Bible Answers Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202328S

00:01 ♪♪♪
00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted;
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate
00:23 and practical answer to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an Amazing Fact?
00:53 Beginning as a petty thief smuggling cigarettes and
00:56 marijuana, Pablo Escobar eventually came to dominate the
01:00 global cocaine trade through the Medellín cartel, controlling
01:04 over 80% of the drugs shipped to America.
01:08 At one time, his immense operation earned him an
01:11 estimated $420 million a week and the nickname the "King
01:16 of Cocaine."
01:17 By the 1980s, approximately 70 to 80 tons of cocaine was
01:22 entering the US per month making Escobar, according to Forbes in
01:26 1989, the seventh wealthiest person on the planet worth
01:30 approximately about $30 billion.
01:33 In spite of his lethal business, he sought to generate public
01:36 approval by donating to churches and hospitals in Medellín.
01:40 He built soccer fields, parks, paved roads, and even built a
01:44 new neighborhood with 1000 homes for families from the slums.
01:48 His deceptions were so effective, Escobar even
01:52 succeeded in getting himself elected to Colombia's Congress
01:55 in 1982.
01:57 But at heart he was still a ruthless killer.
02:00 Escobar's criminal empire resulted in the deaths of around
02:04 4000 people who dared to challenge his reign, including
02:08 police officers, government officials, journalists,
02:11 even judges.
02:12 Over time, even the government could not be bribed to overlook
02:16 his outrageous crimes and he went into hiding.
02:20 In 1993 he was killed in the shootout with police in a middle
02:23 class Medellín neighborhood.
02:25 This reminds me, Pastor Ross, of another power hungry killer that
02:29 deceives a lot of people regarding his real character.
02:33 Jëan Ross: That's right, Pastor Doug.
02:34 As a matter of fact, the Bible speaks of this being, and Jesus
02:37 has this to say about him, John chapter 8, verse 44,
02:40 speaking of the devil,
02:42 "He was a murderer from the beginning, and he does
02:45 not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
02:48 When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he's
02:52 the father of lies."
02:54 Well, you have this being that was created, at one point,
02:57 perfect, but then he becomes a murderer and it says from the
03:00 beginning he's always plotted to destroy.
03:03 And of course, ultimately, that was revealed in the death
03:05 of Jesus.
03:06 Doug: Yep.
03:08 Yeah, he was just motivated by pride.
03:09 Another passage is in Isaiah chapter 14 and you can read, I
03:14 think, starting with verse 12.
03:15 "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
03:19 How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened
03:21 the nations!
03:23 For you said in your heart, 'I will ascend into heaven, I will
03:26 exalt my throne above the stars of God...
03:29 I will sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest
03:32 sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the
03:35 clouds, I will be like the Most High.'"
03:39 He was just power hungry, wanted God's position, but he's tried
03:43 to deceive people as to his true character.
03:46 But the devil has no problem killing anyone that gets in his
03:49 way and that's why Jesus, of course, went to the cross.
03:53 But some people think, well, if God is a loving God, why did he
03:56 make a devil to tempt us?
03:58 Jëan: That's right.
03:59 If He knew what would happen, why did He even do that
04:01 in the beginning?
04:02 Well, we have a study guide that talks about that.
04:03 It's called, "Did God Create the Devil?"
04:05 You need to read this.
04:07 It's free.
04:08 All you have to do is call 800-835-6747 and you can ask for
04:12 offer number 107 or you can dial pound 250 on your smartphone,
04:17 say, "I'd like that study guide called 'Did God Create
04:20 the Devil?'"
04:21 And of course, we'll send that to anyone who calls and asks.
04:24 Our phone line here to the studios is 800-463-7297, with
04:29 your Bible related question.
04:31 Ready to go to the phone lines.
04:32 Our first call of this evening is Cory listening in Ohio.
04:35 Cory, welcome to the program.
04:37 Cory: Hi, how are you doing?
04:39 Doug: Good, good.
04:40 Thanks for calling.
04:41 Cory: Good, good.
04:43 I enjoy your program.
04:44 I glean a lot of information about the scriptures from
04:47 your program.
04:48 Doug: Well, thank you.
04:49 Cory: My question is, in Revelation 12, verse 1 through
04:54 9, it's the story of the war in heaven.
05:01 heavenly host and threw them down to the earth, how could he
05:03 have fought with them against Michael and the angels?
05:06 How could they--if they weren't there?
05:08 Because those angels are considered as his angels, the
05:11 ones that he threw down to the ground, from the information
05:14 that I've received from different sources.
05:18 And I'm just trying to figure out how he was able to fight
05:22 with those angels if he threw them down to the ground.
05:26 Doug: Yeah, when it says that a third of the angels were cast to
05:28 the ground, these are the ones cast out with Satan.
05:32 It's not that Satan defeated a third of the good angels.
05:35 One third of the angels followed Satan in his rebellion and when
05:39 Satan was cast to the earth--that's actually even in
05:42 the verse we just read, "I will cast thee out as profane because
05:45 you have sinned," and Satan was cast out of heaven.
05:48 One third of the angels were cast out with him and you can
05:51 also read in Matthew 25, it says, "This lake of fire is
05:55 prepared for the devil and his angels."
05:58 And so, I don't know, am I answering what you're
06:01 asking, Cory?
06:02 Does that make sense?
06:04 Cory: No, the sequence is--something is wrong with the
06:06 sequence and it says--this is what it says.
06:10 "And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
06:14 then down to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman
06:17 and there was a great battle in heaven: and Michael and the
06:19 angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon fought and
06:22 his angels."
06:24 I'm trying to figure out, who did he throw down to the ground?
06:27 Doug: Yeah, this--yeah, this is the--a third of the angels that
06:31 were fighting with Lucifer against Michael and his angels
06:35 are the ones that are cast to the ground.
06:37 Jëan: Yeah, maybe just to add a little more, you know, there's a
06:39 feature that we see in Bible prophecy and this might be what
06:41 might help a little bit.
06:43 Sometimes, the statement is made in prophecy and then the
06:46 prophet, in vision, backs up to explain how he got to
06:50 that point.
06:52 So, in other words, like you say, in the introductory of
06:53 Revelation 12, it says the devil with his tail was able to just
06:57 throw down a third of the stars of heaven, but it's not until
06:59 you get to verse 8 and 9 you actually find out how He
07:02 did that.
07:04 Well, then it goes on to say, well, "There was war in heaven:
07:06 Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon
07:09 fought and his angels."
07:10 And then it goes on in verse 9, "So the great dragon was cast
07:13 out, that old serpent of old called the devil and Satan, who
07:15 deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his
07:18 angels were cast out with him."
07:19 So, it begins with the statement, "The devil was able
07:21 to deceive a third of the angels and they were cast out," and
07:24 then it's not until 9, you get the details of exactly how that
07:27 happened, "While there was a war, and he lost and he and his
07:30 angels were thrown out."
07:32 Doug: All through prophecy it'll give you the headline.
07:34 Jëan: That's right.
07:35 Doug: Then it goes back and gives you the story.
07:36 Jëan: That's right.
07:38 Kind of repeat and enlarge.
07:39 So, hopefully, that helps, Cory.
07:40 Doug: He would enjoy our study that we're offering on "Did God
07:43 Create the Devil?"
07:44 Jëan: That's right.
07:45 I think it's in there.
07:47 We talk about that.
07:48 Again, the number to call for that is just 800-835-6747.
