3ABN Worship Hour

Darkness Shall Cover The Earth

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO200017S

00:26 Hello, and just a great big old welcome to you.
00:28 We're glad you decided to join us today
00:30 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:32 We're glad you decided to spend this time with us
00:35 and I believe it's gonna be
00:36 a profitable hour as we spend it
00:38 studying the Word of God together.
00:40 Our subject is Darkness Shall Cover The Earth.
00:43 There's a lot to this.
00:45 Don't let the title fool you. There's a lot to it.
00:46 So we pray that each one of you
00:48 have your Bible, pencil and paper,
00:50 and get ready to look some of these passages up.
00:52 If we move too quickly,
00:53 be sure you jot these things down.
00:56 So you can go back
00:57 study to show yourself approved unto God.
00:59 Again, we're glad, so very grateful and thankful
01:02 for what you do your prayers, your support of 3ABN,
01:04 God bless you for it, continue going,
01:06 continue to praying for us as we move forward,
01:09 Darkness Shall Cover The Earth.
01:11 Now always our custom is and it should be is pray
01:14 before we get into the Word of God.
01:15 So I'm just gonna step over here,
01:17 I'm gonna kneel
01:18 and maybe you will pray with me, will you?
01:21 Okay, let's pray.
01:24 Our Loving Father in heaven,
01:25 we truly thank You for this opportunity
01:27 and privilege we have to come before thee.
01:29 We invite thy Holy Spirit,
01:30 please come and be on us in a very special way.
01:33 Illuminate these beautiful truths
01:35 of Your Word that we may understand them,
01:37 they may be clear to us,
01:38 and then give us power, strength, and might that
01:40 we wanna be obedient to Your Word.
01:42 Thank You for every viewer, every listener,
01:44 each and every one
01:46 that will make a decision for You today.
01:48 And we're gonna thank You for that in advance.
01:49 Bless now we pray
01:51 as a word goes out in Jesus' name.
01:52 Amen.
01:54 If you have your Bible,
01:56 I know that you do have your Bible.
01:57 I want you to make sure that you turn in with me,
01:59 I'm gonna read the first passage here.
02:01 This is one of the most special,
02:02 special passage to me in John 1:1-5.
02:06 John 1:1-5.
02:08 Now you'll say, "Oh, I know that.
02:09 Well, I'm glad you do."
02:11 We commit these things to our heart and to our mind,
02:13 but I love it because the Bible says,
02:15 "In the beginning was," what?
02:17 Good.
02:18 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
02:22 and the Word was God.
02:25 The same was in the beginning with God."
02:27 Notice this.
02:28 "All things were made by Him, and without Him
02:32 was not anything made that was made.
02:35 In Him was life,
02:37 and the life was the light of men.
02:40 And the light shineth in darkness."
02:42 Now notice this.
02:44 "And the darkness comprehended it not."
02:48 You know, I love those verses,
02:50 but when it comes down to the very last line of it,
02:53 something just kind of sticks in my heart, in my mind,
02:55 and there's a sadness that comes up
02:57 because it says right here
02:58 that the darkness comprehend it not.
03:01 Jesus came to this world, but what?
03:04 Many people still today looking
03:06 they haven't comprehend it was all about.
03:08 So again one of my favorite passages
03:10 and spend some time studying that,
03:12 you know, there are light.
03:13 I'm finding in this there are light
03:15 and glory in the truth.
03:17 In this truth that we just read
03:18 in this passage of scripture here
03:20 that was Jesus was with God the Father
03:22 before the foundation of the world.
03:24 I love that.
03:26 This is the light shining, the Bible says in dark places.
03:31 He was the fountain of life to the world.
03:34 He was the, Bible says, the Eternal Word.
03:37 He considered to be made flesh.
03:41 God became man.
03:45 He was numbered with the transgressors.
03:49 See, He didn't die a hero.
03:52 Think about it in the eyes of the world.
03:54 He died a condemned criminal.
03:58 He died as man's substitute.
04:02 Jesus died in order to fully meet the demands
04:07 of the broken law, which the Bible says is death,
04:10 the wages of sin, what?
04:12 Sure is death.
04:14 Now let's take a little trip, if you don't mind,
04:16 let's go back just a little bit here.
04:18 And as we talk about darkness shall cover the earth
04:21 at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ.
04:23 Let's go back and look at the time
04:25 because I believe there's some parallels
04:26 there at the time of Christ was born
04:28 and the time that we're living in now,
04:30 just before Jesus comes back again.
04:32 It behooves us to put
04:34 these together by the grace of God.
04:36 You see, the nation was struggling.
04:39 They were struggling internally,
04:41 they were struggling externally,
04:43 there was strife, all kinds of commotion,
04:45 things were going on at the birth of Christ.
04:49 In fact, it becomes so bad
04:50 that the office of the high priest was corrupt.
04:54 It was secured by fraud.
04:57 It wasn't, think about this fraud
04:58 and bribery and even, notice this, murder.
05:02 The priesthood had become corrupt.
05:08 The people fighting to make ends meet.
05:12 They were heavily taxed.
05:14 Might sounds familiar for today's time, does it not?
05:17 Things that are going on,
05:18 the world is in turmoil right now
05:20 because we're looking at the nearness
05:22 of the coming of Jesus Christ.
05:25 We look at the state of affairs.
05:27 And what happened because these things
05:29 that were going on here, people were discontent.
05:32 They were uneasy.
05:33 They were looking for something that they couldn't find.
05:37 And not long with discontentment
05:38 we find there was worst frequent outbreaks.
05:42 My, does that sound like today?
05:43 People are unrest, they're looking for something
05:45 and there's outbreaks,
05:47 today we'd call them maybe protest.
05:50 Nothing wrong if it's done properly,
05:52 but it was not done properly.
05:54 See, there was greed.
05:56 There was violence. There was distrust.
05:59 Lack of spiritual interest.
06:03 Sounds familiar, does it not?
06:04 There's this Laodicea, this sleepy,
06:06 this indifference that was going on even in the church.
06:11 There's a lot of hatred at the time of Christ birth,
06:16 one against another.
06:18 Sounds like today, awful lot of hatred going on.
06:21 A lot of things going on out there in the world today
06:23 that certainly points us to the coming of Christ,
06:25 but these things, you see,
06:26 they were happening at the birth of Jesus Christ.
06:29 Of course this and much more,
06:30 you could go on and on with the list.
06:33 It caused the nation to just want to give up.
06:36 I don't know if you've ever come to that point in your life
06:39 that you felt like everything's going haywire.
06:42 And you just want to just like give up.
06:46 Some will say, "Well, what's the use to continue on?
06:49 There seems to be no hope.
06:52 There's darkness in the land.
06:55 Things are going on that I just can't understand."
06:57 And along with that darkness and along things
07:00 that were going on people became,
07:01 I use the word they were depressed and oppressed.
07:06 They considered their situation.
07:10 They were seeing here,
07:11 think about this, the rulers and the leaders.
