3ABN Worship Hour

Just My Imagination

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO210059S

00:28 Hello and welcome 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:30 I'm Pastor John Lomacang.
00:31 Thank you for taking the time to join us.
00:34 And if you've been joining us from week to week,
00:36 we thank you for
00:38 supportively coming to the place
00:40 where we believe God continues to give us messages
00:45 to strengthen and encourage your hearts.
00:47 Today, we're gonna take a different path.
00:50 I often talk about Bible prophecy
00:53 or end time events,
00:54 or maybe sometimes doctrinal topics.
00:57 But today, I want you
00:59 to really lean forward and listening
01:02 because we're talking about a topic entitled,
01:05 Just My Imagination.
01:07 We're talking about the place where we are born,
01:10 the place where we communicate
01:12 and how we can be
01:13 more effective in finding the victories
01:17 that can come to us
01:19 in the place of our thoughts and our imaginations.
01:22 Before I go any further though,
01:24 I'd like to bow and ask for the Lord's leading
01:25 and guiding in this message.
01:29 Loving Father, in heaven,
01:31 thank You for the privilege and responsibility of reaching
01:35 into the hearts and minds.
01:37 And even today, the thoughts
01:39 and imaginations of our audience,
01:41 we do pray that Your Holy Spirit
01:43 will guide and be the act of power to speak to us
01:48 and bring us to the place
01:50 of new beginnings and realizations.
01:52 And when this message is done,
01:55 may we find in You the power that we need,
01:59 not only to understand it,
02:01 but to implement it in our lives.
02:03 We ask in Jesus' name, I pray, amen.
02:09 Just my imaginations.
02:12 Sometimes things occur in our hearts and minds
02:16 that we wonder how they got there
02:20 and what we're going to do because they are there.
02:23 Today, in order to illustrate
02:26 the power of imaginations and thoughts.
02:30 Come with me to my past.
02:33 I'm gonna take you down memory lane to the place where,
02:36 when I was a young man,
02:37 there was a group called the temptations
02:40 that wrote a song that goes as follows.
02:43 And I want you to pay particularly close attention
02:47 to the lyrics
02:48 because as it is in the beginning of a show
02:51 or a documentary,
02:52 how this sermon begins is the mountain
02:55 on which we're going to built the remainder of it.
02:58 Listen carefully.
02:59 It talks about a man who was in love with the woman
03:04 of his dreams and desires.
03:07 And these are the lyrics to the songs.
03:10 Each day through my window,
03:13 I watched her as she passed me by,
03:16 I said to myself,
03:18 you are such a lucky guy to have a girl like her
03:24 is truly a dream come true.
03:27 Out of all the fellows in the world,
03:30 she belongs to me.
03:32 And he continues as he admire
03:34 so he said, soon we'll be married
03:37 and raise a family.
03:39 Oh yeah.
03:41 On a cozy little home,
03:42 out in the country with two children, maybe three.
03:47 And then he says, I tell you, I, I can visualize it all.
03:52 This couldn't be a dream
03:54 for it is too real, it all seems.
03:58 But the tagline says,
04:00 but it was just my imagination running away with me.
04:04 It was just my imagination running away with me.
04:10 I want you to think about that.
04:11 Think about that, friends,
04:13 just my imagination, running away with me.
04:17 Now, apart from the tagline and the chorus,
04:19 you might ask yourself,
04:21 I wonder what kind of woman she was.
04:23 The woman he looked forward to being with did not exist.
04:27 The woman he was singing and imagining
04:31 about was just a figment of his imagination.
04:35 So today, come with me
04:38 to the most amazing arena on the earth.
04:41 I welcome you to the CDC,
04:43 the character development center
04:46 of the human mind.
04:48 It is the place of the greatest victories
04:51 or the greatest defeats.
04:52 It is the birth place of beginnings and endings.
04:57 The mind is where success motivates us
05:01 and failure pursues us.
05:04 The mind is where the future happens
05:06 before it even comes to past.
05:09 It is where mountains come down and walls go up.
05:14 It is where we love and we hate at the same time,
05:18 but we love in our thoughts
05:20 and we hate in our thoughts
05:21 before any one of those actions come to pass.
05:25 Let me go a little deeper.
05:26 Some of us are beaten up by thoughts and imaginations
05:30 that don't have arms.
05:31 Multitudes of us are incarcerated by what we think
05:36 and what we imagine.
05:38 Others spend their lives dodging the results
05:42 of their own imaginations and their own thoughts.
05:45 And many, I say again,
05:47 many waste their lives
05:49 at the intersection of I thought,
05:53 and I imagined, but, friends, think about this.
05:56 The ability to think
05:57 and imagine permeates our entire existence.
06:01 Every day our minds are thinking,
06:03 every day our minds are imagining.
06:07 And if you are captivated by social media,
06:09 you know that a lot of times your thoughts and imaginations
06:13 are stimulated by external stimuli,
06:16 by what you see,
06:18 by what you read, by what you hear.
06:21 But our imagination influences everything we do,
06:24 everything we think about
06:26 and everything we create to be even deeper.
06:30 The thoughts that are going on in our mind,
06:33 they lead to elaborate theories and indispensable inventions.
06:37 Our thoughts and imaginations are the catalyst of our dreams,
06:42 the doorway to shaping our intellect
06:45 and the ticket to our creativity
06:48 or lack thereof.
06:49 If you think about it, we have the cell phones.
06:51 Why?
06:52 Because somebody thought about it and imagined it.
06:55 Many of the things that we have today that surround us,
06:58 that we rely on were simply the product
07:01 or the seed of someone's thought
07:04 and someone's imagination.
07:06 And you think about it, how much we rely on it today.
07:09 But I simply ask the question,
07:10 what would we do if people didn't think about it?
07:14 Where would we be,
07:15 if Steve Jobs did not think about the Apple Computer?
07:19 If you're a PC user,
07:21 maybe those who started a Dell computer.
07:23 Where would we be today,
07:25 if people like Bill Gates did not start Microsoft?
07:30 It started in the recesses
07:31 of his thoughts and imaginations.
07:34 And so today what we're going to do
07:36 is we are going to examine
07:38 the figments of your imaginations
07:41 that shape you,
07:42 and that impact your outlook on life.
07:45 We're gonna also address
07:47 the phantoms that are chasing you that
07:49 don't even have legs that are not even there.
07:52 We're going to reveal
07:54 the sequences of gaining the victory over thoughts
07:57 and imaginations pursuing you
08:00 that really don't exist.
08:04 Where does this come from?
08:05 When I was reading my Bible there in the Book of Genesis,
08:09 the Genesis of humanity,
08:11 something struck my mind
08:14 and really began to tap on my center for thinking
08:18 and say, look at that text again,
08:20 read that verse all over again.
