Bible Answers Live

According to the Light

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022206S

00:00 (bright/ grand music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible. The Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live,"
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources
00:33 mentioned in this broadcast,
00:35 call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello, friends. Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 On April 29th, 2020,
00:56 a sprawling mass of powerful thunderstorms
00:59 produced a single mega flash lightning strike
01:02 over the Southern United States
01:03 that was more than 477 miles long.
01:07 This record-breaking massive flash of electric tentacles
01:11 stretched from near Houston to Southeast Mississippi.
01:14 The record beat the 440 mile-long mega flash
01:18 that occurred over Southern Brazil on Halloween of 2018.
01:22 Using the newest weather satellites,
01:24 the World Meteorological Organization announced
01:27 that it had confirmed the mega flash lightning record.
01:30 The WMO also identified a world record
01:34 for the longest lasting lightning flash.
01:37 It lit up the skies over Uruguay and Northern Argentina
01:40 for 17.1 seconds on June 18th, 2020.
01:45 Imagine that, Pastor Ross,
01:46 one lightning strike lights up the sky for 17 seconds.
01:49 That may not sound like long, but hold your breath
01:52 and picture a lightning strike for 17 seconds
01:55 and well, that would put any dog under the bed.
01:59 - Just the brightness of that,
02:00 you could probably read with a flash of lightning that long.
02:02 - You wonder what kinda thunder it would produce.
02:04 - Oh, man. Yeah, absolutely, yeah.
02:06 - It makes me think about that verse in the Bible
02:08 where Jesus is warning regarding His Second Coming,
02:11 He's warning about not being deceived
02:13 'cause He says there's going to be false Christs
02:16 and false prophets.
02:17 Now let me read a little bit to you of this.
02:20 It's in Matthew 24:23-27.
02:25 "Then if anyone says to you,
02:26 'Look, here is Christ! Or there!'
02:28 Do not believe it.
02:29 For false Christs and false prophets will rise
02:32 and show great signs and wonders to deceive,
02:34 if possible, even the very elect.
02:37 See, I've told you beforehand.
02:39 Therefore if they say to you,
02:40 'Look, he's in the desert!'
02:41 Do not go out; or, 'Look, he's in the inner rooms!'
02:44 Do not believe it.
02:45 For as lightning comes from the east
02:48 and flashes to the west,
02:50 so also will the coming of the Son of man be."
02:54 And so He's telling us
02:56 that we don't need to be concerned about... people say,
02:59 "I'm Jesus or Jesus came,"
03:00 or you get a news report that says
03:02 it's gonna be like the whole Heaven's being lit up
03:05 when He comes and everybody's gonna know it.
03:08 - I know, Pastor Doug, you spent some time in the Midwest.
03:10 I have, and boy, do they have
03:11 those incredible electric storms.
03:14 And sometimes when there's so much lightning
03:16 and thunder at night, it just lights up the sky.
03:19 It's just amazing.
03:20 Well, you can imagine the coming of Christ,
03:23 how glorious that'll be.
03:24 There's no way you can hide from that brightness
03:26 of the Second Coming of Christ.
03:28 We have a book talking about the Second Coming
03:30 and it says "anything but secret."
03:32 That's the title of the book.
03:34 Sometimes people are confused.
03:35 They wonder if the Second Coming of Christ
03:37 is gonna be secret or quiet.
03:39 Well, the Bible says just the opposite.
03:41 It's gonna be a noisy, glorious event
03:44 and we'll be happy to send this book to anyone who asks.
03:47 The book again is called "Anything But Secret"
03:49 and the number is 800-835-6747.
03:53 That is our resource phone line.
03:55 You can ask for the book
03:56 and we'll be happy to send it to you.
03:58 If you're outside of North America,
03:59 just go visit the Amazing Facts website
04:02 and you'll be able to read the book right there online.
04:04 Pastor Doug, we wanna greet our friends
04:05 who are joining us on Facebook and YouTube.
04:08 Also those watching on Amazing Facts TV,
04:11 as well as Good News TV.
04:13 And we know that you're typing in your Bible questions.
04:16 We're gonna take some time at the end of the program
04:18 to answer the written questions that have come in.
04:21 So welcome also those listening on satellite radio
04:23 and various radio stations,
04:26 and we're glad you're part of our program tonight.
04:28 Well, before we get to the Bible questions,
04:29 let's start with a word of prayer.
04:31 Dear Father, we thank you for your word.
04:33 We thank you for the opportunity to study the Bible,
04:35 and we do pray that your Spirit will come and guide us.
04:37 Be with those who are listening, Lord,
04:38 and lead us into a fuller and clearer understanding
04:41 of what the Bible says.
04:42 For we ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
04:45 - Amen.
04:46 - Alright. Ready to go to our first call this evening.
04:48 We've got Tim listening from Michigan.
04:50 Tim, welcome to the program. Tim in Michigan.
04:56 Hi, Tim. You there?
04:57 - [Tim] Thank you. Yep.
04:59 - Hey, how can we help you tonight?
05:02 - [Tim] Well, a little while ago,
05:05 a fellow called in and asked if the rapture
05:07 and the Second Coming was the same thing, and you said yes.
05:12 And I was just wondering about that.
05:15 There's a couple, the Day of the Lord,
05:17 you gave him, 1 Thessalonians 4,
05:23 and this kinda refers to Zechariah's prophecy
05:27 when His feet touched the Mount of Olives.
05:30 I was wondering if there was a timeline between that,
05:32 between the rapture and what that prophecy was about.
05:39 - Yeah, the Bible tells us that there's actually a span
05:40 of about 1,000 years called the millennium.
05:43 The Bible refers to it as 1,000 years
05:46 between the first resurrection and the second resurrection.
05:49 Now, when Jesus' feet touch the Mount of Olives,
05:51 as you find in Zechariah 14:4, it says,
05:55 "His feet will stand on that day on the Mount of Olives,
05:57 which is before Jerusalem on the east,
05:59 and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof."
06:02 Now, one reason you know this is not when Jesus comes
06:05 for the rapture, the Bible says during the rapture,
06:08 He doesn't touch the ground.
06:09 We are caught up to meet Him and He says,
06:12 "I will take you to the mansions that I prepared,"
06:14 and that's John chapter 14,
06:16 but here He's actually touching the Earth,
06:18 so this is when He, some might call it the third coming,
06:20 He's coming back after the millennium
06:23 and his feet touch the Mount of Olives,
06:26 massive earthquake creates a great valley,
06:28 and the New Jerusalem actually settles in that valley.
06:32 Then later, and you read it also in this chapter,
06:34 the wicked launch an attack,
06:35 you see that also in Revelation 20, against the city of God
06:39 and fire comes down from God out of Heaven and devours them.
06:42 So yes, there is actually a 1,000 year
06:45 or the millennial period between His next coming
06:50 and this period at the end of the 1,000 years
06:53 in Zechariah 14.
06:55 - We do have a study guide that talks about the 1,000 years
06:58 spoken of in Revelation Chapter 20,
06:59 and we'll be happy to send this to you, Tim,
07:01 or anyone who calls and asks.
07:03 It's called "A Thousand Years of Peace."
07:05 And the number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
07:09 And again, you can ask for that study guide,
07:11 it's called "A Thousand Years of Peace."
07:13 If you have a Bible-related question,
07:14 the phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
07:19 That'll get you on the program for tonight.
07:22 Next caller that we have,
07:23 we've got Marvins listening from Ontario.
