3ABN Worship Hour

The Victory of Overcoming

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO200029S

00:25 Hi, I'm Shelley Quinn
00:27 and welcome to the 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:29 Let me ask,
00:30 do you realize that we are in a battle
00:33 for our lives,
00:35 a battle to overcome three opposing forces,
00:39 self, the influences of the world
00:42 and the sinister strategies of Satan.
00:45 And let me tell you, this is no minor skirmish,
00:48 it is an all-out war.
00:51 It is the war of the great controversy,
00:54 good versus evil.
00:57 And how we face the battle is up to us.
01:00 We have one of two choices,
01:02 we can either choose to remain on the losing side
01:07 and be overwhelmed by our circumstances,
01:10 overpowered by sin,
01:13 and dealing with doubt, despair, and defeat.
01:18 Or we can choose to line up on the winning side
01:23 and draw on God's divine power
01:27 and enjoy the victory of overcoming,
01:31 the victory of coming out on top.
01:34 You know, the Bible has so much to say
01:37 about the victory of overcoming.
01:39 Actually, you could say all of Scripture
01:41 is about overcoming.
01:43 But what we have to recognize is the battle is real.
01:48 But so is the victory in Christ Jesus.
01:51 He promises us the victory of overcoming,
01:58 which is the title of today's message.
02:01 Let's pray.
02:02 Heavenly Father, we come before You
02:04 in the name of Jesus
02:05 and oh, how we thank You, Lord,
02:07 for Your three greatest gifts of grace,
02:09 how we thank You
02:11 for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
02:13 Precious Lord, thank You.
02:16 Oh, God, that You became a man and died for us.
02:20 Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, Lord,
02:23 and thank You for Your word.
02:24 We pray for Your anointing today, Lord,
02:28 get me out of the way
02:29 and, Lord, anoint this message and we give You all the praise,
02:35 all the honor, all the glory, in Jesus' name, amen.
02:40 Now today is going to be
02:42 a good old fashioned Bible study.
02:45 We are going to use a lot of Scripture.
02:47 So if you're a note taker,
02:49 you might just want to jot down
02:50 the references
02:52 because we won't have time to look these up.
02:55 But you can always watch on YouTube
02:57 where you can pause and get better notes.
03:00 So, what does the word overcome mean?
03:05 In the Greek it is Nike, it means to conquer,
03:10 to overcome by power.
03:12 It implies being victorious over an enemy in battle.
03:18 It implies endurance
03:21 and perseverance and determination
03:24 to prevail and triumph.
03:27 What guarantees us the victory?
03:30 I really should say,
03:31 who guarantees us the victory of overcoming?
03:36 Let's look or listen to John 16:33.
03:40 Jesus said,
03:42 "These things I have spoken to you
03:45 that in me, in Christ,
03:48 you may have peace in the world."
03:51 Let me repeat that.
03:52 In Me, you may have peace, then He says, in the world,
03:57 you will have tribulation,
03:58 but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.
04:03 The death and resurrection
04:05 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
04:08 is what guarantees us the victory.
04:11 He accomplished His mission when He came to earth.
04:15 He dealt the death nail to Satan in His world system,
04:20 and He won the victory at the cross.
04:23 We're all sinners
04:25 and the Bible tells us
04:27 that the penalty for sin is death.
04:30 Second death, total obliteration.
04:33 But we all need a savior,
04:37 and we can't save ourselves
04:39 because salvation belongs to God.
04:43 Jesus Christ offers us the gift of eternal life,
04:49 the gift of salvation by grace through faith.
04:53 All we have to do is trust Him and receive.
04:59 Jesus is our redeemer.
05:02 He paid the price for our sins.
05:05 And the Bible says
05:07 that He released us from bondage
05:10 by His suffering and dying on the cross.
05:12 Ephesians 1:7 says,
05:14 "In Him, we have redemption through His blood,
05:19 the forgiveness of sin."
05:21 He liberated us.
05:24 You know, the Bible says that we are freed from our sin,
05:29 by His blood.
05:30 He reconciled us to God.
05:33 And now through Christ,
05:36 we are welcomed into God's loving embrace.
05:40 And He says,
05:41 "I will be your God, and you will be My people.
05:45 I will be your father and you will be My children."
05:48 This is covenant language.
05:51 Yes, the unbelieving world may still oppose Christ,
05:56 and may still attack His people causing us to have tribulation.
06:01 But let me tell you, they will not.
06:04 They cannot thwart His eternal purpose.
06:09 The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 1:20,
06:11 that all of the promises of God
06:13 are yes and amen in Christ Jesus.
06:17 His resurrection, Peter tells us,
06:20 gives us a living hope that we have,
06:25 "an inheritance that can never perish,
06:29 spoil, or fade, kept in heaven."
06:34 Jesus is coming again soon.
06:36 He's coming to get His people,
06:38 to take us to heaven for 1,000 years,
06:41 then He will recreate this earth,
06:43 and there'll be no more death, dying or sorrow.
06:48 Those who accept Christ as their Savior and Lord
06:54 are considered to be born again.
06:57 And born again believers are overcomers.
07:02 Yes, we may face tribulation on the earth,
07:05 we may have tension and face opposition.
