Bible Answers Live

Little Big Things

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022142S

00:00 (upbeat instrumental music)
00:03 - [Male] It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted.
00:09 And its words sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible.
00:17 The Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live,"
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources
00:33 mentioned in this broadcast,
00:35 call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello friends, would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 Bugs normally do not live a very long time,
00:57 but there are some exceptions.
00:59 Typically, a house fly lives for about 28 days.
01:03 Female mosquitoes live about 50 days.
01:06 The males only live about 10.
01:08 A typical house spider can last for about a year,
01:11 whereas a tarantula can live up to 25 years.
01:15 A queen aunt can live up to 15 years.
01:18 Cicadas live underground for 17 years,
01:22 but about five weeks after they emerge,
01:23 they make a lot of noise, procreate, and die.
01:26 The award for the longest living bug
01:28 belongs to the queen of the Eastern Subterranean Termites,
01:32 which are found in the United States.
01:34 The queen can live up to 50 years,
01:37 and incredibly during this time,
01:39 she can lay as many as 20,000 eggs per day
01:43 in her peak time.
01:45 That's why if you see one or two termites around your house,
01:47 you better search and destroy them right away.
01:50 They can multiply very quickly.
01:52 - Well, Pastor Doug, talking about, first of all,
01:54 something that can multiply as much as this termite,
01:57 but living for 50 years, that is amazing.
02:00 You don't think of bugs living that long.
02:01 - I know, and when you look at them, the queen is,
02:05 you know, 50 times bigger than all the others, her abdomen.
02:08 It's got a little head like the rest of them.
02:10 Great big abdomen, and I guess Vicky, she can't move.
02:13 They just feed her, and feed her,
02:15 and she just lays the eggs,
02:17 and must be something in what she's eating
02:19 makes her last a long time.
02:21 - That's amazing, 50 years.
02:23 Yeah, exactly.
02:24 You don't want one of those hanging around your house
02:25 for 50 years causing problems to your house.
02:27 - Yeah, that's why colonies can grow so quickly.
02:31 And I dunno if you've ever had termite problems before,
02:33 but sometimes by the time you realize
02:36 you've got a problem...
02:36 I saw one or two termites.
02:37 I thought, oh, they must be swarming.
02:39 I wonder where they're coming from.
02:40 Well, they were coming from inside our wall.
02:42 - Yeah.
02:44 - It's a lot easier to take care of these little things
02:45 while they're still little.
02:47 And that's how it is with sin.
02:50 You know, if we start giving into a little temptation.
02:54 You know, I was addicted to smoking for years.
02:56 It started with one cigarette
02:58 and then it just multiplies from there.
03:00 And in many things in life,
03:02 it's so much easier to deal with a weed
03:04 when it's little before it turns into a tree in your yard.
03:07 So some people might be wondering,
03:10 well, do little things really matter?
03:12 They do.
03:13 Even if you have become entrenched in some habits
03:18 that are destructive, you know,
03:20 God's power is available to help you
03:21 get the victory over those things,
03:23 even if you do have a whole colony of termite, so to speak.
03:27 Someone said once, what's that quote about...
03:30 - Yeah, your thoughts become your words.
03:31 Your words become your actions.
03:33 Your actions become habits.
03:35 Your habits form your character.
03:37 And your character determines your destiny.
03:40 - And it starts with a thought.
03:41 - That's right. - That's right.
03:43 - So if you see any termites
03:45 around your house, take care of 'em,
03:46 and if you see little temptations
03:49 or indiscretions in your life,
03:51 you want to deal with those right away.
03:52 And we have a free book we'd like to make available
03:56 that deals with one of the most practical questions that
03:59 every Christian has is, how do I deal with temptation?
04:02 The Devil's there every day, and how do I resist?
04:05 - We have a book.
04:06 It's entitled, "Tips for Resisting Temptation."
04:08 It's practical.
04:09 It tells you how you can claim the promises of the Bible.
04:12 We'll be happy to send this to anyone free.
04:14 All you have to do is call the number
04:15 800-835-6747 and ask for the book.
04:20 It's, "Tips to Resist Temptation."
04:22 It's offer number 708
04:24 and we'll be happy to get that in the mail
04:25 and send it to anyone in North America.
04:27 Now, if you're outside of North America,
04:29 you can still read the book
04:30 simply by going to the Amazing Facts website.
04:33 That's just amazing
04:36 And we have a free library there
04:37 and you can actually read the book right there online,
04:40 "Tips for Resisting Temptation."
04:43 - Now, if they wanna do a question tonight,
04:45 we are streaming live on Facebook.
04:47 It's simply the Amazing Facts Facebook page
04:50 or the Doug Batchelor Facebook page.
04:52 You can watch the program there.
04:54 You can watch it on Amazing Facts Television, AFTV.
04:57 And we are inviting you to
04:58 call in with your questions as well.
05:00 The number, if you have a Bible question
05:02 is 800-GOD-SAYS.
05:04 That's 800-463-7297,
05:08 and maybe we should pray and get to those questions.
05:09 - Let's do so.
05:10 Dear Father in Heaven,
05:11 we thank You once again for the opportunity
05:13 to open up Your Word and study together,
05:15 in order to be with those who are listening,
05:17 not only here in North America, but around the world.
05:20 Lord, let me just ask that You'd lead all of us
05:21 into a clearer and a full understanding
05:24 of what the Bible teaches.
05:25 For we ask this in Jesus' name, amen.
05:28 - Amen.
05:29 - Okay, Pastor Doug,
05:30 we're gonna go to our first caller this evening.
05:31 We've got Peyton in Virginia listening.
05:34 Peyton, welcome to the program.
05:37 - [Peyton] Hey Pastors, thanks so much for being there.
05:39 - Ah, thank you for calling.
05:41 - [Peyton] Ah, yes sir, yes sir.
05:43 My question actually comes from Genesis, chapter three,
05:46 verse 24, where it refers to a flaming sword,
05:50 which turned every way.
05:52 And my Bible refers me to two places in Psalms and Hebrews,
05:57 which talks about ministers being a flame of fire
06:00 and angels turning into spirits.
06:04 Could you guys help me unpack this?
06:06 - Yeah, well, we'll do our best.
06:08 That is a good question.
06:10 You know, it talks about an angel
06:11 with this sword, this weapon.
06:14 There are a few other places in the Bible
06:15 where it talks about angels having swords.
06:18 You've got the story in Ezekiel
06:20 where these angels of God are given these,
06:23 He calls them destroying weapons,
06:25 to punish those that do not have this mark of God.
06:29 You have the story where a destroying angel,
06:32 maybe where they get the idea of an Angel of Death,
06:34 going through the land of Israel.
06:35 There was a plague and David sees an angel
06:38 with a drawn sword above Jerusalem.
06:41 But this is different.
06:42 You make a good point here, Peyton.
06:42 It talks about a flaming sword.
06:45 And these are Shekinah.
06:49 These are not Shekinah, I'm sorry.
06:50 These are Seraphim that are guarding the way to the gates.
06:54 And I think it's a unique verse.
06:57 - You know, sometimes angels are described
07:00 as being dazzling bright, glorious.
07:03 It gives you the idea of almost a flame or a fire
07:06 associated with...
07:08 You have a description of the sanctuary
07:10 in the very presence of God there
07:11 and the Ark of the Covenant talks about the Shekinah glory
07:14 shining forth, the visible presence of God.
07:17 And there were these two covering Cherubs,
07:18 these angels right there in the presence of God.
