3ABN Worship Hour

Grace Vs Legalism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO200020S

00:26 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN's Worship Hour.
00:29 I'm Jill Morikone, and so glad
00:31 that you have joined in us today
00:33 for the study of the Word of God.
00:35 Our topic today is the "Dangers of Legalism,
00:39 and Legalism Versus Grace."
00:42 We're going to look at the seven dangers
00:44 of legalism on this side.
00:46 And then on this side,
00:47 the seven outgrowths of grace
00:50 or what does it look like
00:52 when grace is manifested in the life of a Christian?
00:55 Before we go to the Lord in prayer,
00:57 let's read our opening scripture.
00:59 Invite you to open up your Bibles or grab a notepad,
01:02 so you can take notes and write down these scriptures
01:05 as we share them here today.
01:07 We're in Ephesians Chapter 2, you know this scripture.
01:11 It's a wonderful statement of the plan of salvation.
01:15 Ephesians 2:8-10, "For by," what's our word?
01:19 "Grace,
01:20 you have been saved through faith.
01:24 And it is not of yourselves.
01:26 It is the gift of God, not of works,
01:29 lest anyone should boast."
01:31 But it doesn't stop there.
01:32 It says, "For we are His workmanship,
01:36 created in Christ Jesus for good works,
01:38 which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
01:44 Let's pray.
01:46 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus,
01:49 asking right now that you would anoint my lips
01:53 with a coal from off your altar.
01:55 God would You speak, would You be seen,
01:59 would You and Your Word be lifted up and exalted.
02:03 And, Father, we seek to not only hear
02:05 what you have for us,
02:07 but to walk in obedience
02:09 to the message that you have for us today.
02:12 And we thank you in Jesus' name, amen.
02:16 It was a Monday night.
02:18 Monday night's meant,
02:19 I went into our local jail
02:21 and did Bible studies with a woman there.
02:24 It's a cement block room quite small.
02:28 The woman would sit four across on the desk,
02:31 and all the way around the room,
02:33 they'd stand and lean up against the wall,
02:35 they would squat sit on the floor.
02:38 I was there with a couple of my friends
02:39 from church,
02:41 a couple woman from church.
02:43 And I asked the girls,
02:44 they were always eager to talk and eager to discuss
02:47 and I said, "Let's go around the room.
02:49 And why don't each one of you share
02:52 how someone else would perceive you."
02:55 So if someone else, maybe your friend,
02:57 maybe the cellmate, if they were to describe you,
03:00 what word would they use?
03:02 And the girl right on my right spoke up first
03:04 and she was all excited.
03:06 She said, "Oh, that's easy.
03:07 My friends would say I'm mouthy."
03:09 And you know what? She was.
03:11 She was always eager to talk and first to jump in,
03:14 in any discussion.
03:16 So we went around the room, fun loving, loud, quiet,
03:21 pretty, boisterous, funny, sweet.
03:26 They were having a good time, everyone sharing,
03:29 eager to share how they thought
03:30 other people would look at them.
03:33 And then I said, "Tell me,
03:35 what word would you use to describe yourself?"
03:39 Instantly the atmosphere in the room changed.
03:43 And they looked at each other,
03:45 and then they dropped their eyes,
03:47 and they looked down at the floor.
03:49 And I said, "It's okay.
03:51 It's the safe place.
03:52 Just tell me,
03:54 what word you would use to describe yourself."
03:58 I looked at the girl who was on my right.
04:00 Remember, she was the girl who had said,
04:01 her friends would call her mouthy.
04:04 She was always eager to talk.
04:06 And I thought maybe she would break the ice.
04:08 And she would talk first this time.
04:11 She looked up at me and she said, "Depressed."
04:15 My friends would say I'm depressed.
04:19 And then she dropped her eyes and just looked at the floor.
04:22 I would say, "I'm depressed."
04:24 We went around the circle, confused,
04:28 lonely, afraid, angry, broken,
04:34 very different words with the words
04:37 they used to describe themselves
04:40 versus how they thought other people looked at them.
04:44 You know why that is?
04:46 You and I might not be in jail.
04:48 But, I don't know about you.
04:50 We're all very good at putting on a mask.
04:53 These days, you go to the store and you have to wear a mask,
04:56 but I'm not talking about that type of mask.
04:58 I'm talking the type of mask, we think,
05:01 I need to be a good Christian.
05:03 I need to appear a certain way.
05:06 I need to say certain things.
05:09 So we put on the mask
05:11 as it were of good Christianity.
05:14 Sometimes we put on the mask of legalism.
05:19 You know, what I love
05:20 is that our Father never looks at us
05:23 through the eyes of other people.
05:25 Neither does He look at us through how we view ourselves.
05:30 When God looks at you, He says, Jeremiah 31:3,
05:34 "I have loved you with an everlasting love:
05:38 therefore with loving-kindness I have drawn you."
05:41 When He looks at you, He looks at you with love.
05:45 John 6:37.
05:46 He says, "Whoever comes to me," Jesus speaking,
05:49 "Whoever comes to me, I will never cast out."
05:55 God looks at you with acceptance.
05:57 John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you,
06:01 my peace I give unto you: not as the world gives,
06:04 give I unto you.
06:06 Let not your heart be troubled,
06:08 neither let it be afraid."
06:10 When God looks at you,
06:13 He wants to give you peace.
06:14 Psalm 30:5, "Weeping, it may endure for a night,
06:19 but joy,
06:20 it always comes in the morning."
06:23 When God looks at you, He wants to give you joy.
06:26 Romans 8:15,
06:28 "You did not received the spirit of bondage
06:30 again to fear,
06:32 but you received the spirit of adoption
06:34 by which we cry out, Abba, Daddy, Father."
06:40 When God looks at you,
06:41 He sees someone that He has adopted
06:44 into His kingdom.
06:47 I want to ask you today,
06:48 are we saved by grace or are we saved by works?
