Bible Answers Live

It's The Little Things

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202327S

00:00 ♪♪♪
00:02 male announcer: It is the best selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted, and its
00:10 words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, should
00:14 always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
00:22 Providing accurate and practical answers to all your
00:26 Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:34 broadcast call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from "Amazing Facts International,"
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 Since the inception of NASA, the United States has spent nearly
00:58 $650 billion on our space program.
01:01 Tragically, millions of those dollars were wasted because of
01:05 little mistakes.
01:07 On July 22nd, for example, 1962, Mariner 1 launched from
01:12 Cape Canaveral.
01:13 Its mission was to reach Venus and maintain contact with
01:17 mission control for about 25,000 hours, which was 100 times
01:21 longer than the previous Ranger probes to the moon.
01:24 However, about five minutes into the mission, the command was
01:29 given for the vehicle to self destruct.
01:31 The $18 million Atlas rocket had malfunctioned because of the
01:36 single missing hyphen in a computer program.
01:40 Yes, a missing dash ended up costing, what would today be
01:43 $183 million?
01:45 Far more tragic, on January 28th, 1986, the space shuttle
01:51 challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff, killing seven
01:55 crew members and traumatizing the nation.
01:58 The $3.2 billion shuttle and seven lives were lost because of
02:03 a $2.00 ring seal that had not been tested.
02:07 Neglecting little things can have catastrophic consequences.
02:13 You know, Jesus made this clear that little things can make a
02:17 big difference.
02:18 He told us that the very hairs of our head are numbered.
02:22 He said that a sparrow does not fall without the notice of your
02:26 Heavenly Father.
02:27 And He said that not even a jot or a tittle would pass from His
02:32 Word till all is fulfilled.
02:35 Let me read that to you friends.
02:36 It's in Matthew chapter 5, verse 17 through 19, "Do not think to
02:40 say that I've come to destroy the law or the prophets.
02:43 I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.
02:46 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away,
02:51 one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all
02:56 is fulfilled.
02:58 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments,
03:01 and teaches men so, he will be called least in the kingdom of
03:04 heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called
03:08 great in the kingdom of heaven."
03:10 And you can see here, Jesus was making a case for not only the
03:13 enduring nature of His law, but he said, not even a jot
03:17 or tittle.
03:18 That would be the equivalent in English of saying that the dot
03:20 on an "I" or the crossing of a "T," something like a little
03:25 hyphen or a dash in a programming code, it's
03:27 very small.
03:28 You wouldn't think it would make a big difference, but Jesus says
03:31 not a word is to fail.
03:33 Heaven and earth will pass away first.
03:35 Some people say that, you know, after Jesus came, that He did
03:38 away with the Law.
03:40 Jesus said, whoever teaches others that even the least of
03:43 these commandments has been done away, he will be called least in
03:46 the kingdom of heaven.
03:48 Of course, Christ is talking about the Ten Commandments, the
03:50 moral law, not the ceremonial or the sacrificial law.
03:53 Many people are being taught error regarding to the
03:57 importance and the permanence of God's Law.
04:00 And so we have a special offer we'd like to make
04:03 available tonight.
04:04 It's called the "Written in Stone."
04:06 If you'd like to better understand the eternal nature of
04:09 God's Law and how to separate the Ten commandments from the
04:13 other you know, ceremonial laws or some of the traditional laws,
04:19 that'll be very clear and it's important to understand that.
04:22 Just ask for your free copy of "Written in Stone."
04:25 It's offer #111, and you can call the free offer
04:28 number 800-835-6747.
04:32 Now, for any of our friends that want to call in, we have
04:35 lines open.
04:37 The way to do that is just to call 800-GOD-SAYS.
04:39 That's 800-463-7297.
04:44 I am Doug Batchelor, Pastor Jëan Ross is out for the night and
04:48 with the help of the Lord and our friends in the studio, we're
04:51 gonna negotiate an hour of doing our best to answer your Bible
04:55 questions from the Word of God.
04:57 But as always, we begin with a word of prayer.
05:00 Loving Lord, thank you again for the gift that we have of Your
05:04 Word, this love letter from heaven that communicates what
05:07 is truth.
05:08 And I pray you'll bless every aspect of this program that,
05:11 that truth that sets us free might be faithfully proclaimed.
05:15 Please bless Lord.
05:16 We ask in Jesus's name.
05:18 Amen.
05:19 Once again, if you want to call in with your question,
05:22 it's 800-GOD-SAYS.
05:23 That's 800-463-7297.
05:27 And keep a pencil handy because during the program, we often
05:31 have free resources we make available depending on the
05:34 various nature of the questions that come in, and we'll be
05:38 sharing those with you as well.
05:40 Alright.
05:41 I also want to welcome those who are not only watching
05:44 on television.
05:46 You know, if you don't know friends, we're streaming live.
05:47 You can go to the "Amazing Facts" YouTube Channel, if you
05:50 wanna see what's happening in the studio, as well as listen.
05:53 Or the "Amazing Facts," Facebook page, the Doug Batchelor
05:56 Facebook page, on AFTV, and others.
06:00 And we're gonna go to the phones now and talk to Jerry.
06:05 Jerry who is calling from Texas.
06:07 You're on the air Jerry, with "Bible answers Live."
06:10 Jerry: Hey, pastor.
06:12 Good evening to you.
06:13 Doug: Good evening.
06:14 Jerry: My question refers to Matthew 27, verses 51 to 52.
06:20 And this relates to the last day of Christ on earth.
06:25 A great earthquake happened and the curtain in the most Holy
06:28 Place was torn asunder from top to bottom and many graves of the
06:33 saints were open and upon His resurrection, these saints arose
06:39 showing Jesus had power over the grave.
06:44 Now there is Bible commenter that said that some of these
06:48 people, I wanna get your take on it that were from after
06:54 creation, pre-flood and then of course, post-flood.
06:59 That they may have been some of the characters that God chose to
07:04 raise up as the first fruits of His.
07:11 Like a wave sheaf, you know?
07:12 And I just wanted to get your take on that
07:13 because it was powerful.
07:15 Doug: Alright, well let's just make it clear.
07:16 We talked, of course about Matthew chapter 27.
07:19 And this is saying, when Jesus died on the cross, there's a
07:21 great earthquake.
07:23 Following the earthquake, some of the tombs, and it's not a
07:26 universal resurrection.
07:27 it says around Jerusalem were opened.
07:30 It says, because they end up going into the Holy City.
07:33 They don't rise from the dead right during the earthquake
07:37 says, after His resurrection, they went into the Holy City.
07:41 In other words, they waited until He rose, then they rose.
07:44 They went into the Holy City and appeared to many.
07:46 Now, it's vague.
07:49 How many is many?
07:52 You know, if five people are resurrected, we'd say that's
07:55 many because it doesn't happen very often.
07:57 It may have been 20, it may have been 40.
07:59 We don't know, it wasn't a universal resurrection.
08:01 Who were they?
08:02 The Bible doesn't say.
08:04 But and you notice this is not mentioned by Mark, Luke,
08:09 or John.
