Books of the Book: Acts

The Stoning of Stephen

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim & Mark Howard


Series Code: ABOTB

Program Code: ABOTB00010B

00:02 Welcome back to Books of the Book. When we went to our break
00:06 we were just beginning to enter into chapter 7 of the book of
00:11 Acts and so that's where we want to pick up. Stephen had just
00:16 been addressed by the high priest who had been told many
00:20 false accusations and he wanted to know how Stephen was going to
00:24 answer to this. Stephen took the opportunity to walk through the
00:28 history of God's people, the nation of Israel, and we're not
00:31 going to have the time to read through all this but I want to
00:34 do a brief review of the key points of what he shared and
00:38 then especially highlight the end of that particular address.
00:42 In verse 2 he begins to talk to them about first how the God
00:46 of glory appeared to our father Abraham; he starts with the
00:49 father of the Jews, Abraham, and how Abraham had been called out
00:53 of his country and given promises of descendants and was
00:57 told to go to a land that God would show him. And then as he
01:01 continues through the account he speaks of how Abraham begot
01:05 Isaac and then Isaac Jacob and then Jacob had the 12 patriarchs
01:09 And then of course one of the sons of Jacob was Joseph and
01:13 was sold into slavery. He tells the story of Joseph being sold
01:16 into slavery and how that was for a purpose, to spare God's
01:19 people when the famine came upon the land and Joseph was there to
01:23 provide for his brothers and his father at just the right time.
01:28 But then of course the children of Israel, the patriarchs, died
01:33 and the children of Israel began to grow and as they grew
01:37 stronger and stronger in Egypt we find that they were placed
01:41 under oppression. So God raised up Moses and Stephen brings
01:46 Moses into the narrative. And he begins to talk about how Moses
01:50 was raised up to be a deliverer of God's people because of the
01:55 oppression that they were under there in Egypt. When you get
02:00 down to verse 35 he begins to use some language that speaks
02:06 of how the nation of Israel did not respond all that well to the
02:10 working of God. In verse 35, it says this Moses whom they
02:13 rejected, he just adds that in there, this Moses whom they
02:17 rejected saying who made you ruler and a judge is the one
02:20 God sent to be a deliverer and a ruler. So the people were not
02:25 responding in favor to what God was doing for them. As you
02:29 continue through he talks about how they rebelled against God
02:34 In verse 38 it says, This is he who was in the congregation in
02:37 the wilderness with the Angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai
02:41 and with our fathers, the one who received the living oracles
02:45 to give us, speaking of Moses, whom our fathers would not obey
02:49 but rejected. So he again points back to the fact that our
02:53 fathers were not... as many wonderful things that we have to
02:57 say about them they did reject the messengers that God sent
03:00 and the deliverers that God sent Then he turns to the account of
03:05 what God instructed Moses to do, to raise up a tabernacle and he
03:10 describes this in verses 44-50 concluding in verses 48-50. I'll
03:14 read there: However the most high does not dwell in temples
03:18 made with hands as the prophet says, Heaven is my throne and
03:22 earth is my footstool. What house will you build for me says
03:26 the Lord or what is the place of my rest? Has my hand not made
03:30 all these things. They put, the Jews and the religious leaders,
03:34 a great emphasis on the temple and on that which was built.
03:38 That was their national pride. But he brings into this
03:41 scripture to say, You know, as important as that was truthfully
03:46 God cannot be housed in a temple and he's bringing little
03:52 statements in that lead to conviction in the hearts of
03:56 those who were listening, these religious leaders. And I can
04:01 only imagine that while he is looking in the eyes of the high
04:06 priest and these religious leaders that he begins to
04:08 recognize this is not going anywhere. They're beginning to
04:12 get uncomfortable. They are not responding favorably. He can
04:16 sense that it's not going to do any good to continue down this
04:20 narrative and so suddenly... You know, Jim, as preachers
04:24 we've both had the opportunity when you preach to a
04:27 congregation and maybe this is giving something away to our
04:30 viewers, but preachers can tell when a person starts to get less
04:34 receptive. Body language starts to shift a little bit and they
04:37 cross their arms and things like this and you see that the
04:40 reception is now shutting down and so there were evidences that
