Amazing Adventures

Journey Through The Sea

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AA

Program Code: AA190009A

00:11 Hi, kids, you wanna hear an amazing fact?
00:14 For hundreds of years the kings and leaders in Europe
00:17 were looking for something that was called
00:19 the elusive Northwest Passage.
00:21 They were trying to find a boat route
00:24 so they could get from Europe,
00:25 across North America into the Pacific Ocean.
00:28 It was gonna save them millions of dollars
00:30 in traveling fees 'cause otherwise
00:32 they had to go all the way down
00:33 around South America and back up again.
00:36 Many explorers tried,
00:38 some lost their lives to find this passage
00:40 called the Northwest Passage.
00:43 But nobody ever found it
00:44 because they were blocked by ice.
00:45 That is until 1958
00:48 when the US built a special nuclear submarine
00:51 that did not go over the ocean, but it went underneath the ice.
00:57 The real challenge for the Nautilus submarine,
00:59 there's all kinds of magnetic interference
01:02 with a normal compass.
01:03 So the Navy needed to design
01:05 a very special internal magnetic gyro compass
01:09 that would guide them through the dark waters
01:11 and bring them safely into the light.
01:14 And they were successful in doing this.
01:16 You know, the Bible tells us that every believer makes
01:18 a trip through the waters also, just like God
01:21 brought the children of Israel through the sea,
01:23 we must go through the sea, and we need the special compass
01:26 of God's Spirit inside guiding us.
01:28 We're gonna learn about that journey.
01:30 We want you to get on board and join me now
01:32 for an amazing adventure.
01:52 Good morning, boys and girls.
01:53 Welcome again to Amazing Adventure.
01:56 I'd like to welcome all of those of you here
01:58 in Michigan, also, our friends
01:59 who are joining us online across the country
02:01 and around the world.
02:02 We've had a great adventure in discovery,
02:05 discovering Bible truth
02:06 over the past few meetings together.
02:08 Well, tonight we have another very important topic.
02:12 I'm glad you're all here.
02:13 Probably, one of the most important topics
02:15 that we can talk about is the one
02:17 we're gonna talk about right now.
02:18 So we're gonna invite Pastor Doug to come out,
02:21 and then we'll sing our theme song
02:22 "Life is an Adventure."
02:25 Good evening, Pastor Doug.
02:28 All right, all hands on deck for an amazing adventure
02:31 boys and girls.
02:32 We're very thankful that you're here.
02:34 Wanna welcome those who are watching on internet
02:37 or television,
02:38 those here might be watching on the future DVD program.
02:42 We're learning so much about taking that adventure
02:45 on our HMS.
02:46 You know what HMS stands for?
02:48 His Majesty Service Adventure.
02:51 And we're gonna sing our Amazing Adventure song now.
02:52 Okay, we'd like to invite our song leaders to come
02:54 and we have a number of volunteers
02:56 that have been helping us out each program
02:58 singing our theme song "Life is an Adventure."
03:01 Let's stand and we'll sing together
03:03 "Life is an Adventure."
03:09 Life is an adventure
03:11 Following the King
03:14 Every day with Jesus
03:17 Makes us want to sing
03:19 Walking in the spirit
03:22 He will lead the way
03:24 With his words to guide us
03:27 Glowing deep inside us
03:30 Nothing can divide us
03:32 Following the King
03:37 Life is an adventure
03:39 Following the King
03:42 Every day with Jesus
03:45 Makes us want to sing
03:47 Conquering with kindness
03:50 Everywhere we go
03:53 Voices we are raising
03:55 Jesus we are praising
03:58 Life is so amazing
04:01 Following the King
04:05 Life is so amazing
04:09 Following the King
04:14 Amen.
04:16 You can be seated.
04:17 All right.
04:18 Well, you know, it's been fun having Bible questions
04:21 coming in from children across our country in the US
04:24 and even different parts of the world
04:26 because it's just wide open forum.
04:29 We don't know exactly
04:30 what the questions are gonna be.
04:32 And we welcome any of your Bible questions.
04:34 Okay, so we're ready for our first video question.
04:37 Hi, Pastor Doug.
04:38 My name is Jonas Allen.
04:40 And my question is, if Jesus is all powerful,
04:43 why'd He have to die to save us?
04:44 Okay.
04:46 If Jesus is all powerful, which He is,
04:48 why did He have to die to save us?
04:50 Couldn't God just say, "Oh, you forgiven?"
04:53 Well, because God is a good king.
04:55 He's not only a loving Father,
04:57 He is a just King
04:58 and He cannot break His own law.
05:02 Heard a story years ago about a king,
05:05 and this is in one of those Eastern countries
05:07 where he had a harem, sometimes known as a harem,
05:10 with many wives.
05:12 And the law was nobody was ever to look
05:15 into the king's harem headquarters,
05:18 or they would have their eyes plucked out.
05:21 One day, the king's favorite oldest son,
05:24 if it get on the prince, it doesn't matter.
05:26 He walked into the harem.
05:29 And this word got back to the king
05:30 and the king thought, "Now what do I do?
05:34 I'm a loving father.
05:36 But I'm also a just king, and I've got to keep my law.
05:40 But I don't wanna lose my son."
05:42 So you know what the king decided to do.
05:45 He plucked out one of his son's eyes,
05:47 and he plucked out one of his own,
05:49 so they can both still see but he would keep the law.
05:52 And so God is a loving Father, but He's a just king.
05:55 He has a law and we broke His law
05:57 and there's a penalty, the penalty is death.
06:00 Yes, He's powerful enough to save us,
06:04 but He can't break His own law.
06:05 So He said, "Look, I love you so much,
06:08 I will die for you to fulfill the requirements of the law,
06:11 so that you don't have to die.
06:13 If you love Me and serve Me, you can be forgiven."
06:16 And that's how He is using His power.
06:20 All right, very good.
06:21 Our next question that we have.
06:23 Hi, my name is Adara.
06:26 I'm 10 years old.
06:27 And I'm from Chicago, Illinois.
06:29 And my Bible question is,
06:31 is the Holy Spirit a actual being
06:33 or is he a Spirit?
06:36 All right, is the Holy Spirit just a force
06:39 or is the Holy Spirit a being like the Father and the Son?
06:44 Well, there's a difference between the Father and the Son
06:47 and the Holy Spirit.
06:49 That's why Jesus made a difference when He said,
06:50 "Go baptized in the name of the Father, the Son,
06:53 and the Holy Spirit."
06:55 The Holy Spirit is probably the hardest person
06:57 of the Godhead for us to picture because sometimes
07:01 the Holy Spirit in the Bible is pictured as wind,
07:04 a mighty wind.
07:05 Jesus says, "The wind blows where it will
07:07 and you cannot tell where it came from
07:09 and where it goes."
07:10 So is the way that God's Spirit moves on us.
07:12 Sometimes the Holy Spirit is compared to water,
07:15 sometimes the Holy Spirit is compared to fire
07:18 in the Bible.
07:19 When Jesus was baptized,
07:20 the Holy Spirit came down like a dove.
07:24 So He's a Spirit.
07:27 And it's hard for us in our three dimensional world
07:29 to understand him, but he's very real.
07:32 He's here right now.
07:33 I feel and sense and see his guidance in my life
07:37 and the lives of others.
07:39 But he is a very real person.
07:40 Jesus said, when He, the Spirit of Truth is come,
07:43 He will guide you into all truth
07:46 for He will not speak of himself
07:48 but He will show you things that are to come.
07:51 Jesus says the Holy Spirit has feelings.
07:53 He can be grieved.
07:55 The Holy Spirit leads and you see the Holy Spirit
07:57 from Genesis where it says,
07:59 "The Spirit of God moved on the face of the water."