07:15 Think about the leaders
07:16 and the rulers were thirsting for power.
07:20 That was the rule of the day.
07:23 And, of course, Satan was working,
07:26 there was a dark shadow that was cast over the world
07:29 as it were, and it became darker and darker.
07:34 I want these to resonate in your mind that
07:37 what's going on in the world today,
07:39 however you want to put it,
07:41 but there's darkness in the land.
07:43 Something is terribly wrong.
07:46 And it's getting darker and darker.
07:49 At the time of Christ birth
07:51 there was a tremendous change that needed to take place.
07:53 Before the coming of Jesus,
07:54 there's a great change that needs to take place,
07:57 and very few want to make that change.
08:01 You think about what's happened here
08:03 with even the people of God here,
08:05 we were called to be His representatives.
08:08 See, I like that.
08:09 We were called to be His representatives,
08:11 but notice the Jews.
08:14 Now I must say this nicely as I can,
08:16 but they had become the representation of Satan.
08:20 They had turned their back on God.
08:24 And now they were followers
08:25 of the enemy and something had to give.
08:29 Deception of sin at the birth of Christ
08:33 had reached its height.
08:37 I wonder has it reached its height today.
08:40 I wonder if it's going to get a little bit worse
08:42 before Jesus comes, other things that
08:45 we need to be preparing for.
08:47 After all, darkness is going to cover the earth
08:49 and as darkness has already, don't say this,
08:51 all darkness is going to one day cover the earth.
08:54 Darkness is covering the earth right now,
08:58 but certainly it's going to get darker.
08:59 Why?
09:00 Because individuals
09:02 are becoming right now victims of Satan.
09:05 Victims because he was
09:09 behind all this corruption we were talking about.
09:12 He was behind all this unrest, and that's today too,
09:16 and all the violence, all the murder,
09:20 all the destructive practices,
09:23 hoping to catch men in these things
09:25 and keep them still in that until they're lost.
09:31 The time of Christ,
09:32 to me the bodies of human beings,
09:34 you know, bodies of human being was meant to
09:37 for the Holy Spirit to dwell in.
09:39 We were there to dwell in the Spirit of God,
09:41 notice this, Spirit of God inside of us,
09:44 but what happened?
09:45 The body became the dwelling place of demons.
09:48 I wonder today some of the things
09:50 I see going on in the world.
09:51 It looks more like demons, doesn't it?
09:52 Demon possession.
09:54 A lot of things are going on
09:56 that we need to be questioning today.
09:57 And are they pointing us to the coming of Jesus?
10:00 Now how can we say that
10:02 you know what the human beings that,
10:03 you know it's a dwelling,
10:05 they supposed to be the dwelling place of God.
10:06 1 Corinthians 6:19.
10:09 I love this. 1 Corinthians 6:19.
10:12 The Bible says, I'll say it over and over,
10:14 but I can't help it
10:15 because that's what the Bible says.
10:17 It starts out with, "What?
10:19 know ye not that your body is the temple of God."
10:23 Know ye not your body's what?
10:25 "The temple of," what?
10:27 "The Holy Ghost which is in you,
10:29 which ye have of God, ye are not your own?"
10:33 You are not like we say you're not your own,
10:34 it would be nice for us to understand.
10:36 We are not our own.
10:37 We have been bought,
10:38 we have been purchased with a price.
10:41 So for a week what? We glorify God in our bodies.
10:44 Praise God for that.
10:48 I've often wondered, you know,
10:49 if I did something may be wrong at home
10:51 or whatever and I came home.
10:53 My mother would say to me some time,
10:55 "Kenny, what do you been up to?"
10:56 And I'm going what?
10:58 She said, "It was all over your face."
11:00 Really?
11:02 Think about it today, human faces the people
11:05 that we pass by in the street or in the car,
11:07 whoever it might be, people that you meet
11:09 friends, family, many their life
11:11 is written up on their face.
11:14 Many times you can tell
11:16 what kind of life they are living.
11:21 Today, some people lives
11:26 are crying out
11:28 for something that they're not seeing,
11:30 maybe even in the church,
11:32 that they're not seeing anywhere
11:35 and yet their voices are lifted up in prayer
11:37 and saying, "God, I need something,
11:38 I need direction,
11:40 I need not know what to do to be ready."
11:42 You realize if heaven is not your home
11:44 and not my home, what good is this life been?
11:49 The whole purpose of us being here
11:50 is to repopulate heaven.
11:52 We've missed our purpose,
11:54 if we miss heaven, so we don't want to do that.
11:58 And I think sometime that Satan laughs as he sees
12:03 how he has debased the image of God in humanity.
12:08 Have you thought along those lines?
12:11 Genesis 1:26, gives us direction on this,
12:15 notice, you say, "Well, I'm not sure about where,
12:18 but are we supposed to be in the image of God?
12:20 How were we created? How were we made?
12:21 What do we do?"
12:23 Well, the Bible tells us, Genesis 1:26,
12:26 just the first few words we'll use on that.
12:28 Notice it says, "And God said."
12:30 Now if you don't know, I love this, "And God said,
12:33 'Let us make man in," what?
12:35 "In our image after our likeness."
12:38 That just answers the question for me.
12:41 I don't need any more information
12:42 because God said we're to made in His image.
12:47 And so I'm just kind of thinking, you know,
12:49 we need to act like we're in His image.
12:51 We are His people. We are His representatives.
12:55 Surely, maybe we're beginning to see
12:57 or maybe you're finding out
12:59 as you're studying and praying every day
13:00 and witnessing for Him,
13:04 but He has a plan for you and a plan for your life,
13:07 but many people don't know that.
13:08 And you know what?
13:09 If I look at humanity as a whole today,
13:11 I think it's totally out of control.
13:14 There needs to be a change, but, you know,
13:17 we just left it there, you know,
13:18 what good would it do us?
13:20 I'm glad the Bible gives plenty of good counsel,
13:21 but notice what it says,
13:23 but there's some good news here.
13:25 All is not lost.
13:27 Praise God for that, it's not lost.
13:28 Galatians 4:4-5.
13:31 Galatians 4:4-5 gives us some real good, exciting news.
13:36 "But when the fulness of time was," what?
13:41 "When the fulness of time was come."
13:43 See, this is a good news. Why?
13:44 Because they were in a dark part of earth's history.
13:46 "But when the fulness of time was come,"
13:48 what happened?
13:50 The Bible said, "God sent forth his Son."
13:53 Man, He had a plan.
13:55 You can look at the exact time,
13:56 in fact it won't be on the screen,
13:58 but just jot down Daniel 9:24-25,
14:01 Jesus came at the exact time that He said He would do.
14:05 It was predicted as we well know, Acts 17:26,
14:10 but the right time it said,
14:11 "God sent forth His Son, made of a,"
14:14 notice the Bible said, "of a woman."
14:17 What is it do? It indicates His humanity.
14:21 "Made under or subject to the law, to redeem,"
14:25 I like that to buy back.