04:42 the reception is now shutting down and so there were evidences
04:44 that Stephen could pick up on in his hearers to see whether or
04:47 not they were receptive. That's right and I think in this
04:51 moment it almost seems out of place but Stephen recognizes
04:54 that it's not going to be of any benefit to go down this same
04:58 path, to go down this same narrative and he stops and he
05:02 comes right to the point and he speaks with great fervor and
05:07 directness and honesty as has characterized the teaching and
05:12 preaching in the book of Acts. He gets into verse 51 and he
05:17 says some things that I would not feel comfortable or would
05:22 not be able to say from my pulpit without some major
05:26 ramifications. Mark, why don't you take us through this
05:30 incredible turn of events in the address of Stephen.
05:33 Well as you said in verse 51 when you're reading through this
05:38 you get a clear shift in his delivery and he says in verse 51
05:42 You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears.
05:46 You always resist the Holy Spirit as your fathers did so do
05:50 you. There's so much that could be said here. The idea of
05:54 circumcision. It was an outward right for them and Stephen
05:59 points out here that circumcision was not meant to be
06:02 merely outward and their whole religion has been merely outward
06:06 and he basically says, but you are resisting the Holy Spirit
06:10 and when I talked about that lack of receptiveness that you
06:13 can see when you preach sometimes the reality is we need
06:16 to realize that when we feel unreceptive and sometimes we
06:19 feel very justified, we may be resisting the Holy Spirit. They
06:22 were resisting the Holy Spirit and what he says here next is
06:26 powerful. He says, As your fathers did, so do you. Which of
06:31 the prophets did your fathers not persecute and they killed
06:35 those who foretold the coming of the Just One of whom you now
06:39 have become the betrayers and murderers who have received the
06:43 law by the direction of angels and have not kept it. Now our
06:47 viewers may not pick this up right away but there are two
06:51 things that Stephen brings out here and that is the Law and the
06:54 prophets, in reverse order, the prophets and the law and they
06:57 have rejected both of them. And this is not a first time
07:01 occurrence. It's interesting and I think he's making reference
07:05 this in Nehemiah chapter 9. If we go to Nehemiah chapter 9,
07:09 we're going to see something interesting in verse 26, back
07:13 before the Psalms, back before the book of Job. Go back to the
07:17 book of Nehemiah and chapter 9 verse 26. This is an address
07:21 that Nehemiah gives the people of God in the days after the
07:26 Babylonian captivity. In other words, this is a time when
07:30 Israel has been unfaithful to God. God allowed them to go into
07:34 captivity and after them coming out of captivity, Nehemiah is
07:38 describing what led them into that captivity and he says in
07:41 verse 26: Nevertheless they were disobedient and rebelled against
07:46 you, speaking to God; they cast your law behind their backs and
07:51 killed your prophets who testified against them to turn
07:56 them to yourself. So the prophets the whole reason for
08:00 their testifying against the people, just like Stephen
08:04 testifying against the people, was to turn them to God and they
08:07 worked great provocations. Therefore you delivered them
08:10 into the hand of their enemies who oppressed them. And in the
08:12 time of their trouble when they cried to you, you heard from
08:15 heaven and according to your abundant mercies you gave them
08:17 deliverers who saved them from the hand of their enemies.
08:19 And so God did with Israel. Even in the Babylonian captivity, he
08:25 allowed them to go into the captivity because of their
08:27 rejection of the Law and the prophets and when they came out
08:30 of that captivity Nehemiah gives this address and there's a
08:33 reason for this because it's a special period in time for
08:35 Israel. That's right. And you know right
08:38 after the Babylonian captivity the Lord gave a probationary
08:42 opportunity to Israel and at the risk of going through a pretty
08:46 in depth study here I just want our viewers to recognize that
08:50 there is some prophetic significance to what we're
08:53 seeing here in this address of Stephen. Back in Daniel chapter
08:59 9 we find a vision that is given that points from the period
09:03 right after the Babylonian captivity beginning during the
09:07 days of Persia and points all the way to this time of
09:11 Stephen's address. There's a prophecy that begins in verse 24
09:15 of Daniel 9 and it begins, 70 weeks are determined for your
09:20 people. Now this is Gabriel speaking to Daniel so your
09:24 people would be the Jewish nation. Seventy weeks are
