Bible Answers Live

Out of Time

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA022208S

00:00 (uplifting music)
00:03 - [Announcer] It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written, has been more loved, and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible. The Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live,"
00:22 providing accurate and practical answers
00:25 to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources
00:33 mentioned in this broadcast,
00:35 call 800-835-6747.
00:39 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:45 Now, here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:48 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 - Hello, listening friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:55 The largest wooden ship ever built in modern times,
00:58 was completed in 1909 by the firm
01:00 of Percy & Small in Bath, Maine.
01:04 They named it "The Wyoming,"
01:05 because Governor Brooks of Wyoming
01:07 was one of the chief investors.
01:09 The odd thing, is Wyoming is a landlocked state
01:12 with no ocean port.
01:14 Then again, Wyoming is a very big state
01:16 and this ship was enormous.
01:18 It was a six-masted schooner
01:20 with a length of 450 feet from tip to tip.
01:24 This made the Wyoming,
01:25 the largest wooden ship ever built.
01:28 Her six masts towered 120 feet above the deck.
01:31 And they flew 12,000 yards of sale.
01:34 To build the hull alone,
01:36 required a virtual forest of 1.5 million feet of pine.
01:41 And the Wyoming was a workhorse
01:43 that could carry 6,000 tons of coal.
01:47 But because of her extreme length in the wood construction,
01:50 the Wyoming tended to flex and creek in heavy seas
01:53 causing the long planks to twist
01:56 allowing seawater to leak in the hull.
01:59 The colossal ship had to use pumps constantly
02:01 to keep her hull free of water.
02:03 After 15 years of service, in March, 1924,
02:07 the Wyoming floundered and sank in a heavy storm
02:11 with all hands.
02:13 The Bible says there was another wooden boat
02:15 about the same dimensions as the Wyoming,
02:17 built by craftsman that had never been to sea,
02:21 and yet it survived the worst storm in history.
02:24 I'll give you two guesses, Pastor Ross,
02:26 what boat we're talking about?
02:28 - I think we all know. We're talking about Noah's Ark.
02:30 Which interestingly enough,
02:32 it's very close to the size of the Wyoming.
02:35 - That's right. - But probably not as wide.
02:36 Definitely, not as... the Ark was much higher--
02:40 - Different draft.
02:41 I think they just had a picture on the screen
02:43 of The Ark Encounter.
02:45 You and I were there in...
02:47 I forget where was that.
02:48 In Kentucky?
02:49 - Kentucky. - Yeah. And that's quite a...
02:51 And it's supposed to be built to scale.
02:54 By then, and that's quite an experience.
02:55 But according to the Bible,
02:57 the Ark was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 30 cubits high.
03:01 With a cubit using 18 inches, that would be 450 feet.
03:06 So, it's the same length as the Wyoming.
03:08 But it's kinda cheating a little
03:09 'cause the Wyoming is going from the bowsprit
03:13 to the back pole, off the back.
03:19 And the Ark was 75 feet wide, 45 feet high.
03:25 Yeah, it was a much bigger boat, but it survived a storm.
03:29 Now, you mentioned something before we went on the air,
03:31 I thought that was interesting,
03:33 is that all of the animals
03:36 before the flood that survived were on the Ark,
03:39 and the animals that did not survive
03:42 were on the Wyoming, because they had become coal.
03:44 - (laughs) That's right.
03:45 - And the Wyoming was a coal carrier.
03:49 - You wanna be a Noah's Ark, if you're the animal for sure.
03:51 - That's right.
03:53 Well, this reminds me of a verse that Jesus shares
03:55 in Matthew 24, and this is verse 37 to 39.
03:59 "But as the days of Noah were,
04:02 so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
04:05 For as in the days before the flood,
04:07 they were eating and drinking,
04:09 marrying and giving in marriage
04:11 until the day that Noah entered the Ark.
04:13 And they did not know until the flood came
04:15 and took them all away.
04:17 So, it will be with the coming of the Son of Man."
04:20 Seems to indicate, Pastor Ross,
04:22 that it's gonna seem like life's going on
04:26 with some normalcy when the end finally hits.
04:30 - Mm-hmm. Of course, the Ark was built,
04:32 and then all the animals entered into the Ark,
04:34 and that probably stirred people up.
04:36 But then, the door was closed
04:38 and it seemed as though things just kept going on the same
04:40 for the next seven days.
04:41 A matter of fact, the people outside the Ark
04:43 probably began to mock Noah in his family, inside the Ark.
04:46 But then, suddenly, the sky grew dark and the flood came.
04:49 - Yeah, absolutely.
04:51 And He warns us that, in the last days,
04:54 evil men and seducers, will wax worse and worse.
04:57 And just because it looks like life is going on,
04:59 it says, "Before the flood, they were eating and drinking,
05:03 marrying, and planning marriages."
05:05 Usually, looking forward when you plan a marriage.
05:07 "They were planting, they were building."
05:10 Those are things a person does when they're looking forward.
05:13 And then, boom, it's like Sodom and Gomorrah.
05:16 When they woke up that morning, it was a beautiful day.
05:20 Birds were tweeting from flower to flower.
05:24 I guess the birds were going from branch to branch.
05:26 The butterflies were going to the flowers.
05:27 - It's the hummingbird. - Yeah.
05:28 But then after Lot and his family got out, it says,
05:31 "God rained down fire and brimstone."
05:33 So, Jesus warns us that when the end comes,
05:36 it's gonna come suddenly.
05:38 And there's not gonna be an airplane writing it in the sky.
05:42 But we see some of the same signs
05:44 happening in the world today.
05:46 - We do have a book that talks about end-time events,
05:48 and it's called "The Last Night on Earth."
05:51 And it talks about this passage of Scripture
05:53 as well as others.
05:54 How can we be ready for what is yet to come?
05:56 This is a free offer for this evening.
05:58 If you'd like to receive it,
05:59 all you have to do is call the number 800-835-6747.
06:03 And you wanna ask for Offer Number 101.
06:06 Again, it's called "The Last Night on Earth,"
06:08 and we'll be happy to send it to to anyone who calls
06:10 and ask, it's 800-835-6747.
06:14 Ask for "The Last Night on Earth,"
06:15 and we'll be happy to put it in the mail
06:17 if you're North America.
06:18 If you're outside of North America,
06:19 please just go to the Amazing Facts website,
06:21 just
06:23 You'll be able to read the book right there online.
06:25 If you have a Bible question.
06:27 I see a number of folks already called in
06:28 and they're waiting.
06:30 But if you have a Bible question,
06:31 the number to call is 800-463-7297
06:34 That's 800-463-7297.
06:37 We wanna greet our friends, Pastor Doug,
06:39 who are watching on Amazing Facts TV.
06:41 I know there's folks watching on the Internet,
06:42 also on Good News TV, and then also on Facebook.
06:46 - Yup. - Incidentally,
06:47 we might wanna just mention.
06:48 If you're watching on Facebook, Pastor Doug's Facebook page,
06:51 also the "Amazing Facts" Facebook page.
06:53 If you have a Bible question,
06:54 you can type it there in the comments section.
06:57 And at the end of the program,
06:58 we're gonna try and answer the questions
07:00 that have already come in on our Facebook page.
07:02 So, you can do that.
07:04 - Alright. Want to have prayer?
07:05 And we'll go to phones. - Alright, let's do that.
07:06 Dear Father in Heaven, again we thank you for your Word.
07:08 Thank you for the opportunity
07:10 that we have to be able to study the Bible together.
