Wonderfully Made


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Claudio Japas, Hildemar Dos Santos


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000410

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health and is not
00:04 intended to take the place of personalized
00:06 professional care. The opinions and ideas
00:09 expressed are those of the speaker. Viewers
00:12 are encouraged to draw their own conclusions
00:14 about the information presented.
00:36 Welcome, welcome to Wonderfully Made.
00:39 I'm glad you are with us. My name is Claudio Japas,
00:42 I'm your host for today. I'm a Preventive Care
00:45 Student at Loma Linda University. And today
00:47 joining me is Dr. Dos Santos. He is a professor at
00:51 Loma Linda University in the
00:52 Preventive Care Program also and
00:54 we will be talking about a subject that, I hope
00:57 you will be interested, exercise.
01:00 Welcome Dr. Dos Santos, I'm glad you're with us.
01:04 Thank you for having me here. It's a pleasure
01:07 to be in this program and I'm excited to talk
01:10 about the exercise. As I consider one of the best
01:14 things, one of the best treatment, one of the
01:17 best health factors to prevent and to treat diseases.
01:21 Now, tell us a little bit about your past before
01:23 we get started. You have been doing
01:25 exercise programs in different places, correct?
01:28 Yes, currently I belong to the Lopers. You know,
01:31 what's the Lopers is? Yeah. It's a Marathon running
01:34 club in Loma Linda. Perfect. And, we used to have
01:38 a Marathon running club in, in Hong Kong,
01:41 when I worked. And, in Brazil I mean
01:43 we as you see we play soccer.
01:47 Good, exercise is all around us and it's an
01:49 very important specially in our society, which is
01:52 as we become very sedentary not only here in America,
01:55 but around the world. Exercise is important to
01:59 what aspect from health basically. Can you expand
02:02 on that, why is, why should it be such
02:05 a big part of our life? Well, when God created us.
02:09 God created body that should be dynamic.
02:13 So, we've muscles, we've joints, we've
02:17 tendons to be in movement. And, so we
02:21 were created to it, to do exercise. Once we stop
02:25 it and then we've, we've diseases.
02:28 Because the circulation is gonna stop.
02:31 The organs are gonna work less or slowly and
02:35 then we've series of chronic disease that
02:37 are common now. Very interesting.
02:39 So, every component of the body was made to
02:42 have activity to have movement and to make sure
02:45 that movement happened. I've all the exercises
02:48 that we have today maybe hundreds.
02:51 Which one do you consider the most
02:53 practical, one of the most beneficial exercises?
02:57 Yeah! My blood says soccer, but I've to be fit
03:03 not everyone can play soccer and sometimes
03:06 it is too intense and according to the age.
03:09 So, considering those things I would say
03:13 walking is the best exercise and most of
03:16 people might agree with me, the thing is that
03:19 when you do one exercise that is more intense,
03:23 you've higher risk of accidents and high risk
03:27 of circulatory problems and that's why walking
03:33 is the best. And, the second exercise that
03:36 I would say is good is that you use your legs.
03:41 Umm! Umm! So, any exercise that
03:43 you use the legs will pump the circulation
03:46 will be the second heart to pump the circulation.
03:49 The heart pumps the blood down, the heart
03:52 pumps the blood according to gravity and have muscles,
03:57 the arteries have muscles. Right. But, you don't have
04:00 a heart in the tip of your feet. And, so you need
04:03 to have something to pump the blood back
04:06 and then the veins that pump the blood back
04:09 they don't have muscles. Muscles. Yeah!
04:11 So, you need to have something to contract
04:14 and squeeze those veins and put above the blood
04:18 up and this is exercise. Okay, besides the pressure
04:22 of the blood flowing back to the muscles
04:24 contracting will help that. Workout ultimately you're
04:28 perfectly the way God wanted to correct?
04:30 Exactly. What are some. Because people that don't
04:34 exercise or aren't exercising as much as
04:36 we should maybe having some chronic diseases.
04:41 What are some of those diseases or some of the
04:43 benefits may put in the positive way that
04:45 exercise maybe able to counteract.
04:47 Well, as exercise stimulates circulation.
