Amazing Adventures

Only One Life Boat

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AA

Program Code: AA190005A

00:11 Hi, kids, you wanna hear an amazing fact?
00:14 Most people choose to have children
00:15 because they want the baby to love
00:17 and they want to be loved by the baby,
00:18 but one family in Los Angeles in 1990,
00:22 they had a baby specifically for the purpose
00:24 of saving their other child.
00:26 Back in 1989, Anissa Ayala of Los Angeles
00:30 was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia,
00:33 a bone marrow transplant was her only hope
00:36 for a second chance at life.
00:38 But unfortunately, neither of her parents
00:40 Mary and Abraham,
00:41 or her older brother Aaron had a bone marrow
00:44 that matched hers.
00:45 Even after they launched a massive national campaign
00:49 to find and recruit new donors,
00:51 not one was found that had bone marrow
00:53 that matched Anissa.
00:55 That's when her parents aged 44 and 42
00:58 decided they'd have another baby
01:00 to try to save her life.
01:01 Even though they knew the chances
01:03 this new baby were only one in four
01:06 that it would be a bone marrow match,
01:07 they went ahead.
01:09 And incredibly Mary did get pregnant at age 42
01:12 and their prayers were answered.
01:14 The new baby they named Marisa
01:16 turned out to be a perfect match.
01:19 And at 14 months, she donated her marrow
01:21 to her big sister Anissa without of course having
01:24 much say in the matter,
01:26 the treatment worked out perfectly.
01:28 Today, 20 years later, Anissa enjoys perfect health
01:31 and is very close to her younger sister.
01:34 You know, friends, this is not the first time
01:36 that a baby was born specifically to save others.
01:40 We're gonna learn more about it in this Amazing Adventure,
01:43 so let's get on board and discover together.
02:03 Well, good evening everyone and welcome again
02:05 to Amazing Adventure, A Journey for Life with Jesus.
02:09 I'd like to welcome all of our young people
02:11 that are here this evening, and also our friends
02:13 who are joining us
02:14 across the country and around the world
02:16 part of our amazing discovery journey
02:18 into Bible truth.
02:21 But before we get to our study this evening,
02:22 we're gonna sing our theme song
02:24 "Life is an Adventure."
02:26 And I'm gonna invite Pastor Doug to come forward.
02:28 Now, in the past when Pastor Doug has come out
02:31 he has rung the bell and when Pastor Doug...
02:34 Wait, wait when Pastor Doug rings the bell,
02:37 I want us all to say good evening,
02:39 Pastor Doug, all right?
02:40 So listen for the bell. Here it is.
02:44 Good evening, Pastor Doug.
02:47 Good evening.
02:48 Are you ready for an adventure tonight?
02:50 Yes!
02:51 I think we're gonna stand together.
02:53 We're gonna sing our song. We are.
02:54 Let's stand and we invite
02:56 our song leaders to come forward,
02:57 Life is an Adventure.
03:04 Life is an adventure Following the King
03:09 Every day with Jesus Makes us want to sing
03:14 Walking in the spirit
03:17 He will lead the way
03:19 With His words who guide us Scrolling deep inside us
03:25 Nothing can divide us Following the King
03:31 Life is an adventure Following the King
03:37 Every day with Jesus Makes us want to sing
03:42 Conquering with kindness Everywhere we go
03:48 Voices we are raising Jesus we are praising
03:53 Life is so amazing Following the King
03:59 Life is so amazing
04:03 Following the King
04:08 Amen. Thank you, singers.
04:10 You can make your way down.
04:11 But we do have some Bible questions
04:13 that some of our young people have asked.
04:14 And so we're gonna take a look at
04:16 those video Bible questions.
04:17 Our first one for this evening.
04:20 Hi, my name is Sierra Simmons, I am from Crofton, Maryland,
04:24 and I'm nine years old.
04:26 My Bible question is,
04:27 how do you give your heart to God?
04:30 Oh, probably one of the most important questions
04:33 that somebody can ask.
04:34 How do you give your heart to God?
04:37 When we say heart, often people think about
04:40 an emotional feeling.
04:41 They think about your heart here,
04:43 they think about a Valentine's heart.
04:45 In the Bible when it says, "Giving your heart to God,"
04:48 it tells us in the Word of God,
04:49 "As a man thinks in his heart so is he."
04:53 Do you think with your pump or with your head?
04:55 Head.
04:56 When you give your heart to God,
04:58 you are giving your mind to God.
04:59 You're saying "Lord, I am choosing to trust You.
05:03 I believe in You, I thank You for Your love.
05:06 Lord, I'm helpless unless You help me."
05:08 Be honest with God and say, "I belong to you.
05:12 Will you change me? Will you forgive me?"
05:14 And when you do that,
05:15 you are giving your heart to God.
05:16 It's a choice to make, to give your life to Him
05:19 and ask for His forgiveness.
05:21 And will He answer that prayer?
05:23 This is our subject tonight.
05:25 So you'll learn more about that.
05:26 Okay, very good.
05:28 Our next question that we have.
05:29 Hi, my name is Samuel,
05:31 I'm 12 years old, from California.
05:33 And I want to know,
05:34 is it possible to live without sinning?
05:36 All right, another important question.
05:38 Is it possible for a person to live without sinning?
05:42 Who first tempted Adam and Eve to sin?
05:46 Satan. The devil.
05:48 Does the devil still tempt people to sin?
05:50 Yes.
05:52 When the angel appeared to Mary, and he said
05:55 "You're going to have a son
05:56 and you will call His name Jesus
05:58 because He will save His people
06:01 from their sins."
06:04 Do we all believe the devil has the power
06:06 to tempt us to sin?
06:07 Yes.
06:09 Do you believe that Jesus has the power
06:11 to save you from sin?
06:12 Yes.
06:15 Who's more powerful, Jesus or the devil?
06:17 Jesus.
06:18 Now, if you're walking with the Lord and you fall,
06:21 He'll forgive you.
06:22 But you should always try
06:24 as a Christian to be like Christ.
06:28 You see, a Christian is not a follower of Christians,
06:30 a Christian is a follower of Jesus.
06:32 Was Jesus perfect? Yes.
06:35 Yeah, Bible says He did no sin.
06:38 And so if you're following a perfect master,
06:40 you will always become more and more like Jesus
06:43 as you follow Him.
06:45 But if you say, "Oh, well,
06:47 we're all sinners and so why try"
06:50 your standard of life is gonna go down.
06:52 So you always want to seek to be like Jesus
06:55 and believe that He can keep you from falling.
06:57 That's what it says in the Book of Jude.
06:59 He is able to keep you from falling.
07:01 He can save you from your sins.
07:03 Amen. All right.
07:05 Our next question that we have.
07:07 Hi, my name is Ally, and I'm from Texas.
07:10 And my Bible question is,
07:11 why did they choose a lamb to represent Jesus?
07:14 All right.
07:15 The question there was,
07:16 why does the Bible use a lamb to represent Jesus?
07:19 You can see she's probably on a farm
07:21 and there're some goats and some animals around.
07:23 But why lamb? Why does that symbolize Jesus?
07:25 That sounded like the goat asked the question too
07:28 halfway through.
07:31 Well, you know, lambs, it's interesting,
07:33 God used several shepherds to become great leaders.
07:38 Abel, Abel was a shepherd, Moses was a shepherd,
07:44 Joseph was a shepherd, Abraham was a shepherd,
07:47 Jacob was a shepherd, David was a shepherd.