07:09 But Paul says this in Romans 8:37.
07:13 "Yet, in all these things, no matter what is going on,
07:18 we are more than conquerors through Him,
07:24 who loved us."
07:26 We are over conquerors,
07:28 more than victorious because of God's love.
07:33 When we are in Christ, evil cannot conquer us,
07:37 we will always have Jesus' peace, His comfort,
07:41 and we will have victory
07:44 in our relationship through Him.
07:47 In 1 John 5:4, John writes,
07:53 "Whoever is born of God overcomes the world,
07:59 they're victorious over this old world system.
08:04 And this is the victory,"
08:06 he says, "that has overcome the world."
08:10 Our faith,
08:12 God in the person of Jesus Christ
08:16 absolutely conquered evil on the cross.
08:20 And those who are united to Him,
08:22 who are living in Him
08:24 will have victory in overcoming wickedness, deception.
08:29 Does this mean
08:30 that we will face every difficulty
08:33 with complete calm and composure?
08:36 Does this guarantee us happiness and health?
08:41 The Lord said, "We will have tribulation in the world."
08:48 So the answer is no.
08:50 But Paul had
08:51 more than his share of tribulation.
08:54 And in 2 Corinthians 2:14, he says,
08:57 "Thanks be to God
08:59 who always leads us in triumph in Christ."
09:04 Jesus always will lead us safely
09:07 through all of our problems.
09:09 In fact, my experience has been,
09:12 He carries us through,
09:15 we have His promise
09:17 that He will never leave us or forsake us.
09:20 We just have to recognize His presence.
09:23 He's with us right here, right now.
09:28 Do you remember the three opposing forces
09:31 I said that we must overcome?
09:33 Self, influences of the world,
09:36 and the sinister strategies of Satan.
09:41 Let me say this,
09:43 we must pause and ask ourselves,
09:47 are we overcoming?
09:49 Are we experiencing victory over self?
09:54 In order to experience victory over self,
09:58 we have to understand the science of sin.
10:03 Let's look or listen to James 1:14.
10:08 It says, "Each one is tempted,
10:13 when he is drawn away by his own desires,
10:17 his own lust, his own longing, his own craving."
10:21 See, temptation is different for everyone.
10:25 It is a result of our upbringing,
10:27 our environment,
10:29 even our inherited tendencies
10:31 that direct our personal choices
10:35 to satisfy our fallen nature.
10:37 But let's listen again to James 1:14.
10:41 "Each one is tempted
10:43 when he is drawn away by his own desires,
10:47 and enticed."
10:49 The word enticed literally means
10:53 to catch by bait.
10:56 Oh, please, don't take Satan's bait.
10:59 He will lure you, and then he will reel you in.
11:05 We have to understand how Satan sets the trap.
11:09 And sin is not just a spontaneous act.
11:15 Listen to what James goes on and says in verse 15.
11:18 James 1:15,
11:20 "When desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin.
11:26 And sin, when it is full grown brings forth death."
11:32 So, James is likening the process
11:36 or the science of sin
11:38 to the physical conception and birth.
11:44 You get a wrong idea in your head,
11:46 and you let it rattle a while around a little bit.
11:51 That's the gestation period.
11:53 And then suddenly, it gives birth,
11:56 but not to life, he says to death.
11:59 Then he says,
12:01 "Do not be deceived My beloved brethren."
12:05 Satan's deception makes sin look appealing.
12:11 Satan hides the shame of sin.
12:14 You know what he does?
12:16 He takes sin,
12:17 and he wraps it in the shiny foil paper
12:21 with a big satin ribbon,
12:24 just the kind of package you can't wait to open.
12:28 But it is nothing more than gift wrapped garbage.
12:35 We will never overcome sin
12:39 until we recognize
12:41 how abhorrent sin is to our holy righteous father.
12:46 If you want to know how God hates sin,
12:50 just look at the penalty God paid for sin at the cross.
12:56 If we want to recognize
12:58 what Satan is trying to do to us,
13:03 his second greatest sin or deception is this.
13:08 He will try to make us believe
13:11 that it is impossible to overcome sin.
13:15 Well, 1 John 3:8 absolutely erases that thought.
13:22 It says, "For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested,
13:27 that He might destroy the works of the devil."
13:31 Jesus came to save us from our sins, not in our sins.
13:38 How does He do this?
13:39 You know, Jesus said,
13:40 "Apart from Me, you can do nothing."
13:44 But what He does is when we come to Him,
13:47 when we yield and submit to Him,
13:50 He infuses us with His power
13:54 and gives us strength to overcome.
13:57 What Paul knew that in Philippians 4:11.
14:00 He said, "I can do all things through Christ
14:05 who strengthens me."
14:08 Paul had learned
14:10 just as Jesus prayed three times in Gethsemane,
14:14 "Oh, Lord, let this cup pass for me."
14:16 Paul prayed three times to the Lord saying,
14:20 "Take this thorn from my flesh,
14:23 whatever painful hindrance that was to His ministry."
14:27 He's begging God three different times.
14:29 Take it away, Lord.
14:31 Well, neither Jesus nor Paul got the answer to that request.
