Bible Answers Live

Look at Us Now

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202404S

00:01 ♪♪♪
00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted;
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate
00:23 and practical answer to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hello, listening friends, would you like to hear
00:52 an Amazing Fact?
00:54 In 1899, a New York City taxicab driver, Jacob German, left his
00:59 mark in history by becoming the first person in
01:02 the United States to be cited for speeding in an automobile.
01:06 German was a driver for the Electric Vehicle Company, which
01:09 leased its cars to be used as taxis in the bustling city.
01:13 The car that German was driving was known as an Electrobat,
01:17 which was a fully electric vehicle invented in 1894.
01:21 There were about 60 Electrobats in 1899 operating as taxis in
01:25 the New York City area, where speed limits for horses and cars
01:29 was eight miles an hour when traveling straight and four
01:32 miles an hour on a turn.
01:35 German was traveling at the lightning speed of 12 miles
01:38 an hour.
01:40 The officer who pulled him over, the speed demon, was so outraged
01:44 he actually chased him down and pulled him over with his
01:46 bicycle, and arrested him, and threw him in jail overnight.
01:51 That's funny, because you've got someone getting a speeding
01:54 ticket for going 12 miles an hour and he gets pulled over by
01:56 a bicycle policeman.
01:58 Jëan Ross: In an electric car, yeah.
01:59 Doug: I wonder if he had red and blue lights flashing
02:01 on his bike.
02:03 But it makes me think about, just you look at the cities
02:06 today, and if that was speeding, and they were worried about the
02:11 traffic back then, it makes me think of a prophecy.
02:14 Now, Nahum is not specifically talking about speeding cars but
02:17 just listen to this, friends.
02:19 In the Book of Nahum, you don't hear that quoted very often, one
02:21 of the minor prophets, chapter 2, verse 4, "The chariots rage
02:26 in the streets, They jostle one another in the broad roads; They
02:30 seem like torches, They run like lightning."
02:33 It sounds like LA just around sundown.
02:38 I tell you, I think he's actually talking about the fall
02:39 of Nineveh and the army that came in.
02:41 But there is another passage in Daniel chapter 12, verse 4,
02:45 talking about the last days.
02:47 And it said, "But you, Daniel, shut up the words," of this
02:50 prophecy, "And seal the book until the time of the end; many
02:54 will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase."
02:59 Think how far we've gone, Pastor Ross, and in just about 100
03:02 years, from that first speeding ticket to artificial
03:06 intelligence and self-driving cars and tourism going to space.
03:13 And Daniel said in the last days knowledge will increase, and
03:18 knowledge has increased exponentially more in the last
03:23 100 years than all of the history of man put together,
03:27 which makes me think we're living in the last days.
03:30 And it's exciting, because one of the prophecies of Jesus, in
03:33 Matthew chapter 24:14, said, "The gospel of this kingdom will
03:37 be preached in all the world for a witness unto the nations, and
03:41 then the end will come."
03:43 And now, with the internet and international communications and
03:50 satellites, there's scarcely a place we can go in the world,
03:54 now, where you can't connect and hear the gospel in almost
03:58 any language.
03:59 Jëan: You know, Pastor Doug that reminds me of, well, an
04:01 experience you had in Papua, New Guinea, way out in the bush.
04:05 You and the team, which actually makes me smile to think of it,
04:07 you and the team were out there and you're looking for a native
04:10 house, just kind of a grass roof kind of hut thing.
04:14 And you found the perfect spot and you were gonna do an
04:16 "Amazing Fact."
04:18 And you walked up to the house and you asked the person if you
04:20 could film in front of the house, and the lady knew who you
04:23 were because she was watching it on her cellphone, she was
04:26 watching "Amazing Facts."
04:28 Doug: Out in the jungle in the middle of New Guinea, and they
04:31 were watching there.
04:32 Jëan: It's just amazing.
04:33 Doug: It's so incredible.
04:35 So the Bible tells us that Jesus, in Revelation 14, chapter
04:40 14, of Revelation verse 14, says, "Christ comes in the
04:43 clouds," he's pictured.
04:45 Before Jesus comes in the clouds, it depicts these three
04:49 angelic messages that go to the world, and that's happening now.
04:53 And maybe people would like to know, what are those messages,
04:56 the last messages that go to the world before Jesus comes?
04:58 Jëan: And you find it in Revelation chapter 14, we call
05:01 it The Three Angels Messages, and it's to the everlasting
05:03 gospel that has to go to every nation, kindred, tongue,
05:06 and people.
05:07 Our study guide is called "Angel Messages from Space," and that
05:10 is a free offer for anyone who's watching or listening, just call
05:13 the number 800-835-6747, and you can ask for offer number 137 or
05:19 ask for it by name, it's called "Angel Messages from Space."
05:23 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone, say, "Bible Answers
05:27 Live," and ask for it that way, called, "Angel Messages
05:30 from Space."
05:31 Probably one of the most important messages, it's sort of
05:34 God's last warning message to the world, you find it there in
05:38 Revelation chapter 14.
05:40 Well, before we go to the phone lines, let's have a word
05:42 of prayer.
05:43 Dear Father in heaven, we thank you, once again, for this
05:45 opportunity to open up your Word and study.
05:47 And Lord, we always ask for your Spirit to come and guide us here
05:50 in the studio and be with those who are listening, wherever they
05:52 might be, in their car or at home.
05:54 And lead us, Lord, into a clearer understanding of
05:56 Bible truth.
05:58 For we ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.
06:00 Doug: Amen.
06:01 Jëan: Our first call of this evening is Gary, listening
06:03 in Illinois.
06:04 Gary, you are on "Bible Answers Live."
06:07 Gary: Thank you.
06:08 I found two places in the Bible where Armageddon could be
06:12 referenced, Revelation 16, the kings of the whole world are
06:16 enticed by four demonic angels, when the Euphrates River dries
06:21 up, and they're taken to the place in the Hebrew
06:24 called Armageddon.
06:25 And then again in Revelation 20, this is the second resurrection,
06:31 one of the unrighteous dead.
06:33 Once they resurrect from the grave, they attack New
06:36 Jerusalem, and during the battle, God sends down fire and
06:39 destroys them, I guess second death.
06:41 So, which of these two is the real Armageddon?
06:44 Are they both the same Armageddon?
06:47 It doesn't seem like they are.
06:49 Doug: All right, first of all, the key to understanding
06:52 Revelation chapter 16, where it talks about the Euphrates River
06:56 drying up to make way for the kings of the East, and these
07:01 three unclean spirits gather the kings to battle.
07:04 You'll go to the Old Testament, and King Saul goes to an evil
07:09 spirit and he then is killed in the battle the next day.
07:14 Now, Saul had been trying to kill David, who is a type
07:16 of Christ.
07:18 The battle of Armageddon is principally a battle between
07:20 those who follow Christ and those who follow the devil.
07:25 And even though King Saul was a Jew, he was killing the priests
07:31 and sometimes the devil gets into the church.
07:33 That's gonna happen in the end, where, through the guise of
07:36 Christianity and false worship, the devil is gonna bring
07:39 about persecution.
07:41 And Jesus said, "The day is coming," and this is, I think,
07:43 John 16, "Those who kill you will think they're serving God."