07:50 That is our resource phone line, you'll see it on your screens if
07:52 you're watching, or dial pound 250 and say, "I'd like
07:57 to--'Bible Answers Live,' I'd like that study guide, 'Did God
08:00 Create the Devil?'"
08:02 All right, next caller that we have is Brittany in California.
08:04 Brittany, welcome to the program.
08:05 Brittany: Yeah.
08:07 My question is, is the Torah relevant for Christians today in
08:12 our modern time?
08:14 Doug: Is it okay for a Christian to read the Torah?
08:17 Brittany: Mm-hm.
08:19 Doug: Yeah.
08:20 Now, of course, the Torah are sacred Jewish writings and
08:22 there's a lot that can be learned from that, so there's
08:25 nothing morally wrong with doing that.
08:29 You know, by all means there's a good history in there.
08:33 The Torah is a word that is used to sort of encompass a lot of
08:37 the Hebrew scriptures, but it may also include some that would
08:41 not be in our Old Testament, but would be the sacred writings.
08:45 I think the word "torah" is law, in the greater sense.
08:48 So, yeah by all means.
08:50 When you're reading your Bible, you're reading part of the Torah
08:52 right there.
08:53 So, hopefully that helps a little bit.
08:56 Hey, thank you Brittany.
08:57 Jëan: All right, we've got Tina listening in Nevada.
08:59 Tina, welcome to the program.
09:02 Tina: Hi.
09:03 Doug: Hi, Tina.
09:04 Thanks for calling.
09:06 Tina: This is her daughter.
09:07 She's standing--she's sitting right here with me.
09:10 This is Tina.
09:11 She just gets nervous on the phone which--and now I am a
09:14 little nervous too, but we are both here.
09:18 We were just wondering about lots of different religions and
09:25 one particularly that we had been involved in, you know,
09:29 before--I guess our question is, why do some believe that they're
09:34 the only ones, they're the only ones who have the truth and you
09:38 have to do it, it gives you almost that sense of fear to go
09:42 off and look in a direction or to keep reading, actually,
09:45 because the Bible says, you know, "Keep reading, keep
09:47 seeking, keep knocking," but you have man telling you a whole
09:50 another thing.
09:52 And so, I guess what our question is, is that why do
09:54 some--and some in particular believe they're the only ones
09:59 that are going to get--?
10:01 Doug: Yeah, why do some denominations teach that they're
10:03 the only ones that are going to make it to heaven?
10:05 Well, to be honest, I think they do that the same reason that
10:09 some political candidates can't say anything good about any
10:13 other candidate because they say, "I'm the only answer."
10:15 They don't want to give any other options.
10:17 As soon as you admit to people that you don't have all the
10:22 truth and they begin to look around, there are some churches
10:26 that teach their members they are not allowed to look at or
10:29 read religious information from any other denomination.
10:34 Now, we don't do that in our church.
10:36 In fact, you know, I said, I think, during this series, we
10:39 think the greatest part of Christ's true followers are not
10:42 members of our church.
10:43 I hope they all come and join before it's over, but we know
10:46 there's godly people in many different churches.
10:49 But when a church says you're not allowed to read anything
10:52 written by another church, it's like they put blinders on their
10:55 members so they can't look around and I think the truth--if
10:59 your church has the truth, it should bear up
11:01 under investigation.
11:04 A couple of years ago, you know, we did a friendly debate at our
11:10 church here and another pastor said, you know, he doesn't think
11:13 we need to keep the Sabbath anymore.
11:15 And I said, "I think we do," and we said, "Well, let's take it to
11:18 the people and see what the Bible says."
11:19 And I think that the truth should bear up
11:22 under investigation.
11:24 And so, yeah, a lot of these denominations, they say, "If
11:27 you're not a member of our church, then you're not one of
11:29 the 144,000 and only members of our church are going to
11:33 be saved."
11:34 You know, while I believe my church is the closest to the
11:37 Bible--I mean, if it's not, I'm in the wrong church, clearly.
11:40 I mean, you want to be--every pastor should think, my church
11:42 is as closest to the Bible as I can get, because you--we all
11:45 want to be as close to scriptural truth as we can be.
11:48 But I think it's reckless to say that we're flawless.
11:52 There's a Pope that says that he's infallible.
11:55 The only one who is really infallible in this world
11:57 is Jesus.
11:58 Jëan: And that's right.
12:00 Jesus Himself said, "Other sheep I have which are not of this
12:02 fold, them I need to call and they will come."
12:05 So, yes.
12:06 So, see, as seekers of truth, in whatever church, even different
12:09 religions, if they open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit,
12:13 they will be led into truth.
12:14 And Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth will set
12:17 you free."
12:18 So, we shouldn't be afraid of the truth.
12:20 All right, thank you.
12:21 Next caller that we have is Andrew in West Virginia.
12:24 Andrew, welcome to the program.
12:26 Andrew: Awesome, awesome.
12:28 So, my question is--say you're seeking employment and it's
12:33 very, very hard, but every employer wants you to work on
12:37 Sabbath, that they'll give you Sunday off.
12:39 Obviously, you need money live.
12:40 How should you proceed with that?
12:43 Doug: Yeah, it's a challenge.
12:46 And you know, I think that if you're going to seek first God's
12:49 kingdom, then you just need to settle that that is not
12:52 an option.
12:54 And of course, there's millions of people around the world
12:58 that--I know just in our church are 22 million members, and
13:02 there's many other Sabbath keepers around the world.
13:04 They're just resolved that even if it is difficult, that
13:08 breaking God's commandments are not an option.
13:09 And God opens doors, it sometimes can be a challenge,
13:12 but I don't think you need to be afraid.
13:15 He'll work miracles.
13:16 He provides for his people.
13:18 Jëan: Yeah, and Jesus said, you know, do not worry about what
13:20 you're going to wear or what you're going to eat, God
13:22 will provide.
13:24 So, if we stand up for what we know to be true, God has
13:26 promised to provide for our needs, for us and our families.
13:29 Doug: Yeah, there'll be tests.
13:31 We're not denying that, you know, you may get tested on your
13:33 faith, but give God a chance to prove himself God and say, "I'm
13:39 going to trust the Lord."
13:40 And you know, if it were me, I think a lot of employers would
13:43 say finding honest employees is hard.
13:46 And if you got an employee that says, "I'm not going to break
13:48 the fourth commandment even if I lose my job," that means that
13:51 employee is probably going to work when they're there and
13:54 they're not going to steal your materials from your office or
13:57 your store or whatever.
13:59 So, honest employees are hard to find.
14:02 I just--I trust the Lord, he's going to provide.
14:06 Thanks so much, Andrew, appreciate your call.
14:08 Jëan: We've got Bonnie listening in Oregon.
14:10 Bonnie, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
14:12 You're on the air.
14:13 Bonnie: Thank you so much for taking my call.
14:16 My question is, when we get to heaven, will we still have the
14:20 same character that we died with even though we've taken our sins
14:26 to the Lord and asked Him to help us to overcome?
14:30 What will our characters be in heaven, because the thief on the
14:32 cross really didn't have much time for character development.
14:36 Doug: Yeah, well, that's a good question.
14:38 But the thief on the cross did have time for heart conversion
14:42 and we think he went through the steps of conversion, which are,
14:46 you repent and you confess and then you receive.
14:51 And he publicly said, you know, we're getting what we deserve,
14:55 he expressed sorrow and then he prayed and said, "Lord, remember
14:59 me," and Jesus promised, "You'll be with Me in paradise."
15:02 I think he accepted that and his heart was transformed.
15:05 And as soon as we are justified and we're given that new heart,
15:08 when he comes forth in the Resurrection, he's still going
15:10 to have that new heart.
