Wonderfully Made

The Metabolic Syndrome

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Timothy Howe and Sheryl McWilliams


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000393

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health and
00:04 is not intended to take the place of
00:06 personalized professional care. The opinions
00:09 and ideas expressed are those of the speaker.
00:11 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own
00:13 conclusions about the information presented.
00:36 Hi and welcome to 'Wonderfully Made'
00:38 I'm Sheryl McWilliams and our guest today
00:40 is Dr. Timothy Howe, an internal medicine
00:42 specialist at Parkview Adventist Medical Center,
00:45 welcome Dr. Howe. Thank you,
00:46 it's good to be here with you today.
00:48 We're going to be talking about a topic
00:51 that I don't know a lot about, and it's
00:55 one of that I think many of us don't know
00:57 much about and it's called the metabolic
00:59 syndrome, I believe also Syndrome X.
01:01 What exactly is that and what affect does
01:05 it have on us? Metabolic syndrome
01:07 is not a disease. It is a clustering of signs
01:13 and symptoms that when found together place
01:16 you at higher risk for disease. As I think
01:19 back over the past years in my medical
01:22 practice many patients come to mine and
01:26 I think of watching them go through life
01:30 developing first the metabolic syndrome and
01:34 then later as time goes on developing a whole
01:41 group of diseases, diabetes, hypertension,
01:45 heart disease, cancer and they all go back
01:51 to metabolic syndrome. So metabolic syndrome
01:55 is the seed that develops or grows into a
02:01 whole host of problems, the chronic
02:03 diseases that we here in America have today.
02:09 How is it determined? How do you know if you
02:12 have it or not? Well, metabolic syndrome,
02:15 one definition of it is insulin resistance,
02:19 that is, insulin in our bodies is not
02:23 working well. But how do we tell if someone
02:27 has insulin resistance. There are five things
02:31 that we can look at that give us a clue,
02:33 and to have metabolic syndrome you have to
02:37 have three of those five. So here they are:
02:41 number one, a waist in men greater than 40
02:46 inches or in women of greater that 35 inches.
02:51 Now that's not hard to get. I'm not far off,
02:56 of that myself a little ways and when I did
03:01 study on metabolic syndrome you can bet
03:04 that caught my attention and I started
03:06 thinking now, what size pants do I wear here,
03:09 I want to make sure I don't get into the
03:11 metabolic syndrome. 40 inches for men,
03:15 greater than the, 40 inches or greater
03:17 that's one, for women 35. Another one
03:22 of the five is blood pressure, if your blood
03:25 pressure is greater than 130 over 85, that's
03:30 another one of the signs of metabolic syndrome.
03:34 Now that isn't very high, 130 over 85 is
03:39 in the category that the Joint National
03:42 Commission on hypertension called
03:43 pre hypertension. But remember normal
03:47 blood pressure today is defined as 120
03:51 over 80 or less. So you're ten points high.
03:55 And, if you have a blood pressure of 130 over 85,
03:59 that's another one of the five, and if you
04:04 have those two you're well on the way.
04:06 The third one is a blood sugar over 100.
04:10 Now blood sugar is normal at 100,
04:14 it's actually "normal from 60 to 120
04:19 but we started to find that if you get over a
04:22 100 your blood sugar is associated with
04:27 increase risk, in fact, if your sugar is 101,
04:31 your risk for heart disease is 1% higher
04:34 than if it's 100. If you're at 110 your risk
04:39 for heart disease is 10 percent higher then
04:42 if you're at 100. So for every one point
04:44 your blood sugar exceeds 100 fasting
04:47 your risk of having a heart attack goes up
04:50 1 percent. So that's why it too is another
04:54 sign or of the metabolic syndrome, so that's
04:58 three. Another one is a low HDL,
05:03 now HDL is the good cholesterol, one of my
05:08 patients told me how to remember it,
05:10 it's not true but it works, he said, H
05:13 stands for healthy, it's the healthy cholesterol.
05:17 Actually H stands for high, high-density
05:20 lipoprotein, high density lipoprotein is a
05:24 very important type of cholesterol,
05:28 actually it's not a type of cholesterol.
