21:31 which has gone haywire.
21:35 Interesting, just food for thought,
21:37 President Trump visited a couple of religious sites.
21:40 And one of them
21:42 was with his wife and by himself,
21:43 when he went to St. John's Church,
21:46 and that got, you know, some people angry.
21:48 And then they went to, him and his wife went
21:50 to Saint John Paul II National Shrine.
21:53 That's a Catholic site in North East Washington.
21:58 Interesting, now notice what one man said.
22:02 And he was talking about this the pandemic.
22:05 He's talking about the violence in the streets,
22:07 problems going on in the cities.
22:10 And everything seems to be out of sort.
22:13 People are acting like they've lost their minds.
22:17 He made this statement.
22:19 He said, "Who is going to emerge,"
22:22 notice, "who's going to emerge
22:24 from this pandemic purgatory?"
22:27 Did you get it?
22:28 Pandemic, what?
22:30 Purgatory.
22:32 And who will not?
22:35 Man, can we make it a little bit clearer?
22:37 Who's going to emerge from this pandemic hell?
22:45 And who will not?
22:46 There's a lot that will not.
22:49 There's many.
22:50 So what's going on?
22:52 What's going on in the world right now?
22:55 I don't know everything that's going on,
22:57 but based on the Word of God right now,
22:59 right now, America is being reshaped.
23:02 The world is being forever changed
23:06 or we say until Jesus comes.
23:08 So the things that's happening now,
23:10 don't just look and say,
23:11 "Oh, it doesn't make any difference now."
23:12 The world is being changed before your very eyes.
23:15 There's something sinister behind what's going on.
23:18 We just see some things at surface.
23:19 You read the Word of God, you realize there's some,
23:21 the enemy is at work.
23:25 Theatlantic.com says this.
23:27 It says,
23:28 "US Commerce Department reported in March,
23:32 the spending collapse
23:34 by the largest number on record."
23:36 Did you get that?
23:38 Spending collapse
23:39 by the largest number on record.
23:42 The history of this world is collapsed.
23:44 Notice it, travel,
23:45 it's talking about the airlines.
23:46 We're talking about hotels. We're talking about cruises.
23:49 They are down 100%.
23:53 But let me say but over here, but, interesting,
23:57 their grocery stores, praise God, grocery stores,
24:01 but notice this and the liquor stores
24:04 had their best month on record.
24:07 Interesting.
24:10 Maybe our minds are just not balanced anymore,
24:12 maybe something's wrong,
24:14 maybe we're not in the Word of God.
24:15 We don't understand
24:16 may what God would have us to do here
24:18 in these last hours of earth's history.
24:22 Nevertheless ask a question, where is all of this leading?
24:26 It's got to lead somewhere.
24:27 We're just going
24:29 over some things that are happening
24:30 in case you've had your head in the sand
24:32 and just kind of go over them to say that
24:33 that's going to fit
24:34 when we read some things in just a moment.
24:38 I mean, we were having the climate change disaster,
24:40 we're having the, you know, the health emergency disaster.
24:44 And then we're having what?
24:45 Racial disasters
24:50 on every hand.
24:52 But you know, all of these things
24:54 have been prophesied in Scripture,
24:55 so that we can know them.
24:57 Is it possible time
24:59 that the cities have become so vile
25:02 that it's time to move out and move out now?
25:05 Some of you want to put down,
25:06 will step one, step two, step three,
25:08 look at where we're at.
25:10 Maybe you've missed some steps.
25:11 Maybe it's past time that you left.
25:14 But now we can start making preparations for sure
25:18 it's time
25:19 because it's not going to get any better.
25:22 Let me go to one quote
25:23 that's found in Letter 2 in 1903.
25:26 Letter 2, 1903, says this,
25:28 "God means that we shall not locate,"
25:31 where?
25:33 Good! "Not locate in the," where?
25:36 "In the cities,
25:37 for these are very strong times before us."
25:42 So God's plan is what?
25:44 Now, you say,
25:45 "Well, now he's talking about the spirit problems,
25:47 he's talking about..."
25:48 All you have to do is read the Bible
25:50 through and through and you see
25:51 how God has always intended His people to be
25:53 and what they should be doing.
25:55 He's always called them out of the cities,
26:00 because of what was going on, the influence.
26:03 And I mean even today, can any of us really,
26:06 you know, with honest mind and honest heart, say,
26:08 "Yeah, we want to raise our family there.
26:11 We won't worry about the influence"?
26:13 Look in the Bible
26:14 of all the influences on people and what happened to them.
26:19 God means that His people shall not be in the cities.
26:22 Why?
26:23 Because there's some tough times ahead.
26:25 We have seen nothing yet.
26:27 And I'm not trying to discourage you.
26:28 I want to encourage you. God's still in control.