06:54 If works don't save us,
06:57 what role do they play in the life of a Christian?
07:02 And how do you know?
07:03 How do I know if I'm becoming legalistic?
07:08 Now that's really the million dollar question.
07:10 It's not as if you would go up to someone and say,
07:14 "Hi, my name is Jill and I'm a legalist."
07:16 That's not our common vernacular.
07:19 That's not what we would naturally say.
07:22 I think legalism is something that's easily hidden,
07:26 hard to discern,
07:27 hard to even know what is in our hearts.
07:30 I asked some employees here at 3ABN
07:32 and some friends said, "How would you define legalism?
07:37 Or how would you know, if you've become legalistic?
07:43 And here's some of the answers.
07:45 If I lose my joy in the Lord,
07:48 I think I'm becoming legalistic.
07:50 Here's another.
07:51 If I develop a spirit of judgment,
07:54 I think I'm becoming legalistic.
07:57 Here's another.
07:59 If love for God is not my motivation,
08:02 then I fall into performance
08:04 and performance becomes legalism.
08:08 Here's another.
08:10 Salvation in works
08:12 as opposed to salvation in Christ.
08:17 Here's another.
08:18 If you buy into something so strongly
08:21 that you follow it by the letter,
08:23 you probably believe
08:24 that you've committed to a cause.
08:26 And that's a good thing in your mind.
08:28 So you know what that means?
08:30 The legalist probably doesn't even know
08:33 that they've fallen into that trap of legalism.
08:37 Could we be thinking that we are saved by grace,
08:41 yet we're still clinging to works for salvation.
08:45 Jeremiah 17:9, what does the prophet tell us?
08:48 "The heart is deceitful above all things
08:50 and desperately wicked, who can know it?"
08:54 How do we even really know ourselves?
08:56 Turn with me to Galatians.
08:58 Galatians Chapter 3.
08:59 We were in Ephesians, we're gonna go to Galatians,
09:02 just the book before.
09:03 Galatians Chapter 3.
09:04 Now this whole issue in the Galatian Church
09:07 that Paul was addressing.
09:09 As you read the Book of Galatians,
09:10 you see this time and time again
09:12 throughout the Book of Galatians.
09:14 Did the Gentile Christians
09:17 need to be circumcised in order to be saved?
09:21 You see, the Gentile Christians accepted Christ as Messiah.
09:25 They accepted all these truths
09:27 that the apostles preached to them.
09:29 But some of the Judaizers,
09:32 you could say the legalist
09:33 said, you need to be circumcised
09:36 in order to be saved.
09:37 And this whole Book of Galatians
09:39 deals with this topic.
09:40 Now you might be saying, I don't understand that at all,
09:43 because clearly,
09:45 circumcision has nothing to do with salvation.
09:47 But if we substitute, not circumcision,
09:50 but if we substitute this concept of works,
09:54 we understand in the New Testament,
09:56 we understand in the 21st century,
09:58 really what Paul was dealing with.
10:01 Does that, what that means is this.
10:04 Does that mean when I accept Jesus,
10:06 I'm saved by grace?
10:07 And then do I have to do something of myself?
10:11 Is there some works that is somehow involved
10:15 to add to my salvation?
10:19 That would be in today's language,
10:20 what they were dealing within the Galatian Church.
10:23 So we're in Galatians Chapter 3.
10:25 Galatians 3:1,
10:26 Paul says, "O foolish Galatians..."
10:29 Now the word foolish in English is kind of strong.
10:32 But in the original Greek it means stupid, mindless,
10:37 so it's a pretty strong word.
10:39 "O foolish Galatians!
10:41 Who has bewitched you
10:44 that you should not obey the truth,
10:45 before whose eyes
10:46 Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed."
10:50 Then jump down to verse 3.
10:51 "Are you so foolish?
10:53 Having begun in the Spirit,
10:55 are you now being made perfect by the flesh?"
10:59 So he says,
11:00 "You accepted Christ as Messiah,
11:04 as your Savior and you believed that
11:07 and you knew that you were saved by grace,
11:09 but now you think you have to do
11:11 some sort of works to add to that salvation."
11:16 He gets even stronger in Galatians 5.
11:18 Galatians 5:4,
11:24 "You have become estranged from Christ."
11:27 Now, that word estranged is pretty strong.
11:29 It means separated, pushed apart.
11:32 "You have become estranged from Christ.
11:37 You who attempt to be justified by law,
11:41 you have fallen from grace."
11:45 Does that mean if I attempt salvation by my own effort,
11:49 salvation by my own works,
11:52 I literally separate myself from Jesus.
11:57 You see works say,
11:59 what I do has bearing on who I am.
12:03 Grace says,
12:04 who I am has bearing on what I do.
12:08 Works say,
12:09 actions are more important than motive.
12:13 Grace says, motive informs my actions.
12:19 Work say,
12:20 I am what other people perceive me to be.
12:24 Grace says, I am who God says I am.
12:30 We're all in need of divine grace.
12:32 Sometimes we grow up and we think,
12:34 I have a family member who believes this.
12:36 She said to me, "Jill, I'm a good person."
12:40 The Bible says, Isaiah 64:6,
12:43 "All, our righteousness is as filthy rags."
12:49 You know, even a child understands this.
12:51 My nephew Caleb, he's my sister's third son.
12:55 I was at their house when he was two.
12:57 He's a lot older now, but when he was two
12:59 and he threw himself down on the floor
13:01 and had one of those old fashioned temper tantrums.
13:05 Have you ever seen one of those?
13:06 Maybe a kid in the candy aisle in the store
13:09 and they throw themselves on the floor.
13:10 So this is what he did.
13:12 But he wasn't in the candy aisle.
13:13 He was at home.
13:14 And he threw himself on the floor,
13:16 and he kicked his little legs.
13:18 And he screamed, and his face was red,
13:22 and he's crying out.