14:28 Man, I need to be purchased, I need to be bought, you know,
14:30 He paid with His blood, did He not?
14:33 "Them that were under the law."
14:36 Literally that means under law,
14:38 which was the Jewish legal system,
14:41 "That we might receive the adoption of sons."
14:47 To me it's exciting
14:48 when I read the scriptures and it says,
14:50 sons and daughters, sons of God, daughters of God,
14:53 what a privilege that is and how many times,
14:56 many people spurn that.
14:58 They look at the world and things going on.
14:59 They just wonder what we're gonna find
15:01 the answer here.
15:02 We're gonna have to go here.
15:03 We're gonna have to do that, but we have to realize
15:06 we are in this time of the coming of the...
15:08 We talked about the bridegroom.
15:10 Remember the Bible said, what in Matthew 25,
15:12 "The coming of the bridegroom was at midnight."
15:15 Wow, what it meant at midnight that was the darkest hour.
15:20 And so we know that the coming of Christ.
15:23 Notice this, takes place
15:25 in the darkest period of earth's history.
15:29 So we need to be prepared for that.
15:31 And what does God do?
15:33 Well, I know this,
15:34 He calls us to reflect His light.
15:37 He calls us to reflect His glory.
15:39 And look how often we feel that.
15:41 We reflect somebody else's glory,
15:43 maybe somebody else's.
15:44 And we were not reflecting the light
15:46 from the throne room of God, His glory.
15:48 And that's for I'm thinking right now
15:51 we need to be shining a light, we need to be, oh, oh,
15:53 lighting a candle so for the world to see.
15:58 I love the passage of scripture in Isaiah 60:1-3.
16:04 Man, do they have special application
16:08 to God's New Testament Church after His people today?
16:12 Isaiah 60:1-3.
16:16 Again, the Bible says, I like this, "Arise and shine,"
16:19 you know, why does it start out arise and shine?
16:21 Because we've been seated way too long, that's why.
16:24 And God said, "He wants us to get with the program.
16:26 I want you to rise up."
16:28 We can't really do anything as we're seated.
16:29 We need to get up and where we can move them out
16:31 and do what God asked us to do.
16:33 "Arise and shine," notice, "for thy light is," what?
16:37 "The light is come."
16:39 Boy, you think about this right here.
16:42 But notice, when we talk about this passage of scripture,
16:45 "Arise and shine, for the light is come,"
16:47 is talking about here, remember,
16:49 these promises that I'm gonna read here
16:51 and I'm reading, it was a condition of what?
16:56 Of the Reformation that would be
16:58 taking place in Isaiah Chapter 58.
17:01 See, God made some promises here,
17:02 but they were conditional
17:04 and what Israel failed of that of those conditions,
17:07 and therefore, listen.
17:08 This passes over to the New Testament Church.
17:11 These are our hours for today, grasping, so when I read it,
17:15 it says, "Arise, Kenny."
17:17 Did you see that?
17:20 I remember person one time I was preaching somewhere,
17:22 I don't remember where it was at.
17:24 I read some passages of scripture
17:26 or something on this order said arise Kenny and da-da-da, blah.
17:28 And when I got done,
17:29 somebody met with me and they said,
17:31 "Hey, now, what do we mean arise?
17:33 You're adding words to scripture.
17:35 You put your name in there.
17:36 I know your name is not in there."
17:37 And I said, "Oh, I'm sorry, you don't see yours."
17:40 I think we should see our name.
17:43 "Arise and shine, for the light is come,
17:47 and the glory of the Lord has risen up on thee."
17:50 So we are to reflect then that glory.
17:53 "For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
17:57 and gross darkness the people."
18:00 See, that's not good news if we just leave it there,
18:03 but it's something we should not ignore,
18:05 we should approach and we should look at it
18:06 and we should pray about it.
18:08 And we should say, "Lord, what are you saying here?"
18:10 Said, "Gross darkness to people."
18:12 But I like the next word says, but.
18:15 You know, in scripture over and over,
18:16 it goes on he says it but,
18:18 it gives you some maybe some bad news
18:19 as it were, but then it says,
18:20 but and so I like to read on, it says,
18:22 "But the Lord shall arise upon thee,"
18:25 with His glory,
18:27 "His glory shall be seen upon thee."
18:30 Ain't that wonderful?
18:31 "And the Gentiles
18:32 to the brightness of thy rising."
18:35 I mean, there's all kind of information
18:37 that is talked about here
18:39 the Lord shall arise up on thee and His glory,
18:43 not your glory, you have no glory.
18:46 Lot of time we like everything pointed us
18:47 and that all about it, it's not about us.
18:51 It's the Spirit of the Living God
18:52 that's living inside of you,
18:53 living inside of me that needs to come forward.
18:56 The Gentiles are going to come in.
18:59 Other words, they, the Gentiles are those
19:00 maybe not believing the way you believe or, you know,
19:04 if other people have made that decision,
19:07 they'll see something in you and they'll want that.
19:11 And it's certainly not you, it's not me,
19:13 it's Christ who lives within, right, He is our hope.
19:16 And they'll want to come in
19:18 to the brightness of thy rising.
19:20 The kings are going to come in,
19:22 that means the great men of the earth
19:23 before Jesus comes,
19:25 there's gonna be some great king,
19:26 great men as it were
19:28 that we look at in the world today
19:29 are going to come in
19:30 and grab a hold of this message of the three angels,
19:32 and they're going to go give it to the world
19:33 and people are going to listen to them.
19:37 Man, what an awesome time that is that we're living in.
19:42 Are you reflecting the glory of God?
19:47 So I just say again, all around us
19:49 now the world is in turmoil.
19:53 I mean, some bad turmoil.
19:55 We mentioned a few of them, everybody mentioned them
19:57 and talks about them, but, you know,
19:58 there's some people's got their head in the sand
20:00 and they just don't, you know,
20:01 some time they just maybe not thinking along we are.
20:03 We think about bad COVID-19
20:05 we understand that the economy is in trouble.
20:08 We say it's hanging by a what?
20:09 It's hanging by a thread.
20:12 It could snap any day,
20:13 and then what are we going to be doing?
20:16 All we think is bad, horrible right now,
20:18 but, you know, it says it's gonna get darker.
20:21 Things are gonna get worse
20:22 before they get better before Jesus comes.
20:26 Man, a millions have lost their job.
20:28 They've lost their income.
20:30 They've lost their and we call employment.
20:32 And now there's rioting and there's, you know,
20:35 drive by shootings,
20:36 little children are being killed.
20:40 There's heartache and there's pain.
20:42 There's suffering, Schiro murder.
20:47 Loss of home, people are losing their homes
20:49 because they don't have a job.
20:50 They don't have money coming in.
20:53 Even nature is rebilling under the weight of sin.
20:59 Many have lost hope.
21:01 Many have lost encouragement.
21:04 It seemed like there's no one out there
21:05 who wants to give you hope,
21:07 no one wants to give encouragement,
21:08 no one because as soon as you mentioned,
21:10 "Well, how are you doing?"