08:02 To the end of the Bible, Revelation, where it says,
08:05 "Even the spirit and the bride, say, 'Come!'"
08:08 And so Holy Spirit is all through the Bible,
08:10 a person,
08:11 but not with the physical body like ours.
08:14 Okay, I think
08:15 we have our final video question for today.
08:18 Hi, Pastor Doug.
08:19 My name is Aiden.
08:20 And my Bible question is,
08:22 do people that have a different faith
08:23 and they're living up to the light that they have,
08:25 do they still go to heaven?
08:27 Oh, all right.
08:29 So people that have a different faith,
08:30 maybe not even a Christian faith,
08:32 but they're living up to all the light,
08:34 that they might have the truth, they have, well,
08:36 what happens to them?
08:37 Do they get saved?
08:39 Well, you know, there will be some
08:40 and this is not the majority, but there are exceptions.
08:43 First of all, the Bible says,
08:45 nobody is going to heaven without Jesus.
08:48 There is no other name.
08:50 "No other name given among men,"
08:52 Acts Chapter 4,
08:53 "whereby we must be saved."
08:55 It is only through Christ anyone will be in heaven.
08:58 So some people may be in heaven,
09:01 and they didn't realize it was the grace of God
09:03 and the sacrifice of Jesus that bought their ticket.
09:07 You've probably heard stories where someone's at a drive thru
09:09 Taco Bell or something.
09:11 And they wanna do something nice
09:12 for the person behind them.
09:14 So they say to the cashier,
09:16 "How much was their order behind me?"
09:18 Well, they've already made their order.
09:19 They're waiting for to be cooked
09:20 and they say their order is $5.
09:22 And he says, "I'll all pay for their order."
09:25 And they drive away.
09:26 It's called a random deed of kindness.
09:28 They come up to the window to pay for their meal,
09:30 and they say, "The person who just drove away
09:31 paid for your meal."
09:33 You say, "I didn't even know who it was."
09:35 So well, they just showed you mercy.
09:36 They just wanted to do something nice.
09:38 There'll be some people in heaven,
09:40 who lived up to the light they had.
09:42 God spoke to them through His Spirit,
09:44 He spoke to them through angels,
09:46 maybe they never heard of missionary pastor,
09:48 couldn't read a Bible.
09:49 But God knew their hearts and they were honest,
09:51 and they obeyed the law that they knew.
09:54 Romans Chapter 1 talks about even the barbarians,
09:56 people who are out there in the world
09:58 that don't know about God, as they live up to the God,
10:01 as they see it in the laws of nature,
10:05 God blesses them for that.
10:07 And so there may be some people around the world
10:10 who are living up to the light they have in,
10:12 they'll be in heaven.
10:14 Will Naaman the Syrian be in heaven?
10:17 Talking about him tonight Jesus said, "Yes."
10:20 There was a Syrophoenician woman,
10:23 Jesus healed her daughter.
10:26 She had her prayer answered by God.
10:28 And God hears prayers of people around the world,
10:31 even though they may not know
10:32 that He's the one answering their prayers.
10:34 Bible says, "God sends the rain and the sunshine
10:37 on the just and the unjust."
10:39 All right, well, that is it
10:40 for our Bible question for today.
10:42 And we'll take some more in our next program.
10:45 Right now, very important lesson.
10:46 Amen.
10:48 Thank you, Pastor Ross.
10:49 We do have a very good and important lesson.
10:52 Right now we're gonna be talking about
10:54 a journey through the sea.
10:57 We're on our ship here.
10:59 The Bible has a lot say about sea adventures.
11:03 Jonah had a sea adventure.
11:05 He had to walk the plank.
11:06 He got thrown overboard.
11:08 Noah had a sea adventure.
11:10 The Bible talks about, in the New Testament,
11:13 you've got Paul had a sea adventure.
11:15 You know, the Book of Acts
11:17 talks about a great storm at sea
11:18 where the boat was shipwrecked.
11:20 And Jesus and the apostles had a few sea adventures,
11:23 didn't they?
11:24 And so you can read where the children of Israel
11:28 were born through a sea adventure.
11:30 Now our memory verse again, "Jesus said, 'Most assuredly,
11:33 I say, unless one is born of the water and the Spirit,
11:37 he cannot enter the kingdom of God.'"
11:40 You know, one of the great adventures
11:43 by the sea in history
11:45 was the Battle of Dunkirk in 1940.
11:48 There were about 340,000 French and English troops
11:53 that were trapped on the shore of France.
11:56 And the Germans and Nazis were coming in on them
11:58 and they were just gonna completely destroy them.
12:00 They were trapped nowhere to go.
12:02 The British didn't have the navies to rescue them
12:04 and it looked like the French and the British were gonna lose
12:07 their army right there at the beginning
12:09 of World War II.
12:10 They needed a miracle.
12:12 Finally, Winston Churchill said,
12:13 "We need to rescue them.
12:15 Let's get some boats."
12:16 And they said, "Well, where we get them?"
12:18 He said, "We're English.
12:19 We got boats all over the country.
12:20 We got sailing boats, we got fishing boats
12:22 and to get everybody that's got a luxury boat,
12:26 a tour boat, any boat in the country,
12:28 every boat that can float,
12:30 get it over there and rescue those men."
12:33 And they did it.
12:35 It was one of the greatest maritime evacuations.
12:38 And they rescued 340,000 soldiers in a few days
12:42 as the German forces were coming in on them
12:44 to destroy them.
12:45 The Germans got there to wipe them out.
12:47 They were gone.
12:48 They'd made a journey across the sea.
12:50 Now, the whole thing took about a week
12:53 for them to evacuate everybody.
12:55 Do you know you can get from France right now
12:57 to England by going under the sea?
13:02 I'm not talking about under the water,
13:03 talking about under the sea itself.
13:05 They dug a tunnel called the Chunnel.
13:07 That's 'cause it's the English Channel Tunnel.
13:10 They dug a tunnel.
13:11 It was amazing how they did it.
13:13 They had these great big boring machines,
13:14 one came from France and one came from England.
13:16 They were digging a tunnel under the water in the earth.
13:20 And they were able to meet together
13:21 within a few millimeters.
13:24 It's amazing the technology how they did that.
13:26 Now you can ride the Chunnel, 35 minutes,
13:29 you can get underneath the sea.
13:31 Well, you know, the Bible talks about God bringing His people
13:34 not over the sea or under the sea
13:36 but through the sea.
13:39 During the Exodus,
13:40 a nation was born because they went
13:42 through the sea and if you are born again,
13:44 you must go through the sea too.
13:46 Bible tells us, "Jesus said,
13:48 'Unless you are born of the water and the Spirit,
13:51 you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.'"
13:54 We're gonna find out what that's talking about.
13:56 Children of Israel were born of the water.
13:58 You can read the 1 Corinthians 10,
14:00 when they went through the sea,
14:02 Moses baptized the whole nation in the sea.
14:06 And then God sent a pillar of fire,
14:08 and God baptized them with a pillar of light fire.
14:11 That's the Spirit.
14:12 So they were born of the water and born of the Spirit
14:14 and they became a new nation
14:16 that was saved from the slavery of Egypt.
14:19 God saves you from the slavery of the devil,
14:22 and you are born of the water and the Spirit.
14:24 Jesus said, it's very important.
14:26 So look at our first question.
14:28 We're gonna get into our lesson.
14:29 I think we'll have some fun as we learn along the way.
14:32 Number one, do we have a choice in being saved?
14:37 You know, some churches teach, "Well, you know,
14:39 this person's destined to be saved
14:41 and this person is not to be saved.
14:42 It's just not their fate."
14:44 And God is up in heaven.
