Bible Answers Live

We Did It Backwards

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202312S

00:02 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted,
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes
00:12 mysterious, should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical
00:24 answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:33 in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:44 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts
00:46 International, Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hi, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:53 A used book typically costs less than a new one.
00:56 That's, of course, unless the book is written by Leonardo da
00:59 Vinci and is the only one in existence.
01:03 In 1994, Microsoft creator Bill Gates purchased the Codex
01:07 Leicester, a 72-page leatherbound notebook written
01:11 by the Renaissance genius at Christie's
01:13 Auction House for $30.8 million.
01:17 Adjusted for inflation, today, that would
01:19 be about $54.4 million, making it the
01:23 most expensive book in the world.
01:25 Created in 1510, the Codex Leicester contains a broad
01:29 spectrum of da Vinci's scientific observations,
01:32 theories, and drawings of things like the movement
01:34 of water, astronomy, and why fossils of sea
01:37 creatures can be found on mountains.
01:40 Incredibly, da Vinci wrote the whole book in mirror writing, or
01:44 in other words, everything was deliberately written backwards,
01:48 so it can only be easily read with a mirror.
01:52 You know, when I first saw this, Pastor Ross, online, I thought,
01:54 "Well, they posted this backwards."
01:56 And I took my Photoshop copy, and I flipped it around when I
02:00 used it in a sermon illustration.
02:01 Now I realize that's how it was written, backwards.
02:05 You know, the Bible tells us that there's another priceless
02:08 book that can only be written with special assistance--or only
02:12 read, I should say, with special assistance.
02:14 Jean Ross: That's right, Pastor Doug.
02:15 And, of course, we're talking about the Bible and talking
02:17 about expensive manuscripts, doubtless, probably the most
02:22 costly manuscript available would be the Dead Sea Scrolls.
02:26 Doug: Yeah, priceless.
02:27 Jean: There's a whole building built around that.
02:29 So, of course, the Bible is right up
02:31 there with very important documents.
02:32 But when you say there's a special book that needs help in
02:36 order to understand it, well, when we study the Bible,
02:39 we need the help of the Holy Spirit.
02:40 Doug: Yeah, it tells us that holy men spoke,
02:43 as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.
02:45 So, if the author is the Holy Spirit, certainly, the Holy
02:48 Spirit can help us understand it.
02:50 Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:14, "But the natural man does not
02:55 receive the things of the Spirit of God, for
02:57 they're foolishness to him; nor can he know them,
03:00 because they are spiritually discerned."
03:02 Spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
03:05 And you can read where Jesus said in John 16:13, "However,
03:08 when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into
03:12 all truth; for He will not speak on
03:14 His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak;
03:18 and He will tell you things to come."
03:21 So, this reminds us that when we open our Bibles to study, and
03:24 when we open a program like this to do our best to answer
03:27 questions, it's the Holy Spirit that really
03:30 gives us wisdom and understanding.
03:32 Jean: Mm-hm, the Bible speaks of needing the Holy Spirit to
03:35 guide us, and it's always good to start with
03:37 prayer, so let's do that, Pastor Doug.
03:39 Dear Father, we are so grateful for the opportunity that we have
03:42 once again to be able to open your Word and study.
03:44 We recognize this as a special book, divinely inspired, and we
03:48 ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us here in the studio, be with
03:51 those who are listening, and lead us
03:52 into a clearer understanding of Bible truth.
03:55 For we ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
03:57 Doug: Amen.
03:59 Jean: We do have a study guide,
04:00 friends, that talk about the Bible.
04:02 How can you understand the Bible, and how the
04:03 Holy Spirit can reveal truth to you.
04:05 It's called, "Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?"
04:08 One of the Amazing Facts study guides--if you'd like to receive
04:10 it, the number to call is 800-835-6747.
04:14 You'll see that number on your screen, if you're watching, or
04:17 you can just simply dial #250 with your
04:20 smartphone, if you're here in North America.
04:22 Say "Bible Answers Live," and then ask for that free offer,
04:25 "Is There Anything Left You Can Trust?"
04:27 We'll be happy to send that to anyone
04:29 here in North America, in the US.
04:31 And if you're outside of North America, just go
04:34 to the Amazing Facts website,,
04:37 and you'll be able to learn more at the website.
04:41 Well, Pastor Doug, I think we're ready to go to the phone lines.
04:43 This is a live program, friends, so if you have a Bible question,
04:46 the phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
04:51 That'll bring your call into "Bible Answers Live."
04:54 The first caller that we have is Jerry, listening in Texas.
04:56 Jerry, you're on the air.
04:58 Jerry: When man walked the earth with dinosaurs, the Bible
05:01 mentions such huge creatures in the book of Psalms 104:26.
05:09 My question is, were the livyatans, dinosaurs, and
05:15 venomous snakes a result of amalgamation of nature?
05:20 Doug: All right, well, the Bible does speak
05:22 of a couple of mysterious beasts.
05:24 One is the leviathan, and the other is the behemoth.
05:28 And I think that the behemoth, some people have associated that
05:35 with something that was some dinosaur-like creature,
05:37 because it talks about this huge beast.
05:39 And you might think, well, was that a rhino or an elephant?
05:42 But then it says its tail is like a cedar tree.
05:45 Well, that creates a different description
05:49 anatomically that would not fit with an elephant
05:52 or a rhino or something with little tails.
05:55 And so, but many dinosaurs, based on
05:58 the paleontology, had very big tails.
06:01 So, some have wondered is it describing some
06:03 brontosaurus-like mighty beast, and it very well may be.
06:08 Were they created by amalgamation?
06:09 Now, for friends listening, amalgamation is sort of when you
06:12 cross breed, you mix or amalgamate two
06:16 different species to try to make something else
06:18 that could end up becoming monstrous.
06:21 And, you know, there's nothing in the Bible that tells us that
06:24 dinosaurs are the product of amalgamation.
06:29 Did people back in ancient times seek
06:31 to cross breed and amalgamate?
06:35 I'm talking about within species.
06:37 Yeah.
06:38 One reason I say that is Goliath, it tells us,
06:43 you know, he had some brothers and sons.
06:46 One of them had 24 digits, meaning he had 6 fingers
06:50 on each hand, and six toes on each foot, and doctors
06:53 tell us that often comes from inbreeding.
06:55 And it could be the Philistines were saying,
06:57 "Let's breed an army of giants."
07:00 And, you know, Adolf Hitler was trying
07:01 to do that, get a super race.
07:04 A pit bull, you might say, is something of an amalgamation.
07:07 It's the very selective breeding of a dog,
07:11 and they originally bred to fight in pits.
07:13 That's where they get their name.
07:15 So, were they breeding dinosaurs to get these reptiles?
07:19 It doesn't say in the Bible.
07:20 Were there dinosaurs that lived contemporaneous with humans?
07:23 Yes.
07:25 Jean: And then, of course, the flood
07:26 has something to do with it.
07:27 Doug: Yeah.
07:29 Jean: That's why we've got all the remains that we
07:31 can find in the earth of these massive dinosaurs.
07:33 Doug: Yes.
07:35 Jean: All right, thank you for your call.
07:36 We've got Gary.
07:37 Doug: Jerry, you know Amazing Facts--pardon me, Pastor Ross.
07:39 We have a book--it's actually a comic book--when I say comic
07:42 book, it's illustrated, so we call it a comic book, but it's
07:45 actually pretty informative, and it's about dinosaurs.
07:49 And did they live in ancient times?
07:51 By Jim Penkowski.
