3ABN Worship Hour

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO210067S

00:28 Hello, friends, welcome to 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:31 I'm John Lomacang, the speaker for the hour.
00:35 Thank you so much for taking
00:36 the time to join us to pray for God's guidance,
00:41 to ask for God's Holy Spirit, to be a part
00:45 of what God intends for your life today.
00:49 Before we go into the message entitled "Stained Glass,"
00:52 I want to ask for the Lord to lead
00:54 and guide in the communication
00:56 and the application of His Word.
00:59 Let's bow our heads together.
01:01 Loving Father in heaven, we thank You for
01:02 the opportunity and privilege.
01:05 We know that there's someone watching today,
01:08 expecting and listening for a word from You.
01:13 And we pray that you will take Your word
01:15 and find that fertile soil, that fertile ground that may
01:21 receive the seed of God's Word planted,
01:25 nurtured by the Holy Spirit, to bring forth in the life
01:29 of the one listening, and those that may be listening
01:32 and those that may be watching abundant experiences,
01:36 to know not only Your word, but to know you
01:39 as their personal Savior.
01:42 This I ask, in Your precious and Holy Name.
01:46 Amen.
01:49 As I mentioned the message is entitled Stained Glass.
01:54 You might be wondering...
01:55 But let's begin at the beginning.
01:57 Let's go to the first scripture reading,
01:59 2 Peter 1:19
02:01 as I lay the foundation for the message today.
02:06 We read in the Word of God in 2 Peter 1:19,
02:10 "And so we have the prophetic word confirmed,
02:15 which you do well to take heed
02:19 as a light that shines in a dark place,
02:23 until the day dawns and the morning star
02:27 rises in your heart."
02:31 Peter had it correct.
02:33 The intention of God is to have the morning star
02:36 rise in our heart.
02:38 And He has given us prophecy that shines in a dark place,
02:42 in a dark world to accomplish His purpose in your life
02:46 and in my life.
02:48 You know, we're living in the closing scenes
02:50 of the great controversy, and Satan is unveiling
02:54 the strategies that he has compiled
02:57 for the last 6000 years.
03:00 From the dust of his defeat in heaven,
03:03 Satan has been taking notes.
03:05 And his aim is to study God's movements,
03:09 determined to reverse
03:11 everything that God has created.
03:14 For every light, he has darkness.
03:17 For every truth, he has error.
03:19 For every right, he has wrong.
03:22 And Satan has studied God intently,
03:25 determined to reverse everything that God has done.
03:29 So let's begin by going to the Book
03:31 of Genesis Chapter 1 and let's unfold
03:33 what God has done so that we can see
03:36 what the enemy is trying to reverse.
03:39 We read together in Genesis 1:2 the following words,
03:44 "The earth was without form and void,
03:48 and darkness was on the face of the deep.
03:51 And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face
03:56 of the waters."
03:58 You see when you read that scripture,
04:00 what it's saying to us is to eradicate darkness.
04:04 God did what only He can do.
04:07 Look at verse 3. What did God do?
04:10 The Bible says in Genesis 1:3, "Then God said,
04:15 'Let there be light, and there was light.'"
04:19 Now I want you to notice what I just said.
04:21 "God said, 'Let there be light and there was light.'"
04:24 One of the very first changes that God
04:27 affected was in the creation of the world.
04:30 The very thing He did was replace
04:33 darkness with light.
04:36 The very first thing that Satan
04:37 wants to do is replace light with darkness
04:42 and here's the reason why.
04:44 Look at verse 4, Genesis 1:4,
04:48 "And God saw the light, that it was good,
04:53 and God divided the light from the darkness."
04:58 I don't want you to miss that.
04:59 God divided the light from the darkness.
05:02 God made it clear that this is light and this is darkness.
05:05 He did not merge the two together.
05:08 God did not turn darkness into light because you cannot
05:11 make good out of evil.
05:12 He eradicated darkness by expelling it with light.
05:18 God eliminated darkness by introducing the light.
05:22 He separated the light from the darkness.
05:26 And when I studied that
05:29 and I began to absorb that, I could appreciate more deeply
05:34 the words of Jesus when He said in Matthew 5:16,
05:37 "Let your light so shine before men."
05:39 You see, when you allow your light to shine,
05:42 darkness is eradicated, and the light of God is shown.
05:46 When you allow your light to shine,
05:49 truth is seen and error is banished.
05:52 When you allow the light of God's Word
05:54 and the work of the Spirit of God to shine
05:57 through your life, error is put to flight
05:59 and truth is brought front and center.
06:03 God never merged light with darkness.
06:06 He never put the two together.
06:08 He said, "Let there be light,
06:10 and there was light."
06:12 But I want you to notice something that's amazing
06:13 about light and darkness.
06:16 Every night when I go to bed, I turn off the light.
06:18 And I've come to the place where I don't even like
06:20 the light from my phone, or the light from my charger,
06:24 or the light from my headsets, when it's charging.
06:26 I want all the room to be dark.
06:29 But I've noticed something, when I turn off the light,
06:31 it becomes instantly dark.
06:34 It doesn't become dark gradually.
06:37 And the very same thing is true spiritually.
06:39 When you reject God's light,
06:41 you are in darkness immediately.
06:44 Light is replaced by darkness.
06:46 When light is rejected,
06:49 darkness takes his place immediately.
06:53 That is why when God brings light to you from His Word,
06:57 it is important to embrace it.
06:58 Embrace it so that you will not experience
07:01 the darkness that comes upon you.
07:04 But let me develop the thought even further.
07:06 You know, to a large degree
07:08 as we look at the world today, as we look at religion,
07:11 the diversities of religion.
07:13 We're not talking about the people per se
07:15 but the movements themselves.
07:17 There are so many varying degrees
07:19 of movements in the world.
07:21 And the reason why Satan is able to deceive
07:24 is he mixes light with darkness or darkness with light.
07:29 He has a little bit of truth and a little bit of error.
07:33 But like arsenic, you cannot put one drop
07:35 of arsenic in a glass of clean water
07:38 and say that it's not poisonous.
07:40 Even a single drop begins to poison that which is pure.
07:44 But now to understand how Satan has obscured
07:46 the light of God's Word, let me take you to the story
07:50 behind the title Stained Glass.
07:54 In the 12th century,
07:58 the churches in the medieval times begin to embrace
08:01 something called Stained Glass.
08:04 It was the age of Gothic architecture.
08:08 In the 12th century, it was the golden age of diversity.
08:12 And there was a man by the name
08:14 of Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis.