08:11 So, but it is mentioned by Matthew who did a very
08:13 careful accounting, that there was a small group of saints.
08:20 When I say small group, there was many around Jerusalem,
08:22 but small compared to the universal group
08:25 that will be raised someday, and they were
08:27 taken like a wave sheaf.
08:28 Now these are faithful that live probably in the proximity of
08:32 Jerusalem, we can only speculate, you know?
08:34 It may have been people like Isaiah that was killed in
08:38 Jerusalem for his faith.
08:39 We know it wasn't David because Peter tells us in Acts chapter
08:43 2, 40 days after the resurrection, he said, "Let me
08:48 speak to you freely of the patriarch David, that he is dead
08:51 and buried, and his grave is with us and he is not ascended
08:55 to heaven."
08:56 So Peter is extremely clear that David was not in that number,
08:59 but there was a special group that Jesus rose to take to
09:02 heaven as sort of a first fruits trophy.
09:06 And don't know what their names were, but it's gonna be exciting
09:11 to find out.
09:12 Thank you, Jerry.
09:13 I hope that helps a little bit.
09:15 Talking next to Anthony, calling from New York.
09:17 Anthony, you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
09:21 Anthony: Yes.
09:22 So, I find that sometimes I ask questions and then I listen to
09:25 your sermon and you answer the question in one of your sermons.
09:29 So I'll keep asking anyway.
09:32 My question has to do with Revelation chapter 21, verse 22.
09:38 And it says, "And I saw no temple therein: For the Lord God
09:43 Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it."
09:47 And so with the understanding of what it says in Hebrews chapter
09:50 1, I'm sorry, chapter 8, verses 1 through 5 where it talks about
09:54 the pattern, the heavenly pattern that Moses was shown in
09:58 the mountain.
09:59 I guess, you know, we understand that there's a heavenly
10:03 sanctuary that there was earthly pattern of.
10:07 So I guess I wanna know is, how is Jesus or, you know, God the
10:12 Father and God the Son, the Temple in the New Jerusalem?
10:17 Doug: Yeah, good question.
10:18 Let's talk about it.
10:20 First of all, there is a Temple in heaven, it's there right now.
10:24 The Bible is very clear.
10:25 The earthly temple was built and patterned after the
10:28 heavenly temple.
10:29 And Jesus ministers, the New Testament tells us, as our high
10:33 priest in that temple, and the temple of God, of course, is a
10:38 dwelling place of God.
10:39 Now, there's something different about the sanctuary now, than
10:42 there would be in the future.
10:44 The earthly sanctuary was all about dealing with sin.
10:47 It had, you know, the first thing you saw was an altar when
10:49 you came in, where the sacrifice was killed, bled, then burned,
10:55 and then there was washing and blood was brought into the
10:57 Holy Place.
10:59 That was all part of the process of salvation and forgiveness.
11:02 When we get to heaven, there's no longer a need for continuing
11:06 forgiveness from sin.
11:08 We're all purified from sin at that point.
11:10 So why is it saying then that Jesus is the temple?
11:13 Well, Jesus compares Himself to the temple several times in His
11:17 ministry and the apostles do.
11:19 Jesus said, "Destroy this temple that is made with hands and in
11:23 three days, I will make one without hands."
11:25 They accused Him of that at His trial, and also He did say it in
11:28 the gospel of John.
11:30 He said, "I will raise it up in three days."
11:32 And they said, "This Temple has taken 46 years to restore,
11:35 you're gonna raise it up in three days?"
11:36 He spoke of His Body.
11:39 And so we are called living stones.
11:41 Christ is a cornerstone.
11:43 We are called the Body of Christ.
11:45 And so I think it's telling us there in Revelation chapter 21,
11:49 that God is our dwelling place.
11:53 And in that sense, Jesus is the Temple.
11:55 Jesus is not going to turn into an edifice in heaven, but it's
11:59 one of the names for Christ.
12:00 He is a Temple.
12:02 Thank you.
12:03 I hope that makes sense, Anthony.
12:05 By the way, we do have a lesson on the sanctuary.
12:07 We'll send you or anyone who wants to know more about it, a
12:09 free copy.
12:10 And it's called, "God Drew the Plans."
12:13 "God Drew the Plans."
12:14 And just call the number 800-835-6747, and we'll share
12:19 that with you.
12:20 Alright, we're talking to Brittany in California.
12:23 Britney, you are on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
12:27 Britney: Hey.
12:29 Doug: Thanks for calling.
12:31 And your question?
12:33 Britney: Yeah, my question is, Does 1 Kings have to deal with
12:38 our current government and how this world nowadays has become,
12:44 definitely a little more warped in their thinking and judgment?
12:50 Doug: When you say 1 Kings, you mean the book of 1 Kings?
12:54 Britney: Yeah.
12:56 Doug: What, cause 1 Kings is kind of all over the map with
12:58 different kings and different situations.
13:00 Was there a particular story?
13:02 Because, you know, we don't have a monarchy in America anyway.
13:06 Britney: Things like Ahab and Jezebel and their idolatry or
13:11 one of the other evil Kings.
13:12 Doug: Yes.
13:14 Yeah.
13:15 Thank you.
13:16 That makes more sense, Britney.
13:18 Now, I think I know where you're coming from.
13:19 Yeah, there was a time during the time of Elijah where God's
13:22 people had kind of drifted into great apostasy.
13:26 And you'll notice that the history of Israel is very
13:33 similar to the history of the Church.
13:35 The history of Israel in the Old Testament, it's similar to
13:38 what's happened to the history of the church in the
13:40 New Testament.
13:42 In the Old Testament, the Northern Kingdom kind of went
13:45 into apostasy and they got involved in idolatry, and the
13:49 Southern Kingdom tried to remain true and stick to the Word and
13:53 maintain the ordinances of the Lord with the priests of
13:55 the Lord.
13:56 So you had the one group that was compromised and that's
14:02 what's happened to the church.
14:03 You know, you've got a large Catholic Orthodox Church that's
14:06 gotten into idolatry and you might say 10 tribes are there.
14:11 But then you have the Protestants that are trying to
14:13 stick a little more to the fundamentals of the Bible, and
14:16 so you'll actually see among spiritual Israel, some of the
14:19 same history has been acted out.
14:21 Unfortunately, in the Old Testament, there is a unity
14:24 during the time of Ahab and Jehoshaphat.
14:27 They started to join forces in a few battles and it turned into
14:31 a disaster.
14:33 Revelation tells us that these powers of Protestantism and
14:37 Catholicism are going to unite with the beast power in
14:40 persecuting God's people.
14:43 And so, are we seeing these days lived out again?
14:49 Yes, in many ways.
14:50 For anyone that wants to know more about this, you can look at
14:53 our free lesson.
14:54 We'll send it to you.
14:55 It's called "America in Prophecy."
14:57 Once again, call that number 800-835-6747 and ask for the
15:02 free study guide on "America in Prophecy."
15:05 Thank you Britney.
15:06 Going to go and talk to Debbie in Canada.