14:45 And God is going, "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, I'll save you.
14:49 Eeny meeny..."
14:50 Is that how God does it?
14:52 Or does God give everybody a free choice?
14:55 And we get to decide whether we want to love Him
14:58 and follow Him or live for the world and the devil.
15:01 You get to choose.
15:02 The Bible says, "Choose for yourself this day,
15:06 "Joshua 24:15, "who you will serve,
15:10 but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
15:14 One of the last appeals in the Bible.
15:16 It says, "Whosoever will take the water of life,"
15:19 whosoever, you get to choose, let them come.
15:23 Christ said, "Come unto me."
15:26 And He invites us to come, but we've got to choose
15:28 and you actually have freedom.
15:29 You know, it's kind of like,
15:31 you've probably seen these pictures before
15:32 where you've got, you know, a little temptation.
15:35 You got the devil on one shoulder
15:37 and you got angel on the other shoulder.
15:40 Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters."
15:42 There are two voices pulling.
15:44 The devil has voted against you.
15:46 Jesus has voted for you.
15:48 You have the tie breaking vote, you get to choose.
15:53 Furthermore, in the Bible, that's Matthew 6:24.
15:55 "For either he will hate the one and love the other
15:59 or he'll be loyal to one and despise the other.
16:01 No man can serve two masters."
16:04 So how do you deal with temptation?
16:08 All of us are tempted every day.
16:09 Is it a sin to be tempted?
16:12 Was Jesus tempted?
16:15 Bible says, "Jesus was tempted."
16:17 Did He sin?
16:18 Never sinned.
16:20 The Bible says, "He did no sin."
16:21 Jesus was sinless.
16:22 He was pure.
16:24 So I get tempted, you get tempted every day.
16:26 How do we get victory?
16:27 How do we succeed?
16:29 How do we defeat the devil when we're tempted?
16:31 Any ideas?
16:33 What do you do when you're tempted?
16:34 Claim God.
16:36 Claim God's promises, the Bible and prayer.
16:39 The Bible says, "Resist the devil,
16:41 and," what will he do?
16:42 "He will flee from you."
16:44 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
16:47 So question number two.
16:50 What is it that God wants us to choose?
16:53 The Bible tells us, God says,
16:55 "I have set before you life and death,
16:58 blessing and cursing.
17:00 Therefore choose life that both you
17:04 and your descendants may live."
17:05 This is what Moses said, of course,
17:07 under the inspiration of Jesus.
17:09 Moses when he talked to the nation of Israel,
17:11 all of us have a choice of life or death.
17:15 Moses said, blessing or cursing,
17:17 life or death, good or evil, you get to choose.
17:20 Which one do you want?
17:21 Every day when you choose to listen to the devil,
17:23 and you think, "Oh, this is gonna make me happy."
17:26 He's a liar.
17:27 His temptations will end up hurting you.
17:30 So how do I show God that I wanna choose God's team
17:34 and live for Him forever?
17:36 The Bible says in Acts 2:38,
17:39 can you see what that says?
17:42 "Repent, and let every one of you be," what?
17:45 Baptized.
17:46 "Baptized in the name of Jesus Christ
17:49 for the remission of sin."
17:52 There is a sea that we go through
17:55 where we are washed
17:56 and it is a symbol of a new beginning.
17:58 Be baptized.
18:00 "'As I live,' says the Lord God,
18:01 'I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked,
18:04 but that the wicked turn from his way and live.'
18:07 "This is what repent means.
18:08 Before you're baptized, the Bible says,
18:10 "Repent and be baptized."
18:12 Repentance means that you tell God
18:14 that you're sorry.
18:16 He says, "You turn, turn, turn from your evil way,
18:20 why will you die?"
18:22 The soul that sins will die.
18:23 So if you see that you're walking away
18:25 from God, you're not talking to God,
18:26 you're not thinking about God,
18:28 you're just living for your own selfish,
18:29 happiness.
18:30 And then Jesus gets your attention
18:32 where the Holy Spirit, you tell the Lord,
18:34 you're sorry, and you actually turned.
18:37 You change directions, and now you follow the Lord,
18:40 and you walk with Him.
18:41 And that's what repentance is.
18:43 It's a change of heart.
18:45 How important is it for me to be baptized?
18:48 Is this a minor thing?
18:50 Jesus says, listen to this in Mark 16:16,
18:55 "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved.
19:00 He that does not believe will be condemned."
19:03 It is absolutely crucial that we follow through
19:07 and are baptized.
19:08 Now, are there gonna be some people in heaven
19:10 that were not baptized?
19:12 Sure.
19:13 Did.
19:14 Jesus talked to a thief on the cross before He died?
19:18 And He said,
19:19 "You will be with Me in paradise."
19:20 But he didn't have time to get baptized.
19:23 What about all the people before Christ,
19:24 in the Old Testament,
19:26 the faithful kings and patriarchs,
19:27 Abraham, David, Moses, doesn't say they were baptized.
19:31 But from the time of Christ,
19:32 baptism represents a washing away of sin,
19:36 a death, a new birth, a marriage.
19:38 It's the turning point in your life where you choose,
19:41 you publicly say, "I'm gonna follow Jesus."
19:44 The last words of Jesus when He ascended to heaven,
19:48 "Go ye therefore, teach all nations,
19:51 baptizing them in the name of the Father
19:54 and the Son and the Holy Spirit."
19:56 Do you know, the Bible begins with baptism?
19:58 The Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of John
20:01 start out with John the Baptist baptizing.
20:04 The last thing in all four gospels is Jesus
20:07 sending people out telling them to teach and baptize.
20:10 Encourage people to make the decision
20:12 'cause when a person's baptized,
20:14 they're promised to receive
20:15 a special gift of the Holy Spirit.
20:17 How many of you know a story in 2 Kings Chapter 5 about,
20:22 he was a Syrian General named Naaman?
20:25 I just mentioned him to you a minute ago, Naaman.
20:28 Naaman, the Bible says 2 Kings Chapter 5
20:30 was a great general, a mighty man, a valiant man.
20:35 What is his problem?
20:36 He had leprosy.
20:38 He had money.
20:39 He was strong.
20:40 He was famous, but he was miserable
20:42 'cause he was dying from this disease.
20:44 The Bible compares leprosy to sin.
20:47 Well, it so happens, the Naaman as a general,
20:51 he had many servants in his house.
20:52 One of the servants was a little girl
20:55 who told Naaman,
20:57 she told her mistress who told Naaman,
21:00 "I was kidnapped from the land of Israel.
21:02 We have a prophet in Israel named Elisha,
21:05 everybody who comes to Elisha with a problem,
21:07 Elisha helps them.
21:09 If Naaman, my master was with the prophet Elisha
21:12 in Israel, he could heal him of his leprosy."
21:15 Well, Naaman was dying, he was desperate for anything.
21:18 So the king of Syria sent Naaman
21:21 with millions of dollars, and gold, and clothing,
21:23 and silver, and he sent a little entourage,
21:26 a group of soldiers with him.
21:28 And they went to the king of Israel,
21:30 and they brought a letter.
21:31 And the letter said,
21:34 "I sent this letter with Naaman, my servants
21:36 so that you can heal him of his leprosy."
21:38 And the king said, "Why did he send him to me?
21:40 He's trying to start a war.
21:41 I can't heal anybody of leprosy."
21:44 And soon Elisha heard what had happened.
21:45 And Naaman was then sent to Elisha's house.
21:48 And Elisha didn't even come out to him.
21:50 He sent a message to him and it said,
21:53 "Go wash in the Jordan River seven times,
21:57 and you will be cleaned.
21:58 Your flesh will be cleaned.
21:59 Your leprosy will be healed."
