Bible Answers Live

Be Kind to My Mistakes

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022205S

00:00 (bright/ grand music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live,"
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:34 in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747,
00:39 once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 A 22-year-old Kenyan man was found alive in the wheel well
00:58 of a Dutch cargo plane that had traveled
01:00 from Johannesburg, South Africa to the Netherlands.
01:04 Police say, on January 22nd, 2022
01:07 the stowaway whose identity was not released,
01:10 was discovered hiding after the plane touched down
01:12 at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.
01:15 The plane made a stop in Nairobi,
01:17 which is where it's believed the man climbed
01:18 into the front wheel well.
01:20 Officials say it is miraculous that he's alive.
01:23 Records indicate the Boeing 747 cargo jet flew
01:27 above 30,000 feet for most of the 11-hour leg of the flight
01:31 where the air temperature can drop
01:32 to more than 40 degrees below zero.
01:35 The wheel wells in these aircraft have no heat
01:38 and they're unpressurized,
01:40 oxygen levels would be thinner than the summit
01:42 of Mount Everest.
01:44 Police said the man who has applied
01:45 for asylum is doing well considering the circumstances
01:49 and he was taken to a hospital.
01:51 You know, friends, it's amazing the risks
01:53 that people will take looking for a better country.
01:57 - Absolutely, Pastor Doug.
01:58 It's an amazing fact, amazing story this,
02:00 that this young man, 22, was able to spend that much time
02:04 that high, that cold in the plane,
02:07 in the wheel well of the plane and still survive.
02:09 Unfortunately, there are a number of stories of people
02:11 that tried the same thing and did not survive.
02:13 That seems to be the more common outcome,
02:16 so really, it almost seems like a miracle is involved
02:18 in preserving this man's life.
02:19 - Yeah, it's incredible.
02:20 And they're still doing some research, you know,
02:22 into exactly what happened.
02:24 But I'm a pilot,
02:25 and I know once you get to 14,000 feet,
02:27 you're supposed to have supplemental oxygen.
02:29 Here he was at 30,000 feet for 11 hours,
02:33 and you know, even the folks that climb Mount Everest,
02:37 they need oxygen at 28,000 feet,
02:40 and the temperature, just at least 40 degrees below zero.
02:45 And so, it's just incredible
02:47 and I'm looking forward to hearing more about that story
02:50 and how it ends, but it tells you about
02:53 how they were seeking a better country
02:56 and the risks that a person would take.
02:58 Makes me think of that verse in the Bible
03:00 you find in Hebrews 11 talking about the faithful
03:04 and it says, "For those who say such things,"
03:06 and this is verse 14 of Hebrews 11,
03:08 "Those who say such things declare plainly
03:11 that they seek a homeland.
03:12 And truly if they had called to mind
03:14 the country from which they had come out,
03:16 they would have had an opportunity to return.
03:18 But now they desire a better, that is a heavenly country.
03:22 Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God,
03:26 for He's prepared a city for them."
03:29 And the Bible tells us that,
03:31 the story of Scripture is really people trying to get
03:33 from the slavery of Egypt to the Promised Land,
03:37 or the captivity of Babylon to the Promised Land,
03:40 they're looking for that better country.
03:42 And this is the story of salvation.
03:43 God is trying to save us from the captivity
03:46 and slavery of the devil and take us to the New Jerusalem.
03:51 - You know, Pastor Doug,
03:52 you're looking at examples of folks
03:54 who have gone through incredible ordeals
03:56 to try and find freedom, to get to a better land.
03:59 Of course, this is one story you mentioned,
04:00 but I'm sure there are many stories
04:02 of what people have risked.
04:03 Shouldn't we be that determined
04:05 and that committed to seek that heavenly country
04:08 that the Bible speaks of
04:09 so much better than any earthly country
04:11 than anyone can have?
04:13 Well, we do have a study guide
04:14 that talks about this heavenly country,
04:15 it's called a "Colossal City in Space,"
04:17 and this is our free offer this evening.
04:19 If you'd like to receive this,
04:20 all you'll need to do is call,
04:21 our resource phone number is 800-835-6747
04:25 and you can ask for Offer 115.
04:28 That is a "Colossal City in Space."
04:30 It's all about Heaven, it's the home of the Redeemed,
04:33 it's that better country that we read about
04:35 in the Book of Hebrews,
04:37 so we wanna encourage you to take advantage of that.
04:38 If you're outside of North America,
04:40 you can go to the Amazing Facts website,
04:42 just and you'll be able
04:45 to read that study guide.
04:46 You can actually enroll in our free online Bible school,
04:50 and you can, not only see that lesson,
04:51 but all of the lessons that we have
04:53 in our Amazing Facts series.
04:55 Well, Pastor Doug, before we get to the phone lines,
04:57 let's start with the word of prayer.
04:59 Dear Father, we thank you once again
05:00 that we have this opportunity
05:01 to open up your Word and study,
05:04 and Lord, we always want to make sure
05:05 that we're seeking the Holy Spirit to guide us
05:08 in our study of your Word.
05:10 It's your book and we want to rightfully understand it.
05:12 Be with those who are listening wherever they might be.
05:14 And we ask this in Jesus' name.
05:16 Amen.
05:16 - Amen.
05:18 - Alright well, we've got a number of folks
05:19 who are waiting online.
05:20 And again, good evening, friends
05:22 and welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
05:24 Now, of course, there's people, Pastor Doug,
05:25 listening to us on the radio,
05:26 but we're also live streaming this on Facebook,
05:29 on your Facebook channel, Doug Batchelor Facebook,
05:31 as well as Amazing Facts,
05:33 we're also on YouTube,
05:35 and we are on Amazing Facts TV and Good News TV.
05:38 - That's right.
05:40 And if people wanna call in, we still have lines open.
05:42 If you're calling, the number is 800-GOD-SAYS,
05:45 800-463-7297 with your Bible questions,
05:49 and there's still plenty of time to get your question
05:51 on tonight's program.
05:53 - Alright, our first caller tonight
05:54 is Lawrence listening from Oregon.
05:56 Lawrence, welcome to the program.
05:59 - [Lawrence] My question is,
06:00 I have really lots of health problem
06:04 and I'm going through some really bad financial crisis.
06:08 I just wanna know from the Bible
06:11 what will be the best way to look into it
06:15 and how to solve this financial problem I'm going through?
06:19 Probably, it's not just me,
06:21 around the the world, you know, there are situations,
06:24 but I don't have enough knowledge, you know,
06:27 of how to find guidance
06:30 and to achieve this financial crisis
06:34 that I'm going through right now.
06:38 - Yeah, well there are a lot of principles in the Bible
06:41 that talk about finances.
06:43 In fact, I think somebody said that 20% of the parables
06:48 and the teachings of Jesus are related to finances.
06:52 And several of His parables where the landowner gives out
06:56 the different talents to the different servants
06:58 and He talks about, you know, faithfully investing
07:01 those things.
07:02 And, you know, of course these lessons are all compared
07:05 with the kingdom of God.
07:06 So the first thing Jesus tells us is
07:08 to seek first His kingdom, make His kingdom a priority,
07:13 and then it says all the other things you need,
07:15 what shall I eat, what shall I drink, what shall I wear?
07:18 The Lord tells us, "Don't worry."
07:20 God doesn't want us to live at the state of worry.
07:23 And if we're faithful in following the principles,
07:26 He promises to take care of us.