07:51 God taught those shepherds how to care for people
07:54 by taking care of sheep because sheep,
07:57 domestic modern sheep are kind of helpless
08:00 without someone to help protect them,
08:02 and guide them, and feed them.
08:04 And so sheep have been domesticated
08:07 for thousands of years.
08:09 So they're very dependent, they're often innocent.
08:12 You don't hear too often about a person on the news,
08:14 "Someone was attacked and killed by a lamb today."
08:17 They're usually pretty gentle animals.
08:22 And so God picked this gentle innocent animal
08:26 to be a symbol of Jesus, who is the Lamb of God
08:29 that takes away the sin of the world,
08:31 which we have a story about tonight.
08:33 All right, well, with that, Pastor Doug,
08:35 we'll turn the time over to you a very important lesson.
08:37 Thank you so much, Pastor Ross.
08:40 And thank you everybody,
08:41 both here in the local church here in Michigan,
08:44 as well as our friends who are watching
08:46 via the internet and others who may be looking
08:49 in on television
08:50 to our Amazing Adventure program.
08:52 Our lesson tonight is talking about the only lifeboat.
08:57 And so God has a lifeboat
09:00 by which He is going to save us.
09:04 Now, remember our memory verse,
09:06 "Nor is there salvation in any other,
09:10 but there is no other name under heaven
09:12 given among men by which we must be saved."
09:16 So years ago, back in 1914, they built one of the most
09:22 beautiful ships that'd ever been built.
09:23 It was the biggest ship in the world at the time.
09:26 You know, the name of it was...
09:27 Titanic. The Titanic.
09:29 In my office in California,
09:31 I've actually got a piece of coal
09:34 that was on the Titanic that they recovered
09:36 from the wreck.
09:38 That's 13,000 feet below the water,
09:40 they brought up a bunch of things
09:42 and someone had some coal.
09:44 A friend of mine bought a little piece of the coal
09:45 from the original Titanic and they gave...
09:48 He send it to me as a gift.
09:50 And it's a reminder that even though that ship
09:54 had some of the very best
09:55 and most modern technology of mankind,
09:59 they said it was unsinkable.
10:01 They said we don't need
10:02 very many lifeboats on the Titanic
10:04 because we built it
10:05 with 16 waterproof compartments.
10:09 And so even if it gets punctured here or there,
10:13 it'll never sink.
10:14 So they didn't put enough lifeboats on the ship.
10:17 Well, you know the story.
10:19 Four days into the first voyage,
10:22 beautiful calm water at night.
10:24 They were going too fast, maybe not paying attention,
10:28 having too much fun partying on the boat,
10:31 and they ran into an iceberg that cut the boat
10:34 open from the bow, made a rip about 300 feet back
10:37 and water began to pour into all the different compartments
10:41 and they realized they didn't have enough lifeboats.
10:44 The sad thing is, a lot of people
10:46 did not want to get off the ship
10:48 into the lifeboats they did have,
10:50 so some of the first lifeboats that pushed off,
10:52 were almost empty.
10:55 And then it was too late when people realized
10:57 the boat was going to sink.
10:59 And everybody was trying to crowd into the lifeboats
11:02 and most of the people on the Titanic drowned
11:07 because they were not thinking
11:08 about the importance of the lifeboats.
11:11 You know, the Bible tells us about a lifeboat
11:13 that God made back early when He destroyed the world
11:18 because of their sins, there was one lifeboat
11:20 who was the captain of that boat?
11:21 Noah.
11:23 Noah, and the boat was called the what?
11:25 Ark. Noah's Ark.
11:27 And there was only one boat.
11:30 And yeah, all had to be on that boat
11:32 if you wanted to survive.
11:33 Now Noah and his family came,
11:34 most people didn't get on the lifeboat.
11:37 But Noah not only took his family,
11:38 what else did he take?
11:40 Animals. He took some animals.
11:41 You know, I just got a signal.
11:43 I think we've got a guest visitor here tonight.
11:45 And so if I'm not mistaken, yep, sure enough,
11:49 I've not even met this guest,
11:51 but we just had someone come from Noah's Ark.
11:56 Hi, is it Seth? Yes.
11:58 And Seth, what do we have here?
12:00 This is a Chinchilla and his name is
12:03 Mr. Chinchilla Man.
12:04 Mr. Chinchilla Man,
12:05 very creative like Monty Python.
12:07 Oh, yes. Yeah, got a lot of funny names.
12:10 So he's a Chinchilla.
12:11 These guys they live near the volcanoes and stuff
12:14 so they got really soft fur,
12:15 one of the softest furs of any mammal so...
12:18 Do they work hard to keep their coats clean?
12:20 Yes, they do.
12:21 They actually will roll around in volcanic ash to try
12:24 and keep their coats clean.
12:26 You know, that's a good lesson for us to do
12:29 everything we can to keep our coats clean.
12:31 Jesus gives us robes of righteousness
12:33 and we don't want to get them dirty.
12:34 So can I pet him? Absolutely.
12:37 Oh, they're so soft.
12:38 Is it okay if I have a couple of kids come up or maybe...
12:43 Now raise your hands if you have not...
12:46 If you've not been up here before.
12:47 All right, so who are some people?
12:49 I was gonna bring Isaac, you want to come up?
12:51 Yes. All right, come on up here.
12:53 Let me see. I'll get two or three.
12:55 I'll let you come. You've not been up yet?
12:56 No.
12:58 Well, there's other things you hang tight.
12:59 We got more happening here. Okay.
13:01 Mr. Chinchilla.
13:03 Now, is that the softest thing you've ever felt?
13:06 Yes.
13:07 So tell us about some of their habits.
13:09 What do they do?
13:10 Well, Chinchillas, they really like to eat the grass
13:14 that's on the mountains.
13:15 So they'll climb up and they like to keep it cool
13:18 because they got this big thick fur,
13:20 and they like to hang out with other Chinchillas,
13:23 so you'll see them chatter with each other.
13:25 And they're nocturnal, so they actually, you know,
13:27 kind of like it more at the nighttime
13:29 as opposed to daytime.
13:30 So he's just waking up right now?
13:32 Oh, yes. He's like...
13:33 Do they not eat fingers? No, no, no.
13:35 Okay, I just want to make sure.
13:36 They're herbivores, they love all the veggies.
13:39 That's what they like. Well, thank you.
13:40 Let's all thank Seth for showing us Mr. Chinchilla.
13:46 All right, kids, thanks.
13:49 Never dreamed we'd actually have a visitor from the ark.
13:53 So Noah brought two of all of the unclean animals,
13:58 clean animals were brought on the arks by seven
14:01 and after all the animals
14:03 were on the ark they went in just before the door shut.
14:07 Noah stood in the door of the ark
14:09 and he said to any of the people,
14:12 "Don't you wanna be saved?
14:14 Now is the time."
14:16 And the people said, "Well,
14:17 Noah, you've been talking about rain for 120 years
14:20 and we've never seen it rain
14:21 and there's no clouds in the sky
14:22 and we're not so sure it's gonna rain.
14:24 Maybe when we see the clouds, then we'll get on the ark."
14:29 But when they waited for the clouds,
14:30 it was too late.
14:32 He appealed and he asked the people to come
14:34 but they didn't come and finally Noah
14:36 and his family went inside.
14:38 The door of the ark was closed.
14:41 And then for seven days, everyone made fun of Noah.