13:24 And in the midst of that,
13:25 I began to hear a refrain, okay,
13:28 he's kicking his legs on the floor,
13:30 he's crying.
13:33 His arms are flailing and he's saying,
13:35 "Jesus, help me be good,
13:38 Jesus, help me be good."
13:42 You see, even a two year old.
13:45 He understood that of himself he could not be good,
13:50 that his righteousness,
13:52 we understand this in adult terms,
13:54 but his righteousness was really nothing,
13:57 and he could not be good without the power of God.
14:02 I want to be clear that legalism is not obedience.
14:08 Legalism is not obeying the law
14:10 because that is clearly obedience
14:12 and that is a biblical concept.
14:14 But legalism is works based salvation.
14:20 It has been concerned with keeping the love of God
14:22 as an end in itself,
14:24 or as a means to salvation.
14:27 Legalism is Christ-less law keeping.
14:32 It is separating the law from the law giver.
14:35 It's not concerned with obedience to God.
14:37 It's not concerned with honoring Christ.
14:40 It simply seeks to obey rules
14:43 that are devoid of any relationship.
14:47 Legalism is externally motivated
14:50 and externally driven.
14:52 It's concerned with external obedience
14:56 instead of an inward change,
14:57 instead of a change from the heart.
15:00 It's concerned, you can say, about the letter of the law,
15:03 while it entirely violates the spirit of the law.
15:08 2 Timothy 3.
15:10 Turn with me to 2 Timothy 3:4 and 5.
15:14 This is a whole list of men and women in the last days,
15:19 and the corruption and the evil that will abound.
15:24 And then we pick it up.
15:25 Paul's talking to Timothy, he says,
15:27 "Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
15:31 having a form of godliness but denying its power.
15:35 From such people turn away."
15:40 Now when I read that list, I naturally think of hedonism.
15:44 You think of an excess of pleasure,
15:47 people who are lovers of pleasure
15:49 rather than lovers of God, and that is definitely true.
15:52 And it's in that verse.
15:55 But what about the legalistic side?
15:56 It's also in that verse, having a form of godliness,
16:03 but denying the power,
16:05 being externally motivated and externally driven,
16:09 seeking to obey the law in our own strength,
16:14 while not reaching out to God for His divine grace.
16:19 Legalism is adding our own rules
16:22 to the law of God
16:23 and treating those rules as if they were divine.
16:27 Matthew 15:8 and 9, Jesus said,
16:29 "These people draw near Me with their mouth,
16:32 and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me.
16:38 In vain do they worship Me,
16:40 teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."
16:44 Legalism teaches as doctrines the commandments of men.
16:47 It adds to the law of God with manmade rules
16:52 and treats them as if they are divine.
16:56 Legalism is an attempt to gain favor with God
16:59 or to impress other people by doing certain things
17:03 or avoiding certain things,
17:06 without regard to the condition of my own heart before God.
17:10 It's really rooted in pride.
17:12 So let's look at those seven dangers of legalism.
17:15 If you have your pen and paper,
17:17 this is danger number one,
17:19 the danger of an unconverted heart.
17:23 Turn with me to Luke.
17:25 Luke Chapter 11,
17:26 we're going to look at verses 37 through 40.
17:29 Luke 11:37-40.
17:32 Now, this passage in Scripture
17:35 is all dealing with the woes to the scribes and Pharisees
17:40 or the woes to the Pharisees and lawyers,
17:43 to the legalist of Jesus' day.
17:46 Luke 11:37, "And as He spoke,
17:49 a certain Pharisee asked Him to dine with him.
17:52 So He went in and sat down to eat.
17:54 When the Pharisee saw it, he marveled
17:56 that He had not first washed before dinner.
18:00 Then the Lord said to him,
18:02 'Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup
18:04 and dish clean,
18:05 but your inward part
18:07 is full of greed and wickedness.
18:10 Foolish ones!
18:11 Did not He who made the outside make the inside also?' "
18:17 What is He telling them that they are unconverted?
18:21 They're washing the outside, trying to appear righteous,
18:25 appear holy before God,
18:27 but inside, they are still unconverted.
18:33 Jesus had conflicts.
18:34 If you study Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the gospels.
18:39 You will discover that Jesus had more conflicts
18:42 with the legalists than any other group.
18:48 It was not after all an adulterer
18:50 who put Jesus on the cross.
18:53 It was a legalist, the scribes and Pharisees.
18:56 It was not a murderer who put Jesus on the cross.
19:01 It was the legalist.
19:03 It was not a robber who put Jesus on the cross.
19:07 It was the legalist.
19:09 Now we understand that Jesus died for our sins,
19:13 I don't want to confuse that there
19:14 and that He died for all of our sins.
19:17 So in that sense, all of us,
19:19 my sins put Jesus on the cross.
19:22 But specifically, the ones who were pushing
19:25 for His crucifixion were the legalist.
19:29 Sometimes you find as you study Scripture,
19:32 that Jesus deliberately did things
19:34 to expose the legalist, deliberately.
19:38 Why else did He heal people on the Sabbath?
19:42 He could have waited till Sunday
19:43 or He could have done it on Friday,
19:45 but He purposely did it on Sabbath
19:49 to showcase what the Sabbath was really made for.
19:53 He ignored their elaborate hand washing custom.
19:57 That's what we just read in Luke 11.
19:59 Now He clearly could have said, well,
20:01 I'm with these scribes and Pharisees,
20:03 they would feel better if I washed my hands
20:06 the way they do.
20:07 So He could have done that elaborate hand washing.
20:10 But instead,
20:12 He did not just ignore it and not do it,
20:16 He scathingly rebuked them for their unconverted heart.
20:21 The danger of an unconverted heart.
20:23 Danger number two,
20:24 the danger of a false assurance of salvation.
20:29 Legalism is believing that your works
20:31 will somehow merit favor with God
20:34 or somehow earn salvation.
20:37 I grew up in a very legalistic home.
20:40 This is no fault to my parents.