07:28 And there's that verse that says in Psalms,
07:32 "I was once young and I'm now old
07:33 and I've not seen God's people forsaken
07:36 or His seed begging bread."
07:38 So as far as specific financial advice,
07:41 there are a lot of parables or Proverbs
07:43 that give some advice on faithfulness and diligence
07:47 in investing and even generosity.
07:52 You know, we have a lesson that talks about Bible principles
07:55 and finances that will direct you to those many Scriptures,
07:58 'cause we can't share all of them right here.
08:00 - Yeah, the lesson is called "In God We Trust."
08:02 and it lays out a number of biblical principles dealing
08:05 with stewardship and finance
08:07 and what are the principles that we find
08:09 in the Bible about managing our money.
08:11 So we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
08:14 The number for that is 800-835-6747
08:18 and you can ask the study guide,
08:20 it's called, "In God We Trust."
08:22 And you'll be blessed by reading that, Lawrence,
08:24 or anybody who's out there.
08:26 If you're outside of North America,
08:27 you can also read it by just going
08:29 to our Amazing Facts website, just or .com.
08:35 Next caller that we have is Sharonne, I guess,
08:38 or Sharon listening from Texas.
08:40 - [Sharyn] Thank you, thank you for having me.
08:43 My question today is, I'm reading in the Book of Acts,
08:47 Acts 9 where Saul who later became Paul,
08:53 the story's being described, what happened to him,
08:55 how he fell and Jesus was talking to him,
09:02 you know, asking him why are you persecuting me and that?
09:03 When it gets to verse 7, it says,
09:07 "And the men who journeyed with Him stood speechless,
09:13 hearing a voice, but seeing no one."
09:17 Well, that's just part of it.
09:18 But then I went on, I was continuing reading in Acts,
09:21 and when I got to chapter 22,
09:24 and now it was Saul himself who was describing
09:29 his experience that day and all.
09:31 And when I got down to verse 9, it says,
09:38 "And those who were,"
09:39 this is him speaking.
09:41 "And those who were with me indeed saw a light
09:47 and were afraid but they did not hear the voice
09:50 of Him who spoke to me."
09:52 So what I'm wanting to know is, in Acts 9:7,
09:56 they heard but saw nothing,
09:58 and then in chapter 22:9, then it says,
10:03 "They saw, but they did not hear."
10:05 It's just total,
10:07 like it's contradicting. - Seems like contradict.
10:08 Yeah well, keep in mind, the good news is
10:10 the Book of Acts was written by the same man.
10:12 So it's not like two different authors disagreeing,
10:14 Luke wrote both accounts.
10:17 And in the Greek, when you get to Acts 22,
10:20 the word, here, is also similar to the word, understand.
10:25 So the way that I think you could look at
10:28 these two verses where it seems
10:29 like there's an apparent conflict,
10:30 one time it says they heard a voice
10:32 then it says they didn't hear a voice.
10:34 In Acts 22, it's really saying,
10:37 they didn't understand the voice, but it's something like,
10:41 in John, the Bible says that there was a voice
10:43 that says, "This in my beloved Son,"
10:45 and some people heard the voice,
10:46 but they thought it was thunder, they didn't understand it.
10:49 So, evidently they heard a noise, they heard a voice,
10:51 but they didn't know what it was saying.
10:54 And that's why Paul, when sharing this account,
10:56 or Luke I should say, sharing this account,
10:57 in one place he says, "Yeah, they heard a voice,
11:00 they know that somebody spoke to 'em,"
11:01 but when you get to Acts 22, it says
11:04 they don't know what the voice was saying to Paul,
11:06 only Paul understood the voice of Jesus.
11:09 Does that make sense?
11:11 - [Sharyn] It does make sense in that point,
11:13 the way you described it,
11:14 but then it also talks about
11:16 how the first one didn't see anything,
11:19 and the second one, they did see it.
11:22 You know, is that the same thing?
11:24 - Well, I think they saw the light,
11:25 they saw the glory, but I think Paul saw Jesus,
11:28 and they didn't.
11:29 He was struck blind by what he saw,
11:31 they obviously didn't see the same thing,
11:33 the light did not blind them,
11:34 but I think they saw some glory appeared.
11:37 So it's almost like they got a vision secondhand,
11:40 you know, they heard a noise and they saw a light,
11:42 Paul's the one who really understood the words
11:44 and saw the face.
11:46 - [Sharyn] Okay.
11:47 - But yeah, good questions.
11:49 Yeah, thanks so much, Sharyn, appreciate your question.
11:51 - Alright, we've got Diana listening from Washington.
11:54 Dianna, welcome to the program.
11:57 - [Dianna] Hi, Pastor.
11:57 Thank you for having me.
11:59 My question is if my family does not believe
12:02 in the 10 commandments,
12:03 or they believe in them, believed in them,
12:08 but they don't believe that we are to honor them today,
12:11 say that the law died with Jesus.
12:14 And how would I witness to them over something
12:17 that was so drilled into all of our heads for so long?
12:23 - Yeah, that's a challenge, you know,
12:24 and I'm understanding you're saying
12:26 that they're Christians, is that right?
12:29 - [Dianna] Yes, yes, uh-huh.
12:31 - Yeah, so it's phenomenal to me
12:33 that Christians would be saying,
12:37 "Yeah, we believe in Jesus,
12:38 but we don't need to keep the 10 commandments."
12:41 Because in reality, I'll tell you what the issue is.
12:44 You could go to 90% of the churches in North America
12:48 and you could preach on commandments 1 through 3,
12:52 and 5 through 10 and they would say, "Amen."
12:56 But when you preach on commandment 4,
12:59 which is about the Sabbath, then they say,
13:00 "Oh, we're no longer under the law."
13:02 Now, there is one church,
13:04 they don't like when you talk about idolatry,
13:06 a couple of churches maybe that don't like that,
13:08 but otherwise most Christians have no problems
13:10 with the law.
13:12 They all believe, don't commit adultery, don't steal,
13:13 don't kill, don't dishonor God's name.
13:16 I know 'cause I've preached in many of these churches,
13:19 but when they hear the Sabbath truth
13:21 and then they realize
13:22 that the seventh day is Saturday, not Sunday,
13:24 a lot of folks start to get nervous and they say,
13:26 "How do we deal with this?
13:27 It's obviously part of the 10 commandments."
13:29 And so they say, "Well, we're not under the law."
13:33 And you say, "Well, what about the other commandments?"
13:34 "Well, they've been reattached."
13:37 And it's kinda like a person that has one finger
13:38 that's bothering 'em so they cut off all ten
13:41 and then sew nine of 'em back on to try to get rid of one.
13:45 It just doesn't make sense.
13:47 And the solution of course is keep all 10.
13:49 That was God's plan.
13:50 Especially the one commandment that begins
13:52 with the word, "Remember,"
13:53 would not be the commandment you'd get rid of.
13:56 So now we have a book that talks about this,
13:58 "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?"
14:01 - And we'll be happy to send that
14:02 to anyone who calls and asks.
14:03 The number to call is 800-835-6747
14:07 and you can ask for the book, it's called,
14:08 "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?"
14:10 And it answers that question of,
14:12 you know, under the new covenant,
14:13 do we still need to keep the 10 commandments?
14:15 It'll look at a number of Scriptures.
14:17 Again, the book is called,
14:18 "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?"
14:20 And the number for that is 800-835-6747,
14:24 and you just let the operator know
14:26 that you'd like that book.