07:26 Marvins, welcome. Montreal, rather.
07:29 - [Marvins] First of all, thank you,
07:33 for both of you for accommodating me
07:36 to ask you my questions.
07:39 - Yes.
07:40 - [Marvins] So my question is
07:42 when the door of probation will close?
07:46 - Okay, now for our friends listening,
07:48 when someone is talking about probation closing,
07:51 they're referring to a time
07:53 when life may still go on here briefly on Earth,
07:56 but the saved are all saved and the lost are all lost
07:59 and there's nobody changing teams anymore.
08:01 The people who are saved are sealed and saved.
08:03 Pastor Ross, there's that verse in Revelation 22
08:07 where he says,
08:08 "Those that are just let them be just still."
08:11 And I'll tell you about another passage that's in Genesis
08:15 when Noah was told with his family to enter into the arc.
08:20 He entered into the arc and God shut the door.
08:23 All of the animals and Noah
08:25 that were gonna be saved were in the arc.
08:27 The door was shut.
08:28 All of the lost were on the outside
08:29 and their destiny was sealed.
08:31 Life went on for a few more days. Seven days in this story.
08:35 And then the rains came.
08:36 So there may be a period of time,
08:38 a brief period just before Jesus comes
08:40 when all the saved are saved and all the lost are lost
08:42 and there's no changing sides anymore.
08:44 - Yeah, the verse he's referring to is Revelation 22:11.
08:47 It says, "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still;
08:50 he who is filthy, let him be filthy still;
08:52 he who is righteous, let him be righteous still;
08:55 he who is holy, let him be holy still."
08:57 And then the very next verse says,
08:58 "And behold, I am coming quickly,
09:01 and my reward is with Me,
09:02 to give to everyone according to his works."
09:04 So the close of probation here takes place
09:07 just before the Second Coming of Christ.
09:08 - Mm-hmm, and most people believe
09:10 that when the plagues begin to fall, that at that point,
09:14 the Holy Spirit has been withdrawn from the wicked.
09:17 And that's why they get kind of berserk
09:21 in their attempt to annihilate all Christians.
09:24 When the seven last plagues are falling, at that point,
09:26 we believe the saved are saved and the lost are lost
09:28 and probation is closed.
09:30 - Okay, thank you for your call.
09:32 Maidellyn is listening from Kansas.
09:34 Maidellyn, welcome to the program.
09:37 - [Maidellyn] Thank you.
09:38 Thank you so much for answering my call.
09:39 I really appreciate it and I love your show.
09:41 - Well, thank you.
09:44 - [Maidellyn] Okay, so I've got a quick-ish question.
09:46 So in the Book of Ezra Chapter 10,
09:51 I don't know exactly how to word it.
09:52 The lady who took my call, she helped me a bit.
09:55 I know how I feel about it
09:56 and that's the confusion regarding it.
09:59 So the foreign women and children,
10:01 they were to be dismissed from the congregation.
10:04 Apparently, the Jewish men were not supposed to do this.
10:07 They took foreign women, et cetera.
10:09 But my question is, was there no provision?
10:12 No way for those women,
10:13 the ones who accepted Yahweh as their own God?
10:16 I mean, we do see examples of Ruth and Rahab.
10:20 Why did these women have to be dismissed?
10:22 I mean, I guess I know why.
10:24 The real question is,
10:25 was there a way that they could have been allowed to stay
10:29 and not been sent away?
10:31 - Yeah, this is a difficult passage.
10:33 And just for our friends that are listening,
10:35 you find this in Ezra Chapter 10 and it talks about it in,
10:40 well, it mentions them by name when you get to Verse 18,
10:43 but the whole reason they'd been carried off into captivity
10:47 is they had compromised their beliefs
10:48 and stopped worshiping God and began to worship idols.
10:51 So now after learning their lesson, 70 years,
10:53 they come back to rebuild the temple, rebuild the city,
10:56 and the leaders start to marry pagan wives again.
11:00 And Ezra's going, "This is how we got into trouble."
11:03 Now, these are pagan wives
11:04 that are still worshiping pagan gods.
11:06 It's kinda like Ahab was influenced by Jezebel.
11:09 Ruth had accepted the God of Naomi
11:12 and Rahab had accepted the God of Salmon and the other spy.
11:16 Well, there's two spies.
11:17 We think one of them was named Salmon.
11:18 It doesn't tell us in the passage
11:19 that these wives had accepted Jehovah, so that's one thing.
11:25 Another thing is if they were told to put them away,
11:27 keep in mind, Abraham was told to put away Hagar,
11:30 but he gave her an allowance when he put her away.
11:35 They call that alimony today or some support,
11:38 but it was causing all kinds of havoc in the family.
11:42 This was a very drastic measure
11:44 because the whole nation was at the point of a new birth
11:47 and the new birth was gonna be destroyed
11:50 by these intermarriages with pagans once again,
11:52 so they took pretty drastic measures.
11:55 - Alright, well, thank you for your call.
11:56 - Thank you, Maidellyn. Hope that helps a little bit.
11:59 - We've got Syd listening from Maryland.
12:00 Syd, welcome to the program.
12:02 - [Syd] Hi, how are you?
12:04 - Good. Thanks for calling.
12:06 - [Syd] So my question is why were people getting baptized
12:09 before Jesus got baptized?
12:11 Because when people get baptized now,
12:14 they say that you are taking a stand for Jesus.
12:16 And by getting baptized,
12:18 Jesus set an example for His followers.
12:21 - Well, the first baptism was called the Baptism of John,
12:24 which was a baptism of repentance.
12:27 So John the Baptist was not saying,
12:28 "I baptize you in the name of the Father, Son,
12:30 and Holy Spirit,"
12:31 John the Baptist was not saying,
12:33 "I baptize you in the name of Jesus."
12:35 John was baptizing them in the name of Jehovah
12:39 to just have a repentance and a return to God.
12:42 An example of this is found in Acts Chapter 19.
12:46 Paul meets 12 Ephesian believers
12:49 and he's preaching about Jesus and they said,
12:50 "Well, we haven't heard about this."
12:52 He says, "Well, have you heard about the Holy Spirit?"
12:54 And they said, "We didn't know if there was a Holy Spirit."
12:57 And Paul says, "Into what then were you baptized?"
12:59 They said, "John's baptism," meaning John the Baptist.
13:02 So John baptized for probably a year and a half
13:05 before he identified Jesus as the Lamb of God.
13:08 John then continued with his disciples to baptize
13:11 until he was arrested,
13:12 probably only about six months after that.
13:15 And so am I answering your question, Syd,
13:18 about what was the distinction there?
13:21 - [Syd] Yes.
13:23 - Okay, very good.
13:24 Yeah, so then once John recognized Jesus as the Lamb of God,
13:28 John said, "He must increase, I must decrease."
13:30 He had done his work, calling the nation to repentance.
13:34 The people were turning back to God
13:35 and then he kinda did a handoff to Jesus.
13:38 - Talking about baptism, it's an important subject,
13:40 Pastor Doug, and the Bible has a lot to say about it.
13:42 We have a book that's called
13:43 "Baptism: Is it Really Necessary?"
13:46 Again, there's sort of divided opinion today,
13:48 even amongst Christians as to baptism.
13:50 When is the person to be baptized?
13:52 Is it really necessary for salvation?
13:54 - How to do it?
13:55 What name? The whole thing.