07:21 So you get the idea of God's glory,
07:23 and even the glory that is manifest through angels
07:25 as being bright, dazzling.
07:27 And here we have an angel with the flaming sword
07:30 guarding the way to the Tree of Life.
07:31 - Yeah, you know, I remember we did a video.
07:34 If you ever wanna see it, friends,
07:35 Amazing Facts did a video called, "Cosmic Conflict,"
07:38 talking about the war in Heaven and how Lucifer fell.
07:42 And we struggled when...
07:43 What do angels use in weapons?
07:46 And we ended up giving them something that
07:47 looked like flaming swords.
07:49 When we got done, it looked like star wars a little bit.
07:51 So it's hard for us to sometimes imagine what that was.
07:55 But the idea was it was warning
07:58 that there would be judgment on Adam, Eve,
08:00 or any other posterity that tried to go back in the Garden.
08:03 After the flood, the Garden was,
08:05 we assume called up to Heaven.
08:06 And it certainly wasn't there anymore.
08:08 But up until that time,
08:10 it guarded the way to the Tree of Life.
08:12 - Okay, thanks for your call, Peyton.
08:13 We've got Samuel listening in Wisconsin.
08:15 Samuel, welcome to the program.
08:19 - [Samuel] (indistinct) Jesus, Pastors.
08:21 - Evening, Samuel, thanks for calling.
08:24 - [Samuel] Second Corinthians, chapter nine, verse eight.
08:28 - Okay.
08:29 - [Samuel] Saying we can't make it to Heaven by good works,
08:32 but on faith and grace alone.
08:35 That God has blessed us in all things.
08:38 All things, Pastors.
08:41 In that verse that says we cannot make it to Heaven
08:43 by works alone, is through faith and grace.
08:49 - So are you wondering what that means?
08:53 Of course, we're saved entirely by faith.
08:56 And you always have the story of the thief on the cross,
08:59 who in the final moments, he said, "Lord, remember me."
09:03 And Jesus said, "You'll be with Me in the Kingdom."
09:05 That's exhibit A of a person who's saved
09:07 just because they turned to Jesus and asked.
09:11 He did not come down from the cross
09:12 and do great works of charity, or philanthropy, or...
09:16 But when a person is saved by grace, we're born again.
09:20 We love the Lord.
09:21 We want to do good works.
09:23 So after a person is saved, if there are no works,
09:26 you question if the heart's been transformed
09:28 and they believe.
09:30 - It's something we refer to as works of faith.
09:32 It's the demonstration of faith.
09:33 And of course, James gets into this.
09:34 If you read the book of James,
09:36 and he uses Abraham as an example.
09:38 He was saved by faith.
09:39 He was accounted righteous because of his faith.
09:41 And yet, his faith was what led to obedience,
09:45 even to the point where God said, you know,
09:47 you need to offer your son as a sacrifice.
09:49 He was willing to do so because he believed.
09:51 He had faith.
09:52 And then, of course, James makes the point,
09:54 faith without works is dead,
09:56 but let me show you my faith by my works.
09:59 So it's not the works that saves us,
10:01 but there should be a demonstration of our faith,
10:03 if it's real faith.
10:05 - Yep, amen.
10:06 Does that help address what you were thinking there, Samuel?
10:10 - [Samuel] Yes, Pastors, with great clarity.
10:12 And thank you for your great work
10:13 that you continue to do for all of us.
10:16 - Well, thanks so much.
10:16 Appreciate your call.
10:17 - Next one that we have is Efrank in New York.
10:19 Efrank, welcome to the program.
10:22 - [Efrank] Alright, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
10:25 I have a question in regards to the Book of Revelation.
10:30 I have a feeling that maybe I might be incorrect
10:33 in regards to what I'm going to ask,
10:36 but is it credible to believe that
10:42 prophetic events in our point in time
10:46 are correctly defined by Revelation 14?
10:50 In other words,
10:53 is Revelation 14 relevant to the point in time
10:56 that we are in prophecy,
10:57 according to the Book of Revelation?
11:01 - Yeah, that's a great question.
11:02 And in a word, I'd say yes.
11:05 The reason is if you look in Revelation 14,
11:08 and so we're wanting to know,
11:09 how relevant is Revelation 14
11:11 to what's happening in the world today?
11:13 You look in revelation 14 and when you get to...
11:16 What verse is it where he said...
11:17 Yeah, verse 14, Revelation 14:14.
11:20 I looked and behold a white cloud.
11:22 And on the cloud, one sat like the Son of Man
11:25 having on His head, a golden crown and a sharp sickle,
11:29 and He's coming to reap.
11:31 This is talking about the return of Christ.
11:33 And so if Jesus is coming,
11:35 whatever's happening in Revelation 14,
11:37 verses one through six,
11:40 these are things that happen immediately prior
11:42 to the Second Coming of the Lord.
11:44 So that's very relevant for today.
11:46 - Yeah, if you look at the whole chapter,
11:47 it's really divided into three sections,
11:49 as pastor Doug said.
11:51 Starting in verse 14 through to the end of the chapter,
11:53 you have this symbolic,
11:54 prophetic picture of the Second Coming of Christ.
11:56 It's kind of reap the harvest.
11:57 There's two harvests,
11:59 the Harvest of the Wheat, representing the righteous,
12:00 the Harvest of the Grapes, representing the wicked.
12:02 And then just before you find that
12:04 starting in verse six of Revelation 14 through to verse 13,
12:09 you have something called the three angels' message.
12:11 And these three angels' messages have to go to every nation,
12:14 kindred tongue, and people.
12:15 And they really prepare the world for the harvest,
12:18 for the second coming of Christ.
12:20 And then the first few verses of Revelation,
12:22 chapter 14 from verse one to five
12:24 is a description of a group that we read
12:26 about called the 144,000.
12:29 And they're the ones taking this three angels' message
12:32 to every nation, kindred tongue, and people.
12:33 So it's all connected. - [Doug] Yeah.
12:34 - And it's very relevant for our time,
12:36 especially the three angels' messages.
12:38 - And it contrasts in chapter 14,
12:40 one group's got the mark of the beast
12:43 and it pronounces plagues on that group
12:45 that stays in Babylon.
12:46 And the other group, 144,000,
12:48 they're among those who have the seal of God.
12:50 Not the only ones, but they have the seal of God.
12:52 So 14 sort of it gives a a picture.
12:56 It's sort of crystallizes the big issues
13:00 in the last days.
13:02 And we have a lesson on that, don't we?
13:03 - We do, we absolutely.
13:05 Does that help, Efrank?
13:08 - [Efrank] Yes.
13:09 - You know, we do have a study guide
13:10 that I think you'll really enjoy.
13:11 It's called, "Angel Messages from Space,"
13:13 and it gets right into the three angels' message
13:15 of Revelation chapter 14.
13:17 We'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
13:19 All you have to do is just call the number 800-835-6747
13:24 and ask for, "Angel Messages from Space".
13:28 It's all about the three angels' messages, Revelation 14.
13:30 It's one of our Amazing Facts Study Guide Series.
13:33 And if you'd like to ask for the whole...
13:35 It's free, we'll send you the whole series.
13:36 You can sign up and it will be a blessing.
13:39 Okay, next caller that we have is Joy listening in Missouri.
13:42 Joy, welcome to the program.
13:44 - [Joy] Hello, thank you very much.
13:46 I've been trying to get ahold of you for a few weeks
13:48 and I'm always off time, but tonight, I got in.