14:27 Thanks for your call, Diane.
14:29 We've got Doug listening in Arizona.
14:31 Doug, welcome to the program.
14:33 - [Doug] I have a question from Colossians.
14:37 I was talking to somebody about the Sabbath
14:39 and they referred to Paul basically saying
14:44 that it didn't matter.
14:48 Where it says, "Therefore, do not let anyone judge you
14:51 by what you eat or drink
14:52 or with regard to the religious festival,
14:56 a new moon celebration or a Sabbath day."
14:59 'Cause they think I'm crazy for honoring the Sabbath,
15:04 and these are Christian people as well.
15:06 - Yeah, well if you read the way it reads
15:09 in the King James or the New King James version, it says,
15:12 "so let no one judge you in food or in drink,
15:14 or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths."
15:17 And its plural and it's small "S" not capital "S".
15:20 The Jews had several annual Sabbaths
15:23 that were part of their ceremonial law.
15:25 These things along with the sacrificing of lambs
15:28 and circumcision were all nailed to the cross.
15:30 And it talks about bloting out,
15:32 it's in the earlier part of Colossians 2,
15:35 it says in verse 14,
15:36 "Having wiped out or abolished the handwriting
15:40 of requirements that was against us."
15:42 The Bible says Moses wrote with his hand
15:45 the ceremonial laws that would be a witness against them.
15:49 The ceremonial laws is the law that was a witness
15:52 against them written by the hand of Moses.
15:55 The 10 commandments were written by the finger of God
15:58 in stone, not parchment or paper or leather,
16:01 you don't nail that to a cross.
16:03 So, they're just totally misapplying.
16:06 See, the ceremonial Sabbath came after sin,
16:11 the Sabbath that's in the 10 commandments came before sin,
16:13 it was in the Garden of Eden on the seventh day of creation.
16:16 And so, the idea that believers no longer need
16:19 that day of rest is really absurd
16:20 when you think about it.
16:22 Now I've had two questions back to back on this subject.
16:23 - Yeah. - We ought to offer
16:25 a lesson on the Sabbath.
16:27 - You know, just to add to that, Pastor Doug,
16:28 verse 17, I think is the key here where it says,
16:31 "Which are a shadow of the things to come,
16:33 but the substance is Christ."
16:35 So when you're looking at the ceremonial Sabbath,
16:37 they are a type of Christ.
16:39 And if we look at the context of the Book of Colossians,
16:42 Paul is dealing with an issue
16:43 where there were Jewish Christians
16:46 who were telling the Gentile believers
16:48 or the Gentile Christians that they had
16:49 to keep the ceremonial law.
16:51 And yet Paul is saying,
16:53 "No, you don't have to keep those ceremonial laws
16:55 that were a shadow, but the substance is Christ,"
16:57 he's not talking about the 10 commandments.
16:59 - That's right.
17:00 - Alright, you know, the book
17:01 that we offered a little earlier called,
17:02 "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?"
17:04 actually covers this as well,
17:06 so that's a great offer for anyone wanting
17:08 to learn more about that.
17:09 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
17:13 And you can also ask for our study guide,
17:14 it's called "Written in Stone."
17:15 It's about the 10 commandments.
17:17 And again, "Written in Stone,"
17:19 the number is 800-835-6747.
17:22 We've got Robert listening in New Jersey.
17:24 Robert, welcome to the program.
17:26 - [Robert] Good evening, Pastors.
17:28 - Good evening.
17:29 - [Robert] My question's concerning if Christ,
17:33 and going to the cross.
17:34 Now, I think it might have been indicated,
17:36 somebody was telling me in the Gospel of Matthew that,
17:40 had everybody accepted Him and all His people, everybody,
17:44 and not fought against Him,
17:45 if everybody accepted that He was the Messiah
17:48 that He would not have to go through the cross.
17:50 I mean, that that was more like a backup plan.
17:53 This I had to find out about.
17:55 I know the Book of Hebrews says He despised the cross,
17:58 but I mean, others say that He had to go,
18:02 others say that if everybody accepted Him,
18:04 He might not have had.
18:05 So I wanna find out exactly,
18:08 you know, what's the truth on that?
18:11 - Alright.
18:13 Well, that's a good question, but keep in mind,
18:14 whenever we ask a hypothetical question,
18:16 it's hard to prove because all you can do is,
18:20 you know, theorize.
18:22 People say, "Well, if Eve ate the forbidden fruit
18:25 but Adam didn't,
18:26 what would've happened then?
18:28 Would God have just gotten rid of Eve
18:31 and get Adam a new wife,
18:32 or would He just have forgiven Eve?"
18:35 So, if everybody had accepted Jesus,
18:37 would Jesus have to die on the cross?
18:39 Well, Jesus would have to die,
18:40 of course the Scriptures would be fulfilled no matter what,
18:43 but Jesus would need to die because we've all sinned,
18:46 and the penalty for sin is death
18:47 and He took the penalty of the saved.
18:50 So just like God asked Abraham to bring his son
18:54 and offer him and Abraham and Isaac went willingly
18:57 to the place of sacrifice,
18:58 I'm guessing, it's just a theory again,
19:01 Christ would have died,
19:03 it just would've been a willing sacrifice
19:05 as opposed to something closer to a murder.
19:09 So again, when you start doing hypotheticals,
19:13 all you can do is kind of surmise.
19:15 Does that make sense, Robert?
19:18 - [Robert] It makes sense.
19:20 I just thought it was,
19:21 somebody said it was kind of indicated in the Gospel,
19:23 not really hypothetical,
19:24 but it doesn't make sense though
19:26 because it was a blood sacrifice
19:29 that needed to be answered if I'm correct.
19:32 Correct? - You're right.
19:33 Yeah, it's the only thing that covers our sin,
19:36 it says, "Without the shedding of blood,
19:38 there is no forgiveness."
19:39 That's in the Scriptures.
19:40 So Jesus would've had to shed His blood for us
19:43 to be forgiven.
19:45 Hey, thank you so much.
19:47 - [Robert] Thank you, Pastors.
19:48 - Yeah, and thank you, Robert.
19:51 - Next caller that we have is Charles listening in Virginia.
19:53 Charles, welcome to the program.
19:55 - [Charles] Alright.
19:57 I have a big question about the 10 commandments,
19:59 two whys and a how.
20:02 The Exodus 20 account of the 10 commandments
20:04 is what we usually go with,
20:05 but those stone tablets were destroyed
20:08 and Moses had to go back up.
20:10 In Exodus 34:10 to the end of the chapter,
20:13 we can see a drastically different content
20:17 in those stone tablets of what the commandments are.
20:19 So why do we go with the Exodus 20 commandments
20:23 and why are they drastically different in Exodus 34,
20:27 the new ones?
20:29 And how does the Exodus 34 ones relate to us today,
20:31 if at all?
20:34 - Well, Exodus 34 is not a list of the 10 commandments.
20:42 In other words, Exodus 34 is not telling you
20:44 what was written on the stones.
20:46 'Cause God told Moses in the beginning,
20:48 He said to write the words that were on the first table.
20:55 So it's not a different set of commandments,
20:58 the Lord is continuing in Exodus.
21:00 In Exodus, even after the first 10 commandments
21:03 are given in Exodus 20,
21:04 then God goes on after Exodus 20,
21:06 He gives him other laws,
21:07 ceremonial laws, civil laws, health laws,
21:10 and He continues to do this here again after Exodus 34
21:14 when He says, "You're not to make molded gods for yourself."