07:11 And we do ask for the Holy Spirit to be with us here
07:14 in the studio, and those who are listening
07:15 wherever they are.
07:17 We ask this in Jesus name.
07:18 Amen. - Amen.
07:20 - First caller that we have this evening,
07:21 is from the Virgin Islands.
07:23 We have Shaiah.
07:25 Shaiah, welcome to the program.
07:27 - [Shaiah] Thank you.
07:28 So, my question is,
07:31 how was the idea of limbo created?
07:35 - The teaching of limbo is not found in the Bible.
07:38 The teaching of limbo is a construct
07:40 that has come from a Roman Catholic theology.
07:44 And it's describing sort of an in between world,
07:48 between Heaven and hell,
07:51 where souls are kept.
07:53 And to be honest with you,
07:54 I've not studied limbo in depth
07:55 because I don't find it in the Bible.
07:57 I like to spend most of my time studying the true
08:00 and not manufactured teachings.
08:03 As with purgatory.
08:04 Purgatory is another teaching
08:05 where supposedly in the Catholic church,
08:07 you die, but because Heaven is holy,
08:11 and for you to get to holy,
08:12 you need to go through a purging.
08:14 And so, you go through this fiery experience of purgatory
08:18 to prepare you for Heaven.
08:20 So, those teachings aren't in the Bible.
08:22 And I think the Catholic church
08:23 is actually abandoned the teaching of limbo.
08:26 I could be wrong, but I thought I read a few years ago
08:28 that they no longer teach that.
08:31 - Alright. Well, thank you for your call.
08:32 We've got Martha who is listening in California.
08:34 Martha, welcome to the program.
08:37 - [Martha] Thank you pastors for taking my call.
08:43 My question is based on Genesis 2: 7.
08:49 Some of my friends, believe that when you die,
08:53 your soul goes to Heaven.
08:56 But after reading Genesis 2: 7, which says,
09:00 "Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground,
09:06 and breathed into his nostrils, the breath of life.
09:08 And man became a living soul."
09:11 That gives me the impression,
09:13 that once a person dies
09:16 and the breath of life is gone,
09:18 that the soul ceases to exist.
09:21 Is that correct?
09:24 - Well, yeah, essentially, you could look at it
09:26 in these terms:
09:27 the Bible tells us and the word "soul" there,
09:32 are rather spirit or breath.
09:34 It's it's talking about "pneuma."
09:36 Well, in the Greek, it's "ruach..."
09:37 I'm sorry in the Hebrew, it's a "ruach,"
09:39 in the Greek, it's "pneuma" is the word.
09:41 They both mean breath.
09:43 And Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 12,
09:46 that when a person dies,
09:47 you basically have creation in reverse.
09:50 It says that the body returns to the earth as it was
09:53 and the spirit or the breath of life
09:55 returns to God who gave it.
09:56 So, right now, we think and function and operate,
09:59 because we have this gift of life, this breath of life,
10:03 and it functions in our bodies.
10:05 We experience life in our bodies.
10:08 Our brains even dream in our bodies.
10:10 When you die, who you are basically,
10:15 it's the programming that God has.
10:17 He saves that, and He's gonna,
10:19 in the resurrection, He puts it all in a new body.
10:22 we don't go to Heaven with the old bodies.
10:24 Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
10:27 So, we have a special study guide that actually deals
10:29 with the subject of death.
10:31 And it's got all the verses that explain the breath of life.
10:34 And we'll be happy to share a copy with you.
10:36 - The study guide is called, "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
10:39 And all you have to do to receive that,
10:40 is just call 800-835-6747.
10:43 You can ask for the study guide,
10:45 "Are the Dead Really Dead.?"
10:46 We'll be happy to send that to anyone in North America.
10:48 Pastor, we also have a website called
10:52 And if you wanna go to that website,
10:54 it's got a number of verses.
10:56 There's actually sermons you can watch there,
10:57 a lot of great resources, just
11:01 Martha, thank you for your call.
11:02 We've got Craig listening from Washington.
11:04 Craig, welcome to the program.
11:08 - [Craig] Hello. Thank you, guys.
11:10 I just wanna say, you guys have been inspirational to me,
11:13 and I thank you so much for your work.
11:17 - Well, it's a joy to do it.
11:18 Thank you so much for your encouragement, Craig.
11:21 And your question tonight?
11:24 - [Craig] Yeah, it was on Revelation 19: 10, where it says,
11:30 that the testimony of Jesus Christ
11:32 is the Spirit of prophecy.
11:34 - Yes. - And I hear all the time,
11:39 the gift of prophecy, rather than the Spirit of prophecy.
11:44 And I was just wondering, because
11:47 when I read John 6:63, it says,
11:52 "It is Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.
11:56 The words that I speak to you are Spirit,
11:58 and they are life."
12:01 What does that mean?
12:02 But you go back through John 2, 3, 4,
12:06 but John 2 says, "Jesus said to them,
12:09 'Destroy this Temple, and in three days I'll raise it up.'
12:13 Then the Jews said, 'It has taken 46 years
12:16 to build this temple,
12:17 and you will raise it up in three days?'
12:19 But he was speaking of the Temple of His body."
12:25 Jesus uses literal things like the temple
12:29 and applies them in an illustrative application
12:32 to other literal things like His body.
12:35 And that's the Spirit, right?
12:38 Of his language.
12:39 And so, when it says, the testimony of Jesus,
12:43 what He says, is the Spirit of prophecy.
12:46 And then, prophecy you got Babylon,
12:48 which is not literal Babylon,
12:51 the city, but it's the false religious system.
12:55 And you got all kinds of, Israel is nothing literal Israel,
12:59 but spiritual Israel.
13:01 And so, I was just wondering,
13:06 could that be what it's talking about or is it...?
13:10 - Well, let's talk about that for a second.
13:12 You know, when you read there in Revelation.
13:14 First of all, you look in Revelation 12 in the last verse
13:17 and it says, "And the dragon was wroth with a woman,
13:20 and he went to make war with the remnant of her seed
13:23 that keep the commandments of God,
13:25 and have the testimony of Jesus."
13:28 And so, you wonder what is the testimony of Jesus?
13:31 Well, you got a Revelation 19 there in verse 10,
13:34 the angel tells John,
13:35 "The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy."
13:38 Well, that goes along with Isaiah 8,
13:41 where it talks about the law and the prophets.
13:43 You can read that in Isaiah 8: 16.
13:45 And you can read it in Isaiah 8: 20,
13:48 where it tells us, "To the law and the testimony:
13:51 If they do not speak according to this Word,
13:53 it's because there's no light in them."
13:55 I would not over-complicate it if I were you, Craig,
13:58 because it's simply talking about the law
14:00 and the prophets there.
14:02 It says, "The woman keeps the commandments of God
14:04 and has the testimony of Jesus."
14:07 One of the gifts of the Spirit is prophecy.
14:10 So, calling it a gift, or calling it the Spirit of prophecy,
14:14 they're kind of interchangeable.
14:15 It's the Holy Spirit that gives the gift to prophecy.
14:18 So, it's basically just saying,
14:20 these two characteristics of God's church in the last days,
14:22 that she's got the law and the prophets.
14:24 She has the truth, the gifts of prophecy,
14:26 and obedient, commandment-keeping.
14:29 - The verse, I think you refer to, Pastor Doug,
14:30 Ephesians 4: 11, speaking about the church
14:33 and what the Spirit gives to the church.
14:35 "And He Himself," speaking of the Spirit,
14:37 "Gave some to be apostles and some prophets."