15:09 Debbie, you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
15:12 Debbie: Hi, Pastor Doug.
15:13 How are you?
15:15 Doug: Doing great.
15:16 Thank you for calling.
15:17 Debbie: Okay, I have a question.
15:19 In Genesis 1, it says, "In the beginning God made heaven
15:21 and earth.
15:22 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon
15:28 the face of the deep.
15:30 And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."
15:35 Does that mean there was water here?
15:37 And how could that be if everything was void?
15:39 Doug: Well, when it says void, the word void doesn't mean
15:42 there's nothing.
15:43 Void means that things are in a chaotic state and, there was
15:49 probably vapor all over the planet, clouds.
15:53 And it was in this chaotic state because then what God does is He
15:57 begins to separate the waters below from the waters above.
16:01 Kind of like when you got a foggy day and the fog lists, and
16:04 you see clouds above and things clear up.
16:07 So I believe there was water here.
16:09 There was rock here.
16:10 You know, God came to this mass and that was here in chaos.
16:16 Everything was in confusion and he brought order to it.
16:21 So it's interesting, you know, just while you're thinking about
16:24 it where it says the Spirit of God moved upon the face of
16:26 the waters.
16:28 You've got the Holy Spirit there talking about waters.
16:29 You go to the last verses in the Bible and it says, and the
16:32 Spirit and the Bride says, come and whoever is a thirst, let him
16:36 come and take the waters of life freely.
16:38 So, again, at the end of the Bible, you got the Spirit and
16:41 the waters again, which I always thought was intriguing.
16:44 Hey, thank you, Debbie.
16:45 We appreciate your call and your question tonight.
16:48 Alright, we're gonna talk next to Carlos calling from Florida.
16:52 Carlos you're on the air with "Bible answers Live."
16:55 Carlos: Good evening, Pastor Doug.
16:57 Doug: Evening.
16:59 How can we help tonight?
17:00 Debbie: So, the question is, in the 2300 day prophecy of Daniel.
17:07 Is there any way without going to an outside source to confirm
17:12 the starting date, the 457 BC date, you know, the command to
17:19 rebuild Jerusalem?
17:20 Doug: Yes.
17:21 Well, the-- and for our friends that are listening, Carlos is
17:25 asking about one of the most important prophetic dates in the
17:27 Bible and it needs to be established because you get two
17:30 major prophecies that hinge on this.
17:33 The prophecy in Daniel chapter 8, where it says 2300 days, then
17:38 the sanctuary will be cleansed.
17:39 But Daniel faints before the angel can tell him when that
17:43 prophecy begins.
17:44 In Daniel 9, the angel Gabriel returns and he says, I've come
17:48 to give you understanding, meaning for the first prophecy,
17:51 but he even expands it because Daniel was praying, when's the
17:54 Messiah gonna come?
17:55 So then the angel gives Daniel what we call the 490 year
18:00 prophecy telling when the Messiah would be anointed, about
18:03 this one week of ministry, how He would die in the midst of
18:07 that seven year period.
18:09 So both visions has one starting date and the starting date given
18:13 by the angel is, from the going forth of the commandment to
18:17 restore and build Jerusalem.
18:20 Now, there were three commandments that kind of came
18:22 in stages.
18:24 The last final permission was given by Artaxerxes and it was
18:27 in the year 457.
18:29 You find this in Ezra chapter 7, actually has the decree.
18:34 So, if you're wondering which decree it was, it would
18:36 certainly be the one that the prophet highlights, Ezra and he
18:41 must have known what that all meant.
18:42 And also history supports that.
18:45 Now, there are some historians that contend that, you know,
18:48 they're kind of quibbling over six months.
18:50 But, you know, 457 is the right date.
18:55 I hope that helps.
18:56 And, you know, you have to just research that, go to Ezra 7, or
18:59 look in Encyclopedia Britannica or some other historical
19:03 resources, and you'll find that.
19:05 Thank you.
19:06 Alright, and we're going to talk with Juneth, who's calling
19:08 from Nevada.
19:10 Juneth, you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
19:13 Juneth: Blessed evening.
19:15 Can you hear me?
19:16 Doug: I do!
19:18 Juneth: Okay my dear.
19:19 I have a question on the context of the archangel in
19:25 1 Thessalonians 4, verse 16.
19:29 It says you're going to hear the shout of the Lord of citizens
19:34 from the eastern skies.
19:37 And then you're going to hear also the, is it the sound of
19:44 the archangel?
19:45 My question is, who's this archangel?
19:48 Is this archangel, Michael who is trying to personify Jesus?
19:53 Or are they both?
19:55 You can see them at the same time?
19:59 Doug: Yeah, that's a good question because, it kind of
20:02 gives you the answer right there.
20:04 The word archangel is only found twice in the Bible, once in the
20:06 book of Jude verse 9, and here in 1 Thessalonians chapter 4. It
20:12 says, "The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a
20:16 shout, with the voice of the archangel," the Lord with
20:20 the voice.
20:21 And the word "archangel" means highest or chief.
20:24 Angel means messenger.
20:25 The Lord is coming with the voice of the greatest messenger.
20:29 You know, there's a sermon that I preached, oh, maybe three
20:32 weeks ago.
20:33 If you go to the Doug Batchelor YouTubes or Facebook and you go
20:37 back about three weeks, you'll see, I just did a message on who
20:40 is Michael the Archangel.
20:42 And if you take a look at that Juneth, I think you'll be
20:44 blessed by it, and there's a free book we'll be happy to
20:47 send you.
20:48 All you have to do is call and ask for it.
20:50 "Who is Michael The Archangel" goes along with the message, the
20:53 message I go into a lot of depth too.
20:56 So hopefully that'll help a little bit.
20:58 Alright, talking to Brian.
21:00 Brian is calling from Washington.
21:02 You're on the air, Brian.
21:04 Brian: Hello, Pastor Doug.
21:05 Doug: Hi.
21:07 Brian: My question is, what was the first marriage in the Bible?
21:11 The reason I asked that is, how did we develop into the marriage
21:15 ceremony and all the legalities and everything based if the two
21:19 become one flesh?
21:21 Doug: Good question.
21:22 Let me see if I can do my best to answer that for you.
21:25 The first marriage was performed by God and as far as I know, the
21:29 only marriage performed by God was Adam and Eve.
21:32 God performed one funeral too and that was the funeral
21:35 of Moses.
21:36 It says God buried him and God married Adam and Eve.
21:40 And you know, when the earth was sparsely populated, marriage is,
21:44 you know, pretty small affairs.
21:46 But it was always something that was done as a sacred commitment,
21:51 and a covenant because, you know, even at the beginning, God
21:53 said a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to
21:57 his wife.
21:58 This is a permanent covenant to establish this family unit with
22:01 a mother and a father, which is God's ideal.
22:04 As time went on because, you know, sometimes people were
22:09 making contracts with wives or someone might get married and
22:13 not know that this person was married.
22:15 And they wanted everybody in the community to know these two have
22:18 made a covenant.
22:20 It was something to be celebrated.
