Books of the Book: Acts

The First Miracle

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim & Mark Howard


Series Code: ABOTB

Program Code: ABOTB00006B

00:02 Welcome back to Books of the Book. We are studying the book
00:04 of Acts. Right before the break we had been looking in Acts
00:07 chapter 3 about this healing of the lame man at the temple gate,
00:11 the first bonafide miracle we find of healing in the New
00:15 Testament church. You had mentioned that we see miraculous
00:18 working in the power of the Holy Spirit. As far as a healing that
00:22 took place like in the ministry of Jesus, we don't see that
00:26 until right now. Another thing, Jim, you had mentioned before
00:31 the break that there may have been kind of a despair among
00:35 some of the people. You know, here was Jesus and all these
00:39 wonderful things were happening and even though we know his
00:42 disciples had worked miracles prior to Christ's crucifixion
00:47 and resurrection and ascension, there hasn't been anything like
00:51 that since his ascension and so people have probably viewed some
00:55 of them with disappointment and some of them with rejoicing that
00:59 every trace of Jesus is gone, you know. The work of Jesus, the
01:03 miracles of Jesus, the hope that he gave was gone. And it seems
01:08 likely to us here that this man at the temple gate upon our
01:13 first initial reading it may not seem like he was too acquainted
01:18 with Jesus, but when Peter heals him he goes on to say which
01:22 we're going to see that it was through faith in the name of
01:26 Jesus that the man was healed. You don't have faith in the name
01:31 of somebody you don't know and it's likely that this man and
01:35 his associates had come to know of Jesus and wanted to be healed
01:39 but was not able to make it before the crucifixion of Jesus.
01:42 So he was left asking alms like he had.
01:45 So he was left out and his loved ones probably felt sorry
01:48 for him and said look we can take you to the temple gate but
01:53 his hope was gone. So for Peter to come and you notice look at
01:58 me he said and when he said the name Jesus Christ of Nazareth
02:03 that man, Jesus of Nazareth, he had enough faith to respond to
02:06 Peter and he's healed and walking and leaping and praising
02:11 God and everybody's amazed. So we're picking up here at
02:15 Peter's response in verse 12. We looked at this a little bit.
02:21 Peter said why do you marvel at these things. And he says, verse
02:28 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our
02:30 fathers glorified his servant Jesus who you delivered up and
02:34 denied in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let
02:38 him go. Now you got to think. Pilate, the gentile, saw that
02:42 there was no fault in this man and we, the ones who were
02:45 supposed to the worshipers of God, we weren't going to let him
02:48 go and even Pilate, the judge, was going to let him go. But you
02:51 were determined not to let him go. He says in verse 14: You
02:55 denied the Holy One and the Just and asked for a murderer to be
02:59 granted to you and killed the Prince of Life who God raised
03:03 from the dead of whom we are witnesses and his name, through
03:08 faith in his name, has made this man strong who you see and know.
03:13 Yes, the faith which comes through him has given him (this
03:17 man) this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.
03:22 Now I mean we're just into chapter 3 but one thing that
03:27 continually floors me is that Peter does not have a political
03:31 bone in his body right now. We're going to find that prior
03:34 to this Peter was very reputation driven and he always
03:38 wanted to appear in a certain light before people. But when we
03:41 come into the New Testament here in the book of Acts and we see
03:47 the new Peter. He is, what do I want to say? He is very direct
03:53 in his speaking. He is not at all trying to please or play any
03:58 favorites or please any crowd. And you know I suppose at first
04:03 glance we might be tempted to look at Peter as just having
04:07 this... maybe he has a chip and he's just trying to get out
04:11 and has this attitude. And in fact, I've heard it today even
04:16 in the ministry when a minister gets up and speaks very strongly
04:21 about something, it's not uncommon, and I'm not just
04:23 talking about myself as a minister although I've heard
04:25 this with myself of with others, you know, I wonder what got into
04:29 him today. You know, it's got to be some personal thing. We have
04:34 lost the understanding that when the Holy Spirit works through
04:39 God's messenger, the messages need to be in part very direct
04:44 because it has to reach down to the depth of what's in our heart
04:48 because God is trying to cleanse us from the bottom and inside
04:53 out. So Peter's message here really strikes me as... the
04:58 nature of his preaching was very direct and forward.
05:03 That's right. When I look at it it almost appears that he's
05:09 making a deliberate attempt to point out the audacity of these
05:13 people for what they had done. And I think there's intent in
05:18 that. He says... Well I want to interject and
05:22 hold the thought. But one thing that is important here is when
05:27 we look at his directness, too often we tend to think of how
05:31 we, the recipient, are going to handle the message or how we the
05:34 human being are going to handle it and who it hurts. The fact of
05:38 the matter is that when our sins are pointed out we can be hurt
05:43 even to the point of tears. But so often we never even stop to
05:48 think how much God hurts over the level of deception that the
05:53 devil is allowed to pull on people and yet his own
05:56 spokespeople, his own ministers, his own mouth pieces, are afraid
06:01 to let the people know of the deception for fear he's going to
06:05 upset them and I think of the pain in God's heart and I know
06:08 that what drove Peter, we talked about this before, was not any
06:12 kind of attitude towards his hearers, but his love for
06:16 Christ and his love for the souls that Christ died for and
06:20 that's what led him to speak the way he did.
06:22 That's where I'm seeing this going. It wasn't a fear of the
06:26 people but a love for the people that led him to do what he did.
06:29 I mean it says right here in verse 13, the end of verse 13,
06:33 speaking about his servant Jesus whom you delivered up and denied
06:37 in the presence of Pilate when he was determined to let him
06:41 go, almost showing look, not only did you do this but he was
06:44 ready to let him go. You went above and beyond. He's trying to
