Wonderfully Made


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Timothy Howe and Sheryl McWilliams


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000394

00:35 Hi and welcome back to "Wonderfully Made"
00:38 My name is Sheryl McWilliams,
00:39 and I'd like to introduce you to our guest today...
00:42 Dr. Timothy Howell, who is from
00:44 Parkview Adventist Medical Center
00:46 Welcome Dr. Howell...
00:47 Thank you Sheryl... it's a delight to be with you
00:49 and we have a wonderful topic to talk about today.
00:53 Yes, we do... "atherosclerosis"
00:56 I can barely say it, and I'm not quite sure what it means.
00:59 Athero is an interesting word... it means "gruel-like"
01:07 ...sort of like sticky oatmeal
01:10 and sclerosis means "hardening"
01:13 Atherosclerosis is a process that takes place in our arteries
01:19 where we get gruel like plaques, or buildup, not of oatmeal
01:25 but of fat and cholesterol... lining the blood vessel
01:30 and gradually closing it off
01:32 And with it, associated hardening of the arteries.
01:37 It's the problem that leads to heart attacks, strokes,
01:42 and problems with our blood vessels in our legs,
01:46 peripheral vascular disease...
01:49 It all comes back to "athero-sclerosis"
01:54 Interesting, and how does this occur... What makes it happen?
01:59 Well, good question... How does it happen?
02:03 When does it happen?
02:05 Does it start just before you have the heart attack,
02:08 or does it start many years before?
02:11 They've done studies to find that in fact,
02:15 atherosclerosis in Americans starts quite young.
02:22 Those fatty deposits on the lining of our arteries
02:26 start when we're still in our teens or 20s...
02:30 Gradually over time they build up, narrowing the artery,
02:37 or decreasing the blood flow and decreasing our ability
02:41 to perform useful labor, and to get around.
02:45 When it happens up here in our neck,
02:46 it decreases blood flow to the brain and leads
02:50 to strokes ultimately.
02:53 So it's like a heart attack in your head.
02:55 A heart attack in your head... A brain attack!
02:56 That would be good if you had your heart in your head,
02:59 it would be a brain attack.
03:01 But all of that is from atherosclerosis.
03:05 Okay, so there's a buildup...
03:07 there's a hardening inside this vessel.
03:10 What is it that's actually causing that hardening?
03:13 Well, we need to step back a little bit, and look at the
03:17 process... what is really happening in the lining
03:21 of the blood vessel.
03:23 First of all, we need to look at fats.
03:27 Not all fats are the same.
03:29 There's good fats, and there's bad fats.
03:32 The fats that are particularly bad, that start the process
03:37 of atherosclerosis are oxidized fats.
03:41 Those are ones that give off free radicals.
03:46 Now free radical doesn't refer to something on a
03:50 college campus in the 60s.
03:53 It's something that happens in our bodies all the time.
03:57 We have to understand a little bit about oxidation as well...
04:01 because that's what generates free radicals.
04:05 Oxidation is the process of adding oxygen to something.
04:10 It can be adding oxygen to metal-that's called "rust"
04:15 Or, it can be the process of burning...
04:19 like if you come over to my house, and I live in Maine,
04:23 and so this time of the year it's quite cool,
04:25 and I heat with wood, I will have to oxidize that wood
04:30 to generate heat to warm up the house... that's oxidation
04:35 Our bodies oxidize our food, that's how we run,
04:39 that's how we move... it's through the process of oxidation
04:43 Oxidation isn't bad for us, it's good for us.
04:46 But let's look at oxidation for a moment.
04:49 Let's say you come and you visit me in my home
04:52 and I haven't been there for a few days,
04:54 and it's a little bit cool in the house.
04:56 And I say to you, don't worry, don't worry...
04:59 I will have this place warm in just a few minutes.
05:02 So I go out on my front porch,
05:04 and I get a bundle of paper, and a few sticks of kindling
05:09 and out there on the porch, I light it up
05:11 and I bring it in the house,
05:14 and I'm carrying it toward my stove...
05:16 And I stick it in the stove, and then I go out
05:19 on the front porch, and I get some wood,
05:21 and I light it up, and I carry it through my house
05:24 across the carpets, and through the house
05:26 and around, and into the stove it goes.
