Wonderfully Made

Cancer Prevention

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Claudio Japas, Hildemar Dos Santos


Series Code: WM

Program Code: WM000412

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health and is not intended
00:05 to take the place of personalized
00:06 professional care. The opinions and ideas expressed
00:10 are those of the speaker. Viewers are encouraged
00:12 to draw their own conclusions
00:14 about the information presented.
00:36 Welcome to Wonderfully Made.
00:38 I'm your host Claudio Japas, I'm happy to be with you.
00:40 I'm a Doctoral Student at Loma Linda University
00:43 in the Preventive Care Program.
00:45 Today, we will be talking about a topic
00:48 that affects everyone cancer.
00:51 Cancer is all around us and even though
00:53 we would prefer to talk about the healthy things
00:55 sin has put us calm, thus pandered on human beings.
00:59 And we have to talk about the diseases.
01:01 Joining me is Dr. Dos Santos.
01:03 He is a professor at Loma Linda University
01:06 in the Preventive Care Program also
01:08 and I'm happy to have you with me today.
01:11 Thank you very much it's a pleasure to be here
01:12 and talk about this important topic.
01:15 I believe we can say for sure that every single family
01:21 that we know in this country and why not say around
01:24 the world have one case of cancer in the family.
01:28 So, we've all been affected by cancer one way
01:30 or another maybe not in our family,
01:32 but our neighbor or friend or somebody
01:33 you know. What is cancer though?
01:36 Cancer is development of is when a cell develop too fast
01:43 and grow too fast beyond the normal growth pattern
01:50 and this is because the identity of the cell
01:53 is altered in better terms or in more scientific
01:59 terms is DNA of the cell that is altered
02:03 by any reason and this cells start growing abnormal.
02:07 Cancer is more then 100 diseases.
02:11 It's spread in different organs of the body.
02:14 So, it's basically a cell doing what is not suppose
02:17 to do. Almost we could simplify to that point
02:20 or do producing in the way it's not suppose to.
02:23 And it happens to everyone.
02:26 So, is a something that if we wait long enough
02:28 will happen everybody will acquire?
02:32 Well depends on the lifestyle.
02:34 Sometimes you have mechanisms in your body
02:38 that will fight and will kill the erratic cell,
02:42 cancer cell. And then you don't have the cancer,
02:45 so I would say that everyone has cancer cells
02:49 and depends on how you develop your lifestyle
02:51 you will have cancer or not. For a cell to become
02:56 a cancer cell it takes, it takes about 10 years
03:00 to develop these mechanisms. Right.
03:03 And then the cell will grow abnormally
03:07 and form tumors and then the erratic behavior
03:11 gets worse and the cell lose identity with the
03:14 local part that they are and try to invade,
03:18 go to the circulation and invade other tissues.
03:20 That something we want to avoid.
03:22 We wanna keep the cells from invading from
03:25 reproducing the necessarily from going,
03:27 where it doesn't need to go. What is, is their
03:30 anything new that we know about cancer?
03:32 Cancer has been around for a while,
03:33 so what are the some of the latest findings
03:35 or anything new that we can learn today.
03:38 I would like to start with the old about cancer.
03:42 Okay, fair enough, fair enough.
03:43 And then I have a special message here with this tie.
03:47 That smoking is a still the main cause of cancer.
03:51 Is smoking is related, so if can show
03:53 you a graphic on that you see that the smoking
03:57 is related to several different cancers
03:59 as you see in this picture.
04:01 And 30% of the cancers are caused by smoking is still
04:06 and the interesting part on the slide is that some of
04:12 the cancers are far away from the lungs
04:14 like Pancreas and Kidney and Bladder,
04:19 so those are organs that are not close
04:22 to the smoking, is smoke.
04:24 Where you would think it would be directly affected,
04:27 yes, yes, yes, where the smoke is going in right.
04:29 The Larynx, Esophagus, Lungs.
04:33 So, we are happy that in many countries
04:35 there is a very strong campaign against smoking.
04:38 Because this is still the major cause of
04:41 cancer and heart disease.
04:44 Right, so you share a little about the old and
04:47 about cancer still being the number one killer,
04:50 but you still I don't think have shared the
04:52 new part or any new parts that you may know?
04:55 Yeah the new part about cancer is
04:57 its relationship with the food.
05:01 It looks like the other 30% of cause of cancer
05:06 related to food. One side is the prevention and another
05:11 side is the excess calorie that we consume starting
05:16 when we are kids and then in the adult life too.
05:21 So, I can show you another slide, another graphic
05:26 that shows the relationship of obesity and cancer.
