Amazing Adventures

God's Super Food

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Doug Batchelor


Series Code: AA

Program Code: AA000007

00:05 In a world surrounded by darkness,
00:08 there is a voice that whispers to every young heart,
00:13 urging them to find the treasure of truth.
00:22 Those who follow the path will discover eternal riches
00:26 beyond their wildest dreams.
00:28 Join us now for an "Amazing Adventure,
00:31 A Journey for life with Jesus."
00:36 Good evening friends welcome again.
00:38 This is night number seven of this ten part series
00:41 called "Amazing Adventure, A Journey for life with Jesus."
00:46 We would like to welcome all of our viewers
00:48 across the country and around the world.
00:50 We'd also like to welcome our local group right here
00:53 in Richardson, Texas.
00:55 I'm glad to see
00:56 all of your smiling faces this evening again.
00:59 Again, if you have not received your lessons yet,
01:01 please go to the Amazing Facts Kids website,
01:03 you can order the lessons, they are interactive.
01:06 I know a number of our children right here at the local site
01:09 have filled out their lesson guides
01:11 and they are well on their way
01:12 to getting their Bible at the end of the series.
01:14 Well, let's stand together as we sing
01:16 our theme song "Life is an Adventure".
01:30 Life is an Adventure Following the King
01:35 Every day with Jesus Makes us want to sing
01:40 Walking in the Spirit He will lead the way
01:45 With His Word to guide us Glowing deep inside us
01:51 Nothing can divide us Following the King
01:57 Life is an adventure Following the King
02:02 Every day with Jesus Makes us want to sing
02:07 Conquering with kindness Everywhere we go
02:12 Voices we are raising Jesus we are praising
02:17 Life is so amazing Following the King
02:22 Life is so amazing Following the King
02:30 Please remain standing.
02:32 I'm going to invite our helpers to comes forward this evening.
02:35 Byron will be giving us our scripture reading tonight.
02:38 Byron what are you reading for us?
02:41 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Therefore whether you eat,
02:46 or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
02:52 All right, thank you very much,
02:54 and our prayer is coming to us from Emily, is that correct.
03:00 Dear Jesus, thank you for this wonderful day
03:02 that You have given us
03:03 and bless this church as we go through tonight,
03:06 watch over us and bless Pastor Doug as he teaches to us,
03:12 help us to learn more about You,
03:14 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
03:18 Thank you very much. Please be seated.
03:19 I'm going to invite Pastor Doug to come forward.
03:21 Pastor Doug, its Bible question time.
03:23 Evening, Pastor Ross.
03:24 I'm always excited about this time
03:27 and your questions come in fresh each day,
03:29 so looking forward to it.
03:31 Okay, well let's go right to the video
03:34 and we will get our first question for tonight.
03:37 My name is Tendaisne, I'm 8-years-old
03:39 and my question is how often should we pray?
03:44 Good question, how often should we pray?
03:47 Now there is a scripture that tells us
03:49 we should pray without ceasing.
03:51 What does that mean
03:52 that we go around on our knees all day long praying?
03:56 No, some people take it that way and they get sore knees.
04:00 What it means is, be an attitude of prayer
04:03 that God is with you and near you all the time,
04:06 but you can read in The Bible in Psalm 55:17,
04:09 King David said, morning, evening and at noon will I pray.
04:15 Not only that Daniel in Daniel 6,
04:18 it tells us that he had a pattern three times a day,
04:21 ever since he was a child,
04:23 he would take time aside for God to pray.
04:26 Now, how many of you always pray over your food before you eat?
04:29 It's always good to thank God for your food
04:31 and ask Him to bless your food.
04:33 How many of you eat three times a day?
04:35 Well, so that's your start,
04:37 you are at least praying over your food three times a day.
04:39 But you should have private time with God every day.
04:42 Every morning in our house I take time to read the Bible,
04:46 we encourage the Batchelor boys to have their own private time,
04:49 then we read something together as a family.
04:52 Before we go to sleep at night, we kneel, we pray together
04:55 and you should during school or lunch or something,
04:57 take a few moments and pray and talk to God
05:00 and just ask Him for continued strength
05:02 that you can be a good witness
05:03 but never forget that Jesus said,
05:06 I'm with you always.
05:09 So talk to Him all through the day, that's the best thing.
05:12 Pastor Doug, we have a question that somebody wrote in.
05:15 If there is only one Jesus, how can people
05:18 on the other side of the world see Him when He comes?
05:21 That's a good question,
05:22 now we included that because we get a lot.
05:24 Do you still have our globe somewhere?
05:26 You know I thought we take our globe,
05:27 we borrowed last night and use it as an illustration.
05:31 Now, let's pretend that Pastor Ross is Jesus
05:33 and the world turns like this
05:36 and as he comes, the world is turning,
05:39 he sweeps around the world.
05:41 The Bible says that the righteous are caught up
05:44 to meet Him in the air,
05:46 so comes from this direction as the world slowly sweeps around,
05:49 vacuum's everybody up and then he heads back to glory,
05:53 so it never says in the Bible
05:55 every eye will see Him at the same time.
05:58 It says every eye will see Him when He comes.
06:00 And so if the world turns like that,
06:02 every eye is going to see him, isn't that right?
06:04 That's all you got to remember.
06:06 All right, well, thank you very much, Pastor Doug.
06:08 We have another video question,
06:10 and we will play that at this time.
06:12 My name is Nicholas, I'm 8-years old
06:14 and my question is why didn't God create
06:17 everything that at once?
06:19 Why didn't God create everything at once?
06:22 Well, I think that He wants us to enjoy the things that He made
06:26 and, you know, the Lord seem to break up the creation.
06:29 Keep in mind does God have angles that watch,
06:33 they were enjoying the creation.
06:35 The Bible tell us in the Book of Job,
06:38 all the sons of God shouted for joy
06:41 when they saw the world being created,
06:43 and so they were enjoying it,
06:45 and God was spreading out the splendor
06:48 and the magnificence of His creation.
06:50 Now, while we're on the subject of creation,
06:53 we don't normally do this but I'm going to ask Nathan,
06:56 if you will come up here for a second
06:58 and look, Nathan is the other,
07:00 he is the youngest of the Batchelor tribe
07:02 and you know I just came all the way from California,
07:04 I got to use him once, you don't mind.