15:11 Now, he may not have had time to, you know, go through the
15:15 character development of being tempted on his diet or his
15:18 temper or whatever the problems might have been, but I think the
15:21 Holy Spirit will compensate at times like that.
15:25 He'll be in the kingdom.
15:26 Thank you, Bonnie.
15:28 Hope that helps a little.
15:29 By the way, I have a book about the thief on the cross and it's
15:33 called, "Crucified with Christ."
15:35 I think you'll enjoy that.
15:36 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have is Cindy listening
15:38 in California.
15:40 Cindy, welcome to the program.
15:42 Cindy: Good evening, pastors.
15:43 Thank you for taking my call.
15:45 Doug: Thank you.
15:46 And your question.
15:48 Cindy: My question is about the prophecies in the Old Testament
15:53 and New about the sun turning dark, the moon turning to blood,
15:58 and the stars falling, earthquakes.
16:01 I've heard from pastors that these already happened in the 17
16:05 and 1800s, but it seems in Revelation that maybe these are
16:11 ahead of us, from Revelation 6:12, the sixth seal.
16:16 So, are these things that could still be in front of us?
16:19 Doug: Yes and yes.
16:21 This is one of those prophecies where I think you've got a
16:24 dual application.
16:25 God sometimes shows us, historically, the fulfillment of
16:28 these things.
16:30 After the 1798 period that is given in Revelation and Daniel,
16:36 it says that the sun would be dark and the moon would turn to
16:38 blood and the stars would fall from heaven.
16:40 Those things happened on a grand scale globally.
16:45 Big Lisbon earthquake was felt, sent shockwave all around North
16:49 Africa and Europe and it's still recorded by the seismologist as
16:54 one of the biggest and a great human loss of human life.
16:58 Jëan: Seventeen fifty-five.
17:00 Doug: Yeah.
17:01 These things happen historically, but they're going
17:03 to happen again in quick succession just before the
17:05 Second Coming because one thing that didn't happen, says, "And
17:07 the heavens departed as a scroll."
17:09 And so, that's still to come.
17:11 So, isn't that what you understand?
17:12 Jëan: Yeah, absolutely.
17:14 I'm just looking at it.
17:15 You know, what's significant about that is you look at
17:16 the date 1755 and then you have 1780 and then you have 1833.
17:21 Right around that time, it's after the Protestant Reformation
17:23 is already taken off, people are beginning to study the
17:25 scriptures, in particular the prophecies of the Bible.
17:28 And as they were studying these prophecies, recognizing that the
17:32 2300 year prophecy of Daniel 8:14 was coming to an end, then
17:37 there was this great earthquake, the Lisbon earthquake.
17:39 Something else passed that is interesting.
17:40 At the time, Lisbon was the capital and Portugal was the
17:43 capital of the slave trade around the world and a judgment
17:46 came upon this city, and then, of course, North Africa, Europe,
17:49 and even as far as the Americas.
17:51 And then the dark day, May 19, 1780.
17:54 And then, probably the most spectacular star shower
17:58 was in--
17:59 Doug: That's the one that was in--it's--was November 12.
18:01 Jëan: Oh, that's 12.
18:02 Doug: Yeah, it was November 12, 1833, and so this is the
18:04 190th anniversary.
18:07 Sorry, I got my events mixed up.
18:10 They called it a Leonid meteor storm.
18:12 I'm looking at it in the Library of Congress.
18:15 It's--and history is--
18:16 Jëan: Remarkable, yeah.
18:17 Yeah.
18:19 So, yes, it had a historical application.
18:20 Could it have a future application?
18:22 Well, when you read about what happens just before Jesus comes,
18:24 it seems as though all of nature's turned upside down.
18:27 There's a great earthquake that the Bible speaks of at the end
18:30 as well, so.
18:31 Doug: Sun will go dark, moon will look like blood because the
18:33 skies will be filled with smoke.
18:34 It's all going to happen again.
18:36 Thank you so much.
18:37 Appreciate your question.
18:38 And who's next?
18:40 Jëan: All right, we got Gary listening in Illinois.
18:41 Gary, welcome to the program.
18:43 Gary: Thank you.
18:45 In Genesis 1:26 it says, "Let them have dominion over
18:49 the earth."
18:50 Does that mean we're to be good stewards over the planet or have
18:54 the option to run the planet straight into hell like we're
18:58 currently doing by using coal and oil?
19:02 Doug: Well, to answer your question, yes, people should be
19:05 good stewards of the planet.
19:07 In fact, in Revelation, I think it's chapter 16, verse 11, it
19:12 says, "God will destroy them that destroy the earth."
19:15 Jëan: Chapter 11.
19:16 Doug: 11, verse--
19:17 Jëan: Probably 16.
19:19 We might have got that backwards.
19:20 Doug: We're dyslexic, a little bit sometimes.
19:21 Yeah, it says that "the nations were angry and the time of Your
19:24 wrath should come and that You should destroy those that
19:27 destroy the earth."
19:29 Jëan: Yes, Revelation 11, verse--I'm looking at it
19:33 right here.
19:35 Doug: Yeah, so we should be good stewards of the planet and
19:38 dominion was given to the planet--given to Adam and Eve of
19:41 the planet and they were to care for the creatures and tend
19:45 the Garden.
19:46 And even now, I think, you know, Christians should be responsible
19:51 stewards of everything, their time, their words, and the world
19:55 that God has made.
19:57 As far as possible, we should do our best.
19:58 Jëan: Revelation chapter 11, verse 18.
20:00 Doug: That's it.
20:01 Thanks so much.
20:03 Appreciate that, Glenn.
20:04 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have--I think that
20:06 was Gary.
20:07 We've got Glenn now listening in Ohio.
20:08 Glenn, welcome to the program.
20:10 Glenn: Good evening to you and thanks for taking my call.
20:13 Doug: Absolutely.
20:15 Glenn: Scripture is Luke 17, verses 20 through 22.
20:20 My question is, what did Jesus mean when He said, "The kingdom
20:23 of God is within you"?
20:26 Doug: Yeah, well, the--and He says here, "The kingdom of God
20:29 does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!'
20:32 or 'See there!'
20:33 For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
20:34 When Jesus began His ministry, He said, "Repent, for the
20:38 kingdom of heaven is at hand."
20:40 I think John the Baptist said the same thing.
20:43 And if you read in Acts chapter 1--I forget, it may have been
20:47 Philip that said to Jesus, "Lord, will you, at this time,
20:51 you know, establish Israel as a kingdom?"
20:53 And He said, "It's not for you to know the times and seasons."
20:56 So, they even misunderstood there.
20:59 There's two aspects to the kingdom, Glenn.
21:02 You've got the internal kingdom where you invite Jesus to be the
21:06 Lord of your life and sit on the throne of your heart, that
21:08 begins right now.
21:10 But there is a time when Christ comes to receive the kingdom,
21:13 and this world that He has ransomed, He will get it back.
21:17 And so, that is the--the physical kingdom of God will be
21:20 set up here on earth at the end of the 1000 years, the spiritual
21:24 kingdom is already available and it's within reach for everyone.
21:28 Jëan: Yes, you know, if somebody surrenders their life to Christ,
21:30 they become a citizen of the kingdom.
21:32 If Jesus is ruling in their heart, we call that the kingdom
21:35 of grace.
21:36 And eventually, the kingdom of grace will give way to the
21:38 kingdom of glory when Jesus comes a second time and the
21:41 earth is finally recreated at the end of the 1000 years.
