3ABN Christmas Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 3CS

Program Code: 3CS240004S

00:27 ~ Music ~
04:01 Down from His glory, ever living story,
04:10 my God and Savior came; and Jesus was His name.
04:17 Born in a manger, to His own a stranger;
04:26 a man of sorrows, tears, and agony.
04:40 What condescension, bringing us redemption,
04:48 that in the dead of night not one faint hope in sight.
04:55 God, gracious, tender, laid aside His splendor,
05:04 stooping to woo, to win, to save my soul.
05:16 Oh, how I love Him. How I adore Him.
05:25 My breath, my sunshine. My all in all.
05:33 The great Creator became my Savior,
05:40 and all God's fullness dwelleth in Him.
05:57 Without reluctance, flesh and blood His substance,
06:04 He took the form of man, revealed the hidden plan.
06:11 Oh glorious mystery, sacrifice of Calvary;
06:18 and now I know Thou art the great I AM.
06:27 Oh, how I love Him. How I adore Him.
06:35 My breath, my sunshine. My all in all.
06:42 The great Creator became my Savior,
06:49 and all God's fullness dwelleth in Him.
07:00 The great Creator became my Savior,
07:12 and all God's fullness
07:17 dwelleth in Him.
07:36 Welcome to this time of worshiping our Lord and Savior,
07:39 Jesus Christ.
07:41 Celebrating the wondrous occasion when He wrapped
07:44 Himself in flesh and became like us to show us
07:48 how to be like Him.
07:50 I hope our time together will encourage you in this season.
07:53 When God sent His Son to that little town of Bethlehem
07:56 the shepherds immediately left their flocks
07:58 and went searching for this Jesus.
08:01 Nothing is mentioned about them taking time
08:04 to get cleaned up first,
08:06 though this was clearly a special occasion.
08:09 They just hurried off to find Jesus.
08:12 And you and I are invited to seek Him just as we are,
08:17 and allow Him to change us as we spend time with Him.
08:21 And allow Him to transform us into the people,
08:24 the person He wants us to be.
08:27 I can truly say that I will never be the same
08:30 after meeting Jesus Christ.
08:42 Angels appeared unto shepherds
08:46 telling the news of His birth.
08:51 Glory to God in the highest,
08:55 God had come down to the earth.
09:00 Shepherds sought till they found Him,
09:04 and wisemen brought treasures and myrrh.
09:09 Surely one spoke to the others,
09:13 "We will never be what we once were."
09:21 Glory to God, glory to God in the highest.
09:29 Peace and goodwill, peace and goodwill to all men.
09:38 Emmanuel, Emmanuel has forgiven my sins.
09:47 Glory to God, I am not what I have been.
10:00 Oh, how my heart well remembers
10:04 the first time I heard the sweet news
10:08 of this Jesus born of a virgin;
10:13 carpenter, King of the Jews.
10:17 Though I was not with the shepherds,
10:21 and I had less to bring than wisemen,
10:26 I too have been changed since I've met Him;
10:31 I am not what I have been.
10:37 Glory to God, glory to God in the highest.
10:46 Peace and goodwill, peace and goodwill to all men.
10:55 Emmanuel, Emmanuel has forgiven my sins.
11:03 Glory to God, I am not what I have been.
11:12 Emmanuel, Emmanuel has forgiven all my sins.
11:21 Glory to God, I am not what I have been.
11:31 Glory to God, I am not what I have been.
11:50 I'll never be the same again.
11:54 A great old hymn, carol, at this time of year;
11:58 I love to sit at the piano, and whoever is in the room
12:01 I just encourage them to sing along.
12:03 So pretend you're right here in this room,
12:06 and sing along with me, alright?
12:34 Angels from the realms of glory,
12:39 wing your flight o'er all the earth;
12:43 ye who sang creation's story now proclaim Messiah's birth.
12:50 Come and worship, come and worship,
12:54 worship Christ, the newborn King.
13:02 Shepherds in the field abiding,
13:06 watching o'er your flocks by night,
13:10 God with man is now residing; yonder shines the infant light.
13:18 Come and worship, come and worship,
13:22 worship Christ, the newborn King.
13:30 Sages, leave your contemplations;
13:34 brighter visions beam afar.
13:38 Seek the great Desire of Nations;
13:42 ye have seen His natal star.
13:47 Come and worship, come and worship,
13:51 worship Christ, the newborn King.