07:06 Look in there and find out
07:07 if you can find something in that chest,
07:08 open it gently, Nathan,
07:09 that you might use to bake a cake.
07:11 I want to illustrate something.
07:13 You know lot of people in the world
07:14 don't believe in creation, are you aware of that.
07:17 They believe in another theory about how we got here.
07:20 What is it called? Evolution.
07:23 And evolution is the idea that everything just
07:26 kind of happened by accident over millions of years.
07:28 Now how many of you know what this is?
07:30 Don't turn it? What it's called?
07:35 They call it an egg beater, they don't use this any more,
07:37 but they used them for about a hundred years
07:38 until they got the electric ones and some people still use them.
07:41 But, go and put that on the ground
07:43 and just spin it for a second,
07:44 I don't think it will hurt the carpet,
07:45 don't spin too fast.
07:47 Now, I understand that there is a shortage of oil
07:48 so who knows we are in Texas, right,
07:50 might find something.
07:52 You notice there are three parts to that.
07:55 Okay, you can lift that up and show them, how it spins now.
07:58 You got the handle, you got the crank,
08:01 and you got the mixers.
08:03 It's a very simple invention.
08:06 But this doesn't happen by itself.
08:10 If you dug one of those out of the ground,
08:11 would you think that it came from nature,
08:13 it just evolved because lightening hit the ground
08:16 or does somebody have to make that.
08:19 Just those three moving parts together
08:21 require intelligence, don't they?
08:24 There is a design there, there is organization.
08:26 You notice when these things are spinning,
08:27 they don't hit each other.
08:28 Someone had to plan that.
08:31 That would never happen by accident.
08:33 What's more complicated,
08:34 an egg beater or one single cell of life.
08:39 A single cell of life that God made
08:41 is a thousand times more complicated,
08:43 Okay, we think you can take that back,
08:45 just don't play with it during the program.
08:49 That to me is a very simple illustration
08:52 that helps us understand God had to create.
08:55 There is so much complexity and so much design
08:59 in our bodies and nature that there had to be a God.
09:02 If we don't believe that
09:03 an egg beater happened by accident,
09:06 how much more difficult and complicated is, is life.
09:09 We get another one.
09:10 All right, we do, we do have a written question here.
09:13 This is a question probably a lot of folks are wondering,
09:16 If killing is wrong, why did God help David to kill Goliath?
09:21 You know, a lot of people have asked that question
09:24 because one of the Ten Commandments
09:25 says, "Thou shalt not kill."
09:30 But, you know,
09:31 that is not the best translation from the Hebrew.
09:34 Jesus quotes that same commandment in the New Testament
09:37 and he says, "Thou shalt not commit murder."
09:41 Killing, if you pull up a weed you are killing,
09:45 if you step on net,
09:46 how many of you have swattered the mosquito before?
09:50 Killers every one of you.
09:53 Is that what the commandment is talking about?
09:55 No, there is a difference between killing and murder.
10:00 When a solider defense his country, is he a murderer?
10:04 No, it's he is defending his country.
10:07 If a policemen has to shoot somebody
10:10 who is threatening someone's life
10:12 or if he has to shoot a murderer
10:13 because they are going to hurt someone else,
10:15 do you call the policeman a murderer?
10:18 Or he is just executing justice.
10:20 When David went against Goliath
10:23 that giant was threatening the whole army,
10:25 he was threatening the country.
10:27 They wanted to enslave God's people
10:28 during times of war.
10:30 God even sent His soldiers like Joshua to fight battles
10:33 to protect the freedom of His people.
10:36 So they can even worship God
10:37 and so I know it's a difficult subject
10:39 and God doesn't want anything to die.
10:41 God creates everything to be alive.
10:44 In heaven there will be no more death.
10:46 But the commandment actually says,
10:47 "Thou shalt not murder." That's how Jesus quotes it.
10:51 Now, Pastor Doug,
10:52 our last question for tonight is a video question. Okay.
10:56 My name is Jesse and I'm 8-years old
11:00 and my question is why did God make people different?
11:04 What, by the way that's the youngest of the Ross tribe.
11:10 Why did God make us all different?
11:12 What would the world look like
11:13 if God made people like someone in the cookie factory
11:17 so he just started stamping us all out
11:19 and we all looked exactly the same?
11:21 You all have got different finger prints,
11:23 everybody in the world,
11:25 the iris in your eye they can check that,
11:27 and no two people in the world have
11:28 the exact same iris in their eye.
11:31 God is so unique, no two stars are the same,
11:34 he has them all named.
11:36 You know, the Bible says,
11:37 He can either number the hairs of our head.
11:39 Now, that's not so hard for me, right.
11:41 But, that's a miracle, He has got names for the stars,
11:45 He wants, He likes things to be unique
11:48 and He loves that you are an individual.
11:50 And that's why He made us all different.
11:52 All right, well, thank you very much, Pastor Doug.
11:53 We're going to invite
11:54 the Amazing Adventure singers to come forward.
11:56 They are going to be giving us a song called the "Tree Song".
12:12 I saw a tree by the riverside
12:16 One day as I walked along
12:21 Straight as an arrow and pointing to the sky
12:26 Growing tall and strong
12:31 How do you grow so tall and strong?
12:35 I said to the riverside tree
12:40 This is the song that my tree friend sang to me
12:48 I've got roots growing down to the water
12:53 I've got leaves growing up to the sunshine
12:57 And the fruit that I bear is a sign of the life in me
13:05 I am shade from the hot summer sun-down
13:11 I am nest for the birds of the heaven
13:15 I'm becoming what the Lord of trees has meant me to be
13:23 A strong young tree
13:34 I saw a tree in the winter time
13:38 When snow lay on the ground
13:43 Straight as an arrow and pointing to the sky
13:48 And winter winds blew all around
13:52 "How do you stay so tall and strong?"