04:51 You've more circulation to all the organs in the body
04:57 starting with the brain you've a better mental
05:00 performance because you've more oxygen and
05:02 more nutrients going to the brain cells.
05:05 Then you've a better circulatory system.
05:09 You've better function of the lungs, you've
05:11 better function of the digestive system,
05:14 the kidneys whatever. So, circulation will
05:18 activate the whole body and then we will have a better
05:21 function and you've a better outcome and less
05:26 disease. I would say that among the diseases
05:29 related to exercise, we've diabetes,
05:32 high cholesterol, obesity,
05:34 heart disease, strokes, and the one
05:36 that I mostly talk about is the mental problems,
05:42 mental disease like depression, anxiety, stress.
05:46 So, exercise will help to decrease the risk
05:49 of those diseases. So, you're saying by
05:52 being physically active that I can even help my
05:55 mind and the depression states that I maybe falling
05:58 into or weaker currently into.
06:00 How does that work? Well, when you exercise,
06:04 you release substances in the brain that is
06:07 called serotonin or other substance that are
06:15 used to treat depression by the way
06:20 in dolphins other substances and then
06:24 those substances are release them when you've
06:28 high level of serotonin. So, you don't have your
06:33 level of depression is gonna go down.
06:35 Many drugs that are used today to treat
06:38 depression like Prozac acts as a serotonin release
06:47 agent and then when you do exercise.
06:51 Umm! Umm! You release the same
06:52 thing as the medication. The natural way.
06:55 The natural way and then we've a prescription for
06:58 depression of that. So, we consider that if
07:00 you've depression and you're under
07:02 medication. Exercise is one important and basic
07:06 function in the treatment of depression.
07:10 Amazing, how God could create the bodies,
07:13 so that if we treat at the way, it was meant to be
07:15 treated then every organ, every part including
07:18 our mind would think there would be able to
07:22 act normally and fight the negative dark
07:26 thoughts like the depression that can attack
07:28 anyone basically from almost young age to
07:31 older age. I'm excited about exercise, I love
07:34 doing exercise myself. I try to fit it into my
07:38 schedule as much as I can, but perhaps some
07:40 of viewers are wondering what, what
07:42 is ideal amount of time. How much should you
07:44 be exercising? So, I'll make you the question,
07:47 what's a ideal time Dr. Dos Santos.
07:49 Well, I always advise my clients to, to walk or
07:54 to do exercise at least 30 minutes per day.
07:57 And many say, Oh! I don't have the time,
07:59 I don't have the time. And then we, we negotiate this.
08:02 I tell them 30 minutes per day, six times per week,
08:07 this will be 180 minutes divided by 3 it's gonna
08:12 be, divided by 6 it's gonna be 3 hours.
08:16 Then during the week what I want from you is
08:19 3 hours of exercise. So, you do a little bit, if you
08:23 don't have time during the week, but then you
08:26 compensate in the weekend, please, give me 3
08:28 hours of exercise per week. So, you can negotiate the
08:32 time as best fits in our schedules and if it's
08:36 maybe on Monday that we can all do it then
08:38 do as much as we can a day.
08:40 Ideally it should be daily. Correct. Okay. Correct.
08:43 So, ideally everyday a balance amount of time,
08:46 so that were constantly active. And that
08:48 depends a lot on what the current state of job
08:51 or school or whatever where I would that
08:53 we were already doing, it depends on every
08:55 person. Which leads me to think that some
08:59 jobs are more active than others. And others
09:01 are very sedentary. Can physical activity or
09:05 exercise being cooperated into that daily routine
09:08 that daily life on how we, wherever we maybe.
09:13 Perfect, this is what we called NEAT.
09:16 NEAT is a Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis
09:20 is researched by one doctor from the Mayo Clinic,
09:24 Dr. James Levine. Okay. So, acronym right.
09:28 Is an acronym, right, NEAT exactly yeah.