21:44 So, two parts of the kingdom as you mentioned.
21:47 All right, great.
21:48 Next question that we have is--let's see, we've got James
21:51 in Texas.
21:52 James, welcome to the program.
21:54 James: Yes, thank you for taking my call tonight.
21:58 Doug: Yes, and we're glad you're calling.
22:00 Your question.
22:01 James: Yes, I'm trying to get the truth about a kind of
22:05 a urgent matter.
22:07 Some people say that the death decree is the end of probation
22:12 and some say that is the mark of the beast.
22:15 Can you tell me if that's in scriptures, when the death
22:19 decree--I mean, not death decree, the end of probation is,
22:22 because I can't find it anywhere and it's kind of confusing me.
22:25 Doug: Yeah, yeah, good question.
22:27 You're not going to find the phrase in the probation,
22:31 you'll find the teaching.
22:32 Now, for instance, is it Revelation 22 where Jesus said,
22:36 "Let him that is just"--you might want to look that up
22:38 real quick.
22:39 As far as the decree, it doesn't call it a decree, it's called a
22:42 decree--in Daniel 3 a decree is made by Nebuchadnezzar.
22:47 A decree is signed by Darius in Daniel chapter 6 as a death
22:51 decree, unless they worship a certain way.
22:53 Revelation alludes to the same kind of law, it doesn't use the
22:56 word decree.
22:57 And it says in verse 17 of Revelation 13, "No one might buy
23:00 or sell except the one who has the mark, the name of the beast,
23:04 or the number of his name."
23:05 Well, it stands to reason that if they're going to enforce a
23:08 law that no one can buy or sell, there'll be a decree that
23:12 states that.
23:13 Jëan: And we have that verse that I think you're referring
23:15 to, Revelation 22, verse 11.
23:16 Jesus says, "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; he that
23:20 is filthy, let him be filthy still; he that is righteous, let
23:23 him be righteous still; he that is holy, let him be holy still,
23:26 and behold, I come quickly..."
23:28 So, that is made before Jesus comes.
23:30 And then Daniel chapter 12, verse 1, it says, "At that time
23:33 Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands over the
23:35 sons of thy people; and there will be a time of trouble, worse
23:38 than the world has ever seen...
23:40 But at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one
23:42 found written in the book."
23:43 So, you have the close of probation, you have a time of
23:46 trouble, the seven last plagues, the end of which is the death
23:49 decree, but Jesus comes before that death decree can
23:52 be enacted.
23:53 Doug: Yeah, and when you read about the seven last plagues it
23:55 says instead of repenting, they don't repent, they curse
23:57 their God.
23:59 Yeah, so there's no repenting, their probations close during
24:02 the seven last plagues.
24:03 That's probably the best we can do now.
24:05 The other idea about probation closing would be when Noah and
24:09 his family boarded the ark.
24:11 There were seven days when life went on, but their probation was
24:15 closed, the door was shut, and it'll be that way near the end
24:18 of time.
24:19 Well, friends, we got 13, 10, 9 seconds before our break, but
24:24 we're going to take more questions in the second half
24:27 that's coming up.
24:28 Don't forget, also, check out
24:31 A lot of resources there.
24:32 Don't go away.
24:34 More questions to come.
24:37 male announcer: Stay tuned.
24:39 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
24:45 Doug: Hi, friends, Pastor Doug Batchelor.
24:47 This morning, my wife Karen sent me on a mission.
24:49 She said, "When you're taping your announcements this morning,
24:52 tell people about my favorite Amazing Facts app."
24:55 It's called the "Amazing Facts Radio" app.
24:58 You simply type that in, "Amazing Facts Radio," you can
25:01 download the app and you can listen to good Christian music,
25:04 Bible reading, sermons all day long.
25:06 Keep your faith focused in heaven through the day.
25:09 Check it out if you haven't done it yet,
25:11 the "Amazing Facts Radio" app.
25:13 You'll be blessed.
25:15 male announcer: Doug Batchelor was the teenage son of a
25:17 millionaire father and show business mother.
25:20 Yet, he was living in a cave.
25:22 He had everything money could buy, everything but happiness.
25:25 But all of the fun and excitement he enjoyed left his
25:28 life out of control.
25:30 His search eventually led him to a cave above Palm Springs that
25:34 became his home.
25:35 While Doug scavenged for food in garbage bins, his father owned a
25:39 yacht, a Learjet, and an airline.
25:42 But in his cave home, he discovered a dust covered Bible.
25:46 As he began to read, he soon learned of his true purpose
25:49 in life.
25:50 "The Richest Caveman," is the extraordinary true story of
25:54 Doug Batchelor that tells how a rebellious teenager who once
25:57 lived in a cave became a tremendous soul winner for
26:00 Jesus Christ.
26:02 It's a thrilling testimony of the transforming power of
26:04 God's Word.
26:06 To order your copy of, "The Richest Caveman,"
26:08 call 800-538-7275 or visit
26:15 male announcer: In six days God created the heavens and
26:18 the earth.
26:19 For thousands of years man has worshiped God on the seventh day
26:23 of the week.
26:24 Now, each week, millions of people worship on the first day.
26:29 What happened?
26:30 Why did God create a day of rest?
26:32 Does it really matter what day we worship?
26:34 Who was behind this great shift?
26:37 Discover the truth behind God's law and how it was changed.
26:40 Visit
26:48 male announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live," where
26:51 every question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His
26:54 plan to save you.
26:56 So, what are you waiting for?
26:58 Get practical answers about the good book for a better
27:01 life today.
27:05 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
27:08 If you'd like answers to your Bible related questions on the
27:11 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m.
27:14 and 8 p.m. Pacific Time.
27:17 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
27:20 evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
27:25 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
27:30 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
27:36 Doug: Welcome back listening friends.
27:37 We're glad that you have stayed tuned.
27:39 And some of you who joined us along the way, this is "Bible
27:42 Answers Live," live, international, interactive
27:45 Bible study.
27:46 You can participate and call in your questions.
27:48 Once again, it's 800-463-7297.
27:52 My name is Doug Batchelor.
27:54 Jëan: And my name is Jëan Ross and we're going to go to Jim.
27:57 Jim is listening in Indiana.
27:58 Jim, welcome to the program.
28:00 Jim: Yes, hello.
28:02 Doug: Hi, thanks for waiting.
28:04 Jim: We were doing a Bible study the other week and somebody
28:07 brought up about Adam and Eve running around naked.
28:13 I said, "No, they was clothed with the light of God," I guess.
28:19 How do you explain that to somebody?
28:22 Doug: Well, I'll have Pastor Ross look something up for me
28:25 while I share some other verses with you.
28:27 In Revelation where he talks about clothes with white
28:28 robes--is that 7--I forget.
28:31 But if you look in Mark chapter 9, when Jesus is glorified on
28:36 top of this mountain, with Elijah and Moses appear, says,
28:40 "His clothing became exceedingly shining, white like snow, such
28:45 as no launderer on earth can whiten them."
28:47 I think another passage in Matthew it says that "his
28:52 clothes became like the sun."
28:55 That's what it's--yeah, that's in Matthew--what is it, 16
28:59 or 17?
29:01 Yeah, verse 3, and then when Moses came off the mountain
29:03 after talking to God, he had to veil his face.
29:06 So, he had to cover his face with clothes because it was so
29:08 bright you couldn't look on his face.
29:11 Adam and Eve used to talk to God face to face.
29:13 They had garments of light.
29:15 It was, you know, no artificial fabric, but they were just
29:18 shimmering with God's glory, made in the image of God, and
29:21 when they sinned, those garments of--robes of light went out.