08:22 And I looked at it again
08:24 and I found that one of the downfalls
08:25 of the antediluvian world
08:27 was their thoughts and imaginations.
08:31 It was their greatest asset at one point,
08:33 and then it became their worst liability.
08:36 Look at Genesis 6:5
08:39 And we're gonna to read this in the King James Version,
08:40 because the way that
08:42 God describes the liability of the world
08:46 that has now gone by should be a wake-up call
08:48 to many of us today.
08:50 It is about the thoughts and imaginations.
08:52 And God's word Says in Genesis 6:5.
08:56 "And God saw that the wickedness of man
08:59 was great in the earth,
09:02 and that every imagination of the thoughts
09:06 of his heart was only evil continually."
09:11 Now, read that again. Look at that again.
09:14 The imaginations and the thoughts of the heart
09:18 were only evil continually.
09:22 Let's look at that and examine that.
09:24 You see what the Bible is saying is the downfall
09:26 of the antediluvian world was not
09:29 what they did first, but what they thought
09:32 and what their imaginations were focused on.
09:34 You see before they did anything evil,
09:37 they thought about it and they imagined it.
09:39 Look at the sequence of their downfall.
09:42 Their thoughts became their actions.
09:45 Their actions became their habits.
09:48 Their habits developed their characters
09:51 and their characters shaped their destiny.
09:55 I'll say that one more time,
09:56 it's very important to understand this,
09:58 their thoughts and imaginations became their actions.
10:01 Their actions became their habits,
10:04 their habits developed their character
10:06 and their character became their destiny.
10:11 Why did God destroy the antediluvians
10:14 because of what started in their thoughts
10:16 and their imaginations,
10:18 and then became in the documentary of Genesis,
10:21 only evil continually.
10:24 And when you read the story of Genesis,
10:25 the Bible says it made God sick to His heart.
10:30 He was upset.
10:32 He was sorry that He had even made man
10:35 when He saw the depth at which they had sunk.
10:40 And that's our world today, before the antediluvians
10:43 manifested evil actions, they thought about it.
10:47 They imagined it, they fed their thoughts,
10:51 they nurtured their imaginations.
10:54 They exposed their thoughts and imaginations to things
10:59 that they could not control.
11:01 They thought they could
11:03 until they realized that they could not.
11:08 There are many of you today that are sitting
11:09 where I'm talking about right now to get to the place
11:12 where imaginations are only evil continually.
11:16 It's an amazing thing.
11:17 But if you think about it,
11:18 the only way that they could have gotten to
11:20 where the Bible said they did,
11:21 was it required a constant and consistent diet of thoughts
11:28 that continued to suggest evil continually.
11:33 They exposed themselves to the media of their day.
11:36 And that is why I say to young people today,
11:38 if you are not developing your thoughts,
11:40 your surroundings are.
11:42 If your thoughts are not being developed voluntarily,
11:45 they're being guided involuntarily.
11:47 As one doctor once said,
11:49 the best way to have your own thoughts
11:51 and imaginations is to turn off all the devices
11:55 around you that insert thoughts
11:58 and imaginations into your brain,
12:00 into your thinking patterns without your permission.
12:03 Because when you're sitting before a television or an iPad,
12:07 or you're surfing the internet,
12:09 or on your favorite social media website,
12:12 your mind is being developed involuntarily
12:15 because you don't have any say in what is before you.
12:19 And before you know it, it influences your thoughts.
12:22 It starts tapping on your imaginations.
12:25 And then you begin to think and imagine things
12:28 that just a few minutes ago
12:30 weren't even in the recesses of your mind,
12:33 but what you don't understand is thoughts
12:35 and imaginations are not random.
12:38 They just don't pop up.
12:39 Something happens to activate our thoughts.
12:43 Something happens to prompt our imagination,
12:47 but the problem is
12:49 when our thoughts and imaginations
12:50 begin to guide us,
12:52 the problem is we focus on dealing with the thought.
12:55 We focus on dealing with the imagination.
12:58 And we often don't focus on the precursor
13:01 to what developed that thought
13:03 or what developed that imagination.
13:05 Case in point.
13:06 Why are we thinking that way?
13:08 Well, if I didn't pick up my device,
13:09 I wouldn't be thinking that thought.
13:11 If I didn't watch that show,
13:12 I wouldn't have those imaginations.
13:14 If I did not allow that
13:15 external stimuli to come into the way
13:17 I think and hear and breathe and move,
13:19 then I wouldn't have these
13:21 thoughts and imaginations and ideas.
13:23 So what do we do?
13:24 We try to deal with the thoughts
13:26 rather than the precursor.
13:29 If we didn't pick up the device,
13:31 we wouldn't have those thoughts.
13:33 So therefore, instead of dealing
13:34 with the thoughts, as one psychologist said,
13:37 a person was facing the battle with alcohol.
13:41 And he said, I've got to find a way to captivate,
13:45 to be successfully victorious over my alcoholism.
13:48 And he was beginning to be questioned by the psychologist.
13:50 What do you do that makes you drink?
13:53 And as he was going down the path,
13:55 he says, I've got to stop drinking,
13:57 but the psychologist said, no.
13:59 What you do prior to that determines
14:02 whether or not you want to drink,
14:05 whether or not you are prompted
14:06 to want to reach for that alcohol,
14:08 whether or not you begin to think
14:10 and imagine that you need a drink to deal
14:12 with the problem that
14:14 is the precursor to the behavior.
14:17 And so many of us are trying to deal
14:18 with habits in our lives,
14:20 but we are ignoring the precursor to the behavior,
14:24 failing to realize that
14:26 before the thought is there,
14:29 before the thought becomes an imagination,
14:31 before the imagination becomes a temptation,
14:34 we are dealing with a precursor behavior
14:37 that we must look at very carefully.
14:41 Let's look at what Paul talks about
14:42 as the precursor to that behavior.
14:45 The precursor to that behavior.
14:47 Romans 6:16.
14:49 Notice what he says.
14:51 This is amazing.
14:52 Paul says in Romans 6:16,
14:55 "Do you not know that
14:58 to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey,
15:02 you are that one's slave whom you obey,
15:05 whether of sin leading to death,
15:08 or obedience leading to righteousness?"
15:13 Now, I want you to grab that.
15:14 I'm gonna say that again.
15:16 And I'll just illustrate something as you watch.
15:19 When the presentation happens,
15:22 what follows that ends up in one of two categories.
15:27 Somebody takes over and lead you to obedience,
15:31 which leads to righteousness or disobedience,
15:34 which leads to death.
15:36 But before the leading starts,
15:38 there's a word that's used in this passage that
15:40 I want to take my time to focus on right now.
15:44 It says, "Do you not know
15:45 to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey?"
15:49 Let me make a point that
15:50 I think will grab you right away.