13:51 I just wanna know do pets,
13:54 our puppies, our kitties, have salvation?
13:57 - Well, we're so thankful
13:58 that your call got through tonight.
13:59 And so, I guess I could summarize by saying,
14:04 will our pets be in Heaven?
14:06 You know, we get that question a lot.
14:08 Our friend, Steve Wohlberg wrote a book on that
14:11 because it's such a common question.
14:13 You know, all of us have animals.
14:15 How long have you had your parrot?
14:17 It's not a parrot, is it?
14:19 - We did have a parrot, yeah, an African Gray.
14:20 He actually died a little while ago.
14:22 But man, we had him for 30, 40 years.
14:25 They live a long time.
14:26 - Yeah, that's amazing. - Yeah.
14:27 - But you get attached.
14:28 - You do get attached. - Even if it's a little loud.
14:31 - You do get...
14:32 Well, your cats, and your dogs, and...
14:34 I don't know if you can get attached
14:35 to a 50 year old termite, but I mean,
14:38 you do get attached to a lot of animals
14:40 that live a long time.
14:41 - Yeah, and you develop relationships,
14:42 and you think, you know,
14:44 is there any hope that we'll see them in the Kingdom?
14:45 Yeah, we can't...
14:46 We gotta be honest to the Word.
14:47 We can't show you a scripture that says
14:49 you're gonna see your animal in Heaven.
14:52 It is interesting that, you know,
14:53 God spoke through a donkey,
14:57 as a donkey that was spirit-filled.
14:59 And God delivered bread through ravens to Elijah.
15:05 And you know, another donkey rode Jesus,
15:08 or Jesus rode this donkey into Jerusalem.
15:10 So you've got animals with some special roles in the Bible.
15:13 You don't wanna be that serpent
15:15 that was possessed by the devil.
15:18 Nothing is too hard for the Lord.
15:20 And where is it where Paul says, "The eye has not seen.
15:23 The ear has not heard.
15:24 Neither is entered into the heart of man
15:26 the things that God has prepared for those that love Him."
15:28 So it's entirely possible God would surprise us and say,
15:31 "For you, it's not a universal resurrection of all animals.
15:35 But for you, I resurrected your pet, your dog or your cat
15:40 that was your friend for years."
15:41 He can do that.
15:42 I mean, almost no one will be disappointed
15:43 when they get to Heaven.
15:45 - We also know they will be animals in Heaven.
15:46 The Bible speaks of animals in the...
15:48 Well, in the Garden of Eden, there were animals.
15:50 There's gonna be animals in Heaven
15:51 and the New Earth speaks about animals.
15:53 So yeah, if it's not, you know your exact dog,
15:57 I'm sure God's gonna give you a dog that's very similar,
15:59 if that's what is gonna make you happy
16:02 and you'll be delighted. - Amen.
16:03 - So the verse you're referring to is 1 Corinthians,
16:06 chapter two, verse nine.
16:07 It says, "Eye is not seen, nor ear heard.
16:10 Neither even entered into the heart of man
16:12 the things that God is preparing for those that love Him."
16:15 - Amen. - There's the promise.
16:17 - Thanks for your call, Joy.
16:18 We got Richard listening in Arizona.
16:20 Richard, welcome to the program.
16:21 - [Richard] Good evening.
16:22 - Evening, how you doing?
16:25 - [Richard] Doing wonderful.
16:26 Hey, last night you guys were talking about the 144,000.
16:32 And then you mentioned King David,
16:39 that he is both dead and buried,
16:40 and his sepulcher and bones is with us unto this day.
16:45 I was wondering where you got the bones at,
16:47 'cause my Bible doesn't say that?
16:50 - Well, you know, what?
16:51 If we said bones,
16:53 I probably was quoting the scripture from memory
16:56 and inserted that.
16:57 And I apologize, you're right.
16:59 It doesn't say bones.
17:00 it does say that his tomb is with us to this day.
17:03 Let me read the verse.
17:05 It's Acts, chapter two, verse 29,
17:07 "Men and Brethren, let me freely speak unto you
17:09 of the Patriarch David,
17:10 that he is both dead and buried."
17:13 His tomb, "is with us to this day."
17:15 So the tomb, it says, David is with us.
17:19 His body was in the tomb.
17:20 I assume his skeleton was in there.
17:22 That was a common practice for Jews.
17:25 When someone died, they'd often...
17:29 The body would be reduced to a skeleton,
17:31 and then they'd put it in an ossuary.
17:34 And that was the bones is what they put in there.
17:36 Now, an example of that real quick would be
17:39 when Elijah died, they put him in a grave.
17:42 And it says, "They lowered a man down onto his bones."
17:45 So that was a common practice for the Jews.
17:47 So I probably inserted that word, quoting it from memory,
17:50 and I apologize.
17:52 - Does that help Richard?
17:55 - [Richard] Yeah, well, it doesn't really
17:57 fulfill the answer about the whole 144,000 though.
18:02 'Cause my Bible says they're redeemed.
18:04 That means that's past tense.
18:07 That's not of looking forward tense.
18:10 - Now I'm just wondering about the 144,000.
18:12 I think the group that we were
18:14 talking about at the time was,
18:16 or at least one group that's being mentioned,
18:17 is what we call the special resurrection.
18:19 Those are the ones who were resurrected
18:21 at Christ's resurrection.
18:22 And we have that recorded for us in Matthew.
18:25 We have no record of them actually...
18:27 It does say that they appeared
18:28 in Jerusalem in the Holy City,
18:30 but then there's no further reference
18:32 of them in the book of Acts.
18:33 We believe that they ascended to Heaven with Jesus
18:36 as first fruits of the resurrection.
18:39 But with the reference to the 144,000, no.
18:41 That group is described Revelation, chapter seven,
18:44 and it's really referring to
18:45 a group of people at the end of time,
18:46 sort of God's last day Apostles
18:48 taking the three angels' message to the world.
18:51 So I'm not sure.
18:53 I don't think we mentioned 144,000.
18:55 It might have been-
18:56 - I think I briefly said that David
18:58 was probably not one of those who was resurrected
19:02 in Matthew, chapter 27. - [Jean] Right.
19:04 - So that might be what you're referring to.
19:06 And my reasoning being that after that resurrection,
19:09 Peter says he's still dead and buried
19:11 and his tomb is with us.
19:13 So then he goes on and says,
19:15 if you read on in Acts a little further,
19:17 it says David is not ascended into Heaven.
19:19 - Right.
19:20 - So that I think-
19:22 - So he wasn't with that group that was resurrect...
19:23 But that's not the 144,000, right?
19:25 So that is a different group.
19:26 - Yeah, we probably got the wires crossed there.
19:28 - Alright, well, thanks call Richard,
19:29 for calling clarifying that.
19:30 We've got Christopher listening in California.
19:33 Christopher, welcome to the program.
19:36 - [Christopher] Hello, great evening, Pastors.
19:37 - Evening!
19:39 - [Christopher] Yeah, I have a question regarding music.
19:42 - Okay.
19:43 - [Christopher] I know that Christian rap is bad
19:46 because of the beats,
19:47 that it comes from voodoo and all that.
19:50 But my question is what if about a Christian acoustic style?
19:57 - Alright, you're asking one of the biggest questions.
20:00 I just wrote a book,
20:01 and I'm not saying this to promote a book.
20:03 It just I've been thinking a lot about it
20:04 ' cause I just finished a book.
