Wonderfully Made

Type 2 Diabetes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: George Guthrie, Tim Arnott


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000330

00:36 Hello, welcome to Wonderfully Made.
00:39 My name is Dr. George Guthrie;
00:41 I am the Medical Director
00:43 at Lifestyle Center of America.
00:45 We are here today to talk to you
00:46 about Type 2 diabetes,
00:49 we have learned some things
00:51 from those people that we treat
00:53 for Type 2 diabetes at Lifestyle
00:55 Center of America and we think you will be
00:57 interested in that. Joining me
00:59 is Dr. Tim Arnott, thank you George
01:03 and it's nice to be here, yes,
01:04 on Wonderfully Made. Well Tim when we
01:08 talk about diabetes some times
01:12 we get stuck as doctors in just
01:14 treating the symptoms, that's correct.
01:17 One of the thing I enjoy about
01:19 being at Lifestyle Center of America
01:21 is we actually deal with the cause of a diseases,
01:24 it's a very rewarding practices
01:26 that we have at the Lifestyle Center of America,
01:28 because individuals come
01:30 and they've actually been down the other road,
01:34 they have had their symptoms treated,
01:36 they'd become frustrated
01:38 and now they are very receptive
01:40 to hearing how they can remove
01:42 the underline cause of their condition.
01:44 And so they are listening and they are ready
01:47 just like a sponge to absorb all the information
01:49 that the Creator has for these individuals.
01:52 And when they are ready,
01:54 we can put them to work dealing
01:57 with the underlying cause.
02:00 Now to help you understand as listeners,
02:03 what we are talking about,
02:05 I suppose we need to explain a little bit,
02:08 you see to put in a nutshell,
02:10 we understand that Type 2 diabetes
02:13 is caused by taking too much energy in
02:17 and not expending enough energy
02:21 and our body develops a resistance
02:25 to the insulin in our body
02:27 and the blood sugar start to go up
02:29 and than the problems come from that,
02:33 well they come from both the high blood sugar
02:35 and the high insulin levels.
02:37 So, the diet and the exercise changes,
02:41 bring a change in the underlying cause,
02:46 that means people actually need less medication.
02:50 That's absolutely right and in fact,
02:52 what we have to share with you on
02:54 this program is we think very exciting,
02:56 in fact the data that we'll be sharing was
02:59 actually presented at some national meetings,
03:02 the American Dietetic Association,
03:04 they actually had a plant based,
03:07 a total plant based diet or
03:08 vegetarian breakout session,
03:10 and the data presented at that session
03:13 came from patients,
03:14 who were doing something a little differently
03:17 and it wasn't the traditional diet
03:21 therapy that was used in initially
03:23 for Type 2 diabetes
03:26 and in also Type 1 diabetes,
03:28 which was a high fat diet;
03:29 and it wasn't high protein diet,
03:32 it was another kind of approach.
03:34 What kind of approach was that Dr. Guthrie?
03:37 Well we discovered that a diet
03:39 that focuses on plants.
03:41 Now sometimes, we say complex carbohydrates,
03:45 but what we really mean is plants
03:47 were the carbohydrates and the fiber
03:49 and the fats and everything
03:52 is a kind of mixed together,
03:54 the way the God designed it.
03:55 And the proportions that only the Creator,
03:58 its wisdoms can actually see
04:01 the benefits and the reasons for.
04:03 And so we're going to be looking at a diet,
04:05 it's a little different, it's actually
04:07 high in carbohydrate,
04:09 but that's not what you might
04:11 have heard in the past,
04:13 when you heard higher carbohydrate.
04:14 What do most people think about George,
04:17 when they higher carbohydrate?
04:19 Well even the scientific literature
04:20 is a bit confused about it,
04:22 when they say complex carbohydrate diet,
04:24 generally what they are testing is actually starches
04:28 that have being purified out of whole food
04:31 and then fed to people and indeed those
04:33 who often enter the body more refined,
04:36 they come in quickly, they tend to cause problems,
04:39 they don't have the fiber
04:41 that the whole plant foods do.
04:43 So basically what you are saying is,
04:45 when you hear high carbohydrate diet,
04:49 usually people are talking about
04:51 white flour and refined sugar
04:55 and this Bagels and Pasta
04:57 and Bread made out of refined flour.