13:56 I said to the wintertime tree
14:01 This is the song that my tree friend sang to me
14:09 I've got roots growing down to the water
14:14 I've got leaves growing up to the sunshine
14:18 And the fruit that I bear is a sign of the life in me
14:26 I am shade from the hot summer sun-down
14:32 I am nest for the birds of the heaven
14:36 I'm becoming what the Lord of trees has meant me to be
14:44 A strong young tree
14:56 I saw a tree on the city street
15:00 Where buildings blocked the sun
15:05 Lean and lovely I could see
15:10 It gave joy to everyone
15:15 "How do you grow in the city street?"
15:19 I said to the downtown tree
15:25 This is the song that my tree friend sang to me
15:33 I've got roots growing down to the water
15:38 I've got leaves growing up to the sunshine
15:42 And the fruit that I bear is a sign of the life in me
15:50 I am shade from the hot summer sun-down
15:56 I am nest for the birds of the heaven
16:00 I'm becoming what the Lord of trees has meant me to be
16:08 A strong young tree
16:15 I've got roots growing down to the water
16:19 I've got leaves growing up to the sunshine
16:24 And the fruit that I bear is a sign of the life in me
16:32 I am shade from the hot summer sun-down
16:37 I am nest for the birds of the heaven
16:42 I'm becoming what the Lord of trees has meant me to be
16:50 A strong young tree
17:05 Amen. Thank you.
17:08 That song was based on the 1 Psalm.
17:12 "Blessed is the man who walks
17:14 not in the counsel of the ungodly,
17:16 he would be like a tree planted by the streams of water."
17:21 I enjoyed that very much, thank you.
17:23 Okay, tonight we have got an exciting lesson.
17:25 Matter of fact the lesson tonight is a real adventure
17:28 and I want to welcome everybody who is studying with us
17:31 around the country and other parts of the world.
17:34 And our presentation tonight
17:35 is dealing with the subject of God's super food.
17:39 If you gonna go on this adventure to heaven,
17:41 those adventures need to have strength,
17:44 they need to have endurance
17:46 and you know the Bible tells us
17:49 that there are some secrets, that if you follow these secrets
17:52 you are going to have a longer, stronger life,
17:55 I know it's true.
17:58 God has an outline for super food in the Bible
18:01 and we are going to learn about that tonight,
18:03 these things are true.
18:05 You know, a couple of years ago our family went to Australia
18:09 and we stopped by the Australian zoo there
18:12 and while we were there
18:13 we took a picture of not the prettiest animal,
18:17 Harriet the tortoise,
18:19 but the oldest animal in the world.
18:22 Matter of fact Harriet originally was picked up,
18:25 they are not exactly sure how old she was
18:28 picked up by Charles Darwin
18:30 when she was only about ten inches across
18:32 like a dinner plate in 1835.
18:38 Brought back to England with two other tortoises
18:40 and matter of fact they named them Tom, Dick and Harry.
18:43 And poor Harriet for hundred years
18:46 they were calling her Harry
18:47 before someone found that Harry was a Harriet.
18:52 They didn't do very well in England,
18:54 her brother and sister died because of the cold climate
18:57 and so someone brought her back to Australia
18:59 and she lived in the botanical gardens there
19:01 for years and years and outlived many people
19:05 and we went to see her, she was 176 years old
19:10 and you know I took those pictures we watched her eat.
19:14 She is a vegetarian
19:16 that has something to do with her long life.
19:19 Now she just passed away a little more than a year ago.
19:21 But, you are not doing too bad
19:23 if you lived to a 176 in this life.
19:27 You know the Bible says
19:29 that there are things you can do in your life
19:31 by your living patterns that will help you
19:34 to be stronger and have a longer life
19:36 to be more abundant and joyful.
19:39 Question number 1. Let's get to our lessons, okay.
19:42 Does God care?
19:43 Does the Bible tell us that God cares
19:45 about the health of our bodies?
19:48 Answer, 3 John 1:2 it says,
19:55 "I pray that you may prosper in all thing and be in health,
19:59 just as your soul prospers".
20:02 God cares about our physical prosperity
20:05 just like our soul prosperity.
20:08 What good is it if, if you go through life
20:10 and you say, you know, I know Jesus
20:12 but I just feel terrible because of my bad living habits.
20:16 The Lord wants you to feel good in your heart
20:18 and he wants you to feel good
20:19 in your body and to be strong.
20:22 Did Jesus spend time just teaching
20:24 or did He also heal people?
20:27 Have you ever been healed by the Lord?
20:30 God has miraculously healed me before
20:33 on more than one occasion.
20:35 Where I fell bad, I felt sick, I had pain,
20:37 I prayed and God did something, he took it away.
20:40 I believe that God can heal but there is things
20:43 that you can do it to help God strengthen and heal you.
20:47 "Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues,
20:51 preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
20:53 and healing all kinds of disease and sickness among the people."
20:59 The Bible tells us that God wants us to have abundant life.
21:02 You can read about that in John 10:10,
21:05 Jesus said that man in the picture
21:08 his name is Banana George,
21:09 I think he is 93 years old now,
21:12 that picture was taken I think he was in his 80's.
21:15 And he is not just water skiing,
21:16 he is water skiing barefoot, and you know what else,
21:20 I don't think he's got dentures
21:21 so that rope would fly out of his mouth.
21:24 He is probably hanging on with his own teeth.
21:27 He says, Jesus said I have come that,
21:29 by the way his favorite food is bananas
21:31 that's why he wear yellow all the time,
21:35 "I have come that they might have life,
21:37 and have it more abundantly."
21:39 The Lord wants us to have good health and an abundant life.
21:42 Now let me tell you
21:44 what the most important part of your health is,
21:47 sitting on top of your shoulders on top of your neck
21:51 you got a big bubble called the head.
21:54 Your head has got the most sacred organ of all,
21:58 it's called your brain.
22:00 When you are an adult it will weigh
22:01 two and half, three pounds.
22:04 Do you know that your brain when you are thinking
22:06 uses about 25 watts of electricity
22:08 that's enough to power a bulb?
22:10 Your brain is only about two percent of your body's weight,
22:13 but it uses about 20, 25 percent of the body's energy and blood.
22:19 I know sometimes after teaching
22:20 or preaching for couple of hours,
22:22 I'm really tired, all I have done is stand
22:24 but a whole lot of fast thinking has to happen
22:27 and your brain works. But, it's not a muscle.