08:17 He was called the father of stained glass.
08:20 He was the first one to conceptualize
08:23 the use of stained glass windows to create as he said,
08:28 heavenly light, which was seen as he quotes,
08:32 "The presence of God in the churches."
08:35 Follow me carefully.
08:37 As Abbot Church of Saint-Denis, which was located near Paris,
08:40 it was described as having the most radiant windows to,
08:44 as I read, illuminates men's minds
08:48 so that they may travel through
08:51 the stained glass to an apprehension
08:54 of God's light.
08:56 You see, the idea for colored glass
08:58 was born in Abbot Suger's mind.
09:01 But he found in the Word of God scriptures,
09:04 making reference to the many colors that represent God
09:07 and the rainbow.
09:08 And instead of leaving it there,
09:10 he decided to use the rainbow colors to dilute
09:14 and to dumb down the purity of the sunlight.
09:17 Medieval churches became prominent.
09:20 Stained glass windows began to be reproduced for two
09:24 prominent reasons and these reasons are very,
09:27 very important.
09:28 One, they said for its spiritual quality
09:32 and then the second reason,
09:33 they said for its sensual appeal.
09:36 Now this is a powerful point.
09:38 To get people inside
09:39 of the churches in the cathedrals, they adorned
09:43 the windows with colored
09:44 glass because the churches were naturally dark.
09:48 They had candlelight
09:49 and they were mostly wooden structures
09:51 and concrete structures
09:52 and because there was no electricity,
09:53 the buildings were dark.
09:55 And people didn't want to come inside of darkened buildings
09:57 made of wood and stone and so they decided
10:00 if they could make colored glass,
10:04 it will attract the people's eyes.
10:06 The stained glass will increase their curiosity
10:10 and then the people would come into the buildings
10:12 to appreciate the light.
10:13 They would look at the stained glass
10:15 and while their eyes are being twinkled
10:17 and their mind being impressed by all this beautiful
10:20 stained glass, it gave the preachers,
10:23 the bishops, the popes, the leaders
10:25 time to mold their intellect.
10:28 You see, the darker the inside,
10:31 the more dazzling and attractive
10:33 the stained glass appeared.
10:35 Candles were kept to a minimum.
10:37 The stained glass not only became visibly appealing,
10:42 but the glass was also designed to instruct
10:45 the people how to think.
10:48 And the amazing thing that happened was the Medieval
10:51 Churches became popular.
10:54 Follow me, not by reading and studying the Bible,
10:58 but by abandoning the Bible in favor of stained glass.
11:03 Now you see, the stained glass became the entertainment
11:06 of their day, the light show of their day.
11:08 They didn't have lights like we have today.
11:10 They did not have electricity.
11:12 They used the light to attract the mind
11:15 and the truths of the Bible became just as distorted
11:18 as the stained glass.
11:20 The truth of God's Word just like
11:22 the light from outside was filtered through stained glass.
11:27 Stained glass became the main attraction
11:30 of the Medieval Churches.
11:31 And now you know why it was called the Dark Ages.
11:37 You know, there is a particular quality about
11:40 stained glass that makes it deceptively attractive.
11:44 And I want you to hear me carefully.
11:46 Although, the source of light remains unchanged,
11:49 it is vastly altered.
11:52 The result is, it makes the altered light
11:56 look more attractive than the pure light.
11:59 That's what's happening today in many churches
12:01 around the world.
12:02 The altered light is packaged so it begins to look more
12:06 valuable and more appreciated than the pure light
12:10 of God's Word.
12:12 The result is, altered light looks
12:14 more appealing to the eyes, but it gives no life-giving
12:18 properties to the mind.
12:19 Altered light makes things look attractive externally,
12:25 but it does not affect any changes internally.
12:28 The reason is clear.
12:29 The light of the sun has been diluted.
12:31 The nourishment of the Vitamin D has been filtered out.
12:35 It is no longer containing nourishment.
12:38 And today, when you filter the Word of God,
12:41 you may be attracted by what you see,
12:44 but there'll be no spiritual nourishment because the light
12:47 of God's Word has been diluted.
12:49 It has been stained by the things
12:51 that are filtered through it.
12:52 Friends, today, the truth
12:55 of God's Word are being filtered
12:58 through stained glass religion,
13:02 which brings me to my first point.
13:05 It has been more than 6000 years,
13:07 but this is the generation of stained glass religion.
13:13 You see, friends, darkness has become more
13:16 appealing than light.
13:18 Notice the words of Jesus in John 3:19
13:22 when He said these words.
13:24 He said, "And this is the condemnation,
13:27 that light has come into the world,
13:31 and men love darkness rather than light,
13:35 because their deeds were evil."
13:38 Notice Jesus didn't say that there's no light.
13:40 He says, "Light has come."
13:42 But because men are molded by stained glass religion,
13:45 by stained glass Christian entertainment,
13:48 men love darkness rather than light,
13:50 because it seems to be more appealing,
13:52 yet it is missing the nourishing qualities
13:56 of the pure Word of God.
13:58 There was a quotation found in the book Testimonies,
14:00 volume 4, page 233 in paragraph 3.
14:04 Listen as I read it.
14:06 It's very pertinent to the topic.
14:08 "In this age of darkness and error,
14:11 men who profess to be followers
14:13 of Christ seem to think that they are at liberty to receive
14:17 or to reject the servants of the Lord at pleasure,
14:20 and that they will not be called to an account
14:23 for so doing.
14:25 Unbelief and darkness led them to do this.
14:29 Their sensibilities are blunted by their unbelief.
14:33 They violate their consciences and become untrue to their own
14:37 convictions and weaken themselves in moral power.
14:41 And they view others in the same light with themselves."
14:46 This is a very powerful point.
14:48 You see, Satan has made religion look appealing,
14:51 but possessing no life-giving power at all.
14:54 There are preachers today proclaiming pieces
14:58 of God's Word, but they don't embrace
15:01 the totality of God's Word.
15:04 They stain what they teach with ideologies of tradition
15:08 and preference and entertainment,
15:11 and what I believe is relevant,
15:13 or what I believe is irrelevant.
15:14 And they become proponents of darkness rather than
15:17 the pure Word of God.
15:19 But this is no surprise to God.
15:21 He knew that eventually that we will get to the age
15:25 where truth will not be embraced
15:26 as he intended it to be embraced,
15:28 and light would not be appreciated as it comes
15:31 clearly from God's Word.
15:33 Jesus knew, He knew that the Age of Darkness would come.