15:52 Before Eve got to the tree in Eden,
15:56 the tree got to Eve in her thoughts
15:58 and in her imaginations.
15:59 Before we get to the place of temptation,
16:02 the place of temptation gets to us.
16:04 The building, the club, the social gathering,
16:08 the addiction, the habit, the drug,
16:11 the thing you watch, the thing you read,
16:13 the thing you listen to before we get to that.
16:16 Before we decide to pick it up,
16:18 we present ourselves
16:20 to the thought that presents itself.
16:23 Now let me break down carefully
16:24 what Paul the apostle in essence is saying here.
16:27 He is saying, the temptation will come,
16:31 but no one sins without first yielding
16:34 to the temptation, it is virtually
16:38 and legitimately impossible to sin until you yield.
16:42 And that word yield means present.
16:45 So the temptation comes and we say,
16:47 hello, temptation, I'm here, what would you like me to do?
16:51 Well, Paul is saying, when that moment comes,
16:53 instead of saying the temptation
16:55 is too great for you.
16:56 He said, don't even present yourself to it.
16:58 Don't even answer the door when it knocks.
17:01 Don't even say I can handle it,
17:03 because we are not able
17:05 to wrestle against flesh and blood.
17:06 We are not able in our own human strength
17:09 to have any kind of victory over an enemy
17:13 that we cannot see.
17:14 We do not wrestle against flesh and blood.
17:17 So what is he saying?
17:19 Don't present yourself,
17:21 because no one can sin without first yielding.
17:24 Temptation may present itself to us,
17:27 but nothing happens
17:29 until we present ourselves to it.
17:34 We don't sin simply because we yield to sin.
17:38 It happens in steps.
17:41 Let's walk through the steps very carefully
17:43 and I've outlined them one to four.
17:45 And I want to be very intentional
17:46 about telling you what these steps are.
17:48 The first thing we do is decide
17:51 to present ourselves to the thought.
17:53 That's how it happens.
17:55 The first thing we do is we decide
17:57 to present ourselves to the thought.
18:00 The temptation is here.
18:01 We are deciding, should I present myself or not?
18:03 The tree is there.
18:04 Should I present myself on the drug,
18:06 the alcohol, the video, the controller, the remote,
18:10 the social media device is there.
18:12 If I don't pick it up, I won't have to worry about
18:15 what's on the other side of it.
18:16 So the very first thing that happens
18:17 is we decide to present ourselves.
18:20 The second thing, when we present ourselves,
18:23 the next thing we decide to do is
18:25 to obey or to disobey.
18:28 That's why Paul says, when we obey,
18:31 it is either sin leading to death
18:33 or obedience leading to righteousness,
18:34 meaning we decide which one to obey,
18:37 sin or obedience.
18:39 The sin, if we obey it, it leads to death.
18:41 The obedience, if we obey it, it leads to righteousness.
18:46 We decide the second phase is,
18:48 we decide whether or not to obey.
18:50 Thirdly, when we obey the thought,
18:54 we embrace it like Eve embraced the fruit,
18:58 we embrace it.
19:00 We begin examining the thought.
19:02 When we examine righteous things
19:04 and embrace righteous things,
19:06 the outcome will be a righteous outcome.
19:08 But the downside is when we imagine
19:11 and obey negative thoughts
19:13 or evil thoughts or sinful thoughts,
19:14 and then when we embrace it,
19:16 the outcome is going to be sin leading to death.
19:20 Something in your mind is going to die.
19:23 Something in your character is going to die.
19:25 Something in your constitution to fight
19:28 against the evil is going to die.
19:29 And when you yield, you are no longer in control
19:33 because sin begins to lead to death,
19:35 or obedience begins to lead to righteousness.
19:39 As Paul said, and I think it's Romans 7:17,
19:41 it is no longer I who do it,
19:43 but sin that dwells in me.
19:47 And the fourth thing we do in the four-stage process
19:50 is when we embrace it,
19:52 we cross over from imagination to manifestation.
19:57 And I want you to grab that.
19:59 We cross over
20:00 from imagination to manifestation.
20:05 Let's think about it this way.
20:07 Imagination forms the mental picture
20:11 or a thought in the mind.
20:12 But when we yield to the imagination
20:15 and begin to embrace it,
20:17 begin to handle it, begin to yield to it.
20:20 It goes from just an imagination
20:22 to a manifestation,
20:23 meaning it now becomes dimensional.
20:27 When we yield to the precursor, there's an activating factor.
20:32 It opens the door
20:33 to the thoughts and imaginations,
20:35 and then it makes room.
20:36 It says, come on in.
20:37 It makes room for the enslavement,
20:41 but if we don't yield to it, it cannot enslave us.
20:44 If we don't embrace it,
20:46 it cannot have a lasting impact on us.
20:50 It cannot begin to change
20:51 the way we feel, think, or behave.
20:54 If we do not follow the four steps
20:57 that leads to either a good outcome
20:59 or a negative outcome.
21:01 But I want you to notice what happens when we yield.
21:03 There is something that's powerfully transforming
21:06 when we yield.
21:07 One of the things that happens when we yield,
21:09 there is a psychological disconnect
21:12 and that psychological disconnect disconnects us
21:15 from the center for development of character,
21:19 which is Christ for good character development.
21:21 Notice how Paul analyzes the antediluvian world
21:25 and what happened to them.
21:27 Look at Romans 1:21.
21:29 Romans 1:21.
21:31 The Bible says, "Because that," this is amazing to me.
21:35 "when they knew God, they glorified him not as God,
21:40 neither were thankful,
21:43 but became vain in their imaginations,
21:47 and their foolish hearts were darkened."
21:51 Watch what happened?
21:52 Look what happened?
21:54 They knew God, but they did not glorify Him as God.
21:57 And when they did not glorify Him as God,
22:00 they were not thankful, and the disconnect happened.
22:03 And when the disconnect occurred,
22:06 what happened in their minds?
22:08 They became vain in their imaginations.
22:11 Meaning their imaginations
22:13 were now under their carnal dark control.
22:17 No consciousness of right, no consciousness of godliness,
22:22 no consciousness of doing good.
22:25 That's why people, when they do evil,
22:27 when they continue to do evil,
22:28 they get to the point where evil
22:30 is a natural outcome,
22:31 they don't even blink about it.
22:33 They don't even think about it
22:34 because they've yielded so much that
22:37 they have an ongoing disconnect from God.
22:40 And that's why the Bible says what happens next.
22:43 And this is amazing to me.
22:44 It says in verse 21 of Romans 1,
22:46 "Their foolish hearts were darkened."
22:49 Now wait a minute.
22:51 Think about that.
22:52 If there's not light in your heart,
22:55 there's only a darkness.
22:56 What does the Bible say?
22:57 That's why I always say to people,
22:59 if you're not reading your Bible
23:00 and not studying your Bible,
23:01 there's no light in there because the Bible says
23:04 in the Book of Psalms,
23:06 "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
23:09 and a light unto my path."