22:21 It was also something to be advertised so that other men and
22:25 women would know these individuals are off the market,
22:28 so to speak.
22:29 They've made a covenant and they're married.
22:33 And marriage doesn't have to be in a church to be legal.
22:36 To be legal, it's a covenant performed before witnesses.
22:40 And for a Christian, I don't know why you wouldn't want it to
22:42 be done where it would also include a covenant, then the
22:46 presence of God.
22:47 And so that's why many Christians, they have their
22:50 marriages in a church.
22:51 It's a sacred ceremony.
22:54 But hopefully that helps.
22:55 We do have a book that talks about marriage, divorce
22:59 and remarriage.
23:00 But it does address the function of marriage.
23:02 I always thought it was interesting when a wife was
23:06 chosen for Isaac.
23:08 Says, "When Isaac saw Rebecca," it says, "He took her to his
23:11 mother's tent and she became his wife."
23:13 It's pretty, they were nomads and I guess it was a pretty
23:17 private occasion.
23:19 But you also notice Jacob when he got married, it was a seven
23:22 day celebration.
23:24 And so it, and when Samson got married, again, a seven day
23:27 celebration, it was a much bigger event.
23:28 Of course, Jesus's first miracle was at a wedding.
23:31 Alright, we're going to see here.
23:33 Talking to Anthony in Michigan.
23:36 Let's see if we can address your question.
23:38 Anthony, you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
23:40 Anthony: Hi Pastor Doug.
23:42 Doug: Hi.
23:44 Anthony: I was going through something in my mind lately
23:49 while I was wondering.
23:53 In different parts of the Bible, it gives different examples of,
23:57 like, self defense, and then, like, examples of self control,
24:02 of giving in to somebody striking and then one
24:04 responding, and the decision to or not give to that.
24:10 Like Jesus when he was arrested, he didn't try to resist any
24:17 of that.
24:18 But like, it's not like God didn't send David out to do some
24:25 stuff too.
24:27 And there's, like, times where it seems ok.
24:29 And there's times where it seems not.
24:31 And I'm wondering if there's like any resources, or guides,
24:35 or verses, or stories you might know that might give me a more
24:38 clear understanding.
24:39 Doug: Well, you know, when Jesus talked about, if someone strikes
24:43 you on, you know, the right side, offer him the other also,
24:48 He is talking about as a Christian in settling disputes.
24:53 He wasn't talking about someone pulling a knife on you, or
24:56 attacking your family.
24:58 You know, Christ also said in Mark 3:27, "No one can enter a
25:02 strong man's house and plunder his goods, unless he binds the
25:06 strong man."
25:07 In other words, if that strong man is not stopped, he will stop
25:11 the intruder.
25:13 And Jesus said, and then you got again, Christ says in Luke
25:16 11:21, "When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own place, his
25:21 goods are in peace."
25:23 So it's a law of life that your persons and property can
25:27 be protected.
25:29 And you know, if someone threatens your family with
25:32 physical force, and you're able to defend them, I think it's
25:35 what you call a self evident truth, you should.
25:38 You know, no one, no Christian, anybody wants to ever resort
25:41 to violence.
25:43 But you got Chris-- you know, God did use people in the Bible
25:46 like David and Samson and others that you know, he inspired with
25:49 supernatural strength and skill to defend, and even to deliver
25:55 his people from their enemies.
25:56 So, there's no moral dilemma in doing that.
26:00 I think that, you know, Christians, if you're involved
26:03 in a war, should do their best to find positions where they can
26:09 be supportive in a humanitarian way, as opposed to taking
26:14 human life.
26:16 And some of you have all heard the story of like, Desmond Doss
26:21 that wanted to be a non-combatant in World War II.
26:26 He said I'm gonna be a conscientious supporter, and he
26:31 said I will support, but I'm not gonna take up a gun.
26:33 I'll try and heal and support my troops, and which he ended up
26:37 getting a medal of honor for doing that.
26:39 But he said, I'm not gonna take up a gun and try and take
26:41 another life.
26:43 So, you know, he said, I'll let other people do that.
26:46 I'm not gonna do it.
26:47 Good question.
26:49 I hope that helps a little bit.
26:50 Anthony don't have a resource particularly on that.
26:51 I think I got a, I do have a sermon online called "Does God
26:55 Believe In War?"
26:56 And that sort of answers some of those questions.
26:58 You hear the music friends.
27:00 This just means we're getting ready to take a break and we'll
27:02 be coming back and taking more Bible questions just a moment.
27:05 So don't go away.
27:07 We have some important announcements to share with you.
27:08 ♪♪♪
27:12 male announcer: Stay tuned.
27:14 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
27:16 ♪♪♪
27:22 ♪♪♪
27:25 Sandy: I always have felt like a lost soul, kind of like a square
27:29 peg trying to fit in a round hole.
27:31 Brokenness, estrangement, that's been the running theme I think
27:35 of my life.
27:38 My real father left me when I was just a year old.
27:41 And my stepfather married my mother when I was not much older
27:46 than maybe two and he was an alcoholic.
27:48 He'd come home and the minute he got home, he'd start drinking
27:52 until he passed out on the couch.
27:54 That was my reality every night.
27:56 My mom was hardly ever there.
27:58 I was being raised by a step dad, and sometimes and when he
28:01 would drink, he would tell me that I was sort of the unwanted
28:04 baggage that he didn't bargain for.
28:06 And so I was always feeling like never good enough.
28:10 My mom, she was fearful that I was going to become an addict
28:13 like my step dad and get into trouble, so she put me in a
28:18 church school and I thrived.
28:22 But when I was 12 years of age, I found out she's been married
28:25 five times, and I was the sixth child and I never knew
28:29 my siblings.
28:31 It kind of rocked my world and I was angry and I didn't
28:33 understand why I had this family that was withheld from me.
28:38 So when I graduated school, you know, I just kind of went out
28:42 into the world.
28:43 You know, I was wild and I sought relationships.
28:47 I didn't seek God, I sought relationships, I sought the
28:51 feeling of love through relationships with men.
28:55 I went through three marriages and I had two children by two
28:59 different marriages in those three marriages.
29:02 And I found myself repeating the same history my mom did.
29:08 A couple of years later, here comes the pandemic.
29:11 I suffer with autoimmune disease and all the things that they
29:14 were saying in the media was frightening, and I was scared to
29:18 death, and I felt so out of touch with people.
29:20 You know, I was listening to Doug Batchelor on "Amazing
29:23 Facts" on YouTube.
29:24 I had found that I didn't listen to the news, I listened to
29:27 "Amazing Facts."
29:29 I had that always on in my house and that was my sustaining
29:32 strength through all of the fear that happened through the
29:36 pandemic and the lockdowns.
29:39 God taught me who I am.
29:42 He became my family, that empty place that I always had,
29:46 He filled.
29:47 And then when He started to fill that empty place, He started to
29:50 show me His truth, and it's brought such a peace to my life.
29:55 It's brought such a stability to my life and I know that I belong
30:00 to Him.