14:40 So, one of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit
14:42 to the church, is the gift of prophecy.
14:44 Also known as the Spirit of prophecy,
14:47 or the testimony of Jesus.
14:49 - Also, says that in 1st Corinthians 12.
14:51 It's one of the gifts, the Holy Spirit is prophecy.
14:55 Now, we have a book that talks about the two witnesses,
14:57 the Law and the prophets, and it references this first.
15:00 We'll send you a free copy.
15:01 I think it's called "The Glorious Mount:
15:03 Who Are the Two Witnesses?"
15:04 - If you'd like to receive that,
15:05 all you have to do is call,
15:06 once again, our resource number. That's 800-835-6747.
15:11 Ask for the book on the two witnesses
15:13 called the "Glorious Mount,"
15:14 and we'll be able to send that to anyone who calls and asks.
15:18 We have Josiah listening from New York.
15:20 Josiah, welcome to the program.
15:23 - [Josiah] Would it be inconsistent with God
15:26 if He had said something like in the Old Testament,
15:31 then later on,
15:34 change it in the New Testament?
15:36 For example, we have the Sabbath, right?
15:39 - Yup.
15:42 - [Josiah] Then another one is,
15:45 as a Seventh-Day Adventist,
15:47 we say that God's Sabbath still exists still today.
15:53 Then because, well, God does not change.
15:57 When you read Malachi 3: 6,
16:01 in the Book of Hebrew 13, the eighth chapter.
16:07 My question is in terms of who Israel is,
16:11 would it be inconsistent if God said,
16:13 true Israel was the people
16:21 from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
16:22 and the descendants of Jacob who later on become Israel?
16:26 So, He was dealing with them.
16:29 Then why today, the church is pitching that true Israel
16:33 is anybody who accept Christ?
16:36 - Okay, let's talk about that.
16:38 So, God says, "I am the Lord, I change not."
16:41 And then, you read in Hebrews,
16:42 I think you quoted, it was chapter 13,
16:44 "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever."
16:47 And if God called Abraham and the Jewish nation,
16:50 and said that He was gonna bless the world through them,
16:54 then why would God suddenly change and say,
16:57 now Israel is the church.
16:59 Well, the descendants of Abraham
17:01 have always been the church.
17:04 In other words, He's not changing in that.
17:06 What's happening, is even in the Old Testament,
17:09 just because you had Jewish blood,
17:11 didn't mean you were holy and you were gonna be saved.
17:14 There were good descendants of Abraham,
17:16 and there were some that were, they behaved very badly.
17:19 The apostles in Jesus,
17:20 of course, were descendants of Abraham.
17:22 And the people that killed Jesus, that handed Him over,
17:25 were also descendants of Abraham.
17:27 Jesus said to the religious leaders,
17:29 "You say you're children of Abraham,
17:31 you're not children of Abraham.
17:33 You are of your father, the devil."
17:35 Now, those were the enemies
17:36 that were fighting against the truth.
17:38 Then Paul tells us in Romans, he says, he is not a Jew,
17:41 which is one outwardly,
17:42 but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly.
17:45 And that circumcision is not in the flesh,
17:47 it's of the spirit.
17:48 And then, Galatians, Paul says,
17:50 "If you are Christ's, you are Abraham's seed."
17:53 So, it's always been true, Old and New Testament,
17:55 that those who came to God and believed,
17:57 even in the mosaic laws,
17:58 is the stranger that accepts the Lord, he was considered,
18:02 he was adopted into the family, he was grafted in.
18:05 And then, if you had people that were literally
18:08 children of Abraham or Israel, and they were disobedient,
18:11 they died in the wilderness.
18:12 They didn't make it to the Promised Land.
18:14 So, God's terms of salvation
18:15 have always been for those who follow Him,
18:18 that's His true family.
18:19 That's always been those who are
18:21 the spiritual descendants of Abraham.
18:25 So, no, we have a book that's called "Spiritual Israel."
18:27 That will explain this perfectly.
18:29 Josiah we'll be happy to send you a free copy.
18:31 - And the number again is 800-835-6747.
18:34 You can ask for the book it's called "Spiritual Israel."
18:37 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
18:40 Next caller that we have is Ginger listening in Nebraska.
18:42 Ginger, welcome to the program.
18:45 - [Ginger] Hello.
18:46 - Hi, thank you for calling.
18:49 - [Ginger] My question is are angels only in human form
18:52 or are angels in different living forms?
18:55 And what is a good Bible verse on angels?
18:58 - Well, it seems like an angel spoke through a donkey
19:02 in the story of Balaam,
19:03 and that would be a good angel.
19:05 And it seems like a bad angel
19:06 spoke through the serpent in the garden of Eden.
19:09 And that would be the devil.
19:11 And so, can angels speak through
19:15 or manipulate other creatures?
19:17 You also have a story where some angels, some demons,
19:21 filled a herd of pigs and the pigs went berserk
19:24 and ran off a cliff.
19:26 So, whether they took the form of pigs,
19:31 I don't know. The Bible does say concerning the devil,
19:34 and I think this is in 2nd Corinthians 11,
19:36 it says, "Satan himself is transformed
19:39 into an angel of light."
19:41 So, angels have some ability
19:43 maybe to transform their appearance.
19:46 And that's why we've gotta be careful
19:47 because some fallen angels have sometimes pretended
19:50 to be the spirits of dead people to manipulate others.
19:54 So, I dunno, what do you think, Pastor Ross?
19:55 - Yeah, we have the example, for example of,
19:59 let's see, as King Saul that went to the witch of Endor
20:02 and an evil spirit impersonated the prophet Samuel.
20:05 - [Pst. Doug] That's right.
20:06 - At least it appeared that it was Samuel.
20:07 So, there you have an evil spirit,
20:10 trying to take the place, or represent a deceased loved one.
20:13 And yeah, it does seem as though they can at least
20:15 take possession of animals.
20:17 You mentioned the pigs and others.
20:18 - Yeah. - And the serpent.
20:20 Of course, there's a dragon in the book Revelation.
20:22 Described as the devil too, (laughs) but it's interesting.
20:25 Yeah. Powerful beings, and there's good ones and bad ones.
20:28 - Now, Ginger, I've got a message online,
20:30 you can watch for free on YouTube.
20:32 And it's just, "Truth About Angels."
20:34 You can type in "Doug Batchelor Amazing Facts."
20:36 And we've got a couple of messages
20:38 that go into depth talking about angels.
20:41 - Okay. Thank you, we've got Robert listening in Washington.
20:43 Robert, welcome to the program.
20:45 - [Robert] Yes, it's about-- I was reading in Matthew 5
20:49 about the scribes the pharisees and how,
20:53 unless you've got their righteousness,
20:55 unless you exceed their righteousness,
20:57 then you won't able to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven.
21:01 - Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's verse 20.
21:05 - [Robert] Right, and they were really rigorous,
21:09 and just had all these hundreds
21:13 or thousands of rules kinda thing.
21:17 Is it easy to get into the Kingdom of Heaven or is it hard?
21:22 - Okay, good question.
21:23 Is it hard or easy to get into the Kingdom of Heaven?
21:26 By the way, before we even answer this question,
21:28 I don't wanna forget to let you know, we have a book.
21:30 And I don't think we've offered it before,
21:32 but it's in our lineup of free offers.
21:35 "Is it Easier to Be Saved or Lost?"
21:37 a great book by Joe Crews.
21:40 People automatically think,
21:41 "Well, strait is the gate, and narrow is the way.