22:01 Well, the Jordan River is not a very big river.
22:03 I can throw a rock across the Jordan River.
22:05 The water sometimes the year is muddy,
22:09 full of mosquitoes and weeds and moss.
22:12 And they thought, "Why would you tell me
22:14 I've got to wash in the Jordan seven times?
22:17 Have you ever had to take a bath?
22:18 You got brothers and sisters and your mother fills the bath
22:21 and you take bath in turn,
22:22 you had to share the bath water?"
22:24 Oh, yeah, I said, "Me too."
22:27 Now it's not as bad.
22:28 But I was the youngest.
22:30 I was always the last one.
22:31 I had to take a bath
22:32 with my brothers' dirty bathwater.
22:34 I thought that's no fun.
22:36 Some of you come from a big family.
22:38 One of you, he has to take a bath
22:39 after two or three others have taken a bath.
22:41 And you go, man, you got a little ring
22:43 around the tub when you get in it.
22:46 If someone tells you take a bath,
22:47 what are they saying to you?
22:50 If you're dirty, what if they tell you,
22:52 you got to take a bath seven times?
22:54 You're real dirty.
22:55 What if they tell you,
22:57 you got to take a bath seven times in a muddy river?
22:59 You're really dirty.
23:01 So Naaman was mad.
23:02 "Is what does he think I am?
23:04 Go wash in that dirty river seven times,
23:06 you think I'm that bad?"
23:07 Naaman was marching off home angry,
23:11 and his servants came up to him and said, "Now Master,
23:13 you're just going home to die of leprosy.
23:15 You can't hug your wife or children, you're isolated.
23:19 Maybe you should try it.
23:20 What do you got to lose,
23:22 if there's a Jordan River right here?"
23:23 See, he had to ride by the Jordan River
23:25 to get back to Syria.
23:27 And he said "All right."
23:28 So he got off of his chariot and he took off his armor.
23:33 He listened to his servants.
23:35 He went down in the water and he dipped himself one time.
23:38 Did he get a blessing?
23:40 Two times, was he clean yet?
23:42 No.
23:43 Why not?
23:44 Water is water, right?
23:46 Three times, four times, was his leprosy still there?
23:49 Yes.
23:50 What difference does it make four times, five times?
23:54 'Cause it's obeying the Word of God brings the blessing.
23:57 When God says He blessed us the seventh day and you say,
23:59 "Well, I'm gonna keep the third day,"
24:01 are you gonna get the blessing?
24:04 God means what He says.
24:05 When God says to Jericho,
24:07 "March around the city seven times on the seventh day,
24:09 and then you're gonna get the victory."
24:11 You can't say, "I'm gonna march around the city
24:12 two times in the third day," you're disobeying God.
24:15 God means what He says.
24:18 Naaman went down five times, six times,
24:19 and he looked at his friend said,
24:21 "This is humiliating. I'm getting out."
24:22 They said, "One more time."
24:24 He got down one more time.
24:26 He came back up and he felt something happened.
24:29 All of a sudden,
24:30 little missing fingers from his leprosy and sores.
24:33 He felt them begin to heal,
24:34 and the toes and fingers were popping back into place.
24:37 And the Bible says, "His flesh came to him again,
24:40 like the flesh of a little child,
24:43 and he was clean."
24:45 This is a symbol for baptism, because when you're baptized,
24:48 it's like being born again.
24:50 That's why... Can you imagine a general...
24:51 He is a general, big tough strong general,
24:53 says he got flesh like a baby.
24:55 Like imagine the soldiers saying,
24:56 "Praise the Lord!
24:58 Captain Naaman, you've been cleansed.
24:59 Can I pinch your cheek please?
25:00 It looks so soft."
25:03 I mean, you got this big soldier
25:04 with baby skin.
25:06 This is what a Christian is.
25:07 You are a soldier, but you're a child.
25:10 Jesus said, "Unless you become converted like a little child,
25:13 you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven."
25:15 Now how does water wash away sin?
25:18 Now this is a mystery.
25:19 I need a couple of volunteers up here.
25:22 Let me see here.
25:25 You can come up, young lady.
25:26 And let me go back around here.
25:29 All right, you got some friends that are voting...
25:30 These are those, yeah,
25:32 your friends want to you to come up.
25:33 Yeah.
25:35 All right, come on up.
25:37 Now...
25:41 Got a couple things for you here.
25:46 All right.
25:52 Here we've got something that represents,
25:57 you wanna guess?
25:59 Red... Sin.
26:00 Well, that's the blood of Jesus.
26:01 This is sin.
26:03 This is our sins.
26:04 Do you wanna hold that?
26:06 Matter of fact, I'm gonna each give you,
26:08 one of them it says, they're on there but just...
26:12 It's a piece of paper, I wrote sins on it.
26:15 Find out what happens to our sins here.
26:18 Sometimes it helps tear straight
26:19 if you fold it both ways and then rip.
26:21 Let's see if that works.
26:23 Have you ever sinned?
26:25 Yeah.
26:26 What's your name?
26:27 Paige.
26:29 Peach?
26:30 Paige. Paige.
26:32 And? Jenna.
26:33 Jenna. Jenna.
26:34 Pastor Doug is a little deaf,
26:36 because I ran a chainsaw for several years.
26:37 You got to...
26:38 Okay, we're gonna share the sins evenly with you.
26:40 All right, there we go.
26:41 So you ever sung that song,
26:44 "What Can Wash Away My Sins?"
26:47 Yeah, you know, what's the answer?
26:49 The blood of Jesus.
26:51 Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
26:52 So if you take your sins, and you put them in there,
26:55 let's see what happens.
26:57 Steer them around a little bit.
26:59 You wanna make sure they're baptized.
27:00 It's slipping off.
27:02 Yeah, keep going.
27:04 Look at that.
27:06 What about you?
27:07 You're gonna put yours in there too and see what happens.
27:11 I know, you think, don't worry, it's not blood,
27:13 it's food coloring.
27:14 You're not gonna eat them, you would be okay.
27:17 Isn't that amazing?
27:19 It's gone.
27:20 What happened to it?
27:22 You got a few letters, particles of letters in there.
27:26 When you confess your sins to Jesus,
27:29 and you're baptized, where did the sins go?
27:32 They're not in your hand now.
27:34 Can you ever put those back together again
27:35 or they're gone now, huh?
27:37 No.
27:38 Once we are baptized, when we confess our sins,
27:41 He says He washes away our sins.
27:43 We are cleansed.
27:44 It tells us in Revelation,
27:46 "The righteous have washed the robes
27:47 and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."
27:49 How could something be made white in blood?
27:52 Well, we saw the other day,
27:53 you remember when you put some of that special chemical,
27:55 the red went away, and it turned white.
27:58 And so the Lord can do that through the blood of Jesus.
28:00 Thank you very much.
28:01 You can go back to your seats.
28:03 I don't think you wanna take that with you.
28:04 So Naaman came out of the water,
28:05 he could go back home and rejoice.
28:07 He could be with his wife.
28:09 He could talk to the people in the city.
28:11 He was so happy now.
28:12 You know what Naaman did
28:13 after he had his leprosy washed away?
28:16 He went back to Elisha the Prophet to thank him.
28:19 And he wanted to give him a gift.
28:20 He was so thankful that all of his leprosy
28:22 have been washed away.
28:24 And Jesus can wash away your sins
28:26 and give you eternal life.
28:28 Now does it matter how we are baptized?
28:32 There's a lot of different churches
28:34 baptize different ways.
28:35 Some baptize by sprinkling,
28:39 and some baptize by immersion,
28:42 and some baptize by pouring.
28:44 Some churches baptize by putting rose petals on you.