05:00 Indeed that's probably,
05:02 why people shied way from carbohydrates,
05:05 when diabetes was first
05:07 understood to be a sugar problem.
05:09 You see carbohydrates go into the blood,
05:11 they make the sugar go up,
05:14 so it was rational as we started
05:16 to look at the diseases,
05:17 if you could lower the blood sugar,
05:19 you would actually fix the problem.
05:22 Unfortunately as they moved to diets
05:24 high in protein an high in fat
05:26 to try to bring the sugar down,
05:27 it led to more problems, for example
05:30 kidney diseases from too much of the protein.
05:34 So, this is kind of a new approach,
05:36 but it's not new, it's really
05:38 the old approach isn't it?
05:40 Well that's true it is the old approach,
05:42 it's the original approach,
05:44 it's the Creator's approach.
05:46 And the people that heard about this
05:48 at the American Dietetic Association meeting
05:50 this year were just astounded,
05:52 they couldn't what they were seeing,
05:54 for what they were seeing is
05:57 what you see here on this first graphic.
05:59 What they were seeing is that patients
06:02 in a 19 day program at the Lifestyle Center of America,
06:06 who had Type 2 diabetes, actually drop their
06:10 blood sugar significantly and actually
06:14 I would say dramatically on a high carbohydrate,
06:18 total plant diet. And so it's kind of the opposite
06:22 of what you would thing
06:24 would be effective for Type 2 diabetes,
06:27 in fact most individuals thinks you need to be
06:29 on a low carbohydrate diet
06:30 in order to get the blood sugar down.
06:32 But what we actually have seen and see
06:35 every day at the Lifestyle Center of America
06:37 is that blood sugar drop significantly on a high
06:42 carbohydrate diet as long as those
06:44 carbohydrates are whole grains,
06:46 beans, vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds.
06:51 So that's a really good news.
06:53 It is good news, and the best news
06:56 I think about it is that,
06:58 not only is your blood sugar coming down,
07:00 but those foods that you are eating are
07:02 80 percent water and they are rich in fiber
07:05 and so what else tends to come down,
07:08 as your blood sugar is coming down?
07:10 Well you know when we take someone's
07:14 blood sugar, it's like taking a black
07:17 and white photo; you do the click and
07:19 you know what the blood sugar is right there.
07:22 As physicians we like to able to tell a little more,
07:27 we would like to have a video of the blood sugar,
07:28 so we could actually see what happens
07:30 through the day that would,
07:32 exactly, that would be a lot nicer.
07:33 It's not perfect, but we've come up with
07:35 a couple tools, one of those tools
07:37 that we've used is something called Hemoglobin A1c,
07:41 that is it's the Hemoglobin molecules in the blood,
07:45 which as it's formed has sugar attached to it
07:49 and we know that the amount of sugar attached
07:52 to it is reflected by oh excuse me,
07:56 reflects how high the blood sugars are.
07:59 Well in our program at the Lifestyle
08:01 Center of America, we have 19 days
08:03 to check and see what differences is made.
08:07 It takes about 3 months to see differences
08:10 in Hemoglobin A1c, Hemoglobin A1c takes longer,
08:13 that's correct. So, actually if you look at
08:15 this data one more time,
08:17 you'll actually see that what we used
08:19 was not Hemoglobin A1c, but some thing called
08:22 fructosamine and fructosamine
08:26 is a similar arrangement it's,
08:29 but it's not the Hemoglobin protein,
08:31 it's the Albumin protein another major blood protein
08:34 and it's the amount of Albumin
08:36 that is actually combined with blood sugar.
08:40 And that you can see changes in and about
08:42 two weeks and that's about the time between
08:45 our first blood draw and our second blood draw,
08:48 and so changes in fructosamine actually
08:51 show that you are right, not just a fasting blood
08:55 sugar today and a fasting blood sugar
08:57 a week from now, but the trend of
09:00 blood sugar over a two week period.
09:03 You know folks may not have recognized on that slide,
09:07 there was a little thing up in the corner that said
09:10 p = <0.001, what does that mean to?
09:15 Well actually what that means
09:17 is that the differences between the blood sugar,
09:20 the fructosamine in another words
09:22 the average blood sugar, when they came into the
09:24 program verses the fructosamine level
09:27 or the average blood sugar as
09:29 they departed from the program
09:30 or left the program was statistically different.