15:38 Listen to the words
15:40 of the Apostle Paul in I Timothy 4:1-2
15:44 as he describes this descending
15:47 darkened age in which the church
15:49 is existing today.
15:50 He said these words.
15:52 "Now the spirit expressly says that in latter times
15:57 some will depart from the faith,
16:00 giving heed to deceiving spirits
16:03 and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy,
16:08 having their own consciences seared with a hot iron."
16:13 When I read that I thought to myself,
16:15 "Seared with a hot iron, what does that mean?"
16:17 What happens when a conscience is seared with a hot iron?
16:20 You see, friends, when truth is repeatedly rejected,
16:24 there's a danger that comes.
16:25 Darkness becomes more appealing.
16:28 A seared conscience is a dead conscience
16:32 like the fingertips of a guitar player
16:34 over the course of time.
16:36 It is callous and hardened so that truth cannot
16:39 penetrate that surface any longer.
16:42 It's dangerous to reject the Word of God.
16:45 When the conscience is seared, the life becomes hypocritical
16:50 and then you become your own standard,
16:53 and God's standard and God's Word is rejected.
16:56 And I want to tell you, as I've grown as a pastor,
16:58 as I've been able to share the truth of God's Word
17:00 with people of varying walks of life, it always amazes me
17:04 when you get to a specific teaching in God's Word
17:07 and the hardened mind from continual rejection
17:10 of light becomes so hard to penetrate.
17:14 They can hear what God's Word says,
17:15 but it bounces off like a hardened skull,
17:19 like a skull that has turned to stone.
17:21 There's no longer the ability to allow
17:24 God's Holy Spirit to penetrate that dark place.
17:28 And the Bible described that this kind
17:31 of atmosphere would exist.
17:33 As a matter of fact, Isaiah the Prophet
17:36 describes this to be the behavior
17:38 of those who embrace darkness.
17:40 But all of a sudden, their minds are so calloused
17:43 that they twist what they see, and they call darkness light.
17:46 Notice the words of Isaiah the Prophet in Isaiah 5:20.
17:50 Listen to what he says.
17:52 "Woe to those who call evil good,
17:54 and good evil, who put darkness for light
17:57 and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet,
18:02 and sweet for bitter!"
18:05 Notice that, why would you do that?
18:07 Why would you exchange sweet for bitter?
18:10 Why would you put darkness for light?
18:12 Why would you put error for truth?
18:15 The reason is so simple because you've chosen to turn
18:19 away from light so darkness looks bright to you.
18:22 And many ministers today will look at God's Word
18:25 and look at Bible truth, and they will call it a lie.
18:29 I've seen that experience. I've had that experience.
18:32 I've actually had contending controversies
18:36 with preachers on talk shows.
18:38 I remember a number of years ago,
18:39 when I lived in the state of California,
18:41 I was invited to be on a program
18:43 called coast-to-coast.
18:45 It was a roundtable discussion on doctrines
18:48 that were in opposition to one another.
18:50 It's not that the Bible teaches opposition doctrines.
18:53 It's not that the Bible teaches and supports both sides.
18:56 But when you decide to darken what God's Word says,
19:00 you become up with views that are not in harmony
19:02 with God's Word.
19:03 And I remember preacher sitting there when I talked about
19:05 the commandments of God, written by the finger of God.
19:08 I never forget the hypocritical behavior of a minister
19:12 of more than 30 years.
19:13 And he said to me,
19:15 "Which finger did God write with it, with the first finger,
19:16 the index finger?"
19:17 And I thought to myself, "How sacrilegious to look
19:20 at God's commandments and make it so trivial
19:23 and so minimize by saying,
19:25 which finger did God write it with,
19:27 by having no intention of even following
19:31 the Word of God?"
19:34 But Isaiah the Prophet 700 years
19:36 before these words are written down,
19:38 said that this was going to happen.
19:41 The Apostle Paul also
19:43 chimes in as he also by the inspiration
19:46 of God's Spirit predicts the molding environment
19:49 of the last days.
19:51 Notice what he says in 2 Timothy 3:13.
19:55 He says, "But evil men and imposters
20:00 will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."
20:05 Now pause for a moment and think about it.
20:08 When the Apostle Paul wrote that he was given a preview
20:13 of a developing environment because the church was fairly
20:16 new in his day.
20:17 But Paul was being led by the Spirit of God to see
20:20 what the world was going to become like.
20:22 And it really boggles my mind when he said,
20:24 "Evil men and imposters or seducers
20:27 will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."
20:31 So he's in essence saying that is the generation of today.
20:35 Why are they deceiving and being deceived?
20:37 Why are they using God's Word, twisting it,
20:41 diluting it to deceive?
20:45 It's because they are evil men.
20:47 They are imposters.
20:49 What is an imposter?
20:51 Somebody who looks apart that he really is not.
20:55 That's why Paul the Apostle warned, he says,
20:58 "That they will be ministers, who appear as ministers
21:01 of righteousness but it's not of marvelous
21:05 thing because Satan himself also appears
21:07 as a minister of righteousness."
21:10 So he's in essence saying, whatever you do,
21:12 don't think it's credible by what you see.
21:15 Check it out by God's Word.
21:17 Listen to another quotation.
21:19 In Testimonies, volume 4, page 234 in paragraph 2,
21:23 powerful quotation, "Men's hearts are no softer
21:27 today than when Christ was upon the earth.
21:31 They will do all in their power to aid
21:34 the great adversary in making it as hard
21:37 as possible for the servants of Christ
21:40 just as the people did with Christ
21:43 when He was upon the earth.
21:44 They will scourge with the tongue
21:46 of slander and falsehood.
21:49 They will criticize and turn against the servant of God,
21:53 the very efforts he is leading them to make."
21:58 What does that mean?
21:59 That means when God's servant is saying, "Walk in the light."
22:02 They will scourge him and malign His character,
22:05 and say, "Don't listen to Him for the following reasons."
22:08 They'll do whatever they can to aid the adversary
22:12 and turning people away from the truth of God's Word.
22:15 And it's done most effectively.
22:17 Hear me carefully.
22:18 It's done most effectively through those who look
22:21 the part of religious leader.
22:25 Now, a drug addict couldn't argue with a minister and say,
22:28 "Take drugs instead of God's Word."
22:30 You'll say, "Well, that's ridiculous,"
22:31 because he's obviously leading you down a path of destruction.
22:34 But when somebody that looks apart,
22:37 when somebody that has the external
22:39 appearances of a minister
22:41 begins to guide you in the wrong direction,
22:43 and says it's a safe direction.