09:29 determined for your people and for your holy city. Now this is
09:34 an appeal being given to the Jewish nation and Jerusalem and
09:39 it continues to say this is what you have 70 weeks to do.
09:44 It's a probationary time. That's right, 70 weeks of
09:47 probationary period, to finish the transgression, to make an
09:50 end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to
09:54 bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision
09:58 and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.
09:59 So this was the last chance for Israel to stop rejecting the law
10:03 and the prophets. That's right. You see that
10:05 during this period where the law and the prophets were
10:08 continually being rejected that led to the Babylonian captivity
10:11 and now right after the Babylonian captivity God says,
10:16 Okay, I'm going to give you a period of time to make amends
10:19 for your rejection of the law and the prophets. And that
10:22 period of time is 70 weeks. Now 70 weeks, there's seven days in
10:27 a week, so 70 x 7 would be 490. And commentators are agreed that
10:31 what we're looking at here are days that are prophetic days
10:35 that equal literal years. So this is 490 years for the nation
10:39 of Israel to get things right and it begins with the command
10:43 to restore and build Jerusalem, which happened during the days
10:47 of Artaxerxes, king of Persia. So you're going from Persia, all
10:51 the way 490 years and those that have studied this prophecy
10:54 recognize that that takes you past the life and ministry of
10:59 Christ to his baptism, his crucifixion and that 70 weeks
11:03 or 490-year period... It doesn't just get past but
11:05 through because it points out and gives the time of Christ's
11:09 baptism, his crucifixion and the concludes, believe it or not
11:14 right here three and a half years later after the
11:17 crucifixion we see the stoning of Stephen and his fervent
11:23 appeal as the last proclamation of this probationary period.
11:27 That's right. In fact, he's announcing the close. It's an
11:31 indictment and so his mentioning the rejection of the law and the
11:34 prophets was a fulfillment of their rejection of their last
11:38 probationary period. That's right. They did not make
11:42 amends for their violation of the law and the prophets.
11:46 And so the Bible says that they were cut to the heart when they
11:49 heard it. It's interesting, the same language is used in Acts
11:52 2 only when they were cut to the heart in Acts 2 they said men
11:55 and brethren what shall we do. But here it says when they were
11:58 cut to the heart, in verse 54, they gnashed at him with their
12:04 teeth and it goes on to say that he sees the Son of God standing
12:10 at the right hand of God and he says that in his address and
12:14 then it says in verse 57, they cried out with a loud voice and
12:17 they stopped their ears. So when they were cut to the heart,
12:20 convicted by the Holy Spirit, instead of turning for
12:26 repentance they stopped their ears, they didn't want to hear
12:28 anymore and they sealed their rejection.
12:30 That's right, they did. And they went and stoned Stephen
12:33 to death. When I think about this
12:35 rejection, I'm taken back to Stephen's specific words because
12:41 he says in verse 51: You stiff necked and uncircumcised in
12:45 heart and ears. You always resist the Holy Spirit as your
12:50 fathers did so do you. You can't help but hear in that this sense
12:56 of safety that they felt just doing what their fathers had
13:02 done, doing what the masses around them were doing.
13:04 Well you know there's that famous gospel song, Give Me That
13:08 Old Time Religion, it was good enough for mother, it was good
13:11 enough for father, it's good enough for me. There's an
13:16 element of that that's positive but there's an element of that
13:18 that says I'm not going to investigate and think that I'm
13:21 going to ever learn any more truth.
13:22 That's right. If I go to 1 Corinthians 10 just to make
13:26 reference. This is the apostle Paul speaking about the children
13:29 of Israel and it says: They were all under the cloud, all passed
13:32 through the sea, all were baptized unto Moses in the
13:34 cloud and in the sea
13:36 but with most of them God was not well pleased for their
13:40 bodies were scattered in the wilderness. So just because the
13:44 majority are going in a certain direction we cannot resist the
13:48 voice of the Holy Spirit. When the truth is coming into our
13:52 heart we cannot look at those around us to determine whether
13:56 or not it's true or we're going to find ourselves in a very
14:00 unsafe place and potentially find ourselves resisting the
14:04 truth as the children of Israel did. Well we're out of time.
14:08 So we'll look forward to seeing you next time on
14:11 Books of the Book.


Revised 2014-12-17