3ABN Worship Hour

God with Us and for Us

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: WHO

Program Code: WHO210071S

00:29 Hello, welcome to the 3ABN Worship Hour.
00:32 My name is John Dinzey.
00:34 It's a privilege and an honor to be with you
00:37 during this hour to study God's Word
00:39 because in God's Word we have life,
00:43 and they are life for you and me today.
00:48 I want to encourage you to get your Bible
00:51 or use some other device
00:53 that will help you follow along.
00:55 And also, you may want to
00:57 write down the scriptures to continue reading.
01:00 We have limited time together
01:02 and we cannot go deep into every aspect of
01:05 what we will be sharing,
01:07 but we want to make sure that
01:09 you have some tools to work with
01:11 as you continue to study this topic.
01:14 Before we begin,
01:15 we are going to go to the Lord in prayer.
01:18 I will kneel and I would ask you
01:19 to pray for me and pray for all those
01:21 that will be joining us around the world to listen
01:24 to God's message.
01:25 Let's pray together.
01:29 Our loving Heavenly Father,
01:31 we come before You in Jesus' name
01:35 and we approach Your throne of grace
01:37 to present to You our great need.
01:40 And, Lord, all around this world
01:43 there are people that need the Lord.
01:45 Still, there are those that don't even know You.
01:49 So we pray that this message will help them to see the spark
01:54 or to ignite a spark
01:56 that will help them to be interested
01:59 in knowing more about you.
02:02 We pray, Heavenly Father, for a blessing upon all.
02:04 I place myself in Your hands,
02:06 I pray that every word will come
02:09 from Your throne of grace.
02:10 I ask for Your Holy Spirit upon me
02:13 and those that will join
02:15 wherever they may be.
02:16 In Jesus' holy and blessed name, amen.
02:20 Amen.
02:23 In this world we have people that
02:28 don't even know the Lord and to a great degree,
02:33 Satan has deceived people in such a way that
02:37 the belief in people's mind is,
02:41 especially as they go through school,
02:42 they hear things such as the earth
02:46 is a product of an explosion,
02:50 millions and millions more than
02:52 20 million years ago
02:54 and somehow there was the spark of life.
02:58 And that is how they explain your existence.
03:04 But you know, the Bible has a message for us today.
03:08 When you look at the earth
03:09 and the perfect revolution
03:13 it makes around the sun,
03:16 it doesn't get too close
03:19 so that we don't burn up,
03:20 it doesn't go too far away
03:22 so that we don't freeze to death.
03:26 It is perfectly fine tuned.
03:29 You may have heard that before,
03:31 fine tuned for the benefit of humanity
03:35 and all the animals that live
03:37 in this world, fine tuned.
03:40 Everything is there for your benefit.
03:44 Marvelous it is that vegetation grows
03:48 and provides for us fruits and vegetables and grains
03:51 that allow us to be able to eat things that
03:54 allow us to keep living and living in good health.
03:58 Now, also the perfect place
04:03 for oxygen,
04:05 water to drink,
04:07 all has been provided for our benefit.
04:10 The probability
04:11 of all these things being in place
04:16 so that you could have life
04:17 and all that you need to keep living
04:21 for years and years and years
04:23 is astronomical.
04:25 But the Bible says in Genesis 1:1,
04:30 "In the beginning,
04:32 God created the heavens and the earth."
04:37 Everywhere you go in nature,
04:39 you will see design as if someone was involved
04:44 in the process of making things
04:48 just the way they need to be.
04:51 In fact, there is even beauty in nature that
04:54 you can behold that
04:56 tell you that somebody went
04:59 and designed each and every aspect of it.
05:02 And interestingly enough, I've had the opportunity,
05:05 perhaps you have also to look into microscopes
05:08 and even in the tiny things
05:10 that your eyes cannot see without aid,
05:13 you see design and you see a marvelous creation.
05:18 All praise to God Almighty.
05:21 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
05:26 And you see, nature
05:28 and the Bible tell of God's great love.
05:32 Really, in nature, you can see messages that say,
05:35 God is love and I want to encourage you
05:39 to consider that God loves you personally.
05:42 Let's go to Genesis Chapter 1,
05:45 and see the record of how you
05:50 and I had our beginning in the first man
05:54 and the first woman that were created.
05:56 The Bible says in Genesis 1:26,
05:59 and we're going to read to verse 27,"
06:02 Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image,
06:07 according to Our likeness,
06:08 let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
06:12 and over the birds of the air,
06:13 and over the cattle,
06:15 and over all the earth
06:17 and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
06:21 So God created man in His own image,
06:23 in the image of God, He created him.
06:27 Male and female, He created them.
06:32 Praise the Lord.
06:34 Marvelous.
06:35 That's the beginning of the human race.
06:38 And I want to encourage you to understand that
06:41 you are a marvelous creation of God.
06:45 Your system of digestion works perfectly
06:47 to get rid of waste and to extract the nutrients
06:53 that keep your blood flowing
06:55 and to keep you with the energy
06:57 you need to do the activities of the day.
06:59 Notice, Genesis 1:28,
07:03 that tells us that God
07:05 put a blessing for you and me.
07:07 And it says, "Then God blessed them,
07:09 and God said to them,
07:11 'Be fruitful and multiply,
07:13 fill the earth and subdue it.
07:16 Have dominion over the fish of the sea,
07:19 over the birds of the air and over every living thing
07:23 that moves on the earth."
07:26 Praise the Lord.
07:28 Everything adapted to our needs,
07:31 everything in perfect order and eventually,
07:36 as you continue reading,
07:38 you understand the sin entered into the world.