21:43 It's hard to be saved."
21:45 But in reality, it's only gonna be a few number
21:48 because if few actually look.
21:50 The Bible says, "The way of the transgressor is hard."
21:53 Jesus said, "Take my yolk upon you.
21:55 My yolk is easy, My burden is light."
21:58 It's much easier to be saved and to serve Jesus
22:01 than to serve the devil.
22:02 The devil's like the Pharaoh, he's a hard task master.
22:05 Now, when it says here in Matthew 5: 20,
22:08 "I say to you, unless your righteousness
22:10 exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees,
22:13 you'll by no means be saved."
22:14 When Christ said, "Unless it exceeds a righteousness,"
22:17 He didn't mean you needed to be more fastidious
22:20 and exacting than the scribes and pharisees.
22:23 He meant you needed to have
22:24 a better quality of righteousness.
22:27 They were trusting their own righteousness.
22:29 We are trusting a higher righteousness.
22:31 It is the righteousness of Christ.
22:33 Now, they were trusting an outward.
22:36 Jesus is saying you must have inward change.
22:39 It's not just your outward actions,
22:41 it's your inward attitude and your spirit.
22:45 Yeah, it wasn't saying we needed to be more legalistic
22:47 than the scribes and pharisees,
22:49 it saying you needed a better quality than they had.
22:53 So, yeah, go ahead and make sure
22:56 and call asked for that book.
22:57 "Is it Easier to Be Saved or Lost?"
22:58 Robert and you'll be blessed.
23:00 - The number is 800-835-6747.
23:03 Ask for the book, "Is it Easier to Be Saved or Lost?"
23:06 And we'll send it out to you, Robert,
23:08 or anyone who calls and asks.
23:10 - Got time for one more before the break, I think?
23:11 - . I think we have Jeff in Montana.
23:13 Jeff, welcome to the program.
23:15 - [Jeff] Good evening. - Evening.
23:17 - [Jeff] Is the instruction of the law
23:19 in Deuteronomy 24: 3-4 still apply today?
23:24 And specifically, in the case of abandonment
23:26 in the first marriage?
23:28 And would the abomination before the Lord
23:31 be because of being with another partner,
23:33 or being married to another?
23:35 Because wasn't Hosea instructed to take back his wife
23:40 after she had been with another, but not married?
23:43 - Yeah. Good, good question.
23:44 First of all, for our friends listening.
23:47 Well, let me read the verse
23:48 and then I'll answer as well as I can.
23:50 It says here in Deuteronomy 24, I'll start with verse three.
23:55 Well "If a man divorces a woman," and it says,
23:58 "If the latter husband, she remarries,
24:01 if her latter husband detests her
24:03 and writes her a certificate of divorcement
24:04 and puts it in her hand, sends her out of his house.
24:07 Or if the latter husband dies, who took her, his wife,
24:09 then her former husband who divorced her
24:11 must not take her back to wife as she's been defiled
24:14 for this is an abomination before the Lord."
24:17 He said that basically, this could start...
24:20 What do you call it?
24:21 Wife swapping.
24:23 Here, you marry her for a while and that doesn't work out.
24:25 Then I'll marry her back again.
24:27 So, the Bible's clear,
24:30 God wants marriage to be permanent.
24:32 And if, Heaven forbid, there is a divorce,
24:36 divorce is not so you could try it out with someone else
24:38 and that doesn't work out, and you go back.
24:41 Now, what happened with Hosea.
24:43 And let me just back up.
24:45 Sometimes a man or woman will have an affair,
24:47 and those marriages can be redeemed.
24:49 Be very clear about that.
24:52 And the Lord tells us that He's forgiving.
24:55 God tells Hosea to marry a harlot.
24:58 Now, that's not normally what He tells
25:00 religious leaders to do.
25:02 This was to be an illustration, a living illustration
25:04 of how God was willing to love and take back the church,
25:08 His bride, even though she had been unfaithful
25:10 many times and gone after idols.
25:14 And when she was unfaithful again, He said,
25:15 "Take her back again," to illustrate
25:17 that even after many times of being a repeat offender,
25:23 the church has wandered from God, God forgives her,
25:25 and He takes her back.
25:26 It's the history of not only Israel,
25:28 but the history of the church.
25:30 - And, of course, this specific law
25:32 that we find in the Old Testament,
25:33 Jesus comments on this, in Matthew 19,
25:36 speaking to the religious leaders
25:38 about the certificate of divorce.
25:40 He says, "Moses said this because of the hardness
25:42 of your hearts."
25:43 So, this was not God's plan, at least not in the beginning,
25:47 but because of their stubbornness
25:48 and the hardness of their hearts, He allowed that law,
25:51 the certificate of divorce.
25:53 So, in one sense, yeah, it's true that God was trying to,
25:58 without a doubt, limit or help people
26:00 to recognize the sacredness of marriage.
26:02 It was to be a long-- a lifelong commitment.
26:06 But even that was plan B.
26:08 Plan A, was for them to remain married
26:11 as Jesus brings it out.
26:12 - Yeah, God doesn't want His people going
26:15 from a man and woman being married,
26:18 and they say, "Oh, we're having difficulties.
26:20 I think I'll go try and marry this other person."
26:21 And "Oh, that didn't work out.
26:22 I'll come back and marry you again."
26:24 And basically, saying that some people start thinking
26:29 the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.
26:31 And God created this law to prevent people
26:34 from ever thinking,
26:35 "I'll try that, and then I can come back."
26:36 They needed to know marriage was permanent
26:38 and divorce was permanent.
26:40 And it's a very, very serious matter.
26:42 So, listening friends, alright, don't go away.
26:44 We've got more Bible questions coming.
26:46 And don't forget, you could also take a look
26:49 at our website during the break,
26:52 A lot of the offers can be found there as well.
26:55 (bright/ upbeat music)
26:59 - [Announcer 1] Stay tuned, "Bible Answers Live"
27:01 will return shortly.
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28:02 (bright music)
28:06 - Okay, friends, let's start with the basics.
28:08 We know we're here, but we're not here for very long.
28:12 So, the most important thing would be,
28:14 if we could learn during this life, how to live forever.
28:17 This is the central focus of "Amazing Facts."
28:20 Now, there's a lot of wonderful things
28:21 that Christian ministries do.
28:23 I believe in Christian education.
28:25 But if the schools lose the message of salvation,
28:28 you end up with more educated sinners.
28:31 I think it's very important for us to build churches.
28:34 But if the churches lose the message of salvation,
28:37 they just become buildings and shells.
28:39 I think it's important to have a medical ministry
28:41 and build hospitals.
28:42 But if they separate that from the message of salvation,
28:46 you just prolong a sinner's life for a little while.
28:48 That's why for years, "Amazing Facts" has made it our focus
28:52 to present the saving truth that sets people free.
28:55 And, friends, we wanna thank you
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29:02 May God bless you, and keep "Amazing Facts" in your prayers.
29:06 (bright/ upbeat music)
29:09 - [Announcer] You're listening to "Bible Answers Live,"
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29:18 So, what are you waiting for?
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29:24 (bright/ upbeat music)
29:26 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
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29:33 please call us next Sunday
29:35 between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm Pacific Time.
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29:47 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:53 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
29:56 (bright/ upbeat music)
29:58 - Welcome back, listening friends to "Bible Answers Live."
30:00 And if you've got Bible questions, then give us a call.
30:02 This is a live, interactive, international Bible study,
30:06 and you can call the number 800-GOD-SAYS, or 800-463-7297.