29:25 Jëan: That's right.
29:26 When we look in Revelation chapter 7 talks about those
29:27 who are arrayed white robes, speaking of the redeemed.
29:30 And then we have in Acts chapter 1, verse 10 talks about an angel
29:34 wearing white apparel, dazzling white brightness.
29:38 And I think in the verse itself in Genesis when it talks about
29:40 Adam and he suddenly realized they were naked, it gives the
29:43 idea that at some point in time they weren't naked and they
29:46 became naked and they suddenly realized it.
29:49 So, that would imply then that at some other time they were
29:51 wearing something.
29:53 Doug: Why would they try to cover themselves?
29:54 Jëan: Yeah, why would they suddenly say, "Oh, we're naked"?
29:56 Doug: And then, it's not like God didn't say, "Oh, you
29:58 shouldn't be ashamed to be naked."
29:59 God said, "You should be ashamed.
30:01 Your garments are too small."
30:02 He made bigger ones, because in the book of Genesis it says they
30:07 made aprons of fig leaf and it says they were small and God
30:11 gave them tunics of skin.
30:14 So, not only was it the wrong material, but it wasn't enough.
30:17 So clearly, the clothing in heaven, it's not, you know, it's
30:20 not wool, it's not skin, it's not polyester.
30:24 These are some supernatural garments of glory that they had.
30:29 Jëan: You know, one of the verse, Psalms 104, verse 2, God
30:32 says, speaking of God, "[You]
30:34 cover yourself with light as a garment..."
30:37 Doug: There you go.
30:38 Jëan: And if we're created in God's image, God wears light and
30:42 Adam and Eve had this garment of light.
30:44 Doug: That's a good verse.
30:46 Jëan: Okay, thank you, Jim.
30:48 We have Joan listening in Australia.
30:50 Joan, welcome to the program.
30:52 Joan: Hello, how are you?
30:54 Thank you for taking my call.
30:55 Repetition is the key, "Bible Answers Live."
30:58 My question tonight is Jeremiah chapter 3, verse 9. Can you
31:02 please explain to me that verse and who is she?
31:07 Is she the people or the developing people of God?
31:11 Doug: Alright, let me read this for our friends listening.
31:13 In Jeremiah chapter 3, verse 9 it says, "So it came to pass,
31:17 through her casual harlotry, that she defiled the land and
31:21 committed adultery with stones and with trees."
31:24 It's talking about when the people of God, yeah,
31:27 they--when--the stones and trees, it means they made idols
31:31 out of wood, they made idols out of stone, and they
31:35 worshiped them.
31:36 God consistently called that harlotry.
31:39 In fact, in the book of Hosea it specifically says that Israel
31:43 had played the harlot with her idols.
31:46 So, because God said, "Do not make graven images in the
31:50 second commandment.
31:51 I'm, you know, I'm a living God.
31:52 Any image you make of Me is going to diminish your concept
31:55 of My greatness."
31:57 Whenever they started worshiping idols like the pagan nations
31:59 around them, He said, "You're giving your love to another
32:02 God," and it was called harlotry.
32:05 Jëan: And in Revelation chapter 17, you have a woman, her name
32:08 is Babylon, and she's described as a harlot.
32:10 So, whenever a church leaves the truths of God's Word and forms
32:15 an alliance with political powers or begins to worship
32:18 idols, in this case, spiritually she's described as a harlot.
32:22 Doug: Yeah.
32:24 And in this passage in Jeremiah, it talks about both Israel, the
32:27 northern kingdom, and Judah followed suit and they got
32:29 involved in idolatry too in the time of--well, Solomon did
32:33 before he died, but then got really bad during the time
32:36 of Manasseh.
32:37 Jëan: And both kingdoms would judge for that at some point.
32:40 All right, thank you, Joan.
32:41 We got Betty Lou in California.
32:43 Betty Lou, welcome to the program.
32:46 Betty Lou: Thank you.
32:47 My first question of the first text is Acts 9:36 where Peter
32:55 goes and raises Dorcas.
32:58 It calls her a disciple.
33:01 So, there were women disciples.
33:04 Then, we go to Luke 24:13 and onward for two disciples were on
33:11 the way to Emmaus and Jesus joined them and they didn't
33:15 recognize him.
33:17 Now, they didn't usually put women's names down, and if there
33:22 were women disciples, why could not this other disciple had been
33:26 Mrs. Cleopas?
33:28 And they went to their home together and they asked Jesus to
33:32 stay with them.
33:34 Am I wrong in believing that?
33:36 Doug: No, you're absolutely right in believing that there
33:40 are women disciples.
33:42 Now, of course, the word disciple is different
33:44 from apostle.
33:45 There were no women apostles, the 12 apostles were all men.
33:50 And then, when Judas was replaced in Acts chapter 1, they
33:53 replaced him from among two men.
33:56 Could this other woman--or could this other disciple, Cleopas, it
34:01 couldn't have been Cleopas and his wife.
34:04 Well, it could have been, it doesn't say in the text whoever
34:08 they were.
34:09 It says, "The same hour after Jesus revealed Himself to them,"
34:13 that they turned around and went back to Jerusalem together.
34:17 So, all we can do is speculate about what the name or identity
34:22 of the other one was, but there's nothing in the text that
34:25 says it wasn't his wife and there certainly were
34:29 women disciples.
34:30 Mary Magdalene was a disciple.
34:32 Jëan: Just to add to that, Jesus in the Great Commission, He
34:34 said, "Go and make disciples of all nations."
34:37 So, that obviously includes both men and women.
34:40 Doug: Yep, absolutely.
34:42 So, I hope that helps Betty Lou.
34:43 Thank you.
34:44 Jëan: We've got David in Alaska.
34:46 David, welcome to the program.
34:48 David: I've been abused and I'm mentally ill and my question is,
34:52 will God put people to sleep if they can't handle the
34:55 end-time persecution?
34:57 Doug: Well, let me read you a verse that I hope will bring you
35:00 some comfort and maybe some peace of mind.
35:03 You go to 1 Corinthians chapter 10 and let me--just give me a
35:07 second here.
35:09 Here it is, yeah.
35:10 1 Corinthians 10, verse 13.
35:12 Thank you.
35:13 "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man;
35:17 but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted
35:22 beyond what you are able, but will with the temptation also
35:26 make the way of escape, that you are able to bear it."
35:29 So, either God is going to, you know, get you out of the way of
35:33 the temptation or make sure that whatever temptation or trial
35:37 comes you are able to bear it.
35:39 So, don't worry that you're ever going to be given something by
35:42 God that you can't handle with His grace.
35:45 But there are going to be some that, you know, He loves that
35:48 He'll lay to rest.
35:50 Where is that prophecy that says, "And none considers it, He
35:54 takes them away to avoid the the trials to come"?
35:58 You know what I'm talking about?
35:59 Some people are laid to rest and it's because God loves them.
36:03 "Blessed in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His saints."
36:05 And then even in Revelation it says, "Where the souls under the
36:08 altar rest, until the other fellow servants might be
36:13 martyred as you were."
36:14 So, you know, God sometimes lets people go to sleep so they won't
36:18 have to go through trials they can't handle.
36:19 Jëan: And I think the point that you mentioned, pastor, that you
36:21 look in scripture, whenever one of God's disciples faced a trial
36:25 and they stood for the right, they were always empowered to
36:28 handle that trial.