14:44 But then the rain came and the thunder began to crack
14:49 and the clouds gathered and water began to pour
14:53 in great cataracts from the sky,
14:55 and it began to explode out of the earth,
14:58 and there was this terrible flood
14:59 that changed the whole planet.
15:01 And the only ones that survived were the ones in the lifeboat.
15:06 You know who the lifeboat is in the last days?
15:09 Jesus. Jesus.
15:10 "Only those in Christ..."
15:13 the Bible says that "will be saved."
15:15 We must be in Jesus, we hide in Him.
15:17 He is our Savior, He is our lifeboat.
15:20 So we're gonna go through our lesson and talk about
15:22 how do we give our hearts to the Lord?
15:24 How do we get on this lifeboat?
15:25 First question, what has God done for us
15:29 to make a lifeboat for us?
15:32 Now we've read this verse before,
15:33 John 3:16.
15:35 You want to say it with me?
15:36 "For God so loved the world
15:40 that He gave His only begotten Son,
15:43 that whoever believes in Him
15:46 should not perish but have everlasting life."
15:51 Now we read those verses, you know those words,
15:54 but what does it mean when it says "He gave His Son."
15:57 It was very painful for God to lose His Son.
16:03 Years ago 1937, there was a man named John Griffith.
16:09 He operated a railroad draw bridge
16:11 over the Mississippi River.
16:13 Most of the time they kept the railroad bridge up
16:16 until he got the whistle that a train was coming.
16:19 He signaled back, bring the train along,
16:21 he would lower the bridge
16:23 so the train wouldn't have to slow down
16:24 cause they needed to keep the bridge up
16:26 for all the ships and the boats
16:27 to go through on the Mississippi.
16:30 One day John brought his son Gregory with him to work,
16:33 his young boy about five or six years old.
16:36 And they were having lunch together
16:38 and he was showing him the machines
16:40 and he wanted to see how daddy worked.
16:42 And just then he heard the whistle
16:44 and the radio go say "Train was coming."
16:46 "So okay, you sit tight,
16:48 and you can watch the train go by."
16:50 The father went up and he radioed back,
16:52 "Tell the train to come on through."
16:53 It's the Memphis special 400 people on board and
16:58 "You don't need to slow down"
17:00 he said "I'm here, I'll lower the bridge."
17:01 So the train started coming and the father was up there,
17:04 he hit the switch and the drawbridge machine
17:06 and the cable started to lower.
17:08 And then he heard "Help, daddy."
17:11 And he looked down at the machine.
17:14 And he was horrified to see his son Greg
17:17 had not listened to him.
17:18 He got up and he went to watch the machine move.
17:20 And he didn't realize there would be a cable
17:22 going behind him
17:24 and the cable had a broken piece of cable
17:26 that was like a little hook.
17:28 It grabbed his clothes and it began to pull him up
17:30 towards the machinery.
17:33 Gears, pulleys, the father saw the train whistling
17:38 and it was coming towards him and he thought, "What do I do?
17:42 If I stopped the drawbridge that train will never be
17:45 able to stop in time.
17:47 The cars and all those people
17:49 are gonna go crash off into the Mississippi
17:51 and many will drown.
17:54 If I don't, my son will be lost."
17:58 He had a terrible decision to make.
18:00 He decided that he would sacrifice his son
18:04 to save all the people and he let the bridge go down
18:06 and his son died.
18:08 He had to listen to his son say "Daddy, help me."
18:10 And he couldn't save his son.
18:12 And then when the people went by in the train,
18:15 there was a glass booth there
18:16 where they could see the operator,
18:17 they could see John Griffith,
18:19 and all the people were waving to him
18:21 as they went by.
18:23 And they didn't realize that he just gave his son
18:26 so that they could live.
18:28 So many people in this world don't realize
18:30 how much Jesus gave so they could live.
18:34 And He says, "If you love Me, then give your heart to Me."
18:37 He's happy to die for you because He loves you.
18:41 Bible tells us that the life preserver is Christ.
18:45 You can actually read in Jude 1,
18:47 "We are preserved in Christ."
18:50 Jesus is our life preserver who saves us.
18:53 So how much does Jesus love us?
18:56 Does He really love us that much?
18:57 Does He love me personally, you might wonder
18:59 "I know He loves the whole world,
19:01 but I'm not a very good boy or girl.
19:03 Maybe He doesn't really love me that much
19:05 'cause I'm pretty bad."
19:07 I'll tell you.
19:08 If you knew me when I was your age,
19:10 I was a real scoundrel.
19:11 I used to steal.
19:13 My grandmother caught me one day.
19:15 I stole a bow and arrow from a drug store.
19:19 And she said, "I don't know how you got it
19:20 out of the store in your pants."
19:22 But somehow, you know, under my clothes,
19:23 I hid the whole bow and arrow.
19:25 She took me to the police station
19:26 'cause she...
19:28 I had such a problem of stealing.
19:29 She said, "You better put the fear in him."
19:33 They said "If you don't stop stealing, Dougie,
19:35 we're gonna put you in jail,
19:37 and you'll eat bread and water."
19:39 I said, "I don't care. I like bread and water."
19:42 And my grandmother whispered to the policeman
19:44 "Tell him he's only gonna eat canned peas."
19:48 Oh, I hated peas.
19:49 And the policeman said
19:50 "All you're gonna get is water and peas."
19:52 I said "Oh, I'm gonna stop stealing."
19:55 I didn't want to steal anymore, but I was a...
19:57 I got in a lot of trouble when I was a little boy.
20:00 But, you know, I came to realize Jesus
20:02 loves me so much,
20:04 He would have died just for me.
20:06 He loves you individually so much
20:08 He would die just for you.
20:10 The Bible says in Romans 5:8,
20:13 "God demonstrates His own love towards us,
20:15 in while we were sinners."
20:17 Jesus died.
20:18 He didn't say when you get to be good enough,
20:20 then I'll die for you.
20:21 He loves you.
20:23 You know that song Jesus loves me.
20:25 I'll tell you my verse.
20:27 Jesus loves me when I'm good, when I do the things I should,
20:30 Jesus loves me when I'm bad, even though it makes Him sad.
20:35 Yes, Jesus loves me. Good or bad, He loves you.
20:37 Nothing separates you from the love of God.
20:41 He says, "Yes, I've loved you with an everlasting love."
20:45 God loves you more than you love anything.
20:46 It's so hard for us to even understand.
20:49 He says, "You are precious in My sight."
20:52 "There is no created thing, " Romans 8:38,
20:55 "that is able to separate us
20:56 from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus,
20:59 our Lord."
21:00 Someone asked a question about a sheep.
21:02 I'll tell you a story.
21:04 In Scotland years ago, there was a lighthouse keeper.
21:08 And his job was to keep the lighthouse light burning.
21:11 Every now and then...
21:12 the lighthouse was over 100 feet high.
21:14 And every now and then it was right on the coast
21:16 and there were some fields
21:18 where some sheep would graze nearby.
21:20 And he was out on top of the lighthouse one day,
21:25 there's a little railing that walks around the top
21:27 so he could wash the windows
21:29 and keep the windows clean on the lighthouse.
21:31 And he was walking around and he was cleaning the windows
21:33 and he leaned back, and he didn't realize
21:35 the railing had gotten so rusty from the salt air
21:37 had corroded it
21:40 that it broke and he fell.
21:44 And as he's falling through the air he thought,
21:45 "Oh, that's the end of my life."