05:30 As you see in the graphic obesity is related
05:33 to a series of cancers like in the Esophagus,
05:36 Intestines, Gallbladder, Breast, Pancreas,
05:39 Uterus and Kidneys.
05:41 Dr. Dos Santos why, why this group of areas.
05:45 I can discuss when at a time like for instance
05:49 Esophagus cancer. The lower part of the esophagus
05:54 if receives acid from the stomach can be irritated
05:59 and then this increase the risk of cancer in that part
06:02 and this is caused because of too much fat in the
06:06 abdominal part that will pressure the stomach up
06:10 and then the esophagus will have this,
06:13 this incidence of cancer. Also obesity will increase
06:20 the production of estrogen and then will increase
06:24 the risk of cancerous female type of cancer like
06:28 breast and uterus and ovarian.
06:31 And then the third cause would be increase of insulin
06:35 and that's an interesting thing.
06:36 Because once you remember in metabolic syndrome
06:40 you have an increase production of insulin
06:43 and the insulin will cause lot of problem as an insulin
06:46 is a cancer promotion agent and will increase
06:51 one of the causes of this cancer is
06:53 because of high levels of insulin.
06:55 Very interesting, so keeping the fat off
06:59 is one of the best ways to decrease risk of cancer
07:03 in those specific areas we have been taking about.
07:07 Another topic on cancer or another area of cancer
07:10 is the fruits and vegetables. You know,
07:13 here five a day and those change periodically
07:15 to other names, but eating lots of fruits and vegetables
07:19 decreases the risk of cancer.
07:22 Some people say well by increasing calories through
07:24 fruits thus increasing my calories or
07:27 maybe gaining weight is this true?
07:31 Theoretically you are right. Some fruits have high
07:36 calorie content, but I don't believe that the epidemic
07:39 of obesity and overweight that we have around
07:42 is caused by excess of fruits.
07:46 Is cause by excess of something else
07:48 that you know high fat, high sugar?
07:50 Junk foods. Yeah,
07:51 that's a cause of this epidemic.
07:56 On the other hands, fruits are very protective
08:00 against cancer. We can see in the graphic
08:04 that several types of cancers can be protected
08:09 if you eat more fruits and you see in the graphic
08:13 that cancer of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus,
08:18 lungs, stomach, intestines, and prostate can be
08:22 prevented for just eating more fruits in your diet.
08:26 Right, so eating the fruits has more beneficial factors.
08:30 So, we should eat our fruits and eat our vegetables
08:33 because antioxidants they are actually low calorie
08:36 food items like. God created that we should enjoy
08:39 as much as possible and eating a lot of food,
08:43 a lot of fruits would be very filling
08:45 and that would be difficult to eat the quantities
08:48 of calories in fruit like we do with other high density
08:52 foods such as the sugary or the sweets or the fiber
08:55 type of fruits, foods I'm sorry. So, that's why some
09:00 people say well you can gain weight erratically
09:02 yeah like you said that's correct, but most likely
09:05 it's not that way. Next, I would like to share some
09:08 recommendations that are from the American Institute
09:11 of Cancer Research. The slide will show the
09:14 recommendations are given to decrease cancer.
09:17 Such as be as lean as possible.
09:18 Be active on daily basis. Limit consumption of foods
09:23 that are high in calorie. Avoid the sugary drinks,
09:27 which served as a fruit drinks lot of times
09:29 are very high in those. Eat foods of plant origin
09:33 those are natural grown from the earth or from the tress.
09:37 Limit intake of red meat or avoid altogether.
09:41 And limit alcohol drinks or avoid those altogether also.
09:45 So, these are some practical applications
09:47 that we can use daily to reduce that amount of,
09:52 the risk of cancer. What about exercise.
09:57 We have known that exercise has in the effect on
10:01 being healthy, but what about cancer.
10:04 The first think is that exercise indirectly effect
10:08 body fat and so decrease body fat and obesity
10:13 and this should be a mechanism to decrease
10:16 the cancer risk. But, there are some research on
10:19 exercise alone decreases insulin,
10:23 decrease testosterone that is related to
10:25 prostate cancer. Decrease estrogen related to female
10:29 cancers and also exercise produce antioxidants
10:34 like superoxide dismutase a substance that will prevent
10:38 a DNA to become cancer and cancerogenic.
10:42 So, you see in the graphic here the cancers
10:45 that are related to one of the cancer that are related
10:50 when a person does not do exercise.
10:52 So, exercise prevents like cancer in the breast,
10:55 ovary, uterus, pancreas, and lungs.