30:13 And we will search the Word together for the answers.
30:16 My name is Doug Batchelor. - My name is Jean Ross.
30:19 And we've got Barbara who's listening in Tennessee.
30:22 Barbara, welcome to the program.
30:25 - [Barbara] Hi, thanks for taking my call.
30:28 The Bible says that the punishment for sin is death.
30:32 And, of course, Christ died on the cross
30:34 and took that punishment justifying us.
30:37 But what about His suffering?
30:40 Did His suffering in any way,
30:41 contribute to our justification?
30:44 I'm sorry. Did His suffering in any way
30:46 contribute to our justification and/or sanctification?
30:51 And I was actually looking at 1st Peter 2: 24.
30:55 - Alright. Well, let me read that for our friends
30:57 who are watching.
30:59 It says in 1st Peter 2:24, "Who Himself bore our sins
31:03 in His own body on the tree
31:05 that we having died to sin, might live for righteousness,
31:09 by whose stripes you were healed."
31:11 So, what about His suffering?
31:14 We know the penalty for sin is death.
31:16 But that statement is actually a summary.
31:18 The penalty for sin is not just death,
31:21 the penalty for sin is punishment
31:23 according to your works and death.
31:26 So, Jesus not only died on the cross.
31:28 It's not like they just flipped a switch
31:31 and Jesus went to sleep.
31:33 Jesus suffered and died.
31:34 And the suffering was the punishment for our sins.
31:38 There are varying degrees of reward
31:41 for both obedience, and service, and sacrifice,
31:44 and also for sin and disobedience.
31:46 Jesus said that he that knew his master's will
31:50 and did not do it, will be beaten with many stripes.
31:52 He that did not know his masters
31:54 will and didn't do it will be beaten with few stripes.
31:57 So, to be really honest, the penalty sin is not just dying.
32:04 Like you close your eyes and it's eternal darkness,
32:06 it's suffering and death.
32:08 And so, Jesus suffered for our sins on the cross.
32:12 - Mm-hmm. We also have the verse in Revelation 22.
32:15 It says that when Jesus comes,
32:17 He brings His rewards with Him
32:19 to give to every man according to their works."
32:20 - That's right. - So, there is a degree.
32:23 And of course, that does involve suffering for the wicked.
32:25 It's amazing, you read, for example, in the Bible,
32:27 you read about the Garden of Gethsemane,
32:29 and what Jesus went through.
32:31 Where it seems if the angel did not come and strengthen Him,
32:34 He would've died right there,
32:35 just bearing the weight of the sins of the world.
32:38 There was amazing, incredible suffering
32:41 more than we can ever imagine.
32:42 Which Jesus said, "My God, My God,
32:43 why Hast thou forsaken Me?"
32:44 So, that was very real.
32:47 It was Christ bearing our sins.
32:49 - So, yeah, Jesus experienced both mental
32:51 and physical suffering, taking our punishment.
32:55 And one more thought on that, Barbara,
32:57 is there's the parable of Matthew 18,
32:59 where this unmerciful servant,
33:01 he owes this incredible debt to the king...
33:04 king forgives him, but then he refuses
33:07 to forgive a fellow servant,
33:08 and has this fellow servant punished for a little debt.
33:12 The king says, "Your forgiveness is revoked
33:14 to the wicked servant."
33:16 And he says, "You are now going to the tormentors
33:18 to pay your debt."
33:19 So, there is punishment for sin.
33:22 - Alright, next caller that we have,
33:23 is also listening in Tennessee.
33:25 We have Jeff in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
33:27 Jeff, welcome to the program.
33:29 - [Jeff] I was just kinda wondering.
33:33 When a person loses a spouse,
33:36 and possibly remarries years down the road,
33:41 how does that play out on Resurrection Day?
33:44 Is it feasible for that person to end up with two spouses?
33:50 - Well, your question, and maybe Pastor Ross
33:52 will look at that where the sadducees ask Jesus
33:54 a very similar question.
33:57 They put a proposition to Jesus of a scenario
34:00 where this woman marries a man and he dies before her.
34:05 And so, according to the old Hebrew law,
34:07 his brother took her in and marries her, and then he dies.
34:11 And then, she marries another brother and he dies.
34:15 And I guess she goes through seven brothers, they all die.
34:17 And then, she dies eventually from old age.
34:21 And, (laughs) I wouldn't marry her
34:24 after the third or fourth guy dies.
34:26 I'd think she's bad luck.
34:27 But anyway, so this is the illustration
34:28 that they gave Jesus.
34:30 And they said, "Who is she married to in the Resurrection?"
34:33 And Jesus said to them, "You do err."
34:35 Now, did you have the verse,
34:36 you wanna read it? - Yes. Matthew chapter 22.
34:39 The answer, Jesus answers verse 29,
34:41 "Jesus answered and said to them,
34:42 'You are mistaken, not knowing the Scripture
34:44 or the power of God.
34:45 For in the Resurrection, they neither marry
34:47 nor are given in marriage,
34:49 but are like the angels of God in Heaven.'"
34:51 - Right, so it seems like in Heaven,
34:55 one of the reasons God has marriage and procreation,
34:57 He said, "Be fruitful and fill the Earth."
35:00 God wants us to have loving relationships with everybody,
35:04 but there was something unique about marriage relationships.
35:07 Now, does that mean that when Adam and Eve get to Heaven,
35:10 assuming they're both saved,
35:11 that God gives them divorce papers?
35:13 Not necessarily.
35:15 I mean, people who are married to their best friend,
35:17 what would prevent them from being best friends in Heaven?
35:20 And there are gonna be pleasures in Heaven
35:22 that will far outweigh any physical pleasure
35:26 of marital intimacy, that Paul says,
35:28 you can't even imagine the things
35:29 that God has prepared for those that love Him.
35:31 And so, no one's gonna get to Heaven
35:33 and feel like that they've lost out.
35:35 If you wanna be with your former spouse,
35:38 then, by all means.
35:40 I've often thought about when -King David will be in Heaven-
35:45 sounds like Uriah will be in Heaven.
35:47 He was a faithful soldier, worshiped God,
35:49 Bathsheba sounds like she'll be in Heaven.
35:53 And so, that's gonna be an interesting reunion
35:56 if you know the story,
35:57 'cause David had Uriah killed to take his wife,
35:59 and they're all gonna be in Heaven
36:01 'cause they all repented, and it'll be strange.
36:03 So, who's David married to?
36:05 Who's Uriah married to?
36:06 Probably, not gonna be married to anybody.
36:09 They can just be friends with their friends.
36:12 - Alright, well thanks for your call.
36:14 The Bible does say, Pastor Doug, "Eye has not seen
36:16 nor ear heard, neither is it entered into the heart of man
36:18 the things that God is preparing for those that love Him."
36:21 Sometimes you speak to young people and they think,
36:22 "Well, I don't want Jesus to come just yet.
36:24 I haven't had a chance to get married."
36:26 Well, no you won't be disappointed
36:27 when you get to Heaven, for sure.
36:29 - [Pst. Doug] That's right.
36:30 - We've got Oscar listening in New York.
36:32 Oscar, welcome to the program.
36:34 - [Oscar] Yes, sir. Thank you.
36:36 I would like to understand salvation.
36:39 I was talking to a man
36:40 and he told me that if we have a choice,
36:44 then God will not be in complete control.
36:46 So, my question is, do we have a choice,
36:49 or do we respond to God when it comes to salvation?
36:54 - Well, you absolutely have a choice,
36:57 because that's why Joshua said,
36:59 "Choose you this day, who you will serve."