07:42 And originally,
07:44 the plants were not created with thorns,
07:48 there were not animals
07:49 that will chase you to hunt you down and eat you,
07:53 this was changed
07:54 because of sin entering into the world.
07:57 But focus on this marvelous message at this time
08:00 that I'm going to read to you
08:02 from the Book of Isaiah,
08:04 and we're going to 44:24.
08:08 This is what the Bible tells us,
08:10 notice, "Thus says the Lord,
08:13 your Redeemer,
08:14 and He who formed you from the womb:
08:18 I am the Lord, who makes all things,
08:21 who stretches out the heavens all alone."
08:26 So this...
08:28 And it says, "Who spreads abroad
08:30 the earth by Myself."
08:33 This is Isaiah 44:24.
08:37 So you see, God was the one
08:40 that formed you in the womb,
08:44 isn't that marvelous?
08:45 You are a creation of God.
08:49 And I want to tell you,
08:50 that you can stop and consider a little later on,
08:53 of course, I encourage you
08:54 to continue listening to the message and consider
08:56 how God has taken care of you throughout your life.
09:00 You may have thought,
09:01 "Oh, it's because I have worked
09:02 or because my father and mother work that
09:04 we have food upon our table."
09:06 God gave them health and strength
09:07 to be able to do those things.
09:09 We are now going to Psalm 145
09:13 and we're going to go to verse 15 and 16.
09:16 Psalm 145:16, and verse 15 and 16
09:22 has this message for us,
09:24 "The eyes of all look expectantly to you
09:29 and you give them their food in due season.
09:34 You open your hand
09:36 and satisfy the desire of every living thing."
09:41 Notice verse 17, "The Lord is righteous in all his works,
09:44 gracious in all his works."
09:47 Verse 18, "The Lord is near to all
09:51 who call upon Him,
09:52 to all who call upon Him in truth.
09:56 Blessed be the name of the Lord."
09:58 And so you see,
10:00 the Bible tells us that the Lord is gracious,
10:05 He is the one that feeds you.
10:08 You know, it's interesting that you look at the earth
10:12 and there are
10:13 the different seasons of the year
10:17 and they all have their particular beauty.
10:21 And every season you can expect that
10:25 eventually spring will come.
10:29 Sometimes it seems like it's going to delay
10:30 because of the snow, but eventually the spring comes
10:34 and the summer comes,
10:35 and the fall comes and the winter comes.
10:39 They have their seasons.
10:41 The Bible says that
10:43 He is the one that established the seasons
10:47 and so it's not that
10:49 the earth does whatever it wants to be.
10:52 You see, God created the heavens
10:53 and the earth and He is there sustaining.
10:58 He is there taking care of it
11:00 to make sure it works in perfect order.
11:03 Marvelous is the Lord.
11:06 But you see, I mentioned that eventually sin
11:11 came into the world, we don't have time to detail
11:14 all how Satan came to tempt Adam and Eve
11:17 and the process that took place,
11:19 how he tried to persuade Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit
11:24 and lie to her, but eventually they ate.
11:29 You see, Satan plans to do you harm.
11:32 You may have already noticed that.
11:34 You may have already suffered
11:36 because of some things he has done.
11:38 But Satan plans to do you harm.
11:41 And I'm going now to John Chapter 8
11:46 and we're going to read verses 42 through 44.
11:49 John 8:42-44, join me now.
11:53 And notice what the Bible says,
11:55 this is Jesus talking to the scribes
11:56 and the Pharisees
11:58 and He says something about them
11:59 because they were confused
12:02 and they were trying to trap him
12:04 to try to find something wrong with Him.
12:07 And here in verse 42, Jesus said to them,
12:10 "If God were your Father, you should love Me,
12:14 for I proceeded forth and came from God,
12:18 nor have I come of myself, but He sent me.
12:22 Why do you not understand my speech,
12:25 because you are not able to listen to my word?
12:29 You are of your father,
12:30 the devil and the desires
12:32 of your father you want to do.
12:35 He was a murderer from the beginning
12:38 and does not stand in the truth
12:40 because there is no truth in him.
12:42 When he speaks a lie,
12:45 he speaks from his own resources,
12:48 for he is a liar and the father of it."
12:53 Now this is Jesus talking about the devil
12:56 and he says that he is a murderer
12:58 and a liar and he has lied to
13:00 each and every one of us
13:02 and many of us have been deceived by his lies.
13:07 And it is time to realize that
13:09 we may be heading,
13:11 you may be heading down the wrong way
13:15 that's going to lead to destruction.
13:17 And I encourage you,
13:19 I invite you to leave that way
13:22 and go and follow Jesus
13:24 because in Jesus is life and He will deliver you
13:28 from the snares of the devil and the deception of the devil.
13:33 Satan plans to do you harm.
13:35 He may be giving you gifts,
13:38 he may be giving you a job, money,
13:41 or enticing you to follow some woman or some man,
13:46 but it's a person that Satan is using to deceive you
13:51 and lead you astray.
13:53 And I encourage you
13:55 to accept the invitation of Jesus
13:58 to be rescued from this horrible deceiver,
14:02 the devil.
14:03 Notice what it says in 1 Peter 5:8,
14:05 "Be sober, be vigilant
14:09 because your adversary, the devil walks about,
14:14 like a roaring lion seeking
14:16 whom he may devour."
14:19 A lion goes around seeking for prey to devour,
14:24 and tries to find weakness,
14:28 and tries to find the right moment to attack.
14:31 I have seen those nature programs
14:35 where the lion sneaks around,
14:37 finds the moment and rushes in
14:40 and attacks the victim
14:43 and the same way the devil does to us.