20:06 It's just now printed talking about the Christian and music.
20:09 And I'm not an expert on music.
20:11 I did grow up in a home where my mother was
20:14 a professional songwriter
20:16 and I was exposed to a lot of very talented musicians.
20:19 Music is extremely powerful.
20:22 It's not required that Christians only sing Christian songs.
20:27 In other words, there's nothing wrong
20:28 with a Christian singing, "My Country 'Tis of Thee".
20:31 It's a patriotic song.
20:33 The idea of music,
20:34 or if you're you singing your baby a lullaby
20:37 and putting your baby to sleep, around the world,
20:40 there's different kinds of music
20:41 that evoke different behaviors.
20:44 They're related with different events.
20:45 If an Army's going off battle, you don't do romantic songs.
20:49 You don't do lullabies.
20:50 They usually do a march.
20:52 There are march songs in the Bible.
20:53 We got 150 songs in the book of Psalms,
20:57 and some are prayers, some are...
21:02 What would you say, they're ballads?
21:04 And some are very sad and melancholy.
21:07 David talks about he's feeling forsaken
21:09 and he'd like to fly away like a bird.
21:12 All different kinds, but music is very powerful.
21:15 And I would agree that rap music
21:20 is something of a contradiction.
21:24 And I said that once before and I got
21:28 some angry phone calls.
21:29 But yeah, music's very powerful
21:33 and knowing where do you draw the line
21:36 between what is right and wrong music?
21:37 There's several things.
21:38 You got the occasion.
21:39 You've got the style of music.
21:42 What is the music doing to you physiologically?
21:44 I used to go to rock concerts as a kid
21:46 and it just sends you into a frenzy.
21:49 And everything about it was diabolical.
21:52 So that doesn't help us draw closer to God.
21:57 - So in other words, you're saying, Pastor,
21:58 it's not just the words.
22:00 I mean, you can have good words,
22:01 but if it's the wrong kind of music,
22:03 it sort of counteracts the words
22:06 'cause it creates the wrong feeling, the wrong environment.
22:08 And that's why we want words and music to harmonize.
22:11 - And I've heard some outstanding music,
22:14 but the words were just terrible, yeah.
22:17 Matter of fact, I've taken some music
22:19 I've heard in the world and I thought,
22:20 that's a great song and they don't have
22:21 Christian words for it.
22:23 And I rewrote the song for my own entertainment
22:25 with Christian words.
22:27 So matter of fact, I'm not sure, but I heard that,
22:30 "A Mighty Fortress",
22:32 the melody that Luther chose was one that every German knew,
22:35 but there were some other words in there.
22:37 He put Christian words
22:38 to what he thought was a powerful melody.
22:40 - And of course, that's what it's probably known for now,
22:42 is that great hymn.
22:44 Alright, well, thank you for calling, Christopher.
22:45 We got Cornelia listening in Kentucky.
22:48 Cornelia, welcome to the program.
22:51 - [Cornelia] Hello.
22:52 I have a question in regards to
22:56 your first Amazing Facts Study Guide.
23:00 Is that okay? - Sure.
23:02 - [Cornelia] Okay, question eight asked
23:06 a question about evolution.
23:09 And it said that evolution has a strong tenant of Communism.
23:15 - Yes, now, I don't have the studying guide in front of me,
23:17 but I think I recall what you're talking about.
23:19 Are you wondering why we said that?
23:22 - [Cornelia] Please, 'cause I don't understand.
23:24 - No, no problem.
23:25 If the Communist governments, both in China and in Russia,
23:30 and I've preached in both countries,
23:33 one of the foundational teachings is evolution.
23:36 They don't believe in God.
23:37 They kind of resist freedom of religion.
23:41 And the whole thing is based
23:42 about that government is really the God
23:47 that you're supposed to worship,
23:48 and everyone's supposed to put in a common pot
23:50 for the government.
23:53 - Well, I think also, it's almost logical that
23:56 as a child goes to school and you begin to wonder,
23:58 why am I here?
24:00 Where am I going?
24:00 How did I get here?
24:01 What's the meaning of life?
24:03 And if you're growing up in a Christian environment,
24:06 well, the Bible can answer those questions
24:08 for you and they give you good answers.
24:09 But if you're trying to remove the Bible from society
24:12 and you're trying to have everyone be controlled
24:14 by a centralized government or a philosophy,
24:17 you need something else to answer those questions
24:20 of why are we here?
24:21 Where are we going?
24:22 Where do we come from?
24:23 And of course, evolution then is used to answer that.
24:25 So if you go to a government school in China, for example,
24:28 the only option that's given is the reason you hear is
24:32 because of evolution.
24:33 And unfortunately,
24:35 even in a lot of Christian countries today,
24:36 we've got the same thing.
24:38 - Yeah, absolutely.
24:39 So I hope that helps a little bit, Cornelia,
24:42 with your question.
24:43 Yeah, if foundational to evolution is...
24:46 Or foundational Communism, I should say, is evolution.
24:49 You hear the music.
24:50 We're just taking a break friends.
24:51 We'll be back with more Bible questions in a moment.
24:53 (upbeat instrumental music)
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27:52 Now, let's rejoin our host for more "Bible Answer Live".
27:57 - Welcome back, listening friends to "Bible Answers Live".
27:59 If you've tuned in somewhere along the way,
28:01 this is a live international interactive Bible study
28:04 and we are not gonna hesitate.
28:06 We'll be going back to the phones here with no further ado.
28:09 Who's lined up?
28:10 - Alright, we've got John.
28:11 John is listening in Washington.
28:13 John, welcome to the program.
28:16 - [John] Hi, good evening, gentlemen.
28:17 Thank you so very much.
28:18 It's been quite a long time
28:20 since I've had a chance to speak with you, and I'm blessed.
28:23 Hope you are too.
28:24 - Well, thank you.
28:25 Appreciate your call and your question.
28:27 - [John] Okay, so my question is
28:31 I have been keeping the Sabbath for quite a long time.
28:33 And I speak with a lot of my friends
28:36 who is still attend church on Sunday.
28:39 And the thing that they always hit me with,
28:41 I start talking about the Sabbath,
28:42 they always say, "Well, Paul never said anything
28:44 about obeying the law.
28:45 Paul always talks about having faith."
28:48 And so, you look in Romans chapter four and, you know,
28:51 verse 11, 12, 13, and 14,
28:54 and Paul just emphasized faith.
28:56 In fact, even later on in Romans,
28:59 he says the Jews were cut off because of unbelief.
29:02 So Paul's keeps hammering believe, faith, believe, faith.
29:07 Where does Paul ever say obedience?
29:09 Because that's the one thing that I'm trying
29:11 to get by Sunday friends
29:12 to understand is it's not just faith, it's obedience.
29:15 You gotta obey in order to be saved.
29:17 But Paul doesn't say it anywhere.
29:19 - Well, let's look here at Romans, chapter two, verse 13.
29:22 Now, tell me if this sounds clear.
29:24 "For not the hearers of the law
29:27 are just in the sight of God,
29:28 but the doers of the law will be justified."
29:33 - [Jean] Now, which verse are you looking at, Pastor?
29:35 - [Doug] I'm Romans chapter two, verse 13.
29:37 - [Jean] Romans two, verse 13.
29:38 - [Doug] Yeah, I'm just going back a couple of chapters.
29:40 And then Paul says in Romans chapter...
29:42 Is it seven, where he says,
29:43 "Do we then make void the law through faith?"
29:46 God forbid.