10:59 That's amazing how just exercising
11:01 and luck you mention at the beginning
11:03 and as was recommended by the Cancer Institute
11:07 being lean and using exercise to be lean
11:09 would be a great way to do that.
11:11 I also remember from the list of recommendations
11:13 that not consuming energy dense food in other words
11:17 commonly known as the high caloric foods in very small
11:21 packages, so very small amount of food with lot of
11:24 energy, a lot of calories that's referring to
11:28 sometimes those could be juices, fruit juices
11:31 because there is concentrated,
11:33 what are your thoughts concerning cancer
11:35 prevention and juices with has highly caloric intakes.
11:40 Well fruit juices itself I don't see any problem
11:47 with that because if it's fresh, but do so.
11:50 So, is almost the same as the fruit
11:53 with the fiber there. The only problem is that some
12:01 studies with children have shown that if children
12:06 substitute sugary foods, sugary drinks like sodas
12:10 and punches or drinks that are sugary for fruit juice
12:17 and they cannot control weight?
12:19 So, if we talk about weight we have to be careful
12:22 about too much fruit juices.
12:27 So, potentially the best recommendation
12:29 would be to use what is the five fruits and vegetables
12:31 a day. Use non-starchy ones or limit the starchy ones
12:35 the potatoes and those kind and also using
12:38 the whole grains, legumes, and using sometimes
12:43 we get tricked with the breads and we look at
12:44 the ingredients and says wheat flour, make sure
12:47 it says whole wheat flour and make sure
12:49 whole grain is there the way God made it all the parts
12:53 all the components, which are very healthy for us.
12:56 And these are related to cancer prevention correct?
12:59 Yes, it is good that you mentioned about
13:02 the amount of whole wheat flour
13:06 and I would go one step further and say that
13:09 you should check the amount of fiber in this
13:12 foods especially in bread when you see 1 gm of fiber
13:16 is nothing so this is refine bread.
13:22 Even the name I say whole bread or whole wheat bread,
13:25 1 gm of fiber is not whole wheat.
13:27 It should be at least three grams of fat per serving.
13:30 Right. And be careful that the serving is one slice.
13:33 Sometimes they put a serving of two slice
13:36 and then you have more fiber and that is no fiber that.
13:40 So, we have to make sure that the servings of fiber
13:43 are how many per slice or per serving is applied
13:46 the best way to say it. Now the fiber the only thing
13:49 we are looking for or how was that beneficial.
13:52 I see you have a display here.
13:56 Well, I just wanna say that these type of foods
14:02 that I recommend for cancer are not just
14:06 for the prevention of cancer and it helps to
14:09 prevent the series of disease.
14:11 Metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension,
14:16 cancer as we see weight control and several other
14:20 diseases and I recommend to the patients up to the
14:24 public that they eat beans everyday.
14:28 And I do as much as possible to eat beans by the way
14:31 we eat a lot of beans today in the
14:35 restaurant here in a lunch time and
14:39 That's very delicious, very good.
14:40 There was a bean soup that was very delicious.
14:43 So, we know we are getting all the good benefits
14:46 from the beans for cancer for multiple diseases.
14:50 Now speaking on alcohol. Does alcohol cause cancer?
14:55 Yeah, I have the Bible of cancer here is a book from
15:00 the American Institute of Cancer Research
15:02 and they are a result of several specialists
15:06 on cancer around the world and lets read what they
15:11 mention about alcohol or ethanol.
15:14 In page 1:57 ethanol is calcified by the
15:18 international agency for cancer research
15:21 as a human carcinogen. So alcohol is a
15:24 cancer producing agent.
15:27 So, it's very clear there and so even when the
15:30 same bugs has limited quantities
15:32 we should cut all scientifically speaking
15:34 because they themselves say it does cause cancer correct?
15:40 Yes, I believe alcohol is a cancer agent
15:45 and if you see in the graphics
15:48 that we wanna show you alcohol is related to cancer
15:52 and them all. In the pharynx, larynx,
15:55 esophagus, intestines, breast and liver cancer.
16:00 Breast and liver cancer especially in women.
16:04 You see that alcohol is really related to cancer
16:08 and I would say and I believe that the alcohol
16:12 is a cancer producing agent.
16:15 Now does evidence show that any amount
16:17 of alcohol is harmful.
16:21 Now it looks like there is no amount especially for
16:24 breast cancer, so if woman has started drinking one
16:28 dose or two dose of alcohol, one dose being small liquid
16:34 or a small cup of liquid or a cup of wine or a beer
16:39 they increase the risk of breast cancer.