14:47 We can learn a lot from nature
14:49 about how God is and even about how the devil works.
14:53 And the Bible uses the word lion
14:55 to describe the actions of the devil.
14:59 But notice that it says,
15:00 be sober, be vigilant, God is willing to help us.
15:04 God wants to help us.
15:05 He wants to rescue us,
15:07 but we also must do our part and be sober and be vigilant.
15:12 Why?
15:13 Because your adversary,
15:15 the devil is trying to destroy you.
15:18 But Jesus came to seek and to save.
15:22 Jesus came to rescue and deliver and perhaps
15:28 I'm talking to people that have been delivered.
15:31 Just say amen and praise the Lord
15:33 if you are one of those.
15:35 Praise the Lord.
15:36 Let's go quickly to Genesis Chapter 3.
15:40 This is after Adam and Eve has sinned
15:43 and after they had sinned, they realized something.
15:48 They began to realize that
15:50 they have lost things
15:52 and they began to experience things
15:54 that were not favorable.
15:56 Notice in Genesis Chapter 3, beginning in verse 7.
16:00 The Bible says, "And they heard
16:02 the sound of the Lord God
16:04 walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
16:07 and Adam and his wife hid themselves
16:09 from the presence of the Lord God
16:13 among the trees of the garden.
16:16 Then the Lord called to Adam and said to him,
16:19 'Where are you?'"
16:23 The message that God had for Adam and Eve is,
16:26 where are you?
16:29 And you know, it's very interesting that
16:33 they began to experience something
16:36 that they had never experienced before.
16:38 Verse 10, says, "So he said,
16:42 'I heard your voice in the garden."
16:47 Question, did Adam know God?
16:50 Yes. He says, I heard your voice.
16:54 It's like saying, I know who you are.
16:56 I heard you.
16:58 And then it says, "And I was afraid,
17:02 because I was naked and I hid myself."
17:07 Never before had Adam been afraid,
17:09 never before had he hid from the Lord.
17:14 He heard the Lord walking in the past,
17:16 he will go out to meet Him
17:17 because as the Lord spoke to him,
17:20 I'm sure he heard words
17:23 that helped him to learn more about himself,
17:26 helped him to learn more about nature,
17:27 helped him to learn more about God and he,
17:30 I'm sure looked forward
17:32 to spending time with God.
17:33 But now, because of sin, he began to experience fear,
17:37 he began to realize that
17:40 he was not as before, now, he was naked.
17:46 And, of course, you know the story,
17:49 the Lord told Adam and Eve
17:52 not to eat of the forbidden tree
17:54 because when they ate of the forbidden tree,
17:57 then they were subject to death.
18:00 But Romans 6:16 has a message for us.
18:04 And I want to make sure that
18:06 you write this one down, Romans 6:16.
18:09 It says here, "Do you not know that
18:13 to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey,
18:18 you are the one's slaves
18:19 whom you obey,
18:21 whether of sin leading to death,
18:24 or of obedience leading to righteousness?
18:27 Do you not know if you choose to obey sin,
18:33 obey the devil is going to lead you to death?
18:36 But if you choose to follow God,
18:39 if you choose to follow the Lord,
18:41 it's going to be to righteousness
18:45 and you will have through grace,
18:48 through the grace of Jesus, eternal life."
18:51 Today, millions of people,
18:53 millions upon millions of people
18:55 are following the devil.
18:59 They either ignore or don't know
19:03 that the devil plans
19:05 to hurt them and destroy them.
19:10 And those that know have greater responsibility
19:16 and they should awaken before it's too late.
19:21 And so I hope this is a message
19:23 that awakens some people
19:24 from the danger that they are in.
19:27 You see, God wants to save you,
19:30 but the devil wants to destroy you.
19:33 The first promise to Adam and Eve
19:36 is registered in Genesis 3:15,
19:40 there, the Lord is speaking directly to the devil,
19:45 but it's in the hearing of Adam and Eve.
19:47 And so in Genesis Chapter 15, God tells the devil,
19:51 speaking to the serpent,
19:53 "And I will put enmity between you
19:57 and the woman."
19:58 Why is he saying he will put enmity?
20:00 Because after Adam and Eve sinned,
20:04 there was enmity, you could say,
20:06 between God and man and woman.
20:10 But now God says,
20:12 "I will put enmity between you and the woman."
20:15 Before they sinned, they were not in harmony
20:17 with the devil, but after they sinned,
20:19 they were in harmony with the devil,
20:21 and the Lord is announcing to them,
20:23 I am bringing in a plan of salvation
20:25 to the degree that there will be enmity
20:28 or disagreement between you, the devil and the woman.
20:33 And notice how the Lord continues,
20:36 "And between your seed and her seed,
20:39 he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel."
20:43 Question, does the devil have seed?
20:44 Yes, those are the followers of the devil.
20:47 And the followers of the devil do the works of the devil
20:51 and they are used by the devil
20:53 to try to deceive God's children.
20:58 And so I want to tell you
21:00 that today's message is entitled,
21:02 God with us and God for us.
21:07 Yes.
21:08 You see, in John 10:10,
21:12 Jesus presents to us
21:14 the reality of the way things are.
21:16 Jesus says, "The thief," and that's including the devil,
21:20 "does not come except to steal
21:24 and to kill and to destroy.
21:28 I have come that they may have life
21:31 and that they may have it more abundantly."
21:34 Do you want to have life?
21:36 Do you want to have life more abundantly?
21:38 Jesus came to provide that.