05:28 What would you think?
05:29 I'd think you were crazy! Yeah, that's right!
05:33 And you know, it wouldn't be good for my house either...
05:36 I'd get sparks on my nice carpet.
05:37 I'd smoke up the ceilings.
05:39 I'd have all sorts of problems.
05:41 That's because of oxidation.
05:45 Oxidation is good... if it occurs in the stove,
05:49 and is controlled.
05:51 The same is true in our bodies.
05:53 We want to oxidize things in their proper place.
05:57 We want to oxidize them NOT BEFORE them come in,
06:00 but AFTER they're in.
06:02 Now, if you think about the foods we eat,
06:05 there are 3 basic categories.
06:07 There is sugar, and there's fat, and there's protein.
06:14 Which would be the easiest to oxidize?
06:17 If you were going to make a candle,
06:19 or a lamp, what would you use?
06:21 Would you use sugar to make a lamp?
06:24 Probably not...
06:26 How about protein?
06:27 We could take pure protein gelatin...
06:29 Would you make a lamp out of that?
06:31 Probably not. No, you wouldn't make a lamp out of that...
06:33 But could you out of oil, or fat?
06:37 Absolutely! Why is that?
06:38 That's because fat oxidizes the most easily.
06:43 But fat ALSO causes the most problems...
06:49 just like in my house if I'm bringing things across
06:53 through the living room oxidizing before I put them in
06:57 the stove... so in my body, if I eat things that are oxidized
07:03 before they get down to where they need to be
07:05 down into the cell and be oxidized down
07:08 in the mitochondria, I'm going to create problems.
07:12 I'll have sparks everywhere, and I'll be putting holes
07:15 in things... like in the blood vessels.
07:19 So, our body is prepared... just like if you came over
07:24 to visit me and you knew I was going to do that every time,
07:27 you'd bring your fire extinguisher with you
07:30 and you'd follow me around, and you'd spray out the sparks.
07:33 Our body has that too.
07:35 They're called "antioxidants"
07:38 That's what they are, and they follow around
07:41 and they try to prevent those sparks from damaging things.
07:46 Well in the blood vessels, there is a cell
07:50 underneath the lining of the blood vessel,
07:53 looking for oxidized fat.
07:58 And that cell's name is "macrophage"
08:01 Now a macrophage is a type of a white blood cell
08:04 and this blood cell works in a very interesting way...
08:10 it sits right underneath the lining, and it watches
08:14 if you will, and if it sees a particle of oxidized fat
08:19 coming along, it squeezes up through the lining of
08:25 the blood vessel, and it engulfs that fatty particle
08:29 that's oxidized, and pulls it down inside, and if you will,
08:34 EATS it
08:35 Now the ones that do this the most are LDL particles.
08:39 Now, you've heard of LDL probably...
08:43 LDL is a lipo-protein.
08:46 Lipoprotein means lipid AND protein.
08:52 And the lipid part is cholesterol and other fats.
08:55 The protein is the carrier molecule,
08:58 and LDL is like a truck, if you will...
09:02 and it carries fat from the liver and cholesterol
09:07 out to the cells.
09:09 And it needs to do that, it's not a bad thing.
09:11 We all need LDL.
09:13 But if we have ingested oxidized fat, or if the fat has become
09:19 oxidized in way, the macrophage sees it as a threat,
09:24 and goes up and engulfs it, and pulls it down... That's fine
09:28 What does macrophage mean, by the way?
09:30 Macro - big Phage - means to eat
09:35 So this is the Big Eater.
09:37 And he can eat a lot of those particles.
09:40 But, you know, if he eats too many of them,
09:44 he starts to swell, and get quite fat.
09:47 And then he needs more room and he starts pushing up
09:51 into the inside of the blood vessel.
09:56 And the body says, "Oh no, we got problems here"
09:59 "We got a macrophage that isn't staying down where he needs to.
10:03 and then you start narrowing the artery... Trouble!
10:07 And then, you break it, and it's like a cholesterol boil
10:12 just bubbling up and boiling into the blood vessel.
10:16 And THAT is atherosclerosis.
10:19 It starts with fats that are oxidized...