21:48 Then he woke up, and he thought,
21:51 "I must be in heaven."
21:52 He saw clouds floating by the blue sky.
21:56 And then he thought, "If I'm in heaven,
21:59 why does my back hurt so much."
22:02 And he kind of shook himself awake
22:03 and he realized he didn't die.
22:06 He landed on a sheep.
22:12 But the sheep died.
22:15 And he felt so bad.
22:17 That big, fat, fluffy sheep broke his fall
22:22 and so the man lived.
22:24 You know, Jesus tells us or the Bible tells us that
22:26 Jesus is the Lamb of God.
22:27 You read in John 1:29, John the Baptist,
22:31 when he introduced Jesus, he said,
22:34 "Behold, the Lamb of God
22:36 that takes away the sin of the world."
22:39 Jesus came to take away our sin.
22:41 Now, how exactly does that work?
22:44 All right.
22:45 So, here you got Jesus, here you got sin,
22:51 here you got you and me.
22:52 So Bible says,
22:54 "Though our sins be like scarlet."
22:55 So I'll just put a little bit of it in here
22:58 and the more you put in here
23:01 you can see it's starting to turn,
23:03 it gets red.
23:07 So sin, it contaminates and it pollutes our lives.
23:12 But no matter what happens,
23:14 Jesus was tempted by the devil many times but...
23:19 You notice, He never sinned.
23:23 The devil tried and tried to tempt Jesus,
23:25 but it wouldn't work.
23:27 But when you and I get sin in us, you know,
23:30 it just, it makes us worse.
23:35 More sin, darker it gets.
23:39 But if you put the sin in Jesus...
23:47 Sin...
23:48 Bible says, God is not tempted with evil.
23:50 Every good and perfect gift is from God.
23:52 God doesn't sin. Makes us worse.
23:57 But the solution is, I wonder what happens if you put Jesus.
24:02 Oh, no, there's not near enough sin
24:03 in here right now let's...
24:05 I want you to see then.
24:12 But what happens if we accept Jesus
24:14 into our lives?
24:17 While we were yet sinners, Jesus loved us,
24:19 He comes into our lives and He purifies us,
24:24 and someday what is Jesus
24:26 gonna do to the sin in the world?
24:31 And the whole universe is gonna be clean.
24:34 And if you use that,
24:35 that will clean your clothes too.
24:36 All right, thank you very much. I'm going to get my...
24:39 You know, the most important decision a young person
24:42 can make is that decision to follow Jesus
24:44 and begin that amazing adventure to eternity.
24:47 That's why we're so excited to tell you about
24:49 the new Amazing Adventure programs that are available.
24:53 During these nearly 10 hours
24:54 of exciting high definition programs,
24:57 the young people will do science experiments,
24:59 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
25:02 and most of all, they'll learn about Jesus
25:05 from the Word of God.
25:06 There's a beautifully illustrated
25:07 Bible Study Guide to go along with
25:09 each of the video presentations.
25:12 These beautiful illustrated study guides
25:14 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
25:17 They'll lead your kids
25:18 through an incredible journey with Jesus.
25:20 And for me, the most exciting thing
25:21 is this new Amazing Adventure series
25:24 goes along with the Amazing Facts
25:25 Adventure Bible.
25:27 The Bible, the study guides, the DVDs are all designed
25:30 to lead your young person
25:32 on a Journey for Life with Jesus.
25:34 Call the number on your screen or contact us
25:37 at
25:40 It's a miracle how God cleans us from sin.
25:44 You know, somebody asked
25:45 the preacher Billy Sunday one time.
25:48 They said, "How can the blood of Jesus wash away my sin?"
25:51 You know what he said?
25:53 "I don't know how a black cow can eat green grass
25:58 and make yellow butter and white milk.
26:02 Black cow eats green grass,
26:04 makes yellow butter and white milk.
26:06 He said "I don't understand it, but I enjoy ice cream."
26:10 You don't have to understand it all to enjoy it.
26:14 It is a miracle that God takes away our sins.
26:16 But trust me, He did it for me, He will do it for you.
26:19 Number three, what did Jesus come to do for me?
26:24 The Bible says,
26:25 "God sent His only begotten Son into the world,
26:28 that we might live through Him."
26:31 And this is the love of God, not that we love God,
26:34 but it starts because of His love for us.
26:37 In that He loves us,
26:39 and He sent His son, this is a big word,
26:42 "to be the propitiation,"
26:43 that means the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
26:47 Now, why is this so important to us?
26:50 Because the penalty for sin is death,
26:54 but God is offering us a gift, a gift of eternal life.
26:57 All right, I need a volunteer. Let me see here.
27:00 I'm gonna go find someone here,
27:02 you can't move but if you've raised your hand
27:04 before, let me see here.
27:09 Young man right here, you can come up, okay.
27:12 Now nobody...
27:13 You're getting a really special opportunity right now.
27:17 Because several people have been in the treasure chest
27:20 but nobody's been in the captain's cabin.
27:22 You know this boat, the SS or HMS
27:25 Adventure has a lifeboat.
27:28 Are you strong? I want you to...
27:30 You're pretty good.
27:31 Go in there, there's a little lifeboat in there.
27:33 Open that door and look, I want you to see
27:36 if you can find the lifeboat.
27:37 You got to pick it up, it's a little heavy
27:38 and bring it out with you.
27:40 Do you see a little boat there? That's it.
27:45 All right.
27:46 Very good.
27:48 That's a good boy. He even closed the door.
27:50 Well trained. What was your name?
27:52 Jayden. Jayden?
27:54 Okay, Jayden, and I want to tell you a story.
27:56 There was a boy...
27:57 That's not too heavy for you, is it?
27:58 Okay.
28:00 There was a boy, he built a model boat.
28:03 He lived by the river, he loved sailboats.
28:06 And so he spent a lot of time and he carved
28:08 and he got the sail, and he sewed
28:11 and he made himself a model boat,
28:12 and he put it on a string.
28:14 And he let it go out in the river
28:15 when the wind was blowing a little bit
28:17 he'd sail it up and down the river,
28:18 and he pulled it back across,
28:20 and he had so much fun with this boat.
28:21 This was years ago.
28:23 One day the wind was really blowing
28:24 and he didn't have the string tied very tight.
28:27 And the boat blew away from him.
28:31 And his beloved sailboat drifted down the river.
28:36 And he was so sad.
28:37 He had spent days and weeks making it
28:39 and now it was gone.
28:42 A couple weeks later, he was in town,
28:44 town nearby where they did their shopping
28:46 and what do you think he saw in the window
28:48 of one of the pawn shops there?
28:51 There was his boat.
28:53 And he was so excited, he went and he told the man
28:54 he said "That boat...
28:56 That's my boat."
28:57 Man looked a little trouble, he said, "Well,
29:00 maybe that's your boat but someone sold it to me.
29:03 And I've paid $20 for that boat."
29:05 He did a really good job making the boat.
29:08 He said, "But it's my boat."
29:09 And the man said, "Look, I bought it so I could sell it
29:12 and make a profit.
29:13 I'll make a deal. I will sell it you...
29:16 Sell it back to you for the same price
29:19 that I bought it for."
29:21 And he said $20. He said $20.
29:26 Well, he would mow lawns for 50 cents.
29:30 So how many lawns that he have to mow?
29:32 Forty. Forty, some good math students.