29:47 - [Jean] We establish the law.
29:48 - We establish the law.
29:50 What shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?
29:52 God forbid.
29:54 And sin is the transgression of the law.
29:56 - Now of course, the confusion that we need to clarify here
29:59 in the verse is that when Paul used the word law,
30:02 the law is not always referring to the 10 Commandments.
30:04 There is the Law of Moses.
30:05 And of course, that was the issue
30:06 that Paul was facing in his day.
30:08 There were Jewish Christians that were encouraging
30:10 the Gentile believers or telling them that
30:13 in order for them to be saved,
30:14 they had to follow the laws given by Moses,
30:17 which had to do with circumcision,
30:18 which had to do with sacrifices,
30:20 various feast, feast days.
30:22 And Paul is saying, no, you don't have to follow that law,
30:25 but he's not saying you don't wanna follow
30:26 the 10 Commandment law
30:27 because the 10 Commandment law defines
30:29 what right and wrong is.
30:31 So there's a difference in laws
30:32 that we read about in the New Testament.
30:34 - And my question would always be,
30:38 is Paul saying that it's okay to kill?
30:41 Of course not.
30:42 Is Paul saying it's okay to worship idols?
30:44 No, he says idolaters will be in the lake of fire.
30:46 Is Paul saying that it's okay to commit adultery?
30:49 No, he says adulterers will not be saved.
30:51 He says, do not be deceived.
30:53 Neither fornicators, or adulterers, or..
30:55 And he goes through this whole litany of sins.
30:57 People that break the law,
30:58 he says will not inherit eternal life.
31:00 He's very clear about that.
31:02 So if you point these verses these people to these verses...
31:06 Now, let me give you something else
31:07 to think about before we move past this.
31:11 You look in 2 Peter, chapter three.
31:14 Peter says...
31:15 I think it starts with verse 15.
31:17 He said that as our beloved...
31:19 I'm gonna tell you what.
31:20 Instead of my trying to quote it and risk misquoting it,
31:22 I'm gonna read it to you directly.
31:23 Go to Second Peter, chapter three.
31:26 Let me see what verses is here.
31:29 Yeah, verse 14, verse 15.
31:32 And consider that the long suffering of our Lord
31:34 is salvation, as also our beloved brother, Paul,
31:38 according to the wisdom, given to him, has written you.
31:41 As also in all his epistles,
31:44 speaking in them of these things,
31:45 in which are some things hard to understand.
31:50 Few people say that James, or Mark,
31:53 or Peter are hard to understand,
31:54 but Paul was very educated and he went deep
31:57 because he was trying to reach
31:58 the Romans and the Greeks with their philosophy.
32:00 He said some things are hard to understand,
32:02 which those who are untaught and unstable
32:05 twist to their own destruction as they do it
32:08 with the rest of the scriptures.
32:10 You, therefore, beloved,
32:11 Since you know this beforehand be aware
32:13 lest you also fall from your own steadfastness
32:16 and be let away with the error of the lawless.
32:21 So the issue was,
32:22 they said some people take Paul's writings
32:24 and try and make it sound like it's okay to be lawless.
32:27 Don't make that error.
32:28 Paul is not saying that.
32:29 He's just...
32:31 He was prioritizing salvation by faith
32:34 for the Jews who were trying to tell the Gentiles,
32:37 now you've gotta keep the Law of Moses.
32:38 And this is a big battle in Acts, chapter 15.
32:40 They had a whole Jerusalem Council saying,
32:43 Alright, let's spell it out.
32:46 What is it that the Gentiles need to observe?
32:48 - Absolutely.
32:50 You know, Pastor, we got a book it's called,
32:51 "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
32:53 And it deals with the very subject.
32:54 It's not a book that we offer very often,
32:56 but it's a great book.
32:57 And we'll be happy to send this
32:58 to anyone who calls and asks.
33:00 Again, the number for that is 800-835-6747
33:04 and just ask for the book.
33:06 It's called, "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
33:08 and we'll be happy to send it to anyone in north America.
33:11 If you're listening outside of north America,
33:13 make sure you go to the Amazing Facts website.
33:15 You'll be able to read it for free right there online.
33:17 Thanks for your call, John.
33:19 We're gonna see if we can get a few more in.
33:20 We've got Susie listening in Colorado.
33:21 Susie, Welcome to the program.
33:24 - [Susie] Hi, thanks for taking my call.
33:26 I have always believed that from creation,
33:29 the Holy Spirit has been with us,
33:31 and He convicts us and draws us.
33:33 But when I go to Acts 8:16,
33:37 I don't understand because it says
33:39 the Holy Spirit had fallen upon none of them.
33:42 They had only been Baptized in the name of the Lord, Jesus.
33:45 So do we need to have a special
33:48 laying on of hands to get the Holy Spirit?
33:51 - Great question.
33:52 I'm so glad you asked that question
33:53 'cause people often get confused.
33:55 I've heard people say,
33:56 well, the Holy Spirit didn't come till Pentecost.
33:59 Well, that's silly because you can read where
34:01 King David praised in Psalm 51,
34:03 "Take not thy Holy Spirit from me."
34:05 And you read where the Spirit of the Lord came upon Sampson.
34:08 And God's Spirit hovered
34:12 on the face of the water right there,
34:13 at creation in Genesis, chapter one.
34:15 And the last words you read in the Bible,
34:17 "The Spirit and the bride say come."
34:19 The Spirit of God has been working
34:21 in people's hearts all through human history.
34:23 There was a special filling.
34:25 The Spirit of God comes in different degrees.
34:28 There was a special filling of the Holy Spirit
34:31 that happened at Pentecost because of Christ's sacrifice
34:34 and his victory against the devil
34:36 that basically permission was provided to fill people
34:42 with a fuller measure of the Spirit
34:44 than I think humanity had ever seen as in a group.
34:48 There is actually a story in the Old Testament
34:50 where the 70 Elders went before the Lord,
34:53 and God took His Spirit from Moses, and He put it upon them.
34:58 And Elijah prayed for a double portion of Elijah spirit.
35:01 So the Spirit of God in power
35:03 has been working all through history.
35:05 But a special measure...
35:06 And that's what they're referring to this Baptism,
35:09 that means an immersion in the Holy Spirit,
35:11 had not happened yet.
35:13 - And this special outpouring of the Holy Spirit
35:15 that we read about in Acts
35:16 seems to be connected with the proclamation of the gospel.
35:18 Jesus had told His disciples
35:20 that they were to take the gospel to the whole world.
35:22 Well, how are they gonna do that?
35:23 Well, the Holy Spirit came with power,
35:24 and miracles took place,
35:26 and the gospel was preached,
35:27 and people could hear the gospel
35:29 preached in their own language.
35:30 So all kinds of wonderful things happened.
35:32 And the church was growing and more converts
35:35 were coming to the church.
35:36 And they were being filled with the Spirit.
35:37 And they also would go out and share the gospel.
35:40 And I think that's what's been referred to here.
35:42 Of course, the Bible says, no, your not.
35:43 That it's the goodness of God that leads you to repentance.
35:46 Well, if you don't have the Holy Spirit
35:47 leading you to repentance,
35:49 how you gonna come to a point of repenting of your sins?
35:51 So we need the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit
35:53 is working on the hearts of people even now.
35:55 - Even the lost, it says the Holy Spirit convicts them
35:58 of their sin (laughs).
35:59 As long as you haven't grieved away the Holy Spirit
36:01 and committed the unpardonable sin,
36:03 then yeah, God's Spirit's gonna work.