07:52 And he can go to the book store, and he'll find a copy of that.
07:55 Jean: Okay, we've got Gary listening in Illinois.
07:57 Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
08:01 Gary: My question is about Revelation 12:17.
08:04 It says, "who keep the commandments of God
08:06 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
08:09 And so am I right to assume that the commandments aren't the only
08:12 thing that we're given to do, but the testimony would mean to
08:18 give witness about Jesus and why he's our salvation, that we're
08:22 called not just to keep command, but according to
08:25 Revelation 12:17 also be a witness?
08:30 Doug: You know, that's a great question.
08:31 You're very wise to see that there are two
08:33 distinct things that are mentioned there.
08:35 It talks about the commandments, or the
08:36 law, and then the testimony.
08:39 Through the Bible, the Word of God is
08:41 often called the Law and the Prophets.
08:44 The last thing you find in the Old Testament is there Malachi
08:48 chapter 4 says, "Remember the law of Moses.
08:51 Behold, I send you Elijah the prophet."
08:54 And, of course, Moses and Elijah appear to Jesus on
08:57 the Mount of Transfiguration, showing that
09:00 the law and the prophets endorse Jesus.
09:03 If you look in Isaiah chapter 8, for example, it says in verse
09:07 16, "Bind up the testimony," there's the
09:09 same word that you find in Revelation.
09:12 "Seal the law," that'd be the
09:14 commandments, "among my disciples."
09:16 So, two characteristics of God's people in the last
09:18 days is that they have the law, they've got the
09:21 Word of God, and they've got the testimony.
09:24 If you look in Revelation--is it 19--verse 10 says that "The
09:28 testimony of Jesus," and here's where you
09:30 let the Bible interpret the Bible, Gary.
09:33 "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
09:37 So, God's people will be keeping the commandments, and they'll
09:39 have the gifts of the Spirit, even the modern
09:43 manifestation of the gift of prophecy.
09:45 So, I think there's one more verse in
09:47 Isaiah chapter 8, go to verse 20, yeah.
09:50 "To the law and to the testimony," there you've got
09:53 it, the commandments of God and the testimony.
09:55 "If they do not speak according to this
09:57 Word, there is no light in them."
09:58 That means if they don't support the law
10:00 and the prophets, don't believe them.
10:02 Jean: And, you know, there's another
10:03 verse that we have at the beginning Revelation.
10:05 Revelation chapter 1, it's talking about John,
10:07 who wrote the book of Revelation.
10:08 He says, "He bore witness of the Word of God, and of the
10:11 testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw."
10:15 So, John had the spirit of prophecy.
10:17 He was a prophet, and having that gift of prophecy, as we
10:20 refer to in scripture as the testimony of Jesus.
10:23 So, you can put those two together, as well.
10:25 Doug: Thanks, Gary, I hope that helps.
10:27 By the way, we do have a book called, "The Glorious Mount."
10:30 It talks about the law, and the prophets, and Moses, and Elijah.
10:33 Jean: If you'd like to receive the book,
10:34 all you have to do is call 800-835-6747.
10:38 You can ask for "The Glorious Mount."
10:39 That's the name of the book.
10:40 We'll be happy to send it to anyone here in North America.
10:43 And you could also use your cell phone,
10:45 just by simply dialing #250.
10:47 Say "Bible Answers Live," and ask for
10:49 the book, "The Glorious Mount."
10:51 Next caller that we have is Debbie listening in Canada.
10:53 Debbie, welcome to the program.
10:55 Debbie: Hi, pastors. How are you doing?
10:57 Doug: Great, thanks for calling.
10:59 Debbie: Okay, I have a question about the Sabbath.
11:02 I am talking to a friend of mine about it, and he
11:05 uses Colossians 2:15 and says that we no longer have to keep
11:11 the Sabbath, because Jesus is our Sabbath.
11:15 Doug: Yeah, you know, I think it's interesting that people
11:17 only use Colossians 2 chapter 13 through 16
11:21 when they learn the Sabbath truth.
11:23 They never preach that in Sunday churches and tell people, "You
11:27 know, you don't need to come to church anymore, because you
11:29 don't have to observe any kind of day of rest."
11:31 You know, they never use it that way.
11:33 But what is Paul talking about? Let's read it.
11:35 We don't have to be afraid of any of these verses.
11:38 In Colossians chapter 2--and I'm going to start with verse 13.
11:42 "And you, being dead in your trespasses
11:44 and the uncircumcision of your flesh,
11:47 He has made alive together with Him."
11:48 Now, he's speaking--when he says
11:50 the uncircumcision of your flesh, he's
11:51 obviously talking to the Colossians who are not Jews.
11:55 And so, they're being told they have to keep the Jewish laws,
11:58 and Paul is reassuring them they don't.
12:01 So, let's know who he's talking to.
12:03 "Being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your
12:06 flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having
12:09 forgiven all your trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting
12:14 of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us.
12:18 And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the
12:21 cross, having disarmed principalities
12:24 and powers, making a public spectacle
12:26 of them, triumphing over them in it.
12:28 So," here's a key verse, "let no one judge you in food or drink,
12:32 or in regard to a festival or a new moon or sabbaths," that's
12:35 plural, "sabbaths, which are--"
12:38 What kind of sabbaths? The sentence isn't done yet.
12:40 "Don't let them judge you regarding sabbaths,
12:42 which are a shadow of things to come."
12:44 The Jews had a lot of annual sabbaths
12:49 that came on a yearly basis.
12:52 They were all nailed to the cross.
12:54 They were part of the ceremonial law.
12:55 It had nothing to do with the Ten Commandments.
12:58 The Ten Commandments are not nailed to the cross.
13:00 The Ten Commandments and the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments
13:03 was given at creation to all humanity.
13:06 Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man.
13:08 That means anthropos. That's everybody.
13:11 And so--and, you know, the Sabbath was
13:14 part of God's perfect creation.
13:15 It didn't come because of sin. It was before sin.
13:19 The ceremonial sabbath came to Moses after sin.
13:23 They're nailed to the cross.
13:24 And furthermore, it says the handwriting--it says that these
13:27 laws were written by the hand of Moses, not the
13:29 finger of God, and that was against us.
13:34 The Bible says Moses took the ceremonial law, put it in a
13:37 pocket outside the ark, that it might be a witness against them.
13:41 He's very clearly talking about these ceremonials laws that the
13:46 Gentile Christians don't need to keep.
13:48 He's not saying that Christians no longer need a day
13:50 of rest or to observe God's holy day.
13:54 So, we've got--I know I said too much, probably--but we've got a
13:58 book on that we can offer, probably several.
14:00 Jean: Yeah, I'm thinking of the one
14:02 called "Feast Days and Sabbaths."
14:03 Doug: Sure, that would good.
14:04 Jean: That will explain it even further.
14:06 If you're looking for a verse, just real quick, to back up what
14:09 Pastor Doug is saying, if you go to Leviticus chapter 23, and
14:12 you'll find a list of all of the various feast
14:14 days that the Jews are commanded to observe.
14:17 And, for example, if you look in verse 24, it talks about the
14:20 Feast of Trumpets, and there it tells us that they were to keep
14:24 the first day of the month, so that could be any
14:25 day of the week, with the first day of the month,
14:28 they were to keep it as a sabbath rest.
14:30 So, they're saying requirements around the seventh day Sabbath
14:34 also were the same requirements around these
14:36 feast days, that they were also to observe, but it
14:39 could come on any day of the week.
14:40 It could be a Monday, a Wednesday.
14:42 It could be a Friday.