09:30 Okay. But, these are NEAT
09:31 exercises. So, what they're studying is
09:35 the fact that you can increase your activities
09:39 during the day. Okay. Like for instance,
09:41 if you've a desk you should have something
09:44 like that and you should do some exercise in your
09:48 desk and during your day you constantly
09:51 should do more of this simple activities,
09:55 walk more and not staying more than one
09:58 hour sitting. And climb stairs or go down the
10:01 stairs. James Levine estimated that you can
10:06 bring down between 300 and 400 calories
10:10 doing this kind of exercise. And this means 10 to 30
10:15 pounds of weight loss in one year.
10:18 Simply doing more activity during your,
10:22 your job, during your daily activities.
10:25 During that normal routine. Exactly, exactly.
10:27 And, I know you've an interesting story that we
10:29 want to share with each of our viewers and hopefully
10:32 will be save to the end. So, we will hold on to the
10:34 story just for now. But, so daily activities, now
10:40 that's speaking mostly about adults. And adults
10:42 have this job routine, but kids, young adults,
10:46 high school age that younger ages something
10:51 is becoming very popular as Exergaming.
10:54 Now, something that you maybe wondering
10:56 what is Exergaming. Is that even in the
10:57 dictionary? And, I said fair the new word that
11:00 we want to share with you. Because it's becoming
11:04 catching on. What is Exergaming Dr. Dos Santos?
11:07 Exergaming is doing exercise with videogames.
11:12 It's becoming very popular with the 'V', that is a
11:15 game that many kids are buying now.
11:18 In Loma Linda, we've the Exertainment zone.
11:22 It's kind of gymnasium for Exergaming.
11:26 The one that I like the most is the bike
11:29 Exergaming, it's a bike that they connect to a
11:34 videogame and then we've a car race then
11:37 you hold the handle bars and then you paddle
11:40 then you've to skip the obstacles and then if
11:44 you stop paddling then your car will stop,
11:49 so you've to paddle to be faster and faster and
11:51 faster that kids like it. And, also it's a very
11:56 good exercise for, for burning calories and to
12:00 improve circulation. Right. So, many kids that come
12:03 from school after work and they're playing
12:06 videogames that may not be the best because
12:08 they are sitting down just moving fingers or
12:11 whatever, perhaps they could be do something
12:13 more with their bodies active, correct?
12:16 What are some other benefits that, is this is
12:18 good exercise or other benefits in it or not?
12:21 We're doing some research with that I have
12:24 two students working with Exergaming
12:27 to see if the exercise goes to the same level
12:31 of, of other exercises and then have the VO2
12:35 calculated I mean the amount of oxygen that
12:38 they spend during the activity, if it's at the
12:41 same level of other exercises and also,
12:44 if they will be motivated to do other activities or
12:48 the real activities because this is a virtual exercise.
12:52 Right. When you're playing tennis and that we,
12:55 so you're, you don't have a racket and a ball
12:58 kind of racket. Right. But, then some might be
13:02 motivated to do the real exercise.
13:04 Perfect, so this is a very good alternative way to
13:08 be active and any age people can do it.
13:11 I know, lot of the senior citizens places now they
13:15 were using the bowling, where they can sought of
13:16 going to a bowling place they can do virtual bowling,
13:19 right where are. Now, for, for that I mean
13:23 I have another student working with the,
13:25 with old guys. And, I believe the Exergaming
13:28 is even better for old guys. I'll say kids get
13:33 bored, I mean with ever, with whatever you
13:37 give to them, but old folks they're bored
13:40 anyway because they don't have anything to
13:42 do and then if you provide a way for them
13:45 to do an exercise that they like, but they
13:47 cannot do the real one. And, then I believe
13:50 we're studying that, but I believe they would be
13:53 that more to get the benefits from, from this
13:55 kind of videogame exercise. Perfect, perfect. So, a good
13:59 alternative for when can't go outside and
14:03 there is because it's too cold or too hot, just to
14:07 mention that also now we know that being
14:10 outside under the sunshine and the fresh air is ideal.
14:13 Let's play, the best place to do exercise. We also
14:16 know that being outside can got some injuries.
14:19 Is that correct? Like maybe twisting an ankle
14:23 or not having enough water, were some
14:27 practical tips just to prevent those.
14:30 Yeah, I like that you mention that because
14:34 we've to go back to walking.