23:11 God's Word is a lamp unto our feet
23:15 and a light unto our paths.
23:17 So if we're not studying God's Word,
23:19 there's no lamp, and there is no light.
23:22 And Jesus says in the Book of John,
23:24 when there is darkness,
23:26 how amazingly deep that darkness is.
23:29 He also says, walk in the light
23:32 while you have the light, lest darkness comes upon you.
23:36 What is Paul saying? What is Jesus saying?
23:39 If there's nothing to guide your centers
23:42 for developing right character traits.
23:45 If you turn off the very light that you need,
23:47 there is no way that in your natural inclinations,
23:50 you're gonna say, well, I want to do right.
23:51 It's not possible. You know why?
23:53 Because your imaginations are vain
23:57 and your heart is foolish and darkened.
24:00 How can a foolishly darkened heart
24:03 and a mind that has vain imaginations
24:06 even think about God.
24:08 And that's why young folk,
24:10 let me just reach out to you for a moment.
24:11 That's why it's vitally important
24:13 for you to choose your stimulus from Sunday to Friday,
24:17 because there's no way that you're gonna come
24:19 to church on Sabbath morning and Christians, generally,
24:21 whatever church you go to,
24:23 there's no way you're gonna present yourself
24:24 before God if during the week you are presenting yourself
24:28 to things that are developing your thoughts downward.
24:31 There is no way that you're gonna go to church
24:33 and sing songs to praise God,
24:34 or even feel like you're in the right place.
24:37 That's why some people come to church and sleep.
24:40 And when the sermon is going forth,
24:42 which is affecting one life.
24:43 It's not even touching yours
24:45 because you have been tefloned
24:47 by your evil thoughts against God,
24:49 even permeating your heart.
24:50 You see what happens?
24:52 When you know God, that's not enough.
24:55 You have to be thankful.
24:57 You have to be thankful or else your heart
24:59 is gonna become a vain place.
25:01 Your imaginations a vain place,
25:04 and your heart is gonna be foolish and darkened,
25:07 but that's not even the end of result.
25:10 That's not even the last part of the story.
25:12 When I looked at this diagnosis of the antediluvian world,
25:15 it shocked me into thinking, wait a minute, Pastor John,
25:18 you've got to really be intentional about
25:22 what you let come into your mind
25:24 and what you let come into your heart.
25:26 And so I'm saying to you, if you're not intentional about
25:28 what's coming into your mind
25:29 and what is coming into your heart,
25:31 then you are allowing yourself to be a canoe in a rapid river.
25:36 And you're on your way to a waterfall.
25:39 There's no possible way for you
25:40 to stop the rushing river of evil around you
25:43 if the Word of God is not your anchor.
25:45 If the Word of God is not your light,
25:47 if the Word of God is not in your CDC,
25:50 your center for the development of character,
25:53 but there is something else the antediluvians
25:55 did that is even more shocking.
25:58 Look at Romans 1:28. Romans 1:28.
26:03 Now the Bible said, "And even as they did not
26:07 like to retain God in their knowledge,
26:12 God gave them over to a debased mind,
26:15 to do those things which are not fitting."
26:18 And then the Apostle Paul begins
26:20 to outline the dark sensual,
26:23 sadistically sexual behavior.
26:26 And that's why today in our society,
26:28 we see this and we say,
26:29 what can be in the mind of a man
26:31 to be want to marry a man
26:33 or the mind of a woman to want to marry a woman?
26:35 Where are their hearts?
26:37 Well, the Bible says,
26:38 when you don't like to retain God in your knowledge,
26:41 you don't have a God guiding system.
26:46 You don't have a system that's guiding you.
26:48 God's program is not in your senses,
26:50 the GPS, the God program senses the GPS,
26:53 God is not guiding you.
26:55 So there is not even a sense of feeling
26:57 that anything is wrong.
26:59 That's why today people can participate
27:01 in some of the darkest behaviors.
27:05 And they'll call it love.
27:07 Some people participate
27:08 in the most degrading habits and practices,
27:11 and they call it just a lifestyle
27:14 because they have no God complex.
27:16 Why?
27:17 Because they did not like to retain God in their knowledge.
27:22 When God tried to get into their knowledge,
27:24 they said, I don't want God in my knowledge,
27:26 like in Noah's day, Noah preached.
27:28 But that generation did not like to
27:30 retain God in its knowledge.
27:32 And today we are in the same kind of generation.
27:35 The Bible says in the last days,
27:37 perilous times will come for men
27:39 will be lovers of themselves,
27:41 lovers of pleasure, more than lovers of God.
27:44 So here we are in the middle of a socially driven society,
27:49 the movies, the music,
27:51 the rap artists, the hip hop artists.
27:53 And I even go so far as
27:54 saying some of the Christian artists
27:56 have so diluted Christian music,
27:58 that it sounds so much
28:00 like the world that you can go
28:01 from Christian music to worldly music
28:04 and no pun intended, not even skip a beat
28:06 because it doesn't even sound any different.
28:09 The only thing that may be a little different
28:12 is they will call God Him and they'll call God Him.
28:18 So you have to put the word Him.
28:19 You have to put God where the word Him
28:21 is in so much Christian music nowadays.
28:23 Jesus is not even if they say Him, I love Him.
28:26 Well, who is Him?
28:28 It could be a guy or could be God.
28:29 The world is melting down the church
28:32 so that it can control our thoughts
28:34 and our imaginations and the heart
28:36 where God is supposed to abide
28:38 will eventually be filled with vain imaginations.
28:42 And the heart that's should be dedicated
28:44 only to God
28:45 will become a place where the foolish heart
28:47 becomes darkened.
28:48 My friends, let me warn you.
28:50 The only safeguard today
28:52 is to retain God in your knowledge.
28:54 The only hope for us in this world today is say,
28:57 we've got to get God in there
28:59 because if God is not living in your house
29:01 or in your mind, that's why I believe it's in Philippians
29:03 where Paul says, let this mind be in you,
29:06 which was also in Christ Jesus.
29:08 Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus.
29:11 He also says, be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
29:16 We cannot be renewed in our minds
29:19 if we are on a constant diet of the world.
29:23 And we wonder why somebody on one side
29:25 is excited about Jesus.
29:27 And on the other side,
29:28 a person is completely turned off.
29:30 They don't want to hear anything about God.
29:32 I guarantee you, you can trace it
29:34 right down to the external stimuli
29:36 and what is coming into their minds
29:38 and their thoughts all week long.
29:40 And that's why many people don't like to study God's Word
29:44 because the thoughts and imaginations God's Word
29:48 will point out what you're thinking.
29:50 And God's Word will uncover your imaginations.
29:54 I've often said it this way.