26:30 Don't worry about the election. God's still in control.
26:34 But yet these are difficult times
26:35 God's purifying
26:37 a people to be ready when He shall come.
26:39 Some to purify so we can spend eternity with Him.
26:42 Some people think, "I didn't make any difference.
26:44 I'm a pretty good old Joe. I'm gonna make it."
26:48 Think the Bible might say something
26:50 just a little bit different, don't you believe?
26:52 Absolutely.
26:53 God wants us to be, what?
26:55 Be His children,
26:56 be fruit for the kingdom of God.
26:59 Be like Jesus.
27:00 Gain the victories that we need in our life.
27:04 Another here, I want to look at Letter 26 in 1907.
27:07 This was written a long time ago.
27:09 You say, "How can these fit
27:10 when they're over 100 and some odd years on?"
27:11 Watch how they fit. Why?
27:13 Because they were what?
27:14 The Holy Spirit impressed the writing of this.
27:17 "The instruction is still being given,
27:21 move out of the cities
27:23 for wickedness and corruption
27:24 will increase to such a degree that the very,"
27:28 notice, "the very atmosphere of cities
27:30 will seem to be polluted."
27:32 The very atmosphere, the very air of the cities,
27:35 the air that we breathe, was seen to be polluted.
27:38 It is polluted, is it not?
27:41 We realized, and we did move out
27:42 because wickedness and corruption will increase.
27:46 Crime is going to increase.
27:47 Do we see that happening right now?
27:48 Oh, absolutely.
27:50 Been going on for a long time.
27:54 I thought that was very interesting.
27:56 The instruction is still given. You know why?
27:58 Because you can get up here and you can sigh and cry,
28:00 "Oh, somebody help me."
28:02 You can sight and cry for all the abominations
28:03 that'd be done in the world
28:05 and all the abomination to be done in a church
28:06 and very few people will listen.
28:08 You can say the world's coming to an end.
28:10 Very few would have, what?
28:11 Because we like our car, we like our home.
28:13 We like this., we like that, our job, more than we love God.
28:17 But God doesn't say, "Well, they're not going to listen."
28:19 He says, "Give them the message,
28:20 you know, whether they will hear
28:21 or whether they will forbear."
28:23 Give the message, you need to come out.
28:26 He gives a call to come out of Babylon.
28:28 Ain't that not the second angels' message?
28:30 Don't be touching that thing, the unclean
28:32 'cause by touching the unclean, we become unclean.
28:35 By associating with unclean, we become unclean.
28:39 God continues to warn us.
28:42 Who's gonna listen?
28:44 I think this every once in a while,
28:45 you can forgive me.
28:46 I think I was wrong, why give it,
28:48 most people not gonna listen anyway.
28:51 But God says, "Give the message."
28:53 And this...
28:54 I almost got it, cut a couple little excuses out
28:56 from under your little feet right now
28:58 because I've talked to many people.
29:00 So, you know, we need to move out of city.
29:01 We realize how bad this getting,
29:03 how the crime and how,
29:04 you know, drive by shootings and murders and rapes
29:06 and everything you can think of is happening.
29:07 And you're afraid to get out.
29:09 You got bars on the windows.
29:10 Man, how can you live like that?
29:13 And you say we need to move...
29:14 Well, I can't right now.
29:16 And you give a bunch of reasons why you can't.
29:18 But God says,
29:20 "This is My messages to move out."
29:22 If God says to do it,
29:23 then God will provide a way, will He not?
29:25 Sure, He will, lay it up on the altar.
29:27 Say, "God, I know that I need to,
29:29 I don't have the finances.
29:30 I don't have the help. I'm tougher.
29:32 People say I'm way too old."
29:33 God's not too old to help you.
29:36 Now, people, God will send angels,
29:38 He was sending to help you.
29:40 We need never make an excuse
29:42 and say, "Well, I can't, " when God said you can.
29:47 God will provide a way for He has said
29:51 and this just the subject out of the cities.
29:55 Man, just,
29:56 I'm asking you to open your eyes.
29:58 Just open your eyes, open your ears
30:01 of what's taking place right now.
30:03 This is the city has no place to live.
30:06 The city has no place to raise a family.
30:08 It's no place to get your education.
30:10 The evil influences are all around.
30:13 You know, if you're around that,
30:15 you know, the Bible talks about
30:16 by beholding we become change, do we not?
30:19 Yeah, but that's what we look at,
30:20 what we listen to, what we do, you know?
30:22 And sometimes even all of us is, you know,
30:24 we call Christian, we're looking around it.
30:26 We forget that by beholding,
30:28 we forget that we're not taught to listen to certain thing,
30:30 we forget maybe.
30:32 Or maybe we just want to do it we know better.
30:38 We know what's taking place.