09:33 In other words it's only, there is less than one
09:36 chance in a thousand that the difference
09:39 in these two blood sugar readings could be by chance
09:43 and so it's validates that there was real change.
09:46 We like to say as scientist it's statistically
09:49 significant, that's right now statistically significant
09:52 doesn't always mean clinically significant,
09:55 but I think you can agree with me George,
09:57 that when we look at our patients of
09:59 Lifestyle Center of America,
10:01 we can see that truly their
10:03 blood sugars are coming down,
10:05 they feel better and in fact even insulin levels
10:09 are coming down significantly in just
10:12 a couple of week, which is also important.
10:14 That's good, let's see something else I think,
10:17 I think we have another slide that looks
10:19 at weight loss doesn't it?
10:20 Does weight loss or does weight come down
10:23 as people go through this life style change?
10:25 You know one of the things that we tell our patients
10:28 at the Lifestyle Center of America
10:29 is don't focus on weight,
10:31 just focus on the health principals
10:34 that the Creator has provided.
10:36 The total plant diet, the walking program,
10:40 the increase in water intake,
10:42 spending 15 minutes in the sunlight at least 3 days
10:46 a week and getting adequate rest,
10:48 opening the windows get fresh air,
10:50 move away from harmful substances like caffeine
10:54 and alcohol and tobacco and then spending time
10:57 with your Creator. These are the things
10:59 that the Creator would invite us to spend
11:02 our time with him to focus on,
11:04 and when you do that,
11:05 you'll have a side effect
11:07 and that's side effect is weight loss.
11:09 You mean I make a mistake,
11:11 if just focus on my scales.
11:13 Well yes actually it's probably better
11:17 not to spent so much looking at the scales,
11:20 you might want to check at once a week,
11:22 but the reality is that if you are too focused on
11:25 your weight and your weight is not coming down
11:28 as you might like it to, anxiety level can go up,
11:31 stress level may go up and may actually increase
11:34 the difficulty of loosing weight and so,
11:37 but people follow weight researchers follow weight,
11:40 and so we like to follow it as well.
11:43 Well that's an interesting way of looking at it Tim,
11:46 weight loss is a side effect
11:49 of the lifestyle treatment of diabetes.
11:53 Usually we think of drugs having side effects
11:55 and they are being negative,
11:56 and here is a positive side effect.
11:58 It's a very positive side effect and in fact,
12:02 you know researchers have shown that
12:05 if you have tight blood sugar control,
12:08 that you actually reduce your risk of blindness,
12:11 retinopathy if you have diabetes,
12:12 you reduce your risk of kidney
12:14 disease in nephropathy,
12:16 your risk of nerve damage,
12:18 neuropathy, and perhaps even heart disease.
12:21 If you have tight blood sugar control,
12:23 but most of those studies show that the
12:26 individuals that had the tight blood sugar control,
12:29 their weight actually went up over time
12:32 and this is an, a very difficult
12:34 problems in medicine today,
12:36 blood sugar going down, weight going up,
12:38 and what this means is over time
12:40 you're going to have to have more and more medicine
12:42 to keep your, your sugar down.
12:45 Well often people are focusing right on the sugar
12:49 and give some insulin to bring the sugar down
12:51 and insulin tends to make gain weight,
12:54 medications to increase the insulin
12:56 tends to make people gain weight.
12:57 So it just makes a lot more sense to
13:00 treat the cause, to get the calories down,
13:04 to used the plant based diet to,
13:06 to optimize calories and then
13:08 of course use the exercises as well.
13:10 Well don't we have slide that shows
13:13 something about the weight?
13:14 Yes George we do. And we'd like to get
13:16 to that and as we're getting,
13:18 as we're moving to that data,
13:20 we would like to just remind you
13:22 that the first slide showed,
13:24 that the blood sugar comes down
13:26 on a high carbohydrate diet,
13:29 if it's whole grains, beans, vegetables,
13:32 fruits, nuts and seeds. The second slide
13:35 will actually show that not only does
13:38 the blood sugar come down,
13:39 but the weight comes down and in fact it,
13:43 on average comes down about 10 pounds.
13:46 As you can see here, and again each one
13:48 of the slides that you are going
13:50 to see on this program,
13:51 the differences in between
13:54 the parameter at the beginning of the program,
13:56 weight in this case, and the parameter
14:00 at the end to the program,
14:01 19 day program is highly statistically significant
14:05 in fact there is a less than one once chance in
14:08 about thousand that the differences in weight here
14:10 could be by chance.