28:47 Some churches baptize by putting your head
28:49 in the water three times.
28:51 Sometimes it's your sprinkled with a shell of water
28:54 as a baby.
28:55 Some churches baptize by salt.
28:58 They pour salt on you.
29:00 Some just speak words over the phone.
29:02 That's what you call the dry cleaning method.
29:05 They got all these different churches
29:07 have these different methods
29:08 but how many different ways of baptizing are there?
29:11 What does the Bible say?
29:13 "There is one Lord," you say with me,
29:16 "one faith," you guys read that?
29:18 "One baptism."
29:20 There's one true biblical method
29:22 you can see through the Bible for how people were baptized.
29:26 "Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan,
29:30 and immediately coming up out of the water."
29:33 Was Jesus sprinkled?
29:36 Or was He immersed?
29:37 Do you know what immerse means?
29:38 It means he went down and he came back up again.
29:41 And it says, "He saw the heavens parting
29:43 and the Spirit descending on Him like a dove."
29:46 You can read in John 3:23,
29:48 when John the Baptist was baptizing,
29:51 says, "John also baptizing in Aenon near Salim,
29:53 "Salim means peace 'cause it was a wide spot
29:56 in the river where the water was calm and peaceful,
29:59 "because there was much water there."
30:02 Now if the Bible method for baptism is sprinkling
30:05 or spraying or pouring,
30:08 why did John need a river?
30:11 See, the way that God tells us
30:13 to do something is very important.
30:15 The Greek word Baptizo, when you read the word Baptizo,
30:18 it simply means to dip, to immerse,
30:22 to plunge underwater, to submerge.
30:28 I heard about a pastor.
30:31 You all know what the Lord's supper
30:33 is, right?
30:34 When you have communion,
30:37 and what do we use for the symbols in communion?
30:41 The bread represents what?
30:44 The body of Jesus.
30:45 And the grape juice represents?
30:48 The blood of Jesus.
30:49 Is it real blood?
30:51 No.
30:52 Is it His real physical body?
30:53 No.
30:55 They're symbols.
30:56 Since they're just symbols,
30:58 is it okay instead of using grape juice, can I use 7Up?
31:03 No.
31:05 'Cause Jesus told us what to use.
31:08 You know, I heard about a pastor, he said,
31:10 "Well, we're gonna have a communion service
31:11 in our church.
31:13 And since we know that the bread
31:14 and the grape juice are just symbols,
31:16 instead of bread and grape juice,
31:18 we're gonna have Coca-Cola and hamburgers."
31:22 And we're gonna call that
31:24 that's what you call that sacrilegious.
31:26 We're gonna call that communion.
31:28 Is that appropriate?
31:31 So when God tells us to do something a certain way,
31:33 does He want us to follow
31:34 what the Bible truth is on those subjects?
31:37 What is the Bible method for baptism?
31:40 You know, sometimes a person gets baptized
31:42 and they just get sprinkled a little bit.
31:45 That's not baptism.
31:47 Or they sprinkle people that are babies,
31:48 and a baby is not really old enough to know
31:51 what is happening.
31:53 There's another example in the Bible.
31:55 Philip the evangelist was told by the Holy Spirit
31:58 to go down on the road towards Gaza out in the desert.
32:03 And while he was going down that road,
32:05 he ran into an Ethiopian treasurer,
32:08 who was the treasurer for Queen Candace,
32:11 who was riding along in his chariot,
32:13 and he was reading from the prophecies.
32:16 Philip was told go near the chariot.
32:17 He's the first hitchhiker in the Bible.
32:20 And he said to the man,
32:22 "Do you know what you're reading?"
32:24 He said, "Well, how can I know unless someone guide me?
32:26 Would you like to come up in my chariot with me?"
32:28 So they rode along.
32:29 He was reading a prophecy from Isaiah about Jesus.
32:32 Philip started to preach to him and say,
32:35 "This is talking about Jesus the Messiah.
32:37 He came, He died a few weeks ago.
32:40 And He's the one that we've been waiting for."
32:43 And the man said, "This is wonderful news.
32:45 And I accept it and I believe."
32:47 And he wanted to know, "Can I be baptized?"
32:50 Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart."
32:52 He said, "There's water here."
32:54 So he might have been pointing at the ocean
32:56 because they were driving down by the ocean
32:58 or it could have been an oasis.
33:00 So notice what it says in the Bible,
33:01 they went down into the water.
33:04 And when they had come up out of the water,
33:07 Philip suddenly disappeared and found himself walking down
33:10 the road towards Caesarea.
33:13 That's the first example of somebody being beamed
33:15 in the Bible from one place to another.
33:18 This Philip was brought to this man
33:20 just so he could hear the truth and be baptized
33:23 and as soon as he was baptized,
33:25 it was so important that he stay with him
33:26 until he was baptized.
33:28 He then took the gospel down
33:29 to the whole country of Ethiopia.
33:31 Then Philip disappeared.
33:32 He went preaching somewhere else.
33:34 But it says they went down into the water together,
33:37 they came up out of the water.
33:39 A lot of churches have lost the significance
33:41 of why this symbol and the type,
33:44 and the method of baptism is so important.
33:47 What other important symbol does baptism represent?
33:51 "He said, 'Why are you waiting?
33:53 Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins,
33:57 calling on the name of the Lord.'
33:59 "I don't know about you but sometimes
34:01 when I'm working real hard especially,
34:03 I'm working on cars and I get a little dirty,
34:05 and sweaty, and greasy,
34:06 and it's so nice at the end of the day
34:08 to come in and take a shower to wash all the dust
34:11 and the dirt off of and feel clean.
34:14 Baptism gives you that feeling of being clean from your sins,
34:18 no matter what you've done.
34:20 When a person repents of their sins,
34:22 and they confess their sins, and they're baptized,
34:24 they can get a whole new beginning.
34:27 And you know what the promise is,
34:28 and when you are baptized, it says,
34:31 "You shall receive the gift of," what?
34:34 The Holy Spirit.
34:37 When did Jesus do His first miracle,
34:39 before His baptism or after?
34:43 After.
34:45 Jesus did no miracles that we know of,
34:48 before His baptism.
34:50 He started His ministry.
34:52 You know the Bible promise in Acts Chapter 2.
34:54 Peter said, listen, carefully,
34:56 "Repent and be baptized every one of you
34:59 for the remission of sins,
35:01 and you shall receive the gift..."
35:04 Does God wanna give you a gift?
35:06 "You shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
35:09 For the promise is unto you and your children,
35:12 and as many as the Lord God shall call."
35:15 He not only wants to give you a gift,
35:17 He wants to give you gifts of the Spirit.
35:20 Okay, I need a volunteer.
35:22 We had a girl, this time
35:23 we're gonna get a boy this time.
35:25 Let me come over here and see.
35:28 All right, you here, come me over here.
35:33 Now, Pastor Doug has had a habit and a practice,
35:37 and I'll tell you the truth.
35:38 I'm not sure where we're gonna find this.
35:41 Here why don't we look in here together?
35:43 I want you to grab that box.
35:47 You got to get a good hold on it.
35:49 There we go. All right, we're good.
35:50 So I've had a practice for years
35:53 of collecting Swiss Army knives.
35:56 And this is, you know,
35:58 this is called the champion knife.
36:01 And for years I carried this with me.
36:03 Literally, years, I always have this on my belt,
36:06 but the problem is after 9/11 I lost several of them
36:09 because I forgot to take them off my belt
36:11 and when I went through airport security,
36:13 they said we got to take that from you.
36:15 And they took my knife.
36:16 So now I pack it in my bag.
36:18 But it's got pliers on it.
36:22 It's got two knives.
36:24 You know, it's really nifty.