29:34 He had to mow 40 lawns and finally came back
29:37 and he handed the man $40.
29:40 He didn't realize his boat was worth so much
29:41 but as he walked away, he handed him $20, thank you.
29:47 He didn't realize his boat was so valuable
29:50 and he walked away and he looked at his boat
29:52 and he started talking to it, he says "You are my boat."
29:54 Says, "You are double my boat."
29:56 Says, "You are my boat
29:58 because I made you and you are my boat
30:00 because I redeemed you.
30:02 I bought you back."
30:03 He says, "You're my boat twice".
30:06 I'll tell you what I'm going to do for you.
30:09 "I'm going to give you a better boat tomorrow.
30:11 Are you coming back?"
30:12 You come back tomorrow Jayden, I'm gonna give you a boat.
30:14 This one's borrowed for the night.
30:15 How's that sound? We got a deal?
30:17 All right, thank you very much. Let's give him a hand.
30:25 Poor Jayden had to stand there and hold the heavy boat.
30:29 How do I accept Jesus and truly show that
30:32 I believe in Him?
30:34 What do we do?
30:36 Well, the Bible says, "Ask and it will be given to you."
30:40 So if you want eternal life,
30:42 do you have to climb a mountain?
30:44 In order to get eternal life,
30:46 do you have to whip yourself or crawl on your knees?
30:49 Jesus says, what do we do?
30:52 Ask right there ask and it will be given.
30:55 If we come to Him, there is a thief on the cross
30:58 who is dying next to Jesus and you know,
31:01 he prayed one of his final prayers
31:03 he said, Lord, remember me
31:05 when You come into Your kingdom,
31:06 and did Jesus hear his prayer?
31:08 And He promised He would give him
31:10 everlasting life.
31:11 Acts 16:31, ask and what else do you do?
31:15 Believe.
31:17 "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
31:18 and you will be saved."
31:20 So it's not just asking, when you ask, believe.
31:22 Let me tell you a story.
31:24 When I was a young Christian, I was 17 years old,
31:27 little older than most of you when I accepted the Lord.
31:29 I didn't know much about praying,
31:31 but when I realized the Bible was true,
31:33 I learned from reading prophecy,
31:35 I would pray the most amazing things.
31:38 I was standing on the road hitchhiking,
31:39 I said, "Lord, please help me get a ride
31:42 from Oklahoma to California.
31:43 I need some money and some food."
31:45 Soon as I finished praying, car picked me up,
31:48 took me 2000 miles, almost 2000 miles,
31:51 fed me all the way out and gave me money
31:54 and I didn't ask for it, I'd ask the Lord.
31:57 I remember I was with a friend one time
31:59 we were, I had no money.
32:00 We were playing the guitar and begging.
32:02 I played the flute.
32:03 My friend, his name was Doug also.
32:05 Doug played the guitar. And I played the flute.
32:07 And I was telling him about Jesus.
32:10 He said, "I'm not so sure I believe in Jesus."
32:13 He said, "I believe in,
32:14 you know, reincarnation and these."
32:15 I said, "No, Jesus is real."
32:17 I said, "Doug, I'll prove it to you."
32:19 He said, "How you going to prove it to me?
32:20 I said, "Well, we're trying
32:22 to get some money to eat, right?"
32:24 So he said, "Yeah, I said, "How much money do we need?"
32:27 He said, "Well, it'd be great if we got $4.
32:30 We could probably eat in a restaurant
32:31 instead of just going to the supermarket."
32:33 Back then you could eat $2
32:34 you could buy a meal in a restaurant.
32:37 And so I know it's amazing, isn't it?
32:40 Taco Bell, you're still pretty close.
32:42 So I said, "I tell you what, Doug,
32:45 I'm going to ask Jesus to give us $4
32:48 and He's going to prove that He's real."
32:51 I had so much faith back then. I believed.
32:54 So we saw lady walking up the street in Palm Springs
32:57 and she was a dignified looking lady,
32:59 and we started to play, I played my flute,
33:01 he played the guitar.
33:03 She stopped for a moment to listen.
33:04 And then when we got done playing,
33:06 we said, "Miss, would you have any spare change?
33:08 We'd like to get something to eat."
33:10 She looked a little surprised by our question.
33:11 She said, "Normally, I wouldn't do this.
33:15 But you're both about the age of my son."
33:19 And so she reached in her purse, and she said,
33:21 "How would $4 help?"
33:24 And Doug looked at me.
33:26 And after that Doug started praying to Jesus.
33:31 And we, I saw so many miracles,
33:33 when you pray, things happen,
33:35 sometimes the answer doesn't come right away.
33:36 But you look back and you say, ah,
33:38 God answered our prayer.
33:39 God has answered thousands
33:41 and thousands of prayers for me.
33:42 Believe, so what's the most important
33:44 prayer you can pray?
33:46 Lord, forgive my sins, accept me as a child
33:51 and give me the gift of everlasting life
33:53 and He will do it.
33:55 Why don't more people ask for it?
33:57 He wants to give it to them.
33:59 And why do we love the Lord?
34:02 "We love Him 'cause He first loved us."
34:05 When you look at the cross
34:07 and you see how much He loves you,
34:09 it makes you want to love Him back.
34:12 The Bible says,
34:13 "The goodness of God leads us to repentance."
34:16 When we see His goodness, we become aware of our badness
34:19 and then we're sorry.
34:21 Now, it's important that you know
34:24 who knows what repentance means.
34:27 Repentance means being sorry for your sins
34:30 and a willingness to stop.
34:32 For example, like,
34:33 if I'm walking in this direction
34:36 and I realize that I'm going the wrong way.
34:38 See, I went to military school.
34:40 They taught us how to do about-face.
34:42 And then you walk this way.
34:44 Repentance is when you turn around.
34:45 And so repentance means you change directions.
34:50 Yeah, and you're on the road to destruction.
34:55 You change directions and you follow the Lord.
34:59 So telling the Lord you're sorry.
35:01 How many of you remember every sin
35:02 you've ever committed?
35:04 Well, not too many of you can remember all your...
35:06 No, you don't remember all your sins.
35:09 Most of you can't remember all the sins from one day.
35:12 So do you have to remember and confess all of your sins?
35:17 The Bible says, "If we confess our sins,
35:19 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
35:22 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
35:26 But who remembers all their sins?
35:28 So what do you do? I need someone to help me.
35:31 No, this won't be tutor,
35:32 you can come up front, this one.
35:34 Now what's your name? Gabriel.
35:36 Gabriel? Okay, Gabriel.
35:39 Now if we're walking out of the church
35:41 and you step on my foot, go ahead, step on my foot.
35:44 Aw. What would you say to me?
35:47 Sorry. Sorry, okay.
35:49 But if we're walking out of the church,
35:51 and you push into me and you knock me down,
35:54 would you just say you're sorry?
35:56 Or would you say, let me help you up?
35:58 Let me help you up. Let me help you up, right.
36:01 So if we're walking out of the church,
36:03 I didn't tackle you too hard, did I?
36:04 If we're walking out of the church,
36:06 and I'm carrying a load of books,
36:08 and you're running out of the church
36:10 and you tripped me and I fall, I break my arm.
36:13 Would you just look back and say,
36:15 "Sorry," and keep going?
36:17 You would?
36:20 All right, I need somebody else up here.
36:22 No, no, no.
36:25 Now if you've knocked me down and broke my arm,
36:27 you just say sorry and walk out.