30:40 We are warned what's taking place.
30:42 Let me I read one, Prophets and Kings, 278.
30:45 Prophets and Kings, 278.
30:47 Well, I'm going slow. I'm gonna have to really hurry.
30:49 Some of you think I'm hurrying too much right now.
30:50 But, boy, "Prophets and Kings," 278.
30:53 It says, "The condition prevailing in society,
30:57 and especially
30:58 in the great cities of the nations
31:00 proclaim in thundering tones
31:04 that the hour of God's judgment,"
31:06 Oh, boy, notice Revelation 14,
31:09 "That the end of all things earthly is at hand."
31:12 Now notice this,
31:14 "We are standing on the threshold
31:16 of the crisis of the ages.
31:18 In quick succession," notice this,
31:20 "the judgments of God will be follow one after the other."
31:25 The problem is you've heard it over and over and over.
31:27 And the problem is maybe you've closed your mind,
31:29 maybe you haven't.
31:30 I pray that you haven't.
31:32 This is another warning. This is not the only voice.
31:34 There's many voices out there in the world today.
31:36 There are many, maybe not even know God
31:38 are giving a message just like this.
31:39 Why?
31:41 Because many of us will give it.
31:42 We don't want to talk about racial problems.
31:44 We don't want to talk about black and white issues.
31:47 We don't want to talk about all the stuff
31:48 that's going on right in bloodshed.
31:50 But you know what? These are signs of the time.
31:52 God loves everyone.
31:54 He's wanting us to be saved in the kingdom.
31:57 Notice these, in the city, the society.
32:02 It's loud!
32:03 Trumpets are blowing everywhere
32:05 and it seems like we don't understand it.
32:10 The article goes on and says, you know,
32:12 how these things happen?
32:13 We know fire and flood and earthquake, wars,
32:17 and certainly blood, you know, bloodshed, there's pestilence.
32:22 All the things that...
32:24 Just you say some of these things
32:25 is not to worry about, really?
32:29 This COVID-19 you realize what happened?
32:31 The world basically
32:32 may I be bold enough to say
32:34 the world was shut down in two weeks.
32:36 You think it's going to go on and on and on...
32:38 Two weeks, basically, the world was shut down.
32:41 And it's still mostly shut down.
32:45 To the point where you have 35 or 40 million people,
32:48 United States, unemployed.
32:51 And many are staying, stay unemployed,
32:53 country cannot last very long that way
32:55 as you well know.
32:58 Decisions! Decisions!
33:00 Decisions!
33:02 Give you just a quick example you realize there,
33:04 we need to get out because things are so bad
33:07 because the judgments of God are being poured out on the,
33:09 especially, on the cities, we understand that,
33:11 many cities around the world, things are happening,
33:14 earthquake, tornado, we talked about fire,
33:16 you know, floods, everything you can think of.
33:19 You remember Lot
33:20 and most been a whole lot of time
33:22 I mentioned just a little bit later on possibly
33:23 as we go on here, but remember Lot.
33:26 The example what happened to him.
33:29 He was told to what?
33:30 To move out of the cities.
33:32 He didn't really want to move out, did he?
33:33 The wife didn't want to move out.
33:35 The kids didn't want to move out.
33:36 He didn't move when he was supposed to.
33:38 An angel come and help him a couple dollars to move out
33:40 and the wife turned into a pillar of salt.
33:42 You know what?
33:43 They didn't move out and remember,
33:44 he did not do the right thing.
33:46 Lot chose what?
33:47 City life!
33:49 And God wanted him where?
33:50 Yeah, out in the country.
33:53 And you know, bless his heart.
33:54 He lost everything.
33:56 My, my, my, my.
33:58 He lost everything.
34:00 He lost his wife.
34:02 He lost all of his children, his family.
34:04 He lost all of his possessions.
34:08 And I just want to encourage you, please,
34:09 I just want to encourage you right now, let's, oh boy,
34:13 let's not be a religious charlatan.
34:18 Now, what does a religious charlatan do?
34:22 They all they do is just talk about issues.
34:25 They don't do anything about it.
34:28 God's looking for men and women of action today.
34:31 There's no doubt about it.
34:32 Isaiah Chapter 26, the Bible is clear, verse 21.
34:36 Notice it says, now, Isaiah 26:21,
34:39 "Behold, the Lord cometh out of," where?
34:42 God is coming out of His place.
34:43 The Lord is coming out of His place.
34:45 Why is He coming out of His place?
34:47 The Bible said, He's coming out to punish
34:49 the inhabitants of the earth.
34:51 Yes, I get excited about it.
34:53 Yes, that's a solemn thought
34:55 that He's coming out of His place.
34:57 He's coming because He's going to, what?
34:59 He's going to punish the inhabitants of the earth.