05:30 Its cholesterol being carried from
05:33 the blood stream back to the liver. If
05:36 you will, HDL is a like a garbage truck.
05:39 It goes around the body and it picks up
05:42 cholesterol, loads it in and carries it back
05:46 to liver. In metabolic syndrome, your HDL,
05:50 your good cholesterol, the garbage truck
05:53 cholesterol if you will, cleaning the arteries
05:55 is low and if as a woman your HDL is less than
06:00 50 or as a man if its less then 40 you
06:04 have another of the indicators that you have
06:08 metabolic syndrome, very important.
06:11 And lastly triglycerides, triglycerides
06:16 are a blood fat, your triglycerides go up
06:19 in your blood if you've been a lot of sweets
06:23 or a lot of fat, that's the main way you get
06:28 it up or you can have a genetic tendency
06:30 toward high, high triglycerides. But as
06:34 with all genetics, genetics loads the gun.
06:38 But it's environment that pulls the trigger,
06:41 just because your triglycerides are high
06:44 doesn't mean you can't lower them with diet.
06:47 But those are the five and if you have
06:50 three of those five, you are at increased
06:53 risk for a whole host of diseases.
06:56 So, let me see if I can remember this,
06:59 okay, if my blood pressure's elevated,
07:01 over 130 over 85, over 130 over 85,
07:05 if my waist as a female is greater than 35
07:09 or greater than 40 for a gentlemen.
07:11 If my HDL, which is the good cholesterol
07:14 is less than 50 for a female, less than
07:18 40 for men. If I have elevated triglycerides.
07:22 That's right or if your blood sugar is over
07:26 100 and if you have any one, if you
07:29 have three those five you have metabolic
07:31 syndrome. Chances are if you have two of them,
07:34 you'll have a third, because they cluster and
07:37 it's all from insulin resistance. Okay,
07:40 let's say that I did have three of these
07:43 five, what would that mean? It mean you're
07:46 in trouble. Okay. And it would mean as a
07:49 result of being in trouble that you needed
07:52 to take steps to fix those. Now, the question
07:56 is just how do we fix them? But before
07:59 we answer that question. Let's look a
08:01 little bit more at the problems that you have.
08:04 If though you have the metabolic syndrome
08:09 and we mentioned them briefly, but let's look
08:11 again; you have an increased risk for heart
08:14 disease. Now as I said, if your blood sugar
08:18 is up one point above a 100 your risk
08:22 for having a heart attack goes up
08:25 1 percent. That's amazing because
08:27 one point in blood sugar is really that much,
08:30 that's fasting blood sugar. Fasting blood
08:32 sugar after an all night fast, if your fasting
08:36 blood sugar is over a 100 that's one point
08:39 for metabolic syndrome. If your blood pressure
08:42 is over 130 over 85, now, you say, well
08:46 that isn't much and it isn't, but remember
08:49 studies have shown very clearly that for
08:53 every one, every two points that your blood
08:56 pressure exceeds 120, your risk of
08:59 having a heart attack goes up 10 percent
09:01 and your risk of having a stroke goes up
09:04 15 percent. So at 130, you're already
09:09 five times 15 times greater risk for having
09:16 a stroke or a heart attack five times 10,
09:19 50 percent higher risk for a heart attack
09:22 with your blood pressure at 130 over 85,
09:25 wow, so that's how well that one gets in,
09:28 then you come to the waist. That waist
09:32 measure, you say well how come because
09:34 if I'm 6'4 as I am shouldn't I be allowed
09:37 to have a bigger waist. Well as a matter
09:41 of fact now, when we start putting weight
09:44 around our middles that means insulin
09:47 resistance, and insulin resistance as I
09:51 mentioned is what's behind all of these
09:53 pushing, pushing, because insulin puts fat
09:55 around your middle and what we're really
09:58 looking at is where are you putting your fat.