22:31 Your brain is what's telling your fingers to move,
22:34 I can do this with my eyes closed
22:35 because my brain is telling me.
22:37 And your brain is telling your eyes to follow me
22:41 while I move and it's focusing
22:43 your brain is keeping your heart temperature
22:45 or your body temperature, it's keeping your heart beating.
22:47 You are not even thinking about your breathing,
22:48 but you have breathing your whole life, did you know that?
22:51 You brain is regulating a million functions
22:53 in your body all at the same time.
22:56 And it's your brain that God speaks to.
22:59 When God wants to speak to you,
23:00 He doesn't speak to your knee or your elbow,
23:04 you could lose you feet and your hands
23:06 and can God still save you?
23:08 You can, matter of effect there are some people
23:10 who lose their arms and their legs
23:12 and they still have amazing lives.
23:14 But if you lose your head you are in trouble, right?
23:18 So this is the most sacred holy of holies, your brain.
23:21 You want to take care of your mind.
23:23 The devil wants young people's minds
23:25 to be all cloudy from poor living practices
23:29 where they can't hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
23:31 That's why this lesson is so important tonight,
23:34 because God want to speak to you
23:36 and he wants you to be able to hear Him
23:38 and understand His truth
23:39 and some kids can't understand
23:42 because of the way they are living.
23:43 Number 2.
23:45 What food did God plan for people to eat
23:49 when He first made Adam and Eve in the creation?
23:51 What was the original ideal diet that God had for people to eat?
23:56 You can read this in Genesis 1:29.
24:00 God said, "See, I have given you every herb that yields seed
24:05 and every tree whose fruit yields seed."
24:09 There will be food for you.
24:11 And then after Adam and Eve sinned,
24:13 then God added vegetables to the diet.
24:15 He says in Genesis 3:18,
24:18 "You shall eat the herb of the field."
24:20 So, the original diet for man
24:22 was what you call a vegetarian diet, nothing had to die.
24:28 The lions did not chased down
24:31 and jump on the baby deer and eat them.
24:34 The wolves did not eat the lambs.
24:36 Snakes did not bite.
24:37 Mosquitoes did not suck blood.
24:40 In the beginning everything was perfect, nothing died.
24:43 And that mean what did the animals eat?
24:46 Man and animals ate a vegetarian diet.
24:49 And during that time man lived a long time.
24:52 That was the ideal diet for man.
24:55 Now, then after the flood and after sin,
24:57 all kinds of problems came into the world
24:59 and people started to kill animals
25:01 but He wanted them to return to the ideal diet
25:05 and God showed how much better off they get could feel
25:08 when He saved them out of Egypt.
25:11 Matter of fact God gave the children of Israel, super food.
25:14 You remember when Moses lead
25:15 the children of Israel out of Egypt
25:17 and they went into the wilderness.
25:19 What kind of food did He give them?
25:21 Manna from heaven, they call it, it's like angles food.
25:24 And it says in Deuteronomy 6:24
25:27 and I hope you are writing some of these verses down
25:30 specially if you don't have a lesson.
25:32 "And the Lord commanded us
25:33 to do all these statutes for our good always,
25:38 that he might preserve us alive."
25:41 Now after 40 years of eating the food,
25:43 that God had given them in the wilderness,
25:45 and those children must have had fun,
25:46 we talked about this yesterday
25:48 going out and gathering that manna,
25:50 and making it into cookies, you can make manna cookies,
25:53 you can make manna muffins, you can make manna rolls,
25:55 you can probably make manna doughnuts if you want it.
25:57 They made all kind of things probably out of manna,
25:59 it was like their flour.
26:01 40 years of eating that food
26:02 how was the health of the children of Israel?
26:05 Psalm 105:37 "He brought them out
26:09 there was none feeble among the tribes".
26:12 That means there wasn't one sick person
26:14 among over probably over two million people.
26:19 No hospital, no infirmary, no clinic,
26:22 everybody was healthy because they were eating,
26:25 they were getting sunshine,
26:26 they were walking everyday and getting exercise.
26:29 You know in America, with all of our conveniences
26:31 there is a lot of sickness and disease
26:33 even though we got a lot of hospitals,
26:35 because people sit at home, they don't exercise,
26:38 they use a remote control and cruise control in their car
26:41 because you don't want get your toe to tired
26:43 pressing on the gas pedal.
26:45 And you don't even have to dial your phone any more
26:47 with your fingers, you just talk and it dials.
26:50 And so we don't get enough exercise
26:52 and we stay inside offices all day long
26:54 and you stay inside houses
26:55 watching television or playing video games,
26:58 you don't get the sunshine
27:00 and there is a lot more sickness.
27:02 When he brought that nation into the Promised Land,
27:04 there wasn't one feeble person.
27:07 God wants us to be healthy.
27:08 Let me give you another story in the Bible.
27:10 Don't forget this Daniel 1.
27:12 What did I say, Daniel 1.
27:15 If you forget everything else,
27:16 just read that whole chapter and you will get the story.
27:19 You can read in Daniel 1 about when Nebuchadnezzar
27:22 the great Babylonian king, he conquered the land of Israel.
27:26 And when he did, he carried away back to Babylon
27:29 thousands of the people to service craftsmen
27:32 and artisans in his kingdom
27:34 and he took some of the young people
27:36 and he said I'm going to train them to sit in my court,
27:38 to be advisors, to be ambassadors
27:40 and he found the brightest
27:42 and the most promising of the young people.
27:45 He brought them to the Babylonian training school
27:48 and he said we are going to feed you
27:50 from the Babylonian cafeteria
27:52 and among those young man were four individuals
27:55 their names were Daniel, Hananiah,
27:58 Daniel, Shadrach Meshach, and Abednego.
28:01 Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.
28:03 I'm getting their Hebrew names,
28:04 their Babylonian names, I'm mixing them all up.
28:07 And those four young man were very thankful
28:09 that they had the privileges of the palace
28:11 but there was a problem.
28:14 Question number 3.
28:17 What decision did the boys make and what was the result?
28:21 When they found out that they were going
28:23 to be required to eat the Babylonian food,
28:26 which had lot of things in it
28:27 that God's word said was unclean and not good.