20:42 I think it was just the era, the time of when I grew up,
20:46 and that's the state of the church at that time.
20:50 And I lived many years of my life
20:54 trying to be good, trying to follow God,
20:59 trying to somehow be good enough,
21:03 say the right things,
21:05 do the right things that somehow,
21:07 some way God could accept me.
21:12 I remember, I went away to college,
21:13 I was 18 years old.
21:15 And I came back,
21:17 we were in church
21:20 singing whiter than snow cover with His life,
21:23 my life of scarlet, my sin and woe,
21:26 cover with his life, whiter than snow.
21:31 And I remember in church standing,
21:33 the organ playing,
21:34 singing that, I'm 18 and a half years old.
21:37 And for the first time in my whole life,
21:41 I realized, do you mean that God's life,
21:45 His character,
21:47 the blood of Jesus can actually cover me?
21:52 My salvation does not depend on me
21:55 doing things differently
21:56 or trying harder or being better.
22:01 My salvation is dependent on the blood of Jesus
22:04 and the grace of Jesus.
22:05 It was a brand new concept to me.
22:09 Luke 18, jump over to Luke Chapter 18.
22:12 This is the Pharisee and the publican,
22:15 and the parable that Jesus told.
22:18 Luke 18:9,
22:20 and it gives the reason why Jesus told this parable.
22:23 And He spoke this parable
22:25 to some who trusted in themselves,
22:28 that they were righteous and despised others.
22:33 That is a false assurance of salvation,
22:35 trusting in yourself,
22:37 believing that somehow in yourself,
22:40 you are righteous.
22:42 How are we saved?
22:43 We read that scripture, it was our opening scripture,
22:46 Ephesians 2, "We are saved by grace through faith,
22:52 and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God,
22:55 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
22:57 For we are His workmanship
23:00 created in Christ Jesus for good works,
23:03 which God prepared before that we should walk in them."
23:08 Did you catch that?
23:09 Grace is a gift.
23:12 Faith is a gift.
23:14 Salvation is a gift.
23:17 And often we stop there and then we say,
23:20 but works is what I have to do myself.
23:23 Did you catch that?
23:25 That's what I grew up believing.
23:26 Maybe there's some grace and some faith and all this,
23:29 but this part over here, I have to do myself.
23:33 I have to conjure up, grit my teeth, grin,
23:37 put on the mask of good Christianity.
23:39 I need to somehow try harder.
23:42 But the truth of that verse
23:44 is that the works are a gift as well.
23:49 We are His workmanship in verse 10.
23:52 Ephesians 2:10,
23:53 "Created in Christ Jesus for good work."
23:55 So there clearly it mentions good works,
23:57 which God prepared before that we should walk in them.
24:01 What does that mean?
24:02 That means, God by the power of His Holy Spirit
24:05 enables you and I, to do the works,
24:08 lives His life in us.
24:11 It's not us trying to do the works,
24:13 it's His works lived out in us.
24:17 The danger of an unconverted heart,
24:19 the danger of a false assurance of salvation.
24:22 Danger number three, the danger of pride.
24:26 We're still in Luke Chapter 18,
24:28 that parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector
24:30 or the publican.
24:31 Luke 18.
24:33 Let's look at verses 11 and 12.
24:36 "The Pharisees stood and prayed thus with himself,
24:40 'God, I thank you, that I am not like other men,
24:46 extortioners, unjust, adulterers,
24:49 or even as this tax collector.
24:52 I fast twice a week,
24:54 I give tithes of all that I possess.'"
24:59 Would you say that's a prideful man?
25:01 Absolutely.
25:03 God, I thank you, I'm not like these people.
25:05 I am better
25:07 because of the works that I do for you.
25:11 Luke 11:43.
25:12 Here's the woes again
25:13 to the Pharisees and the lawyers.
25:15 "Woe to you Pharisees!
25:17 For you love the best seats in the synagogue
25:21 and the greetings in the marketplace."
25:24 Again, pride wanting the best seats,
25:27 wanting to be greeted,
25:29 wanting to be thought
25:30 of as better even than themselves.
25:33 You know, when I was young, my maiden name is Penny.
25:37 And when we were in church,
25:40 my sister and I would sit next to each other in church,
25:42 having some sort of private sister war.
25:45 I don't even know it was about,
25:47 but I just remember us arguing in church.
25:50 Sitting there
25:51 and she would kick me underneath the pew,
25:53 and then someone would come walking into church
25:55 and instantly my sister and I would smile,
25:59 look up at the person.
26:00 We're probably six and eight years old.
26:03 Look up at the person and say, happy Sabbath.
26:07 And the person would say,
26:08 "And how are the Penny angels doing today?"
26:13 Why was that?
26:15 Because we clearly were legalistic.
26:18 We had pride in that.
26:20 And we had an outward show of Christianity
26:26 but inward, we were unconverted.
26:29 We had a false assurance of salvation
26:31 and there clearly was pride in our life
26:33 because as soon as that person would leave,
26:35 I would kick my sister under the pew
26:37 and we would begin our private war again.
26:41 Danger number four, the danger of judging.
26:47 John Chapter 8, we won't read that passage.
26:51 But John Chapter 8,
26:52 this entire passage is focused on the woman
26:56 who was caught in adultery.
26:58 You know the story.
26:59 She's dragged before Jesus, the disciple says,
27:02 she's caught in the very act, throw her at His feet.
27:07 And there's all these Pharisees,
27:09 these scribes gathered around waiting to have Jesus
27:16 pick up a stone and stone her for her sin.
27:20 And yet Jesus stooped down in the dust
27:23 and He began to write.
27:25 And they looked down and they thought,
27:28 these are my sins.
27:29 Oh, here's pride.
27:32 Here's so and so.
27:33 And as Jesus began to write their sins in the dust,
27:38 one by one, they looked,
27:41 gathered their righteous robes about them,
27:43 and they turned around, and they walked off.