37:03 And Jesus said, "Whosoever believes in Me,
37:08 shall not perish, but have everlasting life."
37:11 The only way that we can love God,
37:13 is because we have a choice.
37:15 If we are pre-programmed or forced to love God,
37:17 it stops being love.
37:19 It's just, we become robots that are just repeating,
37:21 "I love you, God. I love you God."
37:23 And it's like, we'd have no choice.
37:26 But love must be freely given.
37:28 It must be an intelligent choice.
37:31 And so, nothing is more important than the exercise
37:35 of the will, and God has given humans a free will.
37:38 So, absolutely, we can choose to follow Jesus.
37:41 Some chose yes and some chose no.
37:44 Some started out yes, and then, they changed their mind.
37:46 Some started out saying no, like the boys in the parable,
37:50 and then, one repented and said, "I will follow you.
37:52 I will do my father's will."
37:54 So, yeah, we are free moral agents that can choose.
37:58 - Yes. We mentioned the book a little earlier,
37:59 "Can a Save Man Choose to Be Lost?"
38:02 Well that deals with that same subject.
38:04 - Please order that Oscar, it's free.
38:06 - The number to call is 800-835-6747.
38:09 You can ask for the book,
38:10 "Can a Saved Man Choose to Be Lost?"
38:12 And it deals with the subject of predestination.
38:14 What does the Bible teach on that?
38:17 We've got Kelly listening in Utah.
38:18 Kelly, welcome to the program.
38:20 - [Kelly] Yes. Thank you.
38:22 I have a question that has to do with two Bible verses.
38:26 The first one is Psalm 5: 4 that says,
38:31 "For Thou art not a God that has pleasure and wickedness;
38:35 neither shall evil dwell with Thee.
38:38 And then, I'm looking at Job 2 where it says,
38:45 "Once again, the sons of God came to present themselves
38:46 before the Lord, and Satan also came with them.
38:49 And the Lord said to Satan, 'Whence do you come?'
38:53 And Satan answered the Lord and said,
38:55 'From roaming the Earth and patrolling it.'"
38:58 I'm just wondering, how is Satan able
39:02 to be in the presence of God if he's evil?
39:09 - Yeah, especially after you read Psalm 5: 4.
39:15 Well, I don't think that the devil
39:16 abides in the presence of God.
39:18 I don't think the devil enjoys the presence of God.
39:21 The Bible tells us that Satan
39:23 claims to be the prince of this world.
39:25 Of course, we know that the devil
39:26 was in the presence of Jesus when he came to tempt Him.
39:29 And we know there was a war in Heaven
39:31 where Michael and His angels
39:33 threw out the devil and his angels.
39:35 But Satan has claimed this world
39:37 because Adam and Eve surrendered dominion
39:39 when they chose to obey the devil.
39:41 And so, whenever these Heavenly leaders get together,
39:44 as you have in Revelation 5,
39:47 and in the book of Job 1
39:49 I think it's Job 1 and 2,
39:52 that Satan comes saying, he's a representative of the Earth.
39:55 I don't think he abides in Heaven.
39:57 I don't know how close he gets to God's presence,
39:59 but he comes close enough to make accusations.
40:02 So, I don't know if that's answering your question, Kelly.
40:05 Does that make sense?
40:09 - [Kelly] Yeah, it's just kind of like me, for instance,
40:13 I can't be in the presence of God because of my sin.
40:16 And I guess, I'm still able to talk to God
40:19 and stuff like that, but...
40:22 - Well, keep in mind that you and I can't,
40:25 we can't see good angels and we can't see bad angels,
40:27 unless there's a rare manifestation.
40:29 Sometimes good angels and bad angels might appear.
40:33 We're physical creatures.
40:35 We kinda lost our spiritual dimension with sin.
40:38 The devil is a spirit.
40:40 The Bible says, "We wrestle against not flesh and blood,
40:43 but spiritual powers in Heavenly places."
40:46 And so, as a spirit, and Jesus says God is spirit,
40:49 Those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.
40:52 There's a whole different world that's going on out there
40:55 that we've kind of lost contact with.
40:57 So, it's hard for me to identify with that,
41:00 but it is different, I think for humans
41:02 than it is for angels.
41:05 - Alright. Well, thank you for your call.
41:07 We've got Linda listening in California.
41:09 Linda, welcome to the program.
41:12 - [Linda] My question is Psalms 91: 1.
41:17 It talks about the secret place of the Most High.
41:23 How do we dwell in that secret place?
41:24 What is that secret place?
41:27 - That is a good question.
41:29 I think that what it's describing here,
41:31 is the spirit-filled life.
41:34 Paul talks about those who are in Christ.
41:38 And when we surrender our lives
41:40 and we experience the new birth,
41:42 we can live lives where we are in communion with God.
41:45 We're walking with God like Enoch.
41:48 That we are living in trust.
41:50 Paul had that experience where he said,
41:52 "I've learned in whatever state I am to be content.
41:55 I'm totally in God's will.
41:56 Whatever God wants to do with me is His business.
41:58 Because I am in God," so to speak.
42:02 And so, what do you think, Pastor Ross?
42:03 What is that secret place? - Yeah, absolutely.
42:05 Well, I think it also refers to a special time
42:08 of communion with God.
42:10 We know that Jesus arose early in the morning
42:12 and He spent time in prayer.
42:13 Without a doubt, He spent time reading and studying.
42:16 And I think if we do that on a regular basis every day,
42:19 take some time, spend time in His Word,
42:21 spend time in prayer,
42:22 we are dwelling in that secret place of power,
42:25 where the Spirit of God is working
42:27 in our hearts and in our lives.
42:28 And that is a place of peace, that is a place of joy.
42:31 It becomes our fortress in a world of sin.
42:34 And that's how a person lives a victorious life.
42:36 So, I think that's also part
42:37 of dwelling in the secret place of the Most High.
42:41 - Amen. Alright, thank you.
42:42 And that's a good answer.
42:43 It's also your personal devotions,
42:45 is another way to be in that secret place.
42:47 - Next caller that we have is Tae Vision.
42:51 Tae Vision from Illinois.
42:52 Tae Vision, welcome to the program.
42:54 - I think it's Tayvion
42:55 - Tayvion? sorry.
42:56 - [Tayvion] There you go, Pastor.
42:57 - Alright. - No, you're fine.
43:02 So, essentially, my question is in regards
43:04 to Deuteronomy, not Deuteronomy.
43:08 My word, Numbers 31 verses...
43:13 Like it's the last two verses, if I remember correctly.
43:17 It was seven...
43:18 No, it was verse 18.
43:24 It's essentially regarding
43:25 into where the Israelites were to go into the land,
43:28 if I remember correctly.
43:30 And essentially, those who were committing adultery,
43:33 or who had slept with a man, they were to be killed.
43:37 And I believe it was the sons
43:38 and the males were to be killed,
43:40 but the wives were to be left alive for yourselves.
43:46 I'm quite certain, that's not like saying in a sense
43:49 that they promoted sexual slavery,
43:53 but rather, what does it mean?
43:57 - Alright. Yeah, good question.
43:59 And these are tough times, you know?
44:00 And Moses is giving a law here regarding war.
44:04 And sometimes they, when one nation
44:06 fought against another nation,
44:08 they didn't wanna keep fighting that battle,
44:10 they would annihilate them.
44:13 But God told Moses, He said,
44:14 "Look, if you go to war with your enemy,
44:19 the boys might grow up and want vengeance."