07:47 So, the first stage of this battle between Christ and Satan
07:51 is taking place prior to the second coming, it's a war.
07:55 The final battle of the war is when Satan then tries to launch
07:59 this final desperate attack at the end.
08:02 So, it's really one Armageddon reaches across the millennium
08:05 between two wars.
08:06 Jëan: Yeah, there are two phases, the first phase takes
08:08 place at the second coming of Christ, and the wicked then die,
08:10 will be called the first death.
08:12 The second part of the battle, which takes place at the end of
08:15 the thousand years, it says death and hell and the devil and
08:18 the wicked are thrown to the lake of fire and they are no
08:21 more, they are consumed by those fires.
08:23 So that is the second part of the battle of Armageddon, which
08:26 is the final destruction of sin and sinners.
08:29 And the earth is recreated after that, the earth is purified by
08:31 fire, and then Revelation 21 talks about a new heavens and
08:35 a new earth wherein dwells righteousness.
08:37 Doug: You know, we do have a study guide called "1,000 Years
08:39 of Peace" that talks about what happens at the end of the
08:41 thousand years.
08:43 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
08:45 The number is 800-835-6747, and you can ask for the study guide,
08:49 it's called "1,000 Years of Peace," it's about Revelation
08:52 chapter 20, otherwise known as the millennium.
08:55 Or you can dial $250 on your smartphone, and just say "Bible
08:59 Answers Live," and ask for that study guide by name.
09:01 Thank you, Gary.
09:03 We got Peggy, listening in Pennsylvania.
09:05 Peggy, welcome to the program.
09:07 Peggy: Okay, indulge me for a couple of minutes if you may.
09:11 I've read my entire Bible, I've been a Christian for a very long
09:16 time, and unfortunately, where we locate myself, there's not
09:22 reception of the station of Christian that I used to listen
09:26 to, so I found this other station that is very liking to
09:30 my ear, until I figured the type of denomination that they are,
09:34 and also they speak a lot about the Sabbath.
09:38 I do have quite a few friends who practice or keep the Sabbath
09:42 because they are from that religion.
09:44 So my question is, according to the Bible, when I read it, when
09:50 God was making creation, there was no man around.
09:56 I don't recall reading anywhere in the Bible where the days were
10:05 named like we know them to be now.
10:08 Human names the days, the same way humans decide whenever they
10:15 are in a particular practice, they don't like it, they go out
10:19 and form their own other doctrine.
10:22 So, how do we know?
10:25 So I really am seeking for the truth, the more I'm into my
10:28 Bible, the more I want to see the truth.
10:30 And now there is so much opinion, so many books which
10:34 really I don't bother to read cause otherwise you become
10:36 confused, cause everybody have their own opinions.
10:40 How does human or people who are confessing that the religion
10:49 that they are that keep the Sabbath as God committed to do
10:53 was definitely on a Saturday?
10:57 Doug: I appreciate that, Peggy.
11:00 First of all, how do we know that the seventh day
11:04 is Saturday?
11:05 Well, first of all, let's just establish that I believe there
11:08 are good Christian people in many different churches.
11:12 I'm not trying to condemn anyone.
11:13 But if you wanna know what the Bible says is the truth, very
11:17 clearly, in creation, you look and the days of the week are
11:21 numbered, they're not named.
11:22 We didn't get the names for the days of the week until the
11:25 Romans, we started adopting some of the Roman names.
11:29 First day of the week, they call Sunday, and Sunday is the first
11:33 day of the week, that's when Jesus rose.
11:35 We know what day it is, it says, "And on the first day of
11:37 the week."
11:38 We know that He was crucified, it was a preparation day, which
11:41 is what we call Friday, which is the sixth day of the week.
11:44 He rested in the tomb on the seventh day, they wanted to go
11:48 home and prepare spices, the Bible tells us in Luke chapter
11:52 23, and keep the Sabbath according to the commandment.
11:56 So, the day between the sixth day and the first day is the
12:01 seventh day, and He died on Friday, that's where we got
12:05 Good Friday.
12:06 He's rested in the tomb on the Sabbath, He even kept the
12:08 Sabbath in His death, He rose Sunday morning and the first day
12:12 of the week.
12:14 So, not only that, but you've got a nation of 16 million Jews
12:17 around the world, many of them still keep the seventh day of
12:20 the week, which is Saturday.
12:22 So there's been no confusion.
12:24 If you look in any encyclopedia or dictionary and you just type
12:28 in first day of the week or Sunday, it'll tell you first day
12:32 of the week.
12:33 So there's no real confusion about that.
12:35 Jëan: And of course, the fourth commandment, which talks about
12:37 the Sabbath, it says, "The seventh day is the Sabbath of
12:39 the Lord thy God."
12:41 So we know which day of the week is the Sabbath, it's the
12:43 seventh day.
12:44 And like you mentioned, when Jesus was on the earth, the Jews
12:48 were keeping the seventh day, they called it the Sabbath,
12:50 Jesus kept the Sabbath along with the rest of the Jewish
12:53 people, and since then, there's been an accurate record of which
12:56 day of the week is the Sabbath, which is the seventh day, that's
12:59 come all the way down to our time.
13:01 It starts back in Genesis 2, after God created man on the
13:05 sixth day and He said it was good, says, "And on the seventh
13:09 day He ended His work which He had done, He rested the Sabbath
13:13 day," seventh day, "He blessed the seventh day."
13:16 And Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man, so man is made the
13:20 sixth day, the seventh day he makes the Sabbath for man, the
13:24 word Jesus uses there is anthropos, so it doesn't mean
13:26 Jews, it means mankind.
13:28 And man still needs that day of rest, and it's not any day, God
13:31 said, "I've blessed the day, a special day, and I want you to
13:34 keep the day I've blessed."
13:35 So that's why you're hearing that.
13:37 And we have a whole website that can answer questions, as well as
13:42 a study guide.
13:43 Jëan: That's right, we have a website called,
13:45 and anyone can go to it, take a look at it, there's videos,
13:48 a lot of Bible study material.
13:50 We also have one of our "Amazing Fact" study guides, it's called
13:53 "The Lost Day of History," and it's about the Sabbath and we'll
13:56 be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
13:58 The number is 800-835-6747, just ask for that study guide, it's
14:03 called "The Lost Day of History."
14:04 Or you can dial #250, and say, "Bible Answers Live," and then
14:08 ask for it by name, "The Lost Day of History."
14:11 Thank you, Peggy.
14:13 We got Glenn listening in Ohio.
14:14 Glen, welcome to the program.
14:17 Glen: Thank you, good evening, and thank you for taking
14:19 my call.
14:21 Jëan: Yes, sir.
14:22 Glen: You know, my question could probably better be stated,
14:23 "Is Enoch really still alive?"
14:27 When my mother passed, I was there, and her passing was very
14:30 quiet and restful.
14:33 I believe she was an example of what the Bible says, "Did not
14:36 see death."
14:39 That wording, could that apply to the fact that Enoch died as
14:45 according to Hebrews 11:13, that he really died, but he didn't
14:50 see death?
14:51 That's my question.
14:53 Doug: All right, the Bible, I think, is pretty clear, in
14:57 Hebrews 11, it's telling us that Enoch was not, for God took him,
15:03 and he had this testimony, he walked with God.