28:31 They made a decision, it says
28:33 "Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself
28:38 with the portion of the king's meat,
28:41 and with the wine which he drank."
28:44 You know the Bible says there's some things you can eat
28:46 and some things you can drink that defile you.
28:49 For instance in 1 Corinthians 3:16, 17.
28:53 "Do you not know that you are the temple of God
28:57 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
28:58 Your body is God's temple.
29:01 And the warning is very serious.
29:03 "If anyone defiles the temple of God,
29:06 God will destroy him.
29:08 For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are."
29:12 God, He wants to live in your body.
29:14 And He lives in your mind.
29:16 And He wants it to be a pure dwelling place.
29:19 Don't we treat a church with special respect
29:22 because it's a dwelling place.
29:23 We call it the house of God.
29:25 While your body is supposed to be
29:27 a dwelling place for God's Spirit.
29:29 He wants you to take care of your body.
29:32 He made your body
29:34 and then when the devil kidnapped the world,
29:35 Jesus brought your body back again,
29:37 remember the story about the sailboat.
29:39 And so you should take care of your body,
29:41 not only to honor God, because you will feel better.
29:44 Let's go back to our story of Daniel.
29:47 Daniel and his friends
29:48 said to the man in charge of them, Ashpenaz.
29:52 I tell you what give us a ten days test, he said
29:55 "Test your servants for ten days,
29:57 let them give us vegetables to eat and water to drink"
30:01 so he said okay, what I have got to lose.
30:03 So they didn't made them eat the Babylonian food
30:06 and the Babylonian wine, they drank water
30:09 and they ate the vegetables for ten days.
30:11 What does the Bible say was result
30:13 after only ten days of eating God's super food?
30:16 Oh, the answer is up here on the screen.
30:18 "And at the end of ten days
30:21 their features appeared better and fatter,
30:25 fatter means that they were fuller,
30:27 they are ready, don't forget
30:29 they just crossed the desert and so they filled out.
30:32 "Fatter in flesh than all the young men
30:35 who ate from the portion of the king's delicacies."
30:39 And when they were tested it says
30:42 Nebuchadnezzar finally tested them after three years.
30:44 Listen to what he says about those four young men.
30:46 "And in all matters of wisdom and understanding,
30:50 that the king inquired of them
30:52 he found them ten times better than all of the magicians
30:56 and the astrologers that were in all his realm."
30:59 Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah
31:02 were ten times smarter, ten times stronger.
31:05 They were better than anybody else
31:07 that had been in that university with them
31:10 and they were eating a simple diet,
31:12 not only that that chapter ends by saying,
31:14 Daniel lived until the reign of King Darius or Cyrus.
31:18 Daniel lived to somewhere near a 100 years of age.
31:22 If we follow God's plan in the Bible,
31:24 you will live longer and you will live stronger,
31:27 you feel a lot better. Number 4.
31:29 Why did Daniel and his friends
31:31 also refuse to drink the king's wine?
31:35 Answer, you can read in the Bible.
31:38 It says "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler,
31:42 it's raging and whoever is led astray by this is not wise".
31:47 For you, I hope you don't ever plan on drinking alcohol,
31:50 it's bad, and you know what the Bible says
31:52 about those who drink alcohol.
31:54 1 Corinthians 6:9-10,
31:56 "Nor drunkards will inherit the kingdom of God."
32:00 Alcohol is a drug, matter of fact
32:02 it is the most deadly drug in North America,
32:05 but you have all seen wine,
32:07 you have all seen beer commercials
32:09 and they try to make it look like its fun.
32:12 Pastor Doug used to drink wine and beer and alcohol.
32:15 And I had got lot of trouble, I wreck cars,
32:17 I was in jail nothing but problems.
32:20 You know most of the people they go to the hospital
32:23 are there because of accidents
32:25 or sickness connected with alcohol.
32:28 Most of the people that are in mental institutions are there
32:31 because of disease or birth effects connected with alcohol.
32:35 Most of the people that are beating children
32:38 and spouses and families,
32:39 somebody has been drinking alcohol
32:42 and it is a big problem in the world.
32:44 So Christians shouldn't have anything to do with that.
32:47 The devil wants to make it look like its fun.
32:49 Who is the strongest man in the Bible
32:50 that ever lived, Pastor Doug.
32:54 No. It was the Samson.
32:56 You know what the angles said to Samson's mom.
32:59 You are going to have a baby
33:01 and you are going to get pregnant now,
33:03 be careful what you eat in everything
33:04 because that baby is going to deliver Israel
33:07 and when he is born don't let him drink any wine.
33:10 John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit
33:13 and when the angel came to talk
33:14 to his father in the temple, he told him.
33:17 "For he will drink neither wine nor strong drink.
33:21 He will be filled with the Holy Spirit."
33:24 You know when somebody is filled with wine,
33:26 they are filled with a different kind of spirit.
33:28 Have you ever seen a liquor store
33:29 and it says wine, beer and spirits
33:33 and why they call it spirits, it's not the Holy Spirit.
33:37 It's the spirits of devils
33:38 they come into people when they drink.
33:40 And so one of the things you want to do is
33:42 you stay away from drugs,
33:44 stay away from alcohol which is a drug.
33:46 Keep your mind clear.
33:47 The devil wants a lot of young people today to use drugs
33:50 so they can't hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.
33:54 Question number 5.
33:56 What was it about the king's food
33:58 that Daniel knew would defile him?
34:01 Now, there is a reason the king,
34:02 that Daniel said he couldn't eat the Babylonian food,
34:05 The Bible said that some food is clean
34:08 if they were among the animals.
34:10 Now the Bible doesn't say you have to be vegetarian
34:13 but you will be a lot better off if you are.
34:17 But if you are going to eat meat,
34:18 you can only eat the clean meats.
34:20 You know the clean and the unclean distinction of meat,
34:24 it goes all the way back in food,
34:26 all the way back to Noah.
34:27 Now I've got a question.
34:29 How many of you here are related to Noah?
34:32 Let me see your hands. Every hand ought to go up.
34:38 Everybody here, do you know you're all brothers and sisters.
34:41 Everyone here is related to Noah
34:43 because the whole world was destroyed
34:44 except Noah and his family, right.
34:46 So everyone here came from Noah.