14:37 It wasn't taken away.
14:39 But God gave them grace to face their ordeal.
14:46 And Paul tells in response to his prayer.
14:50 Take this thorn from me.
14:52 In 2 Corinthians 12:9, Paul shares God's response.
14:57 Jesus said to him,
14:59 "My grace is sufficient for you,
15:02 for My power is made perfect in weakness."
15:09 We have to understand
15:11 that God's plan of salvation
15:15 is total dependence upon Him
15:18 for direction and for strength.
15:22 I love what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:13.
15:27 Paul said, "No temptation has overtaken you,
15:32 except such as is common to man.
15:37 But God is faithful,
15:39 who will not allow you to be tempted
15:40 beyond what you are able,
15:43 but with the temptation
15:45 will also make the way of escape,
15:49 that you may be able to bear it."
15:53 Hallelujah, that's a two hander.
15:56 God will empower us.
15:59 And we will know the victory
16:03 of overcoming self.
16:07 Now, let's look at our second category.
16:12 What we need to overcome is the influences of the world.
16:18 The world is the battleground.
16:21 There is a sinister system of evil out there
16:26 that is dominated by Satan.
16:29 And he is opposed to God,
16:31 everything about his system is opposed to God,
16:35 and God's purposes for humanity.
16:38 In 1 John 2:15, the apostle of love says this,
16:44 "Do not love the world or the things in the world.
16:48 If anyone loves the world,
16:49 the love of the Father is not in him,
16:51 for all that is in the world, "
16:53 now he's going to list three things.
16:55 He said, "All that is in the world, "
16:57 and He's categorizing it in three things,
17:01 "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes,
17:05 and the pride of life is not of the Father,
17:09 but it's of the world."
17:11 Lust is a strong carnal desire
17:15 for that which God does not approve.
17:19 And let me tell you something, lust is pervasive in our world.
17:25 The lust of the flesh,
17:26 he's talking about our carnal nature,
17:28 our fallen nature
17:30 that is dominated by sinful tendencies.
17:35 And what Satan does
17:36 is he incites our flesh to want,
17:42 to desire the wrong things of the world.
17:47 Actually, Satan will even corrupt
17:50 God given desire.
17:52 So let me give you an example.
17:55 Sex.
17:56 Did you know sex was created and designed by God?
18:03 He meant for it to be
18:04 the most pleasurable experience,
18:07 but He reserved that right to a husband and a wife,
18:13 a man and a woman
18:14 who are joined in holy matrimony.
18:19 And what Satan does
18:21 is he tells us in the pursuit of pleasure,
18:25 it's okay, you could be sensually self-indulgent.
18:31 Satan uses the lust of the eyes.
18:35 He makes things look appealing to us.
18:38 Just think about Eve.
18:40 Here she is in the Garden of Eden.
18:43 All these beautiful trees,
18:45 wonderful fruit that she can eat from,
18:48 but Satan twisted God's word
18:52 and he made the fruit of the tree
18:55 of the knowledge of good and evil,
18:56 the only one
18:57 she wasn't supposed to eat from.
19:00 He made it so appealing to her that she partook.
19:05 And, boy, did that start the downfall.
19:07 Think of David
19:09 walking on his roof one evening,
19:12 looking down on a lower roof
19:14 and seeing Bathsheba as she bathed
19:17 and the lust of his eyes.
19:19 He wanted her and he took her, and he sinned.
19:24 Think of pornography
19:26 and how deadly pornography can be.
19:30 It's nothing more, but gift-wrapped garbage.
19:35 Paul tells us in Romans 13:14, he says,
19:41 "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ
19:44 and make no provision
19:47 for the flesh to fulfill its lust."
19:50 You know, I remember teaching on this in England
19:52 and this lady told me afterwards
19:54 she said,
19:56 "I have to walk by a bakery every day.
19:58 I love lemon meringue pie."
20:00 And she said,
20:01 "I almost stop every day and get a pie
20:03 and I'm gaining so much weight."
20:05 And she said,
20:07 "What does it mean to make no provision
20:09 for the flesh?"
20:10 And I said, "Change the path of how you walk home.
20:15 Don't walk by that bakery, don't buy that pie,
20:19 make no provision for your flesh."
20:23 But then,
20:25 John also mentioned the pride of life.
20:28 Satan will use
20:30 our natural inclination toward pride.
20:33 And what he incites in us is arrogance, hardiness,
20:38 prejudice, and materialism.
20:43 And he continues on in John,
20:46 after he talks about the lust of the flesh,
20:48 the lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
20:51 Here's how he concludes.
20:54 He says,
20:55 "The world is passing away, and the lust of it.
21:01 But he who does the will of God abides forever."
21:07 God will empower you
21:10 to enjoy the victory of overcoming the world.
21:17 Now, let's think about the third category,
21:21 the sinister strategies of Satan.
21:25 Let me tell you something.
21:27 Satan's forces of darkness are highly structured.
21:33 They're structured
21:35 for the most destructive purposes.
21:38 Listen to what Paul writes in Ephesians 6:12.