27:48 Pretty soon it's just Jesus
27:50 and the woman left standing there,
27:53 laying there, however she was.
27:56 And Jesus said, "Where are your accusers?"
27:58 And she said, "They're gone. They're not here."
28:02 And He said, "Neither do I condemn you,
28:05 go and sin no more."
28:06 You see these legalists, the Pharisees, the scribes,
28:12 thinking they're doing God a service
28:14 by bringing a woman
28:16 who clearly was in sin to Jesus.
28:19 They thought in themselves, they were holier.
28:23 But yet what Jesus showed is that their sin
28:26 was just as wicked in the sight of God is that,
28:30 of that woman who was there.
28:32 And that they needed conversion.
28:35 They needed a new heart just as much.
28:42 We judge others by our own standards.
28:45 You ever see that?
28:46 We don't usually judge others by the standard
28:48 from the Word of God.
28:49 Usually we judge others by our own standards.
28:53 We have little tolerance
28:54 for people who sin differently than we do.
28:59 2 Corinthians 10:12, Paul tells us, "But they,
29:02 measuring themselves among themselves,
29:04 and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise."
29:09 Danger number five, the danger of hard hardheartedness.
29:14 Let's go back to Luke.
29:17 Luke Chapter 10, we'll look at verses 30 to 37.
29:22 We won't read it all.
29:23 This, of course, is the parable of the Good Samaritan.
29:26 And most of the parables that Jesus told,
29:29 doubt, answered a question.
29:31 Someone had asked a question, so it answered a question.
29:35 And it dealt with an attitude.
29:38 The attitude we see here
29:40 in this parable of the Good Samaritan
29:42 is the attitude of self righteousness.
29:46 We also see the attitude of a hard heart
29:49 as we'll get into it.
29:50 So the lawyer had stood up in verse 27.
29:55 Well, he had said,
29:57 "What do I do to inherit eternal life."
29:59 And in verse 27, Jesus said,
30:01 "You shall love the Lord your God with heart,
30:03 soul, mind, strength and your neighbor as yourself."
30:06 And he said, "You have answered rightly,
30:08 do this and you'll live."
30:10 But the lawyer wanted to justify himself.
30:12 So he said, "So who is my neighbor?"
30:15 So we pick up the story in verse 30.
30:18 "Then Jesus answered him and said..."
30:20 Now, the word
30:22 answered in English is very mild.
30:24 It just says, He answered him.
30:26 But in Greek, it's literally took up.
30:29 So the lawyer laid down a question,
30:31 and Jesus took up the challenge, as it were.
30:35 And he talked about the man
30:37 who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho.
30:40 Now it's a distance of 18 miles from Jerusalem to Jericho,
30:43 and they probably descended 3,000 feet.
30:47 I've been there and it's dry, it's barren, it's rocky,
30:52 it's desert like,
30:54 and the thieves got ahold of him,
30:56 and they stripped him and beat him and left him
30:59 at the side of the road.
31:01 And then we see verse 31, a priest come by that road.
31:07 And it says, "When he saw him,
31:09 he passed by on the other side."
31:11 The danger of hard hardheartedness.
31:14 The danger of you and I
31:16 seen a brother and sister in need,
31:20 whether it's a Jew or a Gentile or a Samaritan,
31:23 whether it's someone from our religion,
31:25 whether it's someone
31:26 who even claims the name of Jesus,
31:29 the danger of us hardening,
31:32 hardening our hearts against the needs of others.
31:38 The Levite did the same thing.
31:40 Verse 32, "The Levite when he arrived,
31:42 he looked and then he ran over here
31:44 and he passed by, on the other side."
31:48 33, "A certain Samaritan as he journeyed
31:51 came where he was, and when he saw him, he had, "
31:55 what's that word?
31:56 "Compassion."
31:58 Ooh, I love that word.
31:59 That is the contrast to the priest with a hard heart
32:05 who just looked and walked away.
32:07 It's the contrast to the Levite with the hard heart,
32:11 who looked and crossed the street and walked away.
32:14 The Samaritan came,
32:16 looked and had compassion and he bound up his wounds
32:21 and he paid for his care.
32:25 The danger of hard hardheartedness.
32:30 1 John 3:16-18.
32:33 "By this we know love,
32:34 because He laid down His life for us.
32:37 We also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
32:42 But whoever has this world's goods,
32:44 and sees his brother in need,
32:46 and shuts up his heart from him,
32:49 how does the love of God abide in him?
32:51 My little children,
32:53 let us not love in word or in tongue,
32:56 but in deed and in truth."
32:58 Danger number six,
32:59 the danger of hindering people's salvation.
33:04 This is probably the saddest one to me
33:06 of all the seven dangers of legalism
33:08 is danger number six,
33:10 the danger of hindering someone else's salvation.
33:16 Luke 11:52, we're back to the woes again,
33:20 to the scribes and the Pharisees.
33:23 "Woe to you lawyers,
33:25 for you have taken away the key of knowledge."
33:28 That's the knowledge of salvation.
33:30 So they took away the knowledge of salvation
33:33 from other people.
33:35 Jesus said, "You did not enter in yourself
33:38 and those who were entering in, you hindered."
33:44 So not only did they were they in danger
33:48 of losing their own salvation,
33:51 other people who wanted to find Jesus,
33:56 who wanted to find salvation, who wanted to find a way out,
34:02 they hindered their walk with Jesus.
34:07 Matthew 23:13 says something very similar.
34:10 Matthew 23:13,
34:13 "Woe to you scribes and Pharisees,
34:15 for you shut up
34:16 the kingdom of heaven against men,
34:19 for you neither go in yourself,
34:21 nor do you allow
34:23 those who are entering to go in."
34:27 To me that is the most critical,
34:29 dangerous, danger of a legalist,
34:33 because if I walk in legalism,
34:36 sure, it could hurt my own salvation,
34:38 and it could steal my joy and rob me of peace
34:41 and assurance of salvation.