14:43 But they were to observe those days, also, as a day of rest.
14:46 It was a holy convocation.
14:48 So, when Paul was talking about, "Let no one judge you in the
14:50 sabbath days, which are a shadow of things to come," he's talking
14:53 about these feast days, not the seventh day Sabbath.
14:56 Now, of course, the book will go into more
14:57 detail and give you a lot more verses.
14:59 If you'd like to receive it, the number to call is
15:01 800-835-6747, and you can ask for the book.
15:04 It's called "Feast Days and Sabbaths."
15:06 And we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
15:09 You can dial #250 on your phone and also ask "Bible Answers
15:13 Live," and then ask for that gift.
15:15 It's called "Feast Days and Sabbaths."
15:17 It's just a great study on that passage of scripture.
15:20 Thank you, Debbie.
15:21 Our next caller is Marvin, listening in Tennessee.
15:23 Marvin, welcome to the program.
15:26 Marvin: Yes, good evening to both of you.
15:30 Pastor Doug, I called a couple of weeks ago, and my question
15:36 is, what happens when we go to heaven, if we
15:42 have been married, say, two times?
15:45 I lost my wife, Rita, and I'm now remarried.
15:50 When we get to heaven, will I be with either
15:55 one, or will we just be all separate?
15:59 Doug: Well, I'd ask, which one do you like more?
16:02 Just kidding.
16:03 Jean: Don't answer that, Marvin.
16:05 Doug: So, let me give you--that very
16:07 question comes up in the Bible.
16:10 If you look in Matthew chapter 22, the religious leaders, the
16:13 Sadducees, came to Jesus with a question,
16:16 and they're asking Him, they said, "Now, there
16:20 were seven brothers that married this woman."
16:25 And this is Matthew chapter--where is that?
16:27 Chapter 22, verse 25.
16:30 "There were seven brothers, and the first died
16:32 after he had married a woman, had no
16:34 children, he left his wife to his brother.
16:36 Likewise the second also married and died, and the
16:39 third, all the way up to the seventh.
16:41 Last of all the woman died.
16:42 Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife will she be?
16:46 And Jesus said, 'You are mistaken.'"
16:48 This is verse 29.
16:50 "You're mistaken, not knowing the
16:51 scriptures nor the power of God.
16:54 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor
16:56 are they given in marriage, but are like
16:58 the angels of God, angels in heaven."
17:02 And so he says that, you know, ultimately, when two people get
17:06 to heaven, we're all married to the Lord.
17:08 We will not be having new babies in heaven.
17:12 Jesus told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and fill the earth.
17:14 The earth is going to be populated with the redeemed.
17:18 So, now, does that mean that when Adam and Eve get
17:21 to heaven, God gives them divorce papers?
17:23 Not necessarily.
17:24 I think in the case where there's been one man, one woman,
17:27 best friends, married on earth, when they get to heaven,
17:29 they'll still have that intimate relationship,
17:32 and they'll maybe dwell together.
17:35 But in the case where you have King David, or Solomon,
17:37 or Jacob with many wives, we're all
17:40 ultimately married to the Lord in heaven.
17:42 And so relationships are a little different there.
17:46 Thanks, Marvin, good question, and I hope that helps a little.
17:49 Jean: All right, we've got Michael listening in--actually
17:51 Brittany, Brittany listening in California.
17:53 Brittany, welcome to the program.
17:56 Brittany: Hey.
17:57 Doug: Hi.
17:59 And your question?
18:02 Brittany: Yeah, my question is according to the Bible, what
18:05 is the right biblical view to have during these times with the
18:09 school shootings and a corrupt government,
18:12 especially since we're in the final times?
18:16 Doug: Well, what's the right biblical view?
18:18 You know, the Bible tells us, Brittany, that in the last days,
18:21 evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse.
18:25 Jesus tells us in Matthew 24--and
18:27 I forget, Pastor Ross, what verse.
18:29 He said that "Because iniquity will abound,
18:32 the love of many will grow cold."
18:35 And, personally, I'm always a little discouraged when there's
18:40 one of these calamities and these school shootings, and the
18:43 pundits get on television, and they say, "Well, we need more
18:47 counseling for people, and we need better controls, and we
18:50 need more police officers guarding the schools."
18:53 And why didn't we need that when I was growing up?
18:57 Everybody had a gun back then.
18:59 I don't think that was the issue.
19:01 I think the issue is that people were taught that life
19:03 is sacred, and you do not take human life.
19:06 And if you stop telling young people that it's wrong to
19:10 murder, and if you entertain them with games where they
19:14 practice murdering indiscriminately--you know,
19:17 they've got games like Grand Theft Auto.
19:19 And, no, friends, I've never played it, but I've heard
19:21 of it, seen it, seen the videos of it.
19:24 It's all about shooting, mass shooting.
19:26 And if you program kids this way, and they grow up with very
19:30 little regard for the value of life, that's
19:33 what Jesus said, "Love will grow cold.
19:35 Iniquity will abound."
19:37 Jean: And that verse you're referring
19:38 to is Matthew 24, verse 12.
19:40 It's about the love of many growing cold.
19:42 And, of course, the Bible says, "As it was in the days of Noah,
19:44 so it will be when the Son of Man is revealed."
19:47 And then it says, "In the days of Noah, every
19:49 imagination of the heart was evil continually,
19:51 and the earth was filled with violence."
19:53 Of course, we can see that happening today in our world.
19:56 All right, thank you, Brittany.
19:58 We've got Michael listening in Alabama.
20:00 Michael, you're on the air.
20:02 Michael: Good evening.
20:03 I really--it's a real privilege to be able to
20:07 talk to you for the very--ask you a
20:08 question--for the very first time.
20:12 I'll try to make this as concise as I can, but I can't--let me
20:16 preface beforehand--I can't promise that I'll be as
20:19 successful as the other callers, because I've got a
20:22 very rare birth autism, called Asperger Syndrome.
20:25 One of the reasons--one of the symptoms is that it's difficult
20:29 for us to communicate with other people, verbally.
20:31 Doug: All right, well, I understand that.
20:33 I've got friends that struggle with the same thing.
20:36 So, do your best to quickly frame the question.
20:38 Michael: Okay, it's about two verses, two passages in 1
20:45 Corinthians and in 1 Thessalonians.
20:48 Would it be okay if I--since you all typically read
20:53 out these passages, may I read them?
20:55 Doug: Sure.
20:56 Michael: So, that's--I usually hear
20:59 King James on your program.
21:01 Doug: 1 Corinthians, which chapter?
21:03 Michael: Oh, I'm sorry.
21:05 15th chapter, and it's 51st verse.
21:11 Doug: Okay.
21:12 Michael: "That flesh and blood cannot
21:13 inherit the kingdom of God.
21:15 Listen, I tell you a mystery.
21:16 We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed," and, of
21:19 course, the very familiar, "in a flash, in the
21:23 twinkling of the eye, at the last trumpet."
21:25 And then in 1 Thessalonians, it's chapter
21:30 4, and it's the 3rd verse, but also the--
21:39 oh, my mistake--13th verse and verse 15.
21:42 "Brothers, we don't want you to be ignorant about those who fall
21:45 asleep or to be like the rest of men who have no hope.
21:49 Fifteenth verse says, "According to the Lord's own word, we tell
21:52 you that we who are still alive, who are left until
21:54 the coming of the Lord, will certainly not
21:56 precede those who have fallen asleep."
21:57 All this is the New International Version.