34:48 Was Noah a Jewish?
34:51 No, he wasn't.
34:53 The first Jew actually was from the tribe of Judah
34:56 or the first Hebrew was Abraham.
34:59 But we're all related to Noah but God told Noah
35:01 when he put the animals on the ark
35:02 to make the distinction between the animals.
35:05 He said, "You shall take with you
35:07 seven each of every clean animal,
35:10 two of the animals that are unclean".
35:12 So way back in Noah's day
35:13 they knew some animals were clean,
35:15 some animals were unclean.
35:17 You know what happened after the flood?
35:20 All the vegetation was destroyed.
35:22 Man began to eat more animals
35:24 and probably began to eat the wrong kind of animals.
35:26 Look at the life span.
35:27 I got a picture up here on the screen.
35:30 There you got how long people lived before the flood.
35:33 You see Noah there in the middle, 950 years.
35:37 Look what happened to their life span after the flood
35:40 when they started eating more and more of animal products.
35:45 Their life span has got shorter and shorter and shorter
35:47 it's pretty well proven now, that vegetarians live longer.
35:51 National Geographic just did an article about that,
35:54 and they interviewed people in Loma Linda
35:56 because they live longer than most people
35:57 and the main reason is that they don't smoke,
35:59 they don't drink and most of them were vegetarians.
36:02 And there is a lady there 100 years old
36:04 that was working out, driving her own car.
36:07 And so these are facts God does have super food in the Bible
36:10 and He wants you to know about that
36:12 because it will help you feel better,
36:13 it will help you to be a better witness for Him,
36:16 help you get more done and you can hear the Holy Spirit.
36:19 Now, what's the difference between
36:20 the clean and the unclean mammals?
36:24 Leviticus 11:3, "Whatever divides the hoof,
36:28 having cloven hooves and chewing the cud you can eat."
36:31 That means an animal like a goat or sheep,
36:34 it's got a cloven hoof and it chews the cud.
36:37 You've ever seen animals do that?
36:39 They are clean to eat, they are vegetarians
36:42 but there are some animals they got cloven hoof
36:44 but they don't chew the cud.
36:45 It says right there in the Bible, Deuteronomy 14: 6
36:49 "The swine, that's a swine, pig is unclean for you,
36:54 because it has cloven hoof but it does not chew the cud,
36:58 you shall not eat their flesh."
37:00 The Bible says they are an abomination
37:04 and there is a lot of people in the world
37:05 that man he is taking his lunch to work with them.
37:09 Lot of people in the world eat pork.
37:10 Now you know most of the food in the Bible that is unclean.
37:14 Bible says that buzzards are unclean,
37:16 the Bible says storks are unclean,
37:17 the Bible says you are not supposed to eat rats and mice.
37:20 In other parts of world where they eat puppy dogs.
37:25 You know China they just had the Olympic there.
37:28 Do you know that dogs and pigs are related?
37:31 They are in the same category.
37:32 Even Jesus used a dog and pig together.
37:36 He said they're very similar.
37:37 Pigs I understand make good pets
37:38 but you are not supposed to eat them.
37:41 Even the Muslims know that, Jews know that
37:44 and Christians ought to know that,
37:45 it's in the Bible that they are-- pigs are garbage cans.
37:49 God has some animals that are scavengers,
37:51 they will eat anything.
37:53 Has your mother ever come into your room
37:55 and said wow this place it looks like,
37:57 it looks like a Deerfield,
38:00 they don't ever say, it looks like a deer meadow.
38:02 They say it looks like a pigpen, right.
38:05 Here any of you ever heard that before.
38:07 You know, why, because what's the dirtiest
38:09 animal in the world? Pigs.
38:12 Why would you want to eat the dirtiest animal in the world.
38:14 They are garbage cans, they eat garbage.
38:16 And you think I'd never eat garbage
38:18 but if you eat the garbage can that's even worse, right?
38:24 God doesn't want us to eat those things that are unclean.
38:27 Listen to what the Lord says about
38:29 how He is going to judge people in the last days.
38:31 Isaiah 66: 15-17 "Behold the Lord will come with fire
38:36 and with His chariots, like a whirlwind,
38:38 to render His anger with fury.
38:41 Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves,
38:46 eating swine's flesh" now swine is a pig,
38:50 "and the abomination" and the what's that word,
38:53 mouse he puts pigs and mice in the same category
38:57 would you eat a mouse. No.
38:59 "Shall be consumed together, says the Lord."
39:02 Now Pastor Doug knows what he is talking about.
39:05 You want to see a picture of me?
39:07 Believe it or not, that's me... years ago.
39:11 See what my little car says there,
39:13 it says, wholesale prime beef
39:15 and you can't read the bottom, it said sticks.
39:17 I used to have my own meat business
39:19 and I used to buy all kinds of beef and sell it
39:22 and I ate meat three times a day and I didn't feel very good.
39:26 When I lived up in the mountains in a cave,
39:28 I had no refrigerators, so I eat mostly beans and vegetables
39:30 I felt pretty good, felt pretty strong.
39:33 I came down to town I went into a meat business,
39:35 I started to eat lots of stake and meat, my mind was foggy,
39:40 I didn't feel very good, I didn't have as much energy.
39:43 And I asked a friend one day can I get
39:45 some prime pork for a customer.
39:47 He laughed at me.
39:48 He said there is no such thing as prime pork.
39:50 He says, they are all dirty.
39:51 The U.S Department of Agriculture says
39:53 you shouldn't eat it.
39:54 What about the fish, God makes the distinction in his word
39:58 between clean and unclean fish.
40:00 Leviticus 11:9 "These you may eat of all that
40:04 are in the water whatever in the water has fins and scales,
40:07 you might eat, needed both thing fins and scales.
40:10 But, if they didn't have fins and scales like crab
40:15 or clamps or lobster or shrimp.
40:19 The Bible says they are scavengers all those things
40:20 you are looking at there, they all live on the bottom,
40:23 they eat what the other fish drop
40:25 and we are not going to talk about what the other fish drop.
40:27 But they eat that so, why would you want to eat them.
40:31 That's right, they are scavengers
40:33 and then they are not only scavengers
40:35 like pigs that go around root things up
40:37 and they get scavengers in the water like cat fish
40:39 and clamps and then they got scavengers in the air
40:42 like buzzards and crows and the carnivorous animals.