14:38 When I mention walking one of the reason
14:40 is that you've walking as the least exercise
14:44 with the least risks for, for injuries. And, but
14:48 we have to pay attention I mean any exercise that
14:51 we do you should use the precautions.
14:54 So, like if you go biking you should have
14:58 a helmet for that and, and, and I've seen many
15:02 people with serious accidents just because
15:04 they didn't have the, the helmet to protect their
15:07 head when they've a fall. So, if you play soccer,
15:11 if you play whatever you use the braces,
15:13 you use the protection gear that every sports have.
15:18 The second thing that I think is important is water,
15:22 we should have at least when we do exercise
15:26 we should carry a bottle and drink.
15:29 This is a 500 ml bottle and/or 16 ounces. So, we,
15:34 we advise that you drink at least half of this
15:37 before you start the exercising
15:39 and if it's too hot and the exercise is too intense.
15:42 You should drink one cup or half of this bottle
15:47 every 10 to 15 minutes. The third thing that I,
15:52 I think is important is that people when they
15:55 exercise they always feel, Oh! I feel pain in the knee,
15:58 I feel a pain in the feet and so
16:00 what should I do? And then the first thing is
16:04 to have the right shoes. So, no shoes that are
16:09 dress shoes or casual shoes or once that are
16:11 covered with leather or a little stiff is that correct?
16:14 Yes, you've to have as I mention running shoes.
16:20 If you walk with, with other shoes that are hard
16:25 and then you're gonna feel the soreness
16:28 and it real hurt to your feet.
16:31 So, it should be air or gel and then when you
16:36 press here in the, in the bottom of,
16:39 it should be soft. The heel protection here
16:43 should be firm and it should be flexible
16:47 and the one important thing is that it should
16:50 not be cover with leather all around.
16:54 It should be with a fabric that is,
16:56 that transpires. For ventilation.
16:58 Exactly, because you can get, if it too hot
17:01 and this will affect your performance.
17:04 So, or will make you to get tired.
17:07 Umm! Umm! So, God has
17:08 created our bodies to be wonderful
17:10 to be moving and action and physical activity,
17:14 but we also have to use wisdom to treat it right.
17:17 To use the best ways to protect it, to handle it
17:20 and ways that won't injure it more.
17:22 And, I know I wanted to add a line that perhaps
17:25 those are diabetic or know that they're diabetic
17:28 to check their feets and if they, use seashores
17:30 or anything because of their walking to go see
17:32 their doctor. Is that something that should
17:35 be encouraged to. Yeah! For diabetics,
17:38 for diabetics you've to be careful on that
17:41 and by the way diabetes. The best treatment for
17:44 diabetes in my perspective is exercise. Umm! Umm!
17:48 And, I remember one study that they follow the
17:53 one group of diabetics for one whole year
17:56 and then after one year the blood sugar
18:00 went to normal. Umm! Umm!
18:02 And I love that study you know, why?
18:04 Because sometimes you tell a patient
18:07 you've to exercise daily and then they exercise everyday
18:11 for one week and then they go and measure the blood glucose
18:15 and it's normal, is this. Much better, yeah.
18:17 No, no, no, this is still not good. Oh!
18:20 And, then they come back and they said hey doctor
18:23 my blood, my blood sugar is till high
18:26 and I'm exercising and then I mention the study
18:29 it's not one week, it's not one month, it's one year,
18:32 is a long term. Okay, so, we've to re-consistent
18:36 and keep going. Yeah, exactly.
18:38 Not give up in other words. And for diabetics to me,
18:41 this is more important they have to wear the right shoes
18:45 and they have to check their feet because many diabetic,
18:50 who don't have the sensitivity because of neural damage
18:54 and then they don't know if they're hurting their feet.
18:57 And, so they have constantly to check their feet to see,
19:00 if there is any wound and then have the proper treatment
19:03 for that. Excellent. Now, remember, you're remember
19:06 two point was making sure we drink enough water
19:09 that were hydrated sometimes it's difficult
19:12 of carry water with us, but it's very important.
19:14 Now, I remember that and so I'm thirsty now.