22:00 I heard that Amazing Facts--I think that's your parent
22:04 company--teaches soul sleep and that you all
22:08 got it from a well-meaning prophetess of
22:11 the 1800s, Ethel White-- or Ellen White.
22:18 That's her name.
22:19 I'm terrified of the doctrine of soul sleep, because I'm already
22:24 concerned about losing my salvation anyway.
22:28 To know that this will be a period when God will decide,
22:32 "Hm, should I let this Christian go to heaven or
22:36 lose his salvation, eternally go to Hades?"
22:39 And that it's based on works.
22:41 That's really--
22:42 Doug: Michael, let me jump in.
22:44 Why would sleeping--Jesus said, "Our
22:47 friend, Lazarus, is asleep."
22:48 Why would God change His mind while people were asleep?
22:52 If people die saved, they're saved.
22:56 If they die lost, they're lost.
22:58 Why would waiting in the grave until the resurrection--
23:02 by the way, this has nothing to do with a prophet.
23:05 It has to do with the Bible.
23:07 Everything we believe is based on the Bible,
23:09 and we'll give you scripture for it.
23:11 So, when Paul says, "Those that sleep in the dust of the earth
23:14 shall awake," in 1 Corinthians--I'm sorry, 1
23:16 Thessalonians chapter 4, that's what the Bible says.
23:20 So, but why would that make you nervous, the idea
23:22 that a person would rest in the grave?
23:24 Because you have no consciousness
23:25 of time when you're dead.
23:27 Michael: Does that mean that we shall not--immediately after
23:31 we die, we shall not be in either one place or the other?
23:34 Doug: As soon as you die--let's assume you're
23:36 saved--when you die, your next conscious thought that is going
23:40 to be immediate is the resurrection.
23:43 So, for everybody that dies--that's why it says,
23:45 "Absent from the body, present with the Lord."
23:48 When you die, the next thing you know, the Lord
23:50 descends, the trumpet blows, you come out of
23:52 your grave with a glorified body.
23:53 There's no time for you.
23:55 But we know the resurrection hasn't
23:56 happened, yet, because that's future.
23:58 The Bible is clear that the dead in
24:01 Christ will rise at Christ's coming.
24:03 Jesus said, "Our friend, Lazarus, sleeps,
24:06 but I go that I might wake him."
24:07 Lazarus had been dead for four days in the grave.
24:09 He wasn't up in heaven.
24:10 That'd be terrible to take him back out of heaven,
24:12 put him back on earth in an old body.
24:14 So, all through the Bible, this is a very old Bible teaching.
24:17 This is not something that is recent.
24:20 And, yeah, the Bible says that the
24:23 dead sleep until the resurrection.
24:25 So, we have a book on that we'd be happy to share.
24:27 Jean: We do.
24:29 If you'd like to call and ask for that, we'll be happy to send
24:30 it to you, Michael, or anyone wanting to hear, what does the
24:32 Bible say about what happens when a person dies?
24:35 The number to call is 800-836-6747.
24:38 You can ask for the study guide.
24:40 It's called, "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
24:42 We'll be happy to send it to anyone in North America.
24:44 You can also just dial #250 on your smartphone and say, "Bible
24:48 Answers Live," and then ask for that study guide
24:50 by name, "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
24:52 And we'll be happy to send it to you.
24:54 Thank you, Michael.
24:55 Next caller, that we have is Anthony, New York.
24:58 Anthony, you're on "Bible Answers Live."
25:01 Anthony: Hello and good evening, pastors.
25:03 Doug: Evening.
25:05 Anthony: I--could you please explain 1
25:10 John chapter 2, verses 7 through 8?
25:14 I know the Bible does not contradict itself,
25:17 but it kind of sounds like a little double
25:20 talk, but I know that's not the case.
25:22 Doug: Well, let me read that for everyone, and this is
25:23 1 John chapter 2, verse 7 and 8, correct?
25:27 Anthony: Yes.
25:28 Doug: "Brethren, I write no new commandment to you, but an
25:31 old commandment which you had from the beginning.
25:33 The old commandment is the Word
25:35 which you heard from the beginning.
25:37 Again, a new commandment I write to you, which thing is true in
25:40 Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away, and
25:44 the true light is already shining."
25:46 So, you're saying, in one verse, it sounds like he says,
25:48 "I don't have a new commandment."
25:49 The next verse, he says, "I do."
25:51 Anthony: Yes. Doug: Okay.
25:53 Well, when he first is speaking, he's saying, "I'm not taking
25:56 away the original commandments that you heard."
26:01 The Ten Commandments are, you know, specified there
26:04 in Exodus 20 and in Deuteronomy 5.
26:07 He says, "That still stands."
26:08 He says, "I'm not taking those away."
26:10 And it's when he says, "I don't write no new commandment,"
26:13 meaning that he's not deleting those.
26:15 But he said, "A new commandment I give you," and he's quoting
26:17 Jesus now, where Jesus said, "A new commandment I give you, that
26:21 you love the Lord and love your neighbor."
26:23 The two new commandments that Jesus
26:25 gave are a summary of the ten.
26:29 So, it's not really an addition.
26:31 You can summarize the first four commandments
26:33 in love for God, and you can summarize the last
26:36 six commandments in love for your fellow man.
26:39 So, he's using a little bit of allegorical
26:41 or maybe poetic language, I should say.
26:44 But--and, you know, I don't want to make things more complicated,
26:48 but you'll find similar contradictions where Solomon
26:51 says, "Answer a fool according to his
26:54 folly, or he'll think he's right.
26:56 Don't answer a fool according to his
26:57 folly, or you're going to sound like him."
26:59 And you think, "Which is it, Solomon?
27:00 Do I answer the fool or do I not answer the fool?"
27:03 He's basically saying that "When you argue with
27:04 a fool, you're going to lose either way."
27:07 So, John here is saying, "I'm not adding to the Bible."
27:11 The scriptures, the commandments are still in place, but Jesus
27:15 came to expand and magnify that law of love.
27:18 Don't go away, friends.
27:20 We're going to take a brief break, and we're going to come
27:22 back and answer more Bible questions.
27:23 The best is yet to come.
27:25 Stay tuned for these important announcements.
27:30 announcer: Stay tuned.
27:32 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
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28:41 announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live," where
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28:49 So, what are you waiting for?
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28:58 announcer: This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
29:01 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions
29:04 on the air, please call us next Sunday
29:06 between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific time.
29:10 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
29:13 evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
29:18 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:23 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
29:29 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends,
29:30 to "Bible Answers Live."
29:32 And for those who have joined us in route, this is a live
29:35 international interactive Bible study.
29:38 We'd like you to participate, as our friends around the country
29:41 and the world call in with their Bible questions.
29:44 You can also even text in questions.
29:46 We usually take two minutes at the end of the program to answer
29:49 questions that people have emailed in to us,
29:52 and we're playing this on Facebook now.
29:56 It's the Doug Batchelor Facebook page, the Amazing Facts Facebook
29:59 page, on the Amazing Facts YouTube Channel,
30:03 on Good News Television.
30:06 We're now on Hope Channel.
30:07 Some of these are reruns during the week.
30:09 Strong Tower Radio.
30:10 We just heard, today, about some friends from Strong Tower Radio.
30:13 So, all across the country.
30:15 And my name is Doug Batchelor.
30:17 Jean: My name is Jean Ross, and as mentioned by Pastor Doug,
30:19 if you'd like to send us an email question, I'm going to
30:22 tell you what the email address is.
30:23 Just simply
30:28 Email your Bible question, and we'll try to answer as many of
30:31 those questions that get emailed during our program.