10:00 Are you shaped like a pear, you know
10:02 with large hips and thighs as a woman or
10:06 are you shape like an apple, are you a man
10:08 that has put weight on all over or did you
10:11 put it all on right above your belt. Because
10:15 of course men wear their belt not on
10:17 their waist. But today some where down
10:19 below it, but still do you have where are
10:22 you putting your weight. Because if you're
10:24 putting your weight around your middle you
10:25 have insulin resistance and that's
10:28 is really the key in the metabolic syndrome.
10:32 So, if I want to avoid the metabolic syndrome
10:35 or let's say I have these three things.
10:38 What I do to fix it? Well, the first thing
10:40 you have to do say to yourself, well why is it
10:43 that insulin isn't working well and more
10:46 importantly what does it do in the first place.
10:48 Insulin is like a key, and it opens the door
10:53 and allows sugar out of your blood and into
10:57 your cells and you get insulin resistance
11:01 when insulin has trouble getting sugar
11:05 into the cell. Now I don't about you, maybe
11:08 you don't have a house like this and of course
11:10 I don't. But you may have seen some
11:12 other people that have a house like this.
11:13 You go over on a Saturday night and you
11:17 sit down and you're going to play some
11:19 board games and they say oh, the game you
11:23 want is in the closet, and so you start
11:24 for the closet and you get to the door and
11:27 you're about to open it. No, no, no, don't open
11:29 the closet, let me do it. And so they go over
11:32 and they put one and they open it about
11:34 3 inches and they put their hand in you
11:36 know to hold that up and then they
11:38 carefully open the door and then despite
11:40 all of their efforts everything crashes down
11:43 on them. That's the same problem that
11:46 we have with insulin resistance. Insulin goes
11:50 knocking on the door of the cell to open
11:53 the door to get sugar in, but there's
11:56 already too much fat or sugar calories
12:00 in the cell and so you know he goes to
12:03 open the door but the cells says I don't
12:05 want anymore, no more here thanks and
12:08 so he has a hard time getting sugar out of
12:12 the blood and into the cell. Now if this goes
12:15 on long enough of course, you develop
12:17 diabetes, frank diabetes and really what
12:20 metabolic syndrome is, is pre diabetes, because
12:24 if your sugar is over a 100 you have pre
12:26 diabetes. If you, that's your fasting sugar,
12:29 if your sugar is over 126 or higher fasting
12:36 then you have diabetes. But remember
12:39 that continue at 126, or you have diabetes
12:43 terrible. But you have a 26 percent
12:46 increased risk of heart disease. How about
12:49 at 125 your not a diabetic, where are you?
12:52 See it's not black and white, yes or no,
12:56 it's a continuum. In metabolic syndrome
12:59 we're really looking at pre diabetes,
13:02 insulin opens a door but it doesn't work
13:06 well if we've over eaten or eaten raw. You
13:11 put the weight around here it's the weight
13:13 you don't need to carry, that spare tire
13:15 it tells you insulin is having a hard time,
13:18 why don't you give him a break.
13:22 So, metabolic trend syndrome is related
13:26 to diabetes, then I would soon then that
13:29 if I wanted to avoid it, then I would do the
13:32 same things I would to do to avoid diabetes,
13:35 that's right. Its, you, the metabolic syndrome
13:39 just catches the problem earlier and
13:41 says, alright you have the precursors, we
13:44 know what road you're on, we know where
13:46 you're headed. Let's catch you before
13:48 you get to trouble and that's the beauty
13:50 of the whole concept of metabolic syndrome.
13:53 It allows you to detect the precursors of
13:58 diabetes and interfere before you get into
14:01 major trouble and that's the beauty of
14:04 the metabolic syndrome, it's other things too,
14:07 but like for instance when you have insulin
14:10 resistance you have thicker blood, the blood
14:13 clots more easily also raising your risk for
14:16 stroke and heart attack and that's an
14:20 important thing to know for very sure.
14:22 Now you mentioned that metabolic syndrome
14:25 being related to the five factors, one of
14:28 which was triglycerides, what exactly is that
14:30 and what I do about it? Triglycerides are
14:33 fat in the blood and in our fat cells that's
14:38 triglycerides as well, your triglycerides go up
14:42 because you've over eaten or eaten too many
14:46 sweets, you see the body when you eat sugar
14:49 that you don't burn, it stores it first if
14:53 there's excess as glycogen in your liver.