36:29 And of course, we have many martyrs who gave their life,
36:32 frail--you know, women who you might think, well, I don't think
36:35 they can handle trials, but yet they did, they became like a
36:38 lion in the face of persecution and had this holy boldness and
36:42 this peace and their life was such a testimony.
36:45 And when they gave their life there was this calmness--many
36:48 actually sang while being burned at the stake.
36:51 Now, that's humanly impossible, so God sustained them in
36:54 a miraculous way.
36:55 Doug: That's right.
36:56 Jëan: All right, thank you, David.
36:58 We have got Steve listening in Oregon.
37:00 Steve, welcome to the program.
37:02 Steve: Yeah, I've got recently got "The Days of Noah" DVD set
37:07 and I've watched it dozens of times and they have answered
37:11 numerous questions I've had been--I've been plagued by for
37:15 years, but one question's left me with--at the end of the--all
37:20 four DVDs, all of the main characters are on foot traveling
37:24 through the forest over hills and crossing streams, heading
37:28 towards one mountain top that is covered by a huge rainbow
37:33 colored, halo-looking cloud.
37:37 Is that the end of the days of Noah's story or is there another
37:42 DVD that finishes the production I can request?
37:46 Is that huge rainbow colored halo-type cloud the New
37:51 Jerusalem coming down?
37:53 I'm confused like, fireball-type asteroids are impacting
37:59 the earth.
38:00 Is it too late to be saved or should we be heading towards
38:04 this rainbow type thing?
38:07 Doug: Well, I--first of all, I was a contributor to that
38:11 DVD series.
38:13 We did not produce it, it was produced by our good friends at
38:15 Layman Ministries and Jeff Reich.
38:17 And I'm pretty sure that what's implied there is that they are
38:22 going towards a place of safety and it's just prior to the
38:26 coming of the Lord.
38:28 You don't need to worry about where to run right now because
38:32 when that day comes, just like a pillar of fire led God's people
38:36 through the wilderness, angels are going to guide us during
38:39 that time.
38:40 And says He'll give His angels charge over you to keep you in
38:43 all your ways, 1000 may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right
38:47 hand, but it will not come near you.
38:49 So, God is going to preserve His people.
38:52 I never worry about, you know, am I going to know where to run
38:54 and hide in the last days?
38:56 My concern is, I just want to be faithful day by day to be doing
39:00 what God wants me to do.
39:01 But thanks so much and I'll tell our friends at Layman's
39:06 Ministries that you've been blessed by the series.
39:09 Jëan: Next call that we have is Linda listening in
39:11 West Virginia.
39:12 Linda, welcome to the program.
39:14 Linda: Thank you for taking my call.
39:18 Pastors, I want to tell you first of all, I really
39:21 appreciate y'all's ministry.
39:24 I have learned so much and I'm going on 74 and I've seen a lot
39:29 in my lifetime with--I call them my family, my aunt.
39:36 And I was wondering about demons because, my mom and my brother,
39:44 we went to my aunt's house and she was a pretty bad alcoholic
39:50 and she wanted to get saved on her deathbed, she had cancer,
39:52 bone cancer.
39:54 And mom took a couple of preachers, and this was when I
39:58 was 25 and I'm going 74 now, and when we got there the preachers
40:04 coming around with Bibles praying and her voice changed
40:07 and it was like a demon coming out of her.
40:10 Pastors, is that possible?
40:12 Because, I was there and I heard it.
40:14 Doug: It is possible, to answer your question.
40:17 And I don't know that every person struggling with
40:21 alcoholism is demon possession because the drug itself is a
40:25 very powerful thing and the devil, I'm sure, takes advantage
40:27 of that.
40:28 Jesus can save people from alcoholism.
40:31 I've seen it, you know, many, many times.
40:34 And you know, you can read in Mark chapter 16.
40:38 Jesus said in verse 16, "He that believes and is baptized will be
40:42 saved; he that does not will be condemned, these signs will
40:45 follow those who believe: in my name they will cast out devils;
40:49 and they will speak with new tongues; and they'll take up
40:51 serpents," meaning if, you know, if they get bit by a serpent,
40:54 it's not going to hurt them, "and if they drink anything
40:57 deadly, it will by no means hurt them; and they'll lay hands on
41:00 the sick, and they'll recover."
41:01 So, everything that Jesus lists here, the apostles did.
41:06 There's no listing of them being poisoned, but it may have
41:09 happened and then they survived it.
41:12 So, I do believe that the power of God is still there and we can
41:16 pray and ask God to set people free from sin and temptation,
41:20 and sometimes it may be a more direct demonic obsession
41:25 or possession.
41:26 Jëan: Well, yes, it's--just to add to that, pastor.
41:28 Like, it's very real.
41:29 I know you've been in Africa, you've done meetings, I've done
41:31 meetings in Africa, and you know, maybe we don't see it as
41:34 much in the US, although there are times where that happens
41:37 even here, but I remember one--in one occasion in
41:40 particular and just like what the lady described on the phone,
41:45 there was a spirit there, a demonic force, and everyone knew
41:48 it and the voice changed and kind of supernatural strength
41:52 and it's scary.
41:53 You can kind of feel the hair on the back of your neck.
41:55 So, the Bible says we don't wrestle against flesh and blood,
41:58 there are demonic forces out there.
42:00 Doug: Absolutely.
42:01 Jëan: Now, of course, God protects us.
42:03 We are grateful for that.
42:04 We don't have to walk around in fear, but I think that is
42:06 a warning.
42:07 We don't want to give ground to the devil.
42:08 Doug: Yep, absolutely.
42:10 Well, thank you, Linda.
42:11 I hope that helps a little bit.
42:13 And we got time for a couple more before our break.
42:15 Jëan: Yeah, we got Steve from California.
42:16 Steve, welcome to the program.
42:17 Steve: Thanks for taking my call.
42:19 So, I wonder if you could help me with a--verses 1 John chapter
42:23 2, verses 7 and 8, I was reading my Bible study this morning and
42:30 I'll just read you the first line from each of those verses
42:33 seems to be a contradiction.
42:35 It says in verse 7, "Brethren, I write no new commandment
42:39 to you."
42:41 And in verse 8 it says, "Again, a new commandment I write
42:44 to you."
42:45 I wonder if you can help explain it.
42:46 Doug: Yeah, well, sometimes in Hebrew writings they used some
42:52 irony where they would kind of juxtapose two thoughts that
42:57 sounded like their opposite.
42:59 Let me give you another example.
43:00 King Solomon said, "Do not answer a fool or you sound
43:05 like him."
43:07 Then he says immediately after that, "Answer a fool according
43:11 to his folly, or he'll be wise in his own eyes."
43:14 And you're thinking, well, make up your mind, answer him or
43:17 don't answer him?
43:18 And what he's basically saying is that no matter what you do,
43:23 you're not going to win when you're trying to communicate
43:25 with a fool.
43:26 And so, if you don't answer him, he thinks he's right; if you do
43:29 answer him, then you look like him.
43:31 Well, here John is doing something similar.
43:34 He's saying, "Don't forget the original commandments."
43:39 "That which you've had from the beginning.
43:41 It's the old commandment which is the word you've heard from
43:43 the beginning.
43:44 And again, a new commandment I write you."
43:45 So when he said, "I write no new commandment to you," it's
43:48 another way of his saying, "I'm not asking you to forget the
43:51 foundational commandments.
43:53 So, I'm not writing these new commandments to you to forget
43:55 the old ones."
43:57 But he says, "Then again, there's a new commandment which
43:59 is in Him, because darkness is passing away, and the true light
44:03 is shining."