34:44 But right here it says,
34:45 it could cost someone else their salvation,
34:50 their walk with Jesus.
34:52 Danger number seven, the danger of inconsistency.
34:57 Luke 11:46, "And He said, 'Woe to you also lawyers,
35:02 for you load men with burdens hard to bear,
35:06 and you yourselves do not touch the burdens
35:08 with one of your fingers."
35:11 That's really a double standard,
35:13 that saying, do what I say, but don't do what I do.
35:18 So don't look at my actions.
35:20 Don't look at the fruit of my life.
35:22 Just do what I say.
35:25 I'm so grateful that there is freedom in grace.
35:30 Turn with me to Romans 5,
35:31 we're going to spend a little time in Romans.
35:34 I love the Book of Romans.
35:36 Romans Chapter 5.
35:38 This is a powerful passage.
35:40 Romans 5, we're going to start in the second half of verse 20.
35:44 "But where sin abounded..."
35:45 Now sin abounds with murder and adultery.
35:50 Sin abounds with lying, and backstabbing, and gossip.
35:54 Sin abounds with all kinds of sin,
35:57 but sin also abounds where there is legalism.
36:00 So no matter what end of the spectrum
36:02 we are talking about,
36:04 this verse is for you.
36:06 "Where sin abounded, grace abounded" how much?
36:10 "Much more."
36:12 Verse 21,
36:13 "So that as sin reigned in death,
36:15 even so grace might reign through righteousness
36:19 to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
36:23 What is Paul saying?
36:24 He's saying that sin abounded, yes, it controlled you,
36:27 it lived in your life,
36:29 and whether that's the sin of legalism
36:30 or a different sin, but sin abounded,
36:33 it abounded in all of our lives.
36:36 But yet grace is stronger, and grace abounded even more.
36:42 And through the death, life, the life, death,
36:45 resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ,
36:48 you and I can have assurance of salvation.
36:51 You and I can have deliverance from those things that bind us.
36:56 So let's look
36:58 at the seven outgrowths of grace.
37:01 What does it look like when grace has worked out
37:04 in the life of a Christian?
37:06 Number one, repentance.
37:08 Romans 2, turn back a chapter, Romans 2:4.
37:11 Did you know
37:12 that we cannot even come to God and repent
37:17 unless the Holy Spirit draws us,
37:20 unless his work of grace works in our hearts and lives?
37:24 We might think, "Oh, yeah, I'll repent on my own."
37:26 No, repentance is a gift.
37:30 Romans 2:4,
37:32 "Do you despise the riches of His goodness,
37:35 forbearance and longsuffering,
37:37 not knowing that the goodness of God
37:42 leads to repentance?"
37:45 You see, even repentance is a gift of grace
37:50 given from Jesus freely to you and to I.
37:53 We can't repent on our own.
37:55 Jesus is the one who gives us the gift of repentance.
38:01 Outgrowth number two, forgiveness and justification.
38:06 Let's look at Romans 3.
38:08 We cannot repent on our own,
38:09 but we certainly cannot be forgiven on our own.
38:12 And we clearly cannot be justified on our own.
38:16 Romans 3, let's pick it up in verse 23.
38:19 "For all have sinned," what was that word?
38:22 All have sinned, not one or two,
38:24 not just the person
38:26 who went out and killed someone,
38:27 not just the person who went into Walmart
38:28 and stole something.
38:30 "All have sinned
38:32 and fall short of the glory of God."
38:36 Verse 24, "Being justified freely by his,"
38:40 that's right, "grace."
38:42 "Being justified freely by his grace,
38:46 through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
38:48 You see, justification is a gift of grace.
38:53 Forgiveness is a gift of grace.
38:57 Whom God sent forth, who did God sent forth?
39:00 Jesus as the propitiation for by his blood.
39:05 Propitiation,
39:06 of course, in Greek there literally means the mercy seat,
39:09 that covering between the holiness of God
39:13 and your and my sin.
39:16 Jesus stood in the gap for you and for me.
39:20 Let's go back to verse 24.
39:22 "Being justified freely by his grace,"
39:24 that's a gift,
39:26 "through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
39:28 That's a gift.
39:29 "Whom God sent forth as a propitiation by his blood,
39:34 through faith," that's a gift,
39:36 "to demonstrate His righteousness,
39:39 because in his forbearance,
39:41 God had passed over the sins that were previously committed.
39:45 To demonstrate at the present time,
39:47 his righteousness,
39:49 that he might be just and the justifier of the one
39:52 who has faith in Jesus."
39:54 When you and I buy the gift of grace
39:57 are drawn to Jesus.
39:59 When we come in repentance, another gift of grace.
40:03 When we confess our sins, 1 John 1:9,
40:06 "He is faithful
40:08 and just to forgive us our sins,
40:09 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
40:13 Forgiveness is a gift.
40:15 Justification is a gift.
40:17 You and I been brought back
40:20 into right relationship with God.
40:23 You see, sin created a disconnect.
40:25 It separated us.
40:27 We're on this side of the chasm,
40:28 and God's on this side of the chasm.
40:32 And there's this great gulf, because sin brings separation.
40:37 But God sent Jesus to bridge that gap,
40:41 His perfect life
40:44 and death for you and I bridges that gap
40:47 and brings us back
40:48 into right relationship with Him.
40:51 So grace brings repentance, forgiveness and justification.
40:55 Number three, it brings salvation.
40:59 Ephesians 2, we have quoted this before.
41:01 Verse 8, "By grace are you saved through faith."
41:05 So the gift of salvation,
41:08 the gift of assurance of salvation
41:12 is a gift of grace through faith
41:16 in the Lord Jesus Christ.
41:18 Gift number four or outgrowth number four
41:23 is growth.
41:25 Now who would have thought that grace leads to growth?
41:28 Many times in the Christian world,
41:33 we are taught...