13:57 - A lot of confusion, so we'll be happy to send this book
14:00 to anyone who calls and asks.
14:01 It's called "Baptism: Is it Really Necessary?"
14:04 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
14:07 And if you're in North America,
14:09 we'll get it in the mail, send it to you.
14:10 If you're outside of North America,
14:12 you can read it by going to the Amazing Facts website,
14:15 just
14:16 And of course, if you're in North America,
14:18 you can also go to the website
14:19 and you'll be able to read it there.
14:21 Thanks for your call.
14:22 We've got, let's see, Angela is calling from Illinois.
14:26 Angela, welcome to the program.
14:28 - [Angela] Hi. - Hi.
14:29 - [Angela] I have a question.
14:30 In the New Testament, was it the Pharisees or the Sadducees
14:34 that did the sacrifices?
14:36 I know that in the Old Testament,
14:38 the Levites were through Aaron from the heritage.
14:44 And then I have a follow-up.
14:46 After Christ's death,
14:48 was sacrifices still being conducted?
14:51 Because, of course, he was the sacrifice,
14:53 but I just read that
14:55 and I'm just wondering what your thoughts are.
14:57 - Yeah, good questions.
14:58 Alright, let's see if we can,
15:00 I think we can answer both of those pretty quickly.
15:02 As far as the Pharisees and Sadducees,
15:04 neither the Pharisees and Sadducees
15:06 really served in the temple to offer sacrifice.
15:13 You could be a Pharisee, but you had to be a Levite.
15:16 Now, you can have a Levite that was a Pharisee,
15:18 meaning that the Pharisees were the devoted ones.
15:23 They were consecrated in a special way.
15:25 They weren't going to pollute themselves with paganism.
15:28 Now, there were some Levites
15:29 that also followed the Pharisee rules,
15:32 but you could be a Pharisee and not a Levite
15:35 like Paul was a Benjamite, so Paul never offered sacrifice.
15:38 Same thing with the Sadducees.
15:40 But many of the Sadducees were from the priestly family,
15:43 like Caiaphas, so here they are offering sacrifice,
15:46 but some of them didn't even believe in angels
15:48 or resurrection, which is really pathetic.
15:51 At the time of Christ,
15:52 the church had fallen pretty, pretty badly.
15:55 And the second part of your question,
15:57 did they still sacrifice after Jesus died on the cross?
16:00 Well, the veil was rent when Jesus died on the cross.
16:04 They probably had to repair the veil,
16:07 but they probably re-instituted the form of a sacrifice
16:11 up until the temple was destroyed by the Romans.
16:14 - There's another verse talking about that, Pastor Doug,
16:16 when Jesus left the temple for the last time,
16:19 he said to the religious leaders and to the Jews,
16:21 "Your house is left to you desolate,"
16:23 meaning that he had disowned the sanctuary
16:26 and thus the sacrificial service
16:28 'cause he was the Lamb of God.
16:29 And then there's a prophecy
16:30 that you find in Daniel Chapter 9
16:33 that's talking about Christ the Messiah and it says,
16:35 "He will put an end to sacrifices,"
16:37 and it's talking about His death.
16:39 So there's a number of Old Testament passages
16:41 and also in the New Testament
16:42 that said at the death of Christ,
16:43 there was no need for a sacrifice.
16:45 Jesus was the Lamb of God
16:47 that takes away the sins of the world.
16:49 - Right, so but they still probably went through the form
16:51 of a sacrificial system until the temple was destroyed,
16:53 but it was meaningless at that point.
16:56 Thank you. I appreciate your call.
16:58 - Next caller that we have is Robert
16:59 listening from New Jersey.
17:02 Robert, are you there?
17:04 - [Robert] Yeah, good evening, Pastor. Can you hear me?
17:06 - Yes.
17:08 - [Robert] Okay, great.
17:10 My question's concerning
17:12 what's the first lie recorded in the Bible?
17:14 Now, this says on the full amend, which is Genesis 3,
17:23 I think it's 3:4, where the serpent says to the woman,
17:27 "You will not surely not die..."
17:29 That's usually considered the first lie that was a recorded.
17:33 But then somebody pointed something out,
17:36 when she was having a discussion with the serpent,
17:40 "You must not eat from the fruit of the trees,"
17:41 this is Genesis 3:4 I believe, or 3:3
17:46 "You must not eat fruit from the three.
17:51 You must not even touch it or you will die."
17:56 We don't hear God saying it to Adam,
17:58 so did she make that up
18:01 or was that added on later
18:04 or did she get confused?
18:06 What would that be? Was she lying?
18:10 - Okay, yeah, it sounds like Eve is adding something
18:14 to the instruction that you see earlier
18:16 where God says, "You're not to eat from the tree."
18:19 And I don't think Eve made it up
18:21 because there was no sin until she ate the forbidden fruit.
18:25 Her heart was pure and innocent.
18:26 She had no reason to lie or deceive.
18:28 I think she was expanding on
18:30 or rather I think she was giving more information
18:32 on what God had told Adam and Eve.
18:34 Keep in mind, the Bible is summarizing.
18:37 I'm sure that God said many things to Adam.
18:39 The Bible tells us God and Adam spent that day together
18:42 naming all the animals,
18:43 so I'm sure there were many things that God said.
18:47 The way that it's first recorded for us
18:49 is God says don't eat from it.
18:50 When you hear from Eve,
18:52 we realize God not only said don't eat from it,
18:54 he said don't touch it, so you stay away from it.
18:57 Of course, touching it led to eating from it.
19:01 The reason you would touch the fruit
19:02 is because you wanted to pick it and eat it.
19:04 So I think that there's not a lie involved
19:07 on Eve's part there.
19:08 I think she's absolutely sincere
19:09 when she's talking to the serpent.
19:11 - Alright. - Thank you.
19:13 - We've got Abdiel listening from Florida.
19:16 Abdiel, welcome to the program.
19:18 - [Abdiel] Hi, thank you for having me. How are you guys?
19:20 - Good. Thanks for calling.
19:22 - [Abdiel] Thank you.
19:23 So I just have a quick thank you.
19:25 So I found your program in December
19:27 and it's made a big difference.
19:29 - Well, praise the Lord.
19:31 - [Abdiel] I had a question. I'm in Luke.
19:34 So in Luke, it seems like there's a very earnest man
19:39 called Simeon and it seems like he already knows
19:42 that the Messiah is coming in his lifetime.
19:45 And I think there's a couple others
19:47 that that could have happened to, maybe like Anna, I hear.
19:51 So I guess the question is for both of you,
19:56 Jean Ross and Pastor Doug,
19:59 so is it possible to have that kind of relationship
20:05 with Jesus today if you're diligent
20:08 that He can tell you basically like, "Hey,"
20:12 He might not tell you a date,
20:13 but He can tell you like in your lifetime or something,
20:17 so I'm not really sure how that goes.
20:19 - Yeah, it seems like the Lord, of course,
20:21 gave a divine revelation to the shepherds
20:24 about Jesus' coming and there was a divine revelation
20:27 that was given to the Wise Men of Christ's coming.
20:31 And then Simeon said the Lord had told him
20:34 that "You'll not taste death until you see it."
20:38 And he said, "Now let your servant depart in peace
20:40 where I've seen his salvation."
20:42 Could that happen again before the Second Coming?
20:45 God is not restricted.
20:46 The Lord could impress anybody that you're not gonna die
20:50 before you see these things be fulfilled.