16:41 You can see in the slide the recommendation
16:45 that the book, they can say Bible says about cancer.
16:51 It says that evidence does not show a clear level of
16:55 consumption of alcoholic drinks below which there is
16:58 no increase in risk of the cancers and its causes.
17:03 This means that based solely on the evidence
17:06 of cancer, even the small amounts of
17:08 alcoholic drinks should be avoided.
17:11 Reminds me of Proverbs 21,
17:12 where it says wine is a marker,
17:14 so any, any amount of alcohol has been shown
17:18 is harmful to the body. So, we moderately well
17:21 abstain from it, stay away from it,
17:23 knowing that it is harmful when dealing with cancer
17:27 and with the body. Now we know we've talked about
17:31 several ways of preventing several with the exercise
17:34 and the diet and now abstaining from alcohol.
17:37 But, we would like to know what if, how can I check
17:40 if I do have cancer a little bits of cancer
17:42 too attacked as soon as possible or deal with it
17:46 medically as soon as possible,
17:48 which we know would be the best way to do it.
17:50 Are there any kind of indications that
17:52 we could have to deal with that.
17:55 Well it's a tradition in the medical field
18:00 that the best treatment for cancer is early treatment
18:06 and early detection of it. So, they are some cancers
18:10 that you can have some markers related to that,
18:15 but I go first, I will go before that.
18:17 The first thing you have to do is to check
18:20 your family history, to see if you have any cancer
18:25 in the family like if you have a prostate cancer
18:31 for us that may or so.
18:34 The father and grandfather.
18:35 And it is interesting, but you should check if your
18:39 mother have breast cancer then you might have
18:42 high risk of prostate cancer if you are a man,
18:45 if you are women you check if your mother have had
18:50 breast cancer or ovary cancer
18:52 and your father has had a prostate cancer.
18:55 So, all of these are related to hormones
18:59 that might increase your risk. So, first check your
19:02 family history. Second there are some markers,
19:06 so when you have a risk of some of diseases or
19:10 some of this cancer you can ask your physician
19:13 if he can somehow check for this markers like
19:21 if you have prostate risk, so there is a PSA
19:24 that is everybody knows about that and we advise
19:28 that or the authorities advise
19:31 that after 50 years old everybody should know
19:34 the PSA level. And then for women they have now
19:40 one or two markers for breast cancer.
19:45 And is very common that a lady will check her
19:50 family history and figure it out that they have some
19:54 breast cancer in the family then the second step
19:57 would be check for BRCA or BRCA 1 or 2.
20:01 And those are the markers that they have
20:04 they the physicians use to prevent or to detect a risk
20:09 or even a cancer that might be starting earlier.
20:16 So, very fortunate to have science tell us
20:20 or give us those indications.
20:22 So, we can deal with that and number one cancer
20:24 for women is breast cancer and number one for men
20:27 prostate cancer. So, these are probably two
20:29 that as we aged, we should be checking on to make sure
20:34 we don't have those meat. It's a thing that we know
20:40 that science and the Bible are very clear about
20:44 certain meats and even science and
20:47 more and more says meat is harmful.
20:49 Meat has lot of fat, lot of saturated fat,
20:51 it's contaminated with antibiotics
20:55 or different factors that are harmful what does
20:59 cancer and meat have any association.
21:01 Well, I would say that 100% we know that meat
21:05 is related to colon cancer or intestines.
21:10 Cancers in the digestive system is specific
21:15 in the colon. So, what we advise again we have
21:20 recommendations for that and in the book they say that
21:24 a person should not eat more than 300 or 500 grams
21:30 of meat per week specially red meat that means
21:34 11 to 18 ounces of meat per week, 8 ounces
21:39 and I can remember that myself in the past
21:43 I used to eat that in one day
21:45 and many people still use this 300 grams of meat
21:50 per day and that's one thing that
21:52 we have to slow down on meat.
21:55 Or else you have done altogether live it behind
21:58 and know that there is a risk with it
22:00 and not deal with it in fact knowing that,
22:03 That's better. Yeah exactly,
22:04 it's almost like driving a car and knowing that
22:07 if I drive fast there is a higher chance that
22:10 if I do get into an accident the injuries
22:12 will be greater and the damage will be greater.
22:14 Now with our diet is too, how we feed our body you know
22:17 if you know certain things we will put us in danger
22:19 or higher risk or I even deal with it if I put it
22:22 aside get rid of it altogether.
22:26 What are some other recommendations
22:27 that you would have as far as diet
22:29 or to deal with cancer?