36:30 Wouldn't you try and say, "Well, let me see
36:32 if I could call an ambulance for you or something, right?"
36:35 I mean, if you step on my toes, you just say, "I'm sorry."
36:38 And I say "That's fine. No problem."
36:40 If you trip me, you help me back up.
36:42 If you break my arm, you do a little more apology.
36:46 You stay around.
36:47 Let me help you, call the doctor
36:49 or you're gonna run off and leave me, huh?
36:52 Right, you can sit down. All right.
36:54 You know, the most important decision
36:56 a young person can make
36:57 is that decision to follow Jesus
36:59 and begin that amazing adventure to eternity.
37:02 That's why we're so excited to tell you about
37:04 the new Amazing Adventure programs
37:06 that are available.
37:07 During these nearly 10 hours
37:09 of exciting high definition programs,
37:11 the young people will do science experiments,
37:14 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
37:17 and most of all, they'll learn about Jesus
37:19 from the Word of God.
37:21 There's a beautifully illustrated Bible Study Guide
37:23 to go along with each of the video presentations.
37:26 These beautiful illustrated study guides
37:29 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
37:31 They'll lead your kids through
37:33 an incredible journey with Jesus.
37:35 And for me, the most exciting thing
37:36 is this new Amazing Adventure series goes along
37:39 with the Amazing Facts Adventure Bible.
37:41 The Bible, the study guides, the DVDs are all designed
37:45 to lead your young person
37:47 on a Journey for Life with Jesus.
37:49 Call the number on your screen or contact us
37:52 at
37:55 Do you confess your sins to God because He doesn't know?
37:59 Does God know everything?
38:01 So why are you confessing your sins to Him?
38:05 The same reason that he would say,
38:07 I'm sorry when he stepped on my foot.
38:08 When he stepped on my foot, I know he stepped on my foot,
38:11 he knows he stepped on my foot,
38:12 but it's appropriate to say I'm sorry.
38:15 When you sinned against God,
38:16 we need to tell God we're sorry.
38:18 When I was about four years old,
38:21 I lived with my father and my brother
38:23 in Southern California.
38:25 My father had a shoeshine machine,
38:27 in the upstairs hall.
38:31 It was, it was like a chrome silver machine.
38:34 It had a big black furry brush on this side,
38:37 and a big red furry brush
38:39 on that side and a button on top.
38:41 And my dad before he went to work,
38:43 he'd walk into the hall,
38:45 he'd step on the motor, he would go...
38:47 The brushes would spin really fast.
38:49 It was powerful.
38:51 He put his shoes under there, he buffed them.
38:54 Then he'd step on it and he'd go to work.
38:57 I was fascinated.
38:58 When I was four years old with that machine,
39:00 I've never had so much power in my control.
39:03 And when no one was looking, I'd sit there
39:05 and I hit the button, it'd go...
39:08 And I tried to stop the brushes with my hand,
39:10 I couldn't, my hands would get
39:12 so hot from the friction, and I turned it off
39:15 and I turned it on.
39:16 I had so much fun playing with that shoeshine machine
39:19 until one morning...
39:21 Yeah, there I was.
39:23 I woke up Sunday morning before everybody else
39:27 and then wouldn't sleep, and I'm bored
39:29 and I walked out of my bedroom.
39:30 I walked in the hall, there was a shoeshine machine.
39:33 And so I sat there and I turned it on.
39:35 Whoo. I turned it off.
39:37 I tried to stop it, turned it on.
39:39 And I thought it's a shoeshine machine,
39:42 I should shine some shoes.
39:45 So I tiptoed into my father's bedroom.
39:48 He was still snoring.
39:50 And I grabbed his black shoes
39:51 that he kicked off there by the bed.
39:53 And I brought him out and I shut the door.
39:55 And I was going to buff them and I thought
39:57 I'm almost sure that dad's got shoe polish
40:00 in the bathroom under the sink.
40:01 I'll use shoe polish.
40:03 So I went in the bathroom, I left the shoes there.
40:05 Went in the bathroom under the sink sure enough
40:07 there was a bottle of shoe polish.
40:09 Now this was not the kind of little can where it's wax.
40:11 This was the liquid shoe polish
40:14 that had an applicator on top,
40:16 but I didn't understand all that
40:17 and somehow I got the lid off and I was smart enough to know
40:21 black shoe polish goes on the black brush.
40:24 So I poured a generous amount
40:26 of black shoe polish on that black brush,
40:28 got it good and went
40:29 because I wanted the shoes really shiny.
40:32 Then I hit the button. Something terrible happened.
40:38 First of all the machine began to bounce
40:40 because all the weight of the wet shoe polish
40:42 was on one side and started to hop
40:44 and then it picked up speed, it went...
40:47 And it discarded all of the polish.
40:50 All the polish was sprayed off the brush.
40:53 It went up the wall through the middle
40:56 of a very expensive Spanish soldier picture,
40:59 some Spanish conquistador.
41:02 Across the ceiling back down the other side of the hall,
41:05 it just created the black rainbow in the hall
41:09 and I quickly I hit the button and turned it off
41:11 and I looked at that, and I thought,
41:14 probably time to go back to bed.
41:17 I went back in my bedroom and I crawl back into my bed.
41:21 And I'm laying there under the covers,
41:22 I'm thinking nobody saw,
41:25 nobody will know that I'm responsible.
41:29 Little while it took forever but pretty soon
41:31 I heard my dad stumble around
41:33 and I heard the sink go on in the bathroom
41:34 and then I heard his bedroom door open
41:36 and my little heart was going like this
41:37 and I felt, I'll just pretend I'm asleep.
41:40 And he walks out in the hall and then I hear...
41:44 He made these noises I'd never heard before.
41:47 He went right to my bedroom door
41:49 and he opened up the door
41:50 and he looks and he goes Dougie,
41:52 and I wondered why he said me
41:54 because I had my brother,
41:55 I had my stepbrother but he went right to me,
41:57 he said, "Get in here."
41:59 I acted like I was asleep. Dougie!
42:01 Oh, yeah.
42:04 And I came out, and he pointed me
42:08 to the rainbow that looked as ominous as ever.
42:12 He said, "Do you know anything about this?"
42:15 I wanted to tell the truth but I thought,
42:17 no man, no one will know.
42:19 I said, "No."
42:22 He said, "Are you sure?"
42:26 I don't know. What happened?
42:29 I thought, you know,
42:30 someone maybe broke into my house
42:32 and a robber might have tried to steal my dad's shoes
42:34 and shine them before he left.
42:36 Anything could have happen?
42:39 And my dad said, "All right, Doug,
42:41 I'm gonna spank you until you tell the truth."
42:45 There was a convenient bench right there in the hall
42:48 where he used to put his shoes on,
42:49 he sat down and he pulled me over his knee
42:52 and he began to swat me on my posterior.
42:56 You'll know where that is.
42:58 That's your gluteus maximus,
43:00 there, yeah, and, and I was going,
43:04 I didn't do it. I didn't do it.
43:06 I didn't do it. I did it.
43:07 I did it. I did it.
43:11 Because, you know,
43:12 we all crack under torture after a while.
43:15 And then my father used to cry and he said,
43:17 "Stop crying.
43:19 Go in the bathroom, wash your face."
43:20 So I went crying off into the bathroom
43:22 and I had a little stool I used to stand on
43:24 so I could see in the sink.
43:26 I was still pretty small.
43:28 I stood up on the sink to wash my face
43:29 and I'm looking in the mirror.