21:41 He says,
21:43 "We do not struggle against flesh and blood,
21:47 but against principalities and powers,
21:50 and the rulers of the darkness of this age,
21:52 against spiritual hosts of wickedness
21:57 in the heavenly places."
22:00 You know what's funny,
22:02 I often recognize
22:03 when someone else is in a spiritual battle,
22:06 and usually anybody that's having a problem.
22:08 That's what it is.
22:10 But sometimes,
22:12 I am a little slow to recognize or admit
22:17 that the spiritual battle is the source of my challenges.
22:22 Let me tell you something.
22:24 We are all in a spiritual battle.
22:27 Every single day of our lives,
22:31 we are facing a spiritual battle,
22:35 and we need to know spiritual warfare.
22:39 Jesus said in John 10:10,
22:45 "The thief comes not,
22:47 but to steal and to kill and to destroy.
22:50 But I," Jesus said,
22:52 "have come, that you may have life
22:54 and have it more abundantly."
22:56 The thief, the devil comes to steal,
22:59 to kill, and to destroy.
23:03 He is a liar.
23:05 Jesus said, "He is the father of all lies,
23:08 that there is no truth in him."
23:11 And what he does
23:13 is he wages a war of misinformation about God.
23:20 Satan will say, "Oh, God has favorites.
23:23 God doesn't really love you."
23:26 But God says, the Bible says,
23:29 "God is not a respecter of people,
23:32 that he loves all of humanity."
23:35 And in 1 Timothy 2:4, it says,
23:37 "God, our Savior, desires all to be saved.
23:42 There's not this little group of elect people.
23:45 He desires all to be saved
23:48 and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
23:51 Satan says,
23:53 "Oh, God's going to torture people
23:55 in hell with unending pain, never ending."
24:02 But the Bible says
24:04 that those who choose the path to hell,
24:08 that they are going to burn up,
24:12 they will suffer the second death
24:15 that Revelation mentions four times,
24:18 and that second death
24:20 will obliterate their existence.
24:24 Satan will say,
24:28 "I'll have a little fun while you're young,
24:31 sow your wild oats now."
24:34 God says,
24:35 "Today is the day of salvation."
24:39 None of us are promised tomorrow.
24:41 Do not let this day go by
24:44 without crying out to the Lord
24:46 and saying, "Lord change my heart,
24:48 change me.
24:49 I want to accept Jesus as my Savior."
24:54 Satan knows Scripture.
24:56 And what he does is he distorts it.
24:58 It's a subtle blend of truth and error.
25:03 And he promotes
25:05 delusional theories of misinformation.
25:11 The Bible called Satan, the accuser of the brethren.
25:18 Satan focuses on our past mistakes,
25:21 and he tries to make us afraid of the future.
25:24 God says, "Don't dwell on the past.
25:28 I'm doing a new thing in you, can you not perceive it?"
25:32 And then He says,
25:33 "If you'll keep your eyes focused on Me,
25:36 you don't have to be afraid of the future.
25:39 Trust in Me,
25:41 and I will give you perfect peace."
25:44 God and Satan
25:46 are on totally different teams.
25:51 Satan uses smokescreen distractions
25:55 to keep God's people
25:58 from fulfilling God's ultimate purpose
26:01 for their lives.
26:03 In 2 Corinthians 2:11,
26:08 Paul gives this warning,
26:11 he speaking along then he says,
26:13 "Lest Satan should take advantage of us,
26:17 for we are not ignorant of his devices."
26:21 Let me just pause and say this.
26:24 Satan knows your human weaknesses.
26:27 The next time you're feeling overcome, HALT.
26:30 That's a four-letter acronym,
26:34 H-A-L-T Hunger, Anger, Loneliness or Tired.
26:38 If you're in any one of those conditions,
26:40 take care of it
26:41 before you take any other action
26:43 because if you don't, if you don't recognize that,
26:48 you're going to give Satan a foothold.
26:50 Let me give you an example.
26:52 Ephesians 4:26-27 says, "In your anger, do not sin.
26:57 Do not let the sun go down while you're still angry.
27:01 Do not give the devil a foothold."
27:06 You know, when we thoughtlessly vent anger,
27:09 it hurts people
27:11 and it's destructive to a relationship.
27:14 Yet, if we keep anger bottled in,
27:19 it can create bitterness and hostility within us.
27:23 So what do we do?
27:25 Find a constructive way to deal with anger.
27:30 Attack the problem, don't attack people.
27:37 When we know that if we are in Christ,
27:42 we can know the victory of overcoming
27:47 the sinister strategies of Satan.
27:51 Revelation 12:11 says,
27:55 "They overcame him, overcame Satan,
27:59 by the blood of the Lamb,
28:00 and by the word of their testimony."
28:03 No matter what tribulations we face
28:05 here on earth,
28:06 the blood of the Lamb,
28:08 the sacrificial offering of Jesus Christ on the cross,
28:12 we know that gives us the victory.
28:15 The word of our testimony is accepted by faith,
28:19 this gift of eternal life
28:21 that Jesus has given us to know that we are saved.
28:25 And this makes us
28:27 ultimately victorious over Satan.
28:32 So how do we position ourselves
28:38 on the winning side?
28:42 James 4:6 says this,
28:46 "God resists the proud,
28:50 but gives grace to the humble."