10:23 You eat too many oxidized fats,
10:26 or fats that oxidize in the process
10:29 The macrophage gets a hold of them, eats them,
10:33 but there are too many and he swells,
10:35 and he bursts into the blood vessel
10:37 and THEN you've got atherosclerosis.
10:40 And the body sometimes thinks...
10:42 "Oh no, we're having a broken blood vessel"
10:45 because it breaks through that lining...
10:47 and when it does, then you clot it off and that's
10:50 a heart attack or a stroke.
10:52 ...All from an overfed macrophage under the lining.
10:57 Of course the question has to come up...
11:00 "What can I do to prevent this from happening,
11:04 because THAT is so VERY important"
11:09 And I would say, "If we could do that, we would reduce
11:14 the RISK of heart disease and stroke tremendously"
11:17 ...and it is doable.
11:19 We know from studies that lowering our cholesterol
11:22 will do this, because if you lower your cholesterol,
11:25 you LOWER the amount of LDL,
11:28 and particularly if you lower the intake of oxidized
11:34 cholesterol and fat.
11:36 Well, how do you oxidize the fat?
11:38 You oxidize fat by heating it to high temperature
11:42 OR letting it go rancid.
11:45 So that then affects... I'm from the south,
11:48 we either boil it to death, or we fry it to death...
11:51 So I assume then, by heating the oil in the frying process
11:55 I'm then oxidizing the fat that I'm eating?
11:58 That's exactly right!
12:00 If you're going to use oil, or fat of any kind,
12:03 in your cooking, make sure you use it at a low temperature.
12:07 You're better off to bake, than to fry.
12:10 Whatever you do, if you're going to fix the food,
12:15 don't burn it... that's particularly bad.
12:20 Those charbroiled steaks and things,
12:25 now those are the ones that REALLY cause problems
12:28 with cholesterol boils...
12:31 because you have a fat that's oxidized coming right on down
12:35 and the macrophage sees it, comes up,
12:37 eats it, pulls it down but he has too many
12:41 and then you get that cholesterol boil,
12:43 and that BREAKING into the blood vessel, that FILLING up
12:47 all from overfed macrophages.
12:50 So oxidation is GOOD when it occurs in the right place.
12:55 And the right place is in the mitochondria of my cell,
12:59 not outside of it. That's right
13:01 So I need to be careful about the kinds of fat that I'm eating
13:04 and making sure that they're not oxidized.
13:07 That's right, you need to make sure, even with good fats,
13:10 like fats from nuts, or seeds,
13:12 you want to make sure that those aren't rancid
13:15 because if they're rancid, they're oxidized,
13:17 and if they're oxidized, it's not as good for you.
13:21 You also want to make sure that you eat fats that don't
13:24 raise your cholesterol.
13:26 And for a long time, you've heard about
13:28 "don't eat animal fats"
13:30 ...saturated fats I call them 4-legged fats,
13:34 you know, they come from those 4-legged animals.
13:36 That's very important because it pushes cholesterol up
13:39 Cholesterol can oxidize easily, and if it does,
13:42 we've started that whole process.
13:44 But it's even more important to avoid...
13:47 hydrogenated vegetable fats!
13:51 This is a topic that's becoming more and more prominent
13:54 in our society now.
13:55 I understand the manufacturers have recently, just this year,
13:59 been required to list it on their labels,
14:02 and the concept of hydrogenated fat, it seems to be everywhere.
14:06 Every bottle and package, or bag that I pick up
14:09 I'm careful to read for it, and I'm finding it in places
14:13 that I wouldn't expect to find it.
14:16 Yeah, hydrogenated fats are VERY interesting.
14:19 The industry hydrogenates the fat because
14:23 a hydrogenated fat is more stable, and less subject
14:27 to oxidation.
14:28 So, you'd say, "Oh, it's better"
14:30 No, because a hydrogenated fat actually pushes your
14:35 cholesterol, that your own body makes, up.
14:38 So you eat that hydrogenated fat,
14:41 and your cholesterol level goes up.
14:44 You don't want that because that too... can oxidize
14:47 and there we are, back to the cholesterol boil.
14:50 So if you're going to have vegetable fats,
14:53 make sure they're not hydrogenated into a trans fat.
14:58 And you'll see on many packages today...