35:02 And what are they're going to punish them for?
35:04 For their iniquity and their sin,
35:06 which is bound up especially in the cities,
35:09 all over the world we understand that.
35:11 And notice,
35:12 "The earth also shall disclose her blood,
35:16 and shall no more cover her slain."
35:19 What is it saying?
35:20 The earth is polluted with crime and bloodshed.
35:23 It's all going to be uncovered.
35:25 The cries, you remember that
35:27 the cries of was it Lot here we talked about here, Abel,
35:30 Cain killed Abel.
35:31 And he said,
35:32 your blood's crying out from where?
35:34 Crying out from the ground.
35:35 God said, "This is all going to be exposed."
35:37 You say, "Well, I don't believe it."
35:38 I encourage you. This is not...
35:39 Maybe it'll be on the screen.
35:41 But I encourage you to look up Micah 1:3-9.
35:45 Just read some things right there.
35:46 Read Revelation Chapter 19, Revelation Chapter 18,
35:49 Revelation Chapter 6, Genesis 4:10.
35:53 Read these things and you will see.
35:55 So what is the significance of these judgments?
36:00 Seven Testimonies, 83, says this, notice this,
36:04 out of the cities is my message,
36:08 "The large cities will be visited
36:10 by the judgments of God.
36:12 The ungodly cities of our world
36:15 are to be swept away by the besom of destruction."
36:19 That means the broom, besom means broom.
36:23 Why get out?
36:24 Because the cities are going soon to be what?
36:26 Destroyed.
36:27 You said, "Well, I can't believe it."
36:29 Do you see all the devastation is going on?
36:31 That has gone on, especially, in last several years?
36:34 Oh, my!
36:36 There's been towns, and villages, and little cities
36:38 completely wiped off of the face of the earth.
36:45 Because there's destruction that's coming
36:46 and God wants to save His people.
36:48 He's calling you to come out!
36:49 But you have to be more obedient.
36:51 Hopefully, we'll say
36:53 more about that a little later on.
36:55 This to me is just a little bit of a precursor
36:58 to what's coming upon this whole world.
37:00 Matthew Chapter 24,
37:02 the Bible talks about it in verses 32 and 33.
37:06 Matthew 24:32-33.
37:10 It says, "Now learn the parable of," what?
37:12 Good. "Parable of the fig tree.
37:13 When his branch is yet
37:15 tender and putteth forth leaves,
37:18 you know that," what?
37:19 "You know that summer is nigh, so likewise ye,
37:22 when ye shall see,"
37:23 notice, "all of these things,
37:25 know that it is near," what?
37:27 The Coming of Jesus is near, "Even at the doors."
37:30 I wonder how many of us really believe that?
37:32 You may be a Christian all your life,
37:33 you may not have been, maybe you're a new Christian.
37:35 But how many really believe with their whole heart
37:37 that the coming of Jesus is really at the door?
37:39 If we believe that He was at the door,
37:41 would we not conduct ourselves a little bit differently?
37:43 Would our lives not be changing?
37:45 But we were not, you know, spending time in prayer
37:47 and Bible study and say,
37:48 "God, what would you have me be doing?"
37:50 What would you have to?
37:51 I want to do things I need to give up.
37:53 I don't even know about Lord,
37:54 make them paramount in my life
37:55 that I might turn them over to you
37:57 that I may gain the victory so heaven can be my home.
38:02 City life.
38:04 See, we know that men in the patriarchal age
38:08 help faster to God's principles of life.
38:10 Why?
38:12 Because it says they dwelt among the fields,
38:13 you remember that?
38:15 Oh, yes, but fields on the hills,
38:17 they tilled the soil.
38:19 They kept flocks and they kept purge.
38:22 And there was time for labor.
38:25 There was time for study.
38:26 There was time for meditation.
38:31 Now, here's the interesting question.
38:32 Well, where in the world
38:34 or how did city life really begin?
38:36 Let me just read something to you
38:38 that hopefully will answer may that question for you.
38:40 So how did city life began?
38:41 Notice, this, Education 33 and 34.
38:45 Education, page 33 and 34.
38:47 That's what we read.
38:49 "Those who departed," Uh-oh.
38:51 "Those who," what?
38:53 "Those who departed from God built for themselves cities."
38:58 See why God keeps saying, "Get out of the city."
39:00 Those who, notice, they've built the cities
39:03 and they congregated in them just like people do now,
39:06 which we've been warned an awful lot
39:07 about congregating too many in one spot.
39:10 And will we listen? No.
39:14 Just allow me to go on for a little bit, okay?
39:18 "Congregating in them," notice this,
39:20 "gloried in the splendor, and the luxury..."
39:24 You remember, Nebuchadnezzar, what he did?