36:26 It's got, of course, tweezers.
36:28 I use this to pull out splinters,
36:32 has a toothpick.
36:34 Actually, I use this.
36:35 You wanna try it?
36:37 No, okay.
36:39 And you can sign a million dollar check
36:42 with that pen that's on there.
36:44 It's got a pen on it.
36:46 You know what it has it most people
36:48 don't know about,
36:49 it also has a pin that is hidden,
36:51 a little needle down in here.
36:54 It's got just about everything.
36:56 So one day, you know,
36:57 I don't have too many collections.
36:58 Pastor Doug is, yeah, I try to be pretty thrifty but,
37:01 you know, I couldn't help myself,
37:02 and I bought myself a Christmas present.
37:04 Go and sit down here with me for a second.
37:06 What's your name? Drew.
37:07 Drew.
37:09 You're gonna be glad. You got cold.
37:12 What know what this is, this a Swiss Army knife.
37:17 But it is called the monster of all knives.
37:21 It's the big daddy of all Swiss Army knives.
37:27 It's not very practical to keep in your pocket.
37:30 But I mean, it's got a light on it.
37:35 It's got a compass.
37:37 It's got a clock.
37:38 I haven't activated it yet.
37:40 It's got all these tools, see that?
37:43 You can change your tools
37:44 and here's all the different fittings that go on the tools.
37:47 I got about four or five knives.
37:49 If you wanna start a fire, magnifying glass.
37:52 Or if you need to see that splitter
37:54 that you got to get out.
37:55 Pliers, wire cutters.
37:57 Ah, I like them so much.
37:59 These things are great.
38:01 It's got, of course, a toothpick.
38:02 Can you tell?
38:03 It's got a boring tool.
38:05 It's got just about anything you
38:06 can put on a Swiss Army Knife is on there.
38:08 When you come to the Lord,
38:11 He promises to give you gifts of the Spirit,
38:15 not just a gift, but gifts of the Spirit.
38:17 And there are all kinds of different things
38:20 that you can do, you don't even know.
38:21 But when He gives you the Holy Spirit,
38:23 you look at the list of the gifts of the Spirit
38:25 you find in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12,
38:27 and other places in the Bible.
38:29 And there's so many things that you have no idea
38:31 you could do.
38:32 I didn't know I could even play the guitar until
38:34 after I was baptized.
38:36 And I didn't know
38:37 I could get up in front of people and teach.
38:39 There's a lot of things I had no idea.
38:41 But God starts giving you gifts and as you use them,
38:44 you get more gifts.
38:46 If it's okay with your parents, I'll let you keep the baby.
38:48 Is that okay?
38:49 Let's give him a hand.
38:54 You know, the most important decision
38:56 a young person can make is that decision
38:58 to follow Jesus
38:59 and begin that amazing adventure to eternity.
39:02 That's why we're so excited to tell you about
39:04 the new Amazing Adventure programs that are available.
39:07 During these nearly 10 hours
39:09 of exciting high definition programs,
39:11 the young people will do science experiments,
39:13 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
39:17 and most of all, they'll learn about Jesus
39:19 from the Word of God.
39:21 There's a beautifully illustrated Bible Study Guide
39:23 to go along with each of the video presentations.
39:26 These beautiful illustrated study guides
39:28 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
39:31 They'll lead your kids through
39:33 an incredible journey with Jesus.
39:35 And for me, the most exciting thing
39:36 is this new Amazing Adventure series goes along
39:39 with the Amazing Facts Adventure Bible.
39:41 The Bible, the study guides,
39:43 the DVDs are all designed to lead your young person
39:46 on a Journey for Life with Jesus.
39:49 Call the number on your screen or contact us
39:52 at
39:54 Not only do you get gifts of the Spirit,
39:57 the Bible says that it's like a marriage.
40:00 "Husbands, love your wives,
40:02 just as Christ also loved the church
40:05 and gave Himself for her."
40:08 The Bible says a church is like the bride of Christ.
40:11 In order for two people to be husband and wife,
40:15 what do they have to do?
40:18 Get married.
40:19 They call that what?
40:21 A wedding.
40:24 Baptism is as important to a Christian
40:26 as a wedding is to a marriage.
40:29 Wedding is a ceremony by which a man and woman
40:32 are united, they become one.
40:33 Baptism is like you're being married to Christ.
40:36 Now, is it something that you would do publicly?
40:40 Girls, I wanna ask you a question.
40:42 You had a boy, he was dating you,
40:43 now, of course, is when you get older.
40:46 And he said, "I love you, and I wanna marry you.
40:51 But I don't wanna tell anybody."
40:54 Would you wanna marry him?
40:55 No.
40:56 You think, "What? Is he was ashamed of me?"
40:58 Or if he said, "I love you.
41:00 I wanna marry you.
41:01 But let's do it secretly."
41:03 When you get baptized,
41:04 you notice baptisms are usually public.
41:07 Do you know when Jesus called people, He did it publicly.
41:10 In front of everybody Jesus called Peter, Andrew, James,
41:13 John, Matthew.
41:15 He said, "Come follow Me.
41:16 Come follow Me."
41:18 If you're gonna choose to follow Jesus,
41:19 don't be ashamed of Him.
41:21 If a husband is ashamed of his wife,
41:22 she's not gonna wanna marry him.
41:24 And vice versa.
41:26 What else does baptism represent?
41:28 And why does it matter?
41:30 The Bible says that we are buried
41:33 with Him through baptism.
41:34 So when a person is baptized,
41:36 and they're put under the water just for a moment,
41:39 and then you bring them back up again,
41:41 it's like that they've been buried
41:42 and now they're being resurrected.
41:45 You probably seen...
41:47 Well, maybe you haven't seen it,
41:48 but you know when a baby's born,
41:50 before baby is born, it's inside of the mommy.
41:52 And it's floating around, it's swimming in water.
41:57 And when the water breaks it means the baby's coming.
42:01 Now baby comes out of the water,
42:03 takes its first breath.
42:04 You've probably seen stories where, you know,
42:06 baby is born, it comes out, it's not breathing.
42:09 So the doctor holds the baby up
42:10 and gives them a little swat on the posterior.
42:12 You'll know what the posterior is.
42:14 And then baby is...
42:17 And then everybody is so happy.
42:19 "Oh, the baby is crying!"
42:22 You know, when you're born again
42:23 and you repent of your sins, sometimes with a new birth,
42:26 there's a little bit of tears,
42:28 but that God and His angels smile.
42:31 Bible says, "Weep, humble yourself before the Lord
42:35 and He will lift you up."
42:37 Then you have the joy.
42:39 There might be weeping in the night
42:40 and joy comes in the morning.
42:42 So it's a burial.
42:44 Now if your parents tell you, "Look," you know,
42:46 you live on a ranch, sometimes they used to say,
42:48 "Take the trash out back and bury it."
42:51 They give you a bag.
42:53 They give you a bag of garbage, and you take it out back,
42:55 and you drop it on the ground, and you pick up some dirt,
42:58 and you sprinkle it on top and you come back.
42:59 And they say, "Did you bury the trash?"
43:01 "I buried it."
43:02 Next day the raccoons got into the trash,
43:04 it spread all over the farm, parents said,
43:07 "You said you buried it."
43:09 Then I say, "Well, I sprinkled some dirt on it.
43:10 Same thing."
43:12 They said, "You didn't bury it."
43:14 Some people say, "Well,
43:15 sprinkling is the same as person being immersed
43:18 is not the same thing."
43:20 Being immerse means you're plunged under,
43:21 you hold your breath for a moment.
43:24 It's like death, and you come out of the water.
43:26 It's like a baby being born.
43:27 It's a new birth.