21:42 Now, please remember that sin brought death into the world
21:46 and everyone that follows sin, every one that does sin
21:50 is subject to death.
21:51 Not just the regular death the average person will,
21:55 every person will die
21:57 if the Lord doesn't come before that time.
22:00 Every one of us will either die of sickness,
22:03 old age and weakness,
22:05 or because someone kills us.
22:08 But Jesus came that we may have life
22:13 and life more abundantly, that even though we may die
22:16 because of sickness, or some other way,
22:21 we will have eternal life through Jesus Christ.
22:23 He will bring us from the grave, renewed,
22:26 transformed with a new body to live forever.
22:31 Jesus came that you may have life.
22:34 You see, in Jeremiah Chapter 29,
22:38 there is a message revealed by the Lord.
22:41 And in Jeremiah Chapter 29,
22:43 I encourage you to consider this message
22:46 and even write it down somewhere so you can look
22:50 at it from time to time.
22:52 It says, "For I know," this is the Lord talking,
22:54 "I know the plans.
22:57 I know the thoughts that I think toward you,"
22:59 says the Lord, "thoughts of peace
23:02 and not of evil,
23:04 to give you a future and a hope."
23:08 That's what God does.
23:10 He gives you a future and a hope.
23:13 Satan comes to destroy, kill and steal,
23:19 but the Lord Jesus came to give you life
23:23 and life more abundantly.
23:25 He has thoughts of peace, to give you a future,
23:29 eternal life and hope.
23:32 Please take heed to the words that God is speaking to you,
23:36 whether through me or someone else that says,
23:39 come out of there, stop doing that
23:44 and take a hold of Jesus,
23:47 and through Jesus
23:49 you can be rescued from this wickedness
23:53 that the devil wants to bring in your life.
23:55 He is seeking to destroy you.
23:57 Now, I want to go to a few places
23:59 in the scriptures where we have references
24:03 of the way God took care of His people.
24:06 In Genesis Chapter 28,
24:08 there is a revelation of something marvelous.
24:12 Jacob was running away from home because he had done
24:15 some evil back home and his life was in danger.
24:18 On the way to where his mother sent him,
24:21 he stopped because he was tired.
24:24 He couldn't keep traveling any longer.
24:26 He got drowsy and he fell asleep,
24:28 used a rock as a pillow and there he lay down to sleep.
24:33 And you see God's eyes were upon Jacob,
24:36 just like God's eyes are upon you.
24:39 And Jacob had a dream
24:41 that is described in the Book of Genesis Chapter 28
24:45 and it says there in verse 12 and 13,
24:50 the following, "Then he dreamed and behold,
24:53 a ladder was set up on the earth
24:56 and its top reached to heaven,
24:59 and there the angels of God were ascending
25:02 and descending on it.
25:04 And behold, the Lord stood above it
25:07 and said, 'I am the Lord God of Abraham,
25:10 your father and the God of Isaac,
25:13 the land on which you lie,
25:15 I will give to you and your descendants.'"
25:19 Praise the Lord.
25:21 What a marvelous message Jacob heard that night.
25:24 He was on his way somewhere
25:27 to where his mother was sending him
25:28 and the Lord told him that land
25:31 where you're lying down on,
25:32 I'm going to give that to you.
25:34 But you see, these promises come with conditions,
25:37 conditions of obedience, conditions of following Me.
25:40 God was not going to bless Jacob
25:42 if he continued doing evil.
25:46 You see, when we do evil,
25:47 we limit
25:49 what God wants to do for us.
25:54 We are the ones that put up the wall
25:56 so that God doesn't bless us.
25:59 Because when we live in obedience to the Lord,
26:01 we are opening the door for the Lord to bless us.
26:06 And so Jacob received that message from the Lord.
26:11 And it says in verse 15 of Genesis Chapter 28,
26:14 "Behold, I am with you."
26:18 Praise God.
26:20 And notice what it says, "And will keep you
26:22 wherever you go and will bring you back
26:25 to this land for I will not leave you
26:28 until I have done what I have spoken to you."
26:32 Praise the Lord.
26:33 If this is what you are here to listen to, praise the Lord.
26:38 Because the message that God gave to Jacob,
26:42 He can give to you, He's giving to you,
26:44 I am with you.
26:46 Notice, I am with you,
26:47 I will keep you wherever you go,
26:48 I will protect you wherever you go,
26:51 and I will bring you back to this land,
26:56 the land of promise.
26:57 God wants to bring you to the place
27:00 where you can enjoy the blessing of the land
27:04 that God has promised to His children.
27:06 This world is going to be destroyed,
27:09 but this world will be made anew.
27:11 There will be new heavens and your new earth
27:13 and this land God is willing to give to you.
27:17 And notice, it says, "For I will not leave you
27:20 until I have done what I have spoken to you.
27:23 I am going to be with you wherever you go."
27:25 Do you want the Lord to be with you wherever you go?
27:28 Choose to follow Him.
27:30 So this is one of the places where we see this ladder
27:33 that reached from heaven to earth.
27:37 You see, heaven and earth are connected.
27:41 Heaven and earth are connected.
27:44 And the way they are connected
27:45 is because of Jesus because Jesus is the way,
27:49 the truth and the life and because of Jesus,
27:54 communication between heaven and earth is possible.
27:58 Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
28:02 Now, I want to point out another place
28:05 where the Bible tells us that the Lord...
28:09 How the Lord took care of His people.
28:11 Now, we're going to the Book of Exodus Chapter 13,
28:15 and we're going to read verses 21 and 22.