28:52 What does it mean to be humble?
28:55 Paul wrote to the Philippians and he said,
28:57 "Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,
29:00 who although He was God,
29:02 He took on the form of a bond-servant,
29:04 He came in the likeness of man,
29:07 and He was obedient
29:10 even to the point of death,
29:14 death on a cross."
29:16 Jesus said, "I only do what the Father tells me to do.
29:18 I only say
29:20 what the Father tells me to say."
29:23 In other words,
29:24 the mind of Christ
29:26 that Paul wants in us is a mind that His humble.
29:31 Humility is to be totally dependent
29:36 upon God.
29:38 That's what God in the person of Jesus Christ.
29:41 He didn't call on His divine powers.
29:44 He handled things as you and I have to,
29:47 and He was completely dependent upon the Father.
29:52 Now James goes on.
29:53 In the next verse, James 4:7, he says,
29:56 "Therefore submit to God."
30:01 The word submit
30:05 literally means to line up under.
30:09 It's a word that is used of soldiers
30:12 who are lining up under the authority
30:15 of their commander in chief.
30:17 We are to submit to God's authority,
30:22 to give Him our allegiance, to follow His leadership,
30:27 to obey His commandments.
30:31 And you want to know something?
30:34 We are either submitted to Christ
30:37 or we're submitted to Satan.
30:40 There is no middle ground.
30:42 Let me prove that.
30:44 Romans 6:16, Paul writes,
30:47 "Do you not know
30:48 that to whom you present yourself slaves to obey?
30:52 You are that one's slave whom you obey,
30:57 whether of sin, leading to death,"
31:01 that's being on the losing side,
31:03 "or of obedience leading to righteousness?"
31:07 That's being on the winning side.
31:10 John 14:15.
31:15 You've heard this probably many times.
31:18 Jesus says, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
31:24 Now, many times we stop there.
31:26 And we don't realize
31:28 He bridged this verse with the next verse.
31:31 Of course, there were no verse distinctions
31:35 when this was originally written.
31:38 What Jesus said, "If you love Me,
31:40 keep My commandments and I will give you,
31:45 I will pray to Father,
31:46 and He will give you another helper
31:51 that He may abide with you forever,
31:52 the Spirit of truth,
31:55 who will dwell with you and be in you."
31:59 You know, we don't obey to be saved,
32:02 we obey because we are saved,
32:06 and we're motivated by love and loyalty to God.
32:11 Obedience is empowered by grace.
32:17 It is, as God gives us the Holy Spirit,
32:21 He works in us to will and to do His good pleasure.
32:25 And I have to say this,
32:28 partial obedience is no obedience.
32:33 Let me repeat that.
32:35 Partial obedience is no obedience.
32:40 So, how do we prioritize obedience?
32:46 In Mark 12:29,
32:53 it begins to set this up,
32:57 someone is asking Jesus,
32:59 "What's the most important commandment
33:01 in all of the Word of God?"
33:04 And He says, " Hear, O Israel:
33:07 The Lord our God is one,
33:08 you shall love the Lord your God
33:10 with all of your heart, with all of your soul,
33:12 with all of your mind,
33:13 with all of you strength,
33:14 this is the greatest commandment."
33:18 Tall order
33:20 for loving with all of your strength.
33:22 Then as Jesus goes on to say,
33:25 "And the second is like it, and this is it,
33:30 that you shall love your neighbor as yourself."
33:34 There are no greater commandments
33:37 than these two.
33:39 Like I said, that's a tall order.
33:42 And I don't think it's humanly possible
33:45 that I can love my neighbor as myself,
33:47 not in my human weakened condition.
33:52 But Paul said in Romans 5:5,
33:53 that God pours out His love into our heart,
33:58 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
34:01 God is love. The Holy Spirit is God.
34:04 So as the spirit of love enters us,
34:08 we become empowered to love in this way.
34:14 Jesus said in Luke 11:9,
34:17 He said, "Ask and it will be given,
34:18 seek and you will find,
34:20 knock and the door will be opened unto you."
34:23 Actually in the Greek, these are linear verbs.
34:26 It's a continuous action.
34:29 Ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking,
34:32 knock and keep on knocking.
34:35 And Jesus tells us in Luke 11:13,
34:38 what we're asking for.
34:40 He says, "If you being evil
34:41 know how to give good gifts to your children,
34:45 how much more will the Heavenly Father
34:48 give the Holy Spirit
34:51 to those who ask
34:54 and keep on asking."
34:59 You might wonder why we have to keep on asking.
35:02 Hey, we're leaky vessels.
35:04 We crave the spirit, we resist the spirit.
35:07 Sometimes we even quench the Holy Spirit.
35:10 Every morning, the first prayer out of your mouth should be,
35:14 "Oh, Lord, fill me again with Your Holy Spirit.
35:16 Help me remember how dependent I am upon You.
35:19 I can't do this without You."
35:21 Paul wrote to the Ephesians and in Chapter 3,
35:25 it begins in verse 16.
35:28 He's telling him, them,
35:30 "I am praying that you will be strengthened
35:35 with might."