22:45 Jesus says, "When the blind leads a blind,
22:48 they both fall into the pit,"
22:50 which takes me to my second point.
22:52 Today, we have a religion that how you feel
22:56 is more important than what you believe.
23:00 I mean, if you take the time,
23:02 today religion appeals to the senses,
23:05 but it starves the intellect.
23:08 Look at some of the Christian concerts.
23:09 Now, I'm not saying all Christian concerts
23:11 but I've seen some Christian concerts.
23:13 As a matter of fact, I've gone to some Christian concerts
23:15 that I couldn't stay at because I realized that this concept
23:18 was not about molding my influence to believe God's Word
23:22 but it was about superstition.
23:25 It was about trying to seduce me to believe a certain way.
23:28 And I got...
23:29 And I begin to feel like somehow I was being
23:31 put into a trance.
23:33 As one writer said, "When you begin to be in a place
23:36 where you are repeating the same thing over and over,
23:38 and over and over, it suspends the intellect."
23:42 And as one writer put, "Lofty words, bias repetition,
23:47 praises great and grand,
23:50 but not what God demands."
23:54 And I thought about that. That's so true.
23:56 A good friend of mine calls it 7/11 songs,
23:59 7 words, repeated 11 times.
24:02 And psychologists say that when you begin to repeat
24:05 something more than six times, your mind is open to allow
24:09 anything and everything to come in without
24:12 any intellectual protest.
24:15 That's what the devil does.
24:16 He gets you so wrapped up in vain repetition
24:19 as the heathens.
24:21 Jesus warned, "Don't use vain repetition like the heathens."
24:24 He warned the people of His day.
24:27 But then I also found an article
24:28 called Restoring Kingdom Builders,
24:31 and it marveled me as to what the writer said.
24:34 I'll read it to you verbatim. Listen to what he said.
24:37 And the article was subtitled, "Do Christians sometimes go
24:40 mindless during worship?"
24:43 Let me read it as you listen. He says, "I walked...
24:46 I wanted to walk out of church last Sunday morning
24:49 all because of a song.
24:51 During last Sunday's praise
24:53 and worship time at the church that I've been attending,
24:56 I became very uncomfortable because we kept repeating
25:00 the same phrase while singing a popular worship song
25:03 called King of my Heart.
25:06 Two weeks ago, or two Sundays ago, the worship team led
25:09 the congregation in singing this song.
25:11 And I noticed that one phrase was repeated 22 times.
25:17 You are good, You are good, oh God,
25:21 which means we sing the words good 44 times."
25:26 And he said, and I end the article,
25:27 "I wanted to run out of the service, get in my car
25:31 and drive anywhere."
25:33 Well, that's not just true in Sunday Churches.
25:35 That's true in some Sabbath Churches.
25:37 That's true in many denominations.
25:39 It doesn't matter what the denomination is.
25:41 But when you get to the place
25:42 where vain repetition takes over,
25:44 the mind is no longer making
25:46 calculated decisions about truth,
25:48 it's now open to being seduced.
25:50 And that is why Jesus said in Matthew 6:7
25:53 the following words.
25:54 Listen to these very pertinent words,
25:57 words of caution for our generation,
26:00 for the Christian Church today.
26:02 He says in Matthew 6:7, "And when you pray,"
26:05 He says, "do not use vain repetitions
26:09 as the heathens do.
26:11 For they think that they will be heard
26:14 for their many words."
26:18 He's in essence saying, they're using repetition,
26:20 repetition, repetition, repetition.
26:23 What would you do if somebody came to you and said,
26:24 "Give me the car. Give me the car.
26:26 Give me the car. Give me the car.
26:27 Give me the car. Give me the keys.
26:28 Give me the keys. Give me the keys. Give me the keys"?
26:30 You'll say, "Would you cut it out already?
26:31 I heard you the first time."
26:33 You see, friends, God doesn't need us to be banging
26:35 on his door repetitiously, thinking that by saying it
26:39 over and over and over and over and over and over again,
26:43 that somehow is going to bend God's arm to be more
26:46 pliable to your suggestions or to your questions.
26:50 We don't need that.
26:52 But God is saying that's the age in which we live
26:54 and that's a stained glass maneuver.
26:59 Taking the truth of God's Word, darkening it down,
27:02 making a repetition, thinking that's somehow
27:05 I can repeat it over and over
27:07 and somehow it's going to change your heart.
27:09 No, friends, that's not how God works.
27:11 We've got to look at God's Word.
27:14 "Here a little, here a little, there a little, there a little,
27:19 line upon line, line upon line,
27:22 precept upon precept, precept upon precept."
27:26 That's one of the only times in God's Word
27:29 that repetition is used.
27:30 And in that case, repetition is the best teacher.
27:35 Look at the third reason why I believe
27:36 we're living in a stained glass generation.
27:39 Error will be exalted above truth.
27:45 That's what happened during the dark ages.
27:47 It took a long time but the Church of the Dark Ages,
27:50 the Church, the powerful monolith of Rome,
27:53 chained the Bible to the altars.
27:54 And the people had no access to God's Word,
27:57 and they were dumbed down.
27:58 They were taught things that were not
28:00 supported by God's Word like eternally burning hell,
28:03 the immortality of the soul, purgatory,
28:06 limbo, these strange beliefs that could not
28:09 connect to a just and fearing loving God.
28:12 But that's not a surprise because the same thing
28:16 happened to ancient Israel
28:18 when they turned away from God's Word.
28:20 Look at Ezekiel 22:26.
28:24 Listen to what the Prophet Ezekiel says
28:27 about those who turn away from the truth of God's Word.
28:31 He says, "Her priests have violated My law
28:35 and profaned My holy things, they have not distinguished
28:40 between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known
28:44 the difference between the unclean and the clean.
28:49 They have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths,
28:55 so that I am profaned among them."
28:58 That happened to Israel of all.
29:00 Now watch this, if the devil can do that among
29:03 God's chosen nation,
29:05 if the devil can lead those who had truth to abandon truth,
29:09 and get to the place where they can't see
29:11 the difference between the holy and the unholy,
29:14 the clean, and the unclean then their worship becomes profaned.
29:19 And the Lord says, "I'm profaned among them."
29:22 Well, friends, the same is true about today,
29:24 whenever we are not embracing the truth of God's Word
29:26 as it is written in God's Word,
29:28 when we make no difference between the holy
29:30 and the unholy, and this is the generation
29:33 where as was pointed out in the text.
29:36 There are those who have hidden their eyes from God's Sabbath.