21:11 "Well, I wasn't feeling very good."
21:12 They'll tell you how bad they're feeling.
21:14 I think you got there.
21:16 And so we need to look, we need to be a hope,
21:20 we need to be a light in a dark world.
21:25 And because it seems the majority of the world
21:28 not everybody's involved
21:29 in what I'm getting ready to say here,
21:30 but I understand
21:32 because there's so much going on,
21:33 that the enemy has such a hold on this world,
21:36 that we realized that many have lost their hope
21:39 and they turn to other things.
21:41 They turn to alcohol, and they turn to drugs,
21:44 and they turn to many bad choices,
21:46 and they turn to bad company.
21:50 And things only get worse for them.
21:54 These folks need a light,
21:57 the light of the world.
21:59 They need that Bread of Life.
22:01 Ain't that wonderful to think about that Bread of Life?
22:04 It makes me hungry,
22:05 it makes me want to thirst after righteousness.
22:08 When you think about the Bread of Life,
22:09 we know that is none other than what?
22:11 That Jesus Christ.
22:15 We must give them.
22:17 We must introduce them to Jesus.
22:23 Tell them, you know,
22:24 what people's wanting to hear today?
22:26 People's wanting to hear.
22:27 I want to hear. I need to hear.
22:29 I need to read it from the Word of God.
22:31 When people are going through such times
22:33 as we're going through right now.
22:34 Oh, there is a balm in Gilead.
22:37 There is a balm in Gilead.
22:39 There's healing that He has for us,
22:42 healing of the sin-sick soul.
22:46 We have a great, mighty physician,
22:51 one that knows all about you and all about me.
22:55 There's healing in the name of Jesus.
22:58 There's victory.
22:59 We know that in the blood of the Lamb,
23:01 I think that's the way that song goes.
23:02 It's a beautiful song. He knows all about you.
23:07 He knows what you have need of,
23:09 this physician, this waiting just for you to call,
23:13 just for you to call, Lord, I need some help.
23:16 I can't handle it anymore. It's too much.
23:19 Do you realize how suicide rates
23:21 are just climbing, climbing, and climbing?
23:24 Because we're entering in that dark period
23:26 and we're not looking for that light.
23:30 There's the physician that can handle
23:32 and heal all manner of diseases,
23:34 whether it be mentally, physically,
23:36 spiritually, financially, doesn't matter.
23:38 Nothing is too big for God.
23:40 I think that's just awesome to think,
23:42 but nothing's too big for God,
23:45 but He's waiting for you to call.
23:48 And I just wonder, will you call?
23:53 If you don't call, He's not going to answer.
23:55 I think today would be the day to call on Him
23:57 because you may fit in some of these things
23:59 we've been talking about here.
24:01 You've noticed the world getting dark.
24:03 You've noticed the coldness of the heart.
24:06 You've noticed that the laziness in the church,
24:09 the coldness, and you're looking
24:11 for something a little bit different right now.
24:16 We need Christ. The days are dark.
24:21 Warning after warning
24:23 is given in scripture, praise God for that.
24:26 And over and over, we go back.
24:27 Well, you know, when you've read all time,
24:28 maybe we've read it too many times
24:30 some have, and we've just thrown it out,
24:31 we've ignored it.
24:33 As it was in the days of Lot, as it was in days of Noah,
24:36 the condition of the world just before Jesus comes,
24:38 man, we can know.
24:40 We can know
24:41 where we're at in the stream of time.
24:45 The Bible tells us in these last times,
24:48 I'm talking about Satan,
24:49 I talked about the man of sin will work with all power.
24:53 How do we know that?
24:55 Because the Bible says 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10.
24:59 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10.
25:02 It says, "Even him,
25:04 whose coming is after the working of," whom?
25:07 "After the working of Satan with all power and signs and,"
25:11 notice this, "lying wonders,
25:14 and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness
25:17 in them that," what?
25:19 "In them that perish."
25:21 We're going to be what?
25:23 We're working to be saved as it were,
25:24 by the grace of blood of Jesus Christ,
25:26 or we're going to be lost, we're going to be perishing
25:28 because the devil says,
25:29 I'm going to try to take you down.
25:31 I'm going to work signs, I'm gonna be working miracles,
25:33 lying wonders, I'm gonna deceive anybody
25:35 and everybody I can.
25:37 Unrighteousness is in them that perish.
25:40 You don't have to be in that boat,
25:42 and then the next word says
25:44 because I like that because, notice this,
25:46 "Because they receive not a love of the truth,
25:50 that they might be saved."
25:53 And so again, the question has to come back.
25:56 Do you have a love for the truth?
25:58 I mean, do you really love it.
26:00 Man, if you have somebody sitting in the pew next to you,
26:03 you talk to your neighbors and your friend,
26:05 mom and dad whatever, it might be family.
26:06 You love Jesus?
26:07 Oh, we love Jesus, we love Jesus.
26:11 Sometimes we can question some of these things.
26:13 And we might question ourselves,
26:14 we just need to do a little,
26:16 you know, self-examination here.
26:21 Did we spend time in prayer this morning?
26:25 Well, no, we went to work.
26:27 We work at a religious place and boom, boom, boom,
26:29 that didn't take the place of it.
26:32 Did you read scripture? Did you get something?
26:35 You get a foundation on which you know,
26:36 to build on the day
26:37 because you already know that the devil is going to try to,
26:40 may I say beat your socks off?
26:41 Yeah.
26:43 He's gonna try to work you over.
26:45 And we need to build a good foundation of a morning
26:48 so that he can't take us off of that.
26:50 To know what the truth
26:51 is so exciting to me to develop a love for that truth.
26:56 You love truth more than you love life itself.
27:00 Wow. So are we doing that?
27:03 Are we doing what's necessary that we may gain the victory?
27:07 We can know the work of the enemy,
27:10 we can know his plan.
27:12 We can know where we're at in the stream of time,
27:16 as the darkness continues to increase.
27:20 And what do I mean by that?
27:22 The darkness is increasing.
27:23 We can say dark, when people's looking outside,
27:25 say man, is it getting dark outside, listen though.
27:27 The spiritual darkness of air,
27:29 the spiritual darkness of heresies,
27:33 spiritual darkness of delusions,
27:36 along with, may I say again,
27:37 the lukewarmness, you know, hey, we call by heresies.
27:41 Don't care attitude
27:43 that seems to be some time facing us.
27:46 Satan is leading the world captive.
27:50 Don't be his victim.
27:52 You don't have to be his victim.
27:54 I don't have to be his victim, but he's leading the world
27:59 right down a path
28:01 that we'll never come back from.
28:03 We need some help.
28:04 We need some power from on time on high.
28:08 So how can we fight this as it were in the Word of God?
28:11 In John 3:19.
28:13 The Bible's clear on it.
28:15 John 3:19.
28:18 The Bible says, "And this is the," notice this,
28:21 "condemnation, that," notice, "light is come into," what?