14:05 Saints before the altar bending, watching long in hope and fear.
14:13 Suddenly the Lord, descending, in His temple shall appear.
14:22 Come and worship, come and worship,
14:26 worship Christ, the newborn King.
14:34 Come and worship, come and worship,
14:39 worship Christ, the newborn King.
14:54 Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down,
15:01 here I am to say that You're my God.
15:07 You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy,
15:13 altogether wonderful to me.
15:18 Sing that to the Lord.
15:40 You're altogether lovely, altogether worthy,
15:47 You're altogether wonderful to me.
15:57 So here I am to worship.
16:04 Here I am to worship.
16:18 You know, God has always wanted to be with His people.
16:23 He breathed His breath into us and created us in His image.
16:27 We are made for a relationship with Him.
16:29 God talked with Adam and Eve in the garden.
16:33 And as the Israelites fled Egypt, God was with them
16:36 as a pillar of smoke by day and fire by night.
16:40 On many occasions, God was with His people as a cloud.
16:44 None of those produced the effect that He wanted,
16:47 so God became like you and me.
16:51 He walked among us, He ate, and laughed, and cried, slept,
16:55 felt tire, angry, and happy.
16:58 The Creator of the world became as one of the created
17:02 because He longs to be with us.
17:05 And He was willing to do whatever it took,
17:08 even setting aside His glory, humbling Himself to death,
17:13 death on a cross, to be with us forever.
17:18 This is a wonderful medley of worship songs.
17:24 I encourage you just to, just to worship.
17:35 He came in sweet surrender to a manger here below;
17:47 He came in love so tender
17:54 so all the world would know.
18:01 The Savior sent from heaven,
18:06 born that holy night,
18:12 Jesus our Emmanuel
18:19 came to give us life.
18:25 The Savior sent from heaven,
18:33 born that holy night,
18:38 Jesus our Emmanuel
18:44 came to give us life.
18:54 Emmanuel,
19:01 Emmanuel,
19:07 His name is called Emmanuel.
19:18 God with us, revealed in us,
19:29 His name is called Emmanuel.
19:42 Emmanuel, Emmanuel,
19:55 His name is called Emmanuel.
20:07 God with us, revealed in us,
20:19 His name is called Emmanuel.
20:38 Jesus, the Son of God,
20:46 born to be our Savior.
20:54 Jesus, the Son of God,
21:03 born to be our Lord.
21:12 Jesus, the Son of God,
21:20 born to be My Savior.
21:29 Jesus, the Son of God,
21:38 born to be my Lord.
21:54 His name is Wonderful,
22:00 His name is Wonderful,
22:06 His name is Wonderful;
22:11 Jesus my Lord.
22:17 He is the mighty King,
22:22 Master of everything.
22:27 His name is Wonderful;
22:32 Jesus my Lord.
22:37 He's the great Shepherd,
22:42 the Rock of all ages.
22:48 O mighty God is He.
22:59 Bow down before Him,
23:04 come and adore Him.
23:10 His name is Wonderful;
23:16 Jesus my Lord.
23:25 Jesus my Lord.
23:45 I'm sure that for some of you, this time of year
23:51 might not be as happy as it was maybe in the past.
23:55 For whatever reason life has been unkind.
24:01 And you might even feel that God Himself
24:04 no longer cares about you.
24:10 But I encourage you to call out to Him,
24:14 to place your cares on Him, and to trust that He will hear you,
24:20 and He will make a way where there seems to be no way
24:26 right there somewhere in your silent night.
24:36 All is calm and all is bright,
24:43 everywhere but in your heart tonight.
24:49 They're singing carols of joy and peace,
24:57 but you feel too far gone and too far out of reach.
25:08 But somewhere in your silent night
25:14 heaven hears the song your broken heart has cried.
25:22 Hope is here, just lift your head,
25:26 for love has come to find you
25:31 somewhere in your silent night.
25:48 From heaven's height to manger low
25:54 there is no distance the Prince of Peace won't go.
26:01 From manger low to Calvary's hill,
26:08 when your pain runs deep, His love runs deeper still.
26:16 He has always loved you, and He always will.
26:27 Somewhere in your silent night
26:32 heaven hears the song your broken heart has cried.
26:39 Hope is here, just lift your head,
26:43 for love has come to find you
26:48 somewhere in your silent night.
26:57 So lift your head, lift your heart.
