3ABN Christmas Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 3CS

Program Code: 3CS240007S

00:01 Gloria,
00:07 in excelsis Deo.
00:33 The first Noel the angel did say
00:41 was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay,
00:51 in fields where they lay keeping their sheep
00:58 on a cold winter's night that was so deep.
01:12 Noel, noel, noel, noel,
01:20 born is the King of Israel.
01:35 They looked up and saw a star
01:43 shining in the east beyond them far;
01:52 and to the earth it gave great light,
02:00 and so it continued both day and night.
02:16 Noel, noel, noel, noel,
02:25 born is the King,
02:32 born is the King,
02:36 born is the King of Israel.
03:16 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
03:24 the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.
03:32 The stars in the sky look down where He lay,
03:41 the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay.
03:59 The cattle are lowing, the Baby awakes,
04:07 but little Lord Jesus no crying He makes.
04:15 I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky,
04:23 and stay by my cradle till morning is nigh.
04:42 Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
04:50 close by me forever and love me I pray.
04:58 Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care
05:06 and take us to heaven to live with Thee there.
05:15 And take us to heaven to live with Thee there.
05:40 ~ Music ~
07:36 Jesus came to bring His everlasting,
07:39 unfailing light to the world.
07:41 The bright star that led the shepherds and the wisemen
07:44 was only a foreshadowing of the light that He would become
07:48 to the whole world.
07:50 It is His light that would make all the difference
07:53 all because of His love.
08:04 ~ Music ~
10:13 Holy One, God's own Son,
10:20 in a manger sleeping;
10:25 starlight crown, to earth come down
10:30 from round celestial bright.
10:37 His repose in swaddling clothes
10:43 amid the shadows deepening
10:49 born to men, a world of sin,
10:55 and be our endless light.
11:04 Holy One, God's own Son,
11:11 sent to us in meekness;
11:17 round His bed, by angels led,
11:22 the shepherds praise His name.
11:28 From afar a glorious star
11:35 beckons in the darkness
11:41 leads the wise, and glides their eyes,
11:46 and guides them on their way.
12:14 Holy One, God's own Son,
12:21 born to share our weakness;
12:27 born beneath the song of peace,
12:32 the host of heaven sings.
12:38 Light Thy star within our hearts,
12:45 oh Thou blessed Jesus,
12:51 our delight this hallowed night
13:01 and ever more our King.
13:40 ~ Music ~
15:33 No other star gave more light before,
15:39 no lullaby was so sweet,
15:46 no other corner so plain and poor
15:53 ever sheltered a King.
15:59 No other night is remembered more,
16:05 with verses written and sung;
16:12 no other babe ever born on earth
16:18 would change everything for us.
16:24 Now there is light for the darkness,
16:29 and healing for the pain.
16:32 Wrongs will be righted and tears wiped away.
16:38 There is strength for the battle,
16:41 and love that never dims.
16:45 Hope for a better world, all because of Him.
16:56 He left His throne for a pauper's bed,
17:02 traded His crown for a cross.
17:09 He lived to comfort, to heal and bless
17:16 out of love for us.
17:22 We'll always have one more song to sing,
17:28 and stories we tell again
17:35 about that night in Bethlehem,
17:40 and every night since then.
17:47 Now there is light for the darkness,
17:52 and healing for the pain.
17:55 Wrongs will be righted and tears wiped away.
18:01 There is strength for the battle,
18:04 and love that never dims.
18:08 Hope for a better world, all because of Him.
18:17 All because of Him.
18:30 Jesus brought comfort and joy to all.
18:32 Even as a young boy, it was His heavenly Father's light
18:36 that was His guiding compass.
18:38 If we are willing, that same magnificent light
18:41 can shine upon us too.
18:43 So let's be diligent and ask Jesus to be our guiding light
18:47 so that we may give Him our heavy burdens
18:50 and follow His joyful steps and perfect ways.
18:54 Will you let His light guide you too?
19:13 As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold;
19:20 as with joy they hailed its light,
19:24 leading onward, beaming bright.
19:27 So, most gracious Lord, may we ever more be led to Thee.
19:40 As with joyful steps they sped to the lowly manger bed;
19:47 there to bend the knee before
19:50 Him whom heaven and earth adore.
19:54 So may we with willing feet ever seek Thy mercy seat.
20:09 As they offered gifts most rare at Thy manger rude and bare,
20:15 so may we with holy joy,
20:19 pure and free from sin's alloy.
21:11 Every star shall sing a carol,
21:17 every creature high or low
21:28 come and praise the King of heaven.
21:34 Holy is the name I know.
21:45 God above, man below;
21:52 Holy is the name I know.
22:11 When the King of all creation
22:17 had a cradle on the earth
22:24 holy was the human body,
22:30 holy was the human birth.
22:41 God above, man below;
22:48 Holy is the name I know.
23:19 Every star and every planet,
23:25 every creature high or low,
23:36 come and praise the King of heaven.
23:42 Holy is the name I know.
23:54 God above, man below;
24:02 Holy is the name I know.
24:35 When staring at the starry sky
24:39 that winks and blinks within the night,
24:43 I wonder if I see the light
24:47 that marks the Savior's birth.
24:51 That light once led the wisest men
24:55 to find the Babe of Bethlehem.
24:59 Does it still shine as it did then,
25:03 an emblem to the earth?
25:07 Alleluia, alleluia.
25:15 Alleluia.
25:21 Shine for all the world.
25:33 The Baby born so long ago
25:37 who dreamed beneath that brilliant glow
25:41 was sent to earth so all could know
25:45 the source of love and hope.
25:48 Yes, Jesus is the guiding light,
25:53 the star that leads through darkest night.
25:57 He shines for us so pure and bright
26:01 to bring us safely home.
26:05 Alleluia, alleluia.
26:13 Alleluia.
26:18 Shine for all the world.
26:31 I'll shine His light, His light that shines in me.
26:39 I'll shine so bright so all the world can see.
26:47 I'll shine His light, His light that shines in me.
26:55 I'll shine so bright so all the world can see Him.
27:03 Alleluia, alleluia.
27:11 Alleluia.
27:16 Shine for all.
27:20 Alleluia, alleluia.
27:29 Alleluia.
27:34 Shine for all the world.
27:55 Shine.
28:04 Gloria,
28:11 in excelsis Deo.
28:15 Gloria,
28:22 in excelsis Deo.


Revised 2025-02-17