15:00 it will say... "NO trans fats"
15:03 But you have to be careful with that... because
15:05 you can say... No trans fat IF there's less than 1 gram/serving
15:12 But if there's only 0.99 grams/ serving, I can just shrink
15:18 my serving size down, and so it's less than 1 gram,
15:22 and I can say, "No trans fats"
15:24 The best thing is to avoid ALL hydrogenated fats
15:28 but particularly the trans fats...
15:30 And that's where vegetarians get into trouble with this
15:33 atherosclerosis...
15:34 They say, "Well I'm a vegetarian I don't eat any beef. "
15:37 "I don't eat any pork"
15:39 "I don't have the 4-legged fats, so I'm fine"
15:42 Wait a minute... how about hydrogenated fats?
15:45 READ the labels... it's very, very important,
15:49 because they too can cause problems with that
15:52 cholesterol boil, and the start of atherosclerosis.
15:57 So, hydrogenated fat causes my own liver to produce
16:01 more cholesterol than it normally would?
16:04 That's correct... not only hydrogenated, but saturated,
16:07 and really, that's the same thing.
16:09 If I hydrogenate a fat, I SATURATE the fat.
16:14 It's adding hydrogen to the fat.
16:16 And industry does this to make the fat more stable
16:20 and to make it RESIST oxidation.
16:23 And that's good, but then the problem is...
16:25 hydrogenated fats, or saturated fats - same thing, trigger
16:30 the body to make more cholesterol.
16:33 So our cholesterol goes up, and that too can
16:36 cause a problem as we know with this cholesterol boil.
16:40 ...This fatty boil just underneath the blood vessel
16:43 that can PUSH UP and cause that sudden heart attack
16:47 or that sudden stroke that gives us so many problems today.
16:51 So cholesterol only comes from animals,
16:54 and animal products, we are animals;
16:56 therefore, we produce cholesterol.
16:59 That's right! We do produce cholesterol...
17:02 And cholesterol isn't bad.
17:03 Cholesterol is VERY important in our bodies.
17:06 It is the basic building block for all our hormones.
17:11 We NEED cholesterol to make hormones.
17:13 I don't know about you, but I don't want to
17:15 do without my hormones!
17:17 We need them for life.
17:19 And, it is also a building block for all of our cell walls.
17:23 We need cholesterol, but we need it in the right place,
17:27 in the right amount at the right time,
17:29 and CERTAINLY not oxidized.
17:31 Because it's that oxidized cholesterol
17:33 that causes the problem.
17:36 So, we've talked about cholesterol,
17:39 and we've talked about cholesterol boils...
17:41 Let's say I've got atherosclerosis,
17:44 how do I get rid of it? What do I do?
17:46 Well, we've talked about eating fats, but there are other things
17:50 that push the cholesterol up.
17:53 First of all, let's look at fats...
17:55 #1... Avoid hydrogenated or SATURATED fats.
18:02 Those are the vegetables oils that are hydrogenated.
18:05 Avoid the trans fats particularly because they
18:08 push up the cholesterol the most.
18:11 Secondly, avoid 4-legged fats.
18:14 Four-legged fats are those fats that come from 4-legged animals
18:19 And those are more saturated.
18:21 Now you understand this, because land animals
18:24 of course, if their fat wasn't saturated,
18:26 they would have real problems.
18:29 Saturated fat is a SOLID at room temperature.
18:33 The vegetable oils are unsaturated naturally.
18:37 Can you imagine, Sheryl, if your fat was unsaturated?
18:41 Why you'd look like an onion!
18:43 You know, all that fat that gives you the rounded cheeks,
18:47 and what not, would be down around your ankles,
18:49 and it would just be kind of wagging in a bag
18:51 Now I'm glad for saturated fat in humans.
18:55 I'm glad for saturated fat in the cows and the pigs
18:58 That's not a problem... it gives them the shape, we like that!
19:01 BUT, when we eat it, we've got problems,
19:05 because it pushes our cholesterol up.
19:07 You want to stay AWAY from the saturated fat.
19:10 So that's IMPORTANT, to stay away from it,
19:12 and the hydrogenated from vegetable oil.
19:16 Stay away from 4-legged fats.