28:25 "The world, and men loved," men love what?
28:29 "Darkness rather than light," why?
28:34 "Because their deeds were evil."
28:37 Man, that's a powerful passage of scripture right here.
28:39 We have what?
28:41 We have light it's in the world,
28:42 we have the Word of God that's here, right?
28:44 We have time we can get into the Word of God.
28:46 We have the power of the Holy Spirit
28:47 that can illuminate these
28:49 beautiful truths of God's Word in here,
28:51 can convict and convert
28:52 and change the heart and change the life
28:54 and yet many refuse it.
28:55 They don't want it. Why?
28:58 Oh, they love darkness, they love evil.
29:03 And, you know, God can reverse that.
29:07 I've said this many, many times and I do believe it.
29:09 And I'm not trying to be smart about it,
29:12 but I really believe
29:14 that Satan has joined the church.
29:17 Is it okay to say that?
29:20 I believe that Satan has joined the church
29:21 and that he's bringing in apostasy.
29:25 He's bringing in over and over the traditions of men.
29:31 And this develops into darkness as deep as midnight.
29:37 No, I know that's heavy duty, but, you know,
29:39 these things that we need to be thinking about here.
29:43 If he's joined,
29:44 if he's coming in through apostasy
29:46 and traditions of men.
29:49 How does he do that?
29:51 Sometime we find many times
29:52 it's because think if we go to read sometimes
29:54 somebody said, "Well, that's changed now
29:55 for some reason.
29:57 We can't get the full context though for some reason
30:00 or maybe we don't care."
30:06 It's developing, the darkness,
30:08 and it doesn't need to be in the church.
30:12 The devil needs to be disfellowshipped.
30:14 No, somehow you'll get that one.
30:18 We have to realize the time
30:19 that we're living in is a night of trial.
30:22 It's a night of going to be a persecution.
30:26 It is for many right now.
30:28 It's a night of separation.
30:30 It's a night of tears and even death.
30:36 Why? All because what?
30:38 Because we love the truth.
30:40 I mean, do we really love the truth?
30:42 Are we willing to give our lives
30:43 for the truth?
30:45 Are we willing to live the truth
30:48 maybe some time we began so lukewarm
30:50 and just so, you know,
30:51 just kind of out of it so much yet claiming
30:53 that we are Christ right here.
30:54 Maybe we don't see, maybe our conscious
30:56 has become severed with a maybe
30:58 with a hot iron, but, you know,
31:02 we don't have to walk in this darkness
31:06 because the Bible tells us so.
31:08 Let's read a passage, shall we in John 8:12?
31:11 John 8:12 says this, I like the way it starts out.
31:16 It says, "Then spake Jesus again."
31:20 Don't you love it?
31:21 When Jesus spoke again,
31:22 so He speaks to us again he says this.
31:25 Jesus pointing to Himself,
31:26 He said, "'I am the light of," what?
31:28 "Of the world,
31:29 he that followeth me shall," what?
31:34 "Not walk in darkness,
31:35 but shall have the light of life.'"
31:38 Man, what a guarantee.
31:40 Jesus says, "If we follow Him, we will not walk in, what?
31:44 We will not walk in darkness, but we're gonna walk in light.
31:49 You have a choice there.
31:50 You can walk in darkness or you can walk in light.
31:52 Jesus says, "I've come, I've set an example for you."
31:54 We're told we're to walk the way
31:56 that He walked.
31:57 And yet you point that out in scripture.
31:59 Many people say, "Well, I wanna go to heaven,
32:01 but I don't wanna walk that way."
32:03 Way we get to heaven is following God's plan
32:05 and only following God's plan.
32:08 How can we say that we love Jesus?
32:09 How can we say we wanna follow Jesus?
32:11 How can we say we wanna go to heaven?
32:12 But yet we dismiss the words of scripture.
32:16 We feel like we no longer have to do that,
32:18 when we know they haven't changed
32:19 as He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
32:23 My Bible is very, very clear out of darkness,
32:27 God's light is going to shine.
32:31 Man, we have this guarantee of scripture,
32:33 for those of you may be are fighting it
32:34 and you're living in darkness and people
32:36 we've worked with even this week is that
32:38 they're having all kinds of troubles internally
32:40 and externally too,
32:42 and they don't know which way to turn.
32:43 They're ready to give up. They're thinking about suicide.
32:44 They've quit eating.
32:46 They just don't wanna live anymore.
32:48 This is reality.
32:51 But God sends help along the way.
32:54 God's wanting to shine light
32:55 in our pathway, 2 Corinthians 4:6.
32:58 The Bible says 2 Corinthians 4:6, "For God,"
33:02 who commanded the light to shine out of darkness,"
33:05 notice this, "For God, who did what?
33:07 "He commanded the light to shine out of darkness,
33:10 hath shined in our," notice this, "in our hearts."
33:14 Notice this.
33:16 "It's in our hearts,
33:17 to give the light of the knowledge
33:19 of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
33:23 Man, what a passage of scripture right now,
33:26 the world's that we don't know God.
33:28 Disciples said, "We don't know God."
33:30 Do you remember how they said, "We don't know God?
33:32 We're not familiar with God."
33:33 And Jesus said,
33:35 "Men have I not been with you so long.
33:36 If you have seen Me, you have what?"
33:38 Good. You have seen the Father.
33:41 Jesus came. You notice that.
33:43 We have the knowledge,
33:45 the glory of God is in the face of Jesus Christ.
33:48 Let's look at Jesus and certainly you can see God.
33:54 The light is come. We need that light.
33:58 Powerful verses when you go back
34:00 to the very beginning in Genesis 1:2-3,
34:03 we wanna read that now.
34:05 Genesis 1:2-3.
34:07 These are very familiar,
34:09 but no, this was back in the beginning.
34:12 Bible says, "And the earth
34:13 was without form, and void," right?
34:15 You knew those, didn't you?
34:16 Genesis 1:2-3, and notice this,
34:18 "And darkness was upon the face," what?
34:21 "Of the deep.
34:22 And the Spirit of God moved upon the," what?
34:24 "The face of the waters.
34:25 And God said," notice this, "'Let there be light,"
34:27 and what happened?
34:29 "And there was light.'"
34:31 In this time of spiritual darkness,
34:35 we need the Word of God,
34:37 we need the power of God in our hearts, and in our life.
34:39 We need that light to shine on our pathway.
34:43 Why?
34:44 As we mentioned, simply to shine the light on the path
34:46 so we know where we're at on the stream of time,
34:49 so that we can be sure
34:50 that His coming is near even at the door.
34:53 This is not something
34:54 that people been just talking about
34:55 what's happening in the world today
34:57 has never happened like this before.
34:59 Not to this extent.
35:02 And certainly that should wake us up out
35:03 of our sleep as sleeping,
35:05 maybe church members, a sleeping world,
35:09 even the world, have mercy,
35:11 even the world says things are happening
35:13 and we can't even explain.
35:14 We don't know what it's all about.
35:16 You know what it's about.