22:32 I think there is another important factor
22:35 that is the relationship with biologic
22:37 agents like virus. So, you see that there are some
22:42 types of cancer that are related to virus.
22:45 And then one is the esophagus cancer related
22:47 to Epstein-Barr virus. Okay. So, a person should check
22:51 if the person has the Epstein-Barr virus for that.
22:56 And the most acknowledged or most common is the HPV
23:02 or Human Papillomavirus that is related to cancer
23:07 for the cervical cancer in women.
23:12 So, this is the one that they develop an immunization
23:15 against a vaccine, okay. Especially for girls between
23:20 13 to 26 years old they advise this immunization.
23:27 Even though this cancer is consider a cancer
23:31 transmitted by sexual intercourse
23:36 or related to woman that have a lot of partners
23:42 and then they can be transmitted this virus
23:45 the Human Papillomavirus and increase
23:48 the risk of this type of cancer.
23:50 Alright, now there is another one that
23:53 maybe effect people in the southern zones or places,
23:56 where the sun hits very hard
23:58 and that's skin cancer correct?
24:01 How often should we use some blocker,
24:03 some protection from to protect ourselves from that.
24:06 Every time we go got or after certain amounts of day
24:09 time or other certain places
24:12 what's your recommendation on that.
24:14 That's a good question because we are talking about
24:18 prevention of cancer and then the skin cancer.
24:22 Mostly I would say the skin cancer
24:24 is in the inferior lab, inferior lip
24:27 and then in the nose, in the doors of the nose,
24:31 in the front and in the chin here,
24:35 and then in the upper part of the ear.
24:37 So, this the main areas that we can have skin cancer
24:43 specially a person that has light color skin.
24:50 So, kind of a hat will help on that,
24:53 but you could use the some block that should be effect
24:57 or some protector factor like SPF 30 or higher.
25:02 Correct. The problem is that if you block totally sun
25:07 you decrease the absorption of vitamin D
25:10 and vitamin D on the other hand is one important
25:13 antioxidant that prevents cancer and some researchers
25:17 are fighting now and they are saying that
25:19 you better have more sun. You will have less cancer
25:23 then the cancer that are produced by UV rays.
25:26 So, my advise is that leave more sun in the upper
25:31 extremities in the arms and the legs,
25:33 protect your face and avoid the period of sun
25:37 that is more intense like around 12 that should be
25:43 between 9 in California that I'm from California
25:48 9'o clock the sun is already too strong,
25:50 9 to 3 or 9 to 4 and have the sun.
25:54 Avoid the sun. Avoid that at time.
25:57 And one specific thing is that avoid burning the skin.
26:01 So, if you burn the skin you have this reddish skin
26:04 then you are in trouble because these is the one
26:08 when you have the UV ultraviolet rays
26:11 that will cause mutation in the skin cells.
26:15 Okay, okay, so we want to avoid the burning altogether.
26:19 Once again we deal with the topic of balance were God
26:22 made sunshine to be healthy for us for bones,
26:25 for vitamin D, we need it by moderation
26:29 and the right times of day and to protect ourselves
26:32 from the worst time like you said from the middle
26:35 of the day time, then wear hat, wear some block,
26:37 wear long sleeves at that time
26:39 if there is gonna be multiple exposure.
26:42 I know that cancer once again can hit
26:44 so many places from the surface of the skin
26:47 to inside our body to even inside our bones
26:52 and we want to make sure that we avoid all those
26:54 we know what the risk levels are also knowing
26:57 that foods right have protection against it.
27:01 And even certain drinks may have protection
27:04 against cancer right?
27:06 Yes, I have a drink for us here that is not alcohol,
27:10 is a grape juice and has a lot of antioxidants.
27:14 Perfect. So, this is very good
27:16 for the prevention of cancer.
27:18 We wanna prevent for sure. We thank you for joining
27:23 us at Wonderfully Made, but we can learn about
27:29 how God has created us in the most wonderful way.
27:30 We have made, we have been created in his image
27:32 and we want to avoid all opportunity for cancer
27:36 to attack our body and if starts with a glass of
27:39 grape juice or staying away from the sun
27:43 or eating the fruits and vegetables with high fiber.
27:46 We wanna make sure we are protecting ourselves
27:48 from harmful things. Dr. Dos Santos you have had
27:51 wonderful information for us today.
27:52 I thank you so much for joining us.
27:58 Thank you. We hope that you will join us once again
28:00 for Wonderfully Made in a soon to come
28:03 episode thank you very much.


Revised 2014-12-17