19:18 You also want to reduce your cholesterol INTAKE
19:21 and that's found in chickens, and turkeys, and fish...
19:25 there is cholesterol in those.
19:26 In fact, there is MORE cholesterol in
19:29 white breast meat chicken, than there is in beef.
19:32 ...75 mg versus 72-73, not much of a difference
19:37 In chicken, the fat is a little better, and that's good
19:41 BUT, we've got a problem because the cholesterol is up.
19:45 So, you can't be like one of my patients...
19:47 I told him what to do to lower his cholesterol,
19:49 and he went home and he ate his diet, he came back...
19:53 and his cholesterol was higher than ever.
19:55 He said, "Doc, I don't understand it, I been eating
19:57 chicken 3 times a day, and my cholesterol is high. "
19:59 Of course it's going to be higher, because there's
20:01 cholesterol in it.
20:03 The other thing that's very important to keep in mind is
20:06 NOT only will FAT push your cholesterol up,
20:09 but so will SUGAR!
20:13 SUGAR will push your cholesterol up,
20:14 and here's how it does it...
20:16 If you have a lot of sugar, you need a lot of insulin
20:20 because insulin moves sugar out of the bloodstream
20:23 into the cell... and when it moves it in,
20:26 that's good, but if you eat enough sugar,
20:29 you need more insulin, and insulin signals the body
20:33 ..."Hey, we've got plenty of energy here,
20:36 we're going to do some building"
20:38 It's a growth hormone.
20:40 And what's the basic building block of cell walls?
20:43 Cholesterol.
20:44 So if you have a high insulin level,
20:47 you're going to have to have a high cholesterol level
20:49 and, indeed, that happens.
20:51 So sugar... refined sugar getting your blood sugar up
20:55 and consequently your insulin level up,
20:58 pushes your cholesterol up.
20:59 Saturated fat pushes it up.
21:02 AND so does protein... certain kinds.
21:09 Casein from cow's milk will push your cholesterol right up.
21:14 It will do a very good job of it
21:17 Soy protein will push it down.
21:20 Animal proteins tend to raise your cholesterol.
21:25 Plant proteins tend to DROP your cholesterol.
21:29 So, you know, what I'm doing is, I'm pushing you toward
21:32 a vegetarian diet... You're stepping on my toes!
21:34 I know it, and I'm pushing you right toward a vegan diet
21:38 AVOIDING the milk, and the meat, and the eggs,
21:43 and the cheese, and the chicken... WHY?
21:47 To LOWER your risk of heart disease.
21:49 Now, some people say to me, "I don't want to do that"
21:52 "I just want to take a pill"
21:54 I had a patient that did that.
21:55 He came into me... He said, "Look, just give me a pill"
21:58 So I gave him 1 pill for his cholesterol.
22:00 His cholesterol was still over 250.
22:02 I gave him 2, I gave him 3...
22:04 I had him on 4 medicines for his cholesterol.
22:06 His cholesterol was still 245.
22:09 I said, "Listen, just do diet for 2 weeks... that's all"
22:13 "Just 2 weeks" "Stay on your medicine,
22:15 but for 2 weeks, I want you to go on MY DIET"
22:18 He said to me, "What's that, bushes, berries and twigs?"
22:22 I said, "Well, it's not QUITE that, but you know... "
22:25 So, we put him on a vegan diet for 2 weeks, and in 2 weeks
22:28 his cholesterol dropped from 245 down to 127.
22:37 In 2 weeks! On a good diet, plus medicine.
22:41 Now, he could have gotten by with much LESS medicine
22:45 if he had been on a good diet.
22:48 See, a pill won't fix everything.
22:50 We, some of us, because of genetics need medication
22:54 but it is a very, very low amount.
22:57 There are some genetic problems, maybe 2-3%
23:00 But most of us will do fine with a very good diet.
23:04 This has been shown by multiple researchers...
23:07 Dr. Esselstyn at the Cleveland Clinic showed this.
23:12 He took a group of patients that ALL had heart disease.
23:16 He was a heart surgeon... still is a heart surgeon
23:18 and he had done many, many surgeries
23:24 But he said, "I'm going to see what I can do with
23:26 diet and a little of medicine... just a little"
23:29 Everyone of the patients that followed his program
23:32 their heart disease went away!