35:18 Your obligation and my obligation
35:20 is to make others aware of it.
35:23 That's our job. That's our commission.
35:26 We've accepted that, have we not?
35:27 When we accepted the call of Christ,
35:29 when God, what God called all you out of what?
35:33 Out of darkness into that marvelous light.
35:36 He called you. He equipped you.
35:38 He sustains you.
35:40 Now He says, "Guy, you have it,
35:41 now go give it to someone else."
35:43 Man, this is the hour to do it.
35:45 Please don't put it off another day.
35:47 Don't put it off a week.
35:49 Don't say it doesn't matter right now.
35:50 It does matter. Time is of the essence.
35:56 A time of spiritual darkness, we need the Word of God
36:01 to shine like it's never been before,
36:05 shining a bright light on the Word of God
36:07 and giving us courage and faith and hope to follow that word.
36:11 We need the understanding.
36:14 And we can know that some of us have forgot.
36:17 In the Advent movement sometimes
36:19 we forget the blessings that God has had.
36:21 I mean, He's just bestowed upon us as a people.
36:24 We have forgotten the light
36:26 that He's shown in our pathway
36:29 that we're to give to the world.
36:32 The world doesn't know many things that you know,
36:35 that the Holy Spirit's enlightens you with.
36:39 You wanna be part of God's remnant church.
36:42 We have a remnant message to give to the world
36:44 and we need to be giving that like never before.
36:49 We need to know that the Word of God has lined out
36:53 and laid out for us in no uncertain terms,
36:56 where we're at in the stream of time.
36:58 Jesus made it so clear.
37:00 We say you, you will know what is even at the door,
37:03 you're going to know, you know,
37:04 when the leaves are on the tree,
37:05 you're gonna know how close it is,
37:08 and then comes backwards.
37:09 Am I ready? Am I really ready?
37:13 Or am I just playing church?
37:17 Am I just dressing up for church?
37:21 Have I really been converted?
37:23 Do I really remember
37:25 when that conversion took place?
37:29 I'm wondering if we haven't read it.
37:31 We don't remember what took place.
37:33 Maybe it didn't take place, but it needs to take place.
37:36 We must be born again the Bible says
37:40 if we're to enter the Kingdom of God.
37:41 That simply means to me that your old taste
37:44 and your old habits and your old desires,
37:46 they have to be gone.
37:47 Mine do.
37:48 They have to be dead, they have to be buried.
37:51 There's only one that can do that,
37:53 but He's willing to do that
37:54 regardless of your lifestyle regardless
37:56 of where you've been and what you've been doing.
37:58 God is willing to take you right back into the fold.
38:02 I mean, definitely that's just good news.
38:06 Now is the time for us in Isaiah 60,
38:09 we talked about to arise and to what?
38:11 And to shine. Why? Arise and shine of what?
38:14 We have something to give, no, you have nothing which to give.
38:17 We arise and shine because the light has come
38:20 and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
38:23 This is what we need in the church,
38:24 this is what we need in the world,
38:26 this is what we need in everyday life.
38:28 We need the glory of the Lord,
38:30 want the Spirit of God living inside of us
38:32 and coming out to where people can see that
38:34 there's a Spirit of God inside of you.
38:36 They can see, they can tell by looking.
38:39 Remember, they're gonna look and see something good for you.
38:41 I mean, they're not gonna see anything good in me.
38:43 I wanna see Jesus Christ in me, the hope of glory.
38:47 Let Him come arise and shine.
38:48 Let the glory of God just come down,
38:51 get on your knees and beg for it
38:52 if you haven't done it in a while.
38:54 Oh, God, let me be a reflector.
38:56 Let me reflect Your glory.
38:57 Let me reflect Your power. It's risen upon me.
39:01 Gets a promise that God says, "I'm going to give you.
39:04 I'm going to give you this."
39:07 Just carrying on just a little bit more,
39:09 that was Isaiah 60:2.
39:13 Again, it says, "Behold,
39:15 the darkness shall cover the earth, and," what?
39:17 "Gross darkness the people."
39:19 We read it moment ago,
39:20 "But the Lord shall arise upon thee,
39:22 and His glory shall," what?
39:24 "Be seen in thee."
39:26 That's God's plan for you and for me.
39:28 Remember, self is going to have to die
39:30 somewhere along the line.
39:34 Even in ministry and work, there's too many...
39:35 Oh, boy, be careful.
39:37 There's too many people who are selfish.
39:40 We try to put self in the work.
39:42 And God tells us plainly that if any iota or little,
39:45 any kind of self is in the work of God,
39:48 He does not accept it.
39:51 So I don't know about you. I have to pray about it.
39:55 Self is my biggest enemy.
39:58 Now don't sit there and laugh, self is your biggest enemy too.
40:03 This is what it's about.
40:04 That's why Jesus said when you come to Him,
40:06 He said, "Deny," what?
40:07 Come on. Good.
40:08 "Deny self, take up the cross and follow Me."
40:11 Unless you deny self,
40:12 you're not about to take up the cross.
40:15 You're not about to follow Him until self is dead.
40:19 We need to ask the Holy Spirit to come in
40:20 and say, "Oh, Lord, get rid of self."
40:24 I don't want anybody to see me. Man, I lead them astray.
40:26 I want them to see Jesus Christ.
40:29 And when Jesus Christ is living in your heart,
40:30 you don't go around touting it
40:32 and blowing your own trumpet and your own horn either.
40:35 One lady said to me, started to met,
40:37 in fact for very first time and she said to me,
40:39 "Well, my, my, my, she said,
40:41 "I haven't sinned in seven years."
40:44 And I said, "If you haven't sinned
40:45 in seven years, you just did."
40:47 Okay, I'll leave it at that, you think about it.
40:52 Certainly, that's the goal and the objective is to live,
40:55 right, victorious life,
40:58 but we're not going to be around touting
41:00 and talking about it all the time
41:01 and telling others about.
41:03 It should just show in your life,
41:04 should it not?
41:06 Sure it should.
41:07 It's natural. It just comes out.
41:12 What is this darkness?
41:15 Think about what is this darkness
41:18 is talking about said,
41:19 darkness shall cover the earth and what?
41:21 And gross darkness the people getting
41:24 with spiritual application here, this darkness.
41:27 What is it?
41:29 Listen, we've read many times
41:30 and you've read it I'm sure and you've studied.
41:32 It's a misapprehension of what? The character of God.
41:38 People don't understand God.
41:39 They think He's a tyrant, they think He's a,
41:40 you know, it's bad news,
41:43 but God said there'll be a people
41:44 that I will appoint here in these last days.
41:46 They need a knowledge of His character
41:50 and is to be made known.
41:52 His power to save, His grace,
41:56 His mercy, His power,
41:58 His long suffering, His goodness, His mercy.
42:02 This message is to lighten the world.
42:06 And certainly we will do.
42:07 It's not on the screen and won't be,
42:09 but I want you to read, I don't think we'll have time
42:10 in this Revelation Chapter 18.