29:39 They're saying, "This is what I prefer.
29:41 Take it or leave it."
29:42 Whoa, friends, the reality of it is God leaves it.
29:44 God doesn't take what we give Him.
29:47 He only takes what He requires.
29:49 Going back to the story of Cain and Abel.
29:51 Cain gave God a basket of fruits.
29:54 Abel gave God the sacrifice He required.
29:58 And the question I asked you today, are you giving God
30:01 what He requires?
30:03 Or are you one of those that says to God,
30:05 "Here's what I'm going to give you.
30:06 Take it or leave it.
30:08 As long as I remember God, that's all that matters"?
30:10 No, that's not the case.
30:11 It's not our standard by which we worship God.
30:15 It is His standard.
30:16 It is His standard by which He calls us to worship Him.
30:21 And I remember the text in John 4:23-24.
30:24 The Bible says, "God is Spirit,
30:25 and those who worship Him
30:27 must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth."
30:30 Why? "For God is seeking such to worship Him."
30:34 Are you worshiping God according to His Word
30:37 or are you worshiping God according to your denomination,
30:40 according to your church?
30:41 Are you comfortable being one of the 33,000
30:45 or are you tracing what you believe to the unerring
30:48 Word of God?
30:50 I recommend that you do that or else
30:51 you can become easily a victim of stained glass
30:56 religion because today, God's truths have been filtered
31:00 through the lenses of stained glass doctrines.
31:03 The Christian world has embraced two
31:06 of the most stained glass doctrines
31:09 I believe that has permeated the Christian Church today,
31:14 the immortality of the soul, and the sacredness of Sunday.
31:18 I'll say that one more time.
31:19 The Christian world today has been polarized by two
31:23 of the most stained glass doctrines of the Christian era,
31:27 the immortal soul, believing that you continue to live after
31:31 you die, and the sacredness of Sunday,
31:34 somehow removing the sanctity
31:35 of God's Sabbath to a different day, and saying,
31:38 "Now this new day is holy."
31:41 There's nothing in Scripture that supports either
31:44 one of those.
31:45 Only God has immortality.
31:48 We will put on immortality when Jesus comes,
31:51 but no one possesses immortality right now.
31:54 We have the promise of immortality.
31:58 When that last trumpet blows,
32:00 this mortal will put on immortality.
32:03 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, we will put it on,
32:07 but right now it's just a promise.
32:09 My loved ones don't die and go to heaven,
32:11 they die and they're placed in the grave or if they are...
32:14 If they become cremated, they're placed in an urn.
32:18 Everybody is waiting for the resurrection,
32:21 so that they can meet the Lord.
32:24 And, friends, what a beautiful
32:25 and glorious day that's going to be when the resurrection
32:28 takes place and the graveyard becomes the location
32:31 of the last great miracle that the world will experience.
32:36 But notice these two great errors,
32:38 the immortal soul, and the sacredness
32:41 of Sunday is embraced today.
32:43 And I'm going to say to you, as I'm proclaiming this,
32:45 there are those that believe that and because the glass
32:48 is so stained, they don't want to turn
32:51 away from it knowing that God's Word says
32:56 something else.
32:57 Preference, tradition, bias, and darkness
33:01 have combined itself together
33:04 and their minds are dangerously becoming
33:07 callous because this is not what they prefer.
33:10 Listen to this quotation in the book
33:12 Darkness Before Dawn, page 32 in paragraph 2.
33:17 Listen to this, "Through the two great errors,
33:22 the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness,
33:26 Satan will bring the people under his deceptions.
33:30 While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism,
33:35 the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome."
33:41 Notice that.
33:42 Spiritualism comes through the belief that people
33:44 continue to live after they die.
33:48 That's why people believe in ghosts.
33:49 That's why people say, "My mother visited me."
33:52 That's why people say,
33:53 "I smelled my dad's cologne two years after he died.
33:56 He must be in the house trying to send me a signal."
33:58 All this ridiculous spiritualism
34:01 is coming into Christian Churches today.
34:03 It's being taught from pulpits in America
34:05 and around the world that they're in heaven
34:06 looking down now and the Bible doesn't support
34:09 anything along those lines.
34:12 But that's what's happening in our world today,
34:13 stained glass religion, the immortal soul,
34:17 and Sunday sacredness.
34:19 But there's something on the horizon
34:21 that I want to bring to your attention today.
34:23 Something is happening that is causing the latter part
34:26 of that quotation to come to fruition because for decades
34:30 and for millennia, Sunday has been pushed
34:33 as a day to be honored above God Sabbath.
34:36 And this year, combined with the movements
34:40 of the last 25 years, Sunday is coming to the forefront
34:44 strangely enough on the heels of the impact
34:48 of the COVID environment, and the lessening down
34:52 of world travel, ecologists and environmentalists
34:56 and religious and political leaders are beginning to look
34:59 at this environment and say, "Wait a minute,
35:01 we can take advantage
35:02 of this crisis by bringing in the things that we've always
35:06 sought to introduce to society.
35:08 This gives us the perfect opportunity to use our stained
35:13 glass maneuvers on the society of America and the world."
35:18 Back in June 2015,
35:20 I saw this article I want to share with you right now.
35:22 It was called, Global Evangelicals.
35:25 Look at the article, Global Evangelical side
35:28 with Pope's concern for climate change.
35:30 That was back in June 16, 2015.
35:34 And then in the article, what is being pointed out
35:37 is that the evangelical leaders are uniting with the papacy,
35:42 who through the centuries of movement has brought
35:46 Sunday to the forefront as a day to be honored
35:49 above the Sabbath.
35:50 All of a sudden, as he shifts from tradition to climate,
35:55 Evangelical leaders are saying, "That's a perfect environment.
35:58 This is the day that we should do it.
36:00 This is the environment that we should unite with
36:02 the pope to push a climate agenda."
36:06 But pope didn't stop there.
36:08 He didn't stop with Evangelical leaders.
36:10 I was in Washington, DC when he spoke to Congress.
36:14 Look at this next article. What did he say to Congress?"
36:17 Pope to Congress, he said, "Pope to Congress:
36:20 Time to act on climate change and poverty."
36:24 I was amazed when I was there in Washington in 2015,
36:28 listening to this article, listening to this address
36:31 about climate change, about what we should do as a nation,
36:34 and as politicians should embrace movements.
36:37 Now, should we have a cleaner climate?
36:39 Of course, but climate change has nothing to do with
36:42 a specific day of the week.
36:44 It has to do with the everyday rounds of life.