21:17 That's not reiterating the second commandment,
21:20 He's expanding on the 10 commandments.
21:23 See, then He talks about the firstborn son
21:26 and, you know, He mentions the Sabbath again,
21:31 He talks about the annual feast,
21:32 but this is not what was written
21:34 on the second table of stone.
21:36 They wrote the same thing that was on the first set.
21:38 - [Charles] Wow, I'm just amazed.
21:41 Do you have the verse where it says that?
21:45 - Yeah, it's Exodus 34:1.
21:46 "And the Lord said to Moses,
21:48 'Cut two tables of stone like the first ones
21:51 and I will write on these tables the words
21:54 that were on the first tables you broke.'"
21:56 God is saying it's gonna be the same words
21:58 that were on the first tables.
21:59 - [Charles] Wow, okay.
22:01 - And then proof of that,
22:02 now, if you go to Deuteronomy 5,
22:05 you'll see the list here again.
22:10 And Deuteronomy 5 has the 10 commandments again.
22:15 - [Charles] Alright, that's awesome.
22:16 - Alright.
22:18 And that lesson we offered earlier about "Written in Stone."
22:20 Did we offer that one or not yet?
22:22 - Just briefly.
22:23 Yeah, but definitely... it's a good lesson.
22:24 - That would also answer this more for Charles.
22:25 - Yeah! Again, the study guide is called "Written in Stone,"
22:28 and the number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
22:31 And you can ask for that study guide
22:33 talking about the 10 commandments,
22:34 and we'll be happy to send that out
22:35 to anyone who calls and asks.
22:37 If you have a Bible question,
22:38 our phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
22:44 Next we have Carlos listening in California.
22:45 Carlos, welcome to the program.
22:48 - [Carlos] Well, hello, Pastors, God bless you
22:50 and thank you for taking my call.
22:52 - Yes. - My question is,
22:55 I heard a rabbi on the phone the other day stating
22:57 that Isaac was about 37 years old
23:02 when he was being offered to God.
23:04 Is that true?
23:07 - No, I don't think so.
23:09 Because it tells us that his mother died.
23:13 First of all, if I'm not mistaken,
23:15 Sarah bore Isaac when she was 90.
23:18 Is that right, Pastor Ross? - Mm-hm.
23:20 Abraham 100.
23:20 - And she dies at 120.
23:24 And so, if Isaac was 37, that would've been after she died.
23:30 But it has Isaac being offered before she dies.
23:34 I think it's more likely that Isaac was about 17.
23:38 So when you look at the story before the offering of Isaac,
23:42 and I think that's Genesis 22 and afterward,
23:48 yeah, I don't know why he said that.
23:52 - [Carlos] This is a guy that comes online every day
23:55 and he claims to be a rabbi.
23:57 I needed to ask and thank you very much for your answer.
24:01 - Yeah, and let me tell you, Carlos,
24:04 there's a website Amazing Facts has,
24:06 we haven't mentioned lately,
24:07 but I tried it again this week, it's working great.
24:09 It's called Bible Timeline or
24:12 If you type in,
24:15 you can look at the Bible ages and dates
24:17 of all these main characters
24:19 and you just slide the little slider across
24:21 it'll tell you how long Isaac lived,
24:23 it'll tell you when the main events happened in his life,
24:25 and I think it even talks about the sacrifice of Isaac
24:28 or the offering of Isaac in that timeline,
24:30 it'll tell you how old he was there.
24:32 Thank you for your question.
24:34 - Alright, we've got Zaq listening from North Carolina.
24:38 Zaq, welcome to the program.
24:41 - [Zaq] It's an honor for me for having
24:43 to speak with you guys.
24:46 - Thank you. - I have a question
24:47 also related to the Sabbath.
24:51 I'm a member of a church.
24:56 A lot of the members there ask me about
24:59 why I don't come in every Sabbath.
25:03 My main answer is the pandemic.
25:06 So my main question is, what does the Bible have
25:08 to say about worshiping at a physical church every Sabbath?
25:15 - Okay.
25:17 And so the idea here of course is
25:21 the importance of gathering together
25:23 to worship on the Sabbath day.
25:26 I think we need to be practical,
25:27 you know, if there's a pandemic rampaging
25:29 through the country and we know that we can be safer
25:32 and it's temporary by staying home,
25:34 there's no sin in staying home because of sickness.
25:37 It's always true that if you're sick,
25:39 it's a good idea to stay home,
25:40 whether there's a pandemic or not.
25:41 And so, you know, for a time to preserve health,
25:48 but I think as a principle, you know,
25:49 once the major risk is gone, in Hebrews 10, it says,
25:55 "Let us not forsake the assembling
25:57 of ourselves together as the manner of some is."
26:00 So it's very important for us not to forsake,
26:03 and certainly not permanently.
26:05 And then you can also read the part of keeping the Sabbath,
26:08 you read there in Leviticus 23,
26:09 it calls the Sabbath the holy convocation.
26:12 That means a convening, a time for us to come together.
26:15 And then the example you have in the New Testament
26:17 with the apostles and Jesus.
26:19 His custom was, He went into the temple or synagogue
26:22 on the Sabbath day,
26:24 the apostles went from church to church on the Sabbath day,
26:28 so, it's important for us to get together and gain strength.
26:33 Now, like I said, that doesn't mean that it's a sin
26:37 if during a time a pandemic people are,
26:39 you know, going through some temporary health crisis,
26:42 but there's always gonna be risk
26:44 for God's people coming together.
26:46 We're not done, friends,
26:47 we'll be back with more Bible questions
26:48 right after this important break.
26:51 (bright/ grand music)
26:54 - [Announcer] Stay tuned,
26:55 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
26:58 (bright music)
27:02 - [Announcer] Do you feel as though your world is spiraling
27:04 out of control?
27:06 Are economic uncertainty and an unknown future
27:09 leaving you with unsettled feelings about the future?
27:13 Or perhaps new life challenges are frightening
27:15 you more than they should?
27:17 Are you sinking while you're thinking?
27:20 Excessive worry can consume you,
27:22 eating you from the inside out,
27:24 resulting in sickness, insomnia and paralyzing fear.
27:27 It can also damage relationships, ruin opportunities,
27:31 and yes, diminish your witness for the Gospel.
27:34 But problems are an everyday part of life,
27:36 so how can we better manage the worry that comes with them?
27:41 - Worry affects everybody differently,
27:43 but it's all driven by fear.
27:45 So how can you overcome a world full of reasons
27:48 to be anxious?
27:50 I'd like to recommend for you my new book,
27:52 "Finding Peace in a World of Worry."
27:55 It's packed with inspiring information
27:57 and useful solutions to not only liberate you from stress,
28:01 but also to prevent stress from building up
28:03 in the first place.
28:05 Best of all, these principles all come directly
28:08 from the Word of God.
28:09 You'll discover a lifeline to victory,
28:12 a place where you can cast your cares upon Christ
28:15 and experience a serenity
28:17 that isn't subject to your circumstances.
28:20 - [Announcer] Get your copy of Pastor Doug's
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29:49 (bright music)
29:51 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:55 If you'd like answers
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30:12 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
30:18 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
30:22 - Hello, listening friends.
30:23 Welcome back to "Bible Answers Live."
30:25 If you tuned in along the way,
30:27 we are a live international, interactive Bible study,
30:31 and we're gonna go back to our phones in just a moment.