41:37 Let me rephrase that.
41:38 I want to make sure I say this properly.
41:41 When I was young,
41:42 so I'm not saying other people were taught.
41:44 When I was young,
41:45 I was taught
41:47 that the concept of grace is not biblical.
41:52 I was taught that grace led to sin.
41:56 So when we would sit in a church
41:59 and there was maybe a sermon on the grace of God,
42:02 instantly my little antennae would go up and say,
42:05 "Uh-huh, that's cheap grace.
42:08 We don't believe that.
42:09 We need to stand on the law and the Ten Commandments."
42:16 But biblical grace leads to growth in Jesus.
42:22 Biblical grace leads to holiness.
42:27 Grace leads to holiness.
42:29 If you forget nothing else today,
42:31 remember this.
42:32 Grace leads to holiness.
42:36 Legalism leads to sin.
42:39 Did you catch that?
42:40 Grace leads to holiness
42:44 and legalism leads to sin.
42:48 So let's, we're on number four,
42:49 outgrowth that grace leads to growth.
42:52 2 Peter 3.
42:53 2 Peter 3:18.
42:55 Peter admonishes the believers,
42:58 "But grow in the grace
43:00 and knowledge
43:01 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
43:04 We're called to grow in grace.
43:09 Outgrowth number five. I already touched on this.
43:12 Grace leads to holiness.
43:16 Romans 6.
43:17 Romans 6:1 and 2, I love this.
43:22 "What shall we say then?
43:23 Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
43:28 Certainly not!"
43:29 I think King James says, God forbid.
43:32 "How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?"
43:37 You see, Grace actually leads to holiness
43:40 in the life of the Christian.
43:43 Romans 7, I love this contrast.
43:46 Romans 7:17,
43:47 and we'll compare it with Galatians 2:20.
43:50 So first, we'll look at Romans 7:17,
43:54 then compare that with Galatians 2:20.
43:59 Every morning when we wake up, wake up,
44:02 you and I have a choice.
44:04 Who do we want to serve?
44:05 Who do we want as our master?
44:09 Romans 7:17 says,
44:12 "Now it is no longer I who do it,
44:14 but sin who dwells in me."
44:17 Did you catch that?
44:19 It's not me engaging in the sinful acts,
44:22 it's not me walking out in that sin.
44:24 It is sin
44:26 that actually literally has taken up
44:28 residence in me.
44:31 By contrast, Galatians 2:20 says,
44:35 "I've been crucified with Christ,
44:36 it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."
44:41 So if you see over here, it's not me doing the sin,
44:44 it's sin that has taken up residence in me.
44:47 Over here, it's not me doing the righteous acts,
44:50 it's not me living a holy life,
44:52 it's Christ who lives in me.
44:57 The difference is who I choose to serve.
45:00 Outgrowth, number six, grace leads to love for others.
45:07 2 Corinthians 5:14.
45:09 Either way,
45:11 this is the New Living Translation,
45:12 usually I quote New King James,
45:14 but I like it here in New Living Translation.
45:16 "Either way, Christ's love controls us.
45:22 Since we believe that Christ died for all,
45:24 we also believe
45:25 that we have died to our old life."
45:29 Turn with me to 1 John.
45:31 Remember that God is love.
45:34 I love that.
45:36 God is love.
45:37 And if we are, we're in 1 John 4:7,
45:42 "Beloved, let us love one another,
45:44 for love is of God,
45:46 and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
45:51 He who does not love does not know God,
45:55 for God is love."
45:58 If we love others,
46:00 it shows that we have first loved Christ.
46:04 And we know in Romans 5
46:06 that God commended His love toward us
46:09 and that while we were yet sinners,
46:11 He died for us.
46:12 So you see, even the love
46:14 that we are to exemplify for others is a gift.
46:19 Love is a gift.
46:20 The love from God for us
46:22 and that love that we are to pour out
46:24 to our brothers and sisters,
46:26 that is a gift.
46:27 The fruit of the Spirit
46:30 that will be evident in the life of a Christian,
46:33 that is a gift.
46:35 Number seven, outgrowth number seven,
46:38 grace provides motivation for service.
46:42 1 Corinthians 15:10,
46:45 "But I, Paul,
46:47 labored more abundantly than they all,
46:49 yet not I,
46:51 but the grace of God which was with me."
46:55 Why did we labor?
46:56 Why did Paul go through and do all he did?
46:59 Because of the grace of God.
47:01 You see, we don't get out of ourselves
47:04 in our comfort zone
47:05 and seek to minister for others
47:07 without the grace of Christ controlling our lives.
47:13 It was another Monday night.
47:16 I was at jail with a woman.
47:18 And I asked them I said,
47:20 "How many of you have heard the story of Daniel
47:22 in the lions' den?"
47:24 Not a single hand went up.
47:26 So just as I launched into the story of Daniel
47:30 in the lions' den,
47:31 I heard a woman scream,
47:33 it echoed as everything cement in there,
47:36 it echoed and reechoed down the hallway.
47:41 And I was startled.
47:42 I could hardly concentrate and I turned around,
47:45 and yet, everyone seemed calm.
47:48 They were clearly used to this woman screaming
47:50 and I thought, Jill,
47:51 if your sisters here can concentrate,
47:53 surely you can ignore all of this
47:55 and you can concentrate too.
47:57 And so I continued with a story of Daniel
48:00 in the lions' den.
48:05 And then the scream came again.
48:06 And I put it out of my mind and I focused.
48:10 And then the scream came again.
48:11 And I put it out of my mind and I focused.
48:14 And then I couldn't take it anymore.
48:16 And I just said to the woman,
48:18 I said, "I'm so sorry, what is wrong?
48:20 Who's crying?
48:21 Do they need help?"
48:23 And they kind of rolled their eyes
48:24 and they said, "Oh, that's Amber.
48:26 She's been in and out of jail."
48:30 She's crazy.
48:31 She's in solitary confinement down the hall.