20:53 That would not replace Scripture.
20:55 And God is not gonna give the day and the hour to anybody
20:58 because Jesus is very clear:
20:59 no man knows the day or the hour.
21:01 But can God give an impression?
21:04 Sure, He's the Lord. He's not restricted.
21:07 And even after Jesus ascended to Heaven,
21:10 He appeared to Paul and to some others.
21:13 And so Jesus still communicates with people today.
21:17 - You mentioned Simeon, as well as Anna.
21:19 She was also the one that confessed Christ
21:22 to be the Messiah as a baby.
21:24 The Bible does tell us in Luke 2:36
21:27 that Anna was a prophetess.
21:28 So God had spoken to her through dreams or visions,
21:32 but either way, whether it was through a direct revelation
21:35 or through the prompting of the Holy Spirit,
21:38 these two individuals had a very special,
21:40 very close connection and communion with God.
21:44 And of course, their hope, especially for Simeon,
21:46 was, "Lord, let me see the promised Messiah before I die,"
21:50 and God honored that and he got to see baby Jesus.
21:52 - That's right. Amen.
21:54 Well, thank you. Hope that helps a little, Abdiel.
21:56 Appreciate your call and encourage you to keep listening.
21:59 - We've got Karen listening in Texas.
22:00 Karen, welcome to the program.
22:02 - [Karen] Thank you.
22:03 Okay, my question is I had heard that Jesus wasn't born
22:10 in just a regular barn,
22:14 but that He was born in the special barn
22:19 where the perfect sheep was taken care of
22:25 before they were going to be used for a sacrifice.
22:30 - Okay, and you wanted to know
22:31 what the Bible says about that?
22:34 - [Karen] Yes. Had you heard that?
22:36 - I had not heard that.
22:38 I've heard several things about some people
22:41 that try to extrapolate on giving more details
22:44 about the birth of Jesus,
22:46 but the Bible simply says that she brought forth
22:49 her firstborn Son and called His name Jesus
22:53 and they laid Him, they wrapped Him in swaddling clothes
22:56 and they laid Him in a manger
22:58 because there was no room in the inn.
23:00 So the assumption is a manger is a trough
23:04 in which you feed animals.
23:07 And it's interesting.
23:08 A trough is where you hold grain
23:10 and Jesus who is the Bread of Life
23:13 was placed in a bread basket, you might say.
23:15 And He was born in a town called Bethlehem
23:17 and the word Bethlehem means "house of bread."
23:19 So here you have the Bread of Life, put in a bread basket,
23:22 born in a town that is called the "house of bread,"
23:25 and that in itself is interesting.
23:27 The other thing is that this is sort of a reverse
23:31 of what happened at the death of Jesus.
23:33 The birth of Jesus, He enters the world,
23:35 the troughs they used,
23:38 the mangers they used for food,
23:41 in spite of what you might see Christmastime on a corner,
23:43 they usually carved them out of stone.
23:46 A donkey will chew up a wooden trough...
23:48 I used to have horses.
23:50 So they carved them out of stone
23:52 and the manger could have been located in a cave.
23:56 Around Bethlehem, it's a very rocky country,
23:58 and a lot of people say it wasn't a barn
24:00 as you think of on the East Coast of the US,
24:02 they got these big red barns,
24:04 but it was probably more like a cave
24:06 where the animals would stay out of the rain.
24:09 And so some have wondered,
24:10 isn't that interesting that when Jesus entered the world,
24:14 He was placed in a stone box and wrapped in cloth
24:19 and He came to life.
24:20 At the end of His life, He's placed in a virgin tomb
24:24 that had never been used before,
24:25 Jesus was put in a virgin womb,
24:28 and that He was wrapped in cloth.
24:30 There's a Joseph at the birth of Jesus
24:32 and there's a Joseph at the death of Jesus.
24:34 And it's kind of interesting.
24:38 I doubt it was a typical barn. It may have been a cave.
24:41 It may have been a shed where the animals were protected.
24:44 The Bible doesn't say,
24:45 so everything anyone says about it is pure speculation.
24:50 - [Karen] Go into detail.
24:52 - Yeah, the Bible gives very little detail.
24:54 Just says she brought forth her Son
24:55 and they placed Him in a manger
24:56 because there was no room in the inn.
24:59 Hey, thank you, Karen.
25:00 We sure appreciate your calling
25:01 and hope you call back again.
25:04 - Do we have time for one more caller
25:05 before we hit the break?
25:07 - If we, yeah, get a quick question maybe.
25:08 - Let's go to Bradley in Arizona.
25:10 Bradley, welcome to the program.
25:11 We have about a minute and a half before the break.
25:15 - [Bradley] Hi. On Revelation 22:2-
25:18 my question is if we're in Heaven
25:20 and we have glorified bodies
25:21 and we have access to the Tree of Life,
25:23 why do we need the leaves for the healing of the nations?
25:26 - Yeah, and it actually says in Ezekiel
25:28 and the leaves of the tree are for medicine.
25:31 Why would we need medicine?
25:33 Well, the way it's worded here in Revelation,
25:35 it doesn't say the leaves of the tree
25:37 are for the healing of sickness.
25:38 It's the healing of nations.
25:40 And now here in this world, people are all divided
25:43 by their languages and their cultures and their races.
25:48 And in Heaven, those divisions will not exist.
25:50 As we all gather under that massive Tree of Life,
25:54 under its shimmering leaves
25:56 and eat from that fruit that helps perpetuate life,
25:59 that all of the divisions that have separated the nations
26:02 here in this world will be dissolved.
26:05 And so it almost makes it sound like
26:06 it's the healing of the nations.
26:08 There's gonna be no sickness in the Kingdom.
26:10 And there may be some...
26:14 Not healing, is not the right word,
26:16 but there might be some vitalizing power to the leaves.
26:20 What happened to Popeye when he ate spinach?
26:22 So you can't rule it out.
26:25 I think every part of the tree's gonna be edible.
26:28 So they say they got that, what is it,
26:30 the Baobab tree there in Africa and Australia
26:33 that you can eat its fruit.
26:35 You can eat its sap.
26:37 You can eat its leaves when they're young.
26:38 They're like spinach.
26:39 They say just every part of it is a tree of life.
26:42 So I don't know, that might be the answer, Tim.
26:44 Anyway, hey, thank you very much for your question.
26:46 Don't go away, friends.
26:47 We're gonna take a break
26:48 and we're gonna come back in a few moments.
26:49 We've got more questions lined up.
26:51 We see those of you who are standing in line.
26:54 Hang on and endure to the end.
26:56 We'll get to your phone calls.
26:59 (bright/ grand music)
27:02 - [Narrator] Stay tuned.
27:03 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
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28:04 Just call 800-538-7275 or visit
28:11 - Terror attacks, natural disasters,
28:12 political instability, and global economic meltdown.
28:17 These are the images people generally associate
28:19 with the tribulation and the Day of the Lord.
28:22 But did you know the Bible speaks
28:24 about another Day of the Lord
28:26 just before the great Judgment Day?
28:28 Amazingly, imprinted on the very fabric of time itself
28:32 is a 24-hour period called the Sabbath
28:35 that was meant to forever be a time of restoration
28:38 for every human being.
28:40 A day the entire world has largely forgotten.
28:43 You'll be surprised to learn
28:45 how this special Day of the Lord
28:47 factors into last-day prophecies,
28:49 such as the mark of the beast, the seal of God,
28:52 and the great final tribulation.