15:07 And so, the Bible, I think, is indicating that Enoch did not
15:11 die, and that we're very happy and thankful for those that have
15:15 a peaceful death and they are resting in Jesus.
15:17 And that's why you've got cemeteries that say RIP, rest
15:21 in peace.
15:22 That's what the Lord wants for His children, sleeping that
15:26 dreamless, peaceful sleep, there's no consciousness
15:28 of time.
15:29 Their next conscious thought, if they die saved is be in the
15:32 first resurrection.
15:34 The dead in Christ will rise, the next thing they see after
15:37 death is the face of their Savior, which is a
15:40 beautiful thought.
15:41 But Enoch never did die, God translated him, he did not die
15:45 and get resurrected, God just gave him a glorified body.
15:49 So what happened to Enoch is what's happening to the people
15:52 who are alive when Jesus comes, and Pastor Ross, I think it's
15:56 1 Corinthians 15, where He said that, "In a moment, the
15:59 twinkling of an eye, at the last trump," "We are transformed,"
16:03 "This mortal puts on immortality."
16:06 So, we don't die, those who are alive and remain when the Lord
16:09 comes, says, "We're caught up to meet the resurrected saints in
16:13 the air."
16:14 And that's what happened to Enoch and Elijah, and I'm hoping
16:18 that's my experience.
16:20 I mean, if I have to die first, so be it, but I'd like to avoid
16:23 it if I can.
16:24 Jëan: The verse you're referring to there, Pastor, 1 Corinthians
16:26 chapter 15:53-54.
16:29 Doug: Yeah, the whole chapter is on the resurrection.
16:31 Thank you so much, we appreciate that, Glen.
16:34 Jëan: Next caller that we have is James, in Tennessee.
16:36 James, welcome to the program.
16:39 James: Hey, good afternoon.
16:40 Yeah, I was just gonna ask, my question is based on Acts 4:12.
16:46 All throughout the Bible, it says, "Those who have not denied
16:49 my name."
16:51 Well, it says that in Revelation, the Book of Malachi
16:53 talks about His name a lot.
16:54 Acts 4:12 says, "There's only one name given amongst men where
16:59 you must be saved."
17:00 Now we know back in the scrolls, there wasn't, like you said,
17:03 vowels or consonants, they either call him Yehusha
17:07 or Yeshua.
17:09 So, the letter J, I found out, has only been around for about
17:13 600 or 700 years.
17:15 So, if the Bible, God's Word was written so long ago, how did
17:20 they throw the name J, and how can we call him Jesus if the
17:24 letter J has only been around 600 or 700 years.
17:28 Wouldn't that be breaking the commandment, "Thou shalt have no
17:30 other gods before me," because the name Jesus was not in
17:34 the scrolls?
17:36 I wanna make sure I'm doing it in truth, you know?
17:39 I just wanna worship spirit and truth, and Acts 4:12 says,
17:41 "There's only one name given amongst men where we must
17:45 be saved."
17:46 And it kind of scares me because there was no J in Hebrew, so,
17:49 kind of like the Sabbath, man tried to change the Sabbath from
17:52 Saturday to Sunday, and I just want that to be God's authority.
17:57 Go ahead.
17:58 Doug: Okay, yeah, I understand where you're coming from.
17:59 So, the question you're really asking is, if people are using
18:04 the pronunciation of Jesus instead of Yeshua or Yahweh to
18:10 talk to God, are they somehow disobeying?
18:13 Am I saying that correctly?
18:16 James: Mhm.
18:18 Doug: Yeah.
18:19 Well, does God require us to pronounce His name in the
18:23 original Hebrew or does He expect us to pronounce His name
18:27 in our native tongues?
18:29 So, if I'm in Mexico and they don't say Jesus, they say Jesús,
18:33 and in some countries, it's Jiu, and if I was in Israel, it would
18:38 be Yeshua.
18:40 So, I don't know that God is requiring us to speak in the
18:45 original language when we say his name, we can say the
18:48 translated version of His name.
18:51 And in the American culture and a lot of English languages,
18:56 that's come across as Jesus.
18:59 If a person feels convicted that they're somehow losing power by
19:02 not pronouncing it correctly, then they should pronounce it as
19:06 close to the original Hebrew as they think.
19:08 But I don't think I'd put that on other people, because we
19:14 speak to God, God is the one who confused the languages, we speak
19:17 to him in our native tongues.
19:18 Jëan: And yeah, let me add, the verse that you're looking at,
19:20 "There is no other name given among men whereby we must
19:23 be saved."
19:24 The word they name means, "The Savior," means, "Jesus."
19:28 We are not saved by a name, we are saved by a person, and we
19:32 refer to that person by a name.
19:34 Now, that name might be pronounced differently in
19:37 different languages, but it's referring to the same person.
19:40 And I think that's the point of the verse, there is one that
19:42 saves us and that's Jesus, he's the Savior.
19:45 Now, if you're speaking Spanish, Jesús, right?
19:48 But it's the same person that we're referring to, we're
19:50 talking about Jesus.
19:51 So I don't think the Bible is saying we all need to speak
19:54 Hebrew, but we all say by the same person, meaning the Savior,
19:59 Christ, which is Jesus.
20:00 Doug: The emphasis is the character, the relationship, not
20:03 how you move your tongue and pronounce it.
20:06 So, yeah, I hope that helps a little bit, James, and
20:09 absolutely, "There is no other name given among men whereby we
20:12 must be saved," than Christ, Messiah.
20:15 Do you wanna say Yeshua or Jesus, it's the same individual,
20:21 depends on what tongue you speak.
20:23 Jëan: And even the Bible writers themselves, they didn't always
20:25 use the exact same name when referring to Christ, sometimes
20:28 the Messiah, sometimes Christ.
20:30 Doug: Oh, go to Revelations, Ge's got 20 names.
20:31 Jëan: That's right, the Alpha and the Omega, right?
20:33 So, different names.
20:35 All right, we got John listening in New York.
20:37 John, welcome to the program.
20:39 John: Yes, Pastor Doug, I really have two questions.
20:43 Can I ask my two questions?
20:45 Doug: Let's start one at a time.
20:47 John: Okay, thank you.
20:50 My first question is, I go to church on Sunday, which is
20:56 called Resurrection Day, correct?
20:58 Doug: Well, yeah, He did rise on Sunday, correct.
21:01 John: Okay, so why am I going to church on Sunday then?
21:06 Doug: Well, do you have a command anywhere in Scripture to
21:09 go to church on the first day of the week.
21:13 John: Not that I know of, but the seventh day was the old
21:20 what's that word I'm looking for?
21:21 I can't think of it.
21:23 Doug: The old covenant?
21:24 John: The old covenant, thank you, right.
21:26 And that was crucified at the cross, and then the new covenant
21:32 doesn't say, "Go to church on Sunday," but why do they worship
21:37 go in on Sunday, Resurrection Day, then?
21:40 Doug: Well, let's talk about that, John, for a second.
21:43 You know what the Ten Commandments are, right?
21:45 John: I know, but that's the old covenant, isn't it?
21:48 Doug: All right, well, let's just bear with me for a second.
21:51 So, the commandment that says, "Don't murder," is that the old
21:54 covenant or are we still supposed to keep that?