35:37 And I mean, this, this word here is dynamite,
35:41 the dynamite power of God,
35:43 that you will be strengthened with might through His Spirit
35:47 in the inner man.
35:49 That, anytime you see the word that or so that,
35:53 it's a purpose statement.
35:54 So Paul wants us to be
35:55 strengthened with the Holy Spirit,
35:58 "For this purpose, that you,
36:00 Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith
36:04 that you being rooted and grounded in love
36:07 may be able to comprehend with all of the saints,
36:11 what is the width, the length, the depth, and the height,
36:15 to know the love of Christ,
36:18 which passes knowledge
36:20 that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."
36:26 Are you filled with all the fullness of God?
36:32 Just asking that question.
36:35 Who of us is going to say, yeah,
36:39 but don't let it intimidate you.
36:42 The Scripture says we can have it.
36:44 And 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13 says this.
36:49 Paul writes such, I love this scripture.
36:53 He says to the Thessalonians,
36:56 "May the Lord make you increase
36:58 and abound in love to one another,
37:02 and to all just as we do to you.
37:05 "Who's doing the work here?
37:07 May the Lord make you abound in love.
37:13 And here we come with that purpose statement.
37:17 "So that He may establish your hearts,
37:22 blameless in holiness,
37:25 before our God and Father
37:28 at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
37:31 with all of the saints."
37:34 What?
37:35 He says, "As God works in us
37:38 to cause us to increase in love,
37:42 He makes us blameless in holiness."
37:45 See, holiness just means to be separated from sin.
37:49 Love cannot sin.
37:52 So as we increase in love, we increase in holiness.
37:56 But it all begins with praying and saying,
37:59 "Oh, Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit today,
38:01 pour Your love into my heart today.
38:04 Oh, Lord, cause me to increase in love
38:07 and thank You, Father,
38:08 that You will establish my heart
38:10 blameless in holiness."
38:14 John writes in 1 John 4:4.
38:18 "You are of God's little children
38:22 and have overcome them,"
38:24 he's talking about the evil spirits,
38:27 "you've overcome them
38:29 because greater is He who is in you
38:35 than He who is in the world."
38:38 The indwelling Holy Spirit will illuminate our minds,
38:44 He will, with truth
38:46 He will empower us with divine strength,
38:49 and we will overcome sin.
38:53 We will resist temptation,
38:56 no matter what Satan uses to lure us.
39:01 Now returning to James 4:7,
39:05 "Therefore submit to God, line up,
39:09 resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
39:15 Resist means to literally take your stand
39:20 against him.
39:22 By faith in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit,
39:28 we can successfully resist
39:32 the temptation of the evil,
39:36 and when we take our stand the devil will flee from us.
39:40 We will have continual victory
39:46 of overcoming self,
39:48 of overcoming the influences of the world
39:52 and of overcoming
39:54 the sinister strategies of Satan.
39:59 In James 4:8, he says, "Draw near to God.
40:06 Oh, draw near to God, and He will draw near to you."
40:11 Do you know God is waiting?
40:13 Even this moment,
40:15 God is waiting for you to draw near to Him.
40:19 This implies an intimate relationship.
40:24 And this is how you position yourself
40:29 on the winning team.
40:31 So, what weapons
40:35 does God equip us with
40:39 to enjoy the victory of overcoming?
40:42 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, Paul says,
40:46 "That we walk in the flesh we did not war,
40:48 we do not war according to the flesh.
40:51 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
40:56 but mighty in pulling down strongholds."
40:59 Let's hit the pause button.
41:01 The strongholds he's talking about is up here.
41:06 The battle ground is in our mind.
41:11 When we have unhealthy thoughts or fantasies or desires,
41:17 they take us captive, we become a prisoner of war.
41:22 But he goes on and he says,
41:24 casting down arguments
41:27 and every high thing that exalts itself
41:29 against the knowledge of God.
41:32 The high things that exalt itself
41:36 against God's knowledge are human philosophies,
41:39 human reasoning,
41:41 human theories that distort truth.
41:45 This is worldly thoughts, worldly wisdom.
41:50 And then it goes on in verse 5 still,
41:54 2 Corinthians 10:5,
41:58 he says,
41:59 "Bringing every thought into captivity
42:02 to the obedience of Christ.
42:06 Only can error,
42:11 Satanic error be defeated by God's truth."
42:17 Jesus is our commander in chief,
42:19 and we must yield to His authority.
42:23 We must ask Him, "Oh Lord, redirect my thoughts.
42:28 Help me, Lord, to be focused on Your truth.
42:33 Teach me Lord, give me wisdom and discernment.
42:36 Help me to test the spirits."
42:38 God's mighty weapons, the Holy Spirit, God's Word,
42:44 Christ living in our heart through faith,
42:47 love, faith, prayer, hope.
42:50 These are powerfully effective weapons.
42:54 So, we overcome not with literal weapons,
43:00 but by putting on the full armor of God.
43:04 Ephesians 6:10.
43:10 Paul talks about this armor.
43:12 He says, "Be strong in the Lord
43:14 and then the power of His might
43:16 put on the whole armor of God,
43:19 that you may be able to stay on,"
43:22 that means to be established, to be unmovable,
43:26 "to stand against the wiles of the devil,
43:29 that you may be able to withstand,
43:32 to resist in the evil day.