28:54 It's all contained in this new eyeopening DVD series
28:58 called "The Last Day of Prophecy."
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29:12 - [Narrator] You're listening to "Bible Answers Live,"
29:15 where every question answered provides a clearer picture
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29:21 So what are you waiting for?
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29:29 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:33 If you'd like answers
29:34 to your Bible-related questions on the air,
29:36 please call us next Sunday
29:38 between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
29:41 To receive any of the Bible resources
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29:49 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:56 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
30:01 - Welcome back, listening friends, to "Bible Answers Live"
30:04 and this program is here for that purpose,
30:06 to do our best to answer your Bible question.
30:08 So if you have a Bible question, you can give us a call.
30:12 The number 800-GOD-SAYS, 800-463-7297.
30:18 And we're gonna get back to the phones.
30:19 My name is Pastor Doug Batchelor.
30:21 - My name is Jean Ross,
30:22 and we got Faye listening in Washington.
30:24 Faye, welcome to the program.
30:27 - [Faye] Hi.
30:27 - Hi. How can we help you?
30:29 - [Faye] I was just wondering
30:31 if you could kind of explain the Antichrist.
30:36 - We'll do our best.
30:38 - [Faye] Like what exactly it is? Yeah.
30:39 And then like other religions,
30:44 different churches being in Heaven, different religions.
30:48 - Okay. Yeah, well, first of all, will there be,
30:51 well, I believe there'll be Christians
30:54 from many denominations in the Kingdom.
30:55 So the idea that only one denomination
30:58 has a copyright on the Kingdom of Heaven...
31:02 I do think it matters what you believe,
31:04 but I think that God has sincere people
31:06 that are in many Christian persuasions.
31:10 On the first question about the Antichrist,
31:12 now, you find the word Antichrist five times in the Bible.
31:16 Interestingly, it is not found at all
31:18 in Revelation or Daniel.
31:20 It's found in 1 John four times,
31:22 the first letter of John.
31:23 And in 2 John, it's found once.
31:25 And notice what he says here:
31:28 It tells us that "My little children..." this is 1 John,
31:32 let me see, this is Verse 18 of Chapter two, 1 John 2:18:
31:37 "Little children, it is the last hour;
31:39 and you've heard that Antichrist is coming,
31:42 even now many antichrists have come,
31:46 by which we know it's the last hour."
31:50 An antichrist means against or opposed to.
31:53 So there were leaders back then,
31:55 powerful leaders that were opposed to Christ.
31:57 One of them actually put John in boiling oil
32:00 and miraculously survived.
32:02 But the main antichrist that we find
32:05 that is this little horn power from Daniel 7 and 8 and 11,
32:15 that has been identified.
32:18 Most Protestant Christians identified that with the papacy.
32:22 And I know folks are shocked to hear that,
32:23 but I'm just telling you that if you look at John Wesley
32:28 and John Calvin, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon,
32:32 you just kinda go up through the history
32:33 of the great Protestant preachers.
32:35 They said you cannot escape that beast power that you find,
32:39 for example, if you look in Revelation Chapter 17,
32:42 it talks about a woman, and that's a church,
32:45 that has become unfaithful,
32:47 sits among seven hills, Rome is the city of seven hills,
32:51 has a golden cup in her hand,
32:52 the golden chalice for the mass
32:54 is considered the most sacred vessel.
32:55 And they looked at Chapter 17 of Revelation by itself
32:59 and they said, "This is that antichrist power."
33:03 So I know that sounds like hate speech,
33:07 but I'm just telling you what the Protestants,
33:09 how they interpreted prophecy.
33:11 We have a lesson on that.
33:14 - We do. It's called "Who is the Antichrist?"
33:16 And I think Faye, you'd enjoy it,
33:17 or anyone wanting to learn more about what the Bible says,
33:19 this is pretty deep prophecy, so it's important though.
33:23 And the Bible talks about these various powers
33:26 and kingdoms and countries in the last days.
33:28 We'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
33:30 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
33:34 You can ask for the study guide.
33:35 It's called "Who is the Antichrist?"
33:37 And we'll send that to anyone who calls and asks.
33:40 Next caller that we have is Daniel listening in Colorado.
33:43 Daniel, welcome to the program.
33:46 - [Daniel] Hi, I have a question.
33:50 How do we know if the dinosaurs were dead in Noah's flood?
33:58 - Okay.
34:00 Now, we know a lot of animals died, not just dinosaurs,
34:03 but lions and tigers and bears died in Noah's flood.
34:06 The only ones that were saved
34:07 were the ones that were brought on the arc.
34:10 The unclean animals,
34:12 those that could not be used for either food or sacrifice,
34:15 they came by twos and the clean animals came by sevens.
34:20 Now, when you say dinosaur,
34:22 dinosaur are these big thunder lizards,
34:24 and they're giant reptiles.
34:27 They're a whole species of creatures that are extinct now.
34:31 You could argue and say, well, we still have crocodiles
34:35 and we still have, what do they call them?
34:40 These giant monitor lizards and the Komodo dragons.
34:44 I almost said Kubota tractors.
34:46 And so you've got all kinds of great reptiles
34:50 that are still in the world today.
34:51 There also used to be giant mammals.
34:54 They had, what was it, sloths that were 13 feet tall
34:59 and beavers that were eight feet.
35:01 And just a lot of mammals,
35:02 and bison that were as big as a house.
35:05 So all of the creatures
35:06 kind of were shrunk during the flood.
35:10 Then you read in the New Test,
35:12 I'm sorry, that you read following the flood,
35:15 there was this mighty hunter named Nimrod
35:17 and mighty hunters don't hunt mice.
35:19 Mighty hunters hunt big animals.
35:21 It could be that Noah had preserved
35:23 two of some of these greater reptiles
35:26 and they all got killed off, like the Dodo birds.
35:29 They were extinct.
35:31 So they're all gone now and all we've got is the fossils
35:37 of some of these giant reptiles and even mammals.
35:39 But thank you.
35:41 We've got a book that you would enjoy, Daniel.
35:45 It's got pictures too about the dinosaurs.
35:48 It's our magazine by Jim Pinkoski.
35:50 And if you go to the Amazing Facts website,
35:53 type in dinosaurs and you'll see our color,
35:56 it's kinda like a comic book Bible study.
35:58 I think if you're seven years old, you'll really enjoy that.
36:01 - Alright. Thanks for your call, Daniel.
36:03 We've got Lee listening from North Carolina.
36:05 Lee, welcome to the program.
36:07 - [Lee] Oh, thank you so much. Hi, pastors.
36:09 My question please is about the Holy Spirit.
36:12 I know that after Jesus left,
36:14 He sent the Holy Spirit to the apostles.
36:18 My question is what about the Old Testament prophets
36:22 and just God's faithful, Jehovah's faithful?
36:26 Did they have the Spirit?
36:28 I mean, did they just have it and not know it?
36:30 I guess the Trinity started right at the beginning.
36:33 I know Jesus was prophesied
36:35 about right from the Garden of Eden,
36:37 but I just didn't know when does the Holy Spirit enter.
36:39 Thank you so much.
36:41 - Yeah. Thanks for your question.
36:42 We sure appreciate it, Faye.
36:44 The Holy Spirit has been around, of course,
36:45 since the beginning.
36:46 There in Genesis where it tells us
36:49 the Spirit moved upon the face of the waters
36:50 right there at the beginning.