28:19 Exodus 13:21 and 22,
28:22 "And the Lord went before them by day and in a pillar
28:26 of cloud to lead the way, and by night,
28:29 in a pillar of fire to give them light,
28:33 so as to go by day and night."
28:36 He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day,
28:40 or the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
28:44 This is showing the way
28:46 the Lord protected the people of Israel.
28:51 It says a pillar of cloud by day
28:54 to protect them from the scorching burning sun,
28:58 the pillar of cloud protected them.
29:02 And the Lord was with them as they traveled.
29:06 And it says that there was a pillar of fire by night.
29:10 Isn't that nice, marvelous thoughts to consider?
29:14 What happens at night when it gets colder,
29:16 but the pillar of fire was there to be with them.
29:21 That is God, the Lord was with them.
29:24 And this is a message from God to us.
29:27 What the Lord showed us in the past
29:30 as we read the scriptures are the things
29:33 He is willing to do today.
29:35 Well, you may not see a pillar of cloud
29:38 during the day or a pillar of fire by night,
29:41 but the Lord promises to be with you.
29:43 Jesus says, "I will be with you always,
29:47 even unto the end of the world."
29:50 This is the God that cares for us,
29:54 our Creator.
29:56 And so, as you continue in the Book of...
30:00 As you continue in the Book of Exodus,
30:03 you will find in Exodus Chapter 25,
30:06 another message of God's interest,
30:09 concern and love,
30:12 and trying to communicate something to God's people.
30:15 In Exodus 25:8,
30:17 "And let them make me a sanctuary,
30:23 that I may dwell among them."
30:24 And information is given in Exodus Chapter 25,
30:27 and onward about the sanctuary,
30:29 what was going to be inside,
30:31 and how God expected them to make it.
30:34 But notice that it says that I may dwell among them.
30:40 The pillar of cloud, the pillar of fire,
30:43 but now, God says, I am going to be there,
30:45 right there with you in the tabernacle,
30:48 in the Most Holy Place,
30:50 God's presence was there.
30:54 That is amazing to consider,
30:57 that I may dwell among them.
31:01 Would you invite Jesus to your home,
31:04 that He may dwell with you?
31:06 He is willing. He is willing.
31:08 So here again, we see God's manifestation,
31:12 that He is willing to dwell with His children.
31:16 And now, let's move quickly.
31:18 Deuteronomy 8:7-10.
31:20 Deuteronomy 8:7-10, "For the Lord your God
31:24 is bringing you into a good land,
31:27 a land with brooks, streams and deep springs
31:31 gushing out into the valleys and hills.
31:34 A land with wheat and barley,
31:37 vines and fig trees,
31:41 pomegranates, olive oil and honey.
31:44 A land where bread will not be scarce
31:47 and you will lack nothing.
31:50 A land where the rocks are iron
31:52 and you can dig copper out of the hills.
31:55 When you have eaten and are satisfied,
31:57 praise the Lord your God for the good land
32:01 He has given you."
32:02 Praise the Lord.
32:04 Here again, Israel is used to set example to show us
32:07 the way that God takes care of His children,
32:10 God provides for His children.
32:13 He is constantly providing for His children, constantly.
32:17 You may not notice,
32:19 you may go to the supermarket and see things there
32:22 and God has been involved in the process.
32:25 You see, if God were to say, "You know what?
32:27 I think for the next 30 days,
32:32 no sunshine, no rain.
32:37 I'm going to stop all the plants from growing,
32:39 30 days."
32:40 What kind of things you think will happen in the world?
32:42 If all over the world God said, no rain, no sunshine,
32:48 what would happen?
32:49 All the plants are going to stop growing for 30 days.
32:51 There would be chaos in this world.
32:54 It is because God daily takes care of us
32:58 by the things He makes happen throughout this earth,
33:01 that you and I can have the things that we need
33:04 to survive in this world.
33:05 In Psalms 34:7-10, the Bible says,
33:08 "The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear him
33:13 and delivers them.
33:14 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.
33:19 Blessed is the man who trust in Him!
33:22 Oh, fear the Lord, you His saints!
33:24 There is no want to those who fear Him.
33:27 The young lions lack and suffer hunger,
33:31 but those who seek the Lord
33:33 shall not want any good thing."
33:37 Marvelous is the Lord,
33:39 He takes care of His children
33:41 and I hope you have realized
33:43 you can consider that somehow, some way,
33:46 the Lord has taken care of you.
33:49 And perhaps there are some of you that can tell stories
33:52 of how God delivered you just in the right time.
33:57 You see, God is constantly taking care of His children.
34:02 And here,
34:04 in the Book of Psalm 34,
34:09 it says here in verse 18,
34:11 "The Lord is near
34:14 to those who have a broken heart
34:16 and save such as have a contrite spirit.
34:22 The young lions lack and suffer hunger,
34:26 but those that trust in the Lord will not lack
34:28 any good thing."
34:30 And I am speaking in the hearing
34:33 of many that can tell a story, you know what?
34:36 I am 30 years old, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,
34:41 perhaps there are some 90 year olds that are listening
34:43 and if you are, we like to hear from you
34:46 and hear your testimony.
34:48 Has God taken care of you?
34:49 Can you look back and say, "You know,
34:50 I've always had food upon my table.
34:53 I've always been able to have at least something to eat."
34:56 It's because God has taken care of you.
34:59 You see, it is God with us and God for us.
35:03 If God was not with us and for us,
35:05 the devil would have destroyed us a long time ago
35:09 because he is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
35:13 And it is because God keeps the devil away
35:18 that we are alive today.