36:05 Now, we have a book that-
36:07 - [Susie] That I'd like to have that extra power (laughs).
36:08 - Yeah, amen.
36:10 We're with you.
36:11 - [Susie] I just love it.
36:12 Alright, well, thank you so much.
36:13 - Sure, now we have a book that talks
36:14 about our need of the Holy Spirit.
36:17 And we'll send you a free copy.
36:18 - I was just looking at it, Pastor.
36:19 It was a great book.
36:20 It's called, "Holy Spirit, the Need".
36:22 And we'll be happy to send this
36:23 to anyone who calls and asks.
36:24 The number, again, is 800 and it's 835-6747
36:29 You can ask for the book
36:30 It's called, "The Holy Spirit, the Need".
36:32 We'll send it to anyone in North America.
36:34 We've got Andrea listening in Arizona.
36:36 Andrea, welcome to the program.
36:39 - [Andrea] Hi.
36:41 I've experienced what I think is maybe visions,
36:45 and I know for sure dreams.
36:49 My family's a bit concerned about them though,
36:51 as I was telling them and letting people know,
36:54 'cause I felt that in my heart that I should let them know,
36:57 and really, just anybody.
37:01 But my question is, how do you know it's from God?
37:08 Like in other words,
37:10 like I do see scriptures and He brings me to scriptures.
37:16 And that's what makes me believe in even more that
37:17 it is God that's telling me these things.
37:19 But how would you...
37:21 I don't know how to explain it to people.
37:22 - No, that's a good question.
37:23 - [Andrea] I just don't know the answer (laughs).
37:25 - How do you know if a dream or vision does...
37:26 You know, the Bible does tell us
37:28 that God does use dreams and visions.
37:30 And where is it, Pastor Ross, in Joel two?
37:33 And it's repeated in Acts, chapter two.
37:35 So I'll pour out My Spirit on all flesh
37:37 and your sons and daughters will prophesy.
37:40 Your old men will dream dreams.
37:42 I'm just paraphrasing.
37:43 - Yeah, it's Joel 2:28.
37:44 It says, "Should come to pass afterwards.
37:46 I'll pour out of My Spirit on all flesh,
37:48 your sons and your daughter shall prophecy.
37:50 Your old men shall dream dreams.
37:52 And your young men shall see visions."
37:54 And then it even says and on your maidens,
37:57 He'll pour out the Spirit as well.
37:59 - Yeah, so the idea that God has stopped speaking
38:02 to people through dreams and visions,
38:04 that's one of the ways He's communicated
38:06 all through history.
38:07 You have dreams in the Old Testament,
38:10 in the New Testament, and you know,
38:12 God can communicate that way now.
38:14 That doesn't mean it's...
38:16 You know, it never replaces scripture.
38:18 And a dream, if a dream ever is telling you
38:20 to do something that's contrary to scripture,
38:22 then it's suspect.
38:25 But sometimes God will give you dreams,
38:28 and He's really just trying to tell the individual...
38:31 You know, God gave me a dream
38:33 that was really just between me and the Lord.
38:34 He didn't want me to go tell the world
38:36 that just impressed me that He's coming soon.
38:39 It's like I saw Jesus coming in my dream.
38:42 And I woke up and I just felt like the Lord
38:45 was trying to say that you need to be ready.
38:48 Some people have had dreams,
38:50 and they weren't sure if it was a vision that they lost,
38:51 and they were in fire burning (laughs).
38:55 And I don't know, everybody's probably had a dream
38:57 once that they were falling and they woke up.
38:59 You ever have that dream?
39:00 - Sure did (laughs). - [Doug] Yeah.
39:02 - So I remember when I was trying to stop smoking,
39:05 I had gone a few weeks without smoking.
39:07 I was feeling really good that I got it behind me,
39:10 and then dreamed that I was tempted to smoke and I smoked.
39:13 And I woke up and realized it was a dream.
39:15 I felt so bad in my dream that I started smoking again.
39:18 I woke up and I was so thankful it was a dream
39:21 and I've never smoked again.
39:22 But the feeling of...
39:24 The terrible feeling that I had gone back to it again
39:27 after several failed attempts really helped me.
39:30 And so, God may speak to you individually, Andrea.
39:34 You know, if the Lord is...
39:35 He has something that maybe you want to
39:37 share with other people,
39:39 He'll let you know that plain enough.
39:41 - And of course, we always want to
39:42 test everything by the Word of God.
39:43 We also need to recognize that dreams
39:45 are not always from God.
39:48 As we have dreams sort of out of the multitude
39:50 of the day's activities.
39:51 We often have dreams, and so...
39:53 - [Doug] Yeah, Ecclesiastes.
39:54 - Yeah, just because we have a powerful dream,
39:56 it doesn't necessarily mean it comes from God.
39:58 But that's where we got to test it with scripture.
40:01 Alright, well thank you for your call.
40:03 We got Ali listening in Lincoln, Nebraska.
40:05 Ali, welcome to the program.
40:07 - [Ali] Hi Pastors, I had this question.
40:11 Like when people go to Heaven,
40:13 will they have wings like the angels?
40:15 And I also got the other question that
40:18 you know how we are made in the image of God?
40:21 Does the Holy Spirit also have like the image like God?
40:25 - Alright, two questions, first about the wings.
40:28 There is a verse in Isaiah 40, verse 31.
40:31 It says, "But those who wait upon the Lord
40:33 will renew their strength.
40:35 They will mount up with wings like eagles.
40:38 They'll run and not be weary.
40:39 They'll walk and not faint."
40:41 Now, you do have a story in the Bible
40:43 where Elijah ran before the King's chariot
40:45 and he was not weary.
40:46 God gave him some supernatural strength.
40:49 Some have wondered, is this a poetic term,
40:51 Isaiah uses a lot of poetry,
40:53 or will we literally have wings?
40:56 I'm inclined to think that they may not be wings
40:59 like a stork, or an eagle, or a bird,
41:01 but God is gonna give us some kind of wings
41:05 or some ability to fly when needed.
41:09 Is there other verses you can think of?
41:10 - You know, I'm thinking of that song.
41:11 We shall soar to world's unknown.
41:14 - Yeah, Rock of Ages. - Yeah, Rock of Ages.
41:15 So it's pretty clear that when Jesus comes,
41:18 the Bible tells us that the righteous
41:19 are called up to meet the Lord in the air.
41:22 So there's gonna be some flying taking place there.
41:24 But I don't think we'll necessarily need to rely upon wings,
41:28 in the sense of these wings keeping us flying or aloft.
41:32 Otherwise, we're gonna fault to the ground.
41:33 - We're not gonna start sprouting feathers.
41:34 - Yeah, I don't think so (laughs).
41:36 But we will be able to travel.
41:37 Obviously, go to Heaven.
41:38 Travel to other worlds.
41:39 - And that's the word that, you know,
41:40 the only word they could use in the Bible
41:42 to explain the ability to fly.
41:44 - The second part of the question, Pastor Doug,
41:46 is what about the Holy Spirit?
41:47 Does the Holy Spirit have a form like the Father or the Son?
41:51 - You know, the Holy Spirit sometimes
41:52 will take on a form as just a metaphor.
41:56 When the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost,
41:57 it came with tongues of fire.
42:00 Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as wind
42:02 in John chapter three.
42:05 The Holy Spirit, I think Christ referred to it
42:06 in John, chapter four,
42:07 more like water with the woman at the well.