30:33 My name is Doug Batchelor.
30:35 - My name is Jean Ross,
30:37 and we are gonna go to our next caller, Pastor Doug.
30:39 We've got Ron listening in Canada.
30:41 Ron, welcome to the program, you're on the air.
30:43 - [Ron] Hey, good night, Pastor Ross,
30:45 good night, Pastor Batchelor,
30:46 very glad to be on for the first time.
30:48 I've got a quick question.
30:50 Who are the two anointed ones in Zachariah 4:14?
30:57 My wife and I, we were doing our devotion tonight
30:58 and we were reading and I was like, "Whoa, what is that?"
31:00 - Yeah, this would be the same as the two witnesses
31:04 that you find in Revelation 11.
31:06 You'll find it says, they're the two olive branches
31:11 that are before the throne of God.
31:13 We believe that this represents the Word of God.
31:17 Because the Word of God,
31:18 of course is enhanced by the Holy Spirit,
31:21 that's talking about the olive oil.
31:23 And when you think about,
31:27 when it talks about two anointed ones,
31:30 the Bible says "In the mouth of two or three witnesses,
31:33 let everything be established."
31:35 The Bible is compared to a sword with two edges.
31:39 It talks about the law and the prophets,
31:42 two characteristics of God's Church.
31:44 In Revelation 12, it says,
31:46 "She keeps the commandments of God
31:48 and has the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy."
31:52 And so, you've got the law and the prophets.
31:54 It's like Moses and Elijah.
31:56 Moses was the law, Elijah was the prophets,
31:59 and Moses and Elijah appear
32:01 to endorse the ministry of Jesus in Mark 9
32:05 and I think also in Luke 9 and in Matthew,
32:08 you find that story all three places.
32:09 So, it's talking about the Word of God going
32:12 through all of the earth.
32:14 And you find more about this again in Revelation 11
32:18 and I think, Pastor Ross,
32:19 we've got a book on the two witnesses.
32:21 - That's right.
32:22 I was just looking the book up, yes.
32:24 And again, if you'd like to learn more about that,
32:27 just call 800-385-6747,
32:30 and you can ask for the book on "The Two Witnesses"
32:32 and we'll be happy to send that out to anyone
32:34 who is in North America.
32:35 Outside of North America, you can still read the book,
32:37 but you need to go to the Amazing Facts website,
32:40 just
32:42 Thanks for your call, Ron.
32:44 We've got Elvis listening in New York.
32:45 Elvis, welcome to the program.
32:47 - [Elvis] I'm glad to be here, this is my first time.
32:50 I'm a fairly new Christian here, 23 years old
32:52 so I get confused a lot and I've never been to church.
32:55 But anyways, I was debating with some friends
32:59 about the topic of hell and they were telling me,
33:02 and I've learned through you guys
33:04 that hell is not eternal, conscious torment
33:07 and also that nobody is in hell right now.
33:10 So I was debating and they pointed me
33:13 to Revelation 20:13,14.
33:18 - [Pasto Doug] Should I go ahead and read that?
33:20 - [Elvis] Yeah, go ahead, sir.
33:22 - Alright, it says,
33:23 "The sea gave up the dead that were in it,
33:25 and death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them,
33:28 and they were judged each one according to his works.
33:31 Then death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.
33:34 This is the second death.
33:36 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life
33:38 was cast into the lake of fire."
33:40 So yeah, we have no contest
33:42 or disagreement with any Scripture.
33:44 And this is very clear that there is a judgment at the end.
33:48 Nobody's burning in hell now
33:50 because the judgment hasn't happened yet.
33:51 Jesus said the judgment is the last day.
33:54 And so, there's going to be a time
33:58 when the wicked are cast into the lake of fire.
34:00 And it says, "Death and hell,"
34:02 even the grave is gonna be burnt up.
34:04 - You know, Pastor Doug, just to add to that,
34:06 I think some confusion is,
34:07 it talks about death and Hades in the King James.
34:10 Another word for that word in the original Greek
34:12 just simply means the grave.
34:14 So, death and the grave.
34:16 It's not a place of torment,
34:17 it just means the grave in the Greek.
34:19 - Yeah, so God is going to, He's gonna abolish,
34:22 anything going in the lake of fire is abolished.
34:25 And God is gonna abolish death,
34:27 there'll be no more death, no more weeping,
34:28 no more funerals and nothing here that says
34:33 that there is a lake of fire burning now,
34:36 or that it burns eternally.
34:39 - [Elvis] Yeah, that's what they were telling me,
34:41 I don't know.
34:42 But yeah, thank you.
34:42 That's it.
34:43 Thank you, sir.
34:45 - Yeah, now we have a good study guide on that.
34:46 We'll send you if you would like a free copy
34:49 or anyone out there.
34:50 And it's not what Pastor Ross and I teach,
34:51 these are just Scriptures,
34:53 and we'll be happy to share that with you and it's called,
34:55 "Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?"
34:57 - And the number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
35:01 It's one of our Amazing Facts study guides.
35:03 It's called, "Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?"
35:05 And of course we'll send that to anyone who calls and asks,
35:08 or as mentioned earlier,
35:09 you can read it online at the Amazing Facts website.
35:12 Thanks for your call, Elvis.
35:13 We have Janice listening in Tennessee.
35:15 Janice, welcome to the program.
35:17 - [Janice] Thank you very much.
35:18 I really enjoy your program, it's very wonderful.
35:21 - Thank you. - And thank you
35:22 for taking my call.
35:23 - Appreciate it, thanks for calling.
35:26 - [Janice] Okay.
35:27 I was wondering about Genesis 3:16.
35:30 It's talking about when Eve ate the fruit
35:32 and disobeyed God and it's saying how,
35:39 the negative part, you know, the sad part of sin
35:40 for a woman where it says,
35:44 "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception,
35:47 and in pain you shall bring forth children.
35:49 Your desire shall be for your husband
35:51 and he shall rule over you."
35:53 Does that mean your desire can be,
35:55 since it's negative things here,
35:57 does that mean you could have too much desire
35:59 for your husband?
36:00 - You know, this is an interesting,
36:02 I don't think it means that,
36:04 I think that this is a place where,
36:08 it's hinting in the Hebrew that your desire would be
36:12 to have dominion over your husband.
36:14 And then God is answering that, He's saying,
36:16 "But he shall rule over you,"
36:17 meaning that the leadership in the family
36:20 should be coming from the man.
36:23 And so the last statement there in verse 16
36:26 is actually dealing with the verse immediately before
36:30 that you may have a desire to dominate,
36:34 but you should be submissive.
36:36 I don't know what your take is on that, Pastor Ross.
36:38 - Mm-hmm, yeah. - That's the way
36:40 I've understood it as,
36:41 and I'm not a Hebrew scholar,
36:43 but when I read the commentaries,
36:44 that's what they seem to indicate.
36:47 So yeah, I don't think it's saying
36:49 that there would be an over-desire for your husband
36:55 that needs to be mitigated.
36:56 - [Janice] Okay, okay, that helps.
36:59 Thank you very much.
36:59 - Alright, thank you so much.
37:02 - Alright, we've got Robert listening from North Carolina.
37:04 Robert, welcome to the program.
37:07 - [Robert] Good evening, Doug and Jean, Pastor, both of you.
37:12 This is my first time.
37:14 But I have a question as how I would answer verse 19
37:19 of Matthew 16.