39:25 Uh-huh.
39:27 "And the vise that made the cities
39:29 of today the world's pride,"
39:31 notice this,
39:33 that the same time, "it's curse."
39:35 Cities are the curse,
39:36 too many people together in one spot.
39:41 They built and they congregated there.
39:44 But living in the country, then in small towns,
39:47 we can preserve our families from many evils.
39:53 Manuscript 94, 1903, says this,
39:56 "When iniquity, "
39:58 Manuscript 94, 1903,
40:00 "When iniquity abounds in a nation,
40:04 there is always to be heard some voice
40:06 giving warning and instruction,
40:08 as the voice of Lot,"
40:10 we talked about, you remember,
40:12 "was heard in Sodom, "
40:14 you didn't notice this yet,
40:15 "Lot could have preserved his family from many evils
40:19 had he not made his home in this wicked, polluted city."
40:25 Sometimes we have a lot of bad things
40:27 going on in our family and things going on.
40:28 Why?
40:30 Because maybe we made the wrong decision.
40:31 And we made the wrong decision,
40:33 you know what, God can change that,
40:34 we can ask God to forgive us,
40:35 lead us out of this place,
40:37 that we might be where you would have us to be.
40:39 Remember, cities are full of sin,
40:41 full of moral corruption.
40:44 They're polluted.
40:45 So we have to simply make a choice.
40:47 We have to choose where we're going to be
40:49 if we've made the wrong choice.
40:51 I've made plenty of them.
40:53 And God has been merciful and good.
40:55 I'm sure to you as well as to me.
40:57 As we see the error of our way that we come to Him,
40:59 confessing that
41:00 and turning our life back to Him.
41:02 Seven Testimonies, 81, makes this statement,
41:04 notice this, "Places should be chosen," huh?
41:08 "Places should be chosen," where?
41:10 "Away from the dark clouds of sin
41:13 that hangs over the great cities."
41:16 God said we need to make choices,
41:18 we need to make decisions.
41:19 They need to be good decisions.
41:22 Why?
41:23 So that God can work with us?
41:25 You know how difficult for Him to work with us
41:27 in these cities that we're living in?
41:28 I'm just gonna read
41:30 three or four words of Malachi 4:2
41:33 because remember,
41:34 we need to move out where God can work for us,
41:37 notice because there, Malachi 4:2 says,
41:39 "With healing in his wings."
41:42 Man, I need some healing in my wings.
41:44 Now I know
41:45 you want that healing in your wings,
41:47 but we need to put ourselves in a place
41:48 where God can use us, where He can work with us,
41:51 and give us this healing,
41:54 mentally, physically, spiritually,
41:55 and maybe even financially.
41:59 So do we think that these demonstrations,
42:02 we're talking about protests,
42:04 this, the looting and the killing
42:06 and the thievery.
42:09 You say, "Well, nobody's catching."
42:10 People see you on, you know, television,
42:12 they see your face on there
42:14 and you're not really worried about it.
42:15 But let me tell you, there's a judgment coming.
42:17 The Bible says, you know, "Thou shall not," what?
42:20 Good. "Thou shall not steal."
42:21 You can read that in Exodus 20:15.
42:24 "Thou shall not," what?
42:26 "Thou shall not steal."
42:29 There's a day that's coming.
42:33 1 Corinthians 16,
42:34 and I don't have that on screen but just this came to my mind.
42:36 1 Corinthians 16 talks about is
42:39 that no thief will enter heaven.
42:43 We need to really think what's going on
42:45 and decisions we're making,
42:46 or are we just going along with the crowd?
42:50 But God knows.
42:53 Because Zachariah makes a comment, I'm not sure,
42:55 I think Chapter 5 says,
42:58 "Every everyone that stealeth will be cut off."
43:03 Lord have mercy!
43:07 Is there possibly an evil presence
43:11 that's taking and influencing men and women of today?
43:14 Is that possible?
43:15 I believe that the enemy has taken over the minds
43:17 of many people influencing them
43:20 to the point that they've lost their mind.
43:23 God is calling us back.
43:26 The enemy is trying to take over
43:30 and so that he can bring disaster
43:31 upon this earth.
43:33 That's his plan.
43:34 To get rid of you, get rid of me,
43:35 get rid of this world.
43:37 Rebellion is a sign of the last days.
43:42 Five Testimonies, 91, says this, notice this,
43:44 rebellion is, what?
43:45 It's a sign of the last days.
43:48 Five Testimonies, 91, says,
43:50 "That spirit of rebellion and defiance
43:54 which the apostle declares
43:56 is to be one of the signs," what?
43:59 "Of the last days."
44:00 The spirit of, what?
44:02 We're seeing it all over the place,
44:03 there's rebellion, rebellion, rebellion.