14:11 And so a 10 pound weight loss in just 19 days,
14:16 that's a very significant thing,
14:18 but the most important thing is that the
14:20 insulin resistance that that weight loss
14:23 represents is a reduction,
14:25 insulin resistance lowered smaller
14:28 and that means you are going to need less insulin
14:30 or less medications, if you have diabetes.
14:32 My weight loss is of side effect, isn't that fun.
14:35 Powerful, now sometimes when we think about
14:39 our weight, we focus on the scales,
14:42 we step on them in the morning and all kind of exhale
14:45 to get them to read a little bit lower
14:48 and try to get him just right, but,
14:49 but even more important than the weight is
14:52 actually how much of the fat that we loose,
14:56 right? Didn't we discover something about
14:58 what happened to people's fat
15:01 storage during the program as well.
15:03 Well actually we did George,
15:05 in fact this was the data coming for about 5
15:08 consecutive programs at the Lifestyle
15:10 Center of America about a year ago,
15:12 these were all patients with Type 2 diabetes,
15:15 and what we see here as the percent body fat
15:20 actually dropped significantly
15:23 in just 19 days. As you can see it's
15:26 highly statistically significant
15:28 and when you are reducing the body fat,
15:30 you are actually reducing the resistance
15:33 that the body has against insulin.
15:35 Which means you're not going to need as much medicine,
15:38 you are not going to need as much to take
15:40 as much insulin if you are on insulin
15:42 and it just means, it's going to be easier
15:45 to treat the condition of diabetes.
15:48 Two percent loss of body fat,
15:51 wow that's a pleasant sort of a thought about 9
15:56 and a half pounds worth of weight,
15:58 my wife has this model, maybe you've seen it,
16:01 it's about a 18 inches long and about
16:06 5 or 6 inches in diameter,
16:08 it suppose to be what 5 pounds of fat looks like,
16:12 it just seems good to me to see that leaving,
16:15 that fat leaving the body,
16:18 it brings improvement to the physiology doesn't it?
16:21 Absolutely, and in fact in just a three month period
16:24 of studies that combined about 1800 calorie diet
16:28 with 30 minutes of vigorous exercise,
16:32 5 days a week, actually showed George that you
16:35 could remove about 25 to 30 percent of
16:40 the fat in an around the organs of
16:43 the abdomen in just that short period of time
16:46 and that means a lot less resistances to insulin,
16:50 because resistance to insulin is often
16:53 centered right in that fat
16:55 that we carry in the mid section.
16:58 Well that's right Tim,
17:00 but you know we've being focusing
17:01 kind on the diet part of this,
17:03 it's important to eat those plants,
17:05 but that was half the equation,
17:07 when we've talked about treating the cause
17:09 of the diseases and the other half of
17:12 that equation is, the exercise component.
17:15 What if we learn about the exercise component,
17:18 well actually if you want to dramatically
17:21 increase your bodies ability
17:23 to take in blood sugar, just use your muscles,
17:27 in fact the muscles will wake up
17:29 and respond to insulin almost immediately upon it,
17:33 upon use and so exercise especially
17:36 the big muscle groups can dramatically
17:39 lower the insulin resistance,
17:40 it can lower the blood sugar level.
17:42 In fact at the Lifestyle Center of America
17:44 we see individuals, who taking insulin
17:48 and if they walk after a meal like an hour,
17:51 hour and a half, two hour after a meal,
17:53 if they walk briskly their blood sugar drops
17:55 dramatically and they actually have to
17:57 cut back on the insulin, that they are going to use
17:59 at the that previous meal,
18:01 if they are going to be doing vigorous
18:02 exercise several hours later.
18:04 Another benefit from treating the cause,
18:07 rather than simply the symptoms,
18:09 absolutely, that's good.
18:10 Well how do we measure fitness?
18:14 Well there are several ways to measure fitness.
18:17 We use some simple methods
18:20 at the Lifestyle Centre, we actually measure
18:22 resting heart rate and you know
18:25 if your resting heart rate drops
18:27 significantly over a period of time,
18:29 you know that your heart is more efficient
18:32 at doing the work of carrying
18:35 you through the day. And so it doesn't have to
18:37 beat as often and so we can actually
18:40 see here, that the resting heart rate dropped
18:43 again significantly in just a 19 day program
18:48 at the Lifestyle Centre and you can see
18:51 it's highly statistically significant difference.