42:09 So it's a refreshing, when you go into the temple,
42:14 there was a fire on the altar.
42:15 There was water in the laver.
42:17 These were symbols., and then there's incense
42:20 that kind of is smoke, is something sort of ethereal
42:24 that it could be a symbol of the Spirit.
42:26 - And then the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus
42:28 at he's Baptism in the form of a dove.
42:30 - I forgot that one, that's right, yeah.
42:32 - So of course in Revelation,
42:33 you have the seven burning lamps of God before the throne,
42:36 which is a symbol, again, of the Holy Spirit.
42:38 So we don't have a description of the Holy Spirit
42:41 in the form of the Father or the Son.
42:43 But definitely, the Holy Spirit is real
42:46 and He is everywhere.
42:47 He is in the hearts and the minds
42:49 of believers all the time guiding.
42:51 So it's one of those aspects of the Godhead
42:54 that's kind of difficult
42:55 for us to comprehend. - [Doug] Mysterious.
42:56 - Yes, absolutely.
42:58 Alright, well, thanks your call.
42:59 We have Yvonne listening from Mexico.
43:01 Yvonne, welcome to the program.
43:04 - [Yvonne] Hi, hello.
43:06 My question is I eat a bread that they make.
43:12 My question is that they make a bread
43:16 in the day of the death,
43:18 so they can eat and
43:22 they offer to the dead people.
43:24 And once I tried to eat it to curiosity,
43:29 I was trying to try to eat it.
43:33 I definitely eat it because I wanted to try to
43:37 know what it taste like, curiosity.
43:40 - Yeah.
43:41 - [Yvonne] And something tells me don't eat that bread
43:43 because it's offered for the dead people,
43:47 for the deceased people.
43:48 You know, Day of the Dead?
43:49 - Yeah, Dia de Muertos.
43:50 - [Yvonne] Should I eat that?
43:55 - Well, you know, the very fact you're asking that question
43:58 I think is an indicator that
44:01 the Holy Spirit might be saying,
44:03 you know, if this bread is specifically
44:05 for something that's made as an offering
44:07 to the dead and you're not starving, I wouldn't eat it.
44:15 They talk about this in the Bible
44:17 where they had meat that was offered to idols,
44:18 but it was sold to everybody.
44:21 And it wasn't necessarily associated
44:24 with worshiping an idol.
44:25 It's just every animal that was sacrificed,
44:27 they did it in front of an idol.
44:29 I wouldn't...
44:31 I dunno what you think, Pastor Ross.
44:32 It just seems like it...
44:33 The Day of the Dead is like
44:34 communicating with the dead ancestors
44:36 and it's filled with skeleton, something like Halloween.
44:40 And I don't think that Christians should support that.
44:43 And yeah, I don't even need Halloween candy.
44:46 - Yeah (laughs).
44:48 No, I think we wanna make sure that we're following Christ.
44:51 The Bible's about hope, it's about life.
44:53 It's not about death and we wanna focus on the hope
44:57 and the life that we have in Christ.
44:59 - Yeah.
45:00 - Alright, well, thanks for your call.
45:01 - Thanks, Yvonne, good to talk with you
45:01 and call again sometime.
45:02 - We got Ricky listening in New York.
45:05 Ricky, welcome to the program.
45:07 - [Ricky] How you doing?
45:08 - Good, and your question tonight?
45:12 - [Ricky] So my question is,
45:15 God told Adam and Eve do not eat from the tree,
45:20 or you'll surely died.
45:21 That was a warning.
45:23 And the question is, if He can warn 'em about the tree,
45:27 how come He didn't warn 'em about Satan or the snake?
45:30 - Well, I don't think that they knew
45:32 that the devil was going to
45:36 inhabit or possess a serpent.
45:39 I think God had warned them
45:41 that there was evil in the universe.
45:43 He wanted to spare them that evil.
45:45 And he said, you will be safe
45:46 as long as you don't eat from that tree.
45:48 The one place where the devil could tempt them
45:52 was around that tree.
45:53 And God said, stay away from it.
45:55 I've given you all kinds of good trees to eat.
45:58 So what you read there in Genesis
46:00 is probably not the only thing
46:02 that God said to Adam and Eve.
46:03 I'm sure there were long conversations.
46:05 That's why the God walked with them in the cool of the day,
46:08 you read later in chapter three.
46:11 So I think they had been warned
46:13 that there was a war and there's a fallen angel
46:16 that was out roaming around causing problems,
46:19 and as long as they stayed away from that tree...
46:21 But God did give the devil one opportunity
46:24 to campaign for his government at that tree.
46:28 And you know, Adam and Eve were given the freedom
46:32 to make a choice.
46:34 - Alright, well, thanks your call.
46:35 You know, we do have a study guide.
46:37 It's called, "Did God Create a Devil?"
46:39 It talks about the fall of Lucifer
46:40 and explains a little bit about that
46:42 first temptation that took place in the Garden of Eden.
46:44 - He can also watch the "Cosmic Conflict" DVD for free
46:48 at probably YouTube, it's been up for a few years now,
46:50 the whole thing.
46:51 - Yeah. - "Cosmic Conflict".
46:52 - If you'd like to get that study guide,
46:54 it's called, "Did God Create a Devil?"
46:55 And the number to call is 800-835-6747.
46:59 And we'll be happy to send that to anyone in North America.
47:02 We've got Grace listening in New Jersey.
47:05 Grace, welcome to the program.
47:08 - [Grace] Hi, Pastor Ross, and hi, Pastor Doug.
47:11 - Hi, thank you for calling.
47:14 And your question?
47:14 - [Grace] I'm glad that...
47:16 I'm excited that I can speak to you.
47:18 Okay, I have a question regarding,
47:22 it's on Genesis, chapter three, verse 16.
47:27 There's where it says your desire shall be for your husband
47:30 and he shall rule over you.
47:32 So my husband always say that he says,
47:36 where it says your desire shall be for your husband,
47:39 he thinks that it means that the woman
47:42 is desiring to overthrow the husband.
47:46 - Ah, okay.
47:48 Well, for one thing, this is a difficult verse.
47:52 I was part of a theological committee
47:55 that went into great depth studying this verse.
47:58 And it does seem to say that there would be,
48:02 you know, because of sin,
48:04 here it's talking about some of the curses
48:06 connected with sin.
48:08 Childbirth would be more difficult.
48:10 Plowing and farming the ground would be more difficult.
48:13 And there was gonna be even tension
48:15 between the husband and the wife.
48:17 And God said, look,
48:20 the man should be the spiritual leader of the husband.
48:23 That doesn't mean a dictator,
48:25 but he was to provide spiritual leadership,
48:28 Christlike leadership in the home.
48:31 And it does seem to indicate from the original,
48:34 it says your desire shall be to be over your husband,
48:38 but he should rule over you.
48:40 And again, these words rule, you think about a king.
48:43 Not the best coming from Hebrew to English.
48:46 It just means that he should have the leadership.
48:49 God made men to be protectors of their wives.
48:52 You know, traditionally, they're bigger and stronger.
48:55 - Yep, their role is to provide safety for the home.
48:58 You know, the word husband is sort of the house band
49:00 to hold the home together, provide for the home.
49:04 Unfortunately, some husbands or some men
49:06 don't live up to that high calling.
49:08 - [Doug] Yeah.
49:09 - But that's the original design
49:11 that God created there at the very beginning.
49:13 - Yeah, and God never intended...