30:01 God used "Amazing Facts" to do that for me, to reach into my
30:06 living room where I was at on days that I couldn't even get
30:09 off of my couch.
30:11 And He fed me through that ministry.
30:15 My name is Sandy and thank you for changing my life.
30:19 ♪♪♪
30:31 male announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live," where
30:34 every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His
30:38 plan to save you.
30:39 So what are you waiting for?
30:41 Get practical answers about the Good Book for a better
30:44 life today.
30:48 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
30:51 If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions on the
30:54 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 PM and 8 PM
30:59 Pacific Time.
31:00 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
31:03 evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
31:08 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
31:13 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
31:19 Doug: Welcome back listening friends, to "Bible
31:22 Answers Live."
31:23 This is a live international interactive Bible study and
31:27 you're invited to call in with your Bible questions.
31:29 We're also streaming on Facebook, on the "Amazing Facts"
31:32 Facebook page, the "Amazing Facts" YouTube page, the Doug
31:35 Batchelor Facebook and YouTube pages as well as "Amazing Facts"
31:39 television and other outlets.
31:42 And our next question is coming from Glenn in Ohio.
31:47 Glenn, you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
31:50 Hi!
31:51 Glenn: Good evening, Pastor Batchelor.
31:53 Thank you for taking my call.
31:54 Doug: Thank you for your patience.
31:55 Glenn: You know, sir, during the turn from the BC to AD, the
32:00 Romans persecuted the Jewish people terribly.
32:03 Principally, I understand because they wouldn't come into
32:06 their religion.
32:08 They really persecuted them terrible but today we find Jews
32:12 go join, coming out of Judaism and going to Christianity by the
32:17 fistful as it were.
32:18 Can that be considered as a victory for Rome?
32:21 Doug: No, because Christians, Jews have become Christians.
32:25 I'm one of them.
32:27 Jews who have become Christians are not, first of all, they're
32:29 not becoming Roman Catholics and they're not becoming worshippers
32:33 of the emperor.
32:34 The Roman emperor, you know, in the time of Christ, it was
32:38 Augustus Caesar.
32:40 They claimed to be deity.
32:42 I think Julius Caesar was the first who did that.
32:44 They start claiming to be gods.
32:45 And the Christians and the Jews were offended by that.
32:49 The Romans had the heads of their Caesars on the coins.
32:54 Remember Jesus asked when he said-- they were testing, Jesus
32:58 and said, "Should we pay taxes to the Romans?"
33:01 And Christ said, "Show me a coin.
33:03 Whose inscription, whose image is there?"
33:05 They said, "Caesars."
33:07 He said, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to
33:09 God, the things that are God's."
33:11 Jew and Christians do not worship the Roman gods.
33:16 And so when a Jew becomes a Christian, a Jew becoming a
33:19 Christian is really becoming a fulfilled Jew, because the
33:23 ultimate fulfillment of the Jew was to proclaim the Messiah to
33:27 the world.
33:28 And they did that at Pentecost, and many of the Jews that were
33:31 there believed, and the first early church was all
33:34 Jewish actually.
33:36 The apostles were all Jewish.
33:38 So, it's not a denial of Christianity or Judaism to
33:42 become a Christian.
33:43 I think it's a fulfillment.
33:44 Great question, Glenn.
33:46 Thank you.
33:47 Hope that helps a little bit.
33:48 Alright, talking next to Linda.
33:50 Linda is calling here in California, and you're on the
33:53 air, Linda.
33:54 Linda: Hi there.
33:56 Doug: Hi.
33:57 Linda: Thank you.
33:58 This is about, it's Exodus 4:25, is where my question is.
34:05 And before that, Moses is talking to the Lord and then, I
34:15 don't understand what Zipporah meant.
34:19 His wife, when she-- I'll read it from the authorized version,
34:25 "Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin
34:30 of her son, and cast it at Moses's feet, and said, surely a
34:34 bloody husband art thou to me."
34:38 I don't know what she, what was going on there?
34:41 Doug: Yeah, that is a good question.
34:42 And we get that from time to time.
34:44 Anyone reading through the Bible, they get that and they
34:46 go, what in the world is the back story here?
34:49 Linda: Yeah, and I can understand.
34:50 Doug: You know, once, let me give you the picture of what's
34:52 going on.
34:54 So Moses, he leaves Egypt.
34:55 Moses is Jewish.
34:57 Moses was circumcised as a baby because his mother, they're
34:59 supposed to circumcise at eight days.
35:01 His mother kept him what till he was three months.
35:04 So when Moses was pulled from the river, even the Egyptian
35:07 princess, you know, a little baby boy, they're naked and she
35:10 said, oh, it's a Hebrew child.
35:11 You could see that and they adopted him and he always
35:15 knew that.
35:16 But when he ran away from Pharaoh and he went
35:18 out into the wilderness, he married one of the daughters of
35:19 Jethro, Zipporah.
35:21 And Jethro, and they may not have been practicing
35:24 circumcision, even though they were related to Abraham.
35:29 So when Moses has two sons, there must have been some family
35:34 dispute where Zipporah thought that's a barbaric thing.
35:37 I don't want you doing that to our boys and Moses gave in
35:39 to her.
35:40 Now, Moses is going to lead God's people out of Egypt.
35:44 And circumcision is a covenant for Israel.
35:46 And he hasn't practiced circumcision in his own family.
35:50 And, because his wife was resisting it, and God stopped
35:54 him on the way and was gonna kill him.
35:56 Now God of course, doesn't swing and miss.
35:58 It means that an angel withstood him, like Balaam, with a
36:01 sword drawn.
36:03 And God said, look, I've called you to lead my people and you're
36:05 disobeying me in something that you know, you're the lead of
36:08 the family.
36:09 You should be taking care of this.
36:11 Zipporah heard all that and with some regret, she circumcised the
36:16 son and cast the foreskin at his feet.
36:18 She said, "You're a bloody husband," meaning I think this
36:20 is barbaric, but she did it.
36:23 So that's probably what was happening is Moses was in
36:26 disobedience regarding circumcising one or both of
36:30 his sons.
36:32 We don't know, only one is mentioned here.
36:34 Eventually during the plagues, Moses sends Zipporah and the
36:37 boys back to Midian, to where the father in law was and he
36:42 rejoins them in the wilderness later.
36:44 But, there was a family dispute, It seems, over circumcision.
36:48 Linda: Okay, terrific, thank you very much.
36:51 Doug: That makes sense?
36:52 Linda: Yes.
36:54 Doug: Okay, thank you, appreciate that.
36:55 Good question. Alright, let's see here.
37:02 Alright, let's see, we're talking next to Robert
37:03 in Connecticut.
37:04 Robert, you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
37:06 Robert: Hey, good afternoon, good evening Doug Batchelor.
37:10 Yeah.
37:11 Hey, the Hebrews 10:26.
37:13 Could you help me understand that better because I'm looking
37:17 at that and it's pretty scary.
37:20 If somebody has a sin that they are trying to-- Doug: Get the
37:27 victory over, yeah.