18:54 Now another method of measuring fitness
18:57 that we use, is simply looking at something
19:00 called V02 Max and we estimate this
19:04 by doing a Rockport mile V02 max George,
19:08 what does this mean?
19:11 A V02 max is an interesting measurement.
19:13 What is does is to actually take
19:16 and measure how much oxygen
19:18 you can take into your mouth,
19:19 get into your lungs to your heart,
19:21 out to your muscles, use the oxygen
19:23 turned into carbon dioxide send it back
19:26 to the lungs and then breath out,
19:28 so it's a very good measure of fitness.
19:30 So it actually is showing us that individuals,
19:35 if we can look at the graphic
19:37 one last time individuals,
19:39 who come to the program at the Lifestyle
19:41 Centre of America, they have a certain
19:43 ability to take in and use oxygen.
19:46 And at the end of the program,
19:47 they have an even greater ability
19:49 to use oxygen and that means
19:51 that they are more physically fit.
19:53 What's more than that, there is an improvement
19:55 in their insulin sensitivity as well,
19:57 that is their disease is getting better
20:00 as their fitness improves.
20:02 And so we see the, the validity of treating
20:06 the underlying cause of the condition
20:09 rather than just using medications
20:11 to treat the symptoms.
20:13 Now Dr Guthrie there is particular type of
20:16 exercise that we like to use at the Lifestyle
20:20 Centre of America and it actually intersperses
20:24 a little bit of rest into your exercise program.
20:27 Tell us more about this?
20:29 Oh! I really like this,
20:31 you see I have never really been able to
20:34 exercise as well as I would like to,
20:37 kind of sore, it hurts afterwards,
20:40 when I came to the Lifestyle Centre of America
20:42 about two and a half years ago,
20:45 well I went to our fitness director and I said,
20:47 show me what you do.
20:49 So he put me on the treadmill that actually
20:51 measured my V02 max, came out at 35 liters
20:57 a minute, that's how much oxygen
20:59 I could actually use, get into my muscles
21:01 burn turned into carbon dioxide and then exhaled.
21:06 Well he looked at me and said George
21:09 you are in excellent for a 65-year-old man.
21:13 Well that was a little bit discouraging,
21:16 but then he explained to me how
21:18 to do this intermittent training.
21:22 You see one of the things that is a problem
21:24 for the body with exercise,
21:26 is something called lactic acid.
21:28 Lactic acid is made when our muscles run out
21:31 of oxygen to burn and they end making lactic acid
21:34 instead and lactic acid makes muscles hurt,
21:37 it actually decreases our endorphins in our brain,
21:42 so exercise is not nearly as fun.
21:44 One of our mantras is every minute of
21:48 exercise includes some rest
21:51 and you get credit for that rest.
21:54 So each guest, who comes to the Lifestyle
21:57 Centre of America has a fitness evaluation
22:00 is given a range to keep their heart rate in,
22:02 they get the heart rate up and then
22:05 once it gets up they let it come down
22:07 and that's that rest for each minute.
22:10 Well you know, when it did that for myself
22:13 someone who had never really been able to exercise
22:15 before keep consistent with it.
22:18 My V02 max, when it was measured
22:21 about ten weeks later,
22:24 about a 27 percent increase
22:31 and I didn't hurt. It was something I could
22:33 continue in indeed, it's something I continue to
22:36 this day two and a half years later.
22:39 The good news is that's what most of the people
22:42 who come to Lifestyle Centre have discovered.
22:45 This kind of exercise intermit with some rest
22:49 and some exercise mixed together getting credit
22:52 for all of it as exercise actually
22:54 gets more benefit is more pleasurable
22:56 and more something you can continue,
23:00 to me that's an exciting new perception,
23:03 a new prospective on exercise.
23:06 Now since there is not so much lactic acid,
23:10 there is not so much damage to the tissues
23:12 and people are actually getting better faster,
23:15 rather than having the damaging
23:17 affects of the lactic acid.
23:18 And George the damaging affects of too much
23:22 exercise on the joints and on the heart
23:25 and so it's not just the muscles that benefit,
23:28 but also the joints can benefit.