37:23 Matthew 16:18,19 is talking about,
37:28 Jesus is talking to Peter
37:30 about building His Church on the rock.
37:32 Of course, I believe all that,
37:34 but I'd like to know if someone questioned me
37:37 how would I answer the follow up in 19?
37:41 - Alright, let me read this
37:42 for our friends that are listening, Robert.
37:44 We're always mindful that a lot of people are listening
37:46 on a radio and they're driving, they can't look it up.
37:49 "And Jesus says, 'I say to you that Peter, you are,'"
37:52 well, let me back up,
37:53 you almost need to read the previous verse where Jesus says,
37:57 you know, "Who do you say that I am?"
37:59 And Peter is the one in verse 16 who declares,
38:01 "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,"
38:04 Jesus said, "'Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah,
38:06 for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you,
38:08 but my Father who is in Heaven.'"
38:10 And Christ is continuing,
38:12 "'And I say to you, you are Peter.'"
38:14 Now that word there, Peter, is Petros in the Greek.
38:19 Petros is a stone that might roll around
38:21 in a creek or on the beach,
38:23 you could pick it up and skip it and throw it.
38:25 And He says, "You are Petros and on this rock..."
38:29 And the word, rock, there is Petra,
38:31 "... I will build my Church."
38:33 Now people think, "Well, does that mean
38:34 that Jesus built the Church on Peter?"
38:38 Well, that'd be kind of frightening
38:39 because if you look down just a few verses,
38:43 Jesus turns to Peter in verse 23 and says,
38:45 "Get behind me, Satan."
38:47 So you hear Peter said something
38:48 that is Spirit-led in one verse,
38:50 and then he says something that is demon-led
38:52 a few verses later.
38:54 And so, the Church is not built on Peter,
38:56 Peter was very unstable.
38:58 Jesus is saying the Church is being built
39:01 on the rock that Peter had declared
39:05 that Christ is the Messiah.
39:06 That's the rock of truth,
39:08 that is the cornerstone of the Gospel.
39:11 The word, petra, is talking about a rock
39:13 of immense proportions.
39:15 "On this rock, I will build my Church."
39:19 It says, "You are Peter, you're a rolling stone."
39:21 That's Petros.
39:22 "But on this petra of what you've declared
39:25 that I am the Messiah,
39:26 I will build my Church on that truth."
39:29 So hopefully that helps a little bit, Robert.
39:31 We do appreciate your question,
39:33 a lot of people wonder about that verse.
39:35 - You know, it's also interesting, Pastor Doug,
39:36 If you look at some of the other writings of Peter,
39:38 for example, in 1 Peter 2:4,
39:41 Peter says clearly that Jesus is that living Rock
39:45 upon which the Church is based and He's the cornerstone,
39:48 the foundation of the Church.
39:49 So there was no confusion in Peter's mind
39:51 as to who the foundation of the Church is.
39:54 - Good point. - It's clearly Christ
39:55 and he brings that up.
39:56 Thank you for your call, Robert.
39:57 We've got Colleen listening in Florida.
39:59 Colleen, welcome to the program.
40:01 - [Colleen] Hi, good evening, Pastors.
40:02 Thank you so much for taking my call.
40:05 My question is in reference to 2 Samuel 24
40:10 and 1 Chronicles 21:13-14.
40:15 In the first one when God listed David's options
40:18 for his disobedience,
40:19 in 2 Samuel, it says seven years of this famine,
40:24 however in 1 Chronicles, it says three years of this famine.
40:28 And also, it says,
40:30 "The threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite"
40:33 in 2 Samuel, but in 1 Chronicles it says,
40:36 "The threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite."
40:39 - Alright, on the second question,
40:41 those names are the same.
40:44 Keep in mind, they didn't have the same spelling,
40:47 alphabet that we use.
40:49 And when you translate from Hebrew and Aramaic to Greek,
40:56 and then now to English,
40:58 folks are sometimes wondering what letters to use
41:00 for people to articulate pronunciation,
41:03 but it's the same person.
41:05 This is the Jebusite who owned the property on Mount Moriah.
41:08 He had the threshing floor there
41:10 and David wanted to buy that to offer to the Lord.
41:12 That later became the place
41:13 where the temple was built on Mount Moriah
41:15 and it's still there today where the Dome of the Rock is,
41:18 that was the threshing floor of Ornan according to 2 Samuel.
41:22 The better question you're asking is,
41:24 why does it say that Nathan the prophet offered seven years
41:26 of famine in one place and three years of famine
41:30 in another?
41:31 You know, the best answer I think I can give you is,
41:34 the Bible's inspired,
41:35 but sometimes the copyists and the translations are not.
41:39 And as you go from one copy to another,
41:42 sometimes there may have been a number that was missed,
41:46 they look at it and there's very little difference.
41:49 I'll give you a quick example.
41:51 I was a hooligan when I was a kid,
41:54 and so I wanted to buy alcohol though I was too young.
41:57 I was born in 1957,
41:59 I took my driver's permit when I was,
42:03 oh, I think it was only 14.
42:04 And I took the seven and turned it into a two.
42:08 It was very easy to do, small little line,
42:11 and it worked for years.
42:13 And sometimes one little tittle changes the number
42:16 and it's probably that the manuscript
42:18 that they were reading,
42:19 the seven and the two was hard to determine,
42:22 so those who translated from 2 Chronicles,
42:27 they saw that as a two and another one saw it as a seven
42:31 or three, rather.
42:32 So yeah, there are some minor things like that in the Bible
42:35 that are conundrums.
42:37 - You know, it is interesting in the Septuagint,
42:39 which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament
42:42 which was in existence at the time of Christ,
42:44 they translate the seven years
42:46 as three years here in 2 Samuel.
42:50 - Oh, so they do the same?
42:50 - So there's no conflict.
42:51 - No conflict in the Septuagint.
42:52 - In the Septuagint.
42:53 - Well, that's a good point.
42:54 Oh, there you go.
42:55 - It's both three months, so.
42:56 - 3 years. - Or rather 3 years.
42:58 Alright, thanks for your call.
42:59 Our next caller that we have
43:00 is Melissa listening from California.
43:02 Melissa, welcome to the program.
43:04 - [Melissa] So I'm a little stumped on Luke 5.
43:09 Jesus is demonstrating to His disciples the ministry
43:13 and the path of it,
43:14 but before the parable is introduced from verse 6 to 39,
43:19 He refers to fasting with them
43:23 and then He says that then they will fast
43:27 in those days when they're taken away.
43:30 And then the parable goes on
43:31 if you wanna read it for the callers.
43:33 I'm assuming, and I don't wanna assume,
43:36 that's why I'm calling,
43:37 that it's referring to sin itself.
43:41 - Well, let me read this.
43:42 It says, Jesus said in verse 36,
43:46 and this is a Luke 5.
43:49 He said, "No one puts a piece of new garment on an old one,
43:52 otherwise the new makes a tear,
43:54 and also the piece that was taken out
43:56 of the new garment does not match the old.
43:58 And no one puts new wine in old wineskins
44:02 or else a new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled,
44:05 and the wineskins will be ruined.
44:07 But new wine must be put into new wineskins
44:09 and both are preserved.
44:11 And no one having drunk old wine immediately desires new,
44:14 for he says, 'The old is better.'"
44:16 Christ is talking about
44:17 that people were gonna struggle with change.