43:32 I had black spots all over my face.
43:37 Here I am.
43:39 I'm looking at my father,
43:40 got black spots all over my face.
43:41 He says, "Do you know anything about this shoe polish?"
43:43 I am going, "No, not me."
43:47 Can we get away with anything with God?
43:49 No.
43:50 It's like sometimes your parents say,
43:52 "Did you get into the chocolate chip cookies,"
43:54 and you're going...
43:56 You got chocolate chips all around you.
43:58 Not me.
44:00 Your parents usually know, right?
44:03 You always want to tell the truth
44:06 and confess your sins to God.
44:08 You don't have to hide anything from God.
44:10 So be honest with Him.
44:12 Tell Him what your sins are, and He will forgive you.
44:15 He's very merciful.
44:18 Will my life change when I give it to Jesus
44:20 and join His family?
44:22 What does Jesus help me do?
44:25 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation."
44:29 You become a new creature.
44:31 Old things are passed away.
44:32 All things are made new.
44:35 You're born again.
44:37 Jesus said, then if you love Him,
44:38 because you're a new creature,
44:40 because of the love for God,
44:42 you want to keep His commandments,
44:43 it actually pleases you.
44:46 Now, all of you been born once.
44:47 How many have been born at least once?
44:49 That should have been everybody, right?
44:51 You know that if you're only born once,
44:54 you will die twice.
44:56 The Bible says,
44:58 you will not only die the first death,
44:59 but after the millennium, you die the second death.
45:02 But if you're born twice, you may only die once
45:06 and you may not die at all if you're alive
45:08 when Jesus comes, you must be born again.
45:11 I read about a little girl.
45:14 Her name was Macie Hope McCartney.
45:16 She was actually born twice.
45:19 She was born twice as a baby.
45:21 You see, when her mom was about
45:22 five and a half months pregnant,
45:24 they did an ultrasound X ray and they found out
45:27 Macie had a very dangerous tumor
45:29 that was growing on her spine
45:32 and she was only about that big.
45:34 She weighed less than a pound,
45:35 probably weighed as much
45:37 as a 50 cent piece or silver dollar.
45:39 And the doctor said, "Unless we do the surgery,
45:43 she won't survive,
45:45 but it's a very dangerous surgery.
45:47 We need to operate,
45:49 take Macie out of the mother's womb,
45:53 do the surgery, put her back in her tummy again."
45:57 And they did that surgery
45:59 and it went perfectly successful.
46:00 She's now a very happy, young lady.
46:04 So she was born in March, they put her back
46:06 and then she was born again in May.
46:08 Two months later so she was born twice.
46:10 But you need to be born twice spiritually
46:13 and Jesus does a surgery on your heart.
46:15 The Bible says in Jeremiah 1:5,
46:18 "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you."
46:21 God has known us from the very beginning.
46:24 Will I be happier when I accept Jesus?
46:27 Oh, infinitely happier.
46:30 These things, Jesus said, "These things I've spoken
46:32 to you that your joy might be full."
46:35 And yet the tables yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
46:38 I will joy in the God of my salvation.
46:42 Being a Christian can be a happy life.
46:44 "I delight to do your will, O my God,
46:46 and Your law is within my heart."
46:49 And then we say, Lord, he says,
46:51 "I have come that they might have life,"
46:54 Jesus said, "and we might have it more
46:56 abundantly."
46:57 God wants you to have an abundant life.
46:59 I need two volunteers.
47:02 Okay, you know, I'm neglecting you guys
47:04 way over here.
47:06 I feel so bad.
47:07 I'll tell you what, we got like five girls here so.
47:12 Here I like to take you
47:14 'cause you were sitting down all right.
47:15 Look in the box there and see if you can find,
47:19 one of you see if you can find something to start a fire.
47:23 That scares people I know.
47:25 Look around, see if there's something
47:26 there might start a fire and wave while you're there.
47:36 You found it. He's got it. All right.
47:39 I picked two of you 'cause I got two candles here.
47:42 All right, do you think you could light that thing,
47:44 it takes, you gotta have a pretty firm grip.
47:46 You pull in the trigger, you squeeze,
47:48 and you press the button.
47:49 Come on over here so people can see.
47:51 Pull the handle in like this.
47:54 Just pull the handle and just squeeze the handle in.
47:57 Stay with it. Stay with it.
47:58 You're not gonna run out. All right, now let...
48:00 What's your name? Adora.
48:02 Adora, you can see if you can light the other one,
48:03 squeeze it real hard.
48:07 There we go. Keep it squeezed down.
48:09 Don't push it over.
48:11 That's good. You got it.
48:12 All right. Now here's a question.
48:13 Come on over here with me, you guys, we can set that down.
48:19 Can you see something different with those two candles?
48:21 Yes, one is bigger. One's taller, all right.
48:25 Which one do you think is gonna burn longer?
48:28 Tall one. Okay.
48:32 Which one do you think is going to give more light out
48:36 over time?
48:37 Taller one. So here's my question.
48:40 What is worth more, 10 plus 70 or 70 plus 10?
48:45 They are equal. Sounds equal, doesn't it.
48:49 Now let me tell you what I'm talking about.
48:52 Are you better off being 10 years old
48:54 giving your heart to the Lord and serving him for 70 years
48:58 or being 70 years old giving your heart to the Lord
49:00 and serving Him for 10 years?
49:04 You want to do it when you're 10 years old.
49:06 Okay?
49:07 Here like, I got something for you.
49:12 Since I'm a guy, she's a girl. Isn't that pretty?
49:14 You like that? Isn't that beautiful?
49:16 I don't know if it smells I think it's an iris.
49:18 And what was your name? Luke?
49:22 I got one for you too, Luke.
49:24 Now they're both irises. Which one looks better?
49:29 This one.
49:31 Well, I guess that's a matter of opinion.
49:35 It's no contest, let's admit it.
49:38 So if you're going to give your life to the Lord,
49:40 do you want to give your life to the Lord
49:41 like that in its blossom,
49:43 in its youth or do you want to wait
49:44 until all the petals fall off and say here, Jesus,
49:46 I'm going to give you my life.
49:48 Will the Lord take you at any time?
49:50 Yes.
49:51 But isn't it better to give Him your life in your youth,
49:54 in your strength?
49:56 I say this because some people say,
49:58 "I'm gonna live for the devil and when I'm old before I die,
50:01 I'm gonna give my life to the Lord."
50:03 That's a terrible mistake.
50:05 You're not gonna shine for God for very long.
50:08 He'll accept you but how much better
50:10 to give him your life in your prime
50:12 when you're young.
50:13 I wish I was even younger when I had come to the Lord,
50:16 I wasted several years and you never know
50:18 when your life is gonna end.
50:20 You can't decide, well, maybe when I'm old,
50:22 a few years before I die, the doctor will say
50:24 you've got six months to live,
50:26 then I'll give my life to the Lord.
50:28 You want to give it to Him, not just for you
50:30 because you want to serve him too, amen?
50:32 Oh, you got to keep that one.
50:34 You can keep that one too if you want to.
50:35 Sorry about that, Luke. Thank you.
50:36 Let's give them a hand. Thank you very much.
50:41 I remember once a story, a father was sailing through
50:46 the Caribbean with his teenage boys
50:50 and he told them,
50:53 don't be running around the ship
50:55 and don't be getting in trouble.
50:56 He says if you fall overboard, this is a dangerous area.