40:46 The birds, the only birds that people were allowed to eat
40:49 the clean birds is what they call the foraging birds.
40:51 They are the ones who go around like the little chickens,
40:53 and then they peck and they pick up the seeds like the dove
40:55 and the quail and the turkey.
40:57 Those where pheasant, those were foraging birds.
41:00 The other birds were birds of carrion,
41:03 you are not supposed to eat them, or the raptors,
41:05 the hunting birds and it tells
41:08 "Every raven after its kind, and the short eared owl,
41:11 and the sea gull, and the hawk after its kind."
41:15 Those were all considered unclean.
41:17 Now, here is my question for you.
41:20 Does it make a difference what we eat? It does.
41:25 What you eat and what you don't eat can make you feel good
41:27 or not feel good.
41:30 And you know the devil clouts the minds
41:32 of a lot of young people in the world
41:33 because they are eating the wrong thing.
41:34 Tell you what you know, I got so much to cover
41:36 but I want to do little illustration.
41:37 Pastor Ross, why don't you help me
41:39 in bringing that table up to me.
41:41 I got to get somebody to help me.
41:42 Who hasn't helped me yet?
41:44 I feel you guys in the middle why don't you both come?
41:47 You haven't helped, you haven't helped yet.
41:48 All right come on you two, come up here.
41:51 Sometime I always take them on the edges.
41:54 All right, I may help you see if you find some sweet in there.
41:58 You've already helped, who hasn't?
41:59 You want to come up? You haven't helped yet?
42:02 Who hasn't had a turn yet?
42:03 You haven't had a turn yet come on, sorry, okay.
42:07 You find something sweet, hold that up
42:08 so we can all see what it is.
42:10 Look in there and see if there is
42:12 something else you could drink.
42:14 Grab that put it on the table for me.
42:18 Okay, all right, you read pretty good?
42:23 Let me see here, I want to come here come here.
42:27 Let see here what does that say right above my thumb? Sugar.
42:30 Sugar, how many grams? 31 grams.
42:33 31 grams of sugar and that's per serving
42:36 there is two servings in here.
42:38 So, 31 and 31 is 62 grams of sugar
42:43 and if there are above four teaspoons
42:46 I'm sorry there's four grams per teaspoon
42:50 let's see how many teaspoons would that be.
42:55 That will be about 15 is that right? All right.
42:59 I would like for you to put 15 teaspoons in here,
43:02 you all count them out for.
43:05 One, two, three,
43:12 four, five, six,
43:19 seven, eight, nine, ten,
43:26 Is that what you put on in your cereal in the morning.
43:27 Eleven, twelve, thirteen, I know some of you,
43:33 you put more on your sugar across the flakes, don't you?
43:34 Fourteen, fifteen.
43:37 Okay, that's just what's in the candy bar.
43:42 Now, this has got.
43:43 I can't find it here, where is it,
43:46 so the sugar is 65 grams, isn't that what that says.
43:51 65 grams, tell you what that's not counting
43:54 the 50 something grams of
44:00 57 milligrams of caffeine,
44:04 phosphoric acid that will clean off battery terminals
44:08 and some people drink this.
44:10 Now, we don't have time but why don't you see
44:14 if you could pour the rest of this sugar in that cup, okay.
44:18 I'll bring that for you,
44:19 you think you could pour that in there.
44:21 Try and pour without spilling too much.
44:25 We measure that out in advance,
44:28 how many of you have drunk one of these before.
44:30 Aha, don't confess.
44:34 You never, you probably could never eat
44:36 one of these by yourself.
44:39 You know what's amazing to me.
44:41 You're all starting to act like, you've already had one.
44:45 Some of you will eat this and drink that in one sitting,
44:50 how much sugar are you getting?
44:53 But, it doesn't matter because you always pray
44:56 over your food, right.
44:58 As long as you pray over it will be okay, Yeah.
45:02 No, no, you know, thank you very much,
45:05 you can go back down.
45:06 Pastor Ross, you might get this for me.
45:12 The Bible says God is not mocked, do not be deceived
45:16 what a person sows, they will also reap.
45:19 And there are some people they think it doesn't matter
45:21 I'll just pray over it. It does matter.
45:24 There is something called cause and effect
45:27 at what you do it's going to make difference.
45:29 You've got to be careful.
45:30 Lot of kids are eating so much sugar,
45:32 they are just like this at school
45:33 and they are not doing very well.
45:35 I know because I grew up in sometimes for breakfast
45:38 all I had was a Hostess Twinkie and a cup of coffee.
45:41 And then I wondered why I did so poorly in school
45:45 and if you eat good food, the Bible says eat what is good.
45:49 You know why there is sin in the world today?
45:53 God told Adam and Eve not to eat something
45:58 they weren't supposed to eat.
46:00 Did they listen? No.
46:01 He told Eve "Thou Shalt not eat of it."
46:05 And they did eat of it.
46:06 Question number 6.
46:07 Why does God say all these things about our food?
46:12 It says "The Lord commanded us
46:14 to observe all of these statutes,
46:17 to fear the Lord our God, for our good always,
46:22 that he might preserve us alive."
46:25 He cares about us, right.
46:27 Can you have a banana split and then go to school
46:29 and think everything is going to be okay? Yes.
46:32 No, no, and hopefully your mom and dad
46:37 won't let you to do that.
46:38 It says in the Bible "Eat that which is good."
46:41 Now some people say, you know, all these people
46:42 that believe in evolution they say,
46:44 people are supposed to eat meat because after all,
46:47 right here you got a tooth.
46:49 Pastor Doug has all his own teeth, see that.
46:54 I bought them with my own money.
46:57 We got this canine teeth and they say
46:59 that means you are suppose to eat flesh,
47:00 because you got this canine teeth.
47:03 This fellow here, he has got pretty good canine teeth too,
47:06 don't you think.
47:08 But, you know what? He is vegetarian.
47:12 He is one of the strongest animals and he is a vegetarian.
47:14 Elephant is a biggest animal, he is a vegetarian,
47:18 Giraffe is the tallest animal, he is a vegetarian.