30:34 All right, going to the phone lines.
30:35 Our next caller that we have is Joe,
30:37 and he's listening from Arizona.
30:38 Joe, welcome to the program.
30:40 Joe: How are you guys doing? Doug: Doing great.
30:42 Joe: Hey, my question tonight is I know the Bible,
30:46 you know, talks about us being sojourners, and Jesus talks
30:50 about knowing us before we were here.
30:54 Is it possible that we were the heavens--the
30:57 angels--like--or the angels in heaven that
30:59 got kicked out for going with Lucifer?
31:02 And earth is a place where we're
31:05 trying to get redeemed from sinning?
31:09 Because even Jesus, when they were going to get him for saying
31:14 He was God, when He called Himself the Son of God, He said,
31:18 "I have said ye are gods, but you must die like men."
31:21 Doug: Yeah, okay, let's dive in there.
31:24 First of all, I think the Bible is pretty clear that
31:27 angels and humans are different creatures.
31:31 And when Christ says, you know, He knows us from everlasting,
31:34 that's because God's all-knowing.
31:36 But the Bible is also pretty clear that there was a time when
31:41 our existence began, and that is at birth.
31:44 He talks to Jeremiah and talks about when he was born, and
31:47 David refers to when he was born.
31:48 And when you really think about it, if you don't remember an
31:52 iota of a prior existence, then it's really not you existing.
31:57 You don't know anything about--I used to believe in
31:59 reincarnation, and I struggled with this thinking,
32:01 what good is this reincarnation business?
32:03 If I don't remember anything from a
32:04 former life, how's that helping me?
32:06 So, you have no conscience, no experience to draw from.
32:10 So, the Bible says that once you are born, and you grew up and
32:12 started becoming self-aware as a little child,
32:15 that's the beginning of your existence.
32:18 You can read in Revelation 12 that the fallen angels that
32:22 followed Lucifer, one-third of these angels were cast out.
32:25 The Bible says man--in, where is it?
32:28 In Hebrews, He made us a little lower than the angels.
32:31 I think Hebrews is also quoting Psalms, when Paul writes that.
32:35 So, yeah, I don't think we had a prior existence.
32:39 The Bible really doesn't teach any kind of reincarnation, and
32:43 we're not trying to work our way back to heaven.
32:46 We're saved by grace.
32:48 Jean: Yeah, the verse you're referring
32:49 to is Psalms 8, verse 5.
32:50 And then Paul quotes in Hebrews chapter 2, verse 7,
32:53 says that we are made lower than the angels.
32:55 And, of course, when Adam and Eve were created in the very
32:57 beginning, the Bible says that they were perfect.
32:59 The Bible says everything was good, very good.
33:02 So, they couldn't have been fallen angels.
33:04 They were pure, they were holy, and it was through disobedience
33:07 that they fell, and they were then removed from the garden.
33:10 So, the angels that fell in heaven, that occurred before,
33:14 because the devil appeared as a serpent in the
33:16 garden of Eden, so that must have occurred
33:17 before Adam and Eve were created.
33:20 Doug: Good point.
33:21 Jean: All right, thank you, Joe.
33:22 We've got Debra in California. Debra, welcome to the program.
33:25 Debra: Hey, could you explain Hebrews 6:4-6?
33:30 That verse really--those verses really scare me.
33:33 Doug: Yeah, well, let me read that, and don't be scared.
33:35 Of course, there is a sober warning there.
33:37 But Hebrews chapter 6, verse 4, I'll start with.
33:41 "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and
33:44 have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the
33:48 Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers
33:51 of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to
33:55 repentance, since they crucify again for themselves
33:58 the Son of God, and put Him to open shame."
34:01 All right, let's first take this the way many people would see it
34:05 on face value, thinking, does that mean that if somebody is
34:09 saved, and they backslide, they can never return?
34:14 Is that what you would be wondering
34:16 when you first read this?
34:18 Debra: Yes, I thought that I'm doomed.
34:20 Doug: All right, well, can we think of anybody else in the
34:23 Bible that backslid and came back?
34:27 Did Peter deny Christ? Yeah.
34:30 Did--Manasseh drifted from the Lord for years.
34:34 Did Solomon--was Solomon filled with the Holy Spirit?
34:36 And Solomon was obeying God, and Solomon loved the Lord, and then
34:39 he fell away and married all these doubtful women, and they
34:44 drew his heart away, but it says he returned to
34:46 the Lord in his old age, and he writes the book of
34:48 Ecclesiastes, a Spirit-filled book.
34:49 Jean: And you've got the story
34:51 of Samson, for example, many others.
34:52 Doug: Yeah, filled with the Holy Spirit.
34:54 That's a good one.
34:55 Samson, yeah, he really, he lived on the wild side there
34:58 after being raised a Nazarite, and he's filled
35:00 with the Holy Spirit and turns back to God.
35:03 So, it must not mean that a backslider cannot return,
35:07 because there's too many examples in
35:09 the Bible of prodigal sons coming home.
35:12 That's the whole parable of the prodigal son.
35:14 It's dangerous to turn away from God, because you don't know if,
35:18 you know, when fate might take you, and so you don't want to
35:21 play Russian roulette with eternity and say,
35:23 "Well, I'm going to live for the devil,
35:25 and I'll turn back to God when I'm old."
35:26 That's dangerous to think that way.
35:29 But let's read this another way.
35:33 "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and
35:35 have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the
35:38 Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers
35:41 of the age to come, if they fall away," meaning if they turn away
35:45 from the best that God has to offer, "to renew them again to
35:48 repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of
35:52 God, and put Him to open shame," meaning that if
35:55 a person is going to reject the best that God has,
35:58 what more is God going to use to reach them?
36:03 So, here it's saying that they're not interested.
36:06 They have the best that God has, and they're not
36:07 interested in that, but there's a lot of
36:11 people clearly that have turned back.
36:14 But what turns us back is the first thing.
36:18 In Revelation, doesn't Jesus say to one
36:20 of the churches, "I advise you to repent"?
36:23 Now, why would He tell a church to
36:24 repent unless they'd fallen away?
36:26 Jean: Right.
36:27 Doug: So, he says, "Do the first works."
36:29 He can't give them a better work.
36:31 He wants them to do the first thing that brought them to
36:33 Jesus, and they find their first love.
36:35 So, I think it's saying, you know, "If you turn away from the
36:38 best, if, you know, the sacrifice of Christ isn't
36:42 enough, then what more is God going to do to reach you?
36:44 Jean: I think the example you used, Pastor Doug,
36:46 is probably one of the clearest, and that's the
36:48 story, the parable of the prodigal son.
36:50 Here we have someone who left his father's home, went and
36:52 spent all of the money, and came to his senses, came with the
36:57 spirit of repentance, and he was received by the father.
36:59 Doug: Yes, amen.
37:01 Jean: All right, thank you, Debra.
37:02 We've got Alex listening in Tennessee.
37:04 Alex, welcome to the program.
37:05 Alex: Well, my question is based on
37:07 Genesis chapter 6, verses 1 and 2.
37:10 Let me read it to you really quick.
37:11 Doug: Yeah.
37:13 Alex: "When mankind began to multiply in the earth, and
37:14 daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the
37:17 daughters of men were beautiful, and they took
37:18 any they chose as wives for themselves."
37:20 Well, I wholeheartedly believe that these
37:23 sons of God were descendants of Seth.
37:26 But I know, Pastor Doug, you have debated other pastors, so
37:31 I'm going to put myself in the middle of a debate here.