44:05 People don't even want to talk about obedience.
44:08 They want to talk about rebellion all the time
44:09 and defiance, which started in heaven,
44:12 it's down here on this earth right now.
44:14 And the enemy's got people doing rebelling,
44:16 going against law, going against order,
44:19 not wanting to do the right thing.
44:21 And the enemy is saying, this is good,
44:22 this is what I have planned for them.
44:25 I mean, what do you see
44:27 going on in our streets and in the world today?
44:31 What can it be contributed to?
44:33 I mean, there must be something that's going on
44:34 that we can say,
44:36 "Oh, I can see why the world is doing these things.
44:38 It must be contributed to something here."
44:41 Prophets and Kings, page 185, says this,
44:45 "There is a growing contempt for law and order,
44:49 directly traceable,"
44:51 notice this, "to a violation of the plain,"
44:54 notice this, "plain commands of Jehovah.
44:57 Violence and crime are the result
45:00 of turning aside from the path of obedience."
45:04 Wow!
45:06 That's heavy duty. Out of the cities!
45:07 Out of the cities now,
45:09 while there's still time,
45:11 we realize as the Sunday law approaches and is passed,
45:14 I won't say the last would be warning.
45:16 You've got to go
45:17 but wouldn't be nice to make preparations right now?
45:19 Because what?
45:20 The last movements will be rapid ones,
45:22 you may not have time.
45:23 You've got to do it now
45:25 as the Holy Spirit's impressing you
45:26 to make preparations.
45:27 Why?
45:29 Because things will only get worse.
45:30 2 Timothy 3:13.
45:32 2 Timothy 3:13,
45:33 just a part of it says, "It will wax," what?
45:35 Better and better?
45:37 No, it will wax worse and worse
45:39 to the coming of the Lord.
45:41 Isn't that right, 2 Timothy 3:13?
45:49 Think about, what will prevent the world
45:52 from become another second Sodom?
45:55 Is there something that can prevent us
45:57 from becoming another Sodom and Gomorrah?
46:00 The next few verses, I want to read from you,
46:02 if you've heard nothing else, please just listen.
46:06 It's like taking something
46:07 out of the daily paper right now.
46:10 Written this, you know, 150 years, 160 years ago,
46:13 it couldn't possibly lest it's inspired by God.
46:15 How could this go on?
46:16 Notice, Education, page 228,
46:21 just like the issues facing us today,
46:23 remember written many years ago.
46:26 There's every point, I'll try to take it slow.
46:28 It says, "At the same time
46:30 anarchy is seeking to sweep away all law."
46:33 Is there anarchy? Absolutely.
46:35 You hear it every day, you see it in the papers,
46:37 you hear the people on TV, and the news and so on.
46:39 Anarchy is sweeping away all law.
46:42 "Not only divine, but," what?
46:43 The human.
46:45 Notice this,
46:46 here do we see this in the world?
46:47 There is, "The centralizing of wealth and power,
46:52 the vast combination for the enriching of the few
46:56 at the expense of many."
46:58 Do we see that? Absolutely.
47:00 "Combinations of the poorer classes
47:03 for the defense of their interest and claims,"
47:06 notice this, "the spirit of unrest,
47:09 and of riot and of bloodshed,
47:13 world-wide dissension,"
47:14 no, "dissemination of the same teaching
47:17 that led to the French Revolution."
47:21 Same things that are going on today.
47:23 Do you notice, unrest, riot, bloodshed, wealth and power,
47:28 centralizing all this wealth, doing away with all the laws?
47:36 With all of life's problems, dangers,
47:41 I can say a simple, simple answer.
47:44 Our only safety for society and for nature,
47:49 and for a nation
47:51 is to simply do what God says to do.
47:54 That's pretty simple, isn't it?
47:56 God's given us instructions in His book
47:57 and if we follow that book,
47:59 all will be well, but if we don't,
48:01 judgments are falling
48:02 and they're falling in the land.
48:03 Psalms 19:8, quickly as we move along.
48:06 It says, "The statues of the Lord are," what?
48:08 Psalms 19:8, I'm just reading part of it,
48:10 "The statues of the Lord are right."
48:14 Didn't say they were wrong,
48:15 it didn't say we'll think it over and decide,
48:16 well, they are the statues, the rules, right,
48:18 the laws of God are right,
48:21 whose man with a bones
48:22 that he has to stand in the face of God said
48:24 that's not what it means.
48:26 Surely, you wouldn't do that.
48:27 Statues, the laws of God are right.
48:32 Psalms 15:5, the Bible says,
48:36 "He that doeth these things, "
48:38 Psalms 15:5, "shall never be moved."
48:42 If you do these things, you shall never be moved,
48:43 but remember people are moved around,
48:45 there by every wind of doctrine they tried,
48:46 'cause they're not studying with the Word of God.