19:16 You're thirsty there factor showing us the good factors
19:19 of health. What are some of the things that
19:22 we should worry about perhaps if don't drink
19:25 enough water during our exercise periods,
19:27 is what should be fear, what should we look out for.
19:31 Well, I believe the first the concern is when you
19:35 don't drink water, your temperature goes up
19:39 and then your performance, you're gonna get
19:41 to exhaustion and then you will not run
19:45 or do the exercise appropriately,
19:48 but the problem is not only that,
19:50 the problem is that this could cause heat
19:53 the exhaustion or even a heat stroke.
19:56 So, your temperature goes up and then you
20:00 entering dehydration, so you might feel thirsty,
20:04 you might feel, you might look pale and then
20:08 you may feel dizzy. I've one of my runners,
20:13 when they did, he went to a half marathon
20:15 and he didn't drink any water. Oh, no.
20:17 And, so when he was seven miles, he just fainted there,
20:21 so then, then was, he was not a constant runner,
20:27 he entered in the program even though he didn't get
20:29 and he said, I can run anytime and anywhere.
20:32 And, so it's important for intense exercise that,
20:36 I mean mostly for intense exercise that you've
20:39 a proper hydration of your body.
20:43 Right, right it's also one of those components
20:46 that God has created for us that we make sure
20:48 that not only the exercise, but the water is there
20:51 present with exercise to help us function properly
20:54 and adequately. Now, what about food?
20:57 Should we eat food before we exercise,
21:00 during the exercise or after the exercise or none at all
21:04 or all three is there recommendation for food.
21:07 Now, the bull of thumb is that you should use
21:11 foods two hours before you do exercise and
21:16 30 minutes after the exercise,
21:18 but if you're going to do an exercise
21:24 that is a intense or long duration then you
21:25 should use or eat something like a light snack,
21:30 like a fruit, or fruit juice or dates
21:34 that will give you energy. And then after one hour of
21:37 exercise, intense exercise like running a marathon
21:42 or a race then after one hour you need something
21:45 sweet, they create the gels that they give,
21:47 but any, any fruits would make it, it's or any sweet
21:52 that you can after one hour because this is
21:55 when you run out of, of the energy that comes from,
21:59 from, from their fruit and then you're using the energy
22:02 from the liver and from the muscles
22:06 and then what happen is that your performance
22:08 might go down and. Nice, so make sure
22:10 you're depending on their exercise, how long
22:13 it is to I would say we need to make sure that,
22:15 we've the adequate energy for that
22:18 and the right kind of fruits too and you mention fruits
22:21 and the fruits are sometimes are little clumsy
22:23 to take on the jogger or a walk,
22:25 but if we're doing the long hike or jog perhaps
22:30 some of the other jogs that you spoke about or the fruits.
22:33 I think a banana is a good one has a minerals,
22:35 has a sugar and yeah it might be a little more stuffy,
22:38 if we take in running, but may be leave it in the car
22:41 when we get back or. Or sometime they've these on
22:44 the stations or if you are organizing,
22:46 if you are organizing the race you can have the stations
22:49 with the proper, proper foods there.
22:52 Umm! Umm! I remember that thing
22:53 in Hong Kong an old guy, he used to tell me about
22:57 we've a run a marathon with our stomach empty
22:59 and we didn't have anything during that four hours
23:03 and say well that's really crazy you,
23:05 if you did in the past please don't do now.
23:08 Alright. We wanna make sure,
23:11 we're training the body fairly right
23:13 and in good way. Now, many people,
23:15 who started exercise especially after new years
23:18 and you might be thinking today,
23:20 well I know all about exercise,
23:22 I've heard about it many times.
23:23 I can discourage you got to do with a warming up,
23:26 you got a drink adequate water and stretching
23:29 and all these things. So many people give up,
23:32 what, what you do with your clients,
23:34 with your patients when they come and say you know,
23:36 how can, how can I keep doing this?
23:40 I think the secret is to do something
23:42 or to find something that you like. Like if
23:45 you like soccer, I mean this is gonna work for you.
23:48 If you, if you learn to like Exergaming,
23:52 if you learn to like walking I mean,
23:54 you've to do something that is enjoyable.
