Your Favorites By Request

I Can Only Imagine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: YFBR

Program Code: YFBR200032B

00:02 Welcome back and picture this scene of the psalmist
00:05 as he writes these words, expressing his thirst for God.
00:09 This is from the message translation
00:11 of Psalm 42:1-5,
00:14 "A white-tailed deer drinks from the creek,
00:18 I want to drink God,
00:19 deep draughts of God.
00:21 I'm thirsty for God-alive.
00:24 I wonder, 'Will I ever make it,
00:27 arrive and drink in God's presence?'
00:30 I'm on a diet of tears,
00:33 tears for breakfast, tears for supper.
00:36 All day long people knock at my door,
00:38 pestering, 'Where is this God of yours?'
00:42 These are the things I go over and over,
00:45 emptying out the pockets of my life.
00:48 I was always at the head of the worshiping crowd,
00:51 right out in front, leading them all,
00:54 eager to arrive and worship,
00:56 shouting praises, singing thanksgiving,
00:59 celebrating, all of us, God's feast!
01:04 Why are you down cast, down in the dumps, dear soul?
01:09 Why are you crying the blues?
01:12 Fix my eyes on God.
01:13 Soon I'll be praising again.
01:16 He puts a smile on my face.
01:19 He's my God.'"
01:21 I want Ben to play beautiful song,
01:24 "As the deer panteth for the water."
02:31 As the deer panteth For the water
02:35 So my soul longeth after Thee
02:41 You alone are my heart's desire
02:46 And I long to worship Thee
02:52 You alone are my strength, My shield
02:58 To You alone May my spirit yield
03:05 You alone are my heart's desire
03:10 And I long to worship you Go ahead.
04:16 Very nice.
04:17 Ben Lingle, thank you very, very much.
04:20 I love it. It's good.
04:21 I appreciate it. Beautiful song.
04:23 Yeah, great. Great playing.
04:25 Let's end up with this great song,
04:29 "Morning has broken."
04:30 I remember singing this in choir
04:33 when I was a kid,
04:34 actually was like a teenager, middle kid.
04:38 Anyway, this is good, "Morning has broken."
04:40 Some great.
04:41 Yes, some great if someone does.
04:54 Here we go now.
04:56 Morning has broken
04:59 Like the first morning
05:03 Blackbird has spoken
05:06 Like the first bird
05:10 Praise for the singing
05:13 Praise for the morning
05:17 Praise for them springing
05:20 Fresh from the Word
05:23 Can we change keys?
05:51 All right.
05:52 Mine is the sunlight, let's change again
05:55 Mine is the sunlight
05:59 Mine is the morning
06:03 Born of the one light
06:06 Eden saw play
06:10 Praise with elation
06:14 Praise every morning
06:18 God's re-creation
06:22 Of the new day
06:29 Here we go,
06:30 praise to the Lord, the Almighty
06:33 Praise to the Lord, The Almighty
06:36 The King of creation
06:40 O my soul, praise Him
06:42 For He is thy health And salvation
06:47 All ye who hear
06:50 Now to His temple draw near
06:53 Praise Him in glad adoration
06:59 We're going to go to the key at E.
07:02 Praise to the Lord,
07:04 Who o'er all
07:05 Things so wondrously reigneth
07:09 Shelters thee under His wings
07:12 He so gently sustaineth
07:17 Hast thou not seen
07:19 How Thy desires e'er been
07:23 Granted in what He ordaineth
07:29 All right, you sing a verse.
08:10 Thanks for singing.
08:11 Come back and sing some more with us.
08:13 All right, thanks.


Revised 2020-10-26