48:48 They're not doing
48:50 what God has said to do in His Word.
48:51 When God says,
48:52 "This is what I'll cause you to write
48:54 on a high places of the earth,"
48:55 that's exactly what He means.
48:57 Well, he says, "I'm going to provide for you
48:58 when there seemed like there's no way to get it with."
49:00 Your bread and water is going to be sure.
49:02 You can't make a house payment, you don't have a job.
49:04 God said, "I'm like that pain before you,
49:05 I got somebody in mind.
49:07 I'm going to take care of you."
49:08 You can count on that.
49:10 Don't get discouraged.
49:11 Luke 10:27, Bible plainly, it says,
49:14 "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with," what?
49:17 "With all thy heart," notice, get down,
49:19 "and thy neighbor as thyself."
49:21 Lots going on in the world today,
49:22 can we possibly say we love our neighbors?
49:25 Absolutely not.
49:26 And not do what's being done right now.
49:31 We have to love our neighbors,
49:32 love Jesus with our whole heart.
49:35 You know, let me read some that may be a little touchy.
49:38 Some of you may not be able to take it and others...
49:40 Well, you need to hear it anyway.
49:44 Nine Testimonies, 207-208,
49:45 now it's couple of pages pretty heavy duty right there.
49:47 I'm just gonna take a little quote out of this.
49:50 Do we believe that time is advancing?
49:52 Do we believe the coming of the Lord
49:54 is nearer than it was yesterday?
49:55 Sure, we do.
49:57 Then we have to be ready for that.
49:59 But see you here is another sign
50:00 so that you can know,
50:03 so that you can know beyond a shadow of a doubt.
50:05 Notice, "As time advances,
50:08 race prejudices will increase." What?
50:14 I thought we had it all ironed out,
50:17 been going on for, what, 150, 160 years,
50:19 you know, everything should all been worked out,
50:20 all the things should have been good.
50:22 But as we get closer to the coming of Jesus,
50:24 it's been prophesied that there will be a, peoples,
50:26 there'll be uprisings between black and white
50:30 and whatever color you want to throw in there.
50:36 Satan's working
50:38 to stir up problems between people.
50:41 And that means every color.
50:44 He's always stirring, he's always causing problems.
50:50 Notice this statement, Nine Testimonies, 208,
50:54 yeah, it gets a little stronger and it gets worse.
50:57 But you know what?
50:58 I've witnessed these things
50:59 I've heard these things take place.
51:01 It tells me that probation is about to close.
51:04 But there's going to be some brutal things
51:06 taking place just like right now.
51:11 Notice what it says.
51:13 It says, "White ministers and colored ministers
51:17 will make false statements,
51:20 arousing in the mind of the people
51:21 such a feeling of antagonism
51:24 that they will be ready to destroy and kill."
51:29 That's pretty heavy duty, is it not?
51:31 So you can throw it out if you want.
51:34 But is that not happening today?
51:36 You get somebody with a bullhorn on the streets
51:37 is going on right now.
51:38 And they get people all worked up,
51:40 pretty soon somebody is dead over there in the corner.
51:44 And everything's told them, the Pope is not true,
51:45 as you will know.
51:48 Keep your mind open, keep your minds open
51:50 so we can see false statements and what?
51:51 People get in
51:52 and they start talking about these things.
51:54 Pretty soon we become emotional!
51:55 And all of sudden we're torn up
51:57 and we're not getting a fair shake
51:58 and we're out to kill, will kill them,
52:01 will destroy them is what this article says.
52:04 It's been happening for years.
52:06 This is nothing new. Come on.
52:09 To be antagonistic simply means opposition,
52:13 active opposition.
52:16 It's that which is against,
52:18 it's that which is you could call hostility.
52:22 Should a Christian have hostility
52:23 against another brother or sister
52:26 and regardless of what they look like or what?
52:28 Absolutely not.
52:29 We're created equal.
52:31 God loves us.
52:33 He doesn't look at the color of the skin.
52:34 You and I shouldn't look at the color of the skin.
52:36 God said to look inside that individual.
52:40 But you know we've forgotten to do that,
52:43 but we need to.
52:45 May I read something else, still pretty heavy duty.
52:48 I only do these so we wake up and say,
52:50 "You know, this is the hour. This is the hour."
52:53 How much worse can it get? It will.
52:55 Nine Testimonies, 213, notice what it says.
52:59 Now do you believe this?
53:00 This is Satan's plan to call minds
53:02 to study of the colored line.
53:04 Now I always thought
53:05 white was a color and black is a color,
53:07 and brown is the color.
53:08 Come on stay with me.
53:09 See, some people get all tied about.
53:11 There's no use to do that.
53:12 We're talking about black and white issues.