37:34 Doug: Yeah.
37:35 Alex: I've never really thought too much of why I
37:37 believe that these sons of God were descendants of Seth.
37:41 So, you know, many people believe
37:43 that these could be fallen angels.
37:46 So, what proof do we have against that?
37:50 Doug: Yeah, well, you would just have to ask
37:52 the question, "Are there other places in the Bible
37:55 where believers are called sons of God?"
37:57 And you can look in 1 John chapter 3, verse 1, where the
38:00 apostle says, "Behold, what manner of love the Father has
38:04 bestowed on us, that we should be called sons of God.
38:08 And to as many as believed in Him, to them He gave them power
38:12 to be the sons," and I think he uses the word children of God.
38:16 So, the descendants of Seth-- see, Adam and Eve had two kids.
38:20 Of course, everyone knows Cain killed Abel.
38:21 So then you've got the descendants
38:23 of Cain and his wife.
38:24 Cain took a sister. They moved away.
38:26 They turned their back on God.
38:28 They were called the children of men.
38:29 And I think the word is enos, and it means mortals.
38:32 They were dying. They did not have life.
38:34 But Adam and Eve and Seth, they continued
38:36 to offer sacrifice and to worship God.
38:39 And even Jesus said to the religious leaders, they said,
38:42 you know, "We're Abraham's children," and He
38:44 said, "You're not the children of Abraham.
38:47 You're the children of the devil."
38:48 So, the devil has children in Christ's time,
38:50 and he had children in Cain's time.
38:52 So, but when the sons of God began to intermarry with the
38:56 daughters of Cain, the children of Seth began
38:59 to--then they lost their holiness.
39:01 It's like when Samson mixed up with Delilah,
39:04 it's like when Solomon married the daughters
39:07 of other kingdoms, they drew his heart away.
39:11 God said to the children of Israel,
39:12 "Do not go after unbelieving wives.
39:15 They will turn your hearts away."
39:17 And it's what Jezebel did to Ahab.
39:20 Go through the whole Bible. It's a story of that.
39:22 So, here in Genesis, it's establishing that.
39:24 Now, some people say, "But it says if the children born to
39:27 them were giants, they must be some kind of
39:30 amalgamation of fallen angels, or demons,
39:33 or whatever, aliens that married humans."
39:36 I'd say where is another scripture in
39:38 the Bible where you've got aliens and angels
39:41 having intimate relations with humans?
39:44 That's nowhere in the Bible.
39:45 And the Bible said angels are spirits and so--
39:49 Jean: And, of course, Jesus, Pastor Doug, said in Matthew 22,
39:52 verse 30, angels neither marry nor are given in marriage.
39:56 Doug: Yeah.
39:57 Jean: So, I mean, it's pretty clear.
39:59 Doug: So, Alex, I want to come back--we muted you while I
40:01 was talking--but does that make sense?
40:04 Alex: Yes, but one thing now.
40:06 So, yeah, Matthew 22 there, what you just read, Pastor Jean.
40:10 Now, it says angels don't marry, but
40:13 does that mean they can't get married?
40:17 Jean: Well, I think the point being is they can't procreate,
40:20 and the Bible says that the sons of man took the daughters
40:22 of--sons of God took the daughters of men,
40:25 and there were giants born in the earth.
40:27 So, clearly, it's referring to procreation there.
40:29 Angels can't procreate.
40:31 Doug: And why would the angels--if humans are made lower
40:32 than angels, first of all, there's nothing the Bible says
40:35 they've got reproductive plumbing.
40:37 But why would angels not want angel mates,
40:40 if humans are lower than angels?
40:41 Why would they be attracted to humans?
40:43 I mean, wouldn't every man want to say his wife's an angel?
40:47 Wouldn't it be a downgrade to go after
40:49 humans and you could marry an angel?
40:53 So, Pastor Ross is laughing.
40:54 I used drugs when I was young--the way my mind works.
40:58 So, hey, Alex, I do have a book on that.
41:00 You may have already read it, but I
41:01 would be happy to send you a copy.
41:03 I think it's called, "Aliens, Adopted, or Angels?"
41:06 And it says, "Who are the sons of God?"
41:07 It's on that very passage.
41:09 Jean: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
41:12 Again, just ask for the book, "Who Are the Sons of God?"
41:14 And we'll be happy to send that to you.
41:16 You can also just dial #250 on your smartphone,
41:20 and ask for "Bible Answers Live," and then ask
41:22 for the book, "Who Are the Sons of God?"
41:25 Next caller that we have is Junith, listening in Nevada.
41:27 Junith, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
41:30 Junith: Hello.
41:32 A good amazing evening to you both.
41:35 Pastor Doug, and Pastor Jean, can you hear me well?
41:38 Doug: We do. And your question tonight?
41:41 Junith: Yes, my question is related
41:43 to Daniel chapter 7, verse 9.
41:48 I'm just curious, what's your biblical perspective on the
41:53 landing of the New Jerusalem millennium, post
41:58 the second advent of Jesus Christ?
42:01 Will there be burning wheels in the New Jerusalem?
42:05 Doug: You're asking about Daniel 7, verse 9.
42:10 Oh, I see, yeah, yeah.
42:12 Yeah, they're talking about the burning fire.
42:15 Okay, I see, I get it.
42:17 I thought maybe when you said burning
42:18 wheels, you were thinking Ezekiel.
42:21 Junith: See, also Daniel 7, verse 9.
42:25 Doug: Right, I've got it open.
42:26 Junith: If you could describe that, too, that way.
42:31 And the fact of the matter is that the supernatural nature of
42:34 God is a consuming fire in Hebrews chapter 12, verse 20.
42:40 And I was thinking, will the consuming fire presence of God
42:45 ooze out of the New Jerusalem and have
42:49 these wheels with all the burning fire?
42:51 What do you think?
42:53 How will the New Jerusalem land on planet earth post millennium?
43:00 Doug: We'll do our best to try and cover that briefly.
43:03 You've asked, you know, a big question, and
43:05 so it's hard in three or four minutes to give
43:06 you a comprehensive answer on that.
43:09 You do read in Revelation 21, John says, "I saw the New
43:13 Jerusalem descending out of heaven."
43:15 I don't think it's the descent of the
43:17 New Jerusalem that burns up the wicked.
43:19 I think that Christ appears in this great white throne judgment
43:24 after the New Jerusalem descends,
43:26 and every knee will bow before him.
43:28 People's lives will pass before them.
43:31 Paul says we must all stand before the judgment seat.
43:33 When people see that they're judged according to their works,
43:37 then God does His strange act, and the wicked
43:42 are then cast into a lake of fire.
43:44 When it says the wicked are destroyed by the brightness of
43:46 His coming, that's before the thousand years.
43:48 That's the next thing where Jesus comes.
43:50 When the day of the Lord comes as a fiery flame,
43:53 it tells us in 2 Peter chapter 3.
43:56 Jean: I think specifically, what you're wondering about
43:58 there in that verse 9, where it talks about God's throne, talks
44:02 about His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels burning fire.
44:05 I think the point that's been emphasized,
44:07 if you read on through the next few verses,
44:09 that there is movement that's described.
44:10 This is taking place in heaven.
44:12 There is a judgment scene, if you read down
44:14 a little further, and there is movement.
44:16 So, we find God the Father moving from one part of the
44:20 sanctuary in heaven, from the Holy to the Most Holy place.
44:24 And then we find in verse 13 one likened to the Son of Man.
44:28 He was escorted with the clouds of heaven, the angels, and they
44:31 brought him before the Ancient of Days.