50:59 There is a chicken slaughterhouse near here
51:02 and because there's a chicken slaughterhouse,
51:04 there's a lot of sharks in the area
51:06 because all of the garbage from the chicken slaughterhouse
51:08 goes out in the ocean and the sharks are very thick
51:11 and they're very aggressive.
51:13 And the boy said, "Okay, dad."
51:14 Dad was always being really cautious
51:16 and having rules and they said, "Yeah, dad, yeah, dad."
51:18 They didn't believe him.
51:20 Well as they were going along, the boys began to run,
51:23 chase each other and play tag on the boat
51:25 and they were wrestling or fighting or something
51:26 and one of them began to slip
51:28 and go over the little cord railing.
51:30 He grabbed his brother's t-shirt.
51:32 They both fell off and the boat was going,
51:34 it was under sail, it was moving,
51:35 they both fell overboard as the boat was moving
51:37 and went splash into the warm Caribbean waters.
51:41 Well, they were good swimmers and water wasn't that deep.
51:44 The father heard the boat splash.
51:46 They said, "Hey, dad."
51:48 He ran up from below, he was in the kitchen,
51:50 the galley down below.
51:51 He came up and it took a minute to try
51:53 to lower the sail and stop the boat.
51:55 It's not that easy to stop it right away.
51:57 The boys are off in the distance
51:59 and the father's trying to turn the boat around
52:00 and he got up on the deck
52:02 and he said, "Swim back to the boat."
52:04 He dropped the sail and boat was slowly drifting
52:07 and they were gonna swim back.
52:08 Well, they're out there in the water dunking each other
52:10 and fighting, they're enjoying being in the water.
52:13 And then the father saw from where he stood, sharks.
52:18 And he said, "Boys, I see sharks.
52:22 Come quickly back to the boat.
52:24 Swim calmly, but quickly,
52:26 you don't want to stir the water too much."
52:28 The boys looked at each other and they said,
52:30 "We haven't seen any sharks all day.
52:32 I don't see any dorsal fins going through the water.
52:35 There are no sharks.
52:36 He's probably just trying to scare us."
52:38 And as the boys began to say,
52:39 "Oh, no help, I'm drowning, sharks."
52:42 And they're making fun of their father.
52:44 And they're slowly swimming back to the boat.
52:47 Well, the father saw he's getting really frightened
52:49 'cause there are more and more black shadows
52:51 under the water that are gathering
52:53 and circling the son and he understood
52:55 the nature of sharks.
52:57 Sharks are kind of cowards, but they'll circle
53:00 and one of them eventually will go in
53:01 and take a sample bite.
53:03 But once they smell blood,
53:05 they go into a frenzy of biting and tearing.
53:10 And the father saw the shark were closing the circle.
53:13 He said, "Boys get back to the boat."
53:15 And he picked up a life preserver,
53:17 you know, the ring and it was on a rope.
53:18 He said, "Do you having problems."
53:20 He threw it to them and they said,
53:22 "We don't need that, we can get back on our own."
53:25 And then he saw the sharks were going to dive in,
53:27 in any moment in or attack one of the boys
53:31 and he knew that would be the end of it,
53:32 'cause now there were like 50 of them.
53:35 So the father did something that was very shocking.
53:39 He took a fish knife that was on the boat.
53:42 He cut his wrists.
53:44 He dove in the water and swim in another direction.
53:48 And soon, the dark shadows
53:50 all went over towards the father.
53:52 And the water began to turn and turn red.
53:56 And the boys saw what happened.
53:59 Now, here's the question.
54:00 If they choose to stay in the water
54:03 after their father gave his life,
54:05 is there anything more their father can do?
54:09 If we choose to continue hanging around with the devil,
54:13 and stay out in the world after God gives His Son,
54:16 Jesus gave His blood to save us.
54:19 Is there anything more He can do?
54:22 So, God's done as much as He can do
54:25 in giving Jesus to save us.
54:28 And the only lifeboat is Christ.
54:31 Jesus is our lifeboat, we must come to Him.
54:34 The Bible says, "He who has the Son has life.
54:38 He that does not have the Son does not have life."
54:42 So do you see how much Jesus loves you?
54:45 Don't you want to accept Jesus
54:46 and start living a new life for Him?
54:50 You know, the Bible tells us that without Him,
54:51 we can't do anything.
54:53 But how much can we do through Christ?
54:56 All things are possible through Christ.
54:59 And then you know, one of the things
55:01 that's often forgotten, one of the most important steps
55:03 after you make a decision to accept Jesus,
55:06 tell somebody else about it.
55:08 You want to share the good news.
55:10 It says in the Bible,
55:11 "If you confess with your mouth,
55:12 the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart,
55:15 you will be saved."
55:16 So seal your decision by sharing
55:18 and tell someone else what Jesus has done for you.
55:21 His promise is, He will never leave you or forsake you.
55:26 You know, God has given His own Son
55:29 because He loves you so much.
55:32 I remember hearing a story about a boy.
55:36 His sister had a rare disease, his younger sister,
55:40 and the doctor said, "Tommy,
55:43 you have the same blood type as Lisa,
55:46 your three year old sister.
55:48 The only way that Lisa is gonna live
55:50 is if you would be willing to give her blood."
55:54 And he thought long time about that
55:56 'cause he was only like eight or nine years old
55:58 and he thought boy kind of scary
56:00 when someone pokes a needle in you and, and he said yes,
56:05 I'm willing to give my blood to Lisa.
56:08 So they laid him down in a hospital bed and,
56:11 and he was starting to tear up when he thought about it
56:14 and the doctors to put the rubber band
56:16 around his arm and they,
56:18 they got where they found a vein.
56:20 They poked a needle and he cried a little bit.
56:22 And he saw the blood running down
56:23 the tube into a bottle.
56:27 And he said, "Doctor, is it gonna hurt to die?"
56:31 And they said, "Well, you're not gonna die."
56:33 "Said, but after you take all my blood won't I die?"
56:37 They said, "They're not going to take all of your blood.
56:41 You just need to give a little bit, you'll be alive."
56:43 And he was so relieved.
56:45 He was willing to die to save his sister.
56:48 He thought they were going to take all of his blood.
56:52 That's what the Lord does in the heart of somebody
56:54 when they love someone.
56:56 He loved his sister so much he was willing to die for her.
56:58 Do you love Jesus so that you're willing to live for Him?
57:29 You know, the most important decision
57:31 a young person can make is that decision
57:33 to follow Jesus and begin that amazing adventure to eternity.
57:37 That's why we're so excited to tell you about
57:39 the new Amazing Adventure programs that are available.
57:43 During these nearly 10 hours
57:44 of exciting high definition programs,
57:47 the young people will do science experiments,
57:49 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
57:52 and most of all, they'll learn about Jesus
57:55 from the Word of God.
57:56 There's a beautifully illustrated Bible Study Guide
57:59 to go along with each of the video presentations.
58:02 These beautiful illustrated study guides
58:04 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
58:07 They'll lead your kids
58:08 through an incredible journey with Jesus.
58:10 And for me, the most exciting thing
58:12 is this new Amazing Adventure series goes along
58:14 with the Amazing Facts Adventure Bible.
58:17 The Bible, the study guides, the DVDs are all designed
58:20 to lead your young person on a Journey
58:23 for Life with Jesus.
58:24 Call the number on your screen or contact us
58:27 at


Revised 2019-12-19