06:47 help them to actually sense their guilt all the more.
06:50 Then he goes on and says, but you denied the Holy One and the
06:53 Just and asked for (of all things) a murderer to be granted
06:56 to you. So not only did you ask for somebody in the place but
07:00 you asked for a murderer. He's very clearly trying to point out
07:04 the true sense of their guilt. Why? I find it very interesting
07:08 that Peter does the same thing in this sermon and in the sermon
07:12 he gave in Acts chapter 2 in which he was very direct.
07:15 He was honest, he was totally honest. He was not sugarcoating
07:20 what happened. But then in verse 17 I find it very powerful that
07:25 he responds in chapter 3 verse 17 by saying, Yet now brethren
07:29 I know that you did it in ignorance. I mean, it's like
07:34 Jesus hanging on the cross, people shouting at him telling
07:39 him to come down from the cross if you're the Son of God and the
07:41 rest and Jesus says, Father forgive them for they know not
07:44 what they do. Here we see Peter giving them the benefit of the
07:47 doubt. And I see these two components to the preaching of
07:50 Peter that I think are needful in all of our witnessing. He is
07:55 honest and direct and he always accompanies that with grace and
08:00 hope. You see in Acts chapter 2 where he's honest and direct
08:03 about what they were guilty of and then he comes back by saying
08:07 this promise is to you and to your children. Repent. You'll
08:11 receive the Holy Spirit just as we. Here in Acts chapter 3 he's
08:15 direct. He points right in an honest way to what really
08:19 happened, he calls it what it is but then he gives them the
08:22 benefit of the doubt. And as I think about this with the
08:25 apostle Peter I can't help but think that part of the reason
08:28 that he gave them the benefit of the doubt was because he
08:31 recognized that there was a time when he thought he was right
08:36 but came to find out that he wasn't. He thought he would not
08:40 deny Jesus, he was quick to say that but realized that Jesus
08:44 knew him better than he knew himself and Peter in compassion
08:48 and sympathy for these people is being honest about their
08:52 situation and at the time offering them hope and having
08:56 a heart full of compassion and longing that they could find the
09:00 same freedom, the same forgiveness that he found and
09:04 that he experienced when he found a restoration with Jesus
09:08 after his denial. You know it makes me think of
09:10 the same elements in Jesus even with Peter when he was very
09:14 direct with Peter and said Peter before the rooster crows you're
09:18 going to deny me three times and he was very direct with him.
09:22 Of course Peter had just got done saying how faithful he was
09:25 going to be but Jesus turns around from that and says, but
09:29 Peter when you're converted strengthen your brethren. And so
09:33 you've got the directness but there's the call to repentance
09:37 and the open invitation. And Jim the sad thing about it is today
09:40 I don't think we see that combination because there are
09:44 a lot of messages that are all about acceptance and the message
09:48 of acceptance doesn't really need to offer the open
09:51 invitation because there's not the call to repentance there.
09:55 And I'm not saying that nobody should ever preach a message of
10:00 acceptance but there is a lack today of the nature of preaching
10:05 we're finding here. That's right. I think of one
10:08 minister who said you know Jesus receives us just the way we are
10:12 but he doesn't leave us that way and if our preaching is more
10:17 about accommodating the condition of... and our teaching
10:20 and our witnessing in general is more about trying to make
10:24 people feel about the condition that they're in and oftentimes
10:28 people need encouragement. We certainly don't want to take
10:31 away from the fact that people need to be encouraged. They need
10:35 to know that there is a Savior that can help them but we can't
10:38 as happened in the days of Jeremiah with the false prophets
10:43 heal the wound of God's people superficially by essentially
10:47 giving them a false sense of assurance that does not bring
10:52 conviction but as surely as it doesn't bring conviction they
10:55 see no need of repentance and repentance and finding the
10:59 forgiveness for that guilt is what brings peace. So we rob
11:03 people of peace when we don't follow the pattern that Peter
11:07 followed in Acts chapter 2 and Acts chapter 3. Honest, direct
11:11 preaching with a fervent love for souls followed by a fervent
11:15 appeal of grace and hope and the offer of salvation.
11:19 That's right. It's interesting that Peter then tacks on, I
11:23 don't want to say tacks on, but in the midst of that sermon he
11:27 brings up what Moses said in Deuteronomy in verses 22 and 23,
11:31 for Moses truly said to the fathers the Lord your God will
11:35 raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren. Him you
11:39 shall hear in all things whatever he says to you and it
11:42 shall be that every soul that will not hear that prophet shall
11:45 be utterly destroyed from among the people. Now this is where
11:48 Moses is foretelling Christ and Peter makes the application
11:51 using Moses who they trust and in essence saying here's the
11:55 prophet, he's come. You need to hear him. If you fail to hear
11:58 him all who fail to hear him will be destroyed from among my
12:01 people. Yeah and this takes me back to
12:03 Matthew chapter 17 where we're in that transfiguration on the
12:08 mount and God speaks from heaven and says this is my beloved Son
12:14 in whom I am well pleased. Hear him. This is the one that Moses
12:18 promised would be raised up from among his brethren that we
12:22 needed to hear or else be destroyed from among the people.
12:26 He's calling their attention to Jesus once again.
12:28 That's right. Of course the ministry of Jesus today is still
12:33 speaking to us all. Jesus is the one that was foretold to come.
12:37 Jesus is the one that we need to hear and Jesus is the one who
12:41 wants us, as Peter was a representative of him and said
12:45 look at me, so Jesus wants us to look at him and in looking at
12:49 him and giving him our attention and giving him our whole heart
12:54 just as that lame man was healed from an impossible illness, so
12:59 wherever we in our situation of sin as impossible as it may seem
13:04 if we give Jesus our attention he'll heal us too. Well I hope
13:08 you join us next time in the book of Acts. God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17