14:55 Glycogen is just a sugar molecule attached
14:58 to a sugar, attached to sugar, attached to a
15:00 sugar and it packs it up there in your liver.
15:02 So you eat a good meal and the next morning
15:07 you go out and run a marathon, your body
15:09 says well he's not eating, lets break down
15:12 some glycogen and burn that. So you can
15:14 keep running and keep going on the glycogen.
15:16 But if you're not out there running and
15:19 you've eaten that big meal and you've filled
15:21 up that glycogen stores, the body says, oh, oh
15:24 where am I going to put it now, and takes that
15:27 sugar changes it to a fat and stores it
15:31 as fat, that fat is triglycerides. So if you
15:37 eat a lot of refined carbohydrates or just
15:40 more than you need, the body changes into
15:43 triglycerides and if you eat more fat than you
15:48 need it stores it as fat in your cells.
15:52 It's interesting, you can see this in some
15:55 individuals if you look in their eyes.
15:57 Most people don't think about it, but if you
16:00 stop and think, now let's see if I was going
16:02 to pour water out of a pitcher it would
16:05 go fast. If I was going to pour margarine
16:09 out of a pitcher or butter it would go slow
16:12 even if it was at room temperature because
16:14 fat is thicker than water. You know
16:17 triglycerides thicken your blood. It makes
16:21 it harder to pump. If you and I had a
16:24 race and I had a glass with water in it and
16:27 a straw and I gave you a glass of molasses
16:30 for instance for one and I say, okay,
16:32 lets have a race, I'm going to sip water,
16:35 you're gonna sip molasses, who'd win?
16:36 I think you would. I would, sure, sugar
16:40 thickens the blood and fat does it even more.
16:43 So, we're really looking at this through,
16:46 what are we doing to the thickness of the
16:49 blood. Because metabolic syndrome is also
16:52 how thick is your blood. How hard
16:55 is it to pump around and when your triglycerides
16:58 go up. Your blood thickens, it can get
17:02 so bad that in your eyes you can see
17:04 what's called box-carrying. And it's
17:07 little globules of fat and you can see the
17:10 marching across the arteries in the
17:12 backs of your eyes; going clunk, clunk,
17:14 clunk like this 'cause it's so thick and the
17:17 big risk is stroke from having too high
17:20 triglycerides, that's quite rare but it
17:22 can happen from excess calorie intake.
17:25 So you mention eating refined carbohydrates,
17:30 so then I would assume that complex
17:32 carbohydrate would be a good choice, sure.
17:36 If you go back to thinking about when we're
17:39 eating and thinking about insulin and his work,
17:42 he wants to move sugar out of the blood
17:45 and into the cell. If you give him a steady
17:48 stream of work and he can work just fine
17:51 all day long, you know, you just feed him
17:54 some whole wheat bread and that goes
17:58 down into your system, you have to chew
18:01 it of course and then you have all that
18:02 fiber there that slows the absorption
18:05 of the sugar and the sugar enters the body
18:08 in a nice smooth stream. On the other hand,
18:11 if you took a soda and just took the same
18:14 amount of calories in the soda as you would
18:16 in the whole wheat bread, 70 to 80 calories
18:19 per slice, it would arrive fast. If it
18:23 hits fast, insulin has to hurry to get it
18:25 out it has to find places to stuff it
18:28 quickly, and it's says hold it, hold it,
18:30 I can't change, get all this into the cell,
18:32 you better make some into fat. And so
18:35 often the fat it goes, your triglycerides go
18:37 up, your blood sugar's up, because it got
18:39 there too fast and we've got trouble,
18:41 we've sludge the blood and we've pushed
18:44 our fats up and raised our risk for heart
18:46 disease, stroke and other things. Interesting,
18:49 it seems that in every thing that we do,
18:53 physical activity plays a part. What role does
18:56 physical activity play in this particular
19:00 syndrome? Another way to define metabolic
19:02 syndrome of course is more food in than energy
19:08 out. We have an energy imbalance.