21:57 John: No, that one you keep, yes.
21:59 Doug: What about the command that says, "Don't
22:01 commit adultery"?
22:02 John: Yeah, I mean, you're saying that.
22:04 Doug: So, you would agree with all of the Ten Commandments
22:07 except the fourth?
22:08 John: The fourth commandment says to worship on the Sabbath?
22:12 Doug: Yeah, the fourth commandment says, "Remember
22:14 the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
22:15 So it's the one commandment that God says to remember, and Jesus,
22:20 as His custom was, and we are, a Christian is a follower of
22:23 Christ, as His custom was, it says He went into the synagogue
22:27 on the Sabbath day, and Paul, as his custom was.
22:31 And so, there's no question that, all the way from the time
22:34 of Adam, through the children of Israel, through the New
22:37 Testament, they believed in keeping the 10 Commandments.
22:40 Now, the Sabbath, we believe in all of them, we don't believe in
22:42 one more than the other, we just think you need to be consistent
22:45 and keep them all.
22:46 So, I think that was your first question.
22:48 What was your second question, John?
22:49 Because we're running up against our break here.
22:52 John: Okay, my second question is, I'm blind and God says that
22:58 when He comes with Jesus, that every eye will see Him.
23:02 And if I'm blind, how do I do that?
23:04 Doug: Well, you know what?
23:06 I think that a blind people are going to be healed to see
23:10 the coming of the Lord.
23:11 And how God does that, I don't know, but I have no doubt in my
23:15 mind that He's gonna help them be able to recognize that,
23:20 especially believers.
23:22 Because it says, "At His coming," says, "This mortal must
23:25 put on immortality," so we get immortal, glorified bodies at
23:29 that time.
23:30 Well, I hope that helps a little bit, John.
23:32 Now, we do have a study guide on your first question, it's
23:36 actually a book we'll share with you, tells you the difference
23:39 between the new and the old covenants.
23:41 Jëan: That's a great book, Pastor, but we don't always give
23:43 it away, so we want to encourage you to take advantage of it.
23:45 It's called "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
23:47 And it really deals with the subject, gives a lot of
23:50 excellent Bible text, talks about the new covenant and
23:53 the old covenant.
23:54 To get that, just call 800-835-6747, and you can ask
23:58 for the book, it's called "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
24:01 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone and ask for "Bible
24:06 Answers Live."
24:08 And then, of course, you can ask for that book by name, "Does
24:09 God's Grace Blot Out the Law?"
24:11 Hey, we got more questions coming, friends, so just stay
24:14 with us, we'll be back in two minutes and take more
24:16 Bible questions.
24:21 male announcer: Stay tuned, "Bible Answers Live" will
24:24 return shortly.
24:29 Doug: The US government is drowning in debt to the tune of
24:33 $22 trillion, but before you wag your finger at the government
24:37 spending, the Federal Reserve says the average American
24:41 household carries over $137,000 in debt.
24:45 Well, it was never God's plan that we live with the burden
24:48 of debt.
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25:28 male announcer: Jerusalem, the city of peace, has been a place
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25:34 Many now believe that Jerusalem will soon take center stage
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25:48 This "Amazing Facts" edition of the classic volume, "The Great
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25:54 Get your copy at
25:59 Doug: Thank you for tuning in to "Amazing Facts."
26:02 Have you ever wanted to study the teachings of the Bible in an
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26:24 Studies are also offered in multiple languages.
26:32 male announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live," where
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26:38 plan to save you.
26:40 So, what are you waiting for?
26:42 Get practical answers about the Good Book for a better
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26:49 male announcer: This broadcast is a previously
26:50 recorded episode.
26:52 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions on the
26:55 air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m.
27:00 Pacific Time.
27:01 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
27:03 evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
27:09 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
27:14 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
27:20 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends, to "Bible
27:22 Answers Live."
27:23 It is a live, international, interactive Bible study, we
27:25 invite you to join in.
27:27 You can call in with your questions, 800-GOD-SAYS, we have
27:30 operators standing by and lines open.
27:32 If you want to call in your Bible question, we'll do our
27:35 best to answer it, in about three minutes per call, we try
27:38 to roughly budget that to get as many as we can.
27:41 We're also streaming on television, you can watch it on
27:44 AFTV, on Good News Network, or you may be seeing a replaying on
27:49 Three Angels Broadcasting, and Facebook "Amazing Facts."
27:54 What did I forget?
27:56 YouTube.
27:57 Anyway, we're trying to get the word out.
27:58 I'm Doug Batchelor.
28:00 Jëan: My name is Jëan Ross, and we have Julian, who's listening
28:02 in Illinois.
28:03 Julian, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
28:05 Julian: Hi, how are you guys?
28:07 Doug: Doing well, thank you.
28:09 Julian: So, in Genesis 28:18, it describes Jacob building a
28:13 pillar to honor God, but in Deuteronomy 16:22 it says not
28:17 to build any sacred pillars which God hates.
28:20 And it's probably due to the Canaanite culture, and I just
28:23 wanna know what the difference between Jacob's intentions were
28:27 and what would stop someone from building one today.
28:30 Doug: Yeah-yeah-yeah, you're very sharp that you caught that,
28:33 but actually they're talking about two different things, and
28:35 the word is the same.
28:37 Jacob basically takes the stone that he used as a pillow, and it
28:41 may have been a little bit of a longer stone, and he set it up
28:45 so, if the stone is flat, it's naturally knocked down
28:49 by erosion.
28:50 But he wanted to remember the spot and so he kind of raised it
28:53 up so he'd didn't remember this location, put some oil on it and
28:57 named it Bethel.
28:58 That was very different from when the Canaanites would, their
29:02 pillars were actually carved and they often had sexual
29:07 connotations, and all these rituals and things were obscene.
29:14 And that was very common in a lot of the cultures, not only
29:18 among the Canaanites, you go to Central, South America, you can
29:21 see a lot of the same thing.
29:23 This is what he's talking about in Deuteronomy.
29:25 It wasn't Jacob just setting up an uncarved stone and said, "I
29:28 don't want to forget this spot."
29:29 Because, you see, when the children of Israel crossed the
29:32 Jordan River, they took 12 stones out of the river and they
29:35 made an altar, they used 12 instead of one.
29:38 So they used to make stone memorials to remember events,
29:42 but the key is, Moses said, "You shall not lift up your tool
29:47 upon it."
29:48 As soon as they started carving it, he says, "You do that,
29:50 you polluted it."
29:51 And that's why Elijah rebuilt the altar of the Lord, he took
29:53 the stones.
29:55 That's why it says in Daniel 2, "A stone cut without man's
29:59 hands," meaning it's not an idol like the statue.
30:03 So, good catch, Julian, I hope that makes sense, there are two
30:06 different things that are happening there.
30:08 Jëan: Okay, thank you, we've got Irene, listening in California.
30:10 Irene, welcome to the program.
30:12 Irene: Hi, good evening.
30:14 Doug: Evening.
30:16 Irene: So I would like to ask you to help settle an argument
30:20 we have about the week of creation.
30:24 We know Adam was made on the sixth day, it's a two-part
30:29 question actually, was Eve made later on the sixth day?