37:29 Robert: You get the victory over versus, you know, willfully.
37:32 I mean, somebody might know it's wrong but they can't quite get
37:37 it right yet.
37:39 Are they doomed or?
37:41 Doug: Well, let me read this for our friends that are listening.
37:43 So they, I know what you're talking about and you do.
37:46 But it says in Hebrews 10:26, "For if we sin willfully after
37:52 we've received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no
37:55 longer a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of
37:58 judgment, and fiery indignation that will devour
38:01 the adversaries.
38:03 Anyone who rejected Moses' Law dies without mercy on the
38:06 testimony of two or three witness.
38:07 Of how much more severe punishment, do you suppose, he
38:10 will be thought worthy?
38:12 Who's trampled underfoot the Son of God, and counted the blood of
38:15 the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and
38:18 insulted the Spirit of Grace."
38:20 So Paul is saying that if a person continues, and the word
38:25 here, if we continue to sin willfully after we've received
38:28 the knowledge of the truth.
38:30 You know, the whole message of salvation is to turn from our
38:33 sins, to be saved, not in our sins but from our sins.
38:36 Now that doesn't mean you're not gonna fall and have battles,
38:39 because everyone listening to my voice right now knows you do.
38:43 But we cannot be content to continue to sin willfully.
38:49 Willful sin is different than someone slipping up.
38:54 When someone says, well, I'm just going to continue to sin,
38:57 and they're not fighting the temptation and doing all they
39:00 can humanly do, and trust in God's grace to ultimately give
39:03 them the victory, well, they basically surrendered to
39:06 the devil.
39:07 A Christian should never be satisfied with a known sin in
39:11 their life.
39:12 They should always be doing all they can to call on God's power
39:17 to resist.
39:19 The Bible says, "Resist the devil and he'll flee from you."
39:21 There's a struggle.
39:22 Now, you know the very fact, the Bible says, we strive, we
39:26 wrestle, we fight, we war, we struggle against sin.
39:30 These are terms the Bible uses.
39:33 Every believer has this battle between the Spirit and the flesh
39:37 going on.
39:38 Don't be discouraged, but don't ever come to the place and many
39:42 pastors are telling their people this lie.
39:45 Don't ever come to the place where you're comfortable in
39:48 willfully sinning.
39:50 You see what I'm saying?
39:52 Because if we say, well, I guess we're all sinners, and you make
39:54 no effort to resist, then you're basically surrendering to sin.
39:59 And Jesus says, I am more powerful than the devil.
40:02 I can save you from your sins.
40:05 So I know people who struggled with alcohol and were saved and
40:10 they never drank again.
40:12 I know people who struggle with smoking.
40:14 I'm one of them, and God saved me from it and I've never had
40:17 another cigarette in 40 years.
40:19 Whatever the addiction or the temptation is, God can save you
40:23 from it.
40:25 Now it doesn't mean that there'll never be times in your
40:28 life where you're, you know, tempted and you fall in some
40:31 area, but that should be the exception and not the rule for
40:34 the Christian.
40:35 Does that make sense?
40:36 Robert: Absolutely.
40:38 I appreciate that.
40:39 That helps out.
40:41 Doug: Alright, yeah.
40:42 Don't give up.
40:43 Paul says, you know, "We fight a good fight, right to the end."
40:46 Thanks so much.
40:48 Appreciate your call.
40:49 Robert: Thank you.
40:50 Doug: Bye bye.
40:52 Alright, talking to Marin in Brazil.
40:53 And you're on the air and I hope I'm saying that right, Marin.
40:58 Marin: Yes, good evening Pastor.
41:00 Doug: Evening.
41:01 Marin: Can you hear me?
41:02 Doug: Yes.
41:04 Marin: My question, it's more like a kind of, I would like to
41:09 understand more about Ezekiel 38.
41:12 You know, I know that there's a lot of different visions on that
41:16 chapter, but basically it says that, I don't know if it could
41:21 be what's happening now in Israel, it could be some kind of
41:25 trigger to what's describing there.
41:28 It says that some league of nations in a distant future, we
41:32 invade Israel and when that happens, God will judge, He'll
41:42 perform some judgment there if I understand it right.
41:45 I just would like to hear your thoughts on that.
41:50 Doug: Yeah, they, if you look in Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39, it
41:54 describes this massive battle when all of God's enemies, and
41:58 it identifies them as Gog and Magog, talks about Rosh,
42:01 Meshech, Tubal.
42:03 There are some pastors out there that are saying Rosh is Russia,
42:07 and Meshech is Moscow, and they're really stretching to
42:12 say that.
42:13 These are Old Testament.
42:14 You find Gog and Magog mentioned in like Genesis 10.
42:18 It's going way back to the early divisions.
42:21 This is even before the Tower of Babel.
42:23 And you know, you can't associate that with Russia, but
42:27 these were some of the tribes that ended up being enemies of
42:31 God's people.
42:32 And you've got Gog and Magog means from the matrix, or out of
42:37 Gog, Gog and the children of Gog.
42:39 Now what you're seeing happening when this, these powers, the
42:44 enemies of God's people come upon them like a cloud
42:48 is repeated.
42:49 And if you take a look, Marin in Revelation chapter 20.
42:54 You will see there where again, it says, at the end of the 1000
42:58 years, there's this Great Resurrection, all the dead come
43:02 out of their graves.
43:03 And I'm reading in verse 7, "When the thousand years have
43:06 expired, Satan will be released from his prison and go out to
43:09 deceive the nations that are in the four corners of the earth,
43:12 Gog and Magog, to gather," he's talking about Ezekiel 38 and 39,
43:16 "to gather them to battle, the number is as whom like the sand
43:20 of the sea."
43:21 I think Ezekiel says, "They cover the earth like a cloud.
43:23 They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the
43:26 camp of the saints."
43:27 This is the New Jerusalem.
43:28 Don't forget, this is not the old Jerusalem.
43:30 This is the New Jerusalem, "And fire comes down from God out of
43:34 heaven and devours them."
43:35 So who are Gog and Magog?
43:37 Is this talking about Russia and China, and these earthly nations
43:42 coming against the Jews?
43:43 No, these are symbols for the enemies of God in the last days
43:48 after the resurrection of the wicked, all the wicked who have
43:51 ever lived come out of their graves.
43:52 They are the enemies of God's people.
43:54 They try to take, led by the devil, they try to take
43:57 Jerusalem by force.
43:59 They are all judged in a White Throne Judgment and fire comes
44:03 down from God out of heaven and devours them.
44:05 This is not describing the events that are happening in the
44:08 Middle East.
44:09 Now, will there be a great conflict in the Middle East?
44:11 Now, there may be.
44:13 Can this be the beginning of the end?
44:15 Yes, it could.
44:16 You know, Jesus said, except the days be shortened, no flesh
44:19 would be saved.
44:21 I don't know.
44:22 Many times things like this have unfolded into
44:27 international conflicts.
44:29 This has that potential.