53:14 Notice it,
53:15 the devil is going to call attention to, what?
53:17 Black and white issues, it's that simple.
53:20 To stir up problems,
53:22 though, you can't work together,
53:23 you can't church together,
53:26 if we let the enemy come in.
53:27 That's not God's plan. Notice.
53:30 Notice, "If his suggestions are heeded,
53:34 there will be diversity of opinions
53:37 and great confusions."
53:40 Oh my! Do we see that?
53:42 Absolutely, there is, almost everything.
53:44 Beside, one person that makes this statement,
53:45 the other makes exactly the opposite.
53:47 Sounds kind of political, doesn't it?
53:51 Let me read one more quote
53:52 as time is going right down almost here.
53:54 Nine Testimonies, 214 says this.
53:58 Ellen White wrote this.
54:00 It says, "The relation of the two races,
54:03 black and white,
54:04 had been a matter hard to deal with,
54:09 and I fear
54:10 that it will ever remain a most perplexing problem."
54:16 See, it doesn't have to be the heart is right with God.
54:19 It's because hearts are not right.
54:20 Are you still there?
54:22 It's because hearts are not right with God.
54:25 You can't be looting and killing
54:26 and throwing bricks at people
54:28 and carrying on like we're doing
54:29 to try to prove a point
54:30 that maybe at some point need to be.
54:32 But you know what I'm talking about here.
54:33 And then next week we're sitting
54:35 in the pews of the church, what's wrong?
54:37 Something said dreadfully wrong.
54:40 And you know, what are we really seeing?
54:42 What are we really seeing in our cities today?
54:45 Put my glasses on here,
54:47 I'm gonna read a couple things real quick here
54:48 before we wrap it up.
54:49 What are we seeing in our cities today?
54:51 Notice, Manuscript 50, 1903 says this.
54:55 What we've been talking about?
54:56 It says here, "The time has come,
54:59 when, as God opens the way,
55:02 families should move out of the cities."
55:05 Kind of interesting, is it not?
55:07 Time has come!
55:09 Family should move out of the cities.
55:10 And I realized, someone will say,
55:12 "Well it's when the Sunday law,"
55:13 blah, blah, blah.
55:14 Time has come.
55:16 We see what's happening
55:17 and it's only going to get worse
55:19 'cause that's what the Bible said.
55:20 "Review and Herald," 9/27/1906.
55:24 Man, this is written in 1906, says this,
55:28 "More and more, as time advances,
55:30 our people will have to leave the cities."
55:34 What was that?
55:36 "More and more, as time advances
55:37 our people will have to leave the cities."
55:39 Are you prepared to do that?
55:40 Do you love Jesus with your whole heart,
55:42 your whole mind?
55:44 This is important.
55:45 I'll read one more quote, and will be done.
55:48 Five Testimonies, 464, says this.
55:51 And we know, "As the siege of Jerusalem
55:53 by the Roman Armies
55:54 was the signal to flight for the Judean Christians,
55:57 so the assumption of power on the part of our nation
56:01 in the decree enforcing the Papal Sabbath
56:03 or Sunday will be a warning to us.
56:06 It will then be time to leave the large cities."
56:09 Move out!
56:11 Move out under direction of God!
56:14 Bible, I think is just clear.
56:15 I know you understand this.
56:17 God's putting a call in.
56:19 He's sounding a trumpet warning.
56:23 Will you heed?
56:24 Will I heed?
56:26 Will I listen?
56:28 There's too much evidence.
56:30 There's too much evidence to say,
56:32 "Well, no, I don't see all these things happening."
56:34 Oh, yes, and much more.
56:37 Jesus is coming soon.
56:39 It may be morning, night, or noon.
56:43 Many will meet their doom.
56:45 Trumpets will sound.
56:47 Are you ready for the coming of Jesus?
56:49 Do you want to get ready for Jesus?
56:51 Signs of the time are here.
56:52 Give your life to Him today.
56:54 There's still hope.
56:55 There's still encouragement.
56:56 He's still in control.
56:58 I'd like to just pray,
56:59 would it be okay to pray with you,
57:01 just before we close in the last few seconds?
57:02 Pray with me. Let's pray.
57:05 Our kind loving Heavenly Father,
57:06 we thank You for Your love and Your mercy.
57:08 Thank You for Your Word,
57:09 may be a little difficult but we pray
57:11 that we'll all chew on that Word.
57:13 We pray for the power of thy Holy Spirit now,
57:15 convict, convert, and bring us to a point in time
57:17 that we're ready for Jesus to come.
57:19 And help us to be ready
57:20 for that great and wonderful day.
57:22 We thank You for hearing.
57:23 Thank You for answering, thank You for being our God.
57:25 Thank You for loving us, in Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2020-07-09