44:04 In other words, I think he's saying that Christ came to
44:07 magnify the law and make it honorable.
44:10 Jesus didn't really take away the law, He showed that the
44:13 summary of the law is love.
44:15 Jëan: I think maybe another way to put it is, "The new
44:18 commandment that I'm telling you is the old commandment."
44:21 So, John is saying, you know, "If people are talking about a
44:23 new commandment, the reality is that new commandment is really
44:26 the old commandment that you read about to love God with all
44:29 your heart and love your neighbor as yourself."
44:31 Doug: Kind of like where Jesus said, "You've heard it said by
44:34 them of old," speaking of an old commandment, "that you shall not
44:37 commit adultery."
44:39 And then He said, "But I say unto you do not look on a woman
44:42 to lust in your heart."
44:44 So, did He do away with the old commandment?
44:45 No, you're not supposed to commit adultery, but He gave a
44:47 new insight.
44:49 It goes beyond the action.
44:50 It includes the attitude.
44:52 I think John's doing the same thing here.
44:55 So, thanks.
44:56 I hope that helps a little bit, Steven.
44:57 And let's see, we move on to--who is it?
45:00 Rosemary?
45:01 Jëan: Yeah, Rosemary, welcome to the program.
45:03 California.
45:05 Rosemary: Hello.
45:06 Hi, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
45:09 I have a question regarding witnessing.
45:13 Now, I have a passion for witnessing.
45:17 I really want to witness to my neighbors, the new city I
45:20 moved in.
45:21 But recently, I was--from discouraged from passing
45:26 out pamphlets.
45:27 A person told me that that's not a good way to witness, that
45:32 they'll be thrown away, people don't read these days.
45:35 What is the better way to witness if I'm discouraged to
45:39 witness using pamphlets?
45:43 Doug: Well, people do still read pamphlets.
45:45 I've met folks that have had their lives changed by reading
45:48 books and literature and little "Amazing Facts" prints and sells
45:52 thousands of these pocket--"Amazing Facts Tracks,"
45:55 we call them.
45:57 They're little pocket-sized pamphlets that they just cost a
45:59 few cents a piece and people can give them out and they'll talk
46:01 about salvation and different present truth.
46:03 It's true.
46:05 It's like fishing, you know, you reel in the line empty a lot.
46:09 When you're passing out literature, you need to just
46:11 figure that, you know, maybe 1 out of 50 will read it, but that
46:16 1 out of 50 that reads it, it changes their life in some way.
46:20 So, you're scattering seed, not every seed you scatter is going
46:23 to sprout.
46:25 And, you know, I'm guessing that some of the people that are
46:27 discouraging you, they may even be folks in the church.
46:31 And I would ask them, "Well, what are you doing to witness?"
46:34 You know, you're better doing something that has minimal
46:37 results than doing nothing with no results, and you're better
46:41 doing something wrong than doing nothing very well.
46:44 And there's a lot of folks that criticize witnessing efforts and
46:47 they're not doing anything.
46:48 But you know, today, you know, we're using media.
46:51 Of course, we use publishing still at "Amazing Facts," but we
46:54 also use media.
46:55 The internet is very effective.
46:57 Tech people are texting using WhatsApp.
46:59 All kinds of ways to witness these days.
47:02 And--
47:03 Jëan: Even Facebook.
47:05 Doug: Yeah, that's right.
47:06 Jëan: People are posting, you know, encouraging statements
47:07 or verses.
47:09 Yeah, sure.
47:10 Doug: So--but literature is not--it's still a medium for
47:12 communication, so you can still do that.
47:15 Jëan: All right, very good.
47:16 Next caller that we have, Doug listening in California.
47:18 Doug, welcome to the program.
47:19 Doug: I'm Doug, I'm listening.
47:21 Jëan: I know, you're right there.
47:22 Caller Doug: Hi, Doug, you're on the air.
47:24 Doug: Hi.
47:26 So, I have a question.
47:27 Once you accept Jesus Christ in your heart, do you--do you need
47:33 to be baptized?
47:35 Doug: Well, if you've never been baptized, once you accept Jesus
47:40 you don't necessarily need to get baptized immediately,
47:42 because Christ said in Matthew 28, "Go therefore, teach
47:46 all nations."
47:48 So, prior to baptism there should be some teaching where
47:52 a person understands the foundational basics of, what
47:55 does it mean now to be a Christian, I've accepted Jesus's
47:58 sacrifice, and then be baptized, and then there's more teaching
48:02 that comes afterward.
48:03 Jëan: You know, we do have a study guide talking
48:05 about baptism.
48:06 It'll answer this question for you.
48:07 It's called "Purity and Power," and just call and ask for that.
48:10 It's 800-835-6747.
48:13 Ask for that study guide, "Purity and Power," or dial
48:16 pound 250 and we can send it to you that way as well.
48:20 All right, the next caller that we have is Paul in Australia.
48:23 Paul, welcome to the program.
48:25 Paul: Hi, good evening, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
48:28 Doug: Evening.
48:29 Thanks for calling.
48:30 Paul: So, my question is this.
48:32 Genesis chapter 4, verse 16 to 17.
48:37 They say that Cain has killed Abel and then they went out from
48:40 the presence of the Lord and marry his wife.
48:44 And from that time, from that period, it's just four people,
48:49 Adam and Eve and then you get Cain and Abel, and Abel is dead.
48:53 Where did Cain find wife from?
48:57 Doug: Yeah, that's a good question.
48:59 A lot of people wonder about that.
49:02 They start reading through the Bible--and if you go a little
49:05 further, you may not have read this yet, but if you read in
49:09 Genesis chapter 5 it says that Adam had sons and daughters.
49:18 Genesis 5, verse 4, "After he begot Seth, the days of Adam
49:22 were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters,"
49:26 probably quite a few.
49:28 So, when it talks about Cain and Abel and one murdering the
49:31 other, it doesn't say they're the only children Adam and
49:34 Eve had.
49:36 Those were probably the two oldest boys and they may have
49:38 been the only ones at that time, but Adam and Eve had also had
49:42 sons and daughters and they married their sisters.
49:46 I know that always seems a little odd to us, but keep in
49:48 mind, Abraham married his half-sister and Jacob married
49:52 his first cousin and it was not odd.
49:55 Both Adam and Eve, they were brother and sister, if you think
49:57 about it.
49:59 And so, that's what happened.
50:01 And by the way, again, that's Genesis 5, verse 4, they had
50:06 sons and daughters, many others.
50:08 Jëan: Okay, maybe time for one more.
50:10 Richard in Michigan.
50:11 We have about a minute, Richard.
50:13 Richard: Okay, I want to know if I've lost my salvation.
50:18 I got saved, got baptized, and in Revelation it says he'll spew
50:23 you out of your--His mouth if you're not doing what he wants.
50:27 Doug: I don't believe you've grieved away the Holy Spirit or
50:29 you wouldn't be calling and anxious about your salvation.
50:33 There's a free book that you can call and ask for and just ask
50:37 for Pastor Doug's book on the unpardonable sin.
50:39 I think it'll bring you some comfort and also some knowledge
50:43 about, you know, what does that mean?
50:46 So, have faith, Richard.
50:50 The Bible says, "Where there's life, there's hope."
50:52 You're alive.
50:53 Reach out for that door of mercy and start following the Lord.
50:56 Jëan: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
51:00 Just ask for the book.
51:02 It's called--
51:03 Doug: It's on the unpardonable sin.
51:04 Jëan: The unpardonable sin.
51:06 I know we have another one called, "Rescue From Above,"
51:07 but that's the one on unpardonable sin.