42:12 When that fourth angel comes down
42:14 and lightens the world,
42:17 we will see these truths come to live.
42:22 This next passage, I'm going to get ready to read
42:23 here in just a moment.
42:25 Luke 21:26.
42:26 I wanna say this, I want you to make understand
42:28 what I'm talking about here.
42:29 When I say that, there's no usefulness
42:32 for this passage of scripture.
42:34 Oh, yeah, I got some of you riled up already, good.
42:37 Maybe it woke you up.
42:38 There's no usefulness this, notice this, for the Christian.
42:43 Notice as I read it
42:45 because we're talking about script
42:48 the life there in Luke 21:26.
42:50 The world is heavy and the things
42:52 that are heavy Bible said,
42:53 "Men's heart are failing them for," what?
42:55 Good.
42:56 "For fear, for those looking after those things
43:00 which are coming on the earth."
43:01 Men's heart are doing what?
43:03 Men's hearts are failing them for fear.
43:05 As a Christian, right?
43:06 We should not have fear,
43:08 perfect love casts out all fear.
43:10 We can be concerned. Absolutely.
43:11 We can spend time on our knees.
43:13 We can certainly be concerned.
43:15 Oh, Lord, am I in a saving relationship with You?
43:18 What do I need to be prepared? Where would you have me to be?
43:20 Where should I be
43:22 in this part of earth's history?
43:23 Well, I wanna stay here 'cause my family's here,
43:24 but it may not be good enough.
43:26 Well, I wanna do this
43:27 because that's what I feel like I wanna do.
43:29 God may ask you to do something you don't wanna do.
43:31 It's going to really test your character,
43:32 going to test mine.
43:34 The world's falling apart.
43:35 We don't know what's going to happen next,
43:38 but men's heart failing them for fear.
43:40 It should not happen in the Christian life
43:44 because we know that He's always there for us.
43:49 The world and the church is in serious trouble.
43:54 Is that okay to say that? We already did.
43:58 The world and the church are in serious trouble.
44:02 If we do not seek the old paths to dwell in,
44:07 too many things are changing, and not for the good.
44:12 God has warned us over and over in scripture.
44:17 How can He deliver any person
44:20 who fails or refuses
44:23 to heed these signs of the times?
44:25 This is what they are.
44:28 I'm assured based upon the Word of God over and over.
44:31 He's gonna do everything He can to save me.
44:34 He's gonna do everything He can to save you.
44:36 You must make that choice.
44:37 You must make that decision.
44:39 It can't be halfway,
44:40 my, my, my after all you gonna repopulate heaven.
44:44 I wanna repopulate heaven.
44:46 I have to be material, heaven material.
44:50 And it's certainly maybe not the way
44:51 we're walking around what we're doing today
44:53 with all the thoughts, and with all the evilness
44:54 and all the stuff that's going on.
44:56 You know, we need some changes.
44:58 We got to get back to those old paths.
45:01 But people are trying to block those old paths,
45:02 but you know what? Stay in there.
45:04 Present the message the way God gave it to us.
45:08 Maybe we need today, maybe we need a fresh vision,
45:12 maybe we need a fresh word from God,
45:16 and maybe you've been getting daily stuff.
45:19 Maybe you've not been getting a word from God at all,
45:21 but you know what?
45:22 Maybe today you need that.
45:24 Now I just wanna just relate to 2 Kings,
45:27 a few moments we have.
45:28 2 Kings 6:17.
45:32 I take, when I read this, I got so excited,
45:34 I couldn't hardly stand it.
45:35 And it's okay to get excited about the Word of God.
45:38 I got excited about it because why?
45:39 Because I seen something. It was a fresh vision for me.
45:42 It's something I needed in my life.
45:43 And I praise God for it.
45:45 It was about Elisha, you remember him
45:46 and the servant they were, you know,
45:49 surrounded by the enemy and there's no way out
45:52 and notice 2 Kings 6:17 simply says this.
45:55 And notice, and Elisha prayed.
45:57 If you were in trouble,
45:59 my brothers and sisters, remember what?
46:00 First thing you do is you pray.
46:03 First thing you did when his life
46:04 was on the line Elisha prayed,
46:06 but notice that, "He prayed and said,
46:08 'Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes,"
46:11 man, that was with him, "that he may see.'
46:14 And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man,"
46:16 notice this, "and he saw, and, behold, mountains,"
46:19 notice this, "mountains was full of horses
46:22 and chariots of fire around Elisha."
46:26 Man, you talk about exciting right here.
46:29 Life seems to be on the line, Elisha,
46:31 first thing he did was what?
46:32 He said, man, he says, I'll pray.
46:35 First thing we need to get on our knees
46:36 and begin to pray.
46:38 And notice, at that point in time,
46:40 if I was surrounded by the enemy,
46:42 and my life was on the line, I might be saying,
46:44 Lord, help me.
46:45 Help me out of this situation,
46:48 but he asked, Lord, open the eyes.
46:50 What? So the young man could see.
46:53 He didn't even pray for himself.
46:54 He prayed for somebody else
46:55 because young man couldn't see by faith.
46:58 And God opened his eyes.
47:00 And he saw these horses it says here chariots of angels
47:04 that had surrounded Elisha,
47:07 just like they're surrounding you.
47:10 Every day of your life,
47:11 the angels of God are surrounding
47:12 around you there.
47:14 Oh, they're a hedge around Job.
47:16 Remember devil said, "Man,
47:17 get that hedge away and I can take him."
47:19 Something like that. You remember?
47:21 Take that hedge down, you put a hedge around him,
47:23 how can I get to him?
47:25 Why do we look and say, "Well, that was for Job.
47:28 That was just for Job." No, it's for you.
47:30 And it's for me today to realize
47:32 if we're obedient to God doing the best
47:34 we know how to do right by the grace of God.
47:36 We're climbing that ladder by faith toward heaven.
47:39 There's a hedge just been put around you.
47:41 The devil can't get to you the way he wants to get to you.
47:44 He can't do what he wants to do to you.
47:47 Think about that.
47:50 Those angels' chariots as it were fire.
47:53 There's hostile environments. There's hostile elements.
47:58 Oh, in the world today
48:00 they're all around us, every day,
48:04 principalities and powers we read in the Bible,
48:08 spirits of demons, wicked spirits,
48:13 but notice, like in the day of Elisha,
48:15 when the servant pointed his master, he said, what?
48:18 There's that angry army.
48:21 They're surrounded us.
48:23 They're cutting us off.
48:24 There's no way that we're going to make it,
48:26 all opportunity has been shut off.
48:28 Maybe you feel that way today.
48:32 There's just no way.
48:34 You're not gonna make it.
48:36 You're surrounded by the enemy.
48:39 You're surrounded by so called friends
48:42 that lead you in the wrong direction.
48:45 You're participating in things,
48:46 you know, you shouldn't be participating in.
48:51 We should pray. Elisha prayed.
48:55 We need to pray that our eyes, spiritual eyes will be open
48:58 that we may see that God is there for us.