29:56 We're gonna go to Hebrews 4:12.
29:57 I've often said it this way before I read the text.
30:00 When you read the Bible,
30:02 the Bible will start reading you.
30:04 Let me say that one more time.
30:05 When you begin to read the Bible
30:08 without prejudice of any text,
30:10 don't pick what you're gonna read
30:11 and what you're not gonna read.
30:12 Because some churches today, the pastor says,
30:14 let's not read that.
30:15 That's the Old Testament that's done away with.
30:17 Don't fool yourself.
30:18 If you can't read the whole Bible,
30:20 your thoughts and imaginations
30:21 are gonna become dark.
30:22 And the truth of God's Word,
30:24 His commandments, His Sabbath, the truth about death.
30:26 The truth about what happens, the truth about the way
30:29 Jesus feels about us will be distorted
30:32 if you pick and choose what you read in God's Word.
30:34 You can't pick and choose
30:36 what tools a surgeon uses on your operation.
30:38 Don't try to pick and choose
30:40 what texts in the Bible you read,
30:41 because it doesn't fit your fancy.
30:43 And I would guarantee you that the person
30:46 that's massaging your thoughts spiritually
30:49 can also be leading your spiritual thoughts
30:52 to be dark and vain without the presence of God.
30:54 So why is it important
30:56 to read God's Word for yourself?
30:58 Look at Hebrews 4:12, this is powerful.
31:01 Hebrews 4:12.
31:02 The Bible says, "For the word of God
31:05 is living and powerful
31:08 and sharper than any two-edged sword,
31:12 piercing even
31:14 to the division of soul and spirit,"
31:17 meaning it gets way down in there,
31:19 "and of joints and marrow," and watch this,
31:22 "and is a discerner of the thoughts
31:25 and intents of the heart."
31:29 Did you get that?
31:30 When you read the Bible, the very place
31:33 where the antediluvians failed,
31:35 their thoughts and intentions were only evil continually.
31:39 The Bible says, God's Word is a discerner of the thoughts
31:44 and intents of the heart.
31:46 When you read God's Word, God's Word begins to read you.
31:50 When you are studying God's Word.
31:52 God's Word begins to study you.
31:54 When you are reading about righteous material,
31:58 when you are reading and learning
31:59 about the righteous God and the righteous life,
32:02 it begins to examine
32:03 and uncover the wickedness in your mind,
32:05 the wickedness, and the evil in your thoughts
32:07 and in your imaginations.
32:09 But if you have fallen in love with evil and wickedness,
32:11 and untruth and lies, and scriptural deception,
32:15 then you'll reject the Word of God
32:17 and embrace the very lie that Satan wants to use
32:20 to guide your thoughts and imagination.
32:23 But here's the caution.
32:24 When evil no longer seems wicked
32:27 and good is no longer desirable.
32:30 When darkness seems more pleasing,
32:32 and the truth of God's Word seems to be the thing
32:35 you want to reject,
32:36 because it doesn't cross your path and exercise,
32:39 you are on dangerous ground.
32:40 When living right loses its appeal.
32:43 There is a bewitching addiction
32:47 that turns to darkness and that bewitching addiction
32:51 makes you feel that
32:52 somehow you can live one way and expect a different result.
32:57 Don't fool yourself.
32:58 Let me make another point.
33:00 Some people think that, well, you know, the Christian died,
33:03 well, God is a forgiving God.
33:05 Let me make a very important point
33:06 right here.
33:08 The very character that you are developing now
33:10 is the character that
33:11 you're gonna come out of the grave with.
33:13 You're not gonna become righteous
33:14 on the day you die.
33:16 If you are living a habit,
33:17 a life of habitual practices that are dark,
33:21 there is no way that
33:22 somebody can lie at your funeral
33:24 and make you righteous in the resurrection.
33:26 You've got to develop and practice those habits now.
33:29 You've got to live a life.
33:30 That's what the Bible talked about,
33:31 that he that has this hope in himself,
33:33 purifies himself.
33:35 Jesus will wash away your sin,
33:36 but you've got to make pure choices
33:39 because you're developing thoughts
33:40 and imaginations that
33:41 will either lead you in one direction
33:43 or lead you in another.
33:45 Look what Isaiah points out as this bewitching addiction.
33:49 It's an amazing thing.
33:51 When you reject light, look what happens?
33:53 Isaiah 5:20.
33:54 The Bible says,
33:55 "Woe to those who call evil good,
33:57 and good evil, who put darkness for light,
34:02 and light for darkness,
34:03 who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
34:08 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
34:11 and prudent in their own sight."
34:16 That's a cautious scripture.
34:18 Meaning you're measuring everything by yourself.
34:21 That's why some people look more evil than you
34:23 because you're measuring yourself against them.
34:25 But I guarantee you, if you measure yourself
34:27 against God's Word,
34:29 you'll see yourself for who you are.
34:30 If you allow God's law to be your mirror,
34:32 you will see who you are developing.
34:34 What kind of character you really have.
34:37 You see the point, friends,
34:38 is when our discerning center yields
34:40 to evil thoughts and imagination,
34:43 two things happen.
34:44 Two things happen.
34:46 I'm gonna tell you about the first one right now.
34:48 And I want you to listen carefully
34:49 because these are critical.
34:51 These are life and death developments.
34:53 One, when our discerning center yields
34:56 to evil thoughts and imaginations,
34:59 the first thing happens
35:00 is we see sin as our enemy and we fail to see ourselves.
35:06 Let me break that down.
35:07 If sin is my enemy,
35:09 then sin is making me be do evil.
35:11 But sin cannot make you do evil.
35:13 Sin is our enemy, but sin has no power
35:16 over you until you yield.
35:18 What am I saying?
35:20 We blame the substance or the attraction,
35:24 and we stop taking responsibility
35:27 for our choices.
35:28 You see, character is developed when you take responsibility
35:32 for your choices.
35:33 Nobody can force you to eat.
35:35 Nobody can force you to be evil.
35:37 It's a choice you make.
35:39 It's a decision you make every day.
35:40 And the second thing we do,
35:42 the second very important thing
35:43 we do when our discerning center yields
35:46 to evil thoughts and imaginations.
35:48 The second thing we do is we see others as our enemy.
35:53 We see the devil as our arch-enemy,
35:58 which he is, but let me take you
36:00 outside of blaming him or blaming others.
36:03 When we see others or Satan as the reason
36:06 why we do what we do, we no longer examine ourselves.
36:10 We no longer take responsibility.
36:12 We blame others
36:14 and we take no responsibility for our behavior.
36:17 One of the problems I have with Christian
36:19 nowadays and years ago,
36:20 there was a guy called Flip Wilson,
36:22 excuse me, young folk,
36:24 you don't even know who that is.
36:25 But this man named Flip Wilson years ago used to say,
36:28 the devil made me do it.