44:21 He had come to bring the new wine,
44:23 by the way, which is unfermented, of the Gospel,
44:26 but a lot of the religious leaders had become intoxicated
44:30 by their traditions.
44:31 And He said, you know,
44:33 "I'm gonna have to put the new wine in new wineskins."
44:35 Meaning the apostles.
44:36 He didn't go to the scribes and the Pharisees
44:39 and the priests, they were settled in their ways,
44:41 they would not listen,
44:42 He went to shepherds and fishermen and tax collectors
44:47 and He put the new truth, the fresh truth in them
44:51 and they were ready to receive it.
44:55 - You know, it's also interesting, you've got the,
44:57 in the first part of the parable, new garment,
44:59 nobody puts a new piece of cloth on an old garment.
45:03 Well, in the Bible, garments often have to do-
45:05 or a symbol of righteousness.
45:07 And you have the Pharisees who prided themselves
45:09 in their own righteousness
45:11 and they rejected the righteousness that Jesus came to give
45:14 and they of course claimed their own doctrine
45:16 and they didn't wanna receive the new wine
45:17 or the doctrine or the teaching of Christ.
45:19 So really Jesus is addressing something that,
45:23 well, the disciples were aware of.
45:24 Why didn't the Pharisees accept Jesus?
45:26 Why didn't they accept His teaching?
45:28 Well, because they were clinging to their old ways
45:29 and they didn't wanna receive the new,
45:32 the Gospel that Jesus came to give.
45:34 - Thank you, Melissa.
45:35 Good question, hope that helps a little.
45:37 - [Melissa] Yes, it does.
45:38 Just one more comment... that kind of explains for,
45:42 I guess, the Church itself,
45:44 it's, they kind of implement things
45:46 in various churches maybe because of their ideas.
45:52 - Yeah, sometimes it's tradition
45:54 and they're not going by the Scriptures, yeah.
45:56 - Yeah, okay. - Absolutely.
45:57 - Amen. - Thank you.
45:58 - [Melissa] Thank you.
46:00 - Next caller that we have is Adley listening from Canada.
46:03 Adley, welcome to the program.
46:06 - [Adley] Thank you.
46:07 This is my first time.
46:10 So my question is why did God choose Mary
46:15 to be Jesus' mommy?
46:18 - Okay, thank you, Adley.
46:19 And it says in our notes here, Adley's five years old.
46:22 Love to hear the young people calling in
46:25 with their Bible questions.
46:27 Well, we believe that the Lord chose Mary because
46:29 He knew in her heart that she was sincere,
46:32 that she wanted to serve God
46:34 and that she had faith
46:38 and she had lived a life where she was dedicated to God.
46:41 And so the Lord was looking for a young lady
46:44 who could be the mother,
46:45 who would raise Jesus with devotion, with love,
46:49 that would teach Him the Bible,
46:50 that would be a good example, that would be a good mother,
46:53 watch over Him and protect Him.
46:55 And Mary had those characteristics
46:57 and God chose her for that.
46:59 And so, wonderful opportunity and great responsibility.
47:05 Thank you for your call, Adley.
47:06 - Next caller that we have is Tayvion
47:09 listening from Illinois.
47:10 Tayvion, welcome to the program.
47:12 - [Tayvion] Hey, you got it right this time!
47:14 - Alright! We're learning.
47:17 - [Tayvion] (laughter) No, but my question is that,
47:22 so like for the promises of God
47:24 and essentially for what I'm understanding by faith
47:27 after years of being a Christian,
47:30 is it okay for me to claim something
47:32 even though I haven't received it yet
47:34 or I don't feel it?
47:38 - Well, yeah.
47:39 In some cases if you've met the criteria of a Bible promise,
47:42 then believe.
47:43 You know, for example, just start with salvation
47:48 When if you repent of your sins and you confess your sins,
47:52 the Bible says, "If we confess our sins He is faithful."
47:55 This is 1 John 1:9,
47:58 "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
48:01 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
48:04 Don't wait until you feel like you're cleansed,
48:07 believe it, thank Him for forgiving you
48:09 and you will feel better because of your faith.
48:12 So there are cases where God makes a promise and He says,
48:16 you know, for instance, God says, you know,
48:18 "Fear not, I'm with you."
48:19 Well, you may not feel like He's with you,
48:21 you may not see Him with you,
48:23 but you can claim the promise that He said He's with you,
48:25 believe it by faith and you'll feel better!
48:29 - You know, the Bible says that the righteous walk by faith,
48:31 not by sight.
48:32 So it's just claiming the promises of God
48:33 and just holding onto them,
48:35 and like you said, the feelings come later,
48:37 but they don't always come first, faith comes first.
48:39 - Yeah, now just let me add to this
48:41 because some people will misunderstand the faith and action,
48:45 and you know, I've heard preachers say,
48:48 "Just claim God that you're gonna have the money
48:50 to pay for that new house you're buying."
48:52 And so a person says,
48:53 "I just believe that God wants to bless me
48:55 and He's gonna help me buy that new house
48:57 and I'm gonna put down the down payment.
48:58 Even though I don't have a job yet,
49:00 I'm gonna trust that ..."
49:02 And they get into debt,
49:03 they're kind of being presumptuous,
49:04 that's called tempting the Lord.
49:05 So, there's a delicate balance between claiming
49:10 the promises of God and having faith
49:11 and stepping out in faith.
49:13 And you wanna be careful not to abuse the promises of God
49:16 and be presumptuous or tempt the Lord.
49:18 So I don't know if that helps answer
49:21 what you're saying, Tayvion.
49:23 - [Tayvion] Oh, no, it does, thank you.
49:24 - Yeah.
49:25 Alrighty, thank you so much.
49:26 Appreciate your call.
49:27 - We've got Lance listening in Texas.
49:29 Lance, welcome to the program.
49:32 - [Lance] Hi.
49:34 Nice to meet you guys.
49:36 - Thanks for calling.
49:37 - [Lance] So if a married couple divorced
49:44 with no biblical reason and they marry again,
49:49 are they gonna be living in a constant,eternal state of sin?
49:55 And then, my second question related to that,
49:59 I mean, if that's the case,
50:03 should they divorce and remain single forever?
50:07 - Yeah, it's a good and it's a practical question.
50:09 Sometimes people have what you would call
50:11 irreconcilable differences.
50:14 Nobody has committed adultery,
50:16 you know, the biblical grounds for divorce
50:18 is if there's fornication or unfaithfulness.
50:21 And there may be a couple and they just say,
50:23 "Oh man, we just can't handle this anymore,"
50:25 and they separate,
50:26 they don't have biblical grounds,
50:28 then are they free to remarry?
50:29 According to the Bible, they're not free to remarry.
50:32 Paul even says you might be better to remain single.
50:35 Now if one partner, and this is often,
50:38 to be honest, sometimes they play the waiting game
50:41 and they wait for the other one to get married again
50:44 and they say,
50:46 "Well, now they've broken the wedding vow,
50:46 now I can get married."
50:48 And that's not the right attitude.
50:49 So then you have a third question embedded in your question
50:53 and that is, are they living in perpetual sin?
50:56 Well, I know a lot of people
50:57 that maybe have gotten divorced and remarried
50:59 and they do not have biblical grounds,
51:01 but then they later go through a real conversion.
51:03 An example would be King David.
51:05 King David definitely did not have biblical grounds
51:08 for taking Bathsheba and killing her husband,
51:11 but after David thoroughly repented and they actually,
51:13 I mean, they suffered, he lost the baby
51:15 and a son and lost actual several sons because of his sin,
51:20 the Bible says, David comforted his wife.