30:36 And when did they get married, was it before Sabbath,
30:39 after Sabbath?
30:40 How does that go?
30:42 Yeah, well, as near as we can tell, a lot happened on the
30:44 sixth day.
30:45 When God creates all the land animals, He speaks them into
30:49 existence, God doesn't have to form them one by one and He
30:51 doesn't have to form a million of each, He just has to do two.
30:54 So God forms the animals, and then He forms man, He breathes
31:00 into him the breath of life and makes him from the dust of
31:05 the earth.
31:06 And then Adam is made, he comes out of the factory.
31:09 You can buy a computer, all you gotta do is plug it in and all
31:12 the programs are running.
31:13 Software was installed, he knew how to walk and talk when God
31:16 made him.
31:18 And God said, "Name the animals," and he notices that
31:21 all the animals have partners, and he realizes something's
31:24 missing, God wanted him to sense that need.
31:27 So then, still on the sixth day, when Adam's aiming all the
31:30 animals, we think that he had to name 10,000 zoological species,
31:34 he's naming the main categories of animals.
31:36 And that day, then, God puts him to sleep, takes his rib, makes a
31:41 woman, presents her to Adam, God is basically performing
31:44 the wedding.
31:45 They didn't invite all the guests and have cake, the the
31:48 wedding is when He presents Eve to Adam.
31:51 And the Bible says that God did one funeral, it was for Moses,
31:54 and He does one wedding, it was for Adam.
31:56 So they were both made the sixth day.
31:59 Is that your understanding, Pastor Ross?
32:01 Jëan: Yes, absolutely.
32:02 So, like you say, not only was Adam created on the sixth day,
32:05 he names the animals, then he goes to sleep and a surgery
32:08 takes place.
32:09 God takes out a rib and then forms Eve, and then brings the
32:13 two together, and then, together as a couple, they welcoming the
32:18 Sabbath, the day of rest.
32:19 Doug: Yeah, you know what?
32:21 I just heard recently that they're finding out from within
32:22 the bones, you get the stem cells that are just the most
32:27 powerful cells and they got the DNA and everything.
32:30 And so it actually makes more sense, when you study it, why
32:32 you take a rib.
32:34 Anyway, you had a second part to that question if I'm
32:37 not mistaken.
32:39 Irene: Well, that was the second part, was did they, and Pastor
32:44 Ross just answered it, it was the wedding was done when he
32:47 brought them together, and it was done before Sabbath.
32:50 So, man and female, and the wedding or the marriage part,
32:55 was all done before, in the week of creation, all done before
32:59 Sabbath was created on the seventh day.
33:01 That's what we were arguing, because my son was like.
33:04 Doug: Oh, don't argue.
33:06 Irene: He was like, so good.
33:07 Doug: I don't want to take sides.
33:11 Yeah, so that was, the Sabbath was their honeymoon, if you
33:14 think about it, they spent time with God in the garden.
33:17 Irene: I thought that was a blessing.
33:18 Doug: Yeah, well, God bless, thank you for your question.
33:21 Jëan: Next caller that we have is Steve in Idaho.
33:23 Steve, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
33:26 Steve: Thank you.
33:28 Good evening, pastors, I just wanted to thank you for taking
33:30 my call, and this resource.
33:32 My question is regarding Deuteronomy 14, and verse 26.
33:38 I've looked into some different Bible commentaries, I understand
33:43 most of it, but I guess I'm just not understanding why.
33:46 It's in regards to timing really, and I guess I just don't
33:49 understand, verse 26 is really throwing me with,
33:54 "Strong drink."
33:55 Doug: All right, well, let me read it for our friends that
33:57 are listening.
33:59 Now, this is talking about when they would go up to these annual
34:03 feasts-not all of the feast days did they actually gather
34:07 together for a convocation.
34:08 But there were, I think, three annual feasts where they would
34:11 go up.
34:12 And during these feasts they had a second tithe.
34:17 Part of that second tithe was, it says, and let me read it,
34:20 Deuteronomy chapter 14:26, "And you'll spend that money for
34:25 whatever your heart desires," he's talking about the second
34:27 tithe, "For oxen or sheep, for wine or similar drink, for
34:30 whatever your heart desires; you shall eat it before the Lord
34:33 your God, and rejoice, you and the household."
34:35 So, there was a feast, it was like a vacation feast, a tithe
34:39 that they would set aside, and that was to be used towards
34:44 worshiping God.
34:45 Now, when it says, "Strong drink," the word "strong drink"
34:48 there, if you look in the New King James, it just says,
34:50 "Similar drink."
34:53 And basically, they could concentrate wine, and because it
34:57 was concentrated, it would transport better, wasn't
35:00 alcoholic, because the Bible says other places, "Wine is a
35:04 mocker, strong drink is raging," and, "Who has wounds?
35:07 Who has woe?
35:08 Who has redness of eyes?
35:10 Those that tarry at the wine."
35:11 So two kinds of wine described in the Bible, you've got your
35:14 fermented and your unfermented.
35:16 Jëan: And it is interesting, Pastor, that you mentioned that
35:18 they had a way of actually preserving grape juice where
35:21 they would be able to boil it or somehow get it to a thick,
35:25 syrupy type of paste, and then you'd add water to it, and mix
35:29 it and dilute it, and it was still fresh and it would keep a
35:32 lot longer.
35:33 And so they had different ways of doing that, easier to
35:36 transport and then they have it throughout the year.
35:38 Doug: Exactly, and they've actually found a lot of the
35:42 vessels and urns that they used to keep these, these amphoras of
35:46 wine in them.
35:48 So, I hope that helps a little bit, Lee, or, sorry, that
35:51 was Steve.
35:52 Steve, thank you.
35:53 By the way, I've got a book I wrote and it's called "Alcohol
35:56 and the Christian," and it talks about this passage, "Alcohol and
35:58 the Christian," we'll send you a free copy.
36:00 Jëan: And the number to call for that is 800-835-6747, and again,
36:04 the book is called "Alcohol and the Christian."
36:06 Also, if you'd like to receive a digital version of that, just
36:09 dial #250, say "Bible Answers Live" and ask for the book, it's
36:13 called "Alcohol and the Christian," and we'll send it
36:15 to you.
36:17 Next call is Lee, in Texas.
36:18 Lee, welcome to the program.
36:20 Lee: Yes, thank you for having me again.
36:22 My first question is, are the seven trumpets past, current or
36:27 future events?
36:28 Because I know they're not the plagues.
36:30 Doug: Well, the seven trumpets cover a military history of the
36:33 church between the first coming and the second coming.
36:36 So, they're not all past, but we're living in them, we believe
36:40 in what they call the historicist view of prophecy,
36:45 that prophecy, a lot of people think Revelation's written for
36:48 the last 10 minutes of time, Revelation was written from the
36:51 time of John to cover the history of the church between
36:54 the first coming and the second coming.
36:57 You got the seven seals are talking about the political
37:00 history, if you will, you've got the seven trumpets are more of
37:03 like a military history, the seven churches give a spiritual
37:07 history of the church from the first to the second coming.
37:09 We're living in the age of Laodicea.
37:12 And what was your second question, you said?
37:14 Lee: Yes, my second question is, I've been doing some research on
37:20 the Euphrates River, that's been drying up recently.