35:20 The only things that get to us,
35:25 if we are following the Lord,
35:26 the only things that get to us are the things
35:28 the Lord has allowed to help us in some way to understand
35:32 that He cares us,
35:34 He cares about us to help us in some way understand
35:37 that we are straying from the way
35:40 that we should follow.
35:41 The things that happen to us that we consider a trial,
35:45 a difficulty, a problem, if we're following the Lord,
35:49 it is because the Lord has allowed that to happen,
35:52 to help us in some way.
35:56 So consider that whatever you're going through today,
35:59 it's because it may be
36:04 that you're not seeing the bigger picture.
36:08 Open your eyes and see that the eyes
36:11 of the Lord are upon the righteous
36:14 and His ears are open to their cry.
36:18 I just read to you from Psalms 34:15.
36:21 You see, God is constantly watching over His children.
36:26 I'm going to read the first part of Job 36:7.
36:30 Job 36:7, first part says,
36:33 "He does not withdraw His eyes from the righteous."
36:38 Praise the Lord.
36:40 Praise the Lord.
36:42 Praise the Lord that He does not withdraw
36:44 His eyes from the righteous.
36:46 Imagine if the Lord said, "I'll be back.
36:48 I'm going to take a little vacation.
36:50 I'll be back in about a month."
36:53 This world would be completely destroyed by the devil.
36:57 There will be such chaos in this world.
36:58 Yes, there are difficult things in this world,
37:01 but God is still in control.
37:02 The things the Lord allows to happen are things
37:05 that help us understand the danger that we are in
37:08 and help us to understand that we are living in the time
37:10 of the end and that Jesus Christ
37:12 is coming soon.
37:14 Praise the Lord for that.
37:17 I want to go back to Genesis 3:15,
37:21 and notice that it says,
37:22 "That God will put enmity between the devil
37:27 and the woman,
37:29 and between his seed and her Seed.
37:32 And He, that is Jesus, will bruise your head,
37:35 challenge to the devil,
37:37 and you shall bruise his heel."
37:40 And this part about bruising the heel,
37:45 the time came when that would happen,
37:47 when Jesus came to this world.
37:50 And I'm reading to you now
37:51 from Matthew 1:23,
37:56 and the Bible says
37:58 that the promise was fulfilled.
38:02 It says, "Behold the virgin shall be with child
38:06 and bear a Son
38:08 and they shall call His name Immanuel,
38:13 which is translated, 'God with us.'"
38:17 That is a name for Jesus, God with us.
38:23 And I tell you also, if God is with us,
38:26 He is for us, and He is protecting us,
38:30 and He is telling us
38:33 that today He is also with us.
38:36 I invite you to open your heart to the Lord Jesus
38:41 and ask Him to come in because just as He told
38:46 the people of Israel,
38:47 "Let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them."
38:51 You see, the Bible says that our body
38:54 is the temple of the Holy Spirit,
38:57 and God can be in us and dwell in us.
39:01 And if He is in us, He is for us,
39:04 that means He will fight for us.
39:05 That means He will stand on our behalf
39:09 no matter what happens.
39:11 And I praise the Lord for Immanuel,
39:14 God with us, God for us.
39:18 You see, when you read the Bible,
39:23 I hope you will see
39:26 that the messages there are for you.
39:30 They are for you, they are for me.
39:33 Several years ago, when I was reading,
39:36 I read something that helped me to understand,
39:39 you know, what I see in the Bible
39:42 is a message from God to me.
39:46 When it says, "I will take care of you My people,"
39:49 and He's talking to the people of Israel,
39:51 that's a message for me.
39:52 We must take this personally.
39:55 You see, when the Bible says that God so loved the world,
39:59 He's talking to me.
40:00 God so loved John Dinzey,
40:02 that He gave His only begotten Son
40:04 and I don't know what your name is,
40:05 but you can put your name there and say,
40:07 yes, God is talking to you personally.
40:10 All of the promises are for you,
40:13 I will deliver you, I will take care of you,
40:15 I will feed you,
40:17 I will make a new world for you.
40:19 But also the warnings are there
40:22 to help us understand that we are in danger.
40:25 So when there are warnings in the Bible, take heed,
40:28 God is talking directly to you.
40:32 Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand.
40:36 He is talking to me, He is talking to you,
40:39 take it personal.
40:42 God so loved the world, yes, but He also loved you.
40:45 You see, when it says there that behold,
40:50 I come quickly to give to you
40:53 according to as your work shall be.
40:55 He is talking to each and every one of us personally.
40:59 Take God's message and make it personal.
41:04 And the Bible says in John, Chapter 1,
41:08 "In the beginning was the Word,
41:10 and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
41:15 He was in the beginning with God.
41:18 All things were made by Him
41:20 and without Him nothing was made that was made."
41:26 This is the creator of the world
41:29 that came to dwell upon this earth.
41:34 He came to this world because He loves us.
41:37 You know, I remember a long time ago,
41:40 being in a meeting for young people in church
41:44 and they decided to do a skit
41:47 and it was a very impressive thought,
41:49 I never thought about this.
41:53 They came up with the story
41:55 of that some visitor came from another planet
42:00 that apparently didn't know anything about the human beings
42:02 and was just supposedly exploring.
42:04 And that just side issues about the story,
42:07 but this person came and asked,
42:10 "What is it that you have in this world?
42:12 What's good here?
42:15 What's impressive about this place?"
42:18 And they had this conversation in this story
42:21 they portrayed there and they decided
42:24 to talk about this.
42:26 And so he said, "Well, what do you have here?"
42:28 Well, we have the Grand Canyon, it's beautiful.