43:29 I did a baptism for a man.
43:31 And I've seen other people do it too.
43:34 And he said, "Pastor Doug, when you baptized me,
43:38 I want you to hold me under for just a moment."
43:40 Usually, pastor just puts you under
43:41 and brings you right back up again.
43:43 And he doesn't don't have to hold on under long.
43:45 And, but one man said, "You know, while I'm under..."
43:48 Said, "I'm a some a good swimmer."
43:49 He said, "I'm gonna have a prayer.
43:53 So if you could just hold me under there
43:54 and I'll then squeeze your hand
43:56 when I'm ready to come back up."
43:58 I said, "You're sure?" "Sure.
44:00 I'll be fine don't worry about me."
44:01 It's very important occasion to me.
44:03 So when you put me under I'll hold you down.
44:07 Well, I did that it went fine but I heard about
44:09 another pastor he did that to a gentleman,
44:11 the Spanish gentleman in Northern California
44:13 is getting baptized in a lake and his family
44:15 was all gathered on the shore.
44:17 And, when they got out the water, he said, "Now,
44:18 hold me under until I squeeze your hand
44:20 and then bring me up again 'cause I wanna pray
44:22 while I'm under."
44:23 Pastor said, "Okay."
44:25 But the family didn't know.
44:28 So he took the man, he said, "In the name of the Father,
44:30 Son, Holy Spirit," and he put him under.
44:35 I just held him there.
44:37 And the man looked like he was okay.
44:40 And the family started, "Oh, he's trying to drown him!"
44:42 You know, they get ready to charge him.
44:44 He squeezed his hand, he brought him back up again.
44:46 But it represents you come and take, "Oh!"
44:49 You take that breath and it represents like
44:52 a baby being born.
44:54 It's a new life.
44:55 The Bible says that "Even so we should walk in," what?
44:58 "A newness of life."
45:00 Because we are resurrected with the Lord.
45:02 Heard an interesting story in history
45:04 about someone named Henry Box Brown.
45:07 He was a slave.
45:09 You know that story? Yeah.
45:10 And like, 1813 he was born, 33 years of age,
45:14 he was having a very rough time
45:15 working for a terrible taskmaster.
45:18 He had a wife and children.
45:20 And without even telling him,
45:21 his master sold his wife and children to someone else.
45:24 And he said, "Boy, enough is enough."
45:26 And he got a friend.
45:28 And he said, "I want you to build me a box,
45:30 two feet by two feet by three feet,
45:32 put a little water in it, a little bit of padding.
45:35 I'll drill a little hole for air.
45:37 And I'll take a couple biscuits with me.
45:40 And nail me in the box and ship me to Philadelphia
45:43 where there are some people
45:44 who are helping to rescue slave.
45:46 Ship me to this address."
45:48 So his friend did that.
45:49 And now he had marked on the box, this side up.
45:53 He didn't wanna get turned upside down.
45:54 This side up was put all over the box.
45:56 But he went in a wagon, he went in a train,
45:59 he went another wagon, he had bounced down the road.
46:02 And they ignored the sign.
46:03 At one point they put them upside down.
46:06 But he couldn't utter a word.
46:08 And it was hot and he could barely breathe
46:10 and it was painful, 27 hours he was in that box.
46:15 Finally, they delivered it to the Quakers
46:18 in Philadelphia, who set him free.
46:20 And he spent the rest of his life trying
46:22 to help other people get free.
46:24 When you have been baptized
46:26 and you've been delivered from sin,
46:28 you wanna help other people be free.
46:29 Amen?
46:31 Amen.
46:32 So do I need to join a church when I'm baptized?
46:35 Or can I just say, "I'm gonna get baptized
46:37 and I'm sort of gonna be a maverick Christian.
46:39 I'll just go out there on my own.
46:41 And just me and the Lord, I don't need anybody.
46:43 I don't wanna go to a church
46:44 'cause there are difficult people in church."
46:46 Is that how you're supposed to do it?
46:48 Bible says, "By one Spirit, we are baptized into one body."
46:53 Do you need to be part of that body?
46:55 Baptism is the ceremony
46:57 by which you become part of the body of Christ,
47:00 the church.
47:01 The Bible says, "He is the head of the body," Colossians 1:18,
47:05 "the church."
47:06 We are baptized into Christ.
47:08 So when someone says, "I'm a Christian,
47:10 but I don't go to church."
47:12 There is something wrong with that.
47:13 Now, if they're sick and they can't go,
47:15 if they're so far away, there's no church.
47:17 But if someone says,
47:18 "I'm just gonna be a finger out there by myself or near out
47:21 there by myself, "they will not last very long.
47:24 All the different parts of the body work together,
47:26 we need to be connected.
47:28 Amen?
47:29 Amen.
47:31 "The Lord added to the church daily,
47:33 those that were being saved."
47:35 God wants us to all be part of the church.
47:38 Who's been saved?
47:39 Those added to the body of Christ,
47:42 Christ body is His temple.
47:44 We all are different parts of the body.
47:46 Some of us are the mouth, some are the eyes,
47:48 some are the ears, some are the brain,
47:49 some are the feet, some are the hands,
47:51 but we all work together
47:52 with our different spiritual gifts.
47:54 When you're baptized,
47:55 God gives you some of those gifts.
47:58 Can you be too bad to be saved?
48:01 What do you think?
48:03 No, you're not a worst sinner than God is the Savior.
48:08 Did God save liars in the Bible?
48:11 Did God save thieves?
48:13 The thief on the cross.
48:14 Did God save murderers?
48:18 Moses killed somebody.
48:20 David murdered somebody.
48:22 People who committed adultery like David and others.
48:25 God is very merciful.
48:27 So don't think, "I'm too bad for God
48:29 that I've sinned too much."
48:31 You know, God is all powerful and He can forgive your sins.
48:35 How do we receive that forgiveness?
48:37 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
48:40 and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from,"
48:43 how much?
48:44 "All unrighteousness."
48:47 The Lord will cleanse you.
48:48 And the promise is,
48:49 "The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out."
48:54 Will Jesus cast out anyone
48:56 who comes to Him for forgiveness?
48:59 Can you think of anybody in the Bible
49:00 that came to Jesus for forgiveness
49:02 and He sent them away?
49:05 Everybody who came.
49:07 Leper said, "Lord, I'm full of leprosy.
49:09 But if You want, You can make me clean."
49:11 Jesus said, "I want to."
49:13 He touched him and He cleansed him.
49:15 Blind man, "So Lord,
49:17 if You want to You can open my eyes."
49:18 He said, "I want to."
49:19 He touched him, opened his eyes.
49:22 The Lord unstopped deaf ears.
49:24 The Lord healed all kinds of things
49:26 when people came to Him,
49:27 because they had a need.
49:29 So how do I know when I'm ready to be baptized?
49:34 Well, is there a specific age?
49:36 How old was Jesus
49:38 when He went with Joseph to the temple, and Mary?
49:41 Twelve. Twelve.
49:43 You know, that doesn't mean someone could be ready sooner,
49:47 some or later, but as a general rule,
49:51 I like to say that if you're old enough
49:52 to be lost, you're probably old enough to be saved.
49:56 Actually, I'm quoting James White when I say that.
50:00 You know, if you have your own personal devotions,
50:04 and if you're spending time with the Lord,
50:06 if you understand the main teachings,
50:09 if you make a decision to follow Jesus,
50:11 do you love God?
50:13 Have you invited Jesus into your heart?
50:15 And now here's the big one.
50:17 Are you willing to give up your selfish ways
50:20 of the world and to follow Jesus
50:23 because you love Him?
50:25 That's one of the most important things.
50:27 All right.
50:28 I need...
50:32 Let me see here.