44:31 I mean, if you know, if you've got an axis of Russia, and
44:36 Korea, and Iran, and China maybe and they're pairing off against
44:42 the western nations of the United States, and you know,
44:44 allies in Europe, you could have just a massive global meltdown.
44:50 And so we should be praying that the angels will continue to hold
44:53 back the winds of strife so God can seal his servants and we can
44:57 reach as many as possible.
44:59 Hopefully, Marin* this answers that a little bit.
45:02 We do have a lesson called "1000 Years of Peace."
45:06 It's on the Millennium and it talks about Gog and Magog.
45:09 We'll send you or anyone that wants a free copy of that.
45:13 All you have to do is call 800-835-6747.
45:19 That's for our free offers, 800-835-6747.
45:23 And with that, we're gonna try and take a couple
45:25 more questions.
45:26 Alright, Joyce in Virginia.
45:29 Joyce, you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
45:31 Joyce: Yes, I am so glad.
45:33 Thank you so much.
45:35 I'm never able to get through, but this particular one is the
45:40 book of James, and the number 1 chapter, and number 2 verse.
45:48 "Count it all joy," I've lost my page.
45:51 But we go over it quite a bit.
45:52 Let me see, "Count it all joy when you're going through," and
45:56 I don't fully get it because we have it all the time.
45:59 And He's saying He wants us to get this.
46:01 Doug: Well, let me read this for our friends.
46:03 Joyce: Do it, does it mean that, count it all joy while you're
46:07 waiting and going through, because when it ends or you're
46:10 delivered, you're able to give God glory on and praise or tell
46:14 the people about it?
46:15 What does it mean when you say, "Count it all joy," during
46:18 that time?
46:20 Doug: That's a good question.
46:21 You know, if you read on in the verse here, it says, "My
46:24 brethren," this is James 1, verse 2.
46:26 And I'll read verse 3,
46:28 "Count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing
46:31 that the testing of your faith produces patience.
46:35 But let patience have its perfect work."
46:37 You know, when we go through various trials, we know that if
46:41 God loves us, it says that, "Every father chastens the
46:45 children that he loves."
46:46 Every trial that you go through as a Christian, don't forgive
46:49 those friends, every trial you go through as a Christian, God
46:52 is trying to use that trial to reach you.
46:55 God is trying to use that trial to reach others through your
46:58 witness, because Christians are the best witness in trial
47:01 or both.
47:02 Usually, both.
47:04 God is wanting us to learn something through the trial.
47:06 He's wanting us to be a witness during that time of trial, and
47:10 so embrace it.
47:11 Paul said, you know, I've got a thorn in my side and I prayed
47:13 God would take it away, but He said, my strength is made
47:16 perfect in weakness.
47:17 So Paul said, I am gonna glory in my tribulations in spite
47:22 of that.
47:23 And I know it's hard to do that.
47:24 But you know, Jesus said, if you're being persecuted for
47:27 righteousness, rejoice and be exceedingly glad.
47:29 That's one trial we can rejoice in, and one time when the
47:33 apostles were whipped for their faith by the Sanhedrin, and said
47:37 they left the place rejoicing that they could suffer for
47:40 Christ's sake.
47:41 So I think James is also talking about that when he says, "When
47:44 you fall into various trials," he may be especially talking
47:48 about if you're persecuted for your faith.
47:50 Thank you Joyce.
47:52 I hope that helps a little bit and we're gonna talk next to
47:54 Chuck calling in California.
47:56 Chuck, you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
47:58 Chuck: Yes, Pastor Doug.
48:00 I'm wondering if you can clear up 1 Thessalonians 4:14 where it
48:07 says that, "Those who are asleep and in Jesus, God will bring
48:15 with Him."
48:16 Doug: So, yeah.
48:18 And this is, let me read the verse before too.
48:19 It says, "Brethren, I don't want you to be ignorant concerning
48:22 those who've fallen asleep."
48:24 Of course, he's talking about those who have died.
48:26 And then he says, "Lest you sorrow as others that have
48:29 no hope.
48:30 We have hope that the dead are going to live again.
48:32 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so
48:35 will," now he's talking about future tense.
48:37 "Even so will God bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus."
48:41 They're asleep in Jesus now.
48:43 How will they be with Jesus when he comes?
48:46 Next verse he explains it, "For this we say to you by the Word
48:49 of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain unto the coming
48:52 of the Lord will not precede those who are asleep."
48:55 In other words, the one who are dead, they get raised first,
48:59 "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with
49:01 a shout."
49:03 When do the dead rise?
49:04 "When the Lord descends from heaven with a shout, voice of
49:06 the archangel, the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will
49:10 rise," is His future.
49:11 So when Christ comes and we're caught up to meet him, says,
49:16 "Then we who are alive," verse 17, "and remain will be caught
49:19 up together with them in the clouds."
49:20 They are with the Lord first.
49:23 When we get there, they are with him, because they've just
49:25 been raised.
49:26 But the dead in Christ rise first, then we join them.
49:29 They are with Jesus when we join him.
49:33 So hopefully, does that make sense Chuck?
49:36 Chuck: Yes, sir.
49:37 Thank you very much.
49:38 Doug: Okay, thank you.
49:40 And for any of our friends that are listening.
49:41 You know, a lot of folks are confused about the Resurrection.
49:43 Some folks believe that when you die, you go right to heaven
49:46 before the Resurrection or before the Judgment.
49:49 And they read the verses that say absent from the body present
49:52 with the Lord, which is absolutely true.
49:54 If you're a believer and you die, your next conscious thought
49:57 is the presence of the Lord.
49:59 But you don't have that conscious thought until
50:01 the Resurrection.
50:02 For you it seems like a moment, the twinkling of an eye, it's
50:05 almost instant.
50:06 So technically, we live in time.
50:09 The Resurrection hasn't happened yet.
50:11 No one's with the Lord yet until we are caught up to meet him at
50:14 the Second Coming.
50:16 We have a study on that, if anyone's interested.
50:18 It's called, "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
50:20 We'll send you a-- and it gives you all the scriptures.
50:22 Free lesson, ask for it.
50:24 You'll be glad you did.
50:26 800-835-6747, 800-835-6747.
50:32 Alright, let's see.
50:34 We're going to talk to MaryAnn.
50:35 First time caller from Florida.
50:37 MaryAnn you're on the air with "Bible Answers Live."
50:39 MaryAnn: Hello Pastor Doug!
50:40 Doug: Greetings.
50:42 MaryAnn: You know what, I last saw you in Canada when there was
50:45 a general conference?
50:47 Doug: Oh, Toronto, that's been a few years.
50:49 MaryAnn: Yes.
50:51 Okay, my question is, Revelation chapter 20 and 21.
50:57 In 20 it says, "And when the thousand years are expired,
51:02 Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to
51:07 deceive the nations."
51:09 And then 21 says, "I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem,
51:14 coming down."
51:16 So here's my question, There's going to be the same, going to
51:19 be back on earth with Jesus.
51:22 And there's gonna be billions of people, the saved ones.
51:27 So when the fire comes down and kill all these people, the
51:32 unsaved, where are-- the earth is still not quite ready yet.