44:22 Everyone believed that you had a blood feud forever
44:26 if your parents or grandparents were killed by a nation,
44:28 they were forever your enemies.
44:30 So they would often annihilate
44:32 all the soldiers and the males,
44:34 and the women who were married.
44:36 But he young ladies that were not married,
44:40 they could be eligible to be saved and be wives in Israel.
44:47 They were treated with the respect of wives.
44:48 They were not treated like sex slaves, as you said.
44:51 So, that was the kind of,
44:55 some of the barbaric,
44:57 barbaric times
44:59 in which they lived.
45:01 - Mm-hmm, and, of course, part of it,
45:02 as you mentioned, Pastor Doug, is in order for Israel
45:05 to preserve a true faith and true worship,
45:08 they had to limit the influence that the pagan nations
45:12 around them would have on them.
45:14 And if there was not this type of cleansing of the land.
45:19 And, of course, even though that happened,
45:20 we still see Israel drifting back into idolatry
45:23 and following the customs of the pagan nations.
45:25 It would've been so much worse
45:27 if they had allowed those nations to remain.
45:30 - Yeah, and one more thing in that verse
45:31 that you're asking about.
45:33 This is dealing with a battle against the Moabites.
45:37 And the Moabite women had gone in among the men
45:41 to seduce them into idolatry.
45:43 And if you look a little earlier,
45:45 Moses says in verse 16,
45:46 "Look, these women caused the children of Israel
45:49 through the council of Balaam,
45:50 to trespass against the Lord in the incident of Peor,
45:54 where there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.
45:57 Now, kill every male among the little ones
45:59 and kill every woman who's known a man."
46:01 'Cause some of those women who had gone into seduce the men
46:05 and lead them into idolatry.
46:07 But he said, you can spare the maidens
46:09 that were un-betrothed.
46:11 So, this was connected with an actual event
46:14 where those women had seduced the men of Israel into sin.
46:19 - Alright. Thanks for your call.
46:20 We've got Charles listening in Somerset, California.
46:23 Charles, welcome to the program.
46:25 - [Charles] Hey, great talking to you guys.
46:28 - Yeah, thanks for calling.
46:30 - [Charles] I was wondering where the authority
46:33 comes from to use the day-year principle in Daniel 8: 14
46:38 when the original Hebrew word "Yom,"
46:41 Strong's Number 317,
46:44 or "day" is not in that text.
46:48 That for your audience is the word used
46:51 in Numbers and Ezekiel,
46:53 which God allows to be translated into years,
46:55 but it's not in Daniel 8: 14.
46:58 - Yup. Let's talk about it.
47:00 Now, this is a prophecy about the 2,300 days,
47:05 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.
47:07 And in some places it says 2000 evenings and mornings.
47:12 And it's talking about the Day of Atonement.
47:14 Once a year, on the Day of Atonement,
47:16 they had this special ceremony.
47:18 So, whether you say you apply
47:21 the day-for-the-year principle,
47:24 that would be 2,300 years.
47:26 Or if you say, 2,300 Days of Atonement.
47:30 Well, the Day of Atonement only came once a year.
47:33 So, you're saying 2,300 days of atonement,
47:35 that's 2,300 years.
47:37 You end up with the same answer either way.
47:41 Or maybe, Pastor Ross has something to add.
47:43 - Yeah, the actual expression itself
47:45 literally translated as evening, morning,
47:48 or evenings mornings.
47:50 Well, there's only one morning and one evening every day.
47:53 So, if there's 2300 evening, and 2300 mornings,
47:58 well, that would mean there's 2300 days.
48:00 We also see a very similar description in Genesis.
48:04 The evening and the morning with the first day.
48:06 - Right. - The same kind of idea.
48:07 So, there's a clear connection
48:08 between the word evening-mornings
48:11 to an actual 24-hour period or a day.
48:13 - Yeah, and for the Jews, they had in a day,
48:15 they would have the morning and the evening sacrifice,
48:18 so it's describing a day.
48:20 - And it's connected with the Sanctuary.
48:21 - Either way, whether you say it's 2300 days of atonement,
48:24 or 2300 days, and a days a year in prophecy, the prophecy...
48:29 And the other thing is, it only works that way.
48:33 If you say that the 2300-day prophecy in Daniel 8: 14,
48:39 if there are literal days,
48:42 2,300 days, doesn't reach to any event
48:46 that fills the prophecy.
48:47 But if you do 2,300 years, it certainly does.
48:51 So, it also fits, that's one more argument.
48:54 - Right. Right.
48:55 And we see some consistency throughout
48:56 these various numbers in the Book of Daniel
48:59 referring to one prophetic days
49:00 you get the one literal year.
49:01 - Yeah. - Also, in Revelation.
49:03 Alright. Thanks for your call.
49:04 We got Linda listening in Arizona.
49:06 Linda, welcome to the program.
49:09 - [Linda] I am conflicted,
49:12 concerning Romans 7: 19-25.
49:17 And I associate it with self-sabotage.
49:20 And it was when Paul was speaking,
49:24 because I have been filled with the Holy Spirit,
49:28 but I have not gained obedience.
49:32 And I have had the Holy Spirit since 2003.
49:36 And I've always struggled with that.
49:38 It's like a spiritual warfare within.
49:41 So, can you please explain Romans 7: 19-25?
49:48 - Alright, well, let me read this.
49:49 I may not be able 'cause we've only got a few minutes.
49:51 May not be able to unpack all of it,
49:54 but let me read versus 19 and 20.
49:56 "For the good that I will to do, I do not.
49:59 But the evil that I do not, that I practice.
50:02 Now, if I do that, which I will not,
50:04 it's no longer I, but sin that dwells in me.
50:07 So, I find that a law of evil is present with me.
50:10 The one who wills to do good,
50:11 for I delight in the law according to the inward man,
50:14 which I see another law at war in my members.
50:17 Making war, bringing me in captivity to the law of sin,
50:20 which is in my members."
50:22 Then he asks a question, verse 24,
50:24 "O wretched man that I am!
50:26 Who will deliver me from the body of this death?"
50:29 Talking about the lusts and the problems of the flesh,
50:32 then he answers:
50:33 "I thank God through the Lord Jesus Christ!
50:36 So then with my mind, I serve the law of God,
50:39 but with the flesh, the law of sin."
50:40 You have to read the next verse in chapter eight.
50:44 "There is now no condemnation
50:46 to those who are in Christ Jesus,
50:49 who do not walk according to the flesh,
50:51 but according to the Spirit.
50:53 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
50:56 has made me free from the law of sin and death.
50:59 For what the law could not do,
51:00 in that it was weak through the flesh,
51:02 God did by sending His own Son
51:04 in the likeness of sinful flesh.
51:06 On account of sin, He condemned sin in the flesh
51:09 that the righteous requirement of the law
51:12 might be fulfilled in us
51:14 who do not walk according to the flesh,
51:17 but according to the Spirit."
51:19 So, when you're filled with the Holy Spirit, for one thing,
51:22 don't be discouraged thinking,
51:23 "Well, that means I'll never sin again."
51:25 One thing the Holy Spirit does,
51:27 is He convicts us of our sin.
51:29 You know, when the whole light is turned on,
51:31 sometimes there's pain and there might be a struggle
51:33 as a baby's learning to walk.
51:35 Do not be discouraged, Linda,
51:37 continue to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
51:40 That same God who helped me give up drugs,
51:43 and drinking, and cursing, and all those other evil things-
51:46 He, who has begun a good work in you, will perform it.