36:47 Cars aren't just driven on Sunday alone,
36:51 is driven every day.
36:52 But the suggestion is made that if we put aside one day
36:56 of the week, where we rest our vehicles,
36:58 close our businesses, close our factories,
37:01 shut down all manufacturing plants that emit
37:05 carbons into the atmosphere.
37:07 That somehow we can heal the planet and get the planet
37:10 ready for the coming of Jesus.
37:12 Well, the irony behind that is Jesus
37:14 is not coming back for this planet.
37:16 Jesus is not coming back to this world.
37:19 He's coming back to take us to His world,
37:22 so there's no need to fix up the world to get
37:24 ready for Jesus coming down here.
37:26 He's not coming down here. He already came down here.
37:29 He already walked the earth
37:30 and accomplished the plan of salvation.
37:32 The next time He's coming back,
37:34 He's taking us to the place that He's preparing for us
37:36 today as I communicate the message.
37:38 He's preparing for us an eternal kingdom.
37:42 But do we have a responsibility to society?
37:44 Of course, but not by merging,
37:47 not by merging together to overshadow
37:51 what God's Word calls us to observe,
37:54 "Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy."
37:56 But these climatologists are saying,
37:58 these climatologists and environmentalists
38:00 and religious leaders are saying,
38:02 "If we can unite together and pick one day,
38:05 and we all unite to shut down things that emit
38:08 carbons into the atmosphere then we could fix the world."
38:12 Well, something is coming up later this year.
38:15 It is called the Conference of Parties,
38:17 notice the next slide.
38:19 It's going to take place in October and November of 2021.
38:24 It's called COP26.
38:26 Look at the slide.
38:27 This is where they're gathering together.
38:30 And this is the summit where religious leaders,
38:33 political leaders, environmentalist,
38:35 ecologists are gathering together to try to put together
38:40 a plan for climate Sunday, and the reversal
38:45 of the pollution of our planet.
38:47 And the next article shows what their intent is.
38:50 I was amazed when I saw this. Here's what it says.
38:53 "It says, uniting the world to tackle climate change."
38:58 When I read that bells
39:00 and whistles went off in my mind,
39:02 "Uniting the world to tackle climate change."
39:06 That's the back door.
39:09 That is the entering argument, but that's not the real issue.
39:14 If I could simply use climate change to bring in something
39:17 that I've always wanted to bring to the forefront
39:19 of Americans and churches around the world,
39:22 I could do it that way.
39:23 I could bring in the preference of worship through
39:28 the auspices and the window of climate change.
39:32 Through the stained glass window of climate change,
39:36 I can dumb down the light.
39:38 But notice something else happening
39:39 in preparation for this uniting of climate change
39:44 symposium coming up later this year.
39:46 There's a movement underway, even now.
39:48 It began September 5, 2021 and notice
39:52 what's behind the movement.
39:53 Look at the next slide.
39:54 It's called National Climate Sunday.
39:59 It's a national movement throughout Europe,
40:02 for people to gather together to have
40:04 a climate Sunday accord.
40:06 And the sponsors of climate Sunday are saying they want
40:09 at least 10,000 church leaders to get together,
40:14 to push climate Sunday in preparation for the COP
40:18 symposium taking place in October and November, 2021.
40:22 Now, I don't know if you've got this.
40:24 Let me pause and distill some of these before
40:26 I go to the next slide.
40:27 Uniting the world, pushing Sunday, climate Sunday,
40:32 global change, ecologists, environmentalists,
40:36 evangelicals, pope, fix the planet, COVID,
40:40 mask, no mask, a new day,
40:43 we can all get together on this one day
40:45 and fix the planet.
40:48 What day do you think it was?
40:49 The last slide we just showed you
40:51 is the day that they're focusing on getting
40:53 all the world together to worship on that day,
40:57 to have church services on that day,
40:59 in honor of the climate but not an honor
41:03 of the God of creation.
41:05 But some of you don't know that for the last 25 years or more.
41:08 There has been a push in America,
41:11 and notice this next slide.
41:12 It's called National Back to Church Sunday.
41:16 Every year...
41:18 It's slated for September 19th, 2021.
41:21 Every year for the last 25 years,
41:24 a National Back to Church Sunday movement
41:27 has taken place in America.
41:29 And some of your churches may have
41:30 signed up to push this initiative,
41:32 go back to church on Sunday.
41:34 When I first heard about this a number of years ago,
41:36 I thought to myself, "Well, there has to be some problem.
41:39 There has to be some glitch.
41:41 There has to be something that is not making sense."
41:43 So I decided, let me go ahead
41:45 and call those that are sponsoring
41:47 the National Back to Church Sunday.
41:49 I said, "Well, maybe they just want us to go back to church
41:52 but not necessarily Sunday."
41:53 When I called them I asked, I said,
41:55 "I'm a Seventh-day Adventist pastor.
41:57 I go to church on Saturday, the Bible Sabbath.
42:01 Are you sponsoring going back to church on the weekends
42:04 or going back to church generally?"
42:06 They said, "No, this is a push to go
42:09 back to church on Sunday."
42:11 And prior to that phone call
42:13 I went to the website to register,
42:15 and all the churches were listed alphabetically.
42:18 And I noticed the very first one, the letter A, Adventist.
42:21 And I thought, "Wow, that's amazing.
42:22 We keep the Sabbath, but this is a push to go
42:24 back to church on Sunday."
42:26 And I scrolled all the way down to S and I saw
42:28 Seventh-day Adventist.
42:29 And I thought, "Well, that's even stranger.
42:31 They have Adventist at the top,
42:32 Seventh-day Adventist in the middle somewhere."
42:35 But they don't recognize that we are not a Sunday
42:37 keeping church, but a Sabbath keeping
42:39 according to Bible, according to God's Bible Sabbath.
42:43 When I made that phone call, the very next year
42:45 I went back to that website to see if any changes
42:48 have been affected.
42:49 And yes, Adventist and Seventh-day Adventist
42:52 were no longer on the list to choose
42:55 as a church that can register for the National Back to Church
43:00 Sunday movement.
43:02 Stained glass religion,
43:05 stained glass maneuvers,
43:08 hiding the real issues,
43:11 covering it in the cloak of climate change
43:14 and the COVID environment, covering it in the cloak
43:18 of preference and tradition,
43:20 that's what's happening in our world today.
43:22 And men are succumbing to it because they cannot
43:25 see that behind the stained glass,
43:28 the purity of God's Word is still there.