43:35 And having done all to stand,
43:37 stand therefore take a firm position
43:41 in this battle against Satan and here's how.
43:45 Now He's going to tell us what our armor is.
43:50 He says,
43:51 "Having girded your waist with truth,"
43:54 remember, God's truth is the only way
43:58 that you can defeat Satan,
44:00 "having put on the breastplate of righteousness."
44:04 Hey, take a deep breath.
44:06 This is not your righteousness,
44:07 the best you can do
44:08 is but filthy rags before the Lord.
44:10 This is the righteousness of Jesus Christ
44:13 in 2 Corinthians 5:21.
44:16 It says that God made Him Jesus who knew no sin,
44:21 to be sin for us,
44:23 that we in Him
44:25 might become the righteousness of God.
44:29 Hallelujah.
44:31 When you are in Christ,
44:35 you have been credited with His righteousness.
44:40 Our sins were imputed to Him.
44:42 His righteousness was imputed or credited to our account.
44:47 1 Corinthians 1:30 says
44:48 that Jesus Christ has become for us,
44:52 our wisdom from God, our righteousness,
44:55 our sanctification and our redemption.
45:00 You should be so excited
45:03 to think about what your Savior has done for you.
45:07 And once again, if you haven't accepted Christ,
45:10 I invite you this day, don't put it off anymore.
45:15 But tell Jesus,
45:17 I want to be on the winning side.
45:20 Now Paul goes on, still talking about our armor,
45:23 Ephesians 6:15,
45:25 "Having shod your feet
45:28 with the preparation of the gospel of peace."
45:34 Boy, there's a lot of confusion over this,
45:38 having shod your feet
45:39 with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
45:42 You know what I think it is?
45:44 I think he's...
45:45 that Paul is saying,
45:47 "I want you to have a sure footing."
45:49 If you know God's love, if you know God's strength,
45:54 God will enable you to stand firm.
45:58 And, boy, what better place to learn the truth
46:03 than Romans 5:8-10, says,
46:06 "God demonstrates His only love toward us,
46:10 in that while we were still sinners."
46:13 Christ died for us before we ever accepted Him.
46:18 He died for us
46:20 much more than now having been justified
46:24 by His blood, that means you're declared,
46:27 when you confess your sins, He declares you innocent.
46:32 He take, hit, the blood of Jesus blocks away
46:36 all the forensic evidence,
46:38 and the judge says, not guilty.
46:42 He says, "Much more
46:43 having been justified by His blood,
46:46 we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
46:48 For if when we were enemies,
46:51 we were reconciled to God
46:53 through the death of His Son much more,
46:56 having been reconciled,
46:58 we shall be saved by His life."
47:03 If you remember,
47:04 Romans 5:8-10 every morning,
47:07 if you get up and you think about this,
47:10 you talk about
47:11 preparing the way by the gospel of peace,
47:15 your feet are going to be shod and you will have sure footing.
47:21 Now Ephesians 6:16
47:26 continues the explanation of the armor.
47:28 He says, "Above all, take the shield of faith."
47:33 This is to trust in God.
47:35 This is a defensive weapon, the shield of faith.
47:38 Take up the shield of faith, trust in God,
47:41 trust in His promises.
47:44 And if you, if you don't feel like you have enough faith,
47:47 be like the man who came to Jesus and said,
47:50 "I believe, Lord, help out my unbelief.
47:54 Jesus will give you the faith.
47:57 He says, "Take up that shield of faith
47:59 with which you are able to quench
48:01 all the firing darts of the wicked one."
48:05 Satan has no power against you
48:07 when you believe God's promises.
48:09 And then he says, "Take the helmet of salvation."
48:14 Oh, Christian, please listen to me.
48:18 Oh, listen to this.
48:20 I talk with people
48:21 who've been in the church for years
48:24 and they have no assurance of salvation.
48:27 The Bible tells you, if you are in Christ,
48:30 you can have absolute assurance of your salvation.
48:34 Listen to 1 John 5:12.
48:38 It says, "He who has the Son has life.
48:43 He who does not have the Son does not have life."
48:47 Now in verse 13, he says,
48:49 "These things I have written to you
48:51 who believe in the name of the Son of God,
48:54 that you may know
48:57 that you have eternal life
49:00 and that you may continue to believe
49:03 in the name of the Son of God."
49:07 You, if you are in Christ, you can say,
49:11 "Thank You, Lord, that I am saved."
49:14 Have assurance of your salvation
49:16 because that's the helmet you need to put on every day
49:20 to be able to fight the devil.
49:22 And then he says,
49:24 "And pick up the sword of the Spirit, "
49:26 which is the Word of God.
49:28 If you think about Jesus
49:30 in the wilderness when He was tempted,
49:32 how did He defeat the devil?
49:35 It is written. It is written. It is written.
49:39 You remember Zorro,
49:40 old Zorro used to come
49:42 and after his brave feats he would,
49:47 three bold swipes,
49:48 he would make his mark 'Z'
49:51 to leave his initial on the gate.
49:56 You can leave your initial on the gate of the enemy.