42:30 We have the Niagara Falls,
42:33 beautiful waters coming down
42:35 and the person from the other planet says,
42:36 "Oh, we have better things than that.
42:38 Well, what else do you have here?"
42:40 And the person kept mentioning things
42:42 that were created by God and things that were made
42:46 by man and they said,
42:47 "Oh no, we have much more impressive things than that.
42:51 I guess you really don't have anything here."
42:53 "But wait, wait," the person from the earth said,
42:55 "Hey, wait a minute. You know what?
42:58 In this world that you consider is not very important,
43:02 Jesus was here, God was here.
43:04 Jesus Christ came to this world."
43:06 And the person from the other world,
43:08 according to the story,
43:09 this is a made-up story they made,
43:11 he says, "You had Jesus Christ here,
43:14 the Son of God,
43:16 the creator of the universe, He was here?
43:19 What did you do?
43:20 Did you roll out the red carpet?
43:22 Did you sing mighty songs of joy and praise to Him?
43:26 What did you do to honor Him?"
43:29 And the person from the earth bowed his head down,
43:33 he says, "Well, no, no.
43:35 We didn't do any of those things."
43:37 "Well, what did you do?"
43:39 Well, and the person said, "Well, we killed Him.
43:45 We beat Him and we killed Him."
43:47 You see, what are you doing with Jesus?
43:51 What are you doing by the way you live your life?
43:55 Are you in essence just ignoring Him
44:00 and He came to this world to live a life
44:03 that would save you from death?
44:06 Are you ignoring Jesus
44:07 and the great plan of salvation?
44:10 Jesus came, was born a baby
44:13 and to me that is incredible to consider
44:17 that the God Almighty,
44:18 the creator of the world came to this world
44:21 and became a baby,
44:25 was born in Bethlehem
44:29 and there seemingly helpless,
44:31 unable to even feed Himself.
44:35 And what happens to a baby
44:37 if the baby doesn't get to eat?
44:39 The baby will die.
44:40 So Jesus, the creator of the world,
44:44 that could create the world into existence
44:47 was dependent on human beings to survive,
44:51 to be able to eat,
44:53 and Mary and Joseph had to feed Jesus.
44:57 That's incredible.
44:58 But you see, when He became a man,
45:02 He did not stop being God.
45:04 And that's why in Hebrews Chapter 1, it says about God,
45:09 when brought the only begotten into the world,
45:14 He said to the angels,
45:15 "Let all the angels worship Him."
45:19 As a baby He was worthy of worship
45:23 and He has always been worthy of worship.
45:28 In the book, Desire of Ages, one of my favorite books,
45:30 I hope you read it.
45:32 It says on page 24,
45:34 "Since Jesus came to dwell with us,
45:39 we know that God is acquainted with our trials
45:43 and sympathizes with our grieves.
45:45 Every son and daughter of Adam may understand
45:48 that our creator is the friend of sinners.
45:54 For in every doctrine of grace, every promise of joy,
45:57 every deed of love,
45:59 every divine attraction presented in the Savior's life
46:03 on earth, we see God with us."
46:09 God with us and God for us.
46:14 You see, the Bible says, that God so loved
46:18 the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
46:22 that whosoever believes in Him should not perish...
46:26 Yes, you can finish it with me.
46:28 Should not perish, but have everlasting life.
46:34 And what God promises, He delivers.
46:37 Everlasting life,
46:41 this is what is available through Jesus Christ.
46:45 Would you accept Jesus as your personal Savior?
46:49 Would you give Him your heart?
46:51 Would you tell Him, take me Lord just as I am,
46:54 weak, defiled by sin, full of corruption?
46:59 And when you come to Jesus with all of your sin,
47:02 all of your corruption, all of your weakness,
47:06 He takes you, embraces you, forgives you,
47:11 cleanses you and makes you His child.
47:16 Praise God.
47:17 Makes you a child of God
47:21 and He gives you the power to become a son,
47:25 a daughter of God.
47:26 Give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.
47:30 The Bible says in John 1:18,
47:33 "No one has seen God at any time.
47:37 The only begotten Son
47:41 who is in the bosom of the Father,
47:44 He has declared Him."
47:47 No one has seen God anytime,
47:48 so when you're reading the Old Testament about Abraham
47:54 and Moses talking to God face-to-face as it were,
47:59 they were talking to Jesus because the only begotten
48:03 of the Father,
48:04 He is the one that has declared Him or manifested Him.
48:08 And some people say, "You know that God of the Old Testament?
48:10 I don't really like Him that much,
48:12 He did some things that I don't think
48:16 I like to read about."
48:18 But you see, those things were done
48:22 because they had to be done,
48:23 there was a reason for those things.
48:25 And what God does,
48:26 He does because it has to be done
48:29 and it's the right thing to do.
48:35 You see, the Father Himself loves us.
48:38 In John 17:27, Jesus reveals this,
48:42 "For the Father Himself loves you."
48:46 Because you have loved me
48:48 and because you have believed that I came forth from God,
48:52 we are loved, you are loved.
48:56 And I want to encourage you to give your all to Jesus.
49:02 There's a great difference between the devil and Jesus.
49:06 In Isaiah Chapter 14, speaking of the devil, it says,
49:09 "For you have said in your heart:
49:11 'I will ascend into heaven,
49:13 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,
49:16 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
49:19 on the farthest sides of the north,
49:22 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
49:24 and I will be like the Most High."
49:26 That's the devil talking.
49:28 But know this about Jesus, worthy of all praise
49:31 and honor and glory.