43:31 There's a quotation in the book, Last Day Events,
43:33 page 125 that shows us how this is being developed.
43:39 Look at this quotation.
43:41 It says, "The Sunday movement
43:44 is now making its way in darkness.
43:47 The leaders are concealing the true issue,
43:51 and many who unite in the movement do not
43:55 themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending."
44:01 What is being said?
44:02 If they don't see what's under the surface,
44:05 many of those uniting in climate Sunday
44:07 and cleaning up the climate and let's get together
44:11 and support these initiatives to fix the world,
44:13 and let's all pick one day together to worship.
44:16 They have good intentions.
44:17 Some of them I cannot say that they have ill
44:19 or evil intentions on the surface,
44:22 but many of them don't see the undercurrent.
44:25 And there's a powerful undercurrent behind this.
44:28 There's a powerful undercurrent
44:30 when you decide that your initiatives,
44:33 your regulations, your traditions, your beliefs,
44:38 your push, your agenda, your global item of discussion
44:43 is more important than the simple phrase,
44:46 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
44:49 And that's the command of God.
44:50 But men have through the ages with impunity,
44:54 rejected God's Word.
44:55 And in these last days, in this seducing era
44:59 of doctrines of demons that Paul had prognosticated
45:02 would occur, men are becoming more artistic.
45:05 And behind all those artistic movements,
45:08 you can be sure Satan is pulling the strings,
45:11 but Jesus warned about stained glass religion.
45:14 Jesus warned about concealing the truth.
45:17 He talked about this as something that can
45:19 lead us to a place that we don't want to be.
45:22 Notice the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:35,
45:27 Jesus said to them in Matthew 12...
45:30 Sorry in John 12:35, Jesus said the following words.
45:35 He says, "A little while longer
45:39 the light is with you.
45:41 Walk while you have the light, lest darkness overtake you,
45:47 he who walks in darkness does not know
45:50 where he is going."
45:53 Notice how he said that.
45:55 Those who walk in darkness don't know where they're going.
45:58 You see stained glass religion gets rid of the phrase,
46:02 "untainted truth" and uses the phrase, "alternate truth".
46:06 I was shocked when I heard that phrase
46:08 used in the political environment,
46:10 not too long ago, alternate truth.
46:13 Really, alternate truth?
46:14 Are there two truths?
46:17 Two and two is four, but it could mean also
46:19 something else.
46:20 There's no such thing as alternate truth.
46:22 It's either two and two is four or two and two
46:24 is something else.
46:26 It will never be the same.
46:27 Two and two is always four.
46:29 There is no alternative answer to that.
46:32 But today, Satan has found a clever way
46:35 of saying there are alternate ways of worshiping God.
46:39 There are other things that God doesn't really
46:42 say in His Word but this is okay,
46:44 God is all right, I mean, as long as we remember God.
46:47 No, friends, that's not how God works.
46:49 And we're living in an age where men are being clever
46:51 about concealing the issues, at a time when there are more
46:55 methods than ever before, at a time
46:58 when accessing God's Word through digital means,
47:01 through various translations.
47:03 We can have the Bible on our iPad or our iPhones
47:07 or our Android devices.
47:09 We can have them on tablets and iPads.
47:11 There's so many ways of accessing God's Word,
47:15 but men don't want God's Word in its undiluted form.
47:20 Men are becoming more accepting of the stained
47:23 glass version of God's Word.
47:26 Well, the Apostle Paul says,
47:28 "It's not that the truth of God can't be found,
47:30 but something has happened to make darkness seem more
47:34 appealing than light."
47:36 Notice what he says in 2 Corinthians 4:3-4,
47:42 here's what Paul says, "But even if our gospel
47:45 is veiled or hidden,
47:47 it is veiled to those who are perishing,
47:50 whose minds the god of this age has blinded,
47:54 who do not believe, lest
47:57 the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ,
48:00 who is the image of God, should shine on them."
48:05 What is Paul saying?
48:07 He is saying the gospel is not hidden.
48:09 Their minds are darkened.
48:11 It's like a bright light in front of somebody,
48:13 but they have blinders over their eyes.
48:15 The light can be ever so bright,
48:17 but their eyes are covered.
48:18 Their eyes are covered.
48:20 Their eyes are stained, concealed.
48:22 The light hasn't dimmed.
48:23 It's just they can't see it because there's something
48:25 between them and the Bible describes that as the god
48:29 of this age has blinded.
48:32 Their eyes are veiled.
48:34 You know what the veil is?
48:35 A curtain that's been lowered that you can't see
48:37 what's in front of you.
48:39 And the light could be right there, but because tradition
48:42 and preference and modified worship
48:46 and how I feel rather than what God says,
48:48 because of all these veiled preferences have come
48:52 before God's Word, their minds are veiled, they can't see.
48:56 And I'm saying this in a way that I'm hoping that God's
48:58 Holy Spirit can break away some of the callus in your heart.
49:02 Some of those of you that are hearing these
49:04 and saying, "Well, it isn't...
49:05 It doesn't really matter." It does matter.
49:07 It's an eternal issue.
49:08 It's not something that has to do with,
49:10 "Well, I'll make it anyhow."
49:11 There are no 15,000 ways to God.
49:14 There's only one way.
49:15 He is the way, He is the truth, and He is the life.
49:18 There are not many ways,
49:19 no matter how you look at it, but people's minds are being
49:23 developed by darkness.
49:25 Today, people are more comfortable
49:27 with diluted light than pure light,
49:31 which brings me to my final point.
49:34 Light will prevail above darkness.
49:38 I'm going to say that one more time.
49:39 You see the first three points for on a negative slant,
49:43 but the last one is a positive slant.
49:45 Light will prevail above darkness. Why?
49:50 Because God always makes the final move.
49:53 Look at Isaiah 9:2.
49:55 At a time of preferred darkness,
49:57 God is still on the move.
49:59 Here's what Isaiah the Prophet says.
50:01 He says, Isaiah 9:2,
50:04 "The people who walked in darkness have seen
50:07 a great light, those who dwelt in the land
50:11 of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined."
50:17 You know when I asked my congregation
50:19 one Sabbath morning, "How many of you
50:22 were once in a different movement,
50:24 were once in a different denomination,
50:26 and you found the undiluted, unaltered, untainted,
50:29 unstained Word of God
50:32 and has led you here to the truth of God's Word,
50:34 how many of you?"
50:35 And I was amazed so many in my congregation
50:37 raised their hands.
50:38 Not that we are claiming to be the only one saved,
50:41 but here's the powerful point.