23:58 There is also a very interesting study
24:00 that was done with cholesterol,
24:03 high cholesterol patients they dividing two groups,
24:06 one group with exercise prescribed by the doctor
24:09 and other group with exercise that they shows
24:11 what to do. And, then the cholesterol dropped
24:13 in the group that put reminder on that.
24:16 So, when they are fully made is a holistic approach,
24:20 is mind and body and physical.
24:22 So, the mind on the exercise and the exercise itself
24:27 and then you have the diet and this will provide
24:30 better outcomes for, for health.
24:34 So, combining all three what God has made us.
24:37 Yes. Well, making sure all the
24:38 component are there also making sure something
24:40 we enjoy doing like you said, right has fun.
24:43 Also if I could add it's maybe a progressive step.
24:46 Sometimes, we've these big goals, Oh, I'm gonna
24:48 run five miles a day and forever.
24:50 And, we run those first five miles
24:53 and our bodies are hurting then I've now tried it
24:55 before and it's not expected. The body is not expecting,
24:59 that needs to get accustomed and trained
25:01 and take baby steps if you can call
25:03 like that, get up to that.
25:04 Yeah, mostly when you stop for exercise
25:08 for a longtime then when you are started,
25:11 do you think well I'm gonna make up
25:13 for whatever I miss and then you,
25:16 you, you exaggerate you do that thing.
25:18 One day or in a one week then you I gonna
25:20 got hurt and then you get in trouble. Right.
25:24 Like if I have to, to run seven miles now.
25:29 In my group, we're in the seven mile level.
25:32 I don't feel anything after I run seven miles,
25:35 but if I've to stuck today and I haven't done that.
25:38 I will be tomorrow, I could not even go to work
25:41 you know, that. Right, right, right, right.
25:43 So, exercise needs to be that component
25:46 that God has created that physical activity to keep
25:49 our minds and bodies and our hope and healthy
25:52 and in the great way and I want to tell our viewers,
25:56 who are watching that, if you're in an exercise
25:59 program great continue and in fact encourage
26:01 those around you to join you. And, if you're not
26:04 perhaps today is the beginning of your
26:07 exercise routine. And it could start with just
26:09 brainstorming and thinking of creative ways
26:12 that you would like to incorporate
26:14 physical activity into your work,
26:15 into your life, into your daily routine.
26:18 And just take those baby steps that it is possible
26:22 that incidentally reminds me of a story
26:25 that Dr. Dos Santos wanted to share with
26:27 each one of you and perhaps now
26:28 it's a great time to do it. Yes, thank you.
26:31 It is a story about the patient of mine
26:35 in our weight control program,
26:37 she could not walk I ask her to walk,
26:41 but she could not walk because of pain in her knees.
26:44 So, I told her well let's see what we can advise you
26:49 and with the nurse we, we advise her to buy a paddle
26:53 and put it on the floor and then she like to crusade
26:58 and then we told her every time you go crusading
27:01 you paddle this paddle machine and then let's see
27:05 what's gonna happen. So, after she went on this
27:09 for three months, she lost 20 pounds
27:12 and no more pain in the, in the knees.
27:16 Perfect, so there is a hope of each one of us
27:18 to be creative to incorporated in
27:21 which ever way we possibly can.
27:24 Also, I want to finish with a thought by Jesus Christ.
27:27 Jesus Christ was our perfect example
27:29 and always in spiritual matters
27:31 and health matters too. And, in fact I've a verse
27:34 found in Luke 13:33, where Jesus says,
27:37 I must walk today and tomorrow
27:40 and the day following and Jesus walked
27:42 all over the place and used that walking,
27:45 he could have stayed in one place or sent
27:46 others to other places, but he used to walking
27:49 not only to spread the Gospel,
27:51 but a way to keep himself healthy.
27:52 And we can do that in our daily lives today.
27:55 Dr. Dos Santos, I want to thank you for
27:57 coming here today. Thank you, very much.
27:59 Okay. Join us next time
28:01 for Wonderfully Made,
28:03 I hope you make it a part of your
28:05 schedule to join us. Thank you.


Revised 2014-12-17