44:33 So, when it's talking about the wheels, doubtless, they're
44:36 glorious and fiery, but it's describing the movement of God's
44:40 throne from the Holy Place to the Most Holy Place.
44:43 Well, this judgment, that precedes
44:45 the second coming of Christ.
44:46 Doug: Yeah, some people have read these verses in Daniel and
44:48 Ezekiel, and they're sure that means it's a flying saucer He's
44:51 coming in, because they see the wheels there,
44:54 and I don't think that's what it's saying.
44:56 Good, good answer. Thank you.
44:58 Jean: All right, thanks Barb--Junith.
44:59 The next caller is Barb, listening in Washington.
45:01 Barb, welcome to the program.
45:03 Barb: Thank you.
45:05 I was wondering what the eternal status is of
45:07 the people that died in the flood.
45:10 Doug: Are you wondering--does that mean everybody
45:12 that died in the flood, are they all lost?
45:15 Barb: Yes, that's what I want to know.
45:17 Doug: I don't think you can say that, because--yeah, well,
45:22 Peter says in 2 Peter chapter 3, "Wherein eight souls were
45:25 saved," meaning saved from the flood."
45:27 But just suppose that there were some children that were watching
45:30 Noah and his family build the ark, and maybe they're
45:32 teenagers, and they thought, I believe Noah.
45:34 I believe the world is evil.
45:36 I want to be saved by God.
45:38 I'd like to be on the ark."
45:39 But their parents wouldn't let them.
45:41 Well, they may have died in the flood because of their parent's
45:43 bad decision, but they could still be in the kingdom.
45:47 So, the majority of the people that were outside the ark, they
45:52 certainly were lost, but there may have been some exceptions
45:55 some young people that couldn't make their own decisions.
45:57 Slaves that maybe weren't allowed to get on the ark.
46:01 Jean: That's where God is to judge.
46:02 Doug: Yeah.
46:04 Jean: Yeah, He knows the heart.
46:05 All right thanks Barb.
46:06 We've got David listening in California.
46:08 David, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
46:10 David: Hi, thank you, brothers.
46:12 My question is regarding the sixth commandment.
46:15 God says, "Thou should not kill."
46:18 Why was it permitted for the Israelites
46:21 to kill the nations around them?
46:24 Thank you.
46:25 Doug: Yeah, well, the commandment,
46:27 some people are confused by this.
46:29 You read it in King James, it says, "Thou shalt not kill."
46:31 That word there in the original Hebrew--and it's quoted this way
46:35 in the New Testament as the word murder, and murder means the
46:39 unlawful taking of innocent life.
46:43 Jesus, when He quotes the Ten Commandments in the New
46:45 Testament, He says, "Thou shalt not murder."
46:48 So, if you'd pull up a weed, technically, you're killing.
46:51 If you swat a mosquito, you're killing, but it's not murder.
46:55 You're never going to be incarcerated for killing a fly.
46:58 But it is murder if you take an unlawful life.
47:02 So, when soldiers go off to battle, and they fight to defend
47:05 their country, they're not prosecuted as murderers,
47:08 unless they're guilty of a war crime.
47:11 So, when the children of Israel were told to go and fight and
47:13 defend the country, that was not violating the sixth
47:16 commandment that says, "Do not murder."
47:18 And I know a lot of people just read it on the surface like
47:22 that, and they think, "Well, killing is killing, isn't it?"
47:26 Yeah, every time we breathe we're
47:27 inhaling microbes that die.
47:29 Murder is the unlawful taking of innocent life.
47:34 Thank you very much, good question.
47:35 Jean: All right, we've got Mitchell listening in Louisiana.
47:39 Mitchell, welcome to the program.
47:42 Mitchell: Hey, good evening, Pastors.
47:44 My question is about Revelation 8:1.
47:48 "When the Lamb opened the seventh seal, there was silence
47:52 in heaven for about half an hour."
47:54 I would like to know, what is the significance about the
47:57 silence, and was that actually--what
48:00 is half an hour in heavenly time?
48:03 Like, could you go into a little detail about that?
48:06 Doug: Well, we'll do our best, and I'll share a little.
48:08 Pastor Ross may have some comments on this.
48:11 In prophetic time, a day is a year.
48:15 You see that in a number of places, in Ezekiel--in Numbers,
48:20 it says, "I've appointed you one day for a year.
48:23 Even Jesus told a prophecy, telling Herod, "I'm going to
48:26 teach, do cures, cast out devils, today, tomorrow,
48:29 and the third day I'll be perfected."
48:31 He really taught for three years, not three days.
48:34 So--and by the way, that's Luke 13.
48:38 So, if a day is a year in prophetic time, then half a
48:43 day--then, rather, yeah--he talks about the silence in
48:50 heaven for an hour would be 15 days.
48:53 Jean: Yeah, about 15 days.
48:55 Doug: Half an hour is 7.
48:57 And this is why it doesn't say exactly half an hour.
48:59 It says about half an hour.
49:00 So, this would be seven days in prophetic
49:02 time, which is a nice Bible number.
49:04 The only reason it would be silent in heaven--I mean, don't
49:08 angels constantly say, "Holy, Holy, holy"?
49:11 And isn't there lots of activity and music in heaven?
49:14 This is after Michael stands up and
49:17 Christ comes to the world to redeem.
49:21 The temple is empty in heaven because
49:22 the High Priest has come.
49:24 So, there's no intercession going on.
49:26 Probation is closed. Jesus has come.
49:29 And so this is talking about, I think, that time period.
49:32 Jean: That's right.
49:34 So, heaven is silent, because Christ and
49:35 all the angels, they've come back to the earth.
49:38 Some people wonder, "Well, does that mean that it takes three
49:40 and a half days from heaven to earth, and then three
49:43 and a half days to go back to heaven?
49:46 Of course, we know angels can fly very quickly, so it doesn't
49:50 have to take seven days to come, but it does appear that the
49:53 joining back to heaven, when he comes and gathers
49:55 the redeemed, and he takes us back to heaven,
49:58 we don't rush to heaven right away.
50:00 It seems as though these things that are revealed,
50:02 things are understood, there's an
50:04 experience getting to know people.
50:05 The journey, the anticipation is growing,
50:08 as we travel towards the golden city.
50:10 But according to this verse, about
50:11 half an hour, that's about seven days.
50:14 Doug: Yeah. Jean: Interesting question.
50:16 Doug: Good, we appreciate that. Thanks so much.
50:18 Jean: We've got Becky listening in Indiana.
50:20 Becky, welcome to the program.
50:23 Becky: Hello, thank you.
50:24 I hope I can word this right.
50:26 Doug: Sure.
50:28 Becky: If we know that the 4th day is the Lord's Sabbath,
50:30 and we keep it, why is it so wrong to worship on Sunday,
50:33 and why would that be considered the mark of the beast?
50:35 Thank you.
50:37 Doug: Now, you said, if we know the 4th day--
50:40 I think you meant fourth commandment.
50:42 Becky: Oh, fourth commandment, I'm sorry.
50:43 Dough: Yeah, I figured that's what you meant.
50:44 So, yeah, first of all, I don't believe
50:46 anyone has the mark of the beast now.
50:48 People have wondered--are we saying that people
50:50 who go to church on Sunday have the mark of the beast?
50:52 No.
50:54 There'll be coming a time when there is a law made compelling
50:58 people to worship a way contrary to the Bible.
51:01 And whenever we know what truth is, sin, the Bible says--not
51:06 Pastor Doug or Pastor Ross--the Bible says sin
51:09 is knowing to do good and not doing it.