36:31 If the devil made him do it,
36:32 he was not responsible for his behavior.
36:35 And there are many people that go to church today
36:37 that blame the way they feel,
36:39 the way they think on Sabbath morning
36:42 or Sunday morning,
36:43 whenever you go to church, there are people
36:44 that blame other people for the way they behave,
36:48 for their Christian spirit,
36:49 for the lack of the development of the fruit of the Spirit.
36:52 Because if that person doesn't like you,
36:54 it doesn't mean you don't like...
36:56 Don't have to like them.
36:57 Follow the patterns of Christ.
36:59 If you are a Christian,
37:01 let the character and the personality
37:04 and the traits of Jesus shine through you.
37:06 Jesus didn't love focus. They loved Him.
37:09 He loved them because that's who He is.
37:12 And when Christ is reigning in you,
37:14 it is impossible to say that Jesus is in me,
37:18 but I can't stand the people
37:19 that I go to church with,
37:21 or I don't like the pastor
37:22 or I don't like the elders, or I can't stand my mom.
37:25 I can't stand her religious stances.
37:28 You've got to take personal responsibility
37:30 for your behavior.
37:31 When all the forces outside of you
37:34 are the reason why you behave the way you do,
37:37 then you have failed to take personal responsibility
37:41 for your actions.
37:42 That's why the Apostle Paul says
37:43 in 2 Corinthians 13:5, listen to this.
37:47 He says this so plainly, listen to this passage.
37:50 He says, "Examine yourselves
37:53 as to whether you are in the faith
37:55 as to whether you are in the faith,
37:57 test yourselves."
37:59 Notice, he's not saying anybody else,
38:01 you are your own responsibility.
38:04 He says, "Do you not know yourselves
38:06 that Jesus Christ is in you?
38:09 Unless indeed you are disqualified.
38:12 Examine yourself. Test yourself.
38:18 'Cause nobody is gonna be lost
38:20 because somebody else did something wrong.
38:24 Ezekiel 18:20 makes it clear
38:27 if you're blaming the drug or the substance
38:29 or other people that are, you believe responsible
38:33 for your behavior,
38:34 it is impossible for you to be saved.
38:36 If you blame everybody else for your character development
38:39 or lack thereof.
38:40 Look at Ezekiel 18:20.
38:43 The Bible shows
38:44 where the responsibility really is.
38:47 Ezekiel says, "The soul who sins shall die.
38:51 The son shall not bear the guilt of the father,
38:54 nor the father bear the guilt of the son.
38:57 The righteousness of the righteous
39:00 shall be upon himself,
39:02 and the wickedness of the wicked
39:04 shall be upon himself."
39:06 What does Ezekiel saying to us?
39:08 Each one of us is responsible
39:11 for his or her own destiny.
39:16 Nobody will stand in the judgment for you
39:20 and you cannot receive anybody's responsibility
39:23 and nobody will be responsible for you.
39:26 Everybody is responsible for his or her own destiny.
39:32 Now let's talk about the flip side.
39:34 Let's talk about deliverance.
39:36 We've analyzed the problem.
39:38 We've talked about yielding ourselves.
39:40 We've talked about
39:41 how we present ourselves to the temptation
39:43 and how it takes us over when we yield and embrace it?
39:47 But now let's talk about the steps of deliverance.
39:50 The first step in deliverance
39:51 is taking personal responsibility,
39:55 and this is where God will help you a lot.
39:57 But you got to ask Him to help you.
39:58 I know that if you ask God for help, He'll help you.
40:01 Look at the prayer of David in Psalm 139:23-24.
40:05 Psalm 139:23-24.
40:08 Look at the first two words of what David says, here it is.
40:12 He says, "Search me, O God,
40:16 and know my thought: try me.
40:19 I mean, know my heart: try me and know my thoughts
40:23 and see if there be any wicked way in me,
40:26 and lead me in the way everlasting."
40:29 Let me read that one more time.
40:31 "Search me, O God,
40:33 and know my heart: try me
40:35 and know my thoughts
40:37 and see if there be any wicked way in me,
40:41 and lead me in the way everlasting."
40:45 There's that word, sin leading to death,
40:48 obedience leading to righteousness.
40:50 When you ask God to examine you,
40:53 you say, Lord, I want you to lead me.
40:56 How many of you want Jesus to be your guide?
40:59 How many of you want God to lead you?
41:02 If you allow God to lead you,
41:04 He will lead you in the way everlasting.
41:07 But that's the challenge nowadays.
41:09 How do you turn off the phone?
41:11 The media, the TikTok, the Facebook, the Instagram,
41:14 the Twitter, all the stuff
41:16 that's just pouring in at,
41:18 at an infinitesimal speeds of digital know-how
41:22 is just coming in and you are so addicted to it.
41:25 You can't stop it, and then you say,
41:26 God help me,
41:29 but you got to make some choices.
41:31 You got to say, search me,
41:32 Father, where am I standing before you?
41:34 The first thing that must happen
41:36 is we got to ask God to search us, search me.
41:39 And I asked the question,
41:41 what would God find if we invited
41:44 God to examine our thoughts?
41:47 Would you be comfortable?
41:49 What would God find if He examined your thoughts?
41:51 What would happen if we asked God
41:54 to reveal our thoughts to us?
41:56 Would you be embarrassed if God revealed your thoughts
41:59 to you in His presence?
42:01 How different would we be
42:03 if we asked God to expose our imaginations?
42:09 Are you brave enough to ask God to do that?
42:12 Let me say something.
42:14 When you are brave enough to ask God
42:16 to examine your thoughts,
42:17 expose your thoughts, reveal your thoughts,
42:19 expose your imaginations.
42:22 Then you're saying, God,
42:23 I'm serious about this eternity thing.
42:25 I don't want to be lost
42:26 because I took no responsibility.
42:28 I want to be different.
42:30 You see, David prayed that prayer
42:31 because David knew that his sin was born
42:34 when he gave his thoughts and imaginations
42:37 supremacy over making the right choices.
42:40 When David fell into the sin with Bathsheba,
42:43 David became a blood thirsty king.
42:45 David looked back on his life
42:47 and he knew that when he gave his thoughts
42:50 and imaginations supremacy over making right choices,
42:56 he fell into sin.
42:58 But, friends, the fact of the matter
42:59 is sin cannot force us.
43:01 Sin cannot take over our will.
43:03 We must surrender that.
43:04 We are not victims of our sins.
43:07 We are victims of our wrong choices.
43:09 Watch this.
43:10 We are not victims of the sin around us.
43:13 We are first victims of our wrong choices.
43:15 The sin then affects us because of our wrong choices.
43:18 Notice why I didn't blame the sin
43:20 because I looked at the precursor,
43:22 the sin could not affect you unless you first
43:24 decided to choose
43:26 or to choose for it or against it.