50:43 All right, you here.
50:44 I need a big boy.
50:46 That's all. Just one, sorry.
50:48 Okay.
50:54 All right.
50:56 Let me show you something here.
50:58 You know what that is?
50:59 It's a jar. It's a jar.
51:02 This is the devil.
51:07 Here we go.
51:09 That's the world.
51:10 Now, I can barely get my hand in here.
51:16 And I can get my head out.
51:18 But if I try to get a hold of the world...
51:20 You wanna take that off my hand?
51:28 I'm gonna file a workman's comp claim for that.
51:32 Can't come off.
51:33 If I'm trying to hang on to this,
51:35 let's see how it works with you.
51:39 All right, Pastor Ross, you wanna play your part here.
51:43 So you like some things in the world.
51:45 The Bible says, "Love not the world
51:46 or the things that are in the world,
51:48 if any man who loves the world..."
51:49 You know, put your hand in there.
51:51 Get a hold of that.
51:52 Make a fist. You got to make a fist.
51:54 All right.
51:55 Here we go.
51:56 So what you got here is you're saying
51:58 I want the world but the devil,
52:00 he uses the world to keep you from being free
52:04 because we don't let go.
52:06 Now let go of the world for a second.
52:08 Can you get your hand out now?
52:10 You be free, you know what they do in Africa,
52:12 Pastor Ross is from South Africa,
52:14 they catch monkeys.
52:16 By taking a coconut shell, they put a little hole in it,
52:19 they chain the coconut to the ground,
52:21 they put the monkey's favorite food inside, usually,
52:23 handful of nuts.
52:24 The monkeys look around, they run up.
52:26 They put their hand in there.
52:27 They grab them.
52:28 Go ahead, go in there, grab.
52:30 Grab the world there.
52:31 And then the trappers come
52:32 and the monkey tries to get away,
52:34 but the monkey is not smart enough to let go.
52:36 And so the trapper gets them and the monkey becomes a slave.
52:40 You're gonna go.
52:42 If you wanna get away,
52:43 I'm gonna give you a couple of worlds here anyway.
52:45 Okay, let's give them a hand.
52:46 What was your name?
52:48 Luke. Luke.
52:49 Good job, Luke. Here.
52:51 You can have one of those.
52:56 You've got to let go of the world.
52:58 If we love the world, and the things in the world,
53:01 the television, the games, the food, the clothes,
53:05 the devil tries to trap us
53:06 with the sinful things of the world.
53:07 We think, "Oh, but I've got to have it."
53:09 As long as he can keep you with that and you don't let go
53:11 of those things, Christ said, "If you're gonna come after Me,
53:15 you must deny yourself.
53:17 Take up your cross and follow Me."
53:20 But you'll be free.
53:23 If you're trying to have the things of the world
53:25 what would you rather have?
53:27 $100 now or a million dollars in a week?
53:31 Million dollars in a week.
53:33 If you're smart.
53:34 But you know sometimes little children you say,
53:36 "Do you want that one cookie now
53:38 or do you want 12 cookies tomorrow?"
53:40 They say, "I want the one cookie now,"
53:42 right?
53:44 What would you rather have the pleasures of sin
53:46 for this one life,
53:48 knowing that you're gonna die and be lost,
53:50 you can't even enjoy it?
53:53 Or would you want eternal life?
53:56 Yeah, this is what the devil...
53:57 But so many people are saying, "I'm not sure,
53:59 If I'm gonna be saved, so
54:01 I wanna give up on eternal life
54:02 so I can have the pleasures of sin now."
54:05 If a man came to you and he said,
54:07 "I'm gonna give you a million dollars,
54:10 and a vacation for three months in Orlando,
54:15 and you can go to Epcot, and Disney World,
54:17 and Universal Studios, and it's the theme park city
54:20 of the world, you can just go one amusement park to another.
54:23 It'll be like Vanity Fair.
54:24 You could just have fun, and games, and rides, and play,
54:27 and toys and million dollars."
54:29 And you say, "Wow, that sounds great!"
54:31 And then he says, "Yeah.
54:32 And After the 90 days are over,
54:35 I'm tossing you in a lake of fire."
54:39 Would you enjoy it?
54:40 No.
54:42 All right, every time you went on the next ride, you'd say,
54:44 "Oh, 29 more days, 28 more days."
54:48 And you'd be thinking...
54:49 You couldn't enjoy anything knowing
54:51 that it wasn't gonna end well.
54:52 But if someone comes to you and they say,
54:56 "Look, you need to carry this load.
55:01 But at the end of the road when you're done,
55:03 you're gonna have eternal life."
55:06 That load would seem so light
55:07 because you think I've got Jesus
55:09 and eternal life in heaven.
55:11 And it's so much easier to be a Christian
55:13 than to enjoy the temporary pleasures of sin.
55:15 So how do you know you're ready to be baptized?
55:18 Daily devotions.
55:20 Do you pray and read your Bible every day?
55:23 Have you repented of your sins and confess them?
55:26 Are you learning to cheerfully do your work and chores
55:30 as though you're doing them for Jesus?
55:32 Do you understand
55:34 the main teachings of the Bible?
55:35 That would be in the baptismal vows.
55:37 There's about a dozen baptismal vows
55:39 where you understand the principle teachings.
55:43 The Bible tells us what happened to Jesus
55:45 when He was baptized is a symbol
55:48 for what we can expect.
55:50 Now, when Jesus was baptized, what happened?
55:53 Bible says that He came up out of the water,
55:58 "And behold, the heavens were opened to Him."
56:01 Was Jesus baptized for His sin?
56:04 Did Jesus ever sin?
56:06 No.
56:07 So why was Jesus baptized?
56:11 An example for us.
56:12 And you know, Jesus was also baptized
56:14 in behalf of those who cannot be.
56:17 Christ came up out of the water,
56:19 the heavens were open.
56:20 When you're baptized, the heavens are open
56:22 for you in a new way.
56:24 "He saw the Spirit descending,"
56:26 God's Spirit comes into your life,
56:28 gives you special power.
56:30 It comes like what animal?
56:32 Dove.
56:33 Like a dove, 'cause it brings peace into your life.
56:36 And then He heard a voice.
56:38 You will hear God speak to you.
56:39 And what does that voice say?
56:41 "You are now my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
56:45 When you're baptized, what does God say?
56:47 I am well pleased with you.
56:50 I am happy with you.
56:52 You are adopted into the family of God.
56:54 He calls you His son or His daughter.
56:56 Now you may make mistakes.
56:59 Any of you have a pet dog or cat?
57:03 And you pick them up as a puppy or kitty, you bring them home.
57:08 And you say, "All right, you're now part of the family."
57:12 Well, then the puppy makes,
57:13 he has a little digestive accident
57:15 in the living room.
57:17 And you say, "Oh, you stinking puppy.
57:20 I'm taking you back to the pet store."
57:22 Is that what you say? No.
57:23 No, it's part of the family.
57:25 You just cleaned it up and you try
57:26 and teach him better.
57:27 Or the cat gets on the curtains
57:29 and starts to tear up the curtains, and you say,
57:31 "You wicked little kitty.
57:33 I'm taking you back."
57:37 Or you'll say, "Oh, you're part of the family.
57:39 We're gonna try and trim your claws a little bit
57:41 and teach you not to do that."
57:44 And so when you're adopted,
57:46 God loves you more than
57:47 you love a puppy, or your kitty.
57:49 And you are His child.
57:51 And even if you make mistakes,
57:53 once you've given your life to Him and you said,
57:55 "I've been baptized Lord, I decided I wanna follow You,
57:58 I wanna be a Christian, He gives you His Holy Spirit."


Revised 2020-01-08