51:49 It doesn't necessarily change in one day.
51:52 This is called the process of sanctification.
51:55 - Yeah, absolutely. We gain victories step by step.
51:58 And so, the Lord leads us.
51:59 And I remember there was a lady
52:02 that joined our church one time and she said,
52:04 "Before I received Christ,
52:05 I thought all I had to do was stop smoking
52:07 and I'd be perfect."
52:09 Well, God gave her victory over smoking and she realized,
52:11 "Wait, there's some other things in life
52:12 that God is leading me as well."
52:14 And so, our growth in grace is the journey.
52:17 Sanctification is the work of a lifetime.
52:19 We mustn't give up though.
52:20 We keep pressing towards the mark.
52:22 - Absolutely, and there is a battle in the Christian life,
52:26 the battles in life, no matter what.
52:28 Paul said, "We wrestle, we strive, we war,
52:33 we run, we resist."
52:35 There is some effort,
52:36 and you know you wanna do what you can to avoid temptation.
52:40 By the way, that would be a good book I think
52:42 that would be a blessing for you, Linda.
52:43 We'll send you a free book, "Tips on Resisting Temptation."
52:47 Also, talks about, how do you get the victory?
52:49 - Mm-hmm. The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
52:53 And you can ask for the book,
52:54 "Tips for Resisting Temptation."
52:57 The Bible says, "A righteous man,
52:58 he might fall seven times, but he gets up."
53:00 And so, the key is not giving up.
53:02 Keep trusting, keep seeking the Lord.
53:04 All things are possible through Christ.
53:06 - Yeah, the principle that we see
53:09 the Apostles talking about, is growing in grace.
53:13 We grow in holiness, in following the Lord.
53:16 So, what you're sharing, Linda, thousands out there,
53:19 millions out there have the same struggle, you're not alone,
53:23 but you can grow in grace.
53:24 It is possible to be a new creature
53:26 where old things are passed away, and all things become new.
53:30 Alright, Pastor Ross, I don't think we have time
53:32 for another question.
53:35 - However, we do wanna remind friends.
53:36 We do have to say goodbye to those listening
53:39 on satellite radio here in just a minute and a half.
53:42 But for those of you are watching on Amazing Facts TV,
53:45 or you're listening on a land-based radio station,
53:48 we are gonna be coming back
53:49 with some rapid-fire Bible questions.
53:51 And these are the questions that you have written in
53:53 to us here at "Amazing Facts."
53:55 If you have a Bible question,
53:56 and we didn't get to it in the program tonight.
53:58 And if you are watching on social media,
54:00 you can just type your Bible question
54:01 right there on Facebook,
54:03 and we'll gather these questions together.
54:05 And next week, we'll try to answer
54:06 as many of these questions as we can
54:09 after we take a little break
54:10 that's coming up here in about a minute.
54:12 But you know Pastor Doug, we always like to remind people
54:14 that there are many resources available to them
54:16 for further study at "Amazing Facts."
54:19 - That's right.
54:20 Now, if someone wants to send in a Bible question
54:22 for next week, what's the address for that?
54:26 - It's
54:29 And I see they put that on the screen,
54:33 And you can send us your question,
54:35 and we will try and answer it on the air.
54:37 - Yeah. So, we kinda sign off in two stages.
54:39 We sign off, we say, so long, arrivederci,
54:42 aloha to our friends listening on satellite.
54:45 And then, we take two minutes where we're still on the air,
54:48 and we're gonna be taking Bible questions
54:50 for everybody else that's listening in.
54:52 And you can send us those online Bible questions.
54:55 This is where we try to go through it
54:57 as quickly as we can.
54:58 It's sort of like a test, "Rapid-Fire Bible Questions."
55:02 But for all our friends that are out there on the road,
55:04 or listening on satellite radio, God bless you.
55:06 God willing, we will be back to study
55:08 His word with you again next week.
55:10 For the others, stand by.
55:12 (bright/ uplifting music)
55:15 - [Announcer] Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:17 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:21 "Bible Answers Live" is produced
55:23 by Amazing Facts International,
55:25 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:31 - Welcome back, friends.
55:32 We got about a 2 and a half minutes left,
55:34 and we're gonna try to answer
55:36 as many questions that have been written into the ministry.
55:39 "Who does the pregnant woman
55:40 in the book Revelation represent?"
55:43 - Alright, now you'll find that in Revelation 12,
55:46 talks about a woman standing on the moon,
55:48 clothed with the sun, 12 stars above her head.
55:51 This is the church of the Lord.
55:54 The bride of Christ, standing on the moon,
55:56 the promises of the Old Testament,
55:59 clothed with the sun, the glory of Jesus.
56:01 In the new Testament, 12 stars talking about the leadership,
56:05 patriarchs in the Old Testament.
56:07 Tribes, apostles in the New Testament,
56:09 and the devil's out to get her and persecute her.
56:12 And that's what you see, the dragons mad at her.
56:15 - Okay, next question that we have,
56:16 "Does the Bible say capital punishment is okay?"
56:21 - Well, I don't wanna make it sound like, when you say,
56:23 "okay," it means, "Sure, let's kill 'em."
56:26 But does the Bible allow for that?
56:28 And the answer would have to be a categorical "yes."
56:31 The Bible's very clear,
56:32 that's why Jesus died in our place.
56:34 - Mmh. - And so,
56:36 yeah, sometimes you've got certain crimes
56:39 that did invite the death penalty.
56:42 And the Mosaic law not only had the death penalty,
56:45 it had the mercy for different crimes.
56:48 A person might commit,
56:49 what do you call unintentional manslaughter,
56:51 and they could flee to a city of refuge.
56:53 So, there's a lot of justice in the laws
56:55 that you find God gave Moses.
56:57 - Okay, next question that we have,
56:59 is "Why is there a wall necessary around the new Jerusalem?"
57:02 - Yeah walls, people think the walls
57:05 are to keep enemy armies out,
57:07 but that's not the only purpose of walls.
57:09 You might have a wall around your house,
57:12 and it's basically a boundary.
57:14 And so, walls can also just point out the boundary,
57:16 of this is the city of God.
57:18 And there can be different rights within the wall
57:22 that you do not have outside the wall,
57:24 and this would be of cities.
57:26 We're gonna not only have a city home, Jesus built,
57:27 we're gonna have country homes outside the wall.
57:29 - And then, of course, at the end of the 1000 years
57:31 where the Jerusalem comes down,
57:33 the wicked are resurrected and they're outside the wall.
57:35 - So, they do attack a while.
57:36 - They do. - Yeah.
57:37 - They mount an attack on the city.
57:39 Okay, another question that we have,
57:40 "If we are saved by faith, why does Revelation say
57:43 that we are judged according to our works?"
57:45 - Yeah, that's not inconsistent.
57:47 Your faith will be seen in your works.
57:51 This is what James is saying in chapter two.
57:54 He said, we're saved by faith,
57:56 but if you have faith, let me see your faith.
57:59 Your faith will be demonstrated in your behavior.
58:01 And so, while we are saved by faith and by God's grace,
58:06 we're judged by our works 'cause your works after salvation
58:09 will demonstrate whether you really were saved.
58:12 Oh, you hear the music chasing us, friends.
58:14 We enjoyed this so much.
58:15 We'll look forward to studying
58:16 His Word with you again next week.
58:18 God bless you.
58:19 (uplifting/ bright music)
58:20 - [Announcer] "Bible Answers Live,"
58:22 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.
58:26 (uplifting/ btight music)


Revised 2022-07-19