49:02 God cares for us.
49:04 Pray, Lord, open my eyes. I want you to do that today.
49:07 Lord, open my eyes that I might see.
49:11 Heaven is right there near to us.
49:15 We have fear, nothing to fear
49:17 when we go do what God asked us to do.
49:19 Oh, yeah, the world may turn on you.
49:22 The church may turn on you,
49:23 different people may turn on you,
49:25 but God will not turn on you
49:26 when you do what God asked you to do.
49:28 And you know what based on His Word.
49:33 In Revelation 2:11.
49:36 I like this. It's good for us.
49:40 Bible said, "He that hath an," what?
49:42 "He that hath an ear, let him hear
49:44 what the Spirit saith unto the," what?
49:47 "To the churches to us.
49:50 He that overcometh shall not be hurt
49:52 of the second death."
49:55 Man, I see victory here. I smell victory.
49:59 I sense victory here, but if you have an ear,
50:02 please open them up.
50:04 You have eyes that's been blind.
50:06 And you've been not wanting to see things
50:07 that are going on that should be taken care of
50:11 in and among and around God's people,
50:13 ask Him to open your eyes
50:14 and give you the spiritual insight
50:17 that sin needs to go out
50:18 of our lives so we can be like Jesus.
50:22 Could it possibly be?
50:25 Could it possibly be that the darkness covering
50:27 the whole earth right now
50:29 is so close to the time
50:31 of Daniel 12:1?
50:36 Remember, Daniel 12:1 says is gonna be a time of trouble.
50:40 In that time of trouble what's going to happen.
50:41 Michael is going to stand up
50:44 that great prince that standeth for the children of thy people.
50:49 Are you ready?
50:51 Are you ready for that really that time?
50:53 if you have an ear to hear, if you have eyes happen to be
50:55 open up spiritual ears, spiritual eyes,
50:57 spiritual mind because we're in that time,
51:01 and it's going to increase as we go on.
51:05 And I want you to be ready for that day.
51:10 And by the grace of God, I know that you will be.
51:14 You're making a decision right now
51:16 I know that you are, and we're gonna be a song
51:18 that I want you to hear because I like this song.
51:21 It's a Go Light Your World.
51:24 Our world needs to be lit up. Don't you believe it?
51:27 By Celestine Dickens
51:30 and Tim Parton's gonna accompany her.
51:32 I know you'll enjoy this song. I do.
51:34 Sit back and listen to it and enjoy.
51:43 There is a candle
51:47 In every soul
51:50 Some brightly burning
51:54 Some dark and cold
51:57 There is a Spirit
52:01 Who brings a fire
52:05 Ignites a candle
52:08 And makes His home
52:12 Frustrated brother
52:16 See how he's tried to
52:19 Light his own candle
52:23 Some other way
52:26 See now your sister
52:30 She's been robbed and lied to
52:33 Still holds a candle
52:37 Without a flame
52:40 So carry your candle
52:44 Run to the darkness
52:48 Seek out the lonely
52:51 The tired and worn
52:54 And hold out your candle
52:58 For all to see it
53:01 Take your candle
53:05 And go light your world
53:08 Take your candle
53:12 And go light your world
53:19 'Cause we are a family
53:23 Whose hearts are blazing
53:26 So let's raise our candles
53:30 And light up the sky
53:33 Bring to our Father
53:36 In the name of Jesus
53:40 Make us a beacon
53:44 In darkest times
53:47 So carry your candle
53:50 Run to the darkness
53:54 Seek out the hopeless
53:58 Deceived and poor
54:01 Hold out your candle
54:05 For all to see it
54:08 Take your candle
54:11 And go light your world
54:15 Take your candle
54:19 And go light your world
54:34 Amen. Amen.
54:36 Praise the Lord.
54:38 Appreciate that song so very much.
54:40 Celestine Dickens,
54:42 Brother Tim Parton always a blessing.
54:45 God is so good, isn't He?
54:47 We need to go light the world by the grace of God.
54:51 I'm wondering, is there someone right now
54:53 that you just you don't wanna light your candle.
54:57 You wanna go tell others that Jesus is soon to come.
55:00 What an opportunity.
55:01 What a privilege right now that we can take
55:04 these words of this song,
55:06 we can take them to the Lord in prayer.
55:08 Say, Lord, I need my candle relit.
55:13 I need to be what You want me to be.
55:15 And I wanna help to light the world.
55:18 We have a message to give like no other.
55:22 No other folks in this whole world.
55:24 It's a life and death issue.
55:27 And I wanna invite you to respond.
55:30 Before we have closing prayer,
55:31 I just wanna invite you to respond to the call
55:35 that the Holy Spirit's making on your life right now.
55:39 Respond by just saying yes.
55:42 Yes, Lord, I'll follow You.
55:44 Wherever You lead, I'll follow You.
55:46 Whatever You've asked me to do in Your Word,
55:47 I know You'll give me strength and power
55:49 to be more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ.
55:53 Will you accept Him as Lord and Savior right now?
55:57 Will you confess your sins?
55:59 Bible said, "If we confess our sins,
56:01 He's faithful and just to forgive us
56:02 our sins,
56:04 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
56:06 Oh, Lord, how we need to be cleansed?
56:09 How we need to be washed?
56:11 We can be washed in Your blood,
56:12 we can be washed by the blood of the Lamb,
56:15 we can be washed by the Word.
56:17 So we pray right now you made that decision that you said,
56:20 I'm gonna follow Jesus wherever He leads.
56:23 I wanna have prayer for each one of you.
56:26 I didn't say it'd be an easy decision
56:28 that you've made,
56:29 but it'll be one that God will honor,
56:32 it'll be one that God will help you to make sure
56:34 that you follow through.
56:36 Only He can help you, shall we pray together?
56:38 I'm just gonna kneel
56:40 where it's possible you might wanna kneel.
56:41 If you can't, it's okay,
56:42 but we're gonna kneel and pray for this decision.
56:47 Merciful Heavenly Father,
56:49 we thank You for Your precious Word.
56:51 Thank You for that beautiful song that
56:53 invites us to light the world.
56:56 We can't do it without You. We need You.
56:58 There are those who have made that decision right now.
57:00 And, Lord, for those who have
57:02 made that decision to follow You,
57:03 we pray that Your Holy Spirit now
57:05 will comfort them, encourage them,
57:06 give them the victory
57:08 that they need so that heaven can be their home.
57:09 Bless us, we pray to this end.
57:11 We thank You, we give You praise,
57:12 we give You honor, and give You glory.
57:13 Thank You for this opportunity in Jesus' name.
57:16 Amen. God bless.
57:19 And we're glad and so happy
57:20 that you've decided to join us on 3ABN Worship Hour.
57:23 Again, we thank you for your love, your prayers,
57:25 your support of this station
57:26 to keep this message going till Jesus comes.
57:28 God bless you.
57:29 We look forward to seeing you next time.


Revised 2020-08-28