23:31 I remember when my wife Silvia went through
23:34 the program, the Lifestyle program
23:36 and what she noticed is that prior to
23:40 adopting the intermittent training
23:42 or the mixing rest with exercise.
23:45 You know she would get very winded
23:48 and just feel like total exhausted,
23:50 you know after 20, 30 minutes of exercise,
23:53 but after she adopted the intermittent
23:54 training style of exercise and
23:57 let that heart rate come down about 10 beats
24:00 and then pushed it 10 beats and let it come down
24:02 another 10 beats, that's form of exercise
24:05 the intermittent training allowed
24:08 her to go for 30 minutes
24:09 and she did not feel winded,
24:10 she felt that she could go for even longer.
24:14 And so what it does, is it takes away this
24:16 exhausted feeling of people that did exercise
24:20 and that's one of the reasons that individuals
24:22 quit exercising, they hate this exhausted feeling,
24:24 the truth is you don't have to have that
24:26 exhausted feeling and when your body
24:28 is telling you, you need to take a little break do it
24:31 and you won't miss out on the benefits of exercise,
24:34 in fact a very wise health reformer,
24:38 a number of years ago suggested that
24:40 those in sedentary occupation
24:42 such as physicians and pastors
24:45 should actually walk up and down hills.
24:47 When you think about if George,
24:49 that's a natural form of intermittent training,
24:52 in fact we might address this issue
24:55 do you need a heart rate monitor in order
24:57 to do intermittent training?
24:58 Well I think it's probably helpful those
25:00 who are really sick and who might have
25:03 a heart attack to keep them in their safe range,
25:06 so no I don't know that you would have to
25:09 but I think it probably makes little easier.
25:11 What about you? So well you know
25:13 I've tried it both ways and I think that
25:15 there are advantages and disadvantages,
25:18 but the message we wanna send today is that,
25:21 if you use a heart rate monitor for
25:23 intermittent training that's an excellent
25:25 way to do it, it is probably the most precise way,
25:27 but if, if the cost is an issue
25:30 or if complexity is an issue,
25:32 if you like a more simple approach, that's okay.
25:36 Just walk up and down hills or walk faster
25:39 and then slowdown or some who are able might be
25:41 able to do a little a little jog and then walking,
25:45 but what ever you do walk or exercise
25:49 most days of the week.
25:50 This is very important at getting
25:52 at the underlying cause of type 2 diabetes.
25:56 You know Tim one other things it brings me
25:58 the most pleasure as physician now
26:00 is watching people, who come in with a cane
26:05 or just hardly able to get around sometimes
26:09 the wheelchair and have them come to me
26:11 two weeks later and say, I just walked two miles.
26:15 There is such pleasure in helping people
26:19 get to the route causes of the disease
26:22 rather than simply treating the symptoms,
26:25 because they are actually getting better,
26:27 they are feeling better, their blood sugar numbers
26:30 are coming down as we pointed out they have
26:33 the weight loss side affect
26:35 and they are just feeling better inside.
26:39 It's a really rewarding way to practice medicine.
26:43 And speaking of the inside George
26:45 you know individuals may watch a program
26:48 like this and be asking the question
26:50 in their minds well, so I do all of these
26:54 things and maybe my blood sugar
26:56 will come down and may be I will live a couple
26:58 of years longer, is that really such
27:01 a big deal isn't it worth the effort?
27:03 And I think it's important to point out
27:05 that the probably the most important reason
27:08 to adopt a total plant diet,
27:10 to adopt an exercise program,
27:12 to embrace all of the Creator's natural
27:14 remedies is for the benefit to the mind.
27:19 The importance of clear thinking,
27:20 the increase in the ability to carry on
27:23 that daily devotional life and connect
27:26 with our Creator, that's the ultimate
27:30 and the most powerful reason
27:32 for adopting theses health principles,
27:34 is not just to keep your physician happy,
27:37 but it's to have a better connection
27:39 with your great physician.
27:41 That's right Tim, as our bodies improve
27:44 our brains get clear the circulation to
27:46 our brain is better and we are better
27:48 able to have a relationship
27:50 with our heavenly father.
27:53 Well, if we understand diabetes Type 2
27:57 to be a problem with too much energy in
27:59 and not enough energy out,
28:01 then I suppose it makes sense to treat
28:04 the cause not just the symptoms.
28:06 It's best to exercise, eat a good diet,
28:11 we are wonderful made.


Revised 2014-12-17