43:28 The precursor is the issue, not the thing itself,
43:32 not the alcohol, the drugs,
43:34 the pornography, the cigarettes,
43:36 the theft, the lying, the stealing.
43:38 It's the precursor of
43:39 what is happening prior to that,
43:41 that leads you to embrace the darkness.
43:45 That's why we have to look at the responsibility.
43:47 James 1:14-15 talks about how we are all responsible.
43:51 We are responsible, no one else.
43:53 Notice what he says in James 1:14.
43:56 He says, "But each one is tempted
44:00 when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
44:05 Then, when desire has conceived,"
44:09 look what happens,
44:10 "it gives birth to sin,
44:12 and sin when it is full-grown,
44:16 brings forth death."
44:20 Look at the progress, James the Apostle outlined it.
44:23 He says, first of all, it begins with our desires.
44:27 The things that entice us,
44:29 we are drawn away by our own desires.
44:32 That's why when you start developing bad habits,
44:34 bad thoughts, it becomes desires.
44:36 And I'm gonna tell you,
44:37 there's nothing more powerful in the human character
44:39 than desire and will, the right action of the will.
44:42 And the things that you develop in your thoughts
44:44 become your desire.
44:45 And when you desire stuff, it becomes an addiction.
44:48 It starts calling your voice like a drug addict,
44:50 like an alcoholic.
44:52 It starts calling you.
44:53 It haunts you in your quiet moments
44:54 because you've yielded so much,
44:56 is become a part of your makeup,
44:58 your DNA, your desire,
44:59 and is haunting you and you yield to it
45:03 because you allow that thing to entice you to the point
45:06 where it's now a very strong part of you.
45:09 What happens when you yield to that desire,
45:11 it's conceived, it brings forth birth,
45:14 sin full-grown, it brings forth death.
45:16 You can prevent death by looking at the precursor
45:20 to your temptations and asking God to help you
45:22 at the precursor point.
45:23 You don't have to yield,
45:25 Jesus can give you the power over the yielding aspect
45:28 and you can come out victorious.
45:30 Every one of us has the power to choose.
45:33 Every one of us has a choice to make,
45:36 but here's the key, are we training ourselves?
45:41 And now, first of all, we examine,
45:43 we take responsibility.
45:45 We look at we need help,
45:47 but then there's something else we have to do.
45:49 We've got to train ourselves.
45:50 Look what Joshua 24:15 talks about
45:52 when he says choices.
45:53 It's a short verse,
45:55 but let me read this portion to you.
45:56 Joshua 24:15, we are told.
45:59 "And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord,
46:03 choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve."
46:08 Let's apply that right now.
46:10 You got to choose today.
46:12 You got to choose when?
46:13 Today. You got to choose when?
46:15 Choose you this day whom you will serve.
46:19 Not two weeks from now
46:20 because when the temptation presents itself
46:22 two weeks from now,
46:23 you got to choose at that very moment.
46:25 But here's where we fail.
46:26 We fail to train ourselves to make right choices.
46:30 Our thoughts and imaginations will have supremacy over us
46:33 if we don't train ourselves.
46:34 Now, why do I use the word train?
46:36 We train dogs, we train cats,
46:38 we train children, we train horses,
46:41 we train circus animals.
46:43 And depending on what kind of animal it is,
46:47 depending on the level of difficulty
46:49 we eventually make that child or that animal or that bird
46:52 or that horse or that lion do what we want them to do
46:55 because we have hung in there and we train them.
46:59 We train them, we train them.
47:02 But here's the powerful point that I want you to grab.
47:05 If we can train an animal, why do we allow our thoughts
47:10 and imaginations to train us?
47:13 We need to take responsibility and start training ourselves.
47:17 That's what Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 6: 40.
47:21 Look at that with me.
47:22 He said that very carefully in Luke 6:40, look at this verse.
47:27 He said, "A disciple is not above his teacher,
47:31 but everyone who is perfectly trained
47:36 will be like his teacher."
47:39 Did you grab that?
47:41 I wanna be like Jesus, but how does that happen?
47:43 I've got to be perfectly trained to be like my teacher,
47:47 the disciple is not above his teacher.
47:49 The teacher is there to give the example.
47:51 There's, the disciple is there to follow the example.
47:54 If we are in fact disciples of Christ,
47:57 let Christ train us.
48:00 Don't leave your thoughts and imaginations to the world
48:03 to let the world train you.
48:04 How ironic that is.
48:06 I'm a Christian, but I live like the world.
48:09 I'm a disciple, but I behave like the world.
48:11 That's ironic.
48:13 Jesus divorces Himself from that kind of behavior.
48:16 That's not My child.
48:17 That's not My disciple. That's not My children.
48:21 What He's in essence saying is I love the child,
48:23 but their behavior does not identify
48:26 with who they say they are children of.
48:29 We've got to be like our teacher.
48:31 We've got to be like our heavenly Father.
48:32 We have to train ourselves.
48:34 There's a quotation
48:35 I want to share with you right now.
48:36 One from one of my favorite authors,
48:38 is from the book Testimony for the Church,
48:40 volume three, page 22.
48:42 Listen to this quotation.
48:43 It is powerful. Here's what it says.
48:47 "The mind must be trained through daily tests
48:52 to habits of fidelity,
48:55 to a sense of the claims of right
48:58 and duty above inclination and pleasure.
49:01 Minds thus trained do not wander
49:06 between right and wrong,
49:07 as the reed trembles in the wind,
49:10 but as soon as matters come before them,
49:13 they discern at once that principal is involved
49:18 and they instinctively choose the right
49:21 without long debating the matter.
49:24 They are loyal because they have,"
49:26 look at these two words,
49:28 "trained themselves
49:30 in habits of faithfulness and truth."
49:35 That is a powerful quotation.
49:37 Why when the temptation comes, they don't fall?
49:40 Because they liked the three Hebrews
49:42 on the plain of Dura in Babylon.
49:44 Why did they not bow
49:45 when Nebuchadnezzar threatened them
49:47 with heating the furnace seven times hotter?
49:49 Because before they got to Babylon,
49:51 they trained themselves in Jerusalem.
49:53 They trained themselves in Judea.
49:55 They were raised by their parents.
49:57 Their parents raised them to honor God.
50:00 In spite of circumstances, in spite of their lives,
50:03 they chose to be obedient rather than to compromise
50:07 when their lives were on the line.
50:09 Let me tell you something, friend,
50:11 if you wait till the moment to train yourself, you'll bow.
50:14 If you wait till the furnace is heated seven times hotter
50:16 to make your decision and start your training,
50:18 then you will fall.
50:19 You cannot make the decision at the crisis moment.
50:23 You have to train yourself
50:24 before that like a faithful Olympian.
50:26 You've got to take years of painstaking development,
50:30 your muscles, train your muscles to do right,
50:32 train your mind to think right.