19:11 We're eating more calorie than we're burning
19:13 and metabolic syndrome can be reversed simply
19:17 by increasing our exercise. Now, for
19:20 some people that's an awful lot of exercise,
19:23 they say that you can run from Boston
19:26 to New York on the calories in one pound
19:28 of fat, well. Well, that's a lot of running
19:31 some people might have to do. So if you're a
19:34 big eater you need to be a big exerciser,
19:37 you can push the body too hard of course,
19:40 it's better to be a moderate eater, and a
19:44 moderate exerciser always, if you push,
19:48 you say well I want to eat 2400, 3000,
19:52 3500 calories a day. You're gonna have to
19:57 exercise very, very hard to keep your body
20:00 from expanding and getting clogged up.
20:04 But exercise is the key or the one of the keys
20:07 to reversing the metabolism syndrome.
20:09 The other of course is to eat less calorically
20:13 dense food and that's the food that
20:17 the creator made for us. It's whole grains,
20:21 it's fresh fruits, it's vegetables, staying away
20:26 from the refined foods that are more
20:29 calorically dense. They are the ones
20:31 that's easy to eat a lot of and get in
20:34 trouble with. This concept of eating whole
20:38 grains I find very interesting because
20:41 there are a lot of folks that know we
20:42 should eat whole grains. But when you go
20:44 to buy a package. It says whole grain on the
20:47 outside of it, but I understand that if a
20:50 manufacturer can promote itself as whole grain
20:54 and it only has to have 51 percent. So what
20:57 exactly is a whole grain and how
20:59 do I get more of it into my diet?
21:01 I think it's very important for us to
21:04 become smart shoppers, intelligent
21:08 consumers, label readers, you know
21:11 you go to the store and it says wheat bread
21:15 and you say, oh this is good for me,
21:19 wheat bread and you pick up the package
21:21 and flip it over and the first ingredient
21:24 is wheat flour. If it says wheat flour and
21:28 not 100 percent whole wheat flour it's
21:32 white flour and white flour they've taken
21:36 out the germ and they've taken out the
21:39 fiber and they've taken out many of the
21:41 B vitamins and the minerals and then
21:44 they say well we've taken all those out,
21:47 let's throw a few vitamins back in and
21:49 they call it enriched. You know you never
21:52 buy white flour in the store, but it says
21:54 enriched. Now I don't about you, but if I took
21:57 20 bucks from you and gave you five back
21:59 would you think you were enriched?
22:01 I think I was whipped off, yeah, that's
22:03 what happens with white flour and with our
22:06 grains, so you have to be careful, you have
22:08 to be a labeled reader unless you make
22:10 your own. And it's very important to get
22:13 all of those nutrients in our foods, especially
22:18 in our grains. It helps us avoid delivering
22:23 the calories the sugar particularly,
22:25 too rapidly to the body, if it's delivered
22:29 too rapidly we're in trouble. No question
22:32 about it. So, we're talking about eating a
22:35 100 percent whole wheat bread versus
22:37 white bread, or a brown rice as opposed to
22:40 white rice. Another way to look at this
22:42 whole problem is using the concept of
22:46 Glycemic Index. Now Glycemic Index does
22:49 not work a hundred percent because when
22:52 we figure out the Glycemic Index, we're
22:55 looking at various foods, we give you
22:58 this and that's all and measure it, but
23:00 it's still a useful concept, it goes like
23:03 this, we give sugar the number 100,
23:06 pure glucose you eat it, how fast does it
23:09 get to your blood stream and then we compare
23:12 other foods. For instance, white rice
23:16 boiled a good time until it's really cooked
23:19 has a glycemic index of 95. The sugar from
23:24 white rice gets into your body almost as
23:26 fast as pure sugar. Whereas brown rice has a
23:30 glycemic index of 68, it delivers the sugar
23:34 into your system much more slowly.
23:36 Orange juice has a higher Glycemic Index
23:39 than an orange, a baked potato has a lower
23:43 Glycemic Index than mashed potatoes,
23:46 just the fact you mash them up the
23:48 Glycemic Index goes up. So you want
23:51 whole foods naturally prepared.