51:37 The earth is still filthy.
51:39 Why would we come from heaven or a clean heaven and come down to
51:44 a filthy earth and then the people gonna be burned?
51:47 I would think that the people, the earth is gonna be clean
51:50 first and then we come down after the thousand years.
51:54 Doug: Well, that's a great question.
51:55 Let me talk to you about that.
51:57 So we read that, and you can read also in Zechariah chapter
52:00 14, that Christ will come down.
52:02 Well, the New Jerusalem comes down, Christ first comes ahead
52:06 of it.
52:07 It probably hovers up in the heavens for a bit.
52:09 His feet touch the Mount of Olives, the Mount of
52:12 Olives splits.
52:13 It causes a great earthquake and leaves a great plain.
52:16 The great plain becomes the foundation spot from the
52:18 New Jerusalem.
52:20 Jesus feet touching this planet that has, you know, all the
52:23 wicked have been destroyed here.
52:24 It's just the ashes.
52:26 There's no dead bodies laying anywhere.
52:28 The Bible tells us that all the wicked are dead and gone.
52:31 The New Jerusalem settles down on the world in this valley that
52:34 has been prepared and purified by the feet of Christ.
52:38 Then he calls all of the dead back to life for judgment.
52:42 And instead of coming out of the graves and repenting of their
52:45 sins, they come out of the graves and attack the saints.
52:48 Jesus is showing that they have not changed.
52:50 They are still ready to follow the devil in this battle against
52:55 Gog and Magog.
52:56 When Satan's chains are loose and he can tempt the wicked, he
52:59 just leads them out again to fight against God.
53:02 God has no chance but to judge them, no choice but to judge
53:05 them and consume them.
53:07 And then God creates a new heavens and a new earth.
53:09 We are inside the city, the walls are 214 cubits.
53:13 We're protected, nothing's gonna harm the saved.
53:17 But outside, the Bible says, are the dogs and the liars, and the
53:23 whoremongers, and all the wicked are outside the city.
53:25 I hope that helps a little bit, MaryAnn.
53:28 Alright, Scott in Kentucky.
53:30 Scott you're on the air.
53:32 Scott: Okay.
53:33 My question is when Jesus died and rose again, he appeared to
53:36 his disciples and other people.
53:38 And my question was, did his disciples ever believe that they
53:41 would be able to reappear to their friends or family once
53:45 they died?
53:46 Doug: You know, there's a good question.
53:48 There's no evidence that the apostles thought that they
53:51 would reappear.
53:52 And there's no example in the New Testament of anybody dead
53:56 coming back.
53:58 The Bible says that the living know they'll die, but the dead
54:02 know not anything.
54:03 So we shouldn't be trying to communicate with the dead.
54:07 In the Old Testament, Moses said that anyone tries to communicate
54:11 with the dead or they consult a medium, that was a sin.
54:15 And it got into spiritualism and witchcraft.
54:18 King Saul went to a witch and she supposedly conjured up
54:22 Samuel the prophet, but we read later in the Bible that was
54:26 actually an evil spirit.
54:28 So that's one of the things that's gonna happen in the
54:30 last days.
54:32 It says that these unclean frogs, they're gonna go out of
54:35 the mouth of the Beast, the Dragon and the False Prophet to
54:38 the kings of the earth and deceive them with miracles.
54:42 And so there'll be spiritualism and deception just like there
54:46 was in the days of Saul.
54:47 Hey, thank you for your questions friends.
54:49 Now, we sort of sign off on "Bible Answers Live" in
54:53 two phases.
54:54 That's because the clocks that are used by satellite radio are
54:57 a little different than the clocks used by the land
54:59 base stations.
55:00 So for our friends listening on satellite, God bless tune in
55:03 next week.
55:04 For the rest of you, don't go anywhere because we're gonna
55:07 take in some questions real quick that you've emailed to us
55:11 and we'll tell you how any listener can email
55:13 some questions.
55:15 So we'll be back in just a moment.
55:16 ♪♪♪
55:18 male announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:21 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:24 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by "Amazing Facts
55:28 International," a faith based ministry located in Granite
55:31 Bay, California.
55:34 Doug: Alright, friends.
55:36 We'll begin with our first question.
55:37 Comes from Kell in Papua, New Guinea.
55:40 Greetings.
55:42 I've been to New Guinea a couple of times.
55:44 "How do I love God more?
55:46 I want to love God more, but I don't know how or what to do.
55:49 Can you help?
55:51 Because I'm a bit confused on what I have to do to show that I
55:53 love Him more."
55:54 Well, loving Him more and showing Him you love Him more
55:56 are related, but they are also different.
55:59 First of all, how do you love God more?
56:01 Well, the Bible says, "We love Him because He first loved us."
56:05 So it's His love for us that touches our heart and makes us
56:09 want to love Him more.
56:10 As we behold His love for us, it will increase our love for Him.
56:17 Not only will our love increase, but our faith increases by
56:20 reading the Word.
56:22 Paul says in Romans chapter 10, verse 17, "Faith comes by
56:25 hearing, and hearing by the Word of God."
56:28 So read the Bible, look at Jesus, look at the cross and
56:32 there you see His love for you, "God so loved the world."
56:36 And that's what leads us to repentance.
56:38 It's the goodness of God and the love of God that leads us
56:42 to repentance.
56:43 So spend time in communion with God through prayer.
56:46 If you know Him better, you'll love Him more and you will serve
56:49 Him better because you love Him more.
56:51 Love is a reason to keep the commandments.
56:53 Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments."
56:56 Moses said, "I command you to love the Lord your God.
56:59 Keep His commandments."
57:01 Okay.
57:02 Martha from Zambia asks, "Was Moses part of the captives that
57:05 ascended with Jesus at his resurrection?"
57:07 This is speaking of in Matthew chapter 27.
57:11 And I would say there is no record that Moses was at
57:15 that time.
57:16 Evidently, Moses was raised by Michael, the Archangel.
57:19 You can read this in the book of Jude, verse 9. The devil didn't
57:23 want to let Moses go and there was an argument, and Michael
57:26 says, "The Lord rebuke thee."
57:28 And Michael resurrects Moses.
57:31 Moses then appears in the New Testament to Jesus on the Mount
57:35 of Transfiguration.
57:36 Moses is there with Elijah, so before Christ died on the cross,
57:41 Moses was already in heaven.
57:43 He was probably not or evidently not in that group that was
57:46 resurrected there around the scenes of the crucifixion.
57:51 And let me see here.
57:54 "Is it necessary that a person is baptized and filled with the
57:58 Spirit to enter God's Kingdom?"
58:00 Yeah, the Bible says, "Unless you're born of the water and the
58:03 Spirit, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven."
58:05 But there'll be people in heaven that were not baptized because
58:08 they could not be, or it was before the age of John, the
58:11 Baptist baptism.
58:12 Alright friends.
58:14 We're out of time for everybody.
58:15 God bless.
58:17 male announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and accurate
58:20 answers to your Bible questions.
58:23 ♪♪♪


Revised 2024-05-21