37:24 And even though it's drying up right now, and I know it's part
37:27 of the also the seven last plagues, but if the river dries
37:31 up before the seven last plagues begin, does that have
37:34 specific meaning?
37:37 Doug: It is true that the sixth plague in Revelation 16 talks
37:42 about the Euphrates drying up, I think that's one of the plagues,
37:45 I believe all the plagues have a literal application, I think
37:48 there's really gonna be blood and boils, and it's gonna be
37:50 terrible, that's why it says it's, "A time of trouble such as
37:53 there never has been."
37:54 But I think the emphasis of the sixth plague is on more than
37:56 just the river, I think it's talking about a point in history
38:00 when the Euphrates dried up, when the children of Israel were
38:03 captives in Babylon, it signaled that they were gonna go to the
38:07 promised land because Babylon fell.
38:10 And you read in Revelation, it talks about Babylon falling in
38:13 chapter 18 and 19.
38:16 And so I think the six plague is overlapping that, when the
38:22 source, the power of the Euphrates River to supply life
38:25 to Babylon was dried up.
38:27 Jëan: All right, thank you, Lee.
38:29 We've got Michael in Texas.
38:30 Michael, welcome to the program.
38:32 Michael: Good evening, pastors, and shalom to you all.
38:35 I wonder if you could give me a quick explanation of the, "Sin
38:38 unto death," in 1 John 5:16.
38:41 Doug: All right, Pastor Ross, I've been hogging the time, you
38:43 want to go after that?
38:44 Jëan: Let me read it for you.
38:45 1 John chapter 5, verse 16, it says, "If anyone sees his
38:48 brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask,
38:51 and he will give him life for those who commit sin not leading
38:56 to death."
38:57 So here it talks about something called a sin that does not lead
39:00 to death, what is that sin?
39:02 Well, I think, first of all, it might be a sin of ignorance, if
39:04 somebody does not realize that they are sinning and you bring
39:10 that to their attention, then they're aware of it.
39:12 There is another sin that also is the unpardonable sin, or that
39:17 is the sin against the Holy Spirit, and that is, somebody
39:19 who has grieved away the Holy Spirit, and they have no desire
39:22 for repentance and they have no desire to turn from the sin.
39:25 Well, then, any sin could, in essence, lead to death if we
39:29 rebel against the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
39:31 But the Bible says there are those who sin not knowingly, and
39:35 if you see somebody sinning and you bring it to their attention,
39:37 hopefully, they'll realize and you can share with them
39:40 the Scriptures.
39:41 And if they repent, they can be forgiven, it's a sin that does
39:44 not lead to death.
39:46 But if it is not repented of or if somebody rebels to it, oh,
39:50 that's a different story.
39:52 Doug: That's right.
39:53 Jëan: You know, we do have a book, it's called "The
39:55 Unpardonable Sin," right? It talks about the...
39:57 Doug: It's called "Beyond Mercy, What is the Unpardonable Sin?"
39:58 Jëan: That's right, and we'll be happy to send it to anyone
40:00 who calls and asks.
40:01 The number for that is 800-835-6747, you can ask for
40:05 the book, it's called "Beyond Mercy."
40:06 Or dial #250 on your smartphone, just say "Bible Answers Live,"
40:11 and then ask for it by name.
40:12 Thank you, Michael.
40:14 We've got Peter, in New Jersey.
40:15 Peter, welcome to the program.
40:17 Peter: Thank you.
40:18 Good evening, gentlemen.
40:19 And we listen on WMCA, out of New York City, by the way.
40:21 Doug: Oh, wonderful.
40:24 Peter: Yes, some time ago, I became a vegetarian, based on
40:28 Genesis, and also the health evidence of today.
40:31 In today's world, they do seem to indicate that, if they're in
40:35 line with the biblical view of the health benefits of being a
40:40 vegetarian, and I just wanted to ask you guys, I know you guys
40:43 are vegans or vegetarians, would dairy and eggs be in line with
40:50 the Bible as being in that vegetarian group?
40:54 Doug: There's no Scripture that commands vegetarianism, I want
40:56 to be real clear about that, the Scriptures do teach this was
41:00 God's original ideal, meaning Adam and Eve, that was the
41:04 original diet.
41:05 And again, when we get to the new earth, we'll all be
41:07 vegetarian, we're not gonna chase down and kill animals
41:09 there, there's no death, no more pain.
41:12 So, it's obviously the better design, and as you mentioned,
41:16 the jury is in that there's no question that vegetarianism is
41:21 going to improve whatever health you have.
41:24 Even people fighting cancer have found that they respond much
41:27 better to treatment if they're being careful about their diet.
41:31 The fewer animal products you eat, the less disease
41:35 you'll have.
41:36 Now, it doesn't mean that milk, I'm a vegan-vegetarian, and it's
41:40 not a religious thing for me, it's just I'm allergic to milk,
41:43 I don't think Pastor Ross is a vegetarian-vegetarian, and
41:46 probably vegan most of the time.
41:48 Jëan: Yeah, mostly vegan, but, you know, eggs is one of those
41:50 categories that sometimes people need to eat it if they're not
41:54 getting enough protein.
41:55 But typically, the vegetarian diet, today, if you eat a
41:57 well-balanced diet, you've got everything you need.
42:00 Doug: A peanut butter and jelly sandwich, if you got good jelly
42:04 and good peanut butter, has got your fruits, grains and nuts and
42:06 protein, everything is in there, B-12.
42:09 And that's how we survived our youth, is peanut butter.
42:13 I wasn't even a vegetarian back then.
42:15 So, yeah, it's not hard, I've been a vegetarian for, well, you
42:18 all your life, huh?
42:19 I've been a vegetarian for over 40 years, and yeah, we had a
42:23 good game of racquetball today.
42:25 Jëan: We did, with our boys, it was fun.
42:26 Doug: We kept up with our boys.
42:28 So, yeah, we highly recommend it, but I just want to be clear,
42:31 the Bible doesn't command vegetarianism, it is preferable,
42:35 and it's be blessed if you do, if you're gonna eat meat, the
42:40 Bible does say you shouldn't eat the unclean meats, and we have a
42:43 lesson on that, Pastor Ross.
42:44 Jëan: We do, it's called "God's Free Health Plan," and that's
42:47 exactly what it is.
42:48 What does the Bible say about your health?
42:49 What can you eat?
42:51 What you should not eat.
42:52 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks, the
42:54 number is 800-835-6747.
42:57 You can ask for that study guide, it's called "God's Free
42:59 Health Plan."
43:01 Or dial #250 on your smartphone and just say, "Bible Answers
43:04 Live," and we'll be happy to get that to you.
43:06 That's a digital version, if you do the #250.
43:09 Next caller that we have is Efrank, listening in New York.
43:13 Efrank, welcome to the program.
43:15 Efrank: Thank you very much, Pastor Ross and Pastor Doug.
43:20 I have a question that I need to ask because it's a question that
43:25 involves an encounter that I had several years ago.
43:31 This has to do with a a being that approached me, I don't know
43:36 if it was the Grim Reaper, it was some spirit with a brown
43:40 cape and a bald head, and would denounce me and say to me that
43:47 my father will die of a heart attack eventually, because I got
43:51 in the way of defending a major Italian crime boss of a major
43:58 New York City crime family.