51:22 God refers to Bathsheba as David's wife.
51:25 Solomon then later comes through Bathsheba
51:28 and so does Jesus.
51:28 So He ultimately forgave her.
51:31 He forgave the woman who was at the well
51:35 who had had five husbands,
51:36 and when Abraham had an affair with Hagar
51:39 or you know, had a concubine,
51:41 she was sent away and Sarah was his wife.
51:45 And so, you know, sometimes we scramble the eggs
51:49 and you can't unscramble 'em,
51:50 but it doesn't mean that this is the unpardonable sin.
51:53 But I don't wanna leave people with the impression
51:55 that they can just get married and divorced
51:56 and married and divorced.
51:58 The Bible is clear that that is a sin
52:00 and it hurts families, it hurts people, it hurts society.
52:04 - You know, we do have a book,
52:05 Pastor Doug, dealing with the subject.
52:06 It's called "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage."
52:08 And we'll be happy to send this to anyone who wants
52:10 to learn more about what does the Bible say
52:11 on the subject of marriage?
52:13 The number for that is 800-835-6747,
52:16 that is our resource phone line
52:18 and you can ask for the book, it's called,
52:20 "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage."
52:21 We'll be happy to send it to anyone in North America.
52:24 Thanks for your call, Lance.
52:25 We got Claudette listening from New Jersey.
52:28 Claudette, welcome to the program.
52:31 - [Claudette] Hello, good evening.
52:33 - Evening.
52:34 - [Claudette] Thank you for taking my call!
52:37 - Yeah and your question tonight?
52:39 - [Claudette] Yes, this is my first time calling.
52:41 I would like you to explain for me
52:44 why the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 is different
52:54 from the one in Luke 11:2-4?
53:00 And the second part of my question is,
53:03 in verse 4 it ends, "But deliver us from evil,"
53:07 while in Matthew it ends with (verse 13)
53:13 "For Thine is the kingdom
53:15 and the power and the glory forever, amen."
53:18 - Alright, Claudette, good question.
53:20 Let's talk about that.
53:21 When the Lord gives the,
53:23 what we call the Lord's Prayer,
53:24 it's actually not the Lord's Prayer.
53:26 If you wanna know the Lord's Prayer,
53:27 that's probably John 17.
53:29 It's actually a prayer for the disciples.
53:32 And He says, "When you pray, pray in this manner."
53:35 Now when you read it in Matthew,
53:37 and that would be in Matthew 6:9,
53:40 it says "When you pray, pray in this manner."
53:42 Jesus probably repeated this more than one time
53:45 and told them that this is a pattern for prayer,
53:49 meaning you don't have to say it exactly the same way,
53:52 they're points and they're principles.
53:54 And what I love about the Lord's Prayer
53:57 is you've actually got seven petitions
54:00 that you find there in the Lord's Prayer.
54:02 And it's kind of divided up like the 10 commandments,
54:05 where you've got the first 40% deals
54:07 with our relationship with God,
54:09 the last 60% deals with our relationship with each other,
54:12 talks about.. it says, "Thy name, Thy kingdom, Thy will,"
54:17 are the first three petitions.
54:18 And then you've got, you know,
54:20 "Give us, forgive us, lead us, deliver us"
54:25 in the later petitions.
54:28 And so it's divided up by, you know,
54:32 same way as the 10 commandments.
54:33 So same principles.
54:34 So, Claudette, I think that Jesus said the Lord's Prayer
54:37 to the disciples more than one time.
54:39 As He went from town to town
54:40 and He would teach people how to pray,
54:42 sometimes He tells His parables
54:43 with a little different spin, you'll see that.
54:46 Hey, listening friends, thank you.
54:47 I don't think we have time to take another call,
54:50 but we do wanna remind you that Amazing Facts is something
54:53 you can listen to all week long by going to the website,
54:57 or you can go to the Amazing Facts TV channel.
54:59 That's
55:03 Thank you for keeping the program on the air,
55:05 you can go to the website and donate,
55:06 and we'll be back in a moment
55:08 with some rapid fire questions.
55:10 (bright/ grand music)
55:12 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:15 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:19 "Bible Answers Live" is produced
55:21 by Amazing Facts International,
55:23 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:28 - Hello, friends.
55:29 Welcome back to "Bible Answers Live."
55:31 For those of you who stayed by,
55:32 we took a little break because
55:34 of our friend on satellite radio,
55:35 they had to close the program just a little earlier.
55:38 We wanna thank you for your many questions
55:39 that you've emailed to us,
55:40 and Pastor Doug, we are gonna try
55:42 and answer as many of these questions
55:43 as we can in the next two minutes or so.
55:46 So here's the first one.
55:47 The question is "When will Armageddon occur?"
55:51 - Well, Armageddon, of course, it's in the future.
55:53 It's not a battle between China and Russia,
55:56 and people are paying a lot of attention to Russia right now
55:59 and Israel or anything like that.
56:01 Now, Armageddon, it says is
56:02 when the dragon makes war against the woman
56:05 and you see Jesus coming in Revelation 19
56:08 conquering to deliver His bride.
56:11 The ultimate part of Armageddon is at the end
56:13 of the 1000 years when God totally defeats the enemies
56:18 of His people.
56:19 - Okay, another question that we have,
56:20 "How long was the timeframe of the 10 plagues of Egypt?"
56:25 - The Bible doesn't tell us specifically
56:26 the dates or months or weeks or days,
56:30 but based on the context,
56:32 it seems like the plagues come back to back rather quickly,
56:35 something like the trials that came to Job,
56:38 it seems like they came one right after another.
56:40 And so we think it was probably a matter of months,
56:43 probably all of it happened somewhere
56:46 in the span of about 45 days or so.
56:51 - Okay, another question is,
56:53 "In Hebrews 1:4, speaking of Jesus, it says,
56:55 'Having been made better than angels.'
56:57 Can you explain?"
56:59 - Yeah, well, Christ of course is,
57:02 He is the angel-maker because, you know,
57:05 He made all things that have been made,
57:07 but He also became a man.
57:11 But after His resurrection, He is higher than the angels
57:14 'cause the angels worship Him.
57:15 And so the only one we're supposed to worship is God.
57:18 So that's why it's saying Jesus is not just a man,
57:21 He's better than the angels 'cause the angels worship Him.
57:24 - Okay, next question is,
57:26 "Is the Elijah message the same
57:28 as the three angels messages of Revelation 14?"
57:33 - Well, the final Elijah message,
57:34 it's talking about a message
57:36 that brings the Church to revival is gonna
57:38 be done during the same time as the three angels message,
57:41 but it's more of a message of calling people
57:44 to return to God,
57:45 whereas the three angels message is more specifically
57:48 warning people about the coming judgment,
57:51 coming out of Babylon,
57:52 the mark of the beast and the coming of Christ.
57:54 - Okay, well, Pastor Doug,
57:55 that's probably it for all of our questions
57:57 for this evening.
57:58 Just a reminder, friends, if you have a question,
58:00 you can email it to us at
58:06 - Thank you, listening friends.
58:08 As I mentioned before, if you wanna support the program,
58:10 just simply go to
58:13 and click the "Donate" button
58:15 and help us share the truth with others.
58:18 - [Announcer] "Bible Answers Live,"
58:20 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions!
58:24 (bright music)


Revised 2022-07-07