36:52 And you go to the last book in the Bible,
36:54 the last chapter, it says "The Spirit
36:55 and the bride say 'come.'"
36:58 And you read in the Old Testament,
37:00 it tells us the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson.
37:04 And then you read where Moses brought 70 elders
37:07 to Mount Sinai to present them before the Lord
37:10 and the Lord put his Holy Spirit upon them.
37:13 Well, it actually says he took the Spirit that was on Moses
37:15 and put it upon them, meaning God's Spirit
37:18 that God had given Moses, the same Spirit.
37:20 And when the Bible tells us that Elijah prayed
37:23 for a double portion of Elijah's Spirit,
37:24 well, that was the Holy Spirit.
37:27 And David, when he says in Psalm 51,
37:30 "Take not by Holy Spirit from me."
37:34 So there are many, many passages in the Old Testament
37:38 where you see the Spirit of God.
37:39 Now, you don't see the degree of the baptism
37:42 of the Holy Spirit that Jesus gave the apostles
37:44 until after the sacrifice of Christ.
37:47 The power and the miracles that were wrought
37:48 by the disciples was unparalleled
37:51 by virtually any Old Testament characters,
37:53 save Moses and Elijah,
37:54 but here you had 12 Spirit-filled prophets
37:57 going out and preaching about Jesus.
38:00 - So in other words, you're saying, Pastor Doug,
38:02 the Holy Spirit has always been active since the creation.
38:05 He's been speaking to the hearts of man, the Bible says,
38:08 it's the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.
38:10 So the Holy Spirit was speaking to the hearts of people
38:12 even before Christ came.
38:14 There were some God-fearing people who loved the Lord.
38:17 And of course, miracles did occur
38:19 in the Old Testament as well.
38:20 Some mighty miracles, even being resurrected from the dead.
38:24 - Yeah, the word spirit is found 617 times in the Bible
38:29 and many of them are Old Testament references.
38:33 Thank you, Faye, hope that helps a little bit.
38:35 And we do have a book
38:36 that talks about the need of the Holy Spirit.
38:37 You can download that or ask for it for free.
38:40 - The number to call is 800-835-6747.
38:43 And again, you can ask for that book,
38:45 it's called the "The Holy Spirit, the Need"
38:47 and we'll be happy to send that
38:48 to anyone who calls and asks.
38:50 Next caller we have is Kevin listening from Mississippi.
38:53 Kevin, welcome to the program.
38:56 - [Kevin] Yes, hi, so I was just wondering
38:59 when do a person need to be re-baptized?
39:02 - Okay, good question.
39:05 If a person falls,
39:07 at what point do they need to be re-baptized?
39:09 Now, a person can fall off a step
39:12 and they usually don't get too hurt.
39:13 If you fall off a cliff, it's more serious.
39:15 There's different kinds of falls.
39:17 It's normal for a Christian
39:19 as you're following the Lord to slip.
39:24 James says, "In many things we offend."
39:27 And as the sparks fly upwards,
39:30 so the children of men are prone
39:32 towards doing things wrong.
39:35 It's commonplace for Christians to sin in thought or action.
39:39 It should not be the pattern of their life.
39:41 And that's why we pray and we repent
39:44 and we look for God's ongoing mercy.
39:46 John tells us if we sin, to confess our sins
39:50 and He's faithful and just
39:51 to forgive us our sins and cleanse us.
39:54 And then we have the Lord's supper
39:55 as sort of a new beginning, that's like another level,
39:59 where we partake of that grape juice
40:03 representing the blood of Christ
40:04 and the bread representing the body of Christ.
40:08 And in some churches like ours,
40:09 they even participate in foot-washing service.
40:12 So we try to reenact that new beginning.
40:15 So in most cases, when a person, they make a mistake,
40:20 they might want to just look forward
40:22 to that communion service and get a new beginning.
40:24 If a person divorces themselves from the Lord,
40:26 they stop going to church, they stop confessing Christ,
40:30 and they drift away, when they come back
40:33 and they wanna make sure that they're committed
40:34 and they're back, they may need to be remarried.
40:41 And you've got examples of this
40:43 in a few places in the Bible, but we have a book on baptism
40:47 that will probably answer that question.
40:49 - The book is called "Baptism: Is it Really Necessary?"
40:51 And again, it talks about baptism, also re-baptism.
40:54 We'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
40:56 The number again 800-835-6747.
41:00 Ask for the book and we'll be happy to send it
41:01 to anyone who calls.
41:03 Thank you for your call, Kevin.
41:04 We've got Helen listening in Florida.
41:06 Helen, you're on the air.
41:08 - [Helen] Hi, thank you for taking my call.
41:11 - Hi, thank you.
41:14 - [Helen] My question is it's concerning Revelation 21:9-10.
41:21 I guess I just need clarification on the bride of Christ,
41:26 like who is the bride of Christ?
41:28 - Let me just read this.
41:29 It says, "Then one of the seven angels,"
41:31 this is Revelation 21:9,
41:34 "One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls
41:36 filled with the seven last plagues came to me
41:38 and talked with me saying,
41:40 'Come, I will show you the bride, the lamb's wife,'
41:43 and he carried me away in the spirit
41:45 to a great and high mountain,
41:47 and he showed me the great city, the Holy Jerusalem,
41:49 descending out of Heaven from God."
41:52 So the dwelling place for the people of God
41:55 is the New Jerusalem.
41:56 So it calls the New Jerusalem the bride.
41:58 It's not the buildings.
41:59 It's the people that will live in the buildings.
42:01 And so in the Old Testament,
42:04 they sometimes referred to Jerusalem as the City of God.
42:07 Well, God is not marrying stone
42:09 and two by fours and plaster.
42:11 It was the people that lived in the city.
42:14 And so the New Jerusalem again is the people, the church.
42:18 Now, one reason we know this is if you look
42:20 in Ephesians Chapter five, I think, Pastor Ross,
42:23 where it says, "Husbands love your wives
42:25 even as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her."
42:30 So we are to love our wives as Christ loves the church.
42:34 The church is like the bride of Christ.
42:35 - Yeah, that's Ephesians 5:25.
42:37 - There you go.
42:38 - One other thought on that,
42:40 the New Jerusalem is described as the bride of Christ,
42:42 of course, as Pastor Doug says,
42:43 gonna be populated by the Redeemed,
42:45 but Jesus has also promised a Kingdom.
42:47 The Bible talks about a new Heavens and a new Earth
42:49 wherein dwells righteousness,
42:51 and Jesus is gonna be the King of kings and Lord of lords.
42:54 The capital of this new kingdom on Earth
42:56 at the end of a thousand years when the Earth is recreated
42:58 is gonna be the New Jerusalem.
43:00 And the amazing thing is not only is the New Jerusalem
43:02 the capital of a world recreated,
43:05 but the Bible tells us that God is gonna be in the city.
43:08 Christ is gonna be in the city.
43:09 In essence, it becomes the capital of the entire universe,
43:12 the place that had fallen into sin,
43:15 redeemed now through the sacrifice of Christ,
43:18 is elevated as the center of the universe
43:21 because God's gonna dwell with these people.
43:23 That's an incredible thought.
43:24 - Amen.
43:25 I think we have a lesson
43:26 that's called "The Bride of Christ."
43:27 - We do, yeah.
43:28 We'd be happy to send that out again.
43:30 Again, the number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
43:34 Just ask for that book. It's called "The Bride of Christ."