44:01 And spirit would appear to at my door and threaten my father all
44:06 the time, and he actually died two years ago of a heart attack.
44:09 At the same time, I also was approached by a spirit of a
44:13 deceased relative of a former mayor of the City of New York.
44:19 And one day, that spirit attacked me in my apartment and
44:24 it launched me into my wall.
44:26 So, Pastor Doug and Pastor Batchelor, I want to ask
44:31 you this.
44:33 This second spirit said that because I went involuntarily to
44:39 the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, in 1974, and I did
44:46 speak to Stephen King, on October 30th, 1974, and in 1991
44:51 and 1995, the spirit of the of Jimmy Walker's dead relative
44:57 followed me up to my home.
44:59 And in the Bible, it says that unclean spirits and evil spirits
45:03 can be rebuked through prayer and meditation and fasting, but
45:09 mostly through prayer.
45:11 Can you answer this question, can you actually rebuke spirits
45:16 through reading Scripture and telling them to stay away from
45:20 you, and rebuke them that way?
45:22 Because I have no recourse in calling a minister of the cloth
45:27 or any other type of clergy to assist me with what happened
45:30 to me.
45:32 Doug: Okay,
45:33 well, yeah, let me get to the heart of your question.
45:35 First of all, you don't have to be a pastor to pray that a
45:38 person might be delivered.
45:41 Jesus said in Mark 16, "These signs will follow them that
45:45 believe,"He didn't say these signs will follow the pastors.
45:49 And so believers and you don't want to be getting involved into
45:54 a lot of spiritualism, Bible tells in Acts, I think it's
45:59 chapter 13, the sons of Sceva tried to cast out a devil, they
46:02 didn't really know the Lord, they had no relationship with
46:04 the Lord, and this demon-possessed man beat them
46:06 up, said, "I know Jesus and I know Paul, but I don't
46:09 know you."
46:11 So if you're gonna be praying that a person is delivered,
46:14 Jesus said, "Some cases are difficult and they only come out
46:17 through prayer and fasting," but he did make it clear, through
46:21 prayer, through faith, through fasting and claiming the name of
46:24 the Lord that we could see people delivered from the devil.
46:28 Because, in reality, every time you preach the gospel and a
46:32 person accepts Jesus, they are being delivered from the devil
46:35 to some extent.
46:37 There's just varying degrees of captivity, you might say, but
46:40 everybody that hears the gospel and accepts it, the power of the
46:43 Word takes them from darkness to light.
46:46 And so, closer you are to the Lord, and the more faith, I
46:52 think that it's easier for you to deal with more
46:55 difficult cases.
46:56 There are varying degrees, Jesus had that man that had a whole
46:59 legion of demons, sometimes it's just one.
47:02 So, I hope that helps you, Efrank.
47:04 It sounds like you've had an interesting experience, but
47:06 don't be reading Stephen King's books anymore.
47:09 Jëan: All right, next caller that we have is Francisco,
47:12 in Oregon.
47:13 Francisco, welcome to the program.
47:16 Francisco: Hi, it's a pleasure, first of all, to be online with
47:20 you guys, especially Pastor Batchelor, I'm a big fan.
47:24 So I have a question.
47:26 So I've been Seventh Day Adventist for 14 years of my
47:28 life, I'm 26 years old, and I'm concerned of how, the Seventh
47:34 Day Adventists, we do not believe talking in tongues, nor
47:40 dancing, the whole nine yards of that nature, and I'm just
47:45 wondering why.
47:46 Doug: Well, there are two different things you're talking
47:48 about there.
47:49 One, what does the Bible say?
47:51 And the interesting thing for me is not what a church teaches,
47:55 but what does the Bible say?
47:57 The Bible teaches that speaking in tongues, I believe in
48:02 speaking in tongues, and I believe in the gift of tongues.
48:05 On the day of Pentecost, God poured out His Spirit and gave
48:08 the disciples the supernatural ability to speak in the
48:12 languages of the Jews that were visiting that day from around
48:15 the Roman Empire.
48:16 That is the gift of tongues, we believe in the gift of tongues.
48:19 For every truth of God there's a counterfeit, and a lot of
48:21 churches are practicing a counterfeit version of this.
48:26 So, to just tie off that first part of the question, Francisco,
48:32 we have a book called "Understanding Tongues," we will
48:35 send you a free copy of that book.
48:38 But you asked about dancing, the Bible does not forbid biblical
48:43 dancing if you're dancing like Miriam and David, those where a
48:48 person can be filled with the Spirit and just leap for joy.
48:52 The syncopated, sexually suggestive dancing is
48:56 inappropriate for a Christian, and that's what happens in most
48:59 dance clubs.
49:00 You just have to ask yourself, "Would Jesus do this?"
49:03 If it's a Christian.
49:05 So, that's a different subject.
49:06 But how do they get that book on tongues?
49:09 Jëan: Number to call is 800-835-6747, you can ask for
49:12 the book, it's called "Understanding Tongues."
49:14 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks, you
49:17 can also dial #250, say, "Bible Answers Live," and then ask for
49:21 that book.
49:22 It's a digital version, we'll send it to you,
49:24 "Understanding Tongues."
49:26 All right, we've got time maybe for one or two more.
49:27 We've got, let's see, Tom is listening in Washington.
49:31 Tom, welcome to the program.
49:34 Tom: Hi, Pastor Jëan and Pastor Doug.
49:36 Doug: Hey, thanks for calling, Tom.
49:38 Tom: And my question is about the second death, and I'm just
49:42 curious if that's a literal fire, because I'm just wondering
49:49 if angels are susceptible to the fire as we know it.
49:54 Doug: Yeah, that is a good question.
49:55 Well, it's probably not the kind of hickory fire you would use in
49:59 a barbecue, this is a fire of God, so I think you're right
50:03 that it may even be different than the fire that came down on
50:06 Sodom and Gomorrah.
50:07 But because it's a fire that does not burn them immediately,
50:11 some will suffer different intensities and different
50:14 lengths, depending on what their sins are.
50:17 Ultimately, it says the fire comes down from heaven and
50:19 devours or consumes them.
50:22 So, we're not going to be looking out of our windows from
50:24 the New Jerusalem and watching people blister in the flames.
50:28 But yeah, it may be the fire that comes from God, the Bible
50:32 talks about that, "Our God is a consuming fire."
50:35 His presence, His glory, His brightness, there may be some
50:39 heat, think more like lightning as opposed to bonfire.
50:44 Jëan: And something else about this fire is it says, "It
50:46 consumes the devil and these angels."
50:48 Now these are spirit beings, so they probably don't get affected
50:51 by heat the way we do.
50:53 So, it is something different.
50:54 Doug: It's a judgment fire.
50:55 Jëan: It's a judgment fire, a different kind of fire.
50:58 You know, we have a study guide, it's called "Is the Devil in
51:00 Charge of Hell?"
51:01 It talks about the destruction of the wicked, the second death
51:04 at the end of the 1,000 years.
51:05 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
51:07 Again, that number is 800-835-6747.
51:11 You can ask, the study guide "Is the Devil in Charge of Hell?"
51:14 Or just dial #250 on your smartphone, say, "Bible Answers
51:18 Live," and then you can ask for it by name, "Is the Devil in
51:21 Charge of Hell?"