48:34 And I kept thinking, Amber, where do I know that name?
48:37 And then it hit me.
48:38 I remembered her.
48:40 She had been in our Bible study before.
48:43 But what was she doing back?
48:44 Why had she come back in jail?
48:47 And so the Bible study ended
48:49 and I went to the guard at the desk.
48:51 Now, we're not allowed to walk around the jail.
48:53 When you go in, you go in, you do your Bible study,
48:56 then you get out of there.
48:58 That's just how it operates,
49:00 but I thought maybe they would make
49:02 an exception for me.
49:03 So I went up to the guard and I said,
49:05 "Do you mind? Could I go talk with Amber?
49:08 I'd love to pray with her."
49:11 And he said, "Oh, Amber,
49:12 she's probably been in and out 20 times.
49:15 Sure, you can talk with her."
49:18 So I started down the hall and he followed hand on the gun
49:22 at his belt.
49:24 And even before I got to her window,
49:26 it's just a clear like a glass window
49:28 with a little slot to put the food in.
49:31 They have no human contact.
49:33 Even before I got to the window,
49:35 she saw me and she started hollering out,
49:39 lady, lady, come over here.
49:42 I want to talk to you.
49:44 And so I stepped up to the glass
49:45 and I said, Hi, Amber.
49:47 My name is Jill.
49:48 I'd like to talk to you if you have a minute.
49:51 And so she was excited and she was glad to talk,
49:54 but I knew I didn't come to talk.
49:55 What did I come for?
49:56 I came to pray for Amber.
49:58 And so, I said, "Oh, Amber,"
50:00 I said, "I'd love to pray with you
50:01 before I go."
50:03 And she began to get agitated.
50:05 And she said,
50:07 "I don't want prayer. I don't need prayer."
50:10 And then she stepped right up to the glass
50:12 and she looked at me.
50:14 She said, "Lady, look at your teeth.
50:17 That's what I'd like teeth like that."
50:21 And I said, "Amber, I'm so sorry.
50:24 I can't give you my teeth.
50:27 But we can talk to the God of the universe."
50:31 She said, "Oh, I don't want prayer.
50:33 Look at those teeth."
50:35 And I tried one more time and I said,
50:37 "Amber, please, would you let me pray for you?"
50:41 Look at your teeth.
50:44 And so, in sorrow I turned away.
50:48 And as I drove home,
50:50 God reminded me in the recesses of my heart,
50:55 that I too have been like Amber.
50:58 I have prayed for teeth, maybe not literally.
51:04 How many times have I tried harder
51:08 to be a better Christian?
51:10 How many times have I thought if I only do this or say that,
51:17 or grit my teeth or hold my temper
51:20 or whatever in check,
51:22 that somehow I can earn favor with God,
51:27 somehow I can be accepted,
51:32 somehow I can be saved.
51:36 And yet God in His mercy
51:40 said, Jill, "why do you ask for teeth
51:42 when I could give you everything."
51:45 His grace is free, extended to all,
51:51 His grace can break the chains that bind us.
51:58 Listen as Tim sings.
52:05 Amazing grace!
52:10 How sweet the sound
52:13 That saved a wretch
52:17 Like me
52:21 I once was lost
52:25 But now am found
52:29 Was blind, but now I see
52:37 'Twas grace
52:39 That taught my heart to fear
52:45 And grace
52:47 My fears relieved
52:53 How precious
52:55 Did that grace appear
53:01 The hour
53:02 I first believed
53:07 My chains are gone
53:11 I've been set free
53:15 My God, my Savior
53:19 Has ransomed me
53:23 And like a flood
53:26 His mercy rains
53:31 Unending love
53:35 Amazing grace
53:43 For Lord has promised
53:47 Good to me
53:51 His word my hope secures
53:58 He will my shield
54:02 And portion be
54:06 As long as life endures
54:12 My chains are gone
54:16 I've been set free
54:19 My God, my Savior
54:23 Has ransomed me
54:27 And like a flood
54:31 His mercy rains
54:34 Unending love
54:38 Amazing grace
54:47 The earth shall soon
54:51 Dissolve like snow
54:55 The sun
54:56 Forbear to shine
55:02 But God
55:04 Who called me here below
55:11 Will be forever mine.
55:22 Thank you, Tim.
55:24 Are you grateful for His grace today?
55:28 Are you grateful that He can set you free
55:31 from whatever binds you?
55:33 Many times when we accept Christ,
55:38 we think, I got this God.
55:41 I can do this.
55:42 I can carry this on my own.
55:45 We claim to be Christians and yet we carry with us,
55:49 our invisible prison house.
55:52 It might not be evident to other people
55:55 that we associate with.
55:57 This is the prison house of doubt,
55:59 the prison house of shame,
56:01 the prison house of guilt, of fear.
56:05 Whatever your prison houses today,
56:08 Christ said He came to set you free.
56:12 Whoever the Son sets free, is free indeed.
56:17 Do you want to be set free today?
56:18 Do you want to be free from those addictions,
56:21 from those bands, from that trap of legalism?
56:25 Free to walk in newness of life.
56:30 Free to walk in Jesus.
56:31 Let's pray.
56:33 Holy Father, we come before You right now
56:35 in the name of Jesus.
56:38 Thank You, God, that You came to set us free.
56:42 Thank You that Your grace
56:47 reached down
56:50 and that You could save even me.
56:52 God, thank You.
56:54 Thank You
56:55 that Your grace leads us to repentance
56:57 and Your grace leads us to forgiveness,
56:59 Your grace enables us to be justified and saved
57:03 that Your grace enables us to walk in newness of life.
57:09 Thank you, God, that we can walk in holiness,
57:13 not through any merit of ourselves,
57:16 not through anything that we have done.
57:19 But because Your grace is sufficient in our lives
57:24 and in our hearts.
57:25 In Jesus' name I pray, amen.


Revised 2020-09-11