49:16 There are some churches that use this verse
49:18 and a few others to make it sound like, you know,
49:21 women are to be slaves to their husbands.
49:25 But in our home, I make the bed and I wash dishes.
49:27 And this week, I did laundry (laughs).
49:29 So I mean, we should...
49:31 It's really to be servant leaders
49:33 is the best description, husbands.
49:35 And we believe in something
49:37 that's called complementarianism,
49:38 meaning that the gifts that God give men and women
49:41 are to complement each other,
49:42 but they're certainly distinct.
49:43 Men are not designed mentally or physically
49:47 as well as women to nurture children.
49:50 But there are things that men are designed for
49:53 that are better in some areas, in other words.
49:56 So we have our strengths and God outlines that in His Word.
50:01 - Okay. Well, thank you for your call.
50:02 We've got Matthew listening in Canada,
50:04 Toronto, Canada.
50:05 Matthew, ww have just a few minutes left.
50:08 You're on the air.
50:10 - [Matthew] Hi, Pastor Ross and Doug.
50:12 Good evening. - Evening.
50:15 - [Matthew] Yeah, my question is about this,
50:18 Last Supper with the disciples.
50:22 Oftentimes, over the years, you know,
50:25 it's been taught that when you're taking communion,
50:28 you shouldn't go unworthily.
50:30 So I want to ask,
50:31 was Judas worthy when he took the Lord's supper?
50:37 (indistinct) after.
50:38 - [Doug] That's right.
50:40 - [Matthew] (indistinct)
50:41 - Good, good question.
50:42 - [Matthew] Could you explain for me please?
50:43 - Yeah, we'll do our best.
50:44 We we've only got it about a minute to do it.
50:46 But Christ does say in First Corinthian...
50:49 Is said First Corinthians, where he says,
50:50 "If you eat it in an unworthy manner,
50:52 then you're eating..."
50:54 Maybe Second Corinthians.
50:55 "You're eating condemnation unto yourself."
50:59 Judas certainly did not have the right spirit,
51:01 even though Jesus washed his feet.
51:03 One thing we learned from this is that
51:05 even though Jesus knew that Judas' heart wasn't right,
51:07 he allowed him to participate.
51:10 - That's First Corinthians, chapter 11, verse 27.
51:13 - 11:27, yeah.
51:15 And he that eats her drinks in an unworthy manner,
51:18 drinks destruction to themselves.
51:20 It's a dangerous thing.
51:21 What does that mean?
51:22 No one feels worthy.
51:23 It really means that if you come to the communion table,
51:26 you ought to be willing to forgive,
51:28 and to love others, and to have a humble attitude.
51:32 And if you're asking for Christ's mercy,
51:34 you should be willing to extend that to others as well.
51:37 But yeah, come with a...
51:39 And really be genuinely accepting of the grace of the Lord.
51:43 You know, Pastor Ross,
51:45 I don't think we have time in this broadcast
51:46 for another question right now,
51:48 but we're gonna take a break in a moment.
51:51 We're gonna come back for some rapid fire questions.
51:53 These are bonus questions that people
51:55 have sent in via the internet.
51:57 And so, don't go away.
51:59 We have to sign off for our satellite station right now.
52:01 But everyone else that's listening,
52:03 You're gonna hear us come back in just a moment or two.
52:05 We're gonna rapid fire,
52:06 go through a number of internet question.
52:08 So we'll be right back.
52:10 (upbeat instrumental music)
52:12 - [Male] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
52:15 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
52:18 "Bible Answers Live"
52:20 is produced by Amazing Facts International,
52:22 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
52:27 (upbeat instrumental music)
52:30 - Well, Pastor Doug, we are gonna take some of our
52:31 internet questions that have come in.
52:33 And for those of you who stayed
52:34 by to be a part of this program,
52:36 if you would like to send a Bible question
52:39 through the internet,
52:40 you can just email to
52:45 Just
52:48 Alright, Pastor Doug, here we go.
52:49 We're gonna start with a tough question.
52:51 A coworker is gay and has invited me to his wedding.
52:55 Is attending the wedding, showing the love of God?
52:59 - You know, in a situation like that,
53:01 I think the way you show the love of God
53:03 is by putting God first.
53:05 And by your appearance,
53:07 it might appear that you are endorsing something
53:11 that the Bible speaks of as a sin and an abomination.
53:15 And I know it's politically incorrect to say that,
53:18 but I can't change the Bible.
53:19 If people have a problem,
53:20 they're gonna have to take it up with God,
53:21 and I didn't write the Bible.
53:23 So yeah, I think you wanna show love and support for people,
53:29 but by attending a wedding,
53:30 you are basically endorsing a covenant
53:33 that they're making to get married.
53:35 And if you believe the Bible teaches
53:37 that marriage should be between a man and a woman
53:39 and not between two women and two men,
53:41 your attendance could send the wrong message.
53:44 - Okay, next question.
53:45 If the Bible is supposed to be easy to understand,
53:47 why is it so hard to read?
53:50 - You know, there are parts of the Bible
53:51 that are very easy to read.
53:53 And you might be running into some hard parts,
53:55 but you know where Jesus said, love your enemies.
53:58 It's simple.
53:59 There's a lot of real simple statements
54:01 that are in the Bible.
54:02 And I would say, that's why the Bible is such a best seller,
54:05 is it appeals to people of all different intellects
54:08 and all different ages.
54:09 There are stories in the Bible that kids understand.
54:12 So the more you read it, the better you understand it.
54:15 And you'll just get deeper and deeper all the time.
54:18 - Okay, another question that we have, what do prayers do?
54:20 If God is gonna act anyway, why do we pray?
54:25 - Well, Jesus already knows what our sins are,
54:28 but the Bible says confess them, why?
54:30 Well, because we confess our sins,
54:32 we're acknowledging something happens in us,
54:34 that it's wrong,
54:35 and we're giving God permission to change us.
54:38 Now, that that would just be prayers of confession.
54:40 But whenever we ask for something,
54:44 God can do for us things when we ask
54:46 that otherwise will not happen.
54:49 The Devil claims this world as his own.
54:51 We need to invite God to intervene
54:53 and to answer our prayers.
54:55 (upbeat instrumental music)
54:56 - [Male] "Bible Answers Live",
54:57 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.
55:01 (upbeat instrumental music)
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56:35 (ominous music)
56:40 Throughout recorded history,
56:42 tales of ghosts and spirits can be found in folklore
56:46 in nearly every country and culture.
56:50 Egyptians built pyramids
56:52 to help guide the spirits of their leaders.
56:54 Rome sanctioned holidays to honor
56:57 and appease the spirits of their dead.
56:59 Even the Bible tells of a king that used a witch
57:03 to contact the spirit of a deceased prophet.
57:06 Today, ancient folklore of spirits and apparitions
57:09 have gone from mere superstitions
57:11 to mainstream entertainment and reality.
57:15 Scientific organizations investigate stories
57:17 of hauntings and sightings,
57:19 trying to prove once and for all the existence of ghosts.
57:24 (ominous music)
57:26 Even with all the new found technology
57:28 and centuries of stories all over the world,
57:32 there is still no clear cut answer.
57:35 (ominous music)
57:37 So how do we know what's true?
57:39 (ominous music)
57:41 Why do these stories persist?
57:44 Does it even matter?
57:46 (ominous music)
57:48 We invite you to look inside and find out for yourself.
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57:56 (ominous music)
58:00 - Jerusalem, the City of Peace
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Revised 2022-07-30