51:22 And we've got a website, it's called, you can go
51:25 there right away and you can read the lesson there, you can
51:28 also watch some videos and just look at some great Bible studies
51:31 on the subject.
51:32 Doug: For those listening, in case you don't know, we're gonna
51:34 say goodbye to our friends that are listening on satellite,
51:37 these land-based stations operate on a different clock,
51:41 so we kind of sign off in two stages.
51:43 For the rest of you, if you stay by, we always do our best to do
51:47 some rapid-fire Bible answers for those who have emailed
51:50 in questions.
51:52 For all the rest, God bless, we'll study His Word with you
51:54 again next week.
51:55 And yeah, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, and visit the
51:59 website.
52:01 Jëan: We'll be right back.
52:05 male announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast,
52:07 we hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
52:11 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
52:15 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
52:20 Diana Dixon: My name is Diana Dixon, I'm a professional
52:23 truck driver.
52:25 In August the 4th, 2011, I stopped to help in an accident.
52:28 male announcer: Diana Dixon also tried to help, she parked her
52:31 semi, jumped out and headed toward the pickup.
52:34 That's when she saw vehicles barreling toward her, so she
52:37 reacted by jumping off 475 to a road below.
52:41 Diana Dixon: Well, pick a pickup clipped a semi, and I stopped to
52:44 help, and I saw it in the mirror, so I walked back,
52:46 gentleman told me, he says, "Hey, everything is okay, they
52:49 called 911."
52:50 And I looked over at the pickup, and there was a black pickup
52:53 over there and he was okay.
52:54 At about that time, I don't know how far I walked, but I walked
52:57 far enough, and a semi hit him and it imploded.
53:02 I knew it was gonna hit me, I had 30 seconds to decide and I
53:06 decided to jump.
53:08 Diana Dixon: Yeah, I jumped off the bridge, my back is broken.
53:12 male announcer: Where are you at?
53:14 Diana Dixon: I don't know.
53:15 Diana Dixon: Fractured my pelvis in 24 places, five broken ribs,
53:19 C5 neck fracture, I had a collapsed lung, I had a
53:23 lacerated bladder, I was bleeding internally, I had no
53:27 marks on the outside of me at all, but a scrape where my arm
53:30 had scraped the concrete.
53:31 From the chest down, I was on fire.
53:33 I was a dispatcher for a year after the accident, and I went
53:37 back to finish my degree.
53:39 And I went to Pittsburgh, threw a backpack over my back, walked
53:43 like all the other students.
53:45 I ran a marathon, and since then I've been back to truck driving.
53:50 There was a gentleman I worked with and one day he was walking
53:54 in, and he walked up to my desk and I was reading my Bible.
53:57 And he says, "Are you a believer?"
53:59 And I said yes, and he gave me some "Amazing Facts" study
54:03 guides, and it was an eye-opening experience for me.
54:08 I mean, I started reading them and I had a bunch of questions
54:09 to ask him.
54:11 So I got online and I got on the "Amazing Facts" web page, and I
54:16 just found information that I'd never known.
54:20 I went back to work as a truck driver because that was my
54:22 ministry, it was my ministry before the accident.
54:26 And I was driving down the road and I just needed a connection,
54:30 and I was flipping through and somehow I ended up on YouTube.
54:33 And next thing I know, "Amazing Facts," one of those things
54:36 would come up there and I listened to it.
54:38 I'm driving down the road, I got 11 hours of driving, so I
54:43 listened to one, I listened to another one.
54:45 And the more I listened to him, everything that I thought in my
54:48 heart, I'd just click on one of his YouTubes and there he was
54:51 giving me the answer.
54:52 I walked in a Seventh Day Adventist church for the first
54:55 time, and I felt at home.
54:57 I was baptized in the Seventh Day Adventist church, because I
55:01 had found the truth that I just was searching for and I'd been
55:05 praying about.
55:06 "Amazing Facts" has been such an inspiration, and important for
55:11 my coming back into ministry, that I wanna be able to give
55:14 back to anyone that I can.
55:17 And "Amazing Facts," it is the backbone of my ministry.
55:22 My name is Diana Dixon, thank you for changing my life.
55:31 Jëan: Hello, friends, and welcome back to your
55:33 email questions.
55:35 If you'd like to send us a email question, the email address
55:37 is
55:42 Sorry, BAL, "Bible Answers
55:44 Live,"
55:48 Pastor Doug, Tiffany is asking, "Is it okay to lend to people
55:51 your tithes if you do not have any cash to lend them?"
55:56 Doug: Well, there's a misnomer in the question, it says,
55:58 "Your tithe."
56:00 Tithe is actually something that belongs to God, the Bible says
56:02 it's holy unto the Lord.
56:04 And so you're kind of asking the question, "Is it okay to lend
56:07 God's tithe to someone else?"
56:09 It's always easy to lend someone else's money, that's called
56:11 government, that's what they do.
56:13 But no, I think that that belongs to the Lord and we
56:17 shouldn't be lending that to other people.
56:19 There is a second tithe that they would give to the poor
56:22 during the feast sometimes, that's a whole different
56:24 question though.
56:25 But your first 10%, that really belongs to the Lord and is
56:29 designated for the proclamation of the gospel.
56:31 Jëan: Okay, we have Lenya, from New Zealand, asking, "Is it all
56:34 right to read the Book of Enoch?"
56:37 Doug: Yeah, the Book of Enoch is what they call an apocryphal
56:40 book, it is interesting, it's a wonderful work of poetry, it's
56:43 got some things in there that are theologically bizarre, it
56:47 was not written by Enoch.
56:49 The book doesn't appear in Jewish history until the time of
56:52 the Babylonian captivity, there's no reference to it.
56:54 So, it was written by probably a very devout Jew, there's some
56:58 good information in there, just don't look at it as Scripture.
57:01 Jude does quote from the Book of Enoch, and of course, Paul even
57:05 quotes from Greek poets, because there are certain phrases, he
57:09 said, "This is an inspired phrase."
57:11 But the Book of Enoch is not Scripture.
57:15 Jëan: Okay, we have Judy asking, What does the Bible mean when it
57:18 says, "'And as many as have been appointed to eternal
57:22 life believed'?
57:23 Does that mean that God chooses who saved and who's lost?"
57:27 Doug: God gives everybody a free choice, but God knows everything
57:32 and He knows ahead of time how people are going to choose, but
57:36 he's given them freedom to choose.
57:38 When they choose, they're called appointed, it means those who he
57:42 knew would choose, they are appointed unto everlasting life.
57:47 And so, no, we don't believe in what they would call
57:49 predestination, meaning that God looks down and says, "I think
57:52 I'll make some people and destroy them, and then I'll make
57:54 some and save them."
57:55 God makes everybody free, and then He says, "Whosoever will,
57:59 let him take the water of life freely."
58:01 Jesus tells us, John 3:16, "Whosoever believes in Him."
58:05 Friends, you are a whosoever, anyone out there listening, you
58:08 can believe, that's why we do this program.
58:11 God bless.
58:12 We will study His Word with you again next week, and in the
58:16 meantime, stay close to Jesus.
58:21 male announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and accurate
58:24 answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2024-02-26