49:33 It says in Philippians 2:5-8,
49:37 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,
49:41 who being in the form of God did not consider it robbery
49:45 to be equal with God, but made Himself
49:49 of no reputation,
49:50 taking the form of a bond servant
49:54 and coming in the likeness of man
49:56 and being found in appearance
49:59 as a man or in fashion as a man,"
50:01 as it says in the King James, "He humbled Himself
50:05 and became obedient to the point of death,
50:07 even to the death of the cross."
50:12 I'm reading to you from the New King James version.
50:15 He came, humbled Himself as a servant
50:20 and was obedient even to death.
50:25 What a marvelous God.
50:26 What marvelous love
50:30 He has shown us that the creator of the world
50:34 came to die for us.
50:38 I'm reading to you from Desire of Ages once again,
50:41 and I'm going to read on page 22, it says,
50:46 "The plan for our redemption was not an after-thought,
50:52 a plan formulated after the fall of Adam,
50:55 it was a revelation of the mystery
50:57 which have been kept in silence
51:00 through times eternal."
51:01 Romans 16:25,
51:04 "It was an unfolding of the principles
51:07 that from eternal ages have been the foundation
51:10 of God's throne."
51:12 From the beginning, God and Christ knew
51:15 of the apostasy of Satan
51:18 and of the fall of man through the deceptive power
51:21 of the apostate.
51:23 God did not ordain that sin should exist,
51:26 but He foresaw its existence
51:28 and made provision to meet the terrible emergency.
51:33 So great was His love for the world
51:38 that He covenanted to give His only begotten Son,
51:42 that whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
51:47 but have everlasting life.
51:52 What great love.
51:55 And I want to invite you to consider the love of Jesus,
52:00 consider His mercy,
52:03 His grace
52:05 and how He has been merciful to you
52:07 and consider the invitation that He now offers you
52:13 to come into harmony with Him, to
52:16 leave a world of sin, to leave a life of sin
52:19 and to come to Jesus,
52:21 so that He can be God with you
52:24 and God for you.
52:27 I encourage you to give your heart completely to the Lord
52:31 and I encourage you to give all to Him,
52:36 He's inviting you.
52:38 The Bible says, "Behold, I stand at the door
52:40 and knock and if any man hears my voice
52:44 and opens the door,
52:46 I will come in to him and dwell with him
52:51 and he with Me."
52:54 Please, give your heart to Jesus before it is too late.
52:58 You see, the devil wants to destroy you,
53:02 but Jesus wants to save you.
53:05 And through the merits of the sacrifice
53:09 that Christ has made for you,
53:13 make it personal.
53:14 For you,
53:16 the sacrifice that Christ made for you,
53:19 make it personal.
53:20 You can have eternal life.
53:23 I invite you to pray at this moment.
53:25 Join me in prayer in giving your heart
53:28 to the Lord Jesus Christ.
53:31 Our loving heavenly Father,
53:34 we come before You once again in Jesus' name.
53:38 And heavenly Father, there are people
53:39 all over the world joining me in prayer,
53:43 I invite you to look into their hearts.
53:47 And for all those that at this moment are taking
53:49 the opportunity to confess their sins,
53:51 we pray that it will be fulfilled.
53:53 That marvelous promise in 1 John 1:9,
53:57 that if we confess our sins,
54:00 you are faithful and just to forgive us for our sins
54:04 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
54:07 And we pray, Lord, that it will be done,
54:10 that cleansing will take place,
54:13 that forgiveness will take place
54:16 and that we can be made anew in Jesus Christ.
54:20 And we pray, heavenly Father, for salvation full and free
54:25 to Jesus, to be made available to all that accept you
54:29 as their Savior.
54:31 And we ask you for this blessing in the holy
54:33 and blessed name of Jesus.
54:36 Amen and amen.
54:39 If you have made a decision to return to Jesus,
54:43 write to us, let us know of your decision.
54:46 Let us know that you have entered into a walk with Jesus
54:49 that leads to eternal life.
54:53 Let us know how we can help you.
54:57 3ABN has prayer partners that will pray for you,
55:01 so I encourage you to call us if you need to
55:06 and we have people that will pray with you.
55:10 In the Book of Revelation Chapter 21,
55:14 you see, the message is,
55:16 God with us and God for us.
55:20 Consider these marvelous words in Revelation 21,
55:24 it says, verse 1,
55:27 "Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
55:31 for the first heaven
55:33 and the first earth had passed away.
55:36 Also there was no more sea.
55:38 Then I, John, saw the holy city,
55:41 New Jerusalem,
55:44 coming down out of heaven from God,
55:47 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
55:50 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
55:53 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,"
55:59 praise the Lord, "and He will dwell with them,
56:03 and they shall be His people.
56:05 God Himself will be with them and be their God.
56:10 And God will wipe away every tear
56:15 from their eyes,
56:17 there shall be no more death,
56:20 nor sorrow, nor crying.
56:24 There shall be no more pain,
56:27 for the former things have passed away."
56:31 And verse 5 concludes with these words,
56:36 "Then He who sat on the throne said,
56:39 'Behold, I make all things new.'
56:43 And He said to me, 'Write, for these words
56:47 are true and faithful.'"
56:51 I invite you to read these words,
56:53 study them and understand
56:57 that God has been giving.
57:00 Jesus Christ, God with us,
57:04 God for us, has given His life
57:07 so that this can happen for you.
57:10 It's a message from God to you.
57:13 God wants to wipe away every tear from your eye,
57:17 so that you can be a part
57:19 of those that do not have to suffer death,
57:21 nor pain, nor sorrow, nor death.
57:25 Accept this great offer
57:27 that God is making to you right now.


Revised 2021-12-16