43:36 One of our Amazing Facts study guides
43:39 and you'll enjoy reading that.
43:40 It's got a number of great passages from Scripture
43:43 talking about that subject.
43:44 Thanks for calling, Helen.
43:45 We've got Chris listening here in the US.
43:49 Hi, Chris, welcome to the program.
43:51 - [Chris] Hi, guys. How are you?
43:52 - Good.
43:54 - [Chris] Good, so I'm not always sure
43:55 how to word this question,
43:57 but I'm a baby Christian just since August of last year,
43:59 but my question is, would it be a characteristic of God
44:02 to allow a marriage born out of sin to end
44:07 and then use those two people newly converted
44:10 or one of them newly converted for His purpose
44:13 and then bring that marriage back together
44:14 built on a godly foundation?
44:16 - ...I wanna make sure I understand your question.
44:19 So you're asking if you've got a couple, one is converted,
44:25 they are married or they're separated
44:29 and they're coming back together again, can God use them?
44:32 Can you try and maybe restate that again
44:34 'cause I didn't catch what you were saying.
44:36 - [Chris] Yep, so you have two people
44:38 who entered into marriage built on sin in the beginning.
44:43 So God dismantled that marriage and allowed the divorce
44:46 and now one of them is converted
44:50 and being used for God's purpose or God's will.
44:52 And then God brings them back together after He's through
44:56 or brings them back together on His timing.
45:00 Would that be a characteristic of God?
45:03 - Well, I think that if you've got two people
45:05 and they were married and it fell apart for whatever reason
45:10 and one of them is converted, if they're legally divorced,
45:14 if one of them is thinking of remarrying,
45:16 I wouldn't remarry unless they're both agreed
45:19 on being Christians.
45:21 Can God do that?
45:22 He absolutely can, but I would not reenter into a marriage
45:28 where only one was converted
45:29 if they're already legally divorced.
45:32 So it'd be great if you're still friends
45:38 and you can do Bible studies together
45:40 and if you could come back together
45:42 and that can be a testimony.
45:43 I've seen that happen before.
45:46 Can God do that? He absolutely can.
45:48 - We got a book talking about the subject of marriage.
45:50 It's called "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage"
45:53 and I think it'll answer a lot of your questions.
45:55 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747
45:58 and you can ask for the book.
46:00 It's called "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage."
46:02 Thanks to your call, Chris.
46:03 We've got Jemima listening from Canada.
46:07 Jemima, welcome to the program.
46:10 - [Jemima] Good evening, Pastor Ross and Pastor Doug.
46:14 - Evening.
46:14 - [Jemima] So my question is
46:17 does God allows us to be punished
46:20 when we are being arrogant and boastful
46:27 and if we mock the Lord because from the Book of Daniel,
46:30 I read here Daniel 4:23-25
46:35 and this is talking about the seven years of illness
46:39 of King Nebuchadnezzar,
46:41 so God made King Nebuchadnezzar insane or mad
46:47 for being so boastful?
46:50 - Yes, it certainly is true that God often punishes pride.
46:55 Pride was the first great sin of the devil.
46:59 And it tells us in Proverbs,
47:01 a haughty spirit goes before a fall,
47:03 pride goes before destruction,
47:05 and a haughty spirit before a fall.
47:08 You can read in the Bible where King Herod
47:10 was boasting in Acts Chapter 12
47:14 and he was taking the prerogatives
47:16 and the worship that belongs to God
47:17 and the angel of the Lord struck him and he died.
47:22 And you can see where the Pharaoh hardened his heart
47:25 through pride and he was judged and punished.
47:28 And you've got the proud Pharisee who says,
47:31 "I thank you, I'm better than other men."
47:34 So yeah, pride is one of the most offensive things to God
47:37 and the Lord wants to save us from pride.
47:39 All of us struggle with pride in varying degrees,
47:41 but it's very hard for the Lord to reach an arrogant person.
47:45 That's why He wants us to humble ourselves...
47:47 it says the meek will inherit the Earth.
47:49 - Here's a verse in Proverbs 16:18 that says:
47:52 "Pride goes before destruction
47:54 and a haughty spirit before a fall."
47:56 That's pretty clear right there.
47:58 Alright. Thanks for your call, Jemima.
48:00 We've got Ashley listening in Washington.
48:02 Ashley, welcome to the program.
48:04 - [Ashley] Hi, thank you for having me.
48:05 I'm just wondering if it is appropriate
48:07 to decode the Book of Psalms?
48:09 I've been seeing a lot of different pastors
48:10 talking about it and I'm just wondering
48:11 if it's appropriate or biblical.
48:14 - So are you talking about where they sometimes take
48:17 the Hebrew letters and they say the Hebrew letters in Psalms
48:20 have different numerical value
48:23 and there's prophetic meaning
48:24 when you look at them that way?
48:25 Or are you talking about when they find Messianic prophecies
48:29 in the Book of Psalms?
48:33 - [Ashley] A little bit of both.
48:34 The big one I've been seeing
48:35 is that Psalms is the 19th book in
48:41 and the 48th from the end, so leaning to 1948,
48:44 and that Psalms 48 leads to the rebirth of Jerusalem
48:50 and they've tied a bunch of other prophecies to it.
48:52 I just wasn't sure if it's biblical to go off that.
48:57 - Okay, I'm glad you clarified that.
48:59 What you've just described there
49:01 is it's kinda like Bible study voodoo.
49:04 I don't think that God intended for us
49:06 to take the chapter numbers
49:08 and try to make anything out of that.
49:10 Chapter numbers were not part of the inspired message
49:16 that God is giving us.
49:18 And so if you start taking chapter numbers,
49:20 and the Psalms, the way they were arranged,
49:24 some actually have arranged the Psalms
49:25 where they take the Psalms of David
49:27 and they put them in a different category
49:28 with the Psalms of Solomon and the Psalms of Hezekiah.
49:31 The way we get it in the King James version,
49:33 they're all bundled together.
49:35 But to start trying to interpret the Psalm numbers
49:38 and chapters and verses
49:41 where you're mixing up the numerology
49:42 and trying to create secret messages,
49:47 that's like Bible bingo.
49:49 I don't think there's any message in that at all.
49:52 Now, what does blow us away, the Psalms are supernatural.
49:56 When you read in Psalm 22 where it says,
49:58 "They pierced My hands and My feet
50:00 and they gambled for My clothing,
50:02 and dogs have surrounded Me,"
50:05 that's an incredible prophecy
50:06 that talks about Jesus on the cross.
50:09 So those things are very powerful,
50:11 but to start mixing up the numbers
50:12 and trying to get messages out of that and make dates...
50:15 nah, I'd stay away from that.
50:18 I hope that helps a little bit.
50:20 - Alright, thanks for your call.
50:22 We've got David listening from Illinois.
50:24 David, welcome to the program.
50:28 - [David] Hello, Pastors. How are y'all doing tonight?
50:30 - Doing great. Thanks for calling.
50:34 - [David] My question is about the last generation.
50:39 I guess the best way I can put it is
50:44 was Adam and Eve,
50:47 when they had eaten the forbidden fruit,
50:50 God told Adam "For this day, you shall surely die."
50:57 Well, one day for God was like 1,000 years for Adam
51:02 and he lived to be what, 900, and what?
51:05 - 930 years.
51:08 - [David] Okay, and then with Moses,
51:13 he told Moses that he can see the Promised Land,
51:17 but he cannot enter it.
51:18 So when he did see it, he died right after.