23:53 Now some people say well then I shouldn't
23:55 cook my food at all. Well now, lets not
23:57 go overboard, lets be you know sensible.
24:01 Something ought to be cooked,
24:04 something need not be cooked. Carrots,
24:06 you get more beta carotene and vitamin A
24:09 from them if you cook them as far as
24:11 absorption, but I like raw carrots too and
24:14 there are some enzymes and other things
24:15 that come through better when its raw.
24:17 So some raw, some cooked, that is very
24:20 good balance, but avoid those refined
24:23 carbohydrates that get right into your system,
24:26 the worst thing you can do and I think it's
24:29 really the cause of much of the metabolic
24:32 syndrome and of what's coming right
24:34 behind of diabetes and obesity is refined
24:39 carbohydrates between meals. Did you
24:41 know that the average American male teenager,
24:46 the average young man drinks a liter of
24:49 soda a day, wow, a liter of soda a day.
24:53 That's enough to give you metabolic syndrome
24:56 over time. And then diabetes and heart
24:59 disease. We have an epidemic of excess
25:03 refined calorie intake particularly between
25:06 meals. Grazing on this snack and that
25:11 snack and the other one is, it really causes
25:15 this whole problems. If we just eat
25:18 natural foods, whole foods, get them from
25:21 the farmer before they go in a box, if you eat
25:24 them that way. Spaghetti's another
25:26 one or some of the other Pastas.
25:29 You can get wonderful whole wheat pasta
25:33 today. Now I didn't think so at first 'cause
25:35 I tasted a few that were kind of nasty
25:37 but if you shop around there's some that
25:40 really taste good. Whole wheat pasta and
25:43 that slows that sugar absorption down. It's so
25:46 much better for you, get your foods the way
25:49 God created them. Cook them simply and
25:53 you'll be much healthier and you'll avoid that
25:55 heart diseases, that stroke, you'll also
25:58 lower cancer risk. It really does help
26:01 to good food the way it comes.
26:04 So, if we choose to eat our food the way
26:07 God grew it and we chose to get some physical
26:09 activity then it will help us to reduce that
26:12 risk of metabolic syndrome. Absolutely,
26:15 and reducing risk of metabolic syndrome
26:18 as we mentioned is very important. It helps
26:22 reduce your need for medication. It helps
26:25 reduce your problems with a whole host
26:29 of diseases. It'll reducer your doctor
26:32 bills just from thinking about what you're
26:35 eating and how you're eating it, you know
26:38 if you're going to spend money on food,
26:40 don't buy the fanciest in a box.
26:43 Buy wonderful fruit. There are fruit on
26:46 the market today I live in Maine and I'm
26:49 telling you in Maine they still have fresh
26:50 oranges from Florida, you can get oranges
26:53 from California. You can get fruit from Chile.
26:56 You can get it from anywhere, it's all
26:58 available, even that far north. We are
27:01 without excuse today to get fresh food.
27:05 Fresh frozen's fine, it's very good in some
27:09 cases better if you can't get that canned
27:12 but as near natural as near from the
27:15 farmers field as you can, that will
27:18 really help. So we should pay attention
27:22 to our blood pressure, our waists,
27:24 our blood sugar, our triglycerides levels.
27:27 Make sure that we're getting plenty of whole
27:29 grains and natural foods the way God
27:32 grew them and prepared them for us.
27:34 And in this way will help to reduce our
27:36 risk of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes
27:39 and heart disease and all of the other things
27:42 that go along with it. It's something that
27:45 we can do and it's simple and it doesn't
27:47 cost any money, it will save us money
27:50 and give us health, you can't beat that and
27:53 I think that's important, the more
27:54 simple we can make things, the better
27:57 off I think we often are. We tend to
27:59 make things more complicated then
28:00 they are. Thank you for joining us today
28:02 on Wonderfully Made. I hope that you've
28:04 enjoyed it as much as I have and thank you
28:06 Dr. Howe for being with us, thank you.


Revised 2014-12-17