23:35 There were NO more cardiac incidents...
23:38 No heart attacks, no angina, NOTHING in those that
23:41 followed a VERY careful vegan diet,
23:44 and SOMETIMES medicine, though not all.
23:47 Heart disease is reversible with careful diet.
23:51 Complete reversible... that's the atherosclerosis part,
23:55 the cholesterol boil is reversible.
23:58 Well, when you think about the cost of healthcare,
24:01 at least in the United States, and in many nations
24:04 around the world, the concept that cardiovascular disease,
24:08 or atherosclerosis could possibly be reversible
24:12 ...that could have HUGE monetary impacts!
24:15 It CERTAINLY could.
24:16 The amount of money spend in this country on
24:20 heart disease is absolutely staggering.
24:23 And to understand that this IS reversible
24:26 with careful diet, and in a few people
24:29 cholesterol-lowering medicine...
24:32 But even if you have to take that, it's best to keep the
24:36 amount very, VERY low. WHY?
24:39 Every medicine I know of has side effects.
24:43 Every single one!
24:45 You can't take it without risk.
24:48 It's far better to eat a good diet... so much better
24:53 Because they're very low risk.
24:55 I don't know many risk at all to eating a carrot,
24:58 unless you don't chew it thoroughly... you might choke.
25:01 But, it would save money...
25:04 We can't afford NOT to do it.
25:06 It's so very, very important.
25:09 The whole concept of being able to REVERSE disease
25:13 and the savings in health, the savings in healthcare
25:16 and healthcare dollars... that's pretty powerful
25:19 information!
25:20 That does, however, require that we change our behavior.
25:24 That we change the way we live our life.
25:26 And that's a bit uncomfortable.
25:28 I've grown very accustomed to living a fairly fast-paced life
25:32 and a fairly fast-paced lifestyle.
25:35 That, in and of itself, has changed my eating habits
25:40 so what I hear you saying is I need to pay closer attention
25:44 to what I'm doing and how I'm living my life.
25:46 The only fast thing that you want to do is exercise.
25:50 You know stress itself will raise your cholesterol.
25:53 No question about that.
25:55 And, it will raise your risk for heart disease.
25:57 It's important to be careful that you don't live too fast.
26:02 Cholesterol is important to control.
26:06 HDL cholesterol, that's the good cholesterol.
26:09 It's important to push that one up... How do you do that?
26:12 Eat good fats... nuts, olives, avocado... ALL of those
26:17 will lower your risk for heart disease by RAISING the HDL
26:21 HDL is that protein that goes out in your body
26:23 and collects the bad cholesterol and takes it back to the liver
26:27 for reprocessing.
26:29 Exercise will increase that and those good fats will increase it
26:33 It's important to find that balance.
26:35 But whatever we do, we MUST remember that STRESSORS
26:40 can overcome all of this.
26:43 You know if you have a broken heart,
26:45 there's only one person that can heal your heart,
26:47 and that's Jesus.
26:49 Going to Him and asking Him to help change your life
26:56 and your diet...
26:57 You know, changing your diet is hard,
26:59 but Jesus will give you the strength to do it.
27:02 He will... He's promised!
27:05 He can make a difference.
27:07 There's no question about it.
27:09 Only ONE will give you a new heart.
27:12 And he's promised to give us new hearts, hasn't He?
27:15 Yes He has.
27:17 So, atherosclerosis... by paying attention to what we eat,
27:22 by getting some physical activity,
27:24 by paying attention to the amount of stress that
27:26 we have in our life, we can decrease our risk.
27:29 But the most important thing that we can do
27:31 in ALL of our health is to rely upon Christ
27:34 and our Creator to help us achieve long-lasting health
27:38 and wellness.
27:40 Jesus is the only One who's promised to give us a new heart
27:44 A heart transplant, and He does such a wonderful job of it...
27:48 Diet is important, exercise is important...
27:52 They're all natural methods,
27:54 but the best of all is to turn to Him.
27:57 He alone can give you a new Heart.
28:02 Thank you for joining us today on "Wonderfully Made"
28:05 and thank you, Dr. Howell, for sharing your wisdom with us.


Revised 2014-12-17