50:43 When God's light is turned on like
50:45 a halogen lamp on the front of a truck in a blizzard,
50:49 you'll be able to find your way.
50:51 But if you try to make your way through a darkened
50:53 world without the light of God's Word shining,
50:55 you may get somewhere,
50:57 but it could be very disastrous.
50:59 You see, God is saying to us...
51:01 The light of His Word is still shining in this dark age.
51:04 God is saying to you today that you
51:06 don't have to settle for tradition.
51:08 You are not hopelessly locked in some,
51:10 kind of, chained relationship.
51:12 You are not bound by what you've heard
51:14 all your life.
51:15 You still have the opportunity to break
51:18 away from what you have had to what God
51:20 is trying to reveal to you.
51:21 You can still make a choice that you can see God's truth.
51:25 You can say, "Lord, open my eyes that I may
51:28 behold wonderful things out of your law."
51:31 Like David prayed, you can pray that prayer too.
51:35 You can ask God to give you wisdom and open your eyes.
51:38 I found a quotation that I believe
51:39 will be encouraging for you today.
51:42 In the book Christian Service, page 38 in paragraph 4.
51:46 Listen to this quotation.
51:48 We are told,
51:50 "It is a wonderful privilege to be able to understand
51:53 the will of God as revealed in the sure word of prophecy.
51:59 This places on us a heavy responsibility.
52:04 God expects us to impart to others the knowledge
52:08 He has given us.
52:09 It is His purpose that divine and human instrumentalities
52:15 shall unite in the proclamation of the warning message."
52:21 What is God saying to us today?
52:23 The light of God's Word is still here.
52:24 God's Word is still here,
52:26 it's still available today, praise God.
52:29 Bibles are the most popular books still sold today.
52:32 Praise God, which asks the question,
52:35 "Why are people still in darkness?"
52:36 It's not because of the Bible,
52:38 it's because of the way they look at it,
52:40 through stained eyes, eyes of tradition.
52:44 I was raised this way. This is what my church says.
52:47 This is what my pastor says.
52:49 You know, it's amazing to me that when God's Word says
52:51 one thing, we go to a man to see if he agrees with it.
52:54 It should be the other way around.
52:55 If a man says something, we should go to God's
52:57 Word to see if he agrees with God's Word.
53:00 But today, we take the authority of a man,
53:03 the authority of a priest or prelate or pastor above
53:06 the authority of God's Word.
53:07 How dangerous is that?
53:09 When the GPS is saying, make a left,
53:11 and somebody says, no, make a right.
53:13 Now, I want to say this,
53:14 I don't necessarily say that GPS
53:16 is as exact as God's Word.
53:19 That's not my point, but the illustration is this.
53:21 Sometimes we're making turns that could be disastrous.
53:25 God's Word is saying to us today, "Follow it.
53:28 It's reliable. It will lead you where I want you to go.
53:31 It is a light shining in a dark world.
53:34 It is truth shining in an age of error.
53:36 It is undiluted in a diluted generation,
53:41 because there's something coming."
53:42 You see, at a time of preferred darkness,
53:46 God is going to intensify the light of God's Word.
53:50 All over the globe, the Word of God
53:53 is going to be proclaimed undiluted, heated up,
53:57 lighted up by the halogen lights of God's Holy Spirit.
54:01 Praise God for that.
54:02 Look at Revelation 18:1,
54:04 the Bible says that He is going to exalt
54:06 His Word throughout the earth,
54:08 and only those who are praying for God to lead them will
54:12 come to the light of God's Word.
54:14 Here's what John the Revelator says to us.
54:17 He says, "After these things," Revelation 18:1,
54:19 "I saw another angel coming down from heaven,
54:22 having great authority and the earth was illuminated
54:26 with his glory."
54:28 The earth was illuminated with His glory.
54:32 Friends, the question is,
54:33 are you asking for God's Word to illuminate your mind?
54:37 Are you praying for God's
54:38 Word to be the foundation on which you stand?
54:42 When the Bible talks about angels coming down,
54:44 it's talking about messengers of God.
54:46 It's not talking about angels flying over your house.
54:49 It's talking about preachers that are filled
54:51 with the unction of the Spirit of God,
54:53 the power of God's Word.
54:55 That's why the Apostle Peter talks
54:56 about those who are removing
54:59 the stained glass by adhering to the commission
55:03 placed on their lives.
55:05 God has a chosen people
55:06 and He's calling them to accomplish
55:09 a specific purpose.
55:10 Look at 1 Peter 20:9, the Bible says of them,
55:13 "But you are a chosen generation,
55:15 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
55:18 His own special people that you may proclaim
55:21 the praises of Him who called you out
55:24 of darkness into His marvelous light."
55:28 I've had Bible studies where people have said,
55:29 "Pastor, I get it.
55:31 It clicks. I now understand it."
55:34 And when I hear that, I say, "To God be the glory.
55:37 God shines a light amid the darkness."
55:40 And you say, "Well, will they ever get it?"
55:43 Keep on teaching, keep on shining,
55:45 keep on praying,
55:46 keep on working with them because God's light
55:49 will shine amid that darkness.
55:51 In the book Spiritual Gifts,
55:53 I'm encouraged by this volume 1,
55:55 page 195 in paragraph 1.
55:57 Listen to this quotation.
55:59 "Service of God, endowed with power from on high,
56:02 with their faces lighted up, and shining with holy
56:05 consecration went forth fulfilling their work,
56:09 and proclaiming the message from heaven.
56:12 Souls that were scattered all through
56:15 the religious bodies answered the call,
56:19 and the precious were hurried out of the doomed churches,
56:23 as Lot was hurried out of Sodom
56:25 before her destruction."
56:28 And so Peter said it best.
56:30 The Scripture I began with, I end with.
56:33 In this generation of stained glass,
56:35 God's Word is not broken.
56:37 2 Peter 1:19, you see, friends,
56:41 and we also have a prophetic word confirmed.
56:45 "Which you do well to take heed
56:46 as a light that shines in a dark place
56:50 until the day dawns and the morning star
56:52 arises in your heart," 2 Peter 1:19.
56:56 Today, my question,
56:59 which one of you are willing to stand on God's
57:01 undiluted truth?
57:03 God is calling you back to undiluted truth.
57:05 God is calling you back to the pure doctrines of His Word.
57:09 God is calling you back to the undistorted teachings of Jesus.
57:14 Which one of you are ready to abandon
57:16 stained glass in preference to the truth of God's Word?
57:20 May it be you. God bless you.


Revised 2021-10-21