51:10 Doug: Well, listening friends, just so you understand how this
51:13 works, we are on hundreds of stations around the country and
51:16 we are on satellite radio.
51:18 All these cars with satellite radios are getting this
51:20 broadcast, they operate on different clocks.
51:22 We're going to say farewell.
51:24 God bless to our friends listening on satellite.
51:26 The rest of you, stay by for a minute.
51:27 We're going to address the internet questions that have
51:30 come to us in rapid fire.
51:32 So, don't go away.
51:36 male announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
51:39 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
51:43 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
51:47 a faith based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
51:55 announcer: "Amazing Facts Changed Lives."
52:03 male: I met my ex-wife, and her family were real big into
52:06 drugs and it started out with them wanting me to go to the
52:10 doctor to help get them drugs.
52:12 And, you know, I'm noticing they're going to the doctor,
52:15 they're coming back with, like, 60 pills and they're selling
52:17 these pills for like $1000 and I'm thinking, wow, this is a lot
52:22 of money I'm giving these people, so I'm just going to
52:24 start selling it myself.
52:25 The problem with that was--and we had all this money, but we
52:29 was absolutely miserable.
52:31 She would go out and sleep with other guys to get drugs, and
52:35 that ended my marriage, but during this time I have to get a
52:39 job to build back up to where I was at, to open my shop again.
52:43 So, I get a job at Food City and when I get this job at Food
52:46 City, there's my wife now, Rebecca, she's a cashier there.
52:51 And when I walk in, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever
52:54 seen in my life.
52:55 I was like, man, I could never have a girl like that.
52:58 Wow, she's so beautiful.
53:00 But as I'm working with her, she's actually kind of mean to
53:03 me and she's saying, "I don't want anything to do with you.
53:07 Get away from me," and stuff like that.
53:09 But, you know, I just keep being nice to her and I keep trying to
53:12 give her my phone number and it's around Christmas Eve, we'd
53:16 just been dating for a little while and moved in together.
53:19 My ex-wife shows up with my three children that I had by her
53:24 and she's like, "Here's your kids, here's their birth
53:26 certificates, here's their social security cards.
53:28 I'm done."
53:30 And we're starting a family.
53:31 We have--already have three kids.
53:33 During this time we spent the next year watching nothing but
53:37 "Amazing Facts" on YouTube.
53:39 I didn't even know they even had a website at this time.
53:41 I just knew that this little guy on YouTube was super smart, was
53:45 teaching Bible, and I wanted to follow him.
53:48 I wanted to be a Christian.
53:49 I gave my life to God now because of these truths that I'm
53:53 learning from Doug Batchelor.
53:54 Just because Doug taught it didn't make me real sure about
53:57 going to this church.
53:59 I really didn't want anything to do with it, but I'm--I called
54:01 the guy up and I'm telling him, and I'm not very nice about
54:05 it, actually.
54:06 I'm telling him, "Look, we was thinking about coming to
54:08 your church."
54:09 And he's really nice and he's like, "Well, you're more than
54:11 welcome to.
54:13 We'd like to have you come."
54:14 And I'm like, "Well, hold on.
54:16 I'm going to lay down some ground rules."
54:17 I'm telling him, I said, "Look here, I'm covered in tattoos and
54:20 I'm a tattoo artist," and he don't say, "Well," you know,
54:23 "wow, I didn't know all that.
54:25 Don't come to my church."
54:26 He says, "You're more than welcome.
54:27 We would love to have you.
54:29 Please come."
54:31 He asked me what I want to do and I said, "Well, I want
54:34 to preach."
54:35 I said, "I have all these truths.
54:37 I have all this knowledge, stuff I'd never known before, stuff,
54:40 if I'd had when I was younger that would have been life
54:43 changing to me."
54:44 I said, "I got to share this with the world."
54:47 I said, "I want to preach.
54:48 I want to teach."
54:50 He gives me the book, says, "Study that."
54:52 Well, now that I'm a Bible worker I'm able to go reach
54:54 people that most of the normal churches wouldn't even bother to
54:58 even speak to.
55:00 I'm able to go out and reach the people who have lived the life
55:03 that I've lived.
55:05 I'm able to let them know that I am like you.
55:08 I've been there.
55:09 I've done that.
55:10 I want to show you what my life is like now.
55:13 I want to teach you this Bible.
55:14 I want to show you what Jesus can do for you.
55:17 It's not too late.
55:21 ♪♪♪
55:27 ♪♪♪
55:30 Jëan: Hello, friends, and welcome back to
55:32 "Bible Answers Live."
55:34 We have just a few minutes to answer your email
55:35 Bible questions.
55:37 If you'd like to send us an email Bible question, you can
55:40 send it to
55:43 That's
55:47 Pastor, I got a first question from Emily.
55:49 She says, "Why did Jesus have to be tortured in order to
55:53 save mankind?
55:54 Couldn't He have just died?"
55:56 Doug: Well, no, because the penalty for sin, while it is
56:00 death, it is not just death, it is suffering and death.
56:03 Every man is rewarded according to his works.
56:05 Jesus not only took the death penalty, He took the pain that
56:10 we all deserve for our bad behavior.
56:13 There are varying degrees of suffering that are going to be
56:17 meted out according to people's sins and Jesus took all of that.
56:20 So, He took not only death, He took the suffering and
56:24 the death.
56:25 Jëan: Okay.
56:26 We have Wilma asking, "In Genesis chapter 1, verse 14, it
56:29 says God created night and day, but then in Revelation 21:25 it
56:34 says that there is no night in the New Jerusalem."
56:37 Doug: Well, it--and it says that there's no night there because
56:41 you get the presence of God and the Bible says that God is
56:44 light, in Him is no darkness.
56:47 Even during the Creation folks say, "Why did God say, 'Let
56:50 there be light,' and He hasn't made the sun until the
56:52 fourth day?"
56:54 Well, it's because that light was coming from the very
56:56 presence of God.
56:57 So, if God is dwelling in the New Jerusalem, there is no night
57:00 there in the city, but there is still day and night.
57:04 Isaiah tells us even in the new earth, there's still day
57:06 and night.
57:07 Says the night is brighter than the day is now and the day is
57:10 seven times brighter than it is now.
57:13 So, yeah, there will be still a sun, there'll still be days.
57:17 Jëan: Okay.
57:18 In Mark chapter 12:26 Jesus said the God of Abraham, Isaac and
57:22 Jacob is the God of the living, not the dead.
57:25 So, does this mean that they were taken to heaven?
57:28 Doug: No, it simply means that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
57:31 they're sleeping.
57:33 A person asleep is not dead.
57:34 They have eternal life.
57:36 They are going to be in the Resurrection.
57:37 Jesus refers to them as living beings that still exist, because
57:42 they're just resting, waiting for the Resurrection along with
57:44 myriads of others who are saved.
57:47 We got a book on that, "Are the Dead Really Dead?"
57:49 How do they get that?
57:51 Jëan: That's right.
57:52 Just call and ask.
57:53 It's 800-835-6747.
57:55 And again, you can ask for that book, "Are the Dead
57:57 Really Dead?"
57:58 and we'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and asks or
58:00 just dial pound 250 on your smartphone and you can get
58:04 that--get it that way as well.
58:06 Doug: Well, thank you, friends.
58:08 Don't forget.
58:09 Check out
58:10 We have a plethora of resources there.
58:13 God bless.
58:14 We'll study again together next week.
58:17 male announcer: "Bible Answers Live,"
58:19 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2024-06-03