50:34 Train your thoughts to choose right.
50:37 Train your body to make right habits and actions.
50:41 Go in the right direction consistently
50:44 so that when the trial comes,
50:45 you will go in the right direction instinctively.
50:49 Why? Because you trained yourself.
50:52 How powerful is training.
50:54 Ask the doctor, how powerful is training.
50:57 Ask the psychologist,
50:58 the teacher, ask the baseball player,
51:00 the basketball player like Michael Jackson,
51:02 he's on the line, not Michael Jordan.
51:05 He's standing at the foul line.
51:07 He wanted to be at the foul line
51:09 in the critical moments.
51:10 One of the most famous basketball players
51:12 in the NBA history,
51:14 he says, put me on the line in the critical moments.
51:15 Why?
51:17 Because when the gym was empty and the fans were not there,
51:19 there he was practicing his free throws.
51:22 There he was practicing his foul shots,
51:25 so that when the critical testing moment,
51:27 when the crowd was intensely against him,
51:29 he thought nothing of them
51:31 because he trained himself for these challenging moments.
51:35 Oh I'll tell you one thing, the reason why God brings us
51:38 to the fountains of bitter waters is to train us
51:41 that we have made the wrong choices.
51:43 God will bring us to the bitter places
51:46 if we fail to make right decisions.
51:48 Why does He take us there?
51:50 So He can lead us back to retrain ourselves.
51:53 You see, if God decides to chastise you,
51:57 there's a reason for it because He knows
51:59 you're not making the right decisions.
52:00 He'll chastise you to bring you back to the place to say,
52:04 now don't do that again.
52:05 But the only way to prevent that is to train yourself.
52:08 Look at Hebrews 12:11.
52:10 Look what the Lord says about this very action
52:12 that we must partake in.
52:14 He says, no chastening.
52:16 "Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present,
52:20 but painful, nevertheless,
52:24 afterwards it yields
52:26 the peaceable fruit of righteousness
52:30 to those who have been trained by it."
52:33 You see that word trained by it.
52:36 Trials sometimes train us.
52:38 We don't like them,
52:40 but God will bring trials to train us.
52:42 He'll say to us, you haven't done right.
52:44 So I need to train you to do right.
52:46 And the battle against sin.
52:47 The problem is, we try to suppress the sin
52:50 instead of training ourselves.
52:52 We cannot suppress the sin,
52:55 if we haven't trained ourselves and ask for divine assistance
52:58 in those very moments.
53:00 We've got to make the right choices.
53:02 We've got to exercise our will the way that we should.
53:05 Look at Isaiah 1:16.
53:06 The Bible tells us,
53:08 look at the responsibility of the Christian.
53:11 We are told.
53:12 "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean,
53:15 put away the evil of your doing from before My eye.
53:19 Cease to do evil, learn to do good."
53:23 Notice, learn to do good.
53:26 The problem is many Christians want to be right.
53:30 They want righteous lives without training themselves
53:33 or putting forth any effort
53:35 to develop those kinds of characters.
53:37 Don't desire a righteous life unless you put forth effort
53:41 to begin to develop that kind of life.
53:44 That's why, when you look at the life of Christ,
53:46 you'll discover something
53:48 in the most crucial moment of the life of Jesus.
53:50 When He was facing crucifixion,
53:52 when He was facing the bitter cup,
53:54 His Father did not remove the bitter cup
53:57 because it was at that moment,
53:59 He wanted Jesus to make
54:01 the right choice to be our sacrifice.
54:03 He wanted the human, the Son of man to not succumb
54:07 to the pressures of His tormentors,
54:09 His persecutors, the jeering crowd.
54:12 But notice what Jesus said
54:14 in order to survive that moment.
54:16 Luke 22:47, He says, "Father,
54:21 if it is Your will take this cup away from Me,
54:25 nevertheless not My will, but Yours be done."
54:31 Now I want you to see something.
54:33 As soon as Jesus chose to obey in that critical moment,
54:37 what did the Father do?
54:39 The thing that He did for Jesus,
54:41 He will do for you.
54:42 Look at verse 43.
54:44 The Bible says in Luke 22:43,
54:46 "Then an angel appeared to Him
54:48 from heaven, strengthening Him."
54:50 You see when the angel came to strengthen Jesus.
54:53 His human disability was combined with divine ability.
54:58 He laid aside the human frailty and divine assistance came.
55:02 Friends, the Lord will sent to the same,
55:04 the Lord will do the very same thing for you.
55:06 When you call on God at that very moment,
55:09 when you choose to be obedient,
55:11 angels will come and take your human disability
55:15 and combine it with the divine ability.
55:17 He will do for us.
55:18 And our thoughts and imaginations
55:20 will no longer have power over us
55:22 because we chose to submit to the will of God.
55:27 Now what happens?
55:28 Let's look at the last part of the puzzle.
55:30 What kind of weapons should
55:31 we have in those critical moments?
55:33 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
55:35 Look at what the Bible says,
55:37 "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
55:40 but mighty through God,
55:41 to the pulling down of strongholds,
55:44 casting down, look, imaginations,
55:46 and every high thing that exalteth itself
55:49 against the knowledge of God, and bringing
55:51 into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
55:56 How does that happen?
55:58 The first thing we do is we decide
55:59 to present ourselves to the Lord.
56:01 The second thing we do when we present ourselves.
56:04 The next thing we do is we decide to obey Him,
56:07 the steps to righteousness.
56:08 The third thing is when we obey Him,
56:11 we embrace Him like even embrace the fruit.
56:14 And the fourth thing, when we embrace Him,
56:15 we cross over from imagination to manifestation.
56:19 You see, friends,
56:20 God never intended a righteous life
56:23 to be just our imagination.
56:25 He intended to be our experience.
56:27 Let me go to the last text.
56:29 How does that happen?
56:30 How does that happen?
56:32 Philippians 4:8.
56:34 How does that happen?
56:35 The Bible says it carefully, Philippians 4:8.
56:39 "Finally, brethren whatsoever things are true,
56:44 whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just,
56:48 whatsoever things are pure,
56:50 whatsoever things are lovely,
56:52 whatsoever things are of good report,
56:54 if there be any virtue, if there be any praise,"
56:58 notice what he says, "think on these things."
57:02 My appeal to you is very simple.
57:04 The world is tired of imaginary Christians.
57:08 When we surrender our thoughts and imaginations,
57:10 the world will finally see
57:13 and get a glimpse of God's thoughts
57:15 and imaginations.
57:17 Today, let me encourage you,
57:18 give up your thoughts and imaginations,
57:21 yield your will to Christ.
57:22 He'll send you divine aid
57:24 and it will no longer be just your imagination.
57:27 You will finally be just like Christ.
57:30 God bless you.


Revised 2021-08-13