47:21 These animals know about their super food
47:24 and so this idea that you got to eat meat
47:28 or you got to eat all these sweet things
47:30 or you're just not going to feel good, it's not true.
47:32 You will feel much better, if you follow God's diet.
47:35 Number 7.
47:37 What should guide me in choosing how I live and what I eat?
47:41 1 Corinthians 10:31 that was our scripture verse to start with.
47:47 "Whether you eat or whether you drink,
47:52 do all to the glory of God."
47:54 All right, I need some more helpers here
47:55 I'm gonna go to this side now.
47:57 Tell you what?
47:58 We'll just go right down the line here one,
48:00 you want to help again?
48:01 One, two, three, four, five, six
48:03 come up, little quick.
48:07 We are running out of time.
48:10 You all know how to break these and shake them.
48:11 Take one break it, shake it real quick.
48:14 And I hope this works. Is someone missing one?
48:18 Here shake it break it, Okay, here we go.
48:22 What does a red light mean at a traffic sign? Stop.
48:26 What does green light mean? Go.
48:29 And yellow light means? Caution.
48:32 One time a kid said it means go real fast.
48:35 Because so many people parents they see the lights turn yellow,
48:38 because they want to get through light, all right come here.
48:39 Right, all two red lights together,
48:41 let me help you with this.
48:44 Oh, good I thought you have to dart
48:46 there for a minute, all right.
48:48 All right, yellow, where is yellow?
48:49 Yellow over here. Two Yellows.
48:51 Reds you guys stand together.
48:52 Two greens you stand together. All right.
48:54 Some foods are perfectly good, and God wants you to enjoy them.
48:59 Now, I'm going to call out a food you tell me
49:00 red, green or yellow?
49:02 I didn't say the food yet.
49:06 Bananas? Green.
49:09 Hold up your light green light. Bananas are good.
49:12 Grapes? Green light.
49:15 Ice cream? Green. Red.
49:21 Yellow, come on, the God says he has taken us
49:24 to a land of milk and honey right?
49:26 A little bit yellow means caution.
49:31 Coco-cola? Red. Red light.
49:35 I hope I won't get sued for this.
49:40 Coffee? Oh, red light, very good.
49:44 Alcohol? Red.
49:48 Strawberries? Green.
49:51 Zucchini? Green.
49:54 Some of you said red.
49:57 Broccoli? Green.
50:00 That's right. Let me think what else we could say here.
50:03 Potato chips? Red. Green.
50:09 Yellow. All right, you get the idea so pork? Red.
50:16 Bacon? Red.
50:19 Did you know bacon is pork? Yes.
50:23 Ham? Red.
50:26 All right very good. You get the idea.
50:28 Thank you, we are running out of time.
50:29 You could keep those guys. Thank you very much.
50:34 Well, I have surprises for you don't worry.
50:36 I'm just about out of time, and I have got more to say
50:39 may be some of you will ask question about health,
50:42 but God wants you to feel good.
50:43 You know when Jesus comes back he is going to give us
50:47 new glorified bodies.
50:50 But we need to take care of these bodies, right?
50:53 What would you think if somebody said they wanted to borrow
50:56 your family's brand new car?
50:58 Here don't play with them now,
51:00 don't play with your light sticks.
51:01 They wanted to borrow your family's brand new car
51:03 and they say I'll bring it back in a week
51:05 and you tell your dear friend you said, okay.
51:07 So they take your car on vacation
51:09 and they go driving off through the wilderness
51:13 and they don't even use the road and they beat the thing up
51:15 and they are scraping it against trees,
51:17 and they don't check the oil,
51:18 they don't put water in the radiator
51:20 and they put the wrong gas in the tank
51:21 and after a week they come.
51:23 You hear this noise coming up the street
51:25 and you looked out there and you see
51:26 this monstrosity come driving towards you,
51:29 and there are sparks flying out from underneath
51:32 because the tires are worn off and its driving on the rims.
51:35 And smoke is ballooning out from under the hood
51:38 and they pull up and they open the door and it falls off,
51:40 and the head light hanging out like an eye ball
51:42 and then they you say where is my car,
51:46 this is your car, hey thanks a lot we had
51:47 a lot of fun on vacation.
51:50 And they say can we borrow it again next year.
51:52 What would you say? No.
51:55 If they do that, to the one you lent them
51:58 then you don't want to ever lent them another one.
52:01 Who does your body belong to? Jesus.
52:04 How many of you want a new body when Jesus comes?
52:07 Do you think he is going to give you a new body
52:09 if you destroy the old?
52:12 If you destroy the one He has given you?
52:15 You need to take care of your body, not only to honor God
52:18 because it's His property but you'll feel better
52:21 and you'll live longer.
52:24 I'm a grandfather did you know that.
52:28 I can walk on my hands.
52:30 You want to see me walk on my hands? Yes.
52:33 Awe, it hurts though but I'll do it again if you like.
52:39 I got to do this real quick, we are almost out of time.
52:47 Okay, that's all I can do.
52:53 For our friends who are watching we still got
52:55 one more question left, it's got numbers 8,
52:58 a bunch of secrets about health
53:00 so you could live longer and stronger.
53:03 Look at those things, you can also find out more about it
53:05 at the Amazing Facts website.
53:07 Don't you all want to feel better
53:09 and live longer and be stronger? Yes.
53:12 God has super food for you
53:13 if you follow the rules in the Bible.
53:16 Let's ask Him to help us do that, amen.
53:18 Can we pray right now? Let's ask the Lord to help us.
53:22 We need to make some changes in the way we eat and drink.
53:25 So that we bring glory to Him.
53:27 Father in Heaven, thank you for the principles
53:30 You give us in Your word, so we can know
53:33 how we can bring glory to you by taking care of our bodies.
53:37 Give us victory and self control,
53:39 be with all those that are watching
53:41 so that we might have more strength to give You glory
53:44 and to take care of ourselves
53:45 and be better witnesses in Jesus' name, amen.
53:50 God bless you friends. Thank you friends for tuning.
53:52 When is our next meeting? Tomorrow.
53:55 Tomorrow and our study tomorrow was going to be
53:57 "whistling through the graveyard."
53:59 You don't want to miss it.


Revised 2014-12-17