50:02 When the enemy comes against you,
50:04 pull out that sword and with three bows swipe say,
50:08 it is written, and Satan must flee.
50:13 Then he says, praying always with all prayer
50:16 and supplication in the spirit.
50:18 The Bible tells us that the spirit,
50:21 we don't know how to pray in our weaknesses.
50:23 But Paul tells us in Romans 8:26, he,
50:28 even the widow know how to pray as we ought,
50:31 the Holy Spirit will make intercession for us.
50:36 And then Paul writes in Ephesians 6:18,
50:41 "Being watchful to this end
50:43 with all perseverance
50:45 and supplication for all the saints."
50:48 Oh, this reminds me of what Peter is saying,
50:51 "Be watchful, be sober,
50:53 be vigilant because your adversary,
50:56 that devil roams around like a roaring lion,
50:59 seeking whom he may devour.
51:03 Resist him, stand steadfast in the faith,
51:09 steadfast in the faith,
51:11 knowing that the same sufferings
51:14 are experienced by your brotherhood
51:17 in the world."
51:19 Do overcomers still face sickness, death
51:22 with absolute peace, calm, and total serenity?
51:27 No, even when you're walking in faith,
51:30 death is heartbreaking.
51:32 You know, we don't realize,
51:36 sometimes we try to be so stoic,
51:39 but death is the last enemy that will be destroyed.
51:44 In 1 Corinthians 15:52, it says,
51:48 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
51:51 at the last sound of the trump, "
51:54 this is Christ's second coming,
51:56 "this incorruptible, "
51:58 it says, "must put on,
52:00 the corruptible must put on incorruption,
52:03 the mortal must put on immortality."
52:07 When does this happen?
52:09 Right now, Paul told in 1 Timothy 6:16,
52:13 only God is immortal.
52:16 We put on immortality at that last trumpet.
52:19 And then he quotes...
52:21 This is 1 Corinthians 15.
52:22 If you don't believe me, look up 1 Corinthians 15:52-54.
52:28 He says, "When this corruptible has put on incorruption
52:32 and this mortal has put on immortality,
52:36 then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
52:42 death is swallowed up in victory."
52:46 I just want to say one quick thing.
52:49 Some people think
52:51 that if you don't have a complete physical healing
52:56 that you don't have enough faith.
52:58 Oh, if you've ever said that to anybody,
53:00 ask for their forgiveness.
53:02 Do you remember in Acts 19, when Paul,
53:06 they take a handkerchief from Paul
53:07 and they take it to sick people, not Paul,
53:10 they just take the handkerchief and they would get well.
53:14 People say whoa, Paul had the gift of healing.
53:19 Really, in 2 Timothy 4:20,
53:25 Paul's writing to Timothy and he says,
53:28 "Erastus stayed in Corinth,
53:32 but Trophimus I have left in Miletus sick."
53:38 Don't you think that Paul was doing
53:40 a lot of praying for Miletus?
53:43 Miletus was one of his people.
53:45 So, what we have to know
53:48 is that the Bible has a lot to say,
53:51 Jesus has a lot to say about being an overcomer.
53:55 To every church,
53:57 all seven of the churches in Revelation Chapter 2 and 3,
54:01 Jesus makes a promise.
54:03 If we are overcomers, and those,
54:07 some of those promises include
54:09 that you will enjoy the gift of eternal life
54:14 that He will not blot your name out of the book of life,
54:17 that you will not suffer the second death.
54:21 Oh, I want to know the victory of overcoming,
54:27 don't you?
54:29 Here's Tim Parton now to sing "Victory in Jesus."
54:37 I heard an old, old story
54:42 How a Savior came from glory
54:47 How He gave His life on Calvary
54:52 To save a wretch like me
54:57 I heard about His groaning
55:01 Of His precious blood's atoning
55:06 Then I repented of my sin
55:12 And won the victory
55:17 I heard about His healing
55:22 Of His precious power revealing
55:27 How He made the lame to walk again
55:32 And He caused the blind to see
55:37 And then I cried,
55:39 "Dear Jesus, Come and heal my broken spirit"
55:46 And somehow Jesus came
55:50 And brought to me the victory
55:56 I have victory in Jesus
56:00 My Savior forever
56:04 He sought me and He bought me
56:08 With His redeeming blood
56:13 He loved me 'ere I knew Him
56:18 And all my love is due Him
56:22 He plunged me to victory
56:27 Beneath
56:30 The cleansing flood.
56:42 Thank you, Tim.
56:44 You know, we can count on this.
56:47 I want, if you've got a pen, write this down.
56:50 I'm going to give you several scriptures.
56:52 I love these promises.
56:54 Philippians 1:6 says
56:56 that God will complete the good work
56:58 He's begun in you.
57:00 1 Peter 1:5 says, we are kept by His power.
57:03 Hebrews 13:20-21 says
57:06 God will make you complete
57:08 in every good work to do His will.
57:12 Jude 1:24-25 says
57:14 He will keep us from stumbling.
57:16 And 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says
57:19 that He will sanctify you completely.
57:22 There is victory in Jesus.
57:24 You can know that victory of overcoming.


Revised 2021-01-08