51:23 And the same thing with the priest that saw baby Christ,
51:29 he was told that he would see the Christ
51:31 and right after that, he died.
51:34 So I guess the heart of my question would be
51:38 with the last generation that shall not die,
51:41 how will that play out?
51:43 Will it be like with the last person of the last generation?
51:50 It's a question I've been contemplating for quite a while.
51:53 - Alright, thank you so much, David.
51:55 Appreciate your question.
51:57 It is fascinating that God told Adam
51:59 in the day that you eat thereof, you will die.
52:02 And yet the Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3,
52:06 a day with the Lord is like 1,000 years
52:08 and 1,000 like a day.
52:10 And Peter's actually quoting from one of the Psalms
52:13 where it says 1,000 years in his sight
52:16 or an evening that is gone.
52:18 And so God said to Adam and Eve,
52:20 "You're gonna die in the day."
52:22 Well, they began to die spiritually as soon as they sin.
52:25 The death process began.
52:26 A matter of fact, it tells us I think in the Hebrew,
52:28 "In dying, you will die,"
52:30 so the dying process will begin,
52:32 but they didn't make it to that first millennium,
52:34 that first 1,000 years.
52:36 If 1,000 years is like a day, Adam,
52:39 even Methuselah and all the patriarchs,
52:41 died before they reached that first millennial day.
52:45 But as far as the last generation,
52:48 I think there's going to be a lot of people still alive
52:51 when Jesus comes.
52:52 He's gonna protect them and bring them out of this world
52:55 just like He saved the children of Israel out of Egypt
52:58 and He protected them from the 10 plagues.
53:01 He'll protect a lot of people from the seven last plagues.
53:04 What do you think, Pastor Ross? Can we squeeze in one more?
53:06 - Yes, I think so. Let's go to Michael in Montana.
53:09 Michael, welcome to the program.
53:11 - [Michael] It's a speculative question.
53:14 Say Adam and Eve did obey God and pass all the tests
53:20 that Satan threw at them from the tree,
53:24 what would've happened to Satan and his angels?
53:27 Would God have thrown him in some corner
53:28 or they would've just disintegrated?
53:30 I mean, this is speculation,
53:31 but I've been thinking about this.
53:33 - Okay, well it's fair enough. You're right.
53:35 It is kind of a speculating question
53:36 'cause you can have a hypothesis of what would happen.
53:43 It's hard to know without having the mind of God
53:44 and being able to interview Him,
53:46 but it could be that if every world had passed the tests,
53:52 I believe God has other unfallen worlds
53:53 that Satan probably tried to recruit,
53:55 but he found supporters down here,
53:58 if every other world had passed the tests
54:00 and Satan couldn't find any other followers,
54:02 God probably would've just destroyed Satan and his angels
54:06 'cause it says in Matthew 25 that the angel and his devils
54:12 will be thrown in his lake of fire.
54:13 - Matthew 25:41.
54:15 - Yeah, so their destruction was sealed,
54:19 but the way it works now
54:20 is anybody that follows the devil is gonna join him.
54:23 Hey, thank you so much, Michael. Appreciate that.
54:25 We do have a lesson called "Did God Create the Devil?"
54:27 and it touches on that subject.
54:29 - The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
54:32 Again, you can ask for the study guide.
54:34 It's called "Did God Create the Devil?"
54:37 - Now friends, just so you understand what's happening here.
54:39 We broadcast on land-based stations
54:41 and we broadcast on satellite across the nation.
54:44 There's a little different schedule with both.
54:46 We're gonna be signing off and saying farewell
54:48 to our friends that are listening on satellite,
54:50 but those of you that are listening either on the internet
54:53 or you're watching on AFTV or Better Life Television
54:56 or you're listening in on a land-based station,
54:59 we're gonna be coming back for two minutes
55:01 of rapid-fire Bible questions that you email into us.
55:05 And so don't go away.
55:06 Otherwise for those on satellite,
55:08 God bless and we'll study together again next week.
55:13 - [Narrator] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:16 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:19 "Bible Answers Live" is produced
55:21 by Amazing Facts International,
55:24 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:30 - Welcome back, friends, to our special part of the program
55:33 where we're gonna answer your Bible questions
55:35 that have been emailed in to us.
55:37 If you have a Bible question,
55:38 you can just contact Amazing Facts.
55:40 Send us an email through our website.
55:42 Well, Pastor Doug, we've got several.
55:43 Let's see how many we can get through
55:44 in the next two minutes.
55:46 Question number one. Was Melchizedek God?
55:50 - Well, no, of course, Melchizedek had the Spirit of God,
55:53 I'm sure, but the Bible tells us that he was a king
55:56 and he was a priest of a particular territory.
55:58 And he brought out food,
56:00 real food to Abraham and his friends.
56:03 And he received tithe,
56:04 which back then probably wasn't money,
56:06 but it was food and practical things
56:07 that they had won in the battle.
56:09 He was a real person.
56:10 And I just talked about that last week,
56:12 if they wanna go to Facebook and see my,
56:14 or two weeks ago, I dealt with that.
56:16 - Okay. Next question that we have,
56:18 is tithing only to be paid to a church
56:22 or is it okay to give tithe to somebody in need?
56:26 - Well, there's an example in the Book of,
56:27 I think it's Deuteronomy where when they went to a feast,
56:31 they could take a second tithe and they could maybe use that
56:35 to help with the poor along the way.
56:37 It was sort of like charity during the feast times
56:39 that they'd show. But the first principle tithe,
56:43 the Bible says that the tithe is holy to the Lord
56:46 and it was given to the Levites
56:48 and that was for the proclamation of the Gospel.
56:50 It wasn't to be distributed however a person said,
56:53 "I'm gonna send it to my favorite ministry."
56:56 It was to be going for the proclamation of the Gospel.
56:59 - Okay, next question that we have,
57:00 how do we know that good angels are with us?
57:04 - Well, God promises that.
57:05 I mean, I think there's things we can do to probably grieve
57:08 the good angels that are with us,
57:09 but the Bible says the angel of the Lord encamps
57:12 roundabout those that fear Him and delivers them.
57:16 And it tells us in Psalm 91:
57:18 "He will give His angels charge over you
57:20 to keep you in all of your ways."
57:21 And so God does have guardian angels watching us.
57:26 - Okay, next question, did Cain marry his sister?
57:29 And if so, where did he find her?
57:32 - Well, he found her probably pretty close to Adam and Eve.
57:35 He married his sister.
57:37 And back then, there was nothing wrong with that.
57:40 Technically, Adam sort of married his sister in Eve.
57:42 They both came from the same family.
57:44 And it wasn't until the time of Moses
57:46 that it was forbidden to marry close of kin.
57:50 - Okay, last question that we have, Pastor Doug,
57:52 could you quickly explain three days and three nights
57:55 that Christ was in the heart of the Earth?
57:57 Does that mean the tomb?
57:58 - No that's talking about the sufferings of Christ
58:01 that began in the garden when He said,
58:02 "Now is the hour of darkness,"
58:04 so that would be Thursday night,
58:06 Friday night, Saturday night,
58:07 He was suffering for the sins of the world.
58:10 Hey, friends, we love your questions.
58:11 We look forward to getting more from you.
58:13 And tune in again, we'll study His word together next week.
58:14 (bright/ grand music)
58:18 - [Narrator] "Bible Answers Live,"
58:20 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions!


Revised 2022-07-12