27:05 Emmanuel will meet you where you are.
27:10 He knows your hurt, He knows your name.
27:18 And you're the very reason that He came.
28:05 Jesus loves you, this I know.
28:13 For the Bible tells me so.
28:19 Little ones to Him belong.
28:24 They are weak, yeah, we are weak,
28:32 but He is strong.
28:39 Yes, Jesus loves me,
28:46 yes, Jesus loves me,
28:52 yes, Jesus loves me.
29:00 The Bible tells me so.
29:08 Jesus loves you, Jesus loves you,
29:16 and He cares about everything you're going through.
29:23 Your names is engraved on the palms of His hands;
29:31 and that's a promise you can hold onto.
29:38 It's easy to forget in times likes these,
29:46 but Jesus loves you.
29:55 It's so easy to forget with all that's going on around us,
30:04 whatever your circumstances are,
30:08 don't you ever forget
30:15 Jesus loves you.
30:25 You know, Jesus is love.
30:28 And He is peace.
30:31 He's peace personified.
30:33 The Bible tells us that when Jesus speaks peace,
30:38 peace happens.
30:41 He calmed the storms, He healed the sick,
30:43 He raised the dead.
30:46 And Jesus is still the peace amidst our crisis
30:51 and our emergencies.
30:54 His peace guards our heart and mind.
30:57 His peace exceeds my limited understanding.
31:02 It doesn't even make sense to me,
31:05 but it's exactly what I need.
31:08 But the greatest peace is when Jesus brings us
31:12 peace with God.
31:15 And as God's children, that peace gets us through
31:20 the dark days of life.
31:21 Because we can know without a shadow of a doubt
31:26 that God is in control.
31:29 As you look around and see how crazy things are,
31:32 believe me, God is in control.
31:35 And just as He is the Prince of Peace,
31:39 so He calls us, me and you, to be makers of peace.
31:43 Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers,
31:46 for they shall be called Sons of God."
31:51 You and I can participate with Him in bringing peace
31:55 to a broken world
31:57 as we look forward to the future kingdom of peace.
32:02 So my prayer is, Lord, make me a channel
32:08 of your peace.
32:39 Make me a channel of Your peace.
32:43 Where there is hatred, let me bring Your love;
32:49 where there is injury, Your pardon, Lord;
32:55 and where there's doubt, true faith in You.
33:04 Make me a channel of Your peace.
33:08 Where there is despair in life, let me bring hope;
33:14 where there is darkness, only light;
33:20 and where there is sadness, ever joy.
33:27 Oh Master, grant that I may never seek
33:34 so much to be consoled as to console,
33:40 to be understood as to understand,
33:45 to be loved as to love with all my soul.
33:58 Make me a channel of Your peace.
34:03 It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
34:08 in giving to all men that we receive,
34:13 and in dying that we are born to eternal life.
34:21 Oh Master, grant that I may never seek
34:27 so much to be consoled as to console,
34:34 to be understood as to understand,
34:40 to be loved as to love with all my soul.
35:18 Make this your prayer.
35:20 Make me a channel of Your peace.
35:25 Where there is despair in life, let me bring hope;
35:31 where there is darkness, only light;
35:37 and where there is sadness, ever joy.
36:04 ~ Music ~
37:07 ~ Music ~
38:18 ~ Music ~
39:57 ~ Music ~
41:33 For unto us, a Child is born,
41:38 and the government shall be upon His shoulders.
41:44 His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor,
41:50 Almighty God, Everlasting Father.
41:55 And of His reign there shall be no end,
42:00 and His kingdom is of majesty and splendor.
42:05 His glory shines forever and ever.
42:11 Almighty God, Everlasting Father.
42:19 Glory to God in the highest.
42:25 Peace on the earth, goodwill to men.
42:30 Glory to God in the highest.
42:36 Jesus Christ has come to save us from our sins.
42:43 So we sing, joy to the world, the Lord has come.
42:49 Let earth receive her King.
42:55 Let every heart prepare Him room.
43:01 And heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing,
43:06 and heaven, and heaven and nature sing.
43:16 O glory to God in the highest.
43:22 Peace on earth, goodwill to all men.
43:27 Glory to God in the highest.
43:32 Jesus Christ has come to save us from our sins.
43:37 Yes, Jesus Christ has come to save us from our sins.
43:49 And He shall reign forever and ever.
44:00 And He shall reign forever and ever.