51:12 There'll be people in heaven that have
51:14 too many wives, because they just didn't know.
51:17 Everybody was doing it, and they thought it was okay.
51:19 I know that's strange.
51:21 There'll be people in heaven that had slaves, like Abraham.
51:26 And that doesn't mean slavery is all right.
51:28 If people do that today, we know better.
51:29 We've learned the truth on those things.
51:32 And there's going to be people in heaven that went to church
51:35 and worshipped God on the first day, or the third day, or some
51:38 other day, because they just didn't know.
51:41 But if you want to know what does the Bible say, there's no
51:44 question the Bible says the seventh day is the Sabbath.
51:48 And people will say, "Well, don't we keep the first day,
51:50 Sunday, in honor of the resurrection?"
51:52 I'd say, "Well, that sounds beautiful, but where is your
51:54 Bible verse commanding us to keep the first day?"
51:58 There is no Bible verse that commands us
52:00 to change it from one day to another.
52:02 And Pastor Ross and I have got a list of theologians from every
52:05 denomination that freely admit there is no commandment in
52:09 scripture telling us to worship on the first day for any reason.
52:14 You know, people may say, "Well, it's a tradition."
52:16 And that would be true.
52:17 It is a tradition, but it's not a commandment.
52:19 If you're going to go by the commandments, and I would think
52:22 the commandments of God are pretty important, it says the
52:24 seventh day, which is the same day Jesus kept, which is the day
52:29 the disciples would not finish embalming His body,
52:32 which is what we commonly call Saturday.
52:35 So, what a person does with the truth is between them and God,
52:39 but we're just here to tell you what the Bible actually says.
52:43 Sometimes it's popular, and sometimes it's not.
52:45 But we have a free lesson we'll be
52:47 happy to send you, Becky, on that.
52:49 Jean: That's right.
52:50 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
52:52 Ask for the study guide.
52:54 It's called "The Lost Day of History."
52:56 And it talks about this lost day people have forgotten about it,
53:00 but it's in the Bible, and there is a
53:01 great blessing in recognizing this part of the Ten
53:05 Commandments, the fourth commandment.
53:06 Doug: Isn't there--we also have a book,
53:07 it's called, "Is Sunday Sacred?"
53:11 I think we've got a sermon.
53:13 It used to be very popular.
53:16 We haven't mentioned it lately, but we'd send you a free copy.
53:20 Jean: I think the name is "Is Sunday Really Sacred?"
53:22 I think that was the title of the book.
53:23 Doug: Yeah, we'll send that to you.
53:25 Jean: we'll send that to you.
53:26 Just ask for it, or you can dial #250 on your phone
53:28 and ask for the books or the resources.
53:30 We'll be happy to send it to you.
53:32 Doug: Do we have time for half a question?
53:34 Jean: Yeah, let's try real quick.
53:35 We've got Carol in California.
53:37 Carol, you've got less than a minute.
53:41 Carol: Okay. Hi, pastors.
53:44 Doug: Hi, thanks for calling.
53:48 Carol: My question is I want to have a better
53:51 understanding about the everlasting gospel.
53:55 Is there any verse in the Bible that talks about or explains
54:01 what the everlasting gospel is all about?
54:06 Doug: Well, that's a great question to end this segment on.
54:09 Well, first of all, John 3:16.
54:11 The gospel does not really begin in the New Testament.
54:13 The gospel begins in the Old Testament.
54:15 That's why it's the everlasting gospel.
54:18 "For God so loved the world, He gave His only
54:20 begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him
54:23 might not perish but have everlasting life."
54:26 And you can also see that in just the theme of Jesus being
54:30 the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world
54:33 mentioned in Revelation a couple of times, I think.
54:36 So, the gospel, when Adam and Eve had their nakedness covered
54:40 by the skins of a lamb, that was saying it was through the death
54:44 of the Lamb they would be forgiven.
54:46 We are forgiven by the death of God's Son, the Lamb of God.
54:49 That gospel is from cover to cover in the Bible.
54:51 That's what happened when Abraham brought
54:53 Isaac up the mountain, his own son.
54:55 Hey, friends, just in case you did not
54:57 know, we sort of sign off in stereo.
55:00 First, we say farewell to our friends on satellite.
55:03 But stand by, everyone else.
55:05 We're going to do some rapid fire Bible questions.
55:07 ♪♪
55:12 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:14 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:18 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:22 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:28 Jean: Hello, friends, and welcome
55:29 back to "Bible Answers Live."
55:30 We want to thank you for the email questions that you sent
55:32 us, and if you'd like to email us your Bible question,
55:35 it's BALquestions
55:40 You know, Pastor Doug, we've got people listening not only
55:42 here in the US and North America, but literally
55:45 around the world-- now maybe not live.
55:47 Some places they might be listening live.
55:49 Others, it's a rebroadcast.
55:50 So, we have some questions that come
55:52 from folks all over the place.
55:54 First of all, we've got somebody asking, Michael is asking from
55:57 Australia, "Why don't we have the miracles happening today
56:01 that happened back in Bible times?"
56:03 Doug: Yeah, well, there are still miracles today--I think
56:05 I've witnessed some--but he's probably talking about some of
56:08 these first class miracles like a dead person rising, though I
56:12 have heard stories in the mission field of that happening.
56:15 Or you know, the ocean, being parted, walking
56:18 on water, miracles seem to come in waves.
56:21 Even in the book of Judges, Gideon, Gideon, way back before
56:24 Elijah and Jesus, Gideon said to the angel, "What happened to all
56:28 the miracles we used to hear about during the Exodus?"
56:31 So, clearly, they came in waves in history,
56:34 and we will see, I think, a lot of miracles in
56:36 the last days just before Jesus returns.
56:39 Jean: Okay, another question, also from down under, so to
56:42 speak, we've got Nikita from New Zealand, and she's asking, "How
56:45 do we speak the truth, as Christians, when we
56:48 are called hateful by others in society for
56:51 speaking the Bible, teaching the Bible?
56:54 Doug: Well, Jesus said, "Don't be discouraged
56:55 if you're persecuted for righteousness."
56:58 I mean, they told Jesus that He was evil.
57:03 They said, "You're casting out devils by the prince of devils."
57:05 They called Him demon-possessed, but He confronted them for their
57:11 sin, and there is a time for Christians to
57:14 lovingly rebuke and admonish sin, and the
57:19 culture is never going to like that.
57:20 Jesus said, "If the world hated me, it's going to hate you."
57:23 Jean: Okay, very good.
57:24 We've got Jody is asking, "Can you please explain what it means
57:27 that we were created in God's image and yet we know
57:30 Eve was created from the rib of Adam?"
57:33 Doug: Well, both Adam and Eve, it says, "Male and female
57:35 He made them in the image of God."
57:38 So, it's not just man or males that were made in
57:41 the image of God, but males and females.
57:45 Then, of course, today, we need to
57:46 emphasize they are completely distinct.
57:50 The world is trying to morph and meld genders.
57:54 God made them clearly two distinct genders, and He has not
57:57 changed His mind, but both are made in the image of God.
58:01 And if you think if, you know, if Adam was made
58:03 in the image of God, and Eve is made from
58:05 Adam, then they're both made in the image of God.
58:07 Hopefully, that helps, friends.
58:09 We want to live in a way to reflect that image in our lives.
58:12 God bless you.
58:13 We look forward to studying with you again next week.
58:16 Thank you for doing what you can to keep us on the air.
58:20 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and
58:22 accurate answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2023-06-29