44:11 And He shall reign forever and ever.
44:42 The story of Jesus' birth has been told in so many
44:49 formats; in different stories and different songs.
44:55 Writers keep writing new ways.
44:59 They keep thinking of new ways to tell the great old story.
45:03 And I love the roll that the angels play in this great story.
45:11 So I love to just try to imagine what it must have been like
45:15 that night when the angels were singing,
45:21 and the shepherds were in awe.
45:24 I can't imagine, It's unfathomable.
45:27 But this song talks about that.
45:56 Have you heard the sound of the angel voices
46:03 ringing out so sweetly, ringing out so clear?
46:10 Have you seen the star shining out so brightly
46:17 as a sign from God that Christ the Lord is here?
46:25 Have you heard the news that they bring from Heaven
46:31 to the humble shepherds who have waited long?
46:40 Gloria in excelsis Deo, Gloria in excelsis Deo.
46:48 Hear the angels sing their joyful song.
46:57 He is come in peace in the winter's stillness,
47:03 like a gentle snowfall in the gentle night.
47:10 He is come in joy like the sun at morning,
47:17 filling all the world with radiance and light.
47:24 He is come in love as the Child of Mary.
47:31 In a simple stable, we have seen His birth.
47:39 Gloria in excelsis Deo, Gloria in excelsis Deo.
47:46 Hear the angels singing, "Peace on earth."
48:19 He will bring new light to a world in darkness,
48:26 like a bright star shining in the skies above.
48:33 He will bring new hope to the waiting nations
48:40 when He comes to reign in purity and love.
48:47 So let the Earth rejoice at the Savior's coming.
48:54 Let the Heavens answer with the joyful horn.
49:02 Gloria in excelsis Deo, Gloria in excelsis Deo.
49:10 Hear the angels singing, "Christ is born."
49:17 Hear the angels singing, "Christ is born."
49:25 Hear the angels singing, "Christ is born."
49:46 And those angels are still singing.
49:51 Now they're gathered around the throne.
49:56 And they're singing a song, "Holy, holy, holy."
50:02 Non-stop. "Holy, holy, holy."
50:09 It's another sight that is unfathomable.
50:13 I can't imagine.
50:19 Holy, holy, holy, Lord.
50:25 God of power and might.
50:31 Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory.
50:44 Holy, holy, holy, Lord.
50:50 God of power and might.
50:56 Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory.
51:08 Hosanna, hosanna,
51:20 in the highest.
51:44 Holy, holy, holy, Lord.
51:50 God of power and might.
51:56 Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory.
52:08 Hosanna, hosanna,
52:20 in the highest.
52:56 Holy, holy, holy, Lord.
53:02 God of power and might.
53:09 Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory.
54:19 Amen.
54:20 I want to thank you for spending time.
54:24 Hopefully, you've been able to worship and just
54:26 enjoy the presence of the Lord.
54:29 This is a wonderful time just to take a deep breath.
54:34 The year is coming to an end.
54:37 But God's faithfulness goes on and on and on.
54:39 His holiness goes on and on.
54:41 His story goes on and on and on.
54:43 And I encourage you to go out and spread the word
54:47 that Jesus Christ is still alive,
54:51 and He's making a difference in people's lives.
54:55 The story may be old, but the truth is ever new.
55:02 And I'm just so grateful for you being a part of this program.
55:06 Thanks for spending time.
55:12 This is just a nice way to end things:
55:15 about His peace.
55:17 So grateful for His peace.
55:20 His star shines above us
55:25 to lead toward the Savior;
55:31 a Baby born in Bethlehem,
55:38 our Emmanuel.
55:43 The Son in a manger
55:48 shall heal the blind and broken.
55:54 His love shall warm the coldest soul
56:00 as the snow is melted by the dawn.
56:05 'Neath the stars, choirs of angels
56:11 raise their heavenly voices,
56:16 "Glory to God and peace upon the earth."
56:26 For all who believe Him
56:31 shall gain life everlasting.
56:36 His kingdom endures eternal.
56:43 Christ forever will reign.
56:48 'Neath the stars, choirs of angels
56:54 raise their heavenly voices,
56:58 "Glory to God and peace upon the earth."
57:31 Glory to God,
57:37 glory to God,
57:42 and peace upon the earth,
57:48 and peace upon the earth